Learn Chinese—Most popular Chinese nursery rhymes (volume i)

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1. 小燕子(Xiǎo yànzi) The Little Swallow

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小燕子(Xiǎo yànzi) The Little Swallow Xiǎo yànzi, chuān huāyī, 小

燕子, 穿


The little swallow, brightly dressed,

Niánnian chūntiān lái zhèlǐ. 年年


来 这里。

Comes every spring to visit us.

Wǒ wèn yànzi nǐ wèishá lái? 我 问

燕子 你 为啥 来?

I ask the swallow: "Why do you come here?"

Yànzi shuō: "Zhèlǐ de chūntiān zuì měilì!" 燕子 说:“这里 的


最 美丽!”

She replies: "Spring is the most beautiful here!"

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小燕子(Xiǎo yànzi) The Little Swallow Xiǎo yànzi, gàosu nǐ, 小 燕子,告诉 你, Little swallow, let me tell you,

Jīnnián zhèlǐ gèng měilì, 今年



This year things here are prettier still,

Wǒmen gài qǐ le dà gōngchǎng, 我们

盖 起 了


We’ve built large factories,

Zhuāng shàng le xīn 装


了 新 机器。

With new machines.

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小燕子(Xiǎo yànzi) The Little Swallow

Huānyíng nǐ, 欢迎



Chángqī zhù zài zhèlǐ. 长期

住 在 这里。

And please stay for a long time.

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小燕子(Xiǎo yànzi) The Little Swallow


1. 燕子 (yànzi): n.


Yànzi de wěiba xiàng jiǎndāo. 燕子 的



The swallow’s tail is like a pair of scissors.

2. 衣 (yī): n.


We always put 服 (fu) or 裳 (shang) directly after 衣(yī); but the meaning remains the same. Tā de

yīfu hěn hǎokàn.

她 的 衣服 很


Her clothes are beautiful.

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小燕子(Xiǎo yànzi) The Little Swallow

3. 美丽 (měilì): adj.


Tā yǒu yìshuāng měilì de dà yǎnjing. 她 有


美丽 的 大 眼睛。

She has big, beautiful eyes.

4. 你 (nǐ): pron.


Nǐ shì wǒ de péngyou. 你 是 我 的


You are my friend.

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2. 数鸭子(Shǔ yāzi) Counting Ducks

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数鸭子(Shǔ yāzi) Counting Ducks Mén qián dàqiáo xià, 门



Under the bridge and in front of the gate,

Yóu guò yìqún yā. 游

过 一群 鸭。

A team of ducks are swimming by.

Kuài lái kuài lái shǔyishǔ, 快 来

快 来


Hurry, hurry, come count,


sì liù

二 四

qī bā.

六 七


Two, four, six, seven, eight.

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数鸭子(Shǔ yāzi) Counting Ducks

Gāga gāga, 嘎嘎 嘎嘎, Quack quack,

Zhēn ya zhēn duō ya. 真

多 呀。

So many ducks.

Shǔ bù qīng dàodǐ duōshao yā, 数 不




We can't count them all,

Shǔ bù qīng dàodǐ duōshao yā. 数 不




We can’t tell how many ducks there are.

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数鸭子(Shǔ yāzi) Counting Ducks

Gǎn yā lǎoyéye, 赶 鸭 老爷爷, Grandpa overtakes the ducks,

Húzi báihuāhuā, 胡子 白花花, Beard shining white,

Chàng ya chàngzhe jiāxiāngxì, 唱



Singing a local song,

Hái huì shuō xiàohua, 还 会


And he jokes,

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数鸭子(Shǔ yāzi) Counting Ducks

Xiǎoháir, xiǎoháir, 小孩儿,小孩儿, Little ones, little ones,

Kuàikuai shàng xuéxiào, 快快


Go to school, quick,

Bié kǎo ge yādàn bào huí jiā, 别 考 个 鸭蛋

回 家,

And don’t bring home a duck egg,

Bié kǎo ge yādàn bào huí jiā. 别 考 个 鸭蛋

回 家。

And don’t bring home a duck egg.

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数鸭子(Shǔ yāzi) Counting Ducks


1. 鸭 (yā): n.


Xiǎo yāzi hěn kě’ài. 小 鸭子 很 可爱。 The ducklings are cute.

Yāzi huì yóuyǒng. 鸭子 会


The duck can swim.

2. 八 (bā): num.


Zhèr yǒu bāge júzi. 这儿 有 八个 桔子。 There are eight oranges here.

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数鸭子(Shǔ yāzi) Counting Ducks

Xiànzài shì bā diǎn zhōng. 现在

是 八


It is eight o’clock.

3. 花 (huā): n.


Zhè duǒ huā hěn piàoliang. 这


The flower is very beautiful.

4. 家 (jiā): n.


Wǒ jiā yǒu sān kǒu rén. 我 家

有 三

口 人。

There are three people in my family.

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3. 五指歌(Wǔ zhǐ gē) The Five Fingers Song

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五指歌(Wǔ zhǐ gē) The Five Fingers Song

Yī èr


一 二

sì wǔ, 四


One, two, three, four, five,

Shàngshān dǎ lǎohǔ. 上山

打 老虎。

Hunt for a tiger alive.

