Tweed Echo – Issue 3.21 – 03/02/2011

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s e n i t n Vale


Volume 3 #21 Thursday, February 3, 2011


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Heathland remnant ‘at risk from estate’ Murray Simpson

Cabarita residents up in arms over a foreshore caravan park proposal now also want a residential scheme development called Sandalwood Estate scrapped. Both are proposed for Crown land in plans drawn up by the NSW Land and Property Management Authority (LPMA) and the Tweed Coast Holiday Parks Reserve Trust. A packed meeting of nearly 400 at the Cabarita Sports Club this week were told the land in question represented virtually the last remnant of wallum wet and dry heath on the Tweed coast. A total of six speakers addressed the meeting, organised as an information session for residents.

Determined to oppose both developments The treasurer of the Cabarita Beach Bogangar Residents Association, Suzi Bourke, said some telling facts about the importance of the heathland emerged at the meeting and the association was now determined to oppose both developments. Only 0.4 per cent of the Tweed’s wallum heath remained and was far too valuable to be lost, she said, and harboured over 500 species of plants. While the association was on the warpath against the schemes, Ms Bourke said Dunecare activist and association member Ashley Baldry was also organising an alternative draft plan for the area. This included an eco-trail for 2.5km down to Hastings Point. Association president Cath Lynch told the meeting the figures did not stack up.

She said while a caravan park of between 200 and 230 sites was planned for the 8.3-hectare Cabarita site, the refurbishment of other council parks on the coast would result in a nett gain of only 47 additional tourist sites at a forecast expenditure of $46 million. Ms Lynch said the proposal for the holiday park east of the Coast Road south of Norries Headland had come as a shock and disappointment as locals had been fighting the development since 1998. The residential Sandalwood Estate project, for 37 homes and ‘additional townhouses’ on two sites covering around five hectares, is to be managed by the state government agency (LPMA) and is adjacent to an existing residential estate at the entrance to Sandalwood Avenue. A joint press release by the LPMA and the trust said all three sites ‘have long been reserved for public utilities, with the eastern parcel previously earmarked for the development of a holiday park, and the western side zoned for residential development’. Ms Lynch says the association feared the park would not be financially viable for ratepayers and it would compromise the only leashfree beach between Kingscliff and Pottsville. She also raised the issue of surf lifesaving there, questioning who would run and pay for the surf rescue service. But reserves trust manager Richard Adams said the existing land had been substantially modified and degraded by previous land uses, including mineral sand mining and unauthorised camping, fire starting and rubbish dumping.

In a spin Gold Coasters Joanne Groombridge and Valda Sprague whoop it up outside Sunday’s ‘Dance party for Queensland flood victims’ fundraiser at the Tweed Heads Civic Centre, put on by Cooly Rocks On festival organisers. Joanne said over $5,000 was raised on the night with a full house. ‘There were no spare seats, it was brilliant,’ she said. The lineup included rock and roll performers, dancers and classic cars which will also feature in the inaugural Cooly Rocks On festival from June 3-13, which replaced the old Wintersun rock ‘n’ roll nostalgia festival. Photo Jeff ‘Hounddog’ Dawson

Dual reticulation ‘should be a must’ Luis Feliu

The first two development applications (DAs) lodged with Tweed Shire Council to create 1,000 lots at the massive Cobaki Estate project has come under fire for a lack of dual reticulation to save water. Tweed environmentalists maintain that dual reticulation for Cobaki and other major housing projects in the continued on page 2 pipeline would negate the need for

any new dam being pushed by mayor Kevin Skinner. Greens councillor Katie Milne said she was disappointed to see the Leda Developments’ DAs did not, as was anticipated, provide for dual reticulation plumbing which would deliver both drinking and reclaimed (reused) water to each lot on the 594-hectare site on the Tweed side of the border west of Coolangatta airport. Last December, Planning Minis-

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ter Tony Kelly approved the project, describing it as ‘the size of a small country town’ with a town centre, schools and major shopping centre. When completed the housing estate would house 12,000 people in 5,500 dwellings. ‘I can’t understand why they’re not being proposed; the state government’s Far North Coast Regional Strategy says it should be in all ­developments

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continued on page 2




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When classical violinist Skye McIntosh and her quintet of friends perform at the Tweed River Art Gallery this month, it will be a homecoming of a special kind. Skye is a Murwillumbah girl carving a stellar career on the international concert circuit. She studied at Uki Primary School and Murwillumbah High, then at the Queensland Conservatorium before heading overseas to London’s Royal Academy and life as a professional musician. Back in Australia for the past two years Skye, 32, has become a regular member of the Brandenburg Orchestra and this year tours with them to Italy, the Netherlands and the UK, returning later for a recital at London’s Handel House. In the course of her playing career she met the young Australian musicians who form the quintet: Rowena Crouch, cello, Jacqueline Dossor, double bass,

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Skye with her dad, well-known local jazz man Kel McIntosh.

Brenda Jones, piano and James Eccles, viola. The group are close friends and she is delighted to bring them to the Tweed. Her ties here remain strong – she is the daughter of local jazzman Kel McIntosh, 86, who still teaches saxophone and appears regularly at the Luffley Café and other venues. ‘I always wanted to play the violin, for as long as I can remember,’ says Skye. ‘It was

probably the fact that dad played and there was always music in the house.’ The concert, at 6.30pm on Sunday, February 13, features works by Brahms and Schubert and is the first in the 2011 Gallery Series presented jointly by the Tyalgum Festival Committee and the Friends of the Tweed River Art Gallery. Tickets cost $35 and can be booked by phoning 6679 2244.

Heathland Ecosystems ‘could be bulldozed’ distinct and sensitive last wallum heathland on the remnant ‘at risk Two ecosystems could be Tweed Coast. bulldozed at Cabarita if Two endangered plant from estate’ developers have their way, species had been identified continued from page 1

4 Park Street Tweed Heads Phone 07 5536 1865 150 Laurel Avenue Lismore Phone 02 6621 6437

Musical homecoming for Skye

‘An initial environmental assessment found the proposed holiday park site to have limited environmental significance,’ he said. However, residents strongly reject this assessment, claiming sensitive ecosystems are in danger from the proposal (see panel, right). Mr Adams said if the plan went ahead, the trust would ‘mandate a more thorough environmental examination be undertaken’.

says Cabarita Dunecare co-ordinator Ashley Baldry. ‘At the moment we’re just getting developers’ spin that there’s nothing of value there,’ he said. ‘Nothing could be further from the truth.’ Mr Baldry, who addressed this week’s community meeting, said the site of the proposed foreshore caravan park was occupied by remnant banksia forest while across the road the proposed Sandalwood housing estate was home to some of the

in the banskia forest, he said – the collitris pine and the geodorum orchid. The foreshore was also a feeding area for the blossom bat and the endangered glossy black cockatoo. The beach was also a nesting area for sea turtles. Across the road the wallum heath was home to some specialised frog species as well as a profusion of plant species. A public dune walk has been organised for Saturday starting at Norries Headland at 10am.

END OF SUMMER SPECIAL Dual reticulation ‘should be a must’ (from page 1) of a sizeable scale such as this. ‘The opportunity for this ban runoff, we should be doing FEBRUARY ONLY It’s quite clear to me this is an is now, as the DAs come to everything we possibly can to 12 MONTH FULL GYM MEMBERSHIP




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02 6674 9966 • 2 February 3, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

ideal development for dual reticulation, especially with the price of water going up and up,’ Cr Milne said. ‘It’s not that expensive from a development point of view, around $1,100 per lot, but when you talk of the huge profits being made from this project alone, surely it would not be too much to have it included. ‘The developer had proposed this before but now it’s been left out and it seems like negotiations have broken down and nothing is being done about saving water; it’s business as usual.’ Cr Milne said council could ‘easily include it in its demand management strategy and mandate for it.’ ‘Here we are worried about water saving with a new dam being proposed yet this would negate the need for any new dam. It’s obviously an easy water-conservation method and we’re not using it.

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council for these large subdivisions; even if the pipes are not hooked up, they can still be laid, as it would be unviable to retrofit them. ‘This is an opportunity to defer any new dam with around a 1,300 megalitre saving just on Cobaki alone. The regional strategy and even council’s own integrated water management cycle encourages dual reticulation for new developments such as these, so why the hell aren’t they mandated?’ Cr Milne said she was also disappointed that no ‘permeable pavements’ to improve water quality runoff were included for the Cobaki subdivisions in the DAs. ‘It was done in the Salt and Casuarina estates, and it could easily have been incorporated into the Cobaki one,’ she said. ‘Why we’re not using it baffles me especially given that the Terranora and Cobaki Broadwaters are so polluted from ur-

not only conserve water but improve the water quality there and not degrade it further; the two go hand in hand.’ A spokesman for Leda Developments told The Echo that the issue was ‘exhaustively considered in conjunction with council sewer and water engineers’ and suggested council general manager Mike Rayner should be asked. However, Mr Rayner referred The Echo to an answer to a question by Cr Milne at the December council meeting in which director of natural resources David Oxenham said a third pipe option (dual reticulation) was not mandated by council but was ‘encouraged’. ‘The developers of Kings Forest and Cobaki did not support the idea of a dual reticulation system within their development,’ Mr Oxenham had said, adding that the regional strategy ‘does not mandate dual reticulation’.

Local News

Greyhound racing track bid opposed Murray Simpson

Greyhound racing on the Tweed may go the way of the dinosaurs if an application to build a new track in Murwillumbah fails to be approved. But at least one animal welfare group is determined the new venture will not go ahead. Soaring overheads at longtime Tweed institution Border Park have forced the owners, the Tweed Heads Coursing Club, to find an alternative venue. ‘Otherwise there are grave doubts about the club’s future,’ said Coursing Club secretary Stephen McGrath. ‘Overheads have gone through the roof – we’re getting our water from Queensland –

so we’ve had the Border Park site on the market for the past 18 months.’ Mr McGrath said they are pinning their hopes on building a new track on industrial land in Lundberg Drive in South Murwillumbah’s Wardrop Valley Road industrial area. A formal application has been lodged by planning consultants City Planners of Surfers Paradise on behalf for developers Landsolve. Landsolve, a subsidiary of Equititrust, has in turn lodged the development application on behalf of the coursing club, said Landsolve project manager Alisa Gilmore. But the $5.6 million project at Murwillumbah has hit a storm of protest from Friends

of the Hound, an animal welfare group dedicated to re-homing greyhounds no longer fit for racing. ‘Our principle objection is the wanton wastage of dogs,’ said group secretary Lisa White of Stokers Siding. ‘Every year some 20,000 dogs are put down – either pups that don’t prove up to scratch for racing or older dogs that are past their prime. They don’t get a chance to see out their natural lives ‘I’m sure if that number of poodles or labradors were put down each year there would be a huge uproar.’ Ms White said her organisation had a number of dogs awaiting a home. ‘But we can’t cope with the

volume being generated by the racing industry.’ A petition circulated by Friends of the Hounds has attracted at least 800 signatures. However, the race track applicants say the Murwillumbah site is a good compromise. City Planner director Col Little said it was off the floodplain yet still close to a high population density. The facility would provide a track, clubhouse, judging box, car parking and kennels for dogs. Mr Little said he could not comment on the ethical issues raised by Friends of the Hound. ‘Whether it’s greyhound racing or cockroach racing that’s a completely separate issue. No doubt there will always be people who will object.’

Tyalgum fashion strides on to city catwalk Kate McIntosh

Tyalgum is a world away from Australia’s fashion capital, but an emerging talent who has set up shop may yet put the small village on the map. In a coup, local fashion designer Byron McGilvray has been selected to showcase his work at Sydney Fashion Week in May. It’s a big step up for the former volunteer who once worked backstage at the event. He hopes the exposure will see his Illuminati label in boutique fashion shops and major chains around Australia. ‘I’m very excited to get this exposure, because being out in the country it can be hard, you don’t get a lot of foot traffic,’ he said. ‘Getting your designs in trendy boutiques or major department store chains means that you’re stable.’ Originally from Bellingen on the NSW mid north coast, Byron has previously worked in New York and London. The 26-year-old opened his women’s fashion boutique House of Canelli about seven months ago. Although he concedes Tyalgum is an unusual choice, he

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Tyalgum-based fashion designer Byron McGilvray won a place at Sydney Fashion Week after creating a jacket from optical fibre fabric. Photo Jeff ‘So Last Century’ Dawson

says he draws inspiration from the relaxed lifestyle and picturesque surroundings. ‘Country has always been in my heart,’ he said. Byron was one of three designers selected to appear at Fashion Week after being invited to enter a competition being run by his former college – Raffles School of Design in Sydney. As part of the competition, Byron was asked to create a conceptual design over the

course of a six month period. His final design – a silver leather jacket – was created with plastic to look as if it is permanently wet with raindrops and features a series of reflective concertinaed panels when turned inside out. Constructed from optical fibre fabric, the jacket is powered by close to 300 LED lights which were meticulously soldered together. Byron says as part of his concept he plans to explore the

contrast between light and dark with the use of leathers and silks and details, including pleats and studs. Byron, who originally applied to study architecture, says he enjoys the creative outlet and freedom of expression that fashion design affords. ‘I like the innovation and pushing the boundaries, of coming up with something new, but looking into the old and revamping it with that modern touch,’ he said.

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The Tweed Shire Echo February 3, 2011 3


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Need a dose of old American sitcoms? You’ll find the shire’s handiest TV Guide, including all of the digital channels, on pages 12-14

Dressage pad kicks up bit of a stink Luis Feliu

A Dungay couple who built an equestrian dressage arena with state government approval for it are now fending a second Tweed Shire Council push to dismantle it as a result of neighbours’ continued complaints that it could increase flooding on their properties. Leanne and Darryl Colby claim a longrunning dispute with one of their neighbours whose cattle continually strayed onto their farmlet on Tomewin Road led to the original complaint. Council staff at first were wary of the complaint against the dressage pad, believing animosity between the neighbours led to it, and after various inspections in 2008 agreed the 70-metre by 20-metre equestrian pad met council requirements and did not need a development application (DA).

Insignificant size Council’s general manager late in 2008 wrote to them saying the size of the pad, representing one per cent of the ten-hectare property, was insignificant and ‘extremely unlikely’ to adversely affect local flood levels or neighbouring land. The arena was then built on the pad at a cost of around $37,000 but the complaints from neighbours kept coming and council reopened the matter early last year when it was found the completed pad was a little higher than at first envisaged. In July last year, Mrs Colby addressed council’s public

Darryl and Leanne Colby on the dressage arena at their Tomewin Road, Dungay, property which neighbours want torn down. Photo Luis Feliu

access session, telling councillors they had lived at the property for 13 years and their lives revolved around horses and the pad was needed to train her horses for dressage ­competitions. She said the variation in height of the pad was due to the undulating nature of the land with the average overall height of 650mm within the approved scale that the Department of Water and Energy had approved. She said that despite making council aware at all times of the nature of the pad, they had been subjected to ongoing complaints to council for two years and had felt harassed by ‘what we perceive as the complainant’s abuse of council processes’. Council, she said, had as a result demanded a DA and flood-impact assessment for

the work, threatening legal action if they failed. But on December 14 last year, after receiving legal advice, council resolved to drop any further action against the couple, and the Colbys thought the issue was behind them.

Decision rescinded Then only weeks later at the most recent (January 18) meeting, councillors went behind closed doors and rescinded the decision 5-2 (Crs Dot Holdom and Warren Polglase against). The councillors also resolved to hold a workshop with the Colbys, their neighbours and the Tweed Canegrowers Association, which had been enlisted in the dispute against the Colbys, but the Colbys say they won’t have a bar of it and will ignore the move. ‘Council has totally backflipped on their earlier decision.

We feel we’ve been hounded and bullied. What can possibly be achieved by this workshop?’ Mrs Colby told The Echo. ‘It’s not about flooding impacts; it stems from a longrunning dispute with our neighbour over his cattle straying onto our property. He would ignore our complaints to take them out and we had to get a council ranger to impound them, then one day I’d had enough and gave him a mouthful and it wasn’t long before the complaints about the fill for the pad started.’ The neighbour, when contacted by The Echo, declined to comment. Cr Katie Milne, who led the charge to rescind the council decision in order to pursue the matter, said she was always concerned when there was filling on the floodplain and understood the ‘sensitivity of cane farmers’ after dealing with them in her successful fight against a huge marina at Chinderah some years ago. Cr Milne said she believed the pad could force water over the creek to a neighbouring cane farm, the owner of which had also complained against it. But Mrs Colby said the cane-farm land nearest to their property had recently been filled and would not be adversely affected by the pad’s impacts on water flows. Cr Milne also said that, unlike the Colbys, the complaining farmers had ‘been there for ever’ and she did not consider the dressage arena an activity ancillary to an agricultural pursuit.

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24/01/11 10:34 AM

Local News

Red alert again for blue-green algae Luis Feliu

A ‘red alert’ has been issued for toxic blue-green algae in Clarrie Hall Dam in the Tweed catchment, just over a year after a similar alert was issued for the dam storage. North Coast Regional Algal Coordinating Committee spokesperson Brian Dodd said that people should avoid all contact with water under a red alert. People using the dam for recreation and farming purposes are advised to be aware of the situation. Mr Dodd emphasised there was no impact on drinking water supplies to residents connected to the town water supply. He said that the bloom occurred despite recent heavy rainfall in the area because nutrients from farmland stock and native animals upstream

had washed down into the storage area. ‘A cocktail of nutrients has washed into the dam and we know that a big nutrient load and hot weather sets it off,’ he told The Echo. In September 2009, a similar red alert was issued for the dam, but was lifted two months later. Mr Dodd said recent routine sampling by Tweed Shire Council had detected high levels of blue-green algae in the dam and warning signs have been positioned around the dam and will remain in place until the bloom subsides. Some locals in the past have blamed cattle from an adjoining farm drinking and defecating in the dam as partly responsible, but council tries to ensure stock does not stray into the fenced-off dam foreshore. ‘Livestock owners are re-

minded to continue to check stock water supplies for signs of blue-green algae and to remove stock from foreshores where surface scum is visible or where blue-green algae are suspected,’ Mr Dodd said. Blue-green algae can cause skin rashes, asthma and eye and ear irritations if contacted and diarrhoea and other health problems if ingested. Animals can become very sick as a result of drinking water affected by blue-green algae and there have been cases of animal deaths. People should not eat mussels or crayfish from red alert warning areas. Any fin fish caught should be cleaned and washed thoroughly in uncontaminated water and any internal organs disposed of before consumption. Council’s water manager Anthony Burnham said good flows in the Tweed River have

Body of art Share land, share crops The Northern Rivers has become the first region in Australia to launch the new community gardening joint venture, Landshare Australia. Landshare Australia will provide a social networking service that introduces people with spare land to others want-

ing to grow vegetables, but with nowhere to do it, through a website forum which will also act as an information resource. Gardening ‘guru’, ABC commentator and co-founder of the new service, Phil Dudman, said public concern for ‘food miles’, mounting food prices and ‘a desire to get back to old fashioned flavour’ has generated a dramatic rise in people wanting to grow their own fruit and vegetables.

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Left: Renowned international tattooist Kahn creating body art at the Skintastic stall at the Gold Coast’s Surf ’n’ Ink Tattoo Convention last week. Kahn, who travels the world decorating skin, is working out of Coolongatta’s Skintastic Tattoo studio until the end of February. Photo Jeff ‘Broken Head’ Dawson

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ensured the river has not been affected between the Doon Doon Creek junction, through Uki to the Bray Park Weir. Council extracts water from the Tweed River for the village of Uki and from Bray Park Weir for most of the Tweed’s public water supply. ‘If the river flow slows significantly in coming weeks, there is potential for algal levels to increase in the river,’ Mr Burnham said. ‘Council will closely monitor blue-green algae levels at these points, provide further notification and, if required, start using doses of Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) to ensure the safety of the water supply.’ For more information on algal alerts currently in place, call the state’s toll-free algal information line on 1800 999 457 or visit the NSW Office of Water’s website – www.water.

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The Tweed Shire Echo February 3, 2011 5


Julia flounders in flood waters

Volume 3 #21

February 3, 2011

Not on the beachfront It was never a good idea to propose a new caravan park on beachfront land, not in this day and age when such beachfront amenity is at a premium and conservation is seen as a higher priority than recreation for travellers. The Echo is not surprised then that a groundswell of opposition is growing against the plans to build a 200-plus site caravan park on the southern side of Norries Headland at Bogangar/Cabarita and a residential subdivision for 37 new homes across the road. The main driver for both these plans seems to be a moneymaking one for the Tweed Coast Holiday Park’s Reserve Trust (run by Tweed councillors on behalf of the state government) to, ostensibly, maintain the shire’s crown reserves for the NSW Land and Property Management Authority (the old Crown lands department). Along the eastern seaboard, caravan parks were mainly built by private or government operators next to a beach or waterway for recreation, but natural erosion and floods since have played havoc with many and they are not such a good idea anymore. A case in point is the Kingscliff Beach caravan park run by the trust, which is facing severe erosion from storm surges and may have to be protected with controversial and expensive groynes. This was a big worry a couple of months ago, so what have councillors learnt from this? Zilch, as this new proposal seems to indicate. Cabarita business people obviously want more customers through their doors and some see these new proposals as a boon for the future, but if they’re not making ends meet now then there’s no hope for them if they have to rely on something yet unbuilt. People will still stay in caravan parks away from the beachfront; the successfully run private ones dotted throughout the Tweed, especially in Chinderah, attest to this. Now we have the locals, instead of the state’s ‘land management’ authority, telling us the biodiverse wallum heathland is one of the shire’s last remnants of such an ecosystem and is therefore too valuable to be lost, with more than 500 species of plants. The local school and Dunecare groups also have spent much time and effort replanting the once-degraded northern end of the beachfront site which will also no doubt suffer from hundreds of caravan park residents and their dogs trampling through it. The reserve trust should take a reality check on this plan and look at another entirely different location for such a tourist park. It won’t stop people wanting to visit the Tweed Coast. Centralised town caravan parks are also popular. The land in question should be preserved as a buffer for conservation and to act as a break from the urban sprawl/ribbon development fast encroaching along the Tweed Coast.

