Tweed Echo – Issue 4.02 – 08/09/2011

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THE TWEED Volume 4 #2 Thursday, September 8, 2011


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Flood fears prompt a last-ditch stand Steve Spencer

Jazz workshop inspires youngsters Albert Elzinga

Students from four primary schools in the Tweed joined jazz trumpet legend John Hoffman for a music workshop at Murwillumbah’s Civic Centre last Friday. Highlight of the morning was a collaboration between Mr Hoffman’s band and young saxophone player, Murwillumbah Primary School student Tully Anderson, who recently played with the Junior State Concert Band at the Opera House in Sydney. The workshop was the latest edition of an initiative sponsored by the Tweed Valley Jazz Club which started some 15 years ago with the aim of inspiring and encouraging

Trumpeter and music teacher John Hoffman and student Tully Anderson hit the high notes at last week’s workshop. Photo Albert Elzinga

budding young musicians. A mix of professional musicians and students from the Brisbane Conservatorium of Music and Griffith University enthralled the around 300 sixth-grade students with their renditions of some surprisingly recognisable jazz music. Mr Hoffman and his band managed to achieve the near impossible and held the kids’ attention for close to three hours.

Infectious love for music His infectious love for his music and skills as a lecturer at the Brisbane Conservatorium of Music and at Griffith University won over even the most tone-deaf of students and turned the civic centre into one big sound studio. The kids were singing, humming and drumming along to the band

and showed an enthusiasm normally reserved for video games and television. The event finished with a question-and-answer session fielded by drummer Warren Whitaker who entertained the kids with his sense of humour and his affection for his instrument. If inspiration and encouragement were the goals of this workshop, Mr Hoffman and the Tweed Valley Jazz Club can rest assured: on their way out, many of the students talked about taking up playing an instrument. Mr Whitaker’s passionate talk about his drums may result in numerous neighbours suffering the sounds of kids rehearsing in the garage, but may also have inspired the next Ringo Starr to take up his favourite instrument.

Hastings Point residents have sent out a last-ditch appeal for locals to speak out against a proposed controversial creekside housing estate which is feared could cause major flooding to a large part of the small seaside village. Residents and town planners have warned homes along Creek Street would be inundated by floodwaters held up by almost four metres of fill on which the developer plans to build 45 homes on the site near the creek estuary. The proprosal for the development known as Lot 156 Creek Street, which has been mired in controversy and stirred locals up for years, is now being assessed by the state government and the deadline for public submissions closed earlier this week. But the NSW Planning Department has allowed Tweed Council an extension so councillors can listen to residents’ concerns at the community access meeting next Thursday, September 15. Hastings Point Progress Association has urged as many residents as possible to attend the meeting. The association warns that if the project wins NSW government approval, nearly four metres of fill will be dumped on Lot 156, stopping water from escaping directly into Christies Creek and flooding homes along Creek Street. Association secretary Julie Boyd said residents had been given little time to write submissions to the NSW Department of Planning, with some discovering they had just over a week to organise their objections to the new estate. Developers want to lay 3.9 metres of fill and build 45 houses on around

a third of the 28-hectare site, which runs along Christies Creek near where it meets Cudgera Creek. Ms Boyd said there was little doubt the raising of the floodplain would create a damming effect which would prevent floodwaters escaping from properties along Creek Street. She said some of those most at risk where elderly residents living in the retirement section of the North Star Holiday Village. ‘It’s called Creek Street because when it rains it become like a creek,’ said Ms Boyd, who has lived in the village for 10 years.

‘Creating a dam’ ‘Putting nearly four metres of fill on the land is basically creating a dam. That will push water in all directions and endanger homes. ‘Even minor rain events can have a big effect in the area. Groundwater under Hastings Point is very close to the surface.’ Ms Boyd said a site-specific flood study needed to be done to show potential flood heights caused by the raising of the floodplain. She said the town’s stormwater drains regularly flood with saltwater during king tides. She also criticised NSW Planning for making it ‘as difficult as possible’ for residents to file submissions, with many getting just 10 days’ notice. She the department’s complicated emailing process did not help. Tweed Shire planners share some of the Progress Association’s concerns about flooding and potential environmental damage. The shire’s chief planner Vince Connell said council had successfully sought an extension of time for its submissions to the department, after

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Archibald winner all praise for Olley •

   

Albert Elzinga

More than 17,000 people have flocked to the Tweed River Art  Gallery in the past few weeks to  view the popular touring Archibald Prize exhibition which closes this Sunday, September  11. The 2011 winner Ben Quilty gave a special talk at the gallery last week about the late artist Margaret Olley and an insight the happy children into the painting’s creation. caring families Quilty said Olley was a close strong community friend and supporter of his happy children caring families strong community work and was a major source MenAware: invitations to of inspiration. She was vigorrespect and responsibility Thursdays Oct 27 – Dec 15 (no session ously passionate about social Thurs Nov 10) and Monday Nov 7, and political issues, as well as 5-7.30pm, $40. art, and was enormously com8 week course for men designed to address issues of control, aggression and violence. passionate. Help you make the choice between abusive Winning Archibald Prize artist Ben Quilty with his Margaret Olley portrait at the gallery last and controlling relationships and healthy, He said Olley was a feminist caring, respectful relationships. Enrol early week. The exhibition closes this Sunday. Photo Albert Elzinga for pre-course interview. ahead of her time who famously said she was like an old tree why anyone would want to see interesting thing about the Ar‘It’s full of translucent worksbookings essential 07 5524 8711 dying and set forth as many a portrait of her, he explained. chibald Prize, he said. in-progress, beautiful drawings, flowers as it could, while it still He told her he wanted to see ‘It really stands out when sculptures and flowers. To see could. a portrait of her because she was somebody does know the sitter. that, you couldn’t use anything The two met in 2002 when such an inspiration and he was If it’s only about meeting them but striking colour,’ he said Olley was a guest judge for the in awe of her. Painting her sim- for a one-off meeting to do a At the award ceremony, Olley Brett Whiteley Travelling Art ply made sense. portrait then it’s just a likeness, had said she was ‘so pleased for Scholarship which Quilty won. him that he’s won because the He vowed to bring her choco- there’s nothing more.’ The first time Quilty asked late cakes until she agreed to sit Quilty wanted the portrait to best doesn’t always win and in Olley to sit for him she said for him and eventually she did. reflect the striking colours sur- this case, it has’. no. Her lack of ego was so apThe gallery is open 10am– The relationship between rounding Olley at home and in pealing, she didn’t understand artist and subject was the most her studio. 4pm Wednesday to Sunday. •

 

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Flood fears prompt a last-ditch stand

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initially only receiving two weeks’ notice. ‘The council is not supportive of the current proposal. We still have significant concerns,’ said Mr Connell. Mayor Kevin Skinner said he was extremely concerned about potential flooding along Creek Street. ‘Water doesn’t run uphill, this proposal is right next to a massive caravan park that has not been filled to any great height, there is a danger of increasing flood depths there and along Creek Street,’ he said. Past and present owners of

the prime creekside location have been involved in a longrunning war with residents who have been complaining about unauthorised works and vegetation removal during the past 20 years. The most recent owner of the property, developer Walter Elliott, kept animosities simmering after he strung up a barbed-wire fence around the property shortly after acquiring it in 2000. Mr Elliott claimed it was to confine dogs belonging to the live-in caretaker, Athol Youngblutt, brother of Tweed coun-

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2 September 8, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo <echowebsection=Local News>

cillor Phil Youngblutt, but residents said it cut off their access to the creek and posed an injury threat to wildlife. The council last year gave retrospective approval for the fence, even though planners acknowledged that part of it was erected without consent in an environment protection zone filled with mangroves and saltmarsh plants. However, council ordered staff to issue a $3,000 fine for the unauthorised fence, adding to another $3,000 penalty the council issued a week earlier after a small army of workers began slashing and spraying vegetation in an environmental zone adjoining a local creek. Solicitor and Hastings Point Progress Association spokesman John O’Reilly previously told The Echo the long-running saga began with previous owner Nev Wintour more than 20 years ago. Mr Wintour used bulldozers and a dredge to expand the site to its present size by altering the course of Christies Creek before police were forced to physically remove him from a dredge after he ignored orders to desist. Mr O’Reilly said alterations to the natural landscape in the 80s and 90s had been horrific and involved in-filling a section of creek as part of a huge land theft which had aggravated flooding in that part of the estuary, nearby homes and a popular caravan park. He said problems have continued since WEH acquired the site and strung up the fence, and later began mowing down pro-

(from page 1)

tected wetland, salt marsh and mangroves. The company, which argued in court it was clearing groundsell, was found to have cleared an area of protected bushland without authority and was ordered to restore it by planting new vegetation. Residents say council later issued the company with an order to desist in the alleged clearing of an area of protected melaleuca forest, but no legal action was taken and the site, which is flooded at high tide, is now earmarked for houses.

Shock approval Tempers flared again last year when residents tried to stop the developer carting thousands of tonnes of fill onto the site following the shock approval of the new house. The residents won a minor victory when council staff ordered the developer to remove most of the fill from the metrehigh access road after agreeing that it would create a dam effect and a potential flood risk. The approval of the house was given by council staff, said to be unaware that the site was the subject of a development application which has now been in the hands of the NSW Planning Department after the minister usurped planning controls from the council. Tweed Council’s community access begins at 4.30pm on Thursday, September 15. For more information see the Progress Association’s website ■ See Editorial, page 6

Local News

Police minister has veto over station Steve Spencer & Ken Sapwell

New planning minister Brad Hazzard will have the last say about the location of a new police headquarters for the Tweed-Byron region despite a council thumbs-down to police plans to put it on the Kingscliff beachfront. The government’s Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRPP) will consider the council’s concerns that the site does not provide enough on-site car parking and is too small for the building’s size at a public hearing this Monday, September 12, at 5pm, at the Tweed Heads Civic Centre auditorium. But council’s chief planner Vince Connell says the JRPP must refer their decision to the minister, giving reasons if they reject plans for the redevelopment of the existing police station or to seek his approval if they intend to impose any conditions. The council’s objections follow a mayoral minute put into the May council agenda at the last minute condemning the site, which currently houses

‘Any change now would mean unacceptable delays’ – police spokesman the Kingscliff police station, as too restrictive and offering to help the police find ‘a greenfield site’ elsewhere. Mayor Kevin Skinner’s minute also enlisted the help of Tweed MP Geoff Provest, who became the target of political jibes when he openly championed the purchase of prime agricultural land at Cudgen with links to a former National Party MP, Don Beck.

Cudgen not endorsed In his 25-page report to the JRPP, Mr Connell did not endorse submissions favouring Cudgen, but stated that because the new station was to be a 24-hour operation policing the Tweed-Byron region it needed to be closer to the Pacific Highway. The report says it would be an overdevelopment of the site ‘out of scale’ with other buildings in the northern part of Kingscliff. Parking is also a major issue with a shortfall of 25 parking spots. Planners

have also questioned its suitability as a command centre being several kilometres from the Pacific Highway and surrounded by residential buildings. The five-member panel, comprising three NSW government and two Tweed council appointees, is not necessarily the final arbiter, as the legislation setting up the panels provides for the police minister to step in. Last June, Mr Hazzard intervened when a planning panel was set to deal with a contentious plan for a new police station in the inner Sydney suburb of Leichhardt. Residents and the council had objected to the proposal for a three-storey 24-hour police station on a Crown land heritage site between a high school, a residential area and a park. Residents’ fears included noise from sirens, traffic congestion and safety. The minister directed the panel not to make a deter-

mination, but the project has still not been approved due to parking issues. The 1970s-era Kingscliff cop shop was originally built to house just a handful of officers. Tweed Shire councillors recently voted to pursue a combined emergency services site somewhere else in the shire. That led to a push to set up a combined emergency services precinct just outside Cudgen, but both the council and Tweed MP Geoff Provest have now backed away from pursuing the Cudgen location.






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Keen on present site Police minister Mike Gallacher recently stated that the force wanted to redevelop the station at its present beachside location. The police department recently lodged a development application (DA) for the $8 million station. The NSW Police Association’s regional spokesman, Tony King, said ‘any change now’ to the Kingscliff DA plan would mean ‘unacceptable delays’ in construction of the ‘badly needed’ station. ■ See Editorial, page 6

Tyalgum festival a treat for elated music fans

Organisers of the 20th annual Tyalgum Festival of Classical Music last weekend have hailed it as the best ever, drawing hundreds of people to its performances and activities. Festival co-ordinator Alex Wilkinson said the classical program at Tyalgum Hall was seen as the best in its 20-year history and the Spring Fair and Music Carnivale had ‘brought hundreds of people to Tyalgum School from surrounding village communities, as well as visitors from everywhere.’ ‘What an amazing weekend we had in Tyalgum,’ said Mr Wilkinson. ‘Even though we’re all physically exhausted after the event, the complete feeling of elation Dancer Sylvia Arroyo and musicians Shenton Gregory and Gerard Mapstone, from Dalecana for the success of the event is Flamenco Company, fire up the crowd at last weekend’s Tyalgum Festival of Classical Music. overwhelming.’ Photo Vibrant Imaging

Advice from the Chief Product Tester Dear Product tester, Spring here we come! It’s getting warmer and let’s hope the rain stays away for a little while so we can enjoy the beautiful sunshine. Is it just me or do you feel energetic and ready for anything at this time of year? Yours Joe Dear Joe, The sun is shining, the birds are tweeting and I can feel an adventure coming on (at least the planning of an adventure). Yeah Joe you’re right, spring has sprung and I feel like a butterfly just out of the cocoon (wow that sounds poetic! I’d better stop that or people will be mistaking me for a S.N.A.G. (Sensitive New Age Guy) – I can’t have that! Seriously, this is a great time of year, so get out there and enjoy it, before it gets too flamin’ hot. A perfect time for romancin’ the missus, picnics at Crams farm, boating on the river, canoeing down the creek, leisurely bike rides in the country. What’s happing to me! I am turning into a S.N.A.G. Or perfect time for sitting on the verandah of your favourite pub having a counter lunch and a couple of liquid beverages, (there that’s more manly!) Whatever floats your boat! This is the perfect time of year JUST GET OUTDOORS! And enjoy! Your mate Tony P.S. don’t forget a good esky from Outdoorism!

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The Tweed Shire Echo September 8, 2011 3


Councillors lend locals their ears Albert Elzinga

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Tweed residents last Sunday were given one of their best chances to raise issues with their local councillors during an inaugural ‘chat’ session at Tweed Heads markets. Locals were invited to tell their elected representatives which issues were foremost on their mind. Mayor Kevin Skinner was joined by Crs Dot Holdom, Joan van Lieshout and Warren Polglase as they welcomed around 30 interested locals to council’s stall at the PCYC building and patiently listened to their complaints, compliments, rants and reviews of councillors’ efforts over the last three years. Tweed Shire Council’s community engagement officer Scott Green said the inaugural Councillors Community Catch-up was a response to a community request for increased access to the councillors and would take place at regular intervals. Mr Green said residents were given the opportunity to talk face-to-face with councillors about any council-related topic they wished to raise. Cr Holdom said locals asked about graffiti, policing and Jack Evans Boat Harbour

Cr Dot Holdom chats to Marie and Ruby Jennings of Tweed Heads at the councillors’ market stall. Photo Albert Elzinga

renovations while Cr Polglase was asked about the state of the shire’s roads and especially about Kennedy Drive and the work planned to bring the surface of one of Tweed’s busiest roads up to scratch. Cr Polglase said residents of Banora Point came forward and asked if they could ‘beautify’ the streets they lived in with residents volunteering to plant trees and generally

adorn their area. He told them about council’s tree donation scheme which offers residents a number of native trees free of charge. Cr Joan van Lieshout said people approached her about ‘roads, rates and rubbish’. Water meters and the impact water charges had on people’s budgets also rated a mention. Mayor Skinner said council had engaged the community

over several issues at various locations but felt markets offered council the best opportunity to connect with the public. ‘Markets work, people are relaxing and have the time to have a chat’, Cr Skinner said. The next opportunity for residents to have a talk with councillors will be on November 13 when local politicians will attend the Chillingham markets.

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Local News

Worshipping with flowers and water…

Chillingham Village Markets

Sunday 11th September, 2011 8am till 2pm Rain, hail or shine

Live music by

Devotees cleanse a statue of Sri Radharani during the Tweed’s Hare Krishna community celebration of Radhastami, one of the most important dates on its festival calendar, at its temple at Eungella near Murwillumbah, on Monday. The local Krishna community joined some 500 million devotees around the world to celebrate the annual festival. Photo Albert Elzinga

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For any information or interested stall holders please contact Market Coordinator, Nerina – 0437 041 023 Email:, Chillingham Community Centre, 1469 Numinbah Rd, Chillingham

Council defends estate design Steve Spencer

Council planners have defended their design of the controversial Area E housing project at Terranora, rejecting a claim there had been a major increase in the number of lots since the initial blueprint for the massive development was created in 2004. Plans to build nearly 1,800 three-storey homes on hillsides overlooking Terranora Broadwater had been on public display until last week, but council is accepting late submissions. The Area E project is a 296-hectare project bounded by Mahers Lane, Terranora Road, Fraser Drive and the Terranora Broadwater, set to eventually house 4,000 new shire residents. It was once prime agricultural land, famed for its tomatoes, but was earmarked for housing two decades ago and rezoned by the NSW government in 2007. ‘There has been a lot of thought and analysis on the Area E site that has occurred since the very preliminary draft development control plan created in 2005,’ said council’s planning director Vince Connell. Mr Connell said the destiny of the project had changed little since the first NSW government-endorsed blueprint in

2004 (1793 lots) and the current design (1799 lots). And he said despite its frequent mention in the media, a design created in 2005 had little influence on the current design and was never officially recognised.

2005 plan ‘a draft’ Some residents have been comparing the current design to the 2005 plan, which they believe was less intensive, but Mr Connell says the 2005 plan ‘never actually materialised into a DCP’. He said it was a draft document providing ‘one of any number of options’ for creating buffer zones between the new housing and existing large residential properties. ‘Requiring private property owners to establish and maintain a vegetated corridor has the added risks of bushfire management, risk to property and life through poor management, increased costs to council for regulating and policing non-compliance among others,’ he said. Mr Connell said the 2005 document was not publicly exhibited and never endorsed by councillors. He said that since then there had been a ‘more detailed site investigation’. He said a DCP submitted to council in 2008 by the landowners group was not exhib-

ited or endorsed by council either. ‘On that view there can be no discrepancy between it [the 2005 plan] and the current draft, but rather a change in the approach’, he said. ‘The dwelling density and mix provided within the draft code is considered to provide an appropriate response to the site’s characteristics. ‘The site analysis work undertaken within the preparation of the current draft code identified a series of opportunities and constraints for urban development, which were not vigorously tested in the previous draft documents.’ Mr Connell said it was vital residents understood the NSW government would be unlikely to approve a design with far less density, and that gaining consensus, even among the multitude of landowners, had been difficult.


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‘Unrealistic’ ‘Many of the landowners’ and residents’ expectations are unrealistic,’ he said. ‘We have tried to strike a balance by not destroying the character of the area. We want to get some urban consolidation so we don’t spread development into other areas.’ The plans can be viewed on line at

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The Tweed Shire Echo September 8, 2011 5


C’mon, Julia, cut the crap


erhaps the silliest single thing said in response to the High Court’s deciVolume 4 #2 September 8, 2011 sion last week was Julia Gillard’s comment that the judges had missed an opportunity to enhance the region’s response to people smugglers. Tweed MP Geoff Provest has pulled the plug on moves to rezone As numerous lawyers have prime agricultural land at Cudgen for a new police HQ, clearing pointed out it is not the court’s the way for approval of a major upgrade of Kingscliff ’s beachfront job to take political opportunicop shop. ties but to interpret the law – The long-serving National Party member abandoned the conthat’s law, L-A-W. troversial rezoning bid after new Police Minister Mike Gallagher And this the court did, by a ruled out the Cudgen site owned by the Kingscliff Land Company margin of 6 to 1. (KLC), whose directors include former National Party MP Don If it had been a game of footBeck. ball it would have been called But unlike Tweed mayor Kevin Skinner and fellow Nat Wara bath, a shellacking, a misren Polglase, Mr Provest wasn’t coy about identifying it as his match. favoured site when he ran up the white flag last week, saying it It wasn’t just the chief juswas on the corner of the Cudgen and Tweed Coast roads, Cudtice, who years earlier in angen. Strangely, it’s the same site Mr Provest derided in opposiother case in a lower court had tion when the police tried to rezone it several months ago, a bid taken a taken a different view which failed owing to the land’s high agricultural status. – a monumental irrelevance The withdrawal follows a Muriel’s Wedding jibe by Labor’s apparently relied on by the Tweed watchdog, Upper House MP Walt Secord, aimed at those government while it ignored involved in the rezoning attempt and aired in the Sydney media. warnings from the experts at The two councillors both travelled to Sydney to join the push the Department of Foreign Affor an alternative site but deny a report in The Echo they all fairs, who were a lot closer to favoured the KLC land, with the mayor branding it as inaccurate the action. and Cr Polglase as a fabrication. It was an overwhelming verLet’s hope the government’s hardline stance and the duo’s dict from judges appointed by touchy reaction is a sign the various campaigns to rezone the governments from both sides. land and justify the record $4.5 million price tag paid by its ownAnd in spite of the pomposiers may have finally run out of puff. ties of some commentators (yes, you, Paul Kelly) it did not turn the law on its head. Sure, the verdict went The proposal for a 45-lot housing subdivision on the edge of against the wishes and intenan estuary-feeding creek at Hastings Point known as Lot 156 tions of the legislators, but Creek Street has been a longwinded saga but is nearing its end, that’s tough; they should have with state planning authorities set to approve or reject it. The been more careful in framing widespread concerns by experts and locals over flooding impacts it and more persuasive in argufrom a huge area set to be filled and raised up to four metres ing their case. should be heeded. This development should not go ahead. They now find themselves up the well-known creek in a barbed wire canoe without a Tweed Shire Echo paddle and no obvious hope Publisher David Lovejoy Editor Luis Feliu of rescue. Advertising Manager Angela Cornell They could, of course, simAccounts Manager Simon Haslam Production Manager Ziggi Browning ply change the law to allow ‘The job of a newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict them to send anyone anywhere the comfortable.’ – Finley Peter Dunne 1867–1936 they liked. © 2011 Echo Publications Pty Ltd But the Greens would not let PO Box 545, Murwillumbah 2484 such a bill through the senate Phone 02 6672 2280 email: and Tony Abbott would dePrinter: Horton Media Australia Ltd mand total capitulation and a

Keystone pollies

Way over the top

return to the Pacific solution as the price of his support. It is unlikely that Gillard and her colleagues could stomach that shit sandwich. So, where to from here? Ironically, while the verdict may have missed the opportunity to send the message Gillard wanted, it does give her another opportunity: get back to your roots. While ministers ranted and

While refugees are out of sight, faceless, treated like dangerous criminals, they are easy to demonise. by Mungo MacCallum fulminated last week, it took a humble backbencher to point out the most salient fact. The member for Page, Janelle Saffin, noted that the ALP’s own platform as determined by the national conference, the party’s supreme policy making body and supposedly binding on all members, states the following: ‘Protection claims made in Australia will be assessed by Australians on Australian territory. ‘Those found to be owed Australian protection under the Refugee Convention and other international instruments will be given permanent protection under the Migration Act and will be provided with appropriate settlement support and services. Those not found to be owed Australia’s protection under the Refugee Convention and other international instruments will be promptly returned.’ That seems fairly clear, so let’s drop the absurd legal fiction that Christmas Island is not really part of Australia



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workshop blends the Revealing C onstella6on ahpproach wd ith M aria’s extensive experience in idden ynamics -­‐ thereby enabling the This workshop blends the Constellation Gestalt therapy.