Lǎohǔ méi dǎ dào, 老虎 没

打 到,

We didn't find a tiger,

Dǎ dào xiǎo sōngshǔ. 打 到


But we got little squirrels.

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五指歌(Wǔ zhǐ gē) The Five Fingers Song Sōngshǔ yǒu jǐ gè? 松鼠

有 几个?

How many squirrels?

Ràng wǒ shǔyishǔ. 让


Let's count.

Shǔ lái yòu shǔ qù, 数 来 又

数 去,

Count again and again,

Yī èr


一 二

sì wǔ. 四


One, two, three, four, five.

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五指歌(Wǔ zhǐ gē) The Five Fingers Song


1. 五 (wǔ): num.


Wǒ yǒu wǔ ge píngguǒ. 我 有

五 个


I have five apples.

Zhèr yǒu wǔ zhī māo. 这儿 有

五 只 猫。

There are five cats here.

2. 老虎 (lǎohǔ): n.


Lǎohǔ shì rénlèi de péngyou. 老虎 是 人类 的


Tigers are friends of humans.

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五指歌(Wǔ zhǐ gē) The Five Fingers Song Xiǎo lǎohǔ zài wánshuǎ. 小

老虎 在


The little tiger is playing.

3. 松鼠 (sōngshǔ): n.


Wǒ xǐhuan sōngshǔ. 我



I like squirrels.

Shùshang yǒu yì zhī sōngshǔ. 树上

有 一 只 松鼠。

There is a squirrel in the tree.

4. 数 (shǔ): v.

to count

Wǒ zài shǔ shānyáng. 我 在 数


I’m counting goats.

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4. 两只小象 (Liǎngzhī xiǎoxiàng) Two Little Elephants

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两只小象(Liǎngzhī xiǎoxiàng) Two Little Elephants

Liǎng zhī xiǎoxiàng hébiān zǒu, 两




Two little elephants walk along the river.

Jiànmiàn yáng qǐ bízi gōu yì gōu, 见面

扬 起

鼻子 勾 一 勾,

They raise their trunks and hook them together when they meet.

Jiù xiàng liǎnggè hǎo péngyou. 就



They are like two good friends,

Jiànmiàn wò wò shǒu. 见面

握 握


Shaking their hands when they meet each other.

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两只小象(Liǎngzhī xiǎoxiàng) Two Little Elephants


1. 象 (xiàng): n.


Dònɡwùyuán lǐ yǒu sān tóu dàxiàng. 动物园

里 有 三 头


There are three elephants in the zoo.

2. 鼻子 (bízi): n.


Dàxiàng de bízi hěn cháng. 大象



The elephants’ trunks are very long.

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两只小象(Liǎngzhī xiǎoxiàng) Two Little Elephants

3. 朋友 (péngyou): n.


Lucy shì wǒde hǎo pénɡyou. Lucy 是 我的 好


Lucy is my friend.

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5. 小鱼游游游 (Xiǎoyú yóu yóu yóu) The Little Fish Swims

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小鱼游游游(Xiǎoyú yóu yóu yóu) The Little Fish Swims

Hé lǐ xiǎoyú yóu yóu yóu, 河 里 小鱼

游 游 游,

The little fish swims in the river,

Yáo yáo wěiba diǎn diǎn tóu, 摇

尾巴 点 点 头,

It shakes its tail and nods its head,

Yíhuìr shàng yíhuìr xià, 一会儿 上 一会儿 下, Up and down,

Hǎoxiàng kuàilè de xiǎo péngyou. 好像

快乐 的 小


Like a happy child.

Want to listen to the rhyme? Click http://www.echineselearning.com/blog/chinese-nursery-rhymexiaoyu-you-you-you-the-little-fish-swims

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小鱼游游游(Xiǎoyú yóu yóu yóu) The Little Fish Swims


1. 小鱼 (xiǎoyú): n. little fish Yéye yǎng le liǎng tiáo xiǎoyú. 爷爷 养 了


My grandfather has two little fish.

2. 尾巴 (wěiba): n.


Wǒ jiā de xiǎogǒu xǐhuan yáo wěiba. 我 家 的


喜欢 摇 尾巴。

My family’s little dog likes to wag its tail.

3. 头 (tó u): n.


Bàba de tóu hěn dà, wǒ de tóu hěn xiǎo. 爸爸 的 头 很 大,我 的 头

很 小。

Dad’s head is big. My head is small.

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小鱼游游游(Xiǎoyú yóu yóu yóu) The Little Fish Swims

4. 小朋友 (xiǎo péngyou): n.


Qīn’ài de xiǎo péngyou men, dàjiā zǎoshàng hǎo! 亲爱

的 小


们, 大家



Good morning, dear children.

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6. 两只小蜜蜂 (Liǎngzhī xiǎo mìfēng) Two Little Bees

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两只小蜜蜂(Liǎngzhī xiǎo mìfēng) Two Little Bees

Liǎng zhī xiǎo mìfēng, fēi zài huācóng zhōng. 两

蜜蜂, 飞 在



Two little bees fly among the flowers.

Zuǒ fēi fēi yòu fēi fēi. 左 飞 飞 右 飞 飞。 They fly to the left, then fly to the right.

