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Growing up in the Swat Valley of Pakistan, Malala Yousafzai loved books and school. But in 2009, the Taliban came to power and closed all schools for girls. Malala, just eleven years old, began to speak and blog about the right of all children to receive an education.Soon fighting broke out and Malalas family fled the Swat Valley. After the fighting ceased, they returned home, and Malala continued to speak out. Thats when she was shot by a Taliban gunman, but her lifethreatening injury only strengthened Malalas resolve. In 2013, just nine months after being attacked, Malala addressed the United Nations about the right of every child to receive an education, and in 2014, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. At age seventeen, she was the youngest person ever to receive this honor.This book is more than a biography of a brave, outspoken girl who continues to fight for the millions of children worldwide who are not able to go to school. It is also a

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READ Malala Yousafzai Spanish

testament to the power of education to change the world for girls and boys everywhere.

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