Prospect / September 2011 / Volume 5 / Issue 1
Magazine of Economics and Business student Faculty association Groningen
Jim O’Neill
Chairman Goldman Sachs Asset Management
Max van den Berg Queen’s Commissioner Groningen
Rick Nieman Anchorman RTL Nieuws
Conference Theme / Key-note Speakers / Conference Programme / Bookreview / Faculty News
<On the pursuit of professionalism >
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Persoonlijk Personal
Colofon Prospect
Dear reader,
Volume 5 / Issue 1 / September 2011 EDITOR IN CHIEF Martin van der Meulen EDITORIAL BOARD Joost Lensen, Pieter Lindeman, Liesbeth Luimes, Wendy
AUTHORS Omri Azoulay, Mart Beune, Jan Geschiere, Joram Kok,
Reboot: ‘To reboot a computer system, halting the operating system and then starting it up again.’ The last years we have been confronted with all sorts of ‘rebooting’, not only in the way that a dictionary describes. All these other ways are to be shared with you. Here, in this magazine, but also on the upcoming and biggest EBF event: The EBF Conference. nomic system were exposed. Particularly governmental initiatives were started to reboot the system and to get the economy growing again. With the current nervous market these crises are not over yet and the expectation is that complete recovery many years
PHOTOGRAPHY LAY OUT Joost Lensen, Pieter Lindeman SPECIAL THANKS TO Max van der Berg, Rick Nieman, Jim O’Neill, Jan Pronk
the reason for rebooting, not only from an economic point of view but also in other areas…
‘My fellow Americans, people all over the world, we need to solve the climate crisis, it’s not a political issue, it’s a moral issue. We have everything we need to get started, with the possible exception of the will to act, that’s a renewable resource, let’s renew it’ – Al Gore
EBF | Prospect P.O. Box 800 9700 AV Groningen T: 050 - 363 7301 E:
It is quite clear that what Al Gore wants so say here is that we have to reboot on sustainability. He is to be seen as one of the
also an area of great concern to the economy and the way of doing business. With his movie ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ he tried to alarm the world for pollution and global warming. In addition, he chairs the Alliance for Climate Protection by which he launches 14 september a new Climate Reality Project. He is the leading example of an initiator of a reboot, who is dilligated to show the world the importance of responsible growth.
E: CIRCULATION 7000 copies CHANGE OF ADDRESS v/d Waal ( and students can communicate changes of adress to the Centrale Studentenbalie ( or adjust it themselves through changes of address. PUBLISHER Economics and Business student Faculty association, COPYRIGHT PROSPECT Articles and pictures from this edition can only be
This special Conference edition highlights all the aspects of the upcoming Conference. This issue contains interviews with Rick Nieman, Max van der Berg and Jim O’Neill about responsible leadership and responsible growth. Beside the interviews, this edition contains a column of the conference moderator Jan Pronk and information about the conference speakers, workshops and the rest of the programme. Will Prospect reboot soon? I do not know, undoubtedly there will be some changes but this will be under the responsibility of my successor Harmen Claassen. For the last time I wish you lots of fun reading this edition and hope to see you at the EBF Conference. Kind regards,
Martin van der Meulen Editor in Chief
pagina 3 / September 2011
Do you want to organise the biggest two-day conference of the Netherlands? On the EBF Conference 2012 Committee, you will get the chance to persuade big international speakers to come to Groningen. You will organise two days of lectures and workshops with a theme of your choice! This year, the EBF Conference 2011 will welcome Al Gore, who will discuss sustainability!
This is an overview of all the other committees of the EBF you can apply for! This sign
means that international students can participate in the committee.
For more information visit Activity Committee
Freshmen Symposium
Acquisition Team
Lustrum Committee
Business Class
Promotion Team
Dutch Inhouse Tours
Prospect Magazine
European Study Research
International Activity Workgroup
Support Committee
International Symposium pagina 4 / September 2011
Congres Conference
Preface Wake Up Call Author: Omri Azoulay
The reason that the recent global financial crisis took us and the rest of the world by surprise is that the fundamental measure we use for our economic wellbeing failed us. It failed to take into account sustainability. This is the problem with GDP! Our GDP counts predatory lending as well as for instance air pollution and ozone depletion. It counts the destruction of the woods, and the loss of our natural wonders due to industrialization. It notably also counts napalm and nuclear warheads. Are we not hampered, as people, by the primary index we have created to measure our so-called (economic) well-being. To me, the financial downturn was just one tangible example that GDP is indeed guaranteed to get a lot wrong! It proves that unsustainable growth is nevertheless considered to be growth. To the extent that the recent global financial crisis is a reflection of collective values and lifestyles, it is, above all, a cultural crisis. Culture, therefore, has a central place in the complex notion of sustainability. Some, I believe, ‘cultural’ flaws in our contemporary society, are mentioned by our moderator Pronk as the disregard of nature, the religious belief in market mechanisms, the emphasis on material consumption and growth, and the dominance of greed over equity.
This year we have a special EBF Conference edition to celebrate the success of the previous conferences. The kick-off of the event, with the leading sustainability mind Al Gore, will symbolize the launch of a new era for EBF Conferences where we endeavour to take the conference to a higher standard. Lastly, we hope our conference brings you closer to realizing your ‘sustainable’ goals for your - and our - future, by giving you something to think about and by motivating and inspiring you. Of course, above all, we hope our conference will be a day you will never forget.
Omri Azoulay Chairman EBF Conference
Our conference is a direct response that a new paradigm is required. During the conference Reboot: Responsible Leadership, Responsible Growth we will reflect upon this new paradigm which is needed to revolutionize the world. We will discuss what responsible leadership is and how this should be accompanied with a shift in mindset. Possibly, it requires also enforcement through government regulations.
pagina 5 / September 2011
Conference Congres
The quest for sustainable economic development Author: Jan Pronk
Economics has a scent of bad odour, nowadays. The criticism refers to both analyses published by economists and to policy and inequitable development processes, the disregard of nature, the religious belief in market mechanisms, the emphasis on material consumption and growth, the neglect of social inequalities and poverty, the crisis in money and banking, naive thoughts on so-called rational economic behaviour and the dominance of greed over equity: all these phenomena and tendencies have been put under scrutiny. And rightly so. A new paradigm is required. On the other hand, should the criticism be directed against aforementioned economics or against economists who have betrayed their discipline? Economics is dealing with scarcity and welfare. It does not identify increases in welfare with the information, widening communication, greater knowledge and broader education, as well as more cultural activities - writing and reading books, making music, and visiting concerts, enjoying theatre and dance â&#x20AC;&#x201C; do constitute welfare, as soon as people wish to enjoy all this and are willing to spend time, energy and money on it. Ergo, economic welfare does not refer to a larger amount of tangible material goods and immaterial services which have
a common denominator is used in economics in order to enable people to interface with each other. Money as a common denominator is nothing more than a proxy variable, useful in practice and in theory, in order to make comparisons between societies and over time. However, when people identify their welfare with the money value of the goods and services which they produce and consume, or with the corresponding income, it is not because economists inform them.
The same would apply if people have to work longer hours, or harder and in harsher circumstances, in order to meet their needs. And if this goes together with a depletion of scarce resources, such as fertile land, water and fossil fuels, or by polluting the environment, distorting ecological relations, jeopardizing biodiversity and nature, endangering animal welfare and peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s health, the welfare of a society goes down again. So, traditional standard economic theory tells us that but also of distribution, personal procurement costs, - and social psychology. All of this tends to be overlooked in policy making. Partly, this is due to politics itself. Economists, however, should be blamed as well. Somewhere in the 1980s, students of economics have made a decisive turn towards business and management studies, and both in research and literature as well as education. rationality, risks and the market mechanism were given a dominant place in the economic discourse, to communality and public interests. In the search for a new paradigm in economics, we should be wise to go back to the roots.
