1 minute read

Autumn is tailgate time

Autumn is


By Lori Mork

Autumn brings the start of football season, and with that comes tailgating – a time to get together with friends and fellow fans before the big game.

If you’ve never been a part of a tailgate party, here are a few tips to make sure your get-together is a success:


The most important part of your tailgate party is to find out what the venue allows. Some stadiums don’t allow tailgating in the parking lots, so you want to keep that in mind.

You also need to find out what the stadium’s policies are on open flames. You don’t want to plan to grill and find out you can’t use your charcoal grill on the property. You should check into what the policy is on open containers as well.

Finding out what time the gates open for the game helps you decide when you want to be in your seats and helps you plan when to find your tailgating spot and start your grill. Don’t forget to allow time to clean up before you head to your seats.

After you’ve invited your friends, let them know how to find you. Do you want to get there early and set up? How do you mark your spot? Maybe you’d rather meet them at the entrance and head in together?

If you plan on using charcoal, you need to allow plenty of

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