ECCL Clusters catalog

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This initiative is financed under the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) which aims to encourage the competitiveness of European enterprises

creativeclusterlab ECIA_ECCL



The European Creative Cluster Lab... “ a think tank and beta site for new approaches, instruments and processes for creative cluster management in creative and traditional industries in Europe.”


This initiative is financed under the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) which aims to encourage the competitiveness of European enterprises

he European Creative Cluster Lab is the think tank and beta site for new approaches and processes for creative cluster management in creative and traditional industries in Europe. The main goals of this cluster partnership are to test and experiment new creative cluster management styles, instruments and infrastructure in a lab environment by: • Incubation, innovation and creativity: “We will analyse and describe innovation processes in creative industries and their relevance for clusters.” • New collaboration approaches between creative clusters: “We will test concepts and process schemes for new collaboration approaches between creative clusters.” • Cross-sectoral collaboration between creative and traditional industries: “We will pilot concepts and process schemes for new collaboration approaches between creative clusters and traditional industries.” • Managing creativity and creative Teams: “We will design and validate training concepts and coaching process schemes for creative cluster managers that are tailored to innovation processes in creative industries.” Facing the challenges of a globalizing world we would like to build cross sector cooperation on creative and traditional sectors internationally. Therefore ECCL project prepared catalogue of creative clusters and companies willing to start partnership with Brazilian market. We invite You to engage contact with ECCL team or with clusters directly.


North-South Logistics and Transport Cluster

Name of the organization

North-South Logistics and Transport Cluster

Mazovia Cluster ICT

Name of the organization

Mazovia Cluster ICT



Date of establishment


Date of establishment



logistics,intermodal,rail,roads,air,cargo, educationR+D, maritime economy



Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

North-South Logistics and Transport Cluster (LT Cluster) Poland is an innovationoriented organization with a significant potential to develop a co-operation between business, research & development institutions and local governments. The strategic development plans of European Union assume a significant funding of the initiatives, as well as specific projects, undertaken at The Clusters. Our LT Cluster aspires to become a key cluster for North Poland region because it operates within logistic industry and already includes as members several significant companies ( Gdansk Airport, Special Economic Zone in Slupsk) and academic/R&D institutions (Gdansk Technical University , Electrotechnical Institute)The strategic goals of the Cluster include: • The creation of local multimodal hubs in the Pomeranian region and connecting them to international transport corridors. In this respect, Cluster is initiating investments and infrastructure projects. • Development of “green” technologies in the transport and logistics sector. To do this the Cluster is enhancing public awareness in that sector, as well as supporting the participation of cluster members and partners in common projects. • Innovation supporting the effectiveness of transport and logistics processes. Members are supported in innovative projects, which are being realised through national and international project teams. The Cluster is also working towards creating an independent R&D institution in the field of logistics.

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

Contact details

mobile +48 510 116 739 -

Mazovia ICT Cluster was established in 2007 and currently gathers more than 80 SMEs and most relevant research institutions in Warsaw area. MCICT has been supported both by The Warsaw City Hall, the President of Warsaw and the Marshal’s office of the Mazovia Province as well. Mazovia Region, the regional capital located in Warsaw and the region of Mazovia Cluster ICT have been selected as one of fifteen of the best IT clusters from the current 270 regions in Europe in 2013 year. This benchmark was conducted by Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI. Main goal of MCICT is to promote SME form ICT sector and increase their competitiveness by projects in technological and marketing areas. Mazovia ICT Cluster strongly promotes collaboration between its members, especially between SMEs and Research Institutes. Areas of competence Mazovia Cluster ICT: - crowdfounding - Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS) - E-Health, ICT for aging, ambient assisted living - Security aspects of ICT systems - Telecommunication - GIS - E-education - Smart Grid - Smart Home

Social media

Contact details Website Social media


social art

Creative Industries Network Baden-Württemberg

Name of the organization

Social Art

Name of the organization

Creative Industries Network Baden-Württemberg

Date of establishment


Date of establishment



Social media/ digital marketing agency


Creative Industries

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

We are a digital marketing agency, specialized in comprehensive services for brands in Social Media. Experts in the art of creating communication and telling the stories, that cause emotions. Our job is to create your brand’s image on the Internet in way, that guarantees, it will be remembered. Each of us is exceptional and leaves unique sign – like fingerprint. We are all members of a virtual world, we influence on each other. Individuals, members of a team with great potential for Your brand. Being social is an art, we know how to do it.

