Image Consulting – A budding career option BY SREENY VALLABH
As human beings we all have certain percep-
become a necessity, much like food,
tions about everything. With perceptions come
shelter and clothing. Image consulting and
mental images; and the images perceived are
Management has become a budding career
everlasting. It is a known fact that there are im-
option and a much sought after profession as
ages associated with all our thoughts. For e.g.
the consultants help one build what is known
the very thought about a student, a professional,
as the lasting effect.
an army officer, an artist, a celebrity, a house wife or our very own common man has a cer-
Image consulting – an Insight
tain image associated with the idea. These im-
Image consulting is the process of educating
ages build up because of one’s psychological,
and guiding the clients in such a way that
physical, mental and artistic characteristics.
they are able to project utmost confidence and competence and form an authentic and attractive appearance in social, personal as well as professional life. Image consultancy mentors and coaches people by applying the science and technique of Image management and help them to lead a very successful and happier life.
Like the images associated with different personalities and professions: every individual would like to project an image of himself upon everyone which he/she believes should be a lasting one. Therein we have Image consulting and Image Management. Of late people have started recognizing that building a lasting image
Image consulting is very much similar to inte-
communication is visual and thus the image
rior designing. Just like interior designing in-
that one projects has a strong influence on peo-
volves the correct mix of masonry, plumbing,
ple’s perception. Even though one may be very
carpentry, fashion designing, paintings and
conscious about his image, there are certain
furnishing according to one’s budget, image
things which one is completely unaware of -
consulting also involves the correct mix of
like the right image for the occasion, the de-
grooming, etiquette, soft skills development,
sired influence on the target people etc. This is
body language, beauty, styling and weight
where Image Management comes into picture.
management according to the clients personal
Image Management is a constant process
style and goal.
which goes on continuously and controls the
Image consultants learn about the complete
impact of one’s appearance on others for the
details of the client’s desired image and work
achievement of one’s goal. This involves the
upon accentuating his strengths and minimiz-
complete art and science of grooming, eti-
ing his weaknesses. The consultants then use
quettes, clothing and communication. Differ-
the Image Management framework with ele-
ent people need different images and thus need
ments like the correct clothing, styling, com-
a personalized style of their own which high-
munication, body language and etiquette to get
lights their capabilities and
the exact image, unique to the client’s require-
completely removing their weaknesses, by
making the best use of every resource avail-
strengths while
able. Image Management – The Base The Need With the growing demand in market for various professions, it has become a need of sorts to project the right image always. Professions like corporate, lawyers, doctors, socialites and other professionals need to project utmost confidence in their decisions and their decision making abilities in order to attain their desired A famous adage goes like “The first impres-
objective. The right image gets great success
sion is the last impression”. It’s been rightly
during the hiring of professionals and one can
followed too; it takes hardly 3 seconds for
negotiate for their desired package too. Thus
people to form an opinion about a stranger.
the right image leads to satisfaction and happi-
Also it’s proven that a major portion of the
ness among individuals and among society.
Thus people put in efforts to have the right im-
The profession is best suited for women espe-
cially the ones who would want work but due
Benefits of Image Consulting
to family commitments are unable to perform in their duties since this kind of work can work
The main benefit of this industry is that it is in
from home. Women also have a greater advan-
the growing phase and is growing at a very
tage in being sensitive enough to quickly per-
fast pace so there is a high probability of fi-
ceive what sort of image would suit a particu-
nancial and professional gains. Also with the
lar client.
Indian market going global and considering
The best thing about this profession is that it
the heavy competition that exists, there is a
brings in a lot of respect in the society, as
growing need to project the right image. On
mentoring and coaching others to make their
the personal front too, one is able to apply his
life better brings in a lot of social respect and
creative abilities, gain knowledge and enhance
admiration from others.
his skills. Also one can realize his vision through the success of others and get to see his or her efforts pay up quickly.
How can one be an Image consultant? There is Image Consultants’ Society International, which has the potential of becoming the most sought after organization. This industry anticipates high growth in the Indian and the Middle Eastern markets. The ICSI has four levels. The path to Image consulting may take at least 8 years as there are various phases of certification like the Basic level, the Associate Level, the Senior Level and finally the Master Image consultant. With each level comes credibility, income and promotions. It is well worth our time.
