Active Membership - Information Brochure 2015-2016

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PREFACE Dear (prospective) student, At the moment you are in, or about to start, the most enriching years of your life. Besides all the academic knowledge you acquire, your time as a student is also an opportunity to develop yourself on a professional and social level. As faculty association, the EBF offers you the opportunity to combine these aspects. Due to the dedication and enthusiasm of around 180 EBF Active members, the EBF is able to organise interesting activities during the academic year in the field of study, career, recreation and internationalisation. Becoming an active member at the EBF offers you the experience to get in contact with companies, organise a professional event or even kickstart your career. Besides all the advantages in the professional field, it also gives you the chance to meet fellow students and have a wonderful time during your committee year! In this booklet you can read what EBF Active membership offers you and for which EBF Committees you can apply. For each committee a description explaining the event and committee responsibilities is provided. Furthermore, it provides you with time indications and testimonials so that you will be able to choose the EBF Committee that suits you best. Do you have any questions about the EBF or remaining questions about active membership? Please don’t hesitate to contact us! The EBF Board is always willing to tell you everything you need to know to make your decision. We are looking forward to welcome you as a new active member of the EBF! Kind regards,

Ilse Grasmeijer Chairman EBF Board 2015-2016

The EBF aspires to support and foster the academic, professional and personal development of the student through its activities. These activities are divided into four categories:


The EBF provides services to make studying easier and offers inspiring academic insights. Amongst others, the EBF Symposium, several Leadership Panels, where leaders of the industry will share their vision on leadership, and the largest student conference of the Netherlands are organised by the EBF. Listening to these inspiring speakers broadens your knowledge and adds value to your studies. Furthermore, the EBF offers you the EBF Academy, including the EBF Booksale, the ability to buy summaries and an online study platform.


Would you like to know what goes on inside a company or are you curious to see what opportunities the labour market has to offer you? The EBF organises career days and other recruitment activities, which will provide students with an excellent opportunity to get in contact with business professionals. The EBF organises for example Entrepreneurship Evenings and the Recruitment Days, where around 40 companies are present.


The EBF enhances the international learning experiences of its members and encourages the interaction between domestic and international students. The EBF offers the European Study Research, where a city in Europe is visited by a group of 25 students to conduct field research and enjoy the time together. Furthermore, the International Business Research is organised, where you will conduct five weeks of research, followed by five weeks of travelling in countries all over the world. In addition, several other activities, such as an International Day, are organised.


Several recreational activities are organised to stimulate integration between EBF Members. As a freshman you can join the EBF Introduction Weekend, where you are able to meet fellow students starting their studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business. Furthermore, the EBF organises a social every first Monday of the month for all members . At the EBF Social you can have a drink with your fellow students. The whole night, drinks are 1 euro, whereas you pay only 0,50 in Happy Hour. In addition, several other recreational activities are organised throughout the year, examples are Freshmen and Profile Introduction Activities.

WHAT ELSE DOES ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP OFFER YOU? Besides the professional and organisational experience you will gain by taking place in an EBF Committee, active membership offers you a lot more. It is a year full of fun and social activities whereby you will get to know not only your own committee members, but also many other active members. At the start of the committee year, all new active members are invited to join the New Active Members Weekend. During the year, the EBF organises several activities to relax and have fun besides your committee work. Examples are functional dinners, committee mixes, active members days, a Christmas dinner and celebrating ‘Sinterklaas’ together. The EBF enables her active members to participate in function specific courses, so that they will be able to develop themselves even more and optimally perform their tasks. Does this combination of professional and social experience appeal to you? Becoming an EBF Active Member might be the perfect challenge for you!

