Echo Magazine - Arizona LGBTQ Lifestyle - May 2015

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Echo Readers’ Choice Awards Join us in congratulating the 2015 winners


LGBT Night Out at the Ballet

ALL BALANCHINE Thursday, April 30, 2015 at Symphony Hall 5:30 pm: Private Reception cash bar with complimentary hors d’oeuvres 6:15 pm: Artist Chat with Guest Speaker First Intermission: Reception with Guest Speaker cash bar with complimentary dessert

$25 Special Ticket Price TICKETS: | 602.381.1096 promo code: NIGHTOUT3 For further information please contact George Nunes at or call 602.343.6510.


Ballet Arizona dancers. Choreography by George Balanchine © The George Balanchine Trust. Photo by Rosalie O’Connor.

7:00 pm: Performance

Ballet Arizona dancers. Choreography by George Balanchine Š The George Balanchine Trust. Photo by Rosalie O’Connor.


inside this issue Issue 668 | Vol. 26, #16 | May 2015


NEWS 10 4 Your Information 12 News Briefs 16 Datebook 20 Local trans advocate competes in Men’s Health’s Ultimate Guy Search 24 Phoenix’s equal-pay measure builds on success of LGBT ordinance 28 Imperial Court of Arizona holds 10th annual Coronation PREVIEWS AND REVIEWS Photo by Fernando Hernández.

58 At the Box Office 62 Opening Nights 64 Recordings 67 Between the Covers


Echo Readers Select 2015 Winners From local leaders and performers to places to wine and dine, we’re proud to present our winners for 2015.

Photo courtesy of Scotty Kirby.


Oh Snap! Local photographer Scotty Kirby shoots his way to the top, and to LA for RuPaul’s first-ever DragCon.

COMMUNITY 68 All Over The Map 69 Money Talks 70 Balanced Living 72 Lambda Legal ON THE COVER Echo Magazine’s 2015 Readers’ Choice Award Winners (right to left) Mark Howard, Stacy Louis, Katy June, Gary Guerin, Daniel Eckstrom and Barbra Seville gather for a celebratory toast at FEZ. Photo by Fernando Hernández.

Photo by Bill Gemmill.


The Calm Before The Storm Phoenix rugby team reflects on 2015 season ahead of the Memorial Day tournament.

Photo by Marques Daniels.


White Party Palm Springs Jeffrey Sanker rolls out the white carept for the 26th annual party. Bonus: fourth annual Dinah Vegas hits Sin City.

Echo Readers’ Choice Awards Join us in congratulating the 2015 winners



MAY 2015

inside this issue

on web exclusives

Sweet Charity Theatre and real life duo join forces to present a 1960s musical about seeking love and striving for a better life.

Without Reservations A visit to Scott’s Generations reveals the Snyder family’s authentic New York, kosher deli-style cuisine.

Nelly Queen: The Life and Times of Jose Julio Sarria The life of an early gay pioneer will be the subject of filmmaker Dante Alencastre’s documentary.

The Prancing Elites Project Alabama-based dance troupe brings its signature “J-Setting” to Oxygen’s new reality series.

may 2015


notes from the



elcome to our very first installment of Echo’s new monthly identity also known as the May issue. And what better way to celebrate this milestone than with six of our 2015 Echo Readers’ Choice Award winners. These familiar faces represent a combined total of 39 past awards, which tells us you LOVE them!

Of course they aren’t our only all-stars: Since 2006 Community Church of Hope and Phoenix Metropolitan Men’s Chorus, for example, have earned more than 15 awards each! Our hat’s off to all of this year’s winners. But I don’t want to spoil the surprise; we have all the details for you on page 30 and at Thank you all again for your participation and for coming out to the awards in support of all our finalists and winners! It’s because of all of you that these awards continue to be so special to us as well as to those that earn this honor. Since I mentioned, I thought now would be the most appropriate time to let you know that, because we’re only bringing you LGBT news, views and entertainment once a month in print, you’ll find a lot more web exclusives online throughout the month. Of course we’ll still let you know what we’re covering and where to find it. For starters, check out our new website table of contents on page 7. Now back to the issue in hand. First, we’d like to introduce you to a few


community members who are making national news. Trans advocate Julian Melson shares what inspired him to enter Men’s Health’s Magazine’s Ultimate Guy Search. See how you can cast your vote on page 20. Drag photographer Scotty Kirby reveals how he got a ticket to RuPaul’s first-ever DragCon on page 40. The Phoenix Storm’s new coach Steve Enteman team reflects on 2015 season ahead of the Memorial Day tournament on page 46. In the way of upcoming events, we have the scoop on the Imperial Sovereign Empire of Arizona’s 10th annual coronation, page 28; Jeffrey Sanker’s annual White Party in Palm Springs, page 50; the fourth annual Dinah Vegas in Sin City, page 52. For more community happenings, visit While you’re there, we invite you to upload any events you might be affiliated with, as well. Lastly, I’d like to thank everyone for coming by the Echo booth at the Phoenix Pride festival; we love chatting with our readers and meeting new ones. Feel free to say hi to us on social media, too. We can be found on Facebook (Echo Magazine), Twitter (@echomagaz) and Instagram (@echomagazineaz). Kara J. Philp is managing editor of Echo Magazine and can be reached at

MANAGING EDITOR: Kara J. Philp CONTRIBUTORS: Cait Brennan Anthony Costello Hana Khalyleh Lorraine Longhi Art Martori Melissa Myers Mark Sterling-Ogle Desi Rubio Richard Schultz Megan Wadding

Alex Chambers Alexis Getscher Laura Latzko Anna Mackey Liz Massey David-Elijah Nahmod Hans Pedersen Terri Schlichenmeyer Michael J. Tucker Nate Whitten

Production ART DIRECTOR: Geoff Hulme PHOTOGRAPHY: Gregg Edelman,, Bill Gemmill Advertising ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE: Ashlee James ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE: Brit Kezar ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE: Gregg Edelman National Advertising Representative: Rivendell Media, 212-242-6863 CLASSIFIEDS MANAGER: Bill Gemmill Copyright © 2015 • ISSN #1045-2346


P.O. Box 16630 Phoenix, AZ 85011-6630 Readership: 50,000 Phone: 602-266-0550 Non-Phoenix Metro: 888-EchoMag Fax: 602-266-0773 Subscriptions: $29/year

Email: Website: Member:

Look for monthly issues of Echo on the following dates:


MAY ISSUE | April 23


JULY ISSUE | June 18






MAY 2015

Echo Magazine is pub­lished by and is a trademark of Ace Publish­ing, Inc. All rights re­served. Written permis­sion must be obtained in advance for par­tial or com­plete re­production of in­clud­ing any advertising ma­te­ri­al contained therein. Opin­ions ex­pressed in are not necessar­ily those of the pub­lisher or staff or ACE Publishing, Inc. does not as­sume re­spon­sibil­ity for claims by its ad­ver­tis­ers. Publication of the name or pho­to­graph of a per­son or or­gani­za­tion in ar­ticles, ad­ver­tising or list­ings inis not to be con­strued as an in­di­ca­tion of the sexual ori­en­ta­tion of such or­gani­za­tions or persons (unless such ori­en­ta­tion is specifically stat­ed). Manuscripts or other ma­te­ri­als submit­ted re­main the property of ACE Publishing. Free copies lim­it­ed to one per per­son.

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ON THE RECORD “Hillary Clinton supports marriage equality and hopes the Supreme Court will come down on the side of same-sex couples being guaranteed that constitutional right.”

TELEVISION “It Takeis Two,” a web series starring actor and activist George Takei and his husband, Brad, launched a web series April 7 via The show follows the couple as they navigate their daily lives – from the Internet and Broadway to jetpacks and human hamster balls – with a recipe that is one part optimism and one part pragmatism.

BY the numbers The rate at which support for marriage equality grew between 2012 and 2014, according to a report released by UCLA’s Williams Institute April 14. By 2016, the study projects that more than half of the 50 states will show super-majority support of 60 percent or higher. The full report can be viewed at 10 |

may 2015

– Clinton spokesperson Adrienne Elrod following Clinton’s April 12 announcement that she will seek the presidency for a second time. The Court will hear a challenge to state bans on same-sex marriage April 28.

COMICS Independent comic book creator Brian Andersen, So Super Duper comics, introduced the world to its first comic book series featuring a gay Mormon superhero: Stripling Warrior. According to Andersen, who’s seeking crowdfunding for the comic via Kickstarter (at, said the series tells the tale of Sam Shepard, a happily out and newly married gay man whose life is changed forever after he is visited by an angel from heaven on his wedding night and is summoned to be the Hand of God on Earth. The result is a sexy blend of action, humor, romance, super villains and an exploration into the mythology of the LDS Church. 4 your information

news briefs

Ducey Vetoes Gay Adoption Bill Ducey made no mention that the legislation had become a lightning rod for gay rights advocates after it was discovered that Montgomery, whose office had lobbied for the legislation, had refused to help a gay couple complete an adoption.

Gov. Doug Ducey (pictured above) vetoed legislation April 13 that would have allowed county attorneys to refuse to help with adoptions, setting the stage for a legal fight over whether gays have the same right to assistance as heterosexuals. The legislation sought by Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery would have repealed the current requirement that all county attorneys provide free legal aid to couples seeking to adopt. Montgomery argued that his office needed the flexibility to save money. That was not enough to convince Ducey. “My concern is that this law could potentially reduce the number of adoptions,’’ the governor wrote in his veto message.

After the federal court struck down Arizona’s gay marriage ban, the couple sought to complete the adoption with the legally required help of the county attorney’s office. Montgomery refused. Jerry Cobb, Montgomery’s press aide, said when his office lobbied to repeal the mandate to help, it was not about sexual orientation but simply about conserving his agency’s budget for higher priorities. What the veto means, though, is the law remains as is: Montgomery – and the other 14 county attorneys – “shall prepare the adoption petition and act as attorney without expense to the prospective adoptive parent.’’ But Cobb said he doesn’t see his boss going along, at least in the case of same-sex marriages. –Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services

Two LGBT Nonprofits To Receive Grants to Launch Technology Centers Cox Arizona announced April 8 that they will donate Cox Technology Centers to two local LGBT nonprofit organizations. The Phoenix Pride LGBT Center and one n ten will each receive a $20,000 grant from Cox Arizona to fund the development of a technology center, which will feature computers, printers and office furnishings. “Cox is committed to increasing the accessibility of technology for our community,” said Susan Anable, Cox Communications Southwest vice president of public affairs. “Collectively, we are working to ensure our community members are prepared to thrive in today’s digital world and excel in their future; it’s always exciting to see the direct results of our community giving.” one n ten will be using the new Cox Technology Center grand money to upgrade the classroom for its Q High program, provide laptops to staff and purchase KidTrax, a youth tracking software that will provide more accurate information on the youth they serve and the programs they access. “The Cox Technology Center [will provide] our youth with tools that will enable them to more effectively take advantage of our high school diploma

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may 2015

program. Because the curriculum is all online, up-to-date computer resources are critical to our Q High students’ success. KidTrax is a tool that will provide each youth with a scannable ID card and give us program, demographic and attendance data,” said Linda Elliott, Executive Director of one n ten. “one n ten is proud to have Cox as a partner to support the lifechanging work we do with LGBTQ and allied youth.” The Cox Technology Center grant has also provided to the Phoenix Pride LGBT Center, which offers meeting spaces for discussion groups and classes. “We feel truly blessed to receive a Cox Technology Center at the Phoenix Pride LGBT Center,” said Justin Owen, Phoenix Pride executive director. “Our technology center is one of the most highly utilized services … and has been in great need of updating and attention. With these upgrades, we will now be able to serve more clients and offer new classes like computer skills for seniors and resume building.” The one n ten Cox Technology Center is expected to be completed at the end of April; the Cox Technology Center at The Phoenix Pride LGBT Center is projected for early May completion. news briefs











F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N & T O R E G I S T E R , V I S I T W W W. N O R T H A N D C O . C O M / M O D E R N H O M E T O U R

SPONSORED BY 4 8 0 . 4 6 3 . 4 3 7 3


N O R T H A N D C O . C O M


may 2015

| 13

Please join us in congratulating the 2015 echo readers’ choice award winners Leader of Political Action & Advocacy: Mayor Greg Stanton | Service by a Straight Ally: Nicole Stanton Service by a Man: Stacy Louis | Service by a Woman: Katy June | LGBT Nonprofit: one n ten Leader of Spirituality & Worship: Community Church of Hope | Drag Queen: Barbra Seville Drag King: Freddy Prinze Charming | Drag Pageant: Miss Gay Arizona America | DJ: DJ Tsunami Local Musical Group or Band: Phoenix Metropolitan Men’s Chorus | Sports Group: Friends with Benefits Kickball League Theatrical Production: Nearly Naked Theatre | Charity Fundraising Event: Dancing with the Bars Community Event or Festival: Phoenix Pride Festival | Happy Hour: Stacy’s @ Melrose | Salon: R Salon Bartender: Ronald Rogers | Men’s Bar: Stacy’s @ Melrose | Women’s Bar: Stacy’s @ Melrose Dance Bar: Stacy’s @ Melrose | Restaurant: FEZ | Brunch Spread: Harley’s Italian Bistro Coffee Shop: Copper Star Coffee | Fitness Spot: LA Fitness at 7th Ave. & Camelback

Luna Love St. James | DJ Cullen Daniel | Tarra Lazos Creative

14 |

may 2015

news briefs

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may 2015

| 15

Date book may 6 & 20

A new support group for the women of the LGBTQ community will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month at the Phoenix Pride LGBT Center, 801 N. Second Ave., Phoenix.