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

Innovations in the ICT and creative sectors frequently occur at the interfaces between different disciplines and user industries. Right here the Creative Industries Network Baden-Württemberg comes in. In the context of this initiative, MFG BadenWürttemberg and about 50 partners are networking the sub-sectors of BadenWürttemberg’s cultural, creative and ICT industries systematically to strengthen the sector-specific and interdisciplinary dialogue. The Network is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs with resources from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The Creative Industries Network is a powerful initiative that casts a spotlight on the industries’ enormous potential and positions Baden-Württemberg as a leading location for creative industries. Regular information – for example concerning financing options, start-up projects or sponsorship programs – and matchmaking events establish dialogues even between different sectors. A more intensive exchange helps IT, media and creative enterprises in the southwest optimize their existing value creation processes, so that new products and services can be developed and marketed jointly with partners. The Creative Industries Network Baden-Württemberg consists of 17 project partners and over 130 network and business partners.


Contact details Website Social media

Maciej Leonard Żybula - + 48 501 552 127

Contact details

Ulrich Winchenbach


Clustermanagement Musikwirtschaft

Bwcon Kreativ

Name of the organization

Clustermanagement Musikwirtschaft

Name of the organization

Bwcon Kreativ

Date of establishment


Date of establishment





Creative industries

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

The Clustermanagement Musikwirtschaft of Mannheim and its region is one of the four pillars of the Mannheimer model, along with Baden-Württemberg Popakademie (working on formation), the Musikpark Mannheim (carrying out the role of business incubator) and Beauftragten für Musik- und Popkultur (dealing with the promotion of young people and interculture). The cluster works as a link between the local music professionals and the regional policy makers and public administrators. The main objectives of the cluster are: • give consultancy and integration possibilities to music start-ups, freelancers and firms, • campaign for making the Mannheim region an attractive and emerging habitat for the music industry In order to do so, the initiative offers numerous services such as promotion and support to the local actors, consultancy services, innovative workshops, meetings with other cluster´s members as well as active participation at national and international meetings and Fairs.

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

Baden-Württemberg: Connected e.V. (bwcon), Germany, is the top business initiative dedicated to promoting Baden-Württemberg as a key location for innovation and technology. As one of the largest technology networks in Europe, bwcon connects more than 600 businesses and research institutions. Over 5,500 members use the bwcon platform to benefit from systematic networking opportunities. bwcon’s main areas of activity are the creative industries, health care, and information and communication technology (ICT). The network also provides comprehensive advice and assistance to both new and expanding companies. “bwcon: creative” offers an interdisciplinary network with various cooperation opportunities among the creative professionals themselves but also with actors from other sectors. Furthermore “bwcon: creative” provides sector-specific training for founders, start-ups and high-growth companies. “bwcon: creative” aims to give new impetus to the development of new ideas and products and to cast a spotlight on the industries’ enormous potential, as well as position Baden-Württemberg as a leading location for Creative Industries. The network focuses on the digital Creative Industries (CI). “bwcon: creative” aims to: • Support founders, start-ups and high-growth companies of the CI • Create platforms for cooperation, focusing on sector specific topics • Offer networking for cross-sector exchange of experiences Since 2011 bwcon: creative has been a partner in the state-wide network “Creative Industries Baden-Württemberg”.