Fēi ya,

fēi ya,

fēi ya,

fēi ya,

fēi ya,

fēi ya.

飞 呀,飞 呀,飞 呀,飞 呀,飞 呀,飞 呀。 Fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly.

Fēi ya,

fēi ya.

飞 呀,飞 呀。 Fly, fly.

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两只小蜜蜂(Liǎngzhī xiǎo mìfēng) Two Little Bees Liǎng zhī xiǎo húdié, fēi zài shānlín zhōng. 两

蝴蝶,飞 在



Two little butterflies fly in the forest.

Zuǒ fēi fēi yòu fēi fēi. 左 飞 飞

右 飞 飞。

They fly to the left, then fly to the right.

Fēi ya,

fēi ya,

fēi ya,

fēi ya,

fēi ya,

fēi ya.

飞 呀,飞 呀,飞 呀,飞 呀,飞 呀,飞 呀。 Fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly.

Fēi ya,

fēi ya.

飞 呀,飞 呀。 Fly, fly.

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两只小蜜蜂(Liǎngzhī xiǎo mìfēng) Two Little Bees Liǎng zhī xiǎo qīngtíng, fēi zài huāyǔ zhōng. 两

蜻 蜓,飞 在



Two little dragonflies fly in the rain.

Zuǒ fēi fēi yòu fēi fēi. 左 飞 飞

右 飞 飞。

They fly to the left, then fly to the right.

Fēi ya,

fēi ya,

fēi ya,

fēi ya,

fēi ya,

fēi ya.

飞 呀,飞 呀,飞 呀,飞 呀,飞 呀,飞 呀。 Fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly.

Fēi ya,

fēi ya.

飞 呀,飞 呀。 Fly, fly.

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两只小蜜蜂(Liǎngzhī xiǎo mìfēng) Two Little Bees


Vocabulary 1. 飞 (fēi): v.

to fly

Shù shàng de xiǎoniǎo fēi zǒu le. 树


飞 走 了。

The bird on the tree flew away.

2. 左 (zuǒ): n.


"左 (zuǒ)" is the Chinese word for "left," while "右 (yòu)" is the Chinese word for "right." Mèimei huì yòng zuǒshǒu xiězì. 妹妹



My little sister can write with her left hand.

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7. 小老鼠上灯台 (Xiǎo lǎoshǔ shàng dēngtái) A Little Mouse Climbing Up a Lamp

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小老鼠上灯台(Xiǎo lǎoshǔ shàng dēngtái) A Little Mouse Climbing Up a Lamp Xiǎo lǎoshǔ, 小


There was a little mouse.

Shàng dēngtái. 上


Going up on a lamp stand.

Tōu chī yóu, 偷 吃 油, He stole and ate some oil,

Xià bù lái, 下 不 来。 He wasn't able to get down.

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小老鼠上灯台(Xiǎo lǎoshǔ shàng dēngtái) A Little Mouse Climbing Up a Lamp Miāo miāo miāo, 喵


"Meow, meow, meow,"

Māo lái lā, 猫 来 啦, A cat came,

Jī li gū lū 叽哩咕噜

gǔn xiàlái. 滚 下来。

*Rumble* the mouse fell off the lamp.

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小老鼠上灯台(Xiǎo lǎoshǔ shàng dēngtái) A Little Mouse Climbing Up a Lamp


1. 老鼠 (lǎoshǔ): n.

a mouse

Wǒ tǎoyàn lǎoshǔ. 我 讨厌


I hate mice.

2. 台灯 (táidēng): n.

a lamp stand

Wǒ yǒu yì zhǎn piàoliɑnɡ de táidēng. 我 有

一 盏



I have a beautiful desk lamp.

3. 油 (yó u): n.


Zhège bēizi lǐ zhuāngmǎn le yóu. 这个 杯子 里


了 油。

This cup is full of oil.

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8. 身体部位歌 (Shēntǐ bùwèi gē) Body Song

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身体部位歌(Shēntǐ bùwèi gē) Body Song Yìzhī yāzi yì zhāng zuǐ. 一 只 鸭子

一 张


One duck, one mouth.

Liǎng zhī huāgǒu liǎng zhāng liǎn. 两



Two spotted dogs, two faces.

Sān zhī māomī liù zhī yǎn. 三 只


六 只 眼。

Three kitties, six eyes.

Sì zhī háma bā tiáo tuǐ. 四 只 蛤蟆 八 条 腿。 Four frogs, eight legs.

Zuǐ, liǎn, yǎn, tuǐ, Yīngyǔ zěnme shuō? 嘴、脸、眼、腿, 英语



Mouth, face, eye, leg, how do you say these words in English?

