Catalogo Hercules e-bike 2019

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Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t Inhaltsverzeichnis

E - B I K E S 4 - 1 0 7 I n t r o 4 - 5 B o s c h - Te c h n o l o g y 6 - 7 S h i m a n o - Te c h n o l o g y 8 - 9 B r o s e - Te c h n o l o g y 1 0 - 1 1 S R S u n t o u r- Te c h n o l o g y 1 2 - 1 3 Tr e k k i n g 1 4 - 3 1 C i t y 3 2 - 5 7 C r o s s 5 8 - 6 5 M T B 6 6 - 7 7 H e a v y & C a r r y 7 8 - 8 5 F o l d & C o m p a c t 8 6 - 1 0 1 I m p r e s s i o n s 1 0 2 - 1 0 5

Legend / Legende

m Drive Unit / Motor b Battery / Akku F Display / Radcomputer r Frame / Rahmen f Fork / Gabel s Shifting / Schaltung d Brakes / Bremsen D Tires / Bereifung A Front Light / Frontlicht B Rear Light / Rücklicht g Carrier / Gepäckträger

 Horn / Hupe


Color / Farbe

B I C Y C L E S 1 0 6 - 1 5 3 I n t r o 1 0 6 - 1 0 7 Tr e k k i n g 1 0 8 - 1 1 7 C i t y 1 1 8 - 1 2 7 C r o s s 1 2 8 - 1 3 1 H e a v y & C a r r y 1 3 2 - 1 3 5 F o l d & C o m p a c t 1 3 6 - 1 4 1 Yo u t h 1 4 2 - 1 5 3


E-BIKES Unterstützung, wenn es darauf ankommt! Mit den HERCULES E-Bikes sind Sie immer am Puls der Zeit. Egal ob Sie sportlich, gemütlich oder mit viel Gepäck unterwegs sind, bei uns finden Sie das passende Pedelec für Ihre Bedürfnisse. Mit dem neuen integrierten Bosch Powertube, BMZ Unterrohr- und Shimano UnterrohrAkku tauchen wir in eine neue Welt der Integration ein. Mit der Magura HSi-22 wird sogar das Bremssystem in den Rahmen und die Gabel integriert. Erleben Sie ein völlig neues Fahrgefühl mit unseren modernen, technisch ausgereiften und optisch ansprechenden E-Bikes!

Support when it matters most! Always having a finger on the pulse of times with HERCULES E-Bikes. Whether you’re an athletic or comfortable type, constantly carrying a lot of luggage or commuting to work: HERCULES provides you with the perfect pedelec for your specific needs. HERCULES immerses into a new world of Integration – with the new integrated Bosch Powertube and the BMZ and Shimano downtube built-in battery. Even our brake technologies are in line with integration: the Magura HSi-22 is embedded in the bike’s frame and fork. Enjoy an entirely new and exciting riding experience with our modern, innovative and visually appealing E-Bikes!




Drive Unit PERFORMANCE: Available in the versions Cruise and Speed

ACTIVE & PERFORMANCE Line Egal ob Sie sich für die harmonisch ausgelegte ACTIVE Line entscheiden oder der sportlichen PERFORMANCE Line den Vorzug geben: Mit den BOSCH Antriebssystemen erleben Sie einen Fahrkomfort, der Maßstäbe setzt. Die geschmeidige Tretunterstützung sorgt für ein natürliches Fahrgefühl. Die Komponenten – Antrieb, Akku und Bordcomputer – sind perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt. Das garantiert Fahrspaß pur bei optimierter Reichweite, natürlichin Bosch-Qualität und ausgezeichnetem Design.

ACTIVE & PERFORMANCE Line It doesn’t matter if you choose the seamlessly designed ACTIVE Line or the athletic PERFORMANCE Line: The BOSCH drive system offers a riding comfort that sets new benchmarks. The smooth electric pedal support ensures an authentic riding experience. The important components – drive unit, battery and on-board computer – are in perfect interaction with each other and guarantee sheer riding pleasure within an optimized range. Naturally in BOSCH quality and with an outstanding design.


Drive Unit PERFORMANCE CX Line Pedalling support up to 25 km/h | rated output: 250 W | torque 75 Nm | weight: 4 kg | 3 sensors: speed, torque, pedalling frequency | rock impact and splash water protection | maintenance-free | riding behaviour: sporty

PowerTube 500 Best in Class – it can‘t get any better | easy handling | High running output and a long service life | store and load easily – anytime and anywhere | loading option with and without removal of the battery | integrated in the frame | protected by frame | theft protection | charging at the 230 Volt socket or luggage carrier | voltage 36 V | capacity 14,0 Ah | energy content 500 Wh

Drive Unit PERFORMANCE Line Pedalling support up to 25 km/h | rated output: 250 W | torque 40-60 Nm | weight: 3.5 kg | 3 sensors: speed, torque, pedalling frequency | rock impact and splash water protection | maintenance-free | riding behaviour: dynamic Drive Unit PERFORMANCE Speed Line Pedalling support up to 45 km/h | rated output: 250 W | torque 40-60 Nm | weight: 3.5 kg | 3 sensors: speed, torque, pedalling frequency | rock impact and splash water protection | maintenance-free | riding behaviour: sporty

Drive Unit: Available in the versions ACTIVE and ACTIVE PLUS

Battery pack PowerPacks 300 | 400 | 500 Best in Class – it can‘t get any better | easy handling | High running output and a long service life | store and load easily – anytime and anywhere | loading option with and without removal of the battery | versions for frame installation or luggage carrier | voltage 36 V | capacity 8,0 Ah / 11,0 Ah / 14,0 Ah | energy content 300 Wh / 400 Wh / 500 Wh | weight 2.5 kg | theft protection | charging at the 230 Volt socket (100% in 3.5 hours)

Drive Unit ACTIVE Line Pedalling support up to 25 km/h | rated output: 250 W | torque 40 Nm | weight: 2.9 kg | 3 sensors: speed, torque, pedalling frequency | rock impact and splash water protection | riding behaviour: harmonic Drive Unit ACTIVE PLUS Line Pedalling support up to 25 km/h | rated output: 250 W | torque 50 Nm | weight: 3.2 kg | 3 sensors: speed, torque, pedalling frequency | rock impact and splash water protection | riding behaviour: dynamic-harmonic

On-board computer INTUVIA Simple operation | USB-interface for charging (e.g. Smartphone) | Pushing aid up to 6 km/h | 5 different riding modes: Eco, Tour, Sport, Turbo, Off | Information display on: day trip, range, running time, average speed and total mileage | total operating time can be called via configuration menu

On-board computer PURION Pushing aid up to 6 km/h | 5 different riding modes: Eco, Tour, Sport, Turbo, Off | Information display on: day trip, range and total mileage

Separately available as a display-upgrade:

On-board computer Nyon Navigations, fitness and Internet function | bicycle-optimised GPS with Moving Map | Smartphone connection for text message and call display | Bluetooth connection with a pulse chest strap | large 4.3 inch colour display | Micro-USB interface | riding modes of the motor support can be set individually | water-tight with the USB cap closed


STePS Mittelmotorantrieb Der SHIMANO STePS Antrieb ist ein klassischer Mittelmotor mit 250 W Leistung. Mit dem Modelljahr 2016/2017 hat sich beim Shimano STePS das Thema „Schalten per Hand“ erledigt. Mit der neuen Vollautomatik schaltet ab sofort die Di2-Schaltung von Shimano für Sie. Display, Motor, Kurbel oder das Kettenblatt sind aus einem Guss und voll aufeinander abgestimmt. Der Antrieb harmoniert ideal mit den weiteren Komponenten aus dem Hause SHIMANO, beispielsweise den Naben- oder Kettenschaltungen.

Battery Latest battery generation | Lithium-ion cells without memory effect | Capacity: 11.6 Ah; 36 V (418 Wh) | charging time: approx. 4h | range: up to 125 km | low capacity loss – still at approx. 60 % of the battery output at 1,000 charge cycles

Display Easy to operate gearshift unit with 3 pushbuttons | activation of pushing aid and light via the shifting unit | 4 different motor support modes | elegant, easy to read display | many bicycle computer functions, e.g. with display of the range and current gear (in connection with Di2-Hub gearshift)

STePS middle motor Pedalling support up to 25 km/h | rated output 250 W | maximum torque 50 Nm | weight 3.2 kg | 4 support steps: Eco, Normal, High and Off | max. range 125 km | particularly silent

Di2 – electronic shifting system Simple shifting of the hub via the shifting unit at the handlebar | well-structred display of the chosen gear in the display of the E-Bike | support of 8- and 11-gear hub shifts | reduction of the drive supportduring shifting for particularly pleasant shifting behaviour | starting mode for automatic gear change at stops, e.g. at red traffic lights

STePS Middle-motor drive The SHIMANO STePS drive is a classic middle motor with an output of 250 W. Entering the model year 2016/2017, with Shimano STePS the matter „shifting by hand“ is closed. With the new fully automatic shifting function of the STePS Di2, Shimano is shifting for you. All components, such as shifting unit, display, motor, crank or the chain leaf are made of a single cast and completely coordinated with each other. The drive harmonises ideally with the other components from SHIMANO, e.g. the hub or chain gearshifts.