Tweed Shire Echo Publisher David Lovejoy Editor Luis Feliu Advertising Manager Angela Cornell Accounts Manager Simon Haslam Production Manager Ziggi Browning ‘The job of a newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.’ – Finley Peter Dunne 1867–1936 © 2011 Echo Publications Pty Ltd PO Box 545, Murwillumbah 2484 Phone 02 6672 2280 email: Printer: Horton Media Australia Ltd



nce again, our Prime Minister has done a reverse King Midas; it was meant to be a gold nugget, but instead it’s just a turd. Presented by the floods with an opportunity for the kind of national leadership and decisive action that could have reinvigorated her floundering government, she has once again opted for caution, compromise and timidity. Her embrace of a levy to pay for a portion – not all – of the Commonwealth’s reconstruction program is not only bad economics, but utterly misguided politics. She has opted for a large amount of pain with the prospect of very little gain. The levy is expected to raise just $1.8 billion – a piddling amount in the overall budget context, and less than a third of the projected $5.6 billion the Commonwealth will actually spend on rebuilding roads, railways, bridges and other essential infrastructure. Given that the other $3.8 billion is to come out of cutting or deferring current programs it is simply not credible that further savings could not be found – indeed, Julia Gillard has said that they will be, if, as is likely, the $5.6 billion estimate blows out. Well, if then, why not now? Tony Abbott has cheekily offered his help in locating the extra dollars, but it is surely a job Wayne Swan and Penny Wong could manage on their own. Instead, they have the unpalatable task of selling the idea of a levy which most commentators regard as unnecessary and which the public clearly resents – although it will cost voters next to nothing. For starters, most people – those earning less than $1000 a week – won’t pay it at all and it is only those who are getting close to $2000 a week who will

be up for the cost of a cup of coffee. At $3000 a week the long-suffering punters will pay a princely $15, leaving a bare $2985 for the necessities of life. Yet the tabloids, and even the ABC, insist on describing it as a ‘tax slug’. Give us a break. But this featherweight impost is widely resented by large sections of the population. Abbott describes it as a ‘tax on mateship’, which is clearly

aster fund. They will probably come to the party eventually, but there will, as always, be a price. Once again Gillard will end up looking weak. She was, of course, supposed to look tough and in control. Her Australia Day message was: ‘Don’t let go.’ And she hasn’t – the promise to get the budget back into surplus by 2013 is still immutable, no matter what. This commitment has received

There is no doubt that many of those who have contributed to the various relief appeals resent the idea that they are being asked to pay twice.

by Mungo MacCallum absurd; but there is no doubt that many of those who have contributed to the various relief appeals resent the idea that they are being asked to pay twice. It is no good explaining, as Gillard has attempted to, that the new levy is for an entirely different purpose; the charities are for direct assistance to flood victims while the Commonwealth has to cover the less glamorous task of rebuilding the public infrastructure. It still feels like double dipping, and we all know that’s unAustralian. And all this, of course, assumes that the levy is going to get through the parliament; incredibly it now appears that Gillard failed to negotiate with the Greens and independents before announcing it, and they are now engaged in a barrage of public nit-picking, using the issue to push their power agendas. The Greens are angry that the savings have concentrated on knocking off climate change projects and the independents want a permanent natural dis-

praise from conservative commentators and The Australian, thus proving conclusively that it is not in Labor’s best interests. Once again, the government has submitted to fighting on its opponents’ ground. But at least she does not suffer from the full-blown death wish which afflicts her state counterpart, Kristina Ken­eally. The NSW Premier greeted the announcement of a levy with a plea for the poor, put-upon residents of her home state. They were suffering, she explained, from the high cost of living, especially in Sydney; surely they could be spared the levy on compassionate grounds? Decades of Labor government in what was once the premier state have stuffed up land policy, transport policy, tax policy and everything else so badly that conditions are now truly desperate; the residents are no longer able to forgo that extra weekly cup of coffee to help repair the worst natural disaster in the country’s history.


nteresting as all this is, it seems somewhat parochial compared to what is happening overseas, especially in Egypt. The immediate reaction is one of pleasure and hope; at last the oppressed are rising against the loathsome and corrupt Hosni Mubarak and his murderers and torturers. Long live people power. But unhappily it is not quite as simple as that. We have been here before. The overthrow of the Shah of Iran seemed, at the time, like a pretty good idea – until his replacement, the Ayatollah Khomeini, set up a religious dictatorship that has proved even more oppressive than its predecessor and considerably more dangerous to the rest of the world. Nobody liked Saddam Hussein in Iraq much, either; but his removal has resulted not in democracy, but in an ongoing struggle between religious sects seeking absolute power. The same could easily happen in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood, a gang (there is no other word) of fundamentalists, looks the only group sufficiently organised to fill the power vacuum which would result from the downfall of Mubarak. And this is the catch. However horrible the current tyrant of Egypt may be, he is (like his equally unlovable counterparts in Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and even Pakistan), essentially a secular ruler; he has to be, to retain power. He is, of course, a Muslim, but he is not an extremist; indeed, he is a bulwark against extremism, which is one reason (though not the only one) why he retains the support of the United States. The lesser of two evils; better the devil we know… it may be questionable morality, but it is Realpolitik.


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6 February 3, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo



Learning to handle the power of flowing water and water storage. There are those who wish to stifle debate on this issue. Perhaps they would oppose anything suggested by the federal opposition leader or pro-development members of council. I am a person who has traditionally supported the notion of respecting natural systems and limiting human intervention. Despite this, I support the idea of commissioning a thorough cost-benefit analysis of the second dam proposal that takes into account environmental, economic, social and cultural factors Lastly, on the issue of being better informed, I think it is time to recognise the significant work done in recent months by the Bureau of Meteorology, the SES and our national broadcaster – the ABC. The people who kept the BOM site up to date, the SES controllers and the ABC broadcasters who gave 24 hour coverage of the flood disaster worked tirelessly to keep us properly informed. In the cold, hard light of day we need to be better informed. We also need to adjust our lifestyles to a beautiful, unique and Robert Franzos sometimes harsh environment. Neville Jennings Murwillumbah Kingscliff n In the immediate aftermath of national emergencies such n The major flooding in southas those experienced across the east Queensland shows two nation in recent times, it is diffi- major ways in which Australia cult to put emotion aside while remains visionless because it we reflect rationally on what wishes to procrastinate about has happened. Now, as mud environmental degradation. Firstly, it has been noticeturns to dust and green shoots appear on the blackened coun- able for quite some time and tryside, it is pertinent to focus previous to the recent flooding on what we know. Human be- that any heavy rainfall event in ings have lived on this dry con- regions usually results in house tinent for over 40,000 years but flooding somewhere. It’s a even now we still have much to pointer to the fact that housing learn about the power of flow- is obviously too close to watering water and the debilitating ways and not enough on high ground. Despite water levels in effects of water shortages. This brings us to the issue Brisbane this time not reaching of water management. Here 1974 levels, a pedestrian walkin the Tweed Valley we seem way was built post-1974 that to have escaped the ravages of was considered to be a great recent floods but the issue of danger in this flood. Why was water management remains. it built? It was known that with We live in an area of high pop- climate change there could ulation growth and the mayor easily be a flood that surpassed continues to espouse the ben- 1974 levels. The flooding shows efits of building an extra dam how there needs to be considerin the Tweed Valley both for ation of an extension of coastal the purposes of flood control retreat to watercourse retreat. The brouhaha about the flood levy is a political windup of the worst kind. Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey just demonstrate their complete inability to work with the government regardless of the fact that sometimes we need to stretch ourselves when we are confronted by major disasters. Reality is that the flood levy should become a permanent fixture but with a different name. Australia will always suffer from weather extremes, we will always have climate disasters of one kind or another. We need to have a fund ready to go when these strike. The reality for Tweed residents is that only five per cent of this shire earns $50,000 a year or more, so 95 per cent will not have to pay a penny of the proposed levy. Tony Abbott would have you believe this is another ‘Great Big Tax’. His willingness to politicise good ideas demonstrates just once more that he is only about political power for himself, and not the empowerment of the nation to correctly deal with the future by making provision for those inevitable events. n

Letters to the Editor

Email: Deadline: Noon, Tuesday Letters longer than 200 words may be cut. Please include your full name, address and phone number.

Watercourse flooding areas are usually where small crops are grown in order to take advantage of silt deposits in flood time. The gradual opening-up of vacant blocks of land as they are not built on after floods demolish houses is in accord with small-scale sustainable agriculture being more able to feed surrounding populations with reduced food-mile footprints. Secondly, the Leader of the Federal Opposition, Tony Abbott, has suggested more dams because they can mitigate flood damage. He is being reactive rather than looking deeper into the issues. We have just been through a major drought. Flooding straight afterwards means huge losses of topsoil on a continent that is known to have a comparatively thin topsoil. Professor Jared Diamond in his book, Collapse – Examining How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive, has said, ‘While 60 per cent of Australia’s land area and 80 per cent of its human water use are dedicated to agriculture, the value of agriculture relative to other sectors of the Australian


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Mental health

Families and carers of persons with a mental illness are invited to attend support meetings at Tweed Heads Library, Brett Street, Tweed Heads on the first and third Mondays of each month. Enquiries 07 5598 6372.

Historical society

Monthly meeting will be on Tuesday, February 15, at 10am (DST) in the old court House, Pioneer Park, Kennedy Drive, West Tweed Heads, with guest speaker Penny Watsford discussDragons Abreast ing her research into settlers’ Any woman who has had a use of Australian plants. For info diagnosis of breast cancer is incall 07 5536 8625. vited to join other breast cancer Huffers and Puffers survivors in their beautiful pink Tweed Valley Huffers n Puffers Dragon Boat at a ‘Come and Try’ and Dickey Tickers Support day on Saturday, February 5, Group meet on the second at 8am. Second boat ramp on Thursday of each month, at the Mcleod Street, Condong (up the Condong Bowls Club at 11am. road from the sugar mill). For On February 10 the guest speak- info call Robyn on 0427 368 819. er will be Trisha McCormack. For AOOB info call Ron 6676 2294. AOOB Twin Towns branch next VIEW Club monthly meeting on Friday, Coolangatta/Tweed VIEW Club’s February 4, at South Tweed next luncheon meeting will be Sports Club, Tweed Heads South the AGM on Thursday, February at 2pm (DST) in the Secret 17, in the Horizons Room, South Garden Room. Guest speaker is Tweed Sports Club at 11am for poet Bob Dever who plays the 11.30am DST. Visitors welcome. didgeridoo. Bookings/ apologies call Marga- Snakes workshop ret on 07 5534 7115 before 5pm, The Tweed-Byron Bush Futures Monday 14. Project is holding fauna work-

Family Centre

The Family Centre is taking bookings now for the following courses. Numbers are limited so book early on 07 5524 8711. Detailed info on all our courses at

shops with Sue Johnson, local wildlife carer and reptile expert leading the first, titled Snakes of the Tweed, on Saturday, February 5, from 2pm-4pm at the Canvas & Kettle Room, Civic and Cultural Centre, Tumbulgum


Dr Rod Whitehead

BScHon (Canada), BDSc (QLD)

economy has been shrinking to the point where it now contributes less than three per cent of the gross national product. That’s a huge allocation of land value. Further, it is astonishing to realise that over 99 per cent of that agricultural land makes little or no contribution to Australia’s economy. It turns out that about 80 per cent of Australia’s agricultural profits are derived from less than 0.8 per cent of its agricultural land.’ That does not mean it is wise policy to import food. It means that more of the population will need to work blocks of agricultural land as though soil mattered. Soil fertility generally equals soil friability equals soil water absorption ability. Plants also aid water absorption. It is known that forested areas ameliorate flood events, whereas degraded land increases them. Denuded, poor soil, becoming more frequent in Australia, sends heavy rain straight to watercourses. Diamond’s information implies that there could be planning for greater forested areas of Australia without major

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New LEP threatens key infrastructure

Would now be a good time to mention that the site of the proposed mini-city, at Kings Forest, near Kingscliff, is its own catchment area, and is subject to flash flooding? Any hope of emergency services getting in, either for flooding or fire, would be quickly lost if the only access road goes. Considering what has happened in Queensland lately, with development on flood plains, surely this issue should be more than a passing reference in the report. Would we be doing people a favour by not letting them build there? I think so. The koalas are very important, but at least they can climb, if they have any trees left.

In a statewide gift to developers by the NSW Government, public facilities across this state are being directed away from local council special use zonings (that protect them from sale and redevelopment) to residential and commercial zonings. Forcing councils to rezone their schools, hospitals, town halls, police stations, nurseries, etc will hand an incoming coalition government the capacity for a statewide sell-off of public land. This means government land can be sold off without going through public scrutiny or consultation. NSW planning laws must protect public facilities or we will face longterm structural failure. The Greens are calling for a statewide boycott by local councils of the new Local Environmental Plan to stop the Department of Planning from priming NSW’s key infrastructure for sell-off. Labor and the coalition need to learn that NSW is not for sale.



economic loss in terms of land use. Increasing native forests is the amelioration of floods, droughts, and incidentally, greenhouse gases. Increasing forests are also the extension of native habitat. Geoff Dawe



David Norris

Lisa Townsend

Road, Murwillumbah. Register on 6670 2199 or csotweed@

Garden clubs

Twin Towns and District Garden Club’s next meeting is on February 14 at 10am in Tweed Heads Civic Centre. Guest speaker will be Kay Baldwin, president of Fingal Dune Care Group. Entry $3 which includes morning tea between 9am and 9.45am. All welcome.

Tweed Coast Garden Club Next meeting will be on Tuesday February 8 from 1.30pm at the Cabarita Community Hall. This will be a fundraiser Fun Auction day. Please bring items for the auction. For details call 6676 4641.

Voice Weavers

The choir is looking for new voices and meets on Thursdays 7pm DST at the Coolangatta Tweed Heads Golf Club auditorium, Soorley Street, Tweed Heads South. Phone Brett 0418 754 868 or Jan 07 5536 1078.

Runners, walkers

Twin Towns Runners and Walkers meet every Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7pm (DST) Coolangatta beachfront (opposite McDonald’s). For info visit or phone 07 5599 1924.

Mur’bah on the Move

This walking group meets at the Information Centre (Budd Park) at 6.50am Wednesdays and Saturdays for walks around town. 6672 1660.


Exit International run meetings and workshops on end of life choices. If you wish to join or find out more information please ring Elaine on 0421 796 713.

Low-cost food

Open Mondays at 11.30am until 1.30pm DST at 56 Caloola Drive, West Tweed Heads off Ducat Street. Bring your bags and pension card. Plenty of low-cost food for pensioners. For more information call 07 5507 6999.

Climate action

TweedCan meets every second Thursday of the month at the Imperial Hotel, Main Street Murwillumbah at 6.30pm. For info call 6679 4079 or 6672 5602.

St Mark’s Pottsville

Fellow Anglicans are invited to attend our new year celebration lunch at the White Jade restaurant Pottsville Beach, Sunday, February 13 immediately following 10.30am morning service. Bookings essential by Feb 6, for info call Bruce 6676 4329 or Barbara 6676 1758.

BANORA SWIM SCHOOL Baby Swim Classes (Parent & child) 2 for the price of 1 Is your child safe? Holiday Intensives Book Now 07 5523 3177 The Tweed Shire Echo February 3, 2011 7

Vale ntin e s Day

Valen ti n es Day Val e AN H O W IT A L L B E G

From the fourth century B.C. the Romans engaged in an annual young man’s rite of passage to the god Lupercus. The names of teenage women were placed in a box and drawn at random by adolescent men; thus, a man was assigned a woman companion, for their mutual entertainment and pleasure (often sexual), for the duration of a year, after which another lottery was staged. Determined to put an end to this 800 year-old practice, the early church fathers sought a ‘lovers’ saint’ to replace the deity Lupercus. They found a likely candidate in Valentine, a bishop who had been martyred some two hundred years earlier.

OPEN VALENTINES NIGHT FOR YOUR PLEASURE A FREE glass of bubbly for the girls on arrival Fresh Seafood specials PLUS your favourites

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WANT TO SPOIL YOUR LOVED ONE ON VALENTINES DAY? Monday 14th February 3 course Valentines Day menu only $55pp

With $10pp donated to QLD Premier’s Flood Appeal


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Mavis’s Kitchen

Set within a beautiful 25 acre farmland, Mavis’s Kitchen & Cabins at Mt Warning is located at the foot of Mount Warning in the lush Tweed Valley. At Mavis’s Kitchen, we use fresh and organic produce to serve simple, home cooked and unpretentious dishes in this beautiful environment. Lunch is a blackboard affair changing daily & weekly based on availability of the freshest seasonal ingredients. Dinners at Mavis’s Kitchen offer a range of starters, mains and desserts, with vegetarian and gluten free options, starting from $18.50 for mains. Our menu changes regularly and depending on seasonal availability. Mavis’s Kitchen is fully licensed. Our wine list features an excellent selection of Quality Australian wines, with an emphasis on organically produced vineyards. Or you can choose from Charlie’s Private Cellar collection. We also stock an extensive selection or Australian beers, which will be complimented by a range of international labels over time. And we have a great range of non-alcoholic beverages and soft drinks. Finish off your evening with a fine liqueur, port or local coffee and fine Belgian chocolate. Bookings recommended! 64 Mt Warning Road Uki, via Murwillumbah, NSW 2484, ph 02 6679 5664.

Singles Valentines Celebrations

Currumbin RSL and Carmel Lowe from Letz Get 2gether have joined forces again to bring you a singles cocktail party over the Valentines Day weekend. Held in the privacy of the upstairs Function Room, the event includes live entertainment, dinner, drink on arrival, professional host, prizes and more. Carmel has been running singles events all over the coast for years, and states ‘these events are a way for people to build their circle of friends. I like to have age specifications because it leads to likeminded people coming together. If the age were open it could mean you’d have 18-year-olds trying to connect with 80-year-olds and they probably wouldn’t have too much in common’. This event is for those aged between 40 and 60. ‘Although this is not a dating service, there have been several romantic relationships blossom and many friendships from past events. The private Function Room is the perfect setting for a relaxed group affair and the water views from the private balcony are just lovely,’ says Carmel. Saturday February 12 from 6.30pm. $45 Club members and $50 nonClub members. Full details can be found on the Club website www. or by calling the Club on 5534 7999.

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Valentine’s Day

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8 February 3, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

<echowebsection=Valentines Day>

entin e s Day Valen t i ne s D a y In Rome in A.D. 270, Valentine had enraged the mad emperor Claudius II, who had issued an edict forbidding marriage. Claudius felt that married men made poor soldiers, because they were loath to leave their families for battle. The empire needed soldiers, so Claudius, never one to fear unpopularity, abolished marriage. Valentine, bishop of Interamna, invited young lovers to come to him in secret, where he joined them in the sacrament of matrimony. Claudius learned of this ‘friend of lovers,’ and had the bishop brought to the palace. The emperor, impressed with the young priest’s dignity and conviction, attempted to convert

Pollen @ Salt

Pollen @ Salt take pride in providing beautiful arrangements and floral bouquets. They are committed to supporting customers with quality service and reliability. Their reputation for discretion, quality, stylish design and innovation of flowers is Pollen @ Salt’s hallmark. Place your Valentines Day Orders Before Friday Feb 11th and receive a free gift. Call or email today to place your order Ph 02 6674 8900 or email

Passion@ Flowers

a D n s e i t Val e n

him to the Roman gods, to save him from otherwise certain execution. Valentine refused to renounce Christianity and imprudently attempted to convert the emperor. On February 24, 270, Valentine was clubbed, stoned, then beheaded. History also claims that while Valentine was in prison awaiting execution, he fell in love with the blind daughter of the jailer, Asterius. Through his unswerving faith, he miraculously restored her sight. He signed a farewell message to her ‘From Your Valentine,’ a phrase that would live long after its author died.*


AT MURWILLUMBAH HOTEL Zest Restaurant is renowned Buy your sweetheart flowers for its suculent steaks and at Byron’s most romantic fresh seafood especially the flower shop: passion@ ever-popular oysters. Chef flowers. Here you’ll find not Deb Navaro who prides only the traditional red roses herself on the freshness of but also something unique to the food says that her secret impress your loved one. We Thai Chicken Curry recipe have delicious Paddington has customers saying it’s the chocolates, beautiful vases best they’ve ever tasted. and lush potted plants. If Thai curry isn’t your thing Call in to 29 Fletcher Street then the steaks with prawn or ph 6685 5209. We’ll be toppers in a garlic cream open next Saturday and sauce are a must. Sunday. Book now for Valentines Day and enjoy the prawn cocktail special in the comfort of our airconditioning. Zest Restaurant at the Murwillumbah Hotel, Wharf St, Murwillumbah 6672 1139.

White Jade

White Jade is owned and operated by Carol and Michael Penner-Wilson with their daughters Mariel and Olivia, and son Hamish. White Jade is located in an original old cottage which features a delightful garden verandah. This Valentines Day they are offering a special set menu, including fresh oysters, and a fully licensed bar. Bookings essential! 12 Coronation Ave, Pottsville. Ph o2 6676 4949

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The Tweed Shire Echo February 3, 2011 9

Health &


Healthy weight helps with healthy mind

A new Australian study has found middle-aged Australians carrying excess weight are more likely to be anxious and depressed than their healthy-weight counterparts. Queensland-based researchers collected data on the physical and mental health of more than 1,200 volunteers, grouping them according to their weight and mental health. Obese participants, who were aged 45 to 54 years, were more likely to report that emotional problems had affected their work or social activities, and were less likely to have felt calm and peaceful in the month prior to the study, compared with normal-weight and overweight participants. Dietitians Association of Australia spokesperson Lisa Renn said carrying too much weight affects physical health and poorer health is linked with anxiety, depression and lower levels of wellbeing.


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‘If you’re carrying too much weight, odds on you’re more anxious or depressed than you need to be. Losing this weight is associated with a better






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10 February 3, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Kylie has 20 years experince and has worked in many salons throughout Overindulge this holiday Victoria and New South season? Time to get your Wales. “I am very health back on track? passionate about hair and Down to Earth Living I feel that that shows in my carries a range of books work. I love healthy locks and self-help meditation and strive to ensure that CDs aimed at people who your hair looks and feels at want a change in lifestyle its best at all times. I aim to but want to work at their achieve what suits you, the own pace. individual, best.” Looking for a natural elixir Come in and see what to lose weight, strengthen the immune system, beautify Kylie at The Blue Room has to offer. skin and hair? Try the healing power of coconut 30 Banksia Avenue, oil. This oil has been Bogangar. Ph 02 6676 called the healthiest dietary 2232, 0405 314 559. oil on earth. If you’re not using coconut oil for your daily cooking and body care needs, you’re missing out on one of nature’s most amazing health foods. MAKE A PERFECT And just arrived in store, MOVE ‘Brookfarm’ locally PURE BALANCE PILATES produced mueslies and and YOGA STUDIO locally grown gourmet macadamias. Yum! Fast-track results with a sophisticated weight 1/98 Marine Parade, Kingscliff. Ph 02 6674 training system. Pilates 8811. apparatus will tone, contour, lengthen, strengthen and stabilise your body. Find BALANCE in our scientific approach to Yoga, integrating breath awareness and posture to THE BLUE ROOM align the body mind and Kylie Hoffmann, owner spirit. The experience: so of The Blue Room Fine Hairdressing, would like to much more then a gym… welcome new and existing Develop an intelligent clients to join her in a salon body and a physical mind, correctional exercise at its experience. best! The Blue Room offers the latest cutting and colouring Gift Packs, class combo cards and corporate techniques, Keune Hair wellness packages Cosmetics which are a available. healthier option for both your hair and your well Call Carmen to register being and a relaxed, on 02 6679 1789 personalised atmosphere. today.



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quality of life, improved mood, better self-esteem, and a more positive attitude to life. So eating better food and being active will help you feel healthy and happy.’ She said a five to ten per cent reduction in weight from a baseline starting weight can make all the difference. ‘If you’re 100kg, losing 5–10kg will pay off. So for a healthier, happier 2011 kick-start the year with some small changes, which will add up over time,’ said Ms Renn. The Dietitians Association of Australia’s tips for ‘feeling tops’: • Start with the right fuel. A healthy breakfast can help you think clearer, concentrate better and feel more energetic. It will also make you less likely to overeat later in the day. • Move to feel good. Moving is a trigger for your body to release feel-good hormones (endorphins). The more you move the better you will feel, so look for every opportunity to get more active. • Become a ‘mindful eater’. Before reaching for food, think about whether you’re really hungry – or eating for another reason. And slow down while


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you’re eating. Studies suggest people who eat too quickly have a greater risk of being overweight. • Get fishy. Healthy fats, such as those found in oily fish (like salmon, tuna and mackerel), grains and some plant oils (such as sunflower and safflower oil) may improve mood. • Recruit a support team. Find at least one person (friend, family member, work colleague, health professional) who will support and cheer you on. Contact an Accredited Practising Dietitian for expert advice and support. For more information visit

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The Tweed Shire Echo February 3, 2011 11

Television Guide


1. Based on a 1914 novella, the Bollywood musical Parineeta (SBS2, Friday, 9.30pm) tells a tale of love – what else? – in 1960s Calcutta. 2. A bunch of actors find themselves in a real firefight in Tropic Thunder (TEN, Saturday, 9.15pm), a spoof of Hollywood filmmaking. Good, but not as good as Galaxy Quest, in which Sigourney Weaver sends herself up wonderfully. 3. Sean Connery goes the – gasp! – ponytail while looking for a cancer cure in South America in Medicine Man (Prime, Sunday, 3.15pm). Another beaker of ayahuasca, please, Jeeves.



