Learn Chinese—Most popular chinese tales with animals

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1.乌鸦喝水 (Wūyā hēshuǐ) The Crow Drinks Water


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乌鸦喝水 (Wūyā hēshuǐ) The Crow Drinks Water

Zhè yìnián xiàtiān lǎo yě bú xiàyǔ, 这一年夏天老也不下雨, It didn’t rain in the summer this year, xiǎohé lǐ hé shuǐtáng lǐ de shuǐ dōu bèi shàigān le. 小河里和水塘里的水都被晒干了。 the river and pond are dry. Yìzhī wūyā fēilái fēiqù, kěshì méiyǒu zhǎodào yì dī shuǐ hē. 一只乌鸦飞来飞去,可是没有 找到一滴水喝。 There is a crow flying to and fro to find water, but not even a drop is to be found. Wūyā zhànzài kū shùzhī shàng xiējiǎo, kǒukě de tèbié lìhai. 乌鸦站在枯树枝上歇脚,口渴的特别厉害。 He takes a break on a dead branch, feeling very thirsty. Wūyā xiǎng: "yàoshì zài zhǎo búdào shuǐ hē, wǒ huì kěsǐ de!" 乌鸦想:“要是再找不到水喝,我会渴死的!” The crow thinks he might die if he doesn’t find water! Wūyā bùxiǎng jiù zhèyang kěsǐ, 乌鸦不想就这样渴死, He doesn’t want to die this way,

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乌鸦喝水 (Wūyā hēshuǐ) The Crow Drinks Water tā shǐchū quánshēn de lìqi jìxù xiàngqián fēiqù, qīwàng néng zhǎodào yì diǎnr shuǐ hē. 它使出全身的力气继续向前飞去,期望能找到一点儿水喝。 so he goes on flying in hopes of finding some water.

Wūyā fēiya fēiya, hūrán tā kànjiàn qiánmian yǒu yí ge fāliàng de dōngxi, 乌鸦飞呀飞呀,忽然它看见前面有一个发亮的东西, Suddenly he sees something shining ahead, yuánlái shìyìzhī zhuāngzhe shuǐ de píngzi. 原来是一只装着水的瓶子。 and it’s a bottle of water. Wūyā gāoxìng jí le, tā lìkè fēidào píngzi gēnqián. 乌鸦高兴极了,它立刻飞到瓶子跟前。 The crow is excited, and he quickly flies to the bottle. Zǐxì yí kàn yòu shǎyǎn le, pínglǐ zhǐyǒu bànpíng shuǐ, 仔细一看又傻眼了,瓶里只有半瓶水, He is disappointed after taking a look at the bottle because it’s only half-full, érqiě píng kǒu hěn xiǎo, zuǐ shēn bú jìnqù, gēnběn hē búdào shuǐ. 而且瓶口很小,嘴伸不进去,根本喝不到水。 and the bottle’s neck is too narrow and small for his mouth to reach inside. “Zěnme bàn ne?” Wūyā xiǎng a xiǎng a! “怎么办呢?”乌鸦想啊想啊! "What shall I do?" The crow thinks the problem over and over,

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乌鸦喝水 (Wūyā hēshuǐ) The Crow Drinks Water zhèshí tā kàndào dìshang yǒu xǔduō xiǎo shízi. 这时它看到地上有许多小石子。 and then he sees lots of tiny stones on the ground. Wūyā zhōngyú xiǎngchū le bànfa! 乌鸦终于想出了办法! Finally a good idea comes into his mind! Wūyā bǎ xiǎo shízi yí ge yíge de xié qǐlái diū jìn píngzi lǐ, 乌鸦把小石子一个一个的撷起来丢进瓶子里, He throws those tiny stones into the bottle, píngzi lǐ de xiǎo shízi yuèláiyuèduō, shuǐmiàn mànman shēnggāo. 瓶子里的小石子越来越多,水面慢慢升高。 and the water begins to rise higher and higher. Wūyā zhōngyú hēdào shuǐ le! 乌鸦终于喝到水了! Finally, he is able to drink it with happiness!

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乌鸦喝水 (Wūyā hēshuǐ) The Crow Drinks Water

1. 乌鸦 (wūyā): n. the crow. In Chinese culture crows are usually considered bad luck because of their black feathers. Wūyā hěn hēi. 乌鸦很黑。 The crow is very black. 2. 喝 (hē): v. to drink. Xiàtiān yào duō hēshuǐ. 夏天要多喝水。 We should drink more water in the summer. 3. 晒干 (shàigān): v. to become dry in the sun Chuángdān shàigān le. 床单晒干了。 The bed sheets became dry in the sun.

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乌鸦喝水 (Wūyā hēshuǐ) The Crow Drinks Water 4. 傻眼 (shǎyǎn): adj. to describe being shocked into dullness by something. Xiǎomíng kàndào fēnshù shǎyǎn le. 小明看到分数傻眼了。 Xiaoming was surprised into speechless by his scores.

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2.小猫种鱼 (Xiǎomāo zhòng yú) A Kitten Planted Fish


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小猫种鱼 (Xiǎomāo zhòng yú) A Kitten Planted Fish Yǒu yì zhī cōngmíng de xiǎomāo, zǒngshì xǐhuān pǎoláipǎoqù. 有一只聪明的小猫,总是喜欢跑来跑去。 There once was a clever kitten who liked ambling around. Chūntiān lái le, māma dài tā qù zhòngcài. 春天来了,妈妈带他去种菜。 When spring came, his mother took him to plant vegetables. Yígè xīngqī hòu, xiǎomāo fāxiàn cài fāyá le. 一个星期后,小猫发现菜发芽了。 A week later, the kitten found the vegetable seeds had sprouted. Yúshì tā wèn māma wèishénme zhǒngzi huì fāyá. 于是他问妈妈为什么种子会发芽。 So he asked his mother how the seeds were able to sprout. Māma gàosu tā zhǒngzi xīshōu le nítǔ lǐ de shuǐfèn hé yíngyǎng, 妈妈告诉他种子吸收了泥土里的水分和营养, His mother told him that seeds absorb water and nutrients in the soil, ránhòu jiù huì fāyá, zài zhǎng yèzi, zuìhòu huì jiéchū hěnduō cài. 然后就会发芽,再长叶子,最后会结出很多菜。 then they bud and sprout leaves, and at last they yield many vegetables.