Conference moderator EBF 2011 Jan Pronk
People are not naive. They know the shortcomings of a proxy variable. They know welfare is not an absolute, but a relative concept. If their needs increase, and if only a smaller part of these needs can be met, despite a larger income, the relative
psychology; it is also standard economic theory.
pagina 6 / September 2011
Inhoud Content
23 14
Rick Nieman
Max van den Berg
40 30 Jim Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Neill
Congres Conference
Preface Editor in Chief
Preface chairman EBF Conference
Column Chairman
Preface moderator EBF Conference 04
Conference theme: Reboot
Faculty News
Academic Day
EBF Agenda
Conference Day
pagina 7 / September 2011
Conference Congres
Reboot Responsible Leadership, Responsible Growth The recent crisis has revealed the flaws in the current economic system. It exposed a corporate focus on short-term gains and that growth continues to be merely expressed in terms of profits, irrespective of the perhaps devastating consequences. Should the crisis be considered as an opportunity to establish that unsustainable growth should no longer be defined as growth? Nowadays, there is a growing awareness that the decisions we make today will influence the well-being of many generations to come. It is believed the time has come for societies to set new sustainable priorities. How can we ensure a brighter future? What are the choices we need today, and who are the leaders we need to guide society into a new future? Decisions in the Present, Implications in the Future The world as we know it faces significant challenges; millions of people still live on less than a dollar a day, millions of children are still unable to obtain decent education and the differences between the wealthy and the poor are still enormous. What role can corporations and public decision-makers play in tackling these problems? Can corporate social responsibility turn the tide? And if so, can it be left to private parties, or should it be enforced by governments? Taking one’s responsibility is often viewed as a costly enterprise. However, there are serious opportunities for companies willing to take this path.
Consumers care about future well-being and want their products to be produced responsibly. Hence, there are potential gains for those who can meet these demands. But what is this Corporate Social Responsibility, and how can consumer demand be met? There is still significant debate on where the priorities of a responsible company should lie, and the type of management needed to make the right choices. However, it is sure that corporations have little choice. The way we do business will change, either through consumer demands or through government regulations. The Sustainability Priority In recent years, the world’s interest in sustainability has skyrocketed. The term ‘sustainability’ is now appearing regularly in headlines and political debates. According to the one priority for CEOs. It appeared that the global economic downturn did not decrease the commitment to sustainability but has on the contrary managed to increase its importance. Notably, eighty percent of CEOs indicated that they find sustainability to be even more important than before the credit crunch. Sustainability officially refers to the ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’.
pagina 8 / September 2011
Congres Conference
Though a very elegant formulation, we still need to figure out what this exactly means to our very complex societies and economies. The concept of sustainability is now firmly established and has moved beyond idealism and academia towards political and economic reality. Furthermore, the concept has become more diverse and different aspects of sustainability have emerged. With public and private initiatives to promote environmental sustainability, it has gained more and more attention. Initiatives such as the Kyoto Protocol and the London Carbon Exchange are examples of public efforts to create a sustainable future, next to numerous private initiatives. Are these efforts sufficient and well-chosen? And if not, what choices should we make to ensure a sustainable future? The Role of Leadership The crisis exposed that leaders’ decisions may have significant impacts – either socially, economically or perhaps environmentally. The more power a leader has, the larger the implications of his decisions are. Hence, the role of leadership is extremely important.
In order to create a sustainable future, new leadership will need to look at many different objectives and stakeholders. In addition to a larger focus on long-term goals, more attention should be paid to ‘soft’ values such as the environment, employee satisfaction, the well-being of customers and business ethics. Perhaps a more diverse set of objectives also requires more diverse leadership. Most management boards today consist of only a small part of women and ethnic minorities. People with different backgrounds have different styles of leadership, meaning that a mixed management will work with a mix of leadership styles. Perhaps this mix will enable organisations to deal with a larger variety of issues. Could it be, for example, that a larger share of women in senior management could increase an organisation’s performance on these ‘soft’ objectives?
With new ways of doing business and shaping the economy comes the question whether current forms of leadership are still appropriate for the future.
pagina 9 / September 2011
Headlines Kopstukken
” ” maken wat er aan de hand is”
Rick Nieman Omgaan met turbulente tijden Auteurs: Mart Beune en Jan Geschiere
Rick Nieman is journalist voor RTL Nederland en anchorman van RTL Nieuws.
Hebt u de ambitie om elders te gaan werken? Wellicht voor een andere omroep?
Nederland terecht bent gekomen?
niet veel ‘switches’ tussen de commerciële en publieke omroepen red.) hier wel een voorbeeld van is. Al met al denk ik dat ik nog
afronding van de middelbare school ben ik gaan studeren in de Verenigde Staten, waar ik hoofdredacteur was van de universiteitskrant. amusementsprogramma’s als ‘De Wereld Draait Door’. Wie het
journalist worden voor de NRC, Elsevier of Volkskrant.
dat wanneer mensen aan RTL denken, ze vaak aan Frits Wester of
programma wat ik erg leuk vond. Het was vooral een spannende vorm kreeg. Al snel werd het programma gekocht door de eruit ziet?
Nederland om daar algemene verslaggeving te gaan doen.
omdat RTL gewoonweg een nieuwsfabriek is waar structuur nodig is. Ik presenteer zes dagen, dan acht dagen niet en vervolgens weer zes dagen wel. Deze dagen lopen van maandag
voor RTL, al zestien jaar lang dus.’ verschil tussen de nieuwsuitzendingen.
pagina 10 / September 2011
Headlines Kopstukken
Zo onderscheidt het half acht nieuws zich van andere
Leren jullie nog steeds Porter’s theorieën? Ja? Zie je! Dit is een voorbeeld van wanneer je iemand een managementgoeroe zou gebruikt worden.
Huidige managers en ondernemers kunnen hier nog veel van vinden en die samen te voegen voor het journaal. De uitdaging is zegt dat je moet doen wat je leuk vindt, ‘follow your passion’. het niet te specialistisch worden. We proberen de essentie van de gebeurtenissen te zoeken en een balans te vinden tussen
niemand het doet. Als je iets doet wat je leuk vindt, kom je in een
maar iedereen weet dat het waar is.’ In de periode van acht dagen tussen het nieuws lezen in doe ik programma’s. Ik heb twee boeken geschreven waarvan één over het nieuws en één over managamentgoeroes. Ik verkeer in de buitengewoon luxe positie dat ik zelf heel veel mag indelen
simpels durven uit te dragen? ’Ja, dat denk ik wel. Dit zegt Ben Tiggelaar ook in het voorwoord
oktober met een achtdelig praatprogramma waar ik zelf heel veel voor doe. Ik nodig hiervoor op eigen initiatief een aantal gasten uit. Een ander voorbeeld komt uit 2008, toen ik voor de Amerikaanse verkiezingen naar Amerika ben gevlogen om daar bekende Nederlanders op te zoeken om hun mening over de indelen.’
Over uw managementgoeroeboek gesproken; wanneer spreek je van een ’Dat is echt een hele goede vraag! Ik denk dat er geen vaste
doorgegeven aan studenten en managers. Als veel mensen deze denkbeelden overnemen en toepassen wordt er vaak gesproken over een managementgoeroe. als je niks doet. Hier komen vaak de meeste creatieve ideeën uit.
pagina 12 / September 2011
Kopstukken Headlines
“Tom Peters laat heel sarcastisch” ” vervolgens foto’s te laten zien” van Raden van Bestuur”
Dit is ook de reden dat je na een brainstormsessie niet direct een besluit moet nemen, maar alles eerst moet laten bezinken. Vaak van vallen en opstaan. Het verschil met leiderschap is dat je als leider moet luisteren naar je werknemers en hiervoor ook open succes hebben, omdat hun werknemers het durven te zeggen als het niet goed gaat. Wanneer een leider zeer hiërarchisch is durven de meeste werknemers de baas niet tegen te spreken. Zulk leiderschap is een tekortkoming geweest in het
managers niet toepassen.’ Wie is uw grote managementgoeroe voorbeeld?
redenen dat de economische crisis is ontstaan. denkt dat iets goed is en je hebt het goed overdacht, doe het dan gewoon! Je moet vasthouden aan je eigen koers om succesvol te worden, ondanks dat sommige mensen wat anders beweren.’
door het glazen plafond voor vrouwen en minderheden? ‘Ten eerste ben ik ervan overtuigd dat er meer diversiteit moet
Kunnen we hieruit concluderen dat Stephen Covey de perfecte leider is?
allemaal foto’s te laten zien van Raden van Bestuur van grote
gekocht. KPN kocht deze frequenties omdat iedereen het deed.
een overgrote meerderheid van de producten door vrouwen wordt gekocht. Dit is toch te gek voor woorden? Of dit een gevolg is van het glazen plafond weet ik niet. Naar
weg volgen? ‘Nee, ik denk niet dat het in elke situatie een goede leiderschapseigenschap is, omdat er ook een bepaald risico aan vast zit. Als leider moet je juist goed luisteren en niet alleen je eigen koers volgen. Zoals Deepak Chopra zegt: luisteren is
bereiken en willen hier veel voor opgeven. Soms werken mannen over alleen om de indruk te wekken dat je ervoor wilt gaan,
om te netwerken. Vrouwen hechten hier minder waarde aan en zouden eerder naar huis gaan om voor de kinderen te gaan zorgen. Dit zit in de natuur van vrouwen, maar veroorzaakt
meer. Je moet je werknemers kunnen inspireren.’ Is je eigen weg volgen dan meer een eigenschap voor ondernemers? ‘Ja, ik denk van wel. Als je zeker weet dat men zit te wachten op
plafond, denk ik.’
pagina 13 / September 2011
Headlines Kopstukken
Over diversiteit gesproken, in uw boek over managementgoeroes worden geen vrouwen geïnterviewd. Wat is de reden hiervan?
