E D U C AT I O N 2014-2017
Ye d i t e p e U n i v e r s i t y. I s t a n b u l ,Tu r k e y Faculty of Architecture Architecture Department
HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts. H i l d e s h e i m , G e r m a n y. ( E r a s m u s program) Design Faculty Interior Design Department.
E s k i s e h i r Te c h n i c a l U n i v e r s i t y E s k i ş e h i r,Tu r k e y Faculty of Architecture and D e s i g n F a c u l t y. Interior Design Department.
Eurocentres Language School Bournemouth, England.
EXPERIENCE 2017-today
KÖZ T I A rc h i te c t s & E n g i n e e rs Budapest,Hungary Architect
IZ Engineering & Constraction C o m p a n y E s k i ş e h i r, Tu r k e y Interior Designer
Advanced Upper Intermadiate Elementary
Ece Boysal eceboysal@gmail.com
SYNESTHESIA Fine ar ts fa c ul ty a nd conser vatoi re ca mpus Istanbul,TURKEY Fall 2016 Ye di tep e U ni ve rsi ty and the residential area. It also functions as an overpass above the highway. At the west side of the plot, there is a cultural center which contains the opera hall conference center and the cinema in the relationship with the cultural center there are conservatoire buildings on the north side. On the eastern side around the square, there are exhibition areas and fine arts faculties.
Fine arts faculty and conservatoire campus is located in a district called Fikirtepe on the Anatolian side of Istanbul. The district’s population dramatically increased after the 1950s because of the immigration from Anatolian towns and villages. This rapid increase caused irregular urbanization. The campus aims to remedy the deficiency of cultural activities and facilitate some opportunities for the people to get in contact with art.
For uniting Fine arts and conservatoire on a common base I used the concept of ‘’ synesthesia ‘’ in the relationship of auditory sense and sight sense. Synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. At this phase, Emma Mcnally’s artworks which she transcribed the rhythms into the drawing played a role as guiding lines.
The campus is not only serving the students and school staff but also partially open to district community. District dwellers can attend operas, theatre plays, exhibitions, cinemas, workshops and many other events in the cultural center and the other facilities. There are sport centers restaurants and semi-open library are contained within a bridge-like structure which connects the recreation areas on the southeast side of the site
Emma Mcnally Carbon sound field, Used as a grid,uniting fine arts and conservatoire on a common base of auditory sense and sight sense.
The grid lines extracted from Emma Mcnally’s work
Section from the cultural center
BICYCLE CHAIN B icycl e ro a d, p av i l l i on a nd obse r vati on tower Mudurnu,TURKEY Fall 2015 Ye di tep e U ni ve rsi ty
Bicycle chain
The pavilion
Bicycle road,guides bikers through the best possible route for discovering the historic Mudurnu town on the ancient Silk Road.Along the route there are six assisting buildings to improve the tourists’ experience. It was a group project consists of four architecture students.Each of us undertook some functions.My part was to design a pavilion and an observation tower. All the structures on the “chain” are inspired by traditional structural systems.Mudurnu is a town surrounded by pine forests.The same metarial, wood is forming the traditional architecture. The idea was creating the similar texture with forest surrounding the town with the traditional architectural elements.
Serves as a gathering and resting place that users can modify their bikes or restore them and have a couple of drinks and snacks. In Pavillion there are two cacoons refer to Mudurnu’s silk manufacturing past. Cacoons constitute interior spaces in Pavillion.
Observation tower It is a two storey lookout tower takes role as a structural part of the bicycle road.It is right under the byzantine castle ruins.It is also a stop on the road to enjoy the view with various new perspectives from different levels.
Mesh created by traditional architectural elements
Mesh by the pine forests
Mudurnu The settlement of Mudurnu was founded along a deep, narrow valley formed by the Mudurnu (Gallos) River, in a region rich with pine forests and thermal springs.The ancient geographer Strabon informs that the town of Modrene (Mudurnu) was located on the major trade routes of Anatolia.
presents a quiet but striking ensemble of monumental and civic architecture set on a rocky river valley. The ruins of the Byzantine castle can still be seen above the town. The distinct characteristics of traditional Mudurnu houses, similar to other Western Black Sea towns As for prominent monuments, Mosque of Süleyman the Magnificent, Yildirim Beyazit mosque and Mudurnu Yildirim Beyazit Bath. Mudurnu had local products particularly mentioned in written sources are the sought-after mirrors produced in the Mirror-makers Market, the ‘maiden needles’ produced by the needle workshops, the products of the Textile-Silk Factory, and the hand embroideries, ironware, copperware.
The Silk Road, which connected inner Asia with Tabriz in the 13th-14th centuries, continued to Bursa via Erzurum-Sivas, and passing through Mudurnu-Göynük-Taraklı-Geyve, finally reached Istanbul. Mudurnu situated at the junction of the Silk Road and the Crimean Road served as a mid-size trading town in the Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman periods. The historic urban landscape of Mudurnu today
A xo nom etri c draw i ng f rom the pavillion 13
st ru ct u ral stu dy mo ck-up
st ud y m o c k-up 14
TEKIRDAG CITY HALL A pe r m e a bl e pub l i c spa c e Te ki rda g ,T U RKEY Ye dite pe U ni ve sity
S pring 2016
Tekirdağ is situated on the northern coast of the Sea of Marmara in Turkey, 135 kilometers west of Istanbul. Tekidağ city hall is situated in a central part of the city on a plot between the Marmara sea and a residential area. Partially permeable structure and horizontally spread units maintain the physical and visual relationship between the park beside the sea and the residential area in the other side of the plot. Between the halls and exhibition areas, a public space is created like a little square which enables outdoor events and gatherings. The building comprises administration offices, exhibition areas, conference, concert, wedding halls, and public areas.