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小猫种鱼 (Xiǎomāo zhòng yú) A Kitten Planted Fish Xiǎomāo xiǎng: rúguǒ wǒ bǎ yú zhòngdào nítǔ lǐ, huìbuhuì zhǎng chū hěnduō yú ne? 小猫想:如果我把鱼种到泥土里,会不会长出很多鱼呢? The kitten thought: “If I plant fish in the soil, will more fish grow? Dìèr tiān, xiǎomāo ná le jǐ tiáo yú, zhòngzài le tǔlǐ. 第二天,小猫拿了几条鱼,种在了土里。 The next day, the kitten took some fish and planted them in the soil. Xiǎomāo měitiān dōu jiāoshuǐ, yí gè xīngqī guòqù le, kěshì yú hái méiyǒu fāyá. 小猫每天都浇水,一个星期过去了,可是鱼还没有发芽。 He watered the fish every day. A week later, the fish still didn't sprout. Xiǎomāo hěn zháojí, wākāi nítǔ yí kàn, 小猫很着急,挖开泥土一看, The kitten was very anxious and dug out the fish to have a look, wa, yú quánbù làn diào le, zhǐ shèngxià le gǔtóu. 哇,鱼全部烂掉了,只剩下了骨头。 all the fish were rotten, and all that was left were their bones. Xiǎomāo hěn qíguài yě hěn shāngxīn, jiù qù wèn māma. 小猫很奇怪也很伤心,就去问妈妈。 The kitten was very curious and sad, so he asked his mother about it. "Wèishénme wǒ bǎ yú zhòng dào nítǔ lǐ búhuì zhǎng chū yú?" “为什么我把鱼种到泥土里不会长出鱼?” "I planted fish in the soil, so why didn't more fish grow?"

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小猫种鱼 (Xiǎomāo zhòng yú) A Kitten Planted Fish

Māma xiào le, tā shuō: "Yú shì dòngwù, bùnéng zhòng de. 妈妈笑了,她说:“鱼是动物,不能种的。 His mom laughed and said, "Fish are animals and cannot been planted. Zhǐyǒu zhíwù cái kěyǐ zhòngzhí. Bǐrú fānqié, huángguā, xīguā děng." 只有植物才可以种植。比如番茄、黄瓜、西瓜等。” Only plants can been planted, for example, tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons and so on." Xiǎomāo míngbai le zhège dàolǐ, tā xiǎng: 小猫明白了这个道理,他想: The kitten came to understand. He thought, jīnhòu wǒ yào duō xuéxí, cái huì zhīdào hěnduō zhīshi. 今后我要多学习,才会知道很多知识。 from now on I need to learn more to gain as much knowledge as I can so that I can obtain more knowledge.

Want to hear the recordings? Click this out! http://www.echineselearning.com/blog/xiaomao-zhongyu-a-kitten-planted-fish

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小猫种鱼 (Xiǎomāo zhòng yú) A Kitten Planted Fish

1. 发芽 (fāyá): v. to germinate "发 (fā)" means to grow out and "芽 (yá)" means bud. Dàole chūntiān, cǎo dōu fāyá le. 到了春天,草都发芽了。 When spring comes, the grass germinates. 2. 明白 (míngbai): v. to understand "明 (míng)" means clear and "白 (bái)" literally means white. Tā zhèngzài jìnlì nòng míngbai tāde yìsi. 他正在尽力弄明白她的意思。 He is trying his best to understand her meaning. 3. 小猫 (xiǎomāo): n. Kitten 4. 种 (zhò ng): v. to plant

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小猫种鱼 (Xiǎomāo zhòng yú) A Kitten Planted Fish

5. 春天 (chūntiān): n. Spring

6. 伤心 (shāngxīn): adj. Sad

7. 学习 (xuéxí): v. to learn

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3.小壁虎借尾巴 (Xiǎo bìhǔ jiè wěiba) A Gecko Chases His Own Tail


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小壁虎借尾巴 (Xiǎo bìhǔ jiè wěiba) A Gecko Chases His Own Tail Yì zhī xiǎo bìhǔ zhèng pā zài qiáng shàng zhuō wénzi. 一只小壁虎正趴在墙上捉蚊子。 A gecko was crawling on a wall to catch mosquitoes. Tūrán, yì tiáo shé yǎozhù le tā de wěiba. 突然,一条蛇咬住了它的尾巴。 Suddenly, a snake gripped his tail with its teeth. Xiǎo bìhǔ zhèngduàn le wěiba táopǎo le. 小壁虎挣断了尾巴逃跑了。 The gecko ran away, but his tail had broken off. Tā xīnxiǎng: "Méiyǒu wěiba duō chǒu a!" 它心想:“没有尾巴多丑啊!” "I'm so ugly without a tail!" the gecko thought. Yúshì tā juédìng qù jiè yì tiáo wěiba. 于是它决定去借一条尾巴。 So he decided to borrow a tail. Kàndào xiǎoyú zài shuǐ lǐ kuàilè de yóuláiyóuqù, 看到小鱼在水里快乐地游来游去, When he saw the fish swaying her tail and swimming merrily in the river,

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小壁虎借尾巴 (Xiǎo bìhǔ jiè wěiba) A Gecko Chases His Own Tail Tā wèn, "Xiǎoyú jiějie, nǐ néng bǎ wěiba jiè gěi wǒ ma?" 它问:“小鱼姐姐,你能把尾巴借给我吗?” he asked, "Sister Fish, can you lend your tail to me?"

