Tweed Echo – Issue 3.31 – 14/04/2011

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surroundings, temper, tendency, chic, cry, enthusiasm, fashion, fever, furore, thing, infatuation, kick, mania, mode, monomania, newest wrinkle, novelty, passion, preoccupation, rage, the last word, the latest thing, trend, vogue, wrinkle surroundings, temper, tendency, chic, cry, enthusiasm, fashion, fever, furore, thing, infatuation, kick, mania, mode, monomania, newest wrinkle, novelty, passion, preoccupation, rage, the last word, the latest thing, trend, vogue, wrinkle surroundings, temper, tendency, chic, cry, enthusiasm, fashion, fever, furore, thing, infatuation, kick, mania, mode, monomania, newest wrinkle, novelty, passion, preoccupation, rage, the last word, the latest thing, trend, vogue, wrinkle surroundings, temper, tendency, chic, cry, enthusiasm, fashion, fever, furore, thing, infatuation, kick, mania, mode, monomania, newest wrinkle, novelty, passion, preoccupation, rage, the last word, the latest thing, trend, vogue, wrinkle monomania, newest wrinkle, novelty, passion, pwrinkle surroundings, temper, tendency, chic,

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Volume 3 #31 Thursday, April 14, 2011 Advertising and news enquiries: Phone: (02) 6672 2280




Casuarina centre to be built soon, developer says Murray Simpson

Nearly ten years of anguish for Casuarina residents may be over with the announcement this week that construction of the estate’s long-awaited town centre is about to start. Developer Don O’Rorke said the lengthy approval process had finally been completed clearing the way for work to begin some time in October. ‘I can put on the record that Consolidated Properties is proceding with the redevelopment of the town centre in calendar year 2011,’ he said. ‘We have already executed an agreement with Coles supermarket and all but one of the residential lots has been pre-sold.’

Divided community The start of construction will bring the curtain down on a protracted and bitter saga that has divided the Casuarina community. Residents had long complained that they had been promised a town centre when they bought in 2003 and it had been an important part of the marketing strategy of the estate, said residents association president Rob Bryant. ‘In fact we had some elderly residents who specifically bought close to the proposed town centre so they did not have far to walk to the shops,’ he said. ‘Instead for all those years we’ve had just a sandy wasteland in the heart of the development.’ Residents were upset at their last association meeting when a statement from the developer suggesting

the project could be delayed due to financial woes was read out. Consolidated Properties property development manager Stephen Pink had blamed an ‘unstable economic climate’ for the delay last week. Mr Pink told media the global financial crisis ‘dried up’ available funding and the banks weren’t lending any money, but he expected subdivision of the area to begin late this year. Mr O’Rorke said his company was currently working through the construction drawings to enable them to lodge a final set with the Tweed Shire Council for building approval. ‘The development application for the town centre from both the council and the NSW state government has now come through,’ he said. ‘It’s taken four years to get through the council and state government and that’s an unacceptable amount of time. But it’s par for the course for any development in New South Wales these days,’ he said. ‘The fact that the approvals have come through in the middle of the global financial crisis hasn’t helped any either. It’s been a very difficult financial market – and that applies to all projects across Australia.’ Mr O’Rorke said Coles had been committed to the project for the past five years. ‘Our company had invested hundreds of millions of dollars in Casuarina and we’re committed to investing many more,’ he said. The way was cleared for the town centre to proceed in controversial

Indigenous performer Dennis Duncan with some of the children in the play group. Photo Jeff ’ Didgeridone’ Dawson

Revitalising culture is child’s play Kate McIntosh

A new Indigenous playgroup in Murwillumbah is helping put culture into play for children and their families. Kids Caring For Country was launched in February and is open to children aged up to five years old. Activities are centred around Indigenous languages, dances, crafts and values, as well as providing practical information on health and nutrition. The playgroup is the first of its kind in the Tweed area and it’s hoped it will eventually be expanded to include Byron Bay and Tweed Heads. The group was started by Tumbulcontinued on page 5

gum mum Lara Bennett, who came up with the idea while studying for an Indigenous Trauma and Healing degree at Southern Cross University. Lara said the group aims to connect Indigenous families through culture and revitalise cultural practices in the Tweed area. She has engaged local Indigenous facilitators to share their skills with the children and their families. A welcome to country is performed at the beginning of each playgroup and children receive instruction in Bundjalung language and songs, as well as learning traditional Torres Strait Islander weaving techniques. Stokers Siding performer Dennis Walker has been teaching children and parents traditional Bundjalung dances, which culminated in a special corroboree and concert held last week with students from Murwillumbah Primary School. Long term, Lara hopes the playgroup will strengthen ties amongst

the Indigenous community and help children grow up with a sense of pride and connection to each other and the land. ‘We really want to engage with the local Aboriginal community and share their ideas and the knowledge so that we can keep that culture alive,’ she said. ‘Being a caretaker of the land and local area in which you live, learning through play and connecting Indigenous parents with each other and skill sharing.’ Initial support for the playgroup is being provided by Murwillumbah Communities For Children and Tweed Shire Women’s Service, but Lara is hoping to secure funding to ensure its future. The plagroup is free and starts at 10am every Thursday in Knox Park opposite the Tweed Shire Women’s Service in Nullum Street. Non-Indigenous children and their families are also welcome to attend.

ABN 82 087 650 682

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Local News

Coal-seam gas fears are heating up


Luis Feliu

on coal-seam gas exploration and mining until wide-ranging concerns about the process have been addressed. The NRG has joined up with the Lock the Gate Alliance ( to try to stop any coal-seam gas mining in the Tweed. The alliance of farmers, environmentalists and rural landowners is currently supporting a blockade in Tara, southeast Queensland, where coal-seam gas mining companies have installed drilling wells on private properties, upsetting many landowners, even those who originally gave permission, in the process. Northern Rivers activists have joined the fight (see story, right), lobbying against coalseam gas mining which uses the contentious practice of ‘fracking’ to extract gas. Hydraulic fracking involves the use of toxic chemicals under high pressure to fracture the seam to release the gas. Aquifers and underground water sources can easily be contaminated by the method, and in the USA water sources on farming land have been contaminated by the toxic chemicals used.

Tweed residents concerned about the impact of coal-seam gas mining are being urged to  Authorised Reseller lodge submissions against the Authorised Service Provider controversial industry by tomorrow, Friday, April 15. The call comes as the new state government has signalled it will push for tougher regulation in response to widespread fears that drilling for coal-seam gas will poison vital underThe Smallest iPod to ground water supplies. Shoot Video - Include a Opposition to coal-seam gas mining has snowballed reRadio - Have a Clock, cently since the screening of Stopwatch, and Alarm, a documentary on ABC-TV’s Play Video, Show Photos, Four Corners and numerous screenings in the region of Record Voice Memos, an award-winning film called Run up to 24hr on a Gasland, as well as protests single Charge - and more! and blockades on rural properties in southeast Queensland MC046ZP/A-iPod Nano bringing fears over the issue 8GB Orange 5th Gen $169 closer to home. Around half the Tweed is MC068ZP/A & MC066ZP/A covered by petroleum/gas iPod Nano 16GB Green or exploration licences (see The Blue 5th Gen was $229 $197 Echo, February 10) and though desktop and aerial studies have Strictly limited to taken place, no drilling or min‘Stock on Hand’ ing has started, unlike neighbouring shires such as Kyogle, where gas wells have already been established. 3/84 Centennial Circuit NEW SHOP Community watchdog Local wells leaking in The Byron Arts & Industry Estate groups the Northern Rivers Coal-seam gas wells in the 02 6685 8796 Guardians (NRG) and the Lismore-Kyogle area were also Call Us or See Our Website for easy Directions Caldera Environment Centre recently found to leak Mon-Th. 9-6 • Fri. 9-5 • Sat. 9-2 have called for a moratorium ane gas, a scenario portrayed in the documentary film Gasland which exposes the highly-pol• Accredited high quality care in a luting industry. Northern Rivers home environment The NSW Farmers FederaFamily Day Care • Supported by the largest scheme tion has told The Echo it has in NSW huge concerns about the ‘inexact science’ of fracking and the • Flexible hours potential contamination from • Childcare benefit available the chemicals involved, while newly-appointed Minister for • Become a carer and work from home the North Coast, Don Page, says his government would im• Free training & financial support mediately introduce a tougher provided process to take in the precautionary approach. Mr Page told The Echo this approach would apply retrospectively to existing exploraTWEED 4 Park Street Tweed Heads tion licences. Phone 07 5536 1865 NRG spokesman Michael McNamara said the technolLISMORE 150 Laurel Avenue Lismore ogy ‘puts secure water supplies Phone 02 6621 6437 Serving the Community since 1980 ‘A division of Northern Rivers Childcare Services Inc.’ at such risk it should not even be considered until all concerns have been dealt with and it is proven to be safe’.


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Licences cover shire ‘If you look at the map of exploration licences, either approved or applied for, it covers everything in the Tweed Shire west and south of Mt Warning,’ he said. Mr McNamara said more than 70 residents from Tyalgum this week watched the Gasland documentary at their local hall and were alarmed at the prospect Tweed’s water supplies could be contaminated as a result. ‘Coal-seam gas mining has the potential to destroy the very industries that typify the Northern Rivers: agriculture 2 April 14, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

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and eco-tourism. Members of the community are right to be concerned about the potential impact on water quality in the Tweed Valley,’ he said. ‘This is especially so after hearing from Casino area residents on the night about their experiences with this industry. ‘Initiatives such as the Northern Rivers Food Links and the Murwillumbah Growers Markets are definitely under threat.’

Council ‘should act’ Mr McNamara said Tweed Shire Council, as the water supply authority for the shire, had a responsibility to the community to ensure the quality of water supplies. ‘The Council should speak up loud and long on behalf

of the local communities to ensure that water quality is paramount when the state government makes decisions about industrial activity in the Tweed.’ The NSW Government is asking for input from the community on the issues to be addressed as it prepares its coal and gas strategy. Submissions close tomorrow, Friday, April 15, and can be made online at au, postal address is: Coal and Gas Strategy, Department of Planning, GPO Box 39, Sydney, NSW, 2001. A copy of the NRG petition against coal-seam gas mining can be found on the NRG website at ■ See Editorial, page 6

Blockade busted by terrorist squad

The scene at the Tara well head, before Queensland’s Tactical Response Group moved in. Luis Feliu

the huge clearing. ‘After our blockade was broA blockade trying to prevent a ken QGC quickly cleared one foreign-owned coal-seam gas quarter of Bryce’s land to conmining company entering pri- nect pipes to four more wells vate land without permission on neighbouring properties from the landowner at Tara and this without any renegowas broken by the Queenstiation of the contract after land Police terrorist squad last they, QGC, broke it. The land week. is now worthless for resale,’ Ms A contingent of 30 police Costello said. from the Tactical Response ‘QGC is actually British Gas Group, Queensland’s antibut called Queensland Gas terrorist squad, along with Company as a front,’ she said. officials from the QGC gas ‘In their dealings with company, forced the blockad- the landowner, police were ers to pack up camp, made behaving as both negotiator up of around 15 members of and private militia for a foreign Nimbin Environment Centre company – it was repulsive. (NEC), on April 4. ‘Old growth and remnant NEC spokesperson Lisa trees along the pipeline route Costello said police threw were to be preserved and had blockaders’ gear on the floor as been marked with tape by they urged them to hurry up. an environmental consultant ‘We were supporting the but QGC bulldozer operator landowner, Bryce Keating, in a flattened a marked old growth dispute with QGC. The original tree within 20m of our blockcontract between QGC and ade and blatantly removed the Bryce stipulated a 20m wide tape and put it on a previously clearance of native forest along unmarked tree right in front their proposed pipeline but as of us.’ soon as QGC started on Bryce’s ‘Tara locals checking the property the width cleared gas well heads for methane was over 30m and up to 40m leaks found all of them sent wide,’ she said. their meters off scale. Leaking ‘This was halted by Bryce’s methane from all stages of gas lawyer, Peter Shannon, production makes coal-seam pending a court case. QGC methane worse than coal as had already commandeered, a greenhouse gas. This hasn’t fenced off and gated one stopped the government from hectare of Bryce’s land with a touting coal-seam methane as gas well head in the centre of “green”,’ Ms Costello said.

Local News

Uki finds a way to honour its elders Kate McIntosh

A special day organised by the Uki arts community will honour the contribution of older people with a simple, yet healing gesture. As part of the second annual Honour Elders Day a healing space will be set up in Uki Hall, with many modalities of healing on offer free of charge to older people. The event, which is being held this Sunday in conjunction with the Uki Buttery Bazaar markets, will also feature music and other performances especially selected to tickle the fancies of seniors. Ukitopia vice president and event organiser Sue McKenna said the idea had been developed as a result of the Elder’s Tent – part of the Ukitopia festival for the past three years. The dedicated space allowed Indigenous and non-Indigenous elders to share their stories and history as part of the village’s annual arts and cultural celebration. ‘A lot of the elder people told us later that they’d never done that before; they’d never just

Banora Point Reserves

BUSHLAND REGENERATION is underway at 9 Council sites in Banora Point

Betty Brims, Matthew McKiernan and Ida Daly hanging out at Uki Hall. Photo Jeff ‘To A T’ Dawson

sat down and talked like that among each other,’ she said. Elders Day had expanded on that idea as a way of giving back to older people, Sue said. Healers from across Tweed will offer their services – including massage, spiritual guidance and lifestyle education. ‘Sometimes it can be hard to know what to give, but this was actually a way of giving, not

only time, but love,’ she said. ‘Older people don’t always get enough respect or appreciation, so it was only natural that we should do more to honour our elders and really recognise that.’ Shuttle buses have also been arranged and will be providing transport from local aged care facilities. Sue said the arts collective was also involved with youth-

VALUES • State significant mangrove and wetland remnants • 3 Endangered Ecological Communities; 4 threatened fauna and 7 threatened flora species • Scenic values, areas for passive recreation

oriented activities and aimed to engage people of all ages. THREATS Last year’s combined Elders • 20+ environmental weed species including 2 Noxious and and market day attracted hun4 major weeds dreds of people and Sue has en• Dumping of garden waste and rubbish, ‘garden escapees’, couraged people to bring their incursions, vandalism, inappropriate adjoining parkland grandparents along to this year’s management event and enjoy the activities and healing services on offer. HOW CAN YOU HELP? ‘We want the elders to feel a • Remove or control invasive plants in your garden valuable part of our commu• Plant local natives in your garden • Don’t dump garden waste and rubbish in the bush nity by providing them with a • Be a responsible pet owner and keep them out of bushland special day full of things just for • Join a local Landcare or Dunecare group them,’ Sue said. Honour our Elders Day will To find out more go to ing to support any proposal for be held this Sunday, April 17, in Uki town centre from 9am residential development on the BushFutures site until an appropriate rezon- to 1pm. ing has occurred’. What’s more, the letter said, Your Regional the current proposal was proEmployment hibited under the Tweed Local Environment Plan 2000. & Training ‘As the site is partly within an Services Provider environmentally sensitive area of state significance and partly MURWILLUMBAH 50 Main Street Ph. (02) 6672 6712 Need Staff? in a sensitive coastal location, Email: KINGSCLIFF Shop 6A, 1st Floor, Kingscliff Shopping being 100 metres from the Need Work? Village, 28 Pearl Street Ph. (02) 6674 0699 ocean, the Minister is precludEmail: call 1800 670 914 ed from approving the project SOUTH TWEED HEADS 6/81 Minjungbal Drive, in its current form.’ Ph. (07) 5523 4825 Email: Need Training? The department said it opCOOLANGATTA Shop 1, 82 Griffith Street posed the plan because some of call 1800 266 425 Ph: (07) 55 361433 Email: the lots were on the site closest to the beach which is the most ecologically important and enCONVENIENT OFFICES IN: • Ballina • Bellingen • Brunswick Heads vironmentally sensitive part of • Byron Bay • Casino • Coffs Harbour • Coolangatta • Grafton NO the site. • Kingscliff • Kyogle • Lismore • Maclean • Mullumbimby It also said lots sizes were FEES! • Murwillumbah • Nambucca Heads • Nerang • Oxenford unlikely to be big enough to • Robina • Southport • South Tweed Heads • Yamba • Woolgoolga manage on-site sewage.

Revised Wooyung plan gets thumbs down Murray Simpson

A bid to breathe life back into a grandiose resort development at Wooyung has had cold water thrown on it by planning regulators at both local and state levels. A consortium that won council approval in the 1980s to build a 500-bed tourist resort and man-made lake on the 80-hectare site has surfaced again 23 years later with a trimmed-down proposal. This time they have floated a proposal for a 24-lot luxury home development they hoped would placate local opposition and appeal to regulators with its environmentally lower profile approach. But the Tweed Shire Council and the Department of Planning both said this week they were far from impressed.

However, a council spokesman said this does not prevent the consortium forging ahead with their original proposal. In a landmark decision in 2006 the Land and Environment Court found approval for the large-scale tourist resort had not expired because surveyors’ pegs driven into the ground in 1989 constituted a physical commencement of work. But in a tight financial market, resurrection of the resort scheme is not considered a serious option. Project manager Kenneth Neff declined to comment this week on whether the old project was still on the cards. The Department of Planning said in a blunt letter to the consortium’s planning consultant Steven Smith of LandPartners in Lismore that it was ‘not will-

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The Tweed Shire Echo April 14, 2011 3

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Community garden launched Cabarita Youth Centre’s new community garden was launched last Saturday week under the shade of the centre’s newly established outdoor area. A youth centre spokesperson, Suzi Bourke, praised the efforts of local youth and businesses, who donated products, for making the beachfront garden look ‘so professional’. Lettuce, herbs, corn, tomatoes, bananas and some flowers have grown rapidly with the recent good growing climate. Old tyres create edging beds and various pieces of ladders and metal shelves now support climbing plants. Compost bins are ready to be filled with green waste from the local restaurants and a worm farm is being made in an old bathtub. Two large sunshades protect from the western sun and give a lovely shade for the recycled outdoor setting. The aim of the centre is to provide youth aged between 12 and 25 with a place of their own. The garden incorporates an outdoor venue for them to hang out together and feel proud of their efforts. ‘It visibly demonstrates their potential when guided and cared for,’ Suzi Bourke said. ‘When the centre was first initiated, Matt Cotter (youth activities project co-ordinator) asked them what they wanted to achieve,’ she said.

Cabarita Youth Centre’s youth activities project co-ordinator Matt Cotter proudly shows some of the community garden vegies to Katrina Trindall and Levi Schwartz. Photo Suzi Bourke

‘They wanted four things in a youth centre – a commercial kitchen, a trade centre, a media room and a community garden. ‘The aim of the garden is to produce vegetables and donate them to local restaurants with the ultimate aim of initiating a partnership that may help some young people access the restaurant business. ‘It is also hoped to provide some food for low-income families. Another aspect of their plan is to sell some produce and

use the funds raised to sponsor disadvantaged youth on some of the adventure activities planned by Matt Cotter.’ Donors were Coast to Country Landscape Supplies, Tweed Coast Shade Solutions, Bunnings, Tweed Shire Council, Stotts Creek Recycling and several nurseries. ‘Christian Ellis and Nicole Shippard learned their expertise on horticulture to the project. It was, and is, a powerful community effort,’ Suzi said.

Tweed transport threatened by population growth Tweed’s rickety transport system will be shredded by a staggering population explosion of 41 per cent over the next 20 years. Sobering figures prepared by council consultants forecast the shire’s resources including roads, water and related infrastructure will be sorely tested by a population blow-out of 37,753 by the year 2031. The growth pressure will be felt hardest at Cobaki followed by Bilambil Heights, Casuarina, Pottsville and Murwillumbah. The report, prepared by ID consultants, said that, based on current migration trends, most of the new residents will come from Sydney, coastal New South Wales and overseas. There is expected to be little net migration south from the Gold Coast and Brisbane. In line with the national forecasts, Tweed’s population is expected to continue getting older. Currently the 45–49 age bracket dominates in Tweed. This will change dramatically by 2021 when the 60–64s will rule the roost and the 65–69s by 2031.


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Local News

Luxury cars lead the high-rise push Ken Sapwell

Two car dealerships will dominate the skyline on the southern approach to Tweed Heads under plans already green-lighted by council for a six-storey showroom and office block on a key Wharf Street site. Bruce Lynton Pty Ltd, which runs a BMW and Land Rover dealership in Southport, is expecting to win final approval for the $20 million project from a government planning panel before it’s axed by new premier Barry O’Farrell. The huge 5,702m2 site, which is just metres from the Terranora Inlet and bounded by Boyd, Recreation and Wharf Streets, contains vacant land and rundown buildings left over from its former use as a cut-price

fruit and vege market. It is across the road from a rival Honda dealership which is currently three storeys but is earmarked for 18 storeys under a proposed new LEP for Tweed Heads drawn up by another government panel despite strong community objections. It is set to replace an earlier master plan which limited heights to three storeys for most of the southern end, instead of 10 storeys as proposed under the draft LEP, which is expected to go on public exhibition soon. The company is seeking approval under the 2000 LEP which opened the doors to Gold Coast-style high-rise development for the first time. The LEP triggered a massive community backlash leading to the preparation of the now

stalled master plan. Residents’ association president and community representative on the panel which wants to relax height limits, Laurie Ganter, says drawings of the development give a glimpse of what’s in store for most of the town. ‘The master plan allowed some high rise in parts of the town’s central business centre but heights in most other areas were limited to three storeys to maintain sight lines for houses on the side of the Razorback Ridge,’ he said. ‘But a bunch of Sydney-based bureaucrats who comprised the majority on the panel now want to allow up to 10 storeys on both sides of Wharf and Recreation Streets all the way to the Boyds Bay Bridge.’


Mr Ganter said the bureaucrats wanted to allow the Honda dealership to go to 15 storeys and a raised site on the opposite side of Wharf Street to 10 storeys as part of a grand vision for a so-called ‘entry-statement’ comprising twin towers. ‘Their aim is to revive the town’s economic fortunes and double the population to 14,000 people but no amount of highrise development will achieve this. They ignore the fact that the major business activity has moved to south Tweed Heads’. Mr Ganter said he hoped National Party MP for the Tweed, Geoff Provest, would scrap former Planning Minister’s Frank Sartor’s vision for Tweed Heads and reinstate the master plan which had both community and council support.

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The Men’s Shed will make a difference for men Left: Men’s Shed chairman Phil Davison, foreground, and supporter Rob McKinnon. Mr Davison said men’s issues are often overlooked by mainstream society and support services remain lacking. He says the Men’s Shed concept aims to give men an alternative to the pub and alcohol, which traditionally have been used as a crutch by men. Photo Jeff Dawson

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Funding is available for the following courses, criteria apply. Kate McIntosh

A new community-based Men’s Shed helping promote health and wellbeing has found a permanent base at Murwillumbah. Tweed was home to Australia’s first mobile Men’s Shed before a lack of funding forced its closure in 2005. The new Mur willumbah Community Men’s Shed (MCMS) is due to open soon in Bray Park at the site of a former pump shed where Tweed Shire Council has granted them a long-term lease.

Men’s Sheds are found throughout Australia and are based around the concept of the backyard shed, with the aim of providing a place for men to talk and share skills. Steering committee chair Phil Davison says Men’s Sheds are an important community resource, helping reach out to isolated men or those at risk of depression or health problems. Activities planned include woodworking, metalworking, crafts and gardening. ‘A lot of guys from retirement or who have lost their wives, they don’t seem to know

what to do with themselves,’ he said. ‘Having a place where they can come, build up their selfesteem, even if it’s just having a cup of tea and a chat, that’s important.’ The MCMS will hold its inaugural AGM on April 19 from 7pm in the Wollumbin Room at the Murwillumbah Services Memorial Club. The committee is seeking donations of tools and timber for the centre. If you can help contact Phil Davison on 040 374 032 or maddogdavison@

Casuarina centre to be built soon: developer continued from page 1

circumstances in 2009 when NSW Planning Minister Kristina Keneally overruled the Tweed Shire Council and allowed Mr O’Rorke to reduce the number of beachfront parking spaces. Mr O’Rorke claimed the shopping centre could not go ahead unless he could relocate the parking spaces to the site of a proposed Coles supermarket. The state government decision flew in the face of a recommendation by council town

planners that a beachfront esplanade with more than 100 car spaces be preserved in line with the original plans for the development. They said removal of the car spaces would amount to a de facto privatisation of the beachfront and ignored the needs of a growing number of families visiting the beach at weekends. But Ms Keneally said she had agreed to adopt a new concept plan put forward by Mr O’Rorke which reduced

the length of the esplanade by two-thirds, wiping out scores of car spots. Mr O’Rorke, who had donated $50,000 to the ALP coffers in 2007, hailed the decision as a ‘fantastic outcome’ which paved the way for a town centre and 2,500 square metre supermarket to be built by 2011. The way was further smoothed when the council agreed to sell most of a natural stormwater swale to Mr O’Rorke to make way for a bigger supermarket.

