Eng edge dec newsletter 2015

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Engineering Edge

2015 Year In Review To access the electronic version of this newsletter, visit: http://www.ecbc.army.mil/news/ENG/ APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE

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INSIDE THIS MONTH’S ISSUE: pg.3|More than 400 Attend First Center-Wide ‘Coffee with Colleagues’ pg.4 |DESIGN pg.5|BUILD pg.6|TEST pg.7|SUPPORT pg.8–9|Employee Spotlight pg.10–11|Strategy pg.12|Awards

Soldiers and Civilians Reflect on “Why We Serve” at Annual Assembly “Ready to Win, Accountable to the Nation” was the theme of the second annual Aberdeen Proving Ground “Why We Serve” assembly, held Nov. 10 at the Myer Auditorium. “The thing we are doing today, pausing and reflecting who we stand for, I truly believe that this is what really makes us different,” said post Senior Commander MG Bruce T. Crawford. The audience of nearly 700 included many active-duty Warfighters and veterans. Special guests included Gold Star family members, World War II veterans Milton Leigh and Francis Sparr, and Maryland National Guard MG Linda Singh.

Maria Esparraguera, SES, Acting Deputy to the Commander, U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command, administered the oath of office to civilian employees. Credit: Sean Kief/APG News

“I am standing here today because someone in uniform, time and time again, gave me the opportunity to be more than I [thought] I could be at that given moment,” said Singh. “I get to make a difference every single day.” During the program, Soldiers in attendance reaffirmed their oaths of enlistment, and officers and civilians reaffirmed their oaths of office. Crawford also administered the oath of enlistment to eight Army and Marine Corps recruits from the Bel Air Recruiting Station.

This newsletter was published through the Balanced Scorecard. Hard copies are located in the Engineering Front Office, E3330, E3331, E3510, E3516, E3549 lobby A and C, E4301, E5102, E5165, and in Rock Island near the Deputy’s office. For article suggestions, questions or comments, contact Ed Bowen at edward.c.bowen8.civ@mail.mil.

To access the electronic version, visit: http://www.ecbc.army.mil/news/ENG/

As a new year begins, think about why you serve―and how your service benefits the Warfighter and the homeland.

Ask a Tech Tip: Removing Pine Sap Mike Kauzlarich, of the Pyrotechnics and Explosives Branch, reveals how the techniques and lessons learned in labs can help solve your household problems. Submit a question to him at usarmy.APG.ecbc.mbx.engineering-directorate@mail.mil. During the holidays, many of us love having a live tree in our home. More than a few of us have gotten pine sap on our hands or clothes, and have struggled to remove it. Here’s an effective way to remove the sap. As with the use of all chemicals, start with the least aggressive chemical. We suggest turpentine―especially if you are trying not to ruin your favorite holiday sweater. Use the turpentine to remove the pine sap; then use dishwashing soap to remove the residual turpentine. Rinse well; then wash the garment as you normally would. Dilute the turpentine with water to remove pine sap from finished surfaces.


THE ENGINEERING EDGE |December 2015| 3

More than 400 Attend First Center-Wide ‘Coffee with Colleagues’

Employees from across ECBC attended this year’s event to learn about the latest projects and network with their peers. Credit: ECBC Public Affairs


CBC held its annual “Coffee with Colleagues” Dec. 9 at the Chemical Demilitarization Training Facility―this time with an updated and expanded format showcasing chemical and biological defense capabilities from across the Center.

For the first time in the event’s five-year history, all three directorates within ECBC participated. The program was previously designed to spotlight the work of the Research and Technology Directorate, but this year employees from the Engineering and Program Integration Directorates were invited to submit their projects. More than 400 people attended to view the 170 projects represented by posters on display. The event was a resounding success, according to both participants and senior leaders at ECBC. “I am so happy to see scientists and engineers across the Center sharing the work they do,” said Joseph Corriveau, ECBC Director. “You can feel the energy in the room from the excitement our staffers have in being able to share their work with their ECBC colleagues.”

