Don’t share these details to your Boyfriend When it comes to relationship there is lot of restrictions in sharing our thoughts regardless of its result. Loves makes love beautiful if all follows these restrictions. Most of the girls having boyfriend who loves to share all their feeling to him. There is a thing to do not share even with husband and then think about how it will be when it comes to your boyfriend. If girls don’t have confidence in their relationship, they need more attention towards here to know what to be kept secret! Personal family details
To be frank you cannot start a true relationship with the boy with tell about your family members. But I didn’t mean that. Over sharing about your family members like how much your father is earning, reason for fighting scene between your mother and dad or something else like that. Your personal pictures
Don’t share your personal photos or videos taken from your phone to him. You can share one of your best pictures to him occasionally, but don’t make it as too often. If you use his phone to take a Pic of you, delete it after moving it to yours without the knowledge of him. Password of social Medias profiles
Being an innocent girl, they’ll share password of their mobile, Facebook, Twitter and all to him. Girls should think of two kind of world in such case. This is kind of safety words to avoid harass in future. Period Details
It fine to report your mood of uncomfortability to your boyfriend. But they don’t need how you feel and why it is and all. So avoid over share about the things actually they don’t want. About Your Ex- Boyfriend
How you’ll feel if your boyfriend always talks about the relationship with his ex girlfriend? It annoys you, right? And he doesn’t want to know more about your broken relationship. Secrets of yours and your friend
Actually revealing others secrets to someone is such a bad habit which no one likes. Secret is secret which is not open to all including your boyfriend. And remember what happens if he is open to his friend by break your secrets. So don’t do share any secrets about you and your friends to others.