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400 Tweed Valley Way Murwillumbah

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02 6672 6977 The Tweed Shire Echo April 14, 2011 5


Julia struggles to sell a carbon price


omparisons, says Shakespeare’s malaprop clown Dogberry, are odorous. Volume 3 #31 April 14, 2011 True enough; but what makes the current contrast between our Prime Minister and her predecessor more than usually noisome is the fact that while Water is life. It’s everything; once it’s contaminated, you can’t fix Kevin Rudd in his job as foreign it. That’s the essence of the growing opposition to coal-seam gas minister is generally regarded as mining and exploration and its potential to poison underground smelling like a rose, Julia Gilwater reserves. But will governments listen? When big business, lard, in the top job, is getting especially the mining sector, tells you it’s safe, you better start just a little bit whiffy. worrying: just remember the tobacco lobby and cancer, or the Let us state immediately that pharmaceutical industry and thalidomide. there is very little possibility that caucus members will even conThe new state coalition government has jumped on the template tossing Gillard into the bandwagon of concern, especially as farmers’ lobby groups are speaking out against coal-seam gas mining, so it’s not just another compost heap before the next election, and in the highly unfear campaign from environmentalists. Naturally our new governlikely event that they did so, it ment doesn’t want to be left out, but all they offer is a promise to ‘toughen up’ the existing exploration and mining process, as if that would not be to reinstall Rudd: will help. In the meantime the Great Artesian Basin which provides the irascible tyrant needs a lot more deodorising before the the only reliable source of fresh water through much of inland party room would even consider Australia, will be contaminated forever. wearing him again. But there is a There is no current underground exploration planned for the growing perception among the Tweed, but that could soon change if a coal seam which is viable voters that while they still feel for gas extraction is located, and there is plenty of scope for this. relatively kindly towards their North and south of the Tweed, drilling has started in earnest prime minister and would genuin some areas using this new but highly contentious hydraulic inely like to see her succeed, she fracturing gas-extraction method. Fracking, as it’s called, could, like may not be quite up to the job. uranium, become the new Kryptonite fear, given the irreversible The problem may simply be damage it can unleash on our groundwater supplies. one of communication: Gillard Only a moratorium or total prohibition on all coal-seam gas is just not getting through to mining can help prevent an irreparable disaster. Farmers, unions, her audience. She is controlled, environmental groups and even water authorities around the state plausible and clearly on top of have called for such a moratorium and already it’s been met with her subject, but somehow she deaf ears from the government. No doubt these mining companies lacks the clear commitment, – most foreign-owned who haven’t given a rats about the environ- even the passion, which would ments in other countries – contribute heavily to the major political make her message convincing. The obvious example is, of parties. As if to show how compromised by the fossil-fuel industry they are, the federal opposition leader and the government’s min- course, the carbon tax. Her case is unassailable: even those who ing minister have both defended the companies involved. profess to find the science of Alleged breaches of existing regulations by these companies climate change unproven agree are being ignored, so if governments won’t stand up to them, the that if you are going to halt the people will no doubt take direct action. And they will be justified. increase of carbon dioxide emissions, the only effective way to Tweed Shire Echo do so is to put a price on carbon. Publisher David Lovejoy The only remaining dispute Editor Luis Feliu is about whether you do so Advertising Manager Angela Cornell through some kind of emisAccounts Manager Simon Haslam Production Manager Ziggi Browning sions trading scheme or through ‘The job of a newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict a direct tax. In Australia, politics the comfortable.’ – Finley Peter Dunne 1867–1936 decrees that the best approach © 2011 Echo Publications Pty Ltd is to start with the tax and dePO Box 545, Murwillumbah 2484 velop it into a trading scheme as Phone 02 6672 2280 email: conditions change. It is straightPrinter: Horton Media Australia Ltd forward, effective and above all

Pandora’s box

affordable; when a large part of the tax is returned to consumers as compensation for the inevitable price rises, the rich will barely notice the difference and some of the poor might even finish up ahead. Selling it should be like giving away free beer. But Gillard, so far at least, has not been able to counter Tony Abbott’s constant channelling of Hanrahan: we’ll all be rooned. This is partly because Abbott’s sloganeering seems to the incu-

Gillard has not been able to counter Tony Abbott’s constant channelling of Hanrahan: we’ll all be rooned. by Mungo MacCallum rious to be borne out by actual events. It’s still more than a year before any effects from the proposed carbon tax will kick in, but already prices, particularly electricity, petrol and food, appear to be going through the roof. At least some of the increases are actually due to delays in implementing the tax, but Abbott and his colleagues have quite consciously and deliberately adopted the strategy of blaming the tax for everything: the big lie is, as always, the simplest approach. And as scare campaigns go, it is going pretty well and it will continue to flourish unless and until Gillard and her colleagues can come up with some hard numbers to counter it. And by then, if Abbott can establish a public mood of fear and mistrust, it may be too late. Having paid his respects to his personal God every evening, Abbott must also breathe a prayer of thanks to the fridge magnet that gave him the idea: I didn’t say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you for it. And herein lies Gillard’s other problem: following Abbott’s


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6 April 14, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

diatribes about broken election promises she is seen not so much as a liar, but as malleable, even weak. She responds too readily to pressure, from her colleagues, from her opponents such as the miners and now perhaps the pubs and clubs, and from the opinion polls. Her word cannot be trusted, not because she is, like Abbott, deliberately mendacious, but because she is just as likely to change her mind next time she addresses the subject.


After all, she has certainly done so at least once about the whole carbon price issue, as Rudd rather unnecessarily reminded the world last week. And the electorate’s disappointment is more profound because she came to the job with much good will and sympathy: our first female prime minister thrown in at the deep end, in hugely difficult circumstances and before she was fully prepared for the task. We had high hopes for her, and she has let us down. As Shakespeare put it in rather harsher context: Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.


ut if Gillard is getting a caning from the polls, it’s nothing compared to what the Greens are getting from the loony right wing media – and yes, Chris Mitchell, we do mean The Australian. The beleaguered party must feel that there is no justice. For years it has copped a hammering for being a single issue party, a bunch of fanatical fringe dwellers with no idea or understanding of the real process of

government. But now that it has developed a wider social agenda and is on its way to becoming a player with policies covering most aspects of Australian politics, it is lambasted for deserting its roots: get back to tree-hugging, scream the critics. There are several reasons for the outburst of unbridled hatred from the conservatives, led by the usual Mafiosi of News Limited. One is simply the fact that Greens are a party of the far left, at least in Australian terms; this alone makes them unacceptable to the professional Tories. The second, obviously, is that they are on the brink of assuming the balance of power in the senate, and like all minority parties in hung houses of parliament, will obtain clout far beyond their actual voter support. At various times this has been the case with the Country Party (now called Nationals), the DLP, the Democrats and even individual independent senators: Harradine, Fielding and Xenophon are names that come instantly to mind but there have been others. This travesty of democracy is perfectly forgivable when the minority is on your side, but if it’s not, then expunge it from the face of the earth. But I suspect the real issue for The Australian, or at least for many of its columnists, is that the Greens are seen as anti-religious; they are pagan worshippers of Gaia or worse and should be stoned to death as blasphemers. Actually there are quite a lot of seriously Christian greenies, an obvious example being Peter Garrett. But they don’t count; they are merely dupes in the grip of the godless communist juggernaut now running out of the control of its revered and selfless founders – the ones we used to despise as the nutters with fairies in the bottom of the garden. See, it’s all perfectly logical, at least if you work for The Australian.

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when atmospheric oxygen levels drop. A sick ecosystem impacts on people too. Whoever makes these population decisions is not seeing the big picture. They forget that we live in a finite world. Malthus said that if population increases faster than the means of subsistence, and if no check is put upon population growth, many will starve or be ill-fed. There will be increasing mental health problems as people grieve the loss of the natural world around them, sacrificed for the quest for short-term profit. It’s time to check population growth before it becomes an irreversible monster whose tentacles will strangle our quality of life and World Heritage values. Remove the sociopaths from power and let common sense rule!

Some of the many letters we have received on coal-seam gas mining are on page 10.






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on S

Tweed Council recently was that people wanted protection of this unique ecosystem more than anything. Yet this is conveniently ignored in favour of economic growth. Locals will experience a loss of amenities and services while struggling to get their kids into schools, parents into nursing homes, sick relatives into hospitals and to find a parking spot. The cost of living is skyrocketing. Tweed Shire already has high rentals relative to income, which means more poverty, more crime and more homelessness. We are already at breaking point. How much worse in 20 years? Council thinks massive high-rise development is the solution, along with a new dam. However, the fewer species, the sicker the ecosystem. Animals fertilise the earth for more trees to uptake CO2 and exhale O1 for us to breathe. Mass extinction events occur

Jeremy Cornford


Last week’s Tweed Link reported that our population will explode to 128,000 by 2031. This is a 41 per cent increase, or 1.7 per cent per annum. Since India’s growth rate is 1.6 per cent and the global average 1.1 per cent, this means Tweed Shire has faster population growth than third world countries! This is not sustainable for a World Heritage area with incredible biodiversity. Wildlife habitat will be levelled for all these people and that means local extinctions, the koala being only one species at risk. Community feedback to

farce which masqueraded as the ‘public consultation’ process for the development of Kingscliff ’s Lot 490, Barbara Fitzgibbon’s claim that we should accept the current DA as it is the best of a bad lot serves only to perpetuate the ludicrous claim that Tweed residents should accept any resort-style development because it is good for us. This, despite the fact that every such development between Kingscliff ’s Murphys Road and Cabarita over the past seven years has either gone into administration or been sold out of receivership. Leightons’ DA for Lot 490 may well be marginally more acceptable than a nuclear power plant, a hazardous materials dump, or a half-way house for convicted paedophiles; it still

for a public meeting in Kingscliff to resolve this debacle and allow the residents to decide whether they consider their last remaining remnant of coastal reserve is worth keeping.



Not sustainable

■ While exposing much of the

‘miraculously’ skip inland around the proposed 490 development, despite putting the areas immediately north and south of it at risk; surely the first step to canonisation for some compliant bureaucrat. With a new government, perhaps there’s now a chance


Tweed Heads Environment Group


address many social impact issues and relies to a substantial degree on a purported ‘telephone’ polling system which failed to document and authenticate scale and methodology. The reference group set up to assist Leightons in establishing the ‘mandated’ criteria consisted entirely of commercial, council and government representatives, other than delegates from the Aboriginal community and the Kingscliff Ratepayers’ Association. The association has barely 30 financial members; the Aboriginal representative had a conflict by way of a directorship of a company involved with Leightons over a proposed commercial interest within the site. The former government, Tweed Shire Council and Leightons have, for six years, refused to convene a public meeting of Kingscliff residents to discuss whether they want any development at all, let alone another ‘resort’. Two petitions against the development containing hundreds of signatures from residents of the entire shire and scores of protest letters to the former government have been totally ignored. Finally, the latest flood and erosion projections released by council and government


Richard W Murray

Elder Harry Boyd

fails to comply with almost every criterion for which it was, supposedly, designed. It contravenes the existing government Coastal Management Strategy Document. It fails to address and enunciate a sustainable and continuing income stream to council to put toward future foreshore management, which was a pivotal point of the Draft Plan of Management. Both Leightons and the former government have refused to put an estimated dollar value on this return which, in any case, will flow to consolidated revenue and be available to council only via successful grant applications. It fails to supply a separate resort vehicular access point from the re-aligned Coast Road, instead utilising the former Coast Road (an area delineated for improved public access); and it includes resort parking space in this same area agreed upon for improved public access and regeneration. The footprint of the proposed resort exceeds that agreed to in the Draft Plan of Management, in which the parameters of all topographical, financial and conservation issues were clearly defined for participating tenderers. The Social Impact statement contained in the DA is manifestly inadequate, fails to

Tweed Shire Council is presently preparing for the Joint Regional Planning Panel their report of public submissions in relation the first 917 lots of the 5,500 Lot, Cobaki Lake residential subdivision. The Tweed Coast Koala Habitat Study (January 2011) reports that the 144 Tweed koalas remaining in areas of currently occupied habitat are now below the minimum viable population size. Uncaringly Tweed Shire councillors have rejected a Cobaki Lakes Koala Management Plan knowing that the 2011 Tweed Study called for action north of the Tweed River. No action would result in the localised extinction of the koala in the Cobaki area within five to ten years. The Tweed community and Tweed Shire Council staff are well aware of the koala corridor that exists between the Anconia Ave, Tulgi Road SEPP 14 Wetlands, the Cobaki Nature Reserve formerly called the ‘Koala Block’ and the western neighbouring properties of Cobaki Lakes. Koalas have been seen recently on these McPherson Range properties following the clearing of some 197.6ha of vegetation and koala habitat from the Cobaki Lakes residential site. It is likely that the Cobaki Lakes site has still some SEPP 44 Core Koala Habitat remaining in their Range land. Following years of tree clearing and cattle dog activity at the Cobaki Lake site, our submission has sought that dogs be not permitted due to their potential predation of the koala, long-nosed potoroo and threatened fauna species. The Tweed community now places their trust in that Tweed Shire Council staff can direct the Joint Regional Planning Panel towards a koala-saving plan for the Cobaki.

■ A lot has been said about the Leightons Lot 490 disaster but no one has stated the facts. Ngaraakwal representation was removed from the Aboriginal reference group, there has been no true Aboriginal consultation and the Leightons project cannot be approved. This is only one of many scandals that the new NSW government must fix.


Last chance for koalas

More facts about the Lot 490 proposal


Email: Deadline: Noon, Tuesday Letters longer than 200 words may be cut and pseudonyms are not acceptable. Please include your full name, address and phone number.

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Letters to the Editor

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The Tweed Shire Echo April 14, 2011 7

Local News

Lifeline scores top in band battle Kate McIntosh

Urban groove four-piece Lifeline had the winning sound at the Tweed Battle of the Bands held earlier this month. The 14-year-olds, who hail from Uki, Mullumbimby and Byron Bay, impressed with their stage presence and original sound. The inaugural event was organised by the Safer Communities Alliance in conjunction with National Youth Week celebrations as a way of showcasing up and coming acts to a wider audience. As the competition’s winners, Lifeline receive three days’ recording at Crystal Grid Studios in Byron Bay, a gig at Twin Towns and a photography and marketing package. Rounding out the top three were Murwillumbah rock act TOUCH and Palm Beach five-piece Soldier Crabs who are all members of the same family. Eight bands from the southern Gold Coast, Tweed and Byron regions performed at the event, which included metal, pop rock, reggae and rock acts. Event organiser Kristie Hedley said some 400 young people attended the event, which was held over three nights. ‘We’re really pleased with the turnout, particularly because this was our first event and we think we can only build on that and get better and better,’ she said. Due to the event’s popularity, Ms

Terranora development ‘a sausage factory’– residents Murray Simpson

A battle royal is brewing on the red soil slopes of Terranora as residents of semi-rural blocks try and keep the encroachment of cheaper suburban blocks at arm’s length. Residents in Parks Lane, which runs off Fraser Drive, are appalled at the prospect of living cheek by jowl with the Altitude Aspire development being built by Newland Development, a subsidiary of Metricon. ‘It’s sausage factory slab on ground stuff on tiny blocks,’ said resident spokesman Michael Connelly. ‘It’s totally out of kilter with the existing residential use. We need a significant buffer zone.’ Park Lane residents occupy semirural blocks of between 2,000 and 4,000 square metres (a half to one acre in old money). Residents are specially alarmed

at plans by Newland to build a 2.4 metre high sound wall 700 metres long along the project’s Fraser Drive boundary. They say it will block out magnificent views of the caldera rim. And they fear it will be a target for graffiti similar to what has happened at Flame Tree Park further down Fraser Drive and also built by Metrocon. A significant area of Terranora from Lindisfarne School to Fraser Drive was rezoned residential under the Area E plan in 2008 providing for 3,500 residential blocks. Newland plans putting in over 300 allotments and have sought planning approval under Part 3A from the state government rather than from the council. The Tweed Shire Council is understood to be formulating its own submission to the Department of Planning, which will be tabled at next week’s full council meeting.

Blue-green algae alert warning lifted Urban groove four-piece Lifeline took top honours at the inaugural Tweed Battle of the Bands held earlier this month. Picture courtesy Liana Turner, Tweed Youth Times

Hedley said regular under-18 jam sessions are now planned, with details to be finalised in coming weeks. Ms Hedley says it’s hoped the monthly sessions will go some way towards addressing the lack of local youth-oriented venues, particularly

in the Tweed region. Another Battle is also scheduled for September. The alliance has previously campaigned for cross-border policing and late night transport out of Coolangatta, but is currently focusing on youth issues in the area.

The recent outbreak of blue-green algae reported in Clarrie Hall Dam in the Tweed catchment has almost dissipated, authorities say. Brian Dodd, spokesperson for the North Coast Regional Algal Co-ordinating Committee (RACC), said the waters of Clarrie Hall Dam were this week recording low levels of bluegreen algae and the warning has now been lifted by the RACC. ‘Although the blue-green algae is not a threat on the north coast at

present, users of Clarrie Hall Dam are asked to be vigilant and keep an eye out for a recurrence of blue-green algae as blooms can develop in a 24 hour period,’ Mr Dodd said. ‘Blue-green algae makes the water appear dirty, green or discoloured and are generally associated with a strong musty or earthy odour,’ he said. For more information call the state’s toll free algae information line on 1800 999 457 or visit the website –

Tweed Shire Parenting Education Programs Preparation for Childbirth & Early Parenting (TH) Tuesdays & Thursdays 7 – 9pm Cost: $60.00 per couple Eligibility: Expectant parents Venue: Tweed Hospital Enquiries: Ann Maree (07) 5506 7813 6-week course for expectant parents with sessions from midwives, physiotherapists and early childhood nurses, includes information on labour, birth, breastfeeding, parenting and tour of the birthing suite.

Preparation for Parenting (M) Mondays 6 – 8pm Cost: $50.00 per couple Eligibility: First time parents Venue: Murwillumbah Bookings: Community Health (02) 6670 9400 7-week course for first time parents with sessions covering pregnancy, dad’s role, birth, breast feeding, baby care and early parenting

Building Connections (TH) Every 2nd Monday 10am – 1pm Cost: Free Eligibility: Separating families Venue: Tweed Bookings: Gillian (07) 5524 8711 Building connections works with parents to minimise the impact of separation on both themselves and their children. It provides key strategies on how to reduce and manage conflict, set boundaries with the other parent and highlights what children need from them throughout the separation process affirming, listening, problem solving, handling conflicts, accessing support, taking control of stress and looking ahead.

Breastfeeding Sessions (TH) 1st Tuesday of month 12.45 – 1.45pm Cost: Nil Venue: Tweed Hospital Bookings: Essential Ann Maree (07) 5506 7813 Breastfeeding information and support aimed at pregnant mums and first or subsequent babies.

P5 Parenting Education (T) Wednesdays Feb 16 – March 23, 10am - 12.30pm Cost: $35.00 Bookings: The Family Centre (07) 5524 8711 6-week positive parenting education and information course for parents with a focus on children under 12, topics include: how we parent and why, discipline, effective listening.

8 April 14, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Parent Space: birth to 3 years (TH)

123 Magic (T)

Thursdays May 19 –June 23, 10 – 11.30am Cost: $5 per session Bookings: The Family Centre (07) 5524 8711 Parenting information presented & shared in a friendly atmosphere. Discussion topics & parent-child play sessions: Story Fun parent/child activities bring a storybook to life; Brain Development; Food & Nutrition; Play – how to make a play opportunity from everyday activities.

Tuesdays March 15 – 29, 10am – 12pm Cost: $15.00 Bookings: The Family Centre (07) 5524 8711 3-week course explores a down-to-earth child-friendly and effective discipline approach that encourages good behavior for children 2-12 years.

Indigenous Cultural Playgroup-Kids Caring for Country Family Culture Connection (M) Date: Thursdays April 28, 11am – 1pm Venue: southside of Murwillumbah Community Centre. Bookings: Lara 0432 586 803 An informal playgroup for children aged 0-5 and their families in the Murwillumbah/Tweed area. Activities will be centered on cultural revitalisation, learning through play and connecting indigenous parents with each other, children and community through a sharing of culture and parenting techniques. Funded by Murwillumbah Communities for Children.

The Hurt Child: understanding responding and connecting (TH) Friday May 27, 9.30am – 3pm Cost: $15 includes lunch Bookings: The Family Centre (07) 5524 8711 1-day course for parents and carers; In situations where children have experienced difficult life situations such as periods of separation from caregivers, loss, domestic violence, family separation, or abuse parents and carers are sometimes at a loss on how to handle children’s behaviour. This workshop will assist in understanding their special needs.

Anger & Parenting: being the parent you want to be (TH) Friday May 20, 9.30am - 3.30pm Cost: $15 includes lunch Bookings: The Family Centre (07) 5524 8711 1 day workshop content includes: identify what anger is and what it does, identify what triggers your anger in your relationships with your children and explore ways to reduce and manage your anger when facing challenging behaviours.

Pottsville Neighbourhood Centre (TC) Contact: (02) 6676 4555 Parenting courses are available throughout the term, please contact for further information.

Self-Care for Parents (M) Date: TBA Bookings: (02) 6672 4188 Venue: Tweed Shire Women’s Service Self-care for mum’s day; a day of self care strategies to honour the parenting journey. Funded by Murwillumbah Communities for Children.

Engaging Adolescents Wednesday April 27 – May 18, 9.30am – 12.30pm Cost: $15 Bookings: The Family Centre (07) 5524 8711 This 4 week course helps parents understand and consider their role as parent of a teenager. It assists parents to gain a deeper understanding of adolescence as a fundamental time of development. The course also teaches parents how to hold the difficult conversations which are needed to address difficult and serious issues.

Soon they’ll be Teenagers (M) Mondays May 30 - June 20, 4 – 6pm Cost: Free Bookings: The Family Centre (07) 5524 8711 Venue: Murwillumbah East Primary School 4 week course for the parents of pre adolescents. It is a time of great physical, emotional and social change. Topics include: improving communication; managing behaviour; changing established patterns; learning how to have ‘empowering’ conversations; what to expect during adolescence.

Understanding Teenagers (M) Tuesdays, May 24 – June 28, 6 – 8pm Cost: Free Bookings: The Family Centre (07) 5524 8711 6 week course for the parents of teenagers. It can be difficult to know how to respond to challenging behaviours. Knowing more about how to support and communicate with them can assist to get them safely through adolescence.

Sing and Grow for under 3s (M) Date: Thursdays 1.30pm dates TBA Bookings: (02) 6672 4188 Venue: Tweed Shire Womens Service A 6-week highly interactive music introduction program for parents and children under 3.


Family Centre Playgroups All playgroups 9.30 – 11.30am, no cost Bookings: Brenda (07) 5524 8711 Monday - Kingscliff, Tuesday - Cabarita, Wednesday - Murwillumbah, Thursday - Banora Point Supporting families to identify and learn creative ways of playing with their children. School term only

Being Me! (TH) Tuesdays May 10 - June 14, 3.45 – 5.15pm Bookings: The Family Centre (07) 5524 8711 This 6 week course for 11-13 year olds is a chance for young people to explore effective communication, selfesteem, relationships, and dealing with tough situations.

Footprints of Women Healing (M) Date: Thursday May 5 – July 7, 9.30am-2pm Bookings: Women’s Service (02) 6672 4188 Venue: Tweed Shire Women’s Service 9-week program developed out of a need for women to rediscover their true essence. The program will cover self-awareness, resilience, goal setting, leadership, selfcare and accepting change within without guilt and will build on your parenting abilities. Bookings are essential.

Care of Kids St Johns First Aid Course (M) Date: Tuesday April 26 & Tuesday May 3 Bookings: (02) 6672 4188 (very limited places available) Venue: Tweed Shire Women’s Service The Care for Kids course is designed to meet the first aid needs of parents, grandparents, carers and members of the public who may be entrusted with the care of babies and children. Funded by Murwillumbah Communities for Children.

Triple P Seminars (TH) Wednesday June 8 – 22, 9.30 – 11.30am Cost: Free Bookings: The Family Centre (07) 5524 8711 There are three seminars in the Triple P Selected Series. They are informal presentations that deal with the most common parenting issues we all face.

Baby Steps - New Parents Group (M) Tuesdays 10am – 12 noon (no cost) Eligibility: Parents with babies under 6-mth Venue: Murwillumbah Community Health Bookings: Community Health (02) 6670 9400 Education and information course for parents of new babies Key M = Mur’bah TC = Tweed Coast TH = Tweed Heads


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The Tweed Shire Echo April 14, 2011 9


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■ The latest Tweed Link (Issue 705) headlines that Tweed’s population is ‘set to exceed 128,000 in 20 years.’ I wonder how the Tweed Shire Council in 2031 might explain to residents why all the rivers and groundwater in the shire were permitted to become toxic, undrinkable and a danger to human and animal health, starting 20 years earlier? If coal-seam gas mining goes ahead in the Tweed Valley, this is the spectre. Make no mistake, gas mining using the ‘hydraulic fracturing’ process – also known as fracking – is the single biggest man-made environmental threat in Australia, bar none. This is neither scaremongering nor fantasy – this is deadly serious: fracking can cause terminal pollution of aquifers (underground water streams), gas leakage to the atmosphere, declines in property values and consequent reductions in council rates revenue. To learn more go to Whether it knows it or not, today’s Tweed Shire Council has an unprecedented and extremely grave responsibility. How will it measure up in dealing with potentially catastrophic water, air and noise pollution scenarios, not to mention collapse of all related

environmental values? Do our councillors know enough about coal-seam gas mining’s downsides? At least as importantly, do they really care – for what happens now, as well as beyond the next local elections? The Queensland experience to date has been frightening and was recently covered on ABC TV’s Four Corners: go to special_eds/20110221/gas. I wonder also whether most Tweed Shire residents know that revenue-hungry state and federal governments have already given overseas mining companies the go-ahead to search for and extract natural gas throughout Australia, including much of the Northern Rivers? Do they know that gas exploration and extraction use pristine underground water for fracking? If this misuse of ‘sweet’ water were not bad enough, what about the cocktail (500+) of chemicals which can be added to assist fracking – some of which are cancer-causing? Even the crucial Great Artesian Basin is now under threat of fracking-induced contamination. By the way, bore water on many properties in the USA has now become so unsafe as a result of fracking that the mining executives themselves

Cape Byron Lighthouse Tours Join an experienced heritage guide and explore Australia’s most easterly lighthouse. Guided tours of the Cape Byron Lighthouse run on Tuesdays and Thursdays (11.00am, 12.00pm & 2pm) all year and Saturdays during NSW school holiday periods (10.00am, 11.00am, 12.30pm, 2.00pm & 3.30pm).

