5 minute read
from Wedding Guide - 2023
by Echo Press
Local couples answer questions about their wedding day
By Celeste Edenloff
While perusing through the Weddings North magazine, produced by our sister paper, the Brainerd Dispatch, I noticed a fun little feature. Sheila Dechantal had simply put a question on her Facebook page asking how many years people have been married.

I decided to do the same thing to see if I would get any answers. My Facebook post read, “In light of Valentine’s Day –yes, I know it has passed – I am curious…How many years has everyone been married?” My post was two days after Valentine’s Day.
To my surprise, I had 91 comments.
Several weeks after that post, I reached out to a few who had responded, explaining my hidden reason for asking that question – that I wanted to do a fun little feature in this magazine.
I asked them to share a fun memory of their wedding, asked them if they would do anything differently and what advice they had for newlyweds.
Here are their responses:
10 Years
Amy And Jeremy Pedersen

Questions answered by Jeremy
Date of wedding: Aug. 5, 2012
Location: Davenport, Iowa
Fun memory: I played video games with my college friends for so long that I was late to the rehearsal. As I just got back from a military deployment in the Middle East, I wore my military uniform. It saved me money and Amy likes me in it.
Anything you would do differently: No.
Advice For Newlyweds
Continue to “date” your spouse even after you are married. Amy and I try to do that regularly and it has helped grow our relationship.

5 months
Questions answered by Katie
Date of wedding: Nov. 12, 2022
Location: Parkers Prairie
Fun memory: My sister hung my wedding dress on the sprinkler in the hotel. It broke and sprayed water all over the suite. She saved my dress (just a little wet on the hem) but the fire department showed up and the hotel manager couldn’t figure out how to turn the water off. I got some great pics with the firemen and it was a good thing my brother-in-law’s father owns a cleaning company so he and my dad spent the hours before the wedding sucking up water.
Anything you would do differently: Spend more time with my bridal party before the wedding.
Advice For Newlyweds
Thank your partner for everything they did to make your wedding day perfect. It’s a lot of work and they’ll appreciate your gratitude for years to come.
Tim And Tammy Yttrie

Questions answered by Tammy
Date of wedding: June 6, 1981

Location: Long Bridge Lutheran Church, Little Sauk
Fun memory: Here are a few. Our best man gave me his convertible to take my maid of honor, personal attendant and friend to get our hair and makeup done. We had so much fun we were late for pictures.
Walking down the aisle, a guest’s pager went off. I babysat for that guests’ children for years. As she was leaving the wedding, she passed me and said, “I know my kids will be fine here with you.” (She is an X-ray tech). Some people might be appalled, but I wasn’t. It was an honor to me.
Our ring bearer decided at the last minute to walk in front of me to sit with my parents, nearly tripping me.
And, after our wedding and dinner, we went to Tip Top in Osakis.
Anything you would do differently: Our wedding was fun, relaxed, done very budget-friendly and small. I wouldn’t change a thing.

Advice For Newlyweds
We were given some advice during the two years we were engaged that has served us very well. We were told to move away and make new married friends. We did. We did keep a few friends that both of us were friends with, too. When there is an issue, you need to solve it without running home or to friends.

Never speak negatively about each other to friends and family. Hormones will wear off and you will need to make a choice to love your spouse on their most unlovable days.
41 years
Never go to bed mad. God first, spouse second, children third, family fourth and friends last. Absent some form of abuse, divorce is not an option.
Tim and I are married because we choose to be, not because we need to be.
Medical personnel have commented a few times that Tim and I actually change each other’s vital signs for the better when we are together.
Tim and I never put ourselves first, we always put each other first. We treat each other like gold. Tim and I have never resorted to name calling or using derogatory words to each other or with each other.
Tim and I tell people we are still in love and people say, “Oh you’re just lucky.” No, we aren’t. We put God first and work at it.
Jeramie And Chris Harris
Questions answered by Chris
Date of wedding: July 11, 1998

Location: Calvary Lutheran Church, Alexandria
Fun memory: We don’t have one specific favorite memory. The entire day was perfect. We had the best day surrounded by our family and friends and the dance floor was full the entire night!
Anything you would do differently: Focus on creating memories rather than getting caught up in the details of the wedding day. Keep it simple!
Advice For Newlyweds
Treat each other with respect, kindness and appreciation. Marriage is a journey; there will be many ups and downs. But with patience, understanding and willingness to work together you can build a relationship that will last a lifetime.
56 years
Bonita And Dave Gilbertson

Questions answered by Bonita
Date of wedding: Sept. 17, 1966
Location: First Lutheran Church, Alexandria
Fun memory: Well let’s see. We had two dances. One at the Algon Ballroom and one at the Nelson Hall. Everyone left the Algon about 10:30 p.m., too boring and my friends were too young. All of the stock car racers and officials came to Nelson. We had a ball. Partied till the cows came home. It was better that I drove back to Alex, if you know what I mean. Trying to shift a floor shift with a hoop skirt on was a real challenge. It’s been a favorite family story for years.

Anything you would do differently: Hmmm, wait for a few years. We basically grew up together. I’m proud of what we accomplished. We worked hard and luckily had good jobs. I think we were far-sighted. We bought a lot on Lake Miltona in 1969 (back when you could). I can’t tell you the joy and fun we had with friends and family out there. Dave drove a stock car, go #40, which was a family and friend hobby for years.
Advice For Newlyweds
We have so many friends, who like us started with nothing but are still together. Possibly because there wasn’t a big safety net to fall back on, we all stayed together. You don’t know what the future holds. Some people are lucky and have their health their whole lives. Others perhaps have one or both of the spouses develop health issues. I tell my girlfriends, you need to know how to pay insurance, taxes, auto license, etc. Know what the passwords are or how to find them. Learn how to blow snow, or for the men, cook. Update your will. Expect to argue. How else do you clear the air? Get a dog or cat. Sit down together for a meal and enjoy!