Advertise in Print and Online Media Publications of the European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines “Your Link to European Business Opportunities” Print Media A. Business Review Magazine A bi-monthly publication of the Chamber produced every February, April, June, August, October, and December which contains the most relevant issues surrounding Philippine and European Businesses to keep our readers in the loop and a step ahead in the PhilippineEuropean business community. The magazine is a good platform to: Reach your target audience of C-Level Executives from Europe & the Philippines. The magazine gives updates on the latest economic trends and issues affecting the Philippine-European Business Community, which makes the Business Review a prime source for business news. Global exposure. The Business Review is circulated in Europe, Asia and the US via subscription. Both hard copy and soft copy are sent to subscribers. Increased visibility for your products and/or services. Business Review is an excellent vehicle to introduce your products/services to the Philippine-European business community. Thematic. Business Review dedicates each issue to a specific theme, allowing you to place your ads when it would be most relevant to your brand. Should you wish to be included in the following issues for Business Review Magazine:
June-July Issue: "Smarter Philippines" August- September: “ECCP’s 35th Anniversary” October-November: “SEBSEAM: Building a new EU “Silk Road” to ASEAN. December-January: “ECCP Review 2013 & Prospects 2014”
The readership profile and the Business Review advertisement rates are enclosed.
Content and Readership Profile
The Business Review is the official business digest of the European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines. Serving its market for more than 30 years, it caters to top level executives and key decision-makers both locally and internationally. Each publication offers a comprehensive look at issues and topics most relevant to the Philippine‐European business community.
Readers of ECCP Directly reach out to a well‐targeted audience of top level executives and key decision‐makers.
Circulation The Business Review is circulated to more than 1,500 representatives of ECCP members including Philippine and European Companies, Government Agencies, Diplomatic Missions, International Organizations, and Foreign‐based Companies. Non‐members may also avail of the Business Review.
Publication Sections and Contents Editorial ECCP commentary on business issues and concerns Chamber at Work Membership gatherings, committee meetings, special events, etc. Fairs and Events Updates, schedules and articles about Philippine‐European Exhibitions Business Opportunities Information on import/export opportunities Economic Indicators Business environment in figures Special Feature Sector/market reports, special issues, etc. Members Corner Member’s article, reports, and promos Membership Profile Updates on membership statistics Corporate Change Updates on members’ profiles (i.e. new representatives, offices, members, etc.) Advertising Information
Mechanical Information • Cover: Matte Finish • Screen: 150‐200 lines • Cover Stock: Coated #100 • Type of Paper: Matte #80 • Printing: Offset • No. of Pages: 52 – 60, cover to cover • Trim Size: 8.5 x 11 in.
ECCP ADVERTISING CONTRACT This is to confirm our order for an ad placement in one or more of ECCP’s Publications. This contract serves as an agreement to the terms and conditions as outlined below.
AD Order Specifications (Please check requirements) BUSINESS REVIEW AD SPACES AND RATES AD SPACE
Full Colors Double Page Spread (17x11 in) Full Page (8.5 x 11 in) Half Page (8.5 x 5.5 in) - [ ] Hor. [ ] Ver 1/3 page (vertical 2.875 x 11in) 1/4 page
Php 23,000 Php 12,420 Php 9,430 Php 6,555 Php 5,175
Php 66,240 Php 35,397 Php 26,876 Php 18,682 Php 14,749
Php 113,160 Php 67,068 Php 50,922 Php 35,397 Php 27,945
Black & White (with special color plus 40% of B&W rate) Double Page Spread Php 13,455 Full Page Php 6,958 Half Page (5 ½ x 8 ½ in) - [ ] Hor. [ ] Ver. Php 5,382
Php 38,347 Php 19,830 Php 15,339
Php 72,657 Php 37,573 Php 29,063
Php 85,000 Php 80,000 Php 50,000 Php 44,000 Php 40,000 Php 40,000
Php 100,000 Php 90,000 Php 80,000 Php 70,000 Php 65,000 Php 75,000
Special Positions Gatefold Outside Back Cover Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Page One -around Ad (17” x 2”)
Php 15,000
Page Preference (plus 15% loading) __________________________________________ Other Advertising Services Inserts – one sheet to nine pages insert only Php 8,000 Inserts – ten to fifteen pages insert only Php10,000 Inserts – sixteen to twenty pages insert only Php 12,000
Pre-Press Service (optional) Scanning,photo-editing Layout,typesetting,scanning,photo-editing
Php 3,500 Php 4,500 December
General Terms & Conditions 1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
ECCP shall follow the ad order specifications of the Advertiser solely on the basis of this written, signed, and dated contract. Any modifications will require a submission of the contract, properly dated and signed by the advertiser. Check payments should be crossed & made payable to EUROPEAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE PHILIPPINES (ECCP). Ad placement charge is payable immediately upon receipt of the invoice. Pre-press charges are issued in separate invoice. Full payment is required before ECCP confirms the order of the advertiser and prints the ad. The ECCP reserves the right to reject any advertisement submitted for publication in the Business Review.