“Coffee with Colleagues” was essentially an open house for ECBC, with internal stakeholders as the invited guests. Peter Emanuel, Acting Director of Research and Technology, compared this year’s “Coffee with Colleagues” to an end-of-year celebration of the work accomplished by the organization. “This isn’t a marketing or selling event,” Emanuel said. “It’s about people, it’s about engineers meeting scientists. Everything about ‘Coffee with Colleagues’ is in-house.” He added, “We have the preeminent R&D in the chemical biological defense enterprise. Hands down, nobody has the firepower ECBC does.” Project teams from all three directorates competed for the coveted Edgy Award, given for posters displaying projects in five categories: Biology, Chemistry, Design Operations, Physical Sciences and Classified. This year, winners received a newly designed, 3-D printed Edgy thanks to the Advanced Design and Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Acquisition Division at ECBC. Bradley Ruprecht, engineering technician and model maker for the Rapid Technologies and Inspection Lab―the 3-D printing lab for the Center―said the new Edgy was modeled after a similar prototype given as a souvenir to VIP visitors. APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE

The Edgy award was 3-D printed by the Engineering Directorate’s Advanced Design and Manufacturing team. Credit: ECBC Public Affairs Mark Schlein, Associate Director of Engineering, was one of the newcomers to “Coffee with Colleagues.” His team, which presented 15 posters, is responsible for product development, engineering and manufacturing. “It’s phenomenal what ECBC can do when we get together,” he said. “It leads to innovation and collaboration.” At the conclusion of the event, Dr. Corriveau congratulated all of the participants in the poster session to rousing applause. “There are over 1,400 people working at Edgewood,” Corriveau said. “I’m proud of every single one of you.” Corriveau pointed out that every poster represented work being done at ECBC on behalf of national security. “Thank you for all the great work you do for our nation.”


Engineering Edge 2015 Year In Review A look back at the Engineering Directorate’s projects and people featured in 2015.


ECBC Engineering specializes in rapid product development and accelerated evolution of fielded items to meet new technical and operational challenges faced by Warfighters and first responders. Our design and prototyping facilities and expert personnel are dedicated to the cradle-to-grave development and support of chemical and biological defense products.

ECBC Demonstrates Prototype of Multi-Colored Smoke Grenade February 2015 Engineers from ECBC have tested the first prototype of a multi-colored smoke grenade designed to “lighten the load” for Soldiers in the field. The prototype, called the Selectable Color Single Canister Smoke Hand Grenade, would allow Soldiers to carry one smoke grenade that can produce up to seven different colors used for signaling. “Tomorrow’s Army is expected to be smaller in size, but greater in capability,” said Amee La Bonte, Engineer, ECBC Pyrotechnics and Explosives Branch. “The Future Soldier will need to be a component in a lighter weight, more lethal, more survivable force. Having multi-purpose communications gear like this grenade will add to that capability without increasing a Soldier’s load.” [Read More]

Designing Better Protective Gear April 2015 ECBC engineers are using an integrated approach to design advanced chemical-biological protection for Apache and Joint Strike Fighter pilots―putting design at the forefront of new Mission-Oriented Protective Posture gear, known as MOPP, in order to carefully tailor a suit that addresses specific pilot needs during a given air mission. [Read More]

Get in the Game: 3-D Software Prepares Warfighter for CBRNE Threats August 2015 The ECBC Advanced Design and Manufacturing Product Realization Division is designing 3-D software solutions to supplement more traditional training, and simulate real-life threats that Soldiers may encounter in the field. The division is also exploring the use of virtual reality capabilities, which is the latest craze in the film, education and gaming industries. “When people think of the military, they think cutting-edge,” said Jeff Warwick, chief of ECBC’s Conceptual Modeling and Animation team. “We like to keep abreast of the newest technology, so when a customer wants something, we are familiar with it.” [Read More]

Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program Takes Flight November 2015 ECBC is working on a project that could improve the safety of Soldiers and first responders through the use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). Once fully developed, a Soldier or first responder could operate the UAS remotely, from a safe distance, and still survey the area. These UAS can have the capability to take images of the scene, fit into small places, and use CBRNE sensors to take air samples and evaluate risks―all while keeping Soldiers out of harm’s way. APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE

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ECBC Engineering leverages its integrated design capabilities and comprehensive suite of rapid prototyping, fabrication and manufacturing services to provide quick and customized solutions for customers and Warfighters.

