Preface st
Groningen, 1 of March 2014
Dear members, Half a year ago, during the General Members’ Meeting in September 2013, the EBF Board presented their focus points and projects. To provide members with a clear insight in the status quo and progress of the EBF and its policy plans, the Half-Yearly General Members’ Meeting will be organised. This meeting will provide members with the opportunity to review the general strategic and financial position of the EBF.
All active EBF Members and the EBF Board have been working on various activities and services the EBF organises. The first steps in the implementation of the EBF Policy 2013-2014 have been made. Moreover, new plans are developed for the upcoming half year. The EBF Board continuously strives to guarantee a stable balance between continuity and renewal.
On the 10th of March, the EBF Board 2013-2014 will present to you the half-yearly report and the halfyearly financial report. During this meeting, the focus points and projects will be discussed elaborately. The progress and results will be discussed and new plans will be proposed. This meeting will facilitate the opportunity for members to raise questions, suggestions, remarks or tips regarding all topics related to the EBF. We hope to welcome all members at “Het Heerenhuis”, Spilsluizen 9 in Groningen at 19.00 on the 10 of March for tea or coffee. The meeting will start at 19.30.
Yours sincerely, On behalf of the EBF Board 2013-2014,
Matthijs van de Grift Chairman EBF Board 2013-2014
1 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
2 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Table of Contents
Minutes General Members’ Meeting dated 09-09-2013
Task division EBF Board 2013-2014
Half-yearly Report EBF Board 2013-2014
Proposal to adjust the Rules of Procedure
Half-yearly Financial Report EBF Board 2013-2014
3 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
4 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Agenda Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting of the Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen th
10 of March 2014
19:30 hours
‘t Heerenhuis, Spilsluizen 9, Groningen
Announcements and incoming documents
Establishment of the agenda
Approval of minutes from the General Members’ Meeting dated 9 of September 2013
Establishment Half-yearly Report EBF Board 2013-2014
Proposal to adjust the Rules of Procedure
Establishment Half-yearly Financial Report EBF Board 2013-2014
Any other business
10 Closure
5 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
6 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Minutes from the General Members’ Meeting dated 9th of September 2013 General Members’ Meeting of the Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen
‘t Heerenhuis, Spilsluizen 9, Groningen
Presence list:
Francine Tol, Aaron van Gils, Bas Boekema, Nicole Lodder,
Jerrel Sloote, , Roderik Jongbloed, Niels Oskam, Merel Koppen, Eva Kool, Hadewich de Roo van Alderwerelt, Marit Dolfing, Lennart Speller, Frank van Loo, Ilse Arends, Matthijs van de Grift, Florian Arndt, Stefan Kapell, Ilse Arends, Robbert Brouwers, Annelies Oldejans, Lex Preusting, Reinier Smits, Annefloor Wilke, Lizz Jansen, Melvin de Vries, Jonathan Mellink, Arthur Snijder, Sven van Meurs, Merijn Loeff, Janiek Moes, Esther Douwes Dekker, Wies van Eeden, Willem Sieben, Mark Jonker, Rik Tuin, Sylvia Woudberg, Ben van Leeuwen, Melanie Polderdijk, Roos Nijzing, Ilse Spoelstra, Daan de Vries, Silke Mous, Marieke Vollebregt, Luuk Elkhuizen, Mariska Kapelle, Joris Betman, Steven Kortstee, Robin de Vries, Reinoud Bekendam, Peter Frima, Joram Kraan, Yanieke Slump, Joeri Schasfoort, Fify Zang, Marjan Kiewiet, Niels Vermue, Michelle Peels, Nick Stellingwerf, Inge Gerrits, Remko Struik, Bas Stemmink, Ewoud Helder, Marijke Tabbert, Marina Kouw, Nick Bink, Stan Graumans, Mart Huijsmans, Leon Stel, Catherine van Wijk, Koen de Leeuw, Jasper Wolf, Maike Barge, Harma Kikkert, Pieter Zandee, Luud Coenen, Dylan Kuijper, Michiel Tammeling, Soeren Munke, Martijn Dusseljee, Joris Hahn, Marichelle Gietema, Florian Peters, Jan Peter van de Steege, Harmen Claassen, Joost Bats, Nargis Rezai, Fleur Kamp, Robert Zwart, Johan Zwaga, Max Dannenburg, Edward Heurting, Ruurd Boonsma, Leonie van de Meerakker, Lieke van den Langenberg, Andrah Visser, Caspar Leusink, Anja Holwerda, Robin Potze, Frederik Lubbersen
1. Opening Eva Kool opens the General Members’ Meeting (at 19.37) 7 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
2. Announcements and incoming documents Nicole Lodder:
Mobile phones should be switched off. There is no smoking allowed in the room. Everyone needs to sign the presence list. If anyone had not done so, could they please do this now? When someone has a question this should be made clear by raising a hand in the air. Please could people that ask questions stand up and clearly state their name. If someone wishes to leave the room then they should let the Secretary know. There is one incoming document from Ewoud Helder.
3. Establishment of the agenda Eva Kool:
There have not been any additions to the agenda within the set deadline. Therefore the agenda is hereby established.
4. Approval of minutes from the Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting dated 11th of March 2013 Eva Kool:
Are there any comments about the minutes? If there are no comments then th
the minutes of the Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting dated 11 of March 2013 are hereby approved.
5. Establishment Yearly Report EBF Board 2012-2013 Presentation Roderik Jongbloed
Eva Kool:
Questions can be asked per topic and per person. The task division of the EBF Board is presented on page 7 and 8 of the documents. I would like to start with Roderik Jongbloed. Is there a need for a first question round for Roderik Jongbloed?
Wies van Eeden:
Roderik, thank you for your presentation. I have two questions, the first one concerning the CSO system. It has already been launched and still the system does not work optimally. What do you think about the system and the future of system?
Roderik Jongbloed:
It is true that it is implemented already, it was launched by the university in the beginning of September. I do think that there are still a lot of bugs in it, and it is not easy to use the system. So we are not yet satisfied with the system. Within the project team, we will focus on improving the system by giving feedback to the team and the project leader.
Wies van Eeden:
So you think it will be better in the future?
8 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Roderik Jongbloed:
Yes, we do. But we cannot say anything specific like ‘within a few weeks or months’, that is beyond our scope.
Wies van Eeden:
My second question is about the cooperation with TeMa. What are the specific advantages for the EBF and her members?
Eva Kool :
Questions concerning the cooperation with TeMa can be asked later. It is another agenda point.
Roos Nijzing:
What is the idea behind the buddy system with ESN? How does it work?
Roderik Jongbloed:
The idea is that international students can apply for ESN. Then they will get a buddy from our faculty, so that is actually a student. The benefit for the EBF is that students will get immediately and actively more information about the EBF. So in that way, we hope to increase awareness of international students and let them participate more in activities and committees. It will be implemented right away, this academic year.
Mark Jonker:
I have a question concerning the advisory councils. Because you have for example Prins Maurits van Oranje-Nassau. How do you receive yearly advice of them?
Roderik Jongbloed:
We actually try to visit as many advisory board members as we can. For example, we invited Prins Maurits this year, but he was too busy to accept the invitation. However, we had about three meetings with three members of this council. The next EBF Board will try to plan meetings with the other members. So it does not mean that we see all members every year.
Mark Jonker:
And what kind of advice do you get from them?
Roderik Jongbloed:
It depends on their field of interest and expertise. If they are former dean, for example Henk Sol, it is easy and useful to ask advice on academic matters. But if we invite someone who is active in business, then it may be easier to get advice about acquisition matters.
Mark Jonker:
So what would you ask Prins Maurits van Oranje-Nassau?
Roderik Jongbloed:
First of all it is nice to meet him. He has an outstanding career and he is an alumnus of our Faculty. In that way, from a further distance and with a background in Economics & Business he could give us strategic advice.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a second round of questions for Roderik Jongbloed?
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a first round of questions for Nicole Lodder?
Eva Kool:
If there is no need for a first round of questions then the second round will automatically be skipped. Is there a need for a first round of questions for Bas Boekema?
9 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Remko Struik:
On p.46 I see something about Indesign trainings and some other multimedia trainings. Do you hire an external company for this or do you do this yourself?
Bas Boekema:
No it is offered by our main printer Veenstra, which is the printer in Groningen.
Remko Struik:
I have another question about the trainings. Who is responsible for the Training Day?
Jerrel Sloote:
I am.
Remko Struik:
Ok, then I will come back to that later.
Silke Maus:
Thank you for your presentation. I have a question regarding page 46. You state that you will improve the means of communicating information through social media. How have you achieved this and what are the results?
Bas Boekema:
In this year we have tried to put a lot of interactive information on Facebook for example, such as photos and banners. We have received a lot of likes. More people get to know about our events.
Silke Maus:
Ok, thank you.
Marijke Tabbert:
I am curious about your policy on the EBF Website. Did you make it more tablet or mobile friendly?
Bas Boekema:
We don’t have a mobile website at this moment. You can view the website on your mobile, but it is not automatically sized to the screen of your mobile.
Marijke Tabbert:
Is it a plan for the upcoming year to realize this?
Bas Boekema:
Not at the moment, that is up to the next board.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a second round of questions for Bas Boekema?
Remko Struik:
I am addressing this question to Bas, because you are a great runner. I have two questions about the Batavierenrace. Are you planning to attend next Batavierenrace as well?
Bas Boekema:
Yes, perhaps.
Remko Struik:
And if so, do you aim for higher ranking next year?
Bas Boekema:
Yes, it is always good to strive for a better result than the previous year, but that depends on my fitness.
Remko Struik:
Thank you.
Eva Kool:
Is there a demand for a first round of questions for Aaron van Gils concerning non-financial questions?
Jonathan Mellink:
Last time we spoke about the planning system on the Recruitment Days. You said you would try to figure out if you can use it for other events as well.
Aaron van Gils:
We figured it out, but unfortunately we are not able to help other committees out.
10 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Eva Kool:
Is there a demand for a second round of questions for Aaron van Gils concerning non-financial questions?
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a first round of questions for Niels Oskam?
Marina Kouw:
I read that you abandoned the Dutch Inhouse Tours. Instead, you are promoting the inhouse tours that the companies are organizing themselves. I was wondering, why don’t you organize the Dutch Inhouse Tours yourself?
Niels Oskam:
We are not promoting standard Inhouse Days of the companies. We are organizing the Inhouse Days ourselves. We have in the past invented the Dutch Inhouse Tours and we are going to replace it with our own EBF Inhousedays. We are going to ask our members through Facebook for example which companies they are interested in and which companies they want to visit. If we have enough reactions and people are interested in a certain company, then we will contact this company.
Marina Kouw:
Ok, well that is great.
Nick Bink:
I have a question about the Membership Value Card. I asked Ewoud the same question before. Since that time, two years ago, I have hardly noticed any improvements. What are the upcoming plans? Because I did not receive any cards. Only I had some discount at the MiCaffe, which was 10 cents discount for a cup of coffee.
Niels Oskam:
You can find all the deals on the website. You can go to Pathé for example to receive discount as well. We are going to distribute the cards three times a year instead of two times, as we did last year. You should have received your Membership Value Card. If you haven’t received it, you can go to the EBF Board room. Hopefully your card is there.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a second round of questions for Niels Oskam?
Remko Struik:
You are stating here that there is a declining demand from companies for the Dutch Inhouse Tours. Do you think it is a structural decline in demand, or that in the future you will maybe add the inhouse tours with the sisterassociations again?
Niels Oskam:
Yes, there was a decline in demand. What we saw was that companies were not really willing to participate in the Dutch Inhouse Tours, because they can easily organize these inhouse days themselves. So they saw little added value in doing it through the Dutch Inhouse Tours. Whether it will come back, I do not see it for the near future.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a first round of questions for Jerrel Sloote?
11 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Remko Struik:
I have a question about the Training Day. What kind of trainings did you want to offer?
Jerrel Sloote:
We were aiming to provide several trainings, like a leadership training, CV checks, also languages, so several trainings to provide on the Training Day.
Remko Struik:
Ok, I was interested in content of the training. Thank you.
Roos Nijzing:
I actually have two questions. How often did committees use the personal development plans (POPS) and how did they evaluate it?
Jerrel Sloote:
Well, in the beginning we used them just to discuss if they would like to talk about it. They were evaluated often at end of committee period.
Roos Nijzing:
And how did they evaluate it?
Jerrel Sloote:
They were positive about it.
Roos Nijzing:
Then my second question is about the Being Active Workshops. How was the attendance and what do you advice to Ilse?
Jerrel Sloote:
We were very positive about the Being Active Workshops last year. However, the attendance this year was not high enough. We think it is really important that Ilse will talk to Hester, who is responsible at the Faculty when it comes to the Being Active Workshops. They have to be really critical about the attendance and whether it is worthwhile for next year.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a second round of questions for Jerrel Sloote?
Robin de Vries:
I think an unofficial point was the bonding at the Interim. Since recently all the cups for the cup a soups are gone, all the dishes are gone, the soap for the new dishes is gone. What advice for your successor did you give to throw it all away?
Jerrel Sloote:
It was not an advice for my successor only. It is something that has been our Board decision and also together with our successors. As you have seen, we have spent a lot of time and work on cleaning. We needed stronger measures for the upcoming years. I think it is important to keep the kitchen and the Interim clean with all of each other, but if that is not possible the next Board will have to be more strict than we are.
Robin de Vries:
I also saw plans for FIFA-contests. Will such events continue to happen in the upcoming year?
Jerrel Sloote:
If I were going to do a Board year again, then it was one thing for sure. However, you have to forward your question to Ilse and discuss it with her.
Robin de Vries:
And what will be your advice to Ilse?
Jerrel Sloote:
It was really successful, so yes I would advise her to do it again.
12 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a first round of questions for Merel Koppen?
Wies van Eeden:
I have a question about Trace your Track. In the document it says that the day organization was excellent but that the number of participants was disappointingly low. What was the reason for that and what advice are you going to give to your successor?
Merel Koppen:
Disappointingly low is firm to say. It was a first pilot of the event. And we are actually quite happy with 135 people, although we think that improvements for the future can be made.
Wies van Eeden:
What kind of improvements?
Merel Koppen:
Of course it is a new event, so we hope in the future more students will know about it. Second-year students will tell it to first-year students and of course we can use other ways of promotion.
Remko Struik:
My first question is about your statement that last year a vast majority preferred the digital version, on page 52. What method did you use to get to these results?
Merel Koppen:
Yes, we sent all our EBF Members a questionnaire, concerning their preference for the magazine in hardcopy version or in digital version. Out of the 6000 members we sent the email to, only 80 people wanted the hard-copy.
Remko Struik:
My next question is on Dutch Giraffe. Are you content with Dutch Giraffe? And what do you think of first digital version, was it a success for the readers?
Merel Koppen:
We see Dutch Giraffe as a very good and positive partner to work with. We are very happy with the first edition. But there are still improvements possible of course. We have received a lot of feedback from EBF Members. So the second edition will be even better we hope.
Willem Sieben:
I also have a question on the Prospect Magazine. It is concerning the amount of viewers. How many viewers did you get in the first edition? And how many of them were unique viewers?
Merel Koppen:
To be honest, I only know the last question. There have been 700 unique viewers. And since the EBF Members are enthusiastic about the EBF Magazine I suppose the total amount of viewers is very high.
