Mixed PORTFOLIO _ Ecaterina Hortolomei

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portfolio ECATERINA HORTOLOMEI architectural academic pro jects illustrations graphic design

ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, PROGRAM Ε1 Directorate for Educational and Cultural Affairs | Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hellenic Republic LAUREATE OF THE VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY Gala of Students from Rep. Moldavia, 5th edition | Awarded by the Oberliht association AWARDSEXHIBITIONCONTACTS HARD SKILLS THE URBANIZATION of (IN)JUSTICE: Public spaces in uncertain geographies Collective presentation of the final project Urban Synthesis 9 Ledra Palace, UN Buffer Zone May 2018 Nicosia, Cyprus 2010 - 2017 dec. 2017 LANGUAGE Romanian native Russian advanced English advanced Greek proficient German beginer SOFT SKILLS Creative | Responsible Ambitious | Teamworker Dedicated | Autodidact Graphic Design | Friendly INTERESTS 2 Curriculum Vitae ECATERINA HORTOLOMEI M.A. Architect Engineer N.T.U.A. Nationality: RO | MD Birth: E-mail:Married20.12.1989|1Childsuiu.ecaterina@gmail.com Instagram: @she.illustration Linkedin | Xing: Ecaterina Hortolomei Behance: SHE_arch_ART Αdress: Daiserstr. 44D, 81371 Τel. 017637694808

ILLUSTRATOR | FREELANCE WORK -creator of commissioned and personal artworks based on theme archi tectural heritage -turn the hobby into a business MOTHER -multitasking, organization and problem-solving skills nov. 2019 - Present CREATIVE DESIGNER | Aroma JSC | aroma.md A Company specializing in the production of strong beverages -concept and design of product labels, packages and brochures -creating advertising and marketing materials aug. 2019 - oct. 2020 Athens, Greece JUNIOR ARCHITECT Nikos Koukourakis & Associates-Conslting Architects www.koukourakis.com -collaborate on and support architectural projects -coordinate project details and complete construction paperwork sept. 2016 - may 2017 Athens, Greece INTERNSHIP PROGRAMM | N.T.U.A. Systematic Analysis of Vernacular Building and Settlements Restoration and reuse suggestions focused on repairs and constructions march - june 2015 Heraklon, Crete, Greece INTERNSHIP PROGRAMM | N.T.U.A. Systematic Analysis of Vernacular Building and Settlements Survey and identification of the built heritage Program ΕΣΠΑ2007 - 2013, Project financed by EU oct. 2013 - febr. 2014 Gheraka, Lakonia, Greece EXPERIENCE LINGUISTICS COURSE ( ZERTIFIKAT DTZ B1) Prisma IntegrationE.V. intensive Grerman language course nov. 2021 - mai 2022 BACHELOR AND MASTER IN ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A.) Thesis & Lecture CHIȘINĂU URBAN PARK, “GREEN ZIPPER” ALONG THE BIC RIVER Supervisior: Prof. Konstantinos Moraitis THE INFLUENCE OF SOVIET ARCHITECTURE IN CHIȘINĂU, MOLDOVA Supervisior: Prof. Panayotis Tournikiotis 2011 - 2019 Athens, Greece Graduation grade: 8,81 LINGUISTICS COURSE National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Intensive Greek language course 2010 - 2011 Athens, Greece HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA Construction College of Chișinău, Moldova Core Curriculum: Interior Design 2006 - 2009 Chișinău, Moldova Graduation grade: 9,76 EDUCATION

architectural projects 6 20 30 40 464 Content

It’s a pleasure to include in this portfolio also some of my illustrations. More sketches and artworks could be found on my instagram page she.illustrations

Along with my passion for architecture, I could not mention my love for sketching, architectural illustration, and graphic design. I had the opportuni ty to concept and elaborate product labels, packages, and brochures as well as to design Logos for some commissioned and personal projects. In this way, I was able to gather experience in graphic design field. Moreover, I am a sketch artist who likes to discover new techniques, although I developed much of my style through my creative ventures. My Art is inspired primarily by urban landscapes. I am keen to sketch on-location or use as reference my photographs and memories as well as of my customers.