In-House, Cross-Directorate Effort Improves Packaging for M18A1 Filters April 2015 When you anticipate your customer’s needs, then provide a solution that not only meets but exceeds their expectations for innovation, quality and performance, that is excellent customer service― and exactly what the ECBC Engineering Directorate is demonstrating with the M18A1 packaging redesign effort. The project pooled expertise and support from across the directorate―design and prototyping expertise; vibration, drop and accelerated aging testing capabilities; and filter performance testing. [Read More]

Model Pig: Making Upgrades to Training Props August 2015 Imagine walking through an open field scattered with livestock when one of them starts foaming at the mouth, and a foul odor permeates the air, as a result of a CBRNE incident. Using 3-D printing technology, a team of ECBC designers and engineers worked together to design and build a model pig that could enable more realistic Warfighter training scenarios―like the one described― in the future. Still under evaluation, this unique model was built to simulate reactions an animal might have if it came in contact with a chemical agent.

ONE Branch Utilizes CBR Filtration Expertise to Answer Customer Call September 2015 The Engineering Directorate’s Obscuration and Nonlethal Engineering (ONE) Branch and Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Filtration Branch have combined micro-breakthrough testing expertise with decades of experience in artillery, projectiles and mortars to improve gas modules that Soldiers and Marines use to absorb hazardous chemicals in M819 81-millimeter smoke mortar cartridges. The teams worked together to provide a safe and innovative solution for the Warfighter.





ECBC Engineering has the expertise and infrastructure to test product performance in surety and non-surety environments. Engineering’s unique facilities and highly skilled personnel test products against a variety of dangerous and toxic compounds.

TREB Engineers Played Key Role in Containment System Used to Transport Americans with Ebola Back to U.S. February 2015 Engineers from ECBC’s Test, Reliability and Evaluation Branch (TREB) did not anticipate that a system that they worked on in 2010 would be used years later to transport American aid workers infected with Ebola from Africa to the U.S. for lifesaving treatment. [Read More]

Scientists Use Both Standard and New Methods to Test Fabric for New Warfighter Uniforms April 2015 Scientists from the ECBC Permeation and Analytical Solutions Branch and U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research and Development Center worked together to create new test methods for novel fabrics being developed for a new military uniform. [Read More]

ECBC and Partners Unveil New System for Large-Scale Chemical Agent Testing June 2015 A new capability for material, component and large-scale, system-level chemical agent testing was unveiled during a ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 27 at ECBC. The Non-Traditional Agent Defense Test System is designed to provide a safe and specialized testing capability for diverse chemical defense items in support of the Warfighters and nation. The capability provides operationally relevant testing across all commodity areas, including protection, decontamination and contamination avoidance. [Read More]

Getting Smarter: ECBC Plans New Capabilities for SMARTMAN Mask Testing July 2015 The Simulant Agent Resistant Test Manikin (SMARTMAN) is already capable of mimicking human breathing― now ECBC scientists and engineers are planning upgrades to the system that will match the test environment to real life more closely than ever. [Read More]


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ECBC Engineering products and services are designed to meet customer needs for the duration of the mission. Support is provided to rapidly meet urgent chemical-biological defense challenges and to address user concerns with fielded equipment to continuously improve their performance.

Platform Manager for Ground Mobile Platform CBRN Survivability: Linking the Directorate with Customers February 2015 The Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP) Trail Boss, under the Platform Manager for Ground Mobile Platform CBRN Survivability, facilitates the research, development and testing of new CBRN survivability capabilities to meet the requirements of the MDAPs.