Willem Sieben:
Are you satisfied if you compare it to the total amount of members that you have, so with 700 compared to nearly 5000? That is quite low I guess.
Merel Koppen:
You have a good point over there. I think it is very good to measure it to the hardcopy magazine, the comment was a lot of times that almost nobody really read it. Of course that is something we want to improve with our digital
13 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
magazine. I think 700 is a good start but there is a lot of room for improvement. Willem Sieben:
What would you advise to your successor to attract more attention to the magazine?
Merel Koppen:
The new Board will tell you about that. There is a plan for getting more attention to the magazine for the upcoming edition. But of course my advice is also to promote the magazine via all the channels that the EBF has and make the magazine so good that everyone wants to read it.
Janiek Moes:
I have a question concerning page 54, about the summaries. You have improved the summaries already, but have you also noticed an increase in the sales?
Merel Koppen:
No the sales were quite at the same level as last year. Although we see that the quality can still be raised. It does not always meet the expectations of our students and of our Members. So for the future the new Board has great plans to improve the quality.
Janiek Moes:
Why do you not work together with JoHo, because they are very popular?
Merel Koppen:
We have considered that option. But we think the quality of JoHo is not always good. We really want to improve our summaries when we start such a cooperation.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a second round of questions for Merel Koppen?
Marijke Tabbert:
I have a question about the alumni page in the Prospect Magazine. How do you see it in the future to give something extra to those alumni in your Prospect Magazine?
Merel Koppen:
There is a special page dedicated to alumni of our Faculty and also of our association. Of course it is good that we really fulfil their needs, so we keep in close contact with the aEB to hear their feedback as well.
Eva Kool:
Are there general question concerning the yearly report of the EBF Board 2012-2013?
Eva Kool:
Is there a need to put it to a vote?
Eva Kool:
Upon the following drop of the hammer, the yearly report of the EBF Board 2012-2013 is hereby established.
6. Proposed changes in the EBF-MARUG Convenant Presentation by Roderik Jongbloed (20.34 h)
14 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a first question round?
Esther Douwes Dekker: I would like to make one note, because my name was not spelled correctly. Roderik Jongbloed:
We are really sorry about that. We will make a change to that. If you give clearance to it, we will take it in. It will be signed in November, so we have still some time to change this letter. Thank you.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need to put it to a vote?
Eva Kool:
Upon the following drop of the hammer, the proposed change of the EBFMARUG Convenant is hereby established.
7. Proposed cooperation with TeMa Presentation by Roderik Jongbloed
Eva Kool:
Questions can be asked in two rounds of questions to either Roderik or Nicole. Is there a need for a first round of questions concerning the cooperation with TeMa?
Mark Jonker:
How is it possible that there was made room for TeMa, while VESTING and I think Risk also need space?
Roderik Jongbloed.
It is up to the Faculty to decide on resources like subsidies and office space. For the Faculty it was important to start a cooperation between EBF and TeMa and that is why the Faculty was willing to support this initiative. The extra room wouldn’t be there if this new cooperation had not been started.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a second round of questions concerning the cooperation with TeMa?
Robin de Vries:
I can see how the Faculty might have use for TeMa and give them office space, but how are the talks with the Faculty to redistribute the office space that is there for recreation?
Roderik Jongbloed:
Can you repeat the first part of your question?
Robin de Vries:
How come the Faculty allows a living room in the Interim which can also be used for flexible calling space and so on?
Roderik Jongbloed:
I think you refer to the room in the middle of the Interim. The building management of the Faculty is quite strict about it. So we regulate this quite well. However, the association that is actually using this room is not of our Faculty but of the Faculty of Spatial Sciences. So it is not possible for us to do anything about it since I believe that there are some contracts or agreements between the Faculties and the facility management of Zernike. It is not really
15 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
in our hands to do something about it. Willem Sieben:
I have a question for Roderik about one of the target groups of TeMa: Operations Management. VESTING also has a lot to do with Operations. How do you want to avoid competition between VESTING and TeMa?
Roderik Jongbloed:
That is a good point I think. We talked about it with VESTING and also with TeMa. Actually the difference is that TeMa focuses on Operations Management, while VESTING focuses more on Operations Research. Those are different fields.
But to prevent internal competition, we will have a
meeting really soon with both the chairmen of VESTING and TeMa. The positive thing is that before, the associations could not talk about this and we could not align these activities. Within the new cooperation, it will be easier to align activities with Operations Research and Operations Management and to avoid them from competing. Eva Kool:
Is there a need to vote on the proposal for the cooperation between EBF and TeMa?
Wies van Eeden:
Yes, I would like to see what the other EBF Members think of this proposal.
Eva Kool:
Then the Secretary of the EBF Board 2012-2013, Nicole Lodder, will call out each of your names individually, and you will either vote ‘for’, ‘against’ or you may ‘abstain’ your vote.
Eva Kool:
The result is that 79 of the present EBF Members voted for the proposal. 9 members abstained their vote. So hereby the proposal for the cooperation between the EBF and TeMa is established. Roderik Jongbloed and Nicole Lodder will now sign the convenant on behalf of the EBF Board 2012-2013.
8. Financial Report of the EBF Board 2012-2013 Presentation by Aaron van Gils
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a first round of questions for Aaron van Gils about the Yearly Financial Report?
Pieter Zandee:
How many coins do we get each tonight for personal drinks?
Aaron van Gils:
That is up to my successor Frank.
Pieter Zandee:
Maybe we can put the profit in use tonight?
Aaron van Gils:
Maybe we can, we will see.
Mark Jonker:
Thank you for presentation and thank you even more for the erratum. Because now I do not have to feel ashamed if I also put in an erratum.
16 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Aaron van Gils:
You are welcome.
Mark Jonker:
First of all, if I look at the income statement then I see that you almost doubled the budget for the Former Board Day. Why is that?
Aaron van Gils:
On which page is that?
Mark Jonker:
Page 89, at the bottom.
Aaron van Gils:
That is a typo, I am sorry. It should be 4400. I cannot see what the error is but that is the case.
Mark Jonker:
I think members will be glad about it. Furthermore, I was wondering about a cost specified on the same page. It concerns the advisory services and you have cut the expenses by 50 percent. What does the post include and how come you cut 50 percent?
Aaron van Gils:
First part of your question is that it includes our collector office like DAS Incasso and also other advice we use, like our intern which is paid of our budget. And more or less it includes our legal advice. This year it was cut by half, because last year they put in a lot of policy points and focus points in there, so the standard costs are more or less the same as in previous year.
Mark Jonker:
So you have also paid your intern as much as last year?
Aaron van Gils:
Yes, it is not much but still.
Willem Sieben:
I have a question about the scheduling system for the Recruitment Days. Because you said the costs became 2000 euros higher just in the last couple of weeks. Do you expect the costs will rise even further?
Aaron van Gils:
No that is not really the case. We almost finished the program and there were a couple of hours short. So we went together with the responsible committee members to Anchormen, our partner. We looked at what was really necessary still. So this is a fixed budget now, it will not rise anymore. The costs are done.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a second round of questions for Aaron van Gils?
Robin de Vries:
At page 90 I was looking at the total expenses for ‘number 4308’ called additional activities. In 2009 it was 34.000 and it decreased to 10.000.What did you do last year?
Aaron van Gils:
This is the whole income statement of the EBF. I can come back to you Mark now, because I see where the difference is but I will come back to that later. I think the additional activities are a lot of committees that make use of that account. So it is hard for me to say where exactly it is from, because it is from last year. But it probably may be a Conference or something, like the Kick-off event of Al Gore which was booked as an add act. That may explain the huge
17 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
gap in budget. And Mark, the doubling of the account is because the lustrum is in here on our Former Board Day. Mark Jonker:
I also have a question about the socials and consumptions. Because you already explained why the expenses are a lot less than last year. But if I look at the budgets from the whole year, then the budget is still the same as last year.
Aaron van Gils:
We knew half of the expenses and we also had a lot of confidence that we still reach the budget. And we also thought, together with the Audit Committee, that it would give a rather negative view from members if you change the Socials budget every half year. We have to keep this constant, but unfortunately we did not reach out for this goal.
Mark Jonker:
In combination with the fact that you had that much profit, why was the beer at the last EBF Social not 0.50 euro cents?
Aaron van Gils:
That it something we can take for the future maybe. Maybe it is because I do not like drinking myself.
Steven Kortstee:
I was wondering, I understand the cost of ICT for the new scheduling program were booked on ICT 4005. But what about the licence costs? It is for the license of the Prospect Magazine that you are still missing?
Aaron van Gils:
Yes, indeed.
Eva Kool:
Are there general questions for the EBF Board 2012-2013? Is there a need to put it to a vote? Then upon the following drop of the hammer the yearly financial report of the EBF Board 2012-2013 will be established.
9. Discharge EBF Board 2012-2013 and appointment EBF Board 2013-2014 Eva Kool: Dear members, hereby the EBF Board 2012-2013 proposes to discharge:
Roderik Jongbloed (Chairman);
Nicole Lodder (Vice-chairman & Secretary);
Aaron van Gils (Treasurer);
Bas Boekema (Pomotion & Website);
Niels Oskam (Commercial Relations );
Jerrel Sloote (Internal Relations);
Merel Koppen (Study Manager & Public Affairs)
and to transfer their tasks and obligations to the new board members. 18 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
After the discharge the new board members will become the EBF Board 20132014 as follows:
Eva Kool:
Matthijs van de Grift (Chairman);
Hadewich de Roo van Alderwerelt (Vice-chairman & Secretary);
Frank van Loo (Treasurer);
Marit Dolfing (Marketing & IT Officer);
Lennart Speller (Commercial Officer);
Ilse Arends (HR Officer);
Stefan Kapell (Public Affairs & Study Officer)
Florian Arndt (Career & Project Officer)
Are there general questions concerning the discharge and appointment of the EBF Board? Is there a need to put it to a vote? On the following drop of the hammer the EBF Board 2012-2013 will be discharged and the EBF Board 2013-2014 will be appointed.
10 Question round I Joeri Schasfoort:
Today I have the honour of congratulating you on behalf of two groups. First is the Audit Committee, who wrote down for me ‘thank you’. Then on behalf of, the EBF Board 2010-2011, I would really like to bestow on you some words of appreciation. We have heard you like compare yourselves to us. We fully encourage this. We were always fully supportive of those who like to think big, so I can imagine. Then for a few of you, whom I have known for a couple of years now, For someone who would always like to be in the shadow, I think it is nice to put some light on her. Because you have been noticed, Nicole Loeder. And that is a compliment. And then for Aaron van Gils, congratulations on being the first treasurer with a social life. And then finally, Merel Koppen, thank you very much for all the awkward conversations this year, let’s just add one extra in public.
Dylan Kuiper:
On behalf Risk 2012-2013 I would like to congratulate you with your year. It was a long year and I think a successful one. When I think back to it, the most beautiful memory I think was the Achmea Board Day. Merel knows all about it. Well, a lot of success with all your spare time and see you.
19 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Joris Betman:
First of all congratulations for a job well done. We as a group especially enjoyed the great support on the hockey field and the air cushions. Also thank you for the presentations, it was very clear. On behalf of the Recruitment Days, a special thanks to members of board of supervisors, Aaron en Niels. You really helped out a lot, with the acquisition and all the other questions that we had. Thank you.
Michiel Tammeling:
On behalf of the VESTING Board 2012-2013 I would like to congratulate you with the last year. I will keep it more short because I will have to go to the toilet. I wish you good luck with the cliché called the ‘black hole’. It is not as bad as people may think, I can tell you. Really enjoy the evening tonight and great success for the rest of your lives.
Wies van Eeden:
Dear EBF Board, on behalf of the VESTING Board 2013-2014 I would like to thank you for the last 8 months. We really enjoyed being with you at the interim and at the socials and we will definitively miss you at the 50 cent shop, where we will miss Niels, Aaron, Jerrel and Bas in our 50 cent shop ranking. You have also done well with the integration, especially Niels. And you have accomplished things, so you can be proud. We have a lot of trust in your successors. I also wish you good luck with the rest of your lives and hope to see you at the Interim.
Janiek Moes:
On behalf of the MARUG Board 2013-2014, I would like to congratulate you with your year. Good presentations Aaron en Roderik. I also have one highlight during my year with you at the EBF and that was the Be Active Day at the Lustrum. It was wonderful, really. Personally, I would like to thank Aaron and Niels for my time at the Recruitment Days, first as a member of the committee and now as a member of the supervisory board. We hope to see you guys in the city sometimes for some drinks.
Kjeld Vissers:
Also on behalf of the MARUG Board 2012-2013, we would like to congratulate you with your year. I think we had a great year together. I can remember the constitution social where we tried to get you down, but at 3 A.M. you were still standing. Unfortunately our fish, that was bought exactly one year ago, was not able to succeed you. I wish you all the best of luck and in the next months we hope to still see you.
Peter Frima:
On behalf of the TeMa Board 2013-2014, we would like to thank the EBF Board for the cooperation and setting up the convenant to become a subassociation of the EBF. Especially thanks to Roderik and Nicole for the
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many meetings we had. Thank you very much and have a nice evening. Jonathan Mellink:
On behalf of the EBF Conference 2013, we would like to thank you. It was a good year. We do expect you to come to the EBF Conference 2013.
Francine Tol:
Dearest ex-former EBF Board. I am proud to congratulate you on behalf of the EBF Board 2011-2012 for a job well done. It must have been a really difficult job to do better than your predecessors. You came a little bit close. No I am kidding, you did a great job. It has been really great for us to see you guys put in so much time and effort into the association. You have been really a great group. We are so proud of you and you will be missed.
Yanieke Slump:
On behalf of the ProMemorie Board 2013-2014 I would like to thank you and congratulate you for the past year.
Willem Sieben:
On behalf of the Risk board 2013-2014 I would like to thank for the nice collaboration of last year and also to congratulate with all the great achievements, for example the Leadership Panels with a highlight like the CEO of Heineken or Margot Scheltema. A job well done. Last but not least, I also have a question. Maybe it is a rhetorical question but who has won the ‘regelbokaal’?
Roderik Jongbloed:
That is something we would like to keep internally.
Robbert Brouwers:
On behalf of the IBR Boards 2014, I would like to congratulate you on a job well done. Especially the ‘Stichting’, Nicole and Aaron, thank you very much. Also on behalf of the previous board, they have had a great year. Thank you and good luck with your future career. If you experience the earlier mentioned ‘black gap’, there is always IBR, so sign up.
Matthijs van de Grift:
On behalf of the EBF Board 2013-2014, we of course would like to thank you and I would like to provide to you this speech. The period after our announcement we soon noticed the high standard this Board has had, not only by your accomplishments but also by your group dynamics. It will become a true challenge for us to become a Board this devoted and this caring. Thank you for that. We are very delighted to have this experience with you. Now I would like to mention something personal about you all. Starting with Ome Ro, a.k.a. the man with the chopper one view. Before you were an unknown chairman at the Interim, now we cannot imagine the Interim without you anymore. We will always see you as a very strong chairman capable of raising standards of the EBF with your own personal touch. I think not only the EBF Board 2013-2014, but all the members will be very grateful for this.
