Honours Forum E C O N O M I C S
Future Trends in Innovation
in association with
16 February, 2012 Academy Building Room A2 Groningen
After a successful Honours Forum in October 2011, we want to invite you to the second Honours Forum of this academic year.
The theme of this evening will be Future Trends in Innovation. The concept of innovation is a very interesting one, we could say that innovation is the catalyst to growth. During this economically challenging times, innovation may very well be the rescue for many businesses. That is, if they make use of it properly.
We invited Arnout Appelo, owner of Appelo Management Consultancy B.V., and prof. dr. Dries Faems, professor of Innovation and Organization at our faculty of economics and business, to tell us all about future trends in innovation. Dr. Christoph Streb, assistant professor at the faculty, will be chairman of the evening.
We hope you will enjoy the forum!
The Honours Forum committee Pascal Nattkamp, Ruud Schrijver, Nathalie Fuchs, Jessica van der Kroef
Programme Date 19:30 hrs
Thursday, 16 February, 2012
19:50 hrs Introduction by chairman dr. Christop Streb
20:00 hrs
Location Lecture room A2 Academy Building Broerstraat 5
Prof. dr. Dries Faems
20:45 hrs Break
21:00 hrs Arnout Appelo
21:50 hrs Closing
22:00 hrs Drinks at De Keyzer
Chairman Dr. Christoph Streb Assistant Professor Department of Innovation Management & Strategy Faculty of Economics and Business University of Groningen
Dr. Christoph Streb is an assistant professor at the University of Groningen, working at the department of Innovation Management & Strategy, and he is also fellow at the SOM Research Institute of the University of Groningen. His expertise is entrepreneurship, strategy, innovation, and aging workforce management.
Speaker Prof. Dr. Dries Faems Professor of Innovation & Organization Department of Innovation Management & Strategy Faculty of Economics and Business University of Groningen
Dries Faems is a professor of Innovation & Organization at the University of Groningen, as well as an affiliated researcher at the Research Centre of Organization studies of the Catholic University of Leuven. With his thesis titled: “Collaboration for Innovation: Processes of Governance and Learning in R&D Alliances.�, he not only became Doctor in Applied Economics, but also a finalist of the 2007 BPS Best Dissertation Competition. He published in several journals such as Academy of Management Journal and Journal of Product Innovation Management. His expertise is innovation, alliances, and acquisitions.
Speaker Arnout Appelo Owner of Appelo Management Consultancy B.V.
Arnout Appelo is a marketing executive focused on market orientated innovation. He is the owner of Appelo Management Consultancy BV., and worked at Philips as a senior Product Manager and Consumer Marketing director. He gained international experience in France and Brazil. Last year he gave a lecture on Innovation for Honours students of the Business stream.
Special thanks to‌
Eva Kool, EBF
Christoph Streb
Sophie Paulides, EBF
Dries Faems
Sjoerd Rieske
Arnout Appelo
Evelien Croonen
Honours College
Padma Rao Sahib