University of Melbourne Corporate Brochure

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The University of Melbourne

The front cover showcases two of the University’s newest and most recognisable buildings – the Melbourne Law School and ‘The Spot’ which is home of the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Graduate School of Business & Economics.

The Melbourne Vision The University of Melbourne is committed to being one of the finest universities in the world. As a fine academic institution, Melbourne upholds the scholarly values of intellectual freedom, honesty, openness and rigour. As a fine research institution, Melbourne seeks to harness the strength, breadth and depth of its research to help meet global challenges. As a fine teaching institution, Melbourne aims to attract the brightest students from the widest range of backgrounds, locally and internationally, and to offer them an outstanding educational experience. As a public-spirited institution, Melbourne makes research, student learning, and engagement serve public ends. It addresses pressing societal

problems through its research, produces graduates prepared for responsibility and leadership, and promotes inquiry and open debate based on evidence and reason. As an internationally engaged institution, Melbourne works with overseas colleagues and students to meet global challenges with intelligence, ingenuity, and respect for humanity. And as a University with a strong sense of place, Melbourne reaffirms the unique virtues of its campus locale, where learning communities flourish, where scholars gather from around the globe, and where great teachers lead talented students to open their minds, share wisdom and face the great unknowns.

Professor Glyn Davis AC, Vice-Chancellor


A Globally Engaged University Established in 1853, the University of Melbourne has been a centre of learning for over 150 years. It is now a leading global research university renowned for its teaching and research achievements, and its social, economic and cultural contributions. The University’s performance in international rankings puts it at the forefront of higher education in the Asia-Pacific and beyond. The University of Melbourne’s outlook is distinctly international. It measures its performance in research, teaching and learning and engagement by international standards. Already recognised as a world-class university, it aims for global excellence, relevance and impact. In particular, building on its long history of research and teaching engagement in Asia, the University aims to be the outstanding university in Australia for Asia-relevant research, tackling the grand challenges posed by the unprecedented scale and pace of modernisation in the region. It aims further to ensure that its graduates acquire Asia-relevant capabilities and experiences. It is committed to sustaining and advancing its position as one of the top five universities in Asia.


The University’s international outlook profoundly influences its people and activities. It is inseparable from our aspiration for global excellence in research, teaching and learning and engagement, and our mission to prepare graduates for intellectual, political, social, economic and cultural life in an increasingly interconnected world. It complements the University’s strong sense of place and public-spirited role as a Victorian and Australian institution. The University’s international partnerships support mutually beneficial collaborations in research, teaching and learning, and engagement. As well as more than 200 bilateral agreements for academic cooperation and exchange with leading international universities, Melbourne is a member of the Universitas 21 network and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities. .

At a Glance International Rankings CATEGORY

Facts and figures Australia


Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2012-2013



2012 Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities (Taiwan Rankings)



Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2012



Student enrolments Total Research higher degree Postgraduate coursework Undergraduate % Female enrolment International % International Award completions Research higher degree Graduate coursework Undergraduate Total

2011 50,214# 5,029 16,006 29,179 55.8% 12,326 24.5% 776 6,155 8,566 15,497

Staff (FTE) (at 31 March, including casuals)

Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2012-2013 by Subject


Arts and Humanities



Clinical, Pre-clinical and Health



Engineering and Technology



Life Sciences



Physical Sciences



Social Sciences







Total Student:staff ratio T&R faculty staff All academic faculty staff Research performance indicators Research income ($ million) Research publications Research students (EFTSL) Research expenditure ($ million) Endowment ($ million) Total University income ($ million) Total University expenditure ($ million)



Includes part-time students.


Excludes income tax.

18.7 11.0 376.5 4,573 3,119 844.0 399.1 1,800.4 1,711.5*


Globally Engaged Research Research is central to the mission of the University of Melbourne, linking us with the great centres of scholarship around the world. The University continues to cherish and cultivate the fundamental enabling disciplines. Our researchers are at the forefront of international scholarship in diverse fields, including engineering, science and technology, medical and health sciences, business and economics, history, law, politics and the creative and performing arts. They guide our graduate research candidates to achieve scholarly excellence in emerging and traditional academic fields. In addition to this disciplinefocused and investigator-driven research agenda, the University has a number of interdisciplinary research initiatives that seek to solve some of the most difficult problems facing our world in this century.