21 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Dear Nico, you are the most caring, sweet and devoted person to your Board and to the EBF. I hope the new EBF Board will also have your eye for detail, your strategic view on the EBF and your broad set of skills. As Vice-Chairman & Secretary you were a very strong backbone of the EBF Board. Good luck with your studies and this sentence I practiced for myself the entire weekend: “Tu nous manquera.” Dear Aaron, with an ego bigger than the budget of the EBF, you managed to stand out this year. As a Candidate Board we experience your great sense of humor and added value to the atmosphere. Your sharp comments and analytical sense made you a very good example of how a treasurer should be. Compliments for that and lots of success with your Masters in the upcoming year. Dear Niels, you may have caused a successful Commercial Officer seem like an easy job. But next to your responsibility to commercial, you made a great job of making a lot of innovations to the EBF. We would like to end up with a little poem for you. Commercial is in your heart, Before anything else, Congratulations with your new internship. Dear Jerrel, King Bargain. As the first HR Officer in the whole history of the EBF, you were always very well in standing your female. You are a very open, honest and a professional person who I strongly believe will have a very successful career and I would like to wish you the best for it. Dear Bas, we are very happy to see you still awake. You ran more miles than your board travelled by train. This contrasts your successor Marit who will do the opposite this year. You have brought the promotion to a high level by improving the image of the EBF. We have seen you as a person full of energy and creativity. We would like to wish you the best of luck with your Masters in the upcoming year. Dear ‘mememememerel’. You were the real people manager who always provided us with a listening ear and sharp comments. We also find you a very enthusiastic person with a lot of positive energy in any situation. One thing we will always remember of you is the single most important lesson you taught us. Everyone is perfect. Lots of success with you Master for the upcoming year. Dear EBF Board 2012-2013, on behalf of the EBF Board 2013-2014, we would like to thank you very much for an incredible year with great activities. We wish you the best with your future studies and career and we hope to see you often at the Interim again. Thank you again. Arthur Snijder enters (at 21.19). Eva Kool:
We will now have a short break of 15 minutes. I would like to ask all of you to
22 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
congratulate the Board after the full meeting, because these 15 minutes will not be enough to do that. We will return after 15 minutes. Michiel Tammeling leaves (at 21.34). Break (21.35)
11. Discharge and appointment Audit Committee Eva Kool:
Hereby the EBF Board 2013-2013 proposes to discharge: Hans Dijkhuizen, Bas Schram, Joeri Schasfoort and Martinus van der Wal from their tasks and obligation regarding the Audit Committee 2012-2013. The EBF Board proposes to allow Joeri Schasfoort, Martinus van der Wal and Aaron van Gils to take place in the Audit Committee 2013-2014. Are their general questions concerning the discharge and appointment of the audit committee? Is there a need to put it to a vote? Then, upon the following drop of the hammer the audit committee of 2012-2013 is discharged and the audit committee 20132014 will be appointed.
12. Discharge and appointment Committee that leads the General Members’ Meeting Eva Kool :
Hereby the EBF Board 2012-2013 proposes to discharge Diederik Langenberg, Joram Kok and Eva Kool from their tasks and obligations regarding the Committee that leads the General Members’ Meeting 2012-2013. The EBF Board proposes to allow Eva Kool, Roderik Jongbloed and Niels Oskam to take place in the Committee that leads the General Members’ Meeting 2013-2014. Are their general questions concerning the discharge and appointment of the committee that leads the General Members’Meeting? Is there a need to put it to a vote? Upon the following drop of the hammer the committee that leads the General Members’ Meeting
of 2012-2013 is
discharged and the committee that leads the General Members’ Meeting 2013-2014 will be appointed. Then we will continue to point 13 the Establishment of the Policy EBF Board 2013-2014. I would like to give the word to Matthijs van de Grift to give a presentation about the policy plans of the EBF Board 2013-2014. 13. Establishment Policy EBF Board 2013-2014 Presentation Matthijs van de Grift Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a first round of questions for Matthijs van de Grift?
Wies van Eeden:
Thank you Matthijs for your presentation. I have two questions. First one concerning career services. The goal of the Careers Company is also of
23 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
course to increase participation and strengthen the career activities. How are you going to decide which activities you will organize with the Careers Company and which you won’t? Matthijs van de Grift:
Thank you for your question. We will always look into the opportunities current partners will gives us and there were we see chances we will cooperate with certain parties to make the product as good as possible. These parties could be the Faculty but could also be an external party.
Wies van Eeden:
Thank you. First it was Career Office now it is Careers Company. The Careers Company offers a lot of workshops in the Careers Week and they invite a lot of multinationals who also take part in our activities. How are you going to prevent this?
Matthijs van de Grift:
Of course this is a very important issue. We strongly believe that this should be properly communicated between the Faculty and the associations. We have also discussed with the faculty board that this is a very important topic not only for the EBF but also for the sub-associations. We now try to create a project team so that these alignments between contacts will be good and that we do not compete with each other as that is a very important thing for us.
Willem Sieben:
I have a question about one of your focus points, which is also about career services about strengthening your career portfolio. In the general members part of your former board they talked about EBF Inhousedays and I was wondering how many inhousedays you were aiming to organize this year?
Matthijs van de Grift:
Thank you for your question. Currently we do not have any specific plans on how many inhousedays we are going to organize, therefore I can’t give an answer to your question.
Willem Sieben:
I was told that you are going to get informed by Facebook what your members are interested in. What if your members are interested in an inhouseday which is purely financial. Will you inform then your sub- association Risk about it since, like you said, they are very capable of organizing these themselves?
Matthijs van de Grift:
There were it is a separate activity, for example a separate inhouseday purely focused on finance, it is obvious that Risk should organize that because they are specifically focused on that target group.
Janiek Moes:
First of all, congratulations on the policy. The EBF Academy is a nice focuspoint but isn’t it exactly the same as the former board did but now with a fancy name?
Matthijs van de Grift:
An important part of the EBF Academy is that we would like to make it more
24 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
visible for our students and to make them more aware of this study supporting topic. So in that sense it is distinguished and moreover we would like to improve and set up new study supporting services that could be an overlap with the former board, but I think that it is always a good point to take into account. Janiek Moes:
Secondly, you are talking about improving relations with sub-associations but what do you have in mind to achieve that?
Matthijs van de Grift:
I currently do not have any specific plans in mind to cooperate with subassociations. I think you should take into account that we could share our knowledge, which is also a sort of cooperation and I think that this is a very effective thing that will not only make the portfolio of the EBF more stronger but also the one of the sub-association.
Janiek Moes:
My third question is about the Small and Medium Enterprises event. When new activities are organised without big famous names it is often difficult to attract students. How are u going to do this?
Matthijs van de Grift:
I totally agree with your statement here, but we think it is important that students get the opportunity to orientate fully over all the options there are. We do take into account that it is harder to create an incentive for students to attend these events. So we take it into account and another part of our policy is that we want to make students more aware about how important choices are for their future career. So this is why we also included Small Medium Enterprises this year.
Janiek Moes:
Then I have a final question about the Small Medium Enterpises activity. I think you can attract some Small en Medium Enterprises from Groningen, but it is more difficult to attract them from the ‘randstad’. How are u going to do that?
Matthijs van de Grift:
We will investigate what is possible and we will try to do the best we can and try to create a diverse orientation possibility for our members. So, we will find out in the current year what is possible. We have contact with VNO-NCW for the Groninger SME’s.
Robbert Brouwers:
In the Careers Company part you mentioned the student consultancy project. Will this be bound to national border or will this also be international?
Matthijs van de Grift:
Current plans will be bound to the national borders.
Robbert Brouwers:
Will the student consultancy project make use of the CRM system that the EBF provides?
25 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Matthijs van de Grift:
No, there are no specific plans for that.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a second round of questions for Matthijs van de Grift?
Wies van Eeden:
My question is about increasing awareness and members participation because I think this is something we all deal with. How are you going to do this in specific?
Matthijs van de Grift:
A good example of this is that we will strengthen the overall promotion of the EBF. We are looking at opportunities to cooperate with an external party to increase awareness and participation.
Roos Nijzing:
I have a question about the Shell project. For which study programs will this be available and how are you going to determine the capacity of the course and how are you going to select them?
Matthijs van de Grift:
We are currently investigating the opportunities with the Faculty for this. Current plans are to make it open for all business & economics students. The shell project will be organized for the first time, so it will be a trade-off between what Shell and the Faculty can provide us. But because it is a pilot we will look at what the outcome will be.
Willem Sieben:
I have a question about the convenant of the subassociations. We have just seen that the MARUG convenant was revised. Would you also be open for a convenant for Risk which is similar to new convenant of MARUG?
Matthijs van de Grift:
A year ago Risk was also provided a new convenant, however this was rejected by Risk. But as long as the content of the target groups remains the same we can always have a look at the rest of the content and discuss it with each other.
Willem Sieben:
Why should the convenant of Risk be different than that of MARUG concerning the target group?
Matthijs van de Grift:
I think it should be different in the sense that you have different target groups. What do you mean exactly with your question?
Willem Sieben:
In the MARUG convenant the target group is differently elaborated than in the Risk convenant.
Matthijs van de Grift:
Currently, I think that all convenants cover the correct target groups of all sub associations. I think it should always be up to date of course and I believe that the current convenant of Risk is up to date so we do not need to change it now.
Willem Sieben:
In the convenant about MARUG there is something about marketing related
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courses in the bachelor and they are allowed to promote over in there but Risk isn’t allowed to promote at all financial related courses . Matthijs van de Grift:
This has been previously discussed with Risk, moreover Finance is a broad interest so it is different than Marketing. Therefore the target groups mentioned in the convenant of Risk cover all the students for Risk.
Ilse Spoelstra:
I would like to know more the relationship with your alumni, because I read in the minutes of last meeting that you plan to just call them to get back in touch. Is this still your plan and do you think this is realistic?
Matthijs van de Grift:
Unfortunately it is an old fashion way to do so but I think it is the most effective way.
Ilse Spoelstra:
How many alumni would you like to get in touch with?
Matthijs van de Grift:
As much as possible, but I can’t give you exact numbers. It is hard to get in contact with them as their addresses changes. So it is a really hard job but it is not a specific point of our policy, though if there are opportunities for us to improve this we will certainly do so.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a first round of questions for Hadewich de Roo van Alderwerelt?
Esther Douwes Dekker: Hadewich, in your third focuspoint Awareness and Participation you wrote that you would like to enhance your information outflow. Every secretary’s experience is that when you enhance your outflow there will be more people that will resign. How are you planning to keep your amount of members in balance? Hadewich de Roo v. A.: Good question. Every year we have a flow of vary in the amount of members, at the beginning of the year we have a lot of first year students that become a member of the EBF and in June there are a lot of students graduating. Therefore, we do not foresee any more resigning of EBF members because of the increase of our promotion. Esther Douwes Dekker: I have a second question concerning the CRM system, You write that you st
would like a new system before the 1 September next year, what are the major problems that you have with the current CRM system? Hadewich de Roo v. A.: The most important problems are that it is slow and that it takes a lot of time to enter names. Just as our Commercial Officer would like to use it as well and therefore it is convenient that there are different levels of authorization. Esther Douwes Dekker: One more question what is the name of your current CRM system? Matthijs van de Grift:
There is no current provider as it is integrated in our website
27 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a second round of questions for Hadewich de Roo van Alderwerelt? Is there a need for a first round of questions for Frank van Loo? If there is no need for a first round the second round will be automatically skipped. Is there a need for a first round of questions for Marit Dolfing?
Daan de Vries:
Is there plan to clean up or enlarge the current Y-drive?
Marit Dolfing:
Yes, like we always do I will remove some old board folders to increase the space on the Y-drive.
Daan de Vries:
Is this already done for the folder of the EBF Board 2012-2013?
Marit Dolfing:
No, first we will remove the folders of EBF Boards before our predecessors. Because we still need the documents of last year.
Silke Mous:
I would like to ask a question regarding the promotional activities because as study association we have to obey the rules of the building management. However it has been shown that the Faculty is not that strict in following their own rules. Have you thought about a plan to talk about this with the Faculty?
Marit Dolfing:
We just discussed this with the facility manager. I made a document with all the rules and conditions for all the promotion activities. So for now we won’t discuss this any further.
Silke Mous:
If they do not obey will you talk about it with the Faculty?
Marit Dolfing:
Of course, the rules are made by the Facility manager of the Faculty, so I can’t correct the Faculty. But if they don’t follow the rules we will discuss it with the facility manager.
Willem Sieben:
I have a question about the non-faculty aligned parties, to what extend will they be allowed to promote or to what extend will they be facilitated to promote at the faculty this year?
Marit Dolfing:
It depends on what promotion channel you mean. The flyer stands are available for everyone but, for example, the TV screens can only be used by the EBF and her sub-associations.
Willem Sieben:
What if they are in the way of the aligned parties?
Marit Dolfing:
Then I will discuss it with that particular aligned party.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a second round for Marit Dolfing?
Janiek Moes:
I talked to Wijnand today about the Careers Company whether I could promote in the Careers Company with a food stand but he said that I should discuss it with you. So what do you think about using the Careers Company for promotion?
Marit Dolfing:
We made a document with rules which also apply to the Careers Company.
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Considering food, only prepared food is allowed. Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a first round for Lennart Speller? If there is no need for a first round the second round will be automatically skipped. Is there a need for a first round of questions for Ilse Arends? If there is no need for a first round the second round will be automatically skipped. Is there a need for a first round of questions for Stefan Kapell?
Marieke Vollenbregt:
I was wondering for the prospect. The first edition had a lot of viewers. But that might only be because people are curious. How will you deal with this in the future? Do u have any plans to make sure people will continue viewing your prospect?
Stefan Kapell:
Yes, thank you. First of all I believe that when you offer something new you have to promote it in a good way. We are searching for promotional stunts and now we have one for example in cooperation with the EBF Conference.
Luuk Elkhuizen:
Last year we did the prospect committee together so first of all I would like to congratulate you with your position. As you know the prospect magazine has always been published 4 times a year. I was wondering whether you thought about publishing it more often now that it is digital?
Stefan Kapell:
We are discussing this at the moment. As the amount of fixed costs has decreased since the magazine is digital it is possible to offer it more often however we haven’t decided on this yet.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a second round of questions for Stefan Kapell?
Mariska Kapelle:
Just out of personal interest because Quest was my responsibility in my board year. Do you have any plans for improvements with Quest this year?
Stefan Kapell:
Our focus point EBF Academy offers room for a closer cooperation between the EBF and Quest.
Willem Sieben:
What amount of advertisements do you expect in each edition of the magazine?
Stefan Kapell:
We don’t have a certain target for each magazine but there is always a tradeoff between the amount of advertisements and the amount of articles. Therefore we are aiming for two or three advertisements per edition.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a first round of questions for Florian Arndt?
Wies van Eeden:
I have a question concerning the entrepreneurship activity. What kind of activity will this be and will it be similar to the plans of the Careers Company?
Florian Arndt:
Our purpose of the entrepreneurship event is as it is a project under our focus point careers services to broaden our portfolio of career activities. With the
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entrepreneurship event and SME event we would like to offer students different possibilities in exploring their career path. Wies van Eeden:
What kind of activities will this be?
Florian Arndt:
Currently, we are thinking about rising awareness amongst students about entrepreneurship by not only inviting famous student entrepreneurs but also other entrepreneurs that will give interesting lectures. And also organize debates for students to get more information on how to become an entrepreneur.
Jonathan Mellink:
I was wondering, you are Career and project officer. Why is the biggest project of your policy not under your supervision?
