Read Book Big Ideas from History A history of the world for you

An engaging, inclusive history of the world for children, where feelings, curiosity, and facts blend togethernbspBig Ideas from Historynbspis the story of what has happened through time - in a voice that speaks directly to a childs growing mind, helping them make vast connections between time and place, and their own place within history.nbspWhat might the dinosaurs or the ancient Egyptians, the Aztec warriors or the Enlightenment

thinkers of the 18th century tell us that could be interesting and useful to hear now This book is a big history of the world, from the beginnings of the universe to now, which places the reader at its center. It encourages children to think about how they experience the world and offers a helpful perspective by placing their thoughts and feelings in the context of our history and evolution.nbspBig Ideas From Historynbspasks the reader to imagine a world they would like to live in. What might they learn from self-knowledge How can they grow, develop and create their own place in history Charming, thoughtful, and written with warmth and intelligence, this is the perfect gift for the curious child.BIG IDEAS FROM HISTORYnbspSpanning the ages in an easy-to-follow way, this latest edition to the quotBig Ideasquot series covers Prehistory, Ancient History, The Middle Ages, Industrialization, The Modern World and The Future.nbspKIDS WILL LOVE ENGAGING WITH THIS BOOKnbspAs one example, readers young and old alike can ponder items like quotWhat the ideal school would be likequot or quotHow to teach people to be great at telling jokesquot in the section titled quotBig Questions We Dont Know the Answer For Yetquot.nbspWRITTEN FOR KIDSnbspMakes history fascinating and relevant to children and renders complicated material accessible to a younger audience without condescension.nbspCONVERSATION WILL FLOW
BETWEEN CHILDREN AND THEIR GROWN-UPSnbspAn engaging way to open up conversations between adults and children about thoughts and feelings.nbspBEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS BY ANNA DOHERTYnbspWe see two characters traversing the history of the world, bringing it vibrantly to life.nbspFOLLOW UP TO THE BEST-SELLING BIG IDEAS FOR CURIOUS MINDS