TESTIMONIAL REMCO WESTENBEEK “As former Commercial Relations of the Recruitment Days and former Chairman of European Study Research Belgrade, one could say I have been a fairly active member of the EBF. This experience has given me a lot. Most importantly, I got to know a great deal of people and made a lot of friends, especially within my own committees. Spending such intensive time together and going to socials and parties really creates a bond. Furthermore, I have been able to develop myself to a large degree. Working together in a tight team towards a common goal develops one’s ability to do teamwork. Also, reflecting with committee members on individual progress gives you a lot of self-knowledge, which makes it able for you to improve certain personality traits and abilities. Moreover, I developed my commercial as well as leadership skills greatly. Lastly, being an active member of the EBF adds a lot of potential to your career possibilities. I have personally been able to get an internship at Heineken, a pretty sweet deal! Without my active member experience, the chances of Heineken hiring me would have been much lower. So, being a former active member has improved my social life, my personal abilities and my future!” Remco Westerbeek Chairman ESR Belgrade 2015 Commercial Relations Recruitment Days 2014

EBF COMMITTEES On the subsequent pages you can find all EBF Committees that will be formed this year. A description of the committee responsibilities is included. In the table below, an overview of the time indication in hours per committee is provided. The committees marked with a star (*) are open for international (non-Dutch speaking) students. Committee

Recruited in

EBF Symposium*


Speakers Committee


Entrepreneurship Committee


International Committee*


Activity Committee*


Active Members Committee*


Academy Committee


Marketing Committee*


Commercial Committee


ESR Spring*


ESR Fall*


Master Communities*


Women in Business*


Consultancy Tour


Prospect Committee*


Freshmen Committee*


Introduction Committee*


EBF/JFV Christmas Ball


EBF/MARUG Recruitment Days


EBF Conference


International Business Research




25-30 Full time

SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE In this committee you will organise the EBF Symposium which will take place in the second semester of this academic year. The EBF Symposium will provide students the opportunity to get in touch with companies and listen to speakers from several national and international companies. As a member of this committee, you will be responsible for arranging the program of the day, in which you will invite profound speakers and interesting companies. In the past, for example, the CEO of Microsoft in the Netherlands came to Groningen. Are you a student looking for the opportunity to get in contact with various companies and speakers? And do you want to realise an event together with other motivated students? Organising the EBF Symposium could be the challenge you are looking for.


Inspiring speakers are the core of several EBF Events, as member of the Speakers Committee you will be challenged to get them to Groningen. By taking place in this committee, it will be your task to extend the speakers network of the EBF. You will be involved in the organisation of the EBF Business Classes, Leadership Panels, and Eye on’s. Together with your committee members, you will brainstorm about prospective speakers and how to contact them. Renowned speakers who visited the EBF in the past are Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Paul Polman, Alexander Pechtold, Gerrit Zalm, Dick Berlijn, and Mark Rutte. Will you get the next big name to Groningen?

ENTREPRENEURSHIP COMMITTEE The goal of the Entrepreneurship Evenings is to broaden the horizons of Dutch students in the field of entrepreneurship. Interactive lectures provided by inspiring entrepreneurs will show the many opportunities of entrepreneurship. The informal atmosphere of the evenings will provide the entrepreneurs and students with the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences with each other. In the academic year 2014-2015, four Entrepreneurship Evenings with a range of different themes and speakers were organised. For example, the topic ‘Online Start-ups’ was discussed with the founders and CEOs of and DBK.

INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE The Faculty of Economics and Business welcomes more international students every year. The International Committee aims to serve the needs of international students, and to organise activities that stimulate the integration between Dutch and international students. Last year, this committee organised the EBF International Day, where students were introduced to 13 different nationalities and attended workshops about the business climate in the Netherlands and abroad.

ACTIVITY COMMITTEE The Activity Committee is responsible for organising the monthly EBF Socials, as well as the EBF End of the Year Party in May. The EBF Socials take place in the &ZO every first Monday of the month. Last year, every social had a different theme. Amongst others a ‘Carnival Social’, ‘Pyjama Party’ and an ‘I Love Holland Social’ were organised. As a member of the Activity Committee, you and your fellow committee members take on the challenge to turn every social into a great evening for all EBF Members!