Bookings and enquiries ph: (02) 6685 5955



dare not drink it: flammable gas even comes out of water taps together with the polluted water! To see what is really happening, have a look at the movie Gasland or its trailer at watch?v=dZe1AeH0Qz8. The Tweed Valley/Mt Warning Caldera is uniquely valuable in terms of healthy living, biodiversity, food security, tourism, etc, etc. Gas exploration and gas mining must not be allowed to proceed in our Tweed Shire – or anywhere else in Australia.

regard to the coal-seam gas industry in NSW. We have until this Friday, April 15, to lodge any submissions. Please have your say. The more letters and emails they receive, the more notice they will take! To read about the submission go to https://coalandgasstrategy. You can email or mail to: Coal and Gas Strategy, Department of Planning GPO Box 39, Sydney 2001. Water is as important as the air we breath and the future of Peter Bracher both is looking a bit grim. Tyalgum Creek Narelle Jarvis Goolmangar ■ I am concerned about the system of gas extraction by ■ I am really worried that ‘fracking’ and with the use of coal-seam gas mining is comtoxic chemicals that will con- ing to the Tweed. I’ve watched Gasland and I know this mintaminate our waterways. Water is life. I demand a ing process can contaminate moratorium on this form of the water table, can make our mining so that proper stud- water flammable, and destroys ies are made of the long-term adjoining farmland. It is a effects on the ecosystem and travesty that it is coming here. that the chemicals being used The NSW government is are researched and, if found the one that has to approve unsafe, then banned. Once any new mines and it is this our water is contaminated it government that has promised will be impossible to correct. to overhaul planning proceNot enough of our popula- dures to hand the power back tion are fully aware of the po- to local councils. If this is what tential hazards to our environ- happens then local councils ment and wellbeing nor has are the ones that are going to there been enough disclosure have to deal with approving or and openness from the min- denying each application for ing companies involved. I find each coal-seam gas mine. it abhorrent that mining comThe Tweed Shire Council panies have more rights over staff are already overworked private land than do landown- and surely don’t have the exers, and that governments give pertise to deal with this sort permission to mining compa- of thing and when they make nies to disturb and/or destroy sensible environmental recthe lives of farmers and their ommendations the Tweed communities and not just ru- Shire councillors overrule ral communities, wherever a them anyway. The federal government has mining company may cast an eye. We live in a democracy no power to approve or forand should be treated respect- bid and so it is up to our local state member to protect us. It fully and fairly. I won’t pretend that I fully is only the state government understand the technical in- that can impose a moratorium tricacies of the mining indus- over coal-seam gas mining. It try and its practices, but it is only the state government doesn’t sit right with me that that can ban the chemicals a few moneyed and powerful that this process uses. It is only men and women can manip- the state government that can ulate and control our future protect our water, our farms, to benefit only a few by lin- and our national parks. It is time for Provest to do ing their pockets, leaving the majority with ill-health and a something for locals. It is his government that can do somewasteland. The NSW Government is thing and so far he has failed seeking feedback from com- to even raise this issue. C Page munity on the direction and Tweed Heads issues to be addressed with


eMagazine online now 10 April 14, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo


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design, comfort and interior accouterments. An Arabian Night in Dubai is one to savour and remember for a life time’. Dubai continues to grow, Dubai, once a sleepy primarily skywards, and the stopover on the long towering construction work journey to Europe, has that litters the landscape transformed itself over the must be seen to be past 20 years. believed. Vibrant and stunning in ‘If you want to escape the both architecture and the modernist Dubai, why not range of entertainment and venture out into the dunes sporting activities, Dubai is for a romantic camel safari a Fantasy Land for the rich or 4WD jeep adventure and powerful…and, luckily, with a sumptuous supper for those travellers who as the sun sets and decide to spend time in shadows sweep across this desert jewel. the sandscape,’ says Bob. Lying on the cool blue Dubai and the United Arab waters of the Arabian Emirates is a destination Gulf, flanked by majestic of intriguing contrasts, new desert vistas, the United certainly replacing old but Arab Emirates offers year- still managing to retain and round sunshine and the merge ancient traditions opportunity for a unique amongst the modernity of Arabian adventure. a growing metropolis. Lifestyle Travel’s Managing For more information, Director, Bob Malcolm, please contact Lifestyle says ‘You’ll be dazzled Travel & Cruise Centre at by the natural scenery Coolangatta on (07) 5599 but even more so by the 2929. Dubai is open for array of ‘brand name’ business: Open Sesame! shopping throughout the city. Hotels are luxurious and eye catching in their

WINDHORSE GALLERY Windhorse Gallery has been trading in Bangalow for the last ten years. They would like to thank the community for their support over this time and are extending a last opportunity to people to take a beautiful piece of Windhorse Gallery home. Tibetan Thangka paintings, antique furniture, statues, Himalayan wool rugs, jewellery and much more are available at cost price. See you there! 25 Byron St, Bangalow. Phone 6687 1933


Onboard the Beautiful Oriana



INCLUDES 2 NIGHTS IN DUBAI Dubai (UAE), Mumbai (India), Cochin, Kuala Lumpur/Port Kelang (Malaysia), Singapore, Phu My/Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), Nha Trang, Hong Kong (China), Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei), Bali (Indonesia), Darwin, Whitsundays, Brisbane


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Prices are per person, twin share and include one way air Brisbane to Dubai, 2 nights accommodation in Dubai, 30 night cruise, port charges and taxes. Conditions apply, subject to change.

Ring the station during office hours or visit us online and find out how to subscribe to the best community station in the nation. Phone: 6680 7999

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<echowebsection=Whats New>

The Tweed Shire Echo April 14, 2011 11

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Atlas Currency Exchange is the first Australian Company dealing in foreign exhange to be granted an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL#342627). Also trading as Byron Foreign Exchange, Atlas Currency can perform your international money transfers in and out of Australia at very competitive rates with low or no fees. If you are regularly transferring for business or personal reasons, or for that one-off purchase, we are a local company here to save you time and, potentially, lots of money! We also have foreign currency, international sim cards, and are soon to stock AMEX Travelcards for your convenience.

TAPHOUSE CELLARS KINGSCLIFF Hi, Terry Evans from Taphouse Cellars here, calling out to all beer lovers in the Tweed. Do you ever find yourself standing in front of a beer fridge at a bottle shop thinking ‘I’m sick of the same old beers in every store’? If so, luckily for you the boutique beer industry in Australia has boomed in recent times and there are more and more choices appearing on shelves for those who are looking

Call us for quotes and queries on 1300 261 090 or visit



small group departure 24 august 2011

turkey encounter

Design and create your own gift with a custom picture frame. Think FRAMES for Mum and Grandma for Mothers Day. Gather the kids together and find photos, their own art work or memorabilia to frame up. Bring the kids in and let them help choose the frame and mat boards to make the frame. We also have a new, exciting selection of ‘off the shelf’ photo frames. Gift vouchers are great. Enter our free customer raffle drawn 6th May. Do it Now! Frames preserve precious memories a great gift.



Admire the grand skyline of Istanbul and the majestic Blue Mosque. Get swept up in the colourful bazaars. Delight in Cappadocia’s rock-hewn buildings. Sail over a sunken city. Wander along the ancient Lycian Way. Stroll the Roman ruins at Ephesus. Immerse weary feet into Pamukkale’s thermal waters.



(Cappadocia) • Economy airfares Gallipoli with Singapore Peninsula Pamukkale Airlines, return with Selcuk Emirates, and taxes. Konya • Meals – 15 Antalya Olimpos breakfasts, 6 Fethiye lunches, 6 dinners • Transport • Tour leader and activities

From $5600 /person twin share – based on 10 passengers

For more information or to book your spot contact Vicki Mortimer at Harvey World Banora – Banora Village, cnr Leisure Drive & Darlington Drive

07 5524 8199 /

for something a little different. Breweries such as Little Creatures and Matilda Bay have led the way and now there are small boutique Vicki Mortimer, Harveyworld Banora, has just returned producers producing beer of real quality and character from another successful small group escorted journey to all across the country. At Taphouse Cellars we love beer the South of India. and carry a large range of boutique beers from around ‘We were welcomed into family homes for home cooked Australia and the world. From international greats such as Weihenstephan and Schneiderweiss to the almost local meals, blessed by elephants, were educated in the brews from Stone and Wood in Byron Bay, we’ve got complex beliefs of local people and chilled out whilst something different for you to try. cruising the backwaters of Kerala’ says Vicki. An especially good way to try some new brews is a Jan and Joe Julius believe ‘We were totally spoilt with sample pack. At Taphouse Cellars Kingscliff, we’ve got experiences and interaction with the locals, our local an extra special offer for those looking to try a few new guide didn’t miss a thing.’ brews without the expense and risk of purchasing a The next small group departure is to Turkey in August. carton or six pack. Simply buy any six single beers from Perfect for single or first time travelers, looking for the security of a group tour but still with a sense of adventure. our craft beer selection and we will give you 20 per cent off! For more information please call Why not spoil yourself and try something new and exciting? You never know, you might find yourself a new ph 07 5524 8199 favourite beer at 20% off.

GREAT RANGE GREAT PRICE GREAT LOCATION OPEN 7 DAYS Shop 4, Kingscliff Shopping Village 3 Griffith Street, Collangatta Phone 02 6674 3366 Phone 07 5536 3066 12 April 14, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

? w e n

surroundings, temper, tendency, chic, cry, enthusiasm, fashion, fever, furore, thing, infatuation, kick, mania, mode newest wrinkle, novelty, passion, preoccupation, rage, the last word, the latest thing, trend, vogue, wrinkle surroundings, temper, tendency, chic, cry, enthusiasm, fashion, fever, furore, thing, infatuation, kick, mania, mode, monomania, newest wrinkle, novelty, passion, preoccupation, rage, the last word, the latest thing, trend, vogue, wrinkle surroundings, temper, tendency, chic, cry, enthusiasm, fashion, fever, furore, thing, infatuation, kick,

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Trail of the Lipizzaners 2011 NEW MENSWEAR STORE COMING SOON


IT LAND provides top quality IT sales, repair and support for every pocket. Our shop/lab is equipped with the At last Byron Bay has a men’s store! Located between most advanced gear required for IT diagnostics, repairs the Great Northern Hotel and the Sea Italian Restaurant, 1 and professional data recovery. We are the only IT business in the area which can recover your lost data Byron Street. Casual to formal wear. from a physically damaged hard drive or flash media. IT Opening in the next week. Politix Menswear. LAND stocks laptops/desktops, computer components and accessories at very competitive prices; we build AUSTRIA TRAVEL DIRECT custom PCs and service home users and small businesses. We are network specialists and do PCs, Trevor Sheahan, owner of Travel Direct in Kingscliff, Macs or server setups. Get the best deal for your money has been running the Trails of the Lipizzaners tour annually since 2004. With itinerary variations each from qualified engineers. year, the tour focus is on the stables of the renowned Lipizzaner stallions. Visits are made to two studs, and TWEED DISTRICT DENTAL three tour highlights are the annual festive procession of the young stallions from the mountain pastures to Tweed District Dental is a recently opened dental clinic their winter stables; VIP seats at a gala performance for fine family dentistry, located opposite Tweed City at Spanish Riding School in Vienna; private tour of the Shopping Centre. stables after the performance. Drs Chris Jackson and Inta Rudajs have particular skills Call 1800 830 820 or e-mail info@austriatraveldirect. and experience in cosmetic and dental rehabilitation. com or see the complete tour at As a holistic dental centre, many treatment options are available to suit your budget. Ranging from full smile makeovers to minor enhancements and adjustments Always lots to smile about. Tweed District Dental 07 5513 0900

Escorted small group tour to Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia 28th August – 13th September

Including transportation, hotels, many meals, sightseeing, and is escorted by Trevor Sheahan, owner of Travel Direct in Kingscliff Call 1800 830 820 or email or see the complete tour at

Good news

for Northern Rivers families At Tweed District Dental we know how important it is to protect your face while playing sports. The summer and winter months bring an increase in outdoor activities and a greater chance of damaging your precious mouth and pearly whites. Dr Jackson and our team also know sports-related injuries are common among children. Only 30% of children wear mouth guards when playing sports such as football, cricket, basketball, hockey and soccer. So be safe and book now for your professional preventative mouth guard at the special price of $55 or if you are in a health fund you will be bulk billed for your mouth guard. Always lots to smile about. Tweed District Dental.

Junior sports mouth guards now available MOUTH GUARDS $55 EACH OR PRIVATE HEALTH BULK BILLING

footy players This week’s smart eed JRL Tw are from South

For more information on ‘Lots to smile about’, better faces, less braces, phone (07) 5513 0900

New Menswear Store OPENING SOON

• Located between the Great Northern Hotel and Earth & Sea Pizza and Pasta. • Casual to formal wear • Opening this weekend

Politix Byron Bay

Shop 2A 1 Byron Street Phone 6685 7112

FREE underground parking for customers!

<echowebsection=Whats New>

The Tweed Shire Echo April 14, 2011 13

Volume 3#31 © 2011 Echo Publications Pty Ltd

P: 02 6684 1777 F: 02 6684 1719 For advertising enquiries Editor: Eve Jeffery



APRIL 14-20, 2011


ent ert a

of Mooball one moment, just to come down on you like hail seconds later. Scottie B’s fiercely dynamic drumming combined with Macho Grande’s drunkstumbling bass, carve a path that you can’t help but be swept along. Go grunge-aton Friday at the Australian Tavern, Murwillumbah Murwillumbah.

inm ent

Get yer Brits on Australia’s indie rock darlings British India return with Vanilla the big, bold and beautiful new single from their forthcoming third album, scheduled for release in March 2010. The boys are currently hard at work in the studio writing and recording their new album. For the first time in BI history these four high school friends are enjoying the luxury of recording an album in their hometown Melbourne, demo-ing rough gems and polishing pop gold at Sing Sing Studios. The band’s previous studio albums – last year’s ARIA nominated Thieves and 2007’s debut Guillotine were both recorded in Sydney. See them at the Coolangatta Hotel Friday Friday.

Los Trio Rose Human Records are proud to present folk/heritage songwriter Julia Rose and her debut collection of songs. Hailing from local bands Anarchist Duck and Bertha Control, Juila has set out four of her new tracks for you in the style of Australian folk heritage rock. Julia Rose’s debut EP is a toe-tapping, free-living collection of songs with soaring vocals, taking you on a rhythmic and melodic journey to the world of rural Australia. Currumbin SoundLounge Friday.


Marshall and the Fro

The piano meets the cigar box

From humble beginnings in Byron Bay, Marshall and the Fro are now in demand performing nationally and internationally. Their music feels so natural and so comfortable it’s like slipping into your favourite pair of double pluggers only to find that you're slamming them together in the air chanting an OCCA anthem ‘I got my thongs on’! Comprised of Marshall OKell on vocals, guitar, slide guitar and percussion, Nick Ohlson on bass and Jacob Mann on drums, see them compiled at the Currumbin SoundLounge Friday.

Feral jam gets your feet jumping Blending the ancient sounds of the didjeridoo with contemborary dance beats, Wild Marmalade’s sound is a meeting of Didge Si’s rhythmic didjeridoo playing, combined with the explosive grooves of Matt Goodwin on drum kit. Playing ‘totally live’ they create infectious organic dance music, without the use of any electronic machines. Wild Marmalade create a musical intensity with inspired musicians being moved by the energy of an audience. 2011 sees Wild Marmalade venturing into new musical territories, exploring fresh dance grooves all the while taking the dance floor on a wild dance journey. So to get your dance fix head to Uki Hall this Friday.

What’s with the dots? Flying high after the Northern Rivers Music Showcase at Byron Community Centre last month, folk/popsters The Lucky Wonders were showered with praise from blokes in high places. Bluesfest’s Rusty Thorpe started things off with ‘Their energy and essence comes through in D CURRUMBIN quality songwriting and poignant, emotional delivery. Great harmonies.’ Splendour’s MICHELLE SHOCKE NDAY NG SOUNDLOU E SU Darcy Condon chimed in with ‘They have the songs and talent to forge their own path.’ Keeping it hip, Time Off’s Dan Condon threw in ‘Really impressed. They killed it.’ Some other bloke asked the real question ‘What's with all the polka dots?’ The Lucky Wonders play The Patch Lounge Friday. DRAPHT COOLANGAT TA

Transvaal Diamond Syndicate


It is time to join the Syndicate... time to take action and get on board. Transvaal Diamond Syndicate (TDS) are the manufacturers of some of Australia’s finest foot-stompin’ swamp and dirty blues. 2011 has also seen TDS’ core members Christian Tryhorn and Tim Price add multiinstrumentalist Matthew Barker to their live arsenal, featuring on percussion, synthesiser and saxophone. Their live show reputation, full of sweaty machismo, catchy hooks, foot-stompin’ beats and tribal expression, has grabbed them support slots with national and inernational acts. Let them grab you at the Currumbin SoundLounge Friday.

Getting your grunge desserts Like a rugged landscape, the Gringos of Desert Grunge, Granite Belt, take the listener on a journey along sunlit valleys, through fields of flowering cacti, dust storms, landslides and deadly cliffs. The triple distilled voice of Rusty Bowser leads you through this magnificent sonic landscape generating a vast spectrum of powerful emotions. The twin guitars of Maxx McGregor and Rusty caress you like the milk-maidens

14 April 14, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Lissy Stanton, the original piano girl from Nimbin and Nigel McTrustry, the cigar box guitar man, are bringing their bands together for a special showcase gig. The Lissy Stanton Band is a sassy, intriguing and charming mix of stage piano, tin whistle, double bass and percussion/drums. Lissy pens beautifully crafted lyrics and soulful melodies, and is backed superbly by Kimon Peters and Justin Pfeiffer. Nigel McTrustry is a cigar box guitar-playing troubadour based in Brisbane and performs around Australia showcasing his hypnotic signature cigar box guitar (CBG) rhythms. Well-crafted songs combine with the primal infectious tones of his handcrafted CBG’s producing trance-like riffs and grooves. See both gig at Bilambil Sports Club on Friday.

A little bit Draphty in Byron Drapt, The Ayems Records and Fidelity Corporation are incredibly proud and happy to announce the release of Drapht’s new studio album The Life of Riley, as well as the tour to launch said album; and the best way to celebrate a new album is to get out and tour it, so Drapht is leaving no stone unturned on that front. This is a large tour with a large line-up, with Drapht enlisting his good friends Mantra and The Tongue as support. See them at the Coolangatta Hotel Saturday Saturday.

Chinderah Tavern

The ‘Chindy’ is an ideal place to bring family and friends of all ages for a real country pub experience. Kick back and watch the kids play on our brand new playground while you enjoy an ice cold beer and a dozen of our famous $12 oysters on the deck overlooking the Tweed river. Open 7 days for lunch and dinner, with afternoon entertainment on the weekends. Come and see why everyone is talking about the new Chinderah Tavern.


Winner of the ‘Favourite Japanese Restaurant all over Qld’ in the I Love Food competition 2010 Eat in or takeaway. Licensed. Open 7 days 11am till late. O-Sushi is a modern Japanese restaurant guided by a philosophy that incorporates traditional values of providing the best possible service combined with fresh wholesome food.

Saltbar Beach Bar & Bistro

Mon-Thurs 9 to 5 Fridays 9 to 4 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 3/7 Brigantine Street, Byron Arts & Industry Park (02) 6685 5685 66 Chinderah Bay Drive, Chinderah Ph 02 6674 1137 Open 7 days Lunch 12pm-2.30pm Dinner 5.30pm–8.30pm


Coolangatta Showcase on the Beach 07 5536 5455 Byron Bay Woolies Plaza, Jonson St 02 6685 7103 Broadbeach The Oracle, 12 Charles Ave 07 5570 2166

Alleys Currumbin RSL Club Currumbin Creek Road, Currumbin Open 7 days lunch and dinner 07 5534 7999

Back by popular demand 3 course weekday lunches $14.95 members or $24.95 non-members Visit our website to view the menu Winner – Best Club Restaurant 2007, 2008 and 2009 (Clubs QLD Awards)

64 Fingal Rd, Fingal Head Ph 07 5523 1130 Wed & Thurs 11am-5pm, Fri & Sat 11am-10pm & Sun 9.30am-5pm

Salt Village, Kingscliff 6674 4833 Dinner 7 days Lunch Fri, Sat & Sun GOOD FOOD GUIDE CHEFS HAT EVERY YEAR SINCE 1998

Bells Boulevard, Salt Village, South Kingscliff Open 7 days 1300 725 822

Mount Warning Hotel

Mt Warning Hotel Open 7 days 10am till late Bistro open daily 1497 Kyogle Rd, Uki 02 6679 5111

If you are looking for delicious food, coffee or romantic sunset cocktail on the riverbank, the Sheoak Shack is the beach shack for you with a funky laid back daytime vibe or a party atmosphere with live music on Saturday nights. This gallery/cafe showcases the work of high quality local artists and is available for private functions… more Byron than Byron, in sleepy Fingal Head. Did you know that Australia’s MOST awarded regional restaurant FINS is just up the road at Kingscliff? Join us for a long lunch on the deck, cocktails and tapas in the bar or a degustation and a la carte menu every night in the dining room. Serving the very best local and line caught fish and seafood, organic produce and food cooked with love! Saltbar has something for everyone, a large deck, newly refurbished Sports Bar, family friendly Bistro and Kids Korner. As well as ocean views, there’s always a great atmosphere, daily food specials, a well-equipped children’s area, live music and more. Kids eat free* Mon-Thurs 5.307pm + free kids’ movie 7pm, T-Bone Tues & free trivia, Half Price Wednesday + free Karaoke 7pm. Saltbar is on the absolute beachfront, Salt Village, 15 mins south of Coolangatta Airport. *conditions apply

One of the region’s great old country pubs. Delicious food, bistro open for lunch everyday from 12-2pm, dinner Thursday to Sunday from 6-8pm. Children’s playground, relaxing beer garden. Curry night on Thursday, raffles and member’s draw on Friday, punter’s draw on Saturday and on Sunday there is a delicious roast.

Getting down on the Farm


I am at a distinct social disadvantage. It’s a small town and I have a relatively high profile. I am the human equivalent of the Big Prawn. I have become Izzy Dye. People even say to my kids on the school bus ‘wow you’re Mandy Nolan’s kids. You must be rich’. Yep, that’s why we live in a rented property in the middle of Mullumbimby with a chicken wire fence. Visibility should never be confused with celebrity. I’m not famous. I’m just obvious. I’m used to it. I grew up in a Queensland country town where I was the only girl in the whole village with a neck. I’m 6 foot tall, so it’s always been hard to ‘blend in’ with the natives. But that’s not my problem. What challenges me most is that everyone knows my name. Small children, grandmothers, school kids, mums, butchers, bakers, candlestick makers, all seem to know ‘Mandy Nolan’. The problem is, I don’t always know them. Even after I’ve met them a few times. Or taught them. Or performed at their function. Or given birth to their child. And when you live in a small community it’s embarrassing when you stumble on someone’s name when they confidently say yours. There are people I have known for years, and I don’t have a clue who they are. Last week I had a friend pop over for a cup of tea and I couldn’t for the life of me remember her name. Then another friend came by. Of course they didn’t know each other and so I was forced to make a very painful introduction. In the past I went for the offhand ‘why don’t we abandon formalities and you two introduce yourselves?’ But that’s just like signposting my rudeness. You see, people are hurt if you don’t know their names. They feel insignificant and unimportant. If you don’t remember someone’s name it means that they are forgettable. It means they weren’t important enough to commit to memory. When I didn’t remember someone’s name I once admitted it to the person and she looked at me sadly ‘that’s okay, I am sure you meet a lot of people’. The inference was that she didn’t. Clearly I was terribly important, way

Mandy Nolan

too important to remember her dreary name. I felt dreadful. So dreadful all I could think about was how bad I felt for not remembering her name, and then I forgot it again and had to ask her a second time. By the end of our brief encounter the poor woman needed a selfesteem transplant. We all use the affectionate coverups as compensation for a missing moniker. ‘Darl’, ‘Mate’, ‘Sweetheart’, ‘Love’. But they’re annoying. People hate these shallow attempts at affection from semi-strangers who don’t know who they are. I am a serial offender. I’ll see someone, and I’ll know that I am supposed to know who they are, then I have a panic attack, consider crossing the road, all the while scanning my brain for any information that might jog a flashback. ‘Sally, Sarah, Siana, no no, it’s kind of hippy, Sesame, Serendipity, like silence. Serenity. It’s Serenity.’ I’m so relieved I use their name five times in the same sentence. Then they stop and look at me with disdain. ‘Oh, that’s what I used to be called. I’ve changed my name’. You are fricking kidding. It’s hard enough remembering the first name, then people go and change it. I used to know a girl called Deb. We worked together schlepping burgers at Ringos. Then she changed her name. Every time I called her Deb she scowled at me. She’d changed her name. She had told me around 10 times but I couldn’t remember, it was too weird. The only way I could remember was that it rhymes with that dry biscuit my Nanna used to eat with sliced tomato: Ryvita. I’m all for name tags. I love them. I’d wear one every day. In fact I’m pushing for the council to make it compulsory for all residents to wear one. Sort of like parking permits. And if you don’t have yours on the Ranger will chalk your leg and hit you with a fine. So when I see you next and I look longingly into your eyes for a clue, please, please, tell me your name. (That also goes for my kids.)

Maggie’s Farm play blues, country and gospel, featuring Tweed Valley musicians Dungay Slim, Blind Boy Evans, Diamond Dutton, Rock N Bob, Marvelous Miss Mayberry, Uncle Bob, Polly Martin, Timbo, Old Man Stream, TeTe Taz and Da Mamma. With up to seven vocalists and regular special guests, variety is the key note here. Catch Maggie’s Farm at the Sheoak Shack this Saturday.

Michelle Shocked Regarded as a pioneer in the ‘alternative music’ field, Michelle Shocked has been showered with love and respect by Indie music lovers as she continues to follow a path less travelled, preferring the intimacy of ‘cool but inclusive’ venues and benefit concerts. She is, without doubt, a perennial favourite. Michelle Shocked is a two-time Grammy nominee who made a big impact on the music world with a trio of acclaimed releases – her first three Mercury albums, Short Sharp Shocked (1988), Captain Swing (1989) and Arkansas Traveler (1992). Rolling Stone praised her revolutionary folk blues: ‘A music that is less about politics than it is a personal declaration of independence.’ In mid 2010 Michelle announced her east coast USA tour with this promise to fans: ‘If you have a recent original song that “puts a human face on the abstraction of current unemployment statistics,” KI come up and sing it for us.’ Rather than MA L A D E U WILD MAR IDAY shocked, come and be moved, by HALL FR Michelle Shocked. Sunday Currumbin SoundLounge.

Classical & Choral Performance

Singing Dudes in Concert They call themselves the Cool Chilli Dudes, a barbershop group formed within the village-based Chillingham Voices. They will be making a special MAGGIES FARM SH EOAK appearance when the community SHACK THIS SATU RDAY choir presents its concert On with the Show in Murwillumbah this Sunday. Chillingham Voices started three years ago and the Dudes got together last year. Unusually for a local choir, the Chillingham group has almost as many men as women, and conductor Harlie Axford has encouraged the new group to branch out into barbershop singing. ‘Singing together is a really positive feeling,’ says Brian Harmon, choir secretary and Dudes enthusiast. ‘Doing something as a group that feels so good is special. I’d gone 58 years without singing when I joined, and it’s a real buzz to find I can.’ Psychiatrist Liz Harmon, choir treasurer and Brian’s partner, has a professional opinion on what singing does for men. ‘It alleviates depression, it promotes male bonding – and it improves their sex life.’ Brian doesn’t disagree. All 40 members of the choir, who range in age from 13 to 80, hope that Sunday’s audience will share the enjoyment. Chillingham Voices present On with the Show: Musical choruses from Oklahoma to Les Mis at the Autumn Club, next to Murwillumbah Library, on Sunday April 17. Doors open 1.30pm, concert at 2.30pm, tickets $12 ($8 concession) includes afternoon tea.