Xiǎoyú shuō, "Duìbùqǐ, wǒ hái yào yòng tā yóuyǒng ne." 小鱼说:“对不起,我还要用它游泳呢。” The fish answered, "I am sorry. I have to use it for swimming." Xiǎo bìhǔ yòu kàn dào yànzi zài tiānkōng fēi. 小壁虎又看到燕子在天空飞。 Then he saw a swallow flying in the sky. Tā shuō, "Yànzi āyí, nǐ néng bǎ wěiba jiè gěi wǒ ma?" 他说:“燕子阿姨,你能把尾巴借给我吗?” He said, "Aunt Swallow, can you lend your tail to me?" Yànzi huídá dào, "Bùxíng a, wǒ yào yòng tā lái fēixíng ne." 燕子回答道:“不行啊,我要用它来飞行呢。” The swallow responded, "Sorry, I have to use it when flying." Xiǎo bìhǔ méiyǒu fàngqì jìxù xúnzhǎo xīn wěiba. 小壁虎没有放弃继续寻找新尾巴。 The gecko didn't give up and continued to look for a new tail. Rán'ér, tā yí cìyòu yícì de kōngshǒuérguī. 然而,他一次又一次地空手而归。 However, he failed again and again.

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小壁虎借尾巴 (Xiǎo bìhǔ jiè wěiba) A Gecko Chases His Own Tail Tā gǎndào fēicháng jǔsàng, yúshì huíjiā gàosu le māma. 他感到非常沮丧,于是回家告诉了妈妈。 He was so depressed that he went back home and told his mother what happened. Xiǎo bìhǔ de māma wēixiào zhe shuō, "Bǎobèi, nǐ huítóu kànkan." 小壁虎的妈妈微笑着说:“宝贝,你回头看看。” His mother said with a smile, "My dear, turn around and have a look!" Xiǎo bìhǔ zhuǎn guò tóu qù, tā jīngxǐ de jiào dào, 小壁虎转过头去,它惊喜地叫道: Upon tossing his head back, the gecko shouted with joy, "Ò, wǒ yòu zhǎng chū yì tiáo xīn wěiba la!" “哦,我又长出一条新尾巴啦!” "Oh, I have grown a new tail!"

Want to hearing the recordings? Click this out! http://www.echineselearning.com/blog/the-story-of-the-geckos-tail

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小壁虎借尾巴 (Xiǎo bìhǔ jiè wěiba) A Gecko Chases His Own Tail

1. 借 (jiè): v. to borrow



Nà běn gùshì shū néng jiè wǒ kànkan ma? 那本故事书能借我看看吗? Can I borrow that storybook from you? Kěyǐ 可以。 Sure.


Wǒ xià zhōu huán gěi nǐ, hǎo ma? 我下周还给你,好吗? I will return it to you next week, ok?


Hǎo de. 好的。 Ok.

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小壁虎借尾巴 (Xiǎo bìhǔ jiè wěiba) A Gecko Chases His Own Tail 2. 新 (xīn): adj. new Zuótiān shēngrì, bàba sòng le wǒ yí gè xīn wánjù. 昨天生日,爸爸送了我一个新玩具。 My father gave me a new toy for my birthday yesterday.

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4.小猴子下山 (Xiǎo hóuzi xiàshān) A Little Monkey Comes down from the Moutain


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小猴子下山 (Xiǎo hóuzi xiàshān) A Little Monkey Comes down from the Mountain Yǒu yì tiān, yì zhī xiǎo hóuzi xiàshān qù wán. 有一天,一只小猴子下山去玩。 One day, a little monkey went down a mountain to play. Tā zǒu dào yí piàn yùmǐ dì lǐ, kànjiàn yùmǐ jié de yòu dà yòu duō, fēicháng gāoxìng. 它走到一片玉米地里,看见玉米结得又大又多,非常高兴。 He was very happy when he came to a cornfield and saw a lot of big ears of corn. Tā jiù bāi le yí gè, kángzhe wǎng qián zǒu. 它就掰了一个,扛着往前走。 He picked one and went on. Xiǎo hóuzi zǒu dào yì kē táoshù xià, 小猴子走到一棵桃树下, Then the little monkey came to a peach tree, kànjiàn yòu dà yòu hóng de táozi, fēicháng gāoxìng. 看见又大又红的桃子,非常高兴。 and saw the big red peaches. He was very happy. Tā jiù rēng le yùmǐ qù zhāi táozi. 它就扔了玉米去摘桃子。 He threw the corn away and picked the peaches.

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小猴子下山 (Xiǎo hóuzi xiàshān) A Little Monkey Comes down from the Mountain Xiǎo hóuzi pěngzhe jǐ gè táozi, zǒu dào yí piàn guā dì lǐ. 小猴子捧着几个桃子,走到一片瓜地里。 The little monkey came to a melon field while carrying the peaches. Tā kànjiàn yòu dà yòu yuán de xīguā, fēicháng gāoxìng, 它看见又大又圆的西瓜,非常高兴, When he saw a big round watermelon, he was very happy. jiù rēng le táozi qù zhāi xīguā. 就扔了桃子去摘西瓜。 Then he threw away the peaches and picked the watermelon. Xiǎo hóuzi bàozhe yí gè dà xīguā wǎng huí zǒu. 小猴子抱着一个大西瓜往回走。 The little monkey went back holding a big watermelon. Tā kànjiàn yì zhī xiǎo tù bèngbengtiàotiao de, zhēn kěài. 它看见一只小兔蹦蹦跳跳的,真可爱。 He saw a lovely little rabbit hopping around. Tā fēicháng gāoxìng, jiù rēngle xīguā qù zhuī xiǎo tù. 它非常高兴,就扔了西瓜去追小兔。 He was very happy. Then he threw away the watermelon and chased the little rabbit. Xiǎo tù pǎo jìn línzi, bú jiàn le. 小兔跑进林子,不见了。 But the little rabbit ran into the woods and disappeared.