Our Research Strategy identifies three ‘Grand Challenges’ which will guide our research focus through to 2025: understanding our place and purpose; fostering health and wellbeing; and supporting sustainability and resilience. These challenges will involve the full range of our disciplines and will create increased opportunities for research collaboration both nationally and internationally. Our research reputation is built on strong foundations. With over 3,400 staff and an annual research expenditure of $844 million, we are Australia’s leading research university. Excellence in Research for Australia results emphasise the University’s national pre-eminence and global standing.

Partnerships with external organisations extend the University’s research capability and impact. For example: In 2007 IBM and the University formed a research partnership with a shared commitment to tackling difficult, intractable, scalable global problems. While the primary focus is on research, learning and engagement are also high on the agenda. In 2010 IBM established the IBM Melbourne Life Sciences Collaboratory at the University and in 2011 opened the IBM Research Laboratory–Australia. By 2015 this Laboratory will employ 150 staff collaborating with University researchers on projects linked to the Lab’s research themes in

The Melbourne Brain Centre, officially opened on 17 October 2011, is the largest neuroscience research centre in the southern hemisphere.

life sciences, health care, natural resources management and natural disaster management. S upporting our cutting-edge research is the new Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative. Home to one of the world’s fastest and greenest supercomputers, the IBM Blue Gene/Q, the VLSCI is enabling University and IBM life scientists to consolidate their role as global leaders in the rapidly emerging fields of computational biology, biomedical imaging, and bioinformatics. I n 2012 the University formalised its relationship with the CSIRO – thus bringing together Australia’s two leading research institutions to work more closely across many fields of research in which they share common interests, with particular foci in the health sciences, materials science and water research.

Melbourne’s research excellence in the biomedical sciences was strengthened by multimillion-dollar research centres in the Parkville biomedical precinct, including the Melbourne Brain Centre and the Centre for Neural Engineering. Work is also underway on the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre and the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity. Together, these will add to the array of life sciences research facilities, institutes and researchers in the Parkville precinct and surrounds – one of few such concentrations of research excellence in the world, with more than 10,000 scientists. They complement the Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, one of the largest biotechnology research institutes in Australia, specialising in medical, agricultural and environmental biotechnology.

Graduate researchers pursuing higher degrees are the lifeblood of a great university. Melbourne has over 5,000 graduate researchers, and in 2011 the University awarded nearly 10 per cent of all the doctorates awarded in Australia. Its graduate researchers are supported by more Australian Postgraduate Awards and International Postgraduate Research Scholarships than those at any other institution in the country. Funding from the Research Training Scheme and the Commercialisation Training Scheme were both the highest nationally in 2011. From 2012, the University will significantly increase the number of Melbourne International Research Scholarships.


International Research Excellence The University of Melbourne brings together the world’s best minds to solve globally significant problems. They achieve this by working across disciplines and across borders in close connection with industry.This cross-disciplinary, cross-country approach has led to globally significant discoveries and technological breakthroughs which continue to generate major benefits worldwide. From the pioneering development of the Bionic Ear in the 1970s to today’s advances in curing some of the world’s most debilitating diseases, the University of Melbourne remains at the forefront of innovation.

Bionic Ear to Bionic Eye In the 1970s, ground breaking research at the University of Melbourne led to a successful cochlear implant – or Bionic Ear. Since 1984, over 220,000 people worldwide have received a cochlear implant. Now, as a key member of Bionic Visions Australia, Professor Anthony Burkitt and his team are using similar technology to develop the world’s first Bionic Eye.

Understanding Human Decision Making A unique cross-disciplinary team of Melbourne’s cognitive scientists and business specialists, led by Dr Philip Harris and Dr Carsten Murawski, are investigating which brain processes underlie fundamental human decision making and the relationship between emotions, impulsivity and more deliberate processes. Their research findings will have major implications for economic, social and environmental policy making.

Stem Cells Australia Professor Martin Pera is working with Australia’s top life scientists to develop a fundamental understanding of stem cells and their application within regenerative medicine. So far, this $21 million initiative has led to the development of a new technique using stem cells to replace damaged cells in Parkinson’s disease. With human trials scheduled for 2015, it is hoped the technique will be used to combat other degenerative conditions, such as stroke and motor neuron disease.