The Tweed Shire Echo April 14, 2011 15


Sheoak Shack


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Tra ding

Here you will find some of the best local dining on offer. Restaurant owners take note: Good Taste provides you with the chance to tell your customers more about your business with ample room for that extra information that may not fit in a small advertisement. Great introductory rates are on offer. Call 02 6672 2280 to find out more.


The Echo’s guide to

Cinema Art Galleries Guide 19Karen Contemporary Artspace

AMC Tweed 6 Cinemas Tweed City Shopping Centre, 54 Minjungbal Drive, South Tweed Heads 07 5523 3321 Murwillumbah Regent Cinema 5 Brisbane St, Murwillumbah 02 6672 8265 BCC, Coolangatta Coolangatta Shopping Resort Griffith St (Cnr Warner St) Coolangatta 07 5536 9300 Cinemax Cinema 60 Marine Parade Kingscliff 02 6674 4422

07 5524 2109 Open: 9am-4pm every day except weekends

Gig Guide

19 Karen Avenue, Mermaid Beach 4218. (07) 55545019.

Sheoak Shack Gallery Café

Café D’Bar Gallery


275 Boundary St, Coolangatta 07 5536 2500 • Open every day

Community Printmakers Murwillumbah (CPM Inc) 33-35 Kyogle Road Bray Park, Murwillumbah • 6672 8276

Carolyn John Studio 241 Cudgen Rd, Duranbah 0431 533 676 Open Wed-Sun 10 am

Curious Art Gallery 94a Chinderah Bay Drive, Chinderah • 6674 5340 Open 10am-5pm Wed-Sat, Sun 12pm-5pm

Gallery Vision

U4b/18 Stuart St, Tweed heads 07 5536 1699

GOLD COAST ART GALLERY 135 Bundall Road Surfers Paradise,Gold Coast 07 5581 6567

Kenita’s Decorative arts 15 Coolman St Tyalgum 6679 3339 • open 10am-4pm 6 days (closed Wed)

Minjungbal Aboriginal Cultural Centre

Cnr Kirkwood Road & Duffy Street, South Tweed Heads


TWEED n CLUB BANORA 6PM SHANDELL n CUDGEN LEAGUES 6PM GEOFF DUTTON n T WEED HEADS BOWLS CLUB 6PM VEENIE’S Stokers Siding Pottery – HOTSHOTZ 224 Stokers Road, Stokers Siding, GOLD COAST Tweed Valley n BILAMBIL SPORTS CLUB 6677 9208 Open 7 Days OPEN MIC AND JAM from 9:30am-5pm NIGHT n PORT’O’CALL’ BAR, SANDS Shelena Russell HOTEL 8PM CHRIS Galleries MALLORY 36 Griffith St, Coolangatta n KIRRA SPORTS CLUB 8PM 07 5536 6559 PHIL EIZENBERG’S OPEN Open: Mon-Fri 10-5pm, Sat 10amMIKE NITE 2pm, Sun 10-12.30pm 64 Fingal Rd, Fingal Head 07 5523 1130 Open Wed-Thurs: 11am-5pm, Fri-Sat: 11am-10:30pm, Sun 9:30am-5pm



saturday 16



tuesday 19 TWEED





16 April 14, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

The Tweed Echo has the most comprehensive entertainment gig guide in the area. For your free listing, email or phone us on (02) 6672 2280. Deadline is noon Tuesday prior to Thursday’s publication.

Kayne Green’s work The Thinker acquired for the Collection by the Friends of the Gallery through the CPM National Print Awards 2011.

Printmakers world class says expert THE JUDGE of this year’s CPM National Print Awards which opened at Tweed River Art Gallery last week told the packed audience the exhibition would look good anywhere in the world. Professor Grishin, the Sir William Dobell Professor of Art History at the Australian National University and an acknowledged expert in Australian printmaking, said the awards, which drew many high-quality entries, was of national significance and would have impressed at any of the capital city galleries here and overseas. The 2011 Community Printmakers (CPM) National Print Prize Awards and exhibition were launched with a presentation ceremony at the Murwillumbah gallery last Saturday attened by almost 300 people. The exhibition continues till May 29. He said many of the prints contained timely and pertinent political and social comment and reflected the strength of printmaking across Australia. The awards’ major prize, the Tweed Shire Council $5000 Acquisitive Award, was won by Braidwood artist Cecile Galiazzo with her relief print Greener Pastures. ‘Greener Pastures is an exceptional and challenging print about the migrant experience. The image depicts a boatload of refugees and is made up of a microcosm of tiny images which ultimately go back to a medieval mosaic of Christ as navigator’ Professor Grishin said. The winning artist said ‘The grass is always greener on the other side, or so we are led to believe, yet warned that it is not necessarily so. ‘We know and have seen images of people lost to sea as they battle to flee oppression, war, persecution and poverty. Is there hope of greener pastures? Perhaps only for the lucky few.

Murwillumbah Potters Inc Murwillumbah Potters Inc. at Fernvale will be firing their wood -fired kiln this month and would like to invite anyone interested in pottery to come along and observe the unpacking of the kiln on Wednesday 20 at 11am. There will be a huge variety of pots fired, both utilitarian and sculptural. The potters invite new members along, beginners and experienced potters are welcome. Wheels, clay and equipment is available. Members meet and pot together on Wednesdays and Fridays, the joining fee is $35. Please contact Ann Lee for details on 02 6672 3300.

‘This print is the first in a series of new works dealing with issues of freedom, flight, survival and risky journeys.’ The Friends of the Tweed River Art Gallery Acquisitive Prize of $2000 was awarded to Tasmania’s Kaye L. Green for her lithograph The Thinker. Professor Grishin described her as one of Australia’ finest lithographers. Victorian artist Jackie Gorring’s entry Kiah, noel, about loss of identity within mass society, was awarded the $1000 Tony Abernethy Memorial Award for entries which examined the human condition. The awards also included three non-acquisitive prizes. Wellknown Sydney printmaker Bruce Latimer won the Les Pulman $1000 Humour In Art Award with his etching, aquatint and á la poupée The Rest (after Cezanne). Gwenn Tasker from Brisbane won the $400 Barbara Carroll Award For Socio/Political Comment for her relief, silkscreen Nature Consumed IV. Eighteen-year-old Panayota Baran Theodore from Sydney received the $500 Nortec Young Artist Award for her photopolymer print Mirrors. This Sunday, April 17, from 10.30am to12.30pm, a free public demonstration is being held in conjunction with the awards. Discover the intricacies of the woodblock printing technique, dating from around AD200, with CPM member Steve Sawkins, who will cut and print a relief woodblock design. Wilson in Mother of All. Also on show are some beautiful drawings by by Roslyn Taplin that explores the drivers and impacts of climate change. Gallery and Cafe hours are 10–5 Wednesday to Sunday; admittance is free. Finish your visit with a coffee in the Gallery Café while enjoying the glorious views.

Professor Sasha Grishin with the winning work by Braidwood artist Cecile Galiazzo entitled ‘Greener Pastures’. Photo supplied.

Murwillumbah Potters Inc.

Kiln Firing Wednesday 20 April, 11am Beginners & Experienced Potters Welcome Call Anne Lee on

02 6672 3300


Roxy Gallery Exhibition

Kyogle youth has its artistic talent on display with the Own It art exhibition at the Roxy Gallery in Kyogle. The offical opening is this Friday, April 8, from 4 to 6pm with drinks, finger food and musical entertainment from other talented Kyogle youth. The exhibition runs until April 30. Artworks created by Year 10 students from Kyogle High School with the theme of genderThere are new exhibitions on show at the Tweed River Art based violence are also on display. These paintings are one way Gallery, Murwillumbah. The CPM National Print Awards brings together some of the best for youth to raise awareness of a very critical issue. For more info Australian artist printmakers. With over 130 entries, there is an phone the gallery on 6632 3518. exciting quality and diversity of prints on display. These awards are a wonderful opportunity for printmakers throughout the country to showcase their work. Award judge Professor Grishin Bodylines, an exhibition of original oils on canvas by artist said: ‘Printmaking at the close of the first decade of the 21st Bernadette Lack whose figurative works form painterly century has emerged as one of the most exciting media in which interpretations of photo realism, powerful, graceful feminine much of the best and most innovative art in Australia is being forms, images with soul, while scapes employ further made today.’ diversification of impressionist techniques. Come along to a free public program on Sunday April 17, 11am Bernadette’s work is a fusion of cultural experiences, from until 1pm and discover the intricacies of the technique of her travels through Europe, the South Pacific, Asia and South woodblock printing dating from around AD200. CPM member America. This in conjunction with her past experience in the Steve Sawkins will cut and print a relief woodblock design. performing arts, Queensland Contemporary Dance Company, Visitors are welcome to come any time during the demonstration and the fashion industry, culminates to form what is a rapidly to watch the artist at work and ask questions. expanding and well recognised portfolio of artwork for this Visitors will enjoy the thought-provoking works in ceramic and emerging artist. The exhibition opens April 21 to end of May at mixed media by North Coast artists Karla Dickens and Ishta Cafe D’BAR Gallery 275 Boundary St. Coolangatta.

Tweed Valley Art Gallery


ph 6632 3518

GALLERY Free admission Gallery open Wed-Sun 10am - 5pm

Euan Macleod Rowing x4


Tuesday - Friday 10am - 4pm Saturday 9.30am - 12pm 143 Summerland Way, Kyogle

Anna Zahalka The Bathers (detail) shown in The Australian Character exhibition

On display until 29 May CPM National Print Awards 2011 Mother of All: Karla Dickens and Ishta Wilson Vorsorgeprinzip? from Bali to Copenhagen: Roslyn Taplin Works from the Collection: The Australian Character Sun 17 Apr 10.30am-12.30pm Demo: Woodblock printing with Steve Sawkins Sun 24 Apr 10.30am-12.30pm Creative Kids: Collage with Heather Matthew Sun 15 May 11am Floortalk: Mother of All with Karla Dickens and Ishta Wilson

From 6 May - 7 August Freshwater Saltwater: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prints A National Maritime Museum Travelling Exhibition

Until 8 May Program 2: d/Art on Screen - A d/Lux MediaArts touring program

From 13 May Valley of the Tweed: works from the collection shown alongside a magnificent painting by Elioth Gruner, on loan from the Art Gallery of NSW Wed 11 May 10.30am Floortalk: Natalie Wilson from Art Gallery NSW

(02) 6670 2790 | 2 Mistral Road Murwillumbah NSW 2484 |

The Tweed Shire Echo April 14, 2011 17

Television Guide


1. Bill Nighy is among the engaging cast of The Boat That Rocked (Prime, Friday, 8.30pm), a British comedy about a pirate radio ship in the 1960s. Some great music, including The Kinks. 2. Among all the blokey stuff about cars and geegees on 7Mate is The Universe (Saturday, 9.30pm), a cosmological foray far out beyond the reach of VB. 3. SBS2 piles on the angst with Phantom Pain (Sunday, 9.45pm), in which a cyclist loses a leg, followed by Hell at 11.30pm, a French film which could be about anything from Lucifer’s domain to domestic life. Bring a handkerchief.

1 1




4.00 Can We Help? 4.30 The Cook And The Chef 5.00 Something In The Air 5.30 The New Inventors 6.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 Catalyst 11.30 One Plus One 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Midsomer Murders 2.20 Wild Trails 2.35 Ladies Of Letters 3.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Grand Designs Revisited 6.50 Minuscule 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Grumpy Guide To Politics 8.30 New Tricks (M) 9.30 Waking The Dead (M) 10.25 Lateline 11.10 Headcases (M) 11.35 rage (M)

4.00 ABC News 4.05 The Quarters 4.15 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.15 The Quarters 5.30 Newsline 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Newsline 1.00 ABC News 2.00 Midday Report 2.30 One Plus One 3.00 Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Hill 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 The Quarters 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Contact Sport 8.00 ABC News 8.30 One Plus One 9.00 The World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 The Drum 10.45 The Quarters 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Capital Hill 12.00 ABC News 12.15 Lateline 1.00 BBC News 1.30 Contact Sport 2.00 BBC World News 2.30 The World This Week 3.00 Lateline 3.45 The Quarters

5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News 6.00 Global Village 6.30 Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour Of Britain 7.30 More Than A Fiesta 8.00 The Kingdom 8.35 A Royal Family 9.35 Movie: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter… And Spring (MA 2003) Korean drama 11.20 Movie: A World Without Thieves (M 2004) Mandarin action 1.20 Weatherwatch


5.30 Can We Help? 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 Kids’ Programs 7.00 Spicks And Specks 4.45 UEFA Europa League LIVE 7.30 Pilot Guides Amsterdam – Braga v Dynamo Kiev 8.30 Being Human (M) 7.05 UEFA Champions League 9.30 The Tudors (MA) LIVE – PSV v Benfica 10.30 The Wire (MA) 9.10 World News 1.30 Insight 2.30 12.20 Code Geass 12.45 How Not World News 3.00 Living Black 3.30 To Live Your Life (M) 1.15 Massive Letters And Numbers 4.00 The (M) 1.45 Close Journal 4.30 Newshour 5.30 Global Village 6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.05am to 5.35pm Kids’ Programs 6.30 World News Australia 6.00 Total Drama Island 6.30 7.30 Coast Escape From Scorpion Island 7.10 8.30 As It Happened World War Trapped! 7.35 Girls In Love 8.05 II Vampire Knight 8.30 Degrassi: 9.30 World News Australia The Next Generation 9.00 Close 10.10 How To Get More Sex (M) 10.40 Movie: You Will Be Mine (M 2008) French drama 12.30 Entourage (MA) 1.00 Shameless (M) 2.00 Weatherwatch





TEN 6.00 Early News 7.00 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Ten News 10.00 The Circle 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Oprah Winfrey Show 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Good Chef, Bad Chef 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 6.30 6.30 With George Negus 7.00 The 7pm Project 7.30 Biggest Loser 8.30 Undercover Boss 9.30 Blue Bloods (M) 10.30 6.30 With George Negus 11.00 Late News 11.30 Sports Tonight 12.00 The Late Show 1.00 Infomercials 5.00 Religion

ELEVEN 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Cheers 3.30




5.00 rage (PG) 11.00 Cooking The World: Greece 12.00 Francesco’s Mediterranean Voyage 12.30 Australian Story 1.00 Foreign Correspondent 1.30 Carbon Cops 2.00 Pilot Guides: Jerusalem And The West Bank 3.00 Shute Shield Rugby Union LIVE – Eastwood v Randwick 5.00 Australian Open Bowls 6.00 Can We Help? 6.30 Gardening Australia 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Doc Martin 8.30 Spooks (M) 9.30 A Quiet Word With Simon Pegg And Nick Frost 10.00 Best Of Graham Norton 10.45 Durham County (M) 11.45 rage (M)

4.00 ABC News 4.05 The Quarters 4.15 The Drum 5.00 Q&A 6.00 7.30 6.30 Behind The News 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Contact Sport 8.00 ABC News 8.45 The Quarters 9.00 ABC News 9.45 The Quarters 10.00 ABC News 10.30 7.30 11.00 ABC News 11.30 7.30 12.00 ABC News 12.30 7.30 Select 1.00 Big Ideas 2.00 ABC News 2.30 7.30 3.00 ABC News 3.30 Foreign Correspondent 4.00 ABC News 4.30 Behind The News 5.00 ABC News 5.30 One Plus One 6.00 ABC News 6.30 Australian Story 7.00 ABC News 7.30 The World This Week 8.00 Four Corners 8.45 The Quarters 9.30 State To State 10.00 ABC News 10.30 7.30 Select 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Foreign Correspondent 12.00 Big Ideas 1.00 One Plus One 1.30 7.30 3.00 BBC World News 3.30 7.30

5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News 6.00 Parent Rescue 6.30 Chef At Home South America 7.00 UEFA Europa League Delayed – Quarter final 8.30 Metropolis 9.30 Movie: The Killer Queen (M 2009) French drama 11.20 Movie: Grimm (MAV 2003) Dutch black comedy 1.10 Weatherwatch

ABC 2 6.00 Kids’ Program 7.00 Dog Whisperer 7.30 Adam Hills In Gordon St Tonight 8.30 Movie: The Naked Jungle (PG 1954) US adventure. Stars Charlton Heston 10.00 Movie: Will Penny (M 1968) Western. Stars Charlton Heston 11.50 True Stories: Casino (M) 12.40 Axe Attack Survivor 1.25 Close


5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 1.00 Opera: The Trojans 2.35 Chopin Etudes 2.45 Golden Age Of Italian Popular Music 3.45 Chopin Preludes 4.00 Eating Art 4.30 Newshour 5.30 Prototype This 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Animal Monster Moves 8.30 Iron Chef 9.20 RocKwiz (M) 10.05 Movie: Russian Dolls (M 2005) French drama 12.20 SOS (G-M) 1.20 Life’s A Zoo (M) 1.45 Drawn Together (MA) 6.05am to 5.45pm Kids’ Programs 6.05 2.15 Weatherwatch Stoked 6.35 Prank Patrol 7.00 Serious Ocean 7.30 Good Game SP 7.50 The Tribe 9.10 Close



With Mercury throwing a spanner in the universal works, this high voltage, wildfire week is impetuous and volatile. It breaks rules, shakes lives, makes changes…

ARIES: Five planets in your fiery sign makes it hard to stay patient, but this week rewards good behaviour so tune into its tender, affectionate, giving and forgiving Venus vibes to restore accord where there’s been friction, to show and tell others how much you value them. TAURUS:Things that formerly seemed important could lose their imperative this week as new perspectives and realizations emerge. If you’re noticing a credibility gap between your actual life and your splendid unused potential, then listen to your business instincts, put on your practical hat and get cracking. GEMINI: You’re the sign of Twins and this week it pays to think in twos. Firstly as in seeing the other person’s needs and viewpoint. And secondly when

18 April 14, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

TEN 6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.00 Hit List TV 12.00 Landed Music 12.30 Hook, Line & Sinker 1.00 Natural Conflict 2.00 AFL Premiership Season LIVE – Carlton v Essendon 5.00 Ten News 5.30 Jamie’s Thirty Minute Meals 6.00 Ten News 6.30 Bondi Vet 7.30 AFL Premiership Season LIVE – Sydney v Geelong 11.00 Movie: Broadcast News (M 1987) US comedy. Stars William Hurt 1.30 Infomercials 4.00 Religion

3 Roseanne 4.00 Family Ties 4.30 Mork & Mindy 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 So You Think You Can Dance US 9.30 Sex And The City (M/MA) 10.30 The Late Late Show 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 Mork & Mindy 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven

ONE HD 6.00 Sportscar Series 7.00 NRL Game Plan 8.00 AFL Game Plan 9.00 Major League Baseball – LIVE 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 ATP World Tour Tennis 4.00 Australian Surf Lifesaving Championships 6.00 Escape With ET 7.00 Recruits 7.30 I Fish 8.00 Doco: Taylor Made 8.30 World Rally Championship – Jordan 9.00 UFC Primetime 9.30 UFC Unleashed (M) 10.30 Sports Tonight Late 11.00 ITU World Championship Triathlon – Sydney 12.00 Omnisport 12.30 NASCAR Sprint Cup 4.00 Omnisport 4.30 World Rally Championship 5.00 Serie A Football – Bologna v Napoli

PRIME 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven News 12.00 Movie: Derby (PG 2007) US drama. Stars John Schneider 2.00 Dr Oz 3.00 Medical

Emergency 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 6.00 Prime News 6.30 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 Better Homes And Gardens 8.30 Movie: The Boat That Rocked (M 2009) UK comedy. Stars Michael Hadley 11.20 Premiership Season AFL: Richmond v Collingwood 2.35 Home Shopping

7TWO 6.00 Kids Time 7.30 Martha Stewart Show 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Hollyoaks 11.30 Deal Or No Deal 12.00 Murphy Brown 12.30 Hart To Hart 1.30 10 Years Younger 2.30 Better Homes & Gardens 3.30 Movie: Fitzwilly (G 1967) US comedy. Stars Dick Van Dyke 6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 On The Buses 7.30 That’s My Boy 8.10 Are You Being Served? 8.45 Escape To The Country 9.45 60 Minute Makeover 10.45 Living In The Sun 12.00 Movie: Yanks (M 1979) US drama. Stars Richard Gere 2.45 Doctor Oz 3.40 Hart To Hart 4.35 Coronation Street 5.00 Emmerdale 5.30 Harry’s Practice


Xena Warrior Princess 4.00 Hercules 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 According To Jim 6.30 My Wife And Kids 7.00 That ’70s Show 7.30 American Dad 8.30 AFL Premiership Season LIVE – Richmond v Collingwood 11.45 Room For Improvement 12.30 Cops, Cars And Superstars (M) 1.00 The Sopranos (MA) 2.00 Airwolf 3.00 Quincy ME 4.00 Hercules 5.00 Baywatch


11.30 Get Smart 12.00 Here’s Lucy 12.30 Green Acres 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 The Hills 2.00 Dukes Of Hazzard 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Movie: Scooby-Doo (G 2003) Animation 7.30 Movie: Monster House (PG 2006) US adventure. Stars Martin Sheen 9.25 Movie: Eraser (M 1996) US action. Stars Arnold Schwarzenegger 11.40 Movie: Saw (AV 2004) US thriller. Stars Cary Elwes 2.00 Reno 911 (M) 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Get Smart 5.30 The Flintstones

5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Infomercials 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.30 Magical Tales 4.00 Kitchen Whiz 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 Evening News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 Friday Night Football LIVE – Parramatta Eels v Canterbury Bulldogs 9.30 Friday Night Football Gold Coast Titans v Wests Tigers 11.30 Movie: Today You Die (AV 2005) US drama. Stars Steven Seagal 1.30 Movie: Cleopatra Jones (M 1973) US drama. Stars Shelley Winters 3.00 Skippy 3.30 Entertainment Tonight 4.00 Danoz 4.30 Good Morning America

6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: Viva Las Vegas (G 1964) Musical. Stars Elvis Presley 2.00 Child Genius 2+3 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 As Time Goes By 4.30 The Golden Girls 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 6.00 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 Antiques Roadshow 8.30 The Mentalist (M) 9.30 Harry’s Law (M) 10.30 Law & Order (M) 11.30 Conan (M) 12.25 Murder, She Wrote 1.20 McLeod’s Daughters 2.15 The Mentalist (M) 3.10 Law & Order (M) 4.10 Movie: Some Will, Some Won’t (PG 1970) UK comedy. Stars Leslie Phillips


6.00 Wagon Train 7.30 The Virginian 8.30 McHale’s Navy 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quincy ME 12.00 Magnum 6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 PI 1.00 Airwolf 2.00 Baywatch 3.00 Entertainment Tonight 11.00 TMZ

LIVE – Roma v Palermo 4.00 World Rally Championship 5.00 NASCAR 6.00 Premiership Season AFL: 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Nationwide Series – Texas Richmond v Collingwood 8.30 Brady Bunch 8.30 Everybody Loves McHale’s Navy 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Raymond 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love 6.00 Kids’ Programs 7.00 Weekend Quincy ME 12.00 Zoom TV 12.30 Fifth Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Sunrise 9.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Gear 1.00 Monster Garage 2.00 Car Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Cheers 3.30 Castaway 1.30 V8 Supercars Sharks 2.30 Fifth Gear 3.00 American Roseanne 4.00 Family Ties 4.30 Mork – Hamilton 5.00 Eukanuba Hot Rod 4.00 Monster Garage 5.00 & Mindy 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Extraordinary Dogs 5.30 Sydney Drew Carey Show 5.30 According Brady Bunch To Jim Weekender 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage 6.30 Engineering Disasters 6.00 Seven News Witch 7.30 Air Crash Investigations 6.30 Movie: Bolt (PG 2008) 6.30 Everybody Loves 9.30 The Universe Animation Raymond 10.30 Mega Disasters 8.35 Movie: Fast And Furious 11.30 Club Reps (M) 12.30 Stag 7.30 Frasier (M 2009) US action. Stars (M) 1.00 The Sopranos (AV) 4.00 8.00 Everybody Loves Vin Diesel Raymond 11.00 Maneaters 12.00 Louis Theroux American Hot Rod 5.00 Quincy ME 8.30 Movie: EDTV (M 1999) US (M) 1.10 Home Shopping comedy. Stars Matthew McConaughey 6.00 Danoz 7.00 Weekend Today 11.00 90210 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 9.00 Saturday Kerri-Anne 10.00 6.00 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Better Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 Mork Kids’ Programs Homes And Gardens 10.00 The & Mindy 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The 1.00 Horse Racing LIVE – Great Outdoors 11.00 The Travel Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder Doncaster Cup, Randwick Bug 12.00 A House In France 12.30 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th 4.30 The Garden Gurus 5.00 NBN No Opportunity Wasted: Canada 1.00 Heaven How To Blow A Billion 1.30 Weekend News 5.30 Antiques Roadshow Kitchen 5.00 New Zealand On A Plate 6.00 NBN News 6.30 Funniest Home Videos 5.30 Man About The House 8.00 Movie: The Water Horse 7.00 Championship Netball: 6.00 Mind Your Language Queensland Firebirds v Melbourne 6.30 Born And Bred (PG 2007) US adventure. Vixens 9.00 Major League Baseball – 7.30 Heartbeat Stars Alex Etel LIVE 12.00 Australian Athletics Tour 8.40 Inspector Morse (M) 8.40 Lotto 1.30 Omnisport 2.00 AFL Premiership 11.00 The Good Life 12.15 Beniform 10.15 Movie: Hitch (M 2005) US Season LIVE – Carlton v Essendon (M) 12.45 The Knock (M) 1.40 The comedy. Stars Will Smith 5.00 Formula 1 Qualifying – China Travel Bug 2.35 Weekend Kitchen 12.35 Movie: The Sea Wolves (M 6.30 Sports Tonight 7.00 Before The 1980) WWII drama. Stars Roger Moore Game 7.30 AFL Premiership Season 2.50 The Avengers 3.50 Bob Dylan LIVE – Sydney v Geelong 11.00 4.00 Infomercials Championship Netball: Adelaide Thunderbirds v NSW Swifts 1.00 World Rally Championship 1.30 Real NBA 2.00 Serie A Football

verbalising complaints to remember that criticism’s always more acceptable when delivered sandwiched between a couple of compliments. CANCER: Fortunately this week’s tempestuous types respond positively to the appreciative sweet talk you do so well, so be guided by the Cancerian Dalai Lama’s ever sensible advice: Work very hard to make the world a better place. But if all your efforts fail, no hard feelings! LEO: Will this exuberant, let’s do it week get Your Majesty buzzing? Like anything. But resist being hasty or outspoken because the atmosphere’s combustible and a careless comment could shatter goodwill. Blend outrageous with opportunistic and you’ll blitz the competition by attracting glamorous








support and backing. VIRGO: Feelings run hot and high this week, especially during Thursday/Friday’s Virgo moon, so don’t make yourself the meat in the sandwich of other people’s problems. Accept that even loved ones or supporters may not share your views, and downplay misunderstandings or differences of opinion. LIBRA: Achieving serene brain space could be a challenge this week. Pressure won’t solve problems so stick with your trademark calm and charm, steer clear of the gossip mill and since accident ratings are quite high right now, do take care and don’t take risks. SCORPIO: This undeniably vibrant week is also abrasive, opinionated, petulant and self-centred. Scorpios are born

smart, so stay cool and don’t argue with overheated people. Your powers of nonverbal persuasion are always impressive, so you won’t need to say much to make your point. SAGITTARIUS: You’re the zodiac sign of the explorer, and this week it’s more informative and effective to explore your emotions rather than alienate others with sharp words at this year’s critical juncture in your personal life. Present relationship hot spots require creative patience and artful negotiation. CAPRICORN: This week’s cosmic cattle prod activates your longstanding issue of rehashing the past. Basic common sense dictates learning lessons then letting them go so resentments don’t keep resurfacing. Toxic nostalgia’s a

