'13 bigmat international architecture award

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International architecture award

2窶ィIGMAT International architecture award


BigMat International Architecture Award Claude Coutant A commitment to architecture Jesús Aparicio Jury Members comments

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Winning Projects

Elishout Kitchen Tower Campus Coovi Xaveer De Geyter Architects


BigMat international Architecture Award Grand Prize


Belgium Roly Pavilion AABE Atelier d’Architecture Bruno Erpicum & Partners



Port Control Tower M. Giuseppina Grasso Cannizzo House for a film director Liverani Molteni Architetti

Czech Republic



National First Prize

Apartment Building with a Gym DaM. Petr Burian




National First Prize



Lons-le-Saunier Cultural Centre du Besset – Lyon architectes finalist

Hotel and Restaurant Atrio Mansilla + Tuñón

Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology Héctor Fernández Elorza

Student Housing In Sant Cugat del Vallès H arquitectes + dataAE


Social housing building, ZAC Masséna Beckmann N’Thépé Architectes

Spain 122


FINALIST Special Mention for young architects


Student Residence LAN Architecture


National First Prize Special Mention for Restoration of a Heritage Place


National Technical Library Projektil Architekti, represented by Roman Brychta




Memorial To Victims of Communism Petr Janda / brainwork, sporadical


National First Prize


Le Manège Theatre Atelier d’Architecture Pierre Hebbelinck – Pierre De Wit

Via Padovani housing Lelli & Associati Architettura + Magazè S.R.L




Annex I: Selected Projects


Annex II: Biographies


4窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

BigMat International Architecture Award Claude Coutant

The construction sector exists due to the organized participation of multiple players, each of whom has a specific role, even though together they form a unique networked system. Only through an earnest, impassioned and harmonious approach to their work can all these players achieve a positive impact on a territory, and this will later be seen in the form of economic growth, respect for the environment, social well-being and the beauty of our constructions. Within the European distribution sector, the BigMat Group has always been committed to strengthening a responsible and conscientious dialogue among all players involved, with particular stress on project design. Our Group’s interest in projects that contribute to the development of an architectural culture arose in Spain, back in 2005, where three rounds of National Awards have already been held. Our presence in Europe and the awareness of belonging to an ever more globalized context have led us to go a step further with this year’s Awards by taking them to an international level. The “BigMat International Architecture Award 2013” is therefore our contribution, through the promotion of excellence in architecture, to the recognition of professional prescribers as the starting point for actions that will have a positive impact on our territories and in our countries. Claude Coutant President BigMat International

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BigMat Prix international d’architecture

BigMat Mezinárodní cena za architekturu

Le secteur de la construction vit de la participation structurée de différents acteurs dont chacun a un rôle précis, mais qui dans leur ensemble forment un système et un réseau unique.

Díla v oblasti stavebnictví jsou výsledkem součinnosti různých aktérů, z nichž každý má přesnou roli a dohromady vytvářejí jedinečný systém a síť.

Ce n’est qu’à travers le sérieux, la passion et l’harmonie dans le travail de tous ces acteurs que nous pouvons avoir un impact positif sur un territoire qui se traduirait par le développement économique, le respect de l’environnement, le bien-être et la beauté dans les constructions. Dans le secteur de la distribution en Europe, le Groupe BigMat s’est engagé depuis longtemps dans le renforcement d’un dialogue responsable et conscient entre tous les acteurs présents, tout en mettant l’accent sur la conception des projets. L’intérêt de notre Groupe pour des projets qui ont contribué au développement de la culture architecturale est né en 2005, en Espagne, où trois Prix nationaux ont été décernés. Notre présence en Europe et la conscience d’appartenir à un contexte de plus en plus globalisé nous ont poussé à faire évoluer ces Prix pour les placer à l’échelle internationale. Le « BigMat International Architecture Award 2013 » est donc notre contribution, à travers la récompense de l’excellence en architecture, à la reconnaissance de la prescription comme point de départ d’actions qui auront un impact positif sur nos territoires et nos pays. Claude Coutant Présidente BigMat International

6  BIGMAT International architecture award

Právě díky serióznímu přístupu, nadšení a harmonii všech zúčastněných stran můžeme pozitivně ovlivňovat určité území. Tento vliv se projeví ekonomickým rozvojem, ohleduplným přístupem k životnímu prostředí, pohodou a krásou staveb. V oblasti distribuce v rámci Evropy se BigMat již dlouhou dobu snaží o navázání odpovědného a uvědomělého dialogu mezi všemi aktéry a klade důraz na koncepci projektů. Zájem naší Skupiny o projekty, které přispěly k rozvoji architektonické kultury, se zrodil ve Španělsku, kde byly v roce 2005 uděleny tři Národní ceny. Naše přítomnost v Evropě a vědomí, že jsme součástí čím dál tím globalizovanější společnosti, nás vedly k tomu, že jsme se rozhodli povýšit udílení těchto cen na mezinárodní úroveň. „BigMat International Architecture Award 2013“ je tedy naším příspěvkem, prostřednictvím odměňování excelentních počinů v oblasti architektury, k uznání projektování jako výchozího bodu aktivit, které budou mít pozitivní dopad na naši krajinu a naše země. Claude Coutant Prezidentka BigMat International

BigMat Premio Internazionale di Architettura

BigMat Premio Internacional de Arquitectura

Il mondo della costruzione è il risultato dell’articolata partecipazione di attori distinti, ciascuno con un ruolo ben preciso, ma che insieme creano un sistema, una rete unica.

El sector de la construcción es el resultado de la participación estructurada de distintos actores en los que cada uno tiene un papel preciso, aunque juntos formen un sistema y una red única.

Solo la serietà, la passione e l’armonia nel lavoro di questi attori hanno come risultato un impatto positivo sul territorio, che si traduce in sviluppo economico, rispetto dell’ambiente, benessere abitativo e bellezza. Nell’ambito della distribuzione europea, il Gruppo BigMat si è assunto da tempo il compito di favorire un dialogo responsabile e consapevole fra tutti gli attori della filiera, con particolare attenzione nei confronti della progettazione. L’interesse del nostro Gruppo verso i progetti che hanno offerto un contributo allo sviluppo della cultura architettonica ha avuto origine in Spagna nel 2005, dove nel tempo si sono realizzate tre edizioni di Premio Nazionale. La nostra presenza Europea e la logica di un contesto sempre più globale, hanno comportato l’evoluzione di questo nostro Premio su scala Internazionale. Il “BigMat International Architecture Award 2013” è quindi il nostro contributo al riconoscimento della progettazione come punto di partenza per incidere positivamente sui Territori dei nostri Paesi, premiando l’eccellenza architettonica. Claude Coutant Presidente BigMat International

Solamente a través de la seriedad, la pasión y la armonía en el trabajo de todos estos actores podremos tener un impacto positivo en un territorio, lo que se traduciría en el desarrollo económico, el respeto del medioambiente, el bienestar y la belleza de las construcciones. En el sector de la distribución en Europa, el Grupo BigMat se ha comprometido desde siempre al refuerzo de un diálogo responsable y consciente entre todos los actores presentes, haciendo hincapié en el diseño de los proyectos. El interés de nuestro Grupo por proyectos que contribuyan al desarrollo de la cultura arquitectónica nació en España, en 2005, donde se han celebrado ya tres Premios Nacionales. Nuestra presencia en Europa y la conciencia de pertenecer a un contexto cada vez más globalizado nos han conducido a dar un paso más en estos Premios y llevarlos a una escala internacional. El «BigMat International Architecture Award 2103» es por lo tanto nuestra contribución, a través de la recompensa de la excelencia en la arquitectura, al reconocimiento de la prescripción como punto de partida de acciones que tendrán un impacto positivo en nuestros territorios y en nuestros países. Claude Coutant Presidenta BigMat International

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A commitment to architecture Jesús Aparicio Award President

In the midst of the economic, social and cultural storm that is plaguing Europe, we should be grateful that a group of distribution companies such as BigMat are decisively supporting architecture. On a calm sea and with the wind from behind, anyone is capable of steering the ship to its destination; but, when the storm strikes, we need captains that are capable of wise decision-making and risk taking in order for the ship to reach a good port. The BigMat International Architecture Award, organised internationally for the first time in 2013, originated as a Spanish award in 2007, and was held again in 2009 and 2011 with a biennial frequency. If it is significant that the BigMat Spanish Architecture Award began the same year as the typhoon that has ravaged the world of construction and real estate, it is even more relevant that the award ship continued on sailing, untouched during this time of so many shipwrecks in the construction industry and architecture awards sector. This continuity, which by itself speaks of the strength of a few that include the BigMat Group, would suffice to thank the group of companies for pushing architecture forward. Now, the BigMat brand, as a whole, has transformed the voyage of a solitary ship, into the journey of an international fleet expanding the Award to the regions where it is currently present: France, Italy, Belgium, Czech Republic and Spain. A total of 864 projects from Belgium, the Czech Republic, Spain, France and Italy have entered the competition for the BigMat International Architecture Award. The selection process has been conducted by a balanced international jury with renowned members from each of the countries that participated in the call and which I had the honour to preside. They did rigorous, intense and deep work but they also enjoyed it. The call was successful, not only due to the number of entries received, but also, and most of all, due to the high quality of the submitted projects. This quality aspect of the call is reflected in the catalogue that lists the first 94 projects selected by the Jury. The finalists and winners are the best architecture projects in the participant countries during the considered period. For that reason, the Jury wished that, in addition to the mention for the best Young Architect, granted to Héctor

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Fernández Elorza for the building Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology, a mention be also given to the best Cultural Patrimony intervention, to Emilio Tuñón and Luís Moreno Mansilla for their work Hotel and Restaurant Atrio, a project that also received the National Spanish Award. The national awards from the Czech Republic, France and Italy were obtained respectively by Memorial To Victims of Communism by Petr Janda / Brainwork and sporadical, Student Residence by LAN Architecture and Via Padovani Housing by Lelli & Associati Architettura + Magazè S.R.L. Finally, the BigMat’13 International Architecture Big Prize was awarded to the Elishout Kitchen Tower Campus Coovi building by Xaveer de Geyter Architects, a tower that has a kitchen school with a vertical layout. The Jury has seen this project as a success, both from the building point of view, as well as for being a point of reference in a city that needs urban landmarks, such as Brussels. In the name of the Jury, as well as personally, I wish to congratulate the winner of the Big Prize, as well as the national winners, the recipients of the mentions and the finalists. Finally, it is but just to thank the BigMat Group for their resolute support and sponsorship to architecture through this prize, which is one of the largest awards at international level. And to conclude, I would like to invite everyone back for the next BigMat International Architecture Award call. Jesús Aparicio Award President

Un pari sur l’architecture

Au beau milieu de la tempête économique, sociale et culturelle qui s’abat sur l’Europe, il convient d’exprimer sa gratitude envers un groupe d’entreprises de la distribution comme BigMat qui décide de miser sur l’architecture. En mer calme et le vent en poupe, il est facile de mener le navire à destination, mais quand la galerne souffle, seuls de vrais capitaines sachant prendre les décisions au moment venu, en combinant sagement réflexion et risque, sauront mener le bateau à bon port. Le BigMat International Architecture Award, qui a vu le jour au cours de cette année 2013 à l’échelle internationale, trouve ses origines dans la version espagnole du concours mise en place en 2007, puis répétée tous les deux ans, en 2009 et en 2011. Même si le Prix BigMat à l’Architecture espagnole est né au cours de l’année pendant laquelle sont apparues les premières gouttes d’eau de la tempête qui a ravagé les secteurs de la construction et de l’immobilier, ce que l’on retient, c’est que le navire du concours a suivi sa route et sort indemne de cette période qui a provoqué tant de naufrages dans le secteur de la construction et des concours d’architecture. Cette permanence, qui reflète la force d’une minorité, dans laquelle se trouve le Groupe BigMat, aurait suffi pour reconnaître le pari que fait ce groupe d’entreprises pour l’architecture. Aujourd’hui, la marque BigMat, dans son unité, a transformé la traversée entreprise par un bateau en solitaire en un voyage d’une flotte internationale, qui développe ce concours dans les territoires où elle est actuellement présente : France, Italie, Belgique, République tchèque et Espagne. 864 projets provenant de la Belgique, la République tchèque, l’Espagne, la France et l’Italie ont été présentés au BigMat International Architecture Award. La sélection fut réalisée par un jury international de grande qualité, constitué paritairement de membres provenant de chaque pays participant au concours, que j’ai eu l’honneur de présider. Leur travail fut rigoureux, intense et profond, mais dans une ambiance décontractée.

Les projets finalistes et vainqueurs représentent actuellement la crème de l’architecture des pays participants. C’est pourquoi, le jury a voulu accompagner la mention au meilleur Jeune architecte, obtenue par Héctor Fernández Elorza, pour son bâtiment Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology, avec la mention à la meilleure intervention pour le Patrimoine culturel, remise à Emilio Tuñón et Luis Moreno Mansilla, pour leur œuvre Hotel and Restaurant Atrio, projet ayant également mérité le Prix national d’Espagne. Les prix nationaux pour la République tchèque, la France et l’Italie ont été respectivement remis à Petr Janda / Brainwork et sporadical, pour le Memorial To Victims of Communism, à LAN Architecture, pour le StudentResidence, et à Lelli & Associati Architettura et Magazè S.R.L., pour le Via Padovani Housing. Finalement, le Grand prix international d’architecture BigMat’13 a été décerné à Xaveer de Geyter Architects, pour le bâtiment Elishout Kitchen Tower Campus Coovi, une tour dans laquelle se développe à la verticale une école de cuisine. Le jury a vu en ce projet une réussite, aussi bien du point de vue constructif que pour servir de référence pour poser les jalons du paysage urbain d’une ville comme Bruxelles. Par ces quelques lignes, je souhaite féliciter au nom du jury et personnellement le vainqueur du Grand concours, ainsi que les vainqueurs nationaux, les mentions et les finalistes. Enfin, il convient de remercier le Groupe BigMat, pour son ferme soutien et son mécénat pour l’architecture à travers ce concours qui se positionne parmi les plus grands prix internationaux. Et pour conclure, je vous donne tous rendezvous à la prochaine convocation du BigMat International Architecture Award. Jesús Aparicio Président du concours

Le succès de cette convocation est dû non seulement au nombre d’inscriptions reçues, mais aussi, et surtout, à la grande qualité des projets présentés. Cet aspect qualitatif de la convocation se retrouve dans ce catalogue, dans la liste des 94 premiers projets sélectionnés par le jury.

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Sázka na architekturu

Uprostřed hospodářské, společenské a kulturní bouře, která sužuje Evropu, je třeba poděkovat za to, že je zde skupina distribučních podniků jako je BigMat, která odhodlaně sází na architekturu. Na klidném moři a s větrem v zádi není těžké dovést loď do přístavu, to svede každý. Avšak když se přižene silný severní vítr, je třeba mít dobré kapitány, kteří dovezou loď dovedou do cíle a v momentě, kdy se budou rozhodovat, budou schopni moudře kombinovat úvahu a rizika. Soutěž BigMat International Architecture Award, která se v roce 2013 poprvé těší mezinárodní účasti, vychází ze španělské verze této soutěže, jejíž první ročník se uskutečnil v roce 2007. Další ročníky poté následovaly vždy po dvou letech, tedy v roce 2009 a v roce 2011. Pokud je významné, že první ročník Ceny BigMat pro španělské architekty se uskutečnil v roce, kdy svět stavebnictví a nemovitostí začaly bičovat první kapky zmiňovaného tajfunu, je ještě důležitější, že soutěž plula po vlastní ose a tato doba, jež v oblasti stavebnictví a cen za architekturu s sebou přinesla mnohá utonutí , se jí nikterak nedotkla. Tato stálost, jež sama o sobě vypovídá o síle a pevnosti několika málo společností, mezi které patří i Skupina BigMat, by již stačila k tomu, abychom poděkovali těmto společnostem za to, že nabídly architektuře pomocnou ruku. Nyní značka BigMat jako celek pozměnila tuto plavbu, na kterou se původně vydala jen jedna osamocená loď, a pozvala k účasti mezinárodní flotilu, a to ze zemí, kde v současné době působí: Francie, Itálie, Belgie, Česká republika a Španělsko. Do soutěže BigMat International Architecture Award bylo zasláno 864 projektů z Belgie, České republiky, Španělska, Francie a Itálie. Výběr provedla vyvážená a velice kvalitní mezinárodní porota, které jsem měl tu čest předsedat. V porotě zasedli zástupci jednotlivých zúčastněných zemí. Jejich práce byla důkladná, intenzivní a detailní a zároveň i napínavá. Úspěch soutěže spočívá nejen v počtu obdržených přihlášek, ale také ve vysoké kvalitě předložených projektů. Tento kvalitativní aspekt soutěže je zdokumentován v katalogu, kde je představeno prvních 94 děl vybraných porotou.

10  BIGMAT International architecture award

Finálové projekty a vítězové představují to nejlepší z architektury v zúčastněných zemích za dané období. Z tohoto důvodu porota chtěla, aby kromě čestného uznání pro nejlepšího mladého architekta, jež získal Héctor Fernández Elorza za budovu Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology, bylo uděleno rovněž čestné uznání za nejlepší přínos pro kulturní dědictví. Tuto cenu si odnesli Emilio Tuñón a Luis Moreno Mansilla za dílo Hotel and Restaurant Atrio, tento projekt navíc získal národní španělskou cenu. Národní ceny za Českou republiku, Francii a Itálii získala díla Memorial To Victims of Communism autora Petr Janda / Brainwork and sporadical, Student Residence od LAN Architecture a Via Padovani Housing od Lelli & Associati Architettura + Magazè S.R.L. A nakonec hlavní cenu BigMat International Architecture Award 2013 získala budova Elishout Kitchen Tower Campus Coovi, dílo Xaveera de Geyter Architects. Jedná se o věž, ve které vertikálně působí kuchařská škola. Porota se shodla na tom, že tento projekt je velmi zdařilý, a to jak z hlediska stavebního, tak z hlediska účelového. Slouží jako reference ve městě, jež potřebuje milníky, což je případ Bruselu. Jménem svým a jménem poroty bych chtěl poblahopřát vítězi hlavní ceny, všem národním vítězům, držitelům čestných uznání a všem finalistům. A na závěr mi dovolte poděkovat Skupině BigMat za neutuchající podporu architektuře a finanční příspěvek, jenž s sebou nese tato cena, která řadí mezi velké mezinárodní soutěže. A na úplný závěr bych vás všechny chtěl srdečně pozvat na další ročník BigMat International Architecture Award. Jesús Aparicio Prezident Cena

Una scommessa a favore dell’architettura

In mezzo alla tormenta economica, sociale e culturale che sta affliggendo l’Europa, è positivo che un gruppo di aziende del settore della distribuzione come BigMat scommetta in maniera decisa a favore dell’Architettura. Quando il mare è calmo e si va vento in poppa, chiunque è capace di condurre una nave alla sua destinazione. Tuttavia, quando sferza un vento burrascoso, per condurre la nave in porto è necessario poter contare su capitani che sappiano combinare saggiamente la riflessione e il rischio, al momento di prendere una decisione. Il BigMat International Architecture Award, organizzato per la prima volta nel 2013 come premio internazionale, ha le sue origini nella versione spagnola del premio, la cui prima edizione risale al 2007 e che si è poi ripetuto nel 2009 e nel 2011, con una frequenza biennale. Se da un lato è significativo che il Premio BigMat dell’Architettura Spagnola sia stato organizzato per la prima volta nell’anno in cui caddero le prime gocce del tifone che ha colpito il mondo dell’edilizia e il settore immobiliare, è dall’altra ancora più rilevante il fatto che la nave di questo premio abbia proseguito sulla sua rotta e sia uscita incolume da questo periodo, in cui vi sono stati numerosi naufragi nel settore edile e nei premi di architettura. Questa permanenza, che di per sé la dice lunga sulla forza di pochi, fra i quali il Gruppo BigMat, sarebbe stata sufficiente per accogliere gratamente quest’offerta di un gruppo di aziende nei confronti dell’architettura. C’è però da aggiungere che il marchio BigMat nel suo insieme ha trasformato la traversata iniziata da una nave solitaria nel viaggio di una flotta internazionale, mettendo a concorso questo Premio nei territori in cui è presente attualmente: Francia, Italia, Belgio, Repubblica Ceca e Spagna. Al BigMat International Architecture Award si sono presentati 864 progetti di Belgio, Repubblica Ceca, Spagna, Francia e Italia. La selezione è stata realizzata da un’equilibrata giuria internazionale, che ho avuto l’onore di presiedere. Ognuno dei suoi membri, tutti di altissima qualità, proviene da uno dei paesi nei quali è stato bandito il concorso. Il loro lavoro è stato rigoroso, intenso e approfondito e al tempo stesso piacevole.