Florian Arndt:
The part of project officer in my title refers to looking at new ways to innovate activities at the EBF. So looking at new activities and projects.
Jonathan Mellink:
I think that as your function you should be in charge of the larger projects of the EBF. So what do you think about it?
Florian Arndt:
I believe that the current task division of the EBF Board is a good one. Because the supervision of the Recruitment Days lies still with the Commercial Officer and the Treasurer because their functions relate most to that project and my function relates to focusing on new activities and designing new projects.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need of a second round of questions for Florian Arndt?
Joris Betman:
I have two questions concerning the SME event. First of all don’t you think that organizing too many career activities could harm the attendance of the existing activities for example the Recruitment Days?
Florian Arndt:
The purpose of the SME event is different than the one of the Recruitment Days. The recruitment days is the initial contact between student and companies and the SME event is more content-based and focuses on research for the companies.
Joris Betman:
My second question is how will you finance the SME event because they are not interesting in spending money on these kinds of events?
Florian Arndt:
Absolutely this is a very good point which we also considered. We are currently discussing with VNO-NCW the finalization of the format of the events. We are trying to design an event that will minimize the costs of the Small and Medium Enterprises
Eva Kool:
Are there general questions concerning the policy of the EBF Board 2013-
30 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
2014 Arthur Snijder:
We from the EBF Conference are now developing an app and we are talking with the EBF Board whether this app might grow into a general EBF app. But I couldn’t find it anywhere in your plans? So what do you have in mind?
Marit Dolfing:
I had a look at your app and I think it is really beautiful so we might be able to use it but we don’t have any plans for it right now but we will take this in consideration and see what we could do with it.
Eva Kool:
Shall we put it to a vote? Upon the following drop of the hammer the Policy of the EBF Board 2013-2014 is established.
14. Establishment Financial Policy EBF Board 2013-2014 Presentation Frank van Loo Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a first round of questions for Frank van Loo about the Financial Policy?
Janiek Moes:
I have a question about the post depreciation because you bought a special program which was 30,000 euros and you depreciated it in five years. Which makes the costs 6000 per year. However your policy says 2000
Frank van Loo:
The depreciation of the scheduling system won’t be done by the EBF but by the Recruitment Days because MARUG and EBF take part in it. So that’s why it is not on the income statement of the EBF but it will be shown in the realization of the Recruitment Days. So there we will see the depreciation.
Janiek Moes:
But the scheduling program is owned by the EBF so the Recruitment Days isn’t the rightful owner so how can the Recruitment Days depreciate the program?
Frank van Loo:
That’s why we lowered the minimum profit and that’s why both MARUG and EBF will get a lower amount of profit. So with that we write of the scheduling program.
Aaron van Gils:
To add to Frank’s answer. It’s an accounting technical thing. The RD will make the costs and those costs will be used to write it off.
Mark Jonker:
Hello Frank the Bank, I just found out your nickname. Thank you for your presentation and welcome to the family of Treasurers. I have a question concerning your declaration policy because I read here that per social per boardmember you get 10 euros of beer for free and that’s almost a thousand euros per board per year. What’s your opinion about it?
Frank van Loo:
Thank you for your question, as what is also in the stated the declaration
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policy this is only when it does not harm the responsibility of the EBF Boardmembers. We think ten euro’s is a very decent amount which is quite common for the EBF Mark Jonker:
Why do you get free beer at your socials?
Frank van Loo:
It is not only beer it is soda as well. Because we represent the EBF at the socials we don’t think it is more than fair to have some drinks.
Mark Jonker:
To continue on this subject, I see you have a post declaration board and committees. Wouldn’t it be better to split this up in order to give a better insight to your members? So to better understand how much the board declares and how much the committees could declare.
Frank van Loo:
Thank you for your question. That is why we included the full declaration policy so that it is open for our member to see what is declared by who and that should make it clear enough.
Mark Jonker:
Could you make a guess of what the ratio is?
Frank van Loo:
Yes, but what is important to know is that most of the declarations done by committees is not on the income statement of the EBF Board but on the income statement of their activity. So under this post it is fifty-fifty but in total the declaration of the committees is much larger but that is included in the committee budget.
Steven Kortstee:
I was wondering about the new prospect, the digital one. I could not find the licensing costs?
Frank van Loo:
We do have licensing costs which will be financed by the larger amount of advertisements.
Eva Kool:
Is there a need for a second round of questions for Frank van Loo about the Financial Policy?
Robin de Vries:
At your socials you stated that you can drink anything you like. Why don’t you extent this to the constitution social as well?
Melvin de Vries enters (at 22.45). Frank van Loo:
To clarify myself when I meant you can drink anything you like I did not mean everything. I meant you can drink a wine or soda as well. So therefore it is aligned.
Reinoud Bekendam:
Hello Frank, thank you for your presentation. I have a question about you declaration policy why does the EBF board gets to declare 250 euros for their suit and why do committee receive 100 euros?
Frank van Loo:
Thank you for your question. When you look at how the board uses the suit
32 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
and how those suits look like after a year you can see that they are very much used. They are used very much as we have to represent the EBF at all our activities. Although most committee have to use their suit only during one activity or only a few times so that’s the big difference. Eva Kool:
Are there general questions concerning the Financial Policy of the EBF Board 2013-2014? Is there a need to put it to a vote? Upon the following drop of the hammer the Financial Policy of the EBF Board 2013-2014 will be established.
15. Any other business Eva Kool:
There were no any other business points raised.
16. Questions Eva Kool:
Are there general questions for the EBF Board 2013-2014?
17. Round of questions II Melvin de Vries:
I am sorry I am a bit late. First I would like to congratulate the new EBF Board. But I am especially here for the previous EBF Board. Aaron and Nicole, from both IBR Boards Colombia and Vietnam, we would like to thank you for all your efforts. Everything you have done for us, we really appreciate it.
Peter Frima:
Dear EBF Board on behalf of the TeMa board we would like to congratulate you with you appointment. Your policy looks very promising and we are looking forward to join you at the interim. I would like to wish you all the best for the upcoming year. Have fun!
Joram Kraan:
On behalf of both IBR Boards, I would like to congratulate you with your appointment. Furthermore, I think will have a successful cooperation and with IBR it will be a great year. Last but not least, especially from Daan I would like to say “break a leg”.
Janiek Moes:
On behalf of the MARUG Board 2013-2014, I would like to congratulate you with your policy. And Matthijs, I am looking forward to you plan for the improvement of the cooperation with the sub-associations
Willem Sieben:
On behalf of the Risk Board 2013-2014, I would like to wish you the best of luck for the upcoming year. I would also like to congratulate you with your new decisions. I am looking to collaborate with you in order to enhance the cooperation between the sub-associations.
Joris Betman:
On behalf of the Recruitment Days 2013, I am looking forward to cooperate with the new board. Lennart and Frank, a great welcome to our Board of
33 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Supervisors. It’s going very well so far. Good look with the execution of your policy. Arthur Snijder:
First of all because I was late I was not able to congratulate the former EBF Board, especially, Merel. You were there for us from the beginning when we didn’t know what we were doing. You were always very supportive and open. and for the new EBF Board, I think it is a noble task to beat them and again we would like to have a drink with you to celebrate our strong relationship. So we have some shots ready for you.
Wies van Eeden:
Dear EBF Board 2013-2014, I would like to congratulate you on behalf of the whole VESTING Board 2013-2014 with your great plans. We believe that it is going to be a very nice year. We are looking for three events in particular. First of all tomorrow when you visit the VESTING room second of all the dinner on Wednesday we are going to introduce to you our favorite drinking game Prezi driemannen, it is quite famous at the interim. They will know what I mean. Last but not least I am looking forward to your constitution social, where operation Barbarossa 2.0 will take place.
Francine Tol:
I would also like to congratulate you on behalf of an old EBF Board. I mean who keeps count anyways. I already had the pleasure the meet all of you during a great EBF Introduction Weekend. You have a great drive and a lot of enthusiasm and I am sure you’ll do really great next year. I am also really happy that you are with eight now so more EBF to love.
Yanieke Slump:
Dear EBF Board, on behalf of the board ProMemorie 2013-2014, I would like to congratulate you with your appointment. Good luck for the upcoming year and as our predecessors have told us many times don’t forget to enjoy the ride.
Joeri Schasfoort:
On behalf of the EBF Board 2010-2011 and the audit committee, congratulations, we wish you the best of luck for the upcoming year. But on a more critical not, we feel that in a board you should take yourself seriously and therefore supposedly nicknames like Frank the Bank, Stefan Kaputt, Ilse Arends or a new guy are not appropriate anymore. So for the next year, above all, work well, work hard, take yourself seriously and from now on or tomorrow, wear you blazer everyday just like Roderik Jongbloed.
Silvia Woudberg:
On behalf of the TeMa Candiate Board 2013-2014, we are looking forward to cooperate with you and all the sub-association and we want to wish you all the best this year.
34 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Roderik Jongbloed:
On behalf of the EBF Board 2012-2013, we would like to congratulate you with your installation as the new EBF Board. We have enjoyed the past months ever since the 3rd of June. We will miss working together with your, but for now we have a small word for all of you. Hadewich, Hadewich likes to wiggle at Introduction Weekend. As the vice-chairman and secretary, you will be a spin in the web of the EBF Board. All committees will be welcome to spend their dinners in your psychological mansion. Good luck with Matthijs. Frank De Tank. De Bank. Stubborn Frank. No nonsense Frank. A record number of nicknames within a week is certainly something for the new treasurer of the EBF. Many challenging changes have come on your track, but your first impediments have been successfully implemented. Marit, With your direct approach, no one can blow you away. The promotion and IT of the EBF will be in good hands this year. Never lose your creativity, this will be the most fun part. We hope that you will keep the EBF Logo for the upcoming years. Lennart, fortunately you went successful on the road with your suitcase. We trust on you to bring lots of money to the EBF. We are proud that your ambition is to bring in more money than your predecessor. Ilse, The lady with the everlasting smile. Be careful gentleman, when this lady is occupied with doing business you’d better not interrupt her. Only talent will be recruited. We are confident that you will have a great year with all active members. Stefan, the guy with five bears, tanktops and girls dancing on the table. That is Stefan, also known as Stefan Kaputt and Mr. Prospect. You have already stolen the hearts of many committees. Your background in journalism will make sure that everyone will read the new digital Prospect. Florian, the name of your function is Career & Project Officer, however, besides, you seem to focus on your own projects. You do have a hands-on mentality and a visionary approach to head into new directions and to tackle new projects. We have a lot of faith you will guide the EBF into new successful adventures. Matthijs, the man with the smile, you are the manager of this new team. The man who cannot stop speeching. You are the entrepreneur with the sales men laugh. We hope that you will use all your energy for all the new projects that will come. We hope that you will have a great year and that you are able to keep the team together.
18. Closure Eva Kool:
Dear EBF Members (and other attendees), thank you for coming to the General Members’ Meeting. The EBF Board would kindly like to invite you for
35 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
drinks at the bar. I hereby close the General Members Meeting. (22.59)
Eva Kool
Hadewich de Roo van Alderwerelt
Technical Chairman
Vice-chairman & Secretary
36 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
37 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Task Division EBF Board 2013-2014 dated 10th of March 2014 Matthijs van de Grift Chairman
Advisory Councils Alumni (aEB Foundation and committee) EBF Conference (second supervisor) Faculty of Economics and Business
Focus points Management of the building Positioning: Vision, mission & strategy Sub-associations Careers Company
Hadewich de Roo van Alderwerelt Vice-chairman & Secretary
Archive Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure CUOS ESR May FVOG IBR (Chairman foundation)
Legal issues Membership Administration Sister associations Planning Positioning: Vision, mission & strategy
Frank van Loo Treasurer
Financial Administration Financial Policy IBR (second supervisor) Insurance
Recruitment Days supervisor) Support Committee supervisor)
Ilse Arends HR Officer
Activity Committee Activity Portfolio Christmas Ball ESR December Human Resource Management
International Committee Introduction Committee Personal Development Recruitment
Lennart Speller Commercial Officer
Acquisition Acquisition Team Advertisements Consulting Event supervisor)
Information Systems Recruitment Days supervisor) SME Event
38 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
(second (second
Stefan Kapell Public Affairs & Study Officer
Florian Arndt Career & Project Officer
Activity Portfolio Business Class EBF Bachelor Symposium EBF Conference (first supervisor) EBF International Symposium
Mastercommunities Shell Project SME Event Trace Your Track
39 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Honours Forum Quest Speakers Team Study Support Support Committee supervisor) Prospect Magazine Editor)
(first (Chief
Careers Week Entrepreneurship Spring School of Strategy Careers Company project management
40 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Half-yearly Report EBF Board 2013-2014
Matthijs van de Grift
Hadewich de Roo van Alderwerelt Vice-chairman & Secretary Frank van Loo
Marit Dolfing
Marketing & IT Officer
Lennart Speller
Commercial Officer
Ilse Arends
HR Officer
Stefan Kapell
Public Affairs & Study Officer
Florian Arndt
Career & Project Officer
41 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
42 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Introduction st
Groningen, 23 of February 2013 Dear members, In order to provide all EBF Members with relevant and qualitative activities and services, the EBF Board devoted her time in sustaining the good activities and services, developing and executing new projects and incrementally improving the current activity and service portfolio. Since the environment is changing, the EBF has to adapt and there where possible innovate. Together with all active members, we constantly try to enhance the efficiency, but also try to create and secure a pleasant and inspiring working-environment. The EBF Board believes that active members gain the most experience from the EBF when given as much autonomy and responsibilities as possible. The study pressure has increased a lot, while businesses are demanding students to do more extracurricular activities. Although the study-progress should be on priority number one, extracurricular activities are a close second priority in respect to career development. We therefore stimulate EBF Members to be active next to their studies, for example in an EBF Committee or as a participant in IBR or ESR. As a result of all the hard work and input of our active members, the EBF was able to organize a very successful EBF Conference in October, the highly qualitative Recruitment Days in December, multiple great LSP’s with amongst others Jeroen Dijsselbloem (Minister of Finance), transform the EBF Booksale into an online shop with home-delivery within 48 hours, organize various great socials and parties and more. The past half-year resulted in various insights and results for the EBF. The EBF Board has been working on executing and building strategic plans for multiple projects and focus points of this year’s policy. In the upcoming half year, the EBF Board strives to implement the defined plans and start one new project. In this Half Yearly Report you will find information about the progress of the projects and focus points. Moreover, an environmental analysis, reviews and prospects of activities and services and a description of internal affairs are included.
Yours sincerely, On behalf of the EBF Board 2013-2014,
Matthijs van de Grift Chairman 43 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Results Policy EBF Board 2013-2014 Focus Points
EBF Academy The EBF strives to increase the quality and visibility of her study supporting services. By branding these services as the EBF Academy; we aim to increase the awareness of the study supporting services to our members. Moreover, the EBF Board strives to increase the quality of the current study supporting services by creating synergies with external parties. New study supporting services will be covered by the EBF academy, for example, a GMAT test and new study workshops/training sessions.
Therefore, the EBF Board aims to: ●
Brand all study supporting services as part of the EBF Academy before the 1st of September 2014.
Set up new study supporting services which enrich the activity portfolio of the EBF before the 1st of September 2014.