April 25, may 2, 9, 16 & 23

Trans* Spectrum Arizona will meet from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Phoenix Pride LGBT Center, 801 N. Second Ave., Phoenix. April 29, May 6, 13, 20 & 27

Free, confidential HIV testing, from 4 to 7 p.m. (no appointment necessary), courtesy of the Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS and the Phoenix Pride LGBT Center, 801 N. Second Ave, Phoenix.

may 9

Produce on Wheels With Out Waste (POWWOW) distributes fresh produce once a month – $10 for up to 60 pounds – Join Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS at the Phoenix Pride LGBT Center, 801 N. SATURDAY MAY 9, 2015 Second Ave., Phoenix.


may 9

April 30

Join the Greater Phoenix Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and Ballet Arizona for LGBT Night Out at the Ballet, featuring the All Balanchine performance, beginning with a private reception at 5:30 p.m. at Phoenix Symphony Hall, 75 N. Second St., Phoenix. may 1

The Greater Phoenix Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce will host its monthly luncheon from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Coup Des Tartes French Bistro, 1725 E. Osborn Road, Phoenix. RSVP at may 3

Orpheus Male Chorus presents “Nature’s Gifts,” the final installment of its spring concert series at 3 p.m. May 3. at Camelback Bible Church, 3900 E. Stanford Drive, Paradise Valley.

One Community presents Networking Is Our Business, a networking lunch that will feature opportunities to connect with like-minded business professionals and entrepreneurs, at The Gladly, 2201 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix. may 16

Sets on the Sand, a annual weekend volleyball tournament hosted by the Arizona Gay Volleyball Association, will take place at Wyndham Garden Phoenix Midtown hotel, 3600 N. Second Avenue, Phoenix, and Steele Indian School Park, 300 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix. See website for times and registration information.

The Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS presents its 20th annual Night For Life gala, the center’s largest fundraising event, at the Arizona Biltmore, E. Missouri The Cuisine The 2400 Entertainment The Mission Ave., Phoenix. A signature black-tie affair celebrating our 20th anniversary gala may 18 and 25 years of fighting HIV/AIDS in the community. may 14 - 17

Presenting Sponsors

Strength for the Journey, a retreat for men and women (18+) who are HIV/AIDS positive and their caregivers, FOR TABLES & TICKETS: will take place at Mingus Mountain Camp. For information about registration or scholarships, contact Sally West at 520-325-2775 or 888-3792862.

The Phoenix Gaymers host a monthly gaming party from 6-10 p.m. at the Phoenix Pride LGBT Center, 801 N. Second Ave., Phoenix. may 20

*All funds raised from the event support programs and services provided to those impacted by or at-risk for HIV or AIDS.

NFL - Echo - Aprl 2015 v5f.indd 1 may 16 - 17

Canyon Echoes presents The Boys are Back: A Tributes To Boy Bands, which will include hits from N’Sync, Backstreet Boys, New Kids on the Block, Boyz II Men, Jackson Five, Styx, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Beatles, Monkeys, One Direction, The Wanted, The Village People, and more, at 7 p.m. May 16 and 2 p.m. May 17 at Galvin Playhouse on ASU’s Tempe Campus, 51 E. 10th St., Tempe.

The LGBTQ Consortium’s Safe Out Meeting will take place at 6 to 7 p.m. at TERROS Central Office, 3303 N. Central Ave., #200, Phoenix. 3/6/2015 12:22:14 PM may 29 - 30

The Firehouse Gallery is hosting a cocktail hour featuring The Redemptions at 8 p.m. followed by its performance of Rocky Horror at 9 p.m. at 1015 N. First St., Phoenix. firehousephoenix

may 6

Join Arizona’s Children Association for a Grow Your Family Orientation, and learn more about becoming an adoptive or foster parent at 6 p.m. on the first Wednesday of every month at the Phoenix Pride LGBT Center, 801 N. Second Ave., Phoenix. 16 |

may 16

may 2015

may 16

Phoenix Metropolitan Men’s Chorus will perform a turnabout show, benefiting its 25th anniversary, from 6 to 9 p.m. at Apollo’s Lounge, 5749 N. Seventh St., Phoenix.


To have your event considered for Echo’s print and online calendars, submit your event details to community-calendar. All submissions are subject to Echo’s discretion. events

Stacy and the entire staff from Stacy’s @ Melrose would like to congratulate ECHO Magazine on their 25th Anniversary and thank them for their unwavering support of the LGBT Community

4343 North 7th Avenue Phoenix




may 2015

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OUT ‘n ABOUT 2015 Phoenix Pride Parade April 12 at Third Avenue, Phoenix Photos by Fernando Hernández

For more Echo photos visit

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may 2015


may 2015

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Local trans advocate competes in Men’s Health’s Ultimate Guy Search By Lorraine Longhi


ealth is a nuanced and multi-faceted state of being; staying healthy can range from the physical to psychological and balancing the two can be a delicate process. For Julian Melson, reaching this balance has been a lifelong journey. An active member in Phoenix’s transgender community, Melson is a finalist for the second annual Men’s Health Magazine’s Ultimate Guy Search, a votedriven competition that invites ordinary men who fit the criteria of “well-rounded, active, health conscious and thoughtful.” Once the votes are tallied, the winner will land the cover of the November 2015 magazine and a one-year supply of Isopure product. After initially ruminating on entering the contest as a way to raise money for surgery, Melson later realized the benefits of having a transgender man on the cover of a national magazine, particularly for young people. “I started lifting weights when I was 15, and if I would have seen a trans guy on the cover of a magazine like this, it would have made a huge impact on me,” Melson said. “Not only is he like me, he’s healthy, he works out, he eats right. It gives us somebody to identify with in mainstream media.”

schedule and prepares his food for the week each Sunday. Consistency, he said, is the key to staying healthy, so having a plan for the week is crucial to his overall health regimen. For the competition, Men’s Health also inquires as to how contestants maintain a healthy lifestyle beyond the parameters of eating right and going to the gym. “There’s the emotional aspect of health, the social aspect of it,” Melson said. “I’ve learned to surround myself with positive people that motivate me and enhance the qualities of myself that I like. They encourage me to be healthy and stay positive.”

As a 49-year-old man, Melson said his own definition of health has changed throughout the years, after battling alcohol and drug addiction and issues with body image. “For many years I hated my body and I did a lot of selfdestructive things to it,” Melson said. “Today, part of being healthy is honoring the body that I do have. That took a lot of work.” This “work” included changing his surroundings, as well as paying attention to every facet of his daily regimen, both physical and emotional. In addition to working out four to six days a week for the past 34 years, Melson sticks to a daily 20 |

MAY 2015

Photo by Fernando Hernández

As the world’s largest men’s magazine, Men’s Health has a global readership of more than 35 million and a circulation of over 1.8 million. Melson is aware of the importance of advocating for trans visibility and bridging the divide into mainstream media. “It’s just now changing how trans individuals are being presented in movies and TV shows, whereas before there was so much sensationalism,” Melson said. “I don’t think Men’s Health should treat transgender men entering these contests as ‘just another guy’ since there still needs to be education surrounding us and people need to see us for who we are.

“I’ve learned to surround myself with positive people that motivate me and enhance the qualities of myself that I like.” Julian Melson

“We are successful and happy and wellrounded and educated and we run the gamut so I think there needs to be a focus on that.” And, as someone who routinely seeks to promote diversity and shatter stereotypes and misconceptions about transgender individuals that still exist in mainstream media, he’s the ultimate guy for the job. “Our bodies sometimes aren’t thought of as legitimate by the general public, and there’s still this thinking like ‘I’m not fully a man because I’m not configured the way another man is,’” Melson said. “To have a magazine like Men’s Health, that glorifies men’s bodies, put one of us on the cover would just show how much progress we’ve made.” Melson also practices advocacy and promoting awareness by giving back to the community and creating safe spaces for youth. In addition to co-facilitating support

groups for trans men, parents of trans youth and their children, Melson also regularly provides diversity training in classes for local colleges and organizations, as well as providing support resources and special events for trans individuals and their loved ones. “I love giving back and working with young people,” Melson said. “The more people understand us, the better chance they have for a healthy, happy life and to not be discriminated against. It also keeps me clean and sober. I think it’s important for people to just see a trans person as a human being.” As part of the entry requirements for the contest, Men’s Health asked contestants four essay questions of each. The last question was overarching and could be applied to health, or the applicant’s general view of their life: “How do you measure success? Have you achieved it?”

strength of character that I never knew I had.”

In response, Melson said that a successful life is defined as one in which he lives authentically and where is he of service to others.

The contest runs through June 21. For more information about Julian’s entry and to vote for him online, visit ultimateguy.

“Transition was challenging, and it helped me to walk through a lot of fears,” Melson said. “But walking through those things that I was afraid of was a healing process. I’ve become emotionally healthy through this process and I’ve found a

Lorraine Longhi is a Mesa-based freelance writer interested in covering the intersection of community and diversity. Follow her on Twitter at @lolonghi.

MAY 2015

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Saturday May 9th 2015


20th Anniversary Celebration

a gala benefiting

NIGHT FOR presented by LIFE a gala benefiting

presented by

Arizona Biltmore Arizona Biltmore Resort Resort 22 |

MAY 2015

L 2015 - Echo May Ad v10d FINAL.indd 1


2400 2400 E. E. Missouri Missouri Ave., Ave., Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ AZ

4/17/2015 4:38:02 PM


Trio RE:PEATS a Glam Night Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS is embarking on its 25th year of service to our community. It all began in the early 1990’s when one visionary activist, Kirk Baxter, and a few of his friends decided to take action against a deadly disease that was not only overlooked on a national level, but right in our own back yard. Over the last 25 years, the organization’s programs and services have evolved, but one thing remained constant, the community support to fulfill the ongoing mission—to lead the fight against HIV and AIDS by reducing infection, improving the quality of life and contributing to worldwide research. In 1996, these dedicated founders took a leap into the sustainability realm for the organization and they decided to host their first fundraising gala Night for Life. Not only was it a big leap due to the organization still being small and grass roots, but mainly due to the stigma and fear of this deadly disease. So who would come? The answer: many. The event was welcomed and held at the historic Arizona Biltmore Resort and started what became known as one of the best fundraising gala events in the Valley. Skip ahead 10 years later and in walks a fresh, gregarious trio that took the gala to a whole new level. Christi Warner-Beyer, Robert Black and Marc Reid took the stage by storm and filled a ballroom with over 1,000 guests. They were committed to raising more than $500,000 dollars. And that they did! The guest list included agency partners; community and legislative leaders; corporate sponsors; socialites; along with many donors, friends and advocates for the cause.

Skip ahead another 10 years and the Trio RE:PEATS a Glam Night. Christi, Robert and Marc return for the 20th Anniversary; and the gala will be held at the Arizona Biltmore Resort, home of the first Night for Life. “At the 10th year event, we committed on stage to co-chair the 20th anniversary gala,” says Marc Reid. “We had no idea 10 years later, that this virus and AIDS pandemic would still plaque our community and the world, and we thought a cure would have been found” Marc concluded and Christi and Robert echoed. Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS, CEO Cindy Quenneville says, “We are so thankful that Christi, Robert and Marc have returned. Their passion and dedication is remarkable.” Cindy goes on to say, “We are extremely grateful for our generous presenting sponsors Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona and longtime friend and donor, Richard P. Stahl” as well as other top sponsors such as Hardison/Downey Construction, Aetna Medicaid, Mercy Care/Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care, Theranos and our entertainment sponsor Robert Machiz. A special thank you goes out to Bob and Renee Parsons and The Bob and Renee Parsons Foundation for being our largest donors leading us into our next 25 years.” Cindy closes by saying, “And we thank those who will join us for another memorable and milestone evening on Saturday, May 9th.” During the gala the organization will celebrate its 25 years of service to the community, helping those dealing with HIV or AIDS and their families. If you missed the spectacular event 10 years ago, you can be a part of the 20th anniversary gala on Saturday May 9th at the Arizona Biltmore Resort. Tickets and information can be found at

Don’t Forget About

The Official After Party Sponsored By

4343 N. 7th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ

MAY 2015

| 23

Phoenix’s equal-pay measure builds on success of LGBT ordinance By Liz Massey


upporters of fair workplace treatment for all notched another victory March 24, when the Phoenix City Council unanimously passed a measure aimed at bridging the pay gap between men and women. The ordinance emphasizes how the city’s code mirrors federal law, which makes it illegal to pay men and women differently when performing equal work under similar conditions. Advocates for the equal pay ordinance say its success stemmed in part from the passage in 2013 of a measure that banned anti-LGBT discrimination in city contracts, housing, employment and public accommodations. And LGBT advocates following the progress of the ordinance say that both the equal-pay act and the LGBT non-discrimination ordinance are two small steps toward rehabilitating Arizona’s battered image in the eyes of the outside world. In Phoenix, women are paid 83 cents for every dollar a man earns; this is better than the American average of 77 cents, but women of color in the Valley and elsewhere often earn far less than that. Jodi Liggett, a former policy advisor to Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton and chair of the Phoenix Women’s Commission, explained that in early 2014, Stanton challenged incoming Councilwoman Kate Gallego to help him enact an equal-pay ordinance. Gallego, who represents the city’s District 8, headed up a working group that studied the issue for a year before issuing its findings. Liggett noted that the group consulted with a variety of organizations, including the YWCA and the American Association of University Women, about the best ways to make the ordinance effective. 24 |

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“These legal protections are needed to level the playing field and ensure that everyone shares in the American dream.” Jodi Liggett

While the measure lays out no new penalties for those violating the provisions of the ordinance, it makes explicit that the city’s laws are in harmony with the federal Equal Pay Act of 1963. It requires city contractors to pay their male and female employees equally. A new protection included in the current ordinance is a non-retaliation provision, which means that if a woman questions pay equity in her job or files a wage discrimination complaint she is protected from being punished for raising the issue. “[These] are important steps to ensure protections in a still-imperfect society,” Liggett said. “Sadly, these legal protections are needed to level the playing field and ensure that everyone shares in the American dream.” Other suggestions submitted by Gallego’s working group focused on empowering women. City employees and contractors will now have access to workshops on how to research pay-scale issues and improve their salary negotiation skills. Liggett said this part of the city’s actions was just as important as the law itself. “Raising awareness is maybe the most important thing,” Liggett said. “[Because of these workshops] women will understand their right to equal treatment with regard to pay and understand that they have a course of action if they face wage discrimination.”