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身体部位歌(Shēntǐ bùwèi gē) Body Song Tóu head, head tóu. 头 head,head 头。

Shǒu hand, hand shǒu. 手 hand,hand 手。

Liǎn face, face liǎn. 脸 face,face 脸。

Tuǐ leg, leg tuǐ. 腿 leg,leg 腿。

Gēbo arm, arm gēbo. 胳臂 arm,arm 胳臂。

Ěrduo ear, ear ěrduo. 耳朵 ear,ear 耳朵。

Yǎnjing eye, eye yǎnjing. 眼睛 eye,eye 眼睛。

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身体部位歌(Shēntǐ bùwèi gē) Body Song Bózi neck, neck bózi. 脖子 neck,neck 脖子。

Bízi nose, nose bízi. 鼻子 nose,nose 鼻子。

Yáchǐ tooth, tooth yáchǐ. 牙齿 tooth,tooth 牙齿。

Zuǐba mouth, mouth zuǐba. 嘴巴 mouth,mouth 嘴巴。

Tóufa hair, hair tóufa. 头发 hair,hair 头发。

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身体部位歌(Shēntǐ bùwèi gē) Body Song


1. 鸭子 (yāzi): n.


Yìzhī yāzi niǔdònɡ zhe shēnzi zài lùshɑnɡ zǒu. 一 只 鸭子 扭动




A duck swayed it’s body in the street.

2. 花狗 (huāgǒu): n.

spotted dog

Yìzhī hè bái liǎng sè de huāgǒu zài nǐ jiā ménkǒu. 一 只 褐 白

两 色 的


在 你 家 门口。

A brown and white dog is at your doorstep.

3. 猫咪 (māomī): n.


Nǐ xǐhuan xiǎo māomī ma? 你 喜欢

猫咪 吗?

Do you like kittens?

4. 蛤蟆 (háma): n.

frog (another common saying)

Rúguǒ nǐ shì chítáng lǐ de xiǎoyú, nà wǒ jiùshì háma, tiāntiān péi nǐ chànggē. 如果 你 是 池塘

里 的 小鱼,那 我 就是 蛤蟆,天天

陪 你


If you are a little fish in the pond, then I am a frog, singing with you every day. eChineseLearning.com All Rights Reserved. 40

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9. 小白兔(Xiǎo báitù ) Little White Rabbits

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小白兔(Xiǎo báitù) Little White Rabbits Xiǎo báitù, bái yòu bái, 小 白兔, 白 又 白, Little white rabbits, oh so white,

Liǎng zhī ěrduo shù qĭ lái, 两

只 耳朵

竖 起 来,

Both ears standing upright,

Ài chī luóbo ài chī cài, 爱 吃 萝卜 爱 吃 菜, Love to eat carrots and greens,

Bèng bèng tiào tiào zhēn kěài. 蹦

真 可爱。

Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! They are really cute!

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小白兔(Xiǎo báitù) Little White Rabbits


1. 耳朵 (ěrduo): n. ear Zuǒ ěrduo jìn, yòu ěrduo chū. 左 耳朵

进,右 耳朵


Go in the left ear and come out the right.

2. 萝卜 (luó bo): n.


Māma: Bǎobèi, duō chī diǎn luóbo huì gèng jiā jiànkāng. 妈妈: 宝贝, 多

吃 点



Mom:Baby, eat more carrots, they are good for your health. Érzi:

Hǎo, wǒ kě xǐhuan chī luóbo le.

儿子:好,我 可 喜欢 Son:

吃 萝卜了。

OK, I like carrots very much.

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10. 两只老虎 (Liǎngzhī lǎohǔ) Two Tigers

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两只老虎(Liǎngzhī lǎohǔ) Two Tigers Liǎng zhī lǎohŭ, liǎng zhī lǎohŭ; 两

只 老虎, 两

只 老虎;

Two tigers, two tigers;

Pǎo de kuài, pǎo de kuài; 跑 得



Running fast, running fast;

Yì zhī méiyǒu yǎnjing, yì zhī méiyǒu wěiba; 一 只 没有

眼睛, 一 只 没有


One has no eyes and the other has no tail;

Zhēn qíguài, zhēn qíguài! 真



How strange! How strange!

Liǎng zhī lǎohŭ, liǎng zhī lǎohŭ; 两

只 老虎, 两

只 老虎;

Two tigers, two tigers;

Pǎo de kuài, pǎo de kuài; 跑 得 快, 跑 得 快;

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两只老虎(Liǎngzhī lǎohǔ) Two Tigers Yì zhī méiyǒu yǎnjing, yì zhī méiyǒu wěiba; 一 只


眼睛, 一 只 没有


One has no eyes and the other has no tail.

Zhēn qíguài, zhēn qíguài! 真



How strange! How strange!

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两只老虎(Liǎngzhī lǎohǔ) Two Tigers


1. 老虎 (lǎohŭ): n.


Láohǔ zài yèjiān lièshí. 老虎 在

夜间 猎食。

The tiger hunts in the night.

2. 眼睛 (yǎnjing): n.


Wǒ yǒu zhe hé nǐ yíyàng de yǎnjing. 我 有

着 和 你 一样

的 眼睛。

I have eyes like yours.

3. 尾巴 (wěiba): n.


Zhè zhǐ gǒu yáobǎi zhe tā de wěiba. 这 只 狗


着 它 的 尾巴。

This dog waggles its tail.

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11. 洋娃娃和小熊跳舞 (Yáng wáwa hé xiǎoxióng tiàowǔ) A Doll Dances with a Little Bear

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洋娃娃和小熊跳舞(Yáng wáwa hé xiǎoxióng tiàowǔ) A Doll Dances with a Little Bear Yáng wáwa hé xiǎoxióng tiàowǔ, 洋




A doll dances with a little bear,

Tiào ya tiào ya yī èr yī. 跳 呀 跳 呀 一 二 一。 Dancing and dancing, one-two-one.