Contact details

Janina Klabes > Cluster Manager


Contact details

Bianca Kolb > Network Manager

Website Social media


Animation Media Cluster Region Stuttgart

Apulian IT Cluster

Name of the organization

Animation Media Cluster Region Stuttgart

Name of the organization

Apulian IT Cluster

Date of establishment


Date of establishment

11 – 10 -2010


Media, culture and Creative Industries



Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

MFG Film Funding is convinced that “Animation Media” is one of the most important fields in the Stuttgart film region. It is determined to raise the regional animation / VFX industry to a new level. In order to do justice to the rapid development of digital animation and to the strong potential of regional firms in this field, MFG Film Funding has set up with the financial assistance of the European Regional Development Fund a new cluster initiative dedicated exclusively to animation and VFX: the Animation Media Cluster Region Stuttgart. The cluster consists of several strong VFX service providers and animation studios around which many very small enterprises and regionally based freelancers are grouped. Unlike a rigid network, the companies represented are completely independent and in some cases even rivals in their day-to-day business but can become collaborators in the case of an attractive major commission (“coopetition”). Cluster management promotes know-how and technology transfer, creates synergies and strengthens interdisciplinary cooperation. The objective is to network and strengthen the region’s companies, to acquire attractive projects and to open up new perspectives for the excellently trained talents graduating from the region’s film, media and art schools every year. Together with the Stuttgart / Ludwigsburg region, common technical and organizational structures are being developed which offer international film production companies the bundled capacity of the region and the suitable framework conditions in order to ensure the desired security and quality for attractive large-scale projects.

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

Distretto Produttivo dell’Informatica is an Industrial District recognized by the Region of Puglia with resolution no. 7 of 11 January 2010, as provided by the regional law n. 23 of 3th August 2007. To the Industrial District are associated: Firms, Consortia, Universities Associations and Labor Unions. We are the IT (Information Technology) companies of Apulia. We are well established in the social and economic culture of the territory thanks to a long tradition that started with the foundation of the second degree in Information Science by a group of physicists, mathematicians and engineers from the University of Bari and the collaboration of entrepreneurs and students who strongly believed in the digital economy and its capacity to innovate the processes of transformation and social interaction. We are now an important, significant and influential component of the Apulia society, with: • More than 4000 highly educated and professionalised employees; • Companies of all sizes that are well-known in international markets thanks to their wide set of products and services; • IT research and academic training carried out by all the Universities of Apulia and by the Polytechnic University of Bari. Through the exaltation of the collective identity of companies and research institutions that operate at the distric organization level, Apulian IT becomes a “community” that is recognizable in the international world of Software as a Service, and which is able to attract and retain the best minds and new capital.


Contact details

Andreas Trautz

Contact details

Via Amendola 172/5 – 70126, Bari – PUGLIA - ITALY

Website Social media


Dialogoi District

Puglia Creativa

Name of the organization

Dialogoi District

Name of the organization

Puglia Creativa

Date of establishment

17 February 2010

Date of establishment



Communication and Publishing


Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

The District of Communication Dialogoi arises from the need to provide a structured platform to the growing vitality of creative and communicative expressed by the Apulian territory . The District, for the characteristics of their members and for its purposes, is distinguished from other industries , for its attention to cultural issues, the development of talent and growth of the people not only in economic terms. The district promotes and develops its operational program for : - Facilitate growth, specialization and harmonization of member companies in the supply chain; - Strengthen the sustainable growth of all productive sectors through support to them through a creative district focused on Communications and Publishing; - Respond in a coordinated manner to the needs of information and communication practices, promoting cultural development; - Enhance the human resources of the land, cultivating creative talents by supporting their potential and promoting excellence; - Propose as a reference point for actors in the field, operating in the whole Mediterranean area, in order to attract the skills and creative abilities and increase the potential for innovation.

Visual Arts / Cinematogrophy and Audiovisual / Dance / Design / Multimedia & Broadcasting / Music / New Technologies and ICT / Services for culture and creativity / Theatre