Drive Unit E8000 Pedalling support up to 25 km/h | rated output: 250 W | torque 70 Nm | weight: 2.9 kg | 4 different riding modes: Eco, Trail, Boost, Off | riding behaviour: sporty


Integrated Battery Powerful integrated battery with 504 Wh / 36 V | Long lifetime | Weight BT-E8020: 2.9 kg

Display SC-E8000 4 different riding modes: Eco, Trail, Boost, Off | Information display on: (Clock, support mode, battery charge level, Speed, gear indicator (at Di2), distance, Total mileage, driving time, estimated range, Range overview, error messages, cadence)


Motor Der Brose Motor basiert auf einem Lenkungsmotor, der für die Automobilindustrie schon millionenfach produziert wurde. Die Herstellung erfolgt nach höchsten Automotive-Qualitätsstandards. Seit der Einführung wurde der Motor konsequent für den Einsatz in hochwertigen E-Bikes weiterentwickelt und perfektioniert. Die Produktion des Antriebssystems erfolgt im Brose Motorenwerk Berlin und ist somit ein echter e-BikeAntrieb „Made in Germany“. Dieser Motor zeichnet sich durch seine Laufruhe, bestes Leistungsgewicht, mit einem Drehmoment von bis zu 90 Nm für kraftvolle Unterstützung und optimale Fahrdynamik aus. Für den Einsatz in unseren HERCULES E-MTB´s wurde das Motorsetup abgestimmt, um ein bestmögliches Fahrgefühl zu erleben. Die Integration des Motors und der Unterrohr-Batterie in das Fahrwerk Ihres HERCULES E-MTB bietet einen optimalen Schwerpunkt im Rad. Außerdem ist es eine perfekte Kombination aus integrierter Optik und kraftvollem Fahrspaß.

Drivetrain The Brose motor is based on a steering motor, which has already been produced in the millions for the automotive industry. The Production is carried out according to the highest automotive quality standards. Since the introduction of the Brose Motor, it has been consistently further developed and perfected for the use in high-quality e-bikes. The production of the drive system in the engine plant Brose Berlin, making it to a real e-bike drive „Made in Germany“. This engine is characterized by its smooth running, best power to weight ratio, with a torque of up to 90 Nm for powerful support and optimum driving dynamics. For use in our HERCULES E-MTB‘s, the engine setup was adjusted to have the best possible driving experience. The integration of the engine and the downtube battery into the frame of your HERCULES E-MTB provides an optimal center of gravity in the bike. It is also a perfect combination of integrated optics and powerful driving experience.


Akku Die integrierte, aber leicht zu entnehmende Unterrohr-Batterie, mit 650 Wstunden bietet Ihnen Fahrspaß von bis zu 200 km* und hat genug Reserven, um Sie nicht nur auf den Berg zu bringen, sondern auch noch bis nach Hause, um den Abschluss einer erlebnisreichen Tour genießen zu können.

Battery The integrated, but easy to be removed downtube battery, with 650 watt hours offers driving pleasure of up to 200 km* and has enough reserves to bring you not only to top of the mountain, but also to home to enjoy a fun-filled tour.

Display Kompakt Wir haben die NOS E-MTB mit einem CSIKompaktdisplay ausgestattet, welches platzsparend in der Nähe des linken Lenkergriffes positioniert worden ist. Es informiert übersichtlich über alle wichtigen Fahrdaten. Gleichzeitig ist es die Steuereinheit für Antrieb, Licht und Schiebehilfe. Somit haben Sie alles im Blick und unter Kontrolle, aber nichts lenkt Sie von dem grandiosen Panorama auf ihrer Tour ab. Falls sie doch mehr Informationen benötigen, ist im Zentrum des Cockpits Platz für Ihr Smartphone oder das Navigationsgerät, welche über die USB-Schnittstelle des CSIKompaktdisplay mit Strom versorgt werden kann.

Display Compact We have the NOS E-MTB equipped with a CSI-Compact display, which has been saving space positioned near the left handlebar grip. It informs clearly about all important driving data. Simultaneously, it is the control unit for the engine, light and pushing aid. Thus, you have everything in view and under control, but nothing distracts you from the imposing panorama on your tour. If you still need more information, in the center of the cockpit there is space for your smartphone or navigation device, which can be powered via the USB interface of the CSI compact display with power.

Display Bloks 4 different riding modes | Information display on: (Clock, support mode, battery charge level, Speed, Trip Distance, Trip Calories, Total Distance, driving time) | Walk assist | USB-interface for charging (e.g. Smartphone)

* unter optimalen Umgebungsbedingungen / under optimal environmental conditions


SR Suntour HESC ATS System HESC steht für Human Electro Synergy Components und damit für ein perfekt ausbalanciertes Zusammenspiel aus menschlicher Kraft und elektromechanischer Unterstützung. Basierend auf dem ACTIVE Torque Sensor System (ATS) ermöglicht es eine effiziente, intuitive und leistungsfähige Mobilität mit dem Rad. Sie unternehmen einen ausgedehnten Wochenendausflug oder fahren einfach mal raus ins Grüne? Sie planen eine Tour in den Bergen und scheuen auch knackige Anstiege nicht? Sie bewegen sich in der Stadt, im Alltag auf dem Weg zur Arbeit, machen Besorgungen oder treffen Freunde? Was Sie auch vor haben, unsere HESC ATS Familie unterstützt Sie je nach Bedarf kraftvoll dynamisch oder geschmeidig komfortabel. Unsere Freilaufkonstruktion garantiert dabei unbegrenzten Fahrspaß, pure Freiheit und Laufruhe.

Rear-wheel Motor 25 km/h Output: 250 W (400 W maximum) | Torque: 50 Nm | Voltage: 36V | true Freewheel | single weight: 3.2kg | speed sensor

SR Suntour HESC ATS System HESC means Human Electro Synergy Components and thus a perfectly balanced interaction of human power and electromechanical support. Based on the ACTIVE Torque Sensor System (ATS) it permits efficient, intuitive and high-performance mobility with the bike. You‘re going on a long weekend trip or you just want to enjoy the nature? You‘re planning a mountain bike trip and you don‘t mind a steep rise? You‘re getting around town, to work or to the next grocery store by bike? Whatever you want to do - our HESC ARS family will support you powerfully and dynamically or with a smooth pedal support, just as you need it. Our Freewheel construction guarantees unlimited riding pleasure, pure freedom and improved smoothness.


Rear-wheel Motor 25 km/h Output: 250 W (400 W maximum) | Torque: 60 Nm | Voltage: 36V | true Freewheel | single weight: 3.2kg | speed sensor | optimized axis cooling system | thru axle

Display Bloks 4 different riding modes | Information display on: (Clock, support mode, battery charge level, Speed, Trip Distance, Trip Calories, Total Distance, driving time) | Walk assist | USB-interface for charging (e.g. Smartphone)

Battery Intube Capacity: 650 Wh | downtube integrated | easy to be removed | range up to 200 km*

Battery for E25 System Capacity: 17Ah | range up to 150 km (depending on running mode, load and terrain) | charging time: 4-5 hours | 500 charge cycles at a guaranteed remaining capacity of 70% | charging possible on the bike or removed | LED Quick-Check

* unter optimalen Umgebungsbedingungen / under optimal environmental conditions



2019 E-BIKES Trekking

Futura 45 m Bosch PERFORMANCE E45 Line center motor with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 7005, tapered f SR Suntour E-45, with lockout, tapered s Shimano Deore XT, 10-speed d Tektro Dorado, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ENERGIZER Plus Tour, 47-622, Greenguard A Busch and Müller, IQ-X E, up to 150 Lux B Busch and Müller Toplight Line E, BrakeTec g i-Rack, Aluminium

 electric air horn



Gent 28 Inch / 50, 55, 60 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 48, 53 cm

R grey-mat 16

SR Suntour Rear Hub Motor, 500 W, Freewheel, with Thru Axle

Futura 670 Wh Pro I-F14 LCD

Gates Beltdrive

m Bosch PERFORMANCE CX center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel 7005, tapered Wh b 500Aluminium INTUVIAMT-E45, tapered, with Lockout SR Suntour F Bosch Shimano Deore XT, 10-speed

6061, R2 Sport, tapered, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery r Aluminium Tektro Dorado, hydraulic Disc Brake Suntour MOBIE 25, air suspension, lockout, tapered, for 15 mm thru axle f SRSchwalbe ENERGIZER PRO 47-622, RaceGuard Puncture Protection Speedhub, 14-speed s Rohloff Supernova E3, 165 Lumen Deore, d Shimano Busch & Müllerhydraulic Toplight disc Linebrake MARATHON PLUS, 47-622, SmartGuard, „flat-less“ D Schwalbe I-Rack, Aluminium H-Black Pro LED, up to 100 Lux / 230 Lumen A Herrmans grey-mat B IVALO, integrated in carrier g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium, with integrated rear light R black-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R black-mat 17

2019 E-BIKES Trekking

Futura Pro I-F360 Gates Beltdrive

m Bosch PERFORMANCE center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 6061, R2 Sport, tapered, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f SR Suntour MOBIE 25, air suspension, lockout, tapered, for 15 mm thru axle s Enviolo TR, internal gear hub with stepless transmission d Shimano Deore, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe MARATHON PLUS, 47-622, SmartGuard, „flat-less“ A Herrmans H-Black Pro LED, up to 100 Lux / 230 Lumen B IVALO, integrated in carrier g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium, with integrated rear light R anthracite-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R anthracite-mat 18

Futura Pro I-F11 Gates Beltdrive

m Bosch PERFORMANCE Mittelmotor, 250 Watt, mit Freilauf b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 6061, R2 Sport, tapered, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f SR Suntour MOBIE 25, air suspension, lockout, tapered, for 15 mm thru axle s Shimano Alfine, 11-speed d Shimano Deore, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ENERGIZER PRO, 40-622, RaceGuard A Herrmans H-Black Pro LED, up to 100 Lux / 230 Lumen B IVALO, integrated in carrier g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium, with integrated rear light R black-mat / shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R black-mat / shiny 19