The art of writing And entrepreneurship BY REETODITEE MAZUMDAR
Internally, we continue to observe, comment and judge, to extract amusement from a situation or to ponder over the peculiarities. There is no dearth of thoughts and where there is no dearth of thoughts, why then should there be a dearth of expression? When one considers the craft that is writing, a lot of associations spring up – grammar, style, content, publishing and so on. But rarely do we hear about entrepreneurship. What could be so entrepreneurial about writing? Yet, when one walks into a book shop, The art of writing is perhaps a science or just a
and sees the shelves lined with works of clas-
plain gift of being able to turn out a phrase just
sic and contemporary authors lining the
so. The opinion on the streets – it is not for
shelves, is it not a form of entrepreneurship?
everybody. And perhaps, there may be a few
Let us see the similarities:
in a hundred who absolutely cannot express themselves using the written word. For the
Raison D’être: The reason why most small
vast majority however, it is simply a matter of
businesses begin is because people wish for
trying. Picking up a pen and setting it to paper
more independence. They do not want to
is perhaps an easier task than giving a speech
work for others; they want to work for them-
or cooking a dish. That is because the essential
selves. They wish to taste autonomy. Well,
ingredient behind writing is words. Words
that is exactly what writing is all about. One
which we use daily, in one and sometimes in
does it for oneself, and a successful writing
two languages, to express our thoughts. And
career does lead to independence. An extreme
thoughts abound in plenty within our minds.
case would be J.K. Rowling but we have
We all have what is called, the internal mono-
many moderately successful writers in the
logue, the ‘monkey chatter’ within our heads.
Indian context as well.
author, to warm up to an author’s writing styles or a columnist’s opinions and then to become a loyal reader. Patience: Due to financial reasons, an entrepreneur may have to work a day job just to finance his dreams and so does a writer. Writing is not a financially rewarding career Risk and Reward: There is risk in starting a venture but there is that feeling of excitement and also the pride of ownership. It is not so different for writing either. One derives a comparable amount of pleasure from seeing his or her name in the newspaper, whether it is for making the bestseller list, or for starting an innovative venture.
initially and most writers have had to stay in their day jobs until they gained a wider audience. A good example would be the bloggers of today. They write content and while they do have courses or mentoring services to sell, initially a lot of their income comes from advertisements and banners on their blogs linked to the number of page views. The number of page views is related to read-
Rejection: Like an entrepreneur who visits numerous banks, and venture capitalists before getting
entrepreneur also faces multiple rejections from editors and publishers before he or she gets a coveted publishing contract. Time Factor: It takes any entrepreneur some amount of time to get the business off the ground and flying high. Perhaps, they have a product and it is selling but not at a very good rate. It takes time for the word-of-mouth to happen, for people to become aware of the fact that they need the product in their lives, and for them to adopt the product and then become loyal users. In the world of writing, we have the exact same thing. The initial book or column may be mostly ignored or hardly sell any copies. It takes time for people to be aware of the
ership and there are some writers on the internet who have left their day jobs because it is no longer necessary, since their content alone generates sufficient revenue. An example would be Scott.H.Young who is one of the famous pro-bloggers.
Competition: If there is one business, there is
It is difficult enough for a large section of
sure to be another replica somewhere directly or
people to express themselves on paper, and
indirectly competing for the same customer
then expose themselves to the world’s criti-
base or share of wallet. For a writer, this is even
truer. For example, if we take the popular ‘vampire’ genre alone, there are already twentyfive books released in 2012, listed out on Good reads, all vying for the same set of readers. Competition should not deter an entrepreneur and neither should it deter a writer. As in every sphere of life, rarely do we find a path that no one has walked on before. It is due to factors like innovative presentation, or a new way of looking at or expressing the same old idea that differentiates those who succeed from those who do not.
However, most people would never even set a pen to paper for fear of consequences and limits which are present, mostly in their imagination. As Bruce Lee once said in a different context, putting limits on oneself in any area expands to other areas of a person’s life. His advice: to not put any limits on oneself. Every person who is afraid of writing should heed his words. And for those who did dare to start, but keep facing obstacles, he has these words:
Lastly, once the initial hunger fades, and the obstacles are still looming in the horizon, would an entrepreneur give up? Should a writer stop writing?