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With Integrity & Light

threat to our safety or our way of life, that these desperate victims were not about to take our jobs, rape our children and turn the country into a Moslem (or Jewish, or atheist, or extraterrestrial) hell hole, and we could expect no help from the opposition. But if we adopted the course that most other countries use in dealing with far greater numbers of asylum seekers – doing a quick, basic health and security check and then releasing them into the community while their cases are heard instead of locking them in isolated camps behind razor wire – attitudes could change quite quickly. While they are out of sight, faceless, treated like dangerous criminals, they are easy to demonise. It is hard to hate and fear people who are living next door, who share the shops and transport with you and whose kids play happily with yours at the local school. Too good to be true? Proba-

bly; all the signs are that Gillard and Co are bent on finding yet another quick, nasty and hideously expensive political fix rather than doing the straightforward and decent thing. And when, yet again, it falls to bits, as all political fixes sooner or later must, they will go back to blaming the courts and the media and the public service and the opposition and the weather for their own failures. But there is an alternative. Come on Julia, surprise us: read your own platform, think it through and act on it. Instead of listening to the pollsters, the focus groups, the spin doctors, the psephologists, the astrologers and their fellow necromancers, trust your own better instincts. Cut out the crap. As you put it in another context, it can’t be that hard. And speaking of improbable happenings, last week Tony Windsor spelled out what many have long suspected: he, and by implication the other independents, will never cross the floor of parliament to make Tony Abbott Prime Minister – to inflict him on the country, as Windsor put it. But things might be very different if Malcolm Turnbull, rather than Abbott, was in charge. So Abbott’s duty is now clear. He declares that his crusade, his God-given mission, his sole purpose in life is to save Australia from the horrors of the Gillard government. Obviously he must immediately resign the leadership and throws his support behind Turnbull; only then can he fulfil his sacred quest. At least, that’s what he’ll do if he’s fair dinkum. And squadrons of pigs will wing their way through the heavens in celebration.

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and get on with it. Certainly there would be problems; we could expect a lot more boats and asylum seekers, possibly enough to fill the MCG in ten years instead of twenty. It would take a massive education program by the government and others to persuade the electorate, severely braindamaged by the shock jocks and other bigoted opportunists, that there was, in fact, no

Cameron Bell, Principal Kate Brady LLB (Hons)


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6 September 8, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo



Letters to the Editor Email: Deadline: Noon, Tuesday Letters longer than 200 words may be cut and pseudonyms are not acceptable. Please include your full name, address and phone number.

Worse than Jones

If we thought that the dishonourable shock jock Alan Jones was bad, lending his questionable authority to anything that Tony Abbott wanted to say, then surely Andrew Bolt has to be worse. His gutter journalism appears to know no bounds. Andrew Bolt has deliberately written stories for Murdoch papers claiming that ‘climate science’ is untrue, including one in 2009. His claims have been repeatedly scientifically tested and found to have no basis in reality. His claim that the world is not warming is disproved scientifically with each year being warmer than the last. He has claimed that the ice is not melting but again, all the evidence, including that from NASA, says that the average temperature in Antarctica is three to four degrees higher than it was in 1951. The list of his claims just continue and all the evidence from right across the world shows that his is simply wrong. Although it might be wrong to suggest that Andrew Bolt is a liar, there can be little doubt that he is wrong. But he has never once apologised for his errors. But what can we expect from a man who has repeatedly been sued for defamation but not once apologised to his victims, who has not apologised for publicly repeating classified Defence Force information, potentially putting Aussie soldiers lives at risk in 2003, and has denied the existence of the Stolen Generation. Alan Jones might be nothing more than a paid media assassin for the Liberal Party, but Andrew Bolt appears to say absolutely anything for his own benefit and to hell with the truth.

Problem gamblers at risk from shonky campaign n Re the letter ‘Let our pokies be’

(The Echo, August 25). Consider these stats: Australians spend twelve billion dollars a year on pokies. Some 600,000 Australians play poker machines at least weekly, and of these 95,000 are problem gamblers who lose on average up to $21,000 a year. Some lose a lot more. This is not an insignificant problem. Since most people don’t use them, most are unaware of the risks involved in playing poker machines. Australia has the highest number of poker machines per head in the world. There are 197,000 of them nationally and around half are in NSW. We’re not talking about the onearm bandits of old that took 20 cent pieces. It’s possible to feed $12,000 an hour into modern high-intensity machines. Let’s not be fooled here. The machines are designed to increase playing time and addiction. It’s an unsafe product for some. Under the federal government’s proposals all poker machine players will have to decide ahead of time how much they

Loss of faith

I have recently had a crisis of faith in my respect of environmental movement. It occurred last week when walking to the Mebbin lagoons in Mebbin National Park. I was invited on the walk by some fellow bush regenerators, and we spent some time clearing the path of lantana, which had grown over the old logging trails of the former state forest. The area of Mebbin NP as many of you know is extremely picturesque and contains many large impressive trees and a good amount of regrowth. The area was preserved as a national park by the actions of protesters sometime in the 1990s who resisted the utilitarian, ‘nature as larder’ perspective of foresters. So it was to my absolute horror that I witnessed the actions Bruce Keppie of a Nimbin bushwalking group Kingscliff in this magnificent area that had

are willing to lose in any gambling session. These limits can be as high or as low as the player likes. No-one is telling them how much they can or can’t spend, but simply that players have to at least think about their losses ahead of time. It’s mandatory to wear a seatbelt, to wear a helmet on a bike. It’s illegal to serve alcohol to someone who is already drunk and there are limits on where people can smoke, to prevent the impact of passive smoking. This is all good public policy that has led to healthier communities. For every problem gambler up to ten other people are directly affected. The impact of poker machine addiction includes family breakdown, unemployment, debt, financial hardship, theft and other crime, social isolation and all too often suicide. The sad impact of this costs over $4 billion each year. Measures like mandatory precommitment that help problem gamblers help themselves are a step in the right direction. The Productivity Commisbeen set aside for nature preservation. One of their members was pulling vines down out of a giant water gum! This person was reefing the vines down out of the trees as you might attack some wayward garden weed. And for what reason? Apparently that weekend was the Nimbin basketweaving workshop and they needed some raw materials. No-one in the Nimbin bushwalkers seemed to think that there was anything wrong in this act, and in fact helped this vine thief by carrying the ill-gotten gains from the national park thereby condoning this abusive action, which in its intent is akin to the attitude of the foresters who removed trees for similar utilitarian reasons. No doubt you may wonder why I am angry about such a trivial matter, there are far worse things happening in the world! There are bigger prob-

sion says 40 per cent of clubs’ profits come from people’s addiction to poker machines. This is not a viable business model. Some say it will cost about $2,000 to modify each machine. Average revenue for each one is around $60,000 a year. A relatively modest investment when you look at it. Only those clubs that depend on revenue from people addicted to gambling will suffer significant losses under the government’s proposed reforms. It’s not surprising a recent poll released by the Australian National University shows threequarters of Australians support mandatory pre-commitment. Rev Tim Costello

Chair, Australian Churches Gambling Taskforce n The poker machine industry has resorted to threats and lies in its desperate attempt to stop the federal government’s poker machine reforms. I am particularly appalled at the way Clubs Australia and Clubs NSW have shamefully bullied and deliberately mis-

lems than this! But my point is that if we – we environmentalists and so called Greenies – cannot even abide by our own loosely defined criterion of ‘respect for nature’ and honour the purpose of a national park, how can we expect the rest of society to do the same? Sam Dawson


Noble savage

Geoff Dawe (Letters, September 1) suggests that technology necessarily pollutes, suppresses the ‘higher’ side of human nature eg ‘compassion, tolerance, mercy…’ and will ultimately cause the downfall of civilisation if we don’t all head for a neolithic village lifestyle. Let’s define terms: technology is applied science, and science is systematic observation and data collection, theorising, experimenting and continued overleaf

represented the Salvation Army. The other day, the Sydney Telegraph attributed to ‘Salvo’ Louise Duff a Salvation Army statement that it no longer supports the government’s poker machine reforms. The newspaper report is patently untrue, as evidenced by a statement from the Salvation Army which makes it clear their Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory division supports the reform, while the New South Wales, Queensland and Capital Territory division supports further trials before endorsing it. What this disgraceful episode really shows is the way in which the pokies industry bullies anyone standing between it and the $5 billion the industry harvests from poker machine problem gamblers each year. The big story here is actually that clubs in NSW have started preventing the Salvos from fundraising on club premises and threatened to stop other sup-

port for the iconic Australian welfare organisation. Moreover Ms Duff actually works for the Brilliant Logic public relations firm which proudly boasts Clubs NSW, Gaming and Racing as well as Easts Leagues among the clients it regards with ‘love and awe’. The pokies industry is plumbing new depths in its deeply unethical campaign against the introduction of effective harm minimisation measures for poker machine players. That the industry is prepared to stoop so low as to intimidate and misrepresent an iconic welfare group like the Salvos just goes to show how desperate the industry is to protect its profits. The government is moving to require players of high-intensity poker machines to set limits on their losses before they start play, as well as introduce safer $1 maximum bet machines outside of the mandatory precommitment system. Andrew Wilkie MP


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The Tweed Shire Echo September 8, 2011 7

Letters continued from page 7

communicating the results to others. Science and technology therefore don’t necessarily pollute. Neither do they necessarily prevent the evolution of our ‘higher’ nature. Indeed, much science and technology stem from compassion and a desire to heal the sick and feed and house the hungry and homeless. We can also see that termites do not use technology in building nests. Show me a scientific termite. I applaud the virtue of choosing a life of voluntary simplicity in our rampantly destructive consumerist society. But as for a short, brutish, disease-ridden life chipping flints in a neolithic village… well, that’s what we’ll get if we remove technology from modern life. And personal survival won’t leave much room for compassion and helping others outside your immediate family if you haven’t already eaten them. We need more technology, not less. We need clean, efficient clever technology transcending our current primitive and polluting technology. Rumour has it that such technology already exists, hidden by corrupt corporations hell-bent on maximising profits at any expense to the environment. The problem lies in the people, not in the technology.

Castles made of sand fall in the sea, eventually

n Last week’s Backburner raises a question that should be of interest to all Tweed Shire ratepayers and the NSW government: ‘Who will pay to save the proposed $22m caravan park at Cabarita Beach when it is threatened by coastal erosion?’ The Tweed Coast Holiday Parks Reserve Trust (a commercial arm of TSC) admits that their proposed site on south beach at Bogangar will be threatened by coastal erosion and yet they have made no provision for this multi-million dollar expense in their financial analysis. Maybe their strategic plan includes a future ‘foreshore redevelopment’ like the one at Kingscliff so it will be ratepayers who are again duped into footing the bill and they can merrily go on telling us how profitable these caravan parks are? Is this why TSC hides behind the veil of ‘commercial-inconfidence’ and threatens legal action against concerned ratepayers who try to expose their sham claims of profitability? It is also likely that they don’t want us to know that their phony figures depend on predictions that their revenues will rise year after year while their tax liability remains unchanged? Perhaps it a fear of being acJohn Jennings Numinbah cused of a financial fraud that,

when asked to provide their economic modelling on how this ‘must-have-at-all-costs’ caravan park will save our struggling retailers, they pleadingly respond, ‘trust us!’ After a confidential letter from the general manager of TSC to the secretary of the Residents’ Association mysteriously ‘lands’ on the desk of a local real estate developer last week, I’m afraid that trust is in short supply right now. Residents and business owners are encouraged to view The Real Story at Ashley Baldry

Cabarita Beach/Bogangar Residents’ Association As a resident of Cabarita I have to say that I have never received any survey and I, plus most business and other intelligent people in the area, do support a caravan park and the building of additional residences in Cabarita. Up to 10 businesses have closed in Cabarita in the last three years and more are facing insolvency right now. We need more people and growth in the area and can surely handle any minor traffic and other purported vague non-issues that are holding up progress of the local area. n

David Wilson

Cabarita Beach

COLOURING IN COMPETITION Team Koala is urging Tweed primary school kids to grab their crayons and start colouring in Australia’s favourite marsupial to celebrate September, which is the month of the koala. The team, in conjunction with The Echo, is offering $100 to the most imaginative artwork sent in.

Koalas are under threat in the shire, with only about 140 left. Many think all our leaf-eating furry friends may be gone in another ten years. You can be as creative as you like, and even draw some trees in the background. Use crayons, charcoal, texta pens or even paint to create your artwork. Children are also encouraged to write how they feel about cuddly koalas. The competition is only open to children of primary school age. Entries should be sent to The Echo, PO Box 439, Mullumbimby, 2482, by September 30. 8 September 8, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Council general manager Mike Rayner has tried so hard to find a flaw in the process opposing the Cabarita Beach Southside upmarket tourist park that he has: 1. Ignored that 90 per cent of submissions received by Crown Lands were opposed. 2. Questioned the validity of the survey, which was approved by the Griffith University Ethics Committee (I know Ethics is something this Council may not be that familiar with… but really?). 3. And now someone on his council/staff has leaked communications between himself and the Residents’ Association to a real estate agent. Mike has tried so very hard to find a flaw with Dr Kerrie Foxwell-Norton’s processes that I think these misguided, fruitless and expensive efforts should earn him an honorary Professor of Flaw. It is worth noting that the Residents’ Association needed the Griffith University to become involved to augment the communication process between the community and the council, while Richard Adams has employed a PR consultancy firm to hide behind and speak


on his behalf – his contribution to full and open transparency in this community consultation process. I still think Kerrie’s doctorate trumps Mike’s Proflaw! Tim Smerd


n Thanks to everyone who has once again supported the Hastings Point community in its attempts to ensure development in the village remains appropriate to the environment and area. The protracted consultation process involved in establishing the 2010 Hastings Point Development Control Plan was one of Tweed Shire Council’s finer examples of due process finally achieving a reasonable outcome. Once again this process is under threat from a development proposal still being considered under the state government’s dreaded Part 3A process, which local residents believe will destroy the environment and threaten the lives, properties and investments of every other owner in, and adjacent to Creek Street, simply to provide a quickie ‘grab and run yield’ to one developer who has a long history of cumulative damage and failed compliance.

There are a significant number of developments already in administration on the Tweed Coast. There is massive beach erosion at Hastings Point as well as Kingscliff and Fingal – so precaution must prevail. We also have developments in Hastings Point which proceeded despite warnings by deeply concerned local residents that they would fail – and they have, leaving unsuspecting buyers in invidious positions. It is way past time we all, including current pro-development councillors, take a stand against speculative development which endangers existing communities and the environment, leaves buyers in terrible positions and ensures massive future cost imposts for ratepayers. Councillors and ministers should be held personally responsible for their decisions. Speculative developers must be discouraged through the requirement of much more substantial bonds and fines which provide real deterrents. Genuine investor developers who do engage with existing communities would have nothing to fear from these measures. J Boyd

Hastings Point

Councillors abandon our libraries The recent decision by Tweed Shire Council, by a majority of four to three, to abandon all responsibility for its library service, and hand total management of the Regional Library Service (RTRL) to Lismore City Council, was based on incorrect and outdated facts, and on a seriously inaccurate misleading and outdated report. What is even worse is that it is clear from comments made by Tweed councillors that they really did not know what they were deciding. In particular, Cr Warren Polglase is reported as making the absurd statement that it was a ‘far better model’ and that the only other option was for Tweed to run the service. His statement is demonstrably totally wrong. Cr Dot Holdom apparently stated ‘the change was necessary, otherwise the library service would be operating outside the Local Government Act.’ That is completely untrue. The minister for local government has publicly stated that the Library Act was changed so that the RTRL could establish as a county council – the very model that the RTRL pursued for so many years. This would allow the Regional Library to be run equitably by all four councils, as it was for over twenty years as a de facto county council. Moreover, the RTRL’s total assets of over $5 million would be jointly owned by all four councils, as they should be, and not all owned by Lismore.


The facts are these. The new draft agreement which Lismore has prepared, and which Tweed councillors have so irresponsibly agreed to without even understanding it, removes all shared authority over the library service from the four constituent councils. Under this agreement, the executive library committee, in which all four councils had an equal say, is replaced by a useless ‘advisory committee’ which Lismore can ignore at will. Library assets which are jointly owned, and which could not be sold without the agreement of all councils can, under the new agreement (Clause 8.5) now be sold by Lismore without any consultation. (Tweed Shire owns 40 per cent of these assets but it is handing them over to Lismore quite irresponsibly and unnecessarily.) The annual library budget, formerly considered by all four councils is now to be decided upon by Lismore, and Tweed and the other two constituent councils will not be able to question Lismore’s decision. Clause 19 of the agreement states simply that Lismore ‘must consult’ with Tweed Shire – once it has ‘consulted’ Tweed Shire is bound by the agreement (Clause 10.1) to pay whatever Lismore demands. Lismore can resolve at any time to impose a substantial charge for running the RTRL, and there is no way whatsoever for the other councils to question this. They will simply have to pay up.

In the first financial year that Lismore took over, it lost over $30,000 in earned income due to its failure to properly invest library funds. In the current financial year its budget shows it anticipates losing over $40,000 from this source. At the same time, by introducing unnecessary and inefficient red tape it has substantially increased the costs of casual staff. Costs for workers compensation have increased by over 50 per cent. To compensate for these costs, Lismore has cut the budget for library resources (books, DVDs, etc) by nine per cent. State Library records show that in the 2008–09 financial year, when run by the RTRL, $4.35 per capita was spent on resources, above the state’s ‘baseline’ benchmark of $4.14. Now, taken over by Lismore, the expenditure on resources will be just $3.68 per capita, far below the state’s ‘baseline’ benchmark of 2008–09. Finally, if Tweed wishes to withdraw from the agreement there will be charges to pay, and guess who assesses those charges – Lismore. And poor old Warren touts this as ‘a far better agreement.’ God save us from poor old Warren’s muddled thinking. I challenge Cr Polglase to explain why this one-sided agreement, and demonstrably more costly but less effective library service, is in any way whatsoever a ‘far better model.’ Martin Field


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The Tweed Shire Echo September 8, 2011 9

what's new SKYPE PHONES

If you’re like us, you sometimes get that nostalgic feeling for picking up the phone your mum had in your kitchen while you were growing up. But in the constant struggle to find a phone small enough so you can’t see it in your pocket when you leave the house, you probably forgot how comforting it was to cradle a phone between your ear and shoulder and talk for hours. Now YUBZ has designed a USB Skype phone for computers and mobile phones. YUBZ TALK ONLINE works with most PCs and Macs because it comes with VOIP plug-and-play technology and in black, red, white and yellow. For the same price you can also get the YUBZ TALK MOBILE in 10 different colours. It’s designed to attach to most mobile phones. By Andrew J Wiener.


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Gail Rundle has acquired SBA Tweed Heads & Districts servicing Mullumbimby to Tugun. SBA is an international accounting network specialising in small business. We offer the Freedom PlusTM service which, for one low monthly fee, provides monthly Profit and Cashflow reports, IAS and BAS as well as the annual returns for two proprietors. Gail is a member of the Institute of Public Accountants and a Registered BAS Agent. Phone Gail for our opening specials on 0401 884 231.