2019 E-BIKES Trekking

Futura Pro I m Bosch PERFORMANCE CX center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R black-mat / shiny

r Aluminium 6061, R2 Sport, tapered, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f SR Suntour MOBIE 25, air suspension, lockout, tapered, for 15 mm thru axle s Shimano Deore XT, 11-speed d Shimano Deore, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ENERGIZER PRO, 40-622, RaceGuard A Herrmans H-Black Pro LED, up to 100 Lux / 230 Lumen B IVALO, integrated in carrier g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium, with integrated rear light R black-mat / shiny, silver-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R silver-mat 20

Futura Comp I m Bosch PERFORMANCE CX center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R black-mat

r Aluminium 6061, R2 Sport, tapered, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f SR Suntour MOBIE 25, air suspension, lockout, tapered, for 15 mm thru axle s Shimano SLX, 10-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe MARATHON RACER, 40-622, RaceGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR8; up to 50 Lux / 180 Lumen B IVALO, integrated in carrier g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium, with integrated rear light R black-mat, light green-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R light green-mat 21

2019 E-BIKES Trekking

Futura Sport I-F8 Gates Beltdrive

R black-shiny

m Bosch PERFORMANCE center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 6061, R2 Sport, tapered, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f SR Suntour NEX-E25, with adjustable spring rate, tapered s Shimano Alfine, 8-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe MARATHON RACER, 40-622, RaceGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR8; up to 50 Lux / 180 Lumen B IVALO, integrated in carrier g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium, with integrated rear light R black-shiny, white-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R white-shiny 22

Futura Sport I m Bosch PERFORMANCE CX center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R white-shiny

r Aluminium 6061, R2 Sport, tapered, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f SR Suntour NEX-E25, with adjustable spring rate, tapered s Shimano Deore, 9-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ENERGIZER ACTIVE Plus, 40-622, PunctureGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR8; up to 50 Lux / 180 Lumen B IVALO, integrated in carrier g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium, with integrated rear light R black-mat, white-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R black-mat 23

2019 E-BIKES Trekking

Futura Sport I 8.1 m Bosch PERFORMANCE CX center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R dark red-shiny

r Aluminium 6061, R2 Sport, tapered, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f SR Suntour NEX-E25, with adjustable spring rate, tapered s Shimano Acera, 8-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ENERGIZER ACTIVE Plus, 40-622, PunctureGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium R black-mat, dark red-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R black-mat 24

Futura Sport 8.2 m Bosch PERFORMANCE CX center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch PURION

R orange-mat

r Aluminium 6061, R3-Sport, tapered f SR Suntour NEX-E25, with adjustable spring rate, tapered s Shimano Deore, 8-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ENERGIZER ACTIVE Plus, 40-622, PunctureGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium R grey-mat, orange-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

Deep Entry 26 Inch / 47 cm 28 Inch / 47, 53, 57 cm

R grey-mat 25

2019 E-BIKES Trekking

Futura Sport 8.3 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch PURION

R black-mat

r Aluminium 6061, R3-Sport, tapered f SR Suntour NEX-E25, with adjustable spring rate, tapered s Shimano Acera, 8-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ENERGIZER ACTIVE Plus, 40-622, PunctureGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium R black-mat, light blue-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

Deep Entry 26 Inch / 46 cm 28 Inch / 46, 49, 53, 57 cm

R light blue-mat 26

Edison Pro I m Shimano E8000 center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 504 F Shimano SC-E8000, with ANT private / BluetoothÂŽLE r Aluminium 7005 Sport, for integrated Battery f SR Suntour NEX-E25, hydraulic lockout, for 15 mm thru axle, tapered s Shimano Deore XT Di2, 11-speed d Shimano Deore, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ENERGIZER PRO, 40-622, RaceGuard A Herrmans H-Black Pro LED, up to 100 Lux / 230 Lumen B LED, integrated in carrier g I-Rack, Aluminium, with integrated rear light R black-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R black-mat 27

2019 E-BIKES Trekking

Edison Sport I m Shimano E8000 center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 504 F Shimano SC-E8000, with ANT private / BluetoothÂŽLE r Aluminium 7005 Sport, for integrated Battery f SR Suntour NEX-E25, hydraulic lockout, for 15 mm thru axle, tapered s Shimano Deore, 10-speed d Shimano M315, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ENERGIZER LIFE 40-622, K-Guard A Herrmans H-Black Pro LED, up to 100 Lux / 230 Lumen B LED, integrated in carrier g I-Rack, Aluminium, with integrated rear light R black-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R black-mat 28

Pasero I m Brose center motor, 250 watt, freewheel b 650 Wh F Bloks TOUR r Aluminium 7005 Sport, for integrated Battery f SR Suntour NEX-E25, hydraulic lockout, for 15 mm thru axle, tapered s Shimano Deore, 10-speed d Shimano M395, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ENERGIZER PRO, 40-622, RaceGuard A Herrmans H-Black Pro LED, up to 100 Lux / 230 Lumen B Busch & Müller Toplight View g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 50, 55 cm

R black-mat 29

2019 E-BIKES Trekking

Alassio Pro I m SR Suntour rear hub motor, 250 watt, freewheel, with thru axle b 650 Wh F Bloks TOUR r Aluminium 7005 Sport, for integrated Battery f SR Suntour NEX-E25, hydraulic lockout, for 15 mm thru axle, tapered s Shimano XT, 10-speed d Shimano M395, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ENERGIZER PRO, 40-622, RaceGuard A Herrmans H-Black Pro LED, up to 100 Lux / 230 Lumen B Busch & Müller Toplight View g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57 cm

R black-mat 30

Alassio Sport 9 m SR Suntour rear hub motor, 250 watt, freewheel b 650 Wh F Bloks TOUR r Aluminum 7005, tapered f SR Suntour NEX-E25, hydraulic lockout, tapered s Shimano Deore, 10-speed d Shimano M315, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ENERGIZER LIFE, 40-622, KGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR8; up to 50 Lux / 180 Lumen B Busch & Müller Toplight View g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 48, 53, 58, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 50, 53, 58 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 47, 51, 55 cm

R black-mat 31




2019 E-BIKES City

Robert/-a Pro I-R8 Gates Beltdrive

R white-shiny

m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 6061, R1 Tour, tapered, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f SR Suntour, TR-HSI, adjustable spring rate, hydraulic lockout, tapered s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HSi-22, integrated hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe MARATHON PLUS, 47-622, SmartGuard, „flat-less“ A Herrmans H-Black Pro LED, up to 100 Lux / 230 Lumen B IVALO, integrated in carrier g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium, with integrated rear light R black-mat, white-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R black-mat 34

Robert/-a Pro I-F8 Gates Beltdrive

R black-mat

m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 6061, R1 Tour, tapered, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f SR Suntour, TR-HSI, adjustable spring rate, hydraulic lockout, tapered s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HSi-22, integrated hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe MARATHON PLUS, 47-622, SmartGuard, „flat-less“ A Herrmans H-Black Pro LED, up to 100 Lux / 230 Lumen B IVALO, integrated in carrier g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium, with integrated rear light R black-mat, white-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R white-shiny 35

2019 E-BIKES City

Robert/-a Deluxe I-R8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R nightblue-shiny

r Aluminium 6061, R1 Tour, tapered, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f SR Suntour, TR-HSI, adjustable spring rate, hydraulic lockout, tapered s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HSi-22, integrated hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe MARATHON, 47-622, GreenGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium R grey-mat, night blue-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 53, 57, 61 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R grey-mat 36

Robert/-a Deluxe I-F8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R grey-mat

r Aluminium 6061, R1 Tour, tapered, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f SR Suntour, TR-HSI, adjustable spring rate, hydraulic lockout, tapered s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HSi-22, integrated hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe MARATHON, 47-622, GreenGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium R grey-mat, night blue-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 53, 57, 61 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R nightblue-shiny 37

2019 E-BIKES City

Robert/-a Pro R8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R turquoise-mat

r Aluminium 6061, R3 Tour, tapered f SR Suntour, TR-HSI, adjustable spring rate, hydraulic lockout, tapered s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HSi-22, integrated hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe MARATHON PLUS, 47-622, SmartGuard, „flat-less“ A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium R black-shiny, turquoise-mat

Deep Entry 26 Inch / 46 cm 28 Inch / 46, 49, 53, 57 cm

R black-shiny 38

Robert/-a Pro F8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R black-shiny

r Aluminium 6061, R3 Tour, tapered f SR Suntour, TR-HSI, adjustable spring rate, hydraulic lockout, tapered s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HSi-22, integrated hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe MARATHON PLUS, 47-622, SmartGuard, „flat-less“ A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium R black-shiny, turquoise-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Deep Entry 26 Inch / 46 cm 28 Inch / 46, 49, 53, 57 cm

R turquoise-mat 39

2019 E-BIKES City

Robert/-a R8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R light green-shiny

r Aluminium 6061, R3 Tour, tapered f SR Suntour CR85, with adjustable spring rate s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d FW: Magura HS-22 / RW: Magura Hsi-22, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe MARATHON, 47-622 (26“: 47-559), GreenGuard A AXA Blueline30, up to 30 Lux B AXA Blueline g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium R grey-mat, light green-shiny

Deep Entry 26 Inch / 46 cm 28 Inch / 46, 49, 53, 57 cm

R grey-mat 40

Robert/-a F8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R grey-mat

r Aluminium 6061, R3 Tour, tapered f SR Suntour CR85, with adjustable spring rate s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d FW: Magura HS-22 / RW: Magura Hsi-22, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe MARATHON, 47-622 (26“: 47-559), GreenGuard A AXA Blueline30, up to 30 Lux B AXA Blueline g Racktime, with SnapIt-System, Aluminium R grey-mat, light green-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Deep Entry 26 Inch / 46 cm 28 Inch / 46, 49, 53, 57 cm