Tāmen zài tiào yuánquānwǔ ya, 他们

在 跳



They dance in a circle,

Tiào ya tiào ya yī èr yī. 跳 呀 跳 呀 一 二 一。 Dancing and dancing, one-two-one.

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洋娃娃和小熊跳舞(Yáng wáwa hé xiǎoxióng tiàowǔ) A Doll Dances with a Little Bear Xiǎoxióng xiǎoxióng diǎn diǎn tóu ya, 小熊


点 头 呀,

The little bear nods his head.

Diǎn diǎn tóu ya yī èr yī. 点

头 呀 一 二 一。

Nodding and nodding, one-two-one.

Xiǎo yáng wáwa xiào qǐ lái la, 小


笑 起 来 啦,

The little doll laughs,

Xiào ya xiào ya hā hā hā. 笑 呀 笑 呀 哈 哈 哈。 Laughing and laughing, hahaha.

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洋娃娃和小熊跳舞(Yáng wáwa hé xiǎoxióng tiàowǔ) A Doll Dances with a Little Bear Yáng wáwa hé xiǎoxióng tiàowǔ, 洋




A doll dances with a little bear,

Tiào ya tiào ya yī èr yī. 跳 呀 跳

呀 一 二 一。

Dancing and dancing, one-two-one.

Tāmen tiào de duōme hǎo ya, 他们

得 多么

好 呀,

They dance very well,

Duōme hǎo ya yī èr yī. 多么

好 呀 一 二 一。

Very well indeed, one-two-one.

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洋娃娃和小熊跳舞(Yáng wáwa hé xiǎoxióng tiàowǔ) A Doll Dances with a Little Bear Wǒmen yě lái tiào gè wǔ ya, 我们

也 来 跳 个 舞 呀,

Let us dance as well,

Tiào ya tiào ya yī èr yī. 跳 呀 跳 呀 一 二 一。 Dancing and dancing, one-two-one.

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洋娃娃和小熊跳舞(Yáng wáwa hé xiǎoxióng tiàowǔ) A Doll Dances with a Little Bear


1. 洋娃娃 (yáng wáwa): n.


Māma gěi tā mǎi le yígè yáng wáwa. 妈妈 给 她 买 了 一 个 洋 娃娃。 Mom bought a doll for her.

2. 小熊 (xiǎoxióng): n.

little bear

"小 (xiǎo)" means little, small or young, such as "小狗 (xiǎogǒu) puppy." "熊 (xióng)" means bear. Nà gè xiǎoxióng nàozhōng zhēn kěài! 那 个



真 可爱!

That bear-shaped alarm clock is pretty lovely.

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洋娃娃和小熊跳舞(Yáng wáwa hé xiǎoxióng tiàowǔ) A Doll Dances with a Little Bear 3. 跳舞 (tiàowǔ): v. to dance Zhè shǒu dònggǎn de gēqǔ ràng wǒ xiǎng tiàowǔ. 这


的 歌曲


This dynamic song makes me want to dance.

4. 点头 (diǎntóu): v.

to nod

Tā diǎntóu biǎoshì tóngyì. 她 点头



She gave a nod of assent.

5. 歌曲 (gēqǔ): n.


Zhè shì yìshǒu liúxínɡ ɡēqǔ. 这 是 一首



This is a popular song.

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12. 青蛙之歌 (Qīngwā zhī gē) Frog Song

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青蛙之歌(Qīngwā zhī gē) Frog Song

Yì zhī qīngwā yì zhāng zuǐ, 一 只 青蛙


A frog has one mouth,

Liǎng zhī yǎnjing sì tiáo tuǐ. 两


四 条 腿。

Two eyes and four legs.

Liǎng zhī qīngwā liǎng zhāng zuǐ, 两



Two frogs have two mouths,

Sì zhī yǎnjing bā tiáo tuǐ. 四 只 眼睛

八 条


Four eyes and eight legs.

Pūtōng pūtōng tiào xià shuǐ. 扑通


跳 下


They jump into the water with a splash.

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青蛙之歌(Qīngwā zhī gē) Frog Song


1. 青蛙 (qīngwā) n. frog The character "青 (qīng)" means cyan and "蛙 (wā)" means frog.

Kuài kàn, hé lǐ yǒu hěnduō kēdǒu! A:

看,河 里 有



Look, there is a lot of tadpoles in the river.

Duì! Kēdǒu zhǎngdà jiù biànchéng qīngwā le ne! B:

对! 蝌蚪




了 呢!

Yes! Tadpoles will become frogs when they grow up.

2. 嘴 (zuǐ) n.


"嘴 (zuǐ)" means mouth, but we usually use "嘴 (zuǐ)" combine with some other words, such as "嘴唇 (zuǐchún) lips," "嘴巴 (zuǐba) mouth."

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青蛙之歌(Qīngwā zhī gē) Frog Song

Māma, wǒ hǎo kě. A: 妈妈,我 好 渴。 Mom, I'm thirsty.