● In order to increase the quality and visibility of the the study supporting activities, the EBF Board decided to first focus on quality. Current study supporting activities were analysed and evaluated. The quality of the EBF Booksale is increased by offering a home delivery service and the possibility to buy second-hand books. The EBF Board strives to further improve the service and communication around the booksale process in cooperation with StudyStore. Likewise, the quality of the EBF Summaries was increased, because the summaries are now made in cooperation with the partner SlimStuderen. These changes will be further elaborated in the project ‘Booksales and summaries’. Additionally, the courses for the GMAT test will soon be offered by the EBF with a discount. Furthermore, the EBF Board is now investigating a structured format on how the new study workshops and trainings can be offered next year. It is important to take the content and the timing of these workshops into account, since it should comply with the demand of EBF Members. The EBF Board strives to offer one study training this year already. Another idea is to provide members with a platform which could be used amongst EBF members for study related issues. Once the quality of the activities has reached a certain level, they will be branded under the name EBF Academy in order to increase their visibility.
44 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Career Services The EBF Board strives to provide high quality career orientation, preparation and facilitation activities. To enhance the quality and visibility of these activities for students, we aim to label the EBF Career related activities with the Careers Company and align these activities with the Faculty of Economics and Business. Therefore, the EBF Board strives to: â—?
Align EBF Career activities through the Careers Company. Strengthening the cooperation with the Faculty of Economics and Business provides the EBF with opportunities to increase the quality, visibility and awareness of all EBF career-related activities and services. All career-related activities and services of the EBF will be labelled with the Careers Company.
Strengthen the EBF Career portfolio. Small Medium Enterprises, Entrepreneurship, Student Consultancy and Shell Project.
In order to strengthen and align the cooperation with the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), several steps have been made. Due to the initiation of the Careers Company, the cooperation and alignment between the FEB and the EBF is significantly intensified. On a daily base, the EBF and FEB have contact related to Career Services. The Careers Company evolved into an organ focused on Career Services on the faculty. The current formulated goal of the Careers Company is to create a central organ for all career services on the FEB. Recently, the Careers Company initiated multiple projects to improve the Careers Week, to organize (recruitment) workshops, to improve internship facilitation, to execute a student consultancy project, to organize 4 business challenges (e.g. Shell Business Challenge) per year, to offer advertising opportunities for corporate relations and to develop a career guide for students. The EBF Board considers all these projects, except for student consultancy and business challenges, as competitive with the EBF. For example, recruitment workshops organised by the Careers Company have a high potential to cannibalise successful recruitment events directly or indirectly (e.g. EBF/MARUG Recruitment Days). Since the EBF Board was highly involved in the strategic policy making of these projects, a strong advise for not initiating these competing activities and services was given. However, the FEB decided to continue offering these services towards businesses. The FEB offered the EBF and subassociations to cooperate in organising and setting up these competing services. The EBF Board has the fundamental believe that the EBF should focus on its core competencies, should not compete with 45 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
herself and should solely cooperate with the faculty when synergies are created in favour of students. With this believe in mind the EBF will only cooperate actively in the organisation of business challenges and possible event-based students consultancy events. Based on this decision, a 50% partnership of the EBF and sub-associations in the Careers Company was not realistic anymore. Therefore, in conjunction with the FEB, the EBF and sub-association are no longer a 50% partner of the Careers Company. In practice, the EBF and FEB keep cooperating closely where possible and stay aligning the career services on the FEB via a solid and effective structure.
Regarding the strengthening of the EBF Career portfolio, the EBF set up a FEB/EBF activity and two EBF Career activities. Together with the FEB, the EBF organised the Shell Business Challenge. Furthermore, the EBF initiated the Northern Strategy Experience activity, organised by the new NSE Committee; and the EBF Entrepreneurship Kick-Off Event, organised by the new entrepreneurship committee. Both of these new activities will take place in the upcoming half year. Concerning student consultancy, the current plans of the FEB are to organise long-term consultancy tracks for students. The EBF will not participate in the organisation of these tracks, since it will mainly demands academic knowledge support and no organisational experience and strength. The EBF may take part in the execution of potential future event-based consultancy activities.
Awareness and Participation The EBF Board strives to promote the EBF to her stakeholders as a professional and sociable study association. To reach all stakeholders and increase the awareness of the added value of the EBF Membership, the EBF Board strives to enhance the information flow, strengthen the promotion channels and improve the relationship with the EBF Stakeholders.
Therefore, the EBF Board strives to: ●
Increase the stakeholders’ awareness and members' participation of the EBF before the 1st of September 2014. Strengthen the overall promotion of the EBF, organise a social with FEB employees together with BEAST and set up members' input evaluation possibilities.
In order to increase stakeholders’ awareness and membership participation of the EBF, the EBF Board tried to analyse and evaluate its portfolio and the added value to its members. The initial plan was execute a statistical analysis by using existing data. Since this data was not available, the EBF Board was not able to conduct this research by herself. Hence, the EBF Board decided to outsource a 46 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
strategic marketing analysis to a professional marketing agency, named Enneüs. The result of this analysis will be written down in an extensive marketing report on effective targeting of students, the positioning of the EBF and ultimately specific steps that should be taken to improve the EBF Marketing strategy over the long and short term. Subsequently, the current branding of the EBF will be evaluated and promotion materials will be aligned in order to have one clear EBF Promotion standard and enhance the awareness of EBF Members. Moreover, in order to increase the awareness additionally, improve the user-friendliness for front- and back-end, to improve the functionalities and to enhance the information flow the EBF Board will look into the possibilities for developing a new website (read project “Website”).
In order to improve the relationship with several EBF stakeholders several steps were taken. The relationship between BEAST and the EBF has been tried to improved, since the EBF was more involved in BEAST activities. For example, their Oktoberfest social was promoted to and attended by active members of the EBF. Furthermore, the possibility to provide the EBF Board with input on their policy will be given during the functional chairmen meetings. Additionally, an idea box for EBF Members will be placed at the interim. Moreover, to improve the relationship between the EBF Board and the active members, the EBF Board strives to have dinner with all committees.
47 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Booksale and Summaries In the past years, the EBF added significant value to students by study-related supporting services. The EBF strives to maximize the quality of all these study supporting services for its members. However, environmental changes, such as stronger competition and new technological possibilities, enable the EBF to enhance the quality of its booksale and summaries.
Therefore, the EBF Board aims to: ●
Strengthen and restructure the EBF Booksale before the 1st of September 2014. The EBF board will investigate possibilities to strengthen and restructure the EBF Booksale in order to simplify the process and to increase the membership value. For example, the possibility of home delivery and a more advanced online webshop will be investigated.
Increase the quality of EBF Summaries before the 1st of September 2014. To enhance the quality of the EBF Summaries, the EBF Board will investigate opportunities to raise the quality of the EBF Summaries by for example, partner up with an external party or restructure the production and quality check process.
The EBF Board identified a downward trend in the sales of EBF Booksale over the past years, representing a loss in the quality of this study supporting service. To improve the EBF Booksale, the EBF Board, in cooperation with Study Store, started with an online webshop and a (within 48 hour) home delivery service for all EBF Members. Although this was a pilot, the sales increased 15% compared to semester 2.1 last year, indicating an improvement of the service. The pilot for semester 2.1 will be evaluated elaborately, however the prospect is to continue the online EBF Booksale with home-delivery. An exception will be made for first year students in semester 1.1. For them, the EBF will facilitate the physical EBF Booksale, facilitating a first contact moment with the EBF. Regarding the EBF Summaries, the EBF Board partnered up with SlimStuderen to improve the quality. A pilot will be initiated in semester 2.2 for multiple courses. SlimStuderen will be responsible for the production and quality-assurance of the summaries. Next to the advantage of a quality improvement, SlimSuderen offers EBF Members the opportunity to buy summaries online with home-delivery. Pricewise, the EBF Board management to acquire a discount of 20% resulting in a price of approximately 5 euro per summary for EBF Members and 6.95 for non-members.
48 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Customer Relationship Management In order to communicate information effectively and efficiently, the EBF strives to improve the information systems using technologies that are user-friendly and that will improve the internal efficiency. Therefore the EBF Board will look at opportunities to improve the usability of, or renew the current Customer Relationship Management system.
Therefore, the EBF aims to: ●
Set up a new or improve the current Customer Relationship Management System before the 1st of September 2014.
In order to renew the current CRM system, the EBF Board has looked at several possibilities to do so. Based on an initiative of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), cooperation with the faculty has been considered, but the EBF Board concluded it would not comply with the specific needs of the EBF. Hence, the EBF Board decided to pursuit a system by itself. Subsequently, an appointment has been made with an external party that analysed our current CRM system. The external party that did the analysis submitted three options; either to re-develop our current CRM system, to buy a custommade CRM or to buy a license CRM system like Salesforce. Currently, the EBF Board is critically analysing the last two options, as re-developing our current CRM system would be too time consuming. Additionally, it would not achieve the desired result because it is integrated into our current website and this year the current website potentially will be replaced.
Entrepreneurship The EBF Board strives to offer an activity portfolio which serves students’ current fields of interests. The current activity portfolio does not cover entrepreneurship; hence the EBF will focus on offering an activity that will fill that particular interest gap.
Therefore, the EBF Board aims to: ●
Set up a new entrepreneurship activity that will improve the EBF portfolio diversity before the 1st of September 2014.
In order to fill the interest gap in the EBF Activity portfolio, the EBF Board developed a project plan. Based on this plan, the EBF Board appointed an EBF Entrepreneurship Committee. The committee 49 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
applied their vision and ideas on the pre-written activity format. This final format includes two sorts of activities: one Kick-Off Event per year for approximately 150 students and multiple entrepreneurship evenings for around 50 students per evening. The first Kick-Off event will take place on the 14 of April th
2014. This Kick-Off event will consist of one plenary lecture with two honoured entrepreneurs, an academic from the field of entrepreneurship and a moderator who will lead a discussion and challenge the speakers on a various topics. After, there will be held 3 workshops for approximately 30 students per workshop. Each workshop will have its specific entrepreneurial-related themes. Next to the EBF Entrepreneurship Kick-off Event, a plan has been written for organising several entrepreneurship evenings each year. During these evenings, approximately 4 per year, one speaker at a time will share his or her view on themes within the field of entrepreneurship. These entrepreneurship evenings will be aimed at students who are interested in the field of entrepreneurship.
Small and Medium Enterprises The EBF Board believes that informing members about a wide-range of post-studies possibilities is valuable during their future career decision process. The current information provision does not cover Small and Medium Enterprises. Therefore the EBF Board strives to facilitate the contact with, and inform EBF Members about the career opportunities at, Small and Medium Enterprises companies.
Therefore, the EBF Board aims to: â—?
Set up a Small and Medium Enterprises Event before the 1st of September 2014.
For the initiation of the SME event the EBF Board has written a framework for a three day event. In October the EBF Board got in touch with a SME consultant from Utrecht, called No Nonsancy. After two good meetings we decided to collaborate together on the organization of this event. For the EBF, No Nonsancy adds tremendous value and quality to the program. Next to that, in October the SME committee was set up and they have been busy with the organization of the SME event which takes places from May 6th until 8th. This event will give around 30 students the chance to consult a planned total of 6 Small and Medium enterprises. The name of this event will be Northern Strategy Experience.
Website The EBF Board strives to inform students effectively. Currently one of the main information platforms, the website; does not fulfil today’s needs, is not user-friendly on the front and back-end and cannot be 50 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
updated efficiently. Moreover, it is not possible to keep track of relevant user and subscription statistics. Hence, the EBF will improve the website of the EBF.
Therefore, the EBF Board aims to: â—?
Sustainability is highly important for this investment. Therefore, the EBF Board will strive to develop a website based on a continuous updated open-source platform (e.g. Drupal).
51 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Activities Active Members’ Activities On Monday the 2nd of December the EBF Sinterklaas Social took place at the Branderij. Twelve committees, the EBF Board and the TeMa Board (around 60 active members) wrote poems and brought presents for each other. Unfortunately, the other sub-associations couldn’t be present. On Friday the 21st of February 65 active members of the EBF went to Bottrop. Later this year, another Active Members’ Activity will be organised.
Alumni activities In the past year the EBF/FEB Alumni committee has been organizing activities for the alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Business in cooperation with the Faculty and the aEB Foundation. Unfortunately, the alumni activity which was a lecture with Tony de Bree (ex- ABN AMRO banker) and th
a buffet on Wednesday February 5 was cancelled due to the large amounts of unsubscribes because th
of the change of date of the Leadership Panel of Jeroen Dijselbloem. On Wednesday February 12 , the RUG/FEB for infinity by Matthijs Bierman about sustainability and “Beurs van Berlage” took place. th
On the 5 of March, the EBF/aEB Symposium will take place in the EYE in Amsterdam. The theme of this symposium will be “Ondernemen Anno Nu.” Speakers will be Rutger van Krimpen (Director Pantar Amsterdam), Aard Groen (Dean Entrepreneurship Centre RUG), Rob Wortelboer (Senior Manager of Clean Tech and Sustainability, Ernst & Young). The moderator will be Jo van Engelen (Professor Business Development RUG).
Bachelor Ceremony On Friday, the 8th of November the first Bachelor Ceremony of the year took place at the Zernike Complex. Together with the faculty the ceremony was organised by the EBF Board for a group of 190 students. The EBF Board congratulated all students with a rose and a small gift. Bachelor Symposium This year’s Bachelor Symposium was organised on the 28th of November. Several speakers were invited to speak about the theme “The power of the consumer”. Leon Wijnands (ING) Carolien Bos (FBTO) and Wouter van Dieren (CEO IMSA) told the audience about their experience with consumers and how consumers can exploit their power. The day was chaired by Henk Faber and around 170 students attended the symposium.
Booksale The first two booksales of this academic year were organised in the same way as last year. On the 30th of August the EBF Booksale started. On Tuesday the third of September, the booksale for 52 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
firstyear students took place in the exam hall of the Aletta Jacobshal. During booksale 1.1 there were 800 orders. The booksale of block 1.2 took place from 11 until 13 November and around 550 orders were made. From block 2.1 onwards the EBF changed the concept of picking up the books during the first three days of the block to a home delivery system. This in cooperation with Studystore, since this is a pilot, the EBF Board will reconsider the booksale process after block 2.1 and 2.2. At the moment of writing there are 475 orders.
Budget Proposal debate This year no Budget Proposal Debate was organised due to the fact that the EBF Board is reconsidering the concept of this event. The aim is to organise a Budget Proposal Debate in September 2014 in a different setting than the past.
Business Class This year, two business classes were already organized: both in the beginning of March with speakers from Friesland Campina and ING. At this moment three more business classes are scheduled for the upcoming months. The aim is to organize the same amount of business classes as last years.
Christmas Ball On Friday the 20th of December, the EBF/JFV Christmas Ball took place in Kokomo Beachclub, due to the fire damage in Huize Maas. The Christmas Ball would initially take place in Huize Maas, due to the fire damage this was not possible and the Christmas ball was translocated. The theme of the evening was “Victorian Angels & Casanovas, until the masks come off”. With more than 550 tickets sold, the amount of visitors was lower than last years. The artists DJ Sandro Silva and the band ‘Mooie Noten’ made sure that the Christmas Ball was a great evening for all whom attended.