Als mensen geen schoon water hebben, dan kopen ze onze
producten koopt.’ Ik vind dit een geweldig voorbeeld van hoe dat wellicht ook wel, maar laten dit niet zo horen. Een kenmerk
aantal vrouwen te noemen die niet hadden misstaan in het boek, maar niet iedereen die je zou willen interviewen doet een toezegging hiervoor, helaas.’
Daarnaast vind ik Polman een goed voorbeeld van modern directief. Een balans tussen luisteren naar je werknemers en directief leiderschap is cruciaal voor het succes van een
leiderschap in het bevorderen van duurzaamheid? ‘Ik vind het goed dat studenten zichzelf ontwikkelen door het uitoefenen van nevenactiviteiten. Dit betekent vaak wel dat er wat langer over de studie wordt gedaan. Hoewel ik niet per om te overleven. Je ziet wel dat de duurzame initiatieven weer Ik ben van mening dat het cruciaal is dat alles wat je doet moet
je zoeken naar de optie die het meeste oplevert. Wanneer dit de duurzame manier is, kies je vanzelfsprekend daarvoor. Als de duurzame manier niet direct de beste optie is, moet je een
studenten tegen die helemaal niks doen, geen enkel initiatief tonen of niet eens proberen om wat van de studie te maken. Voor deze studenten vind ik de boete goed. In jullie geval zou
studenten die meer durven te ondernemen, wanneer organiseren van activiteiten.’
Mensen vragen zich wel eens af waarom. Het antwoord hierop is maken met water. Producten als thee en shampoo hebben schoon water nodig om gebruikt te worden.
pagina 14 / September 2011
Persoonlijk Personal
Column Chairman Political or economical crises? Author: Joram Kok
Summertime has arrived! For most people this means holidays, nice weather and no stress. A nice and calm period to recharge for most politicians in Europe. They are enjoying their summer holidays away from the problems at home. On the other side of
between politicians. In Europe, countries do not agree upon the future of Europe and whether or not Europe should have one should continue on the path they are on right now.
republicans and democrats about budget cutbacks and the role of the government in the economy. But all this is not new. Political
In Europe we are currently dealing with the debt crisis. Some countries are on the verge of default and other countries are coming closer to needing help as well. Meanwhile, politicians in
politicians would come to terms. But it seems that these days it is subjects. You could say that the world of politics is polarising and public opinion is becoming even more divided.
Eventually agreeing upon a bill which was signed into law on the second of August, the day America would have to borrow more money to pay their bills according to the Treasury Department of
These days are busy times for politicians, so no nice calm
But there is light at the end of the tunnel. For one, the President of France and the Chancelor of Germany made a joint statement stressing the necessity to fully implement the decisions made by wing democrats and conservative republicans came to an accord regarding the debt crisis.
holiday homes! Work has to be done. As said the Americans ocean a lot of politicians also traded in their summer holiday resort for the comforts of home either to work on the current problems in Europe or to stay home just in case things would go wrong.
politicians come back from their summer holidays (even if they stayed home) recharged and open minded and start showing the responsible leadership necessary in times like these. Because there is still an economic storm on the horizon which will require a fast, decisive and sustainable solution!
But according to some economists the problems are severe but TV program, Nieuwsuur, the Dutch professor International
unsolvable, but that the political atmosphere has been poisoned by two sides not willing to give in. Also, American economist Joseph Stiglitz agrees upon this. In an article in the Financial political willâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. So if the economists agree upon the fact that the problems are serious but that they can be managed, what is the problem?
pagina 15 / September 2011
In Depth Verbreding
Bookreview Inspire, Persuade, Lead - Paul Batz Communication secrets of excellent leaders Number of pages: 160 Publisher: Beaver’s Pond Press ISBN: 9781931646246
Having great analytical skills, an eye for detail and the ability to work under pressure are all great skills to possess as a business person. But unfortunately there is no such thing as a ‘one man army’. Teams are needed if a person wants to succeed in today’s fast paced and information-heavy world. Therefore, a leader will have to communicate his ideas and insights. If this is done poorly, it will affect team performance and overall results will deteriorate. There lies a competitive edge in communication, but only few know how to access this.
The author uses stories of successful leaders in their professional environment to provide practical examples for all the commandments presented. These stories, combined with clever analogies, open a window into the world of communication that provides a lot of practical information. They show both the pitfalls and remedies that most upcoming leaders are oblivious to and that are usually only discovered through practice. This makes the book an excellent recommendation for young professionals who are setting their first steps into the corporate world.
The book ‘Inspire Persuade Lead: Communication secrets of excellent leaders’ can be seen as a guidebook for people who carry the responsibility of being a leader.
All in all, this book covers most that there is to know about practical leadership communication, and it does so in a humorous way. With just over 120 pages it is a rather quick read, but it is also one of those books that will stick in the back of your mind. After reading the book I started recognizing situations in my own life that are remarkably familiar to those mentioned in the book, proving its practicality.
communication’, the book gives insights into many different tools and tricks used by experienced leaders. Each chapter is dedicated to one of the commandments and thus covers one of the topics. For example, topics such as the skill to ‘disarm upfront’ are explained with a lot of wit, and the reader is provided with very specific but also familiar examples. This makes it rather easy to identify with the topic presented and facilitates a very interesting and pleasant read.
pagina 16 / September 2011
Verbreding In Depth
Business & Competitive Intelligence - Josèph H.A.M. Rodenberg
ISBN: 9014063334
Business en competitive intelligence (B&CI) is de beste manier om in te spelen Rodenberg: u bent de koningin niet… consistente relatie tussen intelligence management en strategisch management te leggen en om concurrenten en potentiële concurrenten goed in de smiezen
Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals). Met die ervaring marktomstandigheden. Het gaat om het verzamelen, opslaan, interpreteren en analyseren van informatie over relevante aspecten in de externe omgeving van de organisatie. Karakteristieken hierin is een nogal breed en vaag concept. Rodenberg doet er daarom goed managementconcepten of -theorieën als ‘knowledge management’
soort ‘De beste stuurlui staan aan wal’-gevoel. Terugkomend op business en comeptitive intelligence als managementconcept, het betitelen ervan als hét managementconcept van de 21e eeuw op zich nog tot daar aan toe. Maar om dit te doen in
in de vorm van markt- en concurrentiestudies en als proces betekent het de implementatie van B&CI als een zelfstandige functie binnen de organisatie.
naar en quotes uit werken van bekende managementwetenschappers als Gary Hamel, Michael Porter en Peter Drucker. Toch komt
Ondanks dat is dit boek zeker interessant om te lezen en B&CI is functioneren, maar of het nu met recht hét managementconcept van de
een jaar of negentig maar eens bepalen…
pagina 17 / September 2011
Conference Congres Charles Hampden-Turner Charles Hampden-Turner was born in London in 1934 and was raised in Cambridge. He is a renowned British management philosopher and since 1990 Senior Research Associate at Judge Business School of the is the co-founder and director of Trompenaars-Hampden-Turner (THT) Group in Amsterdam. Charles Hampden Turner has won various awards including the Douglas study on ‘the Corporation’. He also received Fellowships from amongst others, Guggenheim, Rockefeller and Ford Foundation. Furthermore, he has worked for Shell, BP, the BBC, Philips, DSM and Apple.
the Corporate Mind’ and ’Corporate Culture: Vicious and Virtuous Circles’. Together with Fons Trompenaars he has worked on ’The Seven Cultural Competence’ and ’21 Leaders for the 21st Century’. Charles has
Academic Day Jakob de Haan
he worked at the Faculty as a research assistant, assistant professor and associate professor. In 1994, he was awarded the position of JeanMonnet Professor in ‘Economic Aspects of European Integration’ at the
Currently, Jakob de Haan is professor in Political Economy at the head of the Economics and Research Division of De Nederlandsche Bank. Besides that, he is the editor of the European Journal of Political Economy. His research interests are, amongst others: Monetary policy, Banks, Institutions and Political Economy.
pagina 18 / September 2011
Congres Conference Research Centers Groningen Growth and Development Centre During this presentation the Groningen Growth and Development Centre will discuss the current developments in economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions from the past, in the present and in the future. This is an investigation the Centre currently carries out Development Centre.