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小猴子下山 (Xiǎo hóuzi xiàshān) A Little Monkey Comes down from the Mountain Xiǎo hóuzi zhǐhǎo kōng zhe shǒu huíjiā qù le. 小猴子只好空着手回家去了。 The little monkey went back empty-handed.

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小猴子下山 (Xiǎo hóuzi xiàshān) A Little Monkey Comes down from the Mountain

1. 高兴 (gāoxìng): adj. happy


Tài gāoxìng le, wǒ bàba xià zhōu yào dài wǒ qù Zhōngguó lǚyóu. 太高兴了,我爸爸下周要带我去中国旅游。 I’m so happy. My father will take me to travel to China next week. Tài hǎo le, jìde gěi wǒ dài lǐwù a.


太好了,记得给我带礼物啊。 Great! Remember to bring me a gift.

2. 可爱 (kěài): adj. lovely


Nǐmen jiā nà zhī xiǎogǒu tài kěài le. 你们家那只小狗太可爱了。 Your little dog is so lovely.


Nà dāngrán le, tā shì māma tèyì sòng gěi wǒ de shēngrì lǐwù ne. 那当然了,它是妈妈特意送给我的生日礼物呢。 Of course. It is a special birthday gift from my mother.

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小猴子下山 (Xiǎo hóuzi xiàshān) A Little Monkey Comes down from the Mountain

3. 玉米 (yùmǐ): n. corn

4. 桃子 (táozi): n. peach

5. 西瓜 (xīgua): n. watermelon

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5.横行的螃蟹 (Héng xíng de pángxiè) The Crab’s Funny Walk


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横行的螃蟹 (Héngxíng de pángxiè) The Crab’s Funny Walk Yí gè yuèguāng míngliàng de yèwǎn, xiǎo pángxiè zài shātān shàng zǒuzhe. 一个月光明亮的夜晚,小螃蟹在沙滩上走着。 On a bright night, a little crab was walking on the beach. Pángxiè māma kàndào xiǎo pángxiè hòu, jiàodào: "Háizi! 螃蟹妈妈看到小螃蟹后,叫道:“孩子! His mother saw him and yelled, "Child! Nǐ zěnme héng zhe zǒu ne? Duō nánkàn a! Huì bèi dàjiā xiàohua, yào zhí zǒu ya." 你怎么横着走呢?多难看啊!会被 大家笑话,要直走呀!” How can you walk sideways? It’s so ugly! Others will laugh at you. Walk straight!" Xiǎo pángxiè shuō: "Zhīdào le, māma." 小螃蟹说:“知道了,妈妈。” The little crab said, "Ok, Mom." Kěshì, xiǎo pángxiè háishì gǎo bùdǒng zěnme zhí zǒu. 可是,小螃蟹还是搞不懂怎么直走。 But the little crab didn’t know how to walk straight. Xiǎo pángxiè shuō: "māma, nǐ shìfàn yí xià hǎo ma?" 小螃蟹说:“妈妈,你示范一下好吗?” The little crab said, "Mom, can you show me how to walk straight?"

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横行的螃蟹 (Héngxíng de pángxiè) The Crab’s Funny Walk Pángxiè māma shuō: "hǎode, hěn jiǎndān de!" 螃蟹妈妈说:“好的,很简单的!” His mother said, "OK, it's very easy." Pángxiè māma nǔlì de shìzhe zhí zǒu, 螃蟹妈妈努力地试着直走, His mother tried hard to walk straight, dànshì, wúlùn zěnme zǒu què dōu zhǐnéng héng zhe zǒu. 但是,无论怎么走却都只能横着走。 however, no matter how hard she tried, she could only walk sideways. Xiǎo pángxiè zhǐnéng gēnzài māma hòutou, xuézhe māma de yàngzi. 小螃蟹只能跟在妈妈后头,学着妈妈的样子。 The little crab could only follow his mother and imitate her sideways walking.

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横行的螃蟹 (Héngxíng de pángxiè) The Crab’s Funny Walk

1. 螃蟹 (pángxiè) : n. crab Yì zhī pángxiè jiázhù le xiǎo nánhái de jiǎo. 一只螃蟹夹住了小男孩的脚。 A crab nipped the little boy's toe.

2. 难看 (nánkàn): adj. ugly Actually, there is a Chinese word with the same meaning as "难看(nánkàn)." It is "丑 (chǒu)". Māma, zhè tiáo qúnzi zhēn nánkàn, wǒ xiǎngyào nà jiàn. 妈妈,这条裙子真难看,我想要那件。 Mom, this dress is so ugly. I want that one.

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6.小老鼠搬家 (Xiǎo lǎoshǔ bānjiā) Little Mice Move Their House


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小老鼠搬家 (Xiǎo lǎoshǔ bānjiā) Little Mice Move Their House Chūntiān dào le, tiānqì mànman zhuǎn nuǎn, bīngxuě yě kāishǐ rónghuà le. 春天到了,天气慢慢转暖,冰雪也开始融化了。 As spring comes, the weather turns warm and the ice and snow begin to melt. Bèiwǎ láidào xiǎohé biān, kànjiàn yí dà qún lǎoshǔ zhèngzài máng zhe bān dōngxi. 贝瓦来到小河边,看见一大群老鼠正在忙着搬东西。 Beva comes to a little river. He sees a crowd of mice busy moving things. Bèiwǎ hěn hàoqí, biàn wèndào, 贝瓦很好奇,便问道: Beva is very curious and asks, "Nǐ hǎo, wǒ jiào Bèiwǎ. Qǐngwèn nǐmen zài zuò shénme ne?" “你好,我叫贝瓦。请问你们在做什么呢?” “Hello, my name is Beva. Could you tell me what are you doing?” Lǎoshǔ huídá : “Chūntiān yào lái le, yǔshuǐ huì mànguò xiǎohé. 老鼠回答:“春天要来了,雨水会漫过小河。 A mouse answers: “Spring is coming and the rain will surge over this little river. Hébiān bùnéng zhù le, wǒmen yào bān dào shānpō shàng qù.” 河边能住了,我们要搬到山坡上去。” We cannot live by it. So, we have to move to the mountain slope.”

