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Read PDF Better Man, Better Marriage: Awaken Your Inner Hero and Move from Passive to Powerful in Your Most Important Relationship Paperback “ September 3, 2022 unlimited

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REIGNITE INTIMACY. LOVE THE MAN YOU BECOME.Most men have a marriage that can only be described as eh. So-so. Not boo-yah, not train wreck, just eh. Stuck in the mediocre middle.Or maybe your wife is shut down. Guarded. Distant. Dismissive. Sex is a distant memory. And here's the pulling-your-hair-out part: Nothing you do or say makes it any better, only worse. Augghh! It's depressing. It's infuriating. You desperately want to repair your marriage but don't know how.But what if ...What if this is your line-in-the-sand moment? Your opportunity to grow and evolve and become the hero your family is crossing its fingers for ” a bigger, bolder, more present, powerful, loving, kind, tenacious, eye-of-the-tiger YOU.In this little powerhouse, you'll learn ... How to build a marriage that's warm, fun, close, and intimate (without becoming a pleaser or Nice Guy)How to respond when your wife hurls a criticism or complaint (without getting defensive)How to tap into your masculine energy stores. (They might be buried beneath years of neglect, but like the ring of power in Tolkien's tales of Middle Earth, your masculinity wants to be found. It's trying to get back to its master.)How to avoid the devastation, emotional trauma, and financial bloodbath of divorceHow to respond when your wife says, I love you, but I'm not in love with you. Welcome to the revolution!I see why women rave over it. It turns complicated truths into simple ones. Women, buy this book. Give it to the men you care about. For your sake and theirs. -Amber (Amazon Customer)I have a new perspective on what it means to be a real man. -Clint (Amazon Customer)Read it in one sitting and I'm the wife. The author hits every single nail on the head. It's absolutely uncanny. Life and marriage-changing! -Jennifer (Amazon Customer)My wife moved out four months ago. Today, she suggested we put divorce on hold. None of this would have happened without this book. -Jason (Amazon Customer)Jeff has a rather uncanny understanding and articulation of the female psyche. If one man can understand so fully what a woman wants, maybe mine can, too! I recommend it for both men and women. -TSW (Amazon Customer)Invaluable for any man wanting to rebuild trust and connection in his marriage. I wish I'd read it 20 years ago! Mark (Amazon Customer)The author doesn't put women down but invites men to step up. This book would have saved my marriage from the damage I caused by telling my husband how to be a husband. -Cherie (Amazon Customer)The most practical book I've ever read on how to be a better man! I bought one for each of my grown sons. -Jeff (Amazon Customer)This book should be a prerequisite for marriage. -Jason (Amazon Customer)How does the

author know what my wife was thinking and how she'd respond?! I was oblivious before I found this book. -Steve (Amazon Customer)You'll swear Jeff has been watching you cruise through life on Autopilot ” neglecting your wife and setting yourself up for failure. WAKE UP NOW and buy this book before you spend way more on a lawyer and alimony! -Kris (Amazon Customer)If you're reading this, you're already on the right path. Buy this amazing book. Save your marriage. I waited too long. Grow and evolve NOW before it's too late. -III (Amazon Customer)REIGNITE INTIMACY. ORDER NOW.

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