Australia-China Water Centre Australia and China face similar challenges in water scarcity and management, one of the major environmental issues affecting our region. The Centre provides the framework for collaboration between a large Melbourne team, including Professors John Langford, Peter Scales and Deli Chen, and their Chinese counterparts at the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Chinese of Academy of Sciences.


Preserving Ancient Manuscripts Modern reading materials are often cheaply produced and disposable, but 1000 years ago books were handmade, objects of beauty. Professor Bernard Muir from the School of Culture and Communication is pioneering the digital analysis and presentation of these books by producing DVD editions. Treasured worldwide, these digital resources and associated teaching tools provide a new approach to manuscript studies while also reducing the stress on irreplaceable originals.

HIV Vaccine Research HIV infection in humans is considered pandemic, with an estimated 0.6 per cent of the world’s population carrying the virus. Melbourne scientists are involved in a number of international projects focused on controlling its spread. One project, funded by the US National Institute of Health and the NHMRC and led by Professor Stephen Kent, is developing a vaccine to induce antibodies known as ADCC, which have so far proven to stop the virus damaging the immune system.

Exploring the Origins of the Universe A new $25 million Centre of Excellence in Particle Physics at the Terascale, led by Professor Geoff Taylor, is exploring the origins of mass after the big bang. Coordinating research efforts across a number of institutions, the Centre conducts its research using a giant particle detector attached to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (Switzerland). This research will potentially answer the most fundamental scientific question of the 21st century: how did the world begin?

Educating for the Future Education researcher Professor John Hattie has developed the world’s largest evidence-based study into the factors which improve student learning. Involving more than 80 million students from around the world and bringing together 50,000 smaller studies, the study found positive teacher–student interaction is the most important factor in effective teaching. This finding, and many others, are now being implemented in Asia and the Middle East.

Discovering Works of Art Musicologist Dr Jan Stockigt discovered a previously ‘lost’ piece of work by the Italian baroque composer Antonio Vivaldi in the Saxon State Library in Dresden, Germany. The work was subsequently given its world premiere at the University’s Melba Hall.

Genetic Blueprint Discovery A collaborative research effort between Professor Robin Gasser and scientists in China, Europe and America has unlocked the genetic blueprint of a parasitic roundworm, Ascaris Suum. This roundworm causes a debilitating and often fatal disease, Ascariasis, which affects one billion people worldwide. The discovery will allow scientists to study effective treatments to control the disease and, in turn, will save thousands of lives.


Research Achievements Outstanding academics are at the heart of the University’s teaching, research and engagement endeavours. The University is proud of its many staff that have been recognised through prestigious national and international awards, and through membership of Australia’s learned academies. Laureate Professor Peter Doherty from the Department of Microbiology and Immunology shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1996 with Swiss colleague Professor Rolf Zinkernagel for their discovery of how the immune system recognises virusinfected cells. The University’s new Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, which will open in 2014, is named in his honour.


Internationally recognised chemist, Professor Andrew Holmes, received the 2012 Royal Medal for his groundbreaking research in polymer chemistry. The prize is awarded annually by the Royal Society London for the most important contributions in the physical, biological and applied sciences. Dr Georgina Such from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering received a L’Oréal Australia For Women in Science Fellowship in 2011 for her research into smarter drug delivery.

Paediatric neurologist, Professor Ingrid Scheffer, received the 2012 Asia-Pacific L’Oréal-UNESCO Women in Science award for her pioneering research into the causes of epilepsy. Laureate Professor Cheryl Saunders AO was made a Knight in the French National Order of the Legion of Honour in recognition of her contribution to scholarship in comparative constitutional law, including as President of the International Association of Constitutional Law.

Foundation Professor of Otolaryngology, Laureate Professor Graeme Clark AC, was awarded the 2011 Zotterman Medal by the Swedish Physiological Society for his work developing the multi-channel cochlear implant, which underpins ongoing work in the $42 million Bionic Eye project. Professor David Solomon from the Melbourne School of Engineering was awarded the Australian Prime Minister’s Prize for Science for developing revolutionary polymerisation techniques. Dr Stefan Gehrig from the Department of Physiology won the 2012 Premier’s Award for Health and Medical Research for his work on strategies to enhance skeletal muscle function in muscular dystrophy.