4.00 Can We Help? 4.30 The Cook And The Chef 5.00 Something In The Air 5.30 The Einstein Factor 6.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 The New Inventors 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Movie: Roman Holiday (G 1953) US comedy. Stars Audrey Hepburn 2.30 Creature Comforts 3.00 Australian Women’s Open Golf LIVE 6.00 My Family 6.30 Shamwari 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Stateline 8.00 Chopper Rescue 8.30 New Tricks 9.30 Kidnap And Ransom (M) 10.20 Lateline 11.05 John Safran’s Race Relations (M) 11.30 Being Human (M) 12.30 rage (M)

4.00 ABC News 4.05 The Quarters 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.15 The Quarters 5.30 The 7.30 Report 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Landline Extra 1.00 ABC News 2.00 Midday Report 2.30 One Plus One 3.00 Afternoon Live 5.45 The Quarters 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 The Quarters 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Contact Sport 8.00 ABC News 8.30 One Plus One 9.00 The World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 The Drum 10.45 The Quarters 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Contact Sport 12.00 ABC News 12.25 Lateline 1.00 BBC News 1.30 Australian Network News 2.00 BBC World News 2.30 Australian Network News 3.00 Lateline 3.40 The Quarters

ABC 2 5.30 Can We Help? 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 Kids’ Programs 7.00 Spicks And Specks 7.30 Pilot Guides Nigeria 8.30 Monday Monday (M) 9.30 The Tudors (M) 10.25 The Wire (MA) 12.15 I Rock: Fun House (M) 12.45 I’m From Rolling Stone (M) 1.10 Coach Trip 1.35 Close

ABC 3 6.05am to 5.35pm Kids’ Programs 6.00 Spliced! 6.30 Prank Patrol International 7.05 What Do You Know? 7.35 Dead Gorgeous 8.05 Dani’s House 8.35 Degrassi: The Next Generation 9.00 Close

ABC 1 5.00 rage (PG) 11.00 The Best In Australia 12.00 Message Stick (G*) 12.30 Best Of Australian Story 1.00 WNBL Basketball – Canberra v Logan 2.00 Australian Women’s Open Golf LIVE 6.00 W-League Football Semifinal 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Bed Of Roses 8.30 NT AFL LIVE – Indigenous All Stars v Richmond Tigers 11.30 rage (M)



ABC 2 6.00 Kids’ Program 7.00 Dog Whisperer 7.30 The Ball 8.30 Movie: The Apartment (PG 1960) US comedy. Stars Jack Lemmon 10.30 Movie: Underworld USA (PG 1960) US drama. Stars Cliff Robertson 12.10 The Link: Uncovering Our Earliest Ancestor? 1.10 Sun, Sea & Bargain Spotting 2.10 Close

SBS 1 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia 1.30 Don Matteo 2.30 Rex In Rome 3.30 Letters And Numbers 4.00 The Journal 4.30 Newshour 5.30 Global Village 6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Coast 8.30 As It Happened: Apocalypse World War II 9.30 World News Australia 10.05 Erotic Tales (M) 10.35 Mistresses (M) 11.05 Movie: At A Glance (M 2008) Italian drama 1.10 Entourage (M) 1.40 Shameless (M) 2.40 Weatherwatch

9.45 The Quarters 10.00 One Plus One 10.30 Stateline Summer 12.30 7.30 Select 1.00 Big Ideas 2.00 Four Corners 2.45 The Quarters 3.00 Stateline Summer 3.30 Foreign Correspondent 4.00 ABC News 4.30 Behind The News 5.00 ABC News 5.30 One Plus One 6.00 ABC News 6.30 Australian Story Classic 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 Select 8.00 The Howard Years 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Landline Extra 10.00 ABC News 10.30 Contact Sport 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Foreign Correspondent 12.00 Big Ideas 1.00 BBC World News 1.30 The World This Week 2.00 Four Corners 2.45 The Quarters 3.00 BBC World News 3.30 Stateline


The Brady Bunch 6.00 Family Ties 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves 6.00 Global Village Raymond 6.30 Come Dine With Me 7.30 So You Think You Can Greece Dance US 7.30 More Than A Fiesta 9.20 Sex And The City (M/MA) 8.00 China 21 8.30 Unexplained Glastonbury 10.30 The Late Late Show 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 9.30 Movie: Parineeta (PG Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 Mork 2005) Indian musical 11.50 Movie: Initial D (M 2005) & Mindy 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Cantonese action 1.40 Weatherwatch Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven



6.00 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Ten News 10.00 The Circle 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Oprah Winfrey Show 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Biggest Loser Families 4.00 Good Chef, Bad Chef 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 6.00 6PM With George Negus 6.30 Ten News 7.00 The 7pm Project 7.30 Biggest Loser Families 8.30 Blue Bloods (M) 9.30 NCIS (M) 10.30 Outrageous Fortune (M) 11.30 Late News 12.00 Sports Tonight 12.30 The Late Show 1.30 Infomercials 5.00 Religion




This week’s gang of planets in Aquarius feels a bit like the Tarot card of the Tower with its post-grad lessons in change and impermanence…

ARIES: Yes, you’re fortune’s favourites and this week’s energy is expansive, but respect communication protocols: ask people what they think before telling them what you know. Watch your enthusiasm doesn’t override those new luminaries entering your orbit, because right now teamwork’s your pathway to the stars. TAURUS: This genial, gregarious week could be a soul nourisher for Taurans – when it’s not being impatient and argumentive. Ethical questions arise which insist on the larger rather than the personal, what’s in it for me picture, but late week new moon kicks in with the requisite perspective. GEMINI: The middle path of moderation may not appeal this week when the urge to swap hot goss is tempting,

12 February 3, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

PRIME 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven News 12.00 Movie: A Guy Thing (M 2003) US comedy. Stars Jason Lee 2.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 6.00 Prime News 6.30 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away

8.30 The Adventure Of English 9.30 Movie: Secrets Of State (M 2008) French drama 11.15 Movie: Summer Rain (MA 2006) Spanish drama 1.20 Weatherwatch

7.30 Frasier 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 8.30 Frasier 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.30 Movie: 48 Hrs (M 1982) US comedy. Stars Nick Nolte 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 Mork & Mindy 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven

TEN 6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.00 Hit List TV 12.00 Landed Music 12.30 Going Bush 1.00 Infomercials 2.00 Movie: Hating Alison Ashley (PG 2005) US comedy. Stars Saskia Burmeister 4.00 Fishin’ Trip 4.30 Making Tracks 5.00 Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure 6.00 Ten News 6.30 Bondi Vet 7.30 Movie: Ice Age – The Meltdown (PG 2006) Animation 9.15 Movie: Tropic Thunder (M 2008) US drama. Stars Jeff Kahn 11.20 Movie: Plans, Trains And Automobiles (M 1987) US comedy. Stars John Candy 1.05 Infomercials 4.00 Religion



ONE HD 6.00 Serie A Football 8.00 School Of Golf 8.30 Golf Central 9.00 America’s Game 10.00 NBL Basketball 12.00 NBA Basketball – LIVE 5.15 Omnisport 5.30 Escape With ET 6.00 Pat Callinan’s 4x4 Adventures 7.00 I Fish 7.30 Sports Tonight 8.00 NBL Basketball LIVE – Perth v Cairns 10.00 Pro Series Drag Racing 11.30 UFC Countdown 126 12.30 Sports Tonight Late 1.00 NFL Total Access 2.00 NFL Road To Playoffs 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 UCI Road Cycling 4.30 Auto Auction 5.30 MVP

6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Cheers 3.30 Roseanne 4.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 4.30 Mork & Mindy 5.00 Happy Days 5.30

5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 1.00 In The Tracks Of Georges Delerue 2.30 Franco Zeffirelli 3.30 Once Upon A Time… Mon Oncle 4.30 Newshour 5.30 Who Do You Think You Are? John Hurt 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Big, Bigger, Biggest 8.30 Iron Chef 9.20 RocKwiz Rewind 10.05 Movie: No Country For Old Men (MA 2007) US drama. Stars Tommy Lee Jones 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The 12.15 The Lost Room (M) 1.45 SOS (M) Brady Bunch 8.30 Everybody Loves 6.05am to 5.40pm Kids’ Programs 6.05 2.50 Weatherwatch Raymond 9.00 Touched By An Angel Stoked 6.35 Prank Patrol 7.00 Serious 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Andes 7.30 Good Game SP 7.50 The Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Tribe 9.10 Close 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Cheers 3.30 Roseanne 4.00 Sabrina The Teenage 6.00 Here Comes The Witch 4.30 Mork & Mindy 5.00 Happy Neighbourhood Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 4.00 ABC News 4.05 The Quarters 4.15 6.30 Sarah Wiener And The 6.00 Family Ties The Drum 5.00 Big Ideas 6.00 Stateline Kitchen Kids Summer 6.30 Behind The News 7.00 7.30 The Map Makers Mercator 6.30 Everybody Loves ABC News 7.30 Contact Sport 8.00 ABC Raymond Atlas 1572 News 8.45 The Quarters 9.00 ABC News



2 7.30 Better Homes And Gardens 8.30 Movie: The Holiday (M 2006) US romantic comedy. Stars Cameron Diaz 11.20 Movie: Six Days, Seven Nights (M 1998) US action. Stars Harrison Ford 1.30 Home Shopping

6.30 Scrubs 7.00 That ’70s Show 7.30 Gary Unmarried 8.30 I Shouldn’t Be Alive (M) 9.30 Movie: Cursed (AV 2005) US comedy. Stars Portia De Rossi 11.30 Club Reps (MA) 12.30 Strikeforce (M) 1.00 Airwolf 2.00 Magnum PI 3.00 Wagon Train 4.00 6.00 Kids Time 8.30 Sons & Daughters Baywatch 5.00 McHale’s Navy 5.30 9.00 Home & Away 9.30 Shortland Deal Or No Deal Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Hollyoaks 11.30 Passport To The Sun 12.00 Murphy 5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Brown 12.30 Desperate Housewives Infomercials 12.00 The Ellen 1.30 October Road 2.30 Movie: Degeneres Show 1.00 The View Run Silent, Run Deep (PG 1958) 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Alive WWII drama. Stars Clark Gable 4.30 And Cooking 3.30 Kids’ Programs Welcome Back Kotter 5.00 Head Of 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat The Class 5.30 Growing Pains 6.00 Evening News 6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 A Current Affair 7.00 Men Behaving Badly 7.30 Two And A Half Men 7.30 Ghost Whisperer 8.00 Motorway Patrol 8.30 Escape To The Country 8.30 Movie: Rush Hour 3 (M 9.30 60 Minute Makeover 2007) US action. Stars 10.30 Living In The Sun 11.45 Movie: Jackie Chan What’s New Pussycat? (M 1965) US 10.30 Movie: Rush Hour 2 (M comedy. Stars Peter Sellers 2.00 2001) US action. Stars Coronation Street 2.30 Emmerdale Jackie Chan 3.00 Passport To The Sun 3.30 Movie: 12.30 Movie: Consequence (AV Run Silent, Run Deep 5.30 Harry’s 2003) US drama. Stars Armand Practice Assante 2.30 Spyforce 3.30 Entertainment Tonight 4.00 Danoz 4.30 Good Morning America 6.00 Wagon Train 7.30 The Virginian 8.30 McHale’s Navy 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Beach Patrol 12.00 Quincy ME 6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 1.00 Airwolf 2.00 Magnum PI 3.00 Entertainment Tonight 11.00 TMZ Xena Warrior Princess 4.00 Baywatch 11.30 Get Smart 12.00 Here’s Lucy 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 12.30 Seinfeld 1.00 The Hills 2.00 According To Jim Charlie’s Angels 3.00 Just Shoot Me

3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Movie: Scooby-Doo And The Monster Of Mexico (G 2003) Animation 7.30 Movie: TMNT (PG 2007) US animation 9.15 Movie: Into The Blue (M 2005) US action. Stars Paul Walker 11.30 Movie: Kings Of South Beach (M 2007) US drama. Stars Donnie Wahlberg 1.25 Movie: Visitors (AV 2003) Australian thriller. Stars Radha Mitchell 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Get Smart 5.30 The Flintstones

9.15 Movie: Runaway Bride Time In Mexico (AV 2003) (PG 1999) US comedy. Stars US action. Stars Antonio Julia Roberts Banderas 11.40 Movie: Bringing Down The 12.30 Airwolf 1.30 Strikeforce (M) House (M 2003) US comedy. Stars 2.00 Magnum PI 3.00 Wagon Train Steve Martin 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Baywatch 5.00 McHale’s Navy 5.30 Deal Or No Deal

11.25 Movie: Ghosts Of Mars (AV 2001) US sci-fi. Stars John Carpenter 1.25 Movie: Unleashed (AV 2005) US action. Stars Jet Li 3.00 Get Smart 4.00 The Dukes Of Hazzard 5.00 Kids’ programs






6.00 Liverpool Football 9.00 NFL Total Access 10.00 NBA Basketball 2.00 NBL Basketball 4.00 Omnisport 4.30 America’s Game 5.30 The WWE Experience 6.30 M7 Multisport 7.00 Sports Tonight 7.30 Powerboating 8.30 Drift 9.30 Summernats Motorsport 10.30 MotoGP Classic 11.30 UFC Unleashed 12.30 UFC Countdown 126 1.25 Bundesliga Football 3.20 Omnisport 4.00 Serie A Football – LIVE

6.00 Kids’ Programs 8.30 Better Homes And Gardens 9.30 The Great Outdoors 10.30 Second Chance Honeymoon 11.30 Big J’s Place 12.00 No Opportunity Wasted: Canada 12.30 How To Blow A Billion 1.00 Movie: Dinosaurus (PG 1960) US adventure. Stars Ward Ramsey 3.00 Movie: Good Day For A Hanging (PG 1958) Western. Stars Fred MacMurray 5.00 Destination New Zealand 5.30 Man About The House 6.00 Love Thy Neighbour 6.30 Born And Bred 7.30 Heartbeat 8.40 Inspector Morse 11.00 The Knock (M) 1.15 Movie: Dinosaurus 3.05 Movie: Good Day For A Hanging 5.00 Leyland Brothers World




6.00 Kids’ Programs 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 9.00 Kids’ Programs 12.00 V8 Xtra – Eastern Creek 1.10 Movie: The X Team (PG 2003) US action. Stars Bai Ling 3.00 Movie: Freaky Friday (PG 2003) US comedy. Stars Jamie Lee Curtis 5.00 Eukanuba Extraordinary Dogs 5.30 Sydney Weekender 6.00 Seven News 6.30 Movie: The Parent Trap (PG 1998) US comedy. Stars Lindsay Lohan

but remember that backbiting only aggravates already inflamed situations. Late week new moon in your truth zone brings radically different information from what you were operating on. CANCER: According to Cancerian novelist Tom Robbins, there’s no such thing as a weird human being – just some people requiring more understanding than others. Adopting this compassionate attitude could win over rivals and adversaries, so be adventurous and make conflictto-collaboration this week’s passion statement. LEO: Mars in your partnership sector needs all your big cat charisma, because a take it or leave it stance could have others reaching for their running shoes. And with Saturn testing the validity of


6.00 Danoz 7.00 Weekend Today 9.00 Saturday Kerri-Anne 10.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Fishing Australia 1.30 Movie: Funny Girl (G 1968) US drama. Stars Barbra Streisand 4.30 Discover Downunder 5.00 Road To Tamworth 5.30 Postcards 6.00 NBN News 6.30 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos 7.30 Movie: Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium (G 2007) US drama. Stars Natalie Portman 9.30 Movie: In The Line Of Fire (M 1993) US action. Stars Clint Eastwood 8.40 Lotto 12.05 Movie: The Deer Hunter (AV 1978) Vietnam war drama. Stars Robert De Niro 3.30 Skippy 4.00 6.00 Wagon Train 7.00 The Virginian Infomercials 8.30 McHale’s Navy 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Beach Patrol 12.00 Quincy ME 1.00 Airwolf 2.00 Magnum PI 3.00 6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Get Smart Xena Warrior Princess 4.00 Baywatch 2.00 Here’s Lucy 3.00 Green Acres 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 3.30 The Dukes Of Hazzard 4.30 According To Jim Privileged 5.30 The Unnatural History 6.30 Engineering Disasters 6.30 Movie: Goal 2 – Living 7.30 Air Crash Investigations The Dream (PG 2007) US 8.30 Zero Hour (M) Chernobyl drama. Stars Kuno Becker 9.30 The Universe 8.55 Movie: Stealth (M 2005) 10.30 Movie: Once Upon A US action. Stars Josh Lucas

big visions, plans expanded too rapidly can collapse just as suddenly. VIRGO: Mars in your health sector wants new diet and exercise regimes, but don’t be too hard on yourself – casual pleasures can be uplifting. And yes, others might be a bit slapdash and not quite up to your exacting standards, but they’re doing their best. LIBRA: This playful, spunky week of quirky joie de vivre percolates with delightful adventures, perky ideas, promising possibilities and interesting new information bytes. By end of week new moon you’ll be primed for a breakthrough – an inspirational solution to the knotty problem that’s been bothering you. SCORPIO: The forces of disorder are giving us all a makeover. This week


you’re quite the dynamo, but others could take a strong and forceful stand too. As major rearrangements take place, aim for outcomes where everyone gets at least some of what they want. SAGITTARIUS: This week’s divinely designed for fun, frolics and the frisky exchange of ideas. Just as well you’re in active, energised mode because existence looks set to rip the blinkers off a blind spot and drop a bombshell of brutal truth concerning what needs adjusting in your world. CAPRICORN: Your mentor planet Saturn continues offering awareness of relationship imbalances that need correcting. Watch where your thinking might be getting a tad rigid because this week’s also about money, honey,

GEM 6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 The Nanny 10.30 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: The Shiralee (G 1957) UK drama. Stars Peter Finch 2.00 Wife Swap USA 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 The Golden Girls 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 6.00 The Nanny 6.30 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 Antiques Roadshow 8.30 The Mentalist (M) 9.30 Law & Order (M) 11.30 Conan (M) 12.25 Murder, She Wrote 1.20 McLeod’s Daughters 2.15 Law & Order (M) 4.05 Movie: S.O.S. Titanic (PG 1979) UK drama. Stars David Janssen

GEM 6.00 Movie: Stories From A Flying Trunk (G 1979) UK fantasy. Stars Murray Melvin 7.50 Movie: The Shiralee (G 1957) UK drama. Stars Peter Finch 9.50 Movie: The Harvey Girls (G 1946) US musical. Stars Judy Garland 11.50 Murder, She Wrote 12.50 Movie: Jezebel (PG 1938) US drama. Stars Bette Davis 2.50 Movie: Kaleidoscope (PG 1966) US romantic comedy. Stars Warren Beatty 5.00 Getaway 6.00 The Nanny 6.30 Wild South America: Andes To Amazon 7.30 Hoarders 8.30 CSI (M) 9.30 CSI: Miami (M) 10.30 CSI: New York (M) 11.30 Conan (M) 12.20 Movie: The Kaleidoscope 2.30 Movie: Jezebel 4.35 Movie: The Brigand Of Kandahar (PG 1965) UK adventure. Stars Oliver Reed

and that’s where you need to be at your best, smartest and most flexible. AQUARIUS: Tactical planning, a clever operating strategy and teamwork are the things that will make this week’s dream work. Plus some hefty structural support from late week’s annual Aquarius new moon, your astrological window of opportunity for getting this year’s wish list out to destiny’s engineers. PISCES: Lessonmeister Saturn is advising that increased efficiency and personal accountability in day-to-day dealings will bring more of the results you’re looking for. Staying locked in old stories is likely to elicit raised eyebrows, scant sympathy and the advice to move on. I couldn’t agree more.




5.00 rage (PG) 6.30 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Insiders 10.00 Inside Business 10.30 Offsiders 11.05 Asia Pacific Focus 11.30 Songs Of Praise 12.00 Landline 1.00 Australian Women’s Open Golf LIVE 6.00 W-League Football 7.00 ABC News 7.30 South Pacific 8.30 Poirot (M) 10.05 Iconoclasts Wynton Marsalis And John Besh 10.50 Miss Austen Regrets 12.20 Movie: Airport (PG 1970) US drama. Stars Burt Lancaster 2.35 Movie: The Galloping Major (G 1951) UK comedy. Stars Basil Radford

4.00 The World This Week 4.30 Landline Extra 5.00 Big Ideas 6.00 7.30 Select 6.30 Behind The News 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Talking Heads: Anh Do 8.00 ABC News 9.00 Insiders 10.00 ABC News 10.30 Stateline Summer 12.30 Offsiders 1.00 Big Ideas 2.00 Best Of Landline 3.00 Stateline Summer 3.30 Australian Story Classic 4.00 ABC News 4.30 Behind The News 5.00 ABC News 5.30 Inside Business 6.00 ABC News 6.30 Foreign Correspondent 7.00 ABC News 7.30 One Plus One 8.00 Insiders 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Asia Pacific Focus 10.00 ABC News 10.30 The World This Week 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Australian Story Classic 12.00 Big Ideas 1.00 BBC World News 1.30 Stateline Summer 2.00 Big Ideas 3.00 BBC World News 3.30 Stateline

ABC 2 6.00 Kids’ Programs 7.00 A Quiet Word With Carrie Fisher 7.30 Forger’s Masterclass 8.00 Metropolis Los Angeles 8.30 Great Directors (M) 10.00 Extras Daniel Radcliffe 10.30 Gavin And Stacey 11.00 Hamish Macbeth 11.50 Bed Of Roses 12.40 Kanye West (M) 1.30 Close

ABC 3 6.05am to 5.30pm Kids’ Programs 6.00 Dani’s House 6.30 My Life As A Popat 6.55 Kaitangata Twitch 7.25 The Latest Buzz 7.50 The Wannabes 8.15 Majority Rules 8.40 Degrassi: The Next Generation 9.00 Close

SBS 1 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.35 World News 10.30 Football Asia 11.00 Football Feature 12.00 FIFA Futbol Mundial 12.30 Speedweek 2.00 Nerds FC 2.30 Two Of Us 3.00 India Reborn 4.00 Who Do You Think You Are? Graham Norton 5.00 Cycling Central 6.00 Thalassa 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 The Story Of The US 8.30 The Battle Of Britain 10.15 Movie: First Light (M 2008) UK drama 11.45 John Adams (M) 12.55 Movie: Turtles Can Fly (M 2004) Iranian drama 2.40 Weatherwatch

SBS 2 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News


ABC 1 4.00 Hymns Of Glory 4.30 The Cook And The Chef 5.00 Something In The Air 5.30 The Einstein Factor 6.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 Landline 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Pride And Prejudice 1.30 An Island Parish 2.00 The Bill 3.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 My Family 6.30 Best Of Collectors 7.00 ABC News 7.30 The 7.30 Report 8.00 Australian Story 8.30 Four Corners 9.15 Media Watch 9.35 Q&A 10.30 Lateline 11.05 Lateline Business 11.35 Murphy’s Law (M) 12.25 The Clinic 1.20 Movie: Road To Utopia (G 1946) US comedy. Stars Bing Crosby 2.50 Movie: Sherlock Holmes In Terror By Night (G 1946) UK drama. Stars Basil Rathbone

6.00 Religion 7.00 Kids’ Programs 8.00 Meet The Press 8.30 The Hit Rater.Com 9.00 Oz Made 10.00 Hit List TV 12.00 Pat Callinan’s 4x4 Adventures 1.00 Escape With ET 2.00 Movie: Rugrats Go Wild! (G 2003) Animation 3.30 The Biggest Loser 4.30 Places We Go 5.00 H2O Just Add Water 5.30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 6.00 Ten News 6.30 The Biggest Loser 7.30 Modern Family 8.00 Bondi Rescue 8.30 Hawaii Five-O (M) 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles (M) 11.30 Movie: Domino (AV 2005) US action. Stars Keira Knightley 2.00 Infomercials 4.00 Religion




4.00 Sleuth 101 4.30 The Cook And The Chef 5.00 Something In The Air 5.30 The Einstein Factor 6.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 Big Ideas 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Time Team 1.30 Meerkat Manor 2.00 Parliament Question Time 3.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 My Family 6.30 Best Of Collectors 7.00 ABC News 7.30 The 7.30 Report 8.00 Foreign Correspondent 8.30 Michelin Stars The madness of perfection (M) 9.30 QI 10.00 Anatomy: Mind (M) 10.30 Lateline 11.05 Lateline Business 11.35 Four Corners 12.20 Media Watch 12.35 The Chaser’s War On Everything (M) 1.05 Parliament Question Time 2.30 Catalyst 3.00 Big Ideas

6.05am to 5.30pm Kids’ Programs 6.00 Spliced! 6.30 Prank Patrol International 6.55 News On 3 7.10 What Do You Know? 7.40 Dead Gorgeous 8.05 Dani’s House 8.35 Degrassi: The Next Generation 9.00 Close


4.00 ABC News 4.05 The Quarters 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.15 The Quarters 5.30 Newsline 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Australian Story 1.00 ABC News 2.00 Midday Report 2.30 7.30 Select 3.00 Afternoon Live 5.30 Stateline Select 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 The Quarters 7.00 ABC News 7.30 The 7.30 Report 8.00 ABC News 8.30 Lateline Business 9.00 The World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 The Drum 10.45 The Quarters 11.00 ABC News 5.30 Can We Help? 6.00 ABC News 11.30 The 7.30 Report 12.00 ABC News 12.30 Newsline 1.00 BBC News Breakfast 9.00 Kids’ Programs 1.30 Australia Network News 2.00 7.00 Spicks And Specks BBC World News 2.30 The 7.30 Report 7.30 In Search Of Perfection 3.00 Lateline 3.35 Lateline Business 8.00 Black Books 8.30 Good Game 9.00 The Librarians (M) 9.30 Whitest Kids U Know (M) 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 1.00 Movie: The World (PG 10.00 Generation Kill (M) 11.05 Hyperdrive 11.35 Black Books 2004) Mandarin drama 3.30 Letters 12.00 30 Seconds: Drink Rexponsibly And Numbers 4.00 The Journal 4.30 (M) 12.25 London Live 12.55 Miami Newshour 5.30 Global Village Horror’s One Night Stand 1.25 Coach 6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.30 World News Australia Trip 1.50 Close 7.30 Why Doesn’t Maths Add Up?