I progetti finalisti e quelli vincitori rappresentano il meglio dell’architettura dei paesi partecipanti, nel periodo preso in considerazione. Per questo, la giuria ha voluto che, insieme alla menzione al miglior Architetto Giovane, ottenuta da Héctor Fernández Elorza per l’edificio Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology, si concedesse un’ulteriore menzione al miglior intervento sul Patrimonio Culturale, ricevuta da Emilio Tuñón e Luis Moreno Mansilla per la loro opera Hotel and Restaurant Atrio, progetto che ha inoltre ricevuto il Premio Nazionale della Spagna. I premi nazionali della Repubblica Ceca, la Francia e l’Italia sono stati vinti rispettivamente dal Memorial To Victims of Communism di Petr Janda / Brainwork and sporadical, la Student Residence di LAN Architecture e il Via Padovani Housing di Lelli & Associati Architettura + Magazè S.R.L. Infine, il Gran Premio Internazionale di Architettura BigMat ‘13 è stato aggiudicato all’edificio Elishout Kitchen Tower Campus Coovi di Xaveer de Geyter Architects. Una torre in cui si sviluppa verticalmente una scuola di cucina. La giuria considera questo progetto una scelta azzeccata, sia dal punto di vista edilizio, sia vedendolo come punto di riferimento per una città che aveva bisogno di una pietra miliare nel suo panorama urbano, come nel caso di Bruxelles. Voglio qui congratularmi in nome della giuria e a nome mio personale sia con il vincitore del Gran Premio, che con i vincitori nazionali, gli aggiudicatari delle menzioni e i finalisti. Infine, è doveroso ringraziare il Gruppo BigMat per il forte supporto e il mecenatismo nei confronti dell’architettura di questo premio, che è diventato uno dei più grandi premi a livello internazionale. Per concludere, invito tutti alla prossima edizione del BigMat International Architecture Award. Jesús Aparicio Presidente del Premio

Il successo del bando è dovuto non solo al numero delle iscrizioni ricevute, bensì soprattutto all’alta qualità dei progetti presentati. Il presente catalogo riflette l’alto valore qualitativo del concorso, presentando i primi 94 progetti selezionati dalla giuria.

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Una apuesta por la arquitectura

En medio de la tormenta económica, social y cultural que está azotando Europa, es de agradecer que un grupo de empresas de la distribución como BigMat apueste decididamente por la Arquitectura. En un mar en calma y con viento en popa, cualquiera es capaz de llevar la nave a su destino; pero, cuando la galerna azota, es necesario para llevar al barco a buen puerto contar con capitanes que a la hora de tomar sus decisiones combinen sabiamente la reflexión y el riesgo. El BigMat International Architecture Award, que ve la luz por primera vez en este año 2013 en su modalidad internacional, tiene su origen en la versión española del premio que inició su andadura en el año 2007, repitiéndose en los años 2009 y 2011 con una frecuencia bienal. Si es significativo que el Premio BigMat de Arquitectura Española se iniciara en el año en el que cayeron las primeras gotas del tifón que ha vapuleado al mundo de la construcción e inmobiliario, es aún más relevante que la nave del premio haya seguido su ruta y salido incólume durante este tiempo donde ha habido tantos naufragios en el sector de la construcción y en los premios de arquitectura. Esta permanencia, que por si sola hablaría de la fortaleza de unos pocos, entre los que se encuentra el Grupo BigMat, hubiera bastado para agradecer el envite de este grupo de empresas por la arquitectura. Ahora, la Marca BigMat, en su unidad, ha transformado la travesía iniciada por un barco en solitario, en el viaje de una flota internacional convocando este Premio en los territorios donde está presente actualmente: Francia, Italia, Bélgica, República Checa y España. Al BigMat International Architecture Award se han presentado 864 proyectos de Bélgica, República Checa, España, Francia e Italia. La selección la ha llevado a cabo un equilibrado jurado internacional, que he tenido el honor de presidir, de muy alta calidad en todos y cada uno de sus miembros, procedentes de cada uno de los países donde tenía lugar la presente convocatoria. Su trabajo ha sido riguroso, intenso y profundo, a la vez que distendido. El éxito de la convocatoria se ha debido, no solamente al número de inscripciones recibidas, si no, sobre todo, a la alta calidad de los proyectos presentados. Este aspecto cualitativo de la convocatoria queda reflejado en este catálogo en el listado de los primeros 94 seleccionados por el Jurado.

12  BIGMAT International architecture award

Los proyectos finalistas y ganadores representan lo mejor de la arquitectura de los países participantes en el período considerado. Por ello el jurado quiso que, junto a la mención al mejor Arquitecto Joven, obtenida por Héctor Fernández Elorza con el edificio Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology, se diera una mención más a la mejor intervención en el Patrimonio Cultural, que recayó en Emilio Tuñón y Luis Moreno Mansilla por su obra Hotel and Restaurant Atrio, proyecto además merecedor del Premio nacional de España. Los premios nacionales de República Checa, Francia e Italia los obtuvieron respectivamente el Memorial To Victims of Communism de Petr Janda / Brainwork and sporadical, el Student Residence de LAN Architecture y el Via Padovani Housing de Lelli & Associati Architettura + Magazè S.R.L. Finalmente el Gran Premio Internacional de Arquitectura BigMat´13 ha sido para el edificio Elishout Kitchen Tower Campus Coovi de Xaveer de Geyter Architects. Una torre en la que se desarrolla en vertical una escuela de cocina. El Jurado ha visto en este proyecto un acierto, tanto desde el punto de vista edificatorio como a la hora de servir de referencia a una ciudad con necesidad de hitos urbanos, como es el caso de Bruselas. Quiero felicitar en estas líneas en nombre del Jurado y en el mío propio tanto al ganador del Gran Premio, como a los ganadores nacionales, a las menciones y a los finalistas. Finalmente, es de justicia dar las gracias al Grupo BigMat por el decidido apoyo y mecenazgo a la arquitectura que supone este premio que se posiciona entre los grandes galardones a nivel internacional. Y para concluir, emplazar a todos para la siguiente convocatoria del BigMat International Architecture Award. Jesús Aparicio Presidente del Premio

Belgium Jury Member Marie Vanhamme

The selection process for this first edition of the BigMat Award in Wallonia and Brussels has brought to light three exemplary actions, each in a different register, in the recent architectural landscape. The Roly house by the Bruno Erpicum Architecture Studio implied the collaboration of many architects in order to transform existing buildings, an architectural activity focused on the infinitely small and the recycling of the ordinary. The interest of this project lies in the radicality of its proposal which, through the addition of a simple glass cube, gives an interpretation that can be understood by everyone of the privileged relationship that a vernacular building can maintain with its natural surroundings. The Le Manège theatre in Mons, the work of the Pierre Hebbelinck Architecture Workshop, is a fine example of the architectural proliferation that has occurred over the last decade in connection with cultural sites in Wallonia and Brussels. The fruit of a patiently constructed policy for the improvement of public contracts, the architecture arising in this framework has favoured the emergence of a unique architecture unconstrained by the rules of integration by consensus on the architecture of cultural sites into the town. Through the reconversion of a former military riding school and the implementation of a setting for public performances in a part of the town so far little urbanized, this theatre in Mons contributes both to the city’s identity and its urbanity. Finally, the COOVI Tower by Xaveer De Geyter Architects, installed on the outskirts of Brussels, perfectly illustrates the rediscovery, after decades of doubtlessly necessary conventional architecture for stitching up and repairing urban fabric, of the potential of an architecture committed to being the wholehearted protagonist of a city’s transformation. This recent trend is seen two-fold in this project: on the one hand, it reconsiders the plastic resources of programmes usually considered despicably functional – a technical school devoted to cookery – and on the other hand it makes use of an architectural resource to compose an urban landscape and thereby brings generally little esteemed architecture back from the limits to the centre of the town. Marie Vanhamme

International architecture award BIGMAT  13

Belgique Membre du jury

Belgie Členové poroty

La sélection de cette première édition du Prix Bigmat en Wallonie et à Bruxelles a mis en avant trois réalisations exemplatives, chacune dans un registre différent, du paysage architectural récent.

Během prvního ročníku ceny Bigmat ve Valonsku a v Bruselu byly vybrány tři příkladné projekty představující soudobou architektonickou krajinu, byť každý v jiném rejstříku.

La maison Roly du bureau d’architecture Bruno Erpicum est représentative de l’activité de beaucoup d’architectes en matière de transformation du bâti existant, de cette activité architecturale qui s’intéresse à l’infiniment petit et au recyclage de l’ordinaire. L’intérêt du projet réside dans la radicalité du propos qui, par l’ajout d’un simple cube de verre, donne une lecture compréhensible par tous du rapport privilégié que peut entretenir une construction vernaculaire avec son environnement naturel.

Dům Roly, dílo architektonického uskupení Bruno Erpicum, představuje činnost mnoha architektů v oblasti transformace existující budovy. Tato architektonická aktivita se zajímá o nekonečně malá řešení a recyklaci běžných staveb. Zajímavost projektu spočívá v radikalitě návrhu, který pouhým přidáním skleněného kvádru zcela pochopitelně vysvětluje, jaký privilegovaný vztah může panovat mezi místní budovou a jejím přirozeným prostředím.

Le Théâtre Le Manège à Mons, que l’on doit à l’atelier d’architecture Pierre Hebbelinck, est un bel exemple du foisonnement architectural suscité depuis une dizaine d’années autour des lieux culturels, en Wallonie et à Bruxelles. Fruit d’une politique patiemment construite d’amélioration de la commande publique, l’architecture produite dans ce cadre a favorisé l’émergence d’une architecture singulière affranchie des normes d’intégration consensuelle de l’architecture des lieux de culture à la ville. Le Théâtre de Mons, intégrant la réutilisation d’un ancien manège militaire et l’implantation d’une salle de spectacles performante dans une zone peu urbanisée de la ville, est à la fois producteur d’identité et d’urbanité. Enfin, la Tour du COOVI de Xaveer De Geyter Architects, implantée aux limites de Bruxelles, illustre parfaitement la redécouverte, après des décennies sans doute nécessaires d’architecture conventionnelle de suture et de réparation urbaine, de la capacité d’une architecture engagée à être protagoniste à part entière des mutations urbaines. Cette tendance récente trouve une double illustration dans ce projet : d’une part, il s’agit de reconsidérer les ressources plastiques de programmes considérés d’habitude comme bassement fonctionnels -une école technique dédiée à la cuisine- et d’autre part il s’agit d’utiliser la ressource architecture pour composer un paysage urbain et par là lier l’architecture généralement peu qualifiée des confins à la centralité urbaine. Marie Vanhamme

14  BIGMAT International architecture award

Divadlo Le Manège v Mons, dílo architektonického ateliéru Pierre Hebbelinck, je krásným příkladem architektonického hemžení, které existuje již zhruba deset let okolo kulturních míst ve Valonsku a v Bruselu. Jedná se o ovoce trpělivě vytvářené politiky zlepšování veřejných zakázek. Architektura vzniklá v tomto rámci podpořila vznik jedinečných děl, která překročila konsensuální integrační normy platné pro kulturní místa ve městě. Divadlo v Mons, využívající starý prostor vojenské manéže a zahrnující vynikající kulturní sál v málo obydlené části města, je zároveň tvůrcem identity a urbanity. A nakonec věž COOVI od Xaveer De Geyter Architects, stojící na předměstí Bruselu, dokonale ilustruje, jak je i po několika desetiletích konvenční architektury spojů a městských oprav, jež byla zcela jistě potřebná, možné znovu objevit schopnost angažované architektury být plnohodnotným protagonistou městských přeměn. Tato nová tendence nachází v tomto projektu hned dvojí podobu: na jedné straně jde o znovu zhodnocení plastových zdrojů programů, jež jsou obvykle považovány za čistě funkční – technická škola specializovaná na vaření, a na druhé straně jde o to využít možnosti architektury k vytvoření městské krajiny a tím propojit obvykle málo ceněnou architekturu hraničních částí města s jeho centrální pozicí. Marie Vanhamme

Belgio Membro della Giuria

Bélgica Miembro del jurado

La selezione di questa prima edizione del Premio BigMat in Vallonia e a Bruxelles ha consentito di scoprire tre realizzazioni esemplari, ognuna con un registro diverso, del paesaggio architettonico recente.

La selección de esta primera edición del Premio BigMat en Valonia y en Bruselas ha puesto de manifiesto tres obras ejemplares, cada una con un registro distinto, del paisaje arquitectónico reciente.

La casa Roly dello Studio Bruno Erpicum è rappresentativa dell’attività di molti architetti che lavorano alla trasformazione di edifici esistenti, un’attività architettonica interessata alle cose infinitamente piccole e al riciclaggio del quotidiano. L’interesse del progetto risiede nella radicalità del suo proposito che, aggiungendo un semplice cubo di vetro, offre una lettura, comprensibile per chiunque, del rapporto privilegiato che vi può essere fra una costruzione vernacolare e il suo ambiente naturale.

La casa Roly del estudio de arquitectura Bruno Erpicum representa la actividad de muchos arquitectos en materia de transformación de la obra existente, de esta actividad arquitectónica que se interesa por lo infinitamente pequeño y por el reciclado de lo ordinario. El interés del proyecto reside en la radicalidad del propósito que, mediante la suma de un sencillo cubo de vidrio da una lectura comprensible por todos de la relación privilegiada que puede mantener una construcción vernacular con su entorno natural.

Il Théâtre Le Manège di Mons, opera dello studio Pierre Hebbelinck, è un bell’esempio della moltitudine di opere architettoniche sorte da una decina d’anni intorno ai luoghi culturali in Vallonia e a Bruxelles. Frutto di una politica, costruita con pazienza, di miglioramento degli appalti pubblici, l’architettura prodotta in questo quadro ha favorito il sorgere di opere uniche, affrancate dalle norme di integrazione consensuale dell’architettura dei luoghi di cultura della città.

El Teatro de La Manège, realizado por el estudio de arquitectura Pierre Hebbelinck, es un bello ejemplo de la abundancia arquitectónica que ha aparecido desde hace una década en torno a los lugares culturales tanto en Valonia como en Bruselas. Fruto de una política de mejora del entorno público pacientemente construida, la arquitectura creada en este marco ha favorecido la emergencia de una arquitectura singular que supera las normas de integración consensual de la arquitectura en los lugares de cultura en la ciudad.

Il Teatro di Mons, che comprende il riutilizzo di un antico maneggio militare e l’installazione di una sala spettacoli che offre performance in una zona poco urbanizzata della città, è al tempo stesso produttore di identità e di urbanità. Infine, la Tour du COOVI di Xaveer De Geyter Architects, alla periferia di Bruxelles, illustra perfettamente, dopo decenni indubbiamente necessari di un’architettura convenzionale di sutura e riparazione urbana, la scoperta della capacità di un’architettura che si compromette per essere appieno la protagonista delle mutazioni cittadine. Questa recente tendenza è illustrata doppiamente in questo progetto: da un lato si tratta di riconsiderare le risorse plastiche di programmi considerati normalmente come poco funzionali (una scuola tecnica dedicata alla cucina) e dall’altra si tratta di utilizzare la risorsa architettonica per comporre un paesaggio urbano, legando così l’architettura generalmente poco qualificata dei confini alla centralità urbana. Marie Vanhamme

El Teatro de Mons, que integra la reutilización de una antigua armería militar y la implantación de una sala de espectáculos situada en un zona poco urbanizada de la ciudad genera al mismo tiempo identidad y urbanidad. Finalmente, la torre del COOVI de Xaveer De Geyter Architects, situada en los límites de Bruselas, ilustra perfectamente el redescubrir, después de décadas sin duda necesarias de arquitectura convencional de sutura y de reparación urbana, la capacidad de una arquitectura comprometida por ser totalmente protagonista de los cambios urbanos. Esta reciente tendencia muestra una doble ilustración en este proyecto: por un lado se trata de reconsiderar los recursos plásticos de programas considerados normalmente como algo funcional - una escuela técnica dedicada a la cocina -, y por otro lado se trata de utilizar el recurso arquitectónico para componer un paisaje urbano, y de este modo, ligar la arquitectura generalmente poco cualificada del extrarradio a la centralidad urbana. Marie Vanhamme

International architecture award BIGMAT  15

France Jury Member Dominique Perrault

LAN Architecture. Student Residence The student residence stands in a popular district of Paris. The urban fabric is quite dense with relatively small, narrow plots. The concept consists of building 3 small “townhouses” organized around passageways linking the street with the block’s courtyard. The project’s quality lies in itscontrol over architectural scale in relation to the surrounding context and the reversibility of the programme, for this student accommodation could in the future evolve into affordable accommodation for all. Du Besset – Lyon architectes. Médiathèque, cinémas Lons le Saunier The quality of the project at first glance is its formal and aesthetic aspect in an urban setting with relatively sombre tones. This media library, through its white colouring and its gentle curves and counter-curves, introduces a luminous architectural object of great elegance. The project’sstrength lies not only in its shape but also in its structure based on perforated walls in a highly detailed design. The internal light so cast creates places for reading, listening and catching up with others, worthy of the most beautiful international libraries. Beckmann N’Thepe Architectes. Social Housing Building, ZAC Masséna This social accommodation complex forms part of an urban development plan devised by architect Christina de Portzamparc, who dreamt of creating a strong, densely urban area around the new National Library. Some of Paris’s inhabitants refer to the district as “Naples”. This architectural work on density is perfectly expressed by this project rising like a small tower into the sky but also supporting all its weight on a thick strip of street-level retail outlets. In conclusion, the material, panels of coloured concrete, visually boosts the solidity and strength of the building. Dominique Perrault

16  BIGMAT International architecture award

France Membre du jury

Francie Členové poroty

LAN Architecture. Student Residence La résidence universitaire s’inscrit dans un quartier populaire de Paris. Le tissu urbain est assez dense avec des parcelles relativement petites et étroites.

LAN Architecture. Student Residence Tato studentská kolej stojí v jedné z pařížských dělnických čtvrtí. Je zde poměrně hustá zástavba, pozemky jsou relativně malé a úzké.

Le concept consiste à réaliser 3 éléments de « petits immeubles de ville » s’organisant autour de passages reliant la rue et la cour de l’îlot.

Koncept spočíval v realizaci 3 prvků – „malých městských budov“, které by byly postaveny okolo průchodů spojujících ulici a dvůr bloku.

La qualité du projet réside dans le contrôle de l’échelle architecturale au regard du contexte environnant et de la réversibilité du programme, car ces logements étudiants pourraient évoluer dans l’avenir comme des logements pour tous.

Kvalita projektu spočívá v kontrole architektonického rozměru s ohledem na okolní prostředí a vícestrannost programu, protože ze studentských příbytků by se v budoucnu mohla stát obydlí pro všechny.