Customer Insights Center The Customer Insights Center will discuss the buying behavior of people concerning organic and sustainable products. What is it that convinces people to buy organic products? Or what keeps people from buying these products? These questions and many more will be answered during the interactive session.
Human Resource Management & Organizational Behaviour Centre During this session the Human Resource Management & Organizational Behaviour Centre will discuss the subject of leadership and at the top rising or stagnating? The answer to these questions will be provided during this session.
Corporate Social Responsibility from an Economic Perspective particular line of research within economics that is less concerned whether or not CSR is â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;a good thingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and simply sticks to economics,
Conference Day Jan Pronk - Conference moderator
Zandvliet in The Hague, he began his studies in Economics at the
His political career began in 1971 when he became a member of the parliament for the PvdA. In 1973, he was appointed Minister of
role, he became Minister of VROM, the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment.
become professor at the institute for Social Studies in Den Haag. From
to continue practicing his function as a professor in The Hague. Pronk is interested in sustainable development and international relations, thus regarding our theme, we are proud to have Jan Pronk to lead our conference day as conference moderator.
pagina 19 / September 2011
Conference Congres Dennis Karpes
marketing director and co-creator of Kuyichi, an innovative jeans brand fairprice and eco-friendly manufactured. In 2002 Dennis was the founder of Dance4Life: a dynamic international movement inspiring, mobilising and uniting young people to push back HIV and AIDS. Dance4Life expandend to more than 30 countries in 8 years. Dennis founded the Naga Foundation in 2010. This Foundation aims to tackle one of the greatest environmental challenges of today: pushing economical balance in drought striken, desertifeid areas in the world. In 2008 Dennis was selected Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. In 2009 he was named Senior Fellow by Ashoka, the global association of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leading social entrepreneurs. He was
Speakers Conference Day Lex Hoogduin
He acquired his Gymnasium degree in 1974 at the Prof. Ter Veen Lyceum in Emmeloord. Furthermore, Hoogduin studied General Economics at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. In 1991, he obtained his PhD in the economic field. Prof. Dr. L.H. Hoogduin was director at the Nederlandsche Bank from 2009 until 2011. Hoogduin was responsible for the economic policy and research, financial stability and financial markets, money transfers and statistics. Besides this, Hoogduin is part-time professor Monetary Economics and Financial Institutions at the
Before Hoogduin took his position at DNB, he was Chief
has been employed by DNB for longer periods of time; from
Research. From 1997 to 2001, he was the personal advisor of Wim Duisenberg, the first president of the ECB.
pagina 20 / September 2011
Congres Conference Niek Hoek
Niek Hoek started his career as economist at Shell in the Netherlands and
in 1997 to accede in the Executive Board. In 2001, Hoek was appointed Chairman of the Executive Board at Delta Lloyd, a position he still holds. Besides his function at Delta Lloyd, Hoek is active in several directorships at NIBC and Euronext amongst others. He is also member of the board at ‘Verbond van Verzekeraars’ and member of the Advisory Board at
Cees ‘t Hart
successfully completed several studies, such as a Master in Social Sciences
Foods in Hungary and subsequently became Vice-President of Foods in
Central and Eastern Europe. In 2002 he was CEO of Lever Fabergé in Italy Vice-President of the Marketing Operations Europe and as member of the Executive Board Europe. From May 2008 until the merger with Campina later that year, Cees ‘t Hart
positions of Cees ‘t Hart are Chairman ‘Zuivelstichting’ and member of the executive board of VNO-NCW.
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Conference Congres Dick Benschop
he established his own consultancy enterprise in 1994. Between 1998 and
In 2003, he started working at Shell in the European gas company Shell Energy Europe where he was Vice-President of Strategy. In the beginning of 2006, Benschop moved to Kuala Lumpur to direct the Gas & Power business (LNG and GTL) in Malaysia. In 2009, he became Vice-President Strategy for the Royal Dutch Shell Group. From 2011 onwards, he holds the function of President Director of Shell Netherlands.
Roel Louwhoff CEO British Telecom Operate As BT Operate’s Chief Executive Officer, Roel Louwhoff is responsible for the Operations of BT Group. He is a Member of BT’s Operating Committee and Design Council. Roel Louwhoff has the responsibility for BT’s internal as well as Customers’ Global Networks, Datacentres, Applications and Services including Service Centres and Network Operations Centres and Contact Centres. Additionally, he is responsible for BT’s Security organisation and directly leads an organisation of approximately
In 2004, Roel Louwhoff joined BT from the ClientLogic Corporation where, for three years, he was COO of International Operations and a member of their Worldwide Leadership Team. During this time, Roel Louwhoff was responsible for integrating and standardising the company’s delivery operations across Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. He has an MBA from the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and completed the Advanced Management Programme at Harvard Business School. He undertakes a number of industry-wide activities including: Non Executive Director of Transcom,
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Congres Conference Douglas Meikle CEO Stork Technical Services Services Holding B.V. and member of the Executive Board of Stork B.V. Douglas Meikle has been employed in the oil industry since 1984 and has directed and cooperated in petroleum project in Syria, Pakistan,
In 1998 he started working for Landmark where he was responsible for determining the strategy of a new business line. He was very successful, due to the fact that the scope of the line doubled in only eighteen months time. In the ten consecutive years, he occupied several functions within the company, and eventually became head of Halliburton’s Landmark & Project Management Product Service Line. As head of this line, he Vice-President of Halliburton’s Europe Eurasia Group.
Petroleum Engineering and also completed the Theology programme
Harvard Advanced Management Program.
Jacqueline Cramer
1989) and worked at TNO for the consecutive ten years. In the past, she has occupied various positions such as crown member of the Sociaal Economische Raad, commissioner at Shell Netherlands, FMO, Dutch Sustainability Research and the ASN funds, and member of the supervisory
Duurzaamheid’ and professor of Sustainable innovation. Previously, she was minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment from 2001 to 2010. Prior to her time as minister, she advised over a hundred companies on Milieuadvies’. She took the lead in stimulating corporate social responsibility in the Netherlands in cooperation with the ‘Nationaal Initiatief Duurzame Ontwikkeling’ (NIDO) joined by forty other companies. Cramer has been a professor at several universities since 1990. Her most recent position was professor in corporate social responsibility at the
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pagina 24 / September 2011
Kopstukken Headlines
Max van den Berg Commissaris van de Koningin te Groningen Auteurs: Mart Beune en Omri Azoulay
Max van den Berg is sinds vier jaar Commissaris van de Koningin te
Aan het eind van deze periode kreeg ik de vraag of ik mee wilde Daarnaast was de positie van commissaris van de Koningin een optie. Over Groningen wilde ik nadenken, ik vond het een interessante
Kunt u in het kort iets vertellen over uw carrière en hoe u Commissaris van de
wethouder toen ik 24 jaar was. Wellicht het meest aansprekende
en niet alleen de belangen van de PvdA behartigen. Ik heb besloten erop in te gaan en doe dit werk nu vier jaar lang; het bevalt zeer goed. zit ik in Brussel voor lobbyactiviteiten, dan weer in Duitsland voor
Groningen met het principe van een afspiegelingscollege (regeren op basis van parlementaire meerderheid, red.), we gingen naar een programcollege (regeren op basis van een regeerakkoord, red.). Die
te leren. Al met al is het een dynamisch leven.’
‘founding father’ vanuit Novib voor het Europese netwerk hebben we toen Oxfam International opgericht. Oxfam Novib is hedendaags een zeer grote organisatie op het gebied van onderzoek, kennis en
te werken met deze sector. Terughoudendheid is hier wel een vereiste, ik moet alles kunnen verantwoorden en verdedigen. Hiervoor moet je elkaars spelregels door en door kennen. Ik zie dat dit vaak slecht gebeurt.’
Hebt u de ooit ambitie gehad ondernemer te worden?