R light green-shiny 41

2019 E-BIKES City

Robert/-a R7 Active Plus m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R white-shiny

r Aluminium 6061 Pro, Tour f SR Suntour CR85, with adjustable spring rate s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Magura HS-11, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe CITIZEN, 42-622 (26“: 47-559), Kguard A AXA Blueline30, up to 30 Lux B AXA Blueline g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-mat, white-shiny

Deep Entry 26 Inch / 47 cm 28 Inch / 46, 50, 54 cm

R black-mat 42

Robert/-a F7 Active Plus m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R black-mat

r Aluminium 6061 Pro, Tour f SR Suntour CR85, with adjustable spring rate s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Magura HS-11, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe CITIZEN, 42-622 (26“: 47-559), Kguard A AXA Blueline30, up to 30 Lux B AXA Blueline g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-mat, white-shiny

Deep Entry 26 Inch / 47 cm 28 Inch / 46, 50, 54 cm

R white-shiny 43

2019 E-BIKES City

Robert/-a R7 m Bosch ACTIVE center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch PURION

R dark red-shiny

r Aluminium 6061 Basic, Tour f SR Suntour CR85, with adjustable spring rate s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Magura HS-11, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe CITIZEN, 42-622, KGuard / 26“: 47-559 A AXA Blueline30, up to 30 Lux B AXA Blueline g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-mat, dark red-shiny

Deep Entry 26 Inch / 46 cm 28 Inch / 46, 50, 54 cm

R black-mat 44

Robert/-a F7 m Bosch ACTIVE center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch PURION

R black-mat

r Aluminium 6061 Basic, Tour f SR Suntour CR85, with adjustable spring rate s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Magura HS-11, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe CITIZEN, 42-622, KGuard /26“: 47-559 A AXA Blueline30, up to 30 Lux B AXA Blueline g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-mat, dark red-shiny

Deep Entry 26 Inch / 46 cm 28 Inch / 46, 50, 54 cm

R dark red-shiny 45

2019 E-BIKES City

Viverty E R7 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R champagne-shiny R bluegrey-metallic

r Aluminium 7005 Touring, with welded carrier, incl. Battery tray f rigid steel fork, with Low-Rider attachment s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Magura HS-11, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe BIG BEN, 50-622, KGuard A Retro, LED B carrier rear light R99-EB, LED g i-Rack, Aluminium with battery tray, welded on frame R berry-shiny, bluegrey-metallic, champagne-shiny

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 50, 55 cm

R berry-shiny 46

Viverty E F7 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R berry-shiny R champagne-shiny

r Aluminium 7005 Touring, with welded carrier, incl. Battery tray f rigid steel fork, with Low-Rider attachment s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Magura HS-11, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe BIG BEN, 50-622, KGuard A Retro, LED B carrier rear light R99-EB, LED g i-Rack, Aluminium with battery tray, welded on frame R berry-shiny, bluegrey-metallic, champagne-shiny

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 50, 55 cm

R bluegrey-metallic 47

2019 E-BIKES City

Urbanico E R8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R sand-shiny R turquoise-shiny

r Aluminium 6061 Pro, Tour f SR Suntour CR85, with adjustable spring rate s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HS-22, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe CITY LITE, 47-622, Kguard A Busch & Müller Lumotec CLASSIC, up to 25 Lux, LED B Busch & Müller Toplight View g i-Rack, Aluminium R dark green-shiny, sand-shiny, turquoise-shiny

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 46, 50, 54 cm

R dark green-shiny 48

Urbanico E F8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R dark green-shiny R sand-shiny

r Aluminium 6061 Pro, Tour f SR Suntour CR85, with adjustable spring rate s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HS-22, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe CITY LITE, 47-622, Kguard A Busch & Müller Lumotec CLASSIC, up to 25 Lux, LED B Busch & Müller Toplight View g i-Rack, Aluminium R dark green-shiny, sand-shiny, turquoise-shiny

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 46, 50, 54 cm

R turquoise-shiny 49

2019 E-BIKES City

Montfoort Plus F8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 7005 Tour f SR Suntour NEX-E25, hydraulic lockout s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HS-22, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe ENERGIZER PLUS, 40-622, GreenGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR8; up to 50 Lux / 180 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium with battery tray R black-shiny

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 50, 55 cm

R black-shiny 50

Montfoort F7 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 400 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R berry-shiny

r Aluminium 7005 Tour f SR Suntour NEX-E25, with adjustable spring rate s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Magura HS-11, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe ENERGIZER LIFE, 40-622, KGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR8; up to 50 Lux / 180 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium with battery tray R berry-shiny, silver-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 53, 58, 61 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 50, 55 cm

R silver-mat 51


Montfoort Cruise F7 m Bosch ACTIVE center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 400 Wh F Bosch PURION

R nougat-mat

r Aluminium 7005 Tour f SR Suntour NEX-E25, with adjustable spring rate s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Magura HS-11, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe DELTA CRUISER PLUS, 40-622, PunctureGuard A AXA Blueline30, up to 30 Lux B AXA Blueline g i-Rack, Aluminium with battery tray R black-mat, nougat-mat

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 45, 50, 55 cm

R black-mat 53

DAS ISP FAHRRAD – INNOVATION PUR! Es handelt sich hier um eine international patentierte SattelVerstellkonstruktion, wodurch ein so genannter multivariabler Sitzwinkel entsteht, der die Grundlage für die einzigartige „Automatische GeometriePositionierung” bildet. In der Praxis bedeutet das, dass bei ISP die korrekte Rahmenhöhe (bzw. die korrekte Rahmengeometrie) in kürzester Zeit ermittelt werden kann. Des Weiteren ist die Verstellhöhe des Sattels mehr als 2 bis 2,5 Mal so groß wie bei einem herkömmlichen Fahrrad, wodurch alle Radfahrer mit einer Körperlänge von etwa 1,45 m bis 1,95 m „ergonomisch korrekt sitzend“ gut auf das Fahrrad passen.

zurzeit mit jedem neuen Fahrradmodell einhergeht, ist de facto der ganz große Haken bei einer adäquaten Logistik. Das genannte Phänomen steht auf diese Weise einem flotten Durchfluss der gesamten Organisation innerhalb des Zuliefer-, Produktionsund Verkaufsprozesses im Weg. Bei ISP entfallen diese lästigen Rahmengrößen gänzlich, weil in jedem Basis-ISP-Rahmen eine Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Geometrien für nahezu jede Körpergröße standardmäßig eingebaut ist. Kreativität im Rahmen neuer Modelle wird jetzt erst richtig interessant, weil diese neuen Fahrradkreationen nicht sofort eine Unmenge an Rahmengrößen erfordern. Zum Beispiel: Ein einziges ISP-Rad in einer Farbe ergibt logistisch gesehen nur ein einziges Endmodell. Bei einem konventionellen Rad würde es sich vergleichsweise um mindestens 5 Modelle han deln. Bei 2 Farben: 2 anstatt 10 Modelle Bei 3 Farben: 3 anstatt 15 Modelle Bei 2 Modellen mit 3 Farben: 6 anstatt 30 Endmodelle

verstellt und entsteht ebenfalls ein multivariabler Sitzwinkel – die Basis für ISP. In der unteren Zeichnung ist zu sehen, dass der Sattel vor der Sattelstütze befestigt ist und mühelos an der Vorderseite des Sitzrohrs nach unten oder nach oben verstellt werden kann, im Gegensatz zu einem konventionellen Fahrrad, bei dem der Sattel von der Mitte des Sitzrohrs aus verstellt wird.

ISP - Intelligent Seating Position rot gestrichelte Linie = nicht ideal grün gestrichelte Linie = ideal

Fazit: Ein Fahrrad mit einem ISP-Rahmen ist nicht nur immer schnell lieferbar, es passt auch immer und zu jedem Radfahrer. Das ist praktisch für den Verbraucher, aber auch für den Fahrradhändler. Das Fahrrad zum Händler zurückbringen, weil es die falsche Rahmengröße hat, gehört jetzt der Vergangenheit an. Ein großer Pluspunkt der letztlich gefundenen, komplett neuen Konstruktion besteht darin, dass bei einer beliebigen Satteleinstellung – höher oder niedriger – der Fahrer seine beiden Füße gleichzeitig auf den Boden stellen kann. Das führt zu einer maximalen Stabilität, insbesondere beim Anhalten, wobei ein Umfallen jetzt praktisch ausgeschlossen ist. Ein anderes wichtiges Ziel von ISP ist die Einschränkung des bekannten „Dschungels an Modellen“, wie er bei praktisch allen Fahrrad-Marken vorkommt. Die zahllose Menge an Rahmengrößen, die

Eingentum von Andries Gaastra

Last but not least bietet ein mit ISP ausgerüstetes Rad ExtraSicherheit beim Radfahren, was ein hoch aktuelles Thema ist. Auf der linken Zeichnung des ISPRahmens ist deutlich zu sehen, dass ein ISP-Rahmenkonzept hinsichtlich des Modells kaum von einem konventionellen Rahmen abweicht, jedoch wird auch hier der Sattel an der Vorderseite des Sitzrohrs

Die Kombination von festem Sitzrohrwinkel, Winkel a, und den multivariablen Sitzwinkeln b, c, d und e (siehe die schwarzen Linien) des Rads mit ISP ist die Basis für die oben erwähnte „Automatische-GeometriePositionierung“. Grund: Bei jeder Neueinstellung des Sattels nach oben oder unten wird gleichzeitig und automatisch der korrekte, übereinstimmende Abstand vom Sattel zum Steuerrohr eingestellt (siehe auch die grünen Strichellinien 1, 2, 3 und 4).