Du Besset – Lyon architectes. Médiathèque, cinémas Lons-le-Saunier La qualité du projet est du premier regard une qualité formelle et esthétique dans un environnement urbain de tonalité relativement sombre. Cette médiathèque, de par sa couleur blanche et ses courbes et contrecourbes douces, introduit un objet architectural lumineux et d’une grande élégance. La force du projet ne réside pas seulement dans sa forme, mais aussi dans sa structure de murs percés à l’architectonique soignée. La lumière intérieure ainsi produite crée des lieux de lecture, d’écoute et de rencontre dignes des plus belles bibliothèques internationales. Beckmann N’Thepe Architectes. Social Housing Building, ZAC Masséna Cet ensemble de logements sociaux participe à un plan d’urbanisme imaginé par l’architecte Christina de Portzamparc qui a souhaité créer autour de la nouvelle Bibliothèque nationale une forte densité urbaine. Certains Parisiens appellent ce quartier « Naples ». Ce travail architectural sur la densité est parfaitement exprimé par le projet qui s’élève comme une petite tour dans le ciel, mais qui s’appuie aussi de tout son poids sur une épaisseur de commerces en bord de rue.

Du Besset – Lyon architectes. Médiathèque, cinémas Lons le Saunier Kvalita projektu je na první pohled kvalitou formální a estetickou v městském prostředí, kde převládají především ponuré barvy. Tato mediatéka představuje díky své bílé barvě a jemným křivkám zářivý a velice elegantní architektonický objekt. Síla projektu nespočívá pouze v jeho formě, ale také ve struktuře vydutých zdí, jež vynikají velmi pečlivou strukturou. Takto získané vnitřní světlo vytváří místa pro četbu, poslech a setkání hodná nejkrásnějších mezinárodních knihoven. Beckmann N’Thepe Architectes. Social Housing Building, ZAC Masséna Tento komplex sociálních bytů je součástí urbanistického plánu vytvořeného architektkou Christinou Portzamparc, jež si přála vytvořit okolo nové Národní knihovny silnou městskou zástavbu. Někteří Pařížané nazývají tuto čtvrť „Neapol“. Tato architektonická práce zaměřená na hustotu je dokonale vyjádřena projektem, který se tyčí jako malá věž směrem k nebi, ale zároveň se opírá celou svou vahou o silnou síť obchodů na kraji ulice. Závěrem můžeme říci, že barevné betonové panely vizuálně zvětšují pevnost budovy. Dominique Perrault

En conclusion, le matériau des panneaux en béton teinté augmente visuellement la force solide du bâtiment. Dominique Perrault

International architecture award BIGMAT  17

Francia Membro della Giuria

Francia Miembro del jurado

LAN Architecture. Student Residence La residenza universitaria appartiene a un quartiere popolare di Parigi. Il tessuto urbano è abbastanza denso, con lotti relativamente piccoli e stretti.

LAN Architecture. Student Residence La residencia de estudiantes se inscribe en un barrio popular de París. El tejido urbano es bastante denso con terrenos relativamente pequeños y estrechos.

Il concetto consiste nel realizzare 3 elementi composti da “piccoli edifici cittadini” che si organizzano intorno a passaggi che uniscono la strada e il cortile dell’isolato.

El concepto consiste en realizar 3 elementos de «pequeños inmuebles de la ciudad» que se organizan alrededor de pasajes que unen la calle con el patio del edificio.

La qualità del progetto risiede nel controllo della scala architettonica rispetto al contesto circostante e della reversibilità del programma, perché questi appartamenti per studenti potrebbero evolversi nel futuro e diventare abitazioni per tutti.

La calidad del proyecto reside en el control de la escala arquitectónica frente al contexto que lo rodea y la reversibilidad del programa, ya que este alojamiento de estudiantes podría evolucionar en el futuro como vivienda para todos.

Du Besset – Lyon architectes. Médiathèque, cinémas Lons le Saunier La qualità del progetto è a prima vista una qualità formale ed estetica, in un ambiente urbano dalla tonalità relativamente cupa. Questa mediateca, con il suo colore bianco e le sue dolci curve e controcurve, presenta un oggetto architettonico luminoso e molto elegante. La forza di questo progetto risiede non solo nella sua forma, ma anche nella sua struttura a muri perforati, di grande precisione architettonica.

Du Besset – Lyon architectes. Médiathèque, cinémas Lons le Saunier La calidad del proyecto es a primera vista una calidad formal y estética en un entorno urbano de tonalidad relativamente oscura. Esta mediateca, por su color blanco y sus curvas y contracurvas suaves, introduce un objeto arquitectónico luminoso de una gran elegancia. La fuerza del proyecto no reside únicamente en la forma, sino también en su estructura de muros agujereados muy cuidados desde un punto de vista arquitectónico.

La luce interna così prodotta crea spazi di lettura, ascolto e incontro degni delle più belle biblioteche internazionali.

La luz interior producida de esta manera crea lugares de lectura, de escucha y de encuentro dignos de las más bellas bibliotecas internacionales.

Beckmann N’Thepe Architectes. Social Housing Building, ZAC Masséna Questo insieme di alloggi sociali fa parte di un piano urbanistico concepito dall’architetto Christina de Portzamparc, che ha voluto creare intorno alla nuova Biblioteca nazionale una forte densità urbana. Alcuni parigini chiamano questo quartiere “Napoli”.

Beckmann N’Thepe Architectes. Social Housing Building, ZAC Masséna Este conjunto de viviendas sociales forma parte de un plan de urbanismo imaginado por el arquitecto Christina de Portzamparc que quiso crear alrededor de la nueva Biblioteca nacional una gran densidad urbana. Algunos parisinos lo llaman el barrio «Nápoles».

Questo lavoro architettonico sulla densità si esprime perfettamente attraverso il progetto, che s’innalza come una piccola torre verso il cielo, ma che appoggia anche tutto il suo peso sulle molteplici attività commerciali che si svolgono lungo la strada.

Este trabajo arquitectónico sobre la densidad se expresa perfectamente en el proyecto y se eleva como una pequeña torre en el cielo, aunque también se apoya con todo su peso sobre toda la actividad comercial que existe a pie de calle.

Per concludere, il materiale di pannelli in calcestruzzo colorato aumenta visivamente la solidità di questo edificio.

En conclusión, el material de los paneles de hormigón tintado aumenta visualmente la fuerza sólida de la construcción.

Dominique Perrault

Dominique Perrault

18  BIGMAT International architecture award

Czech Republic Jury Member Zdeněk Lukeš

Apartment Building With A Gym. DaM. Petr Burian This building was erected on the corner lot of a small square right in the historical centre of Prague. Surrounding houses were built during early XX Century and during inter-war period. The building is multi-purpose with small apartments for members of municipal services (city police etc.), shops and even a training hall for the adjacent school. Its architecture has Japanese metabolic motifs a set of concrete boxes diagonally facing the square, some are missing, creating terraces. The jury appreciates the quality of the architecture and the respect for the context. Memorial To Victims Of Communism. Petr Janda / Brainwork, sporadical The Memorial to Victims of Communism (winning design of the competition) is based on a simple but very strong idea: both sides show people facing each other and a short title is inscribed: Think about your own contribution to repression during the Communist era. The architect also redesigned the surrounding park with a simple shape, fully respecting the atmosphere of this quiet place not far from the Liberec city centre. National Technical Library. Projektil Architekti The Student´s library in the middle of the Prague Technical University campus is in contrast with the rectangular scheme of pre- and post-war buildings due to organic shape. The library has a beautiful ground floor scheme with promenoirs, large and small conference spaces, a public library in the vicinity, exhibition spaces and a café. From this living area a client could reach the main hall of TU Library with services and balconies around the space, designed by young artists in the style of comics. The library and the adjacent square is a very popular part of the campus and has received some architecture prizes. Zdeněk Lukeš

International architecture award BIGMAT  19

République Tchèque Membre du jury

Česká republika Členové poroty

Apartment Building With A Gym. DaM. Petr Burian Le bâtiment fut construit à l’angle d’une petite place en plein cœur historique de Prague. Les maisons alentour datent du début du XXe siècle et de la période des guerres. Ce bâtiment multifonction se compose de petits appartements pour les membres des services municipaux (police de ville, etc.), de boutiques et même d’un gymnase pour l’école adjacente. Son architecture rappelle le Métabolisme japonais, un ensemble de structures en béton positionnées en diagonale face à la place, avec des espaces vides pour créer des terrasses. Le jury apprécie la qualité de l’architecture et le respect du cadre.

Apartment Building With A Gym. DaM. Petr Burian Tato budova byla postavena na rohu malého náměstí v samém historickém centru Prahy. Okolní budovy byly postaveny na počátku 20. století a v období mezi dvěma světovými válkami. Jedná se o víceúčelovou budovu s malými byty pro zaměstnance městských služeb (městská policie, atd.), obchody a tělocvičnou pro přilehlou školu. Architektura připomíná motivy japonského metabolismu – sada konkrétních kvádrů diagonálně otočených směrem na náměstí, některé chybí a na jejich místě byly vystavěny terasy. Porota oceňuje kvalitní architekturu a respekt vůči okolí.

Memorial To Victims Of Communism. Petr Janda / Brainwork, sporadical Le Monument aux victimes du communisme (prix de la meilleure conception de la compétition) présente une idée simple, mais très forte ; les deux côtés du monument reflétant les personnes en face et de cours messages : « Réfléchissez à votre propre contribution à la répression pendant le communisme ». L’architecte a également reconçu le parc alentour dans une forme minimaliste, en respectant l’ambiance de cette place silencieuse située à quelques pas du centre-ville de Liberec.

Memorial To Victims Of Communism. Petr Janda / Brainwork, sporadical Památník obětem totalitního režimu (vítěz soutěže) přichází s velmi prostou, ale silnou myšlenkou: obě strany památníku zobrazují tváře lidí a v patě pomníku stojí nápis: Sám v sobě hledej, zda svobodu bráníš, ctíš nebo omezuješ. Architekt rovněž přetvořil okolní park, dal mu jednoduchý tvar a zcela respektoval atmosféru poklidného místa ležícího nedaleko centra Liberce.

National Technical Library. Projektil Architekti De par sa forme naturelle, la Bibliothèque universitaire au milieu du campus de l’Université technique de Prague contraste avec le schéma rectangulaire d’avant et d’aprèsguerre des bâtiments. La bibliothèque se compose d’un rez-de-chaussée élégant avec des promenoirs, de petites et grandes salles de conférence, d’une bibliothèque publique pour le quartier, de salles d’exposition et d’une cafétéria. Depuis ce lieu de vie, il est possible d’atteindre le hall principal de la bibliothèque universitaire, entouré de services et de balcons, conçu par de jeunes artistes dans un style bande dessinée. Ayant reçu différents prix d’architecture, la bibliothèque et sa place adjacente sont très populaires au sein du campus. Zdeněk Lukeš

20  BIGMAT International architecture award

National Technical Library. Projektil Architekti Studentská knihovna v centrální části Prahy, na kampusu technických škol, svým organickým tvarem kontrastuje s okolními obdélníkovými budovami postavenými před a po válce. Knihovna má kvalitní schéma přízemí, kde se nachází chodby, velké a malé konferenční prostory, veřejná knihovna plnící svou sousedskou roli, výstavní prostory a kavárna. Z této obytné části se snadno dostanete do hlavního sálu technické knihovny, okolo celého prostoru mladí umělci navrhli potřebné zázemí a balkóny ve stylu komiksu. Knihovna a přilehlé náměstí jsou oblíbenými místy celého kampusu a obdržely řadu architektonických cen. Zdeněk Lukeš

Repubblica Ceca Membro della Giuria

República Checa Miembro del jurado

Apartment Building With A Gym. DaM. Petr Burian Questo edificio è stato creato sul lotto estremo di una piccola piazza, in pieno centro storico di Praga. Gli edifici circostanti sono stati creati all’inizio del XX secolo e fra le due guerre mondiali. L’edificio ha molteplici scopi, con i suoi piccoli appartamenti per i funzionari dei servizi municipali (polizia locale, ecc.), i negozi e anche una palestra per la scuola adiacente. La sua architettura si basa su motivi metabolici giapponesi, con una serie di scatole di cemento che si affacciano diagonalmente sulla piazza. Al posto di alcune di esse sono state create delle terrazze. La giuria apprezza la qualità architettonica e il rispetto del contesto in cui è inserita quest’opera.

Apartment Building With A Gym. DaM. Petr Burian Este edificio fue erigido en una esquina de una pequeña plaza justo en el centro histórico de Praga. A su alrededor, las casas se construyeron a principios del siglo XX y durante el período de entreguerras. Este edificio es multifuncional con pequeños apartamentos para funcionarios de los servicios municipales (policía local, etc.), tiendas e incluso un gimnasio para la escuela adyacente. Su arquitectura recuerda el metabolismo japonés - conjunto de estructuras de hormigón situadas en diagonal frente a la plaza, con espacios vacíos para crear terrazas. El jurado aprecia la calidad de la arquitectura y el respeto por el contexto.

Memorial To Victims Of Communism. Petr Janda / Brainwork, sporadical Il Monumento ai Caduti Vittime dei Regimi Totalitari (progetto vincitore del concorso) possiede un’idea semplice, ma potente: entrambi i lati del monumento riflettono le persone che vi si affacciano. Il breve titolo dice: pensa al contributo che hai offerto alla repressione durante l’era comunista. L’architetto ha anche riprogettato il parco circostante dandogli una forma semplice, nel pieno rispetto dell’atmosfera di questo luogo tranquillo, non lontano dal centro della città di Liberec.

Memorial To Victims Of Communism. Petr Janda / Brainwork, sporadical El Memorial of Victims del régimen totalitario (diseño ganador del concurso) es una idea sencilla pero con mucha fuerza: los dos lados del monumento reflejan a los que se acercan y el siguiente mensaje: Piensa en tu propia contribución a la represión durante la era comunista. El arquitecto también ha rediseñado el parque que lo rodea de manera sencilla, respetando plenamente la atmósfera de este lugar tranquilo cerca del centro de la ciudad de Liberec.

National Technical Library. Projektil Architekti La biblioteca universitaria, al centro del campus universitario dell’Università Tecnica di Praga, contrasta con lo schema rettangolare degli edifici dell’anteguerra e del dopo guerra, con la sua dimensione organica. La biblioteca presenta un raffinato schema a piano terra, con corridoi, spazi per le conferenze grandi e piccoli, una biblioteca pubblica per chi vive in questa zona, spazi dedicati alle mostre e un bar. Da questa zona viva, l’utente può raggiungere la hall principale della biblioteca, con servizi e balconi tutt’intorno, progettati da giovani artisti, seguendo lo stile dei fumetti. La biblioteca e la piazza adiacente sono una zona molto popolare del campus e hanno vinto alcuni premi d’architettura.

National Technical Library. Projektil Architekti La Biblioteca de estudiantes se encuentra en la parte central del campus de la Universidad técnica de Praga y su forma orgánica contrasta con el esquema rectangular de los edificios de antes y después de la guerra. La biblioteca cuenta con una elegante planta baja con pasillos, salas de conferencias grandes y pequeñas, una biblioteca pública para el vecindario, zonas de exposición y cafetería. Desde esta zona bulliciosa, se puede acceder hasta el hall principal de la Biblioteca rodeado de servicios y balcones diseñados por jóvenes artistas con el estilo de los cómics. La biblioteca y la plaza adyacente son una parte muy popular de todo el campus y ha conseguido premios arquitectónicos.

Zdeněk Lukeš

Zdeněk Lukeš

International architecture award BIGMAT  21

Italy Jury Member Cino Zucchi

Gio Ponti, the great designer of the Pirelli skyscraper, once said: “Half of the beautiful Italian landscape was built by God himself, the other half by its architects”. But what was once called the “Bel Paese” has in the last fifty years gone through a number of mutations which hit severely this oncedeserved reputation. Many considered the damage done a consequence of a departure from the architectural “tradition”; but all the recent attempts to force modern typologies and themes into the corset of a presumed “classical” or “regional” language generated a number of graceless wolves in a lamb’s skin. The winners and the runner-ups of the Big Mat prize for the Italian section show a different attitude. They could be considered a mature and careful response to the themes posed by their program, respectively a complex of apartments in the outskirts of a town, a villa in a beautiful garden, and a control tower in a harbour. All the issues raised by their rather prosaic function - such as privacy and publicity, energy conservation, economy of construction – are handled not just by a mere “summing up”, but rather by a clear architectural response which is capable to accommodate them in a natural, welcoming way. These works have a direct relationship with their theme, and their serene character is the very consequence of this straightforward attitude, not overwhelmed by stylistic issues and not oppressed by a hang-up in relation with Italy’s heavy-weight architectural past. But beyond this layer a finer one could be seen: environmental responsibility in a fragile landscape built over the centuries. “Tradition is to keep the fire alive, not to worship its ashes.” R.M.Rilke’s words can perfectly describe these three convincing pieces of architecture, which embody the culture and the architectural legacy of a country without ever quoting it directly, and without using its prestige to excuse the difficult task of building its present every day. Cino Zucchi

22  BIGMAT International architecture award

Italie Membre du jury

Itálie Členové poroty

Gio Ponti, le célèbre architecte de la tour Pirelli, a dit un jour : « la moitié du magnifique paysage italien vient de la main de Dieu, l’autre moitié de ses architectes ». Mais ce qui était jadis appelé le « Bel Paese » a, au cours des cinquante dernières années, traversé toute une série de transformations qui a sérieusement terni cette réputation autrefois bien méritée.

Gio Ponti, skvělý projektant mrakodrapu Pirelli, jednou řekl: „Polovinu nádherné italské krajiny zbudoval sám Bůh, druhou polovinu pak italští architekti”. Avšak to, co bylo jednou nazváno „Bel Paese”, prodělalo v posledních padesáti letech řadu změn, které hluboce zasáhly tuto zaslouženou reputaci.

Beaucoup considèrent ces dommages comme la conséquence d’une fin de la tradition architecturale, mais les dernières tentatives de ramener les typologies et concepts modernes à un langage soi-disant « classique » ou « régional » n’a fait que créer de grossiers loups déguisés en agneau. Les vainqueurs et les seconds prix du BigMat Award pour l’Italie ont montré une attitude différente. Ils ont su apporter une réponse mature et précise aux thèmes exposés dans leur programme, ces derniers étant respectivement une résidence dans une banlieue, une villa dans un magnifique jardin et une tour de contrôle dans un port. Toutes les questions soulevées dans leurs travaux prosaïques, telles que la confidentialité et la publicité, la conservation de l’énergie ou encore les coûts de construction, ont été traitées non pas par un simple résumé, mais par une réponse architecturale claire, capable de les recevoir de façon naturelle et chaleureuse. Ces travaux sont intimement liés à leur thème, et leur caractère posé est la conséquence directe de cette attitude simple, sans fioriture et sans complexe par rapport au passé mythifié de l’architecture italienne. Mais quelque chose de plus subtil se cache derrière cette apparence, la responsabilité d’un paysage fragile, construit au fil des siècles. « La tradition ne consiste pas à conserver des cendres, mais à entretenir la flamme. » Les mots de R. M. Rilke décrivent parfaitement ces trois œuvres architecturales convaincantes, qui incarnent la culture et le patrimoine architectural d’un pays sans jamais le faire remarquer, et sans user de son prestige pour justifier la difficile tâche de construire son présent.