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小老鼠搬家 (Xiǎo lǎoshǔ bānjiā) Little Mice Move Their House Kěshì yǒu yì zhī lǎoshǔ què zài yì páng yōuxián de shài tàiyang. 可是有一只老鼠却在一旁悠闲地晒太阳。 However, there is a mouse leisurely basking on his side in the sunshine. Bèiwǎ zǒu guòqù wèndào: “Nǐ hǎo, wǒ shì Bèiwǎ. 贝瓦走过去问道:“你好, 我是贝瓦。 Beva comes up to him and asks: “Hello, my name is Beva. Qǐng wèn nǐ zěnme bù hé dàjiā yìqǐ bānjiā ne? ” 请问你怎么不和大家一起搬家呢?” Why don’t you move things with the others together?” Lǎoshǔ huídá dào: “Nǐ hǎo, wǒ jiào Zhīzhi. 老鼠回答道:“你好,我叫吱吱。 The mouse answers: “Hello, my name is Zhizhi. Jīntiān tiānqì hěnhǎo, wǒ xiān shàishai tàiyang, míngtiān zài bān yě bùchí.” 今天天气很好,我先晒晒太阳,明天再搬也不迟。” It is a fine day today, so I am going to bask in the sunshine first. It won't be too late to move things tomorrow.” Hěn duō tiān guòqù le, Zhīzhi měitiān dōu zài hébiān yōuxián de shài zhe tàiyang. 很多天过去了,吱吱每天都在河边悠闲地晒着太阳。 Many days go by, and Zhizhi still basks in the sunshine near the river every day.

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小老鼠搬家 (Xiǎo lǎoshǔ bānjiā) Little Mice Move Their House Tā zǒngshì shuō: “Wǒ xiān shàishai tàiyang, míngtiān zài bān yě bùchí.” 他总是说:“我先晒晒太阳,明天再搬也不迟。” Each day he says: “I am basking first. It won't be too late to move things tomorrow. ” Zhōngyú yǒu yìtiān, xià le yì chǎng hǎodà de yǔ. 终于有一天,下了一场好大的雨。 Suddenly, a heavy rain comes. Héshuǐ yānmò le Zhīzhi de fángzi, tā cúnchǔ de liángshi yě méiyǒu le, 河水淹没了吱吱的房子,他存储的粮食也没有了, The river destroys Zhizhi’s house, and the food he had stored is also gone. Zhīzhi shāngxīn de kū le. 吱吱伤心地哭了。 He cries sadly.

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小老鼠搬家 (Xiǎo lǎoshǔ bānjiā) Little Mice Move Their House

1. 慢(màn) : adj. slow Lùshang chē duō, nǐ yào mànman zǒu. 路上车多,你要慢慢走。 Too many cars on the road. You should walk slowly! Kāichē màn diǎnr! 开车慢点儿! Please drive slowly!

2. 晒(shài): v. bask; put sth. in the sunshine Wǒ qù shài bèizi. 我去晒被子。 I am going to put my quilt in the sunshine. Xiǎogǒu zài shài tàiyang. 小狗在晒太阳。 A little dog is basking in the sunshine.

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小老鼠搬家 (Xiǎo lǎoshǔ bānjiā) Little Mice Move Their House 3. 迟(chí): adj. late Shàngxué chídào le. 上学迟到了。 Be late for school. Shàngbān chídào le. 上班迟到了。 Be late for work.

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7.狐狸和葡萄 (Hú li hé pú tao) The Fox and the Grapes


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狐狸和葡萄 (Hú li hé pú tao) The Fox and the Grapes Yìzhī húli fāxiàn le yì kē pútao shù, 一只狐狸发现了一棵葡萄树, The fox found a vine. Shù shàng zhǎng mǎn le xiāngtián de pútao. 树上长满了香甜的葡萄。 The vine had many clusters of delicious grapes. Húli kàn zhe pútao, rěnbúzhù yòng shétou tiǎnzhe zuǐchún, 狐狸看着葡萄,忍不住用舌头舔着嘴唇, The fox looked at the grapes. He licked his lips with hunger. Xīn xiǎng: “Wā a ! Shì hǎo shíwù li!” 心想:“哇啊!是好食物哩!” "Wow! Such good food this is!" he thought. Tā xiàng shàng tiào le jǐ cì, què zǒngshì gòu bú dào. 它向上跳了几次,却总是够不到。 But though he jumped and jumped he couldn’t get any. Fùjìn de xiǎo dòngwù dōu zài xiào húli. 附近的小动物都在笑狐狸。 The nearby animals all laughed at the fox.

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狐狸和葡萄 (Hú li hé pú tao) The Fox and the Grapes "Hèng! Zhèxiē pútao hái hěn suān, bùnéng chī de!" “哼!这些葡萄还很酸,不能吃的!” "Hum!" the fox muttered. "These grapes are still too sour to eat!" Húli dūnang zhe, chuítóusàngqì de huíjiā le. 狐狸嘟囔着,垂头丧气地回家了。 And so he went home dejectedly. Zhè jiùshì chī bú dào pútao shuō pútao suān de láilì. 这就是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸的来历。 This is what is meant by the phrase "sour grapes."

The phrase "吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸(chī búdào pútao shuō pútao suān)" literally means that when one cannot attain the grapes, they will respond by saying the grapes are too sour to eat anyway. Nowadays, the term is often used by Chinese people to describe someone who lacks the capacity to complete something, defending their inability by saying it is not worth completing.