illustrations and graphic design

6 Academic Work Master Thesis | Location: Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Urban Park + Cultural Center Oct.-Jun 2018-2119 “GREEN ZIPPER” ALONG THE BÎC RIVER Collaboration with: Ștefan Hortolomei | Tutor: Konstantinos Moraitis

The project encompasses the creation of recreational facilities, attrac tive green areas, and walkways in the city of Chisinau. But its main fea ture is the restoration of the urban section of the Bac River and its banks, by removing concrete walls and de-pollute the water to allow the riv er to flow freely, storm water to be absorbed, and wildlife to return to the area. The riverbanks have become the focal point of this new space that has transformed a decaying downtown area into a healthy central park.

8 Academic Work

The main character of this region is the poor relationship of the aquatic element with the city and its residents. The river is regularly flooded which affects big parts of the city, and is threatened by pollution from domestic and industrial waste. One of the great est challenges of today’s society is to achieve sustainable urban development. The values of environment, nature, and culture need to go hand in hand with values from a social and economic perspective.AVision

The subject of this thesis project is the design of an urban park at the banks of Bic river in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Αs with many urban landscapes, Bic River’s natural systems have suf fered the ill effects of industrial and economic progress. A for mer post-industrial site is the starting point of intervention, a lo cation which meets the historical city of Chisinau along the river.

for the Urban Park Concept diagram

GreenStructure Hydromorphology TransportInfrastructure10 Academic Work activitiesRiparian restraintWater treatmentWater Wetland ParkUrban Artesian wells ParksWatersand green spaces Green network Bike WetlandSpeciallaneareasMunicipality boundary UrbanRailwayareas of river influence Historical Center

Infrastructure AerialphotographyTopographicalRelief 0 21 3 5 km Spatial Analysis Municipality of Chisinau unionGreen Wetland planttreatmentSewage Strategic Plan Municipality of Chisinau

Water and Terrain - A quatic E lement G reen - P lanting 12 Academic Work A wall of trees as noise barrier from railway and motorway Cross connections Gap dynamics allows an increase in light as well as changes in moisture and wind levels Isometricsection

The aim of this diploma thesis attempts to design an urban park, a “green zipper” that brings together neighboring communities, promotes physi cal activities, sports, health, and social gatherings. The park encourages a continuity and enhancement of the links between the town and its cul tural heritage. New pathways intersect the wetlands, allowing park users to explore and discover nature’s biodiversity. New ways of transporta tion permitting a true alternative to the domination of the town by cars.

In this context, in addition to exploring the methodology and tools for riv er’s management, our study also focused on the design of the two banks as green public spaces, the restoration of human relations with the nature and the creation of a multipurpose space as a cultural-educational heart of the park. The ultimate goal was to create a green life condenser that offers a heightened recreational experience to the Chisinau’s communi ty while strengthening the relationship between people and the locus.

Another important achievement for the urban environment was the increase of biodiversity brought by the transformation of the concrete channel into a re-naturalized river that now flows freely, surrounded by vibrant spaces. For this, the formation of meanderings is needed. Re-meandering river decreas es water velocity and also provides habitats for a wide range of aquatic and land species of plants and animals.