Mnoho lidí se domnívá, že napáchané škody jsou důsledkem odklonu od architektonické „tradice“, nicméně všechny nedávné pokusy o protlačení moderních typologií a témat do toho, co je pokládáno za „klasický“ nebo „regionální“ jazyk, mají na svědomí řadu nehezkých vlků v rouše beránčím. Výherci a autoři, kteří se umístili na druhém místě v soutěži BigMat za italskou sekci, ukazují odlišný postoj. Jejich díla mohou být považována za zralou a pečlivou odpověď na témata představovaná v rámci jejich programu. Jedná se o komplex bytů na okraji města, vilu v nádherné zahradě a kontrolní věž v přístavu. Všechna řešení zdůrazňující všední funkci jako je soukromí a publicita, energetická úspora, ekonomická výstavba jsou pozitivně vítána nejen díky výše uvedenému, ale především proto, že se jedná o jasnou architektonickou odpověď, která je schopná je aplikovat přirozenou a vítanou cestou. Tyto práce mají přímý vztah k tématu a jejich poklidný charakter je důsledkem upřímného postoje, v němž nepřevažují ohromující stylistická řešení a který není utiskován problémy souvisejícími s význačnou italskou architektonickou minulostí. Za touto vrstvou však můžeme vidět ještě jednu tenčí: odpovědnost za prostředí křehké a stovky let budované krajiny. „Tradice znamená udržet oheň zažehnutý, nikoliv uctívat její popel.” Slova R.M.Rilkeho mohou krásně popsat tato tři přesvědčivá architektonická díla, která ztělesňují kulturu a architektonický odkaz země, aniž by jej přímo uváděly a bez toho, aby použily jeho prestiž jako omluvu pro náročný úkol, jakým stavitelství je a jenž je patrný v každodenní realitě. Cino Zucchi

Cino Zucchi

International architecture award BIGMAT  23

Italia Membro della Giuria

Italia Miembro del jurado

Gio Ponti, il grande progettista del grattacielo Pirelli, affermò: “L’Italia l’han fatta metà Iddio e metà gli Architetti”. Ma quello che un tempo chiamavamo il “Bel Paese”, negli ultimi 50 anni ha subito una serie di mutazioni, che hanno severamente colpito questa sua reputazione un tempo ben meritata.

Gio Ponti, el gran diseñador del rascacielos Pirelli, dijo una vez: «La mitad del bello paisaje italiano fue construido por el mismo Dios, y la otra mitad por sus arquitectos». Pero lo que una vez se llamó el «Bel Paese» ha experimentado en los últimos cincuenta años un cierto número de cambios que han atacado gravemente esta reputación tan bien merecida antaño.

Molti considerano che il danno prodotto sia la conseguenza del distacco dalla “tradizione” architettonica, ma tutti i recenti tentativi di forzare le tipologie e i temi moderni nel busto di un linguaggio presumibilmente “classico” o “regionale” non hanno fatto altro che nascondere brutti lupi sotto la pelle di agnellini. Il vincitore e i finalisti del premio BigMat della sezione italiana hanno dimostrato di avere un atteggiamento ben diverso. Potremmo considerarli una risposta matura e attenta ai temi proposti dal loro programma, rispettivamente un complesso di appartamenti alla periferia di una cittadina, una villa in un meraviglioso giardino e una torre di controllo in un porto. Tutte le questioni sollevate dalla loro funzione piuttosto prosaica, come la contrapposizione fra privato e pubblico, il risparmio energetico e l’economia in edilizia, trovano risposta non solo in un mero “riassunto”, ma piuttosto in una chiara soluzione architettonica, capace di ospitarle in maniera naturale e accogliente. Queste opere hanno una relazione diretta con il loro tema e il loro carattere sereno è la conseguenza di questo atteggiamento schietto, non turbato da questioni di stile e non oppresso da complessi d’inferiorità nella relazione con il pesante passato architettonico dell’Italia. Ma al di là di questo strato superficiale, si può intravvedere un significato ancora più raffinato: la responsabilità ambientale di un paesaggio fragile, costruito nei secoli. “La tradizione consiste nel mantenerne vivo il fuoco, non nell’adorarne le ceneri”. Le parole di R. M. Rilke descrivono perfettamente queste tre convincenti opere architettoniche, che rappresentano la cultura e il patrimonio architettonico di un paese, senza mai citarli direttamente, e senza usare il suo prestigio come scusa nel difficile compito di costruire il suo presente, giorno dopo giorno. Cino Zucchi

24  BIGMAT International architecture award

Muchos piensan que el daño causado fue consecuencia de abandonar la «tradición» arquitectónica; pero todos los intentos recientes de forzar a que tipologías y temas entraran en el corsé de un supuesto idioma «clásico» o «regional» han generado un cierto número de torpes lobos en una piel de cordero. Los ganadores y seleccionados del premio BigMat para la sección italiana muestran una actitud distinta. Podrían considerarse como una respuesta madura y reflexionada a los temas planteados por su programa: un complejo de apartamentos en las afueras de una ciudad, una villa en un precioso jardín y una torre de control en un puerto. Todas las cuestiones suscitadas por una función bastante prosaica, tales como la privacidad y publicidad, conservación energética, economía de la construcción, se responden no solo con un mero «resumen», sino con una respuesta arquitectónica clara que es capaz de albergarlas de manera natural y agradable. Estos trabajos tienen una relación directa con su tema, y su carácter sereno es la verdadera consecuencia de esta actitud directa, no oprimida por los temas estilísticos ni por una dependencia con el pesado pasado arquitectónico italiano. Sin embargo, detrás de esta capa, se puede apreciar una más fina: la responsabilidad sobre el entorno de un paisaje frágil construido durante siglos. «La tradición es mantener el fuego vivo, no venerar sus ascuas.» Las palabras de R. M. Rilke describen perfectamente estas tres convincentes obras de arquitectura, que encarnan la cultura y el legado arquitectónico de un país sin nombrarlo directamente, y sin usar su prestigio para excusar la difícil tarea de construir su presente todos los días. Cino Zucchi

Spain Jury Member Carlos Ferrater

Atrio Relais & Châteaux Hotel and Restaurant in Cáceres The Cáceres historic centre has tremendous spatial intensity. This hotel project –according to the jury– adapted in a simple and appropriate manner to the different space categories within this location, which include: the hotel’s private area, the hotel’s relationship with the city, reflected in its streets and squares, and the building’s relationship with its more distant surroundings from which it draws in some bell towers and the country side. The structure, construction and materials have successfully merged character with subtlety, as well as the historical features already existing in the environment with the modernity and functionality of the building. Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology In an old University of Alcala building dating back to the first half of the twentieth century, a new architectural body was added. In the jury’s opinion, this new structure endowed the entire complex with a new character though the construction of a concrete bay that clearly contrasts with the surrounding landscape and light. In terms of the structure, construction and materiality, the use of three materials in three different conditions has been given a very positive assessment: first, the polycarbonate that concentrates a homogeneous light on the proposed circulation space between the two buildings; second, the great bay made of concrete and supported by four pillars, fitted with sunshades to protect it from harsh western light; finally, the glass that blurs the boundaries between the exterior and the interior of the new building through its multiple reflections and transparencies. University Residences on the Etsav Campus In this university student housing project, the jury appreciates the continuity between the old buildings and the new residences, built as two rows of housing that enclose a large public space, which is brought to life by the entranceways. With regards to functionality, the jury highly praises the great flexibility not only of the residences but also of the central space, which is achieved through dry construction using prefabricated systems. This project’s massive potential for energy savings is due to the exterior walls, which are covered with a mesh of clinging plants that form a vertical pergola. Carlos Ferrater

International architecture award BIGMAT  25

Espagne Membre du jury

Španělsko Členové poroty

Atrio Relais & Châteaux Hotel and Restaurant in Cáceres Le centre historique de Cáceres est un lieu où l’espace occupe une place majeure. Pour le jury, ce projet d’hôtel a su apporter une réponse sobre et précise à chaque catégorie d’espace que renferme cet endroit : l’espace privé de l’hôtel ; la relation entre l’hôtel et la ville, présente dans ses rues et ses places ; et la relation entre le bâtiment et son environnement plus éloigné, incorporant la campagne et quelques clochers. La structure, la construction et les matériaux ont également su combiner rotondité et subtilité, la réalité du patrimoine environnant avec la contemporanéité et la rationalité de l’utilisation pour laquelle ce bâtiment est construit.

Atrio Relais & Châteaux Hotel and Restaurant in Cáceres Historické centrum Cáceres je místo s velkou prostorovou intenzitou. Tento projekt hotelu přináší, dle názoru poroty, jednoduchou a přesnou odpověď na různé kategorie prostoru, které svírá tato lokalizace. Jsou jim soukromý prostor hotelu, vztah hotelu k městu, který je patrný na ulicích a náměstích, a vztah budovy ke vzdálenějšímu okolí, do kterého jsou zasazeny některé zvony a pole. Struktura, konstrukce a materiály dokázaly zkombinovat energičnost se subtilností, existující kulturní dědictví v okolí se současností a racionálním využitím, ke kterému byla tato budova postavena.

Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology Intégré dans un ancien bâtiment de l’Université d’Alcalá datant de la première moitié du vingtième siècle, ce nouveau corps architectural a, aux yeux du jury, su forger un nouveau caractère au bâtiment, avec la construction d’un couloir en béton, mis clairement en relation avec le paysage alentour et la lumière. Quant à la structure, la construction et les matériaux, la proposition d’utiliser trois matériaux pour trois conditions différentes a été très appréciée : d’une part, le polycarbonate, qui concentre une lumière homogène sur l’espace de circulation proposé entre les deux bâtiments ; d’autre part, le grand couloir construit en béton qui, appuyé sur des piliers, représente un pare-soleil permettant de se protéger de la lumière gênante de l’ouest ; et finalement, le verre, qui estompe les frontières entre l’extérieur et l’intérieur du nouveau bâtiment, grâce à ses reflets multiples et ses transparences.

Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology Ke staré budově Univerzity v Alcalá z první poloviny dvacátého století bylo přistavěno nové architektonické těleso, které, dle názoru poroty, dokázalo dát celku nový charakter, a to díky výstavbě betonové chodby, která skvěle zapadá do okolní krajiny a je prostoupena světlem. Pokud jde o strukturu, konstrukci i materiál, byl velmi oceněn nápad používat tři materiály pro tři různé podmínky. Na jedné straně je to polykarbonát, který koncentruje homogenní světlo do prostoru cirkulace, který je navržen mezi oběma budovami. A na druhé straně zde stojí velká betonová chodba opírající se o čtyři kamenné sloupy. Je vybavena stínidly, která chrání před nepříjemným západním světlem. A nakonec je zde sklo, materiál, který stírá hranice mezi exteriérem a interiérem nové budovy prostřednictvím mnoha odlesků a průhledných částí.

57 Viviendas Universitarias en el Campus de la Etsav Pour ce projet de logements universitaires, le jury a apprécié la continuité entre l’ancienne ligne de bâtiments et le nouveau complexe résidentiel, à travers la construction de deux rangées de logements renfermant un grand espace public qui prend vie en y entrant. Quant à l’utilisation, le jury a été séduit par la grande flexibilité dont dispose non seulement les logements, mais aussi l’espace central, matérialisée par la construction sèche de systèmes préfabriqués. Le grand pari de ce projet sur l’économie d’énergie se retrouve dans les zones extérieures, recouvertes d’un filet tapissé par des plantes grimpantes en guise de pergola verticale. Carlos Ferrater

26  BIGMAT International architecture award

57 Viviendas Universitarias en el Campus de la Etsav U tohoto projektu ubytování pro univerzitní studenty porota ocenila kontinuitu mezi starou zástavbou a novým rezidenčním komplexem, které bylo dosaženo prostřednictvím výstavby dvou řad obydlí, jež svírají velké veřejné prostranství, které se aktivuje prostřednictvím vstupů do budov. Pokud jde o využití, porota velmi ocenila velkou flexibilitu nejen budov, ale také centrálního prostoru, jež je zhmotněna v konstrukci vytvořené z prefabrikovaných systémů. Sázka na úsporu energie tohoto projektu je patrná v exteriérech, jež jsou pokryty sítí, do níž jsou osazeny popínavé rostliny, jež vytvářejí jakousi vertikální pergolu. Carlos Ferrater

Spagna Membro della Giuria

España Miembro del jurado

Atrio Relais & Châteaux Hotel and Restaurant in Cáceres Il centro storico di Cáceres è un luogo di grande intensità spaziale. Questo progetto di hotel, secondo la giuria, ha saputo offrire una risposta sobria e adeguata alle diverse categorie di spazio che racchiude questo luogo e che si potrebbe dire che sono lo spazio privato dell’hotel, la relazione dell’hotel con la città, presente nelle sue strade e piazze, e la relazione dell’edificio con l’ambiente più lontano, di cui si inseriscono alcuni campanili e la campagna. La struttura, la costruzione e i materiali hanno anch’essi saputo unire la rotondità e la finezza, la realtà patrimoniale preesistente nell’ambiente circostante alla contemporaneità e la razionalità dell’uso per il quale è stato costruito questo edificio.

Atrio Relais & Châteaux Hotel and Restaurant in Cáceres El casco histórico de Cáceres es un lugar de gran intensidad espacial. Este proyecto de hotel, a juicio del jurado, ha sabido dar una respuesta sobria y certera a las diferentes categorías de espacio que encierra esta localización y que puede decirse que son, el espacio privado del hotel, la relación del hotel con la ciudad, que manifiesta en sus calles y plazas, y la relación del edificio con su entorno más lejano, del que se incorporan algunos campanarios y el campo. La estructura, la construcción y los materiales también han sabido combinar la rotundidad con la sutileza, la realidad patrimonial existente en el entorno con la contemporaneidad y la racionalidad del uso para el cual se construye este edificio.

Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology A un antico edificio della prima metà del ventesimo secolo dell’Università di Alcalá, si aggiunge un nuovo corpo architettonico che, secondo la giuria, ha saputo offrire a tutto il complesso un nuovo carattere, attraverso la costruzione di una galleria in calcestruzzo, che si mette chiaramente in relazione con il paesaggio circostante e la luce. Per quanto riguarda la struttura, la costruzione e il materiale, è stata valutata molto positivamente la proposta dell’uso di tre materiali per tre diverse condizioni: da un lato, il policarbonato, che concentra una luce omogenea sullo spazio di circolazione proposto fra i due edifici; dall’altro, la grande galleria costruita in calcestruzzo, che si appoggia su quattro piloni ed è caratterizzata da una serie di parasoli per proteggersi dalla scomoda luce che viene da ovest; e infine, il materiale che attenua i limiti fra l’esterno e l’interno del nuovo edificio è il vetro, con i suoi molteplici riflessi e le sue trasparenze.

Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology En un antiguo edificio de la primera mitad del siglo veinte de la Universidad de Alcalá, se añade un nuevo cuerpo arquitectónico que, a juicio del jurado, ha sabido dotar a todo el conjunto de un nuevo carácter a través de la construcción de una crujía de hormigón que se pone en clara relación con el paisaje cercano y con la luz. En cuanto a estructura, construcción y materialidad ha sido valorada muy positivamente la propuesta del uso de tres materiales para tres condiciones diferentes; por un lado, el policarbonato que concentra una luz homogénea sobre el espacio de circulación propuesto entre los dos edificios; por otro lado, la gran crujía construida en hormigón que, estando apoyada sobre cuatro machones, es caracterizada por unos parasoles para protegerse de la luz incómoda de oeste; finalmente, es el vidrio el material que difumina los límites entre el exterior y el interior del nuevo edificio a través de sus múltiples reflejos y transparencias.

57 Viviendas Universitarias en el Campus de la Etsav In questo progetto di abitazioni per studenti universitari, la giuria ha apprezzato la continuità fra il tessuto antico degli edifici e il nuovo complesso residenziale, attraverso la costruzione di due file di abitazioni che racchiudono un grande spazio pubblico che si attiva mediante l’accesso alle stesse. Per quanto riguarda l’uso, la giuria ha molto apprezzato la grande flessibilità di cui dispongono non solo le abitazioni, ma anche lo spazio centrale, che si materializza mediante la costruzione a secco di sistemi prefabbricati. La grande sfida del risparmio energetico di questo progetto è evidente all’esterno, ricoperto con una rete tappezzata di piante rampicanti, come se si trattasse di una pergola verticale.

57 Viviendas Universitarias en el Campus de la Etsav En este proyecto de viviendas para estudiantes universitarios, el jurado ha valorado la continuidad entre el tejido antiguo de edificaciones y el nuevo complejo residencial a través de la construcción de dos hileras de viviendas que encierran un gran espacio público que se activa a través de la entrada a las mismas. En cuanto al uso, es muy valorado por el jurado la gran flexibilidad de la que disponen ya no solo las viviendas sino el espacio central, que se materializa a través de la construcción en seco de sistemas prefabricados. La gran apuesta por el ahorro energético que hace este proyecto se manifiesta en los exteriores que son recubiertos con una malla tapizada con plantas trepadoras a modo de pérgola vertical.

Carlos Ferrater

Carlos Ferrater

International architecture award BIGMAT  27

Elishout Kitchen Tower Campus Coovi Xaveer De Geyter Architects (Anderlecht) BigMat international Architecture Award Grand Prize

Le Manège Theatre Atelier d’Architecture Pierre Hebbelinck – Pierre De Wit (Mons) Student Residence LAN Architecture (Paris)

Roly Pavilion AABE Atelier d’Architecture Bruno Erpicum & Partners (Court Saint Etienne)

National First Prize

Social housing building, ZAC Masséna Beckmann N’Thépé Architectes (Paris) Lons-le-Saunier Cultural Centre du Besset – Lyon architectes (Lons-le-Saunier)

House for a film director Liverani Molteni Architetti (Lecco)

Via Padovani housing Lelli & Associati Architettura + Magazè S.R.L (Imola) National First Prize

Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology Héctor Fernández Elorza (Alcalá de Henares) Special Mention for Young Architects

Hotel and Restaurant Atrio Mansilla + Tuñón (Cáceres) National First Prize Special Mention for Restoration of a Heritage Place

Student Housing In Sant Cugat del Vallès H arquitectes + dataAE (Sant Cugat del Vallès)

Location of the Winning Projects in the BigMat countries

Memorial To Victims of Communism Petr Janda / brainwork, sporadical (Liberec) National First Prize

National Technical Library Projektil Architekti, represented by Roman Brychta (Prague) Apartment Building with a Gym DaM. Petr Burian (Prague)

Port Control Tower M. Giuseppina Grasso Cannizzo (Marina di Ragusa)

BigMat International Architecture Award Grand Prize

30窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

Elishout Kitchen Tower Campus Coovi Xaveer De Geyter Architects

FIRS PRIZE belgium  31

32窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

BigMat International Architecture Award Grand Prize

Elishout Kitchen Tower Campus Coovi Xaveer De Geyter Architects

Project title Elishout Kitchen Tower Campus Coovi

The concept of the building can be viewed as the opposite of a typical tower format. The traditional organization of a programme around a core in which all the vertical logistics are organized and which provides lateral stability, would not be appropriate here. Indeed, the relationship between the small programme of stacked kitchen-classrooms and the amount of vertical logistics required is disproportionate in this case. This has led to positioning the educational programmes in the centre, with all the cores draped around them. Facing the campus, a black, perforated rectangular volume contains an outside fire escape. To the west, an inside staircase and a toilet are placed inside a trapezoid shape in grey concrete. Facing the ring road, a filter-like screen with four white elements that contain all the building’s services, including a high-performance air processing system for the eight kitchens and a service elevator, acts as a sunshield. Two panoramic elevators are positioned in the interstitial spaces. All the vertical elements provide a kinetic-like impression when seen from cars on the boulevard.

Location Anderlecht, Belgium Completion 2011 Office XDGA architects www.xdga.be Authors Xaveer De Geyter, architect Collaborators Ney & Partners, structure / stability Studiebureau Boydens, techniques Type of work Public Photographs Frans Parthesius (32, 34-36, 40, 42-43) André Nullens (38-39)

These external ‘cores’ support the central floor slabs that measure 12 by 12 meters. The central space is therefore completely stripped of structural elements. For hygienic reasons, even the details of the full glass façade are external. The building acts as an autonomous entity within the campus. The stacking begins with an entrance hall and delivery area on ground level. There are three different levels with pantries, general storage and locker rooms with showers. These are followed by eight levels of transparent kitchen-classrooms, so the act of cooking becomes a theatrical performance. A technical level is provided half way up the tower. The tower itself is crowned by a two-level bar-restaurant that surrounds an outdoor patio in the middle of the square plan, all with a panoramic view of Brussels.