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狐狸和葡萄 (Hú li hé pú tao) The Fox and the Grapes

1. 葡萄(pú tao): n. grape Wǒ hěn xǐhuan chī pútao. 我很喜欢吃葡萄。 I like grapes so much. 2. 酸(suān): adi. sour zhège júzi hǎo suān a! 这个橘子好酸啊! This orange is very sour. 3. 狐狸(hú li): n. fox Zhè zhī húli hěn jiǎohuá. 这只狐狸很狡猾。 The fox is very cunning.

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8.说谎的小熊 (Shuōhuǎng de xiǎoxióng) Little Bear Tells Lies


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说谎的小熊 (Shuōhuǎng de xiǎoxióng) Little Bear Tells Lies Měilì de dà sēnlín lǐ, yǒu yí piàn jīnhuángsè de xiàngrìkuí. 美丽的大森林里,有一片金黄色的向日葵。 In a beautiful forest, there is a section of golden sunflowers. Ér sēnlín de lìng yì duān zhùzhe yì zhī zhuān ài pòhuài zhuāngjia de yězhū. 而森林的另一端住着一只专爱破坏庄稼的野猪。 However, on the other side of the forest lives a wild boar fond of destroying crops. Dàjiā wèile bǎohù zhèpiàn xiàngrìkuí, zài sìzhōu wéi qǐ le láogù de lángān. 大家为了保护这片向日葵,在四周围起了牢 固的栏杆。 To protect the sunflowers, everyone put up strong and firm railings to surround them. Xiǎoxióng Bènben shì ge ài kāiwánxiào de háizi. 小熊笨笨是个爱开玩笑的孩子。 The little bear, named Benben, is a kid who loves to play tricks. Yǒu yìtiān, tā láidào Dūdu jiā, duì Bèi Dūdu shuō: 有一天,他来到嘟嘟家,对贝嘟嘟说: One day, he comes to Bei Dudu’s house and says:

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说谎的小熊 (Shuōhuǎng de xiǎoxióng) Little Bear Tells Lies “Dūdu, Dūdu, yězhū lái lā! Zhuàng huài le líba, hái zài kěn xiàngrìkuí ne!” “嘟嘟,嘟嘟,野猪来啦!撞坏了篱笆,还在啃向日葵呢!” “Dudu, Dudu, the wild boar is coming! He'll knock down our railings and chew on our sunflowers!” Dūdu zháojí de shuō: “Zhēnde ma? 嘟嘟着急的说:“真的吗? Bei Dudu says in a hurry: “Really? Nà wǒmen kuàidiǎnr jiào dàjiā yìqǐ qù gǎnzǒu yězhū ba.” 那我们快点儿叫大家一起去赶走野猪吧。” Let’s quickly call the others to drive the wild boar away together.” Dàjiā gǎnjǐn lái dào xiàngrìkuí dì, jiéguǒ lián yězhū de yǐngzi dōu méiyǒu kànjiàn. 大家赶紧来到向日葵地,结果连野猪的影子都没有看见。 Everyone scurries to the sunflowers, but they find no trace of the wild boar. Bènben zài yìpáng dàxiào: “Hāhāhāhā, nǐmen shàngdàng le!” 笨笨在一旁大笑:“哈哈哈哈,你们上当了!” Benben laughs loudly and says: “Hahahaha, you are all fooled!” Dàjiā dōu shēngqì de zǒu le. 大家都生气的走了。 Everyone leaves angrily. Dìèr tiān, xiǎoxióng Bènben yòu láidào Bèilā jiā, tā duì Bèilā shuō: 第二天,小熊笨笨又来到贝拉家,他对贝拉说: The next day, the little bear Benben visits Beila’s house and says:

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说谎的小熊 (Shuōhuǎng de xiǎoxióng) Little Bear Tells Lies “Bèilā, Bèilā, yězhū lái lā, yězhū lái lā! Zhuàng huài le líba, hái zài kěn xiàngrìkuí ne!” “贝拉,贝拉,野猪来啦,野猪来啦!撞坏了篱笆,还在啃向日葵呢!” “Beila, Beila, the wild boar is coming! The wild boar is coming! He'll knock down our railings and chew on our sunflowers!” Bèilā zháojí de shuō: “Zhēnde ma? 贝拉着急的说:“真的吗? Beila says in a hurry: “Really? Nà wǒmen kuàidiǎnr jiào dàjiā yìqǐ qù gǎnzǒu yězhū ba.” 那我们快点儿叫大家一起去赶走野猪吧。” Let’s quickly call the others to drive the wild boar away together.” Dàjiā gǎnjǐn lái dào xiàngrìkuí dì, jiéguǒ lián yězhū de yǐngzi dōu méiyǒu kànjiàn. 大家赶紧来到向日葵地,结果连野猪的影子都没有看见。 Everyone scurries to the sunflowers, but they find no trace of the wild boar. Bènben zài yì páng dàxiào: “Hāhāhāhā, nǐmen yòu shàngdàng le!” 笨笨在一旁大笑:“哈哈哈哈,你们又上当了!” Benben laughs loudly and says: “Hahahaha, you are all fooled again!” Dàjiā gèngjiā shēngqì le. 大家更加生气了。 Everyone becomes angrier.