Associate Professor Derek Russell from the Department of Genetics and the Bio21 Institute and Professor Prem Bhalla from the Melbourne School of Land and Environment won a multimillion ‘Grand Challenge’ award from the Australia-India Strategic Research Fund in 2012. This will support their groundbreaking collaborative research on food security with counterparts in India. Suraj Pandey, Letizia Sammut, Andrew Melatos and Rajkumar Buyya, from the CLOUDS Lab at the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering and the Astrophysics Group in the School of Physics, won the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ SCALE 2011 international award with a cloud computing platform that will help map unexplored frontiers of the cosmos.

Associate Professor Angela Paladino from the Department of Managing and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Economics, was the first non-American to be recognised by the US Academy of Marketing Science for excellence in research and teaching. The 2012 Royal Society of Victoria Medal for Excellence in Scientific Research in the Physical Sciences was awarded to Professor Frank Caruso, an Australian Research Council Federation Fellow in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, in recognition of his outstanding work in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Professor Caruso has also been named in the Top 20 Material Scientists in the world by Thomas Reuters for total publication impact in the last decade.


Interdisciplinary Research Institutes The University’s interdisciplinary Research Institutes bring together cross-disciplinary research teams to tackle large and complex problems, enabling the University to apply its broad research expertise to key societal issues and global challenges.

Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society (IBES) IBES is an interdisciplinary research institute that aligns research and industry interests to drive innovation in broadband applications for the benefit of society. IBES is a focal point for research and innovation across the full spectrum of social, business and technological activities associated with the Australian National Broadband Network.

Melbourne Energy Institute (MEI) The MEI works with industry, government and community groups on innovative solutions to the challenges posed by climate change, diminishing resources and increasing energy demands. The Institute’s research focuses on exploring new energy resources, renewable energy, energy efficiency, securing energy waste and framing optimal laws and regulation.

Melbourne Materials Institute (MMI) Advances and innovation in materials science and processing are critical to meet current societal challenges in sustainability, medicine and energy. MMI’s research focuses on nanomedicine, materials for energy, materials processing and quantum technologies to address these challenges.

Melbourne Neuroscience Institute (MNI) At the forefront of interdisciplinary neuroscience research, MNI researchers from many disciplines work together on cutting-edge projects including neural engineering, music, mind and wellbeing, stem cells and brain imaging. The Institute facilitates collaboration between researchers, hospitals and commercial partners to advance knowledge in neuroscience research.


Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute (MSSI) The MSSI works to address one of the world’s greatest challenges – the transition to a sustainable society that is equitable and healthy but does not excessively use non-renewable resources. It facilitates collaborations between researchers from many disciplines to address sustainability issues such as climate change, water, food and energy management, cities and towns, biodiversity and conservation, health equity and people and values.

Melbourne Social Equity Institute As the University’s newest interdisciplinary research institute, the Melbourne Social Equity Institute aims to advance research across the full spectrum of social life. Key research themes include access to public goods, citizenship and cultural difference, human rights and social policy.

Bio21 Institute The Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute (Bio21) was established as a multidisciplinary research centre specialising in medical, agricultural and environmental biotechnology. The Institute provides a state-of-the-art research facility that promotes opportunities for innovation and nurtures biomedical research, knowledge transfer and technology innovation.

Nossal Institute for Global Health Named in honour of Professor Emeritus Sir Gustav Nossal, the Institute works to generate knowledge and translate it into policies for the improvement of health in areas of greatest need. The Institute’s work focuses on communicable and non-communicable diseases, strengthening health systems, education and learning, and inclusive development practices.

Melbourne Institute The Melbourne Institute is Australia’s leading and longest-standing research institute in the field of economics, undertaking research into key issues relevant to contemporary economic and social policy. Established in 1962, the Institute continues to make a sustained contribution to economic and social policy development.