Sara Presler, CEO of Arizona Foundation for Women, an organization that promotes economic empowerment for women, added that the workshops would be open to women and men alike, and would not be mandatory for city employees to attend. For this reason, she said, the workshops would offer a good opportunity for everyone to take economic empowerment issues into their own hands. “When we know better, we do better,” she asserted. Both Liggett and Presler acknowledged that the passage of the LGBT antidiscrimination provision had aided the progress of the equal-pay ordinance. “This was an incredible experience, having the non-discrimination ordinance lay the groundwork for equal pay,” Liggett said. “Folks fighting for women’s issues or LGBTQ issues are fighting for the same thing: dignity, equality and respect.” Presler said one of the impressive facts about the 9-0 passage of the equal-pay measure was that there was no discussion of whom to exclude from its protections. “No one in the room was asking for exceptions to keep out the LGBT community,” she said. “No one debated the definition of the term ‘family’ in the ordinance … One by one, we’re making progress, and the policies work together. That’s a real win.” Angela Hughey, founder and president of the LGBT interactive web and events organization ONE Community, noted that female members of the queer community, especially minorities, would definitely benefit from the equal-pay ordinance. “Studies show that lesbian, bisexual and transgender women – and especially lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women of color – face more discrimination than the general female population, especially in the workplace,” Hughey said. “So anything we as a society can do to hurry history towards full equality, such as enacting equal pay news

Phoenix councilwoman spearheads equal-pay measure By Liz Massey

The equal pay ordinance’s coalition of supporters gathered outside Phoenix City Hall March 24. Photos Courtesy of Arizona Foundation for Women.

protections, is an important step in the right direction.” Hughey, Liggett and Presler agreed that the equal-pay ordinance and the other measures suggested by the working group have the potential to boost the state’s reputation as a location for new businesses. Presler added that she was already hearing from women who were learning about the equal pay law and gaining tools to better negotiate their salaries. Much like the workplace protections for LGBT employees, Hughey said that ensuring women received equal pay is an issue that benefits everyone, not just the group in question. “Like non-discrimination, equal pay affects everybody,” she said. “We all do better when we have the best talent available to choose from – male or female, gay or straight. Both issues create an environment that allows hard work and talent to speak for themselves.” Hughey also said that workplace fairness issues, including LGBT anti-discrimination and equal pay, were rapidly becoming recognized as the key to making Arizona look attractive to businesses seeking to relocate here. “If we (the state of Arizona) want to change our tarnished image nationwide, we have to start treating our people better,” she asserted. “And if we want to attract and retain the best companies, we need every competitive advantage possible … We cannot afford to lose talent simply because we are not welcoming of who people love. In 2015, that is unacceptable.” Liz Massey has been involved in LGBT community-building activities in Kansas City and the Valley of the Sun, and is a former managing editor of Echo Magazine. She can be reached at

Following the Phoenix City Council’s 9-0 passage of the equal-pay measure March 24, Echo caught up with Councilwoman Kate Gallego (pictured) for more on the efforts behind the ordinance. Echo: Describe the role you and/or your organization played in the passage of Phoenix’s equal-pay measure? Gallego: Mayor Greg Stanton challenged me to take on the issue of pay equity on Equal Pay Day in April 2014. Answering this call, I convened a working group of community leaders from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to study this issue and develop recommendations to help address the pay gap in Phoenix. I had the pleasure of bringing these recommendations before the Phoenix City Council, where they were unanimously approved in March. Echo: If it mirrors existing federal law, why was the Phoenix law necessary? Gallego: Federal law makes discriminating based on gender illegal, but federal law has not closed the wage gap. The city’s proposal is our roadmap toward equal pay in Phoenix. Phoenix does billions of dollars in business, and the ordinance is a strong message to our partners that we want them to take a look at their operations and ensure they are partnering with us to make equality a reality. The ordinance also makes clear that we will not tolerate

retaliation against men or women who pursue equal wages. Another important component of the Phoenix ordinance is the way in which we engage with our nonprofit partners. We have tasked the Phoenix Women’s Commission with working with nonprofit organizations to develop an educational component that will help Phoenix women be well equipped in the workplace. Echo: What are some concrete changes that will occur as a result of this new law? Gallego: This law will cement and amplify the protections set forth in Federal law by clarifying language in city of Phoenix contracts, explicitly making clear that pay equity is an expectation that the city takes seriously when it comes to its contractors. We also charge the Phoenix Women’s Commission with developing a program for educating women in the workplace to proactively address the issue. The city will look at our own operations as an employer and try to recruit a diverse population into our highest paid occupations. Echo: How would you characterize the relationship between this measure and efforts to ensure employment nondiscrimination protections for LGBT people? How does this relate? Gallego: This effort is absolutely a continuation of Mayor Stanton’s effort to make our city a fair, welcoming place for every Phoenician. This measure strengthens the non-discrimination ordinance and is intended to be an expansion of our City’s commitment to civil rights. This is a priority for Mayor Stanton, and it’s a priority for me. Echo: Why should men actively support the equal pay measure? How do they benefit if the pay gap is closed? Gallego: When women win, Phoenix wins. By having women more engaged and successful in the workplace, we are investing in the prosperity of our entire city. Investors and entrepreneurs want to make investments in welcoming communities, and business leaders of both genders have played an instrumental role.

Phoenix City Counsel unanimously passed an equal pay ordinance March 24.

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OUT ‘n ABOUT 2015 Phoenix Pride Festival April 11-12 at Steele Indian School Park, Phoenix

Photos by Fernando Hernández and Laura Latzko

For more Echo photos visit

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Reign X Candidates

olivia gardens

Imperial Court of Arizona Holds 10th Annual Coronation By Laura Latzko


ith crowns, diamonds, cloaks, scepters and lavish attire, the Imperial Sovereign Empire of Arizona’s annual coronation is steeped in tradition. This year’s coronation, Sapphire and Diamond Ball: All that Glitters in the Desert, marks a decade of “striving to unite the [LGBT and allied] communities through charitable fundraising events to meet the needs of all.” According to Darrell Dern, president of the court’s board of directors, the 10-year anniversary speaks to the organization’s perseverance. “It’s satisfying to know that the court was able to overcome significant difficulties early on in its years and pull itself up,” Dern said. “It rose like a phoenix. It literally pulled itself out of the ashes to become what it has become today.” As part of the 10th anniversary celebration, Queen Mother of the Americas Empress Nicole the Great, the executive director of the International Court System, will attend with her heirs apparent. Monarchs from previous reigns will walk with banners in honor of the milestone, and the court will give out 10-year commemorative pins at the event. The coronation festivities will include entertainment by Starlight Native Dance Group, a Native American performance group from Page, Ariz., former Miss Gay Arizona America Tyra Marie, former Miss IGRA Victoria London, former Miss Gay Arizona America TC Taylor, Miss Gay Arizona USofA Newcomer Aimee V. Justice and AZ Gender Outlaws founder Pandora DeStrange. For the milestone event, which Dern expects to draw around 300 guests, court members from as far as Alaska and New York will travel to Phoenix to be a part of the celebration. During the coronation, Reign IX titleholders Empress Miss DeMeanor and Emperor Bill Mitchell will step down and the court will announce the new monarchs. During Reign IX, DeMeanor became the Arizona court’s first Native American 28 |

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empress. Throughout her reign, she said her goal was to be a positive representative for, and reach out to, native groups and communities in Arizona. After taking a year sabbatical, DeMeanor plans to resume her service with the Grand Canyon Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence as Navi Ho. Mitchell, a military veteran originally from Louisiana, became involved with court during reign IV. However, he had already established himself as a leader in the leather community, winning titles such as American Leatherman and Southwest Leather SIR. DeMeanor and Mitchell agree that because of their hard work and the bond they’ve built with each other, they’ll be forever connected. “When you spend a year together, you become each other’s confidants and screaming posts,” Mitchell said. “It is family. ‘Friend’ is not a strong enough word.” During their reign, the monarchs and their lines raised about $25,000 for various local organizations, including Paws for Patriots, Logan’s Playground, Phoenix Pride, Joshua Tree Feeding Program and the Bryon Wiley Memorial Scholarship Fund. Emperor II Michael Gaffney will announce the recipients of the Bryon Wiley Memorial Scholarships. Last year, the court presented a record $9,000 in scholarships. Each reign builds upon the previous, Dern said, finding new ways to give back to the community and strengthening existing relationships. Sapphire and Diamond Ball: All that Glitters in the Desert Crowne Plaza Phoenix Airport 4300 E. Washington St., Phoenix, Tickets: $75 Laura Latzko is a Phoenix-area freelance writer, originally from Michigan, who holds a bachelor’s degree in English and communication studies from Hollins University and a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Missouri.

Reign IX Viscountess Olivia Gardens was the drag queen winner of the imperial court’s 2009 Closet Ball, she holds 2011 Miss Phoenix Gay Pride title and is a members of the AZ Gender Outlaws. Nikki starr

Reign IX Princess Nikki Starr has 20 years experience as a drag performer and a volunteer resume that’s just as extensive, including the Arizona Gay Rodeo Association, Arizona Leather Bears and Cubs and the Men of Charlie’s. steve marino

Reign IX Prince Royale Steve Marino has served on the court lines from reign VII to IX. In 2004, Marino won the title of Mr. Michigan Leather, and as a member of the Arizona Men of Leather, he was recently given the title “Bill’s Baaaad Boy” from the reigning Las Vegas emperor. robert schenberg

Reign IX Prince Robert Schenberg has organized the leather community’s annual toy drive for Logan’s Playground and started the Bearlesque charity fundraiser. Also a member of the Arizona Men of Leather, Schenberg holds 2012 Southwest Leather Daddy Bear and 2014 Mr. Phoenix Leather titles. Voting: Online voting for emperor and empress will take place at April 22-April 24, or in person at the Phoenix Pride LGBT Center, 801 N. Second Ave., from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. April 26.

TAKE IT ONLINE Sapphire and Diamond Ball For a full list of coronation events, visit coronoation-2015. news

OUT ‘n ABOUT Viva Aunt Rita’s April 17 at The Venue of Scottsdale Photos by Fernando Hernández

For more Echo photos visit

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Echo Readers Select 2015 Award Winners By Kara J. Philp


n Echo tradition since 2006, the Readers’ Choice Awards were developed as a spinoff from the magazine’s Pride of Phoenix Awards that were, once upon a time, presented annually as part of the Phoenix Pride festival.

nominees. Needless to say, the competition is fierce.

The Readers’ Choice Awards recognize community favorites in 25 categories – from local leaders and performers to places to wine and dine – all of which are nominated and voted on by you.

Now, it is with great pride and undue respect that we introduce you to the 2015 Echo Readers’ Choice Award winners.

During this years nomination period we received more than 10,000 individual nominations totaling more than 700

Then, with more than 2,500 total votes for our 125 finalists, we’re proud to report that 2015 was one of the most competitive and successful years to date.

But first – we’ve said it before but bears repeating – thank you to all the nominees, finalists, winner, promoters, readers, voters and even the Susan Lucci’s. We couldn’t do it without you!

“I love everyone and would do almost anything to make people happy.” Stacy Louis

Service by a Man Stacy Louis Men’s Bar Stacy’s @ Melrose Women’s BaR Stacy’s @ Melrose dance bar Stacy’s @ Melrose happy hour Stacy’s @ Melrose Since Stacy’s @ Melrose opened in 2013, Louis has taken home a total of 10 Echo Reader’s Choice Awards. Read Stacy Louis’ interview at echomag .com/service-bya-man-2015.

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LGBT Nonprofit one n ten

According to one n ten, this marks the organization’s eighth award in the past four years. Past honors include Service by A Woman for Kado Stewart, Service by a Man for Stacey Jay Cavaliere, Leader of a Nonprofit for Linda Elliott and Charity Event for Fresh Brunch. Read Echo’s interview with Linda Elliott, one n ten executive director, at

Fitness Spot LA Fitness at 7th Ave. & Camelback

Community Event or Festival Phoenix Pride Festival

“Receiving this award during our 35th Annual pride celebration shows that we continue to make a difference every day.” Justin Owen

Read Echo’s interview with Justin Owen, Phoenix Pride executive director, at echomag. com/community-festival-2015.

Coffee Shop Copper Star Coffee

Local Musical Group or Band

Charity Fundraising Event

Phoenix Metropolitan Men’s Chorus

Dancing with the Bars (SWAY Events)

While SWAY Events has taken home an Echo Readers’ Choice Awards Sugar & Champagne, another of its charity fundraising events, this is the first for Dancing with the Bars. Read Echo’s interview with Gary Guerin, SWAY Events CEO and owner, at

With 15 Echo Readers’ Choice Awards to its name, the Phoenix Metropolitan Men’s Chorus holds the top position for most awards to date among 2015 winners. Read Echo’s interview with Jon Short, Board of Directors vice chair, at local-musical-group-2015.