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说谎的小熊 (Shuōhuǎng de xiǎoxióng) Little Bear Tells Lies Dìsān tiān, yězhū zhēnde lái le. 第三天,野猪真的来了。 The third day, the wild boar really does come. xiǎoxióng Bènben pǎo qù gàosu dàjiā, 小熊笨笨跑去告诉大家, The little bear Benben runs to tell others: “Yězhū lái le, dàjiā kuài gēn wǒ yìqǐ qù gǎnzǒu yězhū ba.” “野猪来了,大家快跟我一起去赶走野猪吧。” “The wild boar is coming! Let’s drive the boar away together.” Kěshì zhè yí cì, dàjiā yǐwéi Bènben yòu zài shuōhuǎng, 可是这一次,大家以为笨笨又在说谎, But this time, everyone thinks that Benben is playing tricks again. shuí yě bú yuànyì xiāngxìn Bènben de huà. 谁也不愿意相信笨笨的话。 Therefore, nobody is willing to believe what he says. Jiéguǒ, yězhū bǎ zhěng piàn xiàngrìkuí dōu kěn le gè jīngguāng. 结果,野猪把整片向日葵都啃了个精光。 Consequently, the wild boar chewed up all the sunflowers. Xiǎoxióng Bènben jǔsàng de kū le qǐlái. 小熊笨笨沮丧地哭了起来。 The little bear Benben cries sadly.

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说谎的小熊 (Shuōhuǎng de xiǎoxióng) Little Bear Tells Lies Zhè shíhou, Bèiwǎ tīngdào le Bènben de kūshēng, 这时候,贝瓦听到了笨笨的哭声, At this moment, Beva hears Benben crying. tā jiǎn qǐ dìshang de xiàngrìkuí zhǒngzi, duì Bènben shuō: 他捡起地上的向日葵种子,对笨笨说: He picks up the sunflower seeds on the ground and says to Benben: “Bènben, bié kū la, nǐ kàn zhèxiē zhǒngzi, “笨笨,别哭啦,你看这些种子, “Benben, don’t cry. Look at these seeds, xiànzài zhòng xiàqu, dào míngnián yòu kěyǐ zhǎng chū xīn de xiàngrìkuí la!” 现在种下去,到明年又可以长出新的向日葵啦!” we will plant them now and they will grow into new sunflowers again next year!” “Xièxiè nǐ, Bèiwǎ, wǒ zhīdào gāi zěnme zuò le.” “谢谢你,贝瓦,我知道该怎么做了。” “Thank you, Beva. I know what I should do.” Xiǎoxióng Bènben jiē guò le zhǒngzi, xiǎoxīnyìyì de zhòng dào le nítǔ lǐ. 小熊笨笨接过了种子,小心翼翼的种到了泥土里。 The little bear Benben takes the seeds and plants them in the soil with much care.

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说谎的小熊 (Shuōhuǎng de xiǎoxióng) Little Bear Tells Lies Cóngcǐ Bènben měitiān dōu ànshí gěi xiàngrìkuí jiāoshuǐ, chúchóng, shīféi, 从此笨笨每天都按时给向日葵浇水、除虫、施肥, From then on, Benben waters, exterminates, and fertilizes the sunflower seeds every day. hái bǎ líba xiūjiàn de gèngjiā jiēshi le. 还把篱笆修建的更加结实了。 Also, he makes the railings stronger and firmer. Zhōngyú, zài yuánlái de tǔdì shang, 终于,在原来的土地上, Finally, on the ground chóngxīn zhǎng chū le yí piàn jīnhuáng de xiàngrìkuí, 重新长出了一片金黄的向日葵, a section of golden sunflowers grows up and bǐ yǐqián de hái yào gāo, hái yào měilì. 比以前的还要高,还要美丽。 it is higher and more beautiful than before. Dàjiā dōu yuánliàng le xiǎoxióng Bènben, 大家都原谅了小熊笨笨, Every one forgives what Benben did before.

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说谎的小熊 (Shuōhuǎng de xiǎoxióng) Little Bear Tells Lies lāzhe Bènben de shǒu, wéizhe xiàngrìkuí tiào qǐ le kuàilè de wǔ. 拉着笨笨的手,围着向日葵跳起了快乐的舞。 They hold his hands and dance very happily.

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说谎的小熊 (Shuōhuǎng de xiǎoxióng) Little Bear Tells Lies

1. 啃(kěn):v. bite, gnaw, or nibble Lǎoshǔ xǐhuan kěn mùtou. 老鼠喜欢啃木头。 Mice like nibbling on wood. Xiǎogǒu xǐhuan kěn gǔtou. 小狗喜欢啃骨头。 This little dog likes gnawing on bones.

2. 上当(shàngdàng):v. be fooled or tricked Lìlìshàngdàng le. 丽丽上当了。 Lily is fooled. Xiǎoxīn shàngdàng! 小心上当! Be careful of being tricked!

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说谎的小熊 (Shuōhuǎng de xiǎoxióng) Little Bear Tells Lies 3. 新(xīn):adi. new Wǒ jīntiān chuān xīn yīfu le! 我今天穿新衣服了! I'm wearing new clothes today. Xīn xié zhēn hǎo kàn! 新鞋真好看! This pair of shoes looks so beautiful!

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9.蚂蚁报恩 (Mǎyǐ bào’ēn) The Ant and the Dove


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蚂蚁报恩 (Mǎyǐ bào'ēn) The Ant and the Dove Xiàtiān, yǒu yì zhī mǎyǐ bèi fēng guā dào le chítáng lǐ. 夏天,有一只蚂蚁被风刮到了池塘里。 In summer, an ant fell into a pond. Shùshàng de gēzi kàn dào le, gǎnmáng jiāng yèzi diū jìn chítáng. 树上的鸽子看到了,赶忙将叶子丢进池塘。 A dove in a tree saw the ant. She quickly threw a leaf into the pond. Mǎyǐ pá shàng yèzi, piāo dào le chí biān, déjiù le. 蚂蚁爬上叶子,漂到了池边,得救了。 The ant climbed up onto the leaf, floated to the side of the pond, and was saved. Mǎyǐ jìzhù le gēzi de jiùmìng zhī ēn. 蚂蚁记住了鸽子的救命之恩。 For saving his life, the ant always remembered the dove. Guò le hěnjiǔ, lièren yòng qiāng miáozhǔn le shùshàng de gēzi, 过了很久,猎人用枪瞄准了树上的鸽子, One day, a hunter with a gun aimed at the dove on the tree, dànshì gēzi bù zhīdào. 但是鸽子不知道。 but the dove didn’t notice.