EBF Conference The first day of the EBF Conference was the academic day, organised at the faculty of Economics and Business. George Möller, chairman of the Supervisory Board of the AFM was the chairman of the day. Bart van Ark, Executive Vice President & Chief Economist Conference Board and Henk Volberda, Professor of Strategic Management and Business Policy were the speakers of the day. In between both lectures several workshops were organised. Around 700 people visited the EBF Conference day with the theme ‘Beyond Borders, Competing in a changing world. The day started with lectures from Peter Hartman, Vice-Chairman Air-France-KLM and Ben Tiggelaar, Management Guru, trainer and writer. After the first two plenary lectures, two parallel lectures were organised with Bas Rüter, director sustainability of Rabobank and Maurine Alma, Industry leader branding Google Benelux in the 53 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Business parallel. The economic parallel lectures were given by Paul Smits, CFO Port of Rotterdam and Menno Snel, Executive Director IMF. After a lunch the workshops and masterclasses were held. The Conference day ended with plenary lectures by Philip Mountford, CEO of Hunkemöller and Gerry Pennel, CIO London Olympics 2012. Chair of the day was Caroline Hyde, moderator at Bloomberg TV. One of the focus points of the Conference was to attract more business participants. Around 75 business participants visited the plenary lectures of the conference. During the afternoon a separate business participants program was organised with lectures from Matthijs Bierman, director at Triodos Bank and Hans Biesheuvel, former chairman of MKB Nederland.
EBF Etiquette diner On Monday the 17th of February, the EBF organised an etiquette diner for 50 students of the Faculty of Economics and Business in ‘t Feithhuis. The dinner was a good way to way to bring students into contact with etiquettes and the EBF.
European Study Research (ESR) Madrid On Friday the 22nd of November, twenty-five highly motivated students, the ESR Madrid committee, one EBF Board member and two professors of the Faculty of Economics and Business left to do research in Madrid. The research was based on the theme “Think positive, discover opportunities: Innovativeness the key to success”. In Madrid the group visited several companies.
Honours Forum Until now two honours forums are organised. The first one, organised in January had the theme: “Does the glass ceiling exist. The second one, organised in February was about Bitcoins.
Informational Activities Several informational activities took place in the first half of the academic year, where the EBF had the opportunity to represent herself in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics and Business. Starting with the Bachelor Information Day, that took place at the Academic Building on the 8th of November, followed by the Master Your Talent Fair at the Duisenberg Plaza on the 19th of November. During the Bachelor Information Day the EBF provided information by displaying some of her promotional and informational material. At the Master Your Talent Fair the EBF Mastercommunities had a stand where they explained prospective master students the possibilities of their master. On the 12th of December prospective bachelor students could experience being a student at the Student for a Day event. Students were offered a day programme with a tour around the Interim, which included a presentation provided by the Promotion Team. In this presentation more information was given about the added 54 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
value of being an active member of a study association. Next to this, the Faculty of Economics and Business organised an Open Day on Location on the 31st of January for prospective students. On this day, the EBF Board and the Faculty of Economics and Business provided the students with more information about studies and activities that could be interesting next to your studies.
EBF Information Committee Meeting On the 28th of October an information meeting was organised to provide new active members of the September recruitment some helpful information to start with their committee work. At the end of the presentation guidelines were provided. The next information committee meeting will be held after the February recruitment.
Consulting Event On the 26th and 27th of May, the EBF and the Fysisch-Mathematische Faculteitsvereninging (FMF) will jointly organise the two-day Consulting Event. The event was rescheduled from March to May due to the preference of the consultants for this date and availability in the planning of the EBF and FMF. On the Management Consulting and on the Strategy Consulting day there each will be selected thirty students to take part in the program based on their CV. The Consulting Event will take place in ’het Kasteel’ and both days will end with a dinner in 'Het Heerenhuis'.
International Business Researches (IBR) India and South Africa Over the past half year, the executive boards of IBR India and South- Africa have been busy with setting up their projects. In November, 40 motivated students have been selected who are contributing to the project as well. Both upcoming markets turned out to be interesting for several companies. Therefore, during January IBR South Africa and IBR India at the beginning of February had enough contracts signed to ensure a solid financial. Consequently, it is now clear that at the beginning of April both IBR Projects will leave to their destinations to conduct research and travel over there. At the moment of writing, most participants are busy with their research.
International Day The EBF/FEB International Day will be organised by the International Committee and will take place at the 12th of March. The EBF aims to provide the opportunity for students and staff with different cultural backgrounds to meet and integrate by means of information stands, interesting speakers, shows and workshops.
International pub quiz 55 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
The EBF is planning to organise again an international pub quiz this year.
Introduction Weekend The EBF Introduction Weekend took place at the island of Borkum on the 30th of August till the 1st of September. The theme of the weekend was “All Around The World”. More than 350 first year students, guided by group leaders, met their fellow students, got to know the EBF and learned more about studying at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Groningen. The program of the weekend included several kinds of activities, such as social activities, informational activities and a management game guided by the dean of the faculty. The dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, prof. dr. Harry Garretsen, also came to give a speech to welcome the students on behalf of the faculty.
Leadership Panels Three Leadership Panels have already been organised during the academic year 2013-2014. The first Leadership Panel was organised in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics and Business to open the new academic year. Jan Sijbrand, Executive Director at DNB and Gerard van Olphen, CEO of SNS Reaal, talked about the economic situation, leadership during the crisis and ethics. Around 300 students visited this event. On the 13th of November, a Leadership Panel with Dick Benschop, President-Director at Shell Nederland was organised. During an interactive afternoon the around 180 visitors had the opportunity to ask questions about leadership and the next big challenges for Shell. On the 12th of February a Leadership Panel with Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Minister of Finance and Chairman of the Eurogroup was organised in the Martinichurch. Around 450 students were present. For the upcoming months the EBF would like to organise around two more Leadership Panels. New Active Members’ Weekend On Friday the 18th of October and Saturday the 19th of October more than 80 new active members went on the EBF’s New Active Members’ Weekend to Lauwersoog. During the Friday afternoon and evening several team building games were played, dinner took place, and a party was organised for the new active members to get to know each other. In March the new active members of the February recruitment will also enjoy a New Active Members’ Weekend.
Propaedeutic Ceremony On the 15th of November, 160 students were awarded their Propaedeutic Exams. Together with the faculty, the EBF organises the ceremony and a social for the students and their families. The EBF gave a presentation about the possibilities at the EBF for students and gave all students whom attended a small gift. 56 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Prospect magazine Since last year, Prospect Magazine was published in a digital way. The first edition of this academic year was the Conference edition with information about the EBF Conference and interviews with Peter Hartman, vice-chairman of Air-France-KLM and Paul Schnabel, former chairman of the Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau. The second edition had the theme out of the box, with stories about nonmainstream ideas and interviews with amongst others Hennie van der Most, entrepreneur and Quirijn Bolle, Founder of Marqt. The third edition, published in February 2014 was the Young Edition. The average
Recruitment Days On the 10th, 11th and 12th of December the Recruitment Days, which is organized jointly by the EBF and MARUG, took place in Martiniplaza. Around 500 students took the opportunity to meet 39 companies by attending company presentations, workshops, individual interviews, business lunches and business dinners with recruiters. The Recruitment Days were evaluated well by both the students and the companies.
Shell Business Challenge The first edition of the Shell Business Challenge was a collaboration between Shell, FEB and EBF. During the second block of the first semester 25 students worked in 5 multidisciplinary groups on an actual problem within Shell, namely the assessment of non-technical risks. During these 6 weeks the students were lectured by two professors and guided by a mentor assigned to each individual group. Until the final on the 12th of December the groups worked separately and had no knowledge of the results of the other teams. Both the mentors from Shell, FEB professors, as well as the EBF Board were delighted about the high quality of the results the teams presented. In conclusion, this first edition was a great success and contributes significantly to the development of students and will be organised again.
EBF Recruitment activities On the 13th of May the EBF will organise a Network training in collaboration with Talent&Pro. The training will be available for third year bachelor and master students. Furthermore, on the 3th of April the EBF will organize an Inhouse day with KPN consulting.
EBF Ski-trip On the 8th of February 35 students and three EBF Board Members left for the second EBF Ski-trip to St. Francois Longchamps in France. The Activity Committee organised several activities during the 57 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Socials and parties This year the socials took place in the Branderij or &ZO. The Beginning of the Year Party took place in the &ZO where DJ Dirtcaps came to perform and around 300 members were present. The November Social was in the theme of Mexican Movember, with a free welcome drink in Mexican style. The Sinterklaas Social took place in the Branderij for Active Members and at 22.00 o’clock general th
members were welcome as well. On the 6 of January the EBF New Years’ social took place. The EBF Socials were well visited with approximately 200 to 250 people every social. On the 3nd of February the Mid-Year Party took place. There was live music and “Woodstock” was the theme. Around 250 people were present.
Trainings The EBF offers several trainings during the year to support active members within their function. An interview training of YER was offered to support the ESR Madrid Committee and the IBR Board with their interview meetings to select participants in a more professional manner. An Adobe Indesign Training was offered to the Promotion Team and PRs of the committees. Career related trainings will be offered in the Careers Company, such as the training of Wildenbeest on the 3th of March.
58 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Internal Affairs
Board Training On the February 19th and 20th, the EBF Board went to Zeist to follow a training at the Baak. The training lasted two days and was dedicated to discuss team dynamics.
Housing The EBF has a good relationship with the Facility Services of the Faculty of Economics and Business
ICT Over the past half a year the EBF Board installed 4 new computers. The replacement of the computers took place in the active members’ area, the computers were offered to us by the faculty. In addition to these replacements, 2 new telephones were installed also in the active members’ area; these telephones can be used for calling abroad. These were purchased by the IBR foundation.
Mastercommunities The organizational structure behind the mastercommunities has been altered. The mastercommunities have been adopted as active members and to become part of the community they had to apply through the official recruitment procedure. Moreover, most mastercommunities have initiated regular socials, which have shown significant improvement in comparison to previous years. Finally, more emphasis has been put on the formal activities. Although the EBF Board has noticed that it is more difficult than anticipated results are showing in most of the mastercommunities and will definitely improve over the upcoming years.
Members There are currently 156 active members at the EBF, of which 10 are international students.
Website The sub-association ‘TeMa’ has been added to our website and membership forms have been adjusted.
59 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Environmental Analysis
Alumni The EBF Board worked closely together with the aEB Foundation and Alumni officer of the FEB of the past half year. Multiple times a year there are aEB Board meeting in which the EBF Chairman and the chairman of the EBF Alumni Committee take part. This year there will be a focus on the connection between master students and alumni in a structured manner. Moreover, the visibility of the aEB on the FEB will be improved.
Association Council There have been two meetings with the Association Council so far. The first meeting was organised to get advice about the policy plans of the EBF Board. The second meeting was organised to get advice about the further implementation of these policy plans, projects and EBF’s strategy. The meeting resulted in some substantial advice that is considered to be useful to the EBF Board.
Audit Committee The past half year there have been two meetings with the audit committee. In these meetings the audit committee checked the administration for any irregularities and helped the treasurer to be on the right track. Furthermore, advice was given on the financial policy during monthly digital updates. Also advice was acquired by the treasurer when needed for specific situations.
Board of Advice A meeting with Prince Maurits of Oranje-Nassau will be planned. Furthermore, an invitation for an advice meeting has been sent to Dhr. R.J. Alblas, Drs. L. Deuzeman and Mrs. E.M. Kneppers- Heijnert. In the upcoming half year, the ambition is to visit more Board of Advice members. Committee of Advice There has been one meeting with the Committee of Advice. This meeting was organized to get their perspective on the Careers Company. These meeting gave the EBF Board helpful advice. Central Exective Board of Student Organizations (CUOS) The CUOS advices the Board of University on the decisions on committee grants for different student organizations. After the evaluation in November, the EBF has been rewarded 40 month’s worth of grants.
60 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
University of Groningen The University of Groningen will focus on the improvement of Career Services. The Career Services of the RUG will be organised and coordinated by NEXT. The RUG requires all study organizations to coĂśperatein the NEXT framework. In specific, the RUG wants study associations to carry the NEXT logo on all career-related events and duplicate all the activity information in a central RUG platform, named Career Connext. On the latter platform, students will be able to find all the information about Career Activities of the RUG and her study associations and find all the vacancies post by these parties. Moreover, the RUG strives to support free access for companies to the Career Connext system in a manner that these companies can promote vacancies, promote activities, and get in contact with students who demand this. The EBF is highly involved in the coordination and implementation of this project. Furthermore, the University celebrates its 400th Lustrum in spring 2014. The EBF is involved in a project team concerning an alumni activity during this lustrum as well.
Faculty of Economics & Business The EBF has a very good relationship with the Faculty of Economics and Business(FEB). Once every three weeks there is a meeting with the Dean, Prof. Dr Garretsen. Furthermore, there is intensive contact between the EBF Board and the Department of Communications about promotion, ICT, external relations, alumni and Career Services. Also this year, the EBF will jointly organise various events together with the faculty, such as Spring School of Strategy. There is also close contact with the faculty about the EBF Conference and Trace Your Track. This year, the FEB also aims to receive the EQUIS Accreditation. The EBF is involved in the self-study of the FEB, in specific regarding Corporate Relations. Moreover, the maturity of the Careers Company intensifies the collaboration with the FEB. The EBF is also involved in multiple project teams concerning Career Services, EQUIS Accreditation and the Introduction Week in September 2012 for first year students.
Fysisch-Mathematische Faculteitsvereniging (FMF) The FMF is the association for students who study the Bachelor in (applied) Mathematics, (applied) Physics, Computer Sciences or Astronomy at the University of Groningen. The EBF jointly organizes the Consulting Event with the FMF. Again, this year the contact and cooperation is satisfying.
Faculteits Vereniging Overlegorgaan Groningen (FVOG) The EBF is a member of the FVOG, which is a coordinating organisation between study associations. The FVOG informs its members about the latest developments of the University of Groningen that apply to study and faculty association. 61 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
International Overleg Studieverenigingen (IOS) The University of Groningen has founded an advisory organization consisting of study-related associations in order to discuss internationalization from the perspective of students. The IOS meets every two months and discusses all relevant and recent developments concerning internationalization. The
Juridical Faculty Association Groningen (JFV) The contact between the JFV and the EBF has been good, jointly due to the organization of the EBF/JFV Christmas Ball. The contact with JFV has been proven to be useful and successful for both organisations, the contact and cooperation has been satisfying this year.
Quest The relationship between Quest and the EBF remains important for the EBF. This year, the Quest Board focuses on improving the internal and external communication. Current communication channels are re-valued and where possible improved. Also more emphasize was put on recruiting year representatives and program committees in order to receive as much feedback as possible.
Sister Associations Over the last six months there have been a couple of meetings with SEBO, the foundation of Economics and Business consolation. These meetings are highly valued due to the information and knowledge that can be shared with associations that are similar to the EBF. In particular, the EBF has intensive contact with its four sister associations in Rotterdam and Amsterdam. Just like last year, a benchmark meeting between these associations has taken place at the end of January, to discuss recent developments and exchange knowledge about functional tasks for Board members. Finally, the informal contact between the EBF and its sister associations is maintained regularly.
Student Advisor Faculty Board The contact with the Student Advisor of the Faculty Board, Rick Tuin, is very good. All faculty-related topics are discussed when necessary. Moreover, there are meetings on a frequent base which significantly improve the alignment and information-flow between the EBF and the Faculty of Economics and Business.