2019 E-BIKES City

E-Joy R7 m Bosch ACTIVE center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 400 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R green-shiny

r Aluminium 7005, Tour with „Intelligent Seat Position“ f SR Suntour NEX-E25, with adjustable spring rate s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Magura HS-22, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe MARATHON PLUS, 40-622, SmartGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium with battery tray, welded on frame R dark grey-mat, green-shiny

Deep Entry 28 Inch / Uni cm

R dark grey-mat 55

THE ISP BIKE – PURE INNOVATION! This is an internationally patented seat adjustment construction creating a multivariable seat angle that forms the basis for the unique „automatic geometry positioning“. In practice, this means that the correct frame height (or the correct frame geometry) can be determined very quickly with ISP. Furthermore, the adjustment height of the seat is more than 2 to 2.5 times as large as in a conventional bike, which means that all cyclists with a body height of about 1.45 m to 1.95 m fit on the bike well „sitting ergonomically correctly“.

quick flow through the entire organisation within the delivery, production and sales process. These annoying frame sizes are not applicable to ISP at all, since each basic ISP-frame comes with a great number of different geometries for almost any body size by default. Creativity in the scope of new models now becomes properly interesting, since these new bike creations do not require a huge number of frame sizes at once. For example: A single ISP-bike in one colour, logistically speaking, only leads to a single end model. A conventional bike would have at least 5 models by comparison. For 2 colours: 2 instead of 10 models For 3 colours: 3 instead of 15 models For 2 models with 3 colours each: 6 instead of 30 end models

the seat tube, in contrast to a conventional bike, where the seat is adjusted from the middle of the seat tube. The combination of fixed seat tube angle, angle a, and the multivariable seat angles b, c, d and e (see the black lines) of the bike with ISP form the basis for the above „automatic geometry positioning“.

ISP - Intelligent Seating Position Red dashed line = not ideal Green dashed line = ideal

Another important goal of ISP is limitation of the known „model jungle“ that happens with almost every bike brand. The huge number of frame sizes that are currently coming with each new bike model is de facto the big problem with adequate logistics. The phenomenon named is thus in the way of a

property of Andries Gaastra

Last but not least, an ISP bike offers extra safety when cycling, which is a highly current subject. The left drawing of the ISP frame clearly shows that an ISP frame concept hardly deviates from a conventional frame in terms of model, but that the seat is also adjusted at the front of the seat tube, leading to a multivariable seat angle – the basis for ISP. The lower drawing shows that the seat is attached in front of the seat tube, and can easily be adjusted up or down at the front of

At least 8 different frame sizes are now totally unnecessary! The ISP bike on the left with „automatic geometry positioning“ has any number of frame sizes.

Result: A bike with an ISP-frame is not only always available quickly, but will also fit always and any rider. This is practical for the consumer, as well as for the bike dealer. Bikes returned to the dealer for a wrong frame size are a thing of the past.

One big advantage of the completely new construction that was finally found is in the rider being able to put both feet on the ground at the same time at different saddle settings – higher or lower. This ensures best stability, especially when stopping, and virtually excludes falling.

Reason: Any new setting of the seat up or down at the same time and automatically adjusts the correct, matching distance from seat to head tube (also see the green dashed lines 1, 2, 3 and 4).

Automatic geometry positioning

2019 E-BIKES City

E-Joy F7 m Bosch ACTIVE center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 400 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R dark grey-mat

r Aluminium 7005, Tour with „Intelligent Seat Position“ f SR Suntour NEX-E25, with adjustable spring rate s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Magura HS-22, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe MARATHON PLUS, 40-622, SmartGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium with battery tray, welded on frame R dark grey-mat, green-shiny

Deep Entry 28 Inch / Uni cm

R green-shiny 57



2019 E-BIKES Cross

Rob Cross Pro I m Bosch PERFORMANCE CX center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch PURION r Aluminium 6061, R2 Sport, tapered, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f SR Suntour NEX-E25, with hydraulic lockout s Shimano Deore XT, 10-speed d Shimano M425, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe SMART SAM Performance, 44-622, Addix A Herrmans H-Black MR8; up to 50 Lux / 180 Lumen B stay rear light, LED R black-mat / shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R black-mat / shiny 60

Rob Cross Elite I m Bosch PERFORMANCE CX center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch PURION r Aluminium 6061, R2 Sport, tapered, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f SR Suntour NEX-E25, with hydraulic lockout s Shimano Deore, 10-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe SMART SAM Performance, 44-622, Addix A AXA Blueline, with up to 30 Lux B stay rear light, LED R black-blue-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R black-blue-mat 61

2019 E-BIKES City

Rob Cross Comp I m Bosch PERFORMANCE CX center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch PURION r Aluminium 6061, R2 Sport, tapered, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f SR Suntour NEX-E25, with hydraulic lockout s Shimano Deore, 9-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe SMART SAM Performance, 44-622, Addix A AXA Blueline, with up to 30 Lux B stay rear light, LED R black-mat / orange-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 49, 53, 57, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 49, 53, 57 cm

R black-mat / orange-shiny 62

Rob Cross Sport 9.1 m Bosch PERFORMANCE CX center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch PURION

R white-red-shiny

r Aluminium 7005 Sport, tapered f SR Suntour NEX-E25, with hydraulic lockout s Shimano Deore XT, 9-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe SMART SAM Performance, 44-622, Addix A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B stay rear light, LED R black-mat / red-shiny, white-red-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 48, 53, 58, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 50, 53 cm

R black-mat / red-shiny 63

2019 E-BIKES Cross

Rob Cross Sport 8.1 m Bosch PERFORMANCE CX center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch PURION

R white-green-shiny

r Aluminium 7005 Sport f SR Suntour NEX-E25, with hydraulic lockout s Shimano Alivio, 8-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe SMART SAM Performance, 44-622, Addix A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B stay rear light, LED R black-green-mat, white-green-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 48, 52, 56, 60 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 44, 48, 52 cm

R black-green-mat 64

Rob Cross Sport 8.2 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch PURION

R white-blue-shiny

r Aluminium 7005 Sport f SR Suntour NEX-E25, adjustable spring rate s Shimano Acera, 8-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe SMART SAM Performance, 44-622, Addix A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B stay rear light, LED R black-blue-mat, white-blue-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 48, 52, 56, 60 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 44, 48, 52 cm

R black-blue-mat 65





NOS FS Pro I m Brose Drive S center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 650 Wh F Marquardt, 4311 „Comfort“ r Aluminium 7005, boost, tapered, MonkeyLink® ready, 140 mm travel f Rock Shox PIKE RC, Solo Air, boost & tapered, with 15 mm thru axle, 140 mm travel s Shimano Deore XT, 22-speed d Shimano Deore XT, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ROCKET RON, 70-584, Snake Skin A MonkeyLink® ready B MonkeyLink® ready R black-mat / shiny

MTB 27,5+ Inch / 41, 44, 49, 54 cm

R black-mat / shiny 68

NOS FS Comp I m Brose Drive S center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 650 Wh F Marquardt, 4311 „Comfort“ r Aluminium 7005, boost, tapered, MonkeyLink® ready, 140 mm travel f Rock Shox REVELATION RC, Solo Air, boost & tapered, with 15 mm thru axle, 140 mm travel s Shimano SLX, 22-speed d Shimano SLX, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ROCKET RON, 70-584, Snake Skin A MonkeyLink® ready B MonkeyLink® ready R red-black-shiny

MTB 27,5+ Inch / 41, 44, 49, 54 cm

R red-black-shiny 69


NOS FS Sport I m Brose Drive S center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 650 Wh F Marquardt, 4311 „Comfort“ r Aluminium 7005, boost, tapered, MonkeyLink® ready, 140 mm travel f SR Suntour AION-35 Boost RL-R, remote lockout, air suspension, with 15 mm thru axle, 140 mm travel s Shimano Deore, 20-speed d Shimano M395, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe SMART SAM, 65-584, KGuard A MonkeyLink® ready B MonkeyLink® ready R blue-white-shiny

MTB 27,5+ Inch / 41, 44, 49, 54 cm

R blue-white-shiny 70

NOS Sport I m Brose Drive S center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 650 Wh F Marquardt, 4311 „Comfort“ r Aluminium 7005, boost, tapered, MonkeyLink® ready f Rock Shox JUDY SILVER, Solo Air, boost & tapered, with 15 mm thru axle, 120 mm travel s Shimano Deore, 20-speed d Shimano M395, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe SMART SAM, 65-584, KGuard A MonkeyLink® ready B MonkeyLink® ready R black-white-mat

MTB 27,5+ Inch / 41, 44, 49, 54 cm

R black-white-mat 71


NOS FS CX Comp I m Bosch PERFORMANCE CX center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 7005, boost, tapered, MonkeyLink® ready, 140 mm travel, for Bosch Powertube f Rock Shox REVELATION RC, Solo Air, boost & tapered, with 15 mm thru axle, 140 mm travel s Shimano Deore, 10-speed d Magura MT5 (FW) / MT4 (RW), hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ROCKET RON, 70-584, Snake Skin A MonkeyLink® ready B MonkeyLink® ready R black-blue-mat

MTB 27,5+ Inch / 44, 49, 54 cm

R black-blue-mat 72

NOS FS CX Sport I m Bosch PERFORMANCE CX center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 7005, boost, tapered, MonkeyLink® ready, 140 mm travel, for Bosch Powertube f Rock Shox RECON RL, Solo Air, boost & tapered, with 15 mm thru axle, 140 mm travel s Shimano Deore, 10-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe SMART SAM, 65-584, KGuard A MonkeyLink® ready B MonkeyLink® ready R black-mat / white-shiny

MTB 27,5+ Inch / 44, 49, 54 cm

R black-mat / white-shiny 73


NOS CX Comp m Bosch PERFORMANCE CX center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminum 7005, boost, tapered, MonkeyLink® ready f Rock Shox RECON RL, Solo Air, boost & tapered, with 15 mm thru axle, 120 mm travel s Shimano Deore, 10-speed d Magura MT5(FW)/MT4(RW), hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe SMART SAM, 65-584, KGuard A MonkeyLink® ready B MonkeyLink® ready R white-black-shiny