GO! 6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Get Smart 2.30 Here’s Lucy 3.00 Green Acres 3.30 The Dukes Of Hazzard 4.30 Hellcats 5.30 Unnatural History 6.30 Movie: Doc Hollywood (PG 1991) US comedy. Stars Michael J Fox 8.40 Movie: Police Academy 2 (M 1985) US comedy. Stars Jerry Paris 10.40 Movie: The Return (M 1999) US action. Stars Jean-Claude Van Damme 12.25 Movie: Logan’s Run (PG 1976) US scifi. Stars Michael York 3.00 The Dukes Of Hazzard 4.00 Hellcats 5.00 Unnatural History

GEM 6.00 Movie: Viva Las Vegas (G 1964) Musical. Stars Elvis Presley 8.00 Movie: Never So Few (G 1959) WWII drama. Stars Frank Sinatra 10.30 Murder, She Wrote 11.30 Movie: The Cheyenne Social Club (PG 1970) Western. Stars James Stewart 1.30 Movie: Around The World In 80 Days (G 1956) UK adventure. Stars David Niven 5.00 Getaway 6.00 The Nanny 6.30 Movie: Arthur (PG 1981) UK comedy. Stars Dudley Moore 8.30 CSI (M) 9.30 CSI: Miami (M) 10.30 CSI: New York (M) 11.30 Conan (M) 12.25 Movie: Around The World In 80 Days 3.40 Movie: The Cheyenne Social Club 5.30 The Garden Gurus

condition of defending an outdated version of yourself – and you’re so much better than that. AQUARIUS: This week restrictions to your freedom of choice or movement could be particularly irritating. But the good news is that refusing to see people as enemies opens the door for them to become allies, making a whole new can of options and possibilities available. PISCES: This week speaks its mind, though you mightn’t altogether like what it says. Attending to everyday duties, responsibilities, courtesies and routines is even more important than usual during this transit, which tests your ability to be clear and articulate in communicating what you want.

Sunday 17




5.00 rage (PG) 6.30 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Insiders 10.00 Inside Business 10.30 Offsiders 11.05 Asia Pacific Focus 11.30 Songs Of Praise 12.00 Landline 1.00 Planet Earth 2.00 Arctic Exposure 3.00 Genius Within 4.45 War Hero 5.00 Art Nation 5.30 Mr Bean 5.45 Doctor Who 6.30 Wild Life 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Human Planet Oceans 8.30 Paper Giants Cleo 10.00 Compass 10.30 The Street (M) 11.30 Inside The Great Magazines 12.25 Movie: Intolerance (PG 1916) US drama. Stars Lillian Gish 3.25 Hymns Of Glory

4.00 7.30 5.00 Big Ideas 6.00 7.30 6.30 Behind The News 7.00 ABC News 7.30 The World This Week 8.00 ABC News 9.00 Insiders 10.00 ABC News 10.30 7.30 11.00 ABC News 11.30 7.30 12.30 Offsiders 1.00 Big Ideas 2.00 ABC News 2.30 7.30 3.00 ABC News 3.30 Australian Story 4.00 ABC News 4.30 Behind The News 5.00 ABC News 5.30 Inside Business 6.00 ABC News 6.30 Foreign Correspondent 7.00 ABC News 7.30 One Plus One 8.00 Insiders 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Asia Pacific Focus 10.00 ABC News 10.30 The World This Week 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Australian Story 12.00 Landline 1.00 Big Ideas 2.00 BBC World News 2.30 7.30 3.00 BBC World News 3.30 7.30

5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 6.00 Designer People 6.30 Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour Of Britain 7.30 Ninja Warrior 8.00 Unbeatable Banzuke 8.30 The Phone (M) 9.15 Amsterdam Vice (M) 9.45 Movie: Phantom Pain (M 2009) German drama 11.30 Movie: Hell (M 2005) French drama 1.15 Weatherwatch

ABC 2 6.00 Kids’ Programs 7.00 At The Movies 7.30 Artscape Eddie Perfect with Brodsky Quartet 9.35 Art Nation 10.05 Catherine Tate Show (M) 10.35 Hamish Macbeth 11.25 Absolutely Fabulous (M) 11.55 Edge Of Darkness (M) 12.50 The Guitar Show 1.20 My Morning Jacket 1.50 Close


TEN 6.00 Religion 7.00 Kids’ Programs 8.00 Meet The Press 8.30 All 4 Adventures 9.00 Oz Made 10.00 Hit List TV 12.00 Totally Australia 1.00 I Fish 2.00 Championship Netball LIVE – West Coast Fever v Melbourne Vixens 4.00 Everybody Hates Chris 4.30 Great Aussie Drive 5.00 Ten News 5.30 Jamie’s Thirty Minute Meals 6.00 Ten News 6.30 The Biggest Loser 7.30 Modern Family 8.00 Bondi Rescue 8.30 Hawaii Five-O (M) 9.30 NCIS (M) 10.30 NCIS: Los Angeles (M) 11.30 Formula 1 Grand Prix – China 1.40 Infomercials 4.00 Religion

5.00 Weatherwatch 6.35 World News 10.30 UEFA Europa League 11.00 Football Feature 12.00 UEFA Champions League 12.30 Speedweek 2.00 Fiest India 2.30 Two Of Us 3.00 Solving The Mystery of A Lost Civilisation 4.00 Little Mosque On The Prairie 4.30 Living Black 5.00 Cycling Central 6.00 Thalassa 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Empire Of The Seas 8.30 Cutting Edge: The Secret 6.05am to 5.30pm Kids’ Programs War On Terror 6.00 Escape From Scorpion Island 10.30 Movie: The Accursed 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation Kings (MA 2005) French 9.00 Close drama 12.20 Movie: Turtles On Their 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Backs (M 2004) Italian drama 2.00 Brady Bunch 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.00 Touched By An Angel Weatherwatch 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love



Monday 18

ABC 1 4.00 Art Nation 4.30 The Cook And The Chef 5.00 Something In The Air 5.30 The New Inventors 6.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 Landline 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Monarch Of The Glen 1.30 Cheese Slices 2.00 Darling Buds Of May 3.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Grand Designs Revisited 6.50 Minuscule 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Australian Story 8.30 Paper Giants Cleo 10.00 Grumpy Old Women 10.30 Lateline 11.05 Lateline Business 11.35 Blue Murder (M) 12.20 The Clinic 1.15 Movie: The Gift Horse (PG 1952) UK drama. Stars Trevor Howard 3.00 Australian Open Bowls

ABC 2 5.30 Can We Help? 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 Kids’ Programs 7.00 Spicks And Specks 7.30 Full Metal Challenge 8.00 Absolutely Fabulous 8.30 Rake (M) 9.30 Deadwood (MA) 10.20 Misfits (MA) 11.10 Being Erica (M) 12.00 Love Soup (M) 12.25 The Guitar Show 1.00 Vampire Weekend (M) 1.20 Close

ABC 3 6.05am to 5.30pm Kids’ Programs 6.00 Escape From Scorpion Island 7.05 Trapped! 7.35 Girls In Love 8.05 Vampire Knight 8.35 Degrassi: The Next Generation 9.00 Close








Tuesday 19

6.00 World Championship Triathlon – Sydney 7.00 Championship Netball: Adelaide Thunderbirds v NSW Swifts 9.00 Bundesliga Football: Hamburg v Hannover 11.00 NASCAR Sprint Cup 12.00 Pro Series Drag Racing 1.00 World Rally Championship 1.30 Omnisport 2.00 NBL Basketball LIVE – Townsville v Cairns 4.00 Formula 1 Grand Prix LIVE – Shanghai 7.00 The Final Siren 8.00 Sports Tonight 8.30 Movie: Pitch Black (M 2000) US scifi. Stars Vin Diesel 10.30 UFC Primetime 11.00 World Rally Championship 11.30 Championship Netball: West Coast Fever v Melbourne Vixens 1.30 Omnisport 2.00 NASCAR Sprint Cup – LIVE


Patrol 7.05 Trapped! 7.35 Girls In Love 8.05 Vampire Knight 8.35 Degrassi: 4.00 Travel Oz 4.30 The Cook And The Next Generation 9.00 Close 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News The Chef 5.00 Something In The Air 6.00 Global Village 5.30 The New Inventors 6.00 Kids’ 6.30 At The Table With… Programs 11.00 Big Ideas 12.00 4.00 ABC News 4.05 The Quarters 7.30 The Bible Unearthed Midday Report 12.30 Time Team 1.30 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.15 8.30 As It Happened: The SS Meerkat Manor 2.00 Darling Buds Of The Quarters 5.30 Newsline 6.00 (M) May 3.00 Kids’ Programs ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Movie: State Of Violence 6.00 Grand Designs Revisited 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News (M 2010) South African 6.50 Minuscule 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Newsline drama 7.00 ABC News 1.00 ABC News 2.00 Midday Report 11.00 Movie: Manslaughter (M 2005) 2.30 7.30 Select 3.00 Afternoon Live Danish drama 12.50 Weatherwatch 7.30 7.30 5.30 Capital Hill 5.45 The Quarters 8.00 Foreign Correspondent 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 8.30 Great American Oil Spill The Quarters 7.00 ABC News 7.30 9.30 QI 6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’ Programs 10.00 21C Art in the First Decade 7.30 8.00 ABC News 8.30 Lateline 9.00 Ten News 10.00 The Circle Business 9.00 The World 10.00 ABC 10.30 Lateline 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Oprah Winfrey 11.05 Lateline Business 11.35 Crude News 10.05 The Drum 10.45 The Show 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 1.05 Movie: I’ll Get You For This (PG Quarters 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 1950) US drama. Stars George Raft Newsline 12.00 ABC News 12.30 Everyday Gourmet 4.30 The Bold Lateline 1.00 BBC World News 1.30 2.30 Talking Stick 3.00 Big Ideas Lateline Business 2.00 BBC World And The Beautiful News 2.30 7.30 3.00 Lateline 3.35 5.00 Ten News 6.30 6.30 With George Negus Lateline Business 5.30 Can We Help? 6.00 ABC News 7.00 The 7pm Project Breakfast 9.00 Kids’ Programs 7.30 Talkin’ ’Bout Your 7.00 Spicks And Specks Generation 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 7.30 Dirty Jobs 8.40 NCIS (M) 1.00 Movie: Perhaps Love (PG 2005) 8.30 Good Game Chinese musical 3.00 Living Black 9.40 NCIS: Los Angeles (M) 9.00 The Warehouse Comedy 3.30 Letters And Numbers 4.00 The 10.40 6.30 With George Negus 11.10 Festival (M) Journal 4.30 Newshour 5.30 Global Late News With Sports Tonight 11.40 The Late Show 12.35 Ally McBeal (M) 9.30 Being Human (M) Village 1.30 Infomercials 4.00 Religion 10.30 School Of Comedy (M) 6.00 Letters And Numbers 11.00 Ideal (M) 11.25 10 Items Or 6.30 World News Australia Less 11.50 The Warehouse Comedy 7.30 Insight Festival (M) 12.20 Billable Hours (M) 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The 8.30 The Story Of Science 12.45 The Guitar Show 1.10 Hilltop Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.30 World News Australia Hoods 1.40 Close 10.05 Hot Docs: The Yes Men Fix 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat The World (M) 11.45 Movie: Kabuli Kid (M 2008) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 6.05am to 5.30pm Kids’ Programs French/Afghani drama 1.30 Election 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Cheers 3.30 Roseanne 4.00 Family Ties 4.30 Mork 6.00 Total Drama Island 6.30 Prank Day (M) 2.35 Weatherwatch





& Mindy 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 4.00 ABC News 4.05 Big Ideas 5.00 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch ABC News 5.15 The Quarters 5.30 6.00 Living Black 6.30 Neighbours Asia Pacific Focus 6.00 ABC News 6.30 Singapore Flavours 7.00 Everybody Loves Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 7.30 Return Of The Bible Raymond Business Today 10.00 ABC News Plagues 7.30 Futurama 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Inside 8.30 How To Live To 101 Business 1.00 ABC News 2.00 Midday 8.30 Supernatural (M) Without Trying Report 2.30 Asia Pacific Focus 3.00 9.30 Dexter (MA) 9.30 The World Game Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Hill 5.45 10.40 The Late Late Show 12.00 The Quarters 6.00 ABC News 6.05 10.30 Movie: In The Mood For Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Love (G 2000) Cantonese Teenage Witch 1.00 Mork & Mindy The Drum 6.45 The Quarters 7.00 drama ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 ABC News 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 8.30 Lateline Business 9.00 The 12.10 Weatherwatch 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched World 10.30 ABC News 11.00 The By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven Drum 11.45 The Quarters 12.00 ABC News 12.30 Lateline 1.00 BBC World 7.15 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Ten News News 1.30 Lateline Business 2.00 BBC 10.00 The Circle 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 World News 2.30 7.30 3.00 Lateline Oprah Winfrey Show 2.00 Ready 7.00 Pro Series Drag Racing 8.00 Doco: Taylor Made 8.30 I Fish 9.00 3.35 Lateline Business Steady Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Geelong Multi Sport Festival 10.00 Infomercial 4.00 Everyday Gourmet Championship Netball: Southern 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful Steel v Waikato-Bay Of Plenty Magic 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 5.00 Ten News 12.00 Sportscar Series – Alabama 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia 6.30 6.30 With George Negus 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 Real NBA 4.00 1.30 Final Image 2.30 Insight 3.30 7.00 The 7pm Project Sports Unlimited 5.00 Kitesurfing Letters And Numbers 4.00 The 7.30 Glee 5.30 Championship Netball Journal 4.30 Futbol Mundial 5.00 8.30 Good News Week (M) LIVE – Canterbury Tactix v The Crew 5.30 Living Black 10.00 2011: 100 Days Of Central Pulse 6.00 Letters And Numbers Disaster 7.30 Championship Netball 6.30 World News Australia 11.00 6.30 With George Negus 11.30 LIVE – NSW Swifts v 7.30 Mythbusters Late News With Sports Tonight 12.00 Northern Mystics 8.30 Man v Wild Late Show 1.00 Ally McBeal (M) 2.00 9.30 One Week At A Time 10.30 Sports Infomercials 4.00 Religion 9.30 World News Australia Tonight 11.00 One Week At A Time 10.00 South Park (MA) 12.00 World Rally Championship 10.30 Wilfred (MA) 12.30 Bundesliga Football 1.30 11.00 Ugly Americans (M) 11.30 The 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Omnisport 2.00 Premiership Season World Game 12.30 Living Black 1.00 Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours AFL: Sydney Swans v Geelong 4.30 Movie: Midnight My Love (M 2005) 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 World Tour Beach Volleyball 5.00 Thai drama 2.50 Weatherwatch 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat Serie A Football – Catania v Lazio 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Cheers 3.30 Roseanne 4.00 Family Ties 4.30 Mork




Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Cheers 3.30 Roseanne 4.00 Family Ties 4.30 Mork & Mindy 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 America’s Next Top Model 8.30 Movie: The Beach (M 2000) US adventure. Stars Leonardo Di Caprio 10.50 Smallville (AV) 11.40 Cheers 12.10 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 Mork & Mindy 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven

& Mindy 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 The Simpsons 8.00 Futurama 8.30 Raising Hope 9.00 The Office 9.30 Nurse Jackie (M) 10.00 Californication (MA) 10.40 The Late Late Show 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 Mork & Mindy 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven

ONE HD 7.00 One Week At A Time 9.00 Premiership Season AFL: Carlton v Essendon 11.30 ATP World Tour Tennis 12.00 Arsenal Football 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 World Tour Beach Volleyball 4.00 Sports Unlimited 5.00 Pro Bull Riding 6.00 Quik Bits Surfing 6.30 Escape With ET 7.00 Recruits 7.30 Ice Road Truckers 8.30 Ax Men 9.30 RPM 10.30 Sports Tonight 11.00 World Football News 11.30 Formula 1 Grand Prix – Shanghai 1.30 Omnisport 2.00 NBL Basketball Finals Series 4.00 Serie A Football: Roma v Palermo

PRIME 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: Ready To Run (G 2000) US sport. Stars Krissy Perez 2.00 Dr Oz Kids’

Triathlon 10.00 AFL Game Day 11.00 Quincy ME 12.00 Magnum PI 1.00 6.00 Religion 7.00 Weekend Sunrise Airwolf 2.00 Fifth Gear 3.00 American 10.00 The Amazing Race 11.00 Hot Rod 4.00 Monster Garage 5.00 Minute To Win It 12.00 V8 Supercars The Drew Carey Show 5.30 According To Jim – Hamilton 3.00 Premiership Season AFL 6.30 Smash Lab 7.30 Mighty Structures Gold Coast v Melbourne 8.30 Movie: National 5.30 Drive Thru Australia Lampoon’s Holiday 6.00 Seven News Reunion (M 2004) US com 6.30 Mighty Ships edy. Stars Bryan Cranston 7.30 Border Security 10.30 Trigger Happy TV (M) 8.00 The Force 11.00 CNNNN (M) 12.00 LA Cops (M) 8.30 Bones (M) 2.00 Wagon Train 3.00 Magnum PI 9.30 Castle (M) 4.00 American Hot Rod 5.00 Airwolf 10.30 Serial Killers (M) 11.30 The First 48 (M) 12.30 Home Shopping 5.30 Seven News 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Weekend Today 10.00 Wide World Of Sports 6.00 Home And Away 12.00 L’Oreal 11.00 The Sunday Footy Show 12.00 Paris Backstage 12.30 Movie: Siren The Sunday Roast 1.00 Boost Mobile Of Bagdad (PG 1953) US adventure. Surfshow 2.00 Wildfire 3.00 The Stars Paul Henreid 2.00 Movie: Million Dollar Drop Sinbad And The Eye Of The Tiger (G 4.00 Sunday Football LIVE – Penrith Panthers v 1977) US action. Stars Patrick Wayne Melbourne Storm 4.30 Movie: Whale Rider (PG 2002) NZ drama. Stars Keisha Castle-Hughes 6.00 NBN News 6.30 Sunday Current Affair 6.30 Fawlty Towers 7.00 Easter With Australian 7.10 Are You Being Served? Women’s Weekly 7.45 Three In A Bed 7.30 60 Minutes 8.45 Escape To The Country 8.30 The Mentalist (M) 9.45 60 Minute Makeover 10.45 Rhodes Across India 11.45 9.30 Harry’s Law (M) 10 Years Younger 12.15 Movie: 10.30 CSI: Miami (M) Sinbad And The Eye Of The Tiger 11.25 The Guardian (M) 12.20 Super 2.40 Movie: Siren Of Bagdad 5.00 League 2.20 Albert Hammond 2.30 Harry’s Practice 5.30 Home Shopping Home Shopping 4.00 Good Morning America 5.00 Early Morning News






6.00 Wagon Train 7.00 The Virginian 8.30 McHale’s Navy 9.00 Mooloolaba 6.00 Kids’ Programs 12.00 The City

12.30 Eclipse Music TV 1.00 Surfsport 2.00 Here’s Lucy 2.30 Green Acres 3.30 The Dukes Of Hazzard 4.30 Hellcats 5.30 Wipeout USA 6.30 Top Gear 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 8.00 The Middle 8.30 Two And A Half Men 9.00 Mike & Molly 9.30 Movie: Be Cool (M 2005) US comedy. Stars John Travolta 12.00 Reno 911 (M) 1.00 Dukes Of Hazzard 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Hellcats 5.00 Green Acres

GEM 6.00 Religion 6.30 Movie: It Always Rains On Sunday (PG 1947) UK drama. Stars Googie Withers 8.30 Movie: Against The Wind (PG 1948) WWII drama. Stars Charles Crichton 10.15 Movie: It Shouldn’t Happen To A Vet (G 1979) UK drama. Stars John Alderton 12.15 Movie: Don’t Go Near The Water (G 1957) WWII drama. Stars Glenn Ford 2.30 Movie: Three Sisters (G 1970) UK drama. Stars Joan Plowright 6.00 The Nanny 6.30 Antiques Roadshow 7.30 As Time Goes By 8.30 Movie: Goodfellas (M 1990) US drama. Stars Robert De Niro 11.10 Biography: Serial Killers (M) 12.05 Movie: Villain (AV 1971) UK drama. Stars Richard Burton 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country 5.30 Today




6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: Something New (PG 2006) US comedy. Stars Sanaa Latham 2.00 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 6.00 Prime News 6.30 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 Border Patrol 8.00 Coastwatch 8.30 Bones (M) 9.30 Brothers & Sisters (M) 10.30 My Shocking Story 11.30 The First 48 (M) 12.30 Parks And Recreation (M) 1.00 Home Shopping 5.30 Seven News

6.00 Wagon Train 7.00 The Virginian 8.30 McHale’s Navy 9.00 NBC Today 10.00 NBC Meet The Press 11.00 Quincy ME 12.00 Magnum PI 1.00 Airwolf 2.00 Baywatch 3.00 Xena Warrior Princess 4.00 Hercules 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 According To Jim 6.30 My Wife And Kids 7.00 That ’70s Show 7.30 How I Met Your Mother 8.30 Family Guy (M) 9.00 American Dad (M) 9.30 Movie: Hot Fuzz (MA 2007) UK action. Stars Simon Pegg 12.00 The Sopranos (MA) 1.00 Magnum PI 2.00 Airwolf 3.00 Quincy ME 4.00 Hercules 5.00 Baywatch

6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 ET 11.00 TMZ 11.30 Get Smart 12.00 Here’s Lucy 12.30 Green Acres 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 The Hills 2.00 The Dukes Of Hazzard 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Seinfeld 6.30 Movie: Happily N’ever After (G 2006) US comedy. Stars Sara Michelle Gellar 8.15 The Big Bang Theory 8.45 My Dad Says 9.15 Movie: Walk Hard – The Dewey Cox Story (MA 2007) US comedy. Stars John C Reilly 11.15 South Park (MA) 11.45 Pushing Daisies (M) 12.45 Mad (M) 1.00 Bridezillas (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Get Smart 5.30 The Flintstones

7TWO 6.00 Kids Time 7.30 Martha Stewart Show 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Hollyoaks 11.30 Deal Or No Deal 12.00 Murphy Brown 12.30 Hart To Hart 1.30 10 Years Younger 2.30 Welcome Back Kotter 3.00 Perfect Strangers 3.30 Growing Pains 4.00 Movie: The Second Jungle Book (PG 1997) US adventure. Stars Roddy McDowell 6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 On The Buses 7.30 Martin Clunes Horsepower 8.40 Jonathan Creek (M) 9.40 Mrs Bradley Mysteries (M) 10.50 The Sweeney (M) 11.50 Minder 1.00 Movie: The Second Jungle Book 3.00 Hart To Hart 4.00 Coronation Street 4.30 Emmerdale 5.00 Home Shopping Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 6.00 Prime News 6.30 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 Unlikely Animal Friends 8.30 Winners & Losers (M) 9.30 Parenthood (M) 10.30 Cougar Town (M) 11.30 10 Years Younger 12.00 Louis Theroux (M) 1.00 Home Shopping 5.30 News

7TWO 6.00 Kids Time 7.30 Martha Stewart Show 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Hollyoaks 11.30 Deal Or No Deal 12.00 Murphy Brown 12.30 Hart To Hart 1.30 10 Years Younger 2.30 Welcome Back Kotter 3.00 Perfect Strangers 3.30 Growing Pains 4.00 Movie: The Underwater City (PG 1962) US scifi. Stars William Lundigan 6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 On The Buses 7.30 Some Mothers Do ’ave ’em 8.10 Are You Being Served? 8.50 To The Manor Born 9.30 Movie: Dad’s Army (PG 1971) UK comedy. Stars Clive Dunn 11.30 Hale And Pace (M) 12.00 Movie: The Underwater City 1.45 Harry’s Practice 2.15 10 Years Younger 3.10 Hart To Hart 4.05 Coronation Street 4.30 Emmerdale 5.00 Home Shopping

NBN 5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Home Shopping 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.30 Magical Tales 4.00 Kitchen Whiz 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 NBN News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 Two And A Half Men 8.00 Mike & Molly 8.25 Lotto 8.30 The Million Dollar Drop 9.30 CSI: Miami (M) 10.30 Australian Families Of Crime (AV) 11.30 Til Death 12.00 Super Rugby Extra Time 1.00 Super League 2.00 Infomercials 3.30 Good Morning America 5.00 Early Morning News