Witch 4.30 Mork & Mindy 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 6.00 Family Ties 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 New Zealand’s Next Top Model 8.30 Smallville (M) 10.30 Angel (M) 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 Mork & Mindy 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven

6.00 Tee It Up With Tiger Woods 7.00 ATP World Tour Tennis 7.30 IRC Series Sailing 8.00 Rip Curl Search Surfing – Portugal 9.00 Kitesurfing 9.30 M7 Multisport 10.00 Summer Series Swimming 11.00 Bundesliga Football 1.00 Serie A Football 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 World Tour Beach Volleyball 4.00 World Championship Powerboating 4.30 I Fish 5.00 Road To The Super Bowl 6.00 NBL Basketball LIVE – Melbourne v Wollongong 8.00 Sports Tonight 8.30 Movie: Rudy (PG 1993) US biography. Stars Sean Astin 10.35 NFL Total Access 11.30 MotoGP Classic 12.30 Omnisport 1.00 Serie A Football – LIVE 3.00 Summer Series Swimming 4.00 Tiger Woods Clinic 4.30 Auto 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Auction 5.30 Omnisport Brady Bunch 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 6.00 Religion 7.00 Weekend Sunrise Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Cheers 3.30 10.00 Business Builders 10.30 World’s Roseanne 4.00 Sabrina The Teenage Strictest Parents 11.30 Sleep Walkers 12.30 Home Improvement 1.15

10.00 Facejacker (M) 10.30 South Park (M/MA) 6.05am to 5.30pm Kids’ Programs 11.30 The World Game 12.30 Movie: 6.00 Spliced! 6.30 Prank Patrol The Betrayal (M 2005) French drama International 6.55 News On 3 7.10 2.00 Weatherwatch What Do You Know? 7.40 Dead Gorgeous 8.05 Dani’s House 8.35 Degrassi: The Next Generation 9.00 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News Close 6.00 Global Village 6.30 Singapore Flavours





4.00 ABC News 4.05 Big Ideas 5.00 ABC News 5.15 The Quarters 5.30 Asia Pacific Focus 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Inside Business 1.00 ABC News 2.00 Midday Report 2.30 Asia Pacific Focus 3.00 Afternoon Live 5.30 7.30 Select 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 The Quarters 7.00 ABC News 7.30 The 7.30 Report 8.00 ABC News 8.30 Lateline Business 9.00 The World 9.30 Q&A 10.30 ABC News 11.30 The 7.30 Report 12.00 ABC News 12.30 Newsline 1.00 BBC News 1.30 Australia Network News 2.00 BBC 5.30 Can We Help? 6.00 ABC News World News 2.30 The 7.30 Report Breakfast 9.00 Kids’ Programs 3.00 Lateline 3.35 Lateline Business 7.00 Spicks And Specks 7.30 Full Metal Challenge 8.00 Absolutely Fabulous 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 8.30 Durham County (M) 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia 9.30 Generation Kill (M) 1.35 Concert Schonbrunn 3.20 It’s My 10.30 Teachers (M) Turn 3.30 Letters And Numbers 4.00 11.30 Being Erica 12.10 London Live: The Journal 4.30 Futbol Mundial 5.00 Pop Special 12.40 Eskimo Joe’s One The Crew 5.30 Global Village Night Stand 1.10 Coach Trip 1.35 6.00 Letters And Numbers Close 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Mythbusters 8.30 Man v Wild 9.30 World News Australia

6.00 Designer People Ole Scheeren 6.30 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour Of Britain 7.30 Ninja Warrior 8.00 Unbeatable Banzuke 8.30 Tropic Of Cancer 9.30 Movie: Once You’re Born You Can No Longer Hide (M 2005) Italian action 11.35 Movie: The Giraffe’s Neck (PG 2004) French drama 1.10 Weatherwatch

7.30 The Mystery Of The Human Hobbit 8.30 The Truth About Killer Dinosaurs 9.30 The World Game 10.30 Movie: Ghost In The Shell (M 1995) Japanese animation 12.00 Weatherwatch


Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Cheers 3.30 Roseanne 4.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 4.30 Mork & Mindy 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 6.00 Family Ties 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 Futurama 8.30 Supernatural (M) 9.30 Dexter (AV) 10.40 The Late Late Show 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 Mork & Mindy 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven

ONE HD 6.00 Super Bowl Pre-Game Show 10.00 NFL Super Bowl LIVE 2.00 Summernats Motorsport 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 Real NBA 4.00 Red Bull X Fighters 5.00 Action Sports: The Sharp End 6.00 NFL Total Access 7.00 Summer Series Swimming 8.30 World Football News 9.30 Sports Tonight 10.00 The Pro Shop 11.00 The Big Break 12.00 NFL Super Bowl 2.30 Summer Series Swimming 4.00 School Of Golf 4.30 Auto Auction 5.30 Omnisport

6.00 Ten Early News 7.00 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Ten News 10.00 Super Bowl NFL 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 6.00 6PM With George Negus 6.30 Ten News 7.00 The 7pm Project 7.30 Glee 8.30 Undercover Boss 9.30 Good News Week (M) 11.00 Late News & Sports Tonight 11.30 The Late Show 12.25 Cops (M) 1.00 Infomercials 4.00 Religion 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: The Good Times Are Killing Me (M 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The 2009) Canadian drama. Stars Kelly Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Rowan 2.00 Dr Oz 3.00 Nurses 3.30 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00



8.30 The Future Of Food 9.30 World News Australia 10.05 The Late Session 11.05 Hot Docs: Two Rembrandts In The Garden (M) 12.05 Movie: Gandhi My Father (PG 2007) Indian drama 2.30 Weatherwatch


6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Cheers 3.30 Roseanne 4.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 4.30 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News Mork & Mindy 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 6.00 Family Ties 6.00 Global Village 6.30 At The Table With Jacques 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Pépin Raymond 7.00 New Latin Cuisine 7.30 Lost Worlds Europe in the 7.30 The Simpsons 8.00 Futurama Middle Ages 8.30 The Office 8.30 As It Happened: The 9.30 Nurse Jackie (MA) Pacific War In Colour 10.05 Californication (MA) 10.40 9.30 Movie: Curse Of The The Late Late Show 11.30 Cheers Golden Flower (M 2006) 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Chinese action Teenage Witch 1.00 Mork & Mindy 11.35 Movie: The 36th Chamber Of 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat Shaolin (M 1977) Cantonese action 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched 1.30 Weatherwatch By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven



6.00 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Ten News 10.00 The Circle 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Oprah Winfrey Show 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 6.00 6PM With George Negus 6.30 Ten News 7.00 The 7pm Project 7.30 Talking’ ’Bout Your Generation 8.40 NCIS (M) 10.40 Late News & Sports Tonight 11.10 The Late Show 12.00 Cops (M) 1.00 Infomercials 4.00 Religion

ONE HD 6.00 Bundesliga Football 7.00 World Football News 8.00 The Pro Shop 9.00 School Of Golf 10.00 Summer Series Swimming 11.30 Manly Surf 12.00 NBA Classic 2.00 Powerboating 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 ATP World Tour Tennis 4.00 Sports Unlimited 5.00 Pro Bull Riding 6.00 Escape With ET 7.00 Summer Series Swimming 8.30 Ax Men 9.30 Black Gold 10.30 Sports Tonight 11.00 Liverpool Football 2.00 Golf Central 2.30 Summer Series Swimming 4.00 School Of Golf 4.30 Auto Auction 5.30 Omnisport

Movie: Rip Girls (G 2000) Australian drama. Stars Camilla Belle 3.15 Movie: Medicine Man (PG 1992) US adventure. Stars Sean Connery 5.30 Drive-Thru Australia 6.00 Seven News 6.30 Sunday Night 7.30 Border Security 8.00 The Force 8.30 Bones (M) 9.30 Castle (M) 10.30 Serial Killers (M) 11.30 The First 48 (M) 12.30 Home Shopping 5.30 Seven News

Your Local Sheriff (G 1969) Western. Stars James Garner 2.00 Magnum PI 3.00 Xena Warrior Princess 4.00 Baywatch 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 According To Jim 6.30 That ’70s Show 7.30 Gene Simmons Family Jewels 8.30 Movie: Dodgeball – A True Underdog Story (M 2003) US comedy. Stars Ben Stiller 10.30 Boston Legal (M) 11.30 30 Rock 12.00 Lost (M) 2.00 Magnum PI 3.00 Xena Warrior Princess 4.00 Baywatch 5.00 McHale’s 6.00 Home And Away 8.00 Movie: Navy 5.30 Deal Or No Deal The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming (G 1966) US comedy. Stars Alan Arkin 10.50 6.00 Infomercials 7.00 Weekend Movie: Colomon And Sheba (PG Today 10.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 1959) US drama. Stars Yul Brynner David Attenborough’s Crocodile 2.00 Movie: Trapeze (PG 1956) US 12.00 Movie: The Thief Who Came drama. Stars Burt Lancaster 4.15 To Dinner (PG 1973) US comedy. Stars Movie: D.A.R.Y.L (PG 1985) US sci- Ryan O’Neal fi. Stars Michael McKean 6.30 All 2.00 One Day Cricket Series Creatures Great And Small LIVE – Australia v England 7.30 Bargain Hunt 6.00 NBN News 8.30 Escape To The Country 6.30 Cricket continues 9.30 Live The Dream 10.00 Movie: Hostage (M 2005) 10.30 Restaurant In Our Living US action. Stars Bruce Willis Room 12.30 The Baron 1.30 F Troop 2.00 11.30 Club Reps Aftersun (M) 12.30 Skippy 2.30 Infomercials 3.30 Heroes Of The Amazon 1.30 Movie: Religion 4.00 Good Morning America D.A.R.Y.L 4.00 Leyland Brothers 5.00 Early Morning News World 5.00 Home Shopping


6.30 The Middle 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 9.00 Two And A Half Men (M) 9.30 Movie: The Wedding Singer (M 1998) US comedy. Stars Adam Sandler 11.30 South Park (MA) 12.00 Watchmen: The Complete Motion Comic (AV) 12.30 Fur TV 1.00 The Dukes Of Hazzard 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Privileged 5.00 Here’s Lucy


6.00 Religion 6.30 Movie: Private’s Progress (G 1955) UK comedy. Stars Richard Attenborough 8.30 Movie: The Bargee (PG 1964) UK comedy. Stars Harry Corbett 10.30 The Nanny 11.00 Movie: Dunkirk (PG 1958) UK drama. Stars John Mills 2.00 Movie: The Green Berets (PG 1968) Vietnam war drama. Stars John Wayne 5.00 Birds Of A Feather 5.30 Bless This House 6.00 The Nanny 6.30 Antiques Roadshow 7.30 As Time Goes By 8.00 Allo Allo 8.30 Movie: Dirty Dancing (M 1987) US drama. Stars Patrick Swayze 10.30 Without A Trace (M) 11.30 Movie: Wild Rovers (M 1961) Western. Stars Ryan O’Neal 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country 6.00 Kids’ Programs 12.00 The Hills 5.30 Today 12.30 Cribs 1.00 Quiksilver Pro Gold Coast 2.00 Here’s Lucy 2.30 Green Acres 3.30 The Dukes Of Hazzard 4.30 Privileged 5.30 Wipeout USA


7MATE 6.00 Wagon Train 7.00 The Virginian 8.30 McHale’s Navy 9.00 V8 Xtra 10.00 Whacked Out Sports 11.00 Quincy ME 12.00 Movie: Support

Deal Or No Deal 6.00 Prime News 6.30 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 My Kitchen Rules 8.30 Bones (M) 9.30 Brothers & Sisters (M) 10.30 Fat Family Diet 11.30 My Shocking Story 12.30 Home Shopping 5.30 Seven News

7 TWO 6.00 Kids Time 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Hollyoaks 11.30 Passport To The Sun 12.00 Murphy Brown 12.30 Desperate Housewives 1.30 October Road 2.30 Movie: A Shot In The Dark (PG 1964) US comedy. Stars Peter Sellers 4.30 Welcome Back Kotter 5.00 Head Of The Class 5.30 Growing Pains 6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 The Benny Hill Show 7.30 Heartbeat 8.30 Jonathan Creek (M) 9.40 Maisie Raine (M) 10.50 The Sweeney (M) 11.50 Last Man Standing (M) 12.45 Passport To The Sun 1.15 Coronation Street 1.45 Emmerdale 2.15 Secrets Of A Coral Cay 3.30 Harry’s Practice 4.00 Leyland Brothers World 5.00 Home Shopping

7MATE 6.00 Wagon Train 7.00 The Virginian 8.30 McHale’s Navy 9.00 NBC Today 10.00 NBC Meet The Press 11.00 Quincy ME 12.00 Movie: The Haunting (M 1999) US thriller. Stars Owen Wilson 2.30 Whacked Out Sports 3.00 Xena Warrior Princess


4.00 Baywatch 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 According To Jim 6.30 Scrubs 7.00 That ’70s Show 7.30 How I Met Your Mother 8.30 Family Guy (M) 10.00 American Dad 10.30 Scrubs 11.30 CNNNN (M) 12.00 Strikeforce (M) 12.30 Big Joe’s Place 1.00 Quincy ME 2.00 Wagon Train 3.00 Xena Warrior Princess 4.00 Baywatch 5.00 McHale’s Navy 5.30 Deal Or No Deal

7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos 7.30 Movie: Suddenly 30 (PG 2004) US comedy. Stars Jennifer Garner 9.30 The Vampire Diaries (M) 10.30 Two And A Half Men 11.00 My Dad Says 11.30 Two And A Half Men 12.00 Gossip Girl (M) 1.00 The Vampire Diaries (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Get Smart 5.30 The Flintstones



5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Home Shopping 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 NBN News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 Two And A Half Men 8.00 My Dad Says 8.25 Lotto 8.30 Underbelly Files (M) 10.30 The Allan Border Medal 12.30 Spyforce 1.30 Entertainment Tonight 2.00 Infomercials 3.30 Good Morning America 5.00 Early Morning News

6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 The Nanny 10.30 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: Loser Takes All (PG 1956) UK comedy. Stars Glynis Johns 2.00 Domestic Blitz 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 Wild South America: Andes To Amazon 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 6.00 The Nanny 6.30 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 8.00 Animal Emergency 8.30 Movie: I Am Sam (M 2001) US drama. Stars Sean Penn 11.15 Southland (M) 12.10 Friends 12.30 The Zoo 1.00 Murder, She Wrote 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 Rainbow Country 6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 5.30 Today Entertainment Tonight 11.00 TMZ 11.30 Get Smart 12.00 Here’s Lucy 12.30 Green Acres 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 The Hills 2.00 Privileged 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Seinfeld 6.30 The Middle




6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: Hope Springs (M 2003) UK comedy. Stars Colin Firth 2.00 Dr Oz 3.00 Nurses 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 6.00 Prime News 6.30 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 My Kitchen Rules 8.30 Packed To The Rafters 9.30 Parenthood 10.30 Cougar Town (M) 11.30 10 Years Younger 12.00 Mercy (M) 1.00 Home Shopping 5.30 News

6.00 Wagon Train 7.00 The Virginian 8.30 McHale’s Navy 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quincy ME 12.00 Magnum PI 1.00 Airwolf 2.00 Magnum PI 3.00 Xena Warrior Princess 4.00 Baywatch 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 According To Jim 6.30 Scrubs 7.00 That ’70s Show 7.30 How I Met Your Mother 8.30 Family Guy (M) 9.00 American Dad 9.30 My Name Is Earl 10.30 Scrubs 11.30 Punk’d (M) 12.00 Quincy ME 1.00 Airwolf 2.00 Magnum PI 3.00 Xena 4.00 Baywatch 5.00 McHale’s Navy 5.30 Deal Or No Deal

7 TWO 6.00 Kids Time 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Hollyoaks 11.30 Passport To The Sun 12.00 Murphy Brown 12.30 Desperate Housewives 1.30 October Road 2.30 Movie: Son Of The Pink Panther (PG 1993) Italian comedy. Stars Roberto Benigni 4.30 Welcome Back Kotter 5.00 Head Of The Class 5.30 Growing Pains 6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 The Benny Hill Show 7.30 Some Mothers Do ’ave ’em 8.10 Are You Being Served? 8.50 To The Manor Born 9.30 Porridge 10.10 Hale And Pace Down Under (M) 11.10 Movie: Carry On Up The Khyber (PG 1968) UK comedy. Stars Sid James 1.10 Big J’s Place 1.35 Passport To The Sun 2.05 Coronation St 2.30 Emmerdale 3.00 This Rugged Coast 4.00 Leyland Brothers 5.00 Home Shopping

NBN 5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Home Shopping 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 NBN News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 8.00 Top Gear 9.30 Ben Elton Live From Planet Earth (M) 10.30 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares Revisits (MA) 11.30 Til Death 12.00 20/20 1.00 Entertainment Tonight 1.30 Infomercials 3.30 Good Morning America 5.00 Early Morning News

GO! 6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 Entertainment Tonight 11.00 TMZ

11.30 Get Smart 12.00 Here’s Lucy 12.30 Green Acres 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 The Hills 2.00 Charlie’s Angels 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Seinfeld 6.30 The Middle 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos 7.30 Movie: Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (PG 2004) UK adventure. Stars Daniel Radcliffe 10.30 The Big Bang Theory (M) 11.00 Two And A Half Men (M) 11.30 South Park (MA) 12.00 Movie: A Scanner Darkly (M 2006) US drama. Stars Rory Cochrane 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Get Smart 5.30 The Flintstones

GEM 6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 The Nanny 10.30 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: The Constant Husband (G 1955) UK comedy. Stars Rex Harrison 2.00 Domestic Blitz 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 The Zoo 4.30 Animal Emergency 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 6.00 The Nanny 6.30 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 The Secret Millionaire 8.30 Hoarders 9.30 The Closer (M) 11.30 Friends 12.00 Hoarders 1.00 The Closer (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country 5.30 Today

The Tweed Shire Echo February 3, 2011 13

Gorgeous 8.05 Dani’s House 8.35 2004) Mexican black comedy 2.35 Degrassi: The Next Generation 9.00 Weatherwatch 4.00 Talking Heads: Keith Payne Close 4.30 The Cook And The Chef 5.00 Something In The Air 5.30 The 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News Einstein Factor 6.00 Kids’ Programs 4.00 ABC News 4.05 The Quarters 6.00 Global Village 11.00 Big Ideas 12.00 Midday Report 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.15 6.30 Sarah Wiener’s Culinary 12.30 National Press Club Address The Quarters 5.30 Newsline 6.00 Adventures 1.30 Ben’s Zoo 2.00 Parliament ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 7.00 Sinae Choi’s Korean Food Question Time 3.00 Kids’ Programs 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News Cult 6.00 My Family 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Foreign 7.30 Japan’s About-Face 6.30 Best Of Collectors Correspondent 1.00 ABC News 2.00 8.30 The Exile Journey Of Ariel 7.00 ABC News Midday Report 2.30 Stateline Select Dorfman (M) 7.30 The 7.30 Report 3.00 Afternoon Live 5.30 Landline 9.30 Movie: Heaven On Earth 8.00 The New Inventors Extra 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum (PG 2008) Canadian drama 8.30 Adam Hills In Gordon St 6.45 The Quarters 7.00 ABC News 11.20 Movie: Looking For Tonight 7.30 The 7.30 Report 8.00 ABC News Cheyenne (M 2005) French drama 9.30 Laid 8.30 Lateline Business 9.00 The World 12.55 Weatherwatch 10.00 At The Movies 10.00 ABC News 10.05 The Drum 10.45 The Quarters 11.00 ABC News 10.30 Lateline 11.05 Lateline Business 11.35 Brat 11.30 The 7.30 Report 12.00 ABC Camp (M) 12.25 Grand Designs 1.15 News 12.30 Newsline 1.00 BBC News 6.00 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Ten News Parliament Question Time 2.25 The 1.30 Australia Network News 2.00 10.00 The Circle 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Cook And The Chef 3.00 Big Ideas BBC World News 2.30 The 7.30 Report Oprah Winfrey Show 2.00 Ready 3.00 Lateline 3.35 Lateline Business Steady Cook 3.00 Biggest Loser Encore 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.30 Can We Help? 6.00 ABC News 5.00 Ten News Breakfast 9.00 Kids’ Programs 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World 6.00 6PM With George Negus 7.00 Spicks And Specks News 1.00 Movie: The Colour Of 6.30 Ten News 7.30 River Monsters Paradise (G 1999) Iranian drama 2.35 7.00 The 7pm Project Gone Fishing 2.45 Cicada 3.00 Help 8.30 Miracle In The Desert 7.30 The Biggest Loser 3.30 Letters And Numbers 4.00 The 9.30 Contact 8.30 Blue Bloods (M) Journal 4.30 Newshour 5.30 Global 10.25 5 Lost At Sea (M) 9.30 House (M) 11.25 Eataholics 12.25 What Would Village 10.30 Late News & Sports Happen If… 12.50 Whatever! The 6.00 Letters And Numbers Tonight Science Of Teens 1.20 Coach Trip 6.30 World News Australia 11.00 Overtime 12.00 The Late Show 1.45 Close 7.30 Rex In Rome 1.00 Infomercials 4.00 Religion 8.30 Big Love (M) 9.30 World News Australia 6.05am to 5.30pm Kids’ Programs 10.05 Movie: Persepolis (M 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The 2007) French animation 6.00 Spliced! 6.30 Prank Patrol International 6.55 News On 3 7.10 11.50 Iran’s Green Summer (M) 12.50 Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 What Do You Know? 7.40 Dead Movie: Cero Y Van Cuatro (MAV Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th










Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Cheers 3.30 Roseanne 4.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 4.30 Mork & Mindy 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 6.00 Family Ties 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 The Simpsons 8.00 Futurama 8.30 The Simpsons 9.00 The Cleveland Show 9.30 Bob’s Burgers (M) 10.00 King Of The Hill 10.30 The Late Late Show 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 Mork & Mindy 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven

ONE HD 6.00 Serie A Football 6.30 NFL Super Bowl 9.00 Golf Central 9.30 Playing Lessons 10.00 Summer Series Swimming 11.30 Manly Surf 12.00 NBA Basketball – LIVE 2.30 Real NBA 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 World Tour Beach Volleyball 4.00 ASP World Tour Surfing 5.00 Project Air 5.30 Xtreme Paintball 6.00 Escape With ET 7.00 Summer Series Swimming 8.30 Movie: Extreme Ops (M 2002) 10.30 Overtime 11.30 Sports Tonight 12.00 NFL Total Access 1.00 Omnisport 1.30 The Big Break 2.30 Summer Series Swimming 4.00 School Of Golf 4.30 Auto Auction 5.30 Omnisport



6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: NTSB – The Crash Of Flight 323 (M 2001) US drama. Stars Mandy Patinkin 2.00 Dr Oz 3.00 Nurses 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 6.00 Prime News 6.30 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 My Kitchen Rules 8.30 Criminal Minds (M) 9.30 City Homicide (M) 10.30 I Shouldn’t Be Alive (M) 11.30 My Name Is Earl 12.00 Not Going Out (M) 1.00 Home Shopping 5.30 Seven News

6.00 Wagon Train 7.00 The Virginian 8.30 McHale’s Navy 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quincy ME 12.00 Magnum PI 1.00 Airwolf 2.00 Magnum PI 3.00 Xena Warrior Princess 4.00 Baywatch 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 According To Jim 6.30 Scrubs 7.00 That ’70s Show 7.30 How I Met Your Mother 8.30 Family Guy (M) 9.00 American Dad 9.30 Movie: 8 Mile (MA 2002) US drama. Stars Eminem 12.00 Quincy ME 1.00 Airwolf 2.00 Baywatch 3.00 Home Shopping 4.00 NBC Today 5.00 McHale’s Navy 5.30 Deal Or No Deal

7 TWO 6.00 Kids Time 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Hollyoaks 11.30 Passport To The Sun 12.00 Murphy Brown 12.30 Desperate Housewives 1.30 October Road 2.30 Movie: Some Like It Hot (PG 1959) US comedy. Stars Marilyn Monroe 5.00 Head Of The Class 5.30 Growing Pains 6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 The Benny Hill Show 7.30 Heartbeat 8.40 Pie In The Sky 9.45 Murphy’s Law (M) 12.00 Minder 1.00 Passport To The Sun 1.30 Coronation Street 2.00 Emmerdale 2.30 Medical Rookies 3.00 Home Shopping 4.00 NBC Today 5.00 Home Shopping


Entertainment Tonight 11.00 TMZ 11.30 Get Smart 12.00 Here’s Lucy 12.30 Green Acres 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 The Hills 2.00 Starsky & Hutch (M) 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Seinfeld 6.30 The Middle 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos 7.30 Top Gear 8.30 V (M) 9.30 Fringe (M) 10.30 The Big Bang Theory (M) 11.00 Mike & Molly 11.30 Two And A Half Men (M) 12.00 South Park (MA) 12.30 Fringe (M) 1.30 Reno 911 (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Get Smart 5.30 The Flintstones


6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 The Nanny 10.30 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: Heart Of A Stranger (PG 2002) US drama. Stars Jane Seymour 2.00 Domestic Blitz 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 The Secret Millionaire 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 6.00 The Nanny 6.30 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 Wife Swap USA 8.30 Movie: Just Cause (M 1995) US drama. Stars Sean Connery 10.30 Hotel Babylon (M) 11.30 Conan (M) 12.30 Friends 1.00 Murder, She Wrote 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow 10.30 Country 5.30 Today

5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Home Shopping 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 NBN News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 8.00 Mike & Molly 8.25 Lotto 8.30 The Farmer Wants A Wife 9.30 RPA Where Are They Now? 10.30 TBA 11.30 Til Death 12.00 The Strip (M) 1.00 Entertainment Tonight 1.30 Infomercials 3.30 Good Morning America 5.00 Early Morning News

GO! 6.00

Kids’ Programs


PLEASE NOTE: The Echo takes great care producing this guide, but unfortunately TV stations like to tinker with things at the last minute and sometimes make changes after we have gone to print.



4.00 National Press Club Address 5.00 Something In The Air 5.30 The Einstein Factor 6.00 Kids’ Programs 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Lost In Austen 1.30 Echo Beach 2.00 Parliament Question Time 3.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 My Family 6.30 Best Of Collectors 7.00 ABC News 7.30 The 7.30 Report 8.00 The Bionic Vet 8.30 Ashes To Ashes (M) 9.30 Grand Designs 10.20 Lateline 10.55 Lateline Business 11.25 Spectacle 12.05 Parliament Question Time 1.05 Movie: The Admiral Was A Lady (G 1950) US comedy. Stars Edmond O’Brien 2.30 Movie: The Paleface (G 1948) US comedy. Stars Bob Hope

6.05am to 5.30pm Kids’ Programs 6.00 Spliced! 6.30 Prank Patrol International 6.55 News On 3 7.10 What Do You Know? 7.40 Dead Gorgeous 8.05 Dani’s House 8.35 Degrassi 9.00 Close


4.00 ABC News 4.05 The Quarters 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.15 The Quarters 5.30 Newsline 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Catalyst 1.30 ABC News 2.00 Midday Report 2.30 ABC News 3.00 Afternoon Live 5.30 The World This Week 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 The Quarters 7.00 ABC News 7.30 The 7.30 Report 8.00 ABC News 8.30 Lateline Business 9.00 The World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 The Drum 10.45 The Quarters 11.00 ABC News 11.30 The 7.30 Report 12.00 ABC 5.30 Can We Help? 6.00 ABC News News 12.30 Newsline 1.00 BBC News 1.30 Australia Network News 2.00 Breakfast 9.00 Kids’ Programs BBC World News 2.30 The 7.30 Report 7.00 Spicks And Specks 3.00 Lateline 3.35 Lateline Business 7.30 The Trophy Room 8.00 The Young Ones 8.30 Party Down (M) 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 9.00 Lowdown (M) 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia 9.30 Graham Norton Show 1.30 Don Matteo 2.30 Rex In Rome 10.15 Father Ted 10.45 The League Of Gentlemen 3.30 Letters And Numbers 4.00 The 11.15 Inside The Actors Studio: Judd Journal 4.30 Newshour 5.30 Global Apatow 12.05 Planet Rock Profiles: Village The Streets 12.30 NAIDOC Week 6.00 Letters And Numbers Special 12.55 Coach Trip 1.25 Close 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Adriano Zumbo 8.00 Oz And James Drink To Britain



Mungo’s Crossword

Cryptic Clues ACROSS 1. Stress about identity causes a mishap (8) 5. Old bird and Kelly lamented together (6) 10. Drunk spills the amount of 12.5 percent (3,4,3,5) 11. Overheard you and me asking permission to get some salad (7)

From The Week

12. Managed Sellers, perhaps, in old Burma (7) 13. Words about lace gland (8) 15. Morning portion? No, the full extent (5) 18. Great conductor drops off Anais and another one at the opera! (5) 20. Try a feeler for a shelter a hundred and fifty east (8)

14 February 3, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

8.30 Anthony Bourdain 9.30 World News Australia 10.05 Movie: Loft (M 2009) Belgian mystery 12.05 Movie: The Yacoubian Building (MAV 2006) Egyptian comedy 3.00 Weatherwatch

SBS 2 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News 6.00 Global Village 6.30 Food Investigators 7.00 Take Home Chef South America 7.30 Stolen Babies, Stolen Lives Argentina 8.30 Steve Reich Composer 9.30 Movie: Whisky (M 2004) Uruguayan drama 11.15 Movie: 12.08 East Of Bucharest (M 2006) Romanian comedy 12.50 Weatherwatch

TEN 6.00 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Ten News 10.00 The Circle 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Oprah Winfrey Show 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Biggest Loser Encore 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 6.00 6PM With George Negus 6.30 Ten News 7.00 The 7pm Project 7.30 The Biggest Loser 8.30 The Good Wife (M) 9.30 Law & Order: SVU (M) 10.30 Late News & Sports Tonight 11.00 The Late Show 12.00 Burn Notice (M) 1.00 Infomercials 4.00 Religion

23. Accommodates fair amidst the publicity campaign (7) 25. The soft, audible vibration of idle talk (7) 26. Construct pastor’s paradise – very drunk indeed (6,2,1,6) 27. Athlete who, if she moves to a more elevated position, will only come second (6) 28. Old prison trades bible for soft lozenge (8) DOWN 1. A survey on love of God (6) 2. Rears cute, strange beasts (9) 3. Swallows from you French are about right … (7) 4 … and level up about right – that takes courage (5) 6. Wreck canoe, one article scattered over the Pacific (7) 7. Start of night, therefore black (5) 8. Set off for an assignation around the school (8) 9. Hire tent, and it collapses – bad luck! (8) 14. Devastated area isn’t well (8) 16. Proposed law includes confused rate, but there are two sides to it (9)




6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Cheers 3.30 Roseanne 4.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 4.30 Mork & Mindy 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 6.00 Family Ties 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 The Simpsons 8.30 Stargate Universe 9.30 Star Trek – Next Generation 10.30 The Late Late Show 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 Mork & Mindy 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven

6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: Crimes Of Fashion – Killer Hair (M 2009) Canadian comedy. Stars Maggie Lawson 2.00 Dr Oz 3.00 Nurses 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 6.00 Prime News 6.30 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 How I Met Your Mother 8.30 Grey’s Anatomy (M) 9.30 Desperate Housewives (M) 10.30 Private Practice (M) 11.30 30 Rock (M) 12.00 Not Going Out (M) 1.00 Home Shopping 5.30 Seven News

6.00 Wagon Train 7.00 The Virginian 8.30 McHale’s Navy 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quincy ME 12.00 Magnum PI 1.00 Airwolf 2.00 Magnum PI (M) 3.00 Xena Warrior Princess 4.00 Baywatch 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 According To Jim 6.30 Scrubs 7.00 That ’70s Show 7.30 Life After People 8.30 Megastructures 9.30 Gangs Of Oz (AV) 11.30 The Sopranos (MA) 12.30 Strikeforce (M) 1.00 Airwolf 2.00 Magnum PI (M) 3.00 Xena Warrior Princess 4.00 Baywatch 5.00 McHale’s Navy 5.30 Deal Or No Deal

ONE HD 6.00 Ironman – Hawaii 7.00 NBA Basketball 9.00 School Of Golf 9.30 Playing Lessons 10.00 Summer Series Swimming 11.30 Manly Surf 12.00 Sportscar Series 2.00 Rally World 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 ATP World Tour Tennis 4.00 BMX Mega Tour 5.00 Tread BMX 6.00 Escape With ET 7.00 Summer Series Swimming 8.30 The WWE Experience 9.30 UFC Unleashed 10.30 Sports Tonight 11.00 Arsenal Football 2.00 Golf Central 2.30 Summer Series Swimming 4.00 Omnisport 4.30 Auto Auction 5.30 Liverpool Football

17. The groom is a good man, a song and dance man (8) 19. From this country, before becoming sober (7) 21. Worker suppressed by a barrier – it is unyielding(&) 22. An insect, and insect let loose! (6) 24. Legendary seafarer German? Yes, boy (5) 25. Set back limits the party – it’s square! (5)

Quick Clues ACROSS 1. Mishap; unforseen event (8) 5. Lamented, uttered sad sounds (6) 10. Somewhat drunk (slang) (3,4,3,5) 11. Salad vegetable (6) 12. Old name for the city of Yangon (7) 13. Gland surrounding the urethra (8) 15. Range, scope (5) 18. Opera by Puccini (5) 20. Arm of an octopus or squid (8) 23. Adapts, fixes (7) 25. Trivial or confused talk (7) 26 Extremely drunk (slang) (6,2,1,6)


7 TWO 6.00 Kids Time 9.30 Shortland St 10.00 Coronation St 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Hollyoaks 11.30 Passport To The Sun 12.00 Murphy Brown 12.30 Desperate Housewives 1.30 October Road 2.30 Movie: Sibling Rivalry (PG 1990) US black comedy. Stars Kirstie Alley 4.30 Welcome Back Kotter 5.00 Head Of The Class 5.30 Growing Pains 6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 The Benny Hill Show 7.30 Movie: The Karate Kid III (PG 1989) US action. Stars Ralph Macchio 9.50 Movie: Rain Man (M 1988) US drama. Stars Tom Cruise 12.30 Harry’s Practice 1.00 Passport To The Sun 1.30 Coronation St 2.00 Emmerdale 2.30 This Rugged Coast 3.30 Harry’s Practice 4.00 Leyland Brothers World 5.00 Home Shopping

27. Track athlete (6) 28. Soft lozenge, meant to be soothing (8) DOWN 1. Roman or Greek sun god (6) 2. Animals, beasts (9) 3. Engulfs, consumes voraciously (7) 4. Courage, pluck (5) 6. The islands of the Pacific, collectively (7) 7. Black person (5) 8. Explode, set off (8) 9. Unlucky number (8) 14. Type of well or bore (8) 16. Having two sides (9) 17. He looks after racehorses in the stable (8) 19. Strict, harsh, sober (7) 21. Firm and unyielding (7) 22. Winged insect (6) 24. Captain of the Argo (5) 25. Town square (5)

Last week’s solution

11.30 Get Smart 12.00 Here’s Lucy 12.30 Green Acres 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 The Hills 2.00 Cribs 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Seinfeld 6.30 The Middle 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 8.00 The Middle 8.30 The Big Bang Theory 9.00 The Inbetweeners (MA) 9.30 Movie: Superbad (MA 2007) US comedy. Stars Jonah Hill 12.00 Two And A Helf Men 12.30 The Inbetweeners (MA) 1.00 V (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Get Smart 5.30 The Flintstones


5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Home Shopping 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 NBN News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 RBT 8.00 Getaway 8.30 CSI (M) 9.30 CSI: NY (M) 10.30 Cold Case (M) 11.30 Til Death 12.00 Burying Brian (M) 1.00 Entertainment Tonight 1.30 Skippy 2.00 Infomercials 3.30 Good Morning America 5.00 Early Morning News

6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 The Nanny 10.30 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: The Treasure Of Pancho Villa (PG 1955) Western. Stars Rory Calhoun 2.00 Domestic Blitz 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 Getaway 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 6.00 The Nanny 6.30 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 As Time Goes By 8.30 The Golden Girls 9.30 Amazing Medical Stories (M) 10.30 Embarrassing Bodies (M) 11.30 Conan (M) 12.30 Friends 1.00 As Time Goes By 2.00 Home Shopping 6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 4.30 Religion 5.00 Adventures In Entertainment Tonight 11.00 TMZ Rainbow Country 5.30 Today



by Ian Rogers Play at Seagulls Club, Thurs 6-10pm In Mooroolbark, Victoria, last week, Bobby Cheng equalled a 46-year-old record by winning a second consecutive Australian Junior (U/18) Championship. In winning his second title Cheng matched the record set by Bill Kerr in 1964/5, but at only 13 years of age Cheng has plenty of opportunities to take a third. Melbourne’s Cheng, who was the World U/12 Champion in 2009, was chased all the way by Canberra’s Yi Yuan in one of the strongest fields in recent years. There was a 50 per cent increase in entries over last year with the pre-teen U/12 and U/10 tournaments clearly the most popular events. The following game sees Cheng outplay one of Australia’s top 12-year-olds in a first round match-up. Mooroolbark AUS Junior 2011 White: B Cheng Black: A Dale Opening: Grunfeld 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.cxd5 Nxd5 5.e4 Nxc3 6.bxc3 Bg7 7.Bc4 c5 8.Ne2 0-0 9.0-0 Nc6 10.Be3 Qa5 10...Na5 11.Bd3 b6 is a more popular line.

11.Rb1 a6 12.Qc1 Rd8 13.Rd1 e6 14.dxc5!? This capture is rarely effective in the Grunfeld and Dale reacts effectively. 14...Ne5 15.Bb3 Ng4 16.Nd4 Qc7 17.h3! 17.Bf4 Qxc5 would be too easy for Black. 17...Qh2+ 18.Kf1 Nxe3+ 19.Qxe3 Qh1+? A miscalculation. After 19...Bd7, Black would stand well. 20.Ke2 Qh2 (See diagram) Too late Dale realises that 20...Qxg2 allows 21.Rg1 Qh2 22.Rg3! ensnaring the queen. Punishment is immediate. 21.Nf5!! Qc7?! 21...Rxd1 22.Rxd1 exf5 loses to 23.Rd8+ Bf8 24.Qh6 but 21...Bd7 would have hung on. 22.Qg3! Qa5 23.Rxd8+ Qxd8 24.Rd1 Qe8 25.Ba4! Variations on the same back rank theme. 25...Qf8 26.Nxg7 Kxg7 27.Qc7 b6 Desperation, but Black is otherwise tied hand and foot. 28.cxb6 Qa3 29.Be8 Qb2+ 30.Rd2 Qb1 31.Qxf7+ Kh6 32.Qf8+ Kg5 33.h4+ Kxh4 34.Qh6+ Kg4 35.f3+ Kg3 36.Qh3+ Kf4 37.Qg4+ 1-0 a








8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

White to play and win

Volume 3#21

© 2011 Echo Publications Pty Ltd

P: 02 6684 1777 F: 02 6684 1719 For advertising enquiries Editor: Eve Jeffery


FEB 3 – 9, 2011



is joined by Mullumbimby mammas Mandy Nolan as MC Marseilles, Face The Day and Am I Ever Gonna See Your and Ellen Briggs as support. Currumbin RSL Friday. Face Again from Doc’s Acoustic Sessions album as well as material from his limited release Red Phoenix album. Wonderfully Lucky Coolangatta Hotel Saturday. THE LUCKY WONDERS Byron Bay indie pop/folksters The Lucky Wonders have FRIDAY AT THE PATCH LOUNGE Mister Bo Jenkins had a great start to 2011, being named in ‘2010’s Top three Gigs and Top 10 Albums’ by Rhythms Magazine's Bo started his career in the delta regions near the famed Sue Barrett. ABC North Coast featured them as Artist crossroads, listening to the King Biscuit Show through the of the Week late last year. With their warm quirky apweek and all the Grand Ole’ Opry shows on the weekend Dave Cavanagh peal, ukelele peppered arrangements, and beautifully allowing him to be influenced by the local and touring Dave Cavanagh has been performing and writing crafted songs they have built a loyal following around acts of the day. Bo’s unique way of playing guitar leftsongs for almost three decades, covering artists such as the country. Their debut album Thirteen O'Clock has had handed and upside down has given him a style to call Johnny Cash, Cat Stevens, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, the widespread critical acclaim. This Friday sees the feelhis own. He has been compared to both Eric Clapton and Eagles, Springstein, the Rolling Stones, Angels, Mental as good four-piece at The Patch Lounge at Coolangatta Jimi Hendrix by Rhythms magazine. Through the years, he Anything and many more, and covering many styles from Sands Hotel. has performed with or supported B B King, Albert King, blues, folk and country to rock’n’roll with accompaniment Houston Stackhouse, Reba McIntyre, Earl Thomas Conley, Kindred spirit on acoustic guitar and harmonica. Dave has supported Kansas and Survivor, making him one of the few musitop acts including Bob Geldorf, Tommy Emmanuel, Billy Since the release of their debut album Free World in cians in the world to play major arenas in the three main Thorpe, Cold Chisel, Kevin Borich, Blues Legends USA June 2010, Kindread have been moving like a steam fields, rock, blues and country. Eltham Hotel Sunday. and Dutch Tilders. A gifted song writer and performer. train powering through city after city performing See him Friday at the Terranora Tavern. non-stop. The band will be bringing their funk/ CHOIRBOYS reggae grooves back to the Tweed Coast folTWIN TOWNS Boys for the choir lowing on from the success of their last trip. FRIDAY ‘It was the beginning of something that every kid dreams The band has just released a video to the about, starting a rock ‘n’ roll band with a bunch of friends recent single which is also the title track to and not knowing what would happen next,’ says Mark the album Free World. The single has been Gable, founding member of Choirboys. Australia’s legfeatured on Rage and Landed Music. They endary ‘pub rock’ band Choirboys will make their return play Friday at the Cabarita Beach Bar this summer with their 30th Anniversary – Never Gonna and Saturday at the Ivory Tavern. Die Tour, spawning what will be the sure-fire summer tour of 2011. With a career spanning 30 years, Choirboys Voice of the Angels will transport their audience back in time through their With a career that has spanned over hits of the past including Boys Will be Boys, Struggle Town, four decades, and influenced the work of Never Gonna Die, their unofficial Australian anthem Run artists in Australia and internationally, the To Paradise and many more. The original line-up has been tour will see Doc Neeson bring his unique style, charisma and formidable stage presence reunited. Band members Mark Gable, Ian Hulmes, Brett on tour. This marks a new phase in Doc’s career Williams and Lindsay Tebbutt will hit the road and tour nationally with a hard-rocking and heart-pounding show. as he has now gone solo from The Angels. He now So why stay around so long? ‘Because we bloody love it!’ has his own new band of brilliant musicians. The tour will include Angels’ classics, fresh new original matesays Gable with much enthusiasm. ‘Choirboys is exactly rial and some covers from artists who have influenced the kind of band that I always wanted to be in as a kid, so why not keep on doing it till you die. It is so much fun him. Fans can expect an unforgettable evening of exciting electro-acoustic renditions of favourite hits such as being in this band.’ Twin Towns Friday.

Side Splitting

Free admission Gallery open Wed-Sun 10am - 5pm (DST)

ON DISPLAY UNTIL 27 MARCH Euan Macleod Rowing x4

Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to see Australia’s funniest mothers take to the stage. Fiona O’Loughlin, a regular at the Melbourne Comedy and Adelaide Fringe festivals, has earned acclaim at Montreal’s invitation only Just for Laughs comedy festival and is a favourite on TV shows such as Good News Week and Spicks & Specks. She

Surface Tension:the art of Euan Macleod 1991-2009

A Tweed River Art Gallery touring exhibition, curated by Gavin Wilson. Macleod is recognised as one of Australia’s most renowned contemporary painters

Corpse: Graeme Peebles, Gregory Harrison and Anna Austin

Work of three Australian artists who specialise in the demanding printmaking technique of mezzotint

Mindscape - Convergence: David Rousell

New glass scupture explores the process of perception through different contexts.