Teaching and Learning The University of Melbourne offers students outstanding teaching and learning experiences, equipping them with the skills and knowledge for success in today’s complex global environment. The Melbourne campus has a strong multicultural flavour, with over 12,000 international students enrolled from 130 countries ensuring a diverse student experience for undergraduates and postgraduates alike. In 2008, the University introduced a new model of education. At undergraduate level, Melbourne degrees establish strong intellectual foundations for careers that will increasingly require the capacity to work globally and adaptively across disciplinary and cultural boundaries; at graduate level, Melbourne degrees build rapidly and deeply on these foundations to yield advanced professional learning outcomes. In combining comprehensive undergraduate study with specialised and professional graduate programs at Masters and PhD level, the Melbourne Curriculum aligns the University with the highest international standards in university education.


Since 2011, all key professional degree programs have been offered at graduate level. Where appropriate, all teaching, learning, assessment and course content have an international flavour. Our degrees have broad global recognition and are recognised by many international accreditating authorities. The University provides a rich and varied learning experience that is characterised by an atmosphere of intellectual excitement, an intensive research culture, a commitment to global engagement, clear academic expectations and standards, and a vibrant and exciting social context.

Supported by the Melbourne Scholarships Program (one of the most generous and comprehensive scholarship programs in Australia), the new Melbourne Curriculum is in demand. The University’s equity strategies focus on access, participation, and outcomes at both undergraduate and graduate levels, and offer pathways to university for talented students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Our retention rates are among the highest in Australia and our graduates are some of the most employable in the world. The University is proud to attract high-achieving students whose excellence is recognised by many national and international awards.

Teaching Excellence The University of Melbourne’s PRAZE system won the 2011 National Australian Learning and Teaching Council Award for Innovation in Curricula, Learning and Teaching. PRAZE is a web-based program designed by the University to facilitate and manage anonymous peer review among students to provide better feedback and actively encourage learning. Students benefit from the comments they receive on their own work and from the experience, understanding and perspective they gain by critically analysing the work of their peers. PRAZE is a versatile system that enables review of almost any form of assessment.

Indigenous Development The Melbourne Institute for Indigenous Development (Murrup Barak) drives the University’s commitment to Indigenous development. Its vital role includes coordinating and monitoring the University’s full suite of Indigenous development objectives, and providing support, services and a meeting place for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and staff. Travelling Studios The Graduate School of Design conducts Travelling Studios, ‘working laboratories’ that explore complex, real-life issues in urban design and architecture. With a worldwide reach including China, Latin America, Italy and Hong Kong, Melbourne Travelling Studios give our design students exposure to unfamiliar cultures, places and people, and stimulate their ability to think creatively and apply their learning to solve real problems. World Champion Law Students Melbourne has an outstanding record in international mooting competitions for law students: a triple winner of the Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition and the European Law Students’ Association Moot Court Competition on WTO Law, as well as winner of many other national and international competitions. Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) National Champions The University of Melbourne’s team of 78 students was named 2011 National Champions at the SIFE Australia National Conference, and then represented Australia at the SIFE World Championships in Kuala Lumpur. Through their five projects, students engaged with external stakeholders to address social, economic and environmental issues and develop community outreach programs to improve living standards.

From left to right: Tiana Culbong (Noongar woman) Carla Scafi (Wiradjuri woman) and Thomas (Doodja) Kickett (Noongar man) are studying the BA Extended at the University of Melbourne. Vogel Literary Award

Global Mobility

Writer and PhD candidate, Rohan Wilson, won the 2011 Vogel Literary Award (Australia’s richest and most prestigious prize for unpublished manuscripts) for his first novel, The Roving Party. The novel was published by award sponsor, Allen & Unwin.

The University has Australia’s largest outbound mobility program, with over 2,000 students studying overseas every year. Partnerships with leading universities around the world offer our students the opportunity for a transformative short or longerterm overseas study experience.

Young Australian of the Year Marita Cheng from the Melbourne School of Engineering was named 2012 Young Australian of the Year. Ms Cheng is the founder of Robogals, an organisation dedicated to encouraging girls to pursue careers in engineering and technology. Microsoft Imagine Cup A team of University students won the Australian final of the 2012 Microsoft Imagine Cup with a device that may revolutionise the diagnosis of childhood pneumonia in developing countries.

Volunteering Leadership and volunteering opportunities are available to students inside and outside the classroom. Students have the capacity to develop their leadership skills and graduate attributes through a variety of programs that are facilitated and supported by a range of external organisations. Sports for All The University’s 40-plus sport and adventure clubs provide activities for more than 4,000 active members in conjunction with our Fitness Centre, which has about 8,000 members.

