PAGASA (LIGHT OF HOPE) Countless lives were reportedly lost in the aftermath of Super Typhoon Yolanda. Damaged properties now run into billions and vital infrastructures were destroyed, denying people of food and other basic services like light and water. The Department of Energy said it would take two months to fully restore power in Tacloban City, which is the area hardest hit by Typhoon Yolanda. Around 90 percent of power poles are down and washed away. The European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines and the Philippine Solar Power Alliance are collaborating with Habitat for Humanity and the Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Phils., Inc. to share solar technology and provide lighting to the barangays (communities) in the Visayas region. Under the program “Providing Assistance and Grants through Alternative Solutions and Action” or PAGASA, the partnership aims to implement a lighting initiative where solar lanterns and solar home system will be deployed and installed in the affected barangays of Cebu, Aklan, and Leyte. Solar Power Systems will harness the power of the sun to provide immediate lighting to the affected barangays currently living in darkness. This program seeks to accelerate recovery and help normalize the situation in these barangays in an effort to rebuild people’s lives. Lighting helps people recover faster and a solar LED lantern solution offers immediate relief. They are affordable, able to provide energy, and are reliable and sturdy enough for daily use under harsh conditions. More importantly, providing effective lighting solutions to the typhoon victims will accelerate relief operations and alleviate the sufferings of people amidst devastation. It gives hope in rebuilding their lives as lighting creates a sense of normalcy and order. You may adopt a village in Cebu, Antique, or in Leyte/Samar. Sponsor the installation of a solar home system in the communitydesignated area, or distribute 25 solar lanterns for use by a village.
PACKAGE A: Barangay/School/Clinic (Total Value: Php 63,000) • One Solar Home System (Value: Php 25,000) - Specifications: 60watt panel, 12AH, with controller, 2 LED lights, and electrical accessories that can power 3CFL Lights, 1 TV Set, 1 Computer, and 1 Fan • 25 Lanterns (Value: Php 38,000) - Specifications: Each Lantern has 8pcs LED lights, maintenance free battery, monocrystalline solar cells PACKAGE B: Community (Total Value: Php 38,000) • 25 portable Lanterns (Value: Php 38,000) - Specifications: Each Lantern has 8pcs LED lights, maintenance free battery, monocrystalline solar cells
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For any inquiries, please contact Grace Lumyeb at (02) 845-1324 or via email
MARTIAL BECK, Vice President and General Manager
PREMIUM MEMBERS The Voice of the European B usiness Communit y
Once accomplished, please return to ECCP by fax (02) 759-6690 or email to Yes, we would like to support the PAGASA project by availing of the below package:
PACKAGE A: Barangay/School/Clinic Total Value: Php 63,000 Package Quantity: ________
PACKAGE B: COMMUNITY Total Value: Php 38,000 Package Quantity: ________
Date: _________________
Company represented: __________________________________________________________________ Designation:
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Signature Over Printed Name
*ECCP will be issuing the invoice upon receipt of the signed Pledge of Support.
PREMIUM MEMBERS The Voice of the European B usiness Communit y