Leader of Political Action & Advocacy Mayor Greg Stanton Service by a Straight Ally Nicole Stanton For the third consecutive year, Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton takes home this award. Nicole Stanton is the 2013 Echo Readers’ Choice Award winner for Service by a Woman.

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Service by a Woman Katy June

Drag King Freddy Prinze Charming

In the past, Katy June has worked with SWAY Events to throw the Echo Readers’ Choice Awards party and also co-hosted the event – is there anything she can’t do? This year she takes home her second award.

“There are so many opportunities to get involved but you have to ask and you have to show up – even when, and especially when, the work is not glamorous.” Katy June

Theatrical Production Nearly Naked Theatre

Drag QUEEN Barbra Seville

Read Echo’s interview with Katy June at

Even while taking a break from the stage, which he refers to as an “extended personal day,” Freddy Prinze Charming is still winning awards – his third Echo Readers’ Choice Award to be exact. Read Echo’s interview with Freddy Prinze Charming at

“It’s summer time and I love body shots!” Ronald Rogers



DJ Tsunami

Ronald Rogers

DJ Tsunami first won an Echo Readers’ Choice Award in 2010, as the resident DJ at Forbidden Nightclub. From there he went on to win again in 2012, 2013 and 2014 while mixing at various local hot spots and events.

Ronald Rogers, who has been behind the Stacy’s @ Melrose bar since the day it opened, also holds Bartender awards for 2010 and 2012, and 2015.

Read Echo’s interview with DJ Tsunami at

Read Echo’s interview with Ronald Rogers at

“It is an honor to be nomianated, it really is … if you do what you love the accolades will follow.” Barbra Seville

This award makes a dirty dozen for Babs in this category; Richard Stevens has also taken home a Service by a Man Award. Read Echo’s interview with Barbra Seville at 32 |

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Brunch Spread Harley’s Italian Bistro

Leader of Spirituality & Worship Community Church of Hope Restaurant FEZ

“Thanks for consistently supporting your locallyowned, independent businesses.” Mark Howard

This year mark’s the 10th Echo Readers’ Choice Award for FEZ, and the first since moving to the new digs. Read Echo’s interview with Mark Howard, FEZ partner/co-owner, at restaurant-2015.

salon r salon

For the fifth consecutive year, Rick Patrick and his staff have earned the Echo Readers’ Choice Award in this category. Read Echo’s interview with Rick Patrick, r salon owner, at 34 |

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“I don’t know if our location impacts our winning this award, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to be in the ‘Fruit Loop’ where a lot of the bars and activities of the community tend to happen”

“We get involved in as much as we can – not only to make Harley’s more successful, but to make Phoenix more successful.” Stacey Black

Since taking over Harley’s Italian Bistro in 2012, co-owners Charolette Kimerly and Stacey Black have brought home five Echo Readers’ Choice Awards. Read Echo’s interview with Stacey Black at

Rev. Patrick Stout

Community Church of hope has won Echo Readers’ Choice Awards for 16 out of its 19 years in existence. Read Echo’s interview with Rev. Patrick Stout, Community Church of Hope pastor, at

Sports Group Friends with Benefits Kickball League

Drag Pageant

There’s a first time for everything and, with countless nominations over the years 2015 marks the first Echo Readers’ Choice Award for Miss Gay Arizona America.

Miss Gay Arizona America

Read Echo’s interview with Daniel Eckstrom, the pageant’s promoter, at echomag. com/drag-pageant-2015.

Health coverage that works for you We offer plans and programs to support our LGBT members and help build healthier communities. Visit to learn more.

We offer plans and programs to support our LGBT members and help build healthier communities. Visit to learn more.

©2015 Aetna Inc. Plans are offered by Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna).

©2015 Aetna Inc. Plans are offered by Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna).

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OUT ‘n ABOUT Echo Reader’s Choice Awards April 9 at Club Downtown, Phoenix Photos by Fernando Hernández

For more Echo photos visit

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Now accepting sales reservations only at this time. No sales until issuance of ADRE Public Report. No binding offer to sell prior to issuance of the final Arizona Subdivision Public Report for the property. All architectural illustrations reflect an artistic interpretation of the project and may differ from actual built environment. Square footage is approximate. Courtesy to Brokers.

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Oh Snap!

Local photographer shoots his way to the top By Desi Rubio


rom behind the lens of his camera he masterfully brings each of his subjects to life, revealing just enough of their character to evoke both curiosity and respect from any one who sees one of his final masterpieces. And, once you’ve seen his work, you’ll never forget his brand. His name is Scotty Kirby. At 27 years old, Kirby’s work is

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regularly featured in local magazines, he’s developed a cult-like social media following, he has an enviable portfolio and he recently celebrated the two-year anniversary of his business, Scotty Kirby Photo – but this hot, young professional is just getting started. According to Kirby, photography first became an interest during high school. It came easy to him, he recalled, and after only three days of being in the

introductory class, he was transferred into the advanced class, and his new hobby was born. It wasn’t until Kirby was a few courses away from receiving a bachelor’s degree in biology from Arizona State University that he realized his hobby could actually be profitable. And, on graduation day he proudly accepted this diploma, but didn’t waste any time shifting his focus to photography. Photo courtesy of Scotty Kirby.


Coco St. James. Photo by Scotty Kirby.

The Shutter Stopper


n the years that followed, Kirby gained experience photographing weddings, portraits and family photos. Then, four years ago, he stumbled upon an Instagram post by local drag queen Coco St. James. That photo changed everything. Kirby reached out to the Arizona-based drag queen who had become known for her Lady Gaga impersonations. “Being a huge Gaga fan, I wanted to shoot her right away,” Kirby said. “I just messaged her on Facebook asking if she’d be interested, and she said ‘yes.’”

bring their own concept with them and I get to feed off their creative energy just as much.” The best part of his job though, Kirby said, is turning what was once considered a fetish into a work of art. But that takes time. A typical photoshoot session with Kirby lasts anywhere from two to three hours and clients have the option to bring up to four different looks. “Often times I never know what to expect when we arrive for the session,” Kirby said. “But that is what I love about drag, it is ever-changing and they are truly

“That is what I love about drag, it is everchanging and they are truly their own canvas.” Scotty Kirby

their own canvas.” Whether Kirby’s drag clients opt to hold the photo shoot at his home studio or elsewhere, Kirby said his biggest challenges are perfecting the lighting and feminizing the clients – both of which he hopes to master.

According to Kirby, that was all it took for him to be captivated by the aesthetics and the challenges of drag photography. After his first session with St. James, his name whipped through the community like wildfire. “Little did I know that after my first session with Coco, 90 percent of my clients would end up being drag,” Kirby said, adding that he has since held more than 35 sessions with drag queens from all over the country. Kirby has also photographed many contestants from Logo’s “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” including Coco Montrese (Season 5) and Tempest DuJour (Season 7). Through each drag queen photo session, Kirby said a new style is developed or a new theme is born. “There are no limits with drag photography,” Kirby said. “I love that they

Coco St. James. Photo by Scotty Kirby.

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A Shooting Star With nearly a decade of photography experience and a brand that was becoming highly recognizable locally, Kirby celebrated one year of fruitful self-employment by taking his brand somewhere unique. He had his business logo,, tattooed on the left side of his chest. “I love my logo and decided to brand myself,” he said, “but one of my goals is to have people recognize my work without even having the logo on there.” The tattoo proved to be a positive omen of what was to come for the brand. Kirby’s work, coupled with his credibility in the drag world, captured the attention of Shooting Star Management, an entertainment management company that represents prominent drag stars. In need of an official photographer, they reached out to Kirby a few months ago and asked him if he would like the job. Kirby enthusiastically accepted. “I will have a lot more access to big names and I get to join them as they go on tour later this year,” Kirby said. As Kirby transcends the local scene and finds his place on the national stage, his goals are evolving along with his work. This year, he said, he’d like to get an official studio space, travel more and attend the first-ever RuPaul’s DragCon – which he’ll be able to check off the list May 16-17, thanks to Shooting Star Management. “I am just super thankful to everyone who has worked with me and supported me,” Kirby said. “And I hope that my enthusiasm always pours through as I’m shooting.” Stay connected with Kirby as he embarks on the next chapter of his career at, ScottyKirbycom, @ScottyKirby on Twitter or ScottyKirbyPhoto on Instagram.

Photo courtesy of Scotty Kirby.

Photo by Scotty Kirby.

RuPaul hosts first-ever DragCon in LA By Desi Rubio For the first time ever, drag queens – as well as their teams, supporters, families and enthusiasts – have the opportunity to gather in one location to interact with the industry’s finest from around the country. Celebrating “the art of drag, queer culture and self-expression for all,” RuPaul’s DragCon will debut May 16-17 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Needless to say, this won’t be your average convention, honey. “I am thrilled to bring this one-of-akind event to Los Angeles,” said RuPaul via “DragCon is not just a showcase for the most talented drag queens in the world. It’s a chance for all lovers of drag culture – young and old, gay and straight – to come together, to inspire each other, and to let their freak flags fly high.”

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This one-of-a-kind event gives attendees the opportunity to exchange ideas with exhibitors, browse more than 100 vendors, snap selfies with their favorite celebrities and drag stars, participate in various Q&A sessions about fashion and style, engage in panel discussions with prominent names in the business and shop the best drag apparel and art. According to the event website, DragCon serves as a platform for “fans – gay and straight – to meet and interact with world famous drag queens and other celebrity guests in a fan friendly environment.” Shooting Star Management, along with and their newest teammate drag photographer Scotty Kirby, will have a booth set up as one of the exhibitors. Shooting Star Management

Photo by Scotty Kirby.

Photo by Scotty Kirby.

“I am just so excited that drag is becoming more mainstream ... The fact that there is a whole convention now is one of the coolest things.” Scotty Kirby

represents prominent drag stars that are scheduled to appear over the course of the weekend. “I am just so excited that drag is becoming more mainstream, but not so mainstream that it kills it,” Kirby said. “The fact that there is a whole convention now is one of the coolest things.” Kirby is expecting to see a lot of former clients and possibly meet some new ones. Famed drag queens and celebrities scheduled to appear at the convention

include Bianca del Rio, Chad Michaels, Raja, Lady Bunny, Chi Chi LaRue, Alec Mapa, Jason Carter, Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling (G.L.O.W.), Brendan Jordan and, of course, RuPaul. For more information, tickets and a complete list of guests of honor, visit RuPaul’s DragCon May 16-17 Los Angeles Convention Center 1201 S. Figueroa St., LA Tickets: $30

Desi Rubio is a Chandler-based freelance writer, who holds a bachelor’s degree in communication and culture. She can be reached at

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OUT ‘n ABOUT 2015 Phoenix Pride Run and Adventure Expo April 12 at Third Avenue, Phoenix Photos by Gregg Edelman and Bill Gemmill

For more Echo photos visit

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The Calm Before The Storm Phoenix rugby team reflects on 2015 season By Anthony Costello


hile training and practice are necessary contingents for success in sport, the success of a team isn’t always measured in goals scored or wins tabulated. It’s heart, spirit, chemistry and dedication that make a team successful – just ask the Phoenix Storm Rugby Football Club. With the addition of several players and a change at the coaching position, the 2015 season served as learning experience for everyone wearing the Storm uniform. Toward the end of the 2015 season, veteran player Steve Enteman replaced retiring coach Mike Fortey. Enteman, who has played for the Storm since 2008, didn’t waste any time getting to work in his new role. His top priority: getting the rookies up to speed. “The win is less of a concern this year, I’m more concerned with skill building,” Enteman said. “We had so many new guys this season, and the reality is skill building is more of a victory than actually winning the game.” The Storm currently has 12 active players, just three short of the 15-man team requirement, who have been playing modified 10-on-10 games. According to Enteman, the fewer players on the field, the more physically demanding the game is, adding that 10-on-10 games require a completely different strategic approach. “There’s been some limitations with the number of teammates ... which [results in] team members having to cover more

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ground; it’s a huge handicap especially if the other team can compensate for that and use it against you,” Enteman said. “But it’s a learning experience in controlling the ball, tackling and field position, and that’s where I saw guys really starting to step up in that situation.” To get both experienced and new members prepared for the season, the Storm has built a partnership with the Camelback Rugby Club over the past two years, exchanging members to fill their Aand B-side teams. “A-side is the ‘A-team’ so to speak, the B-side is for those just learning the sport,” said co-captain and Storm veteran Tony Alonzo. “When we play games with Camelback, the A-side is mostly their team with a few of our experienced players … the B-sides are typically filled with rookies who are in their first season, getting their experience.” This divided focus allows the experienced members to build upon their existing skillsets, Alonzo explained, while the new members can start forming the foundations of their own skills with other players who share similar levels of experience. Thanks to the symbiotic partnership with Camelback, Enteman said he is already seeing vast improvements in the new players.

Photo by Bill Gemmill.

“Maintaining ball possession, how to defend the ball, running and contact … those are the beginning keys to rugby right there.” Steve Enteman

those are the beginning keys to rugby right there … those are the three main areas that teams need to master,” Enteman said, adding that he’s already seen players start to improve upon those skills. Although Enteman has several years of experience playing rugby with the Storm, Camelback and other teams, he said coaching is an entirely new learning experience. “It was easy for me to step into [this role], but for me personally I’m struggling with stepping away from being a player,” he said.

“Maintaining ball possession, how to defend the ball, running and contact …

Photo by Bill Gemmill


“Now I’m the guy giving instructions on the field, so that changes the dynamic.”

shoulder tendon won’t stop him from playing in the tournament.