GEM 6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: Tarzan And The Jungle Boy (PG 1968) US adventure. Stars Rafer Johnson 2.00 Domestic Blitz 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 As Time Goes By 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 6.00 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 Zoo Babies 8.00 Send In The Dogs 8.30 Mary Queen Of Shops 9.30 Movie: 21 Grams (MA 2003) US drama. Stars Sean Penn 12.00 Murder, She Wrote 1.00 Mary Queen Of Shops 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country 5.30 Today



6.00 Wagon Train 7.00 The Virginian 8.30 McHale’s Navy 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quincy ME 12.00 Magnum PI 1.00 Airwolf 2.00 Baywatch 3.00 Xena Warrior Princess 4.00 Hercules 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 According To Jim 6.30 My Wife And Kids 7.00 That ’70s Show 7.30 How I Met Your Mother 8.30 Family Guy (M) 9.00 American Dad (M) 9.30 Family Guy (M) 10.00 My Name Is Earl 11.00 Scrubs 12.00 The Sopranos (MA) 1.00 Magnum PI 2.00 Airwolf 3.00 Quincy ME 4.00 Hercules 5.00 Baywatch

6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 Entertainment Tonight 11.00 TMZ 11.30 Get Smart 12.00 Here’s Lucy 12.30 Green Acres 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 The Hills 2.00 Charlie’s Angels 3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Seinfeld 7.00 The Nanny 7.30 Survivor: Redemption Island 8.30 Mike & Molly (M) 9.30 Little Britain (M) 11.30 South Park (M) 12.00 Reno 911 (M) 1.00 Charlie’s Angels 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Get Smart 5.30 The Flintstones

NBN 5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Danoz 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.30 Magical Tales 4.00 Kitchen Whiz 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 NBN News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 8.00 Two And A Half Men 8.30 Top Gear 9.40 20 To 1 (M) 10.40 Kitchen Nightmares (MA) 11.35 Til Death 12.00 Eclipse Music TV 12.30 20/20 1.30 Home Shopping 3.30 Good Morning America 5.00 Early Morning News

GEM 6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: Are You Being Served? (PG 1977) UK comedy. Stars Mollie Sugden 2.00 Domestic Blitz 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 Zoo Babies 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 6.00 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 8.00 How Clean Is Your House 8.30 Hoarders 9.30 The Closer (M) 10.30 Sensing Murder (M) 11.30 Friends 12.00 Hoarders 1.00 The Closer (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country 5.30 Today

The Tweed Shire Echo April 14, 2011 19

6.00 Total Drama Island 6.30 Prank doco-drama Patrol 7.05 Trapped! 7.35 Girls In Love 11.50 Movie: Zelary (M 2003) Czech 4.00 Talking Heads: Les Murray 8.05 Vampire Knight 8.35 Degrassi: drama 2.25 Weatherwatch 4.30 The Cook And The Chef 5.00 The Next Generation 9.00 Close Something In The Air 5.30 The New Inventors 6.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News Big Ideas 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 4.00 ABC News 4.05 The Quarters 6.00 Global Village National Press Club Address 1.30 The 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.15 6.30 Sarah Wiener’s Culinary Trail Of Genghis Khan 2.00 Darling The Quarters 5.30 Newsline 6.00 Adventures Buds Of May 3.00 Kids’ Programs ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 7.00 Korean Food Cult 6.00 Grand Designs Revisited 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News 7.30 Stalin’s Back 6.50 Minuscule 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 National 8.30 Raw Opium (MA) 7.00 ABC News Press Club Address 1.00 ABC News 9.30 Movie: Takva – A Man’s 7.30 7.30 2.00 Midday Report 2.30 State To Fear Of God (M 2006) 8.00 The New Inventors State 3.00 Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Turkish drama 8.30 Adam Hills In Gordon St Hill 5.45 The Quarters 6.00 ABC News 11.15 Movie: Pavee Lackeen – The 6.05 The Drum 6.45 The Quarters Traveller Girl (M 2005) Irish drama Tonight 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 ABC 12.50 Weatherwatch 9.30 Hungry Beast News 8.30 Lateline Business 9.00 10.00 At The Movies The World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 10.30 Lateline 11.05 Lateline Business 11.30 Titus The Drum 10.45 The Quarters 11.00 6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’ Programs The Gorilla King 12.25 Movie: Moulin ABC News 11.30 Newsline 12.00 ABC 9.00 Ten News 10.00 The Circle Rouge (PG 1952) UK drama. Stars Zsa News 12.30 Lateline 1.00 BBC World 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Oprah Winfrey Zsa Gabor 2.30 The Cook And The News 1.30 Lateline Business 2.00 BBC Show 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 World News 2.30 7.30 3.00 Lateline Chef 3.00 Big Ideas Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercials 4.00 3.35 Lateline Business Everyday Gourmet 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 5.30 Can We Help? 6.00 ABC News 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News Breakfast 9.00 Kids’ Programs 6.30 6.30 With George Negus 1.00 Movie: Our Father (PG 2002) 7.00 Spicks And Specks 7.00 The 7pm Project Chadian drama 2.30 Here Comes The 7.30 Marngrook Footy Show 7.30 The Biggest Loser Neighbourhood 3.00 mY Generation 8.30 Lie To Me (M) 8.30 Blood, Sweat And 3.30 Letters And Numbers 4.00 The 10.30 6.30 With George Negus Luxuries (M) Journal 4.30 Newshour 5.30 Global 11.00 Late News With Sports 9.30 Babies Behind Bars Village Tonight 11.30 The Late Show 12.30 10.55 Marriage Techniques For Infomercials 4.00 Religion Beginners (M) 11.20 The Cocaine 6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.30 World News Australia Diaries (M) 12.15 My Teen’s A 7.30 Inspector Rex Nightmare (M) 1.05 Phoenix 1.30 8.30 East West 101 (M) Close 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The 9.30 World News Australia Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 10.05 Movie: Death Of A 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 President (M 2009) US 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 6.05am to 5.30pm Kids’ Programs


Wednesday 20








12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Cheers 3.30 Roseanne 4.00 Family Ties 4.30 Mork & Mindy 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 The Simpsons 8.00 Futurama 8.30 The Simpsons 9.00 The Cleveland Show (M) 10.00 King Of The Hill 10.30 The Late Late Show 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 Mork & Mindy 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven

ONE HD 6.00 Serie A Football 6.30 Bundesliga Football 7.30 World Football News 8.00 RPM 9.00 NASCAR Sprint Cup 10.00 Championship Netball: West Coast Fever v Melbourne Vixens 12.00 NBA Basketball Playoffs – LIVE 2.30 This Week In Baseball 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 Quik Bits Surfing 4.00 ASP World Tour Surfing 5.00 Boarding Pass 5.30 Drive 6.00 Quik Bits Surfing 6.30 Escape With ET 7.00 Recruits 7.30 Extreme Fishing 9.30 Movie: Fast And The Furious – Tokyo Drift (M 2006) US action. Stars Lucas Black 10.30 Sports Tonight 11.00 NBA Basketball 1.00 Real NBA 1.30 Omnisport 2.00 Arsenal Football 5.00 Serie A Football 5.30 Major League Baseball – LIVE



6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: Buffalo Dreams (G 2005) US drama. Stars Adrienne Bailon 2.00 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 6.00 Prime News 6.30 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 Air Crash Investigations 8.30 Criminal Minds (M) 9.30 Detroit 1-8-7 (M) 10.30 I Shouldn’t Be Alive (M) 11.30 My Name Is Earl 12.00 Parks And Recreation (M) 12.30 Home Shopping 5.30 Seven News


6.00 Wagon Train 7.00 The Virginian 8.30 McHale’s Navy 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quincy ME 12.00 Magnum PI 1.00 Airwolf 2.00 Baywatch 3.00 Xena Warrior Princess 4.00 Hercules 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 According To Jim 6.30 My Wife And Kids 7.00 That ’70s Show 7.30 The Amazing Race 8.30 Gene Simmons Family Jewels 9.30 Movie: Armed And Dangerous (M 1986) US comedy. Stars John Candy 11.30 Rude Tube (M) 12.00 The Sopranos (M) 1.00 Magnum PI 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Airwolf 5.00 6.00 Kids Time 7.30 Martha Stewart Baywatch Show 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Emmerdale 11.00 Hollyoaks 11.30 Danoz 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres Deal Or No Deal 12.00 Murphy Brown Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of 12.30 Hart To Hart 1.30 10 Years Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking Younger 2.30 Welcome Back Kotter 3.30 Magical Tales 4.00 Kitchen Whiz 3.00 Perfect Strangers 3.30 Growing 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat Pains 4.00 Movie: Napoleon (G 6.00 NBN News 1995) Australian adventure. Stars 7.00 A Current Affair Jamie Croft 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 6.00 Bargain Hunt 8.00 Mike & Molly 7.00 On The Buses 8.25 Lotto 7.30 Heartbeat 8.30 RPA Where Are They Now? 8.40 Pie In The Sky 9.30 Embarrassing Bodies (M) 9.45 The Good Life 11.30 AFL Footy Show (M) 1.30 11.00 Benidorm (M) 11.30 Murphy’s Home Shopping 3.30 Good Morning Law (M) 12.30 Harry’s Practice 1.00 America 5.00 Early Morning News Coronation Street 1.30 Emmerdale 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Hart To Hart 5.00 Home Shopping



6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 Entertainment Tonight 11.00 TMZ 11.30 Get Smart 12.00 Here’s Lucy 12.30 Green Acres 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 The Hills 2.00 Charlie’s Angels 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Seinfeld 6.30 The Middle 7.00 The Nanny 7.30 Movie: Zathura – A Space Adventure (PG 2005) US adventure. Stars Tim Robbins 9.30 Movie: The Punisher – War Zone (AV 2008) US action. Stars Ray Stevenson 12.30 Cribs UK 1.00 Charlie’s Angels 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Get Smart 5.30 The Flintstones

GEM 6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: Arabian Adventure (G 1979) UK adventure. Stars Christopher Lee 2.00 Domestic Blitz 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 How Clean Is Your House 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 6.00 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 As Time Goes By 8.30 The Closer (M) 9.30 Law & Order (M) 11.30 Conan (M) 12.30 Friends 1.00 The Closer (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country 5.30 Today

Please note: The Echo takes great care producing this guide, but unfortunately TV stations like to tinker with things at the last minute and sometimes make changes after we have gone to print. 6.00 Total Drama Island 6.30 Prank US drama. Stars Cate Patrol 7.05 Trapped! 7.35 Girls In Love Blanchett 4.00 National Press Club Address 8.05 Vampire Knight 8.35 Degrassi: 11.45 Movie: A Bittersweet Life (MAV 2005) Korean action 1.55 5.00 Something In The Air 5.30 The The Next Generation 9.00 Close Weatherwatch New Inventors 6.00 Kids’ Programs 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Dalziel And Pascoe 2.00 Jeeves And Wooster 4.00 ABC News 4.05 The Quarters 3.00 Kids’ Programs 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News 6.00 Grand Designs Revisited 5.15 The Quarters 5.30 Newsline 6.00 Global Village 6.50 Minuscule 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC 6.30 Food Investigators 7.00 ABC News News 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC 7.00 Sarah Wiener’s Culinary 7.30 7.30 News 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Adventure 8.00 Catalyst Newsline 1.30 ABC News 2.00 Midday 7.30 Insight Report 2.30 Australian Story 3.00 8.30 Michael Nyman 8.30 Girl’s Own War Stories Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Hill 9.30 Ballet: Salomé Spanish 9.30 Whites (M) 5.45 The Quarters 6.00 ABC News 11.00 Movie: Rally Chicks (M 2008) 10.00 Getting On 6.05 The Drum 6.45 The Quarters Swedish romantic comedy 12.45 10.30 Lateline 11.05 Lateline Business 11.35 The 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 ABC Weatherwatch Film Festival Project 12.25 Movie: It News 8.30 Lateline Business 9.00 Came From Outer Space (PG 1953) The World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 US scifi. Stars Barbara Rush 1.45 The Drum 10.45 The Quarters 11.00 Movie: Bad Lands (PG 1939) Western. ABC News 11.30 Newsline 12.00 ABC 6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’ Programs Stars Robert Barrat 2.55 Movie: Child News 12.30 Lateline 1.00 BBC World 9.00 Ten News 10.00 The Circle Of Divorce (PG 1946) US drama. Stars News 1.30 Lateline Business 2.00 BBC 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Oprah Winfrey World News 2.30 7.30 3.00 Lateline Show 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Sharyn Moffett Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercials 4.00 3.35 Lateline Business Everyday Gourmet 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.30 Can We Help? 6.00 ABC News 5.00 Ten News 5.00 Weatherwatch Breakfast 9.00 Kids’ Programs 6.30 6.30 With George Negus 5.15 Copa Del Rey Final LIVE – 7.00 The 7pm Project 7.00 Spicks And Specks Barcelona v Real Madrid 7.30 Comedy Roadshow 7.30 The Biggest Loser 7.35 World News 3.30 Letters And 8.30 The Good Wife (M) 8.30 Party Down (M) Numbers 4.00 The Journal 4.30 9.30 Law & Order: SVU (M) 9.00 Laid (M) Newshour 5.30 Global Village 9.30 Graham Norton Show 10.30 6.30 With George Negus 6.00 Letters And Numbers 10.30 Hungry Beast 11.00 Late News With Sports Tonight 11.00 The League Of Gentlemen (M) 6.30 World News Australia 11.30 Late Show 12.30 Infomercials 11.30 Later… With Jools Holland (M) 7.30 Italian Food Safari 4.00 Religion 12.35 Marngrook Footy Show 1.35 8.00 Oz And James Drink To Britain Akon 2.05 Close 8.30 Heston’s Feasts 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The 9.30 World News Australia Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 1 0.05 Movie: Heaven (MA 2002) 6.05am to 5.30pm Kids’ Programs 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00


Thursday 21








Mungo’s Crossword

From The Week

for the owl and possum, among others (9) 22. Praises the peers, in 6 down) (5) 24. Bedroom boredom or garden danger? (7) 25. A meal for the return of Bismarck, the knight (7) 26. Singer unknown in a foreign land (5) 27. Angry, seen to be suffering from strabismus (5-4)

7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Cheers 3.30 Roseanne 4.00 Family Ties 4.30 Mork & Mindy 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 The Simpsons 8.30 Stargate Universe (M) 9.30 Star Trek – Next Generation 10.30 The Late Late Show 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 Mork & Mindy 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven

ONE HD 6.00 Major League Baseball – LIVE 8.30 This Week In Baseball 9.00 NASCAR Nationwide Series 10.00 Championship Netball: NSW Swifts v Northern Mystics 12.00 Doco: Taylor Made 12.30 World Rally Championship 1.00 Pro Series Drag Racing 2.00 I Fish 2.30 ATP World Tour Tennis 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 Quik Bits Surfing 4.00 OneAsia Tour Golf LIVE – China 5.30 Championship Netball LIVE – Southern Steel v NSW Swifts 7.30 The WWE Experience 8.30 The Game Plan 9.30 UFC Unleashed 10.30 Sports Tonight 11.00 The Game Plan 12.00 NASCAR Sprint Cup 1.00 Major League Baseball 3.30 Omnisport 4.00

15. Court covers everything – a right Australian… (8) 16. …bloke, Sis! Makes pillars! (8) 19. Dismissed by the navy, but won! (6) 20. Coming round like a Nibelung! (6) 23 Find fault – a small complaint (5)

Quick Clues

ACROSS 1. Reputation, personal DOWN quality (9) 1. Tea for the magistrate 6. Arrange, organise (3,2) – a terrific drop! (5) 9. Examined, tested for 2. Stroke is a natural quality and value (7) outcome with crop lady 10. South African pub or (10,5) shanty (7) 3. Here or there, or 11. Bog, swamp (5) neither – it doesn’t 12. Worthless, pointless matter (8) (3-7) 13. 1850s Victorian 4. Order! Sit up over mining boom (4,4) lunch, son! (8) 14. Epidermis, hide (4) 5. Horrid lascar, a rogue 17. Panache, flair (4) (6) 18. Outdoor cook-up, 6. Hot and cold energy 11. Spoil quiet Rodney (5) Cryptic Clues records uplifiting oration party (8) 12.After reversal about working, (6) 21. Active after dark (9) ACROSS nobleman is worth nothing! (2-7) 7. Those women embrace 22. Extols. Praises (5) 1. A cleaner performance before 13. Good old Geoffrey made 24. Word or phrase a fortune with young the queen – a dramatic role (9) Ballarat world famous! (4,4) made by rearranging the nobleman – royal irony 6. Organise a favourable position 14. Hide small relations (4) letters of another word or for Australia! (3,5,7) at Wimbledon (3,2) 17. Nigel answers, showing 8. Coins cover one decad phrase (7) 9. Examined publicity about flair (4) 25. Italian rice dish (7) of contrition (9) unusual essay (7) 18. Fizzy Cuba beer is needed for 13. Fish around the north 26. Poet ….. Thomas (5) 10. Woman worker new to a the party… (8) 27. Suffering from in magnificent Kalaalit South African shanty (7) 21. …no state to hold a party strabismus (5-4) Nunaat (9)

20 April 14, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

11.30 Minder 12.30 Movie: The New Adventures Of Pippy Longstocking 2.40 Hart To Hart 3.35 Coronation 6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 ET Street 4.00 Emmerdale 4.30 10 Years 11.00 TMZ 11.30 Get Smart 12.00 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show Younger 5.30 Home Shopping Here’s Lucy 12.30 Green Acres 1.00 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: Seinfeld 1.30 The Hills 2.00 Charlie’s Stuck In The Suburbs (G 2004) US Angels 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ comedy. Stars Danielle Panabaker 2.00 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 6.00 Wagon Train 7.00 The Virginian Programs 6.00 Seinfeld 8.30 McHale’s Navy 9.00 NBC Today 7.00 The Nanny 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 11.00 Quincy ME 12.00 Magnum 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 6.00 Prime News PI 1.00 Airwolf 2.00 Baywatch 3.00 8.00 The Middle 6.30 Seven News Xena Warrior Princess 4.00 Hercules 8.30 Two And A Half Men (M) 7.00 Home And Away 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 9.00 The Inbetweeners (MA) 7.30 Heston’s Mission 9.30 Movie: Go (MA 1999) US According To Jim Impossible comedy. Stars Katie Holmes 6.30 My Wife And Kids 8.30 Movie: The Sixth Sense 11.30 The Ultimate Fighter (AV) 12.30 7.00 That ’70s Show (M 1998) US drama. Stars Eclipse Music TV 1.00 Charlie’s Angels 7.30 Mighty Ships Bruce Willis 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot 10.50 30 Rock (M) 11.20 Premiership 8.30 AFL Premiership Season Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Get Smart 5.30 Brisbane v St Kilda Season AFL: Brisbane v St Kilda 2.30 Home Shopping 5.30 Seven News 11.50 The Sopranos (AV) 2.00 Airwolf The Flintstones 3.00 Quincy ME 4.00 Hercules 5.00 McHale’s Navy 5.30 Home Shopping 6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 6.00 Kids Time 7.30 Martha Stewart The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, Show 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 She Wrote 12.00 Movie: Soldier In 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Danoz 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres The Rain (PG 1963) US drama. Stars Emmerdale 11.00 Hollyoaks 11.30 Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Steve McQueen 2.00 Domestic Blitz Deal Or No Deal 12.00 Murphy Brown Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 What 12.30 Hart To Hart 1.30 10 Years 3.30 Magical Tales 4.00 Kitchen Whiz A Year 5.00 Ellen Degeneres Show Younger 2.30 Welcome Back Kotter 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 3.00 Perfect Strangers 3.30 Movie: 6.00 NBN News 7.30 As Time Goes By The New Adventures Of Pippi 7.00 A Current Affair 8.00 The Golden Girls Longstocking (G 1988) Swedish 7.30 RBT 8.30 Child Genius 2 + 3 adventure. Stars Tami Erin 8.00 Getaway 9.30 Bizarre ER (M) 8.30 CSI (M) 6.00 Bargain Hunt 10.00 How Clean Is Your House 9.30 The NRL Footy Show (M) 7.00 On The Buses 11.15 Til Death 11.45 The Strip (M) 10.30 Wife Swap USA 7.30 Movie: Sixteen Candles (PG 1984) US comedy. Stars 12.45 Entertainment Tonight 1.15 11.30 Conan (M) 12.30 As Time Religion 1.45 Billy Thorpe 2.00 Goes By 1.00 Murder, She Wrote Molly Ringwald 9.30 Movie: The Breakfast Club Infomercials 3.30 Good Morning 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion America 5.00 Early Morning News 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country (M 1985) US drama. Stars 5.30 Today Molly Ringwald


Serie A Football: Catania v Lazio





DOWN 1. Abyss, gulf (5) 2. Swimming stroke commonly known as freestyle (10,5) 3. Unspecified position, no particular place (8) 4. Order, neatness (8) 5. Rogue, scoundrel (6) 6. Oral communication, oration (6) 7. Donald Horne’s ironic description of Australia (3,5,7) 8. Contrition, remorse (9) 13. Huge island in the arctic region (9) 15. Australian marsupial (8) 16. Ceremonial columns, particularly in Egypt (8) 19. Raced faster than the opposition (6) 20. In the style of a mountain dwarf (or garden ornament) (6) 23. Chide, berate (5)

Last week’s solution



by Ian Rogers Play at Seagulls Club, Thurs 6-10pm Since his retirement from professional chess in 2005, former World Champion Garry Kasparov has been a prominent spokesman criticising the government of Vladimir Putin. Kasparov and the organisation he advances, The Other Russia, have been a thorn in the side of the Russian government – albeit a minor one – with demonstrations broken up violently and Kasparov refused permission to stand in the 2008 presidential elections. However, Kasparov has always found a willing outlet for his political opinions in the USA, with the Wall Street Journal in particular publishing his writings. As a result, the governmentcontrolled media in Russia has had a relatively easy task in trashing Kasparov’s reputation; not only directly but also by playing up every minor chess exhibition in which Kasparov competed since his retirement as a sign that a comeback was around the corner, implying that Kasparov was no more than a dilettante at politics. Unfortunately this week Kasparov made this task a little

easier, by being the star attraction at a fund-raising exhibition in Florida for the Revere America Foundation. Revere America’s blurb on the promotional brochure for the exhibition sounds great – ‘A nonpartisan organisation dedicated to advancing common sense public policies rooted in our traditions of freedom and free markets.’ However, digging a little deeper would have revealed that Revere America is a political body with one main aim: to undermine and eventually repeal last year’s US health system changes. Kasparov has long sought to remain non-party political in the US, talking with politicians of all flavours, but fund-raising for a body linked to the controversial Tea Party is likely to raise eyebrows in the US, let alone be exploited ruthlessly back in Moscow. The problem for Kasparov is that he is not really a politician; he does and says exactly what he believes, caring little about image. Kasparov’s directness earned him great respect during the communist era in the USSR, but it seems to be failing to make any impact in modern Russia.

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Phillip Kelly Wine, dine, relax and play at Kingscliff Beach Bowls Club. The best little club on the Far North Coast. Kingscliff Beach Bowls Club Marine Parade, Kingscliff 02 6674 1404

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Greg Swift We may not get the tips right but we’ll tip you onto some great value! Great range, great prices, great location, open seven days. Taphouse Cellars – Kingscliff Shop 4, Kingscliff Shopping Village 02 6674 3366

Tigers Bulldogs Sea Eagles Cowboys Roosters Knights Panthers Dragons

Ziggi Browning Production Manager for The Echo.

The Tweed Echo 02 6672 2280

Titans Eeels Sea Eagles Cowboys Broncos Knights Storm Dragons

Tristan Wetherelt Blocked drains? New water heater? Whatever your plumbing needs we have the answer. Personalised, professional approach to your plumbing requirements. FREE quotes. Available 24/7. 0458 025 747 •

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Chris Graham This Saturday April 9 Mason Rack Band 7.30pm in the function room. Free entry, doors and bar open from 7pm. Light dinner meals available. Be there! Currumbin RSL Currumbin Creek Road

Tigers Bulldogs Sea Eagles Cowboys Broncos Knights Storm Dragons

Mark Harriott Quality brand batteries at discount prices. Automotive, industrial, personal, household. Independently owned and operated. Established for over 22 years. We care, and want you coming back! Unit 2, 25 Industry Drive, Tweed Heads South • 07 5524 4895

Tigers Bulldogs Sea Eagles Cowboys Broncos Knights Storm Dragons

Peter Cradock Peter has a simple philosophy of success through honesty and hard work. Consistent feedback and professionalism in providing a complete Real Estate service from beginning to end is also essential. Peter Cradock, Ray White Tweed Heads 0414 246 998 Tweed Heads

Tigers Bulldogs Sea Eagles Raiders Broncos Sharks Panthers Dragons

Kel Torr Great food, good times at The Beach Bar, Cabarita. Open seven days from 10am till late. Entertainment every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Bottleshop open seven days with great specials. 2-6 Pandanus Parade, Cabarita Beach 1800 256 911

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Eve Jeffery I always say you should never regret not having photos taken. Tree Faerie Fotos is fotography for small occasions

Titans Bulldogs Sea Eagles Cowboys Broncos Knights Storm Rabbitohs

Alison Harman Never underestimate the power and hidden talents of a blonde!

Titans Eels Warriors Raiders Broncos Knights Storm Dragons

Chris Holt The McGrath network covers all areas in Tweed-Byron with offices in Tweed Heads and Ballina/Byron Bay. Chris Holt, McGrath 0438 361 111 35 Wharf St, Tweed Heads

Tigers Bulldogs Sea Eagles Cowboys Roosters Knights Storm Dragons

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Tigers Bulldogs Sea Eagles Cowboys Roosters Knights Storm Dragons

Phil Harris Signfix is a major supplier of sign fixing systems with many of its products approved by road transport departments across Australia. For all your sign fixing needs call Signfix. Unit 4 / 7 Wheeler Cres, Currumbin 07 5598 4319 •

Titans Eels Warriors Cowboys Broncos Knights Panthers Rabbitohs

Barry Schadel The Byron Bay Brewery and Buddha Bar/Restaurant is the home of Byron Bay Premium Ale and one of Byron’s newest attractions. Open from lunch until late, seven days a week. 1 Skinners Shoot Road, Byron Bay

Tigers Eels Sea Eagles Cowboys Roosters Knights Storm Dragons

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Bulldogs Tigers Sea Eagles Cowboys Roosters Knights Storm Dragons



The Tweed Echo 02 6672 2280 Jack Mantle Specialising in stairs (internal or external open and closed risers), windows, doors and furniture. Servicing all of the Tweed Shire.