The buildings canopy’s permeable form as building itself provides semi-open terraces, circulation areas, and interior gardens for both employees and the visitors. Semi-open spaces create a rather better climate for long, hot and humid summers also wet and cool winters of Tekirdağ’s borderline Mediterranean/humid subtropical climate.
Tekirdağ coasts rocky texture also shaped the city hall’s permiable form. Through specific scaled textures,I extracted a pattern which gives me solid and void relationships and interpreted them to the units of the building.
DIAGONAL HOUSING A col l e c t i ve h o u si ng proj e c t Ye di te p e U ni ve rsi ty
Ista nbul,TURKEY
The housing project is in a district in the suburbs of Istanbul called Maltepe. Maltepe shows Mediterranean climate effects. Summers are dry and hot, winters are cold and rainy.
S pring 2015
possible. In order to reach this goal buildings grid lines are rotated 42 degrees from the position which is perpendicular to the coastline. Besides the residences, there are Shopping malls, sports center, restaurants, and cafes. Residence blocks are designed as clusters for maintaining social control, neighbors relationship and for creating relatively more private outdoor areas for the dwellers in clusters. In each cluster, there is one block which consists of rotated units. This dynamic move breaks the monotonous view in the clusters. Compare to linear blocks rotated units also create an opportunity for having light and air from the sides as well.
The population grew rapidly from the ‘70s onwards when, following the building of the Bosphorus Bridge, it became possible to commute from here to the city. The population is currently 497.000 people. Maltepe was in the past also famous for its coastline and it does command an excellent view of the Princes’ Islands. In this project one of the primary design element is to let the sea effects in the site and create a view possibility for as many flats
Rotated units create an oppurtunity to let the light and air in from more surfaces
Rotated units break monotony in clusters.
HYPERLOOP YAC De se r t C a m pus C om peti ti on Nevada Desert , A MERICA 2020
Hyperloop is a system with low airpressure through which a pod may travel substantually free of air resistance or friction. The Hyperloop could potentially convey people or objects at airline or hypersonic speeds while being energy efficient compared with existing high speed rail systems Hyperloop desert campus expresses this laviation.
Building ’s units are spreaded in a relation around a big cover and it is creating an semi-open area for extreme hot days and dramatically dropping tempturature of the desert. HARVESTING WATER FROM DRY AIR The system is inspired by current water harvesting researches and developed technologies such as ;water harvesting cube. Each cubic component of the roof is adevice relies on a porous metal-organic framework (MOF). The operation of the device relies on ambient sunlight and no electricity. The system has MOF crystals embedded in the copper sheet sandwiched between the solar absorber and a condenser.The MOF “captures water from the atmosphere at ambient conditions by using low-grade heat from natural sunlight
The first settlement o Because it is so deep,
T h e O u te r S p a c e co m p et i t i o n wa s s e e k i n g p ro p o s a l s t h at e nv i s i o n s p a c e ex p l o rat i o n i n t h e n e a r f u t u re ( 1 0 0 - 2 0 0 ye a rs ) we sta r te d o ff f ro m i nte r p l a n eta r y t ra ve l a n d t h e p o s s i b i l i t y o f l i v i n g o n a n o t h e r p l a n et . T h e f i rst p o s s i b l e s ett l e m e nt s h o u l d h ave b e e n i n M a rs , b u t p r i o r to t h i s , i t wa s n e c e s s a r y to p ro v i d e c e r ta i n fa c to rs n e c e s s a r y fo r t h e s u r v i va l o f t h e h u m a n ra c e o n t h e p l a n et M a rs , s u c h a s , t h e h e at i n g o f t h e p l a n et , t h e d i ff u s i o n o f CO 2 i nto t h e at m o s p h e re , t h a n ks to t h e p h o to sy nt h et i c p l a nt s c u l t i vate d , ox yge n a n d ozo n e ga s e s b e ga n to c re a te s o m e co n d i t i o n s t h at m ay b e n e c e s s a r y fo r h u m a n s . I n t h e p ro c e s s , p e o p l e w i l l l i ve i n a re a s w h e re t h ey ca n co n t i n u e t h e i r l i ve s i n ve r y d i ffe re nt co n d i t i o n s t h a n l i fe o n Ea r t h , m o st l y i s o l ate d f ro m ex te r n a l p re s s u re a n d fa c to rs . O u r re co m m e n d at i o n sta r t s f ro m a t rave l ve h i c l e t h at ca n p ro v i d e p e o p l e w i t h a n e nv i ro n m e nt c l o s e to n at u ra l w i t h t h e a r t i f i c i a l g rav i t y, t h at m ay b e re q u i re d fo r ye a rs o f t ra ve l a n d s o m e p o s s i b l e i s o l a te d syste m s i n Va l l e s M a r i n e r i s , t h e l a rge st va l l ey o f M a rs , b efo re t h e p e r fe c t at m o s p h e r i c co n d i t i o n s we re re a c h e d .
Artificial gravity spacecraft necessary for years of traveling - section
Artificial gravity space craft’s interior, closer view.Settlements along the sidewalls of the spacecraft.
After the photosynthetic plans planted there is still need for  underground living and isolated places.
on Mars would be on Valles Marineris. ,It is a protected place from deep space radiation.