Monte Horeb’s Design Standard Manual Last updated: July 2013
Contents 4 Our Signature 5 Signature or wordmark 6 Signature configurations 7 One-Line configurations 8 Signature and wordmark consistency 9 Signature and wordmark isolation 10 Color Scheme 12 Print Publication 13 Signage 14 Shirts 16 Fonts 17 Other Fonts
11 Signature Color Usage
Our Signature The Monte Horeb signature—like any other signature is a unique way of writing the Church’s name that reinforces connection to the Church. The signature stands for Iglesia Monte Horeb—it heralds the positive
reputation of the local Church branch. The signature comprises the wordmark “Iglesia Monte Horeb”—typeset in Century Gothic Regular for the empahisis on Iglesia and a typeface called Baskerville for the name given to the Church. The signature is provided to Church offices as a “lock-up” that cannot be altered in ways that are not consistent with these guidelines. If you have questions about the lock-up or its use, please call 919-727-0822.
The Signature The Monte Horeb signature should be included on all official Monte Horeb publications. It need not appear in a large or prominent position, but it should be included to signal a publication’s core relationship to Monte Horeb The signature should be used in all situations that call for the Monte Horeb “logo,” for instance on promotional materials for public events for which Monte Horeb is the primary sponsor. The Wordmark The wordmark may be used alone in some situations. When the wordmark is used alone, the symbol should also appear somewhere on the publication or item. It may be particularly useful to incorporate the wordmark separately from the symbol in display settings or in less formal situations. Digital art for the Monte Horeb signature and wordmark is available to the Monte Horeb community for use on publications relating to the Church. Visit fot digital copies.
Signatures and Wordmark These are the ways the signature and wordmark should be displayed. Look at page 4 under “Our Signature� for more information on how to correctly use them.
One-Line Signature
Signature Configurations Primary Signature The primary signature should be used whenever producing marketing collateral. We refer to this signature as the “stacked version.� The primary signature comprises the stacked wordmark and the symbol, proportioned to 1:2 ratio. For the sake of consistency, please reproduce the art
as it is supplied, and do not separate or alter the components. The measurement all depend on how and when the signature will be used. For more information on the sizes of the signature refer to page 11. The signature should always keep a portionate size of 1:2 ratio.
One-Line Configurations One-Line Signature The one-line signature should be used whenever creating Monte Horeb print publications. We refer to this signature as the “straight version.� The one-line signature comprises the stacked wordmark and the symbol, placed side to side. For the sake of consistency, please reproduce the art as it is supplied, and do not separate or alter the components.
x/2 x x/2 x
Wordmark Configurations WordMark The wordmark should be used only in cases where the primary signature and the one-line signature do not fit well, or when the symbol is used else where. The wordmark may be used without the symbol. These treatments are particularly useful for print publication. When the wordmark is used, the symbol should appear independently in the publication or on the item.
Signature Consistency The signatures and wordmark should be reproduced exactly as they appear in supplied digital files (“lock-ups”). Consistent use of the wordmark and signature is key to maintaining a cohesive and effective graphic identity
for the Church. If the signatures and wordmark appear in a variety of altered or modified forms, the marks become less reliable as symbols of the Church. These guidelines apply to the primary signature, one-line signature and wordmark.
Ways NOT to treat the signature
Please don’t resize the elements independently
Please don’t rearrange the elements.
In this treatment the shield is too big.
In this treatment the shield is placed incorrectly relative to the name.
Please don’t add extra elements to the lock-up.
Please don’t stretch the signature or the wordmark.
EST 2013
In this example, “Est 2013” should not have been tacked on to the lock-up.
The proportions of the art should not be altered.
Signature and Wordmark Isolation Space should be left around the signature and wordmark; at a minimum, the space should be equal to the cap height at any given size. This applies to the primary and one-line wordmark and signature.
Color Scheme Signature Color Scheme The signature has a unique color palette that should be considered before useing any other color. Other colors may be used depending on the content
that it is used for.
7689 #2099CE
7700 C #295b80
Color Variation
1575 C #EE8D34
Signature Color Usage
Alternate Color Monte Horeb signature have a set color pallete consisting of two shades of light blue. An alternate color may be used when applicable. For questions on when and how to use this alternate color, call .....
Print Publication Size The signature should be included on all official Monte Horeb publications. The signature is designed to work down to a reasonable small size to signal a publication’s relationship to Monte Horeb. Size Variation, Print Publications The signature appears at the recommended size in supplied digital files. Please use the signature at the recommended size whenever possible. The one-line signature should not appear in print smaller than the recommended size, that is, 3” wide. If for any reason a signature is needed
smaller than 3” wide, use only the symbol in its place.
24 August 2011 Dear Pete, It was such a good surprise to see you today. With my living situation as crazy as it is, and driving down Wetmore almost daily, I thought to myself, Ômaybe I should give Pete a call,Õ. Do you remem ber when I called the Þrst time? You were really surprised because you didnÕt even think the ad was still in the paper. Just out of curios ity, why did you rent to me when you said you had a man already lined up? IÕve often wondered. I was shocked to hear about you and Joanie! I thought you both had the world! IÕm sorry for any pain on either end and if you talk to her, please tell her I said hello. I have until September 30 to Þnd a new place and having already moved once, IÕm really not looking forward to doing it again, and SO soon. But I need a clean and safe home for my cats and I. I canÕt believe that Genesis is already ten! Well I donÕt really believe in coincidence.... so I Þgure after all these years of NOT running into you and NOW seeing you the other day.... well I think it must have some signiÞcance. If any of your properties become available or anyone you know has a place, it would be the miracle IÕve been praying for. ItÕs so hard looking for a place, esp with all the nonsense my car is choosing to do
767-7680 P: (919)
E: monte
yah horeb@
C isburg N road Lou ays Cross A: 123 M
Sunday School: 9:45am Sunday Service: 3:00pm Wednsday Service: 7:00pm
, 27549
.. .not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
P: (919) 767-7680
A: 123 Mays Crossroad Louisburg NC, 27549
Signage Size Variations, Posters and Signage The signature may be printed at a bigger scale on posters and other oversized applications. Please use discretion so that the signature is legible in all contexts, yet does not overwhelm the main content of the piece. For more details on when to use a certain size look at pg 11.
Sunday School: 9:45am Sunday Service: 3:00pm Wednsday Service: 7:00pm
... not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
Fonts Logo Fonts The Monte Horeb logos use a pair of clean and unique type faces that should always be carried across print or collateral made for Monte Horeb
BASKERVILLE ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
CENTURY GOTHIC ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 16
Other Fonts Copy Fonts The Monte Horeb documents use a pair of clean and unique type faces that should always be carried across print or collateral made for Monte Horeb Church.
PT SANS regular ABCDEFGHIJKLM N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
PT SANS bold ABCDEFGHIJKLM N O P Q R S T U VWXYZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 17