International Architecture Award Grand Prize  33

















0 10




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Site plan

34  BIGMAT International architecture award

International Architecture Award Grand Prize  35

36  BIGMAT International architecture award

Main section

International Architecture Award Grand Prize  37

38  BIGMAT International architecture award

International Architecture Award Grand Prize  39

40  BIGMAT International architecture award





















+4 / +5 / +6 / +7 / +9 LESKEUKEN




















International Architecture Award Grand Prize  41

42  BIGMAT International architecture award

International Architecture Award Grand Prize  43

44窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

Finalist Belgium

Roly Pavilion AABE Atelier d’Architecture Bruno Erpicum & Partners

Project title Roly Pavilion

A butterfly conservatory, the key thrown away: a space defined by the transparency of the windows, an infinite space where thoughts take flight at the whim of one’s imagination.

Location Court Saint Etienne, Belgium Completion 2006 Office AABE Atelier d’Architecture Bruno Erpicum & Partners www.aabe.be Authors Bruno Erpicum, architect Collaborators Marie-Noëlle Meessen, architect Type of work Private Photographs Jean Luc Laloux

This is a small outbuilding which has been extended and transformed into a house - now a bed and breakfast. The aim was to add steel sheets into the existing structure to create a mezzanine floor and then to extend these sheets outdoors in order to create a living room enclosed completely by glass that generously opens out into the natural surrounding environment. The architect has taken care to blend the new elements into the existing building, which has retained its original characteristics. Its original heavy and solid features are still clear for all to see, and they contrast with the extremely soft touch of the more recent work, the intention of which is obviously to include features that create a contrast, a counterpoint to the existing building.

Finalist belgium  45

46  BIGMAT International architecture award



Ground-floor plan

Cross section

0 5m




Finalist belgium  47

48  BIGMAT International architecture award

Finalist belgium  49

50窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

Finalist Belgium

Le Manège Theatre Atelier d’Architecture Pierre Hebbelinck – Pierre De Wit

Project title Le Manège Theatre

The riding school is isolated from the cultural heart of the city but this issue could be resolved by creating a meaningful site. We aimed to clearly define the theatre space for those who practise this artistic discipline and all the other people involved. The riding school building thus becomes the core of activity in the theatre, from the stage to the technical spaces, including the offices.

Location Mons, Belgium Completion 2008 Office Atelier d’Architecture Pierre Hebbelinck – Pierre De Wit

Authors Pierre Hebbelinck, architect Pierre de Wit, architect

The main body of the building was closed in on itself. Our project enhances the relationship between its users and the surroundings. The entrance hall and the volume of the room establish the relationship with the exterior, transcending the relationship between the theatre and the urban space. The artistic intervention under the rows enhances its general expressiveness.

Collaborators Margarida Serräo, architect Michel Lefévre, architect Julien Germay, architect Erika Boda, Alain Prévot, scenography Bureau d’étude Greisch, engineering ATS, acoustic Winston Spriet, signage

The building maintains the original riding school format. The theatre is built in concrete for technical and spatial reasons, because it has to be perfectly impervious to noise and light. This “box” is wrapped in a light glass skin to establish a flow between the urban universe and the theatre. Again for reasons of attractiveness, flow and transparency, the entrance hall is built in the same material. The play on volume again creates a link between old and new.

Type of work Public

The construction of the main hall independent from the old building opens up the format. The proposed implantation releases the attachment to the former riding school space and enables the provision of new facilities where they are needed.


Photographs Marie-Noelle Dailly

Technical constraints also add significance to the project. The nature of the concrete work, necessary for stability reasons, provides much potential; the walls of the main hall have been moulded and designed with acoustic purposes in mind. The project aims to mix and connect urban, theatrical, cultural, material and emotional elements that constitute a new function and role.

Finalist belgium  51

Site plan

52  BIGMAT International architecture award

North west elevation

Cross section AA

Cross section BB

Finalist belgium  53

54  BIGMAT International architecture award

Ground-floor plan

Upper-level plan

Finalist belgium  55

BigMat National First Prize Czech Republic

56窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

Memorial To Victims of Communism Petr Janda / brainwork sporadical

FIRS PRIZE belgium  57

58窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

National First Prize Czech Republic

Memorial To Victims of Communism Petr Janda / brainwork sporadical

Project title Memorial To Victims of Communism

The idea of the memorial reflects the cancerous nature of communism, which grew in society for 40 long years. The main motif is mirroring. The burden of deciding who is the victim and who is the tyrant is transferred to each of the memorial’s visitors. They are all forced to look into their own eyes. Through emphasis on personal responsibility, the idea of the memorial transcends both the present and the future. It strives to go beyond the boundaries that prevail in memorial art, where authors focus mainly on the commemoration of past events, turning them into an artistic form using descriptive, symbolical or metaphorical elements. This memorial was meant to redefine the category. It is not a pathetic political gesture; it aspires to become an active crossing, connecting public art and the park’s architecture.

Location Liberec, Czech Republic Completion 2006 Office Petr Janda / brainwork www.petrjanda.com Authors Petr Janda, architect Office sporadical www.sporadical.cz Authors Aleš Kubalík, architect Jakub Našinec, architect Josef Kocián, architect Veronika Sávová, architect Type of work Public Photographs Ester Havlová (58,60,61,62b, 64) Tomáš Tesař (62a, 65)

The 3.2 x 4.5 x 0.7 m object comprises two mirror sheets of metal-coated glass, 18 mm thick (each with a mass of around 800 kg) set in a steel frame. Inserted at its base in the pavement is the mirror reflecting the inscription:“search within yourself, whether you defend, respect or restrict freedom“. The memorial is located in the centre of the park where pedestrian paths intersect and its composition is completed by three 10-meter long park benches made of laminated wood. A casual passer-by walking through the park slowly approaches/enters the park’s reflection in the mirror; the memorial alone is ‘empty’ and only becomes active when someone is present. Indirect lighting underlines the memorial’s ethereal nature by illuminating the treetops in the dark; its immaterial appearance intentionally contrasts with massive totalitarian monuments. The Memorial follows our competition design of the Memorial to the victims of communism in Prague (authors: Petr Janda, Aleš Kubalík), which won third place in the public architectural competition in 2000. The original idea was redesigned for the competition in Liberec held in 2003 and adapted to the castle park in Liberec. In the following years, in response to a change in political representation at Liberec Town Hall, the location in the park specified in the competition turned out to be unfeasible. Thanks to the initiative of the authors and part of the local corporation, a new location in another park was found between 2003 and 2006 and the memorial became its landmark. Here the memorial’s intangible nature resonates with its surroundings.

National First Prize Czech Republic  59

Site Plan

60  BIGMAT International architecture award

National First Prize Czech Republic  61

62  BIGMAT International architecture award

Section detail

Cross section

Ground-floor plan

National First Prize Czech Republic  63

64  BIGMAT International architecture award

Section detail

National First Prize Czech Republic  65

66窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

Finalist Czech Republic

Apartment Building with a Gym DaM. Petr Burian

Project title Apartment Building with a Gym

The building is used as a tenement house with 33 smallarea flats (rented out by the Municipality of Prague 1 as starting stabilisation flats for municipal employees – teachers, constables, nurses, etc.) and a school gym for the adjacent elementary school. The ground-floor part of the building is partly allowed for retail. Parking is available in the building in the 2nd basement.

Location Prague, Czech Republic Completion 2011 Office DaM. Petr Burian www.dam.cz Authors Petr Burian, architect Collaborators Jan David, architect Petr Malinský, architect Petr Franze, main civil engineer Type of work Public Photographs Andrea Thiel Lhotáková

In terms of relations to its close surrounding, the structure is literally a hybrid: it is a filament of a gap site, a corner building and a solitaire at the same time, but none of these characteristics applies 100%. The general design concept builds on the principle of a box of spatial blocks. The hall dictates the position of the vertical circulation structure predetermining the layout type with an open horizontal corridor – gallery. “Volumes” are inserted between layers of floor slabs by their volume corresponding with the size of the housing units. Where the mass has to be ´dissolved´, where an untraditional open common space has to be created allowing mutual contact of inhabitants, the box members are omitted. The last component body extends up two storeys thanks to the maisonette layout of flats in the last layer crowning the whole composition. The translucent ground floor facade is the same for the recessed gym hall and the remaining ground floor areas. Its casual, day and lighted up evening appearance should emphasise the division between the fragile immaterial, publicly used ground floor contrasting with the compact cubic housing units on the higher floors. Its design is based on cheap materials with perfectly mastered details: sandwich outer walls clad in glassfibre reinforced concrete panels, anodised steel, profiled glass blocks, timber window frames. Thanks to the orientation mostly to the south and generous glazing, flats have plenty of daylight and sun. On the contrary, exterior shading and reflective glass panes protect flats from overheating. The house is naturally well thermally insulated including windows with triple IGUs. This is why cooling is not necessary. The building materials comes from local sources.

Finalist Czech Republic  67





4m 2m

68  BIGMAT International architecture award

8m 6m


Site plan

Cross section

Finalist Czech Republic  69

70  BIGMAT International architecture award

Typical-floor plan

Finalist Czech Republic  71

72窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

Finalist Czech Republic

National Technical Library Projektil Architekti, represented by Roman Brychta

Project title National Technical Library

architectural concept. We asked, “What is the role of the library and the role of institutions in today’s society?” and “What is the relationship between modernity and monumentality?” We then considered the current site context, its relation to the historical urban plan and the need to develop outdoor spaces – a social plaza to the west and a green park to the east. We designed the interior to act as a “technological text book” and finally, we strove to create an energy-efficient and formally expressive design.

Location Prague, Czech Republic Completion 2009 Office Projektil Architekti www.projektil.cz Authors Roman Brychta, architect Collaborators Hipposdesign.com, designers Laboratory.cz, graphic designers Dan Perjovschi, artist Type of work Public Photographs Andrea Thiel Lhotáková

Projektil’s design for the National Technical Library in Prague was awarded First Prize from approximately 50 entries in an architectural competition sponsored by the Czech Ministry of Education in 2000. Building construction started in 2006 and the inauguration took place in September 2009. Library users have access to 1.2 million volumes, over 1,200 seats in study areas, 200 seats in the conference hall, 300 seats in relaxation areas, a 150-seat café, parking for 300 cars and stands for 200 bicycles. More than 900,000 repeat visitors are expected to use it every year. The overall idea was to provide the campus with not just a library, but also a much-needed public meeting place for students. There were several major influences on the

The Library has three underground and six above ground floors. Book storage, technology infrastructure, supply and storage areas and parking facilities are located underground. The ground floor hosts public meeting points – the cafeteria, foyer, night study area, shops, exhibition hall and a congress hall. The second to sixth floors host the library organised around an atrium with massive skylights. Several innovative technological systems were used during construction – some to improve flexibility, others to reduce energy demand. The concrete structural system is a 15m x 15m two-way grid with pre-stressed 30-centimetre thick slabs. The colourful floor pattern is based on the floor slab loading deflection diagrams. A concrete core activation system is used to heat and cool the building. The main façade is divided into glazed and solid segments in order to optimize solar reflectance/absorbance. Other examples of energyefficient strategies in the building include an external façade, sun blinds, recovery of exhaust air, natural ventilation and night pre-cooling through operable windows and a green roof for water retention. The interior is very open and user-friendly, expressing the openness and friendliness of this fully contemporary institution. Students can configure the custom furnishings to create their own spaces and seating constellations.The art and graphic design of the interior follow the “technological text book” concept and a curator prepared the wholebuilding art scheme. Romanian artist Dan Perjovschi won an international competition for the site-specific installation in the atrium.

Finalist Czech Republic  73

Site plan

74  BIGMAT International architecture award

Ground-floor plan

Upper-level plan

Finalist Czech Republic  75

Axonometric view

76  BIGMAT International architecture award

11 7

6 4










2 15





1 square

1 - internal mobile blind shading declines heat gain in 1st floor, while avoiding contact with pedestrian; 2 - materials in their innate condition; 3 - external glazing made of profiled glass protects mobile shading against wind and provides light dispersion; 4 - a solar gain control - in summer external lever boards mobile shading causes a decline in heat gain (separated sections according to cardinal points); during the transmission period and winter the solar energy heats the building; 5 - heating register; 6 - external air intake; 7 - extensive planting on a roof for drainage delay, protects thermal insulation and makes a nice view of roof from surrounding buildings; 8 - outdoor atrium for reading under open sky; 9 - a ventilation unit with recuperation of heat from the exhaust air; 10 - elevated atrium with a space for accumulation and ventilation of warm air in summer; 11 - internal mobile blind shading; 12 - quality orientation system and art piece; 13 - quality cladding thermal insulation; 14 - self-ventilation also used for automatic night precooling of concrete constructions in summer season; 15 - heating and cooling via concrete core activation library

spaces to let

public space

library spaces to let parking, technology and storage public space

parking, technology and storage

11 7

6 4










2 15






Cross section 1 - internal mobile blind shading declines heat gain in 1st floor, while avoiding contact with pedestrian; 2 - materials in their innate condition; 3 - external glazing made of profiled glass protects mobile shading against wind and provides light dispersion; 4 - a solar gain control - in summer external lever boards mobile shading causes a decline in heat gain (separated sections according to cardinal points); during the transmission period and winter the solar energy heats the building; 5 - heating register; 6 - external air intake; 7 - extensive planting on a roof for drainage delay, protects thermal insulation and makes a nice view of roof from surrounding buildings; 8 - outdoor atrium for reading under open sky; 9 - a ventilation unit with recuperation of heat from the exhaust air; 10 - elevated atrium with a space for accumulation and ventilation of warm air in summer; 11 - internal mobile blind shading; 12 - quality orientation system and art piece; 13 - quality cladding thermal insulation; Finalist Czech Republic  14 - self-ventilation also used for automatic night precooling of concrete constructions in summer season; 15 - heating and cooling via concrete core activation library

spaces to let

public space

parking, technology and storage


BigMat National First Prize France

78窶ィIGMATsInternational architecture award

Student Residence LAN Architecture

FIRS PRIZE belgium  79

80窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

National First Prize France

Student Residence LAN Architecture

Project title Student Residence

and leisure areas are located around the courtyard, which provides access and sunlight to the various buildings and defines their interrelationship.

Location Paris, France Completion 2011 Office LAN Architecture www.lan-paris.com Authors Umberto Napolitano, architect Benoit Jallon, architect Collaborators Sebastian Niemann, project leader Franck Boutté, HEQ consultant LGX Ingénierie, HVAC, main contractor Type of work Private Photographs Julien Lanoo

The plot is located at the crossroad between rue Philippe de Girard and rue Pajol in the 18th arrondissement. The district comprises a highly heterogeneous mixture of Haussmannian residential buildings, factories and workshops. Its intrinsic nature therefore derives from the area’s richness and the project’s purpose was to comply with this wide diversity of situations. The project comprises several buildings, with volumes and voids depending on the surrounding context. On the street, three six-storey volumes are separated by two rifts providing access to the residence and vertical circulation. The height of the buildings at the back of the plot varies according to the adjacent constructions. As one enters the residence via the rift on the left, one discovers the reception area and administrative premises (on the corner of the street and the passageway). The communal facilities and the study

The 143 rooms are divided into three different types. Students’ furnished rooms have an average surface area of 18 m2 including a bathroom and a kitchen area. Ten rooms are especially designed for people with reduced mobility. Empty spaces in the courtyard and circulation areas could be defined as ‘junkspaces’ as they are byproducts of the design of the buildings. The aim was to restore the value of these spaces to create a genuine ‘plus’ for the residents. The exterior spaces, acting as a buffer between private spaces and dressed with the same lightcoloured, flexible material, normally used for sports areas and playgrounds, are not merely set for circulation but also provide conviviality: the designation of those spaces is not determined by the project, but their uses can be defined by the future residents. The project also aimed to create duality between the street and inner spaces in the choice of materials. The facades, instead of imposing a single image on the project, help to create the different atmospheres in the spaces that they envelop and delimit. The buildings facing the street are clad in dark, slate-coloured brick. In contrast, the buildings around the courtyard are clad with larch planking with folding louvered shutters in front of the windows and balconies, as is also the facade along the entry passage. The choice of materials was also dictated by technical and architectural concerns. Our quest was guided by the desire for durability and the pursuit of sustainability. The project complies with the “Habitat and Environment” label’s VHEP specifications. A combination of compactness, treatment of the envelope, and solar heat coupled with high-performance ventilation and heating (urban heating and solar panels) creates pleasant and comfortable accommodation. The concrete structure, insulated on the outside with 12 em of mineral wool, brick or wood cladding and high-performance doubleglazed fittings, provides efficient thermal insulation. In winter the buildings retain their interior heat, and in summer their exterior insulation reduces solar and internal overheating, while inertia enables the capture of daytime heat and its retention during the night.

National First Prize France  81

Site plan

82  BIGMAT International architecture award

National First Prize France  83

84  BIGMAT International architecture award

Ground-floor plan

First floor plan

Second floor plan

National First Prize France  85

86  BIGMAT International architecture award

National First Prize France  87

88窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

Finalist France

Social housing building, ZAC Masséna Beckmann N’Thépé Architectes

Project title Social housing building, ZAC Masséna

This project is not an isolated architectural mission, but contributes to the urban ambitions of the Massena district in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. Each new construction is an additional milestone in the extension of this “3rd age” town. Based on the principles designed by Christian de Portzamparc, the Project emerges, develops and takes shape to enhance its simplicity with its own specific elegance.

Location Paris. France Completion 2007 Office Beckmann N’Thépé Architectes www.b-nt.biz Authors Aldric Beckmann, architect Françoise N’Thépé, architect Collaborators Nicolas Gaudard, architect Mathilde Mahler, architect Stéphane Maîtrejean, architect Amélie Authier, assistant architect Maïté Dupont, assistant architect Caroline Huybrechts, assistant architect Tiphaine Leclère, assistant architect Aimé-Issa N’Thépé, assistant architect COTEC, technical design office Ecovégétal, landscaping consultant Type of work Public Photographs Stephan Lucas

The facade overlooking the street extends in strict alignment like a cheesewire. The overhangs, the recesses, the compositions of terraces and a crevasse structure, the expression of the blocks forming this architectural complex enable the neighbouring buildings to benefit from the “open island hub” of the development plan. At the crossroads of the various traffic axes, this minimal structure imposes its inertia through its deep and sombre bulk. Self-compacting coloured concrete adds a finishing touch to the corners, enhances the beauty of the canvas formed by the windows, the majesty of the design and its pure lines. The large glazed facades of the ground floor confer an impression of immateriality; the structure remains absent from this composition and a large hollow joint that accommodates the solar protection for the future occupants bestows a certain sense of levitation on the various volumes. The facades unfold like a large graphic composition, generous and without scale. The notion of floor levels is concealed, the rhythms of the openings are systematic and surprising. The inside is echoed by precise, nearby or far-off frames, profiting from the panoramas provided by eastern Paris. As delicate as a butterfly wing, a metal tape running between the various volumes creates a special atmosphere catching the light and reflections. The building is reflected and reflects a tone, a luminous spectrum. Time is on stage. Ornamentation is banned and omnipresent nature springs unexpectedly from the roofs of the different volumes, with an abundance of plants and trees. Passers-by dream when looking up towards these accessible terraces that form this new “green” Paris, close to the river Seine and large cultural and educational infrastructures. Rejecting the limitations of style and representation archetypes, this building suggests a critical architecture, whose modernity is essential for a new regulated urbanity in an open, generous, ecological and social metropolis.

