ne of the most underrated best practices for effective HOA governance is objectively assessing the board’s and community’s performance against their governing goals and objectives. This “look back” assessment is critical for fine-tuning the board’s governance effectiveness. The HOA’s governing documents charge the board of directors with managing the affairs of the association. Although homeowners associations vary greatly in size, type, and complexity, the responsibility of the board to manage (govern) the HOA’s affairs boils down to some common oversight and leadership activities. There’s no better way to prepare for a successful 2022 than to examine, discuss, and assess 2021’s governance activities. Set aside some board meeting time in the next couple of months and review these five critical governance activities for a successful 2022.
BOARD MEETING EFFECTIVENESS. The most critical component of HOA success is the board’s effectiveness in its meetings. Board meetings are the format by which board members are informed, discuss, and make decisions affecting the interests and quality of life of HOA members. With rare exceptions (executive sessions and emergency sessions), the board of directors conducts the business of the HOA in the open; HOA members have the right to attend board meetings, observe deliberations and board decision making, and monitor the board’s performance. How did 2021’s board meetings go? Are board meetings held regularly, calendared, and in compliance with the HOA’s governing documents and California state statutes? Are members noticed and provided a clear meeting agenda? Is the homeowner forum orderly and timed? Does the board stick to the agenda and refrain from going off-topic or on tangents that disrupt and derail meeting effectiveness? Are board members prepared for meetings, are they 20
ISSUE FIVE 2021 | ECHO journal
Get Organized for 202 encouraged to participate in discussions, and do they feel free to convey a dissenting opinion? When the board makes decisions, is the process consistent and understood? Do board members in the minority feel valued and appreciated? Are board decisions second-guessed or does the board speak with one voice? Finally, are board meeting minutes clear, well written, commemorative of the board’s decisions, and consistent with the public agenda?
LEADERSHIP. Governance is not management; governance is leadership. Boards of directors govern; therefore, boards of directors lead. What grade would the HOA board receive on leadership in 2021? Did the