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10 September 8, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

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Byron Bay Chilli Co

Pantomime: Rover McWolf and the Case of the Missing Cupcake

Byron Bay Tea Company Byron Bay Cacao Byron Beach Café Byron Beans Byron Green Lights Café Marius Clever Dick Juicer Coopers Shoot Beef 21 Coopers Shoot Tomatoes A-B Donna’s Mushrooms Duck Creek Macadamia 15 Echo 42 11 Eco Breadboards & Furniture 42 Energetic Greens 102 The Farm Gate Providore 101 Fleurs 54 Fork In The Field 29 Gabbi’s Kitchen 28 Green Tea Frog 20 Happy Flame Beeswax Candles 14 Harvest Café 93 Healthy Appetite 40 Heartbreads 26-27 27 Il Postino Restaurant 95 Imogen’s Farm Wines 17 Integrity Candles 27-29 29 J & J Rancho Relaxo 32 Jungle Juice - Mooball Farm Kurrajong Downs 1 -16 XX Lentilicious 23-26 THE KITCHEN SHELF Let Them Eat Cake COOKING STAGE 20-22 Lismore City 13 Li’l Daks Cloth Nappies 5-6 5-6 Macadamia Castle 55 1 44 Maggies Poppyseed Dressing 55-56 Mark Waller 78-83 Mayfields Restaurant Mish Mash Soap 9 Mistral Hill Country Kitchen

E L P Mte of SA tas w

anorthern nBsER

Raw Ecstasy Red Dragon Inn Organics Renee Danielle Jeffery Robert & Elizabeth Gray Salumi Australia Saghtar Fine Foods Sandbar Restaurant Satiate Seaweed Cuisine Seven Mile Café Sirromet Summerland Olives Sun Art Natural Products The Beautiful Feast The Bio Organic Farm The Byron at Byron Resort The Eltham Hotel The Gourmet Garlic Company The Honey Wagon The Kitchen Shelf The Tea Lady The Unexpected Guest Tridosha Gourmet Salt & Pepper Trueline Patios & Extensions Tucki Rice Tweed Valley Whey Vast Interiors Wendy Taylor Arts Your Inspiration at Home Zentvelds Zest Byron Bay

9AM–2PM Byron Bay Kids Klub 9AM–2PM Cupcake the Clown 10AM Lenny the Lion 11AM & 1PM Pantomime: Rover McWolf and the Case of the Missing Cupcake 10.30AM–12.30PM Macadamia Castle Rabbit Petting 9AM–3PM Artist Mark Waller: Mural with Kids

M pm E T P E S -3 10 9agam ground w lo Show


9AM–10AM Eliza, dear 10AM–11AM Ilona Harker 11AM–12PM Kurtis Rettenmaier 12PM–1PM Kato and Wolf 1PM–3PM Tres Hombres








8 6


22 56-57 13 19 34 52 3 12 17 30 30 60 61 38 12-13 28 88 34 57 9 -10 16 31-32 7 4 74 51 41 72-73 96 23 43 50 91 19 89

entertainment ring




Mullum Magic Foods

All the Best Fine Foods Poulsen 94 Naturally Wicked 9.30AM Christian 56 Neoflam Anthony & Wendy Hoy 103 Never Never Kombu Farm (Byron Beach Café) Arianrhod Aromatics B - C Nimbin Valley Dairy 35 Australian Bush Spices 10.15AM Garden to Kitchen: 18 Norco 37 Babalou Restaurant 58-59 RSL Boardwalk Restaurant PhilBallina Dudman & Julie Ray 15 Northern Star 18 Nudgel Nuts 5 Bangalow Coffee 11.15AM Gavin Hughes 17 Open Table Catering Service 59 Bangalow Poultry & Game 16 Picklechicks 53 Baraka Foods (The Byron at Byron) & Monique 100 Pinny’s Products 99 Barista Sista2u 2 Beef and Beach Guterres Harrison (Seaweed86Cuisine) Piper Jordan 2 Playing with Fire 60-63 Blackboard at the Beach 12.15PM Scott Frost A Puremelt Chocolate 92 Blue Kitchen Gourmet Foods 43 6 Bush toMile Body Products Quattro Restaurant (Seven Restaurant) 37 Rainbow Fruit Flats 98 Byron Bay Biltong 16 Rainforest Foods 5 -1.15PM 66 Byron BayKnife BrewerySkills: Simon Grigalius Byron Bay Coffee Company kids korner Byron Bay Organic Farm












14 13




12 13 14 15 16









17 16



FA SH IO ON MA 82 RQ 81 UE E 8




90 89 88 87 92 91 86 93 94 95 24 25 26 27 3 2 2 2 21



44 43










zentvelds kids area




56 57 58 59 60












byron y bayy coffee company area





23 22


9 8






69 68






26 27 28 29 30

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61


28 12 30 29 13 32 31


34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43





38-39 29 24 3



Tasting Plate Ticket Sales

cooking stage A & R Scuderi

bangalow showground

Kurtis Rettenmaier


Kato and Wolf


Tres Hombres

15 8 49 31 47 97 14 90

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

Bangalow Producers Markets Suzie Levot Pantomime Byron Bay Kids Club Entertainment Byron Bay Brewery 59 60 61Sales Water/Ticket Cooking Demo Stage Fashion Marquee: Geudaun,

$10 Grilled local king prawns with cucumber, Puremelt Chocolate Purchase your $5 & $10 tasting 12with Kids A Mural 29 28and Coopers Shoot tomatoes 69 $5 68 Davidson plumFirst 55 WATER plate tickets from the red marquees. and with& sour 30rocket Aid ginger 1 3 13 2 B 3 TICKET SALES 72 cherry and cashew 56 Tasting plates 26 will27be28served from byron y bayy Byron Beach14 Café 73 29 30 FIRST AID coffee company of pure57raw organic 7 9am to 3pm 15 $5 Salt and pepper squid with chilli A $10 Assortment 9 szechuan area 8 2 58 10.30AM-12.30PM Macadamia Castle Rabbit Petting

Knife Skills: Simon Grigalius




Artist Mark Waller:

Goddess of Babylon, Lull Swimwear, Little Polli and the Blackbird, Driftlab, Myee Carlyle & Riley Burnett.

1 B handmade healthy chocolates 7 C caramel 8 16 1 26 59 D E 8 60 90 9with 88 8porcini 1 $5 Mini Wagyu beef burger Quattro Restaurant 9 24 2 7 7 9 $5 Organic egg and macadamia 49 meringue 86 4 93 6 61 5 butter, cheddar, 94 pickled cucumber, $5 Spagetti7pollo — chicken, red 5 76 basilico with artisan honeycomb, lavender and 95 25 26 23 4 2 77 62 tomatoes in a pesto 6 FA caramelised onion and beetroot relish 27 4 9 3 S onion and sun-blushed 2 H organic ice cream 83 ION 7 63 2 9 3 $5 Buttermilk 2beetroot pancake with orange, MA 82 28 cream RQ 22 potato and Nimbin 98 81 sauce. $10 Spinach, sweet UE 21 2 E 80 47 goats curd and macadamia praline 0 $10 Risotto 2 79 of fish, prawns, mussels, white orange goat’s feta21pie with lemon marmalade 7 8 ron wine and saff and macadamia oil vinaigrette Café Marius 25

Fork In The Field





$10 Spinach, sweet potato and Nimbin

caramelised onion and beetroot relish



$5 Crisp Bangalow porkthebelly salad with Nam fresh lime red marquees. cherry and cashew $10 Grilled local king prawns with $10 Assortment of pure raw organic jim and local finger limes Sandbar & Restaurant Tasting plates will be cucumber, rocket and Coopers Shoot handmade healthy chocolates tomatoes served from 9am to 3pm $10 Bangalow duck sang chow bow with Quattro Restaurant(mini rolls $5 Bangalow sweet pork bocadillo Byron Beach Café In The Field $5 Spagetti pollo basilico — chicken, red parking $5 Salt and homemade szechuan pepper squid with fried rice, Eltham leavesFork and macadamias with chutney) onion and sun-blushed tomatoes in a pesto chilli caramel $5 Organic egg and macadamia meringue cream sauce. with artisan honeycomb, lavender and $5 Mini Wagyu beef burger with porcini $10 Chicken, prawn and calamari paella $10 Risotto of fish, prawns, mussels, white butter, cheddar, pickled cucumber, Fleurs trueline patios organic ice cream 11 GAL OW MAR PROD KETS UCER S



$5 Buttermilk beetroot pancake with orange, goats curd and macadamia praline





& extensions

orange goat’s feta pie with lemon $5 Salt cod fritters entertainment marmalade and macadamia oil vinaigrette ring $10 Saffron-infused mussels with chorizo The Byron at Byron Resort







$5 Moroccan chicken, pumpkin 14 and chickpea curry 13 $10 Char siu pork fillet with green papaya and coriander salad

Babalou Restaurant

Purchase your $5 & $10 tasting plate tickets from

$5 Chocolate avocado tart with dragon fruit coulis $10 Raw plate of delights (organic greens topped with falafel, hummus, flax cracker Blackboard at the Beach Puremelt Chocolate and dressing $5 Oystersdevin with mignonette pepper or $5 Davidson plum and ginger with sour






The Eltham Hotel


16 Restaurant 15 Ballina RSL Boardwalk

Raw Ecstasy 32


19 $5 Zest-spiced pumpkin, silverbeet & 44 WATERand TICKET Bangalow feta tart 43 SALES 18 $10 Marinated new season Tenterfield lamb with spring salad and organic garlic cream 17

12 13 14 15 16



$5 Belgian-style waffle with berry compote, mascarpone and pistachio praline $10 Mixed grain risotto with seared sea scallop and crustacean tasting bisque plates


The Byron at Byron Resort


zentvelds kids area








wine and saffron

Raw Ecstasy



Café Marius




$5 Chocolate avocado tart with dragon $5 Lemon myrtle and lime fruit coulismeringue $5 Belgian-style waffle with berry compote, $5 Zest-spiced pumpkin, silverbeet and $10 Raw plate of delights (organic greens cupcakes mascarpone and pistachio praline Bangalow feta tart topped with falafel, hummus, flax cracker Harvest Café Mixed grain risotto with seared sea and devin dressing $10 Marinated new season Tenterfield lamb $10 scallop and crustacean bisque $5 Coconut panna cotta with vanilla, with spring salad and organic garlic cream Sandbar & Restaurant $5 Vietnamese pork on a Harvest brioche roll The Beautiful Feast The Eltham Hotelcompote and wild finger limes SIRROMET pineapple Ballina RSL Boardwalk $5 Bangalow sweet pork bocadillo (mini rolls $5 Crisp Bangalow pork belly salad with Restaurant $10 peppers and 42 with homemade chutney) 6 Cuttlefish in ink with Nam jim and local finger limes $5 Free-range chicken and pulled-pork $5 Apple and cinnamon tart with Davidson’s $5 Moroccan chicken,3pumpkin and $10 Chicken, prawn and calamari paella $10 Bangalow duck sang chow bow with 4 Coopers chickpea curry 5 Shoot tomatoes sausage rolls with lemongrass and chilli fried rice, Eltham leaves and macadamias plum jam BYRON BAY Satiate $10 Char siu pork fillet with green papaya 4 BREWERY Fleurs $5 Lemon myrtle and lime meringue cupcakes 3 $10 Ploughman’s plate with marmalade 1 and coriander salad Il Postino Restaurant 2 $5 Salt cod frittersMile Restaurant $5 Coconut panna cotta with vanilla, Seven Babalou Restaurant glazed Bangalow ham $10 Saffron-infused mussels with chorizo pineapple compote and wild finger limes WATER & ENTRY/EXIT $5 Roast pumpkin and armotte tortellini with $5 Baby back marinated ribs TICKET $5 Applethree-fl and cinnamonavoured tart with Davidson's $5 Sichuan crocodile with Harvest Café SALES $10 Grilled haloumi with baby leaf salad plum jam sage butter sauce Beef and Beach $5 Vietnamese pork on a Harvest brioche roll caramel sauce The Beautiful Feast Seven Mile Restaurant Cuttlefish in ink with peppers and $10 King prawn, pink ginger and kaffir lime $10 Coopers Shoot tomatoes $5 Ceviche two-ways — Tahitian coconut $5 Free-range chicken and pulled-pork $5 Sichuan crocodile with three-flavoured $10 Spring lamb and chorizo cassoulet with sausage rolls with lemongrass and chilli caramel sauce stage kids korner entertainment ring won ton with wasabi mayonnaise Il Postino Restaurant with avocado cooking and lemon with fish roe aioli crusty bread $10 Ploughman’s plate with marmalade$10 Spring lamb and chorizo cassoulet with $5 Roast pumpkin and armotte tortellini 9.30AM Christian Poulsen (Byron Beach Café) ham Bay Kids Klub 9AM-2PM glazed Bangalow Byron 9AM-10AM Eliza, dear crusty bread with sage butter sauce served on sesame crisps Open Table Catering Service $10 King prawn, pink ginger and 10AM-11AM kaffir lime Seaweed Beach Cuisine 9AM-2PM Beef and Cupcake the Clown Ilona Harker Seaweed Cuisine 10.15AM Garden to Kitchen: Phil Dudman & Julie Ray won ton with wasabi mayonnaise $10 Local grain-fed Wagyu beef with parsnip $5 Raw strawberry tart $5 Ceviche two-ways Tahitian coconut $5 Chargrilled local squid, Hayters Hill served with—the fruits of Open Table Catering Service 10AM 11AM-12PM Kurtis Rettenmaier 11.15AM Gavin Hughes (The Byron at Byron) & with avocadoLenny and lemon withLion fish roe aioli chorizo and wild rocket with roasted red $5 Chargrilled local squid, Hayters Hill purée, seasonal greens and red wine glaze served on sesame crisps pepper coulis theCuisine) forest coulis11AM & 1PM $5 Raw strawberry fruits Pantomime: Rover McWolf and tart served with12PM-1PM Monique Guterres Harrison (Seaweed Kato and Wolfred roasted ofchorizo the forest coulisand wild rocket $10 Local grain-fed Wagyu beef with Missing $10with Barcoo beef fillet burger, mixed the Case of the Cupcake purée, seasonal greens and red $10 Rae vegan lasagneparsnip / tomato and $10 Rae vegan lasagne / tomato and with Davidson's Frost (Seven Mile Restaurant) Blackboard 12.15PM at the Scott Beach 1PM-3PMorganic spring Tressalad Hombres pepper coulis wine glaze Macadamia Castle Rabbit macadamia mozzarella linguine plum relish 10.30AM-12.30PM Petting macadamia mozzarella linguine 1.15PM Knife Skills: Simon Grigalius $5 Oysters with mignonette pepper or fresh 9AM-3PM Artist Mark Waller: Mural with Kids $10 Barcoo beef fillet burger, mixed organic lime spring salad with Davidson’s plum relish




$5 Baby back marinated ribs $10 Grilled haloumi with baby leaf salad







1 43 55 38-39 29 24 3 35 37 58-59 5 59 53 99 2 60-63 92 6 98 5 - 66 22 56-57 13 19 34 52 3 12 17 30 30 60 61 38 12-13 28 88 34 57 9 -10 16 31-32 7 4 74 51 41 72-73 96 23 43 50 91 19 89 15 8 49 31 47 97 14 90

Tasting Plate Ticket Sales

89 Mullum Magic Foods A & R Scuderi 94 Naturally Wicked All the Best Fine Foods 56 Neoflam Anthony & Wendy Hoy 103 Never Never Kombu Farm Arianrhod Aromatics B - C Nimbin Valley Dairy Australian Bush Spices 18 Norco Babalou Restaurant 15 Northern Star Ballina RSL Boardwalk Restaurant 18 Nudgel Nuts Bangalow Coffee 17 Open Table Catering Service Bangalow Poultry & Game 16 Picklechicks Baraka Foods 100 Pinny’s Products Barista Sista2u 86 Piper Jordan Beef and Beach 2 Playing with Fire Blackboard at the Beach A Puremelt Chocolate Blue Kitchen Gourmet Foods 43 Bush to Body Products Quattro Restaurant 37 Rainbow Fruit Flats Byron Bay Biltong 16 Byron Bay Brewery Rainforest Foods 101 Raw Ecstasy 68-69 Byron Bay Chilli Co 18 Byron Bay Coffee Company Red Dragon Inn Organics 87 Renee Danielle Jeffery Byron Bay Organic Farm 35 Byron Bay Tea Company Robert & Elizabeth Gray 58 Salumi Australia Byron Bay Cacao 33 Byron Beach Café Saghtar Fine Foods 36 Sandbar Restaurant Byron Beans D E E Byron Green Lights Satiate 41 Seaweed Cuisine Café Marius 76-77 77 Clever Dick Juicer Seven Mile Café 7 - 88 Sirromet Coopers Shoot Beef 21 Coopers Shoot Tomatoes Summerland Olives A - B Sun Art Natural Products Donna’s Mushrooms Duck Creek Macadamia 15 The Beautiful Feast Echo 42 The Bio Organic Farm 11 The Byron at Byron Resort Eco Breadboards & Furniture 42 The Eltham Hotel Energetic Greens 102 The Farm Gate Providore The Gourmet Garlic Company 101 Fleurs The Honey Wagon 54 The Kitchen Shelf Fork In The Field 29 Gabbi’s Kitchen The Tea Lady 28 The Unexpected Guest Green Tea Frog 20 Tridosha Gourmet Salt & Pepper Happy Flame Beeswax Candles 14 Trueline Patios & Extensions Harvest Café 93 Tucki Rice Healthy Appetite 40 Tweed Valley Whey Heartbreads TRY FREE EN T 26-27 27 Vast Interiors Il Postino Restaurant EN RTAINM TE EN 95 Wendy Taylor E Imogen’s Farm Wines Arts LIV UESTS BRIT Y G CELE NS 17 Your Inspiration Integrity Candles at STRATIO NHome O EM W D G HEN SHO 27-29 29 Zentvelds COOKIN J & J Rancho Relaxo TO KITC ES EN IV D KN AR UR SG Y’Byron YO RA F E O 32 Jungle Juice - Mooball Farm Zest Bay LI T ATES D JU ST OU STING PL EES DMAN AN TING THE MO & $10 TA PHIL DU Kurrajong Downs GET Bangalow N MARQU 1 -16 EE $5 OXX U Producers Markets ER PS N RQ TI IG A S M ES U RANT HIBITORS SHION D GRIGALI Lentilicious RESTAU 23-26 Suzie FA SIMON Levot Pantomime STYLE EX IME CE & LIFE OOR PANTOM Let Them Eat Cake E PRODU 20-22 Byron OUTD Bay Kids Club D AN ER & WIN T BE NMEN FFEE, AI CO RT Lismore City TE AT 13 Entertainment GRE DS EN KI AY D ALL Li’l Daks Cloth Nappies 5 - 6 Byron Bay Brewery 5-6 s Macadamia Castle South Wale 55 1 44 Water/Ticket hern NewSales taste of NortDemo Stage Maggies Poppyseed Dressing 55-56 ACooking Mark Waller 78-83 Fashion Marquee: Geudaun, Goddess of Babylon, Lull Swimwear, Mayfields Restaurant Little Polli and the Blackbird, Driftlab, AL T I VBurnett. Mish Mash Soap E SRiley Myee O CarlyleF & FO D 9 Mistral Hill Country Kitchen First Aid

E L P M SA f o e t tas w

anorthern nBsER

EM-3pm T P E S 0 1 9agam ground low Show




Food for the Soul


John Giese ‘Amico’


44 Byron St BANGALOW • 6687 1393 • TUES – SUN & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 10AM-4PM

Enjoy the festival Hemp Clothing & Products Bamboo Clothing, Giftware, Toys, Bears, Bags & Hammocks.

Stunning Decks Expansive Awnings Complete Renovations

Ph: 02 6687 2881

1/23 Dudgeons Lane, Bangalow

54A Byron Street, Bangalow, NSW, 2479 | P: 02 6687 2553

The outdoor lifestyle specialists

<echowebsection=Sample Food>

Licence # 207223C

The Tweed Shire Echo September 8, 2011 11

Volume 4#02 © 2011 Echo Publications Pty Ltd

P: 02 6684 1777 F: 02 6684 1719 For advertising enquiries Editor: Eve Jeffery


SEPT 8 - SEPT 15, 2011


AUSTRALIA’S HIGH-POWERED, HIGH-ENERGY, DUB AND DANCEHALL SUB BASS VESSEL DUBMARINE, WITH THEIR NINE-PIECE LINE-UP AND TRADEMARK BASS-DRIVEN FOUNDATIONS, TWIN TROMBONE BLASTS AND THUNDEROUS SYNTH EXPLOSIONS, ROCKS DEEP DANCEHALL, DUB, AND DRUM AND BASS RIDDIMS. Led by the vocal gymnastics of Indigenous superstar and Darumbal man D-Kazman, Dubmarine have a mission; to produce the sound and fury of electronic music live, in all of its bass-crunching, rhythm-pounding, hip-shaking fiendish glory, all played by musicians, all real. Life has been packing a punch for Dubmarine; they have just returned from a highly successful European tour taking in shows in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and the Czech Republic through June/July 10. Add to that their recent nominations for a Deadly Award in the Best Band of 2010 category and a Q Song award. On the gigging front, Dubmarine have had a massive year or more. The bass-cranking subsurface adventurers navigated between prime festival appearances in five countries and two continents, including Amsterdam Roots Festival (Netherlands), Mundial Festival (Netherlands), Colours of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Alstadtfest (Germany), and the Afro Latino Festival (Belgium), as well as Woodford Folk Festival, the Dreaming Festival, Parklife, Island Vibe and WOMADadelaide to name a few. The night also features sets by DJ Pulse weaving GLObal rhythms and beats to complete the dance experience. So for a big night of dance head to Uki Hall on Friday.

live music


we all live in a glo-ing dubmarine

We are wonderfully Lucky With their new single I’ll Be Fine released just this week, The Lucky Wonders already have it spinning on Triple J and at No 1 on Unearthed Roots. As part of their national tour the Wonderteam have planned a very special launch at The Soundlounge with a fantastic line-up of Brisbane’s The Tall Tails and the gorgeous alt country outfit Laneway. A bit of a turn towards the indie pop end of their spectrum, I’ll Be Fine was written in a 5am airport stopover by The Lucky Wonders’ Emma Royle after a latenight goodbye. Grab it on Unearthed while you still can, and get on down to the Soundlounge at Currumbin RSL this Friday.






Creedence Clearwater Recycled


With a five-year history of excellent performances, musicianship and entertainment this superb tribute to Creedence Clearwater Revival have at last been recognised as he class act and party machine that it really is. The timeless, classic hits of Creedence still fill juke boxes all over the country. Try this for a list of hits – Green River, Proud Mary, Born on the Bayou, Who’ll Stop the Rain, Bad Moon Rising, Travelling Band, Lookin Out My Back Door, Have You Ever Seen the Rain, The Midnight Special, I Heard It Through The Grape Vine, Down On The Corner and Cotton Fields – the list goes on. Creedence Clearwater Recycled are currently one of the four major drawcard tributes acts based in Victoria due to the absolute authenticity of their show. Each week the band is experiencing full and near-full houses because of the impact they have made at every show they have performed. Don’t miss ‘Creedence Clearwater Recycled’, the tribute show that is an absolute must see at Twin Towns Saturday.

Fingal’s local lad


Saturday 11 September Wharf St, Tweed Heads 07 55362277 12 September 8, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Bookings 1800 014 014

Andy Burke is a singer/songwriter from the west coast of Ireland currently living in Fingal Head. Andy’s music is a blend of rock, reggae and folk. He mainly plays acoustic guitars accompanied by harp and stompbox. With a successful album Birds out now, Andy’s nearly finished his second solo album and an EP with the band Haldanes Daughters. He’s toured all over the world and spent a 2-year residency in Switzerland playing in hotels and bars. Andy’s influences are Arcade Fire, REM, Neil Young, all 70s, PUNK, Dylan, Marley etc. Haldanes Daughters just finished a stint touring with Ash Grunwald and have many recordings and plans on the horizon. Andy kicks off the first of the new Sunday Sessions at Sheoak Shack on Sunday.

Soap Box

This Room is yours!

