ECCP Print & Online | Advertising Package Contract CAMPAIGN DETAILS Title of Campaign*: __________________________________________________________________________________ Ref. Code**: ____________________ Beginning Date of Campaign***: ______________________ Default Website Address****: _______________________________________________________ Please check one (1) Promo Package and indicate any Extra items below that you want to avail:
Business Review Magazine
Business Review Magazine
Six (6) Full Page Advertisement for Six (6) Consecutive Issues [ VALUE: PhP 73,775 Non-members / PhP 67,068 Members ]
Three (3) Full Page Advertisement for Three (3) Consecutive Issues [ VALUE: PhP 38,937 Non-Members / PhP 35,397 Members ]
FREE Six (6) Issues of the Magazine with 2 copies per issue + shipping to a covered address in the Philippines. If shipping address is not covered, add the amount in the space provided.
FREE Three (3) Issues of the Magazine with 2 copies per issue + shipping to a covered address in the Philippines. If shipping address is not covered, add the amount in the space provided.
ECCP.COM Website
ECCP.COM Website
Twelve (12) Months Button 1 or Button 2 Banner Ad Image placement with Link to Promotional Write-up Posting [ VALUE: PhP 30,500 Non-members / PhP 27,450 Members ]
Six (6) Months Button 1 or Button 2 Banner Ad Image with Link to Promotional Write-up Posting [ VALUE: PhP 18,500 Non-members / PhP 16,650 Members ]
FREE Twelve (12) Months 2000-character Promotional Write-up Posting + Main Image with One-time Blasting as Status Post in ECCP Facebook Fan Page. For Extra Images to include in the Writeup, add the following amount: 1 Image + PhP 500, 2 Images + PhP 850, or 3 Images + PhP 1,000
FREE Six (6) Months 2000-character Promotional Write-up Posting + Main Image with One-time Blasting as Status in ECCP Facebook Fan Page. For Extra Images to include in the Write-up, add the following amount: 1 Image + PhP 500, 2 Images + PhP 850, or 3 Images + PhP 1,000
Total: LEGEND: * = Info to uniquely identify your ad campaign. This will also be the Title of your Advertorial, Promotional Write-up, and if applicable, will also appear on Web Banner Ad Image hovers. ** = Code for contract reference. Format is MMDDYYYY-XX where XX is count of contract for that day. *** = Client’s proposed date when the first ad in the campaign should become available. Actual availability date of ads in ECCP Publications shall be the closest possible date as determined by ECCP. The End Date of the campaign will also refer to this: After any adjustment has been made, add One (1) year if One Year Package Promo was availed otherwise add Six (6) months if Half Year Package Promo. **** = This is the default redirected Website URL when a Web Banner Ad Image is clicked if no Promotional Write-up was received by ECCP.
Grand Total (All rates indicated herein are still VAT Exclusive. Applicable 12% VAT will be added for selected items in the invoice. For ECCP Members & Subsidiaries, special lower rates apply to selected items. Feel free to include any note & special instructions in the space provided.)