A stitch in time: Heather Matthew - A display of 364 collages The Australian Character - Showcasing works from the Gallery’s collection


On display until 1 May

Out of the Box: Solander Works of paper, NewZealand

Offering a snapshot of time and place in contemporary New Zealand printmaking On display until 8 May Program 2: d/Art on Screen - A d/Lux/MediaArts regional touring program PUBLIC PROGRAM Sun 6 Feb 11am Floortalk: Mindscape-Convergence with artist David Rousell Wed 9 Feb 11am-12.30pm Studio Visit: Byron Bay with David Rousell Sun 20 Feb 10am-3pm A stitch in time: create a collage with Heather Matthew (02) 6670 2790 | 2 Mistral Road Murwillumbah NSW 2484 |

The Tweed Shire Echo February 3, 2011 15

Soap Box

abandon and goddesses writhing like they were part of some primitive Mayan ceremony. I kept waiting to see the forest open with a huge stone slab for human sacrifice.

I felt like I was witnessing something tribal, something ancient, yet, ironically, Mandy Nolan something electric, modern and completely subversive. I couldn’t recognise anyone. Yet I knew remember the first doof I went to. I was about 25. It was a at least half of them. It was like three day dance marathon held up at Macca’s campground the whole place had morphed into this enormous pulsing being, somewhere in Main Arm, back of Mullumbimby. It wasn’t and all the little bodies were just segments of a greater entity. easy to find. In fact, I think that finding it was the first part of the I drank more chai. I think I nearly had a ginger overdose. Some challenge. We traipsed along a winding bush track in the pitch people had mushrooms. Or acid. Or they smoked a little weed. dark for what felt like an hour but was probably only 15 minutes. But mainly people just got off on the vibe. No one was drunk. There wasn’t a drop of alcohol in the place. If there had then the We couldn’t see it, but we could certainly hear it. A distant throbbing echoed in the forest like the heartbeat of some giant magic would have gone. The magic was there because there wasn’t any booze, just a bunch of whacky people dancing with creature. Finally we emerged. A couple of feral fairies wearing fluffy flares crouched around a chai pot in a makeshift teepee at open hearts. the entrance, gesturing that we make some sort of donation. I I am not a fan of doof music. In fact it gives me a headache, but left $4 and an angel card affirmation. They smiled their beatific of the many doofs I attended, I loved the way it felt, and the way gratitude and handed me a cup. people looked. Doofs were about creating an experience for I felt like Alice when she fell down the rabbit hole. My eyes were people to come together outside of conventional club or pub scenes. Doofs were about what could happen without alcohol. I still adjusting to the darkness, making out writhing silhouettes don’t ever remember fights or glassings. The only injuries were everywhere. It was like walking into a giant shared acid trip. from hugs that lasted hours and someone pressing the wrong Even though I was straight I could feel the giant human pulse pressure point during an impromptu reflexology massage. bending my consciousness. It was so overpowering I had to sit down and just watch for the first few hours. The Doof at Tyagarah the other day made me feel sad. No longer an intergenerational meeting place, they’ve become Hardcore ferals who hadn’t left the forest for a decade flung the exclusive haunt of the very young. Kids as young as 13 or their rope-like dreadlocks around with abandon and shimmied 14 getting shitfaced on booze, carloads of Nimbin ice dealers in their laplaps. There were middle aged women gyrating, old performing the odd glassing; there are fights, broken glass, hippy blokes with their shirts off, beautiful young men laughing, discarded Bacardi Breezer bottles, and rubbish everywhere. dancing, rolling joints around fires. There were pretty women breastfeeding tiny babies. There were young kids curled up As much as I loved the doofs I went to, I’ve always felt that the idea of staging a mass public event in nature questionable. sleeping on sheepskins, teenagers dancing with exuberant



Some like their salsa hot Orkesta Salsa Brava is a ten-piece live band that plays salsa music from all over Latin America. This band sings in Spanish with some English throughout their set and are sure to get you moving with their unique sound of salsa-style music. OSB was formed by Arnoldo Gomez in 2008. He got together with a group of Latin American musicians from Colombia, Uruguay and Mexico who all played extensively in Australia and Latin America and now play with today’s Australian talent. All ten musicians are professional

Surely it’s an environmental assault on all the little critters who were just going about their own tiny little lives. But couldn’t you just clean up? The violence of smashed bottles and crushed beer cans in nature in the light of our environmental awareness is unbelievable. This is the utopian hippy belt; we fed our kids organic vegetables, they wore hand-felted vests and were chemical free … until they grew up and started smoking ice and trashing the forest and each other. I am so tired of the violence. I am so tired of the lack of responsibility. I don’t want to sound like some nasty old Nanna putting shit on the younger generation. You know, I don’t actually blame the kids. I blame us. Where are the adults? Where are the parents of these 13-, 14-, 15- and 16-year-olds who are getting out of their minds on booze? Who teaches their kids to become accountable for their behaviour? Teaches boys not to rape pretty girls when they’re out of it, or not to drive when they’re pissed? Or to respect their bodies and their planet? Parenting doesn’t stop once your child is 11 or 12. You actually are supposed to love and protect your child to adulthood. The legal age to drink is 18. The legal age to have sex is 16. That means there’s still a shitload of parenting to do. And it’s not pretty. These are still children. And these parties aren’t doofs. They’re alcohol-fuelled anarchy. Letting your kids go there is akin to leaving an infant sleeping in the middle of the road: you’re not protecting them from danger. So, next Australia Day maybe you should put that beer down and keep your kids at home, or maybe make yourself Designated Driver and go out dancing with them. Who knows, maybe if all we crusty oldies get off our wrinkled butts and start shaking a bit of Nanna titty the kids will want to stay home after all. (In the next couple of weeks The Byron Youth Service and Buddi will be launching the Mobile Youth Outreach Service – funded from money from the Proceeds of Crime Act to be attending events like these so that at least someone will be looking out for our kids.)

and of very high quality with vast experience. They are based in Brisbane, but the world is their playground. ‘Our music is for dancing – That’s it!’ says Arnaldo Gomez. See them Sunday at the Ivory Tavern.


On Yer Bike Comedian

This month we kick off Courthouse Comedy at Mullumbimby’s Courthouse Hotel with a fundraiser for Obi McDonald-Saint of Mullum Mac. Comics and audience members have the opportunity of helping Obi, a self-confessed computer nerd, get on his bike with the Ride for the Rainforest, a 300k trek from the middle of Sri Lanka to Galle in the country’s south west. The ride is to raise money for the Plant a Rainforest Project, an initiative by KINDREAD FRIDAY AT THE Rainforest Rescue to assist in the planting of CABARITA BEACH BAR AND a rainforest around the perimeter of Sri Lanka’s last SATURDAY AT THE IVORY TAV ERN viable rainforest: The Sinharaja Reserve. A Mullumbimby boy, Obi jokes that growing up with a name like Obi wasn’t unusual. There were four others in his class. But there was this one weird kid called John. Who would name their child after a toilet? Mandy Nolan heads the charge as MC for the evening as open mic comics take to the stage to brandish their latest fiveminute comedy routines. Exciting, shocking, embarrassing, and hilarious, you just never know what to expect. The show kicks off at 8pm on Thursday 3 February and entry as per usual is free. However there will be a small charity auction and a bicycle helmet will be passed around to help raise money and awareness for Obi’s quest. Help get rainforest on the ground and computer nerds on their bikes by coming to the Mullumbimby Courthouse on Thursday. You’ve nothing to lose...except maybe your innocence! FIONA O’LOUGHLIN CURRUMBIN RSL FRIDAY

Tweed River Art Gallery Exhibition floortalk: David Rousell All are welcome to join glass artist David Rousell as he discusses the four distinct types of work in his exhibition and explains the interrelation of his techniques and ideas. David will have a selection of his materials on hand to help explain his methods. Sunday 11am Studio Visit, Byron Bay: David Rousell Visit David’s glassblowing studio in Byron Bay and watch as he completes a blown work in his Mindscape series. Strictly limited numbers; contact gallery for bookings and directions. Travel by your private vehicle. Wednesday 11am. 16 February 3, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo




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program guide

SUMMER 1 NOVEMBER – APRIL 30 MONDAY 6am Morning Mix Kabes 9am The Lighthouse Lounge Andy Travis 11am Belly Belly Sisters 12pm Pregnancy Birth & Beyond Nicole Foder 1pm Inspiration Rose 2pm Q’s Jazz and Blues Quentin Watts 4pm Cruizy Beats DJ Cruizy 6pm Grailey Whole Celtic Show Margaret Wyatt 8pm Around The World Sammy Ibrahim 10pm Freedom Run Jimmy & Callum TUESDAY 6am Cock a Doodle Doo Lou 9pm Love Life & Laughter Pavitar 11am Byron Business Phil Daly 12pm Soul Fyah Nazar 2pm The Music Garden Michael Brereton 4pm Theme Park Lyn McCarthy 6pm Post Modern Backlash Hudson Birden 8pm Radio Mundial Steve Snelgrove 10pm Shels Place Shel WEDNESDAY 6am Catch and Grab Holly Holster 9am 2481 Undone Nicqui Yazdi 11am Go Earthcare Ros Elliott 12pm Suara Indonesia Francesca, Kirana, Judy 1pm Passport Tegs & Adsy 2pm The Junkyard Stuey 4pm Cowgirl In The Sand Mel 6pm Bongo Gum Brett Diemar 8pm Free Range Rhythms Elixza 10pm The Freq Consortium Interval

THURSDAY 6am Planet Luv Glitter 9am Arts Canvass Karena 11am The Bohemian Beat Riddhi 12pm Baby Boomers Lunch Alan the yesterday man 2pm Audio Chocolate Rich 4pm Future Classics Matt Meir 6pm Crossroads Paul Martin 8pm Cruisin For A Bluesin Honeydripper 10pm The Booty Call Lainie 12am On The One Mr Mantiki FRIDAY 6am That Friday Feeling Nicky 9am The Spin Cycle Karin Kolbe 11am Not The Comedy Show Paul & Danno 12pm Whirled Music Phil Hurst 1pm Fab Wah Tom T Jet 2pm Grooveyard Teesha 4pm Strictly Vinyl ( Happy Days ) Inchie 6pm Chop Suey Rachi 8pm Submerged/ Down & Out Si Clone Pob & Slinky 10pm Café Royal Al Royale SATURDAY 6am Buffet Breakfast Chilla 8am Musical Kaleidoscope Jill 10am Cowboy Sweetheart Carrie D 12pm Blues From The Bay Anthony & Ken 2pm Paris Cat Alley Lulu 5pm Justice & Miss Chi Justine & Ancika 6pm Random Rhythms Ashgirl 8pm Diggin In The Archives Undertaker & Joan of Ark 10pm Neo Disco Uberman SUNDAY 7am Colours of Byron Des 10am Jazz Moods Jean Brown 12pm Omnibus RG Pedicine & Les Schmidt 2pm Radio Latina Yolanda & Beta 4pm The Bay Lounge Aqua 6pm Roots And Kulture D J Selector 8pm Broken Heart Road Peggy & Fulton 10pm Sounds of Africa Massaganda Phone: 6680 7999


Tweed River Art Gallery

The Gallery Café combines art with fresh food and wine. Enjoy having lunch at the beautifully appointed licensed café with indoor and outdoor seating and cnr Tweed Valley Way magnificent panoramic views over the Tweed River and Mistral Road, and Border Ranges. View the art and treat yourself to Murwillumbah delicious cakes and great coffee. A fabulous venue for Open Wed-Sun 10am-5pm special events, office parties and wedding receptions. 02 6672 5088 Group bookings essential.



Indulge your Valentine. Monday 14th Feb. Complimentary red rose and house made Belgian chocolate truffles. Full a la carte menu available. Bookings essential.

Salt Village, Kingscliff 02 6674 4833 Dinner 7 days Lunch Fri, Sat & Sun

Mount Warning Hotel


If you are looking for delicious food, coffee or romantic sunset cocktail on the riverbank, the Sheoak Shack is the beach shack for you with a funky laid back daytime vibe or a party atmosphere with live music on Saturday nights. This gallery/cafe showcases the work of high quality local artists and is available for private functions… more Byron than Byron, in sleepy Fingal Head.

Mt Warning Hotel Open 7 days 10am till late Bistro open daily 1497 Kyogle Rd, Uki 02 6679 5111

One of the region’s great old country pubs. Delicious food, bistro open for lunch everyday from 12-2pm, dinner Thursday to Sunday from 6-8pm. Children’s playground, relaxing beer garden. Curry night on Thursday, raffles and member’s draw on Friday, punter’s draw on Saturday and on Sunday there is a delicious roast.


64 Fingal Rd, Fingal Head Ph 07 5523 1130 Wed & Thurs 11am-5pm, Fri & Sat 11am-10pm & Sun 9.30am-5pm


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The Echo’s guide to

The Tweed Echo has the most comprehensive entertainment gig guide in the area. For your free listing, email au or phone us on (02) 6672 2280. Deadline is noon Tuesday prior to Thursday’s publication.








Cinema Guide

The Tweed Shire Echo February 3, 2011 17


Pottsville ‘Shirts’ beat ‘Skirts’ Uncle Gazz’s letter home

Men’s winning team – Bruce Campbell, Ray Daunt, Trevor ­Wignall, John Buckley with Presidents Darren and Anne

An Australia Day Celebration was held at the Pottsville Sports Club. After the flag raising and national anthem, the men (Shirts) played the women (Skirts) at bowls. Once again the Shirts won the event.


BOWLS Cabarita Beach Women Australia Day Carnival Congratulations to our great women bowlers, Gwen Coustley and Clare Hill, who took out the overall winners trophy with a margin of 1 ahead of the 2nd prize winners. Congratulations also to Robyn Creedon and Valerie Dudley who came home with 4th place overall. 01.02.11 Social Bowls – Winning Rink: Yvonne Hawkey, Michelle Mantell, Jo Fletcher, June Maitre. Consolation: Robin Andrews, Margaret Watson, Helen Muller, Mollie Hatcliffe Raffles – Judith Tuckey, Margaret Watson, Lisa Morris. Cabarita Beach Men Wednesday 26th January – Australia Day Pairs Tournament Cabarita Beach Bowls Club Australia Day. The overall winners on the day were Barry Venner and Ian Crabb. Overall second and the winners of the ladies section were Claire Hill and Gwen Coustley. Best Dressed Team with a great Australia Day theme went to Julian Richards and Dick Aldridge. Saturday 29th January; Winners: L Morris, S Goode, L Rice and J Tuckey. Consolation: I Wilson, J Rannie and K Ross New moon

February 3


First quarter February 11


Full moon

February 18


Third quarter February 25


Day of Sun month rise

Sun Moon Moon set rise set

During the break they enjoyed morning tea with damper and Anzac biscuits. The damper cooking competition was won by Jan Appleton while the Anzac biscuit competition was won by Robyn Booth. Monday 31st January; Winners: R Anderson and K Stanley. Runners Up: B Creedon and B Griffiths. Consolation: S Pickering and S Goodman. Condong Ladies Two games of pairs, a draw between M.Sweetnan, & M. Hinde and H.Ross & B.Dunne. E.Hunt and E.Elvy def., P.Flack and B. Mullan.Congratulations to the Fullers and the Elvy’s on winning the final in the mixed pairs. Condong Men Tuesday bowls 12 players Winners R Turner, Kooka. R/Ups B Goodwin, R White. Game on again next Tuesday. Wednesday Australia day 34 bowlers played. Winners of day N Love, J Lawson, L Brand R/Ups R Turner, S Munro, R Peterson. Raffle Meat trays won by B Young, M Chislom. Thursday 24 Winners G Sharp, R White R/Ups R Gerdes(jur) C Pawlak. Saturday 29/1 50 winners were R Fredericks, Kooka, P Meadows R/Ups R Wild, B Foster, P Ayres. The Final Mixed fours played E Elvy,H Fuller, R Fuller, W Elvy 21 def M Hind, E Hunt, P Pluis, S Reading. Open fours T Scuis, J Knight, B Wicks, S Massey def J Thurtell, K Hall, K Vardy, S Knight. Second game R Bell, C Boyd, R Pilon, B Ayres def t Kennedy, J Andrassy, C Pawlak, D Cranwell. 20:03

FEBRUARY 2011 Astronomical data and tides

High tide, height (m)

Low tide, height (m)


T 0616 1942 0416 1819 0805,1.72; 2040,1.30 0130,0.51; 1447,0.34


W 0617 1941 0513 1858 0846,1.74; 2117,1.34 0215,0.47; 1523,0.32


T 0617 1941 0610 1933 0924,1.73; 2153,1.38 0255,0.45; 1556,0.31


F 0618 1940 0704 2005 0959,1.71; 2227,1.40 0333,0.44; 1627,0.32


S 0619 1940 0757 2035 1031,1.66; 2300,1.42 0410,0.45; 1656,0.34


S 0620 1939 0849 2105 1103,1.60; 2333,1.43 0447,0.47; 1725,0.37


M 0621 1938 0941 2134


T 0622 1938 1033 2205 0009,1.44; 1211,1.43 0607,0.54; 1825,0.46


W 0622 1937 1126 2238 0047,1.43; 1249,1.33 0652,0.59; 1859,0.52


0526,0.50; 1754,0.41

10 T 0623 1936 1220 2315 0130,1.42; 1335,1.23 0744,0.64; 1939,0.58 11 F 0624 1935 1316 2357 0220,1.41; 1432,1.14 0846,0.88; 2030,0.63 12 S 0625 1935 1412

0319,1.42; 1545,1.09 1003,0.68; 2135,0.66

13 S 0625 1934 1509 0044 0426,1.45; 1709,1.10 1121,0.52; 2248,0.64 14 M 0626 1933 1604 0138 0530,1.53; 1819,1.16 1226,0.52; 2353,0.57 15 T 0627 1932 1656 0238 0630,1.65; 1914,1.26


16 W 0628 1931 1744 0343 0722,1.77; 2002,1.37 0050,0.48; 1405,0.28 17 T 0628 1930 1829 0450 0811,1.87; 2047,1.47 0143,0.38; 1448,0.18 18 F 0629 1930 1910 0559 0859,1.93; 2133,1.57 0233,0.29; 1530,0.12 19 S 0630 1929 1950 0707 0946,1.94; 2219,1.65 0325,0.22; 1613,0.10 20 S 0631 1928 2029 0815 1035,1.88; 2306,1.70 0417,0.20; 1655,0.13 21 M 0631 1927 2109 0923 1124,1.76; 2354,1.72 0512,0.22; 1737,0.20 22 T 0632 1926 2151 1031


0608,0.27; 1821,0.30

23 W 0633 1925 2236 1137 0045,1.70; 1309,1.43 0708,0.35; 1907,0.42 24 T 0634 1924 2326 1242 0139,1.65; 1408,1.27 0815,0.44; 1959,0.53 25 F 0634 1923

1344 0240,1.60; 1519,1.16 0929,0.51; 2101,0.62

26 S 0635 1922 0018 1441 0348,1.55; 1643,1.12 1048,0.54; 2215,0.66 27 S 0636 1921 0114 1532 0501,1.54; 1759,1.15 1200,0.52; 2327,0.65 28 M 0636 1920 0211 1618 0607,1.56; 1856,1.21 All times Eastern Daylight Saving. Time lags: Ballina Boat Dock: 15 min; Byron Bay: nil; Brunswick River Highway Bridge: high 30 min, low 1 hr; Mullumbimby: 1 hr 10 min; Billinudgel: 3 hr 55 min; Chinderah: high 1 hr 30 min, low 2 hr; Terranora Inlet: high 2 hr 10 min, low 2 hr 25 min; Murwillumbah: high 2 hr 30 min, low 2 hr 50 min. Tides in bold indicate high tide of 1.7m or more and low tide of 0.3m or less. Data courtesy of the National Tidal Centre.

18 February 3, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo


After a sausage sizzle lunch, the presentations were held. One team of men and one team of women were chosen as the day’s winners. Certificates were awarded to all those who participated in cooking and helping out to make the day such a special event. This was followed by the presentation of Australia Day medals Achievement Awards. Recipients were: Marie Campbell and Frank Fielding. Sport Awards: Wendy Fielding and Greg Sawtell. The official part of the day concluded as the Community Fire Brigade was presented with $500 which was raised on the day and Don Macdonald presented the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pottsville Sports with a new Australian Flag.

Cudgen Leagues Ladies Congratulations to Maureen Alcorn, Michelle Van Runt, Di North, Liz Fleming and Ann Revie, Pauline Bowen, Rosalie Lowe & Colleen Wein winners of round 2 Club Champ/ship fours played last Thurs 27th. Thurs Ladies social results – winners Rnk 2, Trish McGee, Clarice Blake, Faye Turner. Raffle – Margaret Huddy. Cudgen Men Mondays mixed mufti afternoon game saw C. Gatti, J. Neal & B. Blake take of first prize. Australia Day Winnrrs: R. Hall, T. Conlon & B. Beattie winners while A. Reid, G. Tobin & T. King pick up the loosing rink cash. Saturday - Kingscliff and Murwillumbah on our green but the locals W. Shardlow, B. Cusack, J. McGill and B. Murray win the day with the losing rink going to P. Tindale & D. McLennan. Kingsclif Men Results of the B Grade Singles played on Saturday 29th January: R Lewis d J Brinsmead; B Henry d M Scott; D Whittington d K Dawson; D Roughley d B Butler. In the semi-finals played on Sunday 30th January R Lewis d B Henry and D Roughley d D Whittington. The Final betwen R Lewis and D Roughley will be played on Sunday 6th February and should be a tightly contested match. The first round of the B Grade Pairs will also be played on Sunday 6th February. Games called: D Miller, H de Vries v L Rootsey, T Wonka; K

MONTHLY MARKETS 1st Sat Brunswick Heads (02) 6628 4495 1st Sun Banora Point Farmers’ Market 0417 759 777 1st Sun Byron Bay (02) 6680 9703 1st Sun Pottsville (02) 6676 4555 1st Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 2nd Sat 2nd Sun 2nd Sun 2nd Sun 2nd Sun 2nd Sun

Kingscliff (02) 6674 0827 The Channon (02) 6688 6433 Chillingham 0437 041 023 Lennox Head (02) 6672 2874 Coolangatta (07) 5533 8202 Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714

3rd Sat Mullumbimby (02) 6684 3370 3rd Sat Murwillumbah Cottage Markets 0417 759 777 3rd Sun Ballina (02) 6687 4328 3rd Sun Banora Point Farmers’ Market 0417 759 777 3rd Sun Nimbin (02) 6689 0000 3rd Sun Pottsville (02) 6676 4555 3rd Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 3rd Sun Uki (02) 6679 9026 4th Sat Kingscliff (02) 6674 0827 4th Sun Bangalow (02) 6687 1911 4th Sun (in 5 Sun month) Coolangatta (07) 5533 8202 4th Sun Murwillumbah 0422 565 168 4th Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 5th Sun 5th Sun