Finalist France  89

Site plan

90  BIGMAT International architecture award


Finalist France  91

92  BIGMAT International architecture award

Cross sections

Finalist France  93

94窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

Finalist France

Lons-le-Saunier Cultural Centre du Besset – Lyon architectes

Project title Lons-le-Saunier Cultural Centre

The existing buildings, the church, Hotel de Balay and the wall of the prison, form an impressive urban setting made up of simple lines, great mineral surfaces and imposing masses. Unfortunately, the relationship that these three constructions maintain cannot be experienced from the street. Obviously, a fourth element is needed on the northern side to complete the urban structure.

Location Lons-le-Saunier. France Completion 2012 Office du Besset – Lyon architectes www.dubesset-lyon.com Authors Pierre du Besset, architect Dominique Lyon, architect Collaborators Anne Tellier, architect, team leader Véronique Ratel, architect Khephren, engineering, structure Espace temps, fluids engineering JC Drauart, economist Franck Boutte, HQE consultant Type of work Public Photographs Philippe Ruault

The missing element is the library/cinemas. The new building is courteous enough to curve itself in order to spare a public place that opens on the street. An urban breather is created, which is welcome in a very densely built context. Like its neighbours, the lines of the new building are simple, its material is mineral (concrete) and its presence is stated without superfluous arrangements of volumes and materials. It draws its strength and its strangeness from the fact that it maintains an active relationship with its neighbours. Thus, the curvature of its southern façade provides a direct response to the large slope of the slate-covered roof of the church; the curve of its plan constitutes a natural connection between Cordeliers street, the new central place and the back of the church. Rrespectful of its environment, the new building is also keen to assert its unique presence. Its design is regulated by a combination of curved lines, giving it the appearance of an autonomous object. Placed in front of one of its frontages, one captures the system by which it is regulated, understanding that it applies to the unit and perceiving the whole. The architectural expression of the exterior is found inside. From the entrance, one perceives the entire interior volume.The interior is cleanly organized, with different functions distributed on three levels plus a basement for cinemas.

Finalist France  95

Site plan

96  BIGMAT International architecture award


Finalist France  97

98  BIGMATInternational architecture award

Finalist France  99

BigMat National First Prize Italy

100窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

Via Padovani housing Lelli & Associati Architettura + Magazè S.R.L

FIRS PRIZE belgium  101

102窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

National First Prize Italy

Via Padovani housing Lelli & Associati Architettura + Magazè S.R.L

Project title Via Padovani housing

over ground level and a “natural” placement of the blocks onto the site. The project fulfils the requirement to build 36 small apartments in a garden area near the old city centre of lmola (BO). The area faces an old park that characterizes the Osservanza estate - the pavilions of a former mental hospital are being turned into a group of residences and services. The urban network around the area is simple, with parallel streets that give a double-comb layout to the residential lots. The proximity to the park allows for easy access to the complex from both sides. The new buildings follow the transversal lines across the area that connect the park to the street. There are four parallel blocks, shifted and staggered in order to obtain the right volumetric plasticity exactly in correspondence to an inflection of via Padovani (Padovani street).

Location Imola, Italy Completion 2008 Office Lelli & Associati Architettura + Magazè S.R.L. www.lellieassociatiarchitettura.it Authors Gabriele Lelli, architect Roberta Bandini, architect Andrea Luccaroni, engineer Davide Cristofani, architect Valentina Mazzotti, architect Collaborators Lorenzo Samorí, structures Augusto Cimatti – SIT studio, MEP Marco Morotti, MEP Type of work Private Photographs Alberto Muciaccia (102, 106-107, 108-109) Sergio Buono (100-101, 106a) Gaia Cambiaggi (104)

Everything is based on the relationship between the idea of a public space and the necessary privacy of aprivate space. The idea thus became to make light houses that are solid and appear to float over the green grass. It is achieved through four simple but fundamental choices: the free façade, carved with a casual stacking of volumes, the sheetlike thinness of the walls, the levitation of the whole building

The blocks comprise two buildings where the internal space is divided by long corridors that, on one end, look out to the park. The apartments are located on both sides and have an L-shaped configuration, around an external loggia completely clad in wood, which faces all of the rooms. The structure of each building is settled on three longitudinal axes that support the floors, leaving the loggias and the kitchens hanging outwards. The external wall, particularly thick, has a “Greek key” shape, which is different on each floor. From the outside these walls appear to be closed volumes shifted on very thin white floors, which reduce the thickness of the slabs to the thinness of a sheet. At the top of the building, the so-called sheer is longer in order to complete and preserve the play on volumes on the façade; at the bottom it seems to float on the artificial soil of the new garden, which is perceived as a continuation of the nearby park. Towards the street the lot is closed by a fence and a gate in rusty micro-perforated iron plate. The wood is plywood marine, while the volumes are dense and coated in strong thick plaster containing large stone aggregates. The connection with the park is also ensured by a lateral path that links the street to the park, faced by both the driveway and the walkway entrances, the latter being defined by coloured concrete roofing.

National First Prize Italy  103

Site plan

104  BIGMAT International architecture award

North elevation

South elevation

Cross section

National First Prize Italy  105

106  BIGMAT International architecture award

Ground-floor plan

Upper-level plan

National First Prize Italy  107

108  BIGMAT International architecture award

Construction detail

National First Prize Italy  109

110窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

Finalist Italy

Port Control Tower M. Giuseppina Grasso Cannizzo

Project title Port Control Tower

The Port Control Tower design process started during the work on the new marina in Marina di Ragusa, (Ragusa, ITA), as the client, Ente Porto Marina di Ragusa was searching for a new proposal to follow the work in progress. The client’s aim was to produce a building that can become a symbol of the all marina facilities, with the limits established by the previous project in relation to existing foundations, permitted volume and height, and budget.

Location Marina di Ragusa, Italy Completion 2009 Author M. Giuseppina Grasso Cannizzo, architect Collaborators Salvatore Ingrao, definitive design Gabriele Correnti, structural engineering GB Progetti, systems engineering Type of work Private Photographs Hélene Binet

Concept The new building’s essential qualities and features are both a consequence of its position at the end of the west pier that extends itself towards the centre of the sea area in front of the port’s entrance. The programme regards only route control and boat supply From the land, the tower looks like a signal showing the boundary between quiet protected port water and stormy high seas; at night it acts as a light source for the all port area and as a light signal showing the route to landing. On the inside, climbing upstairs, the view of terra firma gradually disappears altogether on the top floor. This ambiguity inside the transparent box is intentional and aims to create a sensation of no limits. Project The building is made up of three overlapping boxes. The upper transparent box (C) is set on two lateral supports and intended for port traffic control. The Intermediate box (B), hangs from (C), houses the guard’s lodgings and the stairs to the second floor The lower box (A) is assigned to bunkering personnel. The public can contact them through a large window on the south front. The central concrete pillar which contains the toilets and installations, goes through the three boxes assuring correct load distribution. On every floor natural ventilation is provided by the opposite position of windows following a north-south direction. The building has its own air-conditioning system to be used only in extreme weather conditions. Solar control glass has been used for the top floor enclosures and all the shutters. The intermediate box (B) is built with a steel framework, while its plug Is formed with a metal light frame panelling, an insulating board, cement-fibre panels and a zinc-titanium ventilated wall. The lower box (A) is an independent concrete volume, coated with a wood ventilated wall.

Finalist Italy  111

Site plan

112  BIGMAT International architecture award

South elevation

East elevation

Ground-floor plan

Upper-level plan

Finalist Italy  113

Detail section A

114  BIGMAT International architecture award

Detail section B

Finalist Italy  115

116窶ィIGMAT International architecture award

Finalist Italy

House for a film director Liverani Molteni Architetti

Project title House for a film director

This country home is located in a tree-lined area, within a 1960s residential development. The house has to be practical and require low maintenance. The initial idea we developed during a series of meetings with the client was to build the house around a central core. This communal space connects the rooms, clustered in separate sections of the building, and inhabited by the film director and his sister’s family. It also connects entry hall and kitchen, acting as the hub of a cross-shaped layout. The cross is asymmetric and its arms irregularly shaped in order to respect the position of the existing trees. The double pitched roof creates a series of different elevations, changing from every perspective. The slight inclination of the roof, 7%, directs the rainwater flow along the walls to eventually collect in a ditch dug in the ground. There are two types of openings: large protruding glass windows open almost completely in the communal central space, while the other spaces are surrounded by an open gallery with folding black-out shutters. Thanks to the waterproof resin membrane that covers the entire structure, there was no need for gutters and downspouts, which would require constant maintenance. The white resin surface is almost immaculate to the eye; as time goes by, dry leaves and pine needles will add a further, natural layer. Inside, for contrast, we used a warm, calmer and soothing grey for the central area’s colour scheme.

Location Lecco, Italy Completion 2011 Office Liverani Molteni Architetti www.liverani-molteni.it Authors Andrea Liverani, architect Enrico Molteni, architect Collaborators Andrea Marelli, architect Sebastian Carella, architect Mauro Eugenio Giuliani, engineer Type of work Private Photographs Walter Mair Archivio liverani-molteni

Finalist italy  117

Site plan

118  BIGMAT International architecture award


Cross section

Finalist italy  119

Ground-floor plan

120  BIGMAT International architecture award

Section detail

Finalist italy  121

BigMat National First Prize Spain Special Mention for Restoration of a Heritage Place

122窶ッig mat International 122窶ィIGMAT International architecture architecture award award

Hotel and Restaurant Atrio Mansilla + Tuñón

FIRS PRIZE belgium  123

124窶ッig mat International 124窶ィIGMAT International architecture architecture award award

National First Prize Spain Special Mention for Restoration of a Heritage Place

Project title Hotel and Restaurant Atrio Location Cáceres, Spain Completion 2010 Office Mansilla + Tuñón www.mansilla-tunon.com Authors Emilio Tuñón Álvarez, architect Luis Moreno Mansilla, architect Collaborators Carlos Martínez de Albornoz, architect Fernando Benito, quantity surveyor JG Ingenieros, engineering Gogaite S.L., engineering Type of work Private Photographs Luis Asín

Hotel and Restaurant Atrio Mansilla + Tuñón

The Domesticity of the Hermit Crab The new Atrio Hotel and Restaurant, located in San Mateo Square in Caceres, attempts to re-think the city in a departure from the principles that made it possible in the first place. It tries to imagine how such a thing can be accomplished today, enabling contemporary and historic architecture to stand side by side with respect and dignity. Inside the medieval precinct of the city of Caceres, the site on which the new building has been erected was formed by two volumes deeply degraded after years of neglect. The new construction fits into these buildings like a hermit crab inside an empty seashell. Thus, the new use re-vitalizes and rehabilitates lifeless constructions, establishing an organic symbiosis, with contemporaneity acquiring a new meaning. What is truly important for us is to accept the fact that there is no such thing as the past or the future, but only our present, the present of our past and the present of our future. Thus we can understand contemporary architecture as a permanent oscillation between strategies for participation and strategies for environmental coexistence. The project contains two complementary activities: the new Atrio restaurant and a small Relais Chateaux hotel with just fourteen rooms. The hotel reception, restaurant and kitchen areas are on the ground floor, with all the guest rooms on the upper floor. Circulation on these floors revolves around a small atrium that provides a complex scale, creating a connection to the traditional homes and palaces that populate this historic city. A discrete indoor recreational area above the first floor guest rooms opens onto the garden, with two small ponds at the rear. The new functional format adapts to the irregular perimeter of the exterior buildings, manifesting itself outwardly in the courtyard.


Aerial view

126  BIGMAT International architecture award

09 203





07 201


11 12





107 0

















108 08




07 104





















06 04






















128  BIGMAT International architecture award


130  BIGMAT International architecture award

Axonometric view

Longitudinal section














35 4


8 40














Cross sections



132  BIGMAT International architecture award

Pie de foto falta Construction detail


BigMat Finalist Spain Special Mention for Young Architects

134窶ッig mat International 134窶ィIGMAT International architecture architecture award award

Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology Héctor Fernández Elorza

FIRS PRIZE belgium  135

136窶ッig mat International 136窶ィIGMAT International architecture architecture award award

Finalist Spain Special Mention for Young Architects

Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology Héctor Fernández Elorza

Project title Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology

as the addition of a new bay to the west of the plot. The current building’s programme in terms of the capacity of the old construction involved reorganizing the teaching and research laboratories along the eastern front, the communal service areas, stairs and access ways to the north and south of the existing volume and the main connecting corridor with the new building to the west of the laboratories. The new bay, to the west, contains the offices, seminar and meeting rooms and is separated from the former building via connecting bridges to the main passageway, which in turn brings light and ventilation to this central zone of the new building. The concrete structure of the original building, its pillars, beams and screeds are all reinforced with a metal structure. The upper floor extension is built with a metal structure of beams and pillars and covered with sheet metal. The new bay housing the offices and rooms for meetings and seminars is built entirely in concrete.. The north, south and east facades of the original construction remain intact except for the configuration of their apertures. The only façade modified is that of the west of the original building, which is transformed into a polycarbonate facade thus uniformly illuminating the corridors. The facades of the fourth floor extension are covered with a finish of black plaster and deployé without any wall-openings thanks to the skylights illuminating this top floor from the roof. The building looks over large gardens on its western side. The concrete bay housing the offices of the teaching staff and boardroom stands on four piers and a structure of thick girders with cantilevers at the ends enabling visual connection from the communal areas on the ground floor. The ambience of the tutorial rooms and corridors, which are enclosed with glass at this level, extends via a continuous concrete pavement outwards to the garden, which is non-hierarchical in relation to interior and exterior. Similarly the offices and boardroom look out over trees and are protected from the uncomfortable glare of sunlight from the west. Fitted with eye-level openings and enjoying the protection of the deep brise-soleil of the floor above on one side and furnished with homogenous and uniform light by the large windows of the opposite side, the offices and boardroom have become privileged spots from which one can observe the different seasons of the year reflected in the trees outside.

Location Alcalá University, Spain Completion 2012 Author Héctor Fernández Elorza, architect www.hfelorza.com Collaborators María Concepción Gutiérrez, architect Ignacio Delgado Conde, building engineer Raúl Cuevas, building engineer Manuel Sanz, engineer Fernando da Casa, Alcalá University technical Blanca Moreno, architect Enrique Fernández Tapia, building engineer Type of work Public Photographs Montse Zamorano

The project for the rehabilitation and extension of the University of Alcalá’s Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology was limited by two aspects: an existing building that had to be both maintained and enlarged in order to adapt to today’s needs and demands. Following a series of minor renovations over the last forty years, the building was in need of refurbishment and lacked the necessary space for the research and teaching required by the Faculty of Cellular and Genetic Biology. There are two roadways running alongside the existing construction from north to south and large gardens on the entire western side. The need to maintain the facades and structure of the original building and at the same time double its surface area to meet present-day requirements meant the addition of an upper floor above the existing three-story building as well


Site plan

138  BIGMAT International architecture award

West elevation

East elevation


140  BIGMAT International architecture award

Axonometric view



142  BIGMAT International architecture award

Longitudinal section

Cross sections


144窶ッig mat International 144窶ィIGMAT International architecture architecture award award

Finalist Spain

Student Housing In Sant Cugat del Vallès H arquitectes + dataAE

Project title Student Housing In Sant Cugat del Vallès

The new residence for university students is located in the same block as the VallesSchool of Architecture. The proposed project aims to keep its balance among the existing buildings, outside areas and the new residence, which is composed of two parallel-to-street blocks laid out over two floors and separated by a central atrium.

Location Sant Cugat del Vallés, Barcelona, Spain Completion 2011 Office H architectes www.harquitectes.com dataAE www.dataae.com Authors Claudi Aguiló Aran, architect Albert Domingo Ollé, engineer David Lorente Ibáñez, architect Josep Ricart Ulldemolins, architect Xavier Ros Majó, architect Roger Tudó Galí, architect Collaborators DSM arquitectes, structure Àbac Engiyers, installations Societat Orgánica, environmental consultants Type of work Public Photographs Adriá Goula Sardá

As it is a residence for architecture students, we have designed a programme that enables intense connections among users, both individual and groups, thanks to the interior flexibility of the apartments and the potential use of the atrium as an event space. The project is based on industrialized construction by using just one housing module type made of pre-formed concrete without partition walls. Each unit has just the necessary fixed elements, simplifying finishing and installations. Most of the components are installed and assembled by dry-build systems so each module and its finish can be dismantled and reused or recycled. The building is layered out over two floors in order to take advantage of the existing topography making the entrances accessible without the need for elevators and reducing the square meters in corridors and stairs by half. The central atrium is covered* in order to create an intermediate bioclimatic space that increases the building’s energy efficiency while economizing the building enclosure. The cycle of life analysis shows that this project saves up to 50 percent of the energy associated with construction materials and 70 percent of the energy demand with respect to standard buildings according to CTE regulations. *The atrium is going to be covered with a greenhouse roof next year.

FIRS PRIZE Finalist belgium  Spain  145

Site plan

146  BIGMAT International architecture award


Finalist Spain  147

Ground-floor plan and cross section

148  BIGMAT International architecture award

Cross sections

Finalist Spain  149

Selected Projects Belgium Czech Republic France Italy Spain


Centre of excellence in revalidation


The Kempart loft


Ensneux, Belgium


Liege, Belgium

Completion  2010

Completion  2012

Office  Dethier architecture www.dethier.be

Office  Dethier architecture www.dethier.be


Daniel Dethier


Daniel Dethier

Type of work  Private

Type of work  Private



Serge Brison

150  BIGMAT International architecture award

Serge Brison


The riding school of the Caserne Fonck


Liege, Belgium

Completion  2009 Office  Dethier architecture www.dethier.be Authors

Daniel Dethier

Type of work  Public


You’re Welcome - construction of 3 apartments


Brussels, Belgium

Completion  2009 Office  Architectenbureau Jan Maenhout www.belgium-architects.com/en/janmaenhout Authors

Jan Maenhout


Serge Brison

Type of work  Public Photograph

Joris Smet


Renovation of 150 housing units – Le Foyer Bruxellois


Jaax house


Minimes neighbourhood, Brussels, Belgium


Brussels, Belgium

Completion  2012

Completion  2012 Office  Samyn and Partners, architects & engineers www.samynandpartners.com Authors

Philippe Samyn

Type of work  Public Photograph

Marie-Françoise Plissart

Office  Atelier d’Architecture Pierre Hebbelinck – Pierre de Wit www.pierrehebbelinck.net Authors

Pierre Hebbelinck Pierre de Wit

Type of work  Private Photograph

Marie-Françoise Plissart

Selected Projects  151


Stine house


Habitation Bois du Cahu


Brussels, Belgium


B-7543 Mourcourt, Belgium

Completion  2011

Completion  2012

Office  Atelier d’Architecture Pierre Hebbelinck – Pierre de Wit www.pierrehebbelinck.net

Office  Arcadus architecte www.arcadus.be


Type of work  Private

Pierre Hebbelinck Pierre de Wit

Type of work  Private


Stéphane Meyrant


Serge Brison


François Brix


Promenoir des Cimes


RITS Film & Theatre School


B-7603 Bonsecours, Belgium


Brussels, Belgium

Completion  2006

Completion  2009

Office  Arcadus architecte www.arcadus.be

bogdan & van broeck architects Office  www.bvbarchitects.com


Type of work  Public



Type of work  Public

Stéphane Meyrant Serge Brison


152  BIGMAT International architecture award

VBMarchitecten Leo Van Broeck bogdan

& van broeck architects


Art Academy Theatre Studio


CSZ Olomouc


Brno, Czech Republic


Olomouc, Czech Republic

Completion  2012

Completion  2012

Office  Archteam www.archteam.cz

Office  Studio PRAK www.studioprak.com


Milan Rak Alena Režná Pavel Rada

Type of work  Public Photograph

Filip Šlapal


Alice Michálková Pavel Pospíšil David Chromík Vít Pešina Eugen Točík Radek Pavlačka