ECBC Experts Key Contributors to New National Guidance on Mass Patient Decontamination April 2015 Two ECBC experts were key contributors to recently published U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services guidance on patient decontamination in a mass chemical exposure incident that will be used by cities across the country. [Read More]

Trainers Teach Soldiers How to Use Equipment for Dismounted CBRN Reconnaissance May 2015 A team of trainers from ECBC Engineering and the Joint Project Manager for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Contamination Avoidance are teaching Warfighters how to operate the detectors, suits and equipment included in the Dismounted Reconnaissance Sets, Kits and Outfits. [Read More]

ECBC Laboratory Certification Program: A Distinct Benefit for Both Test Facilities and Customers June 2015 ECBC has established a Laboratory Performance Certification Program as a unique service to its customers. Operated out of ECBC’s Rock Island Arsenal location, it is a product-specific program to review laboratories for compliance with production or shelf-life extension testing requirements, as well as ensure quality control and laboratory management expectations are met.

ECBC Improves Procurement Process for DLA Items August 2015 ECBC’s Sustainment Engineering Division and Product Quality Management Branch worked hand-in-hand with the Defense Logistics Agency to simplify how the requirements and quality assurance measures used for chemical and biological defense items are incorporated into technical data packages.

Quality Assurance at the Heart of Customer Service September 2015 Recent trends in government and industry are now exploring ways to make things faster, cheaper, and of course, better. But how does one actually ensure the quality of a product or service made in such a way? It’s what ECBC calls quality assurance―a way for the Center to know that its processes for designing, building, testing and supporting are repeatable and sound in producing top-notch CBRNE defense products and services for the Warfighter. APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE


EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT The spotlight shined on these Engineering Directorate employees in 2015.

Randy Laye

Mike Abaie

Mark Ciampaglio

Kerrin Dame

Deputy Director (Retired) January 2015

Director January 2015

Chief, Protective Equipment Test Branch, Engineering Test Division January 2015

Physical Scientist, Detection Engineering Branch, Detection and Decontamination Engineering Division January 2015

Mary K. Peck

Mike Cress

Kevin Lee

Hung Pham

Packaging Specialist, Packaging Branch, Acquisition and Logistics Division April 2015

Technical Liaison to the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence May 2015

Associate Director July 2015

Chief, Sustainment Support Division July 2015

Stephen Harper

Randy Weber

Ray Miller

Joani Eng

Chief of Permeation and Analytical Solutions Branch, Engineering Test Division September 2015

Packaging Specialist, Packaging Branch, Acquisition and Logistics Division September 2015

Chemist, Engineering Operations Branch, Strategic Planning and Business Operations Division October 2015

Chemist, Protective Equipment Test Branch, Engineering Test Division October 2015


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Joe Maheady

Emily Iverson Rasmussen

Nan Ramsey

Mary McNally

Systems Engineer, JSAM Rotary Wing Branch, Protection Engineering Division January 2015

Quality Data Management Specialist, Knowledge and Information Management Division, ECBC-Rock Island January 2015

Associate Director (Retired) March 2015

Test Engineer, Joint Service Ground Mask Team, Protection Engineering Division March 2015

Mark Schlein

Leanne Chacon

Debbie Brooks-Harris

Sally Edler

Associate Director September 2015

Systems Engineer, Joint Project Manager for Medical Countermeasure Systems September 2015

Packaging Specialist, Packaging Branch, Acquisition and Logistics Division September 2015

Engineering Business Manager for Joint Interagency Activities September 2015

Bryan Batey

Mike Kauzlarich

Meg Hower

General Engineer, Sustainment Engineering Branch, Sustainment Engineering Division October 2015

Engineering Technician, Pyrotechnics and Explosives Branch, Engineering Support Division October 2015

Engineering Directorate Executive Officer November 2015



STRATEGY This year, Engineering continued to make great progress with the development and implementation of its Directorate-wide strategy.