MTB 27,5+ Inch / 41, 44, 49, 54 cm

R white-black-shiny 74

NOS CX Sport m Bosch PERFORMANCE CX center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminum 7005, boost, tapered, MonkeyLink® ready f SR Suntour XCR-34, boost & tapered, air suspension, with 15 mm thru axle, 120 mm s Shimano Deore, 10-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe SMART SAM, 65-584, KGuard A MonkeyLink® ready B MonkeyLink® ready R black-green-mat

MTB 27,5+ Inch / 41, 44, 49, 54 cm

R black-green-mat 75


NOS FS 8K Pro I-Di2 m Shimano E8000 center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 504 Wh F Shimano SC-E8000, with ANT private / Bluetooth速LE r Aluminium 7005, boost, tapered, MonkeyLink速 ready, 140 mm travel, for integrated Shimano BT-8020 Battery f Rock Shox YARI RC, Solo Air, boost & tapered, with 15 mm thru axle, 150 mm travel s Shimano XT Di2, 11-speed d Shimano SLX, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ROCKET RON, 70-584, Snake Skin A MonkeyLink速 ready B MonkeyLink速 ready R grey-mat / black-shiny

MTB 27,5+ Inch / 41, 44, 49, 54 cm

R grey-mat / black-shiny 76

NOS FS 8K Sport I m Shimano E8000 center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 504 Wh F Shimano SC-E8000, with ANT private / Bluetooth速LE r Aluminium 7005, boost, tapered, MonkeyLink速 ready, 140 mm travel, for integrated Shimano BT-8020 Battery f SR Suntour AION-35 Boost RL-R, remote lockout, air suspension, with 15 mm thru axle, 150 mm travel s Shimano Deore, 10-speed d Shimano M395, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe SMART SAM, 65-584, KGuard A MonkeyLink速 ready B MonkeyLink速 ready R grey-orange-mat

MTB 27,5+ Inch / 41, 44, 49, 54 cm

R grey-orange-mat 77




2019 E-BIKES Heavy & Carry

E-Imperial 180 S R8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

180 kg max. weight allowed

r Aluminium 7005, Tour, reinforced f SR Suntour NEX-E25, hydraulic lockout, tapered, with reinforced spring s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HS-22, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe MARATHON PLUS, 47-622, SmartGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR8; up to 50 Lux / 180 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium, welded on frame / Wave: with battery tray R black-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 50, 55, 60, 64, 68 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 46, 50, 55, 60 cm

R black-mat 80

E-Imperial 180 S F8 m Bosch PERFORMANCE center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R black-shiny R black-mat

r Aluminium 7005, Tour, reinforced f SR Suntour NEX-E25, hydraulic lockout, tapered, with reinforced spring s Shimano Alfine, 8-speed d Magura HS-22, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe MARATHON PLUS, 47-622, SmartGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR8; up to 50 Lux / 180 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium, welded on frame / Wave: with battery tray R black-mat, black-shiny, darkblue-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 50, 55, 60, 64, 68 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 46, 50, 55, 60 cm

180 kg max. weight allowed

R darkblue-shiny 81

2019 E-BIKES Heavy & Carry

E-Imperial 180 S 9 180 kg max. weight allowed

R black-shiny

m Bosch PERFORMANCE center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 7005, Tour, reinforced f SR Suntour NEX-E25, hydraulic lockout, tapered, with reinforced spring s Shimano Deore, 9-speed d Shimano MT400, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe MARATHON PLUS, 47-622, SmartGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR8; up to 50 Lux / 180 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium, welded on frame / Wave: with battery tray R black-mat, black-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 50, 55, 60, 64, 68 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 46, 50, 55, 60 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 46, 50, 55, 60 cm

R black-mat 82

Cargo 1000 m Bosch PERFORMANCE center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 1000 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA R grey-shiney

R i-blue

R green-shiny

r Aluminium 7005, VR 20“ / HR 26“, with transport surface f Spinner 300, tapered, 80 mm travel s Nuvinci, N380SE, stepless d Magura MT5, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe BIG APPLE, FW: 55-406, KGuard/RW: 60-559, RaceGuard A Busch & Müller Lumotec EYC Plus, up to 50 Lux B Busch & Müller Toplight View g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-mat, green-shiny, grey-shiney, i-blue

Transport Plus 26 Inch / 51 cm

R black-mat 83

2019 E-BIKES Heavy & Carry

Cargo 500 m Bosch PERFORMANCE center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 7005, VR 20“ / HR 26“, with transport surface f Spinner 300, tapered, 80 mm travel s NuVinci 360, stepless d Formula CR3, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe BIG APPLE, FW: 55-406, KGuard/RW: 60-559, RaceGuard A Busch & Müller Lumotec EYC IQ, up to 50 Lux B Busch & Müller Toplight View g i-Rack, Aluminium R green-shiny

Transport Plus 26 Inch / 51 cm

R green-shiny 84

Rob Cargo R7 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 7005, with holder for Racktime BoxIt, reinforced f Aluminium, rigid, reinforced s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Magura HS-11, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe BIG BEN, 55-507, RaceGuard A Busch and Müller IQ Avy, up to 30 Lux B Busch & Müller Toplight View g Racktime SnapIt, incl. Racktime BoxIt Baskets (RW: Large 18L/FW: Small 13L) R grey-shiny

Deep Entry 24 Inch / 48 cm

R grey-shiny 85




2019 E-BIKES Fold & Compact

Futura Compact R8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch PURION r Aluminium 7005, Compact f rigid steel fork s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HS-22, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe BIG APPLE 20“, 50-406 / 24“ 50-507, RaceGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-mat

Deep Entry 20 Inch / 46 cm 24 Inch / 46 cm


R black-mat 88


Futura Compact F8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch PURION r Aluminium 7005, Compact f rigid steel fork s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HS-22, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe BIG APPLE 20“, 50-406 / 24“ 50-507, RaceGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium R grey-shiny

Deep Entry 20 Inch / 46 cm 24 Inch / 46 cm



R grey-shiny 89

2019 E-BIKES Fold & Compact

Futura Compact 8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch PURION

R red-shiny

r Aluminium 7005, Compact f rigid steel fork s Shimano Deore XT, 9-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe BIG APPLE, 50-507, RaceGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR8; up to 50 Lux / 180 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-mat, red-shiny

Deep Entry 24 Inch / 46 cm


R black-mat 90


Rob Fold 8 Carbon m Bosch PERFORMANCE center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Carbon, foldable f Aero Carbon, rigid s Shimano Alfine, 8-speed d Magura HS-22, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe BIG APPLE, 50-406, RaceGuard A Busch and Müller IQ Avy, up to 30 Lux B integrated in carrier g i-Rack, Aluminium, with integrated rear light R black ud-mat

Folding 20 Inch / 46 cm

R black ud-mat 91

2019 E-BIKES Fold & Compact Bags

Rob Fold Zubehör Praktisch und einfach: die Rob Fold MonkeyLink Tasche für alle Rob Fold I Modelle ist mit einem Griff am Sitzrohr befestigt – für Werkzeug, Handy oder andere Utensilien. Für den täglichen Transport in Bus und Bahn oder einfach nur zum Schutz des Rob Folds empfiehlt sich die Tragetasche.

Rob Fold Accessories

Tasche MonkeyLink (grau) Bag MonkeyLink (grey)

Practical and easy to use: the Rob Fold MonkeyLink bag for all Rob Fold I models is easy to attach to the seating tube – for tools, mobile phone or other equipment. The carrying bag is ideal for a daily transport of your Rob Fold by bus and train or just for protection.

Rob Fold Tragetasche (schwarz) Rob Fold Carrying Bag (black) 92

2019 E-BIKES Fold & Compact

Rob Fold Pro I-F8 Gates Beltdrive

m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 7005, foldable, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f Aluminium, rigid, for 15 mm thru axle s Shimano Alfine, 8-speed d Magura HSi-22, integrated hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe BIG APPLE, 50-406, RaceGuard A Busch and Müller IQ Avy, up to 30 Lux B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-red-shiny

Folding 20 Inch / 46 cm


R black-red-shiny 94


Rob Fold I-R8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 7005, foldable, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f Aluminium, rigid, for 15 mm thru axle s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HSi-22, integrated hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe BIG APPLE, 50-406, RaceGuard A Busch and Müller IQ Avy, up to 30 Lux B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium R grey-white-shiny

Folding 20 Inch / 46 cm



R grey-white-shiny 95

2019 E-BIKES Fold & Compact

Rob Fold I-F8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 7005, foldable, for integrated Bosch Powertube-Battery f Aluminium, rigid, for 15 mm thru axle s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HSi-22, integrated hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe BIG APPLE, 50-406, RaceGuard A Busch and Müller IQ Avy, up to 30 Lux B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium R white-black-shiny

Folding 20 Inch / 46 cm


R white-black-shiny 96


Rob Fold 9 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA r Aluminium 7005, foldable f rigid steel fork s Shimano Deore XT, 9-speed d Magura HS-22, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe BIG APPLE, 50-406, RaceGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-mat

Folding 20 Inch / 46 cm



R black-mat 97

2019 E-BIKES Fold & Compact

Rob Fold R8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R darkblue-shiny R white-shiny

r Aluminium 7005, foldable f rigid steel fork s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HS-22, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe BIG APPLE, 50-406, RaceGuard A Busch and Müller IQ Avy, up to 30 Lux B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-shiny, darkblue-shiny, white-shiny