“The three keys to success are persistence, persistence, and persistence.”
self-belief, self-reliance, relentless hard work, dedication and patience are some of the many ingredients required. Though it is quite challenging, entrepreneurship is gaining increased importance these days because it brings us rewards through financial gains and much required job satisfaction. However all said and done, the question which keeps coming up time and again is that whether education is really necessary to be a When it comes to making a successful career,
successful entrepreneur and if not, what does
there are countless ways in this world for those
it take to turn an ordinary bird into a golden
who strive for it. Nowadays, to be well known
goose? I was puzzled as to whether going
and successful, you need to have a competitive
through this rigorous MBA course and then
edge over others. When we proceed along this
going for entrepreneurship is the right thing
line of thought - how to make it big - the first
to do.
thought that comes to mind was the choice of
Times have changed and so has the definition
career path. Everyone wants to become a mil-
of an entrepreneur. Unlike the entrepreneurs
lionaire but what is the best way? You guessed
of the past, today’s entrepreneur has to be
it. It is by becoming an Entrepreneur. As we
smarter and has to be a multi-tasking person.
are all aware, it is not easy to become an entre-
He is also responsible for increasing the prof-
preneur. The ultimate mantra for success is in
itability of his venture and for hiring the best
the mind of every aspiring entrepreneur.
human resources available. Today, the idea is
While achieving your dream seems like a cake
not to scale the heights but also to manage
walk, once you are out in the real world, it has
your success and aim for steady growth. With
its own share of hardships. However, an eager-
so many additional responsibilities for an en-
ness to excel, the guts to take initiatives,
trepreneur, it has become vital for him to
know the basics and the tricks of his business
to develop and operate power projects. Anil
and also an in-depth knowledge of the field of
Ambani is so successful today not only be-
the business in which he is trying to get into.
cause of his education but because of his zeal to succeed.
He also needs to have basic knowledge of finance, marketing and corporate law. He or she should know how to negotiate contracts, manage employees and sell to customers. He or she needs to be an excellent negotiator, an effective manager and a convincing salesman. When we think of role models who have exhibited these qualities, the first person we could think of was Anil Dhirubhai Ambani.
Education just acted as a stepping stone to suc-
Born in 4 June, 1959, he is the chairman of
cess. Another pair worth mentioning is Sachin
Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group and
Bansal and Binny Bansal who are the founders
has made his mark as one of the richest indi-
of Flipkart, the online megastore. Both of them
viduals in the world. He holds a Bachelor of
are the Alumni of Indian Institute of Technol-
Science degree from the University of Bombay
ogy, Delhi. They had a vision to cater to the
and an MBA degree from The Wharton School
needs of the customers who had little time to
at the University of Pennsylvania. He had been
spare on shopping. They had little knowledge
conferred the United States-India Business
about marketing, but they had the technical
Council leadership award for “Global Vision”
know-how behind creating such a customer-
in 2007 and his present net worth is $7.8 bil-
friendly online market. This worked in their
lion. One of the most successful arms of Reli-
favour, and today it is one of the largest earn-
ance Group is Reliance Power. It is established
ing websites. Flipkart had annual revenue of 500 crores for the Financial Year 2011-12. In a country like India, where we are brought up to measure success through personal gains, professional abilities and wealth accumulation, there are some who are taking the road less travelled. They are rewriting what success truly means. One such person is Ashish Bhat, an IIT Bomaby Graduate. His company ‘Idea Forge’ invented an unmanned surveillance called, Netra, India’s eye in the sky, which is
He is the co-founder and chairman of Apple Inc. Jobs dropped out of college after six months of enrollment and then spent his next 18 months learning calligraphy. A quote by Steve Jobs from Wikipedia goes like this: “If I had never dropped in on that single calligraphy course in college, the MAC would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionhelping to strengthen India’s defense systems.
ally spaced fonts.” What we find common in
It is mainly used by India’s military and armed
all of them is that they are unaffected by the
forces in anti-terrorist operations. He would
fact that they were college dropouts. They
not have been able to do so unless he had the
were all open to new thoughts and innovative
prior technical knowledge required in this
styles of thinking. They kept in mind one im-
field. To be fair, we should look at the other
portant fact: that every successful entrepre-
side of the coin. History has proved time and
neur should have an awareness of the needs
again that getting degrees is not the criteria to
and wants of the consumers and acting ac-
become successful. There are many entrepre-
neurs for whom going to college held little ap-
Education is a life-long process. Education is
peal. Out of the top billionaires of the world,
not just about attaining graduate and post-
the first person that comes to mind is Bill
graduate degrees, but it is also about keeping
Gates, who is the former CEO and current
ourselves updated. Entrepreneurship is all
chairman of Microsoft, the software company
about finding and developing a unique idea
he founded along with Paul Allen. He was
that can be sold in the market. Finally, it is
ranked as the wealthiest person from 1995-
upto an individual to decide how best to com-
2009, excluding 2008, when he was ranked 3rd.
bine his ideas with education and through
Another notable personality, Mark Zucker-
which path he wants to reach his goal.
berg, is another “Harvard Dropout”. He is best known for creating the social networking site, Facebook. He has an estimated net worth of $4 billion. He is also believed to be the wealthiest person, below 25, in USA. The third person worth mentioning is Steve Jobs. He gave us a combination of music, internet and mobile phone, all in a single device.
