[Ebook] Reading DITA for Print A DITA Open Toolkit Workbook, Second Edition by

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[Ebook] Reading DITA for Print A DITA Open Toolkit Workbook, Second Edition by

As DITA has become more and more popular, demand has increased for tools thatcan provide high quality PDFs from DITA content. The DITA Open Toolkit providesa basic PDF capability, but nearly any real-world application will require customization.Leigh Whites book, DITA for Print has become the go-to reference for building aprint customization plugin for the DITA Open Toolkit. This second edition coversOpen Toolkit, version 2, including customizing the DITA 1.3 troubleshooting topictype, localization strings, bookmarks, and the new back-cover functionality.DITA for Print is for anyone who wants to learn how to create PDFs using the DITAOpen Toolkit without learning everything there is to know about XSLFO, XSLT, orXPath, or even about the DITA Open Toolkit itself. DITA for Print is written for nonprogrammers,by a non-

programmer, and although it is written for people who have agood understanding of the DITA standard, you dont need a technical background toget custom PDFs up and running quickly.

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