Type of work  Public / Private Photograph

Studio PRAK. Petr Zatloukal


Detached house


The house


Jevany, Czech Republic


Český kras, Czech Republic

Completion  2011

Completion  2012

Office  Architektura www.archi.cz

Office  sporadical www.sporadical.cz



David Kraus

Type of work  Private Photograph

Filip Šlapal

Josef Kocián Aleš Kubalík Jakub Našinec Veronika Sávová

Type of work  Private Photograph

Daniela Dostálková

Selected Projects  153


Green Market Stalls


Department Store Omega


Prague, Czech Republic

Location  Brno, Czech Republic

Completion  2012

Completion  2006

Office  edit! architects www.editarchitects.com

Office  Kuba & Pilař architekti www.arch.cz/kuba.pilar



Juraj Calaj Lenka Míková Vítězslav Danda Ivan Boroš

Type of work  Private

Ladislav Kuba Tomáš Pilař

Type of work  Private Photograph

Filip Šlapal


Michal Šeba


Residential House Ostrava Gate




Ostrava, Czech Republic


Český kras, Czech Republic

Completion  2010

Completion  2010

Office  Kuba & Pilař architekti www.arch.cz/kuba.pilar

Office  Huť architektury Martin Rajniš www.hutarchitektury.cz



Ladislav Kuba Tomáš Pilař

Type of work  Private Photograph

Rostislav Šimek

Type of work  Public Photograph

154  BIGMAT International architecture award

Martin Rajniš David Paulišta Jitka Pucandlova’ David Kubík Tomaš Tesar




Post Office


Krnany, Czech Republic


Snezka, Czech Republic

Completion  2006

Completion  2007

Office  Huť architektury Martin Rajniš www.hutarchitektury.cz

Office  Huť architektury Martin Rajniš www.hutarchitektury.cz



Martin Rajniš David Kubík

Type of work Private Photograph

Andrea Thiel Lhotakova’

Martin Rajniš Patrik Hoffman Jan Hazh Tom Plzensky’ David Kubík

Type of work  Private Photograph

Andrea Thiel Lhotakova’. Peter Toman


Single-family house


University Center Zlin


Vanov, Czech Republic


Zlin, Czech Republic

Completion  2012

Completion  2008

Office  3+1 architekti www.31architekti.cz

Office  Ai.design www.aidesign.cz



Pavel Plànicka Matëj Páral Bruno Panenka

Type of work  Private Photograph

Pavel Plànicka. 3+1 architekti

Eva Jiricná Petr Vágner

Type of work  Public Photograph

Ivan Nëmec

Selected Projects  155


Café B. Braun


Tyrs Bridge


Prague, Czech Republic


Prerov, Czech Republic

Completion  2011

Completion  2012

Office  Ai.design www.aidesign.cz

Office  Šrámková Architekti www.alenasramkova.cz



Eva Jiricná Petr Vágner

Type of work  Public

Tomas Kroumar Lukas Ehl Alena Sramkova


Richard Davies

Type of work  Public Photograph

Ivan Nëmec


Wooden house – Central Bohemia


Senohraby, Czech Republic


Prague Academy of Fine Arts – Building of Modern Gallery


Prague, Czech Republic

Completion  2007 Office  sporadical www.sporadical.cz Authors

Veronika Sávová Josef Kocián Aleš Kubalík Jakub Našinec

Type of work  Private Photograph

Ester Havlová

156  BIGMAT International architecture award

Completion  2005 Office  Jiran a partner architekti www.jparch.cz Authors

Zdenëk Jiran Michal Kohout

Type of work  Public Photograph

Ester Havlová


UAX studio


EDF Archive Centre


Kojetín, Czech Republic


Bure, France

Completion  2009

Completion  2011

Office  Kamil Mrva Architects www.mrva.net

Office  LAN Architecture www.lan-paris.com



Kamil Mrva

Type of work Private

Umberto Napolitano Benoit Jallon


Libor Stavjaník

Type of work  Private Photograph

Julien Lanoo


Galerie d’art pour collection privée


Strasbourg Multimodal Hub


Seyssins, France


Strasbourg, France

Completion  2012

Completion  2012

Office  Beriot Bernardini Arquitectos www.beriotbernardini.net

Office  Arep www.arep.fr



Aurelie Beriot Miguel Bernardini Asenjo

Jean Marie Duthilleul Etienne Tricaud

Type of work  Private

Type of work  Public


Photograph Arep

Beriot Bernardini Arquitectos

Selected Projects  157


Historial de la Vendée

FR06 MK/90-AS


Les Lucs-sur-Boulogne, France


Paris, France

Completion  2006

Completion  2011

Office  Plan01 Collectif d’Architectes www.plan01.com

Office  METEK www.metek-architecture.com



Jean Bocabeille, Anne-Cécile Comar, Philippe Croisier, Christophe Ouhayoun, Stéphane Pertusier, Ignacio Prego, Dominique Vitti, Anne-Charlotte Zanassi, Julien Zanassi, Nicolas Ziesel

Sara Bitter Christophe Demantké

Type of work  Private Photograph MopA

Type of work  Public Photograph

Stéphane Chalmeau. Frédreic Delangle

FR07 Construction d’une maison d’accueil spécialisée Location

Mattaincourt, France

Completion  2010 Office  Dominique Coulon & Associés www.coulon-architecte.fr Authors

Dominique Coulon

Type of work  Public Photograph

Eugeni Pons

158  BIGMAT International architecture award


École Maternelle


Marmoutier, France

Completion  2006 Office  Dominique Coulon & Associés www.coulon-architecte.fr Authors

Dominique Coulon

Type of work  Public Photograph

Jean Marie Monthiers


Simone de Beauvoir bridge


Cube Orange


Paris, France

Location  Lyon, France

Completion  2006

Completion  2010

Office  Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes www.feichtingerarchitectes.com

Jakob + MacFarlane Office  www.jakobmacfarlane.com



Dietmar Feichtinger

Type of work Public

Dominique Jakob Brendan MacFarlane


David Boureau

Type of work  Private Photograph

Roland Halbe


House + Office


House in Normandy


Paris, France


Bellavilliers-les-Tertres, France

Completion  2011

Completion  2009

Office  Beckmann N’Thépé Architectes www.b-nt.biz

Office  Beckmann N’Thépé Architectes www.b-nt.biz



Aldric Beckmann Françoise N’Thépé

Aldric Beckmann Françoise N’Thépé

Type of work  Private

Type of work  Private



Olivier Amsellem

Stephan Lucas

Selected Projects  159


Within Walls


Services Mutualisés des Médiathéques


Peze le Robert, France


Saint-Denis, France

Completion  2010

Completion  2012

Office  Boidot & Robin Architectes www.boidotrobin.fr

Office  Antonini Darmon www.antonini-darmon.fr



Julien Boidot Emilien Robin

Laetitia Antonini Tom Darmon

Type of work  Public

Type of work  Public


David Grandorge


Luc Boegly


Piscine et dépendances


C42-Showroom Citroen Champs-Elysees


Lamagdelaine, France


Paris, France

Completion  2007

Completion  2007

Office  Atelier d’architecture Laurent Tournié www.aalt.fr

Office  Manuelle Gautrand Architecture www.manuelle-gautrand.com


Type of work Private

Laurent Tournié Franck Martinez

Type of work  Private Photograph

Laurent Tournié. Franck Martinez

160  BIGMAT International architecture award

Authors  Photograph

Manuelle Gautrand Philippe Ruault


Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Picardie

Location  Amiens, France Completion  2012 Chartier - Corbasson Architects Office  www.chartier-corbasson.com Authors

Thomas Corbasson Karine Chartier


Casa solare


Aosta, Italy

Completion  2011 Office  Studio Albori www.albori.it Authors

Emanuele Almagioni Giacomo Borella Francesco Riva

Type of work  Public

Type of work  Private


Yves Marchand. Romain Meffre


Alberto Sinigaglia


Noivoiloro Civic Center


Via Corbara housing


Erba, Italy


Faenza, Italy

Completion  2010

Completion  2008

Office  ifdesign www.ifdesign.it

Office  Lelli & Associati Architettura www.lellieassociatiarchitettura.it



Franco Tagliabue Volonté Ida Origgi

Type of work  Private Photograph

Andrea Martiradonna

Gabriele Lelli Roberta Bandini Andrea Luccaroni Davide Cristofani Valentina Mazzotti

Type of work  Private Photograph

Matteo Bruccoli

Selected Projects  161


RCS Mediagroup – building B5


LCV. Law-Court Offices


Milan, Italy


Venice, Italy

Completion  2011

Completion  2012

Office  Barreca & La Varra www.barrecaelavarra.it

Office  C+S Architects http://web.cipiuesse.it



Giovanni La Varra Gianandrea Barreca

Carlo Cappai Maria Alessandra Segantini

Type of work  Private

Type of work  Private


Paolo Rosselli


Alessandra Bello


In the centre. Hotel Pupp


Domus Technica Immergas


Brixon, Italy


Brescello, Italy

Completion  2011

Completion  2010

Office  Bergmeister Wolf www.bergmeisterwolf.it

Office  Iotti + Pavarani Architetti www.iotti-pavarani.com



Gerd Bergmeister Christian Schwienbacher Michaela Wolf

Type of work  Private Photograph

Jürgen Eheim

162  BIGMAT International architecture award

Paolo Iotti Marco Pavarani

Type of work Private Photograph

Roland Halbe


Pratic – New Headquarters and Production Complex

Location  Fagagna, Italy Completion  2011 GEZA Gri e Zucchi Architetti Associati Office  www.geza.it Authors

Piero Zucchi Stefano Gri

Type of work  Private

IT12 Ring-Road Location

Bressanone - Varna, Italy

Completion  2011 Office  MODUS architects www.modusarchitects.com Authors

Matteo Scagnol Sandy Attia

Type of work  Public Photograph

Andrea Pertoldeo

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre


1301 iNN – Slow Horse

Milan, Italy


Piancaballo, Italy


Fernando Guerra

IT13 Location

Completion  2006

Completion  2012

Office  Studio Guidarini & Salvadeo www.guidarini-salvadeo.it

Office  Elastico Disegno www.elasticospa.com



Stefano Guidarini Pierluigi Salvadeo

Type of work  Private Photograph

Marco Introini

Stefano Pujatti Alberto del Maschio Valeria Brero

Type of work  Public Photograph

Jacopo Riccesi

Selected Projects  163


Dolce & Gabbana Headquarters


Dolce & Gabbana Office


Milan, Italy


Milan, Italy

Completion  2006

Completion  2012

Office  piuarch www.piuarch.it

Office  piuarch www.piuarch.it



Monica Tricario German Fuenmayor Gino Garbellini Francesco Fresa

Monica Tricario German Fuenmayor Gino Garbellini Francesco Fresa

Type of work  Private

Type of work  Private


Alberto Piovano


Andrea Martiradonna


Farm Holidays


Torre Oberdan


Ferrara, Italy


Brescia, Italy

Completion  2012

Completion  2007

Office  Map Studio Magnani Pelzel Architetti Associati www.map-studio.it

Office  Luigi Serboli Architetti www.aa-ls.com


Francesco Magnani Traudy Pelzel

Type of work  Private Photograph

Alessandra Bello

164  BIGMAT International architecture award


Luigi Serboli Valeria Boschi

Type of work Private Photograph

Luigi Serboli


Lea Padovani Theatre

Location  Montalvo di Castro, Italy Completion  2011 MDU Architetti Office  www.mduarchitetti.it Authors

Valerio Barberis Marcello Marchesini Alessandro Corradini Cristiano Cosi

IT20 Access pavilion to the Artemision excavations Location

Siracusa, Italy

Completion  2012 Authors  Vincenzo Latina www.vincenzolatina.com Type of work  Public Photograph

Lamberto Rubino

Type of work  Public Photograph

Pietro Savorelli


MA Memoria de Andalucía Museum


Roman Villa La Olmeda


Granada, Spain


Pedrosa de la Vega, Palencia, Spain

Completion  2009

Completion  2009

Authors  Alberto Campo Baeza www.campobaeza.com

Office  Paredes Pedrosa Arquitectos www.paredespedrosa.com

Type of work  Private



Javier Callejas

Ángela García de Paredes Ignacio García Pedrosa

Type of work  Public Photograph

Roland Halbe

Selected Projects  165


112 Flats Expo


Zaragoza, Spain


Ibiza Congress Centre


Ibiza, Spain

Completion  2008

Completion  2008

Authors  Basilio Tobías www.basiliotobias.com

Office  Ulargui Pesquera Arquitectos www.uparquitectos.com

Type of work  Private



Pedro Pegenaute

Jesús Ulargui Agurruza Eduardo Pesquera González

Type of work  Public Photograph

Duccio Malagamba


Elite Equestrian Center


Madinat Al Zahra Museum


Ultzama Valley, Navarra, Spain


Córdoba, Spain

Completion  2008

Completion  2009

Authors  Francisco Mangado www.fmangado.com

Office  Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos www.nietosobejano.com

Type of work  Private



Pedro Pegenaute

Type of work Public Photograph

166  BIGMAT International architecture award

Enrique Sobejano Fuensanta Nieto Fernando Alda


Madrid Rio


Nave 16 Matadero

Location  Madrid, Spain


Madrid, Spain

Completion  2011

Completion  2011

Ginés Garrido Authors  Francisco Burgos Fernando Porras-Isla Arantxa La Casta Carlos Rubio Enrique Álvarez-Sala www.burgos-garrido.com

Authors  Iñaqui Carnicero Ignacio Vila Alejandro Vírseda www.inaquicarnicero.com www.virseda-vila.com

Type of work  Public

Type of work  Public Photograph

Roland Halbe


Ana Müller. Jeroen Musch. Municipality of Madrid


Restoration and renovation of the Zarzuela Hippodrome


Parador for Tourism and Catering School in the Old School of Santo Tomás


Madrid, Spain


Alcalá de Henares, Spain

Completion  2012

Completion  2009

Office  Junquera Arquitectos www.junqueraarquitectos.com

Office  Aranguren + Gallegos Arquitectos www.arangurengallegos.com



Jerónimo Junquera García del Diestro

Type of work  Public Photograph

Junquera Arquitectos

José González Gallegos María José Aranguren López

Type of work  Public Photograph

Hisao Suzuki

Selected Projects  167


International Center for sports innovation in the natural environment, the Ring


The Water Museum


Guijo de Granadilla, Cáceres, Spain


Lanjarón, Granada, Spain

Completion  2010

Completion  2009 Authors  José María Sánchez García www.jmsg.es Type of work  Public

Authors  Juan Domingo Santos www.juandomingosantos.com Type of work  Public Photograph

Fernando Alda

Nursery school in La Milagrosa


Collage house

Pamplona, Spain


Girona, Spain


Roland Halbe. Pablo Calzado

ES15 Location

Completion  2011

Completion  2009

Office  Pereda Pérez Arquitectos www.peredaperez.com

Office  Bosch.Capdeferro arquitectures www.boschcapdeferro.net



Carlos Pereda Óscar Pérez

Ramón Bosch Elisabet Capdeferro

Type of work  Public

Type of work Private



Pedro Pegenaute

168  BIGMAT International architecture award

José Hevia

ES17 Kindergarten


Alicante Museum of Modern Art (MACA) Alicante, Spain

Location  Arganda del Rey, Spain


Completion  2007

Completion  2010

Office  Picado de Blas Arquitectos www.picadodeblas.com

S-M.A.O. Sancho-Madridejos Office  Architecture Office www.sancho-madridejos.com


Rubén Picado Fernández María José de Blas Gutiérrez de la Vega

Type of work  Public Photograph

Hisao Suzuki


Mons Observans: Adaptation of Archaeological site of Can Tacó


Sol Madridejos Juan Carlos Sancho

Type of work  Public Photograph

Juan Carlos Sancho

Location  Montmeló-Montornés del Vallés, Barcelona, Spain Completion  2012 Office  Estudi d’Arquitectura Toni Gironés www.tonigirones.com Authors

Toni Gironés Saderra Dani Rebugent

Type of work  Public Photograph

Aitor Estévez. Toni Gironés

Selected Projects  169

Biographies Jury Members

Jesús Aparicio

Jesús Donaire

Award President

Award Secretary

Doctor of Architecture and Full Professor of Architectural Projects at the Madrid Architecture School (E.T.S.A.M.)

Architect and Associate Professor of Architectural Projects at the Madrid Architecture School (E.T.S.A.M.)

A graduate of the Architecture School (ETSAM) of the Polytechnic University in Madrid, with a Master’s Degree in Architecture from Columbia University, New York, and a Ph.D. in Architecture. He has a threefold approach to architecture through research, teaching and professional practice. As a researcher, he has received a Scholarship at the Academy of Spain in Rome, a Fulbright/MEC Scholarship and also a Bankia Scholarship. He is a Full Professor in Building Design at the E.T.S.A.M. and a guest lecturer and invited speaker at numerous architecture schools and institutions in Europe and America. The buildings designed by Professor Aparicio have received a variety of nominations for such prestigious prizes as the ar+d Award, the Architecture and Urbanism Prize from the Madrid City Council, the HYSPALIT Architecture with Bricks Prize and the Saloni Award. In 2000, he represented Spain at the Venice Architecture Biennale. In 2005, he was chosen to take part in the Spanish Architecture Biennial. In 2008, he was nominated for the Klippan Award, as well as for the Swiss Architectural Award and finally, in 2012, he became the winner of the 39th edition of the IIDA prize. He is the curator of the “Young Architects from Spain” (2006) and “Domusae, Spaces for Culture” (2010) exhibitions and publisher of the collection on Ceramic Essays. Both his theoretical research and his architectural projects have been published and recognized internationally.

170  BIGMAT International architecture award

A graduate of the Architecture School (ETSAM) of the Polytechnic University in Madrid, winner of the prize for excellence in design by the Master’s Degree in Advanced Architectural Design at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University, New York. As a researcher, he received a Fulbright Scholarship in 2007 and 2008, the William Kinne prize in 2009 and the UPM Social Council’s award in 2011. He was an Assistant Professor at the ETSAM and at the Barnard-Columbia College of Architecture; since 2009 he is an Associate Professor at the ETSAM. Deputy Curator for the exhibition on “Young Architects from Spain” (2006) and Curator for the exhibition on “Domusae, Spaces for Culture”. His work has been rewarded with prizes such as the Architizer A+ Awards in New York, the International Interior Design Association (IIDA ) in Chicago, the Madrid College of Architects, ENOR Awards and Arquia Awards. His work, research articles and interviews have been published internationally.

Marie Vanhamme

Dominique Perrault

Zdeněk Lukeš

Belgium Jury Member

France Jury Member

Czech Republic Jury Member

President of CIVA, the International Centre for Town, Architecture and Landscape

Architect DPLG – Urban Planner SFU. Founding partner of DPA

Historian and Theorist on Art and Architecture

An important figure of French architecture, Dominique Perrault gained international recognition after having won the competition for the National French library in 1989 at the age of 36. This project marked the starting point for many other public and private commissions abroad, such as The Velodrome and Olympic swimming pool of Berlin, the extension of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, the Olympic tennis centre in Madrid, the campus of Ewha’s University in Seoul and the Fukoku Tower in Osaka, Japan.

Born in Prague in 1954, he graduated as an art historian and architect from the School of Architecture at the Czech Technical University in 1980. He was subsequently director of the Department of Architecture at the National Technology Museum in Prague until 1990. Since then, he has been a member of the National Heritage Department in the Office of the President of the Czech Republic.

A graduate of the “La Cambre Architecture School” in Brussels in 1981. She has performed a variety of professional activities in the public sector and in fields such as cities, urban planning, architecture, design, contemporary art and culture in general. In addition, she has produced small-scale projects, mainly for private clients. She is currently the President of CIVA, the International Centre for Town, Architecture and Landscape in Brussels, an institution created in 1999 with the aim of fostering architectural quality and promoting contemporary architecture in Belgium.

