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COLYMPICS 2012 GUIDELINES & MECHANICS The 4th Call Center Olympics or Colympics will open on April 14, 2012, 1PM at the Meralco Fitness Center, Meralco Compound, Ortigas Avenue, Pasig City. It is composed of 13 sports: Men’s Basketball, Men and Women’s Volleyball, Badminton Doubles – Men, Women and Mixed, Mixed Bowling, Airsoft, Table Tennis Mixed Doubles, 9 Ball Billiards – Men and Women, Darts and 3 Kilometer and 5 Kilometer Fun Run. The sports games are going to be held every Saturdays and Sundays at Meralco Fitness Center Ortigas (other venues which will be announced later on) and will culminate on July 29, 2012. A Cheerleading Competition shall also be held on this date. General guidelines and requirements for participation: General guidelines: a. Each participating Call Center/BPO company can only field one team per sport except for Bowling, Badminton, Table Tennis, Billiards and Airsoft where a company can field multiple teams. b. If the Call Center/BPO Company has several sites then the Call Center/BPO Company can opt to enter also their other sites. For example, Call Center/BPO Company One can enter Call Center/BPO Company One Ortigas, Call Center/BPO Company One Makati and Call Center/BPO Company One Cubao thus Call Center/BPO Company One will have 3 participating groups for the Colympics. c. All participants/players should be non-professional athletes. Professional athlete refers to a person that is engaged in contract on any kind of sports team or who professionally charge a talent fee for playing. Past players of UAAP, NCAA and other collegiate varsity teams can therefore participate in the Colympics as long as they are legitimate employees of the Call Center/BPO and has passed the tenure rule of the Colympics. d. Coaches can be non employee of the call center/BPO. e. All participants should be currently employed at the participating Call Center/BPO Company for at least two months. Counting would start from March 16, 2012, the last day of submission of papers, documents and fees of the Colympics. f. Each sports team should have the following maximum players: Men’s Basketball – maximum of 20 Men’s Volleyball – maximum of 20 Women’s Volleyball – maximum of 20 Badminton Men Doubles – maximum of 6 Badminton Women Doubles – maximum of 6 Badminton Mixed Doubles – maximum of 6 (3 men and 3 women)

Table Tennis Mixed Doubles – maximum of 6 (3 men and 3 women) 9 Ball Billiards Men – maximum of 6 9 Ball Billiards Women – maximum of 6 Bowling – maximum of 8 (mix players) Airsoft – maximum of 6 g. The grand champion of the Colympics shall be the Call Center/BPO Company that garnered the most number of points. Point system is as follows: Champion: 3 points 1st Place: 2 points 2nd Place: 1 point h. A company must join 3 or more sports to be eligible for Grand Champion title. For example, even if a company has won Champion, 1st Place, 2nd Place in Bowling garnering 6 points they can’t still win the Grand Championship Title if they just joined that sport. i. The Cheerdance Competition is included in the computation of wins for the grand championship of the Colympics. j. Requirements should be submitted on or before the 16th of March, 2012, 6PM to Popcorn Events Production’s Rizal office or you may contact us at 02 986 7724 and at 0927 340 9023 or email us at popcorneventsproduction@gmail.com so we may pick them up at your office. Requirements include: 1. Completed Registration Forms 2. Copy of Company ID/employee contract/employment certification from HR of the participants/players 3. Fully paid registration fees (attached is the table of fees). Please make check payable to Popcorn Events Production. (Please note that Popcorn Events is NON-VAT.) k. A 5% discount shall be given to companies who fully register on or before December 21, 2012. l. No verbal confirmation shall be honored. Registration will be acknowledged if the company has given already the registrations forms with their corresponding attachments plus their payment. Companies who will confirm first will have the opportunity to play on the Opening Day thus maximizing exposure for the company since media partners will be present to cover the event. m. A sport must have a minimum of 4 participating companies for it to push thru in the Colympics. n. A briefing/meeting regarding the rules and regulations per sport shall be conducted March 2012. Time and venue will be announced after March 16, 2012.

Rules and criteria for judging in the Cheerdance Competition Basic Rules: 1. One official team only per participating Call Center/BPO Company. 2. The team must be composed of 15-25 employees of that participating Call Center Company. This will already include the dancers, lifters, flyers, spotters, basses etc. 3. Maximum of 5 spotters/props men in all black garb. 4. Only 2 substitutes are allowed 12 hours before the competition. 5. There can be no interaction between the members of the panel of judges and participants, coaches and spectators. 6. No abusive or profane languages allowed and no inappropriate and disrespectful action. 7. Song mixing, editing and splicing are permitted as long as it will not sacrifice audio quality. Final rendering of audio sampling must not be lower than 41000 KHz. Please submit two (2) CD copies of the music arrangements to be used in the Competition on or before July 1, 2012. Rules on Performance: 1. • •

Routines must have: Company cheer yelled live (absence of this would result to points minus from total score) Dance techniques, variety of formations, synchronization with music and cheers

2. Routine should include jumps/leaps, lifts, gymnastics and pyramids. 3. Maximum of 7 snares and 12 bass drums 4. Routine should be between 4-5 minutes long only. Deductions will be made if the routine fall short of 4 minutes or exceeds 5 minutes. 5. Deductions will also be given if the routine falls outside the set boundaries. Criteria for Judging • • • • •

Choreography (40 pts) Synchronization (30 pts) Audibility (10 pts) Costume (10 pts) Audience Impact (10pts)

All decisions of the judges are final.

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