Bǎobèi, děng huìr, xiǎoxīn tàng dào zuǐ. B: 宝贝, 等 会儿, 小心

到 嘴。

Honey, wait for a moment. Be careful not to burn your mouth.

3. 腿 (tuǐ) n.


Xiǎomíng de tuǐ bèi xiǎodāo huá pò le, wǒmen dài tā qù yīyuàn. A: 小明

的 腿 被 小刀

破 了,我们 带 他 去


Xiao Ming's leg has been cut open by a knife; let's take him to the hospital.

Hǎode, zǒu! B: 好的, 走! Ok, let's go!

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13. 宝宝要睡觉 (Bǎobao yào shuìjiào) The Baby is Sleeping

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宝宝要睡觉(Bǎobɑo yào shuìjiào) The Baby is Sleeping

Xiǎo huā māo, bú yào chǎo. 小

猫, 不 要 吵。

Little cat, don't be noisy.

Xiǎo huā gǒu, bú yào jiào. 小

狗,不 要 叫。

Little dog, don't bark.

Xiànzài shuí yě bù xǔ nào, 现在

谁 也 不 许 闹,

Now, no one is permitted to make a noise.

Yīnwèi bǎobao yào shuìjiào. 因为



For the baby wants to sleep.

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宝宝要睡觉(Bǎobɑo yào shuìjiào) The Baby is Sleeping


1. 猫 (māo): n.


Kàn, nà zhī xiǎomāo duō kě'ài a! 看,那 只


可爱 啊!

Look, what a lovely little cat.

2. 狗 (gǒu): n.


Shēngrì nàtiān, māma sòng gěi wǒ yì zhī piàoliang de wánjù xiǎogǒu. 生日


给 我 一 只




My mother gave me a cute toy dog on my birthday.

3. 宝宝 (bǎobao): n.


A'yí jiā de xiǎo bǎobao zhèngzài shuìjiào, wǒmen xiǎo shēng diǎnr. 阿姨 家 的 小






We should keep our voices down; aunt's little baby is sleeping.

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14. 小狗,我的好朋友 (Xiǎogǒu, wǒ de hǎo péngyou) Little Dogs, My Good Friends

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小狗,我的好朋友(Xiǎogǒu, wǒ de hǎo péngyou) Little Dogs, My Good Friends Xiǎogǒu xiǎogǒu wǒ de hǎo péngyou, 小狗


我 的 好


Little dogs are my good friends,

Gěi nǐ gěi nǐ yí kuài xiǎo gǔtou, 给 你 给 你 一 块


I’ll give you a piece of bone,

Wāng wāng wāng wāng duì wǒ diǎndiǎn tóu, 汪

对 我



You nod to me with “wang, wang, wang, wang,”

Bào bào bào bào wǒ de hǎo péngyou. 抱

抱 抱

我 的


I hug, hug, hug, my best friend.

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小狗,我的好朋友(Xiǎogǒu, wǒ de hǎo péngyou) Little Dogs, My Good Friends


1. 小狗 (xiǎogǒu) n.

a little dog

Wǒ de xiǎogǒu hěn kě'ài. 我 的



My little dog is very cute.

2. 朋友 (péngyou) n.


Tā shì nǐ de péngyou mɑ? 他 是 你 的 朋友


Is he your friend?

3. 点头 (diǎntóu) v.


Tā xiàng wǒ diǎntóu wènhǎo. 他 向

我 点头


He greeted me with a nod.

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15. 小花猫(Xiǎo huāmāo) The Little Cat

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小花猫(Xiǎo huāmāo) The Little Cat

Xiǎo huāmāo zhēn měilì. 小



The little cat is so pretty.

Yìtiān dào wǎn xiàomīmi. 一 天

到 晚


It smiles all day long.

Xiǎo huāmāo wǒ ài nǐ. 小


我 爱 你。

Little cat, I love you.

Qǐng nǐ tóng wǒ lái yóuxì. 请

你 同

我 来 游戏。

Please come to play games with me.

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小花猫(Xiǎo huāmāo) The Little Cat


1. 小 (xiǎo): adj.

small, little, tiny

Tā de yǎnjīng hěn xiǎo. 他 的 眼睛


His eyes are very small.

Zhè zhī xiǎogǒu hěn kěài. 这 只


很 可爱。

This little dog is really cute.

2. 晚 (wǎn): adj.


Tā shuìjiào hěn wǎn. 他 睡觉


He goes to bed very late.

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小花猫(Xiǎo huāmāo) The Little Cat

Duìbuqǐ, wǒ lái wǎn le. 对不起,我 来 晚 了。 Sorry, I am late.

3. 爱 (ài): adj.


Wǒ ài māma. 我 爱 妈妈。 I love mom.

Wǒ ài yóuyǒng. 我 爱 游泳。 I love swimming.

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16. 画鸭子(Huà yāzi) To Draw a Duck

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画鸭子(Huà yāzi) To Draw a Duck

Jīntiān xīngqīèr. 今天 星期二。 Today is Tuesday.

Nǎinai mǎi le ge dà jīdàn. 奶奶

买 了个 大 鸡蛋。

Grandma bought a big egg.