Enteman said his relationship with Alonzo eases some of the pressure of coaching.

“I’m not worried … but if it’s going to cause further damages I won’t play, but usually I just do it,” Alonzo said, adding that the team is otherwise healthy. “There’s always going to be some bruise, cut or scrape or something … maybe even a black eye.”

“Tony’s a leader on and off the field,” he said. “I’ve known him throughout this entire time so our relationship is very strong.” Alonzo expressed that he enjoys his position as co-captain, providing leadership on the field and collaborating with Coach Enteman. “I’m the guy they look to if they have questions about plays; I keep the line of communication open between the team and the coach,” Alonzo said. “I give them the breakdown on practices, where games are, what to expect, that kind of stuff.” Enteman also spoke positively of Alonzo’s fellow co-captain of the Storm Marquelus Graham and his contributions to the team. “Marquelus is a good, strong player who played with Camelback,” Enteman said, “I’m just starting to build that coach/ co-captain relationship with him.” The Storm’s 2015 season is now coming to a close, culminating in the Magnitude 15 tournament (magnitude15. org) Memorial Day weekend in Seattle. The International Gay Rugby tournament, sponsored by the Seattle Quake, will host teams from the western half of the United States and Canada in a round-robin format. According to Alonzo, his torn

In retrospect, Enteman is pleased with the Storm’s overall performance throughout the season, and is already planning areas of focus for the team to concentrate on heading into the next season. “Our first goal is to gain numbers,” he said. “Next is to continue building basic skills, and that’s my primary focus ... wins are always our focus, but the realistic goal is to just get points on the board and play solid games is what matters more.” The team’s heart, spirit, chemistry and dedication, Enteman and Alonzo agreed, are also attributes the players will continue to build on. “I don’t think I’d ever change anything about the team,” Alonzo said. “We tend to stick together a lot more and I like our family dynamic.” Enteman echoed Alonzo sentiments on the team’s camaraderie. “You have to work together at all levels to be successful; this isn’t an individual’s game,” Enteman said. “Getting a good cohesive group together, with the right level of camaraderie ... the social aspect is crucial.”

TEAM TRYOUTS For information on the Phoenix Storm’s 2016 season tryouts, visit

Photo by Kara J. Philp

Phoenix Storm Gives Back Rugby team pair camaraderie and community By Anthony Costello Becoming a team member of the Phoenix Storm requires a level of commitment that goes beyond playing your best every time your feet hit the field. The men of the local rugby team are a busy group, whose schedules regularly consist of training, competing, traveling to tournaments, fundraising to cover funds for travel expenses, getting proper rest and meeting the demands of their full-time jobs. “Rugby is a huge commitment; it can take its toll on people’s social lives and that’s not even including fundraising that we tend to push a lot more during Bingham Cup years,” said Storm co-captain Tony Alonzo, who originally signed up with the team at the Storm’s Rainbows Festival booth in 2005. “Once you tie in all the fundraising and practice, all you can do sometimes is eat, sleep and breathe rugby.” Even with nonstop schedules, the team still finds time to volunteer and fundraise for community organizations. In fact, being

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service events is serving Thanksgiving dinner at one n ten’s Youth Center in Phoenix. “We’ve had individuals of the team involved with one n ten outside of the Thanksgiving event, but serving Thanksgiving dinner is one of our primary events,” Alonzo said. “I was part of one n ten as a kid way back when, so it’s nice to help them out.” The added bonus for Alonzo is providing the LGBT youth of one n ten with role models, especially gay sports role models outside of mainstream sports where coming out and being open about it is still rather taboo. Photo by Kara J. Philp

involved and giving back as a team is almost considered a tacit agreement. “There’s a lot of time committed to rugby with training and then playing games,” Enteman said. “So, when there’s downtime the guys really take advantage of it.” The Storm has board members – typically about four players and four nonplayers – who pitch, plan and enact fundraisers for both charity and to cover such team costs as equipment and travel expenses for tournaments. One of the Storm’s signature community

“Growing up I never knew anyone who was openly gay in sports,” Alonzo said. “We [want] to let them know that there’s stuff out there for them.” The Storm also recently participated in Dodge Hunger, a dodgeball tournament to help raise money for Joshua Tree Feeding Progran – a food bank dedicated to providing nutritional assistance to people living with HIV/AIDS in the Metro Phoenix area. “We got our butts kicked – we’re way better at rugby than dodgeball,” said Storm Coach Steve Enteman. The Storm also volunteers and fundraises for charity, as well as the team, at a variety of local events, including Rainbows Festival,

Phoenix Pride and the Arizona Gay Rodeo. “Just helping these organizations put on events helps out the community as a whole,” Enteman said. “It makes us stronger individuals [and] has a trickle down effect, too.” While Enteman recalls the “old days” of fundraising through carwashes and beer pong, he said he’s glad the team has become more focused on supporting local LGBT organizations – many of which have provided personal support to members of the team throughout the years. “I love the rugby lifestyle,” Alonzo said, in reference to the team’s community involvement. “I’ll be involved with it for many years to come. Even if I stop playing for some reason, I’ll still be involved in some way.”

TAKE IT ONLINE Rugby Rules To find out more about the rules, players, equipment and scoring in the sport of rugby, visit Anthony Costello is an award-winning writer, a graduate of ASU’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and a fraternity brother of Sigma Phi Beta, a gay, straight, bisexual and transgender fraternity.

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White Party Palm Springs

travel feature

Jeffrey Sanker rolls out the white carpet for the 26th annual party By Megan Wadding

Photo by Marques Daniels.


alm Springs is a desert oasis that beckons travelers from across te globe and every walk of life – particularly in the spring. From the annual Coachella Valley Music Festival weekend and Modernism Week to the Palm Springs International Film Festival and the annual Kraft Nabisco Championship Golf Tournament (formerly the Dinah Shore Golf Championship), there is something for every one. Just as Mariah Hanson’s Club Skirts Presents the Dinah attracts droves of lesbians year after year, so too does Jeffrey Sanker’s White Party draws tens of thousands of gay men from near and far for “the largest dance music festival in the world.” In its 26th year, the White Party Palm Springs will take place April 24-27 and include guests appearances by hottest DJs from around the country, performances by LeAnn Rimes, Natalie La Rose and Glee’s

“Now, White Party has become an annual tradition of many, I’m thankful and proud of that. Sometimes I look out over the crowd and think, ‘My God, what have I done?’” Jeffrey Sanker

Alex Newell, pool parties, celebrity sightings and a day at the water park. According to Sanker, 26 years ago his friends Sandy Sachs and Robin Gans invited him to Palm Springs to see their annual Girl Bar Dinah Shore event that coincided with the annual golf tournament. “The tournament always attracts a lot of lesbian fans, so they had a really good crowd,” Sanker said. “I saw it and said, ‘I can do the same thing for men, even bigger.’” Sanker, who originally invisioned the weekend as a spring break getaway for men, said he cannot believe how large and influential the White Party weekend has become since its inception back in 1989 – which was one DJ in a hotel ballroom. “I always had faith in the event, even during the first three years when I was investing a lot of money just to build the brand,” Sanker said. “Now, White Party has become an annual tradition of many, I’m thankful and proud of that. Sometimes I look out over the crowd and think, ‘My God, what have I done?’”

Jeffrey Sanker. Photo by Vincent Sandoval, Wire Image. 50 |

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This year, Sanker said he’s expecting more than 30,000 men from all over the world over the course of the weekend. “We get attendees from all over now,”

Sanker said. “We always get a great contingent from Arizona. It’s become an annual tradition for a lot of guys from Phoenix and Tucson.” While the weekend attracts loyal White Partygoers year after year, there are always a large number of first-timers in attendance. Sanker advises all White Party virgins, to pace themselves, be safe and have fun. “Like always, I want everyone to come and have a good time, enjoy themselves,” Sanker said. “Drink lots of water. Don’t forget sunscreen!” The weekend formally kicks off with the Friday Splash Pool Part at the Renaissance Hotel Palm Springs (the event’s host hotel) followed by the Addicted to White Underwear Party where everyone is invited to “dance with no pants.” Then, Saturday will feature the first-ever Jeffrey Sanker Presents Wet ‘n’ Wild Palm Springs event. White Party attendees will exclusively take over the 21-acre water park, which boasts more than 20 water rides. “We will have the entire facility to ourselves, including all the slides and attractions, as well as cabanas with frontrow views of all the action,” Sanker said. According to Sanker, there will be a custom stage and full sound system pumping music from DJ Gustavo Scorpio, DJ Grind and DJ Ray Rhodes throughout the park. This is the weekend’s only event for ages 18 to 21, and Sanker expects it to sell out. For the less adventurous, the Saturday Splash Pool Party will take place at the Renaissance Hotel Palm Springs. The White Party, the weekend’s main event, takes place Saturday night at The Palm Springs Convention Center. The event traveL

Photo by Phil Lobel, Lobeline Communications.

will feature Frankie Grande, widely known as brother of singer Ariana Grande and as a “Big Brother 16” cast member, as this year’s White Party Ambassador and Kelly Osbourne, fresh off of “E! Fashion Police,” as the Queen of White Party. “Both will be hosting the festivities on the White Carpet,” Sanker said. “With [her] haute couture style and outspoken personality, Kelly is a perfect fit as Queen of White Party. She will be on patrol for any fashion violations.” Sanker added that attendees are expected to dress in white, and he encourages everyone to be “white carpet ready”. Entertainment will include guest DJs – DJ Chris Cox, DJs Chus and Ceballos, DJ Nacho Chapado and the O’Halley Brothers – taking turns on the 1s and 2s.

The Sunday Splash Pool Party, at the Renaissance Hotel Palm Springs, will keep the momentum going and seguay into the evening event: The Circus T-Dance. Billed as the largest outdoor T-dance party in the world, the event will feature performances by “Glee” star Alex Newell, Dutch recording artist and model Natalie La Rose and Grammy Award-winning, multiplatinum recording artist LeAnn Rimes. “It’s truly an honor to have a music legend like LeAnn joining us,” Sanker said. “We look forward to an absolutely magical performance.” The Circus T-Dance party, which will take place right in the foothills of the San Jacinto Mountains, will also rides on the White Party Ferris Wheel, guest DJs and a choreographed fireworks finale set to a musical remix by DJ Wayne G.

Photo by Marques Daniels.

“We will have more performer announcements coming soon,” said Sanker. “I always like to keep a few surprises up my sleeve to the very last moment.” For more information, tickets and a complete list of

events, DJs and venues, visit Megan Wadding is a freelance writer and travel addict with a degree in journalism. Follow her on Twitter at @MeganWadding.

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Photo by Phil Lobel, Lobeline Communications.

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A Dinah Divided The fourth annual Dinah Vegas descends on Sin City By Megan Wadding Stash. Photos courtesy of


hat began 25 years ago as an allwomen weekend in Palm Springs has evolved into a grown and sexy weekend in Sin City, thanks to Sandy Sachs and Robin Gans. These two co-founders, producers and business partners present the fourth annual Girl Bar Dinah Shore Las Vegas – Dinah Vegas for short – April 23 to 26. Having split from the original Dinah Shore weekend in Palm Springs in 2005, then producing a parallel event for the next six years, Sachs and Gans decided to move the event to Las Vegas in 2012. “I definitely wanted to do something different. The plan was going to be Las Vegas and bigger hotels,” Sachs said. “We had been in Palm Springs for years, and we just felt it was time to go somewhere else. It just happened that Caesars Entertainment was trying to woo the LGBTQ community.” According to Sachs, teaming up with Caesars Entertainment – which includes Caesars Palace, The Linq, The Cromwell and the event’s host hotels Planet Hollywood and Flamingo – was the key to what she calls a “really amazing” partnership. “[Caesars Entertainment] are really committed to the LGBT community. We feel

“At the end of the day, people aren’t coming to an event to see the entertainment; people are coming to be around other women.” Sandy Sachs

very fortunate to make that marriage,” Sachs said. “It’s very cool how it all just happened. It was meant to be.” Since moving the event to Las Vegas, Sachs said the focus has shifted from booking big performers to creating a unique, women-centered event at really gorgeous venues that you could not possibly experience anywhere else. “At the end of the day, people aren’t coming to an event to see the entertainment; people are coming to be around other women,” said Sachs. “It’s about parties, venues, go-go dancers and people just hanging out having a good time.” Sachs, who is based in Los Angeles, said she is expecting more than 3,000 women from all over the world – and, of course, Arizona – to attend the weekend festivities. “It’s an easy and quiet drive from Arizona,” Sachs said. “Also, a short flight.” Sachs said the weekend has already grown to exceed her expectations, adding that the event is intended to be a different experience than the Palm Springs event.

Anita Antoinette, a finalist on season seven of The Voice.

really late and that’s still not the end of the night,” she said. “The party never stops … in Las Vegas.” Official Dinah Vegas events will include pool parties, a VIP coctail reception, live performances and nighclub events – all of which take place at locations on the Strip. The weekend’s main event, the Infinity Pool Party at the Flamingo Hotel April 25, will feature a performance by Anita Antoinette, a finalist on season seven of The Voice. “I thought [Anita] would be really fun. She’s a great entertainer,” Sachs said. “For the younger gals, we have electric pop duo STASH [performing, too].” For more information, tickets and a complete list of events and venues, visit Megan Wadding is a freelance writer and travel addict with a degree in journalism. Follow her on Twitter at @MeganWadding.