Verenigde Naties.
te geven in het Europees Parlement. Hoewel ik het een lastig besluit lastige periode, door de vele sceptici over Europa. Ik heb er gewerkt met het idee dat we Europa nodig hebben, maar dat het socialer en duurzamer kan. Het was een geweldige ervaring om samen te werken met mensen uit andere landen die dezelfde idealen hebben. Het besef kwam dat je elkaar nodig hebt, mede doordat mensen in Europa niet op de hoogte waren over dat we een geheel nieuwe structuur moesten
voor meer controle, maar dan vinden de burgers dat de invloed van Europa weer te groot wordt.
ziet? ‘Op maandag is er vaak overleg met verschillende afdelingen binnen de provincie. Dinsdags heb ik overleg met de Gedeputeerde besprekingen met de provincies van het samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland. Op woensdag heb ik vaak een bezoek aan
Energy Delta Gas Research of Energy Valley. Donderdag is een lobbydag in Den Haag en één keer in de zes weken vindt dit plaats in Brussel. Ik ken hier de weg ook goed dus er heerst vaak een informele en dan heb ik een interview met jullie!
pagina 25 / September 2011
Headlines Kopstukken
“Je mag niet meer van de” aarde pakken dan dat je er” ”
Duurzaamheid moet terugkomen in de aanbestedingen van museum of tentoonstelling. Het is ook promotie voor het gebied, en tevens je waardering uitspreken aan de mensen. Deze drukte betekent werk. Doe je dit niet en heb je geen plezier in je werk, dan red je het vaak niet.’ Wat betekent duurzaamheid voor u en in hoeverre bent u actief betrokken in duurzaamheidzaken?
de balans tussen economie en milieu. Ik heb door de jaren heen ook
Novib werd duurzaamheid gezien als ‘economisch gezond’, dat houdt meer in dan het milieu element. Ik heb hier geleerd dat arme mensen heel zorgvuldig omgaan met hun omgeving omdat dat hun leven en toekomst is. Een typisch Indiaans gezegde kenmerkt dit: ’Je mag niet
standaard te stellen. Leiders moeten met de vernieuwing meegaan maar op een verantwoorde manier, ze moeten duurzaamheid uitdragen.’ Wat is naar uw mening de grootste duurzaamheidsuitdaging op mondiaal niveau?
dichtbevolkte gebieden, waar Nederland ook toebehoort, in te laten zien dat hun ‘footprint’ duurzaam moet worden. Dit is echter
Het gaat om de bereidheid om anderen hetzelfde te gunnen door
in de Senaat omdat men bang is voor deze verandering. Er moeten
er toch geld verdiend worden, maar de duurzame weg is de nieuwe manier van geld verdienen.’ ontwikkelen om vervolgens te testen en als product. Dit is een gevaar,
Welke kanalen gebruikt u om duurzaamheid te promoten?
bezigheden als Commissaris van de Koningin in Groningen probeer Wat is, volgens u, de rol van leiderschap in het bevorderen van duurzaamheid? ‘De rol van leiderschap hierin is een zeer directe link. Als ik het op
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Kopstukken Headlines
regio Aberdeen hebben we dan drie Energy Valleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. De presentatie goede komen? Welk advies of boodschap wilt u meegeven aan onze studenten?
mits we er verstandig mee omgaan. We moeten hiervoor wel de
Dat kan gaan over energie, rechtssystemen of andere gebieden. We hebben een universiteitswereld, gaswereld, kolenwereld en
naar laagwaardig aardgas, dit is een ander soort aardgas. De komende stap is om dit hier te gaan integreren. We moeten ons geld gebruiken om die kennis te versterken. Het doel is om straks niet alleen de gashub maar ook de kennishub in Noord-Nederland te hebben. Dat en de regering moet hiervoor de ogen meer openen! De centrales in
niveau wordt onderwezen.
dat gunstige product.
Dit is een wereld van de toekomst en zorg dat je je neus erin steekt.
Het tweede is dat we, door het bovenstaande feit met betrekking tot aardgas, nu geld verdienen, de kennis hebben en dĂŠ energyport
Onderneem, beleef en leer, dit is jouw wereld!
om transitie te bewerkstelligen, de transitie naar duurzame energie
en minder kunt maken; het is de grondstof die kan balanceren. We hebben hiermee een gunstige positie aangezien NoordNederland, samen met Noord-Duitsland, het enige gebied is die deze balans kan maken met aardgas. Het maakt ons een interessante duurzaamheidsregio, mits we ook gaan investeren in smartgrids, Duitsland waar een nieuwe Energy Valley komt. Samen met de
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Conference Congres
mag je deze kans om kennis te maken zeker niet missen. Graag nodigen
Monitoring Sustainability: Theorie, Indicatoren, Statistieken en Presentatie
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek belang voor het meten van duurzaamheid en, niet in de laatste plaats, hoe presenteer je die indicatoren voor verschillende doelgroepen? Je bent van harte welkom!
Workshops De stichting Energy Valley is een netwerkorganisatie die met publieke energiesector. De stichting is intermediair om projecten te versnellen, versterken.
overheidsinstanties te stimuleren, activeren, te faciliteren en te verbinden om samen projecten te ontwikkelen en concreet werk te maken van schone, betrouwbare en innovatieve energie.
Work In The Valley! Voor de energiebranche in Noord-Nederland wordt het steeds lastiger alleen maar groter wordt, zo is de verwachting. Onze workshop zal ge誰nteresseerde studenten op een uitdagende manier proberen te
Je bent van harte welkom!
pagina 28 / September 2011
Congres Conference FrieslandCampina produceert baby- en kindervoeding, zuiveldranken, kaas, melk, yoghurts, toetjes, boter, room, melkpoeder, zuivelingrediĂŤnten en vruchtendranken.
deze producten als onderdeel van hun voeding. Onze zuivelproducten leveren
Business case
naar het verbeteren van onze prestaties. In de business case zullen we inzoomen op het optimaliseren van deze balans en dagen we de deelnemers graag uit hoe optimalisatie in hun visie eruit moet zien.
Gasunie is a European gas infrastructure company. The Gasunie network ranks among the largest high pressure gas pipeline grids in Europe, consisting Germany, dozens of installations and approximately 1,300 gas receiving
and sustainability. Due to the reliability and strategic location of the Gasunie the core of what is called the northwest European â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;gas roundaboutâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. We serve the public interest in the markets in which we are active and work to create optimum value for our stakeholders.
Gasunie and LNG Building energy supply of the future During the Gasunie workshop, we would like to introduce the basics of related stakeholders. The content will mostly be based on our Gate terminal
an energy supply chain and of stakeholder management and that you will have practiced your negotiation skills with a mindset of long-term thinking.
pagina 29 / September 2011
Conference Congres Een duurzame toppositie in de wereld bekleden, dat is de ambitie van Schiphol
innovator en kwaliteitspartner. Zo werken we nu al aan een aantal ambitieuze
Draag jij bij aan de ambitie van Schiphol om een duurzame toppositie in de wereld te bekleden?
inzicht in actuele thema`s binnen Schiphol Group en de verschillende belangen en
Workshops In the beginning there was nothing. Well…soil, air, water were there…all
beginning is tough, also on him. Just look. It once crawled out of the water without looking back. It would be able to cast one last look at where it came from, the ocean, but it does not. Ah well, for the time being it leaves a large amount of excrement into the sea, its symbolically charged way to emphasize its decisions. It moves into the jungle to form into a naked ape with varicose veins, very long intestines and a thick layer of bacon. First eating vegetables -hence the long bowls (and wide jaws)- and then meat. Meat made its brain four times bigger in no time. Some time and evolution went by. It takes what it wants and destroys what it does not want. elements somewhere where the smell is nice, rivers pleasantly murmur,
has strengthened its grip on the world, and let nobody say the opposite now. It takes what it wants and destroys what it does not want. Burn it down! That provides at least some space on which it can build; huts made of mud. In an interactive workshop we are going to follow the journey of ‘food’ and energy to cities, the consequences of growth and possible solutions for cities to get back in balance.
pagina 30 / September 2011
Congres Conference high potentials met dezelfde passie: het verbeteren van service in Nederland. Met
serviceorganisaties op het gebied van ICT, communicatie, HRM en FinanciĂŤn.
de opdrachten van Trainees en de inhoud van het Talent Program. Je gaat in
stakeholders? Wat is je plan van aanpak? En hoe ga je de oplossing presenteren aan de opdrachtgever?
van de Belastingdienst daarvan een bekend voorbeeld. Maar de dienst doet veel meer. De Belastingdienst, int niet alleen belastinggeld, maar keert ook uit.