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

“Puglia Creativa” Cluster is a collective of cultural and creative outlets from Puglia. Our aim is to create a cooperative system that will generate material benefits and establish itself as the engine for innovation and change in the regional economy. The District acts in such a way as to combine regional policy for the support of local bussiness with the needs and the objectives of its constituent outlets/businesses. Partners of The District include Bari Universities, trade unions, public offices and the Chamber of Commerce. The fields in which The District will operate include: • Innovation To initiate new projects and avail of modern tools to realize them. The District wants to network between diverse cultural outlets and create a working bond between them. • Internationalization The District Will explore new ways to present the changing face of modern Puglia and its creative output. To do so, we aim to support the sharing of ideas between the Puglia region and our international counterparts and to facilitate international cultural exchange programs to allow people to travel to different countries and learn from their experiences. • Training A crucial element for The District is training. Training is fundamental to all creative industries that seek to progress. Development in cultural business is the way forward to remain competitive in the marketplace, particularly internationally, and competance in this area is necessary for both the individual and the collective. To achieve its goal, using local government policy, The District aims to help local creative institutions gain profile and exposure at both national and international levels. The District intends to: • Build a strong creative community, to promote production through collaboration. • Comunicate in an effective manner with its associates, simplifying access to competition through constant interaction with institutions and by bringing local creativity into Europe. • Organize meetings and workshops with Italian and international tutors. • Develop studies and research to help local institutions connect with international counterparts. • Open new professional opportunities through regular networking between the associates of The District and our international partners.

Contact details

Distretto Produttivo “Puglia Creativa” c/o AGIS, Via Melo 185 70121 Bari, Italy

Website Social media


Contact details

Bari -Italy;;;


PUGLIA sounds

Teatro Pubblico Pugliese

Name of the organization

Puglia Sounds

Name of the organization

Teatro Pubblico Pugliese

Date of establishment


Date of establishment





Live Show

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

Puglia Sounds is the first public project in Italy targeted to developing the music system of a region. Set up in 2010 with the objective of enhancing the rich Puglia music heritage, the project puts in place structural actions meant to have an impact on the entire Puglia music industry and promote the visibility of this latter also by improving its positioning on major national and international music markets. Puglia Sounds implements both general actions targeted to the entire music system, and specific actions selected by Public Calls. These latter actions are funded by ERDF (European regional Development Fund) Axis IV Actions 4.1.2 – 4.3.2 promoted by Regione Puglia and entrusted by this latter, through its Regional Department of Mediterranean Aff airs, Culture and Tourism, to Consorzio Teatro Pubblico Pugliese. Puglia Sounds actions beneficiaries operate in the field of production, distribution and promotion of music within the regional music scene. Puglia Sounds operates along three different lines of actions: Export, Live and Record. Puglia Sounds Export is a line of action devoted to promoting Puglia music both in Italy and abroad, as well as to supporting the internationalization process of the entire Puglia music industry. The actions put in place by Puglia Sounds Export are many and diversified as they range from support to Puglia artists’ tours abroad, to participation in the most important music fairs and events, to promotion of focus events on Puglia music both in Italy and abroad. Puglia Sounds Live is a line of action meant to support and strengthen Puglia music on a community level and to put in place measures with a structural impact on the entire segment of Festivals and live shows in Puglia. Finally, Puglia Sounds Record is a line of action with the objective of producing new records. Among its many activities, Puglia Sounds Record has so far supported the promotion of 94 new record productions and has released 14 promotional CD compilations with 350,000 promotional copies distributed in Italy and abroad. As a project involving all three areas of activity at the same time, Puglia Sounds is also responsible for Medimex, Italy’s only music market fair. In just three editions (2011, 2012 and 2013), Medimex has become an economic and cultural reference for operators and music businesses, big names in music, festivals and networks, professional associations and the media. Medimex represents a summary of the structured vision of Puglia Sounds’ activity. This activity creates events bringing together creativity with the market, the region’s entire musical and cultural heritage with international operators, and making a reality of the original motto of ‘music means jobs’, the leitmotiv of the activities carried out to help the region’s music.

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

Since its birth the Teatro Pubblico Pugliese has developed an intense work, expressing the territory and its peculiarities, with the aim of disseminating widely the culture oh theatre, dance, children’s theatre and music on the vast and diverse territory of Puglia. The TPP in an Institution for the Promotion and Education of the public recognized by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and the Puglia Region, but it has also demonstrated over the years to be a polyhedral structure, which can renew itself with each new challenge and objective, being part of a national theatrical system that is constantly in evolution. To the TPP join 50 municipalities, provinces and Puglia Region. Every year about 600 performances, more than 130.000 spectators, it is one of the main Italian theatre circuits.


