Digital needs Trust - White paper

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HOW CAN WE MEET THE DIGITAL CHALLENGE? In a Europe striving to create a single digital market, European companies are trying to compete against hegemonic Web giants. In the absence of a digital industry, “digital Europe is lagging behindˮ. On September 1, 2016, at the European Alpbach Forum in Austria, European Commissioner Günther Oettinger estimated that Europe needed to invest between €600 and €700 billion in digital infrastructure to catch up with the United States and China. How can we stand out and create a European digital ecosystem based on European values? How can we support companies in this digital revolution, while taking into account social responsibility, by integrating the “headsˮ and “tailsˮ sides of this transformation? How can we ensure that the digital economy develops with confidence, while controlling the exponential increase in cyber risks?

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Digital Digitalneeds needsTrust Trust:: Building a Trusted digital ecosystem together

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