I TOO HAD A DREAM : DR. VARGHESE KURIEN BY SUJITHA In the year 1946, during an interview with a young man who had applied for a Government of India fellowship for a Masters in Engineering abroad, the interviewer asked, “What do you know about pasteurization?” Uncertain, the young man replied, “Something to do with milk?” Interestingly, the youngster was selected by the government committee to do Masters in Diary Engineering, despite his pleas to be allowed to specialize in metallurgy instead. Little
However, believing that metallurgical and
did the young man know that this sudden twist
nuclear engineering to be far more beneficial
of fate was the stepping stone to building a
for him as well as his country, he chose it as
revolution so powerful that it’d earn not only
his discipline instead of dairy engineering.
him but also the country an international repute.
Later, however, he did train in dairy engi-
That young man was Dr. Verghese Kurien.
neering, on a government sponsorship to New
Dr. Kurien was born on November 26, 1921 in
Zealand which was a bastion of cooperative
Kozhikode, Kerala into a Syrian Christian Com-
dairy back then. On 13 May, 1949, Dr. Ku-
munity but later he turned into an atheist. He
rien arrived back and was quickly deputed at
graduated in Physics
Anand in Gujarat’s Kheda district. He went
lege, Madras in 1940 and then obtained his
there half-heartedly with the only intention of
Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from
serving out his bond period against the schol-
the University of Madras.
arship provided by the government. However,
After completing his degree, he joined the Tata
Tribhuvandas Patel’s (who had brought to-
Steel Technical Institute, Jamshedpur from
gether Kheda's farmers as a cooperative un-
where he graduated in 1946. He was sent to the
ion to process and sell their milk, a pioneer-
United States of America to study dairy engi-
ing concept at the time) persuasion and his
neering on government scholarship.
sincere and earnest efforts inspired Dr.
from Loyola
Kurien to dedicate himself to the challenging
Today GCMMF sells Amul products not only
task ahead of him.
in India but also overseas. He quit the post of
Dr. H.M. Dalaya, who was a dairy expert and a
GCMMF Chairman in 2006 following dis-
good friend of Dr. Kurien, invented a process of
agreement with the GCMMF management.
making skim milk powder and condensed milk
When the National Dairy Development
from buffalo milk. This development was in-
Board expanded the scope of Operation
strumental in Amul’s success story and became
Flood to cover the entire country in its Phase
the core reason for Amul competing well and
successfully against Nestle, which only used
the Institute of Rural Management An-
cow milk. In India, buffalo milk is the main
and (IRMA).
raw material unlike Europe where cow milk is abundant. The Amul pattern of cooperatives became so successful, that in 1965 Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, created the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) to replicate the
‘extraordinary and dynamic leadership’ upon naming him chairman. As the 'Amul dairy experiment' was replicated in Gujarat's districts in the neighbourhood of Anand , Kurien set all of them up under GCMMF in 1973 to sell the combined produce of the dairies under a single Amul brand.
As a person, Kurien was fiery, blunt and controversial. Multinationals faced the brunt of his fire, and ire, over the decades. In 1956, he stormed out of a Nestle board meeting in Switzerland when the dairy multinational was reluctant to "let natives handle a sensitive commodity like milk". In 2008, two years after he resigned as GCMMF chairman in the wake of increasing dissent against him from board members, he thundered (in a chat with ET): "When we started, there were Cadbury, Horlicks, Nestle, Polson ahead of us. Where are they now?" And two years ago, he was exhorting the country's milk producers to unite against MNC ‘opportunists’. Dr. Kurien has received top local and international honours. In 1963, Dr. Kurien received the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership. The Government of India awarded him with the Padma Shri in 1965, the Padma Bhushan in1966 and the Padma Vibhushan in 1999. Besides these, Dr. Kurien won the Krishi Ratna Award in 1986, the World Food Prize in 1989 besides many other
awards. Many believe he deserved a Bharat
The last rites were performed by his grand-
Ratna and perhaps even a Nobel Peace Prize.