economische fraude en het houden van toezicht op de in-, uit- en doorvoer van goederen.
ondernemingen of is werkzaam als invorderingsspecialist. organisatie tegen met name binnen het proces klantbehandeling en toezicht.
voor onze interactieve workshop.
pagina 31 / September 2011
Conference Congres
Kick-Off Event 29th of September 2011 two consecutive conference days will be opened with a lecture by former vice-president and winner of the Nobel Prize for peace, Al Gore. Al Gore will be providing us an engaging lecture available for students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, business participants, alumni and guests. The event will take place on the morning of the 29th of September, and will start at 08:30 at Martiniplaza. Former Vice President Al Gore is chairman of Current TV, an Emmy award winning, independently owned cable and satellite television network for young people based on viewer created content and citizen journalism. He also serves as chairman of
Clinton’s economic team. He served as President of the Senate, a Cabinet member, a member of the National Security Council, and as the leader of a wide range of Administration initiatives. He is the author of the bestsellers ‘Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis, The Assault on Reason, Earth in the Balance’ and ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ and is the creator of the Oscar-winning documentary, based on ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. Al Gore is the laureate, shared with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for ‘informing the world of Al Gore will focus in his lecture on climate change, sustainability and responsible leadership. Conference moderator of the event is Wubbo Ockels; Dutch
new approach to sustainable investing. Al Gore is a member of the board of directors of Apple, a senior
1978, he obtained his PhD with his research for the ‘Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut’ (KVI). In the same year, Ockels was selected by the ESA (European Space Agency) to join in cooperation with NASA in the so-called Spacelab project.
organization designed to help solve the climate crisis.
In 1980 and 1981, he studied at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space
November he was a participant in the space voyage with the States on January 20, 1993, and served eight years. During the Administration, Al Gore was a central member of President
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Congres Conference
In 1986, Ockels was employed by ESTEC, the center for space September In 2003, Ockels was employed as professor in Sustainable
Currently, Wubbo Ockels is occupied with several projects regarding sustainability, which makes him the right person to
will start.
during the Q&A session.
08.30 – 09.00
Reception participants
09.30 – 10.30
Lecture by Al Gore
11.10 – 12.30
Network meeting for business participants
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Conference Congres Jules Kortenhorst Jules Kortenhorst was born on the third of February in 1961 in Oss. After completion of the Gymnasium-B in â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s-Hertogenbosch in 1979, he studied General Economics at Monetary Economics. He also achieved a MBA at the Harvard Business School. After his studies, he worked as an analyst for McKinsey and furthermore occupied several functions at Shell from 1986 to 1994, including General Manager at Shell Bulgaria. In 2001, he became a member of the CDA and at the parliament elections in 2006, he was chosen as member of the parliament. He left the parliament in 2008 to become chairman and founding CEO of the European Climate Foundation, an organisation that focuses on influencing the policy regarding climate problems. Kortenhorst also was CEO of International Operations at ClientLogic Corporation, a global leader in Customer Relationship Management solutions. Before this, he was also Currently, Kortenhorst is chairman of Topell Energy.
Masterclasses Robert Kleiburg Robert Kleiburg holds an MBA from Henley Management College and a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He has over 20 years of experience in the field of renewable energy, climate policy and organizational change. Mainly, he has worked for Shell as climate change manager, Vice-President Shell Renewables & Hydrogen and program manager Shell Trading. Robert Kleiburg currently holds the position of Director Research and Development at ECN since the first of June 2011.
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Congres Conference Marlies van Wijhe moved to Maastricht in 1989 to work as Product Manager at DSM Chemicals. This was a deliberate decision to gain experience outside Zwolle to take a position in the export department of the family organisation. In 2000, she took over her father’s position as CEO of the organisation. Successfully directing the company, she earned the title ‘Businesswoman of the year 2010’. This title was given to her mainly Verf is the largest independent producer of paint of the Netherlands and has satisfying results in the Netherlands, as well as abroad.
member of the directory board at VNO-NCW and member of the
Agenda September 29th, Academic Day 14.00
Opening chairman EBF Conference 2011 (Omri Azoulay)
Plenary lecture 2 (Jakob de Haan)
Social drinks
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Conference Congres
Agenda September 30th, Conference Day 09:30
Opening by chairman EBF Conference 2011 (Omri Azoulay)
Masterclasses, workshops & alumni programme
(Business) lunch
Parallel lectures 1 (Springerzaal / Theaterzaal)
Plenary lecture 3 (Jacqueline Cramer, Former Minister VROM)
Social drinks
Parallel lectures Springerzaal
Moderator: Frans Weisglas
Moderator: Jan Pronk
Lecture 1: Cees â&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Hart
Lecture 1: Dick Benschop
(CEO FrieslandCampina N.V.)
(President Shell Nederland B.V.) Lecture 2: Douglas Meikle
(CEO British Telecom Operate)
(CEO Stork Technical Services)
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Congres Conference
Alumni The EBF Conference is the annual conference of the Economics and Business Student Faculty Association in Groningen. This conference, organised for students, business participants and alumni, takes place at Martiniplaza. Besides the regular program, the EBF Conference includes a special program for alumni. Therefore, we invite you to join us at the EBF Conference on the 29th and 30th of September.
What’s special for alumni For you, as alumnus, we have organised an exclusive programme on the second conference day. The alumni programme takes place from 11.20 to 13.20. This event will be opened by the Faculty dean, Harry Garretsen, and will continue with a lecture by Huub Rakhorst
About the Conference
and the necessity of nuclear energy as an alternative for fossil fuels. Furthermore, Frans Weisglas will give a lecture on the activities of Terre des Hommes.
of the 29th of September which takes place at the Faculty of Economics and Business and a conference day on the 30th of September at Martiniplaza.
The alumni programme is an ideal occasion to keep in touch
year’s theme is ‘Reboot: Responsible Leadership, Responsible Growth’. The theme is divided into three subthemes: (1) Decisions in the present, Implications in the Future; (2) The Sustainability Priority; and (3) The Role of Leadership. The key points of the theme are sustainability, responsible leadership, energy and corporate social responsibility.
business, politics and science will shed their light on the theme. Both days have a conference moderator to provide critical questions. On the academic day, this is Charles this position.
you will join the regular programme and follow the other lectures of the conference day. The day will end with social drinks at the Martiniplaza and a dinner in the Martini church.
This year, a new activity is included in the EBF Conference,
winner Al Gore gives a lecture. The event will be led by Wubbo Ockels. As alumnus, you are invited to join us at this lecture and discuss sustainability, responsible leadership and climate changes. Additional Information The costs for alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Business
As mentioned above, the academic day takes place at the there is a special price for contributors of the ‘Stichting aEB’ will consist of multiple parallel lectures of research centres of the Faculty, alternated by lectures by professors. The second For more information we would like to direct you to our approach, but also has a strong business, economic and political character.
containing all necessary information. If you have any questions or remarks you can contact us
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Conference Congres
Organisation Board of Recommendation
Advisory Board CEO Akzo Nobel N.V.
Drs. M.J. van den Berg Queenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Commissioner Groningen Prof. dr. A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan Chairman Social-Economic Council Prof. dr. A. Heertje Economist, Emeritus Professor, Columnist
Ir. R. Willems Member of Parliament CEO Shell Netherlands B.V. (2003-2007) Prof. dr. C.J. Jepma President Energy Delta Institute Prof. dr. E. Sterken Groningen
CEO DSM N.V. Prof. dr. J.P. Pronk
Dr. Ir. G.J. Kleisterlee Former CEO Philips Electronics N.V.