Folding 20 Inch / 46 cm


R black-shiny 98


Rob Fold F8 m Bosch ACTIVE PLUS center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 500 Wh, 400 Wh F Bosch INTUVIA

R grey-black-shiny R black-shiny

r Aluminium 7005, foldable f rigid steel fork s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Magura HS-22, hydraulic rim brake D Schwalbe BIG APPLE, 50-406, RaceGuard A Busch and Müller IQ Avy, up to 30 Lux B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-shiny, grey-black-shiny, white-shiny

Folding 20 Inch / 46 cm



R white-shiny 99

2019 E-BIKES Fold & Compact

Rob Fold R7 m Bosch ACTIVE center motor, 250 watt, with coaster brake b 400 Wh F Bosch PURION r Aluminium 7005, foldable f rigid steel fork s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Magura HS-11, hydraulic rim brake D Impac BIG PACK, 50-406 A Herrmans H-Black MR8; up to 50 Lux / 180 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-mat

Folding 20 Inch / 46 cm


R black-mat 100


Rob Fold F7 m Bosch ACTIVE center motor, 250 watt, with freewheel b 400 Wh F Bosch PURION r Aluminium 7005, foldable f rigid steel fork s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Magura HS-11, hydraulic rim brake D Impac BIG PACK, 50-406 A Herrmans H-Black MR8; up to 50 Lux / 180 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C, carrier rear light LED g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-mat

Folding 20 Inch / 46 cm



R black-mat 101

2019 E-BIKES Impressions

2019 E-BIKES Impressions

BICYCLES Fahrrad fahren kann so einfach sein – mit HERCULES Spüre die grenzenlose Freiheit beim Fahren: nichts, das einen abhält die Welt um sich herum auf zwei Rädern zu erkunden. HERCULES belohnt Sie dabei mit einem unvergleichlichen und einzigartigen Fahrgefühl. Egal ob auf oder neben der Straße, mit viel oder wenig Gepäck, sportlich oder komfortabel – mit unseren verschiedenen und erstklassigen HERCULES Modellen haben wir für jedes Einsatzgebiet den richtigen Begleiter für Sie. Modernste Technik wie die starken Magura Bremsen, Schwalbe Pannenschutz Bereifung oder helle Busch & Müller Beleuchtung lassen keine Wünsche offen. HERCULES bringt Sie immer sicher an Ihr Ziel!

Cycling can be so easy – with HERCULES Enjoy limitless freedom while riding a bike: nothing can stop you exploring the world on two wheels. HERCULES rewards you with an incomparable and unique riding pleasure. Whether on or off the streets, with a lot of luggage or less, athletic or comfortable – with our variety of first-class HERCULES bikes we provide you with the right model for all your specific requirements. The latest technology like powerful Magura brakes, Schwalbe Puncture Protection tires or bright and clear Busch & Müller lights leave nothing to be desired. HERCULES always gets you to your destination safely!





2019 BICYCLES Trekking

Tessano Pro Lite r Trekking Aluminium 7005 DB, tapered f Aluminium, rigid s Shimano Deore XT, 30-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe MARATHON, 50-622, GreenGuard A Herrmans H-Black Pro LED, up to 100 Lux / 230 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C Plus, carrier rear light LED with parking light g Sport, Aluminium, with spring clamp R black-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 48, 53, 58, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 50, 53 cm

R black-mat 110

Tessano F8 Lite Gates Beltdrive

r Trekking Aluminium 7005 DB, tapered f Aluminium, rigid s Shimano Nexus, 8-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe MARATHON, 50-622, GreenGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B Busch & MĂźller 2C Plus, carrier rear light LED with parking light g Sport, Aluminium, with spring clamp R black-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 48, 53, 58, 61 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 45, 50, 53 cm

R black-mat 111

2019 BICYCLES Trekking

Tessano Pro r Trekking Aluminium 7005 DB, tapered f SR Suntour NEX, adjustable spring rate, hydraulic lockout s Shimano Deore XT, 30-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe MARATHON RACER, 40-622, RaceGuard A Herrmans H-Black Pro LED, up to 100 Lux / 230 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C Plus, carrier rear light LED with parking light g Sport, Aluminium, with spring clamp R black-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56, 60 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56 cm

R black-mat 112

Tessano Comp r Trekking Aluminium 7005 DB, tapered f SR Suntour NEX, adjustable spring rate, hydraulic lockout s Shimano Deore, 27-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe MARATHON RACER, 40-622, RaceGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C Plus, carrier rear light LED with parking light g i-Rack, Aluminium, with spring clamp R black-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56, 60 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56 cm

R black-mat 113

2019 BICYCLES Trekking

Tessano Sport r Trekking Aluminium 7005 DB, tapered f SR Suntour NEX, adjustable spring rate s Shimano Alivio, 24-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe MARATHON RACER, 40-622, RaceGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B Busch & Müller 2C Plus, carrier rear light LED with parking light g i-Rack, Aluminium, with spring clamp R black-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56, 60 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56 cm

R black-shiny 114

Tourer Comp r Trekking Aluminium 7005 PG f SR Suntour NEX, adjustable spring rate, hydraulic lockout s Shimano Deore XT, 27-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe MARATHON RACER, 40-622, RaceGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B AXA Slim, carrier rear light LED with parking light g i-Rack, Aluminium, with spring clamp R grey-mat, white-shiny R white-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56, 60 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56 cm

R grey-mat 115

2019 BICYCLES Trekking

Tourer Sport r Trekking Aluminium 7005 PG f SR Suntour NEX, adjustable spring rate s Shimano Alivio, 24-speed d Tektro, hydraulic disc brake D Schwalbe ROAD CRUISER, 42-622, K-Guard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B AXA Slim, carrier rear light LED with parking light g i-Rack, Aluminium, with spring clamp R black-mat, green-shiny R black-mat

Gent 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56, 60 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56 cm

R green-shiny 116

Tourer 21 r Trekking Aluminium 7005 PG f SR Suntour CR-7V-A, with adjustable spring rate s Shimano Acera, 21-speed d Tektro, V-Brake D Schwalbe CITIZEN, 42-622, K-Guard A AXA Eco Line, up to 15 Lux B AXA Slim, carrier rear light LED with parking light g i-Rack, Aluminium, with spring clamp R black-mat, dark red-shiny R dark red-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56, 60 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56 cm

Deep Entry 28 Inch / 46, 51 cm

R black-mat 117




2019 BICYCLES City

Valencia Lite R7 r City Aluminium 7005 PG f Aluminium, rigid s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Tektro, V-Brake D Schwalbe CITIZEN, 42-622, K-Guard A AXA Eco Line, up to 15 Lux B AXA Slim, carrier rear light LED with parking light g i-Rack, Aluminium, with spring clamp R silver-mat

Deep Entry 26 Inch / 43 cm 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56 cm

R silver-mat 120

Valencia R7 r City Aluminium 7005 PG f SR Suntour CR-7V s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Tektro, V-Brake D Schwalbe CITIZEN, 42-622, K-Guard A AXA Eco Line, up to 15 Lux B AXA Slim, carrier rear light LED with parking light g i-Rack, Aluminium, with spring clamp R black-shiny, white-shiny R white-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56, 60 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56 cm

Deep Entry 26 Inch / 43 cm 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56 cm

R black-shiny 121

2019 BICYCLES City

Valencia F7 r City Aluminium 7005 PG f SR Suntour CR-7V s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Tektro, V-Brake D Schwalbe CITIZEN, 42-622, K-Guard A AXA Eco Line, up to 15 Lux B AXA Slim, carrier rear light LED with parking light g i-Rack, Aluminium, with spring clamp R black-shiny, white-shiny R black-shiny

Gent 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56, 60 cm

Trapez 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56 cm

Deep Entry 26 Inch / 43 cm 28 Inch / 46, 51, 56 cm

R white-shiny 122

Uno R7

R turquoise-shiny R sand-shiny R darkblue-shiny

r Comfort Aluminium 7005 PG, with deep entry f SR Suntour CR-7V s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Tektro, V-Brake D Schwalbe DELTA CRUISER Plus, 47-622, PunctureGuard A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B AXA Slim, carrier rear light LED with parking light g i-Rack, Aluminium, with spring clamp R darkblue-shiny, red-shiny, sand-shiny, turquoise-shiny

Wave 26 Inch / 43 cm 28 Inch / 43, 48, 53, 57 cm

R red-shiny 123

2019 BICYCLES City

Uno R3

R darkblue-shiny R reedgreen-shiny R purple-shiny

r Comfort Aluminium 7005 PG, with deep entry f Steel, rigid s Shimano Nexus, 3-speed d Tektro, V-Brake D Impac STREETPAC, 47-622 A AXA Eco Line, up to 15 Lux B AXA Slim, carrier rear light LED with parking light g i-Rack, Aluminium, with spring clamp R darkblue-shiny, green-shiny, purple-shiny, reedgreen-shiny

Wave 26 Inch / 43 cm 28 Inch / 43, 48, 53, 57 cm

R green-shiny 124

Viverty R7

R petrol-shiny

r Tour Aluminium 7005 f Steel, rigid s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Tektro, V-Brake D Schwalbe BIG BEN, 50-622, K-Guard A Classic Chrome LED B LED with parking light g i-Rack, Aluminium R beige-metallic, berry-shiny, petrol-shiny

R beige-metallic

Retro 28 Inch / 45, 50, 55 cm

R berry-shiny 125

2019 BICYCLES City

Viverty F7

R berry-shiny

r Tour Aluminium 7005 f Steel, rigid s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Tektro, V-Brake D Schwalbe BIG BEN, 50-622, K-Guard A Classic Chrome LED B LED with parking light g i-Rack, Aluminium R beige-metallic, berry-shiny, petrol-shiny