Go the Titans!


Tree Faerie Fotos

The Byron Shire Echo 02 6684 1777


The Tweed Shire Echo April 14, 2011 21


Tweed River gets moody

Dragon paddlers medal at Nationals

David Solano

I think the river is going through some kind of transition. It is all a little strange, one week catching numerous mangrove jacks on surface lures (not big ones but a lot of fun), then next week no jacks to be seen; no flathead, only a few midget bream. Early last Wednesday morning I fished the ‘Gravel Patch’ which is situated between the Boyds Bay Bridge and Kennedy Drive boat ramp. I had on a 1/12 oz jig head with a Banana Prawn Gulp Shrimp, dead sticking with the incoming tide. Suddenly the water around me started behaving weirdly. What ever it was moved so fast through the water that it left a thin trail of speed-boat like froth in its wake. At first I thought I’d paddled into a patch of feeding trevs so

SPORT RESULTS BOWLS Cabarita Beach Men Tweed /Byron District Seniors Pairs Final: L Freeman and B Creedon of Cabarita 22 defeated T Baxter and B Shepherd of Pottsville 12. Open Singles Championship Final: A Latif 31 Defeated I (Mud Crab) Turnbull 15 Mixed Fours Championship Final saw the team of D Hopps, M Overall, G Lake and J Lake 18 defeat M Morgan, C Morgan , S Goode and G Goode 10 Wednesday April 6; Winners: E Carsley and M Morgan Runners Up: B Lambert and C Klaverstyn Consolation: G Lake and P Schofield Saturday April 9; Winners: R Andrews, R Woodbury, L Rice and A MacLean Consolation: M Watson, Y Hawkey, L King and S Goode Monday April 11; Winners: B Burger and B McKay Runners Up: G Lake and D Hopps Consolation: Woody and D Vegter. New moon

April 4


First quarter April 11


Full moon

April 18


Third quarter April 25


I cast a lure into the middle of this melee and nothing happened, which I found unusual as normally with trevs boffing the water they will take anything. It was at this stage I started getting a bit nervous, so I quickly sat down on the kayak and paddled to shore as sharks were on my mind because I’ve

seen them in the river before and almost caught one at the front of the Condong Sugar Mill. I didn’t get to see what was causing all that froth. If you’re looking to catch a fish on the Tweed, I recommend live yabbies or worms on a light rig on any sandbank you can find on an outgoing tide. Good Luck!

Cabarita Beach Women 2.04.11 Social Bowls: Winning Rink – Robyn Darling, Robyn Creedon, Judy Jones. Consolation – Coral McCaughan, Jan Appleton, Judy Schmidt, Dorothy Paterson. Raffles: Robyn Darling, Rhonda Gleeson, John Andrews. Condong Ladies Friday with our 3 bowl triples overall winners were Kerry Edmonds and Wayne Chisholm. Ist round winners were John and Heather Ross. 2nd round winners were Mary Chisholm and Billy Clifford. Tuesday bowls results, winning rink went to B.Mullan, H.Ross and E.Elvey. Comp winners were D.Hardy and B.Mullan. Condong Men Wednesday 6/4 on a showery day 18 bowlers played winners C Smith, T Crossingham, T Kennedy R/U B Young, B Dunne, J Andrassy. Raffle winners A Evans, R Pilon, C Sager. Game of Open triples played J Knight, W Chislom,S Knight 20 def K Vardy, B Wicks, S Mas-

sey 19. Friday 8th Open pairs R Shoobridge, R Kaehler, T Martian 23 def T Scuis, P Pluis, W Peart 17. Saturday first day of Pennants Winners Div 1 Condong 6 / Cabarita 0, Div 3 Condong 6 / Mullumby 0, Div 4 Condong 2 / Cudgen 4, Div 5 Condong 6 / Brunswick Hds 0, Div 7 Condong 6 / Murwillumbah 0. Well done Condong men. Raffle winners R Gerds, S Massey, R Fuller, R Gerdes. Cudgen Leagues Ladies Social Bowls – Thursday 7th April – winning rink – A. Revie, B. Hall. Raffle – W. Butler. Results 1st Round Club Championship Pairs – A. Revie, B. Hall defeated F. Hall, J. Dent. C. Wein, H. Wylie defeated C. Blake, S. Hinks. Cudgen Leagues Men The 2011 Pennant Cudgen V Condong in grade 4 with Cudgen running out winners 4/2 and in grade 7 Cudgen V Cabarita and also scraped home 4 ½ 1 ½. Grade 6 V Cabarita a going down to Cabarita 4/2. Club “A” Grade singles championships John Turner ran out the winner over Coog Pritchard 32/25.


APRIL 2011

Astronomical data and tides

Day of Sun Sun Moon Moon High tide, Low tide, month rise set rise set height (m) height (m) 1 F 0655 1844 0440 1710 0752,1.54; 2019,1.51 0143,0.55; 1409,0.44 2 S 0656 1843 0531 1740 0828,1.53; 2051,1.57 0221,0.50; 1439,0.43 DAYLIGHT SAVING ENDS 3 APRIL AT 3:00AM – CLOCKS GO BACK ONE HOUR 3 S 0556 1742 0523 1710 0802,1.52; 2022,1.62 0158,0.46; 1407,0.43 4 M 0557 1741 0615 1742 0837,1.49; 2053,1.66 0234,0.44; 1436,0.45 5 T 0558 1739 0708 1817 0912,1.45; 2125,1.68 0310,0.43; 1505,0.48 6 W 0558 1738 0803 1855 0948,1.39; 2200,1.68 0348,0.44; 1536,0.51 7 T 0559 1737 0858 1938 1027,1.34; 2236,1.66 0429,0.47; 1609,0.56 8 F 0559 1736 0953 2026 1109,1.28; 2318,1.62 0512,0.50; 1646,0.61 9 S 0600 1735 1047 2118 1157,1.22 0600,0.54; 1730,0.66 10 S 0600 1734 1138 2215 0007,1.58; 1254,1.19 0657,0.57; 1825,0.70 11 M 0601 1733 1226 2316 0104,1.55; 1402,1.18 0802,0.57; 1934,0.72 12 T 0601 1732 1311 0212,1.55; 1516,1.23 0909,0.53; 2053,0.69 13 W 0602 1731 1353 0019 0323,1.58; 1622,1.33 1009,0.46; 2207,0.61 14 T 0603 1730 1432 0123 0428,1.64; 1717,1.47 1102,0.37; 2312,0.50 1152,0.30 15 F 0603 1728 1511 0228 0527,1.70; 1808,1.62 16 S 0604 1727 1550 0334 0621,1.73; 1858,1.76 0012,0.38; 1238,0.26 17 S 0604 1726 1631 0442 0715,1.72; 1943,1.88 0108,0.28; 1323,0.25 18 M 0605 1725 1715 0551 0807,1.68; 2030,1.95 0202,0.21; 1407,0.28 19 T 0605 1724 1804 0702 0900,1.60; 2118,1.98 0258,0.19; 1453,0.33 20 W 0606 1723 1857 0811 0955,1.51; 2207,1.95 0352,0.21; 1539,0.41 21 T 0607 1722 1954 0916 1049,1.41; 2257,1.87 0448,0.25; 1626,0.50 22 F 0607 1721 2053 1016 1145,1.32; 2348,1.77 0545,0.35; 1715,0.60 23 S 0608 1720 2153 1108 1242,1.25 0645,0.44; 1810,0.68 24 S 0608 1720 2252 1154 0044,1.65; 1346,1.22 0745,0.51; 1912,0.75 25 M 0609 1719 2348 1234 0144,1.55; 1449,1.22 0843,0.56; 2020,0.78 26 T 0609 1718 1309 0248,1.47; 1551,1.27 0937,0.58; 2131,0.77 27 W 0610 1717 0042 1341 0350,1.44; 1644,1.34 1025,0.58; 2236,0.73 28 T 0611 1716 0135 1412 0445,1.43; 1728,1.42 1108,0.55; 2331,0.67 29 F 0611 1715 0227 1442 0531,1.43; 1807,1.51 1145,0.53 30 S 0612 1714 0318 1512 0614,1.44; 1843,1.59 0018,0.61; 1220,0.51 All times Eastern Standard after April 3, 3am. Time lags: Ballina Boat Dock: 15 min; Byron Bay: nil; Brunswick River Highway Bridge: high 30 min, low 1 hr; Mullumbimby: 1 hr 10 min; Billinudgel: 3 hr 55 min; Chinderah: high 1 hr 30 min, low 2 hr; Terranora Inlet: high 2 hr 10 min, low 2 hr 25 min; Murwillumbah: high 2 hr 30 min, low 2 hr 50 min. Tides in bold indicate high tide of 1.7m or more and low tide of 0.3m or less. Data courtesy of the National Tidal Centre.

22 April 14, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

MONTHLY MARKETS 1st Sat Brunswick Heads (02) 6628 4495 1st Sun Banora Point Farmers’ Market 0417 759 777 1st Sun Byron Bay (02) 6680 9703 1st Sun Pottsville (02) 6676 4555 1st Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 2nd Sat 2nd Sun 2nd Sun 2nd Sun 2nd Sun 2nd Sun

Kingscliff (02) 6674 0827 The Channon (02) 6688 6433 Chillingham 0437 041 023 Lennox Head (02) 6672 2874 Coolangatta (07) 5533 8202 Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714

3rd Sat Mullumbimby (02) 6684 3370 3rd Sat Murwillumbah Cottage Markets 0417 759 777 3rd Sun Ballina (02) 6687 4328 3rd Sun Banora Point Farmers’ Market 0417 759 777 3rd Sun Nimbin (02) 6689 0000 3rd Sun Pottsville (02) 6676 4555 3rd Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 3rd Sun Uki (02) 6679 9026 4th Sat Kingscliff (02) 6674 0827 4th Sun Bangalow (02) 6687 1911 4th Sun (in 5 Sun month) Coolangatta (07) 5533 8202 4th Sun Murwillumbah 0422 565 168 4th Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 5th Sun 5th Sun

Nimbin (02) 6689 0000 Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714


Each Sat Each Thu Each Tue Each Sat

8-11am Bangalow (02) 6687 1137

8-11am Byron Bay (02) 6687 1137

New Brighton (02)6684 5390 8am-1pm Uki (02) 6679 5438

The State and National Titles have come and gone and the Coolangatta Mount Warning Dragon Boat Club is very proud of their effort and commitment, their training and results. The Manly Regatta at Kawana was a good prep for these important titles, and put the paddlers, not only in good voice but in a position to do our best in the upcoming events. Twenty-two club members, which comprise a full Dragon Boat, attended the State Titles. Held at Kawana again, the Queensland weather was not kind and it rained both days. This did not dampen their spirits and the club performed very

well, gaining a Bronze Medal in the 200m Premier Mixed 10s. We smashed our best time for this event by finishing in an approximately cool 54 seconds. The final event was the gruelling Masters Mixed 2000m. Nobody in their right minds wants to do this event after two days of exhausting paddling, but Dougal, Chris, and Brenda would have it no other way. The race started well, overtaking the boat in front at the 1000m mark and was approaching the final turn when disaster struck, when the crew collided with their ‘sister’ club Broadwater. Even with such an emotional incident, both clubs refocused

and rejoined the race; the team eventually finished fifth. The next regatta, and the most important of the year, was The Australian National Dragon Boat Championships, held in Canberra. Thirteen club members were selected to represent Queensland in State V State in the 200m and 500m. The final results were: Masters Mixed bronze, Grand Masters Women gold, Grand Masters Open silver, Great Grand Dragons Mixed gold and in the Grand Masters Mixed, missing out on a gold by just 0.5 second, a silver medal. A very impressive first outing at the Nationals for the local club.

Social Monday Mixed S. Felton, M. Van Runt & M. Van Runt, Wednesday Men’s Mufti Triples game N. Gillie, S. Archbold & B. McIntosh def J. Tom, K. Foran & Ron Toby. Pottsville Ladies Thursday April 7 Winners: HWM C. Shaw, L. Rice & C. Parker. Runners Up: LWS P. Thorburn, L. Dunlop & J. Baxter, Lucky Bowler: L. Dunlop Raffle: J. Baxter & L. Dunlo Pottsville Men Wednesday April 6 2011 Winners: R. Parker – T, Fuller.. Consulation: P. Field – C. Gallagher – J. Buckley. Championship: B. Grade Pairs Winners: S. Lofts – G. Crawley Runnersup: W. Hill – D. Appleton Score: 3211. Winners: J. Field –(sub) M. Woods – H. Milne. Runnersup: K. Boynton – B. Moore Score: 2119. Pennant Results: Division1: Pottsville v Ocean Shores, Ocean Shores 4 ½ 1 ½. Division 4: Pottsville v Brunswick Heads, Pottsville 51. Division 6: Pottsville v Mullumbimby, Pottsville 51. Division 7 : Pottsville v Byron Bay, Pottsville 51. South Tweed Men Wednesday 6/4/11 morning pairs wunners were K. Banks &P Willmott 36. Runnersup was won by J.Chapman & L. Smith. 35. Third place went to V. Mc Cutcheon & K.Kingma 34. Afternoon social W.Anderson,R. Mc Callum,J.Parton runnersup were J.Willey K O.Kinnane K Clerke. Thursday afternoon pairs B. Heap & R Hickman 22. Second were B Preist & C. Neave 15. Winner of losers went to K. Stanley & L.Ponting 17. Saturday 8/4/11 F. Fisher P Blanksby H. Canning. Runner up were D. bateson R reid A.potts Tweed Heads Men Bowls Super Challenge: The Grand finals Gold Men winners: Mooloolaba; Ladies: Coolam Beach; Silver MenJindalee; Ladies: Caloundra; Bronze Men: Maroochy Beach; Ladies: Cleveland. Championships: Round 2 Wednesday 6 April John and Clinton Bailey d. Roger Sydenham, Col Hawkins 27/11; John Strachan, Bernie Fletcher d. John Gunton, Jim Croghan

25/14; Eddie Hewitt, Steve Ross d. Greg Ash, Roy Nuttall 14/13; Scott and Dennis Agnew d. Liam and Mitch Jackson 22/13; Nick Separovich, Al Kalnins d. Jim Hammersley, John Millington 33/4; Paul Price, Ian Wildman d. David Dodge, Mark Howarde 20/18; John Griffiths, Mario Matteucci d. Jason Neville, Doug Grenfell 19/18; John Rayward,Gary Hewitt d. Dennis Lusby, George Mynott 18/17. Sun 3 Apr: Green 1: Bev Crisp and Keith Murphy; r/ up: Renee and Tony Laycock Green 2: Arthur Smith, Jean and Jim Cowen, Maurice Scott; r/up: Trevor Bauer, Linda and Tony Kattenberg, Phil Dwyer Tues 5 Apr: Men: Geoff Pike, Ken Joy, Chas Turner; r/up: Col Elsey, Jack Blagbrough, Lol Sables, Ramsay MacDonald. Ladies: Marlene Gwynne, Pam Govett, Helen Carter;r/up: Anne Warman, Joy Dodsley, Hazel Bardsley, Willi Grant on c/b. Wed 6 Apr: Lowest Winning Margin Green 1: David Nelson, Steve Szabo 1; r/ up: Hayden Soulsby, Michael Nedjati 5 Green 2: Dennis Lusby, Don Shoobert 1; r/up: Tony Nicholls, John Read, Ian Mather 2 Green 3: Clem Jones, Bill Finney 7 on c/b: r/up: Gary Pickett, Roger Graff 7 Fri 1 Apr: Green 1: John Gunton, John Burden, Jim Croghan; r/up: Frank Birkin, John Cunningham, Bob Mullens Green 2: John McKean, Les Morrison, John ParkerSmith; r/up: John Mann, Paul Price, Ian Wildman Green 3: Mike Goddard, Gary Hewitt, John Rayward; r/up: Don Shoobert, Jack Barnes, Bob Wike. DARTS Tweed Valley On Monday 11th April Mixed Doubles Championships at Kirra Sports Club. Winners on the night were Diane Paynter from B Grade Ozzie Tavern Devils and Bill Aitken from A Grade Kirra Sports Club Blues. Runner up were Lynda Lees from B Grade Chinderah Tavern and Brett Atkinson from Condong Bowling Club Jokers.

GOLF Chinderah Seniors Social Golf Results for 4/4/11 Stableford: Winner A grade Harry LeJeune 39 points(c/back) new h/cap 8, R/up M Alan Smith 39 points new h/cap 9. Winner B grade Alan Andrews 40 points new h/cap 17. R/up Mel Brodie 37 points new h/cap 14. Winner C grade Keith Morris 38 points new h/cap 19. R/up Helen Wain 37 points new h/cap 21. Ball rundown to 35 points(c/back) Results for 7/4/11 Stableford Winner A grade John Newton 39 points new h/ cap 13. R/up John Best 38 points new h/cap 14. Winner B grade Patsy Gordon 40 points(c/back) new h/cap 20. R/up Ted Robinson 40 points(c/back) new h/cap 32.Ball rundown to 35 points(c/back) Hole in One 18th hole Don Gordon SHOOTING Murwillumbah Pistol Club 9Apr11; Standard Pistol P Cusack 657, R Rees 562, G Andronicus 562, J Hoctor 559, D Gazzard 558, A Uren 551, N Davis 549, J Maclachlan 542, R Fleming 551, S Nash 474. Air Pistol B Kleem 565, D Reid 556, Junior Air W Byrne 387. Mayliegh Cup P Stupka 305, A Gazzard 190 Murwillumbah Rifle Club Fullbore: Shooting was at 600 yards in good conditions although the fishtailing mirage made high scoring diffcuilt. Scores:S.Dolan 97.10, 2, 99.10; W.Shoobridge 98.9, 1, 99.9; S.Waddell 96.11, 2, 98.11; D.Phippard 95.6, 2, 97.6; G.Davids 93.5, 4, 97.5. Scope: B.Chittick 112.6, 6, 118.6; P.Weeks 106.5, 11, 117.5; A.Glover 103.2, 14, 117.2; W.Sunderland 108.1, 8, 116.1; P.LoxleyLewis 105.1, 10, 115.1; M.Sforcina 99.5, 15, 114.5. Smallbore: 50metres – T.Lamb 392, 18, 410; W.Shoobridge 396, 8, 404; A.Glover 397, 6, 403; B.Little 383, 20, 403; W.Sunderland 400, 1, 401; R.Couch 377, 24, 401; M.Morris 389, 11, 400; S.Martin 366, 34, 400; S.Sunderland 397, 2, 399; G.Davids 395, 3, 398; B.Chittick 394, 3, 397; G.MacMahon 392, 4, 396; J.Malek 383, 12, 395; G.Johnston 378, 14, 392. Next events: Smallbore on April 15, starting 1.30pm.


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• DVD/ video setup • New TV sockets • Surround sound setup • New phone sockets • Flat TV wall mounting • Pensioner discounts David Levine • FM radio antennas • Lic. electrical contractor

0402 022 111


<echowebsection=Service Directory>

Unit 2/42 Machinery Drive, Tweed Heads South The Tweed Shire Echo April 14, 2011 23

Service Directory ELECTRICIANS


ALL ELECTRICAL WORK No job too small. Lic 230464C....Michael 02 6677 0122 or 0411 518 675 CURTIS ELECTRICAL 24 hour service. Lic 79065C........................................................0427 402 399 RIC VESSIERE ELECTRICIAN Lic 223948C......................................02 6677 1195 or 0407 588 181

Venus Lounge

2 Pauls


All electrical work, including home maintenance and air conditioning systems


Gentlemen’s Retreat OUTCALLS AVAILABLE – OPEN 24/7

17 Morton Street, Chinderah • 02 6674 5020

Black Orchid

Email: NSW: 218495C, Qld: 70561

Paul Taylor 0412 506 536

Ernst Max Mann

Shop 21 Level 2 Kingscliff Central Pearl St Kingscliff 02 6674 2933

Kingscliff Podiatry Andy Jenkins BSc. gentle podiatry • orthotics • nail surgery • comfort footwear


OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK No. 12 Greg Chappell Drive, Burleigh Heads • 07 5522 1400

Electrical Contractor 02 6677 1943 / 0410 314 897


Lic EC 26523



BEDNARZ, H & W, FENCING Specialise in pool, colourbond & timber fencing...........07 5590 4540 BENS FENCING – RELIABLE, PROMPT, QUALITY 7 days........................................0409 983 565 EDL Prompt & reliable service........................................................................................0432 107 262 FENCING & RETAINING WALLS BSA Licensed. Free quotes. Any area.......................0411 594 314 FRONTLINE FENCING & LATTICE Pool, Colourbond & Lattice. Lic 212208c..................07 5524 1842 NORTHERN RIVERS FENCING All fences, will beat any quote...................................0421 755 978

GARDEN & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE AUSSIE MOWERMAN TWEED HEADS................................... Kris 02 6674 3695 or 0439 612 061 CLEAN CUT lawns & maintenance. Rubbish removal. Free quotes.........................Tim 0434 712 161 DAN YATES GARDEN SERVICES Qualified horticulturist................0407 540 700 or 02 6679 1427 QUALIFIED BUSH REGENERATOR, gardening services, property maintenance... Liam 0422 580 871 WOLLUMBIN TREE SERVICES Qualified arborist. Pruning, removals, economical.....0427 015 923



• Fully insured • Garden maintenance • Lawn/acreage mowing • Edge trimming • Weeding/poisoning • Hedging/tree trimming • Rubbish removal • Pressure cleaning • All handyman repairs • Residential, commercial and body corporate • Lic 234358C For a free quote call

07 5524 3202


TOP OF THE STATE FREIGHT Delivering Tweed, Lismore, Ballina daily.......................0418 664 236


LOCAL • Sydney • GOLd COASt • BriSBAne • MeLBOurne

Your Professional Health Coach Tracey Lee Morley ND DBM 24 years Experienced Practitioner

0266 841219

1446 Coolamon Scenic Drive Mullumbimby

PAINTING Professional Painting & Decorating

Specialising in: Customer Service, Residential Homes, Interiors & Exteriors

Joel Watson 0404 202 415 Fully insured

• Weed control • Rubbish removal • Mowing • Whipper snipping • Hedge trimming • Small trees removed • Minor handyman work From $30 – ring Woz for a free quote

AJ Itong Painting

0412 613 916


ROOFS! We also restore roofs

Lic NSW 129316C Lic Qld 1014447

BYRON WEDDING & PARTY HIRE.... 02 6685 5483 MULLUM HIRE Wedding and party 02 6684 3003

LANDSCAPING & EXCAVATION BASALT BUSHROCK Highgrade. Rock walls. Cheap prices.................................. Rolly 0408 860 543 BRENDON POWELL Bobcat, excavator, tipper & auger. All jobs..................................0404 988 222 FENCING & RETAINING WALLS BSA Licensed. Free quotes. Any area.......................0411 594 314 Specialising in • all styles of paving & brickwork • irrigation • retaining walls • turf areas• water features and all aspects of paving and landscaping. Over 20 yrs experience - friendly reliable service Ring Dean on 0417 856 212

TINY EARTHWOR Philip Toovey 0409 799 909 ph/fax 02 6684 3208

various implements available for limited access projects



0404 193 933

Wollumbin Landscapes Design Construction Maintenance

All forms of landscape construction including: • Retaining walls • Paving • Decks • Pergolas • Turfing • Water features • Gardens

0400 378 883

24 April 14, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

02 6684 2198

SHIRE TRANSPORT FREIGHT & REMOVALS • Freight services to Brisbane Mon & Wed • Carriers of fine art • Mini moves • E-bay pick up & delivery

6687 6445 / 0409 917646 ROOFING ALL ROOF REPAIRS, CLEANING & PAINTING...........................................................0407 261 213 QUALITY JOB 18 years experience. NSW Lic 129316C, Qld Lic 1014447.. Adrian Itong 0412 613 916 ROOF PAINTING & REPAIRS Free quotes. Lic 1134084........................................Joe 0414 587 884

Lic No. 211420C

• Domestic • Commercial • Driveways cleaned & sealed

0458 795 659 (bh) 6679 5659 (ah)

Kurt Hartmann Lic 177725C

• Local • Country • interstate



Honest, reliable, all work guaranteed. 6681 4163 / 0414 674 110 •



All aspects of paving, pool coping and tiling For a free quote and advice call Luke on

0411 636 120 PEST CONTROL

ARACHNID PEST MANAGEMENT Environmentally friendly.......................................0409 497 706


PLUMBING & GAS SOLUTIONS Blocked drains? New water heater?

Whatever your plumbing needs we have the answer. Available 24/7. FREE quotes.

Personalised, professional approach to your plumbing requirements.

Nathan 0432 511 579 Tristan 0458 025 747

• Same day response • 10% pensioner discount • All plumbing & maintenance • Plumbing & gasfitting • Guttering & downpipe replacement NSW Lic 204860C Qld Lic 28721

Call your local plumber

0409 848 800

local 25 years DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL METAL ROOFING Preferred insurance repairer Craig Montgomery Lic 30715C

0418 751 972

RUBBISH REMOVAL OCEAN SHORES SKIPS Mini skip specialist..................................................................0412 161 564

Call Gary now for a free quote 0421 999 018 or 02 6676 0098


All scrap metal, white goods, farm machinery 4WD access • Local towing service Lic 06105 NSW

Ph/Fx 02 6677 9443 Mob 0421 251 477


TWEED COAST PLUMBING & EXCAVATION • Tight access mini excavator – 1.5 ton • Drainage • Hot water systems • Water tanks • LPG gas fitting • Backflow testing • Bathroom renovations

PHIL CAVEY 0418 250 360 NSW Lic L13688 • PO Box 1067 Kingscliff NSW 2487

<echowebsection=Service Directory>

Classifieds SELF STORAGE



VW PASSAT 2.8 wagon 115000km rego 8/2011, $10400. Phone 66845306



CHILD CARER / NANNY 15 yrs exp. Great refs. Linda Flower 0421892812

‘91 PULSAR 5 sp man, runs great but needs work, reg 29/5 $750 ono; ‘94 Magna V6 Exec auto, air, p-s, new roof liner & new front shocks, good cond reg 15/8 $1500 ono. 66846402 before 7pm

TWEED HEADS views, huge verandahs, 8 min drive to Kirra/Coolie. Lovely 2br flat or 2 sgl rooms $180pw neg per room. N/s, workers. Ph 0755999142 or 0424007313

Double your exposure. Your ad will appear in over 40,000 newspapers weekly. Ask us about our great deals when you advertise in both THE TWEED SHIRE ECHO & THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Phone 02 66722280 or 02 66841777


FOR HIRE EVENT & PARTY HIRE Audio & lighting. 0418676534 or 66722680 •





Woodwork W’shop

18 yrs exp. Lic NSW 129316C & QLD 1014447. Domestic, commercial. We can also do roof restoration & clean & seal your driveway. 0412613916 BRUNSWICK VALLEY


7 Day Access PIN Code Entry Range of Sizes

6672 3211 57 Quarry Road, MURWILLUMBAH


Servicing this area for 11 years.