Prof. dr. J. de Haan Head of Economics and Research Division De Nederlandsche Bank
Drs. Ir. J. van der Veer Former CEO Royal Dutch Shell Dhr. H. Wiegel Chairman Health Insurance Netherlands
Prof. dr. E. Sterken Groningen Prof. dr. Mr. C.J. Jepma Former President Energy Delta Institute Prof. dr. H. van Ees Professor Faculty of Economics and Business Prof. dr. J.H. Garretsen Dean Faculty of Economics and Business
Prof. dr. F. Zwarts Prof. dr. C.G.M. Sterks Director Donald Smits Center for Information Technology
Groningen Drs. G.J. Lankhorst CEO Gasterra
Prof. dr. A. Heertje Economist, Emeritus Professor, Columnist
Drs. F.W. Weisglas Former Parliament Chairman Dr. J.P. Rehwinkel Mayor of Groningen Drs. C.M.S. Smits-Nusteling
Prof. dr. W.J. Ockels Astronaut Prof. Drs. G.J. Cerfontaine Former President & CEO Schiphol Group
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Drs. A.H. Beune Director Raedthuys Groep Drs. G. van Werven Director Energy Valley
Congres Conference Supervisory Board Diederik Langenberg Chairman EBF Board 2009-2010
Joram Kok Chairman EBF Board 2010-2011
Frido van Driem
Iris Follender Grossfeld Chairman EBF Conference 2010
2009-2010 Floor Rienks Acquisition EBF Conference 2010 Chairman Economic Conference 2008 Martin van der Meulen 2010-2011
EBF Conference board 2011
F.l.t.R Jan Geschiere, Ilse Spoelstra, Mart Beune, Jolanda Mars, Erik Mol, Omri Azoulay
EBF Conference Board Omri Azoulay Chairman
Treasurer / Acquisition
Logistics / Theme & Speakers
Mart Beune Vice-chairman / Theme & Speakers
Erik Mol Acquisition
Ilse Spoelstra Public Relations
pagina 39 / September 2011
Conference Congres
Recruitment Days ‘Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.’ Whereas Confusion wrote those famous words more than 2000 years ago, they have never been more meaningful than they are today. If your profession is a passion, you will never have to work another day. You will find joy and pleasure in the tasks you execute, and know that what you do has value and meaning for yourself as well as for those around you. It is also not a question of money or financial reward. The true satisfaction is within you. Picasso never retired. Einstein thrilled to do his tasks throughout his life. Gandhi changed the history and perception of his nation, as well as others across the globe. Why? They loved what they did and they did it with pleasure and enthusiasm. Perhaps you already know what your dream career or who your ideal employer is. However, you might still be waiting for the opportunity to get in touch with them personally; either in a formal or informal way. Another possibility is that there are other careers that you have not yet thought of, which could stimulate and excite you even more. We, as the committee of the Recruitment Days 2011, provide you with the opportunity to meet the recruiters of approximately forty companies and government agencies during our three-day event. In other words, we help you to make that first important step in your career, and to decide which companies best suit your professional objectives and profile.
During the Recruitment Days a variety of great activities such as company presentations, cases, lunches, dinners, individual interviews and drinks will be organised. Besides this, you will be able to enjoy free lunches and our great end-party! You can subscribe for our event from the 17th of October until the 21st of November. The Recruitment Days take place on 13,
The Recruitment Days committee is working very hard to organise this amazing event. Do you want more information about our event? Don’t hesitate to stop by in our room 0101 in the Interim Building. See you all at the Recruitment Days 2011! The Recruitment Days Committee 2011 Janine, Mathijs, Rinse, Anne, Floor, Daan and Lara
pagina 40 / September 2011
Congres Conference Powered by
Gold sponsors
Silver sponsors
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
Bronze sponsors
Partners Energie Nederland, Gemeente Groningen, Nudge, Noorderlink, mauritsgroen-mgmc,
pagina 41 / September 2011
Headlines Kopstukken
Jim O’Neill Chairman Goldman Sachs Asset Management Author: Mart Beune
of Chairman at Goldman Sachs Asset Management International. Besides this he is a popular guest speaker and analyst for e.g. Sky News and CNBC. Can you tell us something about your career and how you became ‘I became Chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management head of the economics, commodities and strategy research department. In addition, I was Chief Economist for the best part of ten years, and before that, Chief Currency Economist that I had the best economics job in the world, certainly in the private commercial sector. As many of your students probably know, Goldman Sachs, and especially I, have become known for having created the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) acronym about nine and half years ago. Now, as Chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management International, I have to put all that past experience into practise more and more. And I can tell you that this is a big responsibility and challenge, however it is quite exciting too.’
Could you explain us what your typical work week looks like? ‘There is not such a thing as a typical work week in my position, my work week is quite varied. I travel frequently, and in fact, my biggest challenge is trying to travel less, and to say no to the many fantastic things I get invited to, including speaking at your Student Association. I probably get invited to go somewhere in the world anywhere up to eight times every day, and most of them are all highly interesting but unfortunately I cannot commit to all of the invitations. I spend a lot of my time in the BRIC countries, especially China. I travel to New York frequently, and as the Chairman and ‘voice’ of Goldman Sachs Asset Management
with visiting clients. I also chair a ‘CIO‘ meeting every two weeks with our most Senior Portfolio Managers to try and develop a stronger common theme across our investments. occasional spare moments, I like to read , and of course, I am
‘I am not really sure because in my opinion the art of investment management is to provide good, steady returns and reliable and genuine client advice and support.
pagina 42 / September 2011
Headlines Kopstukken
“What happens in China within” the next six months is much more” important than anything in Greece”
not be under any illusions about that. However, we are
sustainability? ‘It is not something that I am focused on that much, but I
and governance research and sustainability analysis implementation in our Goldman Sachs Asset Management Division. We also have a global team of ESG specialists integrated into the investment teams.’
that researches and publishes on the topic, and within Global Investment Research, there is a very successful stock research business under the umbrella of ‘Goldman Sachs Sustain’. I would like us to pursue more of this, but it has to be seen in
How do you pursue sustainability yourself in your current position? ‘On a personal basis, the key factors I have found is to be (1) honest with yourself and everyone else; (2) do not over a self belief to say no politely because sometimes you just have to; and (4) keep a close eye on objective indicators and aspects of markets that seem reliable through time, such as valuation.’
Also, each of our business areas have an important role to play in implementing our commitments under the Environmental Policy Framework and contributing to environmental progress. The Environmental Markets Group coordinates this and works closely with each business area Since this Framework, we have invested over $3 billion in clean energy and environmentally friendly projects. The
sustainability? ‘All the aspects of how I answered the previous two questions. In addition, one should genuinely try to think globally. Too many people, especially from the West and from my generation, have a view that is biased from a western perspective. In this regard, I think what happens in China within the next six months for example, is much more important than anything in Greece for example.’
geothermal energy.’ What is your opinion about private banks being bailed out? of Europe, and perhaps elsewhere, the scale of the post Lehman Brothers shock was so large and dangerous, it was critical that policymakers intervened to reduce the likelihood of a severe economic shock. Supporting private institutions in this regard was necessary.
pagina 44 / September 2011
Kopstukken Headlines the banking system? I think the compensation systems probably played a role in the crisis, but perhaps not as much as many
It was a severe systemic shock that occurred because reversed, and reversed rather dramatically.’ What do you believe is the consequence of the recent bail outs on ‘It has been necessary as I discussed. The post bailout environment has led to too much focus on blaming various participants, and it is a too populist view to blame bankers.
in democracies, to stop excess and bubbles. Therefore, we quality instead of quantity, so we can deal with the next one,
States housing bubble. As a sixteen year Goldman Sachs partner, and one that was a partner before we were public, I think bonuses should be tied more to genuine long term outperformance, and not measured on just an annual basis. It is important to have remuneration linked to genuine long term performance. What advice can you give our fellow students from the Netherlands regarding their future? Keep an open mind and explore the world, especially the world of the BRIC. Be as objective as possible and don’t believe everything you read in the press. Say ‘no’ as part of your business and general life, but make sure it is done politely. And most importantly, enjoy yourselves!
To what extent do you believe bail outs are sustainable? necessary. And yes, they are therefore sustainable, as otherwise, the risk of much more dramatic swings in the global economic cycle would occur. These dramatic swings need to be avoided.
pagina 45 / September 2011
Conference Congres Academic Day, Thursday, September 29th The academic day of the EBF Conference will be at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the Zernike Complex. This day will be
Zernike Complex 9747 AE Groningen
Conference Day, Friday September 30th The second day of the conference will take place at the Martinaplaza conference centre. Leonard Springerlaan 2 9727 KB Groningen
Sign up now! 3-course diner in the historical church Martinikerk. Martinikerkhof 3 9712 JG Groningen
Prices EBF Conference 2011 Academic Day
Conference Day Conference Day
FEB students, EBF member
€ 19
FEB students, non EBF member € 300 Alumni Business participants
€ 300*
€ 19
€ 39
€ 19
€ 300
€ 99
€ 300 € 400*
* Prices exclusive of VAT
The special alumni price only holds for donors of the aEB, not for regular members. For questions regarding donorship please contact
For more information about prices and other combinations, go to
pagina 46 / September 2011
Studie Study
Faculty News Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde bij beste 5% business schools wereldwijd Auteur: Ingemarie Kroesen
Na een strenge en uitgebreide kwaliteitskeuring heeft de internationale accreditatieinstelling AACSB deze zomer besloten dat zij de Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen haar keurmerk geeft. de business schools wereldwijd weggelegd en geeft een waarborg voor de hoge kwaliteit van de FEB. FEB Decaan professor Harry Garretsen is zeer verheugd: ‘Het is prachtig om ook de objectieve bevestiging te krijgen dat we met ons onderzoek, onderwijs en faciliteiten werkelijk kwaliteit leveren en aan de wereldtop staan,’ zei hij in een eerste reactie. ‘Het is bovendien zo dat we ons committeren aan de bijbehorende AACSB-eis dat we continu blijven werken aan kwaliteitsverbetering. Het is dus zowel nu als in de toekomst gewaarborgd dat onze huidige, maar ook toekomstige, onderzoekers en studenten in een excellente omgeving leren en werken.’