Mandy Nolan

TELLING YOUR KIDS THEY SUCK Apparently we’ve been praising our kids too much. Our kids have been born into an era obsessed with self-esteem. In fact, we’re so worried about giving our kids low self-esteem, we’ve actually given them low self-esteem. We’ve told them they’re so bloody fabulous at everything they do that they just can’t handle the pressure. Or the truth. If we were to be completely and brutally honest with our kids, a lot of stuff they do isn’t that fabulous at all. My two-year-old came back from daycare with a painting the other day. It was a purple blob. The dog could have painted it. I said ‘Wow darling that’s amazing! What is it?’ She was thrilled at the approval for this very average portrait of her father. But I should have told her the truth. ‘That’s shit!’ And thrown it in the bin. Sure she might have cried for a few minutes, but she’d get to know that there are standards that she’s just not meeting. If you want to make it on the fridge you’ve got to try a lot harder than that. And I’m not just being a nasty bitch. This is the thesis presented by Carol Dweck in her book Mindset. According to the findings of the American psychologist and Stanford University professor, our belief that constant acknowledgment and accolades for anything our kids do has created a generation so frightened of failure they’re atrophied into a bunch of lazy, challenge-phobic pussies. We’ve positively reinforced almost every aspect of our kids’ development. ‘You’re so clever! You are so handsome! You’re so fast at running!’ There are even those that attest that competition is bad for children’s development. Sure, but one day the poor little fella is going to have to find out he’s a loser, and the longer you wait to break it to him, the harder it is. Learning to cope with losing is an important life skill. How else do we find the motivation to strive? Maybe we should revert to some of our own parents’ techniques and just fail to notice our kids at all. Then the little buggers will put some effort in. Right now our kids know that love and approval is unconditional, they don’t have to do a thing. Time to raise the bar. Life isn’t easy, it’s full of disappointments and failures. The mark of a good person, someone who is well adjusted and able to function socially, is someone who can accept failure with grace, not fall on the floor in

a tantrum, key someone’s new BMW or glass their girlfriend. No, it’s time we started getting our children used to failure. I’m sick of turning up to sporting events where every kid gets a trophy. They don’t all deserve one. I’ve seen some of those kids on the soccer field; they’re useless. What, the kid who runs in the wrong direction and cries when he doesn’t get the ball is getting a trophy? Nice one, let’s just reinforce poor behaviour! No, trophies should be given to the kids who have earned them, and not as Dweck attests to kids with natural ability. We need to praise the process not the outcome. So awards for Most Improved or Best and Fairest are the go. We need to take a reality check on how we mould the next generation. While some attest that the next gen are ‘amazing, incredible and spiritually evolved’, I’d say bullshit, they’re a bunch of little Princes and Princesses who’ve been totally indulged, have no sense of compassion, are poor communicators, have no respect for adults and absolutely no resilience. They expect awards for wiping their own bums. And, it’s all our fault. We have made them that way. Look at swimming lessons. These days we all take our babies to the pool and they swim towards plastic duckies and kick their little leggies with Mummies and Daddies in the pool with them all oohing and aahhing at their sheer brilliance. In the old days when it came to teaching a kid to swim, you waited a few years, threw your sprog in the pool, and waited for him to surface, kicking and gasping. There’d be the odd wildly inappropriate and homophobic statement of ‘what are ya? A poof?’, but by the end of the week, little Thorpie would be swimming like a champ. Apparently we need to encourage the process rather than the outcome, and we need to give our children honest feedback and experiences of failure. Awesome, finally a theory has come out that acknowledges some of my greatest parenting techniques. Nothing like the silence on that long drive back from the sports carnival with a sulky kid who came last in the longjump. ‘Oh well, that was disappointing. I suppose you can’t just expect to turn up and do your best if you spend most of your time on the Xbox… loser!’ See, that’s not abuse, that’s resilience building.

This Room is yours!

For special events special Events ––– Weddings –For Birthdays –––– Weddings Birthdays ––Seminars Parties –– Private Parties Seminars– Private

Set menus with prices to suit any budget Phone Woody on 6685 5833 or Phone Woody on 6685 5833 or email email Byron Bay Premium Brewery 1 Skinners Shoot Road Byron Bay NSW 2481 Byron Bay Premium Brewery 1 Skinners Shoot Road Byron Bay NSW 2481

program guide THURSDAY 6am Planet Luv Glitter 9am Arts Canvass Karena 11am Bohemian Beat Riddhi 12pm Juke Joint Tony Parker 2pm Audio Chocolate Rich 4pm Future Classics Matt Meir 6pm Crossroads Paul Martin 8pm Cruisin for a Bluesin The Honeydripper 10pm Booty Call Lainie


Strictly speaking If ever there was a female singer who could sing the vast range of magnificent songs in celebration of the great Dame Shirley Bassey then Jenifer Green is that girl. Her show business experiences, while living and working in America for fifteen years are what dreams are made of for a girl who was born in the Sydney suburb of Ryde. Jenifer enjoyed many seasons working main Las Vegas rooms, impressed with eye-catching performances on the Merv Griffin Show, The Tonight Show as well as the Jerry Lewis Telethon. Touring the USA with superstars such as Bob Hope, George Burns, Mickey Rooney and Donald O’Connor are some of the highlights experienced by this super-talented Australian. Listen to her as she weaves her vocal magic, while singing Bassey classics. Jenifer is supported by her eight-piece orchestra. A show not to be missed at Twin Towns Tuesday.

Surprise for Reggaefest With Reggaefest 2011 just around the corner organisers have announced a surprise act. Joining an already jampacked lineup featuring artists from Jamaica, England, New Zealand and New Caledonia is Tony Q Rastafara. Arguably one of the most well-known and influential reggae acts to emerge from Indonesia, Tony Q and his band ‘Rastafara’

MONDAY 6am The Morning Mix Kabes 9am The Lighthouse Lounge Andy Travis 11am Belly BellySisters 12pm Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond Nicole Foder 1pm Theme Park Lyn McCarthy 2pm Q’s Jazz ‘n Blues Quentin Watts 4pm Cruizy Beatz DJ Cruizy 6pm Grailey Whole Celtic Show Margaret Wyatt 8pm Sounds of Africa DJ Massaganda 10pm Freedom Run Callum


are widely acknowledged as pioneers in the Indonesian reggae scene – being one of the first to break away from Jamaican reggae and present their own songs. Since forging connections with Greenpeace and WALHI (Friends of the Earth, Indonesia) almost ten years ago they have worked to educate people through music and performed on the famous Rainbow Warrior. The usage of traditional music instruments such as ‘Kendang Sunda’ or ‘Gamelan Java’ and Tony Q’s distinctive vocals make this one of the ‘must sees’ of this year’s lineup. See him at Reggaefest September 17 and18 Missingham Park, Ballina. Tickets: for outlets or to purchase online.

TUESDAY 6am Clockwise Gary Street 9am Under Construction Sarah Ndiaye & Gina Baker 11am Byron Business Phil Daly 12pm Toasted Lady Marmalade 2pm The Music Garden Michael Brereton 4pm Below the Radar The Invisible Man 6pm Post Modern Backlash Hudson 8pm Radio Mundial Steve Snelgrove 10pm Shel’s Place Shel Kronich WEDNESDAY 6am Catch and Grab DJ Holly Holster 9am 2481 Undone Nicqui Yazdi 11am Go Earthcare Ros Elliott 12pm Suara Indonesia Francesca & Kirana 1pm Afternoon Tea Party Adelaide French 2pm The Junkyard Stuey 4pm Cowgirl in the Sand Mel 6pm Bongo Gum Brett Diemar 8pm B-boymixers Elixir 10pm All Funked Up Mr Mantiki

FRIDAY 6am That Friday Feeling Nicky 9am The Spin Cycle Karin Kolbe 11am Page Turners Pip Morrissey 12pm Whirled Music Phil Hurst 1pm Mystery Train Mary Cannon 2pm Grooveyard Teesha & Nilesh 4pm Strictly Vinyl (Happy Days) Inchie 6pm Chop-Suey Rachi 8pm Submerged/Down & Out Si Clone/Slinky 10pm Rotation POB/Elixza SATURDAY 6am Bay Rock Tark 8am Musical Kaleidoscope Jill 10am Cowboy’s Sweetheart Carrie D 12pm Blues from the Bay Anthony & Ken 2pm Paris Cat Alley Lou 4pm Intersecting Cultures Angela 5pm Justice & Ms Chi Justine & Ancika 6pm Random Rhythms Ashgirl 8pm Diggin in the Archives Undertaker & Joan of Arc 10pm In the vaults Matt Wardle SUNDAY 7am Astro Alchemy Iris & Michael 8am Colours of Byron Des 10am Jazz Moods Jean Brown 12pm Omnibus RG Pedicini & Les Schmidt 2pm Radio Latina Yolanda & Salvador & David 4pm The Bay Lounge aqua 6pm Roots & Culture DJ Selector 8pm Ice Cream Truck Fulton Hobbs & Peggy Dickson 10pm The Space Between Max Zoesar

COMMUNITY RADIO BAY-FM 99.9 Phone: 6680 7999



e inFo For nb www.byro 6000 +612 6639

NOVEMBER 7 2011 INTAKE ENROLLING NOW CRICOS: 00312F (NSW) 02047B (VIC) 02431E (WA) Please contact relevant campuses for further information regarding open days, tours, course programs and FEE HELP options.

The Tweed Shire Echo September 8, 2011 13

Allegro Trio Presents Vicky Hong Hong: Piano Hugh Won: Won: Violin Shaohua Chen-Merrett: Chen-Merrett Violoncello

Spring Concert Compered by: Barry Singh FEATURING

Joseph Haydn Haydn:: Trio for piano, violin and cello in C minor No. 26 Dvořák: ‘Dumky’ Trio for piano, violin and cello Antonín Dvořák: Plus music by Bach, Beethoven, Debussy, Liszt & Kreisler

TWEED CIVIC AND CULTURAL CENTRE Sunday, 9th October 2011, 2.30pm (NSW time) Ticket Prices:: General: $18 | Seniors over 65, Students under 12 12: $15 To purchase tickets, please visit or phone 0431 836 125 (Mastercard or Visa only)







the tweed echo 5PM ROY DANIELS





The Tweed Echo has the most comprehensive entertainment gig guide in the area. For your free listing, email or phone us on (02) 6672 2280. Deadline is noon Tuesday prior to Thursday’s publication.

14 September 8, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo



Chinderah Tavern

Saltbar has something for everyone, a large deck, newly refurbished Sports Bar, family friendly Bistro and Kids Korner. As well as ocean views, there’s always a great atmosphere, daily food specials, a well-equipped children’s area, live music and more. Kids eat free* Mon-Thurs 5.307pm + free kids’ movie 7pm, T-Bone Tues & free trivia, Half Price Wednesday + free Karaoke 7pm. Saltbar is on the absolute beachfront, Salt Village, 15 mins south of Coolangatta Airport. *conditions apply

The ‘Chindy’ is an ideal place to bring family and friends of all ages for a real country pub experience. Kick back and watch the kids play on our brand new playground while you enjoy an ice cold beer and a dozen of our famous $12 oysters on the deck overlooking the Tweed river. Open 7 days for lunch and dinner, with afternoon entertainment on the weekends. Come and see why everyone is talking about the new Chinderah Tavern.

Saltbar Beach Bar & Bistro



The Beach Shack freshly roasted

Sheoak Shack 64 Fingal Rd, Fingal Head Ph 07 5523 1130 Wed-Sat 11am-5pm, Sun 9.30am-5pm

Bells Boulevard, Salt Village, South Kingscliff Open 7 days 1300 725 822

Events for food and wine lovers! Inaugural Winemaker’s dinner this October. Enjoy wines from Mandala Winery rated five stars by James Halliday and superbly complemented by an inspiring menu created by our talented chefs.

Shop 5, 60 Marine Parade, Kingscliff (next to Subway) 6674 5822 Open 7 days 9am-5pm



Fresh from his travels in Europe, Steven Snow is excited to launch a NEW MENU at Fins. From Basque style BBQ seafood platters to spicy Mauritian King prawn curry. Book now to sample our new flavours.

66 Chinderah Bay Drive, Chinderah Ph 02 6674 1137 Open 7 days Lunch 12pm-2.30pm Dinner 5.30pm–8.30pm

Currumbin RSL Club Currumbin Creek Road, Currumbin Open 7 days lunch and dinner 07 5534 7999

fingal head

Salt Village, Kingscliff 6674 4833 Dinner 7 days Lunch Fri, Sat & Sun

Top quality Arabica coffee beans from new boutique roaster. The beans are roasted fresh weekly. 30% Certified Organic. Rainforest Alliance.

Taste the difference


Overlooking the sparkling blue waters of the Jack Evans Boat Harbour at Twin Towns is Horizons Lunch from 11am restaurant. Enjoy a friendly atmosphere with casual Dinner from 5.30pm Brunch Sundays from 10am indoor or al fresco dining where you can take in our spectacular views. Bring a friend to Horizons for High Phone: (07) 5536 2277 Tea available Monday to Saturday in the afternoon or visit from 2.30pm to 4.30pm for an extra special afternoon delight!

If you are looking for delicious food, coffee or a romantic sunset cocktail on the riverbank, the Sheoak Shack is the beach shack for you with a funky laid back vibe. This gallery/cafe showcases the work of high quality local artists and is available for private functions… more Byron than Byron, in sleepy Fingal Head.

Mount Warning Hotel

Mt Warning Hotel Open 7 days 10am till late Bistro open daily 1497 Kyogle Rd, Uki 02 6679 5111

One of the region’s great old country pubs. Delicious food, bistro open for lunch everyday from 12-2pm, dinner Thursday to Sunday from 6-8pm. Children’s playground, relaxing beer garden. Curry night on Thursday, raffles and member’s draw on Friday, punter’s draw on Saturday and on Sunday there is a delicious roast.

tweed heads

Mon-Thurs 9 to 5 Fridays 9 to 4 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 3/7 Brigantine Street, Byron Arts & Industry Park (02) 6685 5685


Small enough for personal care, large enough to offer competitive prices. Santos has been supplying high quality biodynamic, organic, natural foods, and healthy products since 1975. We continue our commitment to sourcing as locally as possible. Santos is the home of Rainfed Rice–zero irrigation, certified biodynamic, as local as you can get, and the most delicious rice you’re likely to find. Visit for more info, or visit our online store at Eat well.


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Santos Trading Warehouse

Here you will find some of the best local dining on offer. Restaurant owners take note: Good Taste provides you with the chance to tell your customers more about your business with ample room for that extra information that may not fit in a small advertisement. Great introductory rates are on offer. Call 02 6672 2280 to find out more.


The Echo’s guide to


DAVID ICKE FULL DAY EVENT THE LION SLEEPS NO MORE TOUR It is clear that David Icke’s passion for truth has not died. He has more support from around the world than ever before, with literally hundreds of thousands of people searching for his theories of global governance, occult secrets and most importantly, consciousness.

GOLD COAST • SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER $87.00 – Additional 500 seats have been announced –


CALL ADAM ON 0439 995 503 OR VISIT


The Tweed Shire Echo September 8, 2011 15

Television Guide


1. Pitch Black (One HD, Friday, 8.30pm) cleverly exploits nyctophobia (fear of the dark, not to be confused with the Iron Maiden album) and of nasty things with sharp, pointy teeth. 2. Le Frog (Jean Reno) and Rita (Kate Winslet) exchange witticisms in Flushed Away (Prime, Saturday, 6.30pm), generally regarded as entertaining animation. 3. Mills and Boon sensibility comes to the world of vampires in Twilight (TEN, Sunday, 8.40pm), the first of the seemingly endless series of mawkish twaddle which makes Mary Poppins seem hardcore.



4.00 rage (G) 5.00 Can We Help? 5.30 The New Inventors 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.30 Business Today 10.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 Catalyst 11.30 One Plus One 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Midsomer Murders (M) 2.10 Finding The Fallen 3.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Bill’s Tasty Weekends 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Collectors 8.30 Silent Witness (M) 9.30 The Jonathan Ross Show 10.20 Lateline 11.00 Beautiful People (M) 11.30 rage (MA)

4.00 ABC News 4.05 Culture Quarter 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.15 Food Quarter 5.30 Newsline 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News 12.30 Newsline 1.00 ABC News 2.30 One Plus One 3.00 Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Hill 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 Environment Quarter 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Contact Sport 8.00 ABC News 8.30 One Plus One 9.00 The World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 The Drum 10.45 The Quarters 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Capital Hill 12.00 ABC News 12.20 Lateline 1.00 BBC News 1.30 Contact Sport 2.00 BBC World News 2.30 The World This Week 3.00 Lateline 3.40 Culture Quarter

ABC 2 6.00 Kids’ Programs 7.00 Spicks And Specks 7.30 River Monsters 8.30 Friday Night Lights 9.15 On Track 9.30 Misfits (MA) 10.20 Crownies (M) 11.20 The Graham Norton Show (M) 12.05 Cold Feet 12.55 Code Geass 1.30 Important Things 1.55 Close


6.05am to 5.35pm Kids’ Programs 6.00 Big Babies 6.15 Almost Naked Animals 6.25 Trapped! 7.10 Black Hole High 7.35 The Assistants 8.00 Stay Tuned 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation 9.00 Close

5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia 1.30 Insight 2.30 The Nest 3.00 Living Black 3.30 Al Jazeera News 4.00 The Journal 4.30 Newshour 5.30 La Vuelta a España Cycling Highlights 6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Grand Central 8.30 Blitz Street 9.30 World News Australia 10.00 The Female Orgasm Explained (MA) 11.00 Movie: Lucia, Lucia (MA 2003) Spanish comedy 12.50 Entourage (M) 2.20 Weatherwatch



5.00 rage (PG) 11.00 Bill’s Tasty Weekends 12.00 Collectors 12.30 Australian Story 1.00 Foreign Correspondent 1.30 E2: Transport – Seoul 2.00 Women’s Olympic Qualifier Basketball 3.00 Shute Shield Rugby Union LIVE – Manly v Northern Suburbs 5.00 Australian Indoor Bowls 6.00 Poh’s Kitchen 6.30 Gardening Australia 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Doctor Who 8.30 Monroe (M) 9.20 Rake (M) 10.20 Doctor Who 11.25 rage (MA)

4.00 ABC News 4.05 The Quarters 4.15 The Drum 5.00 Q&A 6.00 7.30 6.30 Behind The News 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Contact Sport 8.00 ABC News 8.45 Big Ideas 9.00 ABC News 9.45 Finance Quarter 10.00 ABC News 10.30 7.30 11.00 ABC News 11.30 7.30 12.00 ABC News 12.30 7.30 Select 1.00 Big Ideas 2.00 ABC News 2.30 7.30 3.00 ABC News 3.30 Foreign Correspondent 4.00 ABC News 4.30 Behind The News 5.00 ABC News 5.30 One Plus One 6.00 ABC News 6.30 Australian Story 7.00 ABC News 7.30 The World This Week 8.00 Four Corners 9.00 ABC News 9.30 State To State 10.00 ABC News 10.30 7.30 Select 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Foreign Correspondent 12.00 Big Ideas 1.00 One Plus One 1.30 7.30 2.00 BBC World News 2.30 7.30 3.00 BBC World News 3.30 7.30




ABC 2 6.00 Kids’ Program 7.00 Monkey Thieves 7.30 The Wild Gourmets In Spain 8.15 At The Movies 8.30 Movie: On A Clear Day You Can See Forever (G 1970) US comedy. Barbra Streisand, Yves Montand 10.40 Movie: The Owl And The Pussycat (M 1970) US comedy. Barbra Streisand, George Segal 12.15 Raw Comedy 2009 (M) 1.15 Eataholics 2.10 Close


5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 1.00 Elena Kats-Chernin’s Wild Swans Suite 1.30 Jerome Robbins’ NY Export: Opus Jazz 2.30 Steve Reich: Phase To Face 3.30 Disfarmer: A Portrait Of America 4.30 Newshour 5.30 La Vuelta a España Cycling Highlights 6.00 Passionate Apprentices 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Engineering Connections 8.30 Sex Under The Sea 9.30 RocKwiz 10.25 Classic Albums Friday On 6.05am to 5.45pm Kids’ Programs 6.00 My Mind Stoked 6.30 The Slammer 7.00 Deadly 11.30 La Vuelta a España Cycling – 60 7.30 Good Game SP 8.00 The Tribe LIVE 2.00 Weatherwatch 9.15 Close



Jupiter turning retrograde reverses its normally expansive action towards inner growth and new approaches to a changing world…

ARIES: Jupiter retrograde reassesses personal integrity, evaluating anywhere you’re playing a role that isn’t who you really are. Beginning this week, the rest of the year’s likely to highlight the difference between faux and authentic in yourself and others, hopefully promoting less judgment and more understanding. TAURUS: When goalposts shift it’s sometimes hard to find the positive potential, but that’s this week’s job because your being less stressed means less stress for everyone around you. Remember the quintessential Tauran mantra (Take It Easy), make realistic adjustments and don’t buy into mob thinking. GEMINI: Human beings dislike change. Change dislikes stasis. And change is inevitable. You

16 September 8, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

2 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 The Glee Project 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News 8.30 Britain’s Next Top Model 6.00 Global Village 9.30 Sex And The City (MA) 6.30 Iron Chef 10.40 The Late Late Show 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 7.30 Dateline Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 The 8.30 Insight King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 9.30 Movie: Purple Butterfly (MA 2003) Chinese drama 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis 11.40 Movie: The Princess Blade Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel (MAV 2001) Japanese action 1.25 5.00 7th Heaven Weatherwatch



TEN 6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Ten News 10.00 The Circle 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Oprah Winfrey Show 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Infomercial 3.30 Renovators 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 6.30 6.30 With George Negus 7.00 The 7pm Project 7.30 Renovators 8.30 Hawaii Five-O (M) 10.30 Can Of Worms (M) 11.30 Late News 12.00 Sports Tonight 12.30 The Late Show 1.30 World Rally Championship: Rally Of Australia 2.30 Infomercials 5.00 Religion

ELEVEN 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King Of Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Neighbours


6.00 Arsenal Football 9.00 The Game Plan 10.30 National Football League – LIVE 1.30 The Game Plan 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 Bondi Rescue 4.00 Quiksilver Pro Surfing 4.30 Extreme Dreams 5.00 Escape With ET 5.30 I Fish 6.00 Airline 6.30 Bondi Rescue 7.00 Cops 7.30 World’s Toughest Fixes 8.30 Movie: Pitch Black (M 2000) US action. Vin Diesel, Rhada Mitchell 10.40 Sports Tonight 11.00 World Rally Championship: Australia 12.00 FIBA Oceania Basketball Championships 1.45 Omnisport 2.00 NASCAR Sprint Cup: Atlanta 5.00 Pro Bull Riding

7.30 Frasier 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 8.30 Biggest Loser US 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News 11.30 Buffy The Vampire Slayer (M) 6.00 Wine Lovers’ Guide To 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch Australia 6.30 Hairy Bikers Food Tour Of 1.00 The King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Britain 7.30 The Hidden Face Of Fear Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven 8.30 One Thousand Pictures 9.15 Notes On The Other 9.30 Movie: High Lane (MA 6.00 FIBA Oceania Basketball 2009) French horror 11.00 Movie: Hardcore (MAV 2004) Championships 8.00 Bundesliga Football 9.00 World Rally ChampionGreek drama 12.45 Weatherwatch ships: Australia 10.00 Pro Bull Riding 11.00 World Of Free Sports 11.30 Drive 12.00 WWE Experience 1.00 6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.00 Hit List TV World Cup Triathlon 2.00 Extreme 12.00 Landed Music 12.30 Hit Rater. Dreams 3.30 Bondi Rescue 4.00 Com 1.00 Rising Star Awards Quiksilver Pro Surfing 4.30 Airline 2.00 AFL Premiership Season 5.30 I Fish LIVE – Collingwood v West 6.00 IRC Series Sailing Coast 6.30 WWE Experience 5.30 Ten News 7.30 Fear Factor 6.30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 8.30 Ross Noble’s Australian 7.00 AFL Premiership Season Trip (M) St Kilda v Sydney 9.30 Formula 1 Qualifying LIVE 11.00 World Rally Championship: – Italy Rally Of Australia 12.00 Before The 11.10 World Rally Championship: Game 1.00 Infomercials 4.00 Religion Australia 12.10 British Touring Car Championship 1.10 Major League Baseball 3.40 This Week In Baseball 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The 4.10 Pro Bull Riding 5.10 Omnisport Brady Bunch 8.30 Everybody Loves 5.30 ATP World Tour Tennis Raymond 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King Of Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond




6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven News 12.00 Movie: Hidalgo (M 2004) US action. Viggo Mortensen, Omar Sharif 3.00 Samantha Who? 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 6.00 Prime News 6.30 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 Better Homes And Gardens 8.30 Movie: Along Came Polly (M 2004) US comedy. Ben Stiller, Jennifer Aniston 10.30 AFL Premiership Finals Geelong v Hawthorn 1.50 Home Shopping

6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 Alias Smith And Jones 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 Knight Rider 1.00 The Equalizer (M) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie 2.30 Newsradio 3.00 Xena 4.00 Hercules 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 Minute To Win It 6.30 That ’70s Show 7.30 AFL Premiership Finals LIVE – Geelong v Hawthorn 10.45 Movie: Money Train (AV 1995) US action. Wesley Snipes, Woody Harrelson 1.00 Six Million Dollar Man 2.00 Quantum Leap 3.00 Knight Rider 4.00 Xena 5.00 Hercules

6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 Entertainment Tonight 11.00 TMZ 11.30 Married With Children 12.00 The Voice 1.00 Seinfeld 2.00 Dukes Of Hazzard 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Movie: ScoobyDoo And The Alien Invaders (G 2000) Animation 7.30 Movie: Hitch (PG 2005) US comedy. William Smith, Eva Mendes 9.50 Movie: License To Wed (M 2007) US comedy. Robin Williams, Mandy Moore 11.45 Camelot (MA) 12.45 South Park (M) 1.10 Fringe (M) 2.00 Up Late (M) 2.30 Reno 911 (M) 5.00 The Hills 5.30 Tamagotch!