“It’s a different kind of weekend from Palm Springs, but that was our intention,” Sachs said. “We purposefully don’t have events going 24/7. We kind of wanted to back off a little bit and give people time to do their own thing because there is so much to do in Las Vegas.” “It’s an older, more professional, affluent crowd,” Sachs said. “It’s for people who don’t need to be around lesbians 24/7.” The best advice Sachs has for first-time attendees: pace yourself. “There is no last call and our parties go 52 |

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OUT ‘n ABOUT Phoenix Public Market April 18 at Phoenix Public Market Photos by Kara J. Philp

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AT THE BOX OFFICE By Hans Pedersen

Iris In theatres May 15 | PG-13| 83 minutes

Mad Max: Fury Road In theatres May 15 | R

The fourth installment of the Mad Max series stars Charlize Theron as a tough warrior involved in epic battles and postapocalyptic adventures to help save a group of enslaved young women. Tom Hardy plays the title role, Max Rocketanski, in what looks like a visually extravagant ride for moviegoers. George Miller, who helmed the immensely popular first two Mad Max films with Mel Gibson more than 30 years ago, directs and co-writes this much-anticipated action film.

Famous documentary filmmaker Albert Maysles profiles Iris Apfel, a wildly dressed 93-year-old maverick who has been part of Manhattan’s fashion world for 75 years. Maysles crafted this tribute to her creativity, spunk and adventurous outlook on life, just before he passed away in March. He and his late brother David directed the documentary on the pair of fallen mother-daughter socialites, Grey Gardens (1976), which is beloved by so many in the gay community.

All Yours Video release May 26 | 102 minutes

Poltergeist In theatres May 22 | PG-13

In this modern reboot of the 1982 Tobe Hooper film, television is once again a link to the netherworld, but now the screens are everywhere. Sam Rockwell and Rosemarie Dewitt star as the happy couple whose home becomes a playground for evil spirits. The storyline follows them as they try to save their daughter, Madison, from otherworldly clutches, with the help of clairvoyant Carrigan Burke (Jared Harris). Written by Sam Raimi (Evil Dead, Spiderman), this genuinely scary movie is perfect for a date night fright. 58 |

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Lucas is a gay escort from Argentina who’s destitute when he arrives in a tiny Belgian town to meet a heavy-set bakery owner he hooked up with online. The baker, Henry, is hopeful the young man will do him a few favors in both the kitchen and the bedroom. But when Audrey, a young woman working at the bakery, gets to know Lucas better, sparks begin to fly. Directed by David Lambert (Beyond the Walls), this film has earned acclaim at several film festivals.

Hans Pedersen is a freelance writer based in Phoenix.



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Campaign of Hate Gay porn superstar’s documentary offers a look at LGBT life in Russia By David-Elijah Nahmod Photos courtesy of Jeff Dorta.


hile Michael Lucas might be better known for his work in the adult film industry, it’s his documentaries that are earning him global notoriety. Those who hesitate to take Lucas’ filmmaking seriously due to his gay porn superstardom might want to think again: He is a superb interviewer who asks his subjects tough and intelligent questions. In his most recent project, Campaign of Hate: Russia & Gay Propaganda, Lucas offers a chilling look at the anti-gay horrors currently being perpetrated by the Vladimir Putin regime in Russia. In this feature-length documentary, Lucas puts a face on the besieged LGBT community in Russia and exposes the magnitude of the problem. His work in here is as good, if not better, than anything that might air on CNN. Interviewees include lesbian journalist Masha Gessen, who lived in Russia with her partner and their two children. The kids talk

on camera, expressing their deep sadness and bewilderment that anyone would be against the loving family they’re a part of. Gessen, who has reported bravely from the front lines of war zones, is suddenly fearful because Putin wants to take children away from LGBT-identified parents. Gessen states on camera that the family may move to New York so that they can stay together. (Lucas verified to Echo that this has since occurred.) “More than half the people I interviewed have left Russia and are now living in America, including Masha Gessen,” Lucas said. “They were the only openly gay family in Russia and became a target.” While some community members want to flee the country, others are determined to stay and fight. A small but hearty band of gay men and lesbians stage a kiss-in on a city street, and are promptly beaten while the police look the other way. Later, an LGBT film festival receives bomb threats. A number of victims share stories of being beaten on the street as pedestrians walk idly by while the police look the other way. “It’s unusual not to have been gay bashed,” states one young man in the film. Lucas shows great courage, strength, and restraint during a sit-down interview with Vitaly Milonov, a Russian lawmaker who uses words like “sick” and “filthy,” to describe LGBT people.

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“The guy loves to be on camera,” Lucas said, regarding Milonov agreeing to appear in a pro-gay film. “He became very well known because of this topic and has made a career from it. I don’t think that he and his office did a very thorough background check. So I guess as far as he was concerned it was just another outlet for them to spew their anti-gay propaganda.” According to Lucas, this all began with the passing of Russia’s “gay propaganda” law in June 2013 which makes it a criminal offense to present homosexuality in a positive light to anyone under age 18. Lucas added that, not only was his trip to Russia dangerous, Campaign of Hate will not be shown in Russia. “Going to Russia in general is not very safe,” he said. “Of course when you go to film politicians about gay people it gets dangerous. ” Ultimately, Lucas gives audiences an international perspective on the modernday LGBT movement. Campaign of Hate: Russia & Gay Propaganda is now available on DVD and iTunes. David-Elijah Nahmod is an American-Israeli writer who’s lived in New York City, Tel Aviv and is currently based in San Francisco. He’s been published in LGBT publications, monster magazines and SF Weekly, and can be reached on Facebook as David-Elijah Nahmod, Author and on Twitter at @DavidElijahN.

MOVIES movies


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OPENING NIGHTS By Richard Schultz Newsies

Broadway in Tucson

Set in New York City at the turn of the century, Newsies is the rousing tale of Jack Kelly, a charismatic newsboy and leader of a ragged band of teenaged newsies, who dreams only of a better life far from the hardship of the streets. But when publishing titans Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst raise distribution prices at the newsboys’ expense, Jack finds a cause to fight for and rallies newsies from across the city to strike for what’s right. Newsies is inspired by the real-life Newsboy Strike of 1899, when newsboy Kid Blink led a band of orphan and runaway

newsies on a two-week-long action against Pulitzer, Hearst and other powerful newspaper publishers. The stage version introduces seven new songs by the original team of Alan Menken and Jack Feldman, while keeping many of the beloved songs from the 1992 film, including “Carrying the Banner,” “Seize the Day,” “King of New York” and “Santa Fe.”

Newsies Through April 26 Broadway in Tucson - UA Centennial Hall 1020 E. University Blvd., Tucson Tickets: $25-$100; 520-903-2929

The Tomkat Project Stray Cat Theatre

Don’t expect a Hollywood ending from this biting satire about the three-way marriage of Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes and Scientology. Based on actual interviews and completely imagined scenes, seven actors portray 54 characters, including Oprah Winfrey, Matt Lauer, Josh Hartnett, Steven Spielberg, Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hanks, Jennifer Lopez, and, of course, Suri Cruise.

A Weekend with Pablo Picasso Arizona Theatre Company

The work of Pablo Picasso forever changed the way the world looks at art. This oneman show, written by and starring actor and artist Herbert Siguenza (pictured), will forever change the way that audiences think about Picasso. In a performance that explodes with color, Picasso’s most intimate thoughts rip through the air with each thundering brushstroke as Siguenza creates six new masterpieces live on stage in this Arizona premiere. Picasso was the first rockstar artist – a ferocious pacifist, obsessive art maker, flamboyantly opinionated philosopher and self-proclaimed clown – who relished his passionate views about love, death, war, beauty, eternity and creativity. 62 |

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Siguenza creates a joyful and mesmerizing portrait of the maestro, based on the writings by Pablo Picasso, as he dances, sculpts, shares secrets, clowns, draws and impersonates a matador while extensively quoting the father of modern art. Todd Salovey directs this Arizona premiere, set in 1957, detailing three days with a genius inside his private studio on the southern coast of France. Siguenza, an accomplished visual artist and has exhibited both nationally and internationally, is also a founding member of the performance group Culture Clash. Along with Richard Montoya and Ric Salinas, Culture Clash is the most-produced Latino theatre troupe in the United States. A Weekend with Pablo Picasso April 30-May 17 Arizona Theatre Company Herberger Theater Center 222 E. Monroe, Phoenix Ticket: $43-$67; 602-256-6995

Structured like The Laramie Project, The Tomkat Project chronicles the Scientology saga and skewers our collective obsession with celebrity. The TomKat Project is ultimately a commentary not only on Tom and Katie’s relationship, but the nature of celebrity culture, the way the media covers it, and what it means for us as the gossip hungry public. “The desire is to suggest, not re-create,” playwright Brandon Ogborn instructs in his stage directions. Directed by Louis Farber, the show’s cast includes Christopher Mascarelli as Tom Cruise, Brani Bigley as Katie Holmes, Tim Shawver as Steven Spielberg, Kellie Dunlap as Scarlett Johansson and Chanel Bragg as Oprah Winfrey. The Tomkat Project April 24-May 9 Stray Cat Theatre Tempe Performing Arts Center 132 E. Sixth St., Tempe Tickets: $25; 480-227-1766 theatre

End of the Rainbow Phoenix Theatre

Renowned the world over for her unique and distinct presence and lauded as the “the greatest entertainer who ever lived” by Fred Astaire, Judy Garland was a true gem of the stage. Jeannie Schubitz brings the legend back to life in this dramatic and powerful portrayal. Schubitz expertly celebrates Garland’s savage wit, legendary tenacity and once-in-a-generation voice. Set against her infamous 1968 London comeback, End of the Rainbow takes a dive into the relationships that molded the once-glittering starlet’s last days and the personal demons she couldn’t escape. She’s as feisty sober as she is high on pills – all the while teetering between scared and courageous and needy and independent as hell. This scored play, which features many of her signature anthems, including “The Man that Got Away,” “Come Rain or Come Shine” and “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” showcases Garland in concert End of the Rainbow and commemorates her life as April 29-May 17 an inextinguishable force. Karla Koskinen directs a cast that also includes Jeremiah James, Jeff Kennedy and Caleb Reese.

Phoenix Theatre 100 E. McDowell Road., Phoenix Tickets: $30-$70; 602-254-2151

The Soul Justice Project Mesa Arts Center

Best known in locally as an organization that employs spoken word to empower young people, Phonetic Spit presents its inaugural performance event. The Soul Justice Project, an interdisciplinary performance event to combat the silencing of marginalized voices. The performance uses Newspaper Theatre – a branch of Augusto Boal’s theatrical form, Theatre of the Oppressed – along with a fusion of spoken word, live music, movement and personal narratives to shine a light on polarizing issues currently in the headlines. The goal of The Soul Justice Project is to use the arts to humanize issues that are challenging to discuss and to create a platform and safe space for dialogue. “We’re not naïve enough to believe that this show will change the world, but we do believe in the power of words to ignite first steps,” said Tomas J. Stanton, the show’s artistic director Stanton is working collaboratively with numerous Valleybased artists and educators to develop the performance including director Xanthia Walker, choreographer Sydney Jackson, choreographer and dancer Liliana Gomez, dancers Jay Bouey and Ashley Baker; and poets Joy The Soul Justice Project Young and Myrlin Hepworth. May 1 Mesa Arts Center 1 E. Main St., Mesa Tickets: $22; 480-644-6500 Richard Schultz is a playwright, actor, director and freelance writer based in Phoenix.

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recordings By Cait Brennan

Mary Epworth Dream Life

Highline Records |

The tendency in music reviews is to compare something new to something that’s come before, which is an impossible task with Mary Epworth. One can suss out influences and inspirations, but she’s an artist of breathtaking originality and rare courage. From the astonishing single “September” – potentially the greatest minute and a half in the history of rock – to the eerie, lysergic synth-funk of “The Wolf And The Woods,” Epworth pushes deeper into the mystic than any other contemporary artist. Think Bowie, St. Vincent, PJ Harvey and Kate Bush. She’s that good.

Her debut, Dream Life, is a heady mix of psychedelia, harmony-soaked sunshine pop, take-no-prisoners rock and fever-dream imagery that will stay with you long after it’s over. “Long Gone” starts off almost at a whisper before its chorus thunders across the sky triumphant on the wings of archangels, all gospel fire and pagan heart. But the second punch lands even harder: “Black Doe,” a secret in the woods, all mystery and hushed tones, suddenly blasts open with a fuzz-pedal feedback apocalypse and drums that pound harder than any Sabbath or Stooges album ever could. The perfect “Sweet Boy” left its broken heart in Hawthorne, Calif., while “Two For Joy” amps up the dizzying psych-shoegaze quotient to great effect. “Heal This Dirty Soul” makes the gospel influence explicit. “Six Kisses” recalls a bit of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” (but thankfully is not another cover of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”). “Ray Of Sunlight” ends the set like an alternate-universe Laurel Canyon psych gem, like Neil Young jamming with Linda Perhacs. You’ve never heard music like this. Dream Life came out in the United Kingdom in 2012, but is just now being released here, and Epworth is currently on tour in the US and already has a new album is in the works.