ECCP Member
ECCP Non-Member
ECCP Subsidiary
GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS GENERAL: ECCP shall follow the ad order specifications of the Advertiser solely on the basis of this written, signed, and dated contract. Any modifications will require a submission of the contract, properly dated and signed by the advertiser. Reservation of ad space is on a first come, first served basis. MATERIALS: The advertiser shall submit the corresponding ad materials in soft copy in the correct format and specifications to ECCP on or before the indicated deadline in the Materials Checklist (Page 2) for a particular Print Publication issue. For Online Publications, ad materials in soft copy can be submitted anytime but please allow at least one (1) week before it can be posted in the ECCP website. As guide, please follow the schedule of submission in the Materials Checklist (Page 2). For non-logo images to be used for PRINT, TIF or JPG format is required with at least 300 dpi while logos must be in PNG or AI vector format (Colored ads should be accompanied with the color proofs). For ONLINE images, these must be in GIF or JPG with a file size of 50 KB or less and at least 72 dpi. The correct width and height size of the images must comply with the matching selected Ad type as indicated in the Materials Checklist (Page 2). Write-up articles must be submitted as text with the correct count of supported words or characters in DOC, PDF, or TXT file formats. In the event that incomplete ad materials are received by ECCP on or after the specified deadline, or cancellation was made by the advertiser, a previous advertisement or a house charity ad will be used instead for which the advertiser will still be liable for payment. AVAILABILITY: The positioning or placement of advertisements (or the randomization of display of the banner ads in the ECCP Website) is in the discretion of ECCP, except when a premium is paid for a specified position. Special arrangement must made (and noted in the contract) when availing of premium positioning as availability must be checked first. CHANGES: A new material to replace a previous ad is accepted only once per available subscribed issue of a Print Publication. For Online Publications, aside from the initial ads submitted for posting, there are a total of Five (5) allowed ad replacements for the One Year Package Promo and a total of Two (2) allowed ad replacements for the Half Year Package Promo. For the deadline of submission of the replacement ad material, please refer to the MATERIALS section. DISCLAIMER: ECCP will not be responsible for color variations for Online Ads; and if the advertiser did not provide acceptable proofs for Print Publications. It is understood that minor variations to image ads may occur when compensating to achieve best results. ECCP reserves the right to reject any advertisement submitted for any publication(s). In the ECCP.COM Promotional Write-up posting, any redirecting link to external websites that was found to contain malicious content and/or code can be removed by ECCP without any warning to the Client. ECCP reserves the right to destroy any advertising material that has been in its possession for more than one (1) month. PAYMENTS: Payments received by ECCP are nonrefundable. Cheque payments should be crossed & made payable to EUROPEAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE PHILIPPINES (ECCP). The advertiser shall be billed for any pre-press service should it request ECCP to provide so (This special request will be noted in the contract and issued a separate invoice). Ad placement charge is payable immediately upon receipt of the invoice, or the latest, one (1) week in advance before the advertiser’s specified Beginning Date of Campaign. Full payment is required before ECCP can confirm the order of the advertiser and place the ad in the appropriate publication(s). Rates are subject to change without prior notice. DISCOUNTS: ECCP Members and its Subsidiaries can avail of a 10% discount on the indicated rates only when it is requested by the Advertiser before the submission of this signed Contract. By default, discount does not apply to ex-deal arrangements.
CONFORME: Client’s signature indicates the complete understanding and agreement of the client to the content of this document & authorizes ECCP to begin the services as described after receiving the full payment from the client for the associated services.
Client Signature: ___________________________________ Client Name: _____________________________________________
Martial G. Beck
Company: ____________________________________________________ Signature Date: _______________________________ Office Phone #:_____________________________ Address:
ECCP Vice President & General Manager
DOST Banilad S&T Complex, Gov. M. Cuenco Ave. Banilad, 6000, Cebu City, Philippines Telephone: (+6332) 253.3387, 253.3389 Fax: (+6332) 412.1194 E-mail:
EUROPEAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE PHILIPPINES (ECCP) 19th Floor, Philippine AXA Life Centre, Sen. Gil Puyat Ave. cor. Tindalo Street, Makati City, Metro Manila, 1200, Philippines Tel: (+632) 845.1324, 759.6680 Fax: (+632) 845.1395, 759.6690 E-mail:
Page 1 of 2 2/F, DCCCII Bldg. J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada Davao City, Davao del Sur, 8000, Philippines Tel: (+6382) 271.0635 Fax: (+6382) 226.4433, 221.4148 E-mail:
Version Update: 05/09/2014
ECCP Print & Online | Advertising Package Contract MATERIALS CHECKLIST Ref. Code**: _______________
Package Availed:
One Year /
Half Year
ECCP Sales Personnel Contact: ___________________________________
Client Contact Person: ___________________________________________________________________ Position: ____________________________________ Phone Number(s): _____________________________ FAX Number(s): ____________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________
Full Page Ad for Six (6) Consecutive Issues
Ad Image: TIF or JPG format w/ min. of 300 dpi & measurement of 8.5 width x Submission Deadline 11 height in inches Logo Vector Image: PNG or AI (To be filled-up by ECCP & format followed by Client)
Button Banner Ad Placement for Twelve (12) Months
Ads Count
Schedule of Appearance
Promotional Write-up Posting for Twelve (12) Months
(To be filled-up by Client & followed by Banner Image: GIF or JPG format Document: DOC, PDF, or TXT format with max. of 2000 characters ECCP. Pls. submit w/ min. of 72 dpi, file size of Main Image: GIF or JPG w/ min. of 72 dpi, file size of 50 KB or less, materials at least a 50KB or less, and measurement and measurement of 450 width x 450 height in pixels Extra Images: week before of 120 width x 90 height in pixels GIF or JPG format with maximum of 450 width x 550 height in pixels. indicated date.)