Learning Precincts: The University’s innovative collaborative learning spaces support student-centred learning and engagement. These new spaces create a welcome space for students, a focus for support services, and an environment consistent with the professional aspirations supported in each faculty. The new spaces include social hubs, group study rooms and individual consultation rooms, computer labs, flexible teaching spaces and science labs. Overall, they provide Melbourne students with world-class facilities where they can congregate to work, socialise and collaborate.


Engagement As an equal partner alongside teaching and learning and research, engagement is a core activity that involves interaction between the University and its many communities. Engagement affirms the University’s strong connection with industry, government and the community through cultural stewardship, policy leadership, public debate, commercialisation, partnership and exchange. Engagement helps build Melbourne as a global ‘ideas capital’ for the 21st century by linking with the intellectual, cultural and educational life of the city and the nation. Engagement also allows the University to collaborate and contribute to international capacity building, particularly in the Asian region.

The University hosts hundreds of conferences, seminars, lectures and other public programs every year. Each provides an important platform for the debate of major public issues and sharing expertise with the wider community. Asialink, an initiative of the University of Melbourne and the Myer Foundation, is Australia’s leading centre for the promotion of public understanding of Asian countries and of Australia’s role in the region. The University also hosts a Confucius Institute in partnership with Nanjing University which focuses on high-

level language and cultural education for business and government, and is recognised as a global leader among Confucius Institutes. The University is a major contributor to Melbourne’s artistic and cultural life. Melbourne University Publishing, the Miegunyah Press, Victory Books, the Ian Potter Museum of Art and the Melbourne Theatre Company are all central to Melbourne’s position as the cultural capital of Australia. The University’s many cultural collections are celebrated in our annual Cultural Treasures Festival, which showcases our rich array of museums and collections.

The Festival of Ideas The University hosts the biennial ‘Festival of Ideas’ – a free, week-long program of compelling lectures, panel discussions and supporting activities held on campus. The 2011 Festival focused on the ‘The Pursuit of Identity: Landscape, History & Genetics’. It attracted 7,500 people to the University and an additional 6,000 from 15 countries via online streaming. The 2013 Festival will explore the theme ‘Health and Society’ under Festival Director, Professor Fiona Stanley, AC, Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow and 2003 Australian of the Year.


Australia India Institute The University hosts the Australia India Institute (AII), an important new player in the burgeoning relationship between Australia and India. Distinguished academic, Professor Amitabh Mattoo, is the inaugural Director of the Institute. In 2008 Professor Mattoo received the Padma Shri award (one of India’s highest civilian honours) for his contribution to education and public life. The AII provides leadership in policy, business briefings, research and graduate training, with benefits for India, Australia and the broader Asia-Pacific region. It has rapidly established itself as the leading body providing expertise and leadership on the Australia–India relationship.

The University also has a group of structured, institution-wide partnerships to engage with the neighbourhood, the state and the region. The University has close involvement with the Indigenous community in the Goulburn Valley through an agreement with the Kaiela Institute in Shepparton that includes a commitment to deliver executive management and mentoring programs to the Kaiela Institute management team. Zoos Victoria and the University work together on multiple collaborative research projects involving the Melbourne Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Veterinary Science.

A partnership with the Brotherhood of St Laurence addresses life transitions: the early years through school to work; moving in and out of work; and retirement and ageing. Research projects are considering inclusive growth in Australia; developing a social inclusion monitor; and helping digitise the Brotherhood’s significant historical collections. Developed with the Victorian College of the Arts, the African Voices of Carlton cultural project involves artists, writers, musicians and storytellers undertaking a yearlong series of creative workshops at Carlton Primary School to help build a sense of community and inter-cultural awareness.

The School of Social and Political Sciences’ Minutes of Evidence Project partnered with the Ilbigerri Theatre Company to produce ‘Coranderrk: We will show the country’. This play is based on archival texts and documents, and retells a significant moment in colonial history. Long-standing links with Timor-Leste were formalised in 2011 through an agreement with Timor-Leste’s national university, Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e. Key areas of engagement include building the UNTL Library collection, risk mapping of natural hazards, enhancing language education, addressing food security, and improving Timor-Leste’s museum and archive conservation.