The advertiser shall submit the ad material (soft copy in TIF Format) to ECCP at least one week before the scheduled month of release. In the event that ad material/s are not received by the deadline, the previous advertisement or a house charity ad will be used instead for which the advertiser will be liable for payment. Colored ads should be accompanied with the color proofs ECCP will not be responsible for color variations if the advertiser did not provide acceptable proofs. However, it is understood that minor variations may occur when compensating to achieve the best results. The advertiser shall be billed for any pre-press service should it request ECCP to
provide the service as listed above. 7. 8. 9. 10.
The positioning of advertisers is t the discretion of ECCP, except when a premium is paid for a specified position. The advertising material shall be retrievable by the advertiser two weeks after release of the Business Review. The ECCP reserves the right to destroy ay advertising material that has been in its possession for more than six (6) months. Advertising rates are NET of advertising agency commission. In addition, rates are subject to change without prior notice.
Non-ECCP members are imposed a 10% surcharge
CONFORME Signature _________________________________ Printed Name ______________________________ Company _________________________________ Date _____________________________________
Martial G. Beck Vice President and General Manager
B. Philippine-European Business Directory 2014 An annual publication, The Philippine-European Business Directory is the most comprehensive guide on European / International organizations and companies looking into business opportunities in the Philippines as well as Local companies and organizations in doing business internationally. PEBD is an excellent reference material commonly used by the top level corporations in finding partners, projects and business opportunities. The PEBD is currently under preparation for its 2014 edition. For more than 30 years, it has been a widely used reference material, with a broad readership profile both here and abroad. Circulated to several hundred European and Non-European executives (i.e. Top European & Philippine corporations). The directory also lists government agencies, diplomatic missions, international organizations, and foreign based companies. Our clients and partners are among the Top European & Philippine Corporations and they consider the PEBD as their first reference guide for obtaining European and Philippine business contacts. The directory contains detailed profiles of each ECCP member company particularly company representatives, nationality, background and business activities. The directory provides information about European and Philippine trade and investments, economic cooperation and business activities, making the directory a valuable resource material to companies looking to do business in Europe and viceversa. The PEBD is a good vehicle to make your company visible to the European Business Community and an excellent way to introduce your products and/or services.
Deadline for booking advertisements and ad materials for PEBD is set for October 25, 2013. Attached for your review and consideration of the PEBD is the readership profile and ad rates.
Content and Readership Profile The Philippine-European Business Directory (PEBD) is the most comprehensive guide on European companies doing business in the Philippines and vice-versa. It offers detailed profiles of each ECCP member and company, including representatives, background, and business activities. Serving its market for more than 30 years, it caters to top level executives and key decision-makers both locally and internationally. Readers of ECCP Directly reach out to a well‐targeted audience of top level executives and key decision‐makers.
Circulation The Philippine-European Business Directory is circulated close to 700 ECCP members, C‐Level Executives, Government Agencies, Diplomatic Missions, International Organizations, and Foreign‐based Companies. Non‐members may also avail of the directory.
