[EPUB][PDF] A Performer™s Journal My Shows Plays: Workbook for Actors,

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[EPUB][PDF] A Performer™s Journal My Shows Plays: Workbook for Actors, Dancers and Musical Theatre Performers on Ipad New Edition DOWNLOAD [EPUB][PDF] A Performer™s Journal My Shows Plays: Workbook for Actors, Dancers and Musical Theatre Performers on Ipad New Edition


For anyone who loves performing in shows. Whether you™re singing, dancing, acting or you™re a triple threat? this is the ultimate show journal to capture memories of the shows and plays you™ve performed in. Serves as a keepsake as well as giving you the chance to reflect on your growth as a performer, offering insights to improve your chances when you audition for that dream role in future productions!The perfect gift for theater kids, drama students and dancers as well as anyone involved in community theater, am dram? or school plays. Space to record all the key info, including:˜… Production, date and venue˜… Roles you auditioned for˜… Cast list˜… Who the director was and what you learnt from them˜… Notes on the rehearsal process and what the show was memorable for˜… A page to paste your photos/ cuttings from the programme/ ticketsAnd more!Four pages per show - space for reflection and wonderful memories. A great keepsake.Your present or gift dilemma sorted for the performer in your life: click buy now.

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