ACA 14 Academic Work Section C - C Section A - A

C BB Master Plan River Bank Promenade

16 Academic Work

A key concern regarding the intervention was the uses of the proposed park. The aim was not just to create a green space, but a life capacitor, a hub that brings res idents together, a responsive space that meets and serves all user groups. Thus, one of the main uses of the park is for riverside activities, as well as recreational, sports and play areas. This use brings the resident in direct contact with nature and takes advantage of the river’s existence. Thus, giving a superlative character to the park, as it attracts users of different ages and interests, not only from neighbouring areas but also from all over the city

3 8 2 4 1 8 8 2 5 7 6 18 Academic Work Ground Floor Cross Section

AuxiliaryAuditoriumMultipurposeFoyerExhibitionCoffeeReceptionForecourtshopspaceSpaceSpacesIntegration87654321 of the Cultural Center 0.75m x 0.50m model scale 1: 500

20 Academic Work Architectural and Structural Synthesis 7-8 | Location: Athens, Greece Oct.-Jun 2014-2115 Collaboration with: Konstantinos Voutoufianakis Petropoulos | Tutor: S. Tsiraki, V. Tsouras, K. Karadimas EDUCATIONAL CREATIVE CORE Public Theatre School

At the same time, the multiplicity of characters that a theatre school needs to have and, by extension, the actor himself, must be expressed through the constitution of the school itself. So what is the relationship of this con denser of activities and uses to the life of the city? It is a public building that functions both as a space for education and as an independent space for art and creativity, and all of this must function as a vital part of the neigh bourhood.

theatreofAlternativesandMetamorphoses22 Academic Work

LongitudinalGroundCross-SectionFloorPlan scale1: 100 scale1: 100

24 Academic Work Didactic and theatre Entrancelevellevel, foyer, theatre and TheatreVierendeellevelbuildingTrussCorepointandLibrarySanitaryspaces

The school building itself is shaped as a pathway at first on the ground floor and then below ground level where, through a succession of levels, a real experience of everyday life in the life of a school is sought. The section of the site, shows the division of the building volume into two zones. At street level, the entrant finds the public functions, while at the heart and base of the school, classrooms and theatre spaces are developed around a large atrium.

Part of the floor plan at the level of the theatre scale1: 50

Along the way, through alternations of light and shadow, the visitor himself is predisposed to the function and purpose of each space. Through the dy namics that theatrical practice can acquire, measured by the human body itself, dominant in the original idea, the existence of different spaces within the school with different qualities and dimensions that respond to differ ent backgrounds of people and to the very mutability of theatrical scenery emerges.

26 Academic Work

Part of the Longitudinal section in the theatre area

28 Academic Work model scale 1:50 Graphic representations

30 Academic Work Urban Synthesis 9 | Location: Nicosia, Cyprus Oct.-Febr. 2015-2116 TRAVERSING THE LIMITS Collaboration with: Margarita Papadrodou, Ștefan Hortolomei | Tutor: A.Vozani, A.Kouroulas, T.Pagonis Urban Design + Housing Complex

passage | senses | filters | settlement | coexistence

connecting the old with the new city tissue mapping newverticalpassagesreference point indoor commercial market Concept - Stitching the urban tissue32 Academic Work Conceptual description of proposed interventions

General Strategic Plan

Nicosia, the capital city of Cyprus, is the last divided capital of Europe. Some one, walking through the city, may see the different layers that consist the urban tissue. Ruined walls, barbed wires, crevices, demolishedbuildings set the scenery of Nicosia’s Buffer Zone. However, highest points such as belfries, minarets, surveillance points stand out from the city’s skyline. But, where the sight ends, there you can sense sound and smell from the other side. Furthermore, the imprint of Nicosia’s Buffer Zone embeds with the nat ural flow of Pedieos River, which had been embalmed and lost under the city.

concept of the residence emerges from the way someone senses the city. The idea starts with a submerged square that leads the visitor under ground, through the bastion of the old city, in order to meet the new city out of the “frame”. Afterwards, when the walker emerges from the underground route, discovers the “physiognomy” of the urban landscape out of the walls. There a modern block of flats welcomes the visitor. The main idea of this building is the creation of a solid shelter that encloses an inner public path. The stranger has the chance to “divulge” the secrets of the city through architectural filters, new experiences and outstanding views from the public rooftop patio. Different architectural types of apartments correspond to the various needs of the inhabitants. The introversion of the private life in combination with the existence of public open spaces create a pleasant surroundings to be.