7TWO 6.30 Martha Stewart Show 7.30 Dr Oz 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Deal Or No Deal 12.00 Royal Pains (M) 1.00 The Riches (M) 2.00 Ghost Whisperer 3.00 Perfect Strangers 3.30 Night Court 4.00 Columbo 6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 Harry’s Practice 7.30 Are You Being Served? 8.10 One Foot In The Grave 8.45 Escape To The Country 11.00 60 Minute Makeover 12.00 Living In The Sun 1.00 Movie: Bombardier (PG 1943) US war drama. Pat O’Brien, Randolph Scott 3.00 Leyland Brothers World 4.00 Coronation Street 4.30 Emmerdale 5.00 Designing Women 5.30 Home Shopping





mightn’t have control over this week’s news, but you can control your response to it. As economies unravel and former guidelines no longer apply, the simpler you keep things the less can go wrong. CANCER: The present transit could connect you with former contacts to reap the karmic benefits of past generosity. It’s excellent for getting familiar with the vagaries of existence, as is this week’s life advice courtesy of Cancerian singer Jason Mraz: Listen to the music of the moment… LEO: Self-control and restraint are your greatest power tools this week, which isn’t guaranteed 100 per cent bright and breezy, economic down sizing not being your majesty’s favourite game play. So let’s just say that the less demanding you are the

NBN 5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Infomercials 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 The Voice 6.00 Evening News 6.30 A Current Affair 7.30 Friday Night Football LIVE – Wests Tigers v St George Illawarra Dragons 9.45 Rugby World Cup LIVE – New Zealand v Tonga 11.45 Movie: Rollerball (M 2002) US action. Chris Klein, Jean Reno 1.50 Movie: Sueno (PG 2005) US comedy. John Leguizamo, Ana Claudia Talancon 4.00 Danoz 4.30 Good Morning America

GEM 6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: Pacific Destiny (G 1956) UK drama. Denholm Elliott, Susan Stephen 2.00 Stingers (M) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 The Golden Girls 5.00 Joanna Lumley Jewel Of The Nile 6.00 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 The Farmer Wants A Wife 8.30 Underbelly: Razor (M) 9.30 Prime Suspect (M) 11.30 Conan (M) 12.30 Psychic TV 2.00 Movie: Odette (PG 1951) UK drama. Anna Neagle, Trevor Howard 4.10 Movie: What’s Up, Doc? (G 1972) US comedy. Barbra Streisand, Ryan O’Neal




6.30 Kids’ Programs 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 9.00 Kids’ Programs 12.30 V8 Xtra 1.00 Movie: Barbie Princess Charm School (G 2011) Animation 2.30 Movie: Ella Enchanted (PG 2004) US comedy. Anne Hathaway, Hugh Dancy 4.30 What’s Up Down Under 5.00 Guide To The Good Life 5.30 Sydney Weekender 6.00 Seven News 6.30 Movie: Flushed Away (G 2006) Animation 8.15 Movie: Papillon (PG 1973) US biography. Steve McQueen, Dustin Hoffman 11.15 Movie: Midnight Run (M 1988) US action. Robert De Niro, Charles Grodin 2.00 Home Shopping

6.00 AFL Premiership Season: Geelong v Hawthorn 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 SCU: Serious Crash Unit 12.30 Racing Green 1.00 Zoom TV 1.30 Great Grand Prix Racing Heroes 2.30 Fifth Gear 3.00 V8 Supercars 3.30 Targa Tasmania 2006 4.30 Monster Garage 5.30 That ’70s Show 6.00 According To Jim 6.30 Superships 7.30 Air Crash Investigation 9.30 Unsolved Mysteries (M) 12.30 Million Dollar Catch 1.00 SCU: Serious Crash Unit 1.30 Racing Green 2.00 Great Grand Prix Racing Heroes 3.00 Xena 4.00 Quantum Leap 5.00 Adam 12 5.30 Home Shopping

6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Married With Children 2.30 Here’s Lucy 3.00 Green Acres 3.30 Spin City 4.30 Dukes Of Hazzard 5.30 Wipeout 6.30 Movie: Practical Magic (PG 1998) US comedy. Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman 8.30 Movie: Vantage Point (M 2008) US action. Dennis Quaid, Matthew Fox 10.30 Movie: Romeo Must Die (MA 2000) US action. Jet Li, Isaiah Washington 12.50 Vampire Diaries (M) 5.00 The Hills 5.30 Tamagotch!

7TWO 6.30 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Better Homes And Gardens 10.00 The Great Outdoors 11.00 Queensland Weekender 11.30 Out Of The Blue 12.00 Great South East 12.30 A House In Tuscany 1.00 Passport To The Sun 1.30 Weekend Kitchen 5.00 Great Australian Doorstep 5.30 Men Behaving Badly 6.00 Are You Being Served? 6.30 All Creatures Great & Small 7.30 Heartbeat 8.40 Taggart (M) 11.40 That’s My Boy 12.10 Please Sir 12.40 Minder 1.30 Movie: Class Action (M 1991) US drama. Gene Hackman, Colin Friels 3.45 Movie: The Falcon In San Francisco (PG 1945) US mystery. Tom Conway, Rita Corday 4.50 Weekend Kitchen

more love you’ll attract, and leave it there. VIRGO: This Virgo-flavoured week sees Venus delivering a juicy boost to your popularity and charisma, ditto your ability to please and impress others. September works best by keeping proceedings as pleasant as possible for everyone while you balance passionate with practical, sensual with sensible. LIBRA: If people seem to have lost that loving feeling, revive it by making an extra effort for someone who’s struggling. If you’ve been feeling a certain something’s missing without knowing exactly what that is, this week gives a clue as to where you might find it. SCORPIO: This week’s doing the spring thing: re-establishing priorities, reorganising finances,

NBN 6.00 Danoz 7.00 Weekend Today 10.00 Saturday Kerri-Anne 11.00 Kids’ Programs 3.00 The Farmer Wants A Wife 4.00 Getaway 4.30 The Garden Gurus 5.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos 6.00 NBN News 6.30 Rugby League Finals LIVE – Brisbane Broncos v Auckland Warriors 8.30 Rugby League Finals LIVE – Manly Sea Eagles v North Queensland Cowboys 8.40 Lotto 10.35 Rugby World Cup LIVE – Argentina v England 12.35 Movie: Diner (M 1982) US comedy. Steve Guttenberg, Daniel Stern 2.35 The Baron 3.35 Skippy 4.00 Infomercials

culling inessentials, downsizing, streamlining and redesigning your life, which can be both exciting and unsettling: exciting if you don’t let a stubborn streak dominate your decisions, unsettling only till you stabilise those emotional shock absorbers. SAGITTARIUS: No matter how diligently you prepare for all contingencies, chance still sometimes steps in and reshuffles the deck – the universe’s cue to gracefully accommodate the changes, variations and surprises you’re presented with – which this week necessitate breaking out your favourite stress busters and nurturing numero uno. CAPRICORN: Capricorns don’t like having to change their minds, but this week you have everything to gain from a mental switcheroo, flexibility being a key requisite for navigating the

GEM 6.00 Movie: Pacific Destiny (G 1956) UK drama. Denholm Elliott, Susan Stephen 8.00 Movie: The Flying Scot (G 1957) UK drama. Lee Patterson, Kay Callard 9.30 Movie: No Time For Tears (PG 1957) UK drama. Anna Neagle, Sylvia Syms 11.15 Movie: Two Way Stretch (G 1960) UK comedy. Peter Sellers, Wilfred Hyde-White 1.00 Murder, She Wrote 2.00 Movie: Giant (G 1956) US drama. Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson 6.00 The Golden Girls 6.30 Antiques Roadshow 8.30 CSI: NY (M) 9.30 CSI: Miami (M) 10.30 CSI (M) 11.30 Conan (M) 12.20 Psychic TV 1.50 Movie: No Time For Tears 3.30 Dangerman 4.30 Murder, She Wrote 5.30 The Golden Girls

present planetary adjustments. You might even consider a whole new attitude with Jupiter in less material, more philosophic mode. AQUARIUS: This week the Apache nation celebrates Changing Woman, and being an agent of change is one of your finest services to humanity: hunting and gathering inspiring new ideas. Though with everyone’s inner critic airing their opinions, canny Aquarians will assess when it is and isn’t advisable to share yours. PISCES: Change is neither your friend nor your enemy, it’s your travelling companion. With certain plans having to be rejigged, this week’s cosmic spotlight on personal stocktaking suggests investigating your inner guidance for the best way to achieve this. The truth isn’t out there, it’s in there.

Sunday 11

ABC 1 5.00 rage (PG) 6.30 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Insiders 10.00 Inside Business 10.30 Offsiders 11.00 Asia Pacific Focus 11.30 Songs Of Praise 12.00 Landline 1.00 7.30 1.30 Message Stick 2.00 Whale Shark 3.00 Shute Shield Rugby Union LIVE – Eastern Suburbs v Randwick 5.00 Art Nation 5.30 Dance Academy 6.00 Robin Hood 6.45 Minuscule 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Grand Designs 8.30 Rebirth 9/11 (M) 10.15 Compass 9/11 Ten Years On (M) 10.40 9/11 Remembered 1.05 Soldiers Of Peace 2.00 Grand Designs 2.55 Artscape 3.30 Reframing Papua New Guinea

ABC 2 6.00 Kids’ Programs 7.00 At The Movies 7.30 Dancing King 8.30 Stones In Exile (M) 9.35 Ladies And Gentlemen: The Rolling Stones 10.30 The Jonathan Ross Show 11.20 Art Nation 11.45 Absolutely Fabulous (M) 12.20 Glastonbury 2010: Stevie Wonder 1.20 Later… With Jools Holland 2.20 Close


Monday 12

6.05am to 5.35pm Kids’ Programs 6.00 The Legend Of Dick And Dom 6.30 Horrible Histories 7.00 Trapped! 7.30 The Avengers 7.50 Vampire Knight 8.40 Black Hole High 9.05








4.00 rage (G) 5.00 Art Nation 5.30 At The Movies 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.30 Business Today 10.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 Landline 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Monarch Of The Glen 1.30 Cheese Slices 2.00 Parliament Question Time 3.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Time Team 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Australian Story 8.30 Four Corners 9.20 Media Watch 9.35 Q&A 10.30 Lateline 11.05 Lateline Business 11.35 Women’s Olympic Qualifier Football 12.35 The Clinic (M) 1.30 Parliament Question Time 2.30 Artscape: Sculptures In The Scrub (M) 3.00 World Cup Bowls

4.00 ABC News 4.05 Big Ideas 5.00 ABC News 5.15 Rural Quarter 5.30 Asia Pacific Focus 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News 12.30 Inside Business 1.00 ABC News 2.00 Question Time 3.30 Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Hill 5.45 Finance Quarter 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 Health Quarter 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 ABC News 8.30 Lateline Business 9.00 The World 9.30 Q&A 10.30 ABC News 11.00 The Drum 11.45 Health Quarter 12.00 ABC News 12.20 Lateline 1.00 BBC World News 1.30 Lateline Business 2.00 BBC World News 2.30 7.30 3.00 Lateline 3.35 Lateline Business

ABC 2 6.00 Kids’ Programs 7.00 Spicks And Specks 7.30 Rude Boy Food 8.00 Outnumbered 8.30 Carlos: Part Three (M) 10.30 Graham Norton Show 11.15 Identity (M) 12.05 The Beast (M) 12.50 Later… With Jools Holland 1.50 Close

ABC 3 6.05am to 5.30pm Kids’ Programs 6.00 Prank Patrol 6.25 Trapped! 7.10 Black Hole High 7.35 Deltora Quest 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation 9.00 Close


Tuesday 13

6.30 Singapore Flavours 7.30 Ninja Warrior 8.00 Unbeatable Banzuke 4.00 7.30 5.00 Big Ideas 6.00 7.30 6.30 8.30 The Phone (M) Behind The News 7.00 ABC News 7.30 9.30 Movie: The Revenge (M 2008) Kurt Wallander crime The World This Week 8.00 ABC News 9.00 Insiders 10.00 ABC News 10.30 11.10 Movie: September (M 2003) German drama 1.10 Weatherwatch 7.30 11.00 ABC News 11.30 7.30 12.00 ABC News 12.30 Offsiders 1.00 Big Ideas 2.00 ABC News 2.30 7.30 3.00 ABC News 3.30 Australian Story 4.00 6.00 Religion 7.00 Kids’ Programs ABC News 4.30 Behind The News 5.00 8.00 Totally Australia 9.00 Good Chef ABC News 5.30 Inside Business 6.00 Bad Chef 9.30 Boys Weekend 10.00 ABC News 6.30 Foreign Correspondent Hit List TV 12.00 The Bolt Report 7.00 ABC News 7.30 One Plus One 8.00 12.30 Meet The Press 1.00 I Fish Insiders 9.00 The World Special Edition 2.00 Australian Rally Champ10.30 9/11 Ten Years On Live From New ionship Coffs Harbour York 1.00 Big Ideas 2.00 One Plus One 5.00 Ten News 2.30 Compass: 9/11 Ten Years On 3.00 6.30 Renovators BBC World News 3.30 7.30 7.30 Talkin’ ’bout Your Generation 8.40 Movie: Twilight (M 2008) US adventure. Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson 5.00 World News 8.30 PopAsia 10.30 Football Asia 11.00 Football Feature 11.00 Formula 1 Grand Prix: Italy 1.30 12.00 UEFA Champions League 12.30 Infomercials 4.00 Religion Speedweek 2.00 Al Jazeera News 3.00 Hitler’s Bodyguard 4.00 A Fork In The Mediterranean: Barcelona 4.30 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Living Black 5.00 Cycling Central 5.30 Brady Bunch 8.30 Everybody Loves La Vuelta a España Cycling Highlights Raymond 9.00 Touched By An Angel 6.00 Trawlermen 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love 6.30 World News Australia Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 7.30 Engineering Ground Zero Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King Of 8.30 Dateline 9/11 Ten Years On Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 9.30 Man On Wire Philippe Petit 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 11.10 High Altitude (M) 11.40 La 5.30 The Brady Bunch Vuelta a España Cycling – LIVE 2.00 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch Weatherwatch 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 The Simpsons 8.00 Futurama 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 8.30 Movie: Dude, Where’s My Car? (M 2000) US com 6.00 Korean Food Cult Close

4.00 rage (G) 5.00 Q&A 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.30 Business Today 10.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 Big Ideas 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Egypt Unwrapped 1.30 Meerkat Manor 2.00 Parliament Question Time 3.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Lost Gardens Gatton 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Foreign Correspondent 8.30 Fake Or Fortune? 9.35 QI 10.05 Artscape 10.35 Lateline 11.10 Lateline Business 11.40 Four Corners 12.25 Media Watch 12.40 Parliament Question Time 1.40 Movie: The Adventurers (PG 1950) UK adventure. Jack Hawkins, Dennis Price 3.00 Big Ideas

ABC 2 6.00 Kids’ Programs 7.00 Spicks And Specks 7.30 Dirty Jobs 8.30 Good Game 9.00 twentysomething (M) 9.30 Misfits (MA) 10.20 triple j presents: Cut Copy 10.45 The Graham Norton Show 11.35 Arrested Development 11.55 The Office (M) 12.50 Love Soup 1.20 Later… With Jools Holland 2.25 Close

SBS 1 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia 1.30 Dateline 2.30 Insight 3.30 Al Jazeera News 4.00 The Journal 4.30 Futbol Mundial 5.00 The Crew 5.30 La Vuelta a España Cycling Highlights 6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Mythbusters 8.30 Swift & Shift Couriers (M) 9.00 Pizza (M) 9.30 World News Australia 10.00 Flight Of The Conchords (M) 10.30 Skins (MA) 11.30 The World Game 12.30 Living Black 1.00 Movie: Fragments Of Antonin (MA 2006) French WWI drama 2.35 Weatherwatch

edy. Ashton Kutcher, Sean William Scott 10.15 Smallville (M) 11.05 Angel (M) 12.05 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 The King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven

ONE HD 6.00 Rising Star Award 7.00 Quiksilver Pro Surfing 7.30 IRC Series Sailing 8.00 World Rally Championship: Australia 9.00 NASCAR Sprint Cup LIVE – Richmond 1.30 Omnisport 2.00 World Rally Championship: Australia – LIVE 5.00 ATP World Tour Tennis 5.30 I Fish 6.30 Shark U 7.30 Extreme Fishing 8.30 Cops (M) 9.00 Formula 1 Grand Prix LIVE – Italy 12.05 FIBA Oceania Basketball Championships 2.00 Omnisport 2.30 ATP World Tour Tennis 3.00 National Football League – LIVE

PRIME 6.00 Religion 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 10.00 Wild Boys 11.00 Breaking The Magician’s Code 12.00 Movie: Johnny Kapahala – Back On Board (G 2007) US comedy. Brandon Baker, Jake T Austin 2.00 AFL Premiership Finals Carlton v Essendon 5.30 Mercurio’s Menu 6.00 Seven News 6.30 Sunday Night 7.30 Wild Boys

7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 Futurama 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News 8.30 The Simpsons For Grown Ups 9.30 Being Human (MA) 6.00 Living Black 10.30 The Late Late Show 6.30 Iron Chef 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 7.30 Tour Of Britain Cycling Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 The Highlights King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 8.30 Surgeons (M) 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis 9.30 The World Game Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 10.30 Movie: Life On A String 5.00 7th Heaven (PG 1991) Chinese drama 12.25 Weatherwatch


TEN 6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Ten News 10.00 The Circle 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Oprah Winfrey Show 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Infomercial 3.30 Renovators 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 6.30 6.30 With George Negus 7.00 The 7pm Project 7.30 Renovators 8.30 Undercover Boss Australia 9.30 Good News World (M) 10.30 Late News & Sports Tonight 11.00 The Late Show 12.00 Saving Grace (AV) 1.00 Infomercials 4.00 Religion

Eleven 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King Of Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Neighbours


6.00 National Football League – LIVE 9.15 Omnisport 9.45 World Of Free Sports 10.15 National Football League – LIVE 1.30 FIBA Oceania Basketball Championships 3.30 Bondi Rescue 4.00 Quiksilver Pro Surfing 4.30 Extreme Dreams 5.00 Escape With ET 5.30 I Fish 6.00 Airline 6.30 Bondi Rescue 7.00 Cops 7.30 Psych 8.30 Burn Notice (M) 9.30 One Week At A Time 10.30 Sports Tonight 11.00 One Week At A Time 12.00 Formula 1 Grand Prix: Italy 2.00 Omnisport 2.30 Arsenal Football 5.30 500 Great Goals

PRIME 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: Concrete Canyons (M 2010) Canadian drama. Scott Patterson, Polly Shannon 2.00 Dr Oz 3.00 Samantha Who? 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 6.00 Prime News 6.30 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away

6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 6.05am to 5.30pm Kids’ Programs 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News 7.30 The Simpsons 8.00 Futurama 6.00 Prank Patrol 6.25 Trapped! 7.10 6.00 Global Village 8.30 The Office Black Hole High 7.40 Deltora Quest 6.30 Iron Chef 8.30 Degrassi 9.00 Close 9.30 Wilfred (MA) 7.30 Tour Of Britain Cycling 10.00 Californication (MA) 10.30 The Highlights Late Late Show 11.30 Cheers 12.00 8.30 The Wehrmacht (M) Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage 4.00 ABC News 4.05 Rural Quarter 9.30 Movie: Fateless (M 2005) Witch 1.00 The King Of Queens 1.30 Hungarian drama 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.15 Health Quarter 5.30 Newsline 6.00 11.55 Movie: The Bothersome Man Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News (MA 2006) Norwegian mystery 1.35 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News Weatherwatch 12.30 Newsline 1.00 ABC News 2.00 Question Time 3.30 Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Hill 5.45 Environment 6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’ Programs 6.30 Serie A Football 8.00 Pro Quarter 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The 9.00 Ten News 10.00 The Circle 12.00 Bull Riding 9.00 Triathlon: Beijing Drum 6.45 Indigenous Quarter Dr Phil 1.00 Oprah Winfrey Show 2.00 11.30 ATP World Tour Tennis 12.00 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.30 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Infomercial Fiberglass & Megapixels 1.00 One Lateline Business 9.00 The World 3.30 Renovators 4.30 The Bold And Week At A Time 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 10.00 The Drum 10.45 Indigenous The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News Bondi Rescue 4.00 Quiksilver Pro Quarter 11.30 Newsline 12.00 ABC 6.30 6.30 With George Negus Surfing 4.30 Extreme Dreams 5.00 News 12.20 Lateline 1.00 BBC World Escape With ET 5.30 I Fish 6.00 Airline 7.00 The 7pm Project News 1.30 Lateline Business 2.00 BBC 6.30 Bondi Rescue 7.00 Cops World News 2.30 7.30 3.00 Lateline 7.30 Modern Family 7.30 Black Gold 8.00 Renovators 3.30 Lateline Business 8.30 Cops (M) 8.30 NCIS (M) 9.30 Can Of Worms (M) 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles (M) 10.30 Late News & Sports Tonight 10.30 24 (M) 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 11.00 Late Show 12.00 Saving Grace 11.30 Sports Tonight 12.00 MotoGP 1.00 Movie: Electric Shadows (PG (M) 1.00 Infomercials 4.00 Religion Classic 1.00 Pro Bull Riding 2.00 Omnisport 2.30 Liverpool Football 2004) Chinese drama 2.50 Ephemeral 5.30 FA Cup Classic 3.00 Living Black 3.30 Al Jazeera News 4.00 The Journal 4.30 Newshour 5.30 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Global Village Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 6.00 Letters And Numbers Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 6.30 World News Australia Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: 7.30 Insight Confined (M 2010) Canadian drama. 8.30 Cutting Edge WikiSecrets Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 Emma Caulfield, Michael Hogan 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King Of Queens 9.30 World News Australia 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 4.30 Dr Oz 3.00 Samantha Who? 3.30 Kids’ 10.00 Hot Docs (M) Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal 11.35 Movie: Jermal (M 2008) Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 Or No Deal The Brady Bunch Indonesian drama 1.15 Red Card 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.00 Prime News (M) 2.15 Weatherwatch









