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Carl Vaagenes honored as Friend of the Chamber
Carl Vaagenes, CEO of Alomere Health
honored as 2020 Friend of the Chamber
2020’s global pandemic challenged health care professionals around the world. Fortunately, these individuals are taught to expect the unexpected and undergo many hours of training to prepare them for situations like this.
That was definitely the case in Douglas County, as the team at Alomere Health was trained and ready and wasted no time putting their protocols in place to care for their community.
While Alomere Health’s CEO Carl Vaagenes is quick to give credit to everyone within the organization but himself, his team is quick to send it right back, knowing that successes can only be achieved under strong leadership.
Vaagenes’ remarkable leadership and his commitment to not only his organization and team but also the overall community led him to be selected as the Alexandria Chamber’s 2020 Friend of the Chamber.
Vaagenes has been in the health care industry for 35 years, serving in four different CEO positions. He has been at the helm of Alomere Health for the past nine and a half years.
He served on the Minnesota Hospital Association (MHA) board from 2009-2017, serving as board chair twice during that time. He also served on the American Hospital Association (AHA) Regional Policy Board for three years.
Vaagenes is no stranger to awards. He received the AHA Grassroots Champion Award in 2017 and the MHA Stephen Rogness Distinguished Service Award in 2019.
Locally, he has also served on the Unity Foundation Board of Directors, the Alexandria Area High School Champions Committee and is currently the board chair of the United Way of Pope and Douglas Counties.
He has been a strong supporter of the Chamber of Commerce through membership, sponsorship support, encouraging and allowing employees time to serve on the board and other committees, and par-
Carl Vaagenes
CEO, Alomere Health
2020hasbeenfilledwithbothjoy andloss. Ayearthat’srequiredus all to pull togetherinsignificant ways.Ayearthat’sshownwhata truly exceptional communitythisis.
All yearlong, you’vesupportedour healthcareteaminincredible ways. Our communitycame togetherand madethousandsofmasks forour workers.Manyofyouhave bought meals forour essential staff.And youdid yourpart by stayinghome, sacrificingsocialgatherings,and wearingmasks—tokeepour team andour communitysafe.
As we look forwardtothe vaccination rollout, we see alight at the endofthislongtunnel—butthe availabilityofthe vaccinedoesnot mean we canlose focusonwhat we’vebeendoingrightnow.
We will remainvigilantinproviding thesafestenvironmentduringthis pandemicbecause we knowhow importantitisthat we arehereto meet yourhealthcareneeds. Duringthispast year,while our staffhasbeen exhausted anddiscouraged at times, we areconstantly remindedofthe privilegeitis to serveyouand be apartofthis wonderful communityeachand everyday.
Iwanttothank youinadvancefor placing yourtrustinusand for allowingus to serveyouand your lovedones. We’relookingforward to abrighter2021and we look forwardtoserving youfor years tocome.Together, we will pull through—and comeout even stronger.
Carl Vaagenes Alomere Health CEO
Becca Zwonitzer,LPN, thefirstrecipientof COVID-19 vaccination at AlomereHealth.
ticipate in Chamber leadership programs and events.
He and his wife Kristen have two adult children, Levi and Maryn.
The Friend of the Chamber Award was established in 1990 to recognize an individual who has gone beyond expectations in giving of time, resources or influence to benefit the Chamber and its members. The award was presented to Vaagenes at a leadership meeting at Alomere in early January and celebrated during the Chamber’s Virtual Annual Celebration on January 18. That program can be viewed on the Chamber’s website at alexandriamn.org. PREVIOUS HONOREES 2019 Brett Paradis (Paradis Broadcasting) 2018 Shari Lavin (Viking Bank) 2017 Carol Wenner (Local Level Marketing) 2016 Todd Emmons (Innovative Builders, Inc.) 2015 Kathy Pesta and Carla Spaeth (Pro Staff) 2013 Kevin Kopischke (Alexandria Technical and Community College) 2012 Mark Proudfoot (MJ Communications) 2011 Marie Rutten (Bremer Bank) 2010 Tom Jacobson (Swenson Lervick Trosvig Jacobson PA) 2009 Tim Aarsvold (Geneva Beach Resort & Viking Motel) 2008 Jill Blashack-Strahan & Joani Nielson (Tastefully Simple) 2007 Bruce Wiitanen (Juettner Motors) 2006 Lynette Kluver (Alexandria Extrusion) 2005 Susan Skoglund Boerhave (Viking Savings Bank) 2004 2003
2002 2001
2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993
1992 1990 Carol Meyer (Garden Center) Rose Virnig Shorma (American Business Solutions) Kyle Diekman (Diekman Jewelry) Vicki Jodsaas (Alexandria Technical and Community College) Jody Hanson (Echo Press) Blake Evert (Target Alexandria) Chamber Ambassadors Group Sue Davidson Al Quam Janet Thorkelson Leroy Meyer Jim Karn, John Carlberg, Chuck Pugh & Ken Martinson Governor’s Fishing Opener Committee Jerry Jensen
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