Ongoing projects include works such as the Piazza Garibaldi in Naples, the DC towers in Vienna, Austria, the restoration / extension of the former mechanical engineering halls and the central library and the construction of the Teaching Bridge of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne, Switzerland, as well as the Grand Theater in Albi, and the renovations of the Pavillon Dufour at the Chateau de Versailles and of the Longchamp Racecourse in Paris. Dominique Perrault received many prestigious prizes and awards, including the AFEX Award for the Ewha Womans University in Korea and the “Grande Médaille d’or d’Architecture” from the Académie d’Architecture in 2010, the Mies van der Rohe prize (1997), the French national Grand Prize for Architecture (1993) and the Equerre d’argent prize for the Hotel Industriel Berlier (1989).

Between 2000 and 2003, he was the Director of the School of Architecture at Liberec Technical University. His main research projects have includes outstanding works such as those relating to the Architecture of Bohemia in the 19th and 20th centuries, Art Nouveau, Cubism and the problems encountered in modern architecture restoration projects. He has served as curator and deputy curator for various exhibitions, as well as produced catalogues, books and articles such as: J. Plecnik, Architecture for the New Democracy (Prague, New York, Paris, Brussels, Barcelona, etc. 1996, with D. Prelovsek, T. Valena, M. Repa), Ten centuries of Czech Architecture – 20th Century Architecture (Prague, 2001), Splatkadluhu / Begleitung der Schuld, Prague, Berlin, Munich, Regensburg, 2003, Emil Kralicek, Prague and Darmstadt, Functionalism of Prague (Madrid, Riga, Tel Aviv), etc. He has published around 2000 articles in architectural journals, newspapers, catalogues and books. He lectures in Paris, at the Cooper Union in New York, at the Royal Institute of British Architects in London, in Vienna, Graz, Ljubljana, and he also collaborates with the BBC and with Czech television and radio.

Biographies  171

Cino Zucchi

Carlos Ferrater

Italy Jury Member

Spain Jury Member

Architect and Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at Milan Polytechnic

Doctor of Architecture and Professor of Architectural Projects at the U.P.C. in Barcelona

He was born in Milan, where he is now based. He is a graduated of both the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Milan Polytechnic, where he is now a Professor of Architecture and Urban Design. He teaches international seminars and is currently a guest lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Together with the Cino Zucchi Architetti architectural studio, he has designed industrial, commercial, residential and public buildings, as well as public spaces, master plans and interventions in former industrial or historic areas. His urban design at the former Junghans factory located in Venice garnered great international renown.

He is a Doctor of Architecture and Professor of Architectural Projects at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (U.P.C.) and Director of the Cátedra Blanca in Barcelona. He was elected as a Full Member of the Saint George Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Conferred as Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Trieste. Winner of the 2009 National Architecture Prize for his lifetime achievements, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Housing. Since December 2011, he is an International Member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, RIBA.

His ongoing projects include the Nuovo Portello area in Milan, the central headquarters of Salewa in Bozen, the Museum of Automobiles in Turin and a master plan for the Keski Pasila area in Helsinki.

Since 2000, he has been awarded five prizes: FAD, the City of Barcelona Prize in 1999 and again in 2008, the City of Madrid Award and the Brunel 2005 international architecture prize. He was awarded the 2011 Spanish National Architecture Prize for the Promenade on the Western Beach at Benidorm. He has designed three blocks in Barcelona’s Olympic Village; the Valle Hebrón Olympic Village, the Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I, the Catalonia Congress Centre, the Auditorium in Castellón, the Science Institute and Botanical Gardens in Barcelona, the Royal Golf Club in El Prat; buildings along the Paseo de Gracia in Barcelona, the Intermodal Station in Zaragoza, the MediaPro building in Barcelona, the Aquileia Tower in Venice, the Science Park in Granada, the AA House in Sant Cugat and the headquarters of Michelin in Paris.

172  BIGMAT International architecture award

Biographies Winning Projects

Xaveer De Geyter Architects

AABE Atelier d’Architecture Bruno Erpicum & Partners

BigMat international Architecture Award Grand Prize


Atelier d’Architecture Pierre Hebbelinck – Pierre De Wit




The architect Bruno Erpicum practices his trade both in Brussels, at his offices, and abroad. The type of architecture they implement takes environmental constraints into consideration during composition:


Xaveer De Geyter is the director of the most challenging architecture and urban planning office in Belgium. In 1988 Xaveer De Geyter started the XDGA company that often surprisingly illuminates hidden paradoxes and conflicts of the (sub) urban life. In the nineties De Geyter built his first houses in Mariakerke, Brasschaat and Sint-Niklaas. Subsequently, XDGA participated in a number of international architectural and urban competitions. Around the turn of the century, they built five towers with 137 apartments in Breda. During the last decade, larger architectural commissions in Belgium followed swiftly, such as the Kitchen Tower and the Place Rogier in Brussels, and two buildings for Ghent University. Recently the office has won two prestigious competitions, one for the design of the Place Schuman in Brussels and one for the construction of the new Antwerp Provincial Headquarters. During recent years, XDGA has been working more and more abroad, participating in many competitions and large-scale projects.

“To plan what will be built, we must foremost pay attention to all of the components of the construction site. Like a sculpture, a building occupies space; in addition, it is a space to be lived in. Consequently, we must orchestrate forces, matters, volumes and lights so that any response to the needs that gave rise to the composition may elicit emotion during the functional use of the space”. Whether it is an urban site, such as London, where specifically they built the Dali Museum, or in the countryside of the Balearic Islands, they know how to freely adapt their interventions in order to create contemporary architecture with great sensitivity.

Founded in 1994, Pierre Hebbelinck’s architecture office takes into account all aspects of architectural research. Creation takes place alongside reflection on community facilities, family homes and furniture. In 2004, the office launched the publishing house « Fourre-Tout », whose ambition is to promote a poetic approach to architecture. Pierre Hebbelinck (1956) obtained his diploma in architecture in 1981 from the Institut Lambert Lombard in Liège. The following year, he opened a professional office. In 1996, he represented Belgium at the 6th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice. In 2002, he was awarded the Baron Horta prize for the creation of the Mac’s at Grand-Hornu. Pierre de Wit (1969) obtained his diploma in architecture in 1993 from the Institut Saint-Luc in Liège. He joined Pierre Hebbelinck in 1997 and became and associate partner, and then director of the architecture office in 2005. He also teaches at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Liège.

Biographies  173

Petr Janda / brainwork, sporadical

DaM. Petr Burian

National First Prize

czech republic

czech republic

The DaM architects designed a number of construction projects, an exhibition of concept studies organised on the occasion of the the office’s 20th anniversary and a picture-book eflecting back on these of these 20 years. They enter the inner city’s environment not only with projects for new buildings but also modernisations of historical buildings often accompanied by a new addition.

After the completion of the memorial our team split into two separate studios Petrjanda/Brainwork The essence of our work implies active participation at the beginning of the project, a comprehensive approach (from initial concept to interior and construction details, design, promotion and financing) and intensive multidisciplinary cooperation going beyond pure architecture. We design every project as an autonomous creative work defined by an original idea aiming to make it “contemporary” and timeless at the same time. sporadical We endeavour to ensure that our projects reflect the time and situation in which they are created. We complement the rational concept by means of intuition and visual improvisation. Our opportunities, methods and also responsibilities have changed over the course of time. But it is still the case that every task is a chance for a new beginning and a new experience, new action and new joy.


Petr Burian (*1970) has been the core team member since his studies at the CVUT in Prague. He is the architect of renowned construction projects designed by DaM that fundamentally extended its sphere of action (Euro Palace, The Story of the Prague Castle, the Visitor Tour of the Pilsner Urquell Brewery) as well as a number of competition and pilot studies. Burian also refined his attitude to architecture based on maintaining the original visual concept during occasional cooperation with HŠH architekti. He also participated in the project for the exhibition ´Space House´ dealing with the phenomenon of the space in architecture. He was awarded several prizes for his works (Grand Prix of Architects) and his projects were twice nominated to represent the Czech Republic in the competition for the Mies van der Rohe Award.

174  BIGMAT International architecture award

Projektil Architekti, represented by Roman Brychta Finalist czech republic

Projektil creates cost-effective, helpful and inventive architecture with regards to tradition, innovative typology and sustainable development. We integrate contemporary art, design, architecture and the local context and invite young and prospective designers to collaborate on our projects. During the last 10 years, Projektil won many competitions and received prizes and awards for several finished buildings. The most important ones are public buildings, usually connected to education and energy efficiency. We believe that architecture can be both good and sustainable. We are interested in creating friendly and inspirational public spaces because public buildings are very important in the city scope. This approach is also reflected in our projects for the revitalization of traditional urban spaces, such as squares and riverbanks. The emphasis on team work leads to cooperation with different artists and creates a complex, communicative and multilayered atmosphere in our projects.

LAN Architecture National First Prize

Beckmann N’Thépé Architectes

du Besset – Lyon architectes




LAN (Local Architecture Network) was created by Benoît Jallon and Umberto Napolitano in 2002, with the idea of exploring architecture as an area of activity at the intersection of several disciplines. This attitude has developed into a methodology enabling LAN to explore new territories and forge a vision encompassing social, urban, functional and formal questions. LAN’s projects seek to find elegant, contemporary answers to creative and pragmatic concerns.



The Beckmann-N’Thépé agency is a young French architecture SARL (limited company), founded in 2002. Directed by two associates, Aldric Beckmann (qualified architect, graduated with a DPLG in 1995) and Françoise N’Thépé (qualified architect, graduated with a DESA in 1999), it consists of a team of 10 to 15 people.

The Du Besset-Lyon Partnership was created in 1988.

LAN has received several awards: the Nouveaux Albums de la Jeune Architecture (NAJA) prize awarded by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication (2004); the International Architecture Award from the Chicago Athenaeum and the European Urban Centre for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies, the Archi-Bau Award, the Special Prize at the 12th World Triennale of Architecture, Sofia (2009); the AR Mipim Future Projects Award and the Europe 40 Under 40 Award (2010). In 2011 the office was awarded Best Sustainable Development in Keeping with its Environment prize at the LEAF Awards with the Best Sustainable Development in Keeping with its Environment prize, the SAIE Selection Awards 2011 and the Special Prize AMO Fondation d’Entreprise Excellence SMA. LAN has been nominated at the Prix de l’Equerre d’Argent 2011 and recently won the Silver Medal at the International Prize for Sustainable Architecture Fassa Bortolo. In 2013, a Commendation for the Civic Trust Awards and the WAN Residential Award were conferred on LAN.

The agency was born out of the common desire of the two associates to pool their skills and propose a contemporary vision of architecture. Work is also carried out in the fields of urbanism and scenography. Over the years the agency has built sufficient know-how to tackle a wide range of programmes, in both renovation and new buildings (cultural, social and administrative structures, housing). It cooperates on a regular basis with established design offices and other key players in order to extend the scope of its activities. In addition to their responsibilities as architects, they also participate in numerous juries, conferences and round tables. They are also involved in the teaching of architecture, especially through workshops.

The office has acquired its reputation for the design and construction of public amenities (mainly libraries), office, housing and interiors. Each of the buildings produced by the office is specific and its organisation, its presence and its aesthetic is the result of a statement. In the statement we clarify our position: what, precisely, are we doing here through architecture in order to improve our condition? How can architecture transform a situation? How does architecture relate to the dynamics of our time? What is learned through architecture? Our positions constantly differ because there are no given situations, because we tend to be precise and because the methods of architecture are, in principle, infinite. Therefore our buildings do not look alike.

In particular, Françoise N’Thépé worked as visiting professor at the Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture (Paris 14th arrondissement) during 2004-2005, while Aldric Beckmann participated in the ANAT (Atelier National d’Art du Textile, Paris 11th arrondissement) during 2006-2007.

Biographies  175

Lelli & Associati Architettura + Magazè S.R.L

M. Giuseppina Grasso Cannizzo

Liverani Molteni Architetti

National First Prize





Lelli & Associati Architettura is an architectural firm created in 2009, with 3 associates: Gabriele Lelli, Roberta Bandini and Andrea Luccaroni, whose main office is in Faenza. It retains most of Cristofani & Lelli employees, after the split of the company at the end of 2008.

Born in Sicily, she earned her degree as an architect in 1974 from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

Andrea Liverani and Enrico Molteni founded the Liverani/Molteni Architetti office in 1999 based in Milan.

Lelli is a researcher and professor of Architectural and Urban Composition at the Department of Architecture in Ferrara. He worked with Massimo Carmassi and Swiss architect Peter Zumthor. Bandini collaborates in the teaching of Architectural Restoration courses with Massimo Carmassi at IUAV in Venice. Luccaroni teaches Architectural and Urban Composition at Engineering and Architectural School of University of Bologna.

From 1974 to 1980 she mostly devoted herself to teaching before moving to Turin where she worked with Fiat Engineering on a project to reconstruct historical centres in Basilicata. She has lived in Sicily since 1986. In 2009-2010 she taught architecture in Palermo and part in the Siracusa. Beside taking part in the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2004 and 2008, she has received a special mention for the Mies van der Rohe Award in 2003 and 2013, in 2005 she won a RIBA Award EU and in 2012 a RIBA Award EU and Gold Medal for the Italian Architecture Triennale di Milano .

Magaze srl is an engineering company, founded in March 2010 by Davide Cristofani, Valentina Mazzotti and Elisa Grossi.

176  BIGMAT International architecture award


Liverani/Molteni Architetti participated and won some important competitions in Italy and abroad, with projects such as the EXPO2015 facilities, a school complex in Como, Bruennen-Nord housing in Bern (CH), a secondary school in Capiago Intimiano and new Town Hall in Seregno. “ST House”, one of their first works, received many acknowledgements, among which the 2004 Piranesi Prize (Slovenia), the 2005 National In/ Arch Prize and the 2006 San Luca Academy Award, with the first solo exhibition in Rome. In 2013, the recent work “House for a director” also received Architectural Review House Award. Liverani/Molteni Architetti participated in the X Venice Architecture Biennale in 2006.

Mansilla + Tuñón

Héctor Fernández Elorza

H arquitectes + dataAE

National First Prize and Special Mention for Restoration of a Heritage Place

Finalist and Special Mention for Young Architects




Héctor Fernández Elorza graduated from the Madrid School of Architecture (ETSAM). Thanks to a grant from the Marghit and Folke Perzhon Foundation, he continued his postgraduate training in Scandinavia in 1999 and 2000. Since 2001, he has been lecturing in the ETSAM Department of Architectural Projects.

Harquitectes, located in Sabadell (Barcelona), was founded in 2000 and is run by a partnership of four architects, David Lorente, Josep Ricart, Xavier Ros and Roger Tudó, all of whom graduated between 1998 and 2000 from the ETSAV School of Architecture in Valencia, where Josep and Roger are now lecturers in the projects and construction department. Xavi lectures on architectural design projects at the ETSAB (Barcelona).

Luis M. Mansilla (1959-2012) and Emilio Tuñón Álvarez (1959), the founders of the “CIRCO M.R.T.Coop” thinkers’ co-operative and publishers of the CIRCO journal, lecture in the department of architectural design projects at the Madrid School of Architecture and have also taught at the Princeton University School of Architecture (2008-2010) and at the Harvard Graduate School of Design (2006). Their works were awarded the Mies van der Rohe Prize in 2007 and Spain’s National Architecture Award in 2003, and the Atrio Relais Chateaux building was honoured with the IberoAmerican Biennial Prize in 2012, the FAD Award in 2011 and the 2011 Architecture Plus prize.

He has taught as a Visiting Lecturer at “La Sapienza” in Rome, Hamburg, Trondheim, Copenhagen, Innsbruck, Cologne, Rio de Janeiro Catholic University, Stockholm and Dallas. In June 2000, he represented Spain at the Venice Architecture Biennale. In February, 2010, he curated the International Architecture Congress entitled “One hundred years learning from Rome”. Among many other distinctions, he has received the International AR+D Award from the Royal Institute of British Architects in London and the 2005 Saloni Prize and was also the runner-up in the ENOR-2005 Awards, the 2005 Cosenza Prize and the 2005 Spanish Architecture Biennial for his Documentation Centre in the Nuevos Ministerios area of Madrid. He was shortlisted for the García Mercadal Award in 2008 and 2011 for the Zuera and Valdefierro Parks in Zaragoza. He has also received the ATEG 2010 Prize, the second prize in the BigMat 2011 Awards and the ENORMadrid 2011 Award for the Chemical Laboratories and Storage area at the Alcalá de Henares University (Madrid). In 2008 and 2009, he received a scholarship from the Spanish Royal Academy in Rome.


They have been invited to teach at several universities in Barcelona, Mexico and Sweden and they have lectured all over Spain and abroad. Their designs have received numerous national and international prizes. dataAE was founded in 2000 and is run by: Claudi Aguiló (1972). Architect ETSAV 2001. Research Personnel Training Scholarship 2002-06, lecturer in construction at the ETSAV. He has collaborated with numerous Spanish and international universities and also with ERASMUS construction workshops in Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Belgium, Poland and Sweden. Guest Lecturer at AUSA’s Rural Studio in Alabama and assistant professor on the BIArch 2010 master’s programme at the Barcelona Institute of Architecture. Albert Domingo (1975). Industrial Engineer graduated from the ETSEIB in 1999. Master’s Degree in Project Management (Building and Town Planning) 2007. They have been awarded various national and international prizes for architecture and landscaping.

Biographies  177


Published by

BigMat International SA Edited by

Jesús Aparicio Jesús Donaire BigMat International SA Translations

Virginia Cabañas Marcella Bracco Design

Gráfica futura Documents management and photographs of the jury

Eduardo Blanes

Printed and bound by

Composiciones RALI, S.A. Paper

135 gram matt coated Typography

Akzidenz Grotesk

© of the edition

BIGMAT INTERNATIONAL, S.A. 25, Route d’Esch.L-1470 Luxembourg Tel: +352 27 44 26-1 Fax: +352 27 44 26 99 www.bigmat.com © of the images

The authors of the photographs All rights reserved. The total or partial reproduction of this book, its inclusion in a computer system or its transmission by electronic, mechanical or other means, by photocopy or recording, is forbidden without the copyright holders’ prior authorisation in writing. ISBN 978-99959-844-0-3 Printed in Spain Bilbao 2013 Acknowledgments: We would like to thank architect Jesús Aparicio for the development and scientific coordination of the BigMat International Architecture Award 2013.

The BigMat Group, Building Material Distributors Created more than 30 years ago, BigMat is the first international chain of independent traders for construction materials. The group is present in 5 countries in Europe with 829 sales outlets and 420 members: France (109 members, 336 sales outlets), Spain (171 members, 264 sales outlets) which has launched a development program through the Iberian Peninsula including Portugal, Italy (118 members, 184 sales outlets), Belgium (19 members, 27 sales outlets) and Czech Republic (10 members, 16 sales outlets). National and International contacts BigMat Belgium Zoning industriel de Rhisnes Rue du Fond du Maréchal, 6 B-5020 SUARLEE Phone : + Website: www.bigmat.be BigMat Czech Republic IBC, Pobřežní 3 186 00 PRAHA 8 Phone: +420.776.777.867 Website: www.bigmat-stavebniny.cz BigMat France 14 Boulevard Poissonnière 75009 PARIS Phone: +33.1. 53. 32. 80.30 Website: www.bigmat.fr BigMat Italy Via Roma 74 Centro Direzionale Colombirolo 20060 Cassina de’ Pecchi, MILANO Phone: + Website: www.bigmat.it BigMat Iberia Avenida de los Pirineos nº 7,1ª planta E – 28700 San Sebastian de los Reyes MADRID, MADRID Phone: +34.916. 237.160 Website: www.bigmat.es

BigMat International 25, Route d’Esch L-1470 – Luxemburg - LUXEMBURG Phone: +352.27.44.26 Website: www.bigmat.com

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