Sub-associations The relationship between the EBF and the sub-associations (MARUG, Risk, TeMa and VESTING) is good. On a frequent base, during Platform Chairmen meetings, all relevant topics are discussed. Most 62 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
topics concern activity alignment and strategic action towards environmental changes. In supervisory board meetings strategic topics, financial topics, alignment related topics and other affairs are discussed. The EBF considers the close relationship with the sub-associations as an advantage for the sake of the all the associations and all students.
63 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
EBF Active Members Overview Activity Committee Ludo Prinzen (Chairman) Paulineke Lumer (Treasurer/Acquisition II) Anouk Hut (Commercial Relations) Carlijn Jansen (Evening Organisation/ PR II Hilde van Dalen (PR I) Jeroen Kerssies (Day Organisation) Romy Niels (Day Organisation) Alumni Committee Marieke de Jong (Chairman) Didier van Amerongen (Treasurer/Commercial II) Annemiek de Graaf (Commercial I) Bodil Nijland (PR) Marin Teinsma (Day Organisation/Secretary) Business Class Stephanie Kuipers (Chairman) Ronald Heins (General Member) Annewil Homan (General Member) Felicia Peerenboom (General Member) Florine Zendijk (General Member) Christmas Ball Committee 2013 Liza Willemsen (Chairman) Erik van Marle (Treasurer) Matthijs van den Neste (Commercial I) Lisanne Pilon (Evening Organization) Elise Baneke (PR) Lisa Pries (PR) Entrepreneurship Sjors Nije (chairman) Luuk Arts (Treasurer/ Commercial) Jessica Speelman Dayorganisation/PR) ESR Warsaw Hedde Weerman (Chairman) Thijs Boevink (Treasurer/Travelcoordinator) Catherine van Wijk (Commercial I) Wouter ten Heggeler (Commercial II) Nicole Rhebergen (PR) Amber Krake (Research Coordinator)
Commercial Team Lisa Holtjer (Chairman) Anne van den Heuvel (General Member) Daan Goossen (General Member) Roy Visscher (General Member) Justin Arnolli (General Member) Consulting Event Lisa Dekker (Chairman) Claudia Hoogenstraaten (Commercial) Maarten de Groot (Treasurer/ Commercial II) Jelmer ter Avest (PR) EBF Conference Mart Huijsman (Chairman) Lois de Haan (Vicechairman,Theme/Speakers) Douwe Ribbink (Commercial I) Koen de Leeuw (Treasurer/ Commercial II) Sara Hoekman (PR) Laura Nauta (Day Organization/ Logistics) EBF Bachelor Symposium Fleur Kamp (Chairman) Nick Stellingwerf (Treasurer/ Commercial II) Joost Bats (Acquisition I) Nargis Rezai (Day Organization/Logistics) Anja Holwerda (PR/Secretary) ESR Madrid Annelies Oldejans (Chairman) Reinier Smits (Treasurer/Travelcoordinator) Lex Preusting (Commercial I) Lizz Jansen (Commercial II) Folkert van Zanten (PR) Wei Jin Su (Research Coordinator) Introduction Committee 2013 Catherine van Wijk (Chairman) Koen de Leeuw(Treasurer/Commercial II) LoĂŻs de Haan (Commercial I) Robin Hidkes(PR/Camp Coordinator) Florine Zendijk (Secretary/Camp Coordinator)
64 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
IBR India Joram Kraan (Chairman) Reinoud Bekendam (Vice-chairman/Treasurer) Daan de Vries (PR/Travelcoordinator) Kasper Mulder (Commercial Relations) Britt ZĂśglmann (Commercial Relations) IBR South- Africa Robbert Brouwers (Chairman) Alje Dijkema (Vice-chairman/Treasurer Tara Goverts (PR/Travelcoordinator) Ruben Nooijen (Commercial Relations) Marijke Tabbrt (Commercial Relations) International Committee Rudolf Bakker (Chairman) Nikki Epema (Treasurer/Commercial Relations II) Meg Perry-Duxbury (PR/Secretary) Monika Urmanaite (CJ) (Day Organization/Logistics I) Arkadius Mueller (Evening Organization/Logistics II) International Symposium Charlotte van Zuthem (Chairman) Pieter Jan Tavenier (Treasurer/Commercial II) Lisanne Hoogeveen (Commercial I) Tsvetelina Zaharieva (PR) Tom Raster (Day Organization) Speakers Team Frederik Lubbersen (Chairman) Stan Graumans (General Member) Rens Schoorlemmer (General Member) Aileen Booijink (General Member) Carine van der Staaij (General Member) Pommelien Hovenkamp (General Member) SME Event Jonathan Mellink(Chairman) Christiaan Uytdehaage (Treasurer/Commercial) Annafleur Clercx (PR ) Fenna de Jong (Day Organisation) Spring School of Strategy Simona Augulyte (Chairman Koen Heeringa (Commercial) Irene Kools(PR) Matej Nepimach (Logistics)
Promotion Team Merel Bulder (Chairman) Tessa Linde (Photo/Crea) Loes Esveldt (Photo/Crea) Teije de Haan (Agenda/Crea) Rogier Muis (Agenda/ Crea) Till Lagemann (Film Producer) Lina Li (Film Producer) Lisanne Stolte i (Film Producer)
Prospect Magazine Luuk Elkhuizen (Chairman) Fi Fi Zhang (General Member) Michelle Peels (General Member) Thijs Benedek (Chief Editor) Nicoline Meijer (Lay-out/ Chief Editor) Jasmijn Staal (Lay-out) Jing Chen (Chief Editor) Lisa Beij (Chief Editor) Recruitment Days Joris Betman (Chairman) Caspar Leusink (Treasurer) Robin Potze (Commercial Relations I) Andrah Visscher (Commercial Relations II) Annemijn van der Vaart (PR) Leonie van de Meerakker (Vice-chairman/Day Organization I) Lieke van den Langenberg (Day Organization II) Support Committee Maaike Vermeer (Chairman) Derk Kamermans (Shopmanager) Laura Cazemier (PR) Lindy Houwing (Intern) Jelmer Heuvels (Extern) Koen Oudehand (BS Treasurer) Henk Slot (Salesmanager) Michelle Koning (Commercial) Hetty Norder ( Treasurer/Commercial II) Trace Your Track Annabel Clasing (Chairman) Bas Bleeker (Treasurer / Commercial II) Mark Gertsen (Commercial I) Mariska de Winter (Day Organization/Logistics) Anne-Sophie Steinebach (PR/ Secretary)
65 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Mastercommunity Change Lisanne Jonkman (Chairman) Wardzen Zondervan (General Member) Tom van Duijn (General Member) Tim Wellenberg(General Member) Kevin de Brock(General Member) Mastercommunity HRM Julia Schlegelmilch (Chairman) Lars de Vries (General Member) Francesca Vink (General Member) Erwin Groot (General Member) Charlot Profijt (General Member) Mastercommunity Strategy Innovation Management Merel Koppen (Chairman) Marriel Edzes (General Member) Mastercommunity Small Business and Entrepeneurship Sytze Boskma (Chairman) Derick Martina (General Member) Roderick Thomas Hidde Ram (General Member) Mastercommunity International Business Management / International Economics & Business Tjibbe Stienstra (General Member) Maureen Hovens (General Member) Dennis Wang (General Member) Marjolein Heida (General Member) Manny Wiersma (General Member)
66 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
67 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Proposal to adjust the Rules of Procedure
Matthijs van de Grift
Hadewich de Roo van Alderwerelt Vice-chairman & Secretary Frank van Loo
Marit Dolfing
Marketing & IT Officer
Lennart Speller
Commercial Officer
Ilse Arends
HR Officers
Stefan Kapell
Public Affairs & Study Officer
Florian Arndt
Career & Project Officer
68 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Proposal to adjust the Rules of Procedure The EBF Board would like to propose a few adjustments to Rules of Procedure. Additionally, the Rules of Procedures document has been translated to English in order to increase the accessibility for all EBF Members. The adjustments are: -
Article 10.2: The categories of membership have been changed to limited membership and a yearly membership.
Article 10.3: The price of the different categories has been adjusted to the current one. Unlimited membership is 27,50 euros and a yearly membership is 7,5 euros per year.
Article 13: The committee of advice has been added as an advisory body. The content of the paragraph is the same as the one of the association council
Article 14 e: The members of the mastercommunities have been added to active members
Article 15: TeMa has been added as a sub-association that organizes activities with a technological management content, activities aimed at recruiting students for organizing these activities and activities for the benefit of the members of TeMa without substantive element.
69 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
70 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Half-yearly Financial Report EBF Board 2013-2014
Matthijs van de Grift
Hadewich de Roo van Alderwerelt Vice-chairman & Secretary Frank van Loo
Marit Dolfing
Marketing & IT Officer
Lennart Speller
Commercial Officer
Ilse Arends
HR Officers
Stefan Kapell
Public Affairs & Study Officer
Florian Arndt
Career & Project Officer
71 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
72 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Introduction Groningen, 24th of February 2014 Dear EBF Members, Hereby the EBF Board presents the financial results of the past half year as well as the adjusted budget for the financial year 2013 – 2014. Included are also the balance sheet and budget as composed at the beginning of the year. Furthermore the realisations of the EBF Agenda, Introduction committee, EBF Conference, ESR December, EBF/MARUG Recruitment Days, IBR Colombia, IBR Vietnam and the IBR foundation are included. Also the balance sheet of the IBR foundation is included. At the beginning of the year it was clear that the financial situation of the EBF is strong and that there is room to think big. Most committee realisations were positive compared to the budget and will therefore create an even more stable financial situation. We will need this financial room for other committees that will set up great new activities or broaden existing activities. Besides this, new ideas came up in the past half year which will need financial support and last but not least policy plans turned out to be more expensive than expected. One of the salient changes is our career activities which are fully operational and turned out to be more beneficial than expected. Our policy plans for members’ participation also turned out to be less expensive to realise. On the other hand more money will be needed to set a solid base in the future for our accessibility which will be made concrete in a new corporate identity and branding. Furthermore we will not just adjust the website but are planning to buy a new one. When we look at new plans we initiated acquisition training for active members and held our first economic lecture which we will do more often in the future. On the committee perspective we already planned to improve the support by investing in a new CRM. New in this field is the investment that will be made in design computers to make sure all graphical programmes are running smooth and promotion can be at its best. Attached you can find the current realisation of the year 2013 – 2014 up till the 31th of January, the adapted budget for the year 2013 – 2014, the balance sheet of the EBF, the income statements of the committees that were financially completed and the corresponding explanations. Yours sincerely, On behalf of het EBF Board 2013 – 2014,
Frank van Loo Treasurer
73 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Economics and Business student Faculty Association Balance Sheet Account
Balance Balance (31-07-2013) (31-01-2014)
Assets 0001
Office equipment and inventory
ICT hardw are
Softw are
Total Fixed Assets 0012
Accounts receivable Dutch Inhouse Tours
Accounts receivable
1021 1091 1092
Prepaid amounts
Writing paper
VAT receivable
Amount receivable
Total Current Assets 1042
Bank - EBF Checking account
Bank - Direct debit account
Bank - Recruitment Days
Bank - EBF Savings account
Bank - EBF Conference
Total Cash and Cash Equivalents
Total Assets
Liabilities 0021
Retained earnings
Total Equity 0041
Provision lustrum
Provision subsequent expenses
Provision committees
Total Provisions
Membership fees received in advance
Accounts payable
VAT Payable
Amounts payable
Amounts received in advance
Total Liabilities
107.066 -3.869
Balancing entries
Balancing entries books
Balancing entries faculty
Total Balancing entries
Total Equity and Liabilities
74 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Assets 0001
Two extra laptops were bought which results in a higher amount.
ICT hardware
An iPad was bought which results in a higher asset value.
The full amount is accounted for by the scheduling programme of the recruitment days. Because of a higher profit during this year’s edition a larger amount was written off.
Accounts receivable Dutch Inhouse Tours
The finalisation of the DIT is not yet complete; therefore this amount is still on the balance. The finalisation will be done by the end of this academic year.
Accounts receivable
The amount is relatively high, because invoicing for acquisition revenue was done. Besides this a large part is due to the Recruitment Days debtors who were also invoiced recently.
75 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
EBF Board 2013 - 2014 Income Statement Realisation (01-02-2014)
Budget (01-08-2013)
Budget (31-07-2014)
51.632 17.320 460 5.623 0 0 336 1.798 0 77.169
100.000 29.000 0 5.625 0 0 0 2.300 0 136.925
100.000 30.000 460 5.623 0 0 336 2.000 0 138.419
Telephone Postage Bank products Insurance ICT CRM System 4006 Accounting software 4007 Webhosting 4008 Advisory and Services 4009 Subscriptions 4010 Office equipment 4012 Writing paper 4014 Depreciation Total Administrative expenses
0 315 576 0 1.282 900 1.353 1.158 273 466 0 0 6.324
1.800 1.900 1.250 1.400 4.400 2.000 500 1.000 4.500 1.000 750 500 2.000 23.000
1.600 1.000 1.250 1.800 6.050 3.500 900 1.353 5.500 1.000 750 500 3.350 28.553
4101 Transportation 4102 Cost of residence 4103 Business gifts 4104 Committee gifts 4105 Declarations board and committees 4108 Former-board day 4110 Board of Advice and Advisory Council 4111 General Members' Meeting Total Representation expenses
2.118 115 590 0 3.856 0 536 2.535 9.748
2.600 125 2.000 2.700 10.000 3.500 1.200 5.000 27.125
3.200 115 2.000 1.900 10.000 3.500 1.200 5.000 26.915
Account Revenues 8001 8101 8102 8201 8401 9101 9102 9103 9104 Total: Revenues
Description Acquisition revenue Membership fees Participation fees Subsidy faculty Written off accounts payable Subsequent revenue Incidental profit Interest revenues Released provisions
Expenses 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005
76 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Posters, flyers and banners Stakeholders awareness Memb ers' Participation 4202 Pens and gadgets 4203 SMS 4204 Website adjustments Web site 4210 Printing Total Promotion expenses
1.577 576 0 1.744 442 510 0 2.456 7.304
2.500 3.500 3.750 2.000 1.900 6.500 0 3.900 24.050
3.000 5.000 2.000 2.500 1.900 510 6.500 4.000 25.410
4301 4302
5.746 572 0 0 8.321 3.391 0 1.158 19.189
14.000 2.700 3.250 1.000 12.600 6.000 4.400 4.000 47.950
14.600 4.810 0 1.000 11.000 6.000 4.400 5.000 46.810
4801 Lustrum 4804 Provision Committees Total Additions to provisions
0 0 0
10.000 0 10.000
10.000 0 10.000
4901 Uncollectible accounts 9001 Subsequent expenses 9002 Incidental loss Total Other expenses
0 377 0 377
1.000 0 0 1.000
500 377 0 877
Total: Expenses
Net income
Active members activities General members activities Career Services EBF Academy 4303 Socials and consumptions 4304 Catering 4305 Accommodation 4310 Leadership Panels Total Activity expenses Total Committees
77 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Revenues 8001
Acquisition revenue
Membership fees
The current acquisition revenue is lower than the acquisition revenue in previous years. The amount for which contracts are signed is similar to previous years though. Therefore the budget is not changed. The collection for the membership fees went very well so far, the income turned out to be higher than expected thus the total amount is higher.