Dit onderzoek verloopt via diepgaande zelfstudierapporten, een bezoek door een deskundig panel en interviews met stakeholders zoals studenten, alumni, onderzoekers, docenten, ondersteunend personeel, maar ook bedrijfscontacten en werkgevers.
Een AACSB accreditatie is het waarmerk van de excellentie van de instelling. Zie ook :
AACSB International AACSB, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, is een in de VS gevestigde organisatie die accreditaties toekent aan business schools wereldwijd die aan hun strenge criteria voldoen. AACSB onderzoekt de kwaliteit van de opleidingen, de studenten, de staf, het onderwijs, het onderzoek en de verschillende faciliteiten.
pagina 47 / September 2011
Study Studie
‘I’m researching the angel-devil dilemma that hides in all of us’ Auteur: Malin Kox
One of the world’s leading energy companies, Enron, faced
sustained substantially by institutionalized, systematic, and creatively planned accounting fraud. Enron’s board of directors quit and its accountant, Arthur Andersen, even ceased to exist. The people in the Enron scandal were smart and experienced, but not wise, says assistant professor Jennifer Jordan of the FEB. ‘They didn’t make an ethical decision regarding their company.’ Moral beings Jordan’s current research, which appeared in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, focuses on the subject of people’s moral behavior. She looked at the moral behavior of managers, master students. ‘People possess a moral self. There are moral traits in most of us. We see ourselves - preferably - as moral beings. Thus, at times, we can relax being a moral person when our past actions were essentially moral. Conversely, immoral behavior lowers our self image and summons moral behavior.’ ‘Dieting works much the same way. We want to maintain a healthy image of ourselves. When we did a great workout, we treat ourselves to some nice snacks. But if we overindulge ourselves in the weekend, we feel like we must be extra restrained come the weekday. It’s no wonder Monday nights are the busiest at the gym. We try and compensate our behavior.’ Angel-devil dilemma The business scandals of the early part of this century triggered
‘Recalling one’s own (im)moral behavior leads to compensatory rather than consistent moral action as a way of completing the moral self,’ says Jennifer Jordan. ‘I guess what I am really researching is the angel-devil dilemma that hides in all of us. For
yourself as a moral person, but it is hard to be consistently moral.’ Religious people An interesting point is made when religion turns up in our conversation. Would it be easier for religious people to maintain a moral self? ‘That is actually quite interesting’, says Jordan. ‘You see, religion recognizes that people cannot be moral all the time, that people err. That is, of course, why Jews as well as Christians have certain institutions to cleanse its followers from sins, for example, through the Catholic rite of confession or the Jewish atonement. That is how religion allows us to maintain our selfimage as moral people.’
Tip: FEBlog Wetenschappers van de Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde bloggen over onderzoek en actualiteit in het vakgebied. Kijk en reageer op:
experienced individuals could make such foolish decisions. All Jennifer’s degrees are in psychology, but at some point she changed her focus from studying the psychology of wisdom to study moral behavior in business.
pagina 48 / September 2011
Studie Study
Laagdrempelig aanspreekpunt erg belangrijk voor studenten Het team studieadvies van onze faculteit is sinds het begin van dit kalenderjaar versterkt met Margaretha Koster (27). Na haar bachelor Geneeskunde en master Geestelijke Verzorging werd zij eerst tijdelijk studieadviseur bij om een ziekteverlof op te vullen. Nu heeft ze haar werkplek op de begane grond van Duisenberg Gebouw. Wat maakt ze in haar werk mee en wat vindt ze belangrijk? Margaretha Koster is studieadviseur voor de opleidingen Econometrics en Economics & Business Economics. In haar nieuwe functie ziet ze veelal studenten die vastlopen in hun studie. ‘Dat kan liggen aan de verkeerde studiekeuze’, zegt zij, ‘maar vaak gaat het om persoonlijke problemen, studie-gerelateerde problemen of beide.’ In het halfuur dat per student beschikbaar is, probeert ze op basis van haar vaardigheden de persoon zo goed mogelijk te helpen. ‘Natuurlijk zijn er ook studenten die behoorlijk complexe problemen hebben. Dan is het aan de studieadviseurs om deze studenten zo goed mogelijk door te verwijzen. Wat mij in het algemeen opvalt, is dat FEB-studenten heel toekomstgericht zijn. Ze zien de studie echt als een opstapje om op die plek op de arbeidsmarkt terecht te komen waar ze graag willen zijn.’
dat je studie niet lekker loopt. Om wat voor reden dan ook. Vaak zien we dat studenten zich te laat melden bij ons en er dan al een grote studievertraging is ontstaan. Ook als je meer informatie zoekt over extra mogelijkheden tijdens je studie ben je bij ons aan het goede adres.’ De studieadviseurs van de Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde zijn gevestigd op de begane grond van het Duisenberg Gebouw. Persoonlijke afspraken kunnen gemaakt worden via de Student Support Desk in de Plaza. Ook hebben de studieadviseurs telefonische spreekuren, voor studenten die kort iets willen bespreken met de studieadviseur. Voor de meer informatie over de studieadviseurs en hun bereikbaarheid raadt Koster aan om vooral eens een kijkje te nemen op de website van studieadvies: Koster voelt zich op haar plek als studieadviseur bij onze faculteit. ‘Of ik over tien jaar nog steeds als studieadviseur werk? Dat weet ik natuurlijk niet’, zegt ze. ‘Maar tot nu toe bevalt het erg goed en werk ik met heel veel plezier samen met mijn collega’s.’
De studieadviseurs zijn er voor jou Het is volgens Koster erg belangrijk dat studenten weten dat er in de persoon van de studieadviseur een laagdrempelig aanspreekpunt is binnen de faculteit. ‘Wij proberen altijd in contact te komen met de studenten door middel van voorlichtingen, maar soms merken we dat studenten niet goed van ons bestaan op de hoogte zijn.’ Koster en haar collega- studieadviseurs hopen dat studenten niet aarzelen om hen op te zoeken: ‘We hebben een deskundig en betrokken team dat klaar staat om je verder te helpen. Wacht niet te lang met het maken van een afspraak als je merkt
pagina 49 / September 2011
Study Studie
Economische en Bedrijfskundige Faculteitsvereniging
Agenda The upcoming activities of the EBF and her subassociations are listed here. September 10 - 12 17 18 20
Risk Multinational Cycle Risk HALV VESTING CSD VESTING Sportactiviteit
27 31
Risk Accountancy Dinner EBF Social
EBF Algemene Leden Vergadering
19 20
EBF Deadline ESR Application EBF Miljoenennotadebat
en Controlling Symposium EBF Conference
Risk Beleggersavond 2
29 - 30
EBF Social VESTING Eerstejaars Activiteit
22 - 23 24 26 28 - 30 30 - 2
EBF/FMF Consultang Event Groningen VESTING Career Day Departure ESR December (Lisbon) Risk Accountancy Week VESTING / Risk Expedition Strategy
October 2 3
Risk Beleggersavond 1 & Risk Actieve Ledenbekendmaking
All dates are tentative.
pagina 50 / September 2011
In ieder 8-uurjournaal zitten wel een paar onderwerpen die raakvlakken hebben met ons vak: verzekeren. Of het nu om de pensioenen of schades
gaat, ons werk heeft impact op wat er in de maatschappij gebeurt.
En op het leven van onze klanten. Als grootste verzekeringsbedrijf
van Nederland bieden we je binnen een uitdagende werkomgeving met
eindeloos veel ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden het Management Traineeship
aan. Een uitstekende start van een veelbelovende carrière bij Achmea. Kunnen we jou onze klanten toevertrouwen? Kijk op voor meer informatie.