ACTIVE MEMBERS COMMITTEE Every year, approximately 180 students take place in a committee of the EBF. The Active Members Committee makes sure these active members get to relax and have fun together aside all their committee work. This committee will be responsible for organising several socials and activities for all active members of the EBF. Examples of activities are the Active Members Christmas Dinner, the participation of the EBF in the Batavierenrace and the Active Members Day to conclude the year.


The Academy Committee is responsible for the study services offered by the EBF. This means that you will organise the Book Sale four times a year, manage the sale of the summaries and supervise the academy page and platform on the EBF Website. The Academy Committee is one of the largest committees of the EBF and therefore a very good way to meet new people and have great committee evenings. Additionally it is a very instructive challenge to make sure your fellow students can study effectively.


The Marketing Committee is the creative brain of the EBF. The Marketing Committee takes pictures and video’s at all events and supports other committees with promoting their event. The EBF offers courses to all PR-Officers whereby you will learn to work with InDesign, Photoshop and Premier Pro. Besides this, you will be trained to take pictures and videos. Within this committee you will meet many other active members, as the Marketing Committee is present at all the EBF Activities to capture everything. It provides you an opportunity to develop your creative talents and meet many fellow students.

COMMERCIAL COMMITTEE The Commercial Committee is a great committee for those who want to gain more experience in approaching companies and making deals for the EBF. Together with your committee members you will focus on companies in and around Groningen. Tasks include managing the company portfolio, acquiring deals for the Membership Value Card, assisting other committees in their acquisition activities and developing new commercial opportunities and projects for the EBF. The Commercial Committee is an important part of the EBF, as good cooperation with local business partners also enhances the value the EBF can deliver to its members.

EUROPEAN STUDY RESEARCH COMMITTEE The European Study Research (ESR) is a week-long research trip that will be organised in May and November. For this trip, 25 students will join the ESR Committee to a European destination and visit several companies to find answers on their research questions. For both research trips a different committee will be responsible, which implies that two ESR Committees will be formed each year. Together with your committee, you will be responsible for choosing the city of destination. Previous years, the European Study Research went to Istanbul, Prague, Milan, Bratislava, Madrid, Riga and Berlin. Developing a research theme and the sub-themes is another responsibility of this committee. The ESR Committee will organise a week characterised by a perfect combination of companies, culture, research and fun!

PROSPECT COMMITTEE Prospect is one of the largest online student magazines in the Netherlands. The magazine is published by the EBF and every edition is send to 6000 students and alumni of our faculty and the companies the EBF has contact with. Because of the different groups whom read the Prospect, it has the ability to attract the attention of important key figures in companies, politics and scientific research. In the Prospect Committee you are involved in the entire process, from conducting the interviews to writing the articles, from text editing to optimising the lay-out.

MASTER COMMUNITIES A Master Community is a part of the EBF and FEB that focuses on a specific master. The purpose of the Community is to bring the students of a certain master in contact with fellow students, alumni, organisations and professors of the master. The Master Communities organise several formal and informal activities during the year. Through the Master Communities, students will be able to bridge the gap between theory and practice and become an integrated group of people. In total there are six Master Communities, serving students from the following masters: Human Resource Management, Change Management, Strategic Innovation Management, Small Business and Entrepreneurship, International Economics and Business, International Business and Management. Each Community organises activities for its specific target group. Recent examples of activities are an inhouse-day at BoerCroon, a lecture from the former CEO of Bakker Bart and an introduction weekend in Bakkeveen.

WOMEN IN BUSINESS COMMITTEE This year the first Women in Business Event will be organised. This day will include an inspiring speech from a successful business woman, two interactive cases from companies and an informal workshop to get in contact with these companies. When taking place in this committee, you can gain experience in contacting the partners, arranging all the logistics, contacting an inspiring speaker and promoting of the event. Are you interested in organising this brand new event together with three female committee members, and meanwhile get into contact with interesting companies?