Tā huā le sānkuàiqián. 她 花 了 三块钱。 She spent three yuan.

Zěnme fūchū ge xiǎo yāzi?! 怎么 孵出

个 小 鸭子?!

But how could it hatch out a duckling?!

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画鸭子(Huà yāzi) To Draw a Duck


1. 星期二 (xīngqīèr): n.


"星 (xīng)" literally means star; "期 (qī)" means time;

"二 (èr)" means two.

Měi zhōu xīngqīèr xiàwǔ wǒmen yòuéryuán dōu yǒu huódòng. 每






Every Tuesday afternoon, we have activities in our kindergarten.

2. 鸡蛋 (jīdàn): n.


"鸡 (jī)" means chicken and "蛋 (dàn)" means egg. Māma zài chāoshì mǎi le hěnduō jīdàn. 妈妈 在


买 了 很多


Mom bought a lot of eggs from the supermarket.

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画鸭子(Huà yāzi) To Draw a Duck

3. 小鸭子 (xiǎo yāzi): n.


"小 (xiǎo)" means small; "鸭 (yā)" means duck; "子 (zǐ)" here, is a suffix. Wǒ yǒu yí gè xiǎo yāzi xíngzhuàng de cúnqiánguàn. 我 有 一 个 小




I have a little duck-shaped piggy bank.

4. 买 (mǎi): v. to buy Wǒ míngtiān qù gěi tā mǎi jǐ jiàn xīn yīfu. 我


去 给 她 买 几 件 新 衣服。

I will buy her some new clothes tomorrow.

5. 大 (dà): adj.


Wǒ chī le yí gè dà píng guǒ. 我 吃了 一 个 大 苹 果。 I ate a big apple.

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17. 三只小熊 (Sānzhī xiǎoxióng) Three Little Bears

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三只小熊(Sānzhī xiǎoxióng) Three Little Bears

Sān zhī xióng zhù zài yìjiā, 三

住 在 一家,

Three little bears live in a house,

Xióng bàba, xióng māma, xiónɡ bǎobèi. 熊




Father bear, mother bear, and baby bear.

Xióng bàba a hěn pàng, 熊

爸爸 啊


Father bear is very fat,

Xióng māma a hěn miáotiao, 熊

妈妈 啊 很


Mother bear is very slender,

Xióng bǎobèi a hěn kě’ài, 熊

宝贝 啊 很 可爱,

Baby bear is very cute.

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三只小熊(Sānzhī xiǎoxióng) Three Little Bears Yìtiān yìtiān zhǎnɡdà zhe. 一天 一天



He grows up day by day.

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三只小熊(Sānzhī xiǎoxióng) Three Little Bears


1. 爸爸 (bàba): n.


Bàba hěn ài wǒ. 爸爸 很 爱 我。 My father loves me very much!

2. 妈妈 (māma): n. mother Wǒ māma shì yīshēng. 我

妈妈 是 医生。

My mother is a doctor.

3. 宝贝 (bǎobèi): n.


Zhè gè xiǎo bǎobèi zhēn kě’ài! 这

个 小


真 可爱!

The little baby is so lovely!

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18. 尾巴谣(Wěiba yáo) Ballad of Tail

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尾巴谣(Wěiba yáo) Ballad of Tail Shénme wěiba cháng? 什么



Who has a long tail?

Shénme wěiba duǎn? 什么



Who has a short tail?

Shénme wěiba xiàng bǎ sǎn? 什么


像 把 伞?

Whose tail looks like an umbrella?

Gǒu de wěiba cháng, 狗

的 尾巴


The dog has a long tail,

Tùzi wěiba duǎn, 兔子 尾巴 短, The rabbit has a short tail,

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尾巴谣(Wěiba yáo) Ballad of Tail

Sōngshǔ de wěiba xiàng bǎ sǎn. 松鼠


把 伞。

And the squirrel’s tail looks like an umbrella.

Shénme wěiba wān? 什么



Who has a curly tail?

Shénme wěiba biǎn? 什么



Who has a flat tail?

Shénme wěiba zuì hǎokàn? 什么

尾巴 最


Whose tail is the most beautiful?

Gōngjī wěiba wān, 公鸡



The rooster has a curly tail,

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尾巴谣(Wěiba yáo) Ballad of Tail

Yāzi wěiba biǎn, 鸭子 尾巴 扁, The duck has a flat tail,

Kǒngquè de wěiba zuì hǎokàn. 孔雀

尾巴 最


And the peacock’s tail is the most beautiful.

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尾巴谣(Wěiba yáo) Ballad of Tail


1. 尾巴 (wěiba): n.


Māma, tùzi yǒu wěiba ma? 妈妈,兔子 有 尾巴 吗? Mom, does the rabbit have a tail?

2. 松鼠 (sōngshǔ): n.


Wǒ xǐhuan xiǎo sōngshǔ! 我

喜欢 小


I like little squirrels!

3. 公鸡 (gōngjī): n.


Nǎinai jiā yǒu yìzhī gōngjī. 奶奶

家 有 一只 公鸡。

There is a rooster in my grandma’s house.

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尾巴谣(Wěiba yáo) Ballad of Tail 4. 孔雀 (kǒngquè): n.