SOLAR SYSTEMS Lic. Electrical Contractors

Excavator & tipper hire. 0427172684

DIVERSE POSITIONS FIND AGREEMENT Based on 48 continuous years of community living. This 8 day workshop gives you an experience of (Kensan), a tool for non-hierarchical decision making. 2-9 May Residential $750. Ph 66802905

Creating Conscious Relationships Voice dialogue and bonding patterns For individuals and couples Sun, May 1, 10am-5pm with Ana Barner 6684 7158, 0410 740 420

Skin Cancer Clinic Ocean Shores Health

Your local installer dealing in Sharp Solar Modules, Australian made Latronic Inverters and Century/Yuasa batteries. Specialists in Standalone and Grid Interact Solar Power Systems.

All services bulk billed Open 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday

P: 02 6679 7228 E:

Solar Power Systems & Electrical 1.5kw system

Phone 6680 2300

$12,000 (fully installed)

0412 693 189

Call Darren Email:

TRADITIONAL THAI MASSAGE Thai masseur, 1hr $40 & 2hrs $70 Ph Nui 66771670, 0410519341

CERAMIC TILER Lic 161050C. Robbie ..........................................................................0409 368 046 REMEDIAL & RELAXATION full body RON: WALL/FLOOR TILER Waterproofing. Lic 1089627.............................................0407 374 013

TILER OF THE BAY For all Internal / External wall and floor tiling Free Quotes ■ Quality Materials ■ 12 years local experience Lic 219684C

CALL ROBERT 0414 818 169 A.H. 6685 3042

TREE SERVICES POWER CLEAR TREE SERVICES Murwillumbah & Tweed .........................................02 6672 8954


Free call 1800 802 92

Water Distillers

deep tissue massage. Ph 0431787552

SEXUAL HEALTH SERVICE Free STI/HIV checkups Clinics Murwillumbah & Tweed For appointment phone 0755066850

Sexual Counselling

Alison Rahn qualified sex therapist 0432599812


Clear subconscious sabotages. Reprogram patterns and beliefs. De-stress. Restore vibrancy and physical health. Clear allergies. SANDRA DAVEY, Reg. Pract. 66846914 QUIT SMOKING IN 60 MINUTES How? Ask Ingrid phone 66803827

Compare the value

Water Ionizers


Water Filters

Australia’s Best Range Of Water Products At Local Prices

LOOK AMAZING FOR ANY OCCASION with safe tanning. Exp spray tan artist. Casuarina, from $25. 0411881045 MASSAGE & REFLEXOLOGY 20 yrs exp. 60 min $55, 90 min $85. Casuarina, phone Lesley 0411881045

HYUNDAI EXCEL 98 hatch, 143,000km, air con, white, econ, tidy, great cond, 6 mth rego $2900 ono. Ph 0450745941

BARGAINS 1999 Holden Astra Hatch 5 speed, 151,000km, AC, PS, CD. VFA 751 ..$3,950 Nissan Pulsar Q Hatch 5 speed, AC, PS. Great car. AHD 38E ..................$2,250 1996 Volvo 850 Auto, AC, PS. HJU 102. Immaculate condition ......................$2,750 Honda CRV Wagon Auto, AC, PS, full service history, low km. VCW 828 ...$8,500 Ford Falcon ‘7 Seater’ Wagon Auto, AC, PS. WNJ 293 ............................$2,850

35 CARS UNDER $10,000



Carmine 6685 4015 - 0401 208 797



from $10.50sqm & Bamboo Flooring. For ceilings, walls, doors, etc. Ph 66884188 - sample & brochure TIMBER, pine, treated pine, hardwood, mouldings, sleepers, fencing, Koppers logs, ply, MDF, lattice, made to order. Brims Builders Hardware, Billinudgel 02 66801718, Sth Tweed 07 55236002 LOCALLY HANDMADE JEWELLERY

also available at Hammer & Hand, Ti Tree Pl, Byron A&I Tweed River Gallery, Murwillumbah Tumbulgum Gallery, Tumbulgum



Your One Stop Water Shop


‘93 LANCER coupe reg 5/10/11 RWC $600 ono. Ph 66801202


- HONEST & RELIABLE Best rates & service in the Shire. Phone Matt 0427172684 BOOKKEEPER & OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 day/week position for a home based office in Ocean Shores. Exp needed with MYOB. BAS, bank reconciliations, cash flow & general admin/office support. Relaxed & unstructured work environment. Please email your resume to BYRON BAY BLUES FESTIVAL 2011 2 x 5 day adult tickets AUD$409 each. Contact


2 x 3 day tickets, Fri, Sat & Sun, $345 each. Ph 0418368368

MOTOR VEHICLES HOLDEN BARINA ‘91 Reg 2/ 8 /2011, 5dr man, VSV yellow mag wheels $1600 drive away. 66842008, 0431854037


Ballina Car Centre

6686 5586

DLN 19950

BUSINESS FOR SALE BYRON CLASSIC CARS DA approved Mech, Car Sales, Inspection Station, pink, blue & gas. Give away at $40,000+ equip & stock. Retirement calls. Call David 66807533 MULLUM GOURMET TAKEAWAY Delicatessen & Juice Bar, solid trading Mon - Fri. Huge potential to trade weekends + expand catering. Long lease + great figures. Matt 0424652995

SHORT TERM ACCOM. LUXURY BYRON HINTERLAND house in Possum Creek, Avail Easter - 7 days $3800, 3 days $2000. Sleeps 8. Phone Robyn 0411338477

TO LET CRABBES CK 10 mins from Bruns, 4.5br house plus lge shed, 2.5 bathrooms, on 35 acres, $495pw + bond. Ph 0427196962 or ah 66771344 BURRINGBAR 3br, fire place, avail long term only from 20/4 $330pw. 0423594351 BARKERS VALE 2br cabin & large light filled studio, quiet rural setting suit artist or similar $250pw. Call 0427937904 TYALGUM priv, s/c, studio flat, exc cond, air con, spa, suit female, n/s $200pw + utilities + bond. 66792057, 0413379238 POTTSVILLE UNIT 2br, 3 min walk bch, 2 v’dahs, carport $250pw. 0419610088


• Private one-bedroom beach house • 10 minute walk to two surf beaches • Fully furnished • Suitable for couples or a small family • Located in town, close to services • Four hours drive south of Byron • Well appointed

Check it out at or call Ken on 6569 0447

POSITIONS VACANT MODELS 18+ years required. Nude female for Picture and People magazines. No experience required. All shapes and sizes. Backpackers welcome. Good money. Professional accredited ACP photographer. Ph 0413627846 PART TIME WAITPERSON weekend work, experience preferred, resumes to:

Casual Barista/Bookseller. Barista experience essential. Retail &/or food handling experience pref. Must be a hard working team player with excellent computer skills, high level of customer service, initiative and the ability to multitask and work well under pressure. Casual position approx 15 hpw initially but will vary, including potential for up to 38 hpw during peak periods. Primarily based at our bookshop cafe at SCU Gold Coast campus but may be also required to work at Tweed Heads coffee cart. Will require some 7.30am starts and some 5pm finishes so flexibility essential. Weekday shifts only. Own transport preferred. To apply please forward resume and covering letter outlining above criteria to

REGISTERED NURSES ENROLLED NURSES Perm. & Nurse Bank Seabreeze Community Aged Care at Pottsville is a very succesful near new aged care facility of 150 beds with strong admission enquiry with the final 30 bed wing now open. We require very reliable RN’s, EEN’s (Med endorsed) with prior aged care experience for permanent positions, and also Nurse Bank. Contact Cath Barker (Facility Manager) Seabreeze Community Aged Care , 41-51 Ballina St, Pottsville NSW 2489 Email


$$$s for most. Phone 0418189324, 0438189323

Mention this add for a 10% Discount on our entire water range!



Responsible Beauty

TAILORED CEREMONIES BY WILL ALLAN................................ 07 5590 9757

WINDOW TINTING SUNRISE WINDOW TINTING 30 years experience. Cars, homes, etc .........................0412 158 478

Head Teacher Simon M Marrocco 6.30am





Maria Hatha















For over 25 years, LPG Systems (France) medical devices have been treating dermal disorders of face & body. 100% Natural cellulite removal, scar & wrinkle reduction.

Yoga Health & Beauty Special


For Gym Iyengar Iyengar Claire classes S Iyengar see Julie/Claire website S Iyengar


• colonic hydrotherapy 9 • face & body endermologie


• hyperbaric oxygen chamber session • Iyengar yoga class 35 Burringbar St Mullumbimby 6680 7444

The Byron Community Primary School is seeking applications for the role of Stage Two Classroom Teacher, temporary contract due to maternity leave for the balance of 2011 and possibly terms 1 & 2, 2012 on a full time basis. This is a child related position, subject to a Working with Children check. BCPS is a 90 student split stream community primary school situated in beautiful Byron Bay in Northern NSW. The school seeks a dynamic and experienced teacher who can work within the unique community focused parent run school. The candidate will have a sound and up to date knowledge of the NSW BOS curriculum. Further information about BCPS is available at: The remuneration for this position is based on The Independent Schools NSW (Teachers) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2011-2014. If you wish to be considered please email a covering letter detailing your experience of Stage 2 and your Philosophy of teaching, your Step category and your CV to

The Tweed Shire Echo April 14, 2011 25


Would you like to become a carer and work from home? Free training & financial support is provided, to enable you to provide accredited high quality care in a home environment. You will be supported by the largest scheme in NSW. Flexible hours. Childcare benefit available. Phone Northern Rivers Family Day Care for more info on 07 5536 1865.

TUITION COM WWW.TEACHINTERNATIONAL. aid t p l l We s, grea! job estyle lif



FREE RESOURCE BOOK for prompt course enrolment!

Free info session – 27 April Next course 18–22 May 5/1 Carlyle St, Byron Bay

1300 558 890

MUSICAL NOTES BASS CABINET with powerful 15” speaker, $250ono. Ph 66845180 GUITAR AMP REPAIRS, all pro audio & custom modifications. Ph 07 55454831 JAZZ PIANO, DOUBLE BASS & DRUM TRIO FOR HIRE Well rehearsed & accomplished players. Phone 0412732465

Rasta is a goodlooking Kelpie X Border Collie (desexed). At only 7 months old, she is a slightly built girl, full of energy and eager to please. She will need an active household with plenty of space, or a property where she can be a working dog. If you can offer Rasta a permanent home, please contact Pam at the Friends of the Pound Adoption Information Booth on 07 5524 8590 or after hours on 02 6676 0078. Visit to view other pups, dogs and cats and kittens looking for permanent homes.

07 5524 8590

ONLY ADULTS SEDUCTIVE MASSAGE by attractive Australian. Ocean Shores. 0413034492 ATTRACTIVE LADIES required for adult industry. Ph Warren 0415746443 TOUCH OF JUSTINE Luscious massage & sensual touch. Indulge ALL yr senses, Wed - Fri 10am-6pm. Ph or text 0407013347

EARN BIG BUCK$ Good working environment with female staff must be 18–65 yrs old

02 6674 5020



ADOPT A CAT from Animal Welfare League NSW. Phone 66844070

HOT, SEXY, PETITE In calls & out calls Ocean Shores. Phone 66802420


May 2nd, for 5 weeks, and costs $70, or $17 per session for casuals. Directed by Jessie Vintila, using Tony Backhouse’s black American gospel arrangements, the focus is on having fun and sharing the joy of this amazingly uplifting music. No singing experience necessary. For enquiries and bookings please contact Jessie on 0417 277 211 or

Chillingham concert

The Cool Chilli Dudes, a barbershop group formed within the village-based Chillingham Voices, will be making a special appearance when the community choir presents its concert On with the Show: Musical choruses from Oklahoma to Les Mis at the Autumn Club, next to Murwillumbah Library, this Sunday, April 17. Doors open 1.30pm, concert 2.30pm, tickets $12 ($8 concession) includes afternoon tea.

Aboriginal fellowship Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship Easter Revival Convention at Fellowship Church, Letitia Road, Fingal Heads (just past the caravan park), Friday, Saturday, Sunday of Easter weekend. Morning Service 9.30am, Fellowship Lunch midday, Evening Service 6pm. For info call 02 6624 3279.

Easter choir Lismore’s St Andrew’s Anglican Church Choir is currently preparing for Holy Week a presentation of Stainer’s Crucifixion, an oratorio composed in 1887 for choir with organ and tenor and bass soloists. It will be presented at All Saints’ Anglican Church, Byangum Rd/ Riverview St, Murwillumbah on Monday, April 18, at 6pm. All welcome, free entry. For info call 02 6672 6070.

Gospel choir A new gospel choir, open to all, begins in Murwillumbah on Monday nights, from 7-9pm at the Red Cross Hall in Knox Park. An introductory night will be held on Monday April 18 from 7pm-9pm. The cost is $14 and includes cuppas and bikkies. Term 1 begins on




No degree or experience required. Cert III & IV in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Recruitment service & Job Guarantee!


Fauna workshops Connecting Fauna Habitats in Tweed Shire workshop, Saturday, April 16, at the Canvas and Kettle Room, Civic and Cultural Centre, Murwillumbah, 2pm-4pm.The purpose of the project has been to engage landholders in revegetation and rehabilitation actions that will make a significant contribution to improving flora and fauna habitat connectivity. The project has funded restoration on properties at Bilambil, Urliup, Round Mountain, Cudgen and Farrants Hill. Guest Speaker – David Milledge. Please register with Rhonda James, Bushland Restoration Services 0409244294 or Claire Masters, NRM Community Support Officer 026670 2199 or email csotweed@


Money for nothing?

When less means more in selling your home Now that the outside of your home has been examined and fixed up, and you’ve mastered kerb appeal, it’s time to move on to the inside of your home. Just like there was a lot of little things you could do to make an overwhelming difference to the outside of your home, there’s lots of great projects you can tackle inside, without having to spend a great deal of money. While the whole home is very important, the two primary areas for sprucing up should be your kitchen and bathroom. The following tips will guide you through the inside of your home in general, and then progress to each area of your home, to make sure that you’re maximising its potential. The world of real estate is becoming more sophisticated in its understanding of what sells. In this sense, there is a much better comprehension of how we can spruce up our homes for sale. In fact, there are actually people who have made an occupation of just this task. Fortunately, it is not one that takes a large amount of money. It’s just a matter of improving your current surroundings. The key is to look at your home not through your own eyes, but through the eyes of the prospective buyer. Look at your home as though you’ve never been there or seen it before in your life. Think of it as romancing your buyer with your house, so you’ll want to set the mood.

Clear out excess furniture and accessories from the interior of your home as much as possible. This is called ‘De-cluttering’. If a piece of furniture is too big for the room, or is crowding the room, put it in storage, have a garage sale, or give it to a deserving charity. This also goes for decorations, oversized stuffed animals, and other items that you may have collected over the years. Anything that takes up space should be considered, and if it’s not necessary, you’ll want to clear it out. Nothing is more effective at opening up a house than getting rid of clutter. It will

26 April 14, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

look immeasurably more spacious without all of your extra things in the way. Pay special attention to keeping hallways and doorways clear. Not only will this make the prospective buyer feel that they will be purchasing a more spacey home, but they can easier imagine their own things inside of it. Information kindly supplied by Peter Cradock of Ray White Tweed Heads, peter.cradock@






n Co




The Uki Cafe – For Sale ‘Freehold’ DA approved for three commercial ✔ Full commercial gas kitchen and coolpremises downstairs and first room, front service counter, spacious floor consising of three 2 bedroom internal and external seating areas, apartments (864m²) washrooms, office, ample parking ✔ Fantastic opportunity for a developer to come in, the hard work’s been done! ✔ Rare opportunity to purchase a successful going concern in a ✔ The only licensed cafe right in the beautiful part of the Tweed Valley centre of the village and only ten Enquiries to 02 6679 4131 minutes from Murwillumbah. or 0409 810 807 ✔ For sale on a freehold basis and $750,000 includes all inventory & equipment ✔

Waterfront Investment Property Tumbulgum This iconic freehold building, Post Office Offers over $1,000,000 as anchor tenant, plus three bedroom Tony Grbcic 0407 968 667. house, plus thriving waterfront café or buy the café business. Profit from three stream income.


Agriculture forums Sustainable Agriculture Forums for food producers, agriculture industry groups, sustainability practitioners. Tuesday, May 3 and Wednesday, May 4, at Murwillumbah Golf Club, 9am-11.30am. Making food production profitable in a changing climate, key speakers Greg Reid from Industry and Investment NSW Stuart Larsson from Mara Seeds. RSVP by April 27, to: There is no charge to attend these events. For info call 0434 261 070.

02 6672 2280 Comprehensively covering the Far North Coast

Are you getting the best home loan deal at the moment? Don’t rely on your bank to tell you what other loans are available. I have access to all the major lenders and finance industry leaders. I can help you refinance or get the loan that suits you the best. Service when you want it, where you want it. Contact me to arrange a free mortgage health check.




Changing my world

Russel Shaw

6680 8045 / 0412 833 280 /

possum creek







byron shire




7 goninan place

16 carney place

90 general stubbs drive, eureka

situated on 7.5 magic acres of north coast sub-tropical landscape in the hills of possum creek, byron bay hinterland, stands this stunning luxury home. • true north aspect • modern, open plan living, generous decks • separate pool house with kitchen facilities •15 mins to byron bay, 7 mins to bangalow

this delightful easy living home has spectacular views from every window whilst still enjoying complete privacy with its stunning tropical rural setting on this one in a million ten acre block.

the perfect hobby farm with cleared land which gently slopes down to your private swimming hole with 200m of stunning, pristine water frontage on coopers creek. vendor prepared to meet market.

• situated on 10 acres • potential and style • two separate living spaces • 15 minutes from bangalow and byron

• situated on 18 acres • runs, cows and horses • views north up the coopers creek valley • french doors opening onto verandah

view sat 1.00pm -1.30pm auction mon 9 may 6.00pm frances o’connor 0412 522 540 monique o’connor 0409 711 725

view sat 12.00pm - 12.30pm auction mon 9 may 6.00pm frances o’connor 0412 522 540 monique o’connor 0409 711 725

view sat 3.00pm - 3.30pm wed 3.00pm - 3.30pm auction mon 9 may 6.00pm monique o’connor 0409 711 725 frances o’connor 0412 522 540








suffolk park




126 lagoon drive

45 bougainvillea drive

11 armstrong street

filled with character and positioned perfectly at the end of a quiet hinterland cul-de-sac is this great family home. offering a north aspect with elevation, you will enjoy complete privacy and a stunning view of mount chincogan. • light filled spacious interiors • timber floors throughout • 1.02 hectare property • in ground swimming pool

a showcase of near new modern luxury in an absolute picturesque and private setting. spread over a single level this spacious family residence offers complete comfort for the whole family.

if individuality is important to you then thispavillion style home will appeal to you. offering a tranquil beach side location with established tropical gardens, you would be forgiven for thinking that you are in bali. • close proximity to beach • open plan kitchen/living area • opportunity to create extra bedroom & bath • the owners have moved and this propertymust be sold

view sat 2.00 - 2.30pm auction mon 9 may 6.00pm bryce cameron 0412 057 672 neil cameron 0419 274 798

view sat 1.00pm - 1.30pm auction mon 9 may 6.00pm bryce cameron 0412 057 672 neil cameron 0419 274 798

byron bay




• separate master suite or guest quarters • approved da for swimming pool • exceptional outlook from almost every room • disregard all previous marketing - to be sold

byron bay

view sat 12.00pm - 12.30pm auction mon 9 may 6.00pm neil cameron 0419 274 798 bryce cameron 0412 057 672




coopers shoot




49 lilli pilli drive

1/1 luan court

141 picadilly hill road

tucked away in a popular family orientated area of byron bay is this tidy single level home. there is nothing at all to do with this property, immaculately kept and well maintained making your move easy.

artistic designer appeal and complete privacy in byron bay. when you are this close to town you rarely enjoy this much privacy.

unquestionable beauty and arguably one of the finest properties in this region. set on a large 106 acre allotment this scenic parcel of land offers mesmerising ocean and hinterland views.

• private front courtyard with outside shower • single level house with high ceilings • extra studio space and shed • 674sqm block with tidy palmy surrounds view sat 11.00am - 11.30am auction mon 9 may 6.00pm bryce cameron 0412 057 672 neil cameron 0419 274 798

• beautiful masters retreat with ensuite • seperate study/office plus art room • external lockable shed • open plan design with light filled rooms view sat 10.00 - 10.30am auction mon 9 may 6.00pm bryce cameron 0412 057 672 neil cameron 0419 274 798

• 10 minutes out of byron • 106 stunning acres with breathtaking views • exclusive coopers shoot location • investor calls for immidiate sale view sat 3.00pm - 3.30pm auction mon 9 may 6.00pm neil cameron 0419 274 798 bryce cameron 0412 057 672

The Tweed Shire Echo April 14, 2011 27


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TM www. w w. * see editorial in Health & Beauty for more info

Come to free talk:

Connecting Fauna Habitats in Tweed Shire Saturday 16th April 2pm – 4pm at Canvas and Kettle Murwillumbah Guest Speaker – David Milledge David Milledge is an ecologist with over 40 years experience in fauna surveys and research in eastern Australia. David will discuss the main target fauna species and assemblages within the selected climate change corridors and priority implementation areas of the Tweed. Please register with Rhonda James Bushland Restoration Services 0409 244 294 or Claire Masters Community Support Officer 02 6670 2199 or email

Last Wednesday’s inaugural Caldera Farmers Market at Murwillumbah showground was a huge success, according to organisers who said they were run off their feet from sunrise on. The midweek markets attracted several hundred people throughout the morning, with many working locals turning up before office hours to buy their fresh, locally grown produce. Organiser and cheesemaker Debbie Allard said people were ‘hugging and greeting old friends, the produce was piled high and so fresh, and the undercover venue was great as once people were out of the rain they could cruise around and shop in the dry’. The first markets started with 18 stalls but that figure is set to grow over the coming weeks. The plasticbag-free markets are held every Wednesday from 7am to 11am at the showground’s dairy pavilion. ■ ■ ■ ■

Hats off to the organisers and participants of last Saturday’s benefit gig for Japan held at the Condong Bowls Club, which raised over $1,000 for the Save the Children Australia-Japan Earthquake Appeal. Seven local bands (Donkey Rush The Fat King, As We Stand, Voodoo Milkshake, Treats, Death By Dance, Raygun Mortlock and Cupids Bullet) donated their time and one punter said it was great to see such a showcase of local young talent. Raygun Mortlock’s lead singer James Doyle, who also organised a similar event at the end of January this year to raise funds for the victims of the Queensland floods, said around 160 people turned up. ■ ■ ■ ■

A koala in the Cudgen Corridor

Bushland Restoration Services


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Showcase On The Beach (near Aldi)

Join our free club and get a 15% discount, any day, twice a month 28 April 14, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Wildlife is still finding living on the environmentally fragile Letitia Spit at Fingal Head a precarious business despite a major community effort to curb the activities of rogue four-wheel drives. The latest

Happiness is your favourite teddy bear… Bilambil Public School junior students (l-r) Lily Chadburn, Milly Delboux, Ella Parkes and Clair Scifleet enjoy a cuddle with their teddies at their school’s Teddy Bears Picnic Day last Thursday. The girls took part in a day of activities including a teddy bear parade and family picnic. Photo supplied

victim is a wallaby that was struck by a vehicle last weekend and died soon after. The young male wallaby had become a familiar sight for locals since it turned up about two weeks ago and children recognised it on their way to school. ‘Now it’s the latest death down on Letitia road,’ said one local. ‘It’s out of control down there. The speed limit is 40km/h but vehicles are thundering past homes and I’m really concerned that the next thing they hit will be a young child. The Wild West situation has to change and quickly.’ Rampaging beach vehicles have already been blamed for the disappearance of a breeding pair of extremely rare beach stone-curlews and nests of leatherback and green turtles have been destroyed. A consortium of community groups have banded together to monitor the situation to try and get the message across to visitors to take it easy.

straight with their ad campaign against restrictions on the pokies. If we’re not going to be allowed to make huge profits out of the poor and foolish, what is the world coming to? For a different point of view, see www.getup. ■ ■ ■ ■

A push by some Gold Coast City councillors to transform major areas on the coastal strip into urban greenspace is currently being considered and we wonder if Tweed Shire Council will ever be so enlightened. The recent history of Tweed Council shows it’s not so green when it comes to the environment, unlike the Gold Coast which has woken up to the fact that parks and green space are actually undervalued as a means of maintaining health and wellbeing. The Gold Coast plan is for a greening program to create tree-lined boulevards, ■ ■ ■ ■ signature landscaping, rejuveThank goodness the pubs and nated parks and streetscapes clubs are setting the public to deliver significant social,

environmental and financial benefits and improve the ‘liveability’ of the city. Mayor Ron Clarke said cities around the world like Paris and Singapore understood the ‘far-reaching benefits of quality public open spaces and beautiful, green streets for their own residents and for tourism’. Cr Clarke said research had shown that green and attractive residential areas helped build stronger, safer and more cohesive communities and the use of parks improved physical and mental health. Does the Tweed first have to be overdeveloped like the Gold Coast was initially before it too realises the importance of green space? ■ ■ ■ ■

In order to keep pace with the latest tabloid to enter the Tweed’s saturated weekly newspaper market, Backburner thought it was only right and fitting to introduce our own version of the Page 3 Chick. She’s hot and horny so look out for her in our Easter edition next week.



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