Contact details

via Imbriani 67 – 70121 Bari Italy

Website Social media Facebook: twitter: @Puglia_Sounds

activities, programs, initiatives and events to support the creative industries

It’s important the supply of live performances, as result of the efforts in order to create relationships between actors, audience and territory. The seasons of drama and children’s theatre, the dance festivals and music events, projects for the promotion of public and large events are the main activities that trigger places and professionalism, creating the network of the TPP. The strategic role that the Teatro Pubblico Pugliese covers, comes from the great synergy with the Puglia Region and the municipal and provincial administrations, and over the years has allowed continued growth of the artistic proposals and design. The 4 projects under the ERDF (Dansystem – the Puglia Dance Network, Puglia Sounds – the Music System, Internationalization of the Scene, Teatri Abitati – theatrical residences) and the various cross-border projects (under IPA Adriatic and Greece-Italy funds) are some of the special activities the TPP develops beyond its main mission.

Contact details


Website Social media Facebook Fanpage: Teatro Pubblico Pugliese Twitter: @TeatroPubblPugl


Fondazione Apulia Film Commission

Barcelona Media

Name of the organization

Fondazione Apulia Film Commission

Name of the organization

Barcelona Media

Date of establishment


Date of establishment





Cultural and Creative Industries; Media; Communication

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

Apulia Film Commission (AFC) was born in 2007 and aims to attract audiovisual production companies by providing subsidies to lower the costs of preparation, production and post-production of the projects shot in Puglia. It has four funds: Apulia National Film Fund, Apulia International Film Fund, Hospitality Fund, Apulia Development Fund, for a total endowment of € 3,8 million euros in 2013. Until now AFC has financed 145 productions and produced 14 shorts and documentaries, which have been premiered and awarded at international festivals. 57 out of the financed productions are feature films and 25 are international. Apulia Film Commission provides a variety of free services to solve logistical problems. AFC has three headquarters, which are the Cineport hubs in Bari, Lecce and Foggia. AFC also deals with training: its workshops are “Puglia Experience”, addressed to professional screenwriters from Euro-Mediterranean area and “Closing the Gap: Investment for 360° Content” (in collaboration with Peacefulfish, the Western Norway Film Centre and Programma MEDIA), dedicated to European film producers. AFC organizes the Bari International Film Festival and the Festival of Real Cinema in Specchia (Lecce) and leads D’Autore project, a Quality Cinema Network promoting quality film screening through the creation of a chain covering all six provinces of Apulia.

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

Barcelona Media Cluster comprises a group of companies and institutions with links to the media sector and which have the drive to collaborate in a series of initiatives designed to promote the sector, the capacity to innovate and to promote Catalonia internationally, and the desire to offer the world an innovative media partnership model for the maximum development of its full potential. BM Cluster is open to integrate all businesses and institutions which strongly believe in innovation as a key driver for competitiveness. • Promotes exchange activities and the promotion of collaborative links that will improve business and economic efficiency resulting from the implementation of joint innovative projects. • Makes available its extensive networking capability. • Answers the needs of industrial R&D promoting intra-sectorial and inter-sectorial knowledge transfer. Together with other regional clusters participates in European initiatives and projects to promote excellence in the management of clusters, interchange of best practices and all actions. ECCL European Creative Cluster Lab. Managing Networked Creativity to Boost European Competitiveness. EuroTransMedia. Gathering Media Clusters to Bridge Digital Content with Emerging Technologies.


Contact details Website Social media

Contact details

Website Social media



Plaine Images

Name of the organization


Name of the organization

Plaine Images

Date of establishment


Date of establishment



Cluster for digital creativity and innovation


Cluster for digital creativity and innovation

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

Pictanovo is a new community gathering more than 3000 audiovisual professionals (private & public stakeholders, associations) from TV, cinema, Internet; and more than 3000 students. Pictanovo supports each year more than 100 works, for an amount of 4.5 millions €, thanks to 3 different funds: cinema & TV; interactive experiences; funds for association. Pictanovo works for Nord-Pas-de-Calais region attractiveness: shooting places, trainings, writing workshops, partnership with research stakeholders, business support… This strategy is implemented with 3 main organizations of the regional territory, and from them, Plaine Images; as well as Belgium partners.