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蚂蚁报恩 (Mǎyǐ bào'ēn) The Ant and the Dove Mǎyǐ pá shàng lièren de jiǎo, hěnhěn yǎo le yì kǒu. 蚂蚁爬上猎人的脚,狠狠咬了一口。 So, the ant climbed up onto the hunter’s foot and gave him a nasty bite. Lièren bèi yǎo tòng le, jiù bǎ zǐdàn dǎ wāi le. 猎人被咬痛了,就把子弹打歪了。 The hunter felt great pain, and he missed the shot. Gēzi déjiù le, mǎyǐ yě bàodá le gēzi de jiùmìng zhī ēn. 鸽子得救了,蚂蚁也报答了鸽子的救命之恩。 The dove was saved. The ant had repaid the dove’s kindness.

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蚂蚁报恩 (Mǎyǐ bào'ēn) The Ant and the Dove

1. 蚂蚁 (mǎyǐ): n. ant Dìshàng yǒu liǎng zhī xiǎo mǎyǐ. 地上有两只小蚂蚁。 There are two little ants on the ground.

2. 咬 (yǎo) : v. to bite Dìdi yǎo le yì kǒu píngguǒ. 弟弟咬了一口苹果。 My little brother took a bite of his apple.

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10.猪八戒吃西瓜 (Zhū Bājiè chī xīguā) The Pig Bajie Ate Watermelon


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猪八戒吃西瓜 (Zhū Bājiè chī xīguā) The Pig Bajie Ate Watermelon Tángsēng hé tā de sān gè túdì: 唐僧和他的三个徒弟: Monk Tang (His full name is Tang Xuanzang) and his three disciples, Sūn Wùkōng, Zhū Bājiè, Shā Héshang yìqǐ qù Yìndù qǔjīng. 孙悟空、猪八戒、沙和尚一起去印 度取经。 Sun Wukong, Pig Bajie, and Monk Sha went to India on a pilgrimage to seek Buddhist scriptures. Yǒu yì tiān, tiān rè jí le. Sūn Wùkōng hé Zhū Bājiè qù zhǎo shuǐguǒ. 有一天,天热极了。孙悟空和猪八戒去找水果。 One day, on their way to India, the weather was extremely hot. Sun Wukong went to find some fruit with Pig Bajie. Bàn lùshang, Bājiè shuō dùzi téng. 半路上,八戒说肚子疼。 However, Bajie (the short name for Pig Bajie) complained of a stomachache on the way. Sūn Wùkōng zhīdào, Bājiè zhǐshì xiǎng tōulǎn, jiù zìjǐ qù zhǎo shuǐguǒ le. 孙悟空知道,八戒只是想偷懒,就自己去找水果了。 Sun Wukong knew that Bajie merely wanted to slack off, so Sun Wukong went to find some fruit himself.

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猪八戒吃西瓜 (Zhū Bājiè chī xīguā) The Pig Bajie Ate Watermelon Hòulái, Zhū Bājiè zài fùjìn fāxiàn le yí gè xīguā. 后来,猪八戒在附近发现了一个西瓜。 Later on, Bajie spotted a large watermelon nearby. Tā bǎ xīguā fēn chéng sì kuài, dǎsuàn fēn gěi shīfu hé tóngbàn chī. 他把西瓜分成四块,打算分给师傅和同伴吃。 He divided it into four sections, planning to give them to his master and his fellows, Kěshì zìjǐ méi rěn zhù, bā sì kuài xīguā dōu chī le. 可是自己没忍住,把四块西瓜都吃了。 Yet he was so greedy that he ate the whole watermelon himself. Kàn dào Sūn Wùkōng huílai, tā liánmáng bǎ xīguā pí rēng diào le. 看到孙悟空回来,他连忙把西瓜皮扔掉了。 Upon Sun Wukong’s return, Bajie quickly threw away the watermelon rind. Xīn xiǎng méi rén huì fāxiàn de. 心想没人会发现的。 He figured no one would notice. Rán'ér, zài huíqù de lùshang, 然而,在回去的路上, Unfortunately, on his way back,

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猪八戒吃西瓜 (Zhū Bājiè chī xīguā) The Pig Bajie Ate Watermelon Bājiè cǎi dào le zìjǐ gāngcái rēng de xīguā pí shàng, lián shuāi le sì jiāo. 八戒踩到了自己刚才扔的西瓜皮上,连摔了四跤。 Bajie stepped on the discarded peels, slipped, and fell down four times. Dāng tā de shīfu hé tóngbàn zhīdào hòu dōu xiào Bājiè tānchī. 当他的师父和同伴知道后,都笑八戒贪吃。 When his master and fellows found out what happened, they all burst out into laughter over Bajie’s greediness. Culture Notes: 《西游记》(Xī yóu jì) Journey to the West is a mythic Chinese novel, and also one of the Four Great Classical Novels《四大名著》(sìdà míngzhù) in China. The novel mainly features the famous Monk Xuanzang and his three disciples who have magic powers, on their pilgrimage to India in search of Buddhist scriptures. The TV series adopted from this novel has remained extremely popular in China for more than twenty years. It is deeply loved by kids of all ages.

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猪八戒吃西瓜 (Zhū Bājiè chī xīguā) The Pig Bajie Ate Watermelon

1. 猪 (zhū): n. pig Nǐ xǐhuān《Sān zhī xiǎo zhū》de gùshìma? 你喜欢《三只小猪》的故事吗? Do you like the story of the Three Little Pigs?

2. 西瓜 (xīguā): n. watermelon Xīguā duōshao qián yì jīn? 西瓜多少钱一斤? How much does one half kilogram of watermelon cost?

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