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Douglas County Senior Services
Douglas County Senior Services provides advocacy, information, assistance, program development and coordination of services to the over-55 population of Douglas County.
The program provides outreach on many topics including advance directives, scams/frauds, identity theft, resources and housing information, matter of balance classes, chronic disease self management classes and information on advance care planning.
The office also provides health insurance counseling on Medicare part A, B, C and D along with medical assistance information and long-term care insurance assistance. It has an Alzheimer’s caregiver support group and a general caregiver support group, and works in conjunction with both the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and the Alexandria Police Department on TRIAD, a group dedicated to the education of seniors of Douglas County in regards to fraud, scams and other crimes against the seniors.
The Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors, otherwise known as the NAPS program, is a supplemental food program for seniors that is free to all who qualify.
Staff is also available to go to different organizations and offer presentations on a number of topics of interest to the senior population.
For More Information
Call 320-762-3047 or visit www.douglascountymn. gov/senior-citizens-health for information on senior health resources.
Where We Are Located
806 Fillmore St., Suite 1195
Alexandria, MN 320-762-3047
Located in the lower level of the Douglas County Service Center at the south end of the hallway by the Douglas County Library.
Calltoscheduleaninformationalcataract consultationat VanceThompsonVision: (320)762−2166
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MATHEW WA LKER,OD RefractiveCataract,Glaucoma& OculoplasticSurgerySpecialist
Presentedby Dr.BrentKramerandDr.Mathew Walker
Time Thursday,March9th
Therewillbetwosessionsavailable: 9:00-10:00am • 10:30-11:30am