8.30 Bones (M) 9.30 Family Guy (M) 10.30 The Suspects (M) 10.30 The Chaser’s War On 11.30 The First 48 (M) 12.30 Home Everything (M) Shopping 5.30 Seven News 11.00 Disorderly Conduct Caught On Tape 12.00 Man v Food 12.30 Racing Green 1.00 Great Grand Prix 6.00 Home And Away 8.20 Ugly Betty Racing Heroes 2.00 Alias Smith And 9.15 Flipper 10.05 Britannia High Jones 3.00 Six Million Dollar Man 4.00 11.00 Welcome Back Kotter 11.30 Quantum Leap 5.00 Adam 12 5.30 Movie: Two Tickets To Paris (G 1962) Home Shopping US comedy. Joey Dee, Gary Crosby 1.15 Movie: The Battle For Anzio (PG 1968) WWII drama. Robert Mitchum, 6.00 ARL Schoolboy Cup 7.00 Earl Holliman 3.45 Movie: The Mirror Weekend Today 10.00 Wide World Has Two Faces (PG 1996) US comedy. Of Sports 11.00 The Sunday Footy Barbra Streisand, Jeff Bridges Show 12.00 The Sunday Roast 6.30 Some Mothers Do ’ave ’em 1.00 Rugby World Cup LIVE – 7.00 Sandcastles Australia v Italy 7.30 Homes Under The Hammer 3.30 Rugby League Finals 8.45 Escape To The Country LIVE – Melbourne Storm v 11.00 Living In The Sun 12.00 No Newcastle Knights Going Back 1.00 Movie: The Mirror 6.00 NBN News Has Two Faces 3.30 Movie: The 6.30 RBT Big Street (PG 1942) US comedy. 7.30 60 Minutes Henry Fonda, Lucille Ball 5.30 Home 8.30 Underbelly: Razor (M) Shopping 9.30 9/11 (M) Documentary 12.00 Super League 2.00 Skippy 2.30 Home Shopping 4.00 Good Morning 6.00 Jeff Foxworthy Show 6.30 Six America 5.00 Early Morning News Million Dollar Man 7.00 Alias Smith And Jones 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 Man v Food 9.30 V8 Xtra 10.00 AFL Game 6.00 Kids’ Programs 12.00 The City Day 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 SCU: 12.30 Eclipse Music TV 1.00 My Star Serious Crash Unit 12.30 Racing Wars 1.30 Married With Children 2.00 Green 1.00 Great Grand Prix Racing The Bachelorette 3.30 The Voice Heroes 2.00 Car Sharks 2.30 Fifth 6.30 Top Gear Gear 3.00 Monster Garage 5.00 7.30 Hamish & Andy’s Gap Year Supercar Showdown 5.30 Pimp 8.30 Two And A Half Men (M) My Ride 9.30 Camelot (AV) 6.30 American Dad 11.30 South Park (M) 12.00 My Star 7.00 Family Guy Wars 12.30 South Park (M) 1.00 Reno 7.30 Mythbusters 911 (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 8.30 American Dad (M)




Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 The Flintstones

GEM 6.00 Religion 6.30 Movie: It’s In The Air (G 1938) UK comedy. George Formby, Polly Ward 8.15 Movie: The Rebel (G 1961) UK comedy. George Sanders, Tony Hancock 10.25 Movie: Goodbye, Mr Chips (G 1969) US drama. Peter O’Toole, Petula Clark 1.30 The Garden Gurus 2.00 Getaway 2.30 Dolly Parton Live From London 3.30 Movie: The Long Ships (PG 1963) UK action. Richard Widmark, Sidney Poitier 6.00 The Golden Girls 6.30 Antiques Roadshow 7.30 As Time Goes By 8.30 Movie: In The Name Of The Father (M 1993) Irish biography. Daniel DayLewis, Pete Postlethwaite 11.20 9/11 State Of Emergency (M) 1.15 Friends 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 The Golden Girls 5.30 Today


7.30 The X Factor 8.30 Body Of Proof (M) 9.30 Castle (M) 10.30 Suits (M) 11.30 Teen Wolf (M) 12.30 Heroes (M) 1.30 Home Shopping 5.30 News

7TWO 6.00 Raggs 6.30 Martha Stewart Show 7.30 Dr Oz 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Deal Or No Deal 12.00 Royal Pains (M) 1.00 Riches (M) 2.00 Ghost Whisperer 3.00 Perfect Strangers 3.30 Night Court 4.00 Movie: The Brigand (PG 1952) US adventure. Anthony Dexter, Anthony Quinn 6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 Harry’s Practice 7.30 Heartbeat 8.40 Movie: The Glass Virgin (M 1995) Catherine Cookson drama. Nigel Havers, Emily Mortimer 12.00 The Sweeney (M) 1.10 Movie: Born To Kill (M 1947) US crime. Lawrence Tierney, Claire Trevor 3.00 Leyland Brothers World 4.00 Coronation Street 4.30 Emmerdale 5.00 Home Shopping

7MATE 6.00 Jeff Foxworthy Show 6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 Alias Smith And Jones 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 NBC Today 10.00 NBC Meet The Press 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 Knight Rider 1.00 The Equalizer (M) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie 2.30 Newsradio 3.00 Xena

6.30 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 The X Factor 8.30 Packed To The Rafters 9.30 Dinner Date 10.30 2011 Miss Universe 12.30 Home Shopping 5.30 News

7TWO 6.00 Raggs 6.30 Martha Stewart Show 7.30 Dr Oz 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Deal Or No Deal 12.00 Royal Pains (M) 1.00 The Riches (M) 2.00 Ghost Whisperer 3.00 Perfect Strangers 3.30 Night Court 4.00 Movie: Support Your Local Gunfighter (PG 1971) US comedy. James Garner, Suzanne Pleshette 6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 Harry’s Practice 7.30 The Vicar Of Dibley 8.30 Homes Under The Hammer 9.45 60 Minute Makeover 10.45 Jonathan Creek (M) 11.45 Maisie Raine (M) 12.45 Minder – Australia 1.45 Movie: The Saint Strikes Back (PG 1939) US drama. George Sanders, Wendy Barrie 3.00 Leyland Brothers World 4.00 Coronation Street 4.30 Emmerdale 5.00 Home Shopping

4.00 Hercules 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 According To Jim 6.00 My Wife And Kids 6.30 That ’70s Show 7.30 How I Met Your Mother 8.30 Family Guy (M) 9.00 American Dad (M) 9.30 Family Guy (M) 10.30 The Chaser’s War On Everything (M) 11.00 Scrubs 12.00 Malcolm And Eddie 12.30 Newsradio 1.00 Six Million Dollar Man 2.00 Quantum Leap 3.00 Knight Rider 4.00 Hercules 5.00 Adam 12 5.30 Home Shopping

NBN 5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Danoz 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 NBN News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Farmer Wants A Wife 8.25 Lotto 8.30 Movie: The Ugly Truth (M 2009) US comedy. Gerard Butler, Katherine Heigl 10.30 CSI: Miami (M) 11.30 Little Britain (M) 12.05 Super League 2.00 Infomercials 3.30 Good Morning America 5.00 Early Morning News

GO! 6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 Entertainment Tonight 11.00 TMZ 11.30 Married With Children 12.00 Here’s Lucy 12.30 Spin City 1.00 Seinfeld 2.00 The Dukes Of Hazzard 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Seinfeld 6.30 Two And A Half Men 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos 7.30 Top Gear 8.30 The Big Bang Theory 9.30 Movie: Austin Powers International Man Of Mystery (M 1997) US comedy. Mike Myers, Elizabeth Hurley 11.30 Chuck (M) 1.30 Reno 911 (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 The Flintstones

GEM 6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: Mister Ten Per Cent (G 1967) UK comedy. Charlie Drake, Wanda Ventham 2.00 Stingers (M) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 The Golden Girls 5.00 Top Design 6.00 Friends 7.30 Survival 8.30 Under Surveillance (M) 9.30 Kitchen Nightmares (MA) 10.30 The Big C (M) 11.00 Weeds (MA) 11.30 Friends 12.30 Murder, She Wrote 1.30 The Golden Girls 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 The Golden Girls 5.30 Today



6.00 Jeff Foxworthy Show 6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 Alias Smith And Jones 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 Quincy ME 1.00 The Equalizer (M) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie 2.30 Newsradio 3.00 Xena 4.00 Hercules 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 According To Jim 6.00 My Wife And Kids 6.30 That ’70s Show 7.30 Mythbusters 8.30 Pawn Stars 9.00 Extreme Jobs 9.30 American Dad (M) 10.30 The Chaser’s War On Everything (M) 11.00 Scrubs 12.00 Malcolm And Eddie 12.30 Newsradio 1.00 Six Million Dollar Man 2.00 Quantum Leap 3.00 Knight Rider 4.00 Hercules 5.00 Adam 12 5.30 Home Shopping

6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 Entertainment Tonight 11.00 TMZ 11.30 Married With Children 12.00 Here’s Lucy 12.30 The Bachelorette 2.00 The Dukes Of Hazzard 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Seinfeld 6.30 Two And A Half Men 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos 7.30 The Voice 9.30 The Bachelorette 11.00 Nikita (AV) 12.00 Eclipse Music TV 12.30 Tool Academy (M) 1.30 Reno 911 (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 The Flintstones

NBN 5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Danoz 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 NBN News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 8.00 Hot Property 8.30 TBA 9.30 Top Gear Australia 10.30 Top Gear 12.00 20/20 1.00 Entertainment Tonight 1.30 Home Shopping 3.30 Good Morning America 5.00 Early Morning News

GEM 6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: All The Way Up (PG 1970) UK comedy. Warren Mitchell, Vanessa Howard 2.00 Stingers (M) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 The Golden Girls 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 6.00 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 Lion Country 8.00 Cheetah Kingdom 8.30 As Time Goes By 9.30 Sensing Murder (M) 10.30 How Clean Is Your House 11.30 Friends 12.30 Murder, She Wrote 1.10 The Golden Girls 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 The Golden Girls 5.30 Today

The Tweed Shire Echo September 8, 2011 17

Wednesday 14



4.00 rage (G) 5.00 QI 5.30 Spicks And Specks 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.30 Business Today 10.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 Big Ideas 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 National Press Club Address 1.30 Jail Birds 2.00 Parliament Question Time 3.00 Kids’ Programs 6.30 Country House Rescue 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Poh’s Kitchen 8.30 Spicks And Specks 9.00 The Gruen Transfer 9.30 At Home With Julia 10.00 At The Movies 10.30 Lateline 11.05 Lateline Business 11.35 Invasion Of The Crocodiles 12.25 Family Footsteps 1.20 Parliament Question Time 2.30 Writing With Food 3.00 Big Ideas

4.00 ABC News 4.05 Health Quarter 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.15 Indigenous Quarter 5.30 Newsline 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News 12.30 National Press Club Address 1.00 ABC News 2.00 Question Time 3.30 Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Hill 5.45 Culture Quarter 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 Arts Quarter 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 ABC News 8.30 Lateline Business 9.00 The World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 The Drum 10.45 Arts Quarter 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Newsline 12.00 ABC News 12.20 Lateline 1.00 BBC World News 1.30 Lateline Business 2.00 BBC World News 2.30 7.30 3.00 Lateline 3.35 Lateline Business

ABC 2 6.00 Kids’ Programs 7.00 Spicks And Specks 7.30 Mega Builders 8.30 Louis Theroux 9.30 Kill It, Cook It, Eat It Fast food 10.35 Graham Norton Show (M) 11.20 Make Me A New Face 12.20 Inside The Actors Studio: Brooke Shields 1.10 Later… With Jools Holland 2.10 Close

ABC 3 6.05am to 5.30pm Kids’ Programs 6.00 Prank Patrol 6.25 Trapped! 7.10 Black Hole High 7.35 Deltora Quest 8.30 Degrassi 9.00 Close

SBS 1 4.30 UEFA Champions League LIVE – Barcelona v AC Milan 6.45 UEFA Champions League Delayed – Borussia Dortmund v Arsenal 9.00 World News 4.00 The Journal 4.30 Newshour 5.30 Global Village 6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Tropic Of Cancer Egypt To Oman 8.30 The Hotel 9.30 World News Australia 10.05 Movie: The Wave (MA 2008) German drama 11.55 112 Emergency (PG/M) 1.25 Weatherwatch

7.30 The Simpsons 8.00 Futurama 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News 8.30 The Simpsons 9.00 Futurama 6.00 Global Village 9.30 The Cleveland Show (M) 6.30 Iron Chef 10.30 The Late Late Show 11.30 7.30 Tour Of Britain Cycling Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Highlights Sabrina 1.00 The King Of Queens 1.30 8.30 Spiral (M) 9.30 UEFA Champions League Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By Barcelona v AC Milan 11.00 Movie: Life Is A Miracle (M An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven 2004) Serbian romantic comedy 1.40 Weatherwatch 6.30 Serie A Football 8.30 World Of Free Sports 9.00 Major League 6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’ Programs Baseball – LIVE 12.00 This Week In 9.00 Ten News 10.00 The Circle 12.00 Baseball 12.30 WNBA Action 1.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Oprah Winfrey Show 2.00 NASCAR Nationwide Series 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Infomercial NASCAR Sprint Cup 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 Renovators 4.30 The Bold And 3.30 Bondi Rescue 4.00 Quiksilver Pro Surfing 4.30 Extreme Dreams The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 6.30 6.30 With George Negus 5.00 Escape With ET 5.30 I Fish 6.00 Airline 6.30 Bondi Rescue 7.00 Cops 7.00 The 7pm Project 7.30 Fear Factor 7.30 Renovators 8.30 Cops (M) 8.30 Glee 10.30 Late News & Sports Tonight 9.30 Sons Of Anarchy (AV) 11.00 Late Show 12.00 Saving Grace 10.30 RPM 11.30 Sports Tonight (M) 1.00 Infomercials 4.00 Religion 12.00 MotoGP Classic 1.00 Pro Bull Riding 2.00 Omnisport 2.30 Bundesliga Football: Borussia Dortmund v Hertha BSC 5.30 FA 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Cup Classic Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show MacGyver 3.00 The King Of Queens 11.30 Morning News 12.00 2011 Miss 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 4.30 Universe 2.00 Dr Oz 3.00 Samantha Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 Who? 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal The Brady Bunch 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.00 Prime News 6.30 Seven News 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.00 Home And Away






7.30 The X Factor 8.30 Criminal Minds (M) 9.30 Law & Order (M) 10.30 Great Escapes 11.30 Detroit 1-8-7 (M) 12.30 Home Shopping 5.30 News

6.30 That ’70s Show 7.30 Pimp My Ride 8.30 Hardcore Pawn (M) 9.30 American Pickers 10.30 Operation Repo (M) 11.30 Rude Tube (M) 12.00 Malcolm And Eddie 12.30 Newsradio 1.00 Six Million Dollar Man 2.00 6.30 Martha Stewart Show 7.30 Dr Home Shopping 3.30 Room For Oz 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home Improvement 4.00 Hercules 5.00 & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Adam 12 5.30 Home Shopping Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Deal Or No Deal 12.00 Royal Pains (M) 1.00 5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 The Riches (M) 2.00 Ghost Whisperer Danoz 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres 3.00 Perfect Strangers 3.30 Night Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Court 4.30 Columbo Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 6.00 Bargain Hunt 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat 7.00 Harry’s Practice 6.00 NBN News 7.30 Heartbeat 8.40 Movie: Road Rage – Part 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 Ocean Giants 1 (M 1998) Ruth Rendell 8.25 Lotto drama. George Baker, 8.30 The Mentalist (M) Christopher Ravenscroft 10.50 Keeping Up Appearances 9.30 RPA 11.20 Open All Hours 12.00 Minder – 10.30 Embarrassing Bodies (M) Australia 1.00 Coronation Street 1.30 11.30 Little Britain (M) 12.00 Eclipse Emmerdale 2.00 Home Shopping Music TV 12.30 What Would You 3.30 Room For Improvement 4.00 Do? 1.30 Home Shopping 3.30 Leyland Brothers World 5.00 Home Good Morning America 5.00 Early Shopping Morning News


7.30 The Big Bang Theory 8.30 The Voice 9.30 Movie: Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged Me (M 1999) US comedy. Mike Myers, Heather Graham 11.30 South Park (M) 12.30 Spartacus (AV) 1.30 Reno 911 (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 The Flintstones




6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 Alias Smith And Jones 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 Knight Rider 1.00 The Equalizer (M) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie 2.30 Newsradio 3.00 Xena 4.00 Hercules 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 According To Jim 6.00 My Wife And Kids

6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 Entertainment Tonight 11.00 TMZ 11.30 Married With Children 12.00 The Voice 2.00 The Dukes Of Hazzard 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Seinfeld 6.30 Two And A Half Men 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos

GEM 6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: Mrs Harris (M 2005) US drama. Annette Bening, Ben Kingsley 2.00 Stingers (M) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 The Golden Girls 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 6.00 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 Extreme Makeover 8.30 Wild Caribbean 9.30 The Closer (M) 10.30 Rizzoli & Isles (M) 11.30 Conan (M) 12.30 Murder, She Wrote 1.30 The Golden Girls 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 The Golden Girls 5.30 Today

Please note: The Echo takes great care producing this guide, but unfortunately TV stations like to tinker with things at the last minute and sometimes make changes after we have gone to print. Black Hole High 7.35 Deltora Quest 10.05 The Protectors (M) 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation 11.10 UEFA Champions League 12.10 Movie: Shadowless Sword 4.00 rage (G) 5.00 National Press Club 9.00 Close (M 2005) Korean martial arts 2.15 Address 6.00 ABC News Breakfast Weatherwatch 9.30 Business Today 10.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 The Ascent Of Money 4.00 ABC News 4.05 Indigenous 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Heart Quarter 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC And Soul 1.30 Mother And Son 2.00 News 5.15 Arts Quarter 5.30 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News Parliament Question Time 3.00 Kids’ Newsline 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 6.00 Global Village Programs 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Business Today 6.30 Iron Chef 6.30 Restoration Man 10.00 ABC News 12.30 Newsline 1.00 7.30 Tour Of Britain Cycling 7.00 ABC News ABC News 2.00 Question Time 3.30 Highlights 7.30 7.30 Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Hill 5.45 8.30 UEFA Champions League 8.00 Catalyst Rural Quarter 6.00 ABC News 6.05 9.30 Movie: Family Hero (M 8.30 Crownies (M) The Drum 6.45 Consumer Quarter 2006) French drama 9.30 The Next Big Thing 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 ABC 11.20 Movie: Willenbrock (MA 2005) 10.30 Lateline News 8.30 Lateline Business 9.00 The German drama 1.15 Weatherwatch 11.05 Lateline Business 11.35 Make World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 The ’Em Laugh (M) 12.35 Parliament Drum 10.45 Consumer Quarter 11.00 Question Time 1.35 The Abbey ABC News 11.30 Newsline 12.00 ABC 2.35 The Next Big Thing 3.30 Songs News 12.30 Lateline 1.00 BBC World 6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’ Programs Of Praise News 1.30 Lateline Business 2.00 BBC 9.00 Ten News 10.00 The Circle 12.00 World News 2.30 7.30 3.00 Lateline Dr Phil 1.00 Oprah Winfrey Show 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Infomercial 3.30 Lateline Business 3.30 Renovators 4.30 The Bold And 6.00 Kids’ Programs The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 7.00 Spicks And Specks 6.30 6.30 With George Negus 4.30 UEFA Champions League 7.00 The 7pm Project 7.30 Marngrook Footy Show LIVE – Manchester City v 8.30 Arrested Development 7.30 Renovators Napoli 9.00 Harry And Paul (M) 8.30 Rush (M) 6.45 UEFA Champions League 9.30 Law & Order: SVU (M) 9.30 The Gruen Transfer Delayed – Benfica v 10.00 twentysomething (M) 10.30 Late News & Sports Tonight Manchester United 10.30 The Warehouse Comedy 11.00 Late Show 12.00 Eureka (M) 5.00 World News 2.30 Dateline 3.30 1.00 Infomercials 4.00 Religion Festival (M) 11.00 Graham Norton Show (M) Al Jazeera News 4.00 The Journal 11.45 The Chaser’s War On Everything 4.30 Newshour 5.30 Global Village (M) 12.15 Marngrook Footy Show 6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The 1.15 Later… With Jools Holland 6.30 World News Australia Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 2.15 Close 7.30 Gourmet Farmer Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th 8.00 The Biggest Chinese Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Restaurant In The World Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 8.30 Supersizers Go… 6.05am to 5.30pm Kids’ Programs MacGyver 3.00 The King Of Queens 9.30 World News Australia 6.00 Prank Patrol 6.25 Trapped! 7.10 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 4.30


Thursday 15









by Ian Rogers Play at Seagulls Club, Thurs 6pm Zhao Zong Yuan’s World Cup dream has evaporated, with the Sydney Grandmaster returning home from Siberia after a 0-2 defeat against Russian star Evgeny Tomashevsky. In truth, Zhao’s hopes were probably dealt a fatal blow before the tournament began, when his Etihad flight from Sydney was suddenly cancelled, necessitating more than three days of expensive and exhausting travel just to get to the venue on time. Four years ago Zhao had the impossible task of coming up against Magnus Carlsen in round one of the World Cup (again in Siberia) but in 2011 many believed that Zhao’s style was well suited to neutralising Tomashevsky’s pressure game. However, the first game of their match confirmed the draining nature of the trip. As usual for a jet-lagged player, Zhao moved far too slowly and, while his position over the board remained satisfactory, he was soon in serious time trouble, and blundered, losing his queen in one move.