CONSULTANCY TOUR COMMITTEE Are you interested in consultancy? Would you like to set up a multiple day career event where final year students can meet several high end consulting firms at their offices? Then consider applying for the EBF Consultancy Tour committee. In the Spring of 2016, this new EBF Event will be organised. As a committee member, you gain experience in contacting the partners for this event, arranging practical matters and making other students enthusiastic for this event. In the end, you will be proud of organising an event where a group of students met some great consultancy firms and learned about a career in the consultancy sector.

FRESHMEN COMMITTEE The Freshmen Committee will organise recreational events for first year students at the faculty of Economics and Business. Examples of previously organised activities are a paintball tournament, a pub quiz and a dinner especially for freshmen. Together with your committee members you will brainstorm about freshmen activities for the coming year, whereafter you will be responsible for the organisation of these activities.

INTRODUCTION COMMITTEE Every year the EBF Introduction Weekend takes place for all new first year FEB students. Together with your committee members you organise an amazing three day weekend, to introduce and familiarise the first years with the EBF and with each other. Fun, interactive activities, a management game and great parties with a theme will contribute to a great weekend. This weekend needs some serious preparation, since around 400 people will join the weekend!

CHRISTMAS BALL COMMITTEE Every year the EBF and the JFV (Faculty Association of Law) organise a ball together in December. The committee consists of six students, of which three come from the EBF and three come from the JFV. The committee is responsible for the organisation of a Christmas Ball for around 800 students. This includes arranging suitable music, decorations and devising a theme!

RECRUITMENT DAYS COMMITTEE Every year in December the Recruitment Days are organised, which is one of the biggest recruitment events for students in the Netherlands. The EBF organises this multipleday event together with MARUG, the marketing association. Over 500 students visit the Recruitment Days to explore their opportunities on the labour market. The event is visited by students who are searching for an internship or job, but also by younger students who have just started to orientate themselves. A broad range of activities take place during the Recruitment Days. From general lectures by companies accessible for any participant, to individual interviews with recruiters for which students are selected based on their CV. Interactive cases are offered to give students a better insight in a particular company, and in the evenings business dinners and networking socials are organised. As a member of the Recruitment Days Committee, you will be responsible for setting up the entire event. The committee tasks include contacting the participating companies, arranging the event location and logistics, set up a program for each day and designing the promotion material for the event. You will organise an event that offers a large amount of fellow students the opportunity to get in contact with companies, both on a formal and informal level.


“Starting in March 2013 I have had the privilege of guiding and aiding 6 other MARUG and EBF Students as Chairman of the Recruitment Days Committee 2013. Organising the Recruitment Days has been the single most satisfying thing I have done so far during my studies. To start off as a group of strangers and work towards a common goal during almost nine months is an experience that cannot be emphasised enough. The Recruitment Days is considered as one of the best recruitment events in the Netherlands and thus has a fantastic reputation among students and recruiters. You are therefore not only organising a great event, but also helping to develop yourself and your career prospects. So don’t wait another second and apply for the Recruitment Days!” Joris Betman Chairman Recruitment Days 2013

EBF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE The EBF Conference in Groningen is the largest two-day student conference in the Netherlands. The event consist of two consecutive conference days, which will each have a different character. The first day will be the academic day for senior students, alumni and corporate participants. Professors from several universities will be invited to visit this day and share their vision, which provides insights on the theme from an academic perspective. On the second day, the conference day, more than 500 students will be welcomed. During this day, renowned speakers will give engaging lectures and share their experiences and visions. Furthermore, workshops and master classes will be provided by recruiters and senior level professionals. Examples of previous speakers are Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States; Klaas Knot, President of the Dutch National Bank; and Guy Wollaert, Senior Vice President of Coca Cola. Committee responsibilities include contacting speakers, acquiring companies and arranging the day organisation. Together with your fellow committee members, you will have a great time organising the EBF Conference. You will gain many new experiences, make new friends and develop yourself in a professional way.