Nimbin (02) 6689 0000 Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714


Each Sat Each Thu Each Tue Each Sat

8-11am Bangalow (02) 6687 1137

8-11am Byron Bay (02) 6687 1137

New Brighton (02)6684 5390 8am-1pm Uki (02) 6679 5438

Dear Nick, Last week I caught a Grey Blubber Lip Bream, 3.2kg, or around 7lb, one of the biggest fish I’ve caught in the Tweed River. I caught it where you caught the Bream near the mouth of the river. I caught it on a dirty old black prawn with a 2.0 hook and 4lb line. I could not believe it was in the river. I’m sure they are a deep-sea fish. They fight like a Mangrove Jack, really TOUGH. I have not caught one in my life before. The fish was also was one of the nicest fish Aunty T & I have tasted. Thats what I LOVE about fishing... you never know what you will catch with a Taylor, J Barnes v K Dawson, D Whittington. Results of the Tweed Valley Shield played on Monday 31st January: A Division: Pottsville d Kingscliff. B Division: Pottsville d Kingscliff. Round 4 will be played at South Tweed on Monday 7th February and Kingscliff will play Tugun. The Super Challenge commences this Saturday 5th February. Silver play LoganCity at LoganCity and Bronze play Mt Gravatt at Kingscliff. Games start at 1:00pm NSW time. Social bowls results: Thursday 27th January: Winners: J Barnes, H Hockey, D Smith; A Brown, A Reid, T Hills; J Dalmayer, G Haydon, D Moore. Saturday 29th January: Winners: D Miller, N Madden, C Withey. Plate Winners: T Wonka, G Prichard, S Jamieson. Tuesday Morning Open Pairs Competition: Winners: B Lamb, M Howarde. Runners Up: K Banks, T Hills. Plate Winners: D Fines, D Green. Pottsville Ladies Thursday 27th January Winners: HWM P. Bryant, L. Rice & L.Dowling Runners Up: LWS J. Afflick & D. Buckley Lucky Bowler: L. Dowling Raffle: A. Mackay. Pottsville Men Wednesday 26th January 2011 Shirts and Skirts Charity Day Men Winners: B. Campbell, R. Daunt, T. Wignall, J. Buckley. Women Runners-up: P. Field, M. Guthrie, J. Combie, M. Comerford. Friday 28th January 2011 Winners: R. Parker – B. Sheppard. Runnersup: B. Wilson – R. Mackay. Consulation D. Appleton – P. White Saturday 29th January 2011 Winners: K. Boynton – R. Daunt . W. Whitney. Runners-up: B. Stephen – F. Moore – J. Banks Championship Club Fours Final Winners: G. Crawley – K. McInnes – G. Sawtell – R. Scott. Runners-up: G. Booth – M. Brady – J. Field – J. Royan Score 27-26 Tweed Heads Ladies Tuesday Fours: M. Groghan, J. Fisher, K. Figura, F. Hewitt, def. P. Mann, D. Kerwitz, D. Evans, J,. Withington H, Reid, N. Wise, B. Orchard, J. Webster def. C. Keane, M. Cooper, K. Davies, L. Robins Tuesday Triples G. Gorgenyi, P. Govett, B. Le Bouef def. D. Hunt, L. Spencer, A. Lavasi. M. Crane, B. Bradley, N. Bell def. L. Turner, S. Hambleton, M. Picking Thursday Pairs J. Gilroy, P. Houghton def. B. Graham, P. Dealove. B. Jacobson, M. Picking def. J. Ryan, M. Gwynne. H. Bardsley, S. Asser, def. B. LeBouef, F. Keech Thursday Triples C. Davis, J. Lyons, M. Gunton def. A. Nash, K. Henshaw, R. Wallis Thursday Fours A. Warman, D. Kerwitz, J. Youl, J. Smith def. S. Lusby, P. Graham, B. Bitmead, J. Kerkow. N. Craig, D. Stewart, S. Ganter, B. Cooper def. J. Redman, B. Sydenham, C. Thatcher, D. Woods. Tweed Heads Men Championships: Open Fours: The draw for Round 1 is [skips only]: Bob Mullens against John Millington; John Parker-Smith v/s Ken Schmidt; Col Hawkins v/s Jim Croghan; Rick Gammon v/s Roy Nuttall; Graham Richards v/s Mark Howarde; Ian Wildman v/s Bill Davies; John Griffiths v/s Dennis Agnew and Vince Leather v/s Peter Goldsmith. Roll-up at 8.45am NSW time. Indoor Singles: The draw for Round 1 top half of Indoor Singles on Tuesday 8 February starting at 5.30pm is Jim Croghan v/s Jim Hammersley; Barry Matheson v/s Scott Agnew; Greg Kelly v/s John Griffiths; Keith Downey v/s Terry Sullivan; George Mynott v/s Mitch Jackson


baited hook. I’ll send down some photos. Happy Fishing! Aunty Therese & Uncle Gazz

Round 1 bottom half is Friday 11 February starting at 5.30pm is Doug Grenfellv/s Dennis Freeman; John Bailey v/s David Dodge; Brian Lamb v/s Dennis Lusby; Syd Gregory v/s Dennis Agnew; Gary Hewitt v/s Ian Wildman; Mark Howarde v/s Garry Pickett Tweed Valley Shield: Round 4 has Pottsville playing Tweed Heads; Tugun playing Kingscliff and South Tweed playing Coolangatta at South Tweed. Results from Round 2: A Division: Pottsville def Tugun 55/37 [6/1]; Coolangatta def Kingscliff 52/29 [7/0]; Tweed Heads def South Tweed 45/38 [7/0]; B Division: Tugun def Pottsville 53/25 [7/0]; Kingscliff def Coolangatta 53/34 [7/0] and South Tweed def Tweed Heads 37/34 [7/0]. After 2 rounds in A division Coolangatta and Tweed Heads share top spot with 14 points followed by South Tweed [7]; Pottsville [6] Tugun [1] and Kingscliff nil. In B division Kingscliff are on top with 12 points followed by Tugun and South Tweed [9]; Tweed Heads and Pottsville [5] and Coolangatta [2]. Please note that play starts at 1.00pm NSW time at South Tweed. Social Results: Sun 23 Jan Green 1: Pat and John Mann; r/up: Gordon and Ena Haydon Green 2: Cynthia and Derek Chapman, Jim Cowen; r/up: Trevor Balienchse, Linda and Tony Kattenburg, Phil Dwyer Random Winners: Brenda and John LeBoeuf. Tues 25 Jan Men: Jack Blagbrough, Lol Sables, Ramsay MacDonald, Bob Wike; r/up: Frank Woolstencroft, Rod Stebbins, Ean Quested, Ross Cali Ladies: Josie Ryan, Sue Jackson, Esme Carter, Alice Plowright; r/up: Sylvia Jackson, Nancy Ward, Jean Green, Pauline Houghton Wed 26 Jan: Australia Day Mixed Fours A capacity field of 224 Mixed bowlers took to the greens at Tweed Heads to celebrate Australia Day sponsored by Tweed/Coolangatta Taxi service. A great afternoon tea of Lamingtons with High Tea of Pie and “Mushie” peas and Mashed potato following the afternoon of bowls. Green 1: Peter and Stephanie Goldsmith, Jess and Paul Chircop; r/up: Sue and George Hanlon, Barbara Makin, Bob Mullens Green 2: Toots Sibley, Gary Clarkson, Heather Mason, Bill Davies; r/up: David Nelson, Sharon and John Asser, Bernie Walsh Green 3: George Turner, Laurie Rea, Brian Newcombe, John Parker-Smith; r/up: Ken Withington, Derek Chapman, Jean and Jim Cowen. Green 4: Errol Perkiins, Betty Bradley, Ron and Lois Hodsdon; r/up: Kris and Rob Henshaw, Hannah and Sam Ramsay. Fri 28 Jan: Green 1: Mike McDowell, Russell Luland, Peter Goldsmith; r/up: John Burden, Les Hughes, Jack McMaster Green 2: Vern Eves, Rod Stebbins, Kim Stephenson; r/up: Bern Jacobson, Fred Sayer, Max Morris Green 3: John Asser, Stan Loeber, Ron Sturrock; r/up: Frank Hemsworth, Bill Hagen, Gordon Henshaw Sat 29 Jan – Chris Garside Jackpot Saturday Green 1: Brian Bevan, Fred Peel, Michael Nedjati; r/up: Heather Mason, George Mynott Green 2: Chris Bidwell, Roger Graf, John Craig, Con Impellizzeri; r/up: Robert Carnes, Ron Parker Green 3: Trish Dixon, Greg Ash. No runners/ up. The Jackpot reached $1,000.00 but was not won. Consolation winners of a $10.00 voucher were Lauren Wilson and Mitch Jackson

GOLF Chinderah Seniors Social Results for 24/1/2011 Stableford Winner A Grade Pat Flanagan 43 points new h/ cap 7. R/up Bob Keane 41 points new h/cap 10. Winner B grade Laurie Reading 42 points new h/cap 12. R/up Bruce Jones 40 points new h/cap 16. Winner C grade Pat Armstrong 40 points new h/cap 23. R/up Jan Halls 39 points new h/cap 31. Ball rundown to 37 points (c/back) Results for 27/1/2011 Stableford Winner A grade John Hicks 44 points new h/cap 17. R/up Maureen Hicks 41 points new h/cap 12.Winner B grade Narelle Frazer 44 points(c/back) new h/cap 26. R/up Tom Ireland 44 points new h/cap 32. Ball rundown to 38 points(c/back). Murwillumbah Sunday 23rd Individual Stableford Women’s Winner N.Roser 33 pts Winner S.Singh 46 pts N.Pin 2nd S.Walton B.R.D. tp 37 pts Monday 24th Veterans Individual Stableford A.Winner P.Keegan 40 pts R.Up A.Fraser 37 pts B.Grade J.Gooley 39 pts c.b R.Up W.Bruce 39 pts N.Pin 2nd J.McKillop 8th P.Keegan 10th L.Reynolds 14th H.Axford B.R.D. to 34 pts c.b Wednesday 26th individual Stableford Winner A.Grade A.Ryder 41pts c.b R.Up R.Smith 41pts N.Pin 2nd G.Austin 10th D,Higgins B.R.D. 37 pts c.b Friday 28th Winner S.Quinn 46 pts B.R.D 41 PTS C.B Saturday 29th January Individual Stableford Winner A.Grade R.Masiar 40 pts c.b R.Up B.Toole 40 pts B.Grade T.Clark 44 pts R.Up R.Baldock 43 pts C.Grade V.Gwerder 45 pts c.b R.Up A.Kearney 45 pts D.Grade C.Breen 45 pts R.Up A.Roberson 42 pts N.Pin 2nd M.Shields.8th J.Scott 10th W.Townsend 14th M.Fenn B.R.D. 37 pts c.b SHOOTING Murwillumbah Pistol Club 25-Jan-11; Centre Fire - I Young 570. Sports Pistol - A Uren 568. Australia Day Shoot 26-Jan-11; Standard Pistol - A Berry 577, D Stebbing 571, M Norris 567, A Uren 565, S Stebbing 555, P Norris 552, J Lumsden 528, J Blair 496, J Hoctor 495, J Deubel 463, R Ree 393. Air Pistol - J Maclanchlan 573, J Lumsden 568, J Hoctor 549. Free Pistol - D Stebbing 537, Mayleigh Cup - S Stebbing 283. 29-Jan-11; Sports Pistol - D Gazzard 582, S Nash 579, N Davis 576, W Gray 572, A Uren 566, J Lumsden 547, R Rees 394. Standard Pistol - P Norris 604, G Andronicus 576, S Stebbing 567, A Aumann 560, D Stebbing 555. Air Pistol ; J Hoctor 532, D Reid 492. Ladies Air - H Luna 374. Black Powder - P Stupka 376. Murwillumbah Rifle Club Fullbore: Shooting was at 300 yards in hot but fairly calm conditions. Alan Cronk with 100.10 topped scored in Fullbore and Bret Chittick with 116 had best off rifle score in scope class. Scores: A.Cronk 100.10, 1, 101.10; S.Dolan 98.6, 2, 100.6; D. Phippard 98.13, 1, 99.13; S.Waddell 97.11, 2, 99.11; W.Shoobridge 97.10, 2, 99.10; B.Barrett 87.7, 9, 96.7. Scope: P.Weeks 113, 9, 122; B.Chittick 116, 2, 118; A.Glover 106, 12, 118; M.Sforcina 107, 10, 117. Smallbore: 50 metres: G.Morris 381, 26, 407; T.Lamb 382, 22, 404; F.Binding 382, 21, 403; G.MacMahon 398, 4, 402; G.Johnson 388, 13, 401; W.Shoobridge 390, 10, 400; A.Cronk 399, 0, 399; C.Freeman 385, 14, 399; J.Waugh 369, 29, 398; B.Jenkins 389, 8, 397; Rama 382, 14, 396; A.Glover 381, 14, 395; M.Morris 373, 21, 394; N.Waugh 354, 34, 388. Next events: Smallbore at 50metres on Friday February 4, starting 1.30pm. Fullbore on Saturday afternoon February 5 at 500 yards. Field Class on Sunday morning February 6.

Service Directory SERVICE DIRECTORY RATES & PAYMENT DEADLINE: For additions and changes to the Service Directory is 12pm Monday LINE ADS: $80 for 3 months or $280 for 1 year prepaid DISPLAY ADS: $35 per week for colour display ad. Minimum 8 week booking 4 weeks prepaid. ACCOUNTS & BOOKINGS: 02 6672 2280



GARY HEWITT BRICKLAYING Lic 164155c No job too small.........02 6684 9102 or 0437 185 483



ACCOUNTANTS ACCOUNTANT Jeannie Anderson....................................................................................... 6672 4044

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• Property maintenance • Insurance works • Trade services • Cleaning • Landscaping

ATELIER Deirdre J Gorrie Residential Design................................. 6677 1523 GARDEN DESIGN, FENG SHUI 0428 884 329 or 6685 7756 GERARD BISSHOP Design, extensions & carports..........................0407 151 740 or 02 6676 3405 WWW.BUILTPRACTICE.COM Design & Drafting. Chris Knapp....................................0405 914 569





IS YOUR SHOWER MOULDY? I can clean it for you..............................................Rob 0439 575 536

ALL ELECTRICAL WORK No job too small. Lic 230464C.........Michael 6677 0122 or 0411 518 675 CURTIS ELECTRICAL 24 hour service. Lic 79065C........................................................0427 402 399

2 Pauls

Graeme Archer

Email: NSW: 218495C, Qld: 70561

Paul Taylor 0412 506 536

(02) 6676 0903 • 0417 496 282

ADVANCED Blind & Curtain Cleaning & Repairs Verticals Curtains Timber Hollands Romans

07 5523 3622

Ernst Max Mann

Electrical Contractor 02 6677 1943 / 0410 314 897 Lic EC 26523

6/6 Enterprise Ave, Tweed Heads South

ANTEN NAS Fix your DIGITAL TV reception NOW * NO FIX*conditions NO CHARGE apply


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JOSE DO Sustainable Architecture. Reg. 7647 062 096 SPACE STUDIO We design buildings & their interiors. 6680 9921

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ALL RESIDENTIAL ASBESTOS REMOVAL..................................................................0407 261 213 D&L LONG DEMOLITION All areas...............................................................................0416 163 699

BEAUTY MOBILE HAIRSTYLIST Over 20 years experience. Colour specialist. Kingscliff area.....0431 607 968

BLINDS & AWNINGS     

     


BEDNARZ, H & W, FENCING Specialise in pool, colourbond & timber fencing...........07 5590 4540 BENS FENCING – RELIABLE, PROMPT, QUALITY 7 days........................................0409 983 565 MOBILE COMPUTER REPAIRS $70 per hour. Established 15 years.....................Ben 0423 355 318 EDL Prompt & reliable service........................................................................................0432 107 262 WiseGal Computer Service Internet, software & hardware, networks, tuition..........0405 929 371 FENCING & RETAINING WALLS BSA Licensed. Free quotes. Any area.......................0411 594 314 011001110011101011001100010110011100110111001100111001110101100110001011001110 FRONTLINE FENCING & LATTICE Pool, Colourbond & Lattice. Lic 212208c..................07 5524 1842 011011100110011100111010110011000101100111001101110011001110011101011001100010 NORTHERN RIVERS FENCING All fences, will beat any quote...................................0421 75 5978 110011100110111001100111001110101100110001011001110011011100110011100111010110 011000101100111001101110011000101100111001101110011000101100111001101110011000

• DVD/ video setup • New TV sockets • Surround sound setup • New phone sockets • Flat TV wall mounting • Pensioner discounts David Levine • FM radio antennas • Lic. electrical contractor


All electrical work, including home maintenance and air conditioning systems

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Deal direct

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0402 022 111


Pool pumps, electric motors, power tools, electrical equipment & repairs

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• Covering all your business needs • Qualified • Insured • ATO compliant Steve Miller 0427 272 853 / / msg 6684 1206

making cool waves

We have the Vision Experience Solution. We design and build patios, decks and extensions to suit your lifestyle needs: Call today for FREE design consultation.

• Hardware & software repairs • Internet connections • Home service • No job too small • PROMPT SERVICE Ben Cullen Dip I.T.

• Sanding & polishing Supply & instalation of: • Prefinished floors • Tounge & groove • Concrete grinding & polishing

Martin Hordpenko 0404 379 269 •

GARDEN & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE AUSSIE MOWERMAN TWEED HEADS................................... Kris 02 6674 3695 or 0439 612 061 CLEAN CUT lawns & maintenance. Rubbish removal. Free quotes.........................Tim 0434 712 161 DAN YATES GARDEN SERVICES Qualified horticulturist................0407 540 700 or 02 6679 1427 GARDEN & BUSH CARE SERVICES....................................... Liam 02 6676 1970 or 0422 580 871 WOLLUMBIN TREE SERVICES Qualified arborist. Pruning, removals, economical.....0427 015 923


0412 593 511

• General home maintenance • Lawn mowing • Pressure cleaning • Gardening & landscaping • Rubbish removal • Hedging / tree trimming Phone Steve for a free quote

CONCRETING Mako Concrete Constructions

All aspects of concrete. No job too small. Call now for a free quote. Ph: 0403 053 073 email:

Lic 222684C

<echowebsection=Service Directory>


07 5524 3202

Local Lawn Mowing & Garden Maintenance Reliable, professional service including: whipper snipping, hedge trimming, weeding, rubbish removal & spring cleanups From $30 – ring Woz for a free quote

0458 795 659(bh) 6679 5659(ah) The Tweed Shire Echo February 3, 2011 19




BYRON WEDDING & PARTY HIRE.... 02 6685 5483 MULLUM HIRE Wedding and party 02 6684 3003



Whatever your plumbing needs we have the answer.

BASALT BUSHROCK Highgrade. Rock walls. Cheap prices.................................. Rolly 0408 860 543 BRENDON POWELL Bobcat, excavator, tipper & auger. All jobs..................................0404 988 222 FENCING & RETAINING WALLS BSA Licensed. Free quotes. Any area.......................0411 594 314

Blocked drains? New water heater? Available 24/7. FREE quotes.

Ph/Fx 02 6677 9443 Mob 0421 251 477

Personalised, professional approach to your plumbing requirements.

Specialising in • all styles of paving & brickwork • irrigation • retaining walls • turf areas• water features and all aspects of paving and landscaping. Over 20 yrs experience - friendly reliable service Ring Dean on 0417 856 212



All scrap metal, white goods, farm machinery 4WD access • Local towing service

Nathan 0432 511 579 Tristan 0458 025 747

Lic 06105 NSW


• Same day response • 10% pensioner discount • All plumbing & maintenance • Plumbing & gasfitting • Guttering & downpipe replacement NSW Lic 204860C Qld Lic 28721


Call your local plumber


Philip Toovey 0409 799 909 ph/fax 02 6684 3208

various implements available for limited access projects


Venus Lounge Gentlemen’s Retreat OUTCALLS AVAILABLE – OPEN 24/7

17 Morton Street, Chinderah • 02 6674 5020

Black Orchid

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK No. 12 Greg Chappell Drive, Burleigh Heads • 07 5522 1400


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LOCAL • Sydney • GOLd COASt • BriSBAne • MeLBOurne

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6687 6445 / 0409 917646

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NATUROPATH Your Professional Health Coach


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Tracey Lee Morley ND DBM 24 years Experienced Practitioner

Doug 6684 5294 Wayne 0401 471 097

0266 841219

1446 Coolamon Scenic Drive Mullumbimby

PAINTING Professional Painting & Decorating

Specialising in: Customer Service, Residential Homes, Interiors & Exteriors

Joel Watson 0404 202 415 Fully insured

Lic No. 211420C

ROOFING ALL ROOF REPAIRS, CLEANING & PAINTING...........................................................0407 261 213 ROOF PAINTING & REPAIRS Free quotes. Lic 1134084........................................Joe 0414 587 884


Honest, reliable, all work guaranteed. 6681 4163 / 0414 674 110 • local 25 years DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL METAL ROOFING Preferred insurance repairer Craig Montgomery Lic 30715C

0418 751 972


FREECALL 1800 991 322 Est. 1994

RELAX – Safe, effective pest control is our business • Comprehensive management plans & property inspections • Spray-free cockroach treatments • Non-toxic termite control If you have found termites do not disturb them! Contact us for advice. 6672 4400 or after hours on 0414 769 018 •

20 February 3, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Servicing this area for 11 years.

SOLAR SYSTEMS Lic. Electrical Contractors

Your local installer dealing in Sharp Solar Modules, Australian made Latronic Inverters and Century/Yuasa batteries. Specialists in Standalone and Grid Interact Solar Power Systems. P: 02 6679 7228 E:

Solar Power Systems & Electrical 1.5kw system

$12,000 (fully installed)

Call Darren Email:


ARACHNID PEST MANAGEMENT Environmentally friendly.......................................0409 497 706


0412 693 189






TILING CERAMIC TILER Lic 161050C. Robbie...........................................................................0409 368 046 RON: WALL/FLOOR TILER Waterproofing. Lic 1089627..............................................0407 374 013

TREE SERVICES POWER CLEAR TREE SERVICES Murwillumbah & Tweed..........................................02 6672 8954

WEDDING SERVICES TAILORED CEREMONIES BY WILL ALLAN................................. 07 5590 9757


OCEAN SHORES SKIPS Mini skip specialist..................................................................0412 161 564 SUNRISE WINDOW TINTING 30 years experience. Cars, homes, etc..........................0412 158 478

Call Gary now for a free quote 0421 999 018 or 02 6676 0098 <echowebsection=Service Directory>



ECHO CLASSIFIEDS 6672 2280 PHONE ADS Ads may be taken by phone on 02 6672 2280 9am-12pm Wednesday, 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. Ads can’t be taken on the weekend. BY POST PO Box 545 Murwillumbah 2484


RATES & PAYMENT $15.00 for the first two lines (minimum charge) $5.00 for each extra line (these prices include GST) Cash, cheque or credit card – Mastercard or Visa. Prepayment required for all ads. DEADLINE 12pm Wednesday for display ads and line ads. ACCOUNT ENQUIRIES phone 02 6684 1777



Double your exposure. Your ad will appear in over 40,000 newspapers weekly. Ask us about our great deals when you advertise in both THE TWEED SHIRE ECHO & THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Phone 02 66722280 or 02 66841777 SUBSCRIBE TO THE ECHO If you want to be sure of your copy each week, or if you have a friend who’d like to have a subscription, why not send them one? $35 per quarter or $125 per year, post incl. Write to ‘The Echo’ 6 Village Way, Stuart St, Mullumbimby 2482 including payment in advance. WOMEN TENNIS PLAYERS WANTED Sth Tweed, Tuesdays. Ph 0408011001

Direct from Iran flowers underfoot THE RUG SHOP BANGALOW 66872424


FOR HIRE EVENT & PARTY HIRE Audio & lighting. 0418676534 or 66722680 •



Excavator & tipper hire. 0427172684


TIMBER, pine, treated pine, hardwood, mouldings, sleepers, fencing, Koppers logs, ply, MDF, lattice, made to order. Brims Builders Hardware, Billinudgel 02 66801718, Sth Tweed 07 55236002 LOCALLY HANDMADE JEWELLERY

also available at Hammer & Hand, Ti Tree Pl, Byron A&I Tweed River Gallery, Murwillumbah Tumbulgum Gallery, Tumbulgum


- HONEST & RELIABLE Best rates & service in the Shire. Phone Matt 0427172684



Carmine 6685 4015 - 0401 208 797

Northern Tree Care

Peter Gray Dip. Hort. (Arb.)