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

La Plaine Images is a microdistrict entirely devoted to moving images in all their forms, and in particular the creative industries: video games, animation, audiovisual projects, cinema, augmented reality, computer graphics and 3D rendering, tactile and gestural interactivity, serious games…La Plaine Images boosts the development of the businesses welcomed and encourages the convergence of disciplines associated with moving images. La Plaine Images reinforces structural links between projects with an artistic dimension, creative businesses and research laboratories. • Facilitating exchanges between different on-site ‘families’: business managers, creative staff, researchers, trainers and the general public • Encouraging the development of innovative projects • Accompanying companies from their incubation period until their international development • Promoting dynamism


Contact details

Website Social media

47 companies, E.g: 3DDUO, dematerialized video games ; ACFX, post-production studio ; ACNOT, consultant, production of digital universes ; ANKAMA, studio of creation ; les lunettes bleues, graphic design platform ; Butterfly, 3D animation ; Click and walk, smart phones applications ; Idées 3 Com, innovation for communication, marketing & serious games ; Mediativy, audiovisual communication agency ; Pimenteo, e-commerce websites creation ; Sound-a-like, sound design ; Tribu, social media marketing agency, Vertical, video games studio…. Contact details

Website Social media


Maisons de Mode

Lille Métropole

Name of the organization

Maisons de Mode

Name of the organization

Lille Métropole

Date of establishment


Date of establishment



Fashion cluster


Local authority

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

The objectives of Maisons de Mode : To identify and guide emerging designers with an already established brand in developing their businesses for the long run. To revitalise the two neighbourhoods in Lille and Roubaix where the designers, studios and boutiques are located. To spark a fashion movement in the metropolitan Lille area that brings national and international attention to the most promising talents.

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

Lille Métropole gathers 85 cities and has a large scope of activities :


Missions : • Finding and supporting new fashion labels : After being chosen by a committee of fashion industry professionals, new designers are invited to join Maisons de Mode for a renewable nine to 24-month period (professional assistance and guidance according to the designer’s individual needs). • Discovering New Talent : The Grand Prix Maisons de Mode is a €10,000 prize awarded to the most promising designer on presentation. • Commercial and branding partnerships : wide network of fashion, textile and distribution actors with whom Maison de Mode has built partnerships. • Designer Support : wide range of services tailored to helping in the development of new clothing and accessory labels. Fields of cooperation : • Support to fashion designers • Designers and methodologies exchanges (e.g. trainings in the partner territory) • Promotion of designers: organization of common competition, events, fairs… Examples of designers : • Neypo, accessories • Demeure, ready to wear • Aurélie Chadaine, leathure goods • Abigail, shoes Contact details

Website Social media Roubaix/132815553412822

• Urban development and housing • Road system and public spaces • Water and sewage • Public transport • Household waste • Sports and culture (European capital of culture) • Environment & sustainable development • Economic development (Creative industries : design, fashion, audiovisual/video games) Lille Métropole is member of European networks (Eurocities, CEMR...) and cooperates with European partners through cooperation projects. Lille Métropole is also active in cross-border cooperation through the Eurométropole Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai. International cooperation is developed with lot of countries, based on Lille Metropole ’s intervention areas. Key figures : • 1 108 991 inhabitants (2009) • 4th conurbation in France • 61 145 ha • 1 785 inhabitants/km2 • 84km of borders with Belgium

Contact details Website Social media


Lille Design


Name of the organization

Lille Design

Name of the organization


Date of establishment


Date of establishment



Design cluster


Web applications & custom software development

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

Lille Design aims at answering to the current challengers and at rethinking the future society by creating alchemy to support the change towards an innovative policy in the heart of the region Nord-pas-de-Calais.