Human Capital Working Group kick-off Business Management Tool (BMT) revised; working toward data call Engineering Division Chief Roundtable Customer Service interviews conducted Draft External Communication Initiative plan briefed to leadership



Human Capital Initiative Workforce 2020 offsite

Change communication plan for overall strategy effort drafted

Engineering Division Chief Roundtable

Strategic Management Meeting (SMM)

Customer Service Review large team meeting

Joint Knowledge Management and Human Capital Initiative sessions Human Capital Task I Working Group kick-off Engineering Division Chief Roundtable



Joint Human Capital and Business Development Initiative sessions Engineering Division Chief Roundtable Customer Service questionnaire review by core team


Data calls for BMT and Human Capital Business Development Semi-Annual Review Engineering Division Chief Roundtable


Engineering Core Capability Audit planning approved by leadership Engineering Directorate reorganization

THE ENGINEERING EDGE |December 2015| 11



Core Capability Audit kick-off Human Capital planning in Rock Island Capability Audit - Detection and Decontamination Engineering Division - Sustainment Engineering Division - Product Engineering Division - Sustainment Support Division

Engineering Business Process Group (EBPG) chartered and kicked off

BMT/HCT training sessions conducted Capability Audit - Advanced Design and Manufacturing Product Realization - Advanced Design and Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Acquisition - Protection Engineering Division

Compilation of data call input Development of Human Capital Audit graphic Supervisor Offsite - Balanced Scorecard methodology refresher

Engineering Division Chief Roundtable



Integration plan for Engineering business tools and processes Creation of Human Capital Data Tool (HCT) HCT and BMT combined data call issued Capability Audit - Strategic Planning and Business Management Division - Acquisition Logistics


SMM Engineering Division Chief Roundtable External Communication Implementation Team formed Capability Audit - Engineering Support Division - Engineering Test Division Draft Customer Service documents sent to leadership for review

Engineering Division Chief Roundtable


EBPG and leadership discussions of Directorate 5-year business plan Finalized The Engineering Directorate Strategy: Driving Business Development brochure Engineering Division Chief Roundtable Customer Service documents ďŹ nalized


AWARDS Throughout the year, Engineering Directorate employees were celebrated for their innovation, teamwork and service. Patent Award

Silver Quill Award

ECBC Excellence in Safety Award

April 2015

June 2015

The award recognized the Detection Engineering team’s knowledge and expertise in chemical and biological defense, as well as their writing ability and dedication to the protection of the Warfighter.

The team from the Advanced Design and Manufacturing Product Realization Division earned their nomination for co-developing a vertical takeoff and landing of an unmanned aerial vehicle designed to keep pilots, ground crews and bystanders safe during operations.

Excellence in Federal Career Awards

Engineering Directorate Honors

May 2015

July 2015

A multi-agency team, comprised of employees from the Program Executive Office, Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives, ECBC and U.S. Army Contracting Command, was honored with an Excellence in Federal Career Award for ensuring that workers who will destroy the remaining U.S. chemical stockpiles have the critical and effective life support systems they need.

Several members of the Engineering workforce were honored at the Directorate Town Hall on June 16. Awards included Years of Service; SES Notes for Kevin Fritz and Kevin Washok; Letter from the Federal Reserve of Dallas for Donald Kilduff, John Clayton and David Love (pictured); and Certificates of Appreciation for Michael J. Allerton, David B. Alter and Thu-An Kecskes.

February 2015 Two engineers from the Test and Reliability Engineering Branch, Derek J. Mancinho (retired) and Myat S. Win, were awarded a patent for a dilution and sampling system that is applicable to a variety of military and commercial air filter units used by the Joint Services.

Black Engineer of the Year Awards

February 2015 Doretha Green received an Outstanding Technical Contribution in Government award for her work to advance the application of Raman spectrometry for manned and unmanned reconnaissance programs.

Northeastern Maryland Technology Council Visionary Awards

March 2015 Engineering employees Joseph Domanico (not pictured), Lester Hitch, Rick Moore and Brad Ruprecht were honored for innovation and technological advancement.


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