TESTIMONIAL LIEKE KNIP “In October 2014 the organisation of the EBF Conference 2015 started. Together with five other motivated students, I had the privilege to organise the largest two-day student conference of the Netherlands. Working together with a group of students for almost a year to organise such a big event is a great experience I would definitely recommend to everyone. During this year, you will get to know many new people, get in touch with renowned speakers, companies and a lot of other parties. Besides that you have to work hard, the EBF Conference Committee is a lot of fun. Not only because of all the social activities the EBF offers, but also because you will have weekly dinners with your committee, go on trips and visit events together. The EBF Conference has a high reputation among students, academia and companies, which gives you the opportunity to develop yourself, broaden your network and boost your career. So don’t hesitate any longer and apply for a fantastic year at the EBF Conference!’’ Lieke Knip Vice Chairman/Theme & Speakers EBF Conference 2015


International Business Research (IBR) is a student run project of the EBF and the University of Groningen. IBR conducts research for companies in two emerging markets each year. Examples of destinations from the past are Vietnam, China, Chile and South-Africa. The project concerns research that you will conduct for a Dutch company. Being selected for the IBR Board in February, your board year will start with choosing the destination and contacting companies. Until the beginning of the new academic year, the IBR Board is a part time occupation and can be combined with your studies. After the summer holidays, you will work full time on the project. The preparation phase for participants starts in November, in which they will prepare the research. Furthermore, this period is characterised by many social activities to stimulate the integration between the participants. During the period abroad, field research will be conducted for a period of five weeks, followed by five weeks of travelling in small groups. Each IBR is conducted by 25 students who are supported by two professors of the Faculty of Economics and Business. The IBR board exists out of two different executive boards, both consisting of five people and both responsible for a different destination. Tasks of the board include selecting the emerging markets, setting-up the research and selecting the participants. You will be challenged to turn the project into a success, which will be an invaluable experience.


“The IBR Board consists of two groups of 5 people who are responsible for the International Business Research project. This is a trip to two emerging markets outside of Europe to perform market research for Dutch companies. In my opinion, the appealing aspect is that you can choose your own destination, for me this was India. The trip takes place from April till June, and consists of 5 weeks of market research and 5 weeks of traveling. The IBR Board is the perfect way to experience a full time board and to have 10 amazing weeks in a foreign country. The interesting aspect of IBR is that you work towards a goal on a project basis. I got familiar with the Dutch business culture, work intensively together in a team of 5 people and I spent 10 weeks in an emerging market. Doing the IBR board is the most interesting thing I did in my years in Groningen.� Daan de Vries Public Relations & Travel Coordinator IBR Executive Board India 2014

APPLICATION PROCEDURE Two times a year you can apply for an EBF committee. The first selection round will take place in September and the second selection round will take place at the end of February. Some committees will switch half yearly. This does not mean that you will only take place in the committee for half a year. It only means that after half a year, half of the committee members is making place for new committee members. You can take a look at the application page at the EBF website ( to see which committees there are, what kind of functions exist within the committees, and the approximate time each committee takes. Do you have any questions regarding the recruitment? Please visit recruitment, send your question to or ask one of the EBF Board members! We hope to see YOU as one of our new active members this year!


A board year at the EBF means a full year of new experiences and new insights. As a board member of the EBF you will gain a lot of experience in one year; one year of challenges in strategic thinking, working in a team and motivating others. A board year at the EBF is multidimensional, challenging and very informative. After your board year, you can take your knowledge with you in your future career. You will experience a year you will never forget! The EBF Board 2016-2017 will be recruited in March 2016. For more information about the positions and the application procedure, keep an eye on!

STAY TUNED! /EBFGroningen @EBFGroningen /EBFMovies @EBFGroningen



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