Derek Bishop

Bicycling In Quicksand

Jay Braun (Jon Spencer Blues Explosion) and a full band that features Braun, Luis Illades of Pansy Division and Emily Panic of Foxygen. “Baggage” is the first single, featuring a hilarious music video that plays on gay stereotypes of the past 40-plus years, but the real treat is the music, which ranges from Manilow’s Copacabana rhythms and ‘80s synthpop to lush harmonies in the space of a couple of minutes and a narrative worthy of the Pet Shop Boys. Funky, fun and dynamic, Bishop brings that spirit to the rest of the album. Opening track “Backburning” kicks off with a merciless synth-bass line and a syncopated early ‘80s groove that could give “Uptown Funk” a run for its money. “Number Ten” is not, in fact, about a torrid affair with British Prime Minister David Cameron, but rather an exuberant New Wave homage that sounds straight out of early MTV, only better. Analog synths and chunky guitar riffs duke it out on the tasty “Taffy,” while the dramatic title track plays a little like a hard-rocking show tune, with a samba swing and Bishop’s candid, funny, no-BS lyrics. “Red Flags” reminds us how clear everything is in retrospect, while the closer, “Toesmashers,” sounds like a modern take on one of the great girl-group belters of the ‘50s and ‘60s. Inspired and inspiring, Bicycling In Quicksand is one of the best indie pop records of the year. |

Out artist Derek Bishop gave us one of 2012’s underappreciated delights with his debut album Resistance Is Beautiful. This lively and enjoyable set of piano-based pop, inspired by his experiences growing up gay in rural West Virginia, is a fine record, but occasionally its indie recording limitations get in the way of the songs. On his latest, Bicycling In Quicksand, Bishop’s mighty hooks and winning charm are complemented by a giant wall-of-sound production by 64 |

MAY 2015

Photo courtesy of

movies music

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Madly EP |

There was a moment, in the ‘80s, where the film noir vibe of the 1940s looked a lot like the future. Blade Runner, Body Heat, Slam Dance, the Motels’ “Only The Lonely” and Wang Chung’s “Dance Hall Days” to name but a few, suggested that the future belonged to conflicted guys and complex dames in a gorgeous neo-noir future ‘40s world. Whether they know it or not, Bogan Via may be the living embodiment of that prophecy. Stylish, haunting and unforgettable, Brett Bender and Madeleine Miller have captured a perfect mix of future-forward synth-pop and timeless indie sounds. Founded (and still beloved) in Phoenix, Bogan Via recently relocated to Los Angeles. Their latest EP, Madly, puts them at serious risk of becoming the best synth-pop duo since Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart’s Eurythmics. Since moving to LA, Bogan Via’s songs have taken on a richer, more complex sound, with shadowy, sinister undertones that are fittingly LA. On the excellent title track, Bender’s edgy, achy vocals convey a heady rush of desperate emotions over a pulsating, anxious beat. “Feelin’ Alright” showcases Miller’s pure, deceptively winsome voice, as much rueful as it is a seductive siren call for yet another chance. The shimmering synth riff drives this one on through the night, and it may be their best work yet. “Dandelion” showcases Bogan Via’s uncanny gift for melodies and atmospheric, synth-rich soundscapes, with undeniable beats and a call and response that will have you singing along, too. “Runnin’” features Danish chanteuse Kirstine Stubbe Teglbjaerg, whose vocals blend with Miller’s for an amazing harmonic effect. Two fine dance remixes of “Feelin’ Alright” round out the set. Their retro-future (or retro-now) aesthetic really shines in their videos (check out “Kanye” and “Gatsby” for starters).

Cait Brennan is a singer/songwriter and freelance writer based in Phoenix.

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between the covers

Bettyville: A Memoir By Terri Schlichenmeyer

failed romances, that he’d had substance abuse issues. Surely, they knew, but no one ever talked about it. Now, as he cared for her, there were times when Betty infuriated him. She could be rude, loud, stubborn and was prone to fits of anger for no reason. She flatly refused any thoughts of nursing homes or assisted living.


hroughout your life your parents ignored many things: That time in high school when you snuck out to party, they knew, but they looked the other way. Same thing when you wore make-up, missed curfew and that one regrettable hairstyle. They often “didn’t see” more than you’ll ever know. The problem is that sometimes they ignored too much. Did they, for instance, know who you really were? In Bettyville, the new memoir by George Hodgman, one man wondered … Elizabeth Baker Hodgman – Betty, to most people – didn’t sleep much. At age 90, she was prone to wandering, fussing at the kitchen, piling and restacking paperwork and playing the piano in the middle of the night. She was “suffering from dementia or maybe worse.” Unfortunately, this also meant her son, George, didn’t get much sleep, either. George, an out of work editor and freelancer, moved from New York to Paris, Mo., to take care of his mother. His stay went from a week to a month to a year. Betty didn’t like it; she hated needing someone. George didn’t like it, either; too much had changed. “I was Betty’s boy,” he said, and he’d been that way all his life. George loved his father fiercely, but he absolutely favored his mother. Still, he desperately wished he’d been able to tell his parents he was gay, that he felt alone, that he’d survived too many BOOKS

The problem was her dementia, George reminded himself repeatedly. He understood that she was rightfully fearful because she knew she was losing herself and “I can only imagine how scary it is…”

as well as off-limit subjects that weren’t discussed. Be prepared to laugh and cry as you’re reading this fine memoir – especially if you’re a caretaker for an elderly parent. For you, in particular, Bettyville is a book that can’t be ignored. Bettyville: A Memoir By George Hodgman Viking, 2015 | $27.95

Terri Schlichenmeyer, The Bookworm, lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 13,000 books. She’s been reading since age 3 and, to this day, she never goes anywhere without a book.

And yet, “I think I have survived because of Betty, more than anyone,” George said as she eased away. “There are so many things I will carry when I leave Bettyville with my old suitcase.” We meet, through the eyes of George, Betty’s friends and family and we’re told a story about a time past, a life well-loved and losing a mother long before she’s really gone. Without a doubt, you’d be forgiven for reaching for a tissue while you’re reading this book. Heck, you might want a whole box of them, but there’s a lot more to Bettyville than heartstringtugging. Between this story’s inevitable sadness I also found joy. Author George Hodgman keenly remembers his small-town childhood from all sides: churchgoers and alcoholics, kindness and bullying, adolescent crushes and baffling foes

George Hodgman. Photo by Sigrid Estrada

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The Happiness of Pursuit By Liz Massey


ome people seem to be made differently than you or I: We’re struggling to get out the door to work every day while they are running marathons in every state. We’re trying to carve out time for a Netflix marathon weekend and they’re taking selfies at every “Better Call Saul” shooting location in New Mexico. You get the idea. But what if these people weren’t all that different from you or I? What if they had just found a tiny bit more direction to their life through their pursuits? That theory is the centerpiece of Chris Guillebeau’s new book, The Happiness of Pursuit. In it, he advocates finding a “quest” – an adventure or project of some sort – in order to bring greater purpose to one’s life. Guillebeau asserts that a good quest will a) have a clear goal and a definite end point in time, b) is an activity that should challenge and stretch the quester and c) involves some sacrifice of time or money to accomplish. The quests he mentions in his book, most which often involve epic travel, remarkable creative output or activities tied to charitable fundraising, remind me of a concept I came up with a few years ago called a “worthy project.” The point of a worthy project is that it helps you make meaning; as it grows, it often takes on a life of its own and scares you a little bit! Even if the terms quest or worthy project are new to you, our community has been built by people on their own personal quests. Think about Frank Kameny, the astronomer who responded to losing his government job in 1957 by dedicating the rest of his long life to pioneering gay rights advocacy, including removing homosexuality as a category of mental illness and campaigning for employment anti-discrimination laws in the U.S civil service system. Or Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, who co-founded the Daughters of Bilitis in 1955 and were visible lesbian role models decades before anyone else. When AIDS ravaged our tribe in the 1980s, many in our community made effective treatment and a cure for the disease their permanent and ongoing quest. More recently, local activist Meg SneedDupps took her passion for marriage 68 |

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equality and orchestrated the Equality Walks, which took dialog about LGBT equality to towns and cities across Arizona each summer from 2008 to 2014. Whether one picks a frivolous or serious focus for their quest, it can benefit the LGBT and allied community, both directly and indirectly. Undertaking a quest can help us: Provide LGBT visibility. Even if it just presents us as an out queer person doing something amazing. Experience self-expression and “flow.” Enjoying our quest can help relieve stress, and a happy LGBT person is a better advocate for the community (not to mention being good PR for us, too). Take a stand and empower others. For quests related to causes, having an example to follow can help many previously unengaged people envision themselves taking action, as well. Offer inspiration and entertainment. If you share your quest through a blog or social media, your audience may at least spread the word about your exploits and cheer you on. One of the reasons quests are so powerful, no matter their scope or scale, is that they provide inner-directed motivation, something difficult to find in

our consumer society, which often focuses on offering easily monetized pre-packaged answers. It’s also an antidote to passivity, one of the primary weapons (along with the promotion of ignorance-based fear) used by the extreme right wing to suppress the rights of anyone labeled “other.” Is it possible to have a quest go wrong? Sure. We can fail to walk away from a quest that’s outlived its usefulness or lose sight of the project’s place in our life, but as the ultimate defiance of despair and inertia, quests represent something our community needs, now and in our hopefully equality-laden future. Near the end of his book, Guillebeau writes, “Why pursue a quest? Because each of us in our own lives is writing our own story, and we have only one chance to get it right.” Having a project that gives us something to organize our energies around helps us pick a theme for our story, and may even create an adventure that exceeds our highest expectations. Liz Massey has been involved in LGBT community-building activities in Kansas City and the Valley of the Sun, and is a former managing editor of Echo Magazine. She can be reached at


money matters

Same-Sex Marriage Heads to the High Court

Tucker: Possibly, depending on how the Supreme Court decides the case. The high court certainly has the power to decide this case in a way that would overturn all the prior federal court decisions upholding same-sex marriage rights in more than 30 different states.

By Melissa Myers and Michael J. Tucker

Myers: That would be a chaotic result. Melissa Myers: So, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in the same-sex marriage cases April 28. Michael J. Tucker: Yes, and a decision is expected in June or July. Myers: What will they actually do on April 28? Tucker: They’ve allotted 90 minutes for arguments on the power of a state to refuse to allow same-sex marriages, along with one hour for arguments on whether a state can refuse to recognize existing marriages from other states. Myers: Which lawyers will get to argue? Tucker: Each side will get half the time allotted to each issue. Supporters of same-sex marriage will share 15 of their 45 minutes on the first issue with the U.S. Solicitor General, who will appear as a friend of the court in the case, taking sides on behalf of the federal government in favor of the same-sex couples.

same-sex couples living in non-recognition states would be retroactively effective if the Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage prohibitions are unconstitutional. Tucker: That’s the anticipated result, and the interests of business and government are strongly aligned with those who would argue that same-sex marriage should be legal in all 50 states. Myers: Naturally. It’s just easier and cheaper to govern and to do business if nobody has to slow down to figure out whether the marriages of particular customers or citizens are legal for one purpose or another. Tucker: Meanwhile, it’s certainly possible that the Supreme Court will uphold the Sixth Circuit decision. Myers: Would that throw the validity of same-sex marriages across the country into doubt?

Tucker: It’s difficult for me to imagine that the high court will turn back the clock at this late date. Myers: Court watchers will be in front of their computers on April 28 as bloggers follow the oral argument blow by blow. Stay tuned. Melissa Myers is a certified financial planner with Camelback Retirement Planners, in Phoenix, a registered representative with Commonwealth Financial Network and a registered investment adviser. Michael Tucker is an attorney with Michael J. Tucker, P.C., in Phoenix, and is a certified specialist in estate and trust law. For more information, see their ads in this issue. This material has been provided for general informational purposes only and does not constitute either tax or legal advice. Investors should consult a tax or legal professional regarding their individual situation. Neither Camelback nor Commonwealth offers tax or legal advice.

Myers: Wait, so who is on the side of opposing same-sex marriage recognition?


Tucker: The federal court of appeals for the Sixth Circuit has ruled that states have the power to ban same-sex marriage. Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, and Tennessee are the states in the Sixth Circuit. In the appeal to the Supreme Court, the attorneys general Criminal Defense DUI of those states are defending their states’ respective prohibitions on same-sex 480.516.6940 marriage. 480.516.6940 120 W. Osborn, Ste A, PHX AZ 85013 Myers: So, this is the case that created the 120 W. Osborn, Ste A, PHX AZ 85013 “split in the circuits.”

Criminal Defense DUI Tucker: Yes. All the other federal circuit court decisions have overturned state bans on same-sex marriage. The Sixth Circuit case was the first circuit court opinion to uphold state laws against same-sex marriage. Myers: What will happen if the U.S. Supreme Court decides that same-sex marriage bans are unconstitutional? Tucker: Well, in that case, the remaining 13 or 14 states that do not yet recognize samesex marriages will be obligated to do so. Myers: Then there would be uniformity across the nation in terms of same-sex marriage recognition under the law. Tucker: Effectively, yes. Not just prospectively, either. When a court finds a law to be unconstitutional, then the court ruling overturning the unconstitutional law has retroactive effect.



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Myers: So, the existing marriages of finance

MAY 2015

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balanced living

Getting Personal with your Personal Trainer By Nate Whitten


hen it comes to personal trainers, your goals are their goals and your successes are their successes – this is what makes them personal and not just trainers. But one of the challenges every personal trainer faces from time to time is a lack of intimacy between themselves and their clients. Meaning that, to reach your greatest potential and achieve your stated goal, it is important that you are able to rely on a professional level of disclosure between you and the person you are paying to get you there. Like any relationship in life, the vulnerability and communication you allow to take place between you and your personal trainer can be the difference between struggle and success. So, when it comes to getting personal with your personal trainer – or your family, your significant other, your friends and yourself for that matter – here are three strategies that will lend themselves to an enhanced overall experience: TELL THE TRUTH When asked if you’ve been following your nutritional plan, why are you lying? When asked if you’re participating in your own exercise time, why are you embellishing? Personal trainers are fitness pros and they can tell from a mile away whether or not you’re being honest. At the same time, a good trainer should not berate or discourage you if you fall off the fitness wagon. If you are having a hard time sticking to your plan, be honest and let your trainer know your problem and they will have a variety of techniques available to help you get back on track in a way that will help you be successful. Think about the other relationships in your life; do you feel like you have to lie about your lifestyle or your choices to them? If so, it’s time to recreate your circle of influence. Judgmental relationships make it impossible for you to feel safe and secure in being your authentic self. Don’t you think it’s time you shut down any judgmental queens and surround yourself with people you can be vulnerable and safe among? When you do, you’ll find success in living by allowing honesty to be your best policy.