son, respecting his last wish to be cre-
The man who gave up plenty of things in life -
mated. Dr. Kurien’s soul rests in peace but
from God to his hometown Kozhikode in Ker-
the story of the man who never drank milk
ala - could not let go of what he cherished the
and yet revolutionized its production through
most: Amul, the brand he built with unswerving
his passion for Amul and dream for his coun-
dedication and focus over almost six decades.
try, is a saga that will now and forever be
"If Amul has become a successful brand, it is
told. In the words of Scottish playwright poet
because we have honoured our contract with
Sir Walter Scott, “Death, is not the last sleep,
consumers for close to 50 years. If we had
but the ‘last and final awakening’”.
failed to do so, Amul would have been consigned to the dustbin of history, along with thousands of other brands," said Kurien at a marketing seminar over a decade ago. Dr. Kurien, the ‘Father of White Revolution’ and the founder of Amul, passed away on September 9, 2012 following a brief illness. His body was kept in the Sardar Hall of Amul dairy in Anand, Gujarat where people paid their last respects.
firms. Now there is one form of competitive intelligence gathering that is both legal and ethical: the activity of systematically gathering, analyzing and managing information on competitors. These include examining newspaper articles, corporate publications, websites, patent fillings, specialized databases, informaCorporate Espionage is described as illegally
tion at trade shows and the like to determine
taking information by various ways, either by
genuine and usable information. The compila-
stealing of information or taking information
tion of these elements is termed as CIS
by bribing somebody in organization. Before
(Competitive Intelligence System) or CRS
understanding corporate espionage we should
(Competitive Response System) .
understand the importance of information in
When organizations fail to gather information
today’s world. Information in today’s competi-
from these sources, they deploy different
tive world is a big thing. It is a crucial determi-
methods that are illegal for gathering of infor-
nant of the success or failure of the organiza-
mation. What kind of information is needed by
the competitors that would help them get
Corporate espionage basically happens be-
ahead of competition?
tween organizations that are in the same mar-
that related to industrial manufacturing sys-
ket competing with each other for greater mar-
tems, ideas, techniques and processes, recipes
ket share. For the management, information is
and formulas are certainly vital. It could also
very important and they can go to any extent
include gathering of proprietary or operational
for that. Now one of the most important ques-
information such as customer data, pricing,
tions is: how do these firms gather informa-
sales, marketing research and development,
tion? Or the better way to frame this question
policies, prospective bids, planning or market-
is: how do these firms gather crucial informa-
ing strategies.
tion about the competitors illegally? Even one
Now we will talk of some illegal ways by
piece of information can turn the tables for the
which companies gather information such as
Information such as
theft of information, bribery and technical sur-
a heavy penalty of USD 10 million. The other
veillance. Information is the backbone of any
case is between Procter and Gamble and
organization’s success or failure, and if com-
Unilever. P&G admitted that it was involved
petitors gather information it could result in po-
in the spying of information of a leading hair-
tential losses for the organization. If we view
cut project. The settlement involved a huge
the laws against espionage there are very few
sum and later the two organizations reached a
such laws in India. If trade secrets are stolen,
mutual decision wherein P&G agreed not to
the competitive edge is leveled or it could tilt
use any information gathered from Unilever.
in favor of the competitor. Although a lot of
Now this is a very interesting case in which
information can be gathered by competitive in-
Opel and Volkswagen are both embroiled.
telligence, many companies still resort to illegal
Opel criticized Volkswagen for bribing Opel
methods. This may result in the decline of or-
executives who shifted from Opel and joined
ganizations whose only way of survival is infor-
Volkswagen. Later Volkswagen was dragged
mation. In the later part of this article we will
to court and was penalized by court to the
take some real examples of corporate espionage
tune of USD 100 million. Some other famous
and we will see how it has affected the overall
examples that come to mind are those be-
structure of the organizations. In India, we see
tween Starwood and Hilton, Apple and Sam-
that there are very few laws pertaining to corpo-
sung and also IBM and Microsoft.
rate espionage and most of the cases go unre-
In conclusion, we can say that the companies
ported. The government should take some im-
should not use these illegal practices to
portant steps against corporate espionage prac-
achieve their goals. Instead they should use
tices to deter organizations from resorting to
competitive intelligence structure where pos-
these methods. Let us see some practical exam-
sible. No organization can survive without
ples of corporate espionage.