Zhao’s only hope of survival lay in a second game comeback, but he ran into an opponent in red-hot form and lost what many commentators have described as the best game of the World Cup to date (given below). Khanty Mansiysk 2011 White: Zhao Zong Yuan Black: E Tomashevsky Opening: Ruy Lopez 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 0-0 8.c3 d5!? The dreaded Marshall Gambit. 9.exd5 Nxd5 10.Nxe5 Nxe5 11.Rxe5 c6 12.Re1 Bd6 13.g3!? Varying from the standard 13.d4, but Tomashevsky comes well prepared. 13...Re8 14.d4 Ra7! 15.Rxe8+ Qxe8 16.Nd2 Re7 17.Nf3 f6! 18.c4!? A new idea, since 18.Qd3 Qh5 19.Bd1 Bf5 leads to a likely draw by repetition – anathema to Zhao given the match situation, where only a win would do. 18... bxc4 19.Bxc4 Bg4 20.Bf1 Bb4! 21.Qb3 Bxf3 22.Qxf3 Re1 23.Qd3 Qg6 24.Qc4! 24.Qxg6 hxg6 followed by 15...Bd2 would be good for Black. 24...Qe4! 25.a3? In time trouble again, Zhao keeps playing for a win and eschews the only saving chance; 25.b3!! Bc3 26.Bb2! Rxa1 27.Bxa1 Bxa1 28.Qxc6 Bxd4 29.Bc4! when Black has plenty of checks but no way to win. 25... Bc5!! 26.Ra2 26.Qxc5 Qe2 would be the end of the road. 26...Qb1! 27.Bd2! Rd1! 28.Qe2 Be7! Precision until the end. The rest of the game is desperate flailing by Zhao with his pieces fatally scattered. 29.Kg2 Kf8 30.Qxa6 Rxd2 31.Qc8+ Kf7 32.Bc4 Qe4+ 33.Kh3 Rxf2 34.Qxc6 Qf5+ 0-1

18 September 8, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 The Simpsons 8.30 Stargate Universe (M) 9.30 Star Trek Next Generation 10.30 The Late Late Show 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 The King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven

ONE HD 6.00 Major League Baseball – LIVE 9.00 Triathlon: Beijing 11.30 World Rally Championship: Australia 1.30 ATP World Tour Tennis 2.00 RPM 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 Bondi Rescue 4.00 Quiksilver Pro Surfing 4.30 Extreme Dreams 5.00 I Fish 6.00 Airline 6.30 Bondi Rescue 7.00 Cops 7.30 Fear Factor 8.30 The Game Plan 10.00 The Defenders (M) 11.00 Sports Tonight 11.30 The Ultimate Fighter (M) 12.30 The Game Plan 2.00 Major League Baseball 4.30 This Weeks In Baseball 5.00 MotoGP Classic


7TWO 6.30 Martha Stewart Show 7.30 Dr Oz 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Deal Or No Deal 12.00 Royal Pains (M) 1.00 The Riches (M) 2.00 Ghost Whisperer 3.00 Perfect Strangers 3.30 Night Court 4.30 Movie: Birds Do It (G 1966) US comedy. Soupy Sales, Arthur O’Connell 6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 Harry’s Practice 7.30 The Royal 8.30 William And Mary (M) 10.30 Mistresses (M) 11.30 Gil Mayo Mysteries (M) 12.40 Minder 1.40 Movie: Bright Young Things (M 2003) UK comedy. Emily Mortimer, Stephen Campbell Moore 4.00 Coronation Street 4.30 Emmerdale 5.00 Designing Women 5.30 Home Shopping

6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: Until Proven Innocent (M 2009) NZ drama. Cohen Holloway, Jodie Rimmer 2.00 Dr Oz 3.00 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 6.00 Prime News

Mungo’s Crossword

Cryptic Clues

6.30 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 The X Factor 8.30 Drug Bust 9.00 SCU: Serious Crash Unit 9.30 Law & Order: LA (M) 10.30 The Truth Behind Crop Circles 11.30 Off The Map (M) 12.30 Home Shopping 5.30 News

ACROSS 1. The Water Closet – a dull study for the poet (4,6) 6. Spanish and French articles make a great singer (4) 10. Clump of fern provides support for a broken neck (7) 11. Lizards made famous by Belinda Neal – show us again! (7) 12,13. Mariner confined to the

From The Week

land? The best kind! (4,2,3,5) 14. Often found with pot? I see. I’ve heard it sends you crazy (5) 15. Former wanderer caught between times – he’s the outgoing type (9) 17. Drag, stoop, collapse – like a snail perhaps (9) 20. Sides with creeps (5) 21. ‘Roar,’ advised Spooner, to notify the joint (5)



6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 The Alias Smith And Jones 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 Knight Rider 1.00 The Equalizer (M) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie 2.30 Newsradio 3.00 Xena 4.00 Hercules 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 According To Jim 6.00 My Wife And Kids 6.30 That ’70s Show 7.30 Ice Road Truckers 8.30 Pawn Stars 9.00 Hardcore Pawn (M) 9.30 Operation Repo (M) 10.30 Jail (M) 11.30 Heliloggers (M) 12.30 Newsradio 1.00 Six Million Dollar Man 2.00 Quantum Leap 3.00 Knight Rider 4.00 Hercules 5.00 Adam 12 5.30 Home Shopping

6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 ET 11.00 TMZ 11.30 Married With Children 12.00 The Voice 1.00 Seinfeld 2.00 The Dukes Of Hazzard 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Seinfeld 6.30 Two And A Half Men 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos 7.30 Teen Mom 8.30 Big Trouble In Thailand (M) 9.30 Movie: Ocean’s Twelve (M 2004) US drama. Brad Pitt, George Clooney 12.00 The Ultimate Fighter (M) 1.00 V (M) 1.30 Reno 911 (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 The Flintstones


6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: Till Death Us Do Part (PG 1968) UK comedy. Warren Mitchell, Dandy Nichols 2.00 Stingers (M) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 The Golden Girls 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 6.00 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 Joanna Lumley Jewel Of The Nile 8.30 A Dream Home Abroad 9.30 Embarrassing Bodies (M) 10.30 Sex Education (M) 11.00 Weeds (M) 11.30 Conan (M) 12.30 Murder, She Wrote 1.30 The Golden Girls 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 The Golden Girls 5.30 Today

5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Danoz 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 NBN News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 8.30 Hamish & Andy’s Gap Year 9.30 The NRL Footy Show (M) 11.15 The AFL Footy Show (M) 1.00 Entertainment Tonight 1.30 Skippy 2.00 Infomercials 3.30 Good Morning America 5.00 Early Morning News

23. Cook, for example, putrid vagina rot (9) 25. One in a small valley, a husband for a designing and treacherous woman (7) 26. About the middleman – he brings about change (7) 27. Act both ways (4) 28. The day before the weekend finishes with it – affection! (10) DOWN 1. Shows reluctance about the English taunts (5) 2. Wrinkles, perhaps, make the most important news (9) 3. Wonderful cloak woven for 9’s son (4,2,8) 4. Bewildered gnat caught between unknowns on East’s great river (7) 5. It’s obvious – I have lifted the depression (7) 7. Student working on 9 is a recluse (5) 8. Viciously teases the arty-farty types (9) 9. What, Manuel might ask, can I cook up from fennel, and go to our head of state? (5,2,7) 14. P is absurdly stubborn! (3-6) 16. Rowing team grabs a draw, on high – beat 20 in a field of 100! (9) 18. Criticise the right,


companions (10) DOWN 1. Taunts, mockeries (5) 2. Large type over newspaper stories (9) 3. One of the titles of the heir to the British (and Australian) throne (4,2,8) Quick Clues 4. Biggest river in China (7) ACROSS 5. Obvious, in accordance with 1. 17th century English fact (7) poet and playwright, 7. Recluse, standoffish individual (5) author of All for Love (4,6) 8. Lovers of the arts, cultivate types 6. Jazz great ….Fitzgerald (9) (4) 9. Australia’s head of state (5,2,7) 10. Coarse ground fern or 14. Unreasonably stubborn, clumps thereof (7) obstinate (3-6) 11. Nightclub-restaurant 16. Pertaining to four score (9) made famous by Belinda 18. Leopard, especially a black Neal, or large lizards (7) one (7) 12,13. Thoroughly decent, 19. O different kinds, varied (7) straightforward type of 22. Beauty, glamour queen (5) person (4,2,3,5) 24. Put a new end on a tool, tilt 14. Terror, blind fear (5) again, provide a second gratuity (5) 15. Outgoing, sociable (9) 17. Mollusc, especially Last week’s solution snail (9) 20. Hems, outskirts, sides (5) 21. Joint in the arm (5) 23. One who reads maps and sets courses , usually 2IC to captain (9) 25. Biblical woman who betrayed Samson (7) 26. Chemical used to cause a reaction (7) 27. Act, something done (4) 28. Affection between black cat! (7) 19. Various loons and grebes, English (7) 22. Bloody Macpherson? Beauty! (5) 24. Pick another horse? Give another gratuity! (5)


BOWLS Cabarita Beach Men Club selected Championships Greg Dryden, Dave Crow, Barry Venner and Ernie Carsley defeated Tony Sweeney, Brian Barnes, Jim Rannie and K Doolin. Chris Mantell, Bill Parr, Ric Maunders and Mick Morgan defeated Bob Pennington, Rob Watkins, Martin Fletcher and Mario Azzopardi. Wednesday 31 August Winners were Dave Crow and Serge Brecard, Runners Up were Kevin Stanley and Lyle Ponting, Consolation went to Bill Creedon and Brian Lambert. Saturday 3 September; Winners were Tony Cox and Norm Simpson, Consolation went to Ernie Carsley and Peter Craven. Monday September 5; Winners were Trevor King and Murray James. Runners Up were Ernie Carsley and Jack McArdle, Consolation went to Bernie Lamberton and Mario Azzopardi. Condong Men Wednesday 31st 36 bowlers Winners B Mullan, H Ross,Runner ups G Cranny, K Dawson, J McDonald. Raffle J Glasby, T Crossingham. Saturday bowls one full green needed Winners D Reynolds, D Cranwell R/Ups R Wild, W Peart. Raffle winners R French, B Foster, S Guinea Meat Trays. B triples played J Thurtell, B Foster, R Pilon Def T Kennedy, B Elvy, R Fuller. Condong Women Tues 6/9/11 Social Triples J Timmins, M Dobie, N Worthy def J Timmins (swinging lead), D Dawes, R Ross. Social Pairs E Elvy, M Standfield def M Hinde, H Fuller. Semi Final Club Championship Singles K Edmunds def P Flack, J Glasby def H Ross. Winning Rink K Edmunds / R Thorley (marker). Club Comp M Sweetnam. Tues 13/9/11 Final of the Club Championship Singles K Edmunds vs J Glasby (marker P Flack). Cudgen Leagues Ladies Bill & Joan Deal Sponsors of the Consistency Singles witnessed the Final played last Thursday 1. Congratulations to the Winner Liz Fleming & to Runner up Joanne Dent & Semi Finalists- Faye Turner & Helen Wylie, well done. Many thanks to Bill & Joan for sponsoring this great event.Thurs 1st ladies social results- winning rink 5,Ann Revie & Colleen Wein. Raffle – Ann Revie. Cudgen Men Bowling Club successfully conducted their BCIB sponsored Triples money game on Saturday and the cash was equally shared around the competing teams overall winners were Ivan Tilly’s team of Ray Hall & Fred Smith, runners up went to W. Shardlow, J. Neal & K. Hansen, 1st round winners were T. Grimes , B. Blake & R. Cox, 2nd round winners were C. Lacey, D. Lowe & B. Murray and the Bradmans trophy went to P. Costello, S. Archbold & D. McLennan, a great day was enjoyed by all. Club Championships continue to roll on with the President Singles Results being B. Cusack defeated B. Murray 21/18,C. Prichard defeated D. Lowe 21/10, F. Pieterse defeated M. Van Runt 21/20, K. Foran defeated R. Hutchinson 23/4 I. Turnbull defeated J. Neal 22/16 and L. Browning defeated P. Tindale 21/2. Games in the Minor Men’s Triples saw T. Grimes, B. Blake & R. Cox defeat F. McConnell, M. Ryan & K. Hansen , B .Bell, J. Hazel & G. Border defeat K. Foran, G. Murphy & G. Whelan. Social play winners skips only Monday Mixed F. Pieterse, Wednesday Men’s Mufti, D. McLennan’s team, and Friday’s Mixed Pairs went to G. Logue’s team. Kingscliff Men 4th September 2011 Pennants News: Division 1 scored the two points against McKenzie Park and now sit on five points and are still in a position to get into the top four. In a tight game Division 3 went down to Beaudesert by three shots and remain on 3 points and will need to win the remaining games to reach the top four. Division 6 had a very hard tussle with Tamborine Mountain winning one rink, drawing one and losing one, but still taking the two points. They are now on 5 points and just outside the four. Division 9 went down to Coolangatta to remain on 4 points but are also within easy reach of the top four. Draw for Saturday 10th September: Division 1 play Helensvale at Kingscliff. Division 3 play McKenzie Park at Kingscliff. Division 6 play Helensvale at Helensvale. Division 9 play Mudgeeraba at Mudgeeraba. In the Major Minor Pairs L Downes, V Lewis d M Ryan, R Amour: J Brinsmead, J Ritchie d B Butler, J Hansen; D Whittington, B Turner d F McNamara, R Graham. The following games are drawn to be played. C Lane, P Murphy v R Lewis, K Liddington; B Henry, B Beattie v L Downes, V Lewis; G Hallett, R Julius v J Brinsmead, J Ritchie; R Phipps, T King v D Whittington, B turner. Social Bowls Results: Thursday 25th August: Winners: A Brown, A Reid, T Hills; G Murphy, J Quinn, S Jamieson. Plate Winners: W Blackwood, R Spence, J Davies. Tuesday 30th August Amcal Open Pairs: Winners: N & A Debnam. Runners Up: K Banks, T Hills. Plate Winners: T Halloran, K Liddington. Thursday1st September: N Bleeson, S Kemp, C Withey; C Abery, P McKirdy, R Maltby; G Murphy, L Murphey, S Jamieson. Plate Winners: L Gillespie, G Davis, M Rice. Kingscliff Ladies Following are the results of Kingscliff Ladies’ Bowling Club, week ending 3rd September: Results of Social Play, Wednesday, Au- gust 31: Winners: K. Thompson, J. Hansen, E. Haydon; Runners-Up: N. Parfitt, B, Sheehy, M. Atkinson. Results of Major/Minor Pairs, played Wednesday, August31: J. Maass (sub.)/J. Scott defeated D. James/M. Booth; D. Abraham/S. Akers defeated N. Sherlock/E. Downes; A. Johnson/L. Willoughby defeated J. Greenbank/F. Robinson; J. Bonett/D. Jones defeated A. Bousie/B. Jack; A. Smith/B. Mirls defeated C. James/V. White; A. McNamara/ M. McCrindle defeated V. Abery (sub.)/M. Lincoln. Pottsville Ladies 1stSept 11: Club Fours Final Winners G.Moore M.Commerford J.Baxter A.Swift Rs/up C.Moir P.Sherwood J.Appleton M.Jackson Social Bowls Winners D.Connerly J.Crombie Lucky Bowler D.Connerly Weekly Raffle Winner D.Connerly New Bowlers Welcome Phone the club on66761077. Congratulations to Irena Hockey on receiving her Veteran’s Badge. Pottsville Men Wednesday August 31st 2011 Winners: B. Jackson – B. Kent. Runners-up: D. Appleton – N. Armour – B. Clarke. Consulation: L. Swift – S Lofts – Fielding. Friday September 2nd 2011 Winners: M. Chishom – M. Clifford. Runners-up: B. White – G. Moore. Saturday September 3rd 2011. Winners: G. Roots – J. Rae. Runners-up: B. Jackson – T. Fuller. Consulation D. Townsend – R. Parker – B. Verrills. Championship Mixed Pairs Winners: G. Sawtell – M. Comerford. Runners-up A. Mackay – B. Mackay Score: 27-14. The Mens Minor Singles Chamionship Final saw a hard fought game between Jim Field and Allan Meighen with Jim Field running out the winner 31- 29. South Tweed Congratulation Nigel Smith and Neville Jenkins on winning the inaugural South Tweed Bowls Club Open Pair’s competition which was held last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It was a great success with some of the top bowlers in Australia competing. Well done Nigel Smith and Neville Jenkins. Thursday p.m. pairs: 1st R Hill and V Giacomi.2nd K Stanley and L Pointing. Winners of losers: B Priest and C Neave. Saturday Winning rink,J Willey,C Lee and J Evans. Losing rink: R Graig, B Wenban and B Stephens. Tweed Heads Ladies Ladies Fours: S. Spears, V. Cheetham, J. Brown, A. Martin Def. R. Ash, M. Croghan, J. Fisher, F. Hewitt; D. Stewart, S. Jackson, J. Green, B. Macdonald Def. B. Rattery, Y. Woodstencroft, A. Vermeulen, D. King. M. Gwynne, J. Smith, B. Bitmead, M. Purcell, Def. L. Davey, D. Hunt, I. Muldoon,. C. Graver. K. Cusack, J. Werner, E. Hunt, S. Cooks, Def. R. Witt, C. Cragg, E. Bradley, L. Hodsdon. N. Dowling, M. Kelly, S. Hambleton, A. Harris Def. R. Laycock, M. Marquis, N. Matheson, D Mcnamara. P. Taylor, M. Jarick, S. Taylor Def. G. Mccathy, S. Ganter, L. Vidutich. J. Ryan, S. Jackson, E. Carter, A. Plowright Def. N. Hutton, J. Reekie, D. Clarke, A. Duckworth. L. Spencer, N. Matheson, B. Fox, P. Houghton Def. G. Gorgeny, D. Stewart, K. Davies, V. Robinson. S. Wilson, M. Jarick, B. Adams, L. Vidulich, Def. N. Craig, J. Clark, J. Green, K. Cartwright. A. Vermeulen, N. Ward, K. Sieben, T. Mulddon, Def. D. Reylonds, N. Wise, K. Henshaw, G. Evans. S. Lusby, N, Dowling, R. Wallis, D. Kendall Def. H Reid, A. Warman, J. Wilson, L. Robins. J. Youll, V. Pridham, T. Congdon, D. Cunnington Def. D. Spencer, M. Gwynne, R. Reiter, P. Govett. D. Duncan, J. Ryman, M. Crane, B. Cooper Def. J. White, B. Rodgers, D. Evans, D. Mcnamara. Ladies Pairs: J. Ryan, P. Dearlove Def. J. Gilroy, A. Plowright; H. Bardsley, M. Cooper Def. P. Griffith, L. Elsey; J. Lyon, L. A. French, Def. M. Gunton, F. Hewitt; N. Bell, A. Ebsworth Def. B. Bitmead, C. Gravers; K. Robinson, V. Cunningham Def. C. Davis, B. Makin; B. Jacobsen, D. Turner Def. R. Curtis, P. Reedy; E. Simpson, J. Finney Def. L. Rayward, S. Ganter;B. Bradley, M. Purcell Def. M. Wright, S. Asser. Ladies Spring Medley: On Monday 5th September, Tweed Heads Ladies Bowling Club Held Their Annual Spring Medley Carnival. The Winners: First Place: Musgrave Hill - 8 + 50. Lead A. Mckenzie, Second G. English; Third H. Johnstone; Fourth G. Lane; Fifth C. Puddick. Second Place: Mermaid Beach - 6 + 35 Lead M. Panousis; Second J. Lyn; Third R.Green; Fourth A. Ryan; Fifth M. Mcmahon. Third Place Tweed Heads - 6 + 33. Lead M. Crane. Second J. Wilson, Third C. Thatcher Fourth K. Thatcher; Fifth E. Joselyn; Fourth Place: South Tweed - 6 + 29; Lead S. Johnson; Second E. Peacock; Third L. Treasure; Fourth A. M. Peart; Fifth V.Gravolin Ist Random Draw: - Tugun Lead A. Tough; Second S. O’toole; Third V. Young; Fourth R. Griffin Fifth L. Baker. 2nd Random Draw: Tweed Heads; Lead S. Asser, Second G. Evans; Third K. Henshaw; Fourth B. Crisp; Fifth N. Wise. Tweed Heads Men 2011 Pennants Round 5 results played Saturday September 3 Division 1 against Tugun won 62/55 2 points. Division 2 against South Tweed won 64/56 2 points, Division 4 against Helensvale lost 62/63 no points Division 5 against McKenzie Park won 75/36 2 points Division 6 against Benowa won 90/28 2 points Division 7 against Musgrave Hill won 66/38 2 points Division 8 against Broadbeach lost 53/59 no points Division 9 against Robina lost 44/74 no points Championships: The final of the 65 and over Men’s Singles fi-

nal was played on Tuesday afternoon August 30 and resulted in Roy Nuttall defeating Jim Hammersley in a grueling 3 ½ hour, 36 end marathon 25/23. Mixed Pairs: Barbara Makin, Bob Mullens d. Frank McPhillips, Delma Woods 29/15; Jason Neville, Di Cunnington d. Brendan and Wendy Wilson 24/13; Christine and Col Hawkins d. David Dodge, Barbara Gates 29/21 Social Results Sun Aug 28: Green 1: E. Hunt and Russell Luland; r/up: Lidia Elsey, and John Strachan Green 2: Rolita Quinlan and John Millington; r/up: Audrey and Peter Harris Green 3: Ena Hayden, James Stebbing, George Harwood; r/up: Brenda and Bill Adams, Dorothy and Chas Turner Green 4: Junbe and Brian Hodkinson, Karen and Alan Daddon; r/up: BrendA AND Peter Betton, Brenda and John LeBoeuf. Tues Aug 30: Men: winners: Roger Bell, John LeBoeuf, Ean Quested, Peter Betton; r/up: Graham Tink, Ted Hughes, Ray Werner, Bill Grose; Jed Hambleton, Peter Howell, Tom Kelly, Geoff Dixon Ladies: Winners: Pat Mann, Dianne Kerwitz, Joy Withington, Jean Finney; Ann Worman, Joy Dodsley, Hazel Bardsley, Willi Grant; r/up: Carolyn Davis, Betty Graham, Beth Jacobson, Helen Carter Wed Aug 31: Lowest Winning Margin Green 1: John Reardon, Dennis Freeman + 1; r/up: Roy Barwick, Jim Quin + 4 Green 2: Frank Birkin, Frank McPhillips + 1; r/ up: Ivan Mackay, Laurie Lennox + 3 Green 3: Sean Harty, Ted Ryan, Harold Moy + 1; r/up: Ron Hottinger, Lol Sables, Jim Cowen, Bill Finney + 2 Green 4: Brian Bitmead, Ron Duckworth + 5 on c/b; r/up: Dennis Lusby, Ian Nixon + 5 Fri Sept 2: Green 1: Ray Carter, Elwyne Rigby, John Heath; r/up: Bob Trinder, Jim Kelly, Kim Stephenson Green 2: John Asser, Bob Graeme, Gary Chilcott; r/up: Dennis Lusby, Leigh Tynan, Peter Harris Green 3: Jack Blagbrough, Tom Reeves, Chas Turner;r/up: Ray Connell, Robert Montgomery, Ken Schmidt Green 4: Frank Woolstencroft, Ron Dillon, Basil Wells; r/up: George Harwood, Peter Goldsmith Sat Sept 3: Green 1: Rob Empson, Arthur Beckman; r/up: Ken Withington, Dorothy Evans, Bob Maxwell Green 2: Ian Nixon, John Platt; r/up: Leigh Rayward, Karen Figura DARTS Tweed Valley Results of games played on Monday 5th September. B Grade Ramseys’ Heroes 10 def Boomerangs 1, Tigers 6 def Chuckers 5, no result Misfits v We’re Back game and Leftovers won by forfeit from Moon Guppies. A Grade Gulls won by forfeit from Lions and no result from Blues v Jokers game and Hogan’s Heroes v Devils game. Point Score in both grades SUBJECT to confirmation Blues 94, Jokers 93, Gulls 57 , Hogan’s Heroes 51 and Lions 29. Misfits 54, We’re Back 54, Tigers 54, Ramsey’ Heroes 58, Chuckers 41, Leftovers 45, Devils 47.Moon Guppies 29 and Boomerangs 14. On 21 st August Tweed Valley Darts lost one of our Life Members Bob Hendry. He was not only a Life Member but the very first president when we we started back in 1990 and were playing under the banner of Murwillumbah District Darts Association. He also started a social darts association playing on a Sunday out of Murwillumbah Hotel. On September 11th at 2pm a Memorial Service will be held at the Courthouse Hotel in memory of Bob. Come along and catch up with old mates and tell a few dart stories. GOLF Chinderah Seniors Social Results for 29/8/11 Stroke & Monthly Medal – Winner Monthly Medal Steve Beacroft. Winner A grade Howard Guest net 58 new h/ cap 7, R/up Barry Martin net 59 new h/cap 3. Winner B grade Alicia Swiatek net 58 new h/cap 16, R/up Bill Chalmers net 59 (c/back) new h/cap 15. Winner C grade Steve Beacroft net 56 (c/back) new h/cap 18, R/up John Graham net 56 new h/cap 27. Winner Putting Terry Sayle 23 putts. Ball rundown to net 61(c/back). Results for 1/9/11 Stableford – Winner A grade Norm Pritchard 41 points new h/cap 8. R/up Chris Hassall 38 points new h/cap 7. Winner B grade John Newton 38 points new h/cap 14, R/up Rob Sladden 36 points new h/cap 14. Winner C grade Tom Maye 39 points new h/ cap 18, R/up Alan Williams 37 points(c/back) new h/cap 19. Ball rundown to 35 points(c/back). Murwillumbah Monday August 29th Veterans Mixed & Members 4 B.B.B Stableford Mixed Winners D.Wright & M.Lackey 45 pts R.Up D.White & R.Masiar 41 pts, Members Winners K.Blyth & J.Kuhne 48 pts, r.Up R.Watson & R.Bradford 47 pts N/Pin 2nd C.Somerville 10th K.Blyth 14th P.Keegan B.R.D Mixed 40 pts Members 44 pts Wednesday August 31st 4 B.B.B.Aggregate Winners G.Hughes & I.Audsley 85 pts R.Up J.Hawkins & M.Zwermer 81 pts N/Pin 2nd R.Kent 10th R.Schirmer B.R.D to 72 nett c.b Wednesday Sporters Winner Club G.Brown 23 pts N.Pin 8th P.Coddington 14th J.Berryman B.R.D. to 20 pts c.b, Friday September 2nd Blue Marker Day Stroke