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STOP WHINING If you aren’t hitting your goal, there’s no reason to blame your trainer. They see you for 30 to 45 minutes per session. The rest of your week is up to you and the fitness choices you make. Before you blame your trainer, your partner’s cooking or your overbooked social calendar, realize that complaining and blaming will get you nowhere. If you’re eating fewer calories than you’re burning each day, you will lose weight. If you find you’re not making your weight goal when following the directions, you should consult your personal physician because you may have a medical issue. But your trainer isn’t going to make your doctor’s appointment for you. Your trainer, like your other relationships will quickly develop selective hearing if you are a chronic whiner. But, taking responsibility for your life and your shortcomings can prevent this. If, in the process, you find that you need help developing personal responsibility, here are trainers for that too. Coaches and counselors are great resources for helping you to become more self-aware and self sufficient with your emotions and actions, but you have to make the first move, because these professionals

do not spend their time convincing people they need help, they help people convinced they want to make a change. DO THE WORK Don’t ask your trainer for an easier exercise. They’ve listened to your goals and have created a plan to help you reach them – this means showing up! Your trainer did their part by showing up to help motivate you to get to your desired physique, so you’re expected to do yours. From there, do the work they’ve planned and you’ll both be successful. Your trainer wants success stories; without them their business is shot. Put on your big girl panties and swing that kettle bell with the same tenacity that you use when trying to get the elusive hot guy on Grindr. Your personal relationships will also thrive when you do the work. Give as much as you take within them, be positive, take personal responsibility and, most of all, be honest with your trainer, your family, your significant other, your friends and yourself.

Nate Whitten is a successful living coach and personal trainer in Phoenix. Find out more at

health & wellbeing

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may 2015

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lambda legal

Transgender Health Care By M. Dru Levasseur


ear Ask Lambda Legal, I have put off going to the doctor’s office for a long time out of fear of mistreatment because I am trans. I have had terrible experiences in the past so I avoid seeking care at all costs. And, I hear that I won’t have coverage for the health care I need because of exclusions in my Medicaid plan, so why bother? What are my rights when I’m at the doctor’s office? Lambda Legal: While the past year has seen quite a few promising changes in health care settings for transgender people, we have a long way to go until transgender people don’t have to worry about whether or not they’ll be treated with respect at the doctor’s office. The statistics reveal that trans and gendernonconforming (TGNC) people, particularly people of color, are frequently subjected to humiliating and degrading treatment in

health care settings. The Affordable Care Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including gender identity, in any hospital or health program that receives federal funds. Additionally, many state and local nondiscrimination laws ban discrimination related to gender identity in public accommodations. Also, be sure to

Garrett Smith Criminal Law Sheri Shepard Family Law

bring a copy of Creating Equal Access to Quality Health Care for Transgender Patients: Transgender Affirming Hospital Policies to your health care provider as a resource. If you have been mistreated in a health care setting, please contact Lambda Legal’s Help Desk. Discrimination also rears its ugly head when transgender people seek coverage for health care. While many doors have been opened by the Affordable Care Act for those who are uninsured, the majority of plans still contain exclusions. Last summer, we saw some exciting progress on this front with the Medicare ruling and now an increase in the number of states removing Medicaid exclusions. There has also been a growing trend of state insurance commissioners taking a stand for transgender equality by issuing clarifying bulletins to remind private insurers that they cannot discriminate against state policy holders. These recent gains are a sign that there is a growing understanding of transgender people’s health care needs. Lambda Legal will continue to fight to end discrimination against transgender people in health care settings, but in the meantime, we urge you to seek preventative care. You have the right to competent, respectful care at the doctor’s office. To learn more about navigating health care read our Transgender Rights Toolkit, If you feel you have been discriminated against because of your gender identity, sexual orientation or HIV status, contact Lambda Legal’s Help Desk at 1-866-5428336 or visit M. Dru Levasseur is the Transgender Rights Project Director for Lambda Legal.

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MAY 2015

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business cards For a complete listing of all Echo display advertisers, please see our Lambda Directory on page 66.

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MAY 2015



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2-8 p.m. 2-for-1 well and domestic bottles, $3 pitchers; 2-for-1 cocktails and beer openclose

2-7 p.m. 2-for-1 well and domestics, $3 pitchers; HH 7-9 p.m.; $1 well and domestics, $1 drafts 10 p.m.midnight

Noon-7 p.m. 2-for-1 well and domestics; HH 7-9 p.m.; $1 well and domestics, $3 Absolut and Bacardi flavors 10 p.m.-midnight

HH 11 a.m.8 p.m.; Martinis & Massage 6 p.m.; $5 Martinis, $5 Bacardi flavors; Garden Variety Revue with Olivia Gardens 9 p.m.

HH 11 a.m.8 p.m.; Trivia Night w/cash prize 9 p.m.; $4 Stoli cocktails 8 p.m. – midnight

The HH Hotspot $3 signature cocktails, $2.75 domestics, 2-4-1 call drinks; 10-11 p.m. video bar

HH 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Showtune night 7 p.m.-close; Celia Putty’s 2 Girls One Cup Show (every 2nd Sat)

2-4-1 ALL DAY; $3 monthly charity shots ALL DAY; live DJ, top 40 and dance

Thirsty Thursday; HH and $1 draft pint, 4-8 p.m.; $1 draft pint AND wells, 8 p.m.midnight; live DJ, top 40 and dance, 8 p.m.close

HH, 4-8 p.m.; $3 monthly charity shots ALL DAY; $2 Kamikaze shots ALL DAY; live DJ, top 40 and dance, 8 p.m.close

HH, 4-8 p.m.; $3 monthly charity shots ALL DAY; $2 Kamikaze shots ALL DAY; live DJ, top 40 and dance, 8 p.m.-close

charlie’s Super HH 4-7 p.m., $3 pitchers; $3 Long Islands open to close

2-8 p.m. 2-for-1 well and domestic bottles, $3 pitchers; 8 p.m.-close, 1/2 off cocktails and beer for those in underwear, $3 Jack Daniels

koBalt HH 10 a.m.8 p.m.; Bar Match Buy-In Dart Tourney 2 p.m.; 2-4-1 call drinks 7-8 p.m.; Karaoke 9:30 p.m.

HH 11 a.m.Karaoke 8 p.m.; 9:30 p.m.; Drag Race viewing HH open to close at 7 p.m.; $5 Absolut cocktails

stacy’s @ Melrose $1 Rolling Rock pints and well drinks until 10 p.m.

Karaoke, 9 p.m.-close; HH and $3 monthly charity shots ALL DAY

HH, 4-8 p.m.; $1 draft pint, $3 monthly charity shots, $4 Mojitos and Caipirinhas ALL DAY; live DJ

(Subject to change without notice; check with bartender when ordering.)

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Ice Party April 10 at Ice House, Phoenix Photos by Bill Gemmill

For more Echo photos visit

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may 2015

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lambda directory Please support our advertisers who help keep Echo free. Call the Echo sales office at 602-266-0550 to inquire about adding your hyperlinked email address or website to your listing in the Lambda Directory online.

AccommodAtions Royal Villa

p. 74

AccoUntAnts/ tAX PREPARAtion JB Financial, Jonathan Bengel p. 83 Robert F. Hockensmith, CPA, PC p. 59 Camelwest Tax Service p. 74

AdoPtion Arizona’s Children Association p. 55

AiR conditioning & HEAting Aire Serve Valdez Refrigeration

p. 48 p. 74

APARtmEnts East-West Apartments

p. 74

AttoRnEYs Hayes Esquire, Cody Hayes p. 83 Laura Lillis, Family Law p. 55 Law Office of Jose Saldivar p. 63 Salvador & Associates PLLC p. 51 Law Office of Melody Harmon, Attorney at Law p. 69 Marc J. Victor, Attorney p. 65 O’Connor, PC, Dean W. p. 54 Udall Shumway Law Firm p. 72 Tucker, Michael p. 74 Phillips Law Group p. 11 Tyler Allen Law Firm p. 49

AUto dEALERsHiP Camelback Subaru

p. 15

AUto sERVicEs Community Tire & Automotive Specialists 82 |

may 2015

BARs & cLUBs Kobalt Bar at Park Central Bunkhouse Charlie’s Phoenix Stacy’s @ Melrose

p. 43 p. 78 p. 9 p. 1


p. 81

The Naked Butler Semeruco Cleaning

p. 74 p. 83

cHAt LinE

cLEAning sERVicEs cosmEtic PRocEdUREs

Willo Medi Spa

coUnsELing sERVicEs

p. 74

Deaf Access of Arizona p. 72


My Dentist Arcadia Dentistry Open Wide Dental


p. 65 p. 75 p. 39

Maricopa County Community College District p. 59


Bisbee Pride p. 21 Southwest Center for HIV/ AIDS p. 22,23 GPGLCC p. 4 Long Beach Lesbian & Gay Pride p. 2 Summer End Music Festival p. 66 Phoenix Pride Inc. p. 53 Bianca Del Rio p. 84 Business Alliance for Local Living Economies p. 61 Modern Home Tour p. 13 Sway Events p. 33 Bears of the West p. 73 Gay Days p. 45


Rainbow Bug


IVF Phoenix

HEALtH And FitnEss

p. 75 p. 38

Chute p. 81 Neuromotional Training p. 55 Flex Spas Phoenix p. 78 Avenger Fitness, LLC p. 75 Serendipity Décor

Hospice of the Valley


p. 48

p. 69

Health Markets, Amy Powell p. 83 Liberty Mutual Insurance, Michael Kosse p. 83 Benefits Arizona p. 54 Aetna p. 35 Allstate, Hector Cerda p. 3


Semeruco Landscaping p. 83

LgBt sPEciALitY stoRE

Off Chute Too

p. 81

Nate Whitten

p. 75

LiFE coAcHing mAssAgE

Desert Massage Service p. 75


The Mattress Man


p. 71

Loan Star Home Lending, Richard Silva p. 83 Pinnacle Capital Mortgage, Roseanna Diaz p. 75 Pinnacle Capital Mortgage, Jeremy Schachter p. 3


Two Men and a Truck

p. 76

Don’s Painting Service

p. 75

Easley’s Fun Shop

p. 74



Fairmont Pharmacy p. 71 CVS / CareMark Pharmacy p. 54


Cyndi Hardy Photography

PLUmBERs PlumberTime

HomE décoR

p. 5



PooL cLEAning

Bigg Momma’s Complete Pool Care


Coronado Commons Portland on the Park

p. 83 p. 75

p. 75

p. 38 p. 59

Butch Leiber, Uptown Realty p. 83 Michael Smith, Gentry Real Estate Group p. 75 Berney Streed, Re/Max Excalibur p. 76 Andrew Zea, Desert 2 Mountain Realty p. 76 Arizona Gay Realtors Alliance p. 3 Nicholas Yale, Realty Executives p. 3 Fred Delgado Team, Keller Williams p. 3 David Oesterle, ReMax p. 3 Jan Dahl, HomeSmart p. 3 Bradley B. Brauer, HomeSmart p. 3 Matthew Hoedt, Realty One p. 3 Shawn Hertzog, West USA p. 3

RELigioUs gRoUPs

Community Church of Hope p. 76 First Congregational UCC p. 76 Love Life Ministries p. 54


China Chili p. 57 Hula’s Modern Tiki p. 57 Hana Japanese Eatery p. 57 Squid Ink Sushi City Scape p. 57 Marcellino Ristorante p. 56

REtiREmEnt PLAnning

Camelback Retirement Planners, Melissa Myers p. 76 Stragety Financial Group, Calvin Goetz p. 3


Lyons Roofing

p. 76

Salon Exodus

p. 76


p. 71

Willo Medi Spa

p. 74

Empire West Title, Steven Rust

p. 83

San Marcos La Laguria Chateau

p. 65


smoKing cEssAtion

tEstostERonE tHERAPY

titLE And EscRoW tRAVEL

* Denotes more than one location. LAMBDA DIRECTORY


Butch Leiber, Realtor Uptown Realty 602-390-1399 HOME LOANS

Richard Silva, Sr. Loan Officer LoanStar Home Lending MLO# 422347 NMLS# 1094582


Michael Kosse 480-688-5482 Liberty Mutual Insurance HEALTH INSURANCE

Amy Powell Health Markets Insurance 520-440-5802 License #OH90041

TAX & ACCOUNTING Photo by: Cyndi Hardy Photography 2015

We can help. What do you need?

Jonathan Bengel, RTRP JB Financial 602-502-0027 LANDSCAPING

Hermann Braasch Semeruco Landscaping 602-561-1356 HOUSE CLEANING

Giselle Braasch Semeruco Cleaning 602-451-4357 FAMILY LAW

Need to find a new place? Whether buying or selling, house, townhouse or condo, give Butch Leiber, Realtor a call - 602-390-1399


Cody Hayes Hayes Esquire, PLLC 480-300-5777 PHOTOGRAPHY

Cyndi Hardy Cyndi Hardy Photography 623-252-1582 TITLE AND ESCROW

Steven Rust Empire West Title 602-327-1525


may, 2015

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| MAY 2015


ECHO 668


VOL. 26, Issue 16


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