This is to confirm our order for an ad placement in the PEBD 2014 and our agreement to the terms and conditions as outlined below. AD PLACEMENT PREFERENCE
Front Gatefold (2 pages) Rear Back Flap (2 pages) Page One Ad (1 page) Clip-On Cover Ad (w/ 2011 calendar) Bookmark (2)
Outside Back Cover (OBC) Inside Front Cover (IFC) Inside Back Cover (IBC) Divider (Ltd. to 20 advertisers)
Full Page Inside (Full Color) Full Page Inside (Black & White) Half page (Black & White only) Logo Insert (Black & White only)
RATES Php 88,000 (10.5 x 15.5 inches) 85,800 (10.5 x 15.5 inches) 49,500 ((10.5 x 7.75 inches) 71,500 (8 x 4 inches - vertical) 24,200 (each)(L:6.5xW:3 inches) Php
60,500 (10.5 x 7.75 inches) 49,500 (10.5 x 7.75 inches) 44,000 (10.5 x 7.75 inches) 24,200 (right side: 10.5 x 7.375 inches) (left side: 10.5 x 7.75 inches)
22,000 (10.5 x 7.75 inches) 17,600 13,200 (5.25 x 3.875 inches) 6,600 (.5 x 3.25 inches)
PRE-PRESS SERVICE (OPTIONAL)PREE-S(optional) Scanning, Photo-edit, Film (BW/Colored) Layout, Typeset, Drum Scan, Photo-edit, Film (BW/Colored) Film Negative – Black and White Film/Color Separation – Full Color Proof/Match Print
3,500 4,500 800 2,500 1,500
General Terms and Conditions 1. ECCP shall follow the ad order specifications of the Advertiser solely on the basis of this written, signed, and dated contract. Any modifications will require a resubmission of the contract, properly dated and signed by the advertiser. Modifications should be confirmed accepted by ECCP. 2. Check payments should be crossed & made payable to the EUROPEAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE PHILIPPINES (ECCP). Ad placement charge is payable immediately upon receipt of the invoice. Pre-press charges are issued in separate invoice. Full payment is required before ECCP confirms the order of the advertiser and prints the ad. 3. The ECCP reserves the right to reject any advertisement submitted for publication. The positioning of advertisements is at the discretion of ECCP unless a premium is paid for a specified position. 4. The advertiser shall submit the ad material (film negatives) to ECCP on or before the said deadline. In the event that ad material are not received by the deadline, the previous advertisement or a house charity ad will be used instead for which the advertiser will be liable for payment. 5. Colored ads should be accompanied with the color proofs. Provide 0.125 inch bleed allowance on all sides. 6. ECCP will not be responsible for color variations if the advertiser did not provide acceptable proofs. However, it is understood that minor variations may occur when compensating to achieve the best results. The advertiser shall be billed for any of the pre-press service fees should it request ECCP to provide the service as listed above. 7. The advertising material shall be retrievable by the advertiser two weeks after release of the PEBD 2013. The ECCP reserves the right to destroy any advertising material that has been in its possession for more than six (6) months. 8. Ad rates are NET of advertising agency commission. Non-VAT. 9. Non-ECCP members are imposed a 10% surcharge on ad rates.
CONFORME: Signature: ___________________________________ Printed Name: ________________________________ Company: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________
Martial G. Beck Vice President and General Manager
Online Media A. ECCP.COM Website ECCP.COM serves as the official website of the European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines and the central repository of information of the Chamber. The Website is constantly visited by a pool of business-oriented individuals from a wide-range of industry sectors. It has an average traffic of 5,000 total monthly visits with 4,000 being unique visitors and 10,000 monthly page views. This ECCP Website offers six (6) advertising space options:
Extended Full Banner (468x60) pixels. Location: Left Bottom/ Center Bottom. Visibility: Random on Page Refresh, All Pages Square Banner (250x250) pixels. Location: Top Right. Visibility: Random on Page Refresh, Internal pages Button 1 Banner (120x90) pixels. Location: Middle Right – Left Side. Visibility: Random on Page Refresh, Internal Pages Button 2 Banner (120x90) pixels. Location: Middle Right – Right Side. Visibility: Random on Page Refresh, Internal Pages Dynamic iFrame (220x289) pixels. Location: Middle Right. Visibility: Random on Page Refresh, Internal pages Splash (500x200) pixels. Location: Top Right. Visibility: Random on Page Refresh, Rotating, Home Page only. Offered to ECCP Premium Members only
There are four (4) campaign duration options for advertisements that you may choose to avail: Monthly (1 month), Quarterly (3 months), Semi-Annual (6 Months), and Annual (12 Months). You save more when you choose to advertise with a longer campaign period. Aside from this, further discounts are given to ECCP Members. The contract, rates, and ad space location guide for advertising in the ECCP.COM Website is enclosed.
ECCP.COM Website Advertisement Requisition Form CAMPAIGN DETAILS
Campaign Name (may appear on image hovers if applicable): __________________________________________________________________ Redirected Website / URL (if applicable): ___________________________________________________________________________________ Proposed Date (Main)*: _____________________________________ Proposed Date (Alternate)*: ____________________________________ * In the event that the Proposed Date (Main) is in conflict with another contract or for any matter that ECCP would deemunviable, the Proposed Date (Alternate) will hence be considered. Period & Rates (in Philippine Peso)* Monthly (1 mon.)
Banner Ad Type
Quarterly (3 mos.)
Semi-Annual (6 mos.)
Annual (12 mos.)