• Tree surgery/removal • All tree work • Reports - surveys • DA Applications • Fully insured

P: 6677 1697 M: 0414 186 161

MAG WHEELS 17” ultra light racing, tyres with 70% tread, new $1700, sell $550. Ph Jay 0421485217 VERY RARE George Ellisson Telecaster, handmade, serial no 014. Sold by George for US$3400 in 1991. Perfect condition, $1600. David 0408333282

WANTED 2ND HAND aluminium bronze glass sliding doors 2400 x 2100. 0402779376


Clutter Overload?


$$$s for most. Phone 0418189324, 0438189323

MOTOR BIKES KLR 250 ready for rego $900 neg. Ph 66851903, 0424254615 Brunswick Hds SCOOTER PIAGGIO FLY 125, 2007, 14,000km, rego 6/11, vgc, reliable & cheap to run, $1650 ono. 0432525535

BUSINESS FOR SALE SUCCESSFUL food business: markets, events, festivals. 0434236297, 66840336

CABINS FOR SALE TIMELESS STUDIOS, cabins & pavillions Aust hardwood post & beam construction, pre constructed & R.T.A. Phone Stan 0412429156

TO LET LOVELY 3R timber home + study on large leafy block in Burringbar village, close to school & sports club, swimming pool, decks, open fire, beautiful gardens. Avail late Feb, $395pw. 66771118

Time to clear it out with a garage sale. Ph us on 66722280 to advertise here.


MOOBALL 3 Pottsville Rd, Sat/Sun 9am moving sale, all must go, bargains.


PSYCHIC MEDIUM Barry Gray will be conducting Readings at Kingscliff from 1 to 28 Feb. ALSO Psychic Workshop 0409777361 or 0418890277 or go to:

• Private one-bedroom beach house • 10 minute walk to two surf beaches • Fully furnished • Suitable for couples or a small family • Located in town, close to services • Four hours drive south of Byron • Well appointed

HEALTH MEDITATION group Stokers Siding every 2nd Tues Feb 8, 7pm. Ph Marg 66779575

Check it out at or call Ken on 6569 0447


Clear subconscious sabotages. Reprogram patterns and beliefs. De-stress. Restore vibrancy and physical health. Clear allergies. SANDRA DAVEY, Reg. Pract. 66846914

POSITIONS VACANT EXPERIENCED DENTAL ASSISTANTS needed, Tweed area. Start ASAP. Ph 0410309644 or email CV to

A Compass for the Times

MISHKA MASSAGE positive & sensitive. Deep tissue work, relaxation. Byron/ Mullum. Dip Rem. Ana 0413608927

HEALING WITH TRUTH DNATheta Healing plus more. Avail now at Mur’bah Clinic. Gabriella 66795361

BOOKKEEPER WANTED. New and growing bookkeeping business seeking a switched on team player willing to travel. MYOB experience required. For more info email: for full job description.


SOUL READINGS Awaken to your true heart’s desire & heal. Phone Anna on 0407403055

DOMESTIC HELP casual, h’hold & some care duties, suit mature lady, local to Pottsville, car required. Ph 0417779226

From the former owner and creator of KIVA SPA comes HAVEN SPA & BATHHOUSE Oxygenated spa, negative ion sauna, Eminence Organics, body scrubs and wraps with vichy showers, very affordable spa parties & girls parties. Clean & professional with top customer service • Phone 07 55130855

MODELS 18+ years required. Nude female for Picture and People magazines. No experience required. All shapes and sizes. Backpackers welcome. Good money. Professional accredited ACP photographer. Ph 0413627846

For Singles and Couples February 5/6 Places available

Inspired by David Deida ‘Exciting, challenging and divine!’ Amanda ‘Deep, sexy....’ Chris call 0408 205 671

Want to be part of history? Get involved in the Tweed or Lismore Greens state election campaigns! Intro meetings: Tues Feb 8th, 6-8pm at the Sheoak Shack, Fingal Head Wed Feb 9th, 6-8pm upstairs at the Imperial Hotel, Murwillumbah For more info 0459 360 394 or

Skin Cancer Clinic Ocean Shores Health

All services bulk billed Open 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday Phone 6680 2300

QUIT SMOKING IN 60 MINUTES How? Ask Ingrid phone 66803827

FELDENKRAIS METHOD Mind, Body & Movement • Functional Integration Consultations appointments only;some health rebates • Movement Classes - gentle & effective Tues 5.30pm M’bah: $15 class/4@$50 Phone 66728908 Angela Collins SEXUAL HEALTH SERVICE Free STI/HIV checkups Clinics Murwillumbah & Tweed For appointment phone 0755066850

Sexual Counselling

Alison Rahn qualified sex therapist 0432599812

Yoga Teacher Training with Flo Fenton Internationally approved with Yoga Alliance One day per week, Wednesday, Suffolk Park March-December Cost $2,950 02 6685 9910



STAIRCASE interior, 16 risers, 840cm W, exc timber & craftsmenship, $950. Also Englefield angle-round glass shower enclosure, 1m corner style, incl door, base, fittings, $190. Also glass showerover-bath screen, 90x140cm, $45. Inspect/ pickup in Coorabell. Phone 66943240 or 0417550712

SUZUKI JIMNY SIERRA 2008, 4WD, 12 mths rego, new tyres, exc cond, 45,000km, $15,900 ono. 66809433

CAMPER TRAILER ‘04 3 dog rover model. Locally made alum trailer, quality canvas with annexe, midge proof screens queen bed,b $7,500 Ph 66872488


NISSAN PINTARA hatch 92 auto, p-st, auto, 253,000km, reliable, 6 months rego, $2000. Phone 0421122613 MAZDA Tribute ‘04 auto, 160,000klms all extras, great cond $12,500 Ph 66872488 FOR SALE NOW 2003 CDX Holden Astra. 5 spd leather int, 204000km $7500 Ph 0427221668


MULLUMBIMBY’S NEW & USED Visit our new HUGE warehouse filled with quality 2nd hand furniture. 22 Tincogan Street. Phone 66844420

“Automatic” Toyota Corolla Seca Hatch A/C, P/S, CD, Feb 2012 rego. ZDN 908 . $2,950

MULLUMBIMBY 2ND HAND Huge range of French doors, 4 panel doors, bi-fold doors, windows, Hardwood timber, VJ lining, all building materials, Ph 66843063 or 66841246

Ford Festiva Hatch 5 speed, good service history. QGG 556 .................................... $1,700


from $10.50sqm & Bamboo Flooring. For ceilings, walls, doors, etc. Ph 66884188 - sample & brochure

Honda Concerto 5 speed, A/C, 179,000km. RRO 100.................................................. $2,550

2000 Daewoo Matiz Fuel miser, 5 speed, A/C, P/S, dual airbags. AB 99 SX ........... $3,950 1997 Toyota Camry Wagon Auto, 153,000km, A/C, P/S, log book history. QXG 331 ...... $4,950

35 CARS UNDER $10,000


Ballina Car Centre

6686 5586

DLN 19950


Would you like to become a carer and work from home? Free training & financial support is provided, to enable you to provide accredited high quality care in a home environment. You will be supported by the largest scheme in NSW. Flexible hours. Childcare benefit available. Phone Northern Rivers Family Day Care for more info on 07 5536 1865.

Coordinator – Mens/ Family Relationship Services Experienced, qualified worker – program coordination, casework for men, family relationship courses. Salary packaging and above award conditions. Tweed Heads South



brushcutting & gardening. 0403671741

HANDYMAN Versatile, practical, multipurpose. Inside and out. Experienced carpenter. No job too small or too big. Joe: 6684 0304

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MUSICAL NOTES GUITAR AMP REPAIRS, all pro audio & custom modifications. Ph 07 55454831 JAZZ PIANO, DOUBLE BASS & DRUM TRIO FOR HIRE Well rehearsed & accomplished players. Phone 0412732465

BIRTHDAYS MICHAEL TUNALEY aka Mr T turns 50 on Friday 11th Feb. Michael taught at Uki for 19 yrs and now teaches at Mur’bah East Primary. Happy 50th birthday.

PERSONAL SINCERE honest, genuine lady wishing to meet similar, n/s, slim, 60-70yo lady who loves life, spirituality, travel, beach, nature with lots of TLC. Ph 0459240063

PETS ADOPT A CAT from Animal Welfare League NSW. Phone 66844070

DOTTY is a 3 year old, desexed female, Blue Cattle X.

She is friendly, good natured and well trained. She loves people and gets on well with other dogs. She moved from a farm to a suburban home so would suit either situation. She is used to living with another dog but would be OK as an only dog if there was someone home most of the time. If you can offer Dotty a home please contact Pam at the Friends of the Pound Adoption Information Booth on 07 5524 8590 or after hours on 02 6676 0078. More dogs and cats can be viewed at

ONLY ADULTS TOUCH OF JUSTINE Luscious massage & sensual touch. Indulge ALL your senses. Wed-Sat, 10am-6pm. Ph or txt 0407013347 NOT - TANTRIC MASSAGE Just sensational, for attention seekers, 7 days, 10am-6pm, Byron. 0402348163 LADIES ALL AGES your style massage, visit gent Tweed or mobile to you. Book ahead on 0437510589 LADIES URGENTLY required at Lismore’s premium adult venue. Top $s, free food & accommodation. 66225533

SOCIAL ESCORTS HOT, SEXY, PETITE In calls & out calls Ocean Shores. Phone 66802420

EARN BIG BUCK$ Good working environment with female staff must be 18–65 yrs old

02 6674 5020

The Tweed Shire Echo February 3, 2011 21

Advertise in Echo Property, appearing in:



02 6672 2280

02 6684 1777

New Homes


“5 5P at lus its ” L be ivi st ng !


Avoid complacency in financial dealings

Our next stage of homes are being built, so this is your chance to secure your new lifestyle NOW! These new brick homes include a range of spacious designs comprising an exciting selection of two or three bedrooms with single or double garages. The previous stages have sold out, so don’t delay! Contact us, or call into the Display Home and see first hand our range of beautiful homes and great community lifestyle. You can secure your new home today with a $1000 deposit. Contact us today for more information. Free Call 1800 335 666 or email VISIT OUR NEW DISPLAY HOME: Open Monday – Saturday from 10am – 3pm. Cnr North Creek Road & Corks Lane Ballina NSW 2478


Homes NOW Under Construction!

There’s more to life…. so what are you waiting for?

Australians should take stock of a rocky year past and set aside time to improve their understanding of financial market conditions to safeguard and improve their New Year personal financial outlook, according to Intouch Home Loans founder and CEO Paul Ryan. Despite a strong dollar, improving housing market and a growing lending environment, Mr Ryan warns against ­complacency. ‘While the outlook for the year ahead looks healthier, this doesn’t necessarily equate to plain sailing. The hangover from 2010 is receding but with continuing higher unemployment, a struggling small business sector and multiple future interest rate hikes still on the cards, future uncertainty remains.’ Mr Ryan also points to the recent devastation of the Queensland floods as another cue for all Australians to not rest on their laurels and instead consider how they can be better educating themselves on the many options available to improve their financial well being.


Are you getting the best home loan deal at the moment? Don’t rely on your bank to tell you what other loans are available. I have access to all the major lenders and finance industry leaders. I can help you refinance or get the loan that suits you the best. Service when you want it, where you want it. Contact me to arrange a free mortgage health check.

Russel Shaw

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Now at: Suite 4, 6 Jonson St, Byron Bay (opp. Fresh) • Property • Business • Mediation

6680 8797 Email:

‘Australians are well known for their philosophy of hard work and play. However the great Aussie notion of “she’ll be right mate” no longer stands true. ‘Lenders owe it to their customers and consumers owe it to themselves to take advantage of the plethora of financial information and independent advice available. ‘Armed with better knowledge, consumers will have the information and confidence to ask the tough questions they need to secure a healthier financial future.’ The home mortgage is the largest personal financial commitment that many Australians take on, but then often ignore, or worse, forget about. The recently proposed Government reform to eliminate exit fees on changing home loan providers provides another ‘health check’ opportunity for Australians wanting to ensure that their home loan is still providing maximum value. In light of Wayne Swan’s proposed home loan shake-up, research conducted by CoreData for the Herald Sun at the end of last year showed 23 per cent of Australians with mortgages had already started looking around for a new financial institution. Mr Ryan believes this to be unsurprising. ‘For too long Australian mortgage holders have been at the whim of the big banks. With new legislation about to challenge the lending status quo, diligent homeowners could be in line to save thousands of dollars per year.’ As a first step Mr Ryan recommends commissioning a financial planner to review current financial, asset and insurance positions. Once armed with

the facts Mr Ryan recommends home owners should challenge their existing loan provider to ask them what they are prepared to do to keep their business. ‘Let them know you are prepared to refinance and see if they are prepared to match it. ‘You may actually get an immediate 0.20 per cent or more reduction on the spot without even having to make the move.’ However if your lender is not prepared to compromise then consumers should be open minded enough to consider shopping around as the next option. There are many well regulated nonbanks, credit unions and building societies that offer lower interest rates then the banks and are receptive to tailoring financial packages that meet consumers needs. On the role of financial institutions Mr Ryan said that in a fast-evolving marketplace it is imperative that lenders step up to the plate and acknowledge their duty in better educating and preparing their customers. Mr Ryan advises that consumers wanting to make the move need also need to reassure their prospective home loan managers by taking at least their last six months of loan statements proving that they are a quality borrower. Physically providing the home loan provider with competitive quotes and interest rates will let them know that you are a bona fide and savvy prospect wanting the best deal possible. ‘While the banks are probably banking on most people not walking, if you can be bothered to do some research then you will find a better deal, resulting in peace of mind and potentially thousands of dollars saved,’ said Mr Ryan.




Acreage – Lifestyle – Fernvale Quality home close to Shearwater Mullumbimby Well presented 4 bedroom home on 8.6 ✔ Four beautiful 4x4 stables & tack shed beautiful, private, level acres within ✔ Level grass area, well fenced prime walking distance to the Steiner School grazing land ✔ Organic citrus orchard, abundant fruit For sale $810,000. trees and established gardens Contact 02 6684 4930, 0408 664 352. ✔ Extensive decking, in ground pool and cabana, 2 double garages $ 810,000

22 February 3, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

343 Fernvale Road, Fernvale. ✔ Spacious family home, 4 bedrooms, main with ensuite & W.I.R. ✔ Fully tiled large family & dining area ✔ Centralised kitchen / solar hot water ✔ Formal lounge room & entry features beautiful timber flooring ✔ Huge north facing undercover outdoor entertaining area ✔ Running creek, large spring fed dam ✔ Two double bay carports

✔ ✔

Fruit trees & landscaped house block 12 acres, only 10 minutes to town

Auction 1pm onsite Saturday Feb 5 Offers prior to auction welcome. Inspection by appointment. Phone Jeff Huggins on 0411 055 340 or 02 6672 7776.

Noble Lakeside Park, Kingscliff 2 bedroom, airconditioned home with tiled kitchen, living plus hallway. Carpet in bedrooms and lounge area. Fully insulated Bradford ceiling, solar hot water system, separate laundry. Raised verandah at rear ideal for entertaining. All enquiries phone 02 6674 5452 or 0411277 282 – available for inspection anytime.


byron bay


brunswick heads









91 jonson street

67 hyrama crescent

9 barby crescent

this is a prime main street position in the heart of byron bay, with a solid long term tenant. commercial retail property in jonson st has enjoyed excellent capital growth over previous years and will continue to do so. • excellent investment with a secure tenant • rear lane access • separate free standing house • includes a large commercial/retail area

this secluded rural property offers complete privacy and tranquility. here you will be ’living the dream’ whether it be as a holiday retreat or as your family home.

positioned for absolute convenience this open plan family home is perfectly constructed to capture every piece of the breathtaking hinterland views that are on offer.

• underground power and town water • 2 horse stables & loading ramp on 5.85 acres • shed 9 metre x 6 metre with concrete floor • rare opportunity to purchase a unique property

• quality family residence • generous rumpus room and separate study • impressive covered entertaining area • live in comfort with open, breezy living areas

view by appointment auction mon 14 feb 6.00pm neil cameron 0419 274 798 bryce cameron 0412 057 672

view mon 1.30pm - 2.00pm auction mon 14 feb 6.00pm neil cameron 0419 274 798 frances o’connor 0412 522 540

view sat 12.00pm - 12.30pm auction mon 14 feb 6.00pm bryce cameron 0412 057 672 neil cameron 0419 274 798

byron bay




byron bay




byron bay




2 palm place

36 beachcomber drive

2/136 alcorn street

enjoying a convenient address in a very popular family oriented estate this quality residence has everything just moments away. this area has seen good capital growth in recent years.

occupying an exclusive byron bay beachfront position is this immaculately presented family residence known as ’dolphins’. experience the ultimate of beach lifestyle in this haven of style and sophistication. • absolute beachfront position • rare dual occupancy approval • architecturally designed • north east facing decks

unequaled as far as beach side duplexes go. this modern apartment is located directly opposite the beach and has arguably the premium position on alcorn street.

view sat 2.00pm - 2.30pm auction mon 14 feb 6.00pm bryce cameron 0412 057 672 neil cameron 0419 274 798

view mon 1.30pm - 2.00pm auction mon 14 feb 6.00pm neil cameron 0419 274 798 frances o’connor 0412 522 540

• easy access, spacious single level living • salt water in-ground swimming pool • low maintenance gardens with bore water • short stroll to the beach and shops view sat 11.00am - 11.30am auction mon 14 feb 6.00pm neil cameron 0419 274 798 bryce cameron 0412 057 672

byron bay




lennox head




• directly opposite beach • excellent holiday let returns • light filled living/entertaining space • stunning plunge pool

byron bay




4/42 mcgregor street

2 greenwood place

6 skinners shoot road

extraordinarily situated with stunning absolute beach frontage offering breathtaking views of tallow beach and the pacific ocean.

this property is nestled on a hillside in the heart of one of australia’s iconic ocean side resorts.

• high end accommodation business • guaranteed 5% pa income return • capital growth of 20% pa • prime beachfront location with exclusive beach access.

• floodlit, full sized tennis court • in ground pool with pebble and tile finish • cubby house and playground • ocean, beach and rural views

situated on a two acre estate just three minutes drive down a tree lined country road to a cinema, spa, restaurant and bar close to byron bay cbd.

view mon 7 feb 12.30 - 1.15pm thu 10 feb 12.30 - 1.15pm auction mon 14 feb 6.00pm frances o’connor 0412 522 540

view wed 12.00pm to 12.45pm auction mon 14 feb 6.00pm frances o’connor 0412 522 540

• dual occupancy 2 x 4 bedroom homes • separate one bedroom residence • large artists/meditation studio space • swimming pool

view sat 1.00pm - 1.30pm auction mon 14 feb 6.00pm frances o’connor 0412 522 540

The Tweed Shire Echo February 3, 2011 23


Approved football training for kids aged 18 months to 5 years

Now at Tweed Heads and Kingscliff

6684 0235 to join

Charity is still alive and well in Murwillumbah, where last week an elderly gentleman anonymously donated a painting to the Murwillumbah Hospital children’s ward. No luck with our efforts to identify and thank the donor but then, that’s what selfless giving is all about. n n n n

Tweed mayor Kevin Skinner is ‘making it all up’ when he talks about new dams and how they would stop floods, according to Greens councillor Katie Milne. The local daily gave the mayor a free kick in the PR stakes recently with a big splash on how our mayor thinks a new dam, such as the one he’s proposing for Byrrill Creek, would ‘protect our future’. But Cr Milne says ‘The dam would do nothing for flooding, in the 1974 flood a million megalitres went over the top of the Bray Park weir yet the Clarrie Hall Dam holds 16,000 megalitres which is a drop in the ocean… unless he wants to put dams on every arm of the Tweed River, it just won’t work. He’s surely been told that by [council] staff but he just doesn’t want to know. He’s not basing it on science, he’s just making it all up’.

Where learning’s a ball

n n n n

Starts 12 February

Seems like our mayor, a former publican from western NSW, fears the Tweed will one day be in the grip of a huge drought and a new dam will save us all from it all, as well as save us from flooding by somehow controlling the flows from the dams into the already flooded waterways (figure that one out). Someone should tell our mayor he now lives in a subtropical region with plenty of annual rainfall and a drought such as the ones he experienced in Inverell or out west is rather unlikely here on the coast. Dams, he says, will protect us all from drought and flood – and presumably famine and pestilence as well.

Girls just wanna have fun, Betty Page style. It was deja vu time for anyone over 50 as the Miss Pinup Australia competition hit the catwalk at the recent Gold Coast Convention Centre’s Surf’n’Ink expo. Photo Jeff ‘Vargas’ Dawson

state election, the Banora Point and District Residents Association has changed the date of its ‘Meet the Candidates’ forum to Monday, March 14, at the Banora Point Community Centre, Woodlands Drive, Banora Point, beginning at 7pm. The association asks anyone who intends nominating as a candidate for the Tweed electorate to call secretary Pat Tate on 07 5524 2957. n n n n

A sequel to the world rally run in the Tweed and Kyogle shires in 2009 was played out in Byron Bay courthouse on Monday this week, with former No Rally Group chief Scott Sledge and his partner Danielle Voinot defending a malicious damage charge against them. Some anti-rally slogans were painted on Kyogle Road just before the event and the defendants’ car was seen in the vicinity. The magistrate has adjourned the matter till February 18 for final submissions. n n n n Due to the late closing date We know police resources are for nominations for the March stretched and expect this case

has added to that cost, as well as tying up officers in court for days at a time. Then again, given the state government has already wasted millions on the rally (how many we have never been told), the use of muchneeded police resources pursuing some protesters over a relatively minor offence pales into insignificance. n n n n

A reader tells us the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has come up with research backing ‘the gut instinct that has driven us all to campaign for national parks for the past few decades’. The new study says national parks play a pivotal role in saving Australian wildlife. The WWF and University of Queensland researchers rebut the ‘growing scepticism about the value of national parks for biodiversity’ showing that ‘national parks really deliver outcomes’. They say that of the alternative conservation activities examined in the study, none were significantly linked to stable or increasing

populations of threatened species except for national parks. The study suggests landclearing laws are also important. The three states with the highest levels of land clearing, Queensland, NSW and Tasmania, also had the most threatened species in decline. ‘The message is clear. If you want a sure bet to save endangered species, secure their habitat and put it in a national park, or stop habitat destruction through legislation. Anything else is risky,’ the study says, and we couldn’t agree more. n n n n

It sounds like the Monty Python sketch ‘How Not to be Seen’, in which the unsuccessful in this art are briskly detonated, but American author Frank M Ahearn is serious. His book How to Disappear teaches people how to drop out of the state radar, destroy DNA records and create digital IDs for disinformation. Some Tweed councillors might be tempted to visit his site at

Grail Quest

Introduction to Grail Quest (an 8-week course) which is the opening term of the two year parttime foundation course.

...a journey into the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner...

GRAIL QUEST offers a modern form of adult education based on the work of Rudolf Steiner. Through a deepened understanding of the inner workings of the world and ourselves, inner development and soul transformation are brought about. This in turn leads to an enhanced capacity to transform the outer world. The course consists of lectures, discussions and workshops which are expanded through artistic experiences in music, painting, sculpture, story telling, speech, drama, craft and the new art of eurythmy. No previous artistic experience is necessary. The emphasis of the course is away from competition and is focused on individual growth. The course aims to teach through the heart, hand and mind and to bring our efforts to fruition through love of the deed. GRAIL QUEST is also the prerequisite for the Steiner Teacher Training programme.

24 February 3, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Some of the themes explored in the course are: The Quest for Meaning. The Elements. The Temperaments. Sacred Geometry. The Origins of the Earth & Humanity. The Evolution of Consciousness. Christology. Mystery Schools & Mystery Centres. The Birth of Modern Consciousness in the Renaissance. The Search for the Holy Grail. Life Phases: an Exploration of Biography. 8 week Introductory Course: $600 Monday 4.30 – 7.30pm and Wednesday 4.30 – 7.30pm Plus 2 Saturdays 9.30 – 3:30pm Commencing 14th February Venue: Cape Byron Steiner School, McGettigans Lane, Ewingsdale Enquiries: Gerry Josephson 0406 788 050 Kristy Brake 0431 833 959


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