Expenses Administrative expenses 4001
The costs so far are lower than budgeted; therefore the total amount is lower. The costs for sending letters turned out to be much higher. Therefore we decided to not use this medium for promoting the board recruitment which results in lower costs. We signed a new insurance contract which is more comprehensive and covers variable event based costs. The overall costs for this contract are higher. The costs for the network externalities are higher this year which results in higher costs.
Customer Relationship Management System
The steps made in accordance to buy or lease a new CRM system show that the costs will be higher than expected. Therefore the budget is higher.
Accounting software
The budget is higher since new collection software had to be bought in accordance to comply with the new SEPA standards.
78 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Advisory and services
The budget is higher because a tax report will be made by a tax specialist in order to keep up to date with the tax legislation.
Two new laptops and an iPad were bought. Also there will be done an investment in new design computers to improve working with graphical programs.
Committee gifts
The costs are quite high so far mostly due to a larger amount of traveling for acquisition purposes. For this reason the budget is higher. This budget is adjusted to the regular amount. This is done because one of our ideas for an extra gift is not executable.
Representation expenses
Promotion expenses 4201
Posters, flyers and banners Stakeholders’ Awareness
Members’ Participation
Pens and gadgets
Website adjustments
Activity expenses 4301
Active members activities
General members activities
The budget is higher because extra promotional expenses are done for the new online booksale. The budget is higher because an investment will be done in a new corporate identity and branding. Also a marketing strategy will be defined by a professional partner. The budget is lower because the policy goals can be reached with a lower amount of money. The budget is higher because extra promotional expenses are done for the new online booksale. The budget is lower because we made our website a new project. The new budget and explanation is shown below. This amount I reserved for the development of a new website. The intention is to buy a new website, the actual amount of this purchased is not clear yet though.
The budget is higher because acquisition trainings will be organised for a part of the active members during this year. The budget is higher because economic lectures will be organised. One took already
79 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
place which is shown in the realisation. Career Services
Socials and consumptions
Leadership Panels
The policy aspects for career services are fully operational, therefore the budget is included in the committee budget. The budget is lower because the costs for the socials were much lower than budgeted the past half year. The budget is higher because of unforeseen costs for the physical mailing of promotional letters.
Committees Committees
The committee budget is lower because of positive results in the past half year.
This year a loss is budgeted which is possible because of last years’ profit. The loss will compensate for last years’ profit so that the zero profit goal remains intact in the long run.
80 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Agenda 2013-2014 Income statement Account
Revenues 8001
Acquisition revenue
Subsidies and donations
2.010 550
Total revenues
Expenses 4210
Printing activities
Total expenses
Contribution Agenda
3.069 3.069
Net income 0 The printing expenses were lower than last year due to a lower circulation number. The loss is corresponding to the budget and will be transferred to the EBF Board budget by means of the account 4412: Contribution Agenda.
81 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
EBF Conference 2013 Income statement Account
Revenues 8001
Acquisition revenue
Contribution participants
Contribution Alumni foundation
Subsidy faculty
3.500 14.000
Total revenues
Expenses 4002
Bank products
Office supplies
Cost of residence
Business gifts
Declarations committees
Posters, flyers and banners
Promotional stunts
Printing activities
Printing companies
Printing business cards
Other promotional expenses
Socials and consumptions
Extra activities
Incidental loss
Total expenses 4415
Contribution EBF Conference
71 123 79 1.502
61.551 -4.910
Net income
82 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
The income statement of the EBF Conference has been closed with a negative result of 4.910. This loss is according to budget and will be transferred to the EBF Board budget by means of 4415: Contribution EBF Conference.
ESR December 2013: Madrid Income statement Account
Revenues 8001
Contribution participants
2.425 5.573
Subsidy faculty
Subsidies and donations
Total revenues
Expenses 4101
Business gifts
Declarations committees
Posters, flyers and banners
Printing activities
Printing companies
Socials and consumptions
Additional activities
Total expenses 4421
Contribution ESR December
Net income
6.640 48
3.178 737 12.445 -2.447 0
The European Study Research Madrid made a loss of 2.447. Due to low accommodation expenses it was possible to lower the participation fee to the original amount of 175. The loss is 47 over budget which is the result of a technical accounting mistake. The loss is transferred to the EBF Board budget by means of account 441: Contribution ESR December.
83 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Introduction committee Income statement Account
Revenues 8001
Contribution participants
Subsidy faculty
Sales revenue
Total revenues
Expenses 4010
Office equipment
Declarations committees
Posters, flyers and banners
Additional activities
Costs of goods sold
Incidental loss
Total expenses 4423
Contribution introduction committee
17 12.132 152 47
20.321 1.251 826 5.225 556 41.702 -2.596
Net income 0 The Introduction committee made a loss of 2.596. This is lower than budgeted, main reason for this is a lower number of participations than expected. The loss will be transferred to the EBF Board budget by means of account 4423: Contribution Introduction committee.
84 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
EBF/Marug Recruitment Days 2013 Income statement Account
Revenues 8001
Acquisition revenue
Contribution participants
94.655 6.393
Total revenues
Expenses 4001
Bank products
Business gifts
Declarations committees
Posters, flyers and banners
Pens and gadgets
Promotional stunts
Printing activities
Printing business cards
Other promotional expenses
Socials and consumptions
Additional activities
Total expenses 4426
Contribution recruitment days
Net income
126 86 1.724 12.627
103 5.284 60 1.407 1.263
65.048 36.000 0
The Recruitment Days total profit was higher than budgeted. The higher amount of profit was used as extra depreciation of the scheduling programme which benefits the even in the future. Both the regular and the extra depreciation are included in the account ICT. Besides this a provision was made for the purchase of a new website and logo. The profit of 36.000 will be divided between EBF and MARUG 12.000 will be transferred to MARUG the remaining 24.000 will be transferred to the EBF Board budget by means of account 4426: Contribution Recruitment Days.
85 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Foundation EBF International Business Research Balance Sheet 30-09-2013 Debit
Bank - IBR 1 Main account
Bank - IBR 2 Main account
Bank - Savings account
Accounts receivable
VAT receivable
Prepaid amounts
Amounts receivable
Total Assets
125.517 42.306 117
Liabilities 040
Retained earnings
Accounts payable
VAT payable
Total Equity and Liabilities
Income Total:
The EBF International Business Research foundation Balance Sheet provides information about the liquidity and financial basis for the IBR Projects. The EBF IBR foundation financial year ranges from th the 1st of October until the 30 of September. The most remarkable accounts are explained on the following page.
86 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Assets 001
This account contains the two cameras bought for during the travelling periods. Material collected could be used for promotional activities.
Account receivable
This account is relatively high because partners for IBR 2014 have not paid yet.
Equity is held to protect the IBR Project against both solvability and liquidity risks. Furthermore, it creates room for general project-wide investments.
Accounts payable
This account is relatively high because the repayment of the participants is included. The repayment is done in the meanwhile.
87 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
IBR Foundation 2013 Income Statement Debit
Subsequent revenues
Interest revenues
Incidental results
Total: Revenues
Expenses 415
Local travel
Subsequent expenses
Total: Expenses
62 644 1.000 51 2.248
Net income 7.389 The difference between de net income and the retained income as shown on the balance sheet are due to unrealized results from the past. The administration is now cleaned up and up-to-date and will be in the future.
88 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
IBR Colombia 2013 Income Statement Account
Contribution participants
Acquisition revenue
Interest revenues
Revenues 24.250 250 1.000 68.877 700
Total: Revenues
Expenses 401
Local travel
Travel abroad
Other expenses abroad
Office equipment
Bank products
Depreciation Afschrijvingskosten
Business gifts
Other expenses
Restitution participants
Total: Expenses
774 23.100 1.303 7 4.711 13 1.131 730 79
Net income 1.930 IBR Colombia had a difficult financial year. The target of 11 contracts was not reached therefore the participant contribution was higher. This resulted in a positive net income which was partially repaid to the participants and partially transferred to the foundation. After all, the result was quite good though, which resulted in a benefit for the EBF IBR foundation and a restitution for the participants.
89 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
IBR Vietnam 2013 Income Statement Debit
Contribution participants
Acquisition revenue
Interest revenues
Incidental results
Revenues 13.000 250 1.000 90.200
Total: Revenues
Expenses 401
Local travel
Travel abroad
Other expenses abroad
Office equipment
30.516 9.375 681
13 1.586 747 86
Bank products
Depreciation Afschrijvingskosten
Business gifts
Other expenses
Restitution participants
Total: Expenses
1.009 2.011 11.556 102.261
Net income 2.889 IBR Vietnam was financially successful with a net income, which benefited the EBF IBR Foundation and created a restitution for the participants.
90 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Proposal to adjust the declaration policy for committees Groningen, 24th of February 2014 Dear EBF Members, Hereby the EBF Board presents a proposal to adjust the declaration policy for committees. In the beginning of the year the full declaration policy was presented. Because of this declaration policy almost all committees have the possibility to declare costs made for the EBF. For a few committees some costs are not yet declarable. For two committees the EBF Board would like to adjust the declaration policy and make extra costs declarable. Therefore the proposal to adjust the declaration policy for committees is as following: -
Add suits for the speakers team to the declaration policy. With this adjustment €100,- per committee member of the speakers team is declarable for the purchase of a suit. The speakers team fulfils a representative function at the leadership panels of the EBF. In order to fulfil this representative function and show up as one entity at the leadership panels the proposal is made to have suits declarable for the speakers team.
Add committee clothing for the prospect committee to the declaration policy. With this adjustment €20,- per committee member of the prospect committee is declarable for the purchase of committee clothing. With the coming of the digital prospect magazine it is important to guarantee good visibility of the prospect. In order to do so promotional activities will be employed. Committee clothing has a supportive role in the visibility of the activities of a committee which is now needed for the prospect as well. Because of the above reasons the proposal is made to have committee clothing declarable for the prospect committee.
Yours sincerely, On behalf of het EBF Board 2013 – 2014,
Frank van Loo Treasurer
91 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
List of translations Dutch – English Ledger accounts Income Statement Ledger
Description Dutch
Description English
8001 8101 8102 8103 8201 8202 8203 8401 8402 9101 9102 9103 9104
Baten Totaal Sponsorinkomsten Opbrengst lidmaatschap Bijdrage deelnemers Bijdrage Alumni stichting Bijdrage Faculteit Bijdrage EBF Bestuur Subsidies/donaties Afgeschreven crediteuren Opbrengst verkopen Nagekomen baten Incidentele winst Interestopbrengsten Vrijval voorzieningen Totaal Baten
Revenues Acquisition revenue Membership fees Contribution participants Contribution Alumni foundation Subsidy faculty Contribution EBF Board Subsidies and donations Written off accounts payable Sales revenue Subsequent revenues Incidental profit Interest revenues Released provisions Total Revenues
Lasten Telefonie Porto Bankproducten Verzekeringen ICT-kosten Boekhoudsoftware Webhosting Adviezen en diensten Abonnementen Kantoorartikelen Briefpapier Enveloppen Afschrijvingen
Expenses Telephone Postage Bank products Insurance ICT Accounting software Webhosting Advisory and Services Subscriptions Office equipment Writing paper Envelopes Depreciation
4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4012 4013 4014 92
Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Overige administratiekosten Totaal Administratiekosten
Other administrative expenses Total Administrative expenses
4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4108 4110 4111
Vervoerskosten Verblijfskosten Relatiegeschenken Commissiebedankjes Declaraties bestuur en comissies Declaraties commissies Oud besturendag Raad van Advies en Verenigingsraad ALV kosten Totaal Representatiekosten
Transportation Costs of residence Business gifts Committee gifts Declarations board and committees Declarations committees Former-board Day Board of Advice and Advisory Council General Members’ Meeting Total Representation expenses
4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4210
Posters, flyers en banners Pennen en gadgets SMS-kosten Website aanpassingen PR-stunt Drukwerk activiteit Totaal Promotiekosten
Posters, flyers and banners Pens and gadgets SMS Website adjustments Promotional stunts Printing Total Promotion expenses
4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 4306 4307 4308 4310
Actieve leden activiteiten Algemene leden activiteiten Borrels en consumpties Catering Accommodatie Techniek Artiesten Aanvullende activiteiten Leadership Panels Totaal Activiteiten Bijdrage Agenda Bijdrage EBF Congres Bijdrage Consulting Event Bijdrage ESR December Bijdrage Introductie Bijdrage Dutch Inhouse Tours Totaal Commissies
Active members activities General members activities Socials and consumptions Catering Accommodation Technical Artists Additional activities Leadership Panels Total Activity expenses Contribution Agenda Contribution EBF Conference Contribution Consulting Event Contribution ESR December Contribution Introduction Camp Contribution Dutch Inhouse Tours Total Committees
4412 4415 4418 4421 4423 4431 93
Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Lustrum Totaal Opbouwen voorzieningen
Lustrum Total Addition to provisions
4901 4902 9001 9002
Afgeschreven debiteuren Inkoopwaarde verkopen Nagekomen lasten Incidenteel verlies Totaal Diverse kosten
Uncollectible accounts Cost of goods sold Subsequent expenses Incidental loss Total other expenses
94 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Balance Sheet Ledger
Description Dutch
Description English
0001 0002 0003
Computers Inventaris ICT hardware Totaal Vaste activa
Computers Office equipment and inventory ICT hardware Total Fixed Assets
Nog te ontvangen Dutch Inhouse Tours Debiteuren Rek. te vorderen BTW Nog te ontvangen bedragen Vooruitbetaalde bedragen Voorraad briefpapier Totaal: Vlottende activa
Amounts receivable Dutch Inhouse Tours Accounts receivable VAT receivable Amounts receivable Prepaid amounts Writing paper Total Current Assets
1042 1043 1044 1045 1047 1048
Bank - Hoofdrekening Bank – Incasso Bank - Recruitment Days Bank - Rendementsrekening Bank - EBF Conference Bank- Dollar rekening Totaal Liquide middelen
Bank – EBF Checking account Bank – Direct debit account Bank – Recruitment Days Bank – EBF Savings account Bank – EBF Conference Bank – US Dollar account Total Cash and Cash Equivalents
0021 0022 0023
Eigen vermogen Saldo lopend boekjaar Saldo winst Totaal: Eigen vermogen Voorziening lustrum Voorziening nagekomen lasten Voorziening algemeen beleid Voorziening commissies Totaal Voorzieningen
Equity Balance current financial year Retained earnings Total Equity Provision lustrum Provision subsequent expenses Provision general policy Provision committees Total Provisions
0012 1001 1021 1091 1092 7001
0041 0042 0043 0044
0031 0051 1011
Vooruitontvangen Lidmaatschapsgelden Nog te betalen bedragen MARUG Crediteuren
Membership fees received in advance Amounts payable MARUG Accounts payable
95 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
1022 1093 1094 1095
Rek. af te dragen BTW Nog te betalen bedragen Vooruitontvangen bedragen Rekening Courant Stichting IBR Totaal Vreemd vermogen
VAT payable Amounts payable Amounts received in advance Current account EBF IBR Foundation Total Liabilities
2001 2011
Tussenrekening Kruisposten Totaal Kruisposten
Interim account Balancing entries Total Balancing entries
96 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014
Signed for agreement by the complete EBF Board 2013-2014
Matthijs van de Grift
Hadewich de Roo van Alderwerelt
Frank van Loo
Marit Dolfing
Lennart Speller
Ilse Arends
Stefan Kapell
Florian Arndt
97 Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen Half-yearly General Members’ Meeting, 10th of March 2014