EXTENDED FULL Measurement 468 (w) x 60 (h) pixels
Location Left Bottom
Visibility Random on page refresh (w/ Hyperlink), All pages
P 10,300.00
P 15,500.00
P 24,500.00
P 40,500.00
P 40,500.00
P 70,500.00
P 10,500.00
P 18,500.00
P 30,500.00
P 10,500.00
P 18,500.00
P 30,500.00
P 28,500.00
P 50,500.00
P 90,500.00
SQUARE Measurement 250 (w) x 250 (h) pixels
Location Top Right
Visibility Random on page refresh (w/ Hyperlink), Internal pages
BUTTON 1 Measurement 120 (w) x 90 (h) pixels
Location Middle Right - Left Side
P 5,600.00
Visibility Random on page refresh (w/ Hyperlink), Internal pages
BUTTON 2 Measurement 120 (w) x 90 (h) pixels
Location Middle Right - Right Side
Visibility Random on page refresh (w/ Hyperlink), Internal pages
P 5,600.00
DYNAMIC iFRAME Measurement 220 (w) & 289 (h) pixels
Location Middle Right
P 16,200.00
Random on page refresh, Internal pages, Partial tracking
* Rates indicated are 12% Tax Exclusive. Payments must be made one (1) week in advance based on the advertiser’s specified Proposed Date (Main). Grand Total w/ 12% VAT
(To be filled up by ECCP after receiving signed CONFORME. For ECCP Members the 10% discount should already be included in the indicated amount.)
ECCP Member
ECCP Non-Member
ECCP Subsidiary
GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS ECCP shall follow the ad order specifications of the Advertiser solely on the basis of this written, signed, and dated contract. Any modifications will require a submission of the contract, properly dated and signed by the advertiser. The advertiser shall submit to ECCP the ad material in the correct file format and/or specifications: if image, should be soft copy GIF or JPG with file size of 50 kb or less that meets the indicated requirements of the advertiser’s selected online publication(s). The correct size (width and height) of the ad must comply with the matching selected Banner Ad Type requirement. Advertiser’s submission of the ad material must be done at least one week before the scheduled Proposed Date (Main). Reservation of ad space is on a first come, first served basis. In the event that ad materials are not received by ECCP by the deadline or cancellation was made by the advertiser, the advertiser will still be liable for payment. All Banner Ad material(s) that will be used for the advertisements must come from the advertiser. No request for modifications by ECCP to the received Banner Ad(s) will be allowed. ECCP will not be responsible for color variations of the client’s image banner ad(s). However, it is understood that minor variations may occur when an image modification is done to the banner ad for compression purposes. ECCP reserves the right to reject any advertisement submitted for any publication(s). In the website, the randomization of display of the banner ads is in the discretion of ECCP except when a premium is paid for a specified position. Special arrangement must be made when availing of premium positioning as availability must be checked first. If a Banner Ad is an iFrame embed code, any inherent action that redirects to an external web page must be programmed to open up that page in a new browser window. Payments will not be refunded if ECCP removes any Banner Ad from if something malicious was found in the ad content, redirecting URL web page, and/or embed code. Cheque payments should be crossed & made payable to EUROPEAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE PHILIPPINES (ECCP). Ad placement charge is payable immediately upon receipt of the invoice. Full payment is required before ECCP can confirm the order of the advertiser and places the ad in the appropriate online publication(s). If Banner Ad is an image, replacement is allowed for Semi-annual and Annual campaign periods. For Semi-annual campaign period, the advertiser is allowed to replace their banner ad images once on the last week of the first quarter. For Annual campaign period, the advertiser is allowed to replace their banner ads twice: Once on the last week of every end of a quarter except the last quarter. Advertiser must submit the new banner ad image(s) to ECCP as replacement for their previous banner ad at least a week before the specified deadline per quarter. ECCP reserves the right to destroy any advertising material that has been in its possession for more than one (1) month. Rates are subject to change without prior notice. ECCP members can avail of a 10% discount on the rates indicated when requested before their submission of this signed CONFORME. Discount does not apply to ex-deal arrangements.
CONFORME: Client’s signature indicates the complete understanding and agreement of the client to the content of this document & authorizes ECCP to begin/renew the services as described after receiving the full payment from the client for the associated services.
Signature: _________________________________ Client Name: Company Name: Date: ________________________________
Martial G. Beck ECCP Vice President & General Manager
ECCP.COM Website Banner Ad Space Location Guide
To avail of the ad spaces you may accomplish the attached advertising contract. For inquiries please contact Ms. Linsey Yang at (02) 8451324: 7596680; (63917) 708 5136, or email We hope you’ll find ECCP’s Print and Online Media Publications an exciting means to advertise in and we look forward to seeing your ad in our magazine, directory and website pages!
Warm Regards, Linsey Yang Marketing Officer - Publications