Courtney’s ‘training run’ a winner A female athlete almost upstaged the men at the inaugural Tomewin Mountain Challenge held recently. The Channon athlete, 22-year-old distance runner Courtney Gilfillan, came home a brilliant third overall to leave the majority of the 120-plus field in her wake. Courtney is a professional triathlete who used the event as a training run. The event was won by Southport distance runner Brad Beer in 1.21.38 from Andrew Arkinstall three minutes back in 1:25:38. Courtney Gilfillan was amazingly the next runner home in a stunning 1 hour 27 minutes and six seconds, nearly 15 minutes ahead of the second placed female Yoko Okuda-Thomsen in 1:41:37. Courtney’s run was a stunning result given the standard of some of the athletes who attended. Winners K.Borger 67 nett 1st R.Up J.Hawkins 69 nett c.b 3rd B.Mann 69 nett Best Gross N.Baker 71, N/Pins 2nd P.Kelly 8th R.Osmond 10th A.Keese 14th N.Beven B.R.D to 35 nett all in Saturday September 3rd Individual Stableford in 4 Grades A.Winner P.Heath 39 pts R.Up G.Nelson 38 pts Winner B.Grade S.Derepas 41 pts R.Up A.Kearnet 40pts C.Grade J.Berryman 41 pts c.b R.Up R.Pols 41 pts D.Grade P.Putland 44 pts R.Up B.May 43 pts N.Pins 2nd K.O’Grady 8th J.Walker 10th G.Watts14th L/Travers=Jones B.R.D 36 Pts c.b Sunday September 4th Individual Stableford Medley Women’s Winner I.McCormack 40 pts, Members Winner C.Kaehler 38 pts N.Pin 2nd C Coates& L.McCormack B.R.D. to 36 pts SHOOTING Murwillumbah Pistol Club 31-Aug11: Air Pistol -A Berry 571, P Melnikas 559, J Lumsden 557, D Reid 545, B Thompson 544. Ladies Air- E Reid 359 3- Sept - 11: Standard Pistol - J Maclachlan 597, S Davis 579, J Parker 578, P Norris 571, N Davis 565, P Humle 560, A Gazzard 554, G Andronicus 551 J Lumsden 550, S Stebbing 543, R Rees 541, A Uren 539, S Nash 537, J Hoctor 529, B Kleem 522, J Nash 505, J Gove 490, D Gazzard 401, D Stebbing 401. Air Pistol - R Rees 584, A Uren 577, R Cavanagh 567, D Reid 537, P Hulme 508.. Ladies Air - E Reid 344. 4 - Sept - 11 ; Rifle - D Gazzard 608, R Cavanagh 598, B Wenban 598, E Reid 596, E Weban 592, J McKenzie 587, D Luxton 579.. Air Pistol - D Reid 573. Murwillumbah Rifle Club Fullbore: 500yards: B.Barrett 90.7, 13, 103.7; S.Dolan 98.11, 3, 101.11; W.Shoobridge 98.11, 1, 99.11. Scope: A.Glover 106, 18, 124; P.Weeks 107, 11, 118. Smallbore: 50 metres: P.Turner 385, 18, 403; W.Sunderland 395, 4, 399; T.Lamb 386, 12, 398; A.Glover 387, 9, 396; P.Loxley-Lewis 375, 21, 396; W.Shoobridge 387, 6, 393; G.Johnston 373, 17, 390.

First quarter September 5 03:19 Full moon

September 12 19:27

Third quarter September 20 23:39 New moon Day of month 1 T 2 F 3 S 4 S 5 M 6 T 7 W 8 T 9 F 10 S 11 S 12 M 13 T 14 W 15 T 16 F 17 S 18 S 19 M 20 T 21 W 22 T 23 F 24 S 25 S 26 M 27 T 28 W 29 T 30 F

Sun rise 0601 0559 0558 0557 0556 0555 0554 0553 0551 0550 0549 0548 0547 0545 0544 0543 0542 0541 0539 0538 0537 0536 0535 0533 0532 0531 0530 0529 0528 0526

September 27 21:09 Sun set 1731 1732 1732 1733 1733 1734 1734 1734 1735 1735 1736 1736 1737 1737 1738 1738 1739 1739 1740 1740 1741 1741 1742 1742 1743 1743 1744 1744 1745 1745

Moon rise 0739 0823 0910 1001 1056 1154 1253 1351 1449 1544 1638 1731 1823 1916 2008 2101 2155 2248 2341 0032 0120 0206 0249 0330 0410 0449 0531 0614 0702


SEPTEMBER 2011 Astronomical data and tides

Moon High tide, Low tide, set height (m) height (m) 2101 1024,1.71; 2245,1.59 0407,0.15; 1637,0.22 2209 1115,1.70; 2339,1.43 0451,0.24; 1736,0.29 2314 1209,1.66 0539,0.34; 1842,0.37 0039,1.28; 1309,1.61 0631,0.45; 1956,0.43 0017 0148,1.17; 1416,1.56 0733,0.54; 2115,0.46 0115 0309,1.12; 1530,1.55 0845,0.58; 2228,0.45 0206 0425,1.14; 1638,1.56 0957,0.57; 2328,0.41 0252 0525,1.20; 1735,1.59 1101,0.53 0333 0613,1.28; 1822,1.61 0015,0.37; 1155,0.48 0410 0654,1.35; 1902,1.62 0055,0.33; 1242,0.43 0443 0730,1.40; 1939,1.60 0129,0.31; 1323,0.40 0515 0804,1.45; 2014,1.57 0200,0.30;1400,0.38 0546 0837,1.49; 2046,1.53 0229,0.31; 1437,0.37 0617 0909,1.52; 2120,1.47 0257,0.33; 1514,0.38 0649 0942,1.53; 2154,1.40 0325,0.36; 1551,0.40 0723 1015,1.53; 2230,1.32 0355,0.40; 1631,0.44 0800 1052,1.51; 2311,1.24 0427,0.46; 1714,0.49 0841 1133,1.48; 2357,1.16 0501,0.51; 1802,0.54 0926 1220,1.44 0544,0.57; 1900,0.58 1015 0052,1.10; 1317,1.41 0635,0.63; 2010,0.59 1110 0201,1.06; 1423,1.41 0741,0.65; 2122,0.55 1208 0318,1.09; 1532,1.46 0856,0.63; 2225,0.47 1309 0427,1.17; 1634,1.55 1005,0.56; 2316,0.36 1412 0520,1.28; 1729,1.64 1105,0.46 1517 0608,1.41; 1819,1.72 0001,0.26; 1200,0.34 1624 0653,1.55; 1907,1.77 0045,0.17; 1252,0.23 1731 0738,1.67; 1957,1.76 0127,0.12; 1345,0.15 1840 0824,1.77; 2046,1.70 0209,0.11; 1438,0.11 1950 0912,1.83; 2138,1.60 0252,0.14; 1531,0.10 2059 1000,1.84; 2232,1.48 0337,0.21; 1629,0.15

All times Eastern Standard Time. Time lags: Ballina Boat Dock: 15 min; Byron Bay: nil; Brunswick River Highway Bridge: high 30 min, low 1 hr; Mullumbimby: 1 hr 10 min; Billinudgel: 3 hr 55 min; Chinderah: high 1 hr 30 min, low 2 hr; Terranora Inlet: high 2 hr 10 min, low 2 hr 25 min; Murwillumbah: high 2 hr 30 min, low 2 hr 50 min. Tides in bold indicate high tide of 1.7m or more and low tide of 0.3m or less. Data courtesy of the National Tidal Centre.

Congratulations! WINSTON LAMONT Winner of The Echo’s NRL Tipping Comp

Winston Lamont from Winston Lamont Real Estate has won a full-page advertisement in the Tweed Echo. Rory Curtis – The Good Guys, Tweed Heads has won second prize – a half-page advertisement in the Tweed Echo. Chris Graham – from Currumbin RSL has won third prize – a quarter-page advertisement in the Tweed Echo.


The Tweed Shire Echo September 8, 2011 19

Service Directory


Full colour display ad only $40 per week – 85mm x 28mm. Line listing only $80 for 12 weeks. Full year prepaid $280. Deadline for additions and changes is 12pm Monday. Enquiries: 02 6672 2280 or

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Mako Concrete Constructions

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Naguar Holdings Pty Ltd T.A. Atlas Awnings, Northern Rivers NSW BLN 42748 Qld BLN 24566

DESIGN & DRAFTING GERARD BISSHOP Design, drafting, extensions & carports...........0407 151 740 or 02 6676 3405



HOUSE & OFFICE CLEANING Competitive prices .......................................................07 5536 1773


Hard to 85x28 30/01/2009 11:48:16 AM

Sales & Service


Pool pumps, electric motors, power tools, electrical equipment & repairs

Unit 2/42 Machinery Drive, Tweed Heads South

07 5524 7055

*conditions apply

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0402 022 111

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<echowebsection=Service Directory>

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6687 6445 / 0409 917646 <echowebsection=Service Directory>

WINDOW TINTING 6680 2484 • 0416 218 720 TWEED BYRON WINDOW TINTING The Tweed Shire Echo September 8, 2011 21



TIMBER, pine, treated pine, hardwood, mouldings, sleepers, fencing, Koppers logs, ply, MDF, lattice, made to order. Brims Builders Hardware, Billinudgel 02 66801718, Sth Tweed 07 55236002

PHONE ADS Ads may be taken by phone on 02 6672 2280 9am-12pm Wednesday, 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. Ads can’t be taken on the weekend.

from $10.50sqm & Bamboo Flooring. For ceilings, walls, doors, etc. Ph 66884188 - sample & brochure

BY POST PO Box 545 Murwillumbah 2484


RATES & PAYMENT $15.00 for the first two lines (minimum charge) $5.00 for each extra line (these prices include GST) Cash, cheque or credit card – Mastercard or Visa. DEADLINE 12pm Wednesday for display ads and line ads. ACCOUNT ENQUIRIES phone 02 6684 1777




SEXUAL HEALTH SERVICE Free STI/HIV checkups Clinics Murwillumbah & Tweed For appointment phone 0755066850

Double your exposure. Your ad will appear in over 44,000 newspapers weekly. Ask us about our great deals when you advertise in both THE TWEED SHIRE ECHO & THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Phone 02 66722280 or 02 66841777 SUBSCRIBE TO THE ECHO If you want to be sure of your copy each week, or if you have a friend who’d like to have a subscription, why not send them one? $35 per quarter or $125 per year, post incl. Write to ‘The Echo’ 6 Village Way, Stuart St, Mullumbimby 2482 including payment in advance.

the Samba Blisstas

Carnaval drumming & percussion sessions. Try a drop in class, MonLismore, Tues- Bangalow, Wed- Kingscliff, Thurs- Ballina. Enq 66764558




Need an interest free loan? Contact the Byron Community Centre on 6685 6807or visit our website look under Community Services, NILS for more information.

Parents & Carers of Young Children Elizabeth May is running a course exploring techiques to enhance secure attachments with your children. The course is for 5 weeks starting 10th October on a Mon or Tues 10–12:30 in Mullumbimby & Brunswick Heads. Intro costs $150pp. Limited places for more info. ph 0409 121 780 or


Sexual Counselling

Alison Rahn qualified sex therapist 0432599812


Clear subconscious sabotages. Reprogram patterns and beliefs. De-stress. Restore vibrancy and physical health. Clear allergies. SANDRA DAVEY, Reg. Pract. 66846914 QUIT SMOKING IN 60 MINUTES How? Ask Ingrid phone 66803827 KA HUNA BODYWORK IN KINGSCLIFF MASSAGE Bring the joy of life to your body. Ph Susan 0418726877 REIKI, CRYSTAL THERAPY & SHAMANIC SOUND THERAPY Crystal & Treasure Map Workshops Ph Pia 0434922727 PROFESSIONAL COUNSELLING. with Nick Devoy. 0408300150 WOMEN’S SACRED CIRCLE Weekly, beg Wed 14th Sept 10am in Piggabean. Ph Kay 0409203431

Holistic Counsellor Specialising in relationships and stress related issues in any life experience. For more information & bookings please phone Rhondda 0410 528 817.



Excavator & tipper hire. 0427172684


HEART ConnXionS for SINGLES Friday 16 Sept, 6.30-10.30pm. Ph Amrita 0419336291

FOR HIRE EVENT & PARTY HIRE Audio & lighting. 0418676534 or 66722680 •


- HONEST & RELIABLE Best rates & service in the Shire. Phone Matt 0427172684

locally made jewellery & wedding rings

MOTOR VEHICLES TOYOTA HILUX 96 dual cab, rego 04/12, $3800 must sell, moving. Ph 66771507

BARGAINS Holden Commodore Wagon 2000 model, Auto, AC, PS, good service history. S/N 613.........$5,250 4x4 Mazda Dual Cab Canopy, 5 spd, AC, PS, 6/12 rego. S/N 615 .......................................$4,950 Ford Falcon Wagon Auto, AC, PS, 151016km, great value. S/N 623 .....................................$2,350 98 Mazda Astina Hatch 5 speed, AC, PS, recent timing belt service + replacement. YGU629 .. ......................................................................$3,950 Auto Ford Festiva Hatch 106135km, AC, PS, fantastic car, full log book history. BL77UW .$4,950

50 CARS UNDER $10,000






TAFE TESOL COURSE 5 week p/t course in Byron to teach English o’seas. Beg 10 Oct $1000. Ballina TAFE, 66818923

WANTED TO RENT TWEED AREA male working f-time, quiet, n/s, d/f, s/d. Phone 0411015142

POSITIONS VACANT WARNING The Department of Fair Trading has warned people to be very careful about responding to advertisements offering work at home. Readers should be wary if asked to pay money upfront for employment opportunities and never send money to a post office box.


Would you like to become a carer and work from home? Free training & financial support is provided, to enable you to provide accredited high quality care in a home environment. You will be supported by the largest scheme in NSW. Flexible hours. Childcare benefit available. Phone Northern Rivers Family Day Care for more info on 07 5536 1865. MODELS 18+ years required. Nude female for Picture and People magazines. No experience required. All shapes and sizes. Backpackers welcome. Good money. Professional accredited ACP photographer. Ph 0413627846 EXPERIENCED ROOF RESTORERS Ongoing work, must have car & licence Only experienced tradesmen need apply Phone Ossie 0427841246

Ballina Car Centre

6686 5586

DLN 19950

MOTOR BIKES YAMAHA TY 175 $1200. Phone 0412196200

PROPERTY WANTED MINIMUM of 3 hectares of flattish land (7.5 acres) to either buy or lease long term (with option to purchase) for a rural enterprise. With or without a Dwelling Entitlement or existing home or building(s). Ideally within 15km of Billinudgel or along the Tweed Valley Way to Murwillumbah. Phone 66802752

SHARE ACCOM. PALMVALE – 2 rooms in comfortable 4 bedroom home on 100 acres between Murwillumbah and Cabarita Beach, 2 living areas, 2 verandahs, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen, dishwasher, grid connected solar electricity, solar hot water, large covered outdoor area, table tennis, wireless broadband, big vegie garden, fruit trees, chickens. $140pw including utilities. Neil 0418476759

TO LET SOUTH GOLDEN BEACH Recently renovated elevated 3br house, walk to beach, covered timber deck, polished floorboards throughout, 2 living areas, large backyard, large under house storage, dishwasher, in cul-de-sac, $390pw, avail 9 September. Professionals Ocean Shores Phone 66804777


& backloads to Brisbane. Friendly, with 10 years local experience. Ph 0409917646 UKI modern s-c studio, views, $185pw + elec, refs. No pets, 1 person. 66795083


NANNY FOR HIRE. 15 yrs+ exp nanny. 10 yrs exp in Medical field. Loving, caring, reliable. Exc refs. Michelle 0487419567.




Cape Byron Rudolf Steiner School Applications are sought for a confident, organised and caring teacher to commence primary teaching in 2012. Steiner experience and recognised teaching qualifications essential. Respond to Principal, PO Box 736, Byron Bay 2481 by Friday 16th September with application, CV and names of 3 refs or email info@ Position Description available

Join our gym! Classes for 6-12 year olds. From former Rhythmic gymnastics champion, Vanessa Ebb. Now named Kasna Su please call me if you have children who may be interested in recreation or competiton classes 0487 401 112

MUSICAL NOTES JAZZ PIANO, DOUBLE BASS & DRUM TRIO FOR HIRE Well rehearsed & accomplished players. Phone 0412732465 BAND FOR HIRE “Good Times” Rock Blues. 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and current. Parties, Weddings, Functions, Flexible Rates. Ph: 0447671898 FEMALE or male percussionist / backing vocalist for musical outfit ‘Joyism’. For work in this area & north. Tony 66834125

LOST & FOUND LOST Pandora bracelet with gold ring on south beach Cabarita carpark, great sentimental value, reward. 0438671605

PETS ADOPT A CAT from Animal Welfare League NSW. Phone 66844070 GOING AWAY? Who is looking after your pets? Kingscliff Petsitting 0419358794 or

Ex-Services Ballina is a 120 bed Aged Care facility which provides exceptional care to veterans and other senior members of our community. A position is available for a motivated and enthusiastic registered nurse to join our management team. The successful applicant will focus on ensuring exceptional care is delivered to all residents. Clinical documentation, rostering, staff education, ACFI funding, Continuous Quality Improvement and OHS are all important parts of this rewarding role. Essential: • Current AHPRA registration and National Police Certificate • Ability to manage and lead a successful team • Knowledge of the Aged Care Act A competitive salary plus salary packaging and career development opportunities await the successful applicant. Please send your resume to: Matthew Ashby 7 Bentinck Street (PO Box 350) Ballina NSW 2478 Phone: (02) 6686 2383 Fax: (02) 6681 9053 Email:

Property Exchange in Whitsundays

Carmine 6685 4015 - 0401 208 797


FOR: Your 1 to 5 acre property in the Tweed Valley or close by. Value around $500k +/-.

22 September 8, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Enrolments now in Mermaid RG Rhythmic Gymnastics Club

Deputy Director of Nursing Ex-Services Ballina

230m2 house, 3 year old, 3 bed, 2 bath, large open plan living, sep study, large ent. patio, established gardens, a neat property! PLUS a 42’ cruising ketch, all in the fabulous Whitsundays.

LORRAINE LEA LINEN Local consultant Jeannie. Ph 66805090

SIMPLE PRACTICAL TOOLS FOR SELF EMPOWERMENT COURSE Would you like to learn simple practical tools to change your life & become more self empowered in all areas of your life: at home, at work, in your relationships? Simple Practical Tools for Self Empowerment Courses commence 21 & 22 September 2011, Wed night or Thurs morning at Ocean Shores. 8 weeks $160 plus course materials. For further information or to book a place please phone Rosemary Robinson on 0414377106

INTERESTED? Phone 07 4968 2365 or 0459 240 635. Email: for more info & photos.

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. – Dalai Lama


Elsa, an 8 month old, desexed female, Bull Arab X Kelpie is in foster care with Friends of the Pound. Although quite big (about 25kg), Elsa is a beautiful girl with a lovely nature. She is well trained and is great with kids and other dogs and she loves being part of a family. If you can give Elsa a permanent, loving home where she will get plenty of exercise, please phone Yolana on 0449 049136 or the FoP Adoption Booth on 07 55248590. Visit www.friendsofthepound. com to view other animals looking for permanent homes. 07 5524 8590

ONLY ADULTS LADIES URGENTLY required at Lismore’s premium adult venue. Top $s, free food & accommodation. New female management. 66225533 CONSCIOUS EROTIC ARTS sessions with Avika. Tantra Taoist sexological bodywork, erotic massage, kinky Tantra, Byron. 0420571847

EARN BIG BUCK$ Good working environment with female staff must be 18–65 yrs old

02 6674 5020


0419 962 958 MONTHLY MARKETS 1st Sat Brunswick Heads (02) 6628 4495 1st Sun Byron Bay (02) 6680 9703 1st Sun Pottsville (02) 6676 