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Pestle Needles for Pain Zhao Juan 2017.1.29

杵针全套 A complete set of Pestle Needles


Li Zhong Yu 李仲愚 14th Disciple

七曜混元杵qī yào hún yuán chǔ Seven Brilliances, Primeval Origin Pestle

Sol Lua Vênus Júpiter Marte Mercúrio Saturno

Sun Moon Venus Jupiter Mars Mercury Saturn

五星三台杵wǔ xīng sān tái chǔ Five Stars, Three Platforms Pestle

Uranus/Urano Pluto/Plutão Neptune/Netuno

奎星笔kuí xīng bǐ Mirach Pen

Treasures from Heaven

金刚杵jīn gāng chǔ King Kong Pestle

Bring Power and Disperse Sorrow

Connections Evolution Continuity

八阵穴bā zhèn xuè Eight Trigram Points 中宫 Center Palace 1.Bai Hui 2.Feng Fu 3.Da Zhui 4.Shen Zhu 5.Shen Dao 6.Zhi Yang 7.Jin Suo 8.Ji Zhong 9.Ming Men 10.Yao Yang Guan 11.Yao Shu

Locations Example: 1. Bai Hui Ba Zhen

2. Feng Fu Ba Zhen


3.Da Zhui4.Shen Zhu-Po Hu


5.Shen Dao-Shen Tang


6.Zhi Yang-Ge Guan


7.Jin Suo-Po Men 8.Ji Zhong-Yi She

T9 T11

9.Ming Men-Zhi Shi 10.Yao Yang Guan-


Da Chang Shu


大 椎 身 柱 神 道 至 阳 筋 缩 脊 中 命 门 腰阳关

3cun 魄 户 神 堂 膈 关 魄 门 意 舍 志 室 大肠俞

11.Yao Shu-Zhi Bian Sacral hiatus

腰 俞

秩 边

Chest & Abdomen

3.0 1.5 0.5

河车路hé chē lù River Cart Road

Tian-Shan line

Shan-Que line Que-Ji line

GV pupil

Head 1.5

Outer Canthus Inner Canthus

Yin-Nao line Nao-Zhui line

1st lateral line of Bladder Channel


2nd lateral line of Bladder Channel

Zhui-Zhi line

Yang-Ming line

Ming-Qiang line

八廓穴bā kuò xuè Eight Hollows Points

五轮穴wǔ lún xuè Five Obiculis Points Spleen



Liver Kidney

Attentions • Purposes: to relieve pain,tolerance first. • Preparations: calm down, both practitioners and patients. • Postures: always be proper, comfortable and relaxed. • Protections: disinfections, use towels. • Manipulations (手法shǒu fǎ ): Supplementing补/Reducing泻 Descending升/Ascending降 Opening开/Closing阖 Along迎/Against Channel随 Mildly轻/Wildly重 Slowly徐/Quickly疾

通痹方tōng bì fāng Li’s Formula for Unblocking the Obstruction in Bì Syndrome Indication: Chest Bì, heartache Recipe: Shen Dao Ba Zhen, Shan Zhong Ba Zhen, He Che Lu, Da Zhui-Ming Men line, Nei Guan, Tong Li.

Manipulations: pointing, knocking, ascending and descending, opening and closing, rotating, separating.

Indications and Applications

Título 48 Subtítulo 32 可能会用到的 《灵枢·九针十二原》“凡将用针,必先诊脉,视气之剧易,乃可 以治也。” 《针方大集》:“善针者,亦必察病人的形气色脉而后下针。” 喻家言:“凡治病不明脏腑经络,开口动手便错。” 《素问·调经论》:“五脏之道,皆出于经隧,以行血气,血气不 和,百病乃变化而生,是故守经隧焉。” 《灵枢·官针》 “九针之宜,各有所为,长短大小,各有所施”

Título 48 Subtítulo 32 《灵枢·经脉》:“盛者泻之,虚者补之。”解释这个的时 候,参考fb上的讨论。先看懂讨论的什么,再给自己的意见。 体查阴阳 《素问·阴阳印象大论》:“善诊者,查色按脉,先别阴阳。” 《灵枢·寿夭刚柔》:“审知阴阳,刺之有方,得病所始,刺之有 理。” 《素问·刺要论》:“病有浮沉,刺有浅深。” 《素问·通评虚实论》:“精气夺则虚。” “虚则补之……无问其数以平为期。” “邪气盛则实” 《灵枢·根结》:“形气有余,病气有余……急泻之……故曰有余 者泻之。”

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