proper ethics and values in this competitive
The employees of LG Electronics have been
world. And besides, the cost of getting caught
accused of spying information from Samsung.
is not limited to just fines; it also tarnishes the
This was a very serious case in which Samsung
image of the organization in the minds of
even filled a case against LG for spying. In the
those who are most important – the consum-
case that they filed, Samsung alleged that be-
cause of LG’s tactics, Samsung faced a huge loss loss and the market share of the organization was affected as well. This was a high profile case which was in news for a long time. Samsung subsequently asked for an apology from LG and asked the city court to impose
Alumni speak : the entrepreneurial spirit in me BY MEENAKSHI AGARWAL
The first time I stepped into the British Council
myself in the world. Not working for some-
Library to conduct a research on Charles Dick-
one else, but for myself. Create something
ens, a question popped up in my mind. Not
big, something from scratch. Something
about Charles Dickens or Hard Times (one of
close to my heart, something I put all my
Charles Dickens’ novels). Not about the books
effort and brain into.
in the library or the handsome hunk standing
When I was in my second year of gradua-
next to me. The question was about the library,
tion, I realized that the feeling I always had
the owner of the library, the revenue generated,
was known as entrepreneurship. I always
how is it generated, where does it go, the owner
knew the word entrepreneurship but since
must be a very busy man, managing such a big
then it has been a spirit, a feeling for me. A
place, so many people, he would not be report-
spirit which keeps me going. A spirit be-
ing to anyone. Then, I felt something. A feeling
cause of which I went to IBS, a spirit which
of doing something of one’s own, a feeling of
made me join Macon. It has been more than
employing so many people and providing a
a year I have been working. It has been a
livelihood to them, a feeling of providing some-
pleasant journey with all its ups and downs.
thing of value to the customer or society.
But that feeling or determination of doing something of my own is there.
Since that day, English language or literature (I
A year back, one of my batch mates and
am an English literature graduate) was being
close friend, Arpan Aggarwal, told me about
replaced by something else in my mind. I
his idea of starting a venture and asked me
started getting into the technical aspects of each
for my opinion about it. I was so happy to
and every business. I was thinking beyond lan-
listen to it and help him set it up from
guages, books, literature, research, academics.
scratch. Today his venture is more than 4
The dream of being a journalist was fading
months old and the name educationon-
away. The corporate world was taking posses- (EoC) always leave me with a
sion of me. I wanted to be a part of the corpo-
smile. It was an amazing experience dis-
rate world. I wanted to create a place for
cussing strategies over coffee, calling up
each other in the middle of the night and sug-
But the personal satisfaction, the sense of
gest a name for the venture, conducting inter-
achievement and the future returns are beyond
views with a staff of just two people, meeting
people and finalizing deals over pastas and
EoC is an important milestone in my life. Apart
pizzas and drinking like pigs when finally,
from this, I am working with A.T. Kearney as a
EoC was launched.
Research Analyst and am a PDP trainer with
EoC is an education portal providing all edu-
Career Launcher. I am also working on a ven-
cation related information at a click. It was
ture, which I plan to start 3-4 months down the
launched on May 22, 2012 with a vision to
line. What has always kept me going and on the
provide information that can lead us towards
toes has been the spirit of entrepreneurship and
building a better future for our nation. The site
the never say die attitude. And I know I will be
is updated on day to day basis and has a team
a successful entrepreneur soon.
of seven people working on it.
That's it for now. I will be happy to hear from
It was a pleasure to work on something which is a friends’ dream and the satisfaction I see on his face is priceless. But entrepreneurship is not a bed of roses. It brings along a lot of worries and responsibilities. And the opportunity cost is quite high.
Editor’s Note : Meenakshi Aggarwal was the Editor of L’Entrepreneur during 2009-2011
all the readers and be of any kind of help. I am also thankful to Reeto, the current editor of L’Entrepreneur (Maconza for me), for being in constant touch with me and happy to reach the readers of Maconza once again, not as the editor but a writer. See you again with my new venture
The editorial team of L’Entrepreneur : Swapnil Tewari ,Sujitha Reetoditee Mazumdar Dhruti Badami Kartik Seth, Neha Agarwal Sreeny Vallabh, Srishti Gupta
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Cover designed by Reetoditee Mazumdar