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ALEXANDRIA historic downtown
Take a trip back through history when you visit downtown Alexandria. The town and merchants who populate the downtown stores take pride in Alexandria’s legacy and are dedicated to making your visit memorable.
Formed in 1967, the Alexandria Downtown Merchants Association (ADMA) strives to strengthen the attractiveness of downtown for Alexandria shoppers, residents, visitors and business owners alike, while being recognized as a destination and a source of true value in the community.
From Third to Eighth Avenue, downtown Alexandria brims with history reaching back to the 1800s and is home to popular shopping destinations such as antiques, unique boutiques, gift shops, eateries, museums and theater.
ADMA is the largest retail organization in Alexandria. Its focus is to leverage the individual resources of small businesses to promote downtown Alexandria with a unified intensity.
The group organizes projects and events that take place downtown, as well as paying special attention to the beauty and aesthetic appeal of the downtown area.
ADMA also purchases the flower baskets that hang downtown in the summer.