Marita Cheng, 2012 Young Australian of the Year and recipient of the Paterson Scholarship, with Mr Bob Paterson (BE CivEng, 1949)

Engagement - Investing in our Future Philanthropy Since As an the equal University partner alongside of Melbourne’s teaching earliest anddays learning philanthropy and research, has played engagement a significant is a role core in its activity development that involves as one interaction of the world’s between leadingthe universities. UniversityPhilanthropy and its manyhas communities. enhanced the University’s capacity to haveof Asian a positive impact on people’s lives at local, national and The University has close involvement countries and of Australia’s Engagement affirms the University’s with the Indigenous community role in the region. The University hosts strong connection with industry, international levels.


government and the community through The University’s global community cultural stewardship, policy leadership, of donors is growing every year. public debate, commercialisation, Beneficiaries of their philanthropy are partnership and exchange. Engagement numerous: exceptional students helps build from Melbourne as a global whose scholarships them by ‘ideas capital’ for theenable 21st century to overcome theintellectual, financial barriers linking with the cultural preventing themlife from at and educational of studying the city and the University, to the also many lives the – in nation. Engagement allows Australia internationally that are Universityand to collaborate and–contribute transformed every day through the to international capacity-building, breakthroughs of Asian cutting-edge particularly in the region. research funded by donations to academic posts, The University of fellowships andhosts vital hundreds equipment. conferences, seminars, lectures and other public programs every year. Each provides an important platform for the debate of major public issues and sharing expertise with the wider community.

a Confucius Institute in partnership In choosing support the University with NanjingtoUniversity which focusesof Melbourne, are and investing in our on high leveldonors language cultural future. Thisfor support reaps benefits. education business andmany government, Students such as Marita Cheng, 2012 and is recognised as a global leader Young the Year, were able amongAustralian Confuciusof Institutes. to shine academically and as a young The University is athrough major contributor Australian leader support from to Melbourne’s artistic andAcademics cultural the Paterson Scholarship. life. Melbourne University Publishing, such as Professor Katrina Williams, the the Miegunyah Books, APEX Australia Press, Chair inVictory Developmental the Ian Potter Museum of Art and the Medicine, are now able to focus on Melbourne Theatre Company are all gaining a better understanding of, central to Melbourne’s positionmany as and develop ways to prevent, the cultural of Australia. of the most capital common disabilitiesThe in University’s many children. These arecultural but twocollections of the many are celebrated in the annualgifts. Cultural impacts of these generous Treasures Festival which showcases our rich array of museums and collections.

An initiative of the University of Melbourne and the Myer Foundation, Asialink is Australia’s leading centre for the promotion of public understanding

The University also has a group of structured, institution-wide partnerships to engage with the neighbourhood, the state and the region.

in the Goulburn Valley through Whatever the future an agreement withmay thehold, Kaielait is clear that with the generous support Institute in Shepparton that of graduates, students, staff, includes a commitment tofriends, deliver charitable foundations, corporations executive management and andmentoring other organisations, the University programs to the Kaiela of Melbourne will continue to Institute management team. be able to transform lives and to strengthen Zoos Victoria and theasUniversity its position one of thework together on multiple collaborative finest universities in the world. research projects involving the TheMelbourne UniversityFaculty is actively looking and to of Science engage and involve those who Graduate School all of Veterinary wish to make a difference through Science. their philanthropic support.

Our Alumni University engagement also embraces an alumni community of over 280,000 worldwide. 15% of alumni live outside of Australia in more than 150 countries. Alumni are increasingly active in the life of the University. In 2011 over 18,000 alumni mentored or hosted students, volunteered their time, participated in reunions and events, or donated funds to the University. Many of our alumni are leaders in science and scholarship, business and the professions, government, community and the arts.