34 Academic Work Master Plan of ResidenceThe

residence arrangement cross section

36 Academic Work Floor plan typologies


38 Academic Work 1:100 model

The whole planning design is composed of district zones, dividing gradually the prvate space from the public. A game of shadows and natural light occurs while wandering along the inner paths of the building. The intimacy of private life is “buffered” by the brises du soleil, which shapes and dresses overall the façades.

living room view bedroom view

40 Academic Work Febr. - Jun 2014 Collaboration with: Ștefan Hortolomei | Tutor: S. Gyftopopulos URBAN SEWING WITHIN THE LIMITS Museum + Archaeological Workshop Architectural Synthesis 6 | Location: Keramikos, Athens, Greece

Historical or heritage contexts of intervention have their own specific con strains mainly due to the presence of those historical buildings. Interpreta tion of historical contexts is necessary in order to incorporate the new inter vention within a specific context of intergration. The archaeological site of Kerameikos allows the exploration and interpretation of various identities of the place.

161 9 9 1533 42 Academic Work North GroundElevationFloorPlan

987654321 7 6 2 1 1 84 8 8 5 -1 Floor Plan ExhibitionAuditoriumFoyerCoffeeReceptionForecourtshopSpace - Museum Multipurpose Space - Workshop Auxiliary BelvedereSpaces

44 Academic Work Section A-A West Elevation

The aim of the work is to integrate the new building into the historical envi ronment in order to reinforce architecture’s meaning, focusing on strategies, where new architecture is implemented in the historical urban fabric as infill. The new building is inserted into the continuous streetscape aligned along the street facade with the historical presence, providing access to the archaeological site as well as belvedere for the surrounding area.

46 Academic Work VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF LAKONIA Analysis and study of historical monuments and ensembles | Location: Gheraka, Lakonia, Greece Systematic Analysis of Vernacular Buildings and Settlements Oct.2013 - Febr. 2014 Tutor: Marinou Georgia, Karadimas Konstantinos Collaboration with: Kalergis E., Misiaris A., Pampafikos H., Papaderou K., Papadopoulou A., Peroni-Halkia F., Raptis P., Petsinas K., Sergios R.

The aim of the project was the identification of the built heritage through the on-site surveys with the documentation and analysis of traditional/his torical settlement in Geraka, focusing on the composition and layout of the residential complexes, the architectural, morphological and structural el ements of the buildings and the assessment of their unique architectural character.

Geraka is one of the largest settlements of the district of Laconia, located 39 km southeast of Sparta and at an altitude of 300 meters. Administrative ly it belongs to the municipality of Eurota of the Peloponnese region. From 1999 to 2010 according to the then administrative division of Greece, it was the seat of the municipality of Gerontres in the prefecture of Laconia.

Geraka is characterized as a traditional settlement due to its picturesque location, historical commercial character and its vernacular architecture.

48 Academic Work Axonometric Section

Ground Floor Plan 1st Floor Western View

50 Academic Work Axonometric technical diagram

1st FloorGround Floor Plan North-Estern View

52 Illustrations

The sketch is part of my process of understanding space. This traditional method of representation allows a quick and individual expression of an idea-vision because the sketch represents a close connection between soul and imagination, which means hand-pencil-sheet. graphic design

54 Illustrations

56 Illustrations

CHIȘINĂU 585 Contest | E laboration of the anniversary Logo Apr. 2021 For full presentation visit my behance page58 Graphic Design

The study case_ Romanita Collective Housing Tower Chișinău

This Logo was my participation in a contest organized by Chișinău Town Hall. The main idea is based on focusing on anniversary digit 585, in com bination with the architectural elements of a building with an emblematic role in the urban landscape of Chișinău.

60 Graphic Design

+ 585 +

suiu.ecaterina@gmail.com017637694808 Ecaterina HortolomeiM.A. Architect Engineer N.T.U.A

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