Banner Image
Main Image
Extra Images
Allowed ad changes / replacements:
Ad Image
Ad Image
Banner Image
Main Image
Extra Images
Ad Image
Banner Image
Main Image
Extra Images
Ad Image
Banner Image
Main Image
Extra Images
Ad Image
Banner Image
Main Image
Extra Images
Ad Image
Banner Image
Main Image
Extra Images
Free Six (6) Magazine Issues with 2 copies each
Please ship to the following address:
Place here any special considerations like if you want to use the same Ad for several issues, instructions for any Extra images availed, etc.
REMARKS Place here any special considerations like if you want to use the same Ad for several issues etc.
Full Page Ad for Three (3) Consecutive Issues
Ad Image: TIF or JPG format w/ min. of 300 dpi & measurement of 8.5 width x Submission Deadline 11 height in inches Logo Vector Image: PNG or AI (To be filled-up by ECCP & format followed by Client)
Button Banner Ad Placement for Six (6) Months Ads Count
Schedule of Appearance
Promotional Write-up Posting for Six (6) Months
Banner Image: GIF or JPG format Document: DOC, PDF, or TXT format with max. of 2000 characters w/ min. of 72 dpi, file size of Main Image: GIF or JPG w/ min. of 72 dpi, file size of 50 KB or less, 50KB or less, and measurement and measurement of 450 width x 450 height in pixels Extra Images: of 120 width x 90 height in pixels GIF or JPG format with maximum of 450 width x 550 height in pixels
Banner Image
Main Image
(To be filled-up by Client & followed by ECCP. Pls. submit materials at least a week before indicated date.)
Extra Images
Allowed ad changes / replacements:
Ad Image
Ad Image
Banner Image
Main Image
Extra Images
Ad Image
Banner Image
Main Image
Extra Images
Free Three (3) Magazine Issues with 2 copies each
REMARKS Place here any special considerations like if you want to use the same Ad for several issues, instructions for any Extra images availed, etc.
Please ship to the following address:
REMARKS Place here any special considerations like if you want to use the same Ad for several issues etc.
I have clearly understood the instructions for submission of Ad Materials and will comply to the schedule and rules as indicated in this document.
I will be the main contact person to assist the Client on their requirements concerning their advertisements in the corresponding ECCP publications.
______________________________________________ Client’s Signature over Printed Name
______________________________________________ ECCP Sales Personnel Signature over Printed Name
For general inquiries and concerns, please e-mail
DOST Banilad S&T Complex, Gov. M. Cuenco Ave. Banilad, 6000, Cebu City, Philippines Telephone: (+6332) 253.3387, 253.3389 Fax: (+6332) 412.1194 E-mail:
EUROPEAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE PHILIPPINES (ECCP) 19th Floor, Philippine AXA Life Centre, Sen. Gil Puyat Ave. cor. Tindalo Street, Makati City, Metro Manila, 1200, Philippines Tel: (+632) 845.1324, 759.6680 Fax: (+632) 845.1395, 759.6690 E-mail:
Page 2 of 2 2/F, DCCCII Bldg. J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada Davao City, Davao del Sur, 8000, Philippines Tel: (+6382) 271.0635 Fax: (+6382) 226.4433, 221.4148 E-mail:
Version Update: 05/09/2014