Mr Simon McKeon AO Simon McKeon AO graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws and is now the Executive Chairman of the Macquarie Group’s Melbourne Office. Among his many roles, he serves as Chairman of CSIRO, is Chair of the Federal Government’s 2012 Strategic Review of Health and Medical Research, and is on AusAID’s Business Engagement Steering Committee. He is Patron of MS Research Australia, Chairman of the Global Poverty Project (Australia), a Director of Red Dust Role Models, and a Director of VisionFund, World Vision International’s microcredit arm. Simon was the 2011 Australian of the Year, recognised for his support of Australian charities and for encouraging the corporate world to assist the developing world. In 2012 he was made an Officer of the Order of Australia for distinguished service to business through leadership and advisory roles and his support of charitable, educational and sporting organisations.

Ms Anna Funder Anna Funder holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA (Hons)), Bachelor of Law (LLB (Hons)), and a Masters degree in Creative Arts from the University of Melbourne. She initially worked as an international lawyer for the Australian Government focusing on human rights, constitutional law, and treaty negotiation. Anna left her legal career to write the non-fiction book Stasiland, which was awarded Britain’s Samuel Johnson Prize. Anna’s writing has received numerous accolades and awards. In 2012 she won Australia’s most prestigious literary award, the Miles Franklin Literary Award, along with a suite of other prizes, for her best-selling novel All That I Am. Her essays, feature articles and columns have appeared in The Guardian, The Sunday Times, The Sydney Morning Herald, Best Australian Essays and Best Australian Science Writing. Raised in Melbourne and Paris she speaks fluent French and German. She has been awarded a number of major writing fellowships and travels to many countries as a speaker.

Professor Elizabeth Blackburn Australia’s first female Nobel Prize winner, Elizabeth Blackburn obtained her Bachelor of Science and Master of Science from the University of Melbourne in 1970 and 1972. Professor Blackburn’s research, for which she was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2009, contributed fundamentally to understanding of chromosome structure through the discovery of the nature of telomeres, the protective sections of DNA at the ends of chromosomes, and of the enzyme, telomerase, which maintains them. Her work is a wonderful example of basic research leading to a major breakthrough with immense practical implications. Professor Blackburn is Professor of Biology and Physiology at UCSF. She is a non-resident fellow of the Salk Institute and the president-elect of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Dr William Dong William Dong completed his Masters of Software System Engineering and Doctorate in Computer Science at the University of Melbourne. He is chairman and co-founder of and the Jiapin Group, leading online retail outlets in China. His ingenuity in e-commerce has revolutionised China’s businessto-customer fashion market and, in turn, has created employment opportunities within China. Originally employing 12 people at its establishment in 2009, VIPStore now employs almost 500 staff. Both companies have extended their reach into Europe and North America, attracting significant investment from capital funds and industry partners. Since his university studies, William has maintained a strong relationship with Australia, investing time and energy to support budding entrepreneurs through China’s Overseas Study Association. In 2012 he was awarded the Australia China Alumni Award for ICT and New Media.


Contact Us The University of Melbourne Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Engagement) Victoria 3010 Australia Email:

Faculties and Graduate Schools Architecture, Building and Planning Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning

Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences

Melbourne School of Design

Melbourne Medical School

Arts Faculty of Arts

Melbourne Dental School Melbourne School of Health Sciences

Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Melbourne School of Population Health

Business and Economics Faculty of Business and Economics

Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences

Graduate School of Business and Economics

Graduate Research Melbourne School of Graduate Research

Education Melbourne Graduate School of Education Engineering Melbourne School of Engineering Information Technology Melbourne School of Information Land and Environment Melbourne School of Land and Environment

Science Faculty of Science Melbourne Graduate School of Science Veterinary Science Faculty of Veterinary Science Victorian College of the Arts and Melbourne Conservatorium of Music Faculty of VCA and MCM

Law Melbourne Law School Intellectual Property Copyright in this publication is owned by the University and no part of it may be reproduced without the permission of the University. For further information, refer to: Statement on Privacy Policy When dealing with personal or health information about individuals, the University of Melbourne is obliged to comply with the Information Privacy Act 2000 and the Health Records Act 2001. For further information, refer to: CRICOS Provider Code: 00116K


Disclaimer The University of Melbourne has used its best endeavours to ensure that the material contained in this publication was correct at the time of printing. The University gives no warranty and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and the University reserves the right to make changes without notice at any time in its absolute discretion. Photography From sources including: Casamento Photography and Joe Vittorio. Authorised by: Deputy Vice Chancellor (Engagement), November 2012.



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