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

Entim offers IT services for business. We are located in Warsaw (Poland) and work for clients from all over the country and abroad. Our company develops custom software, carefully tailored to the needs of our clients. We combine the use of commercial tools and open-source so as to customize a solution designed for business requirements of customers. We specialize in developing information systems directed to support business processes of companies and organizations. We also integrate systems from other suppliers with ITC infrastructure of our clients and provide maintanance services. The core of our works comprises design and implementation of business databases (CRM systems) and communication solutions. We deal with key aspects of IT & communications infrastructure development by providing our customers with comprehensive technical support and consultancy services. We also deal with social media and online advertising. We are looking for clients and partners. We speak English, French, Russian and Arabic.

• Promoting and disseminating Design as a process of industrial creation • Mobilizing and supporting regional stakeholders of Design and research • Making technical innovation world and design world closer • Federating schools, public stakeholders, and developers around urban challenges • Putting Design at the heart of artistic and cultural education.


Actions of Lille Design : • Lille / Design for Change competition: 3 urban topics / 14 international Design schools / 50 projects • Designers residency: 5 projects during 5 days • Projects support: for designers, companies, industrial fields. E.g. with Dickson Constant (textile company); with Clubster Santé (health cluster) • Meetings, workshops, trainings

Contact details +48507-738-023, +4822 618 18 2 Odrowąża 15 03-310, Warsaw, Poland Bank Account Number 98 1140 2004 0000 3802 3838 7250

Cross-border cooperation is a key feature of Lille Design cluster. Fields of cooperation are based on Lille Design missions.

Contact details

Website Social media

Wojciech Stańczuk

Website Social media




Name of the organization


Name of the organization


Date of establishment


Date of establishment

December 2012


Entrepreneurship and Creative Economy


Creative industry/ecology/new technologies

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

RIO CRIATIVO was designed in 2009 by the State Secretariat of Culture of Rio de Janeiro in partnership with PUC-Rio. The initiative was appointed by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), in 2010, as the first initiative responsible for promoting the sector of creative economy in the state of RJ. The supported areas are: 1) performing arts / 2) music / 3) visual arts / 4) literature / 5) editorial market / 6) audiovisual / 7) animation / 8) games / 9) software applied to Creative Economy / 10) advertising / 11) radio / 12) TV / 13) fashion / 14) architecture / 15) design / 16) popular culture / 17) handcrafting / 18) entertainment / 19) events / 20) cultural tourism Rio Criativo englobes one incubator in Rio de Janeiro/RJ working long-distance and inperson. Since 2012, the enterprise has supported 70 entrepreneurs and 17 startups, selected through a public notice following a series of some rules: Innovating degree of the enterprise; Qualification of the members and its respective teams; Economic feasibility and technical feasibility; Alignment of the enterprise to the tokens of the state of Rio de Janeiro and Positive potential of social-environmental impacts. Rio Criativo has also been home to an Entrepreneurship Qualification Center of Creative Economy which has promoted projects of the creative sector through the promotion of courses and consultations of various themes inside the creative sector. In 2013, the Entrepreneurship Qualification Center of Creative Economy gave more than 650 hours of capacitation and help that benefited more than 4000 entrepreneurs in the State of RJ.

Short description (fields of activity, fields of cooperation, directions of development)

GOMA is co-working space with wide range of facilities: workspaces, supplementary activities, library, matheriotheque, makerspace(design lab), cafe, shop, gallery. GOMA sharerd goals are: social bussines networking, sustainable products and service design, collaborative economy, collective intelligence. They are realized within certain areas: architecture, art, audiovisual, scenography, communication, computer graphics, crowdfunding design, education, environmental management, social innovation, responsible materials, collaborative processes, new technologies. Companies of GOMA are: MateriaBrasil, Gitec, HUB RIO, Zerezes, Zebu, Terravixta, InventaRio, Imagine, Hula, Catarse, Estúdio Guanabara, Estúdio Híbrido, Simplicidades, M+E Design, Malokca, Chance, Engage, Estúdio Roncó, among other self-employed entrepreneurs.


Contact details

Website Social media

Contact details

Social media

Facebook: Somos GOMA



Project coordination Daniel St端rzebecher MFG Baden-W端rttemberg Public Innovation Agency for ICT and Media Project communication and dissemination Serena Mingolla Apulia Region - Industrial Research and Innovation Department

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