Zhè zhī kǒngquè zhēn piàoliang! 这



This peacock is really beautiful!

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19. 小鸟小鸟 (Xiǎoniǎo xiǎoniǎo) Little Bird

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小鸟小鸟(Xiǎoniǎo xiǎoniǎo) Little Bird Chūntiān lǐ yǒu yángguān, 春天

里 有


There is sunlight in the spring,

Shùlín lǐ yǒu huāxiāng, 树林 里 有


There are fragrant flowers in the forest,

Xiǎoniǎo xiǎoniǎo, 小鸟


Little bird, little bird,

Nǐ zìyóu de fēixiáng. 你 自由 地 飞翔。 You fly freely.

Zài tiányě, 在


In the field,

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小鸟小鸟(Xiǎoniǎo xiǎoniǎo) Little Bird

Zài cǎodì, 在 草地, In the meadow,

Zài húbiān, 在


Along the lake,

Zài shāngāng, 在


On the hillock.

Xiǎoniǎo xiǎoniǎo yíngzhe chūntiān gēchàng. 小鸟





The little bird sings to welcome the spring.



lā ….

啦……啦……啦…… La…la…la…

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小鸟小鸟(Xiǎoniǎo xiǎoniǎo) Little Bird

Ài chūntiān, 爱


Loving the spring,

Ài yángguāng, 爱


Loving the sunlight,

Ài húshuǐ, 爱 湖水, Loving the lake,

Ài huāxiāng. 爱


Loving the fragrant flowers.

Xiǎoniǎo xiǎoniǎo, 小鸟


Little bird, little bird,

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小鸟小鸟(Xiǎoniǎo xiǎoniǎo) Little Bird

Wǒ de hǎo péngyou. 我 的 好


My good friend.

Ràng wǒmen yìqǐ fēixiáng gēchàng. 让

我们 一起 飞翔


Let’s fly and sing together.

Xiǎoniǎo xiǎoniǎo yínɡzhe chūntiān gēchàng. 小鸟





The little bird sings to welcome the spring.



lā ….

啦……啦……啦…… La… la… la…

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小鸟小鸟(Xiǎoniǎo xiǎoniǎo) Little Bird


1. 小鸟 (xiǎoniǎo): n.

little bird

Kàn, shù shàng yǒu yìzhī xiǎoniǎo, 看, 树

上 有



Look, there is a little bird on the tree.

2. 草地 (cǎodì): n. meadow Jim zhènɡzài cǎodì shàng tī zúqiú. Jim



踢 足球。

Jim is playing football in the meadow.

3. 湖 (hú ): n.


Húshuǐ hěn qīng. 湖水

很 清。

The lake water is very clear.

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小鸟小鸟(Xiǎoniǎo xiǎoniǎo) Little Bird

4. 山 (shān): n.


Bàba xǐhuan páshān. 爸爸 喜欢


My father likes to go mountain climbing.

5. 树林 (shù lín): n.


Shùlín lǐ de dàshù zhēn duō a! 树林 里 的 大树

真 多 啊!

There are so many big trees in the forest!

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20. 春天在哪里 (Chūntiān zài nǎlǐ) Where is Spring?

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春天在哪里(Chūntiān zài nǎlǐ) Where is Spring?

Chūntiān zài nǎlǐ yā? 春天

在 哪里 呀?

Where is spring?

Chūntiān zài nǎlǐ? 春 天

在 哪里?

Where is spring?

Chūntiān zài nà qīngcuì de shānlín lǐ. 春 天

在 那 青翠

山林 里。

Spring is in the green of the mountain trees.

Zhèlǐ yǒu hónghuā yā. 这里 有



There are red flowers here.

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春天在哪里(Chūntiān zài nǎlǐ) Where is Spring? Zhèlǐ yǒu lǜcǎo. 这里 有 绿草。 There is green grass.

Hái yǒu nà huì chàng gē de xiǎo huánglí. 还 有 那 会

唱 歌 的


And the singing yellow bird here.

Dī li li dī li dī li li di li li di li li. 嘀哩哩嘀哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩。 Di li li di li di li li di li li di li li.

Dī li li dī li dī li li di li li di li li. 嘀哩哩嘀哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩。 Di li li di li di li li di li li di li li.

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春天在哪里(Chūntiān zài nǎlǐ) Where is Spring?

Chūntiān zài qīngcuì de shānlín lǐ. 春天


的 山林 里。

Spring is in the green of the mountain trees.

Hái yǒu nà huì chànggē de xiǎo huánglí. 还 有 那



And also in the yellow bird that sings.

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春天在哪里(Chūntiān zài nǎlǐ) Where is Spring?


1. 山 (shān): n. mountain Wǒmen bìxū yuèguò nà zuò shān. 我们



那 座 山。

We must go over the mountain.

2. 绿 (lǜ): adj.


Chūntiān de shùyè shì lǜsè de. 春天

的 树叶 是 绿色 的。

The leaves are green in spring.

3. 草 (cǎo): n.


Bú yào zhāi huā, yě bú yào cǎi zài cǎodì shàng. 不 要

摘 花,也 不 要

踩 在 草地


Don’t pick the flowers and don’t step on the grass.

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