R petrol-shiny

Retro 28 Inch / 45, 50, 55 cm

R beige-metallic 126

Viverty R7 Ltd. r Tour Aluminium 7005 f Steel, rigid s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Tektro, V-Brake D Schwalbe BIG BEN, 50-622, K-Guard A Classic Chrome LED B LED with parking light g i-Rack, Aluminium R reedgreen-shiny

Retro 28 Inch / 45, 50, 55 cm

R reedgreen-shiny 127



2019 BICYCLES Cross

Cross Comp r Cross, Aluminium 7005 f SR Suntour XCT30, with adjustable spring rate s Shimano Deore, 24-speed d Shimano, hydraulic disc brake D Impact TRAILPAC, 57-622 A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B stay rear light, LED R


Cross 29 Inch / 41, 46, 51, 56 cm

R black-mat 130

Cross Sport r Cross, Aluminium 7005 f SR Suntour XCT-ATB, with adjustable spring rate s Shimano Acera, 21-speed d Tektro, hydraulic disc brake D Impact TRAILPAC, 57-622 A Herrmans H-Black MR4; up to 40 Lux / 100 Lumen B stay rear light, LED R


Cross 29 Inch / 41, 46, 51, 56 cm

R black-mat 131





VALENCIA R7 Cargo City r Steel, reinforced f Steel, rigid s Shimano Nexus, 3-speed d FW: Magura HS 11, hydraulic rim brake / RW: coaster brake D Schwalbe MARATHON PLUS, 47-559, SmartGuard A Busch & Müller LYT, 20 Lux LED B Busch & Müller Toplight Flat, with parking light g Steel frame, perforated sheet R black-shiny, red-shiny R black-shiny

Deep Entry 26 Inch / 48 cm

R red-shiny 135




2019 BICYCLES Fold & Compact

Versa R7 r Faltrahmen, Aluminium 7005 f Steel, rigid s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Tektro V-Brake D Impact BIGPAC 50-406, RaceGuard, Pannenschutz A Busch & Müller, Ixon Pure B, battery-powered B Busch & Müller, Toplight Flat Permanent, battery-powered g i-Rack, Aluminium R black-shiny

Folding Uni 20 Inch / 29 cm

Folding Deep Entry 20 Inch / 29 cm


R black-shiny 138


Versa 7 r Faltrahmen, Aluminium 7005 f Steel, rigid s Shimano Altus, 7-speed d Tektro V-Brake D Impact BIGPAC 50-406, RaceGuard, Pannenschutz A Busch & Müller, Ixon Pure B, battery-powered B Busch & Müller, Toplight Flat Permanent, battery-powered g i-Rack, Aluminium R white-shiny

Folding Uni 20 Inch / 29 cm



R white-shiny 139


Versa R3 r Faltrahmen, Aluminium 7005 f Steel, rigid s Shimano Nexus, 3-speed d Tektro V-Brake D Impact BIGPAC 50-406, RaceGuard, Pannenschutz A Busch & Müller, Ixon Pure B, battery-powered B Busch & Müller, Toplight Flat Permanent, battery-powered g i-Rack, Aluminium R grey-mat

Folding Uni 20 Inch / 29 cm

Folding Deep Entry 20 Inch / 29 cm



R grey-mat 141



2019 BICYCLES Youth

Sonic Disc 24

R white-grey-shiny R grey-green-mat

r Aluminium 7005 f SR Suntour XCT, adjustable s Shimano Altus, 24-speed d Tektro, hydraulic disc brake D Kenda K-1027, 57-584 A AXA Eco Line, up to 15 Lux B stay rear light, LED R black-mat, grey-green-mat, white-grey-shiny, white-shiny

R white-shiny

Gent 27 Inch / 38, 43, 48, 52 cm

Trapez 27 Inch / 38, 43 cm

Gent 27 Inch / 38, 43, 48, 52 cm

R black-mat 144

Sonic 21

R black-grey-mat R orange-shiny

R black-orange-mat R blue-shiny

r Aluminium 7005 f SR Suntour XCE s Shimano TX800, 21-speed d Tektro V-Brake D Kenda K-1168, 57-559 | 24“K-1166 50-507 A AXA Eco Line, up to 15 Lux B stay rear light, LED R black-grey-mat, black-mat, black-orange-mat, blue-shiny, orange-shiny

Gent 24 Inch / 34 cm 26 Inch / 38, 43, 48 cm

Trapez 26 Inch / 38, 43, 48 cm 24 Inch / 34 cm

Gent 24 Inch / 34 cm 26 Inch / 38, 43, 48 cm

R black-mat 145

2019 BICYCLES Youth

Sonic 21 Offroad r Aluminium 7005 f SR Suntour suspension fork s Shimano TX, 21-speed d Tektro V-Brake D Kenda K-1168, 57-559 | 24“K-1166 50-507 R green-shiny, red-shiny

R green-shiny

Gent 24 Inch / 34 cm

R red-shiny 146

Sonic 7

R light blue-pink-shiny

r Aluminium 7005 f Steel, rigid s Shimano Tourney, 7-speed d Tektro V-Brake D Kenda K-1166, 50-406 A AXA Eco Line, up to 15 Lux B stay rear light, LED R black-mat, black-orange-mat, light blue-pink-shiny

R black-orange-mat

Gent 20 Inch / 27 cm

R black-mat 147

2019 BICYCLES Youth

Sonic 7 Offroad r Aluminium 7005 f Steel, rigid s Shimano Tourney, 7-speed d Tektro V-Brake D Kenda K-1166, 50-406 R grey-green-mat

Gent 20 Inch / 27 cm

R grey-green-mat 148

Robo R3 r Aluminium 7005 f Steel, rigid s Shimano Nexus, 3-speed d Tektro V-Brake D Kenda K-935, with reflex stripes A AXA Eco Line, up to 15 Lux B AXA Slim, carrier rear light LED with parking light g Double, with spring clamp R black-shiny

Y-Type 20 Inch / 29 cm 24 Inch / 34 cm

R black-shiny 149

2019 BICYCLES Youth

Robo 7 r Aluminium 7005 f Steel, rigid s Shimano Tourney, 7-speed d Tektro V-Brake D Kenda K-935, with reflex stripes A AXA Eco Line, up to 15 Lux B AXA Slim, carrier rear light LED with parking light g Double, with spring clamp R black-shiny

Y-Type 20 Inch / 29 cm 24 Inch / 34 cm

R black-shiny 150

Pippa R7 r Aluminium 7005 f Steel, rigid s Shimano Nexus, 7-speed d Tektro V-Brake D Kenda K-935, with reflex stripes A AXA Eco Line, up to 15 Lux B AXA Slim, carrier rear light LED with parking light g Double, with spring clamp R white-shiny

Trapez 24 Inch / 34 cm 26 Inch / 38 cm

Deep Entry 24 Inch / 34 cm 26 Inch / 38 cm

R white-shiny 151


Pippa R3 r Aluminium 7005 f Steel, rigid s Shimano Nexus, 3-speed d Tektro V-Brake D Kenda K-935, with reflex stripes A AXA Eco Line, up to 15 Lux B AXA Slim, carrier rear light LED with parking light g Double, with spring clamp R light blue-pink-shiny

Trapez 24 Inch / 34 cm

Deep Entry 20 Inch / 29 cm 24 Inch / 34 cm

R light blue-pink-shiny 153

2019 ACCESSORIES Baskets & Bags


Zwei Systeme – viele Möglichkeiten ®

Mit dem Systemgepäckträger i-RACK und dem Adaptersystem KLICKfix verfügen Sie auch auf dem Fahrrad über genügend Stauraum. Der Systemgepäckträger i-Rack besteht aus einer Basisplatte, auf die sich die unterschiedlichen Körbe, Taschen und Koffer einrasten und natürlich auch jederzeit abnehmen lassen. Ganz gleich, ob Sie beispielsweise zum Einkaufen fahren oder eine Tour planen: Vom Korb bis zur Doppeltasche können Sie aus einem breiten Angebot das jeweils passende Produkt auswählen.

Two systems – many options With the i-RACK system luggage carrier and the adapter system KLICKfix, you will have enough luggage space on the bike as well. The system luggage carrier i-Rack consists of a base plate onto which different baskets, bags and trunks latch and, of course, which they can also be taken off of again at any time. No matter if you are going shopping or planning a tour: pick the matching product from our wide offer from baskets to double bags.



2019 CLOTHING Male & Female

Herren HERCULES Hose Male HERCULES Trouser

Herren HERCULES Hemd kurz Male HERCULES Shirt short

Damen HERCULES Bluse kurz Female HERCULES Shirt short 156

Damen HERCULES Hose Female HERCULES Trouser

Herren HERCULES Jacke Male HERCULES Jacket

Damen HERCULES Jacke Female HERCULES Jacket

HERCULES GMBH Vertriebsbüro Deutschland Bürgermeister-W inkler-Straße 23-25 D - 49661 Cloppenburg Tel: +49 (0) 4471 - 1 87 35 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 4471 - 1 87 35 - 29 e-mail:

HERCULES GMBH Sales Office Germany Bürgermeister-W inkler-Straße 23-25 D - 49661 Cloppenburg Phone: +49 (0) 4471 - 1 87 35 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 4471 - 1 87 35 - 29 e-mail:

Zu den Angaben in diesem Katalog: Nach Redaktionsschluss dieses Kataloges können sich am Produkt Änderungen ergeben haben. Fragen Sie daher zum verbindlichen letzten Stand Ihren HERCULESFachhändler. Irrtümer, Druckfehler, Liefermöglichkeit und technische Änderungen vorbehalten. On the information in this catalogue: Changes to the product may have been made after the editorial deadline for this catalogue. Therefore, ask your HERCULES specialist dealer about the binding latest information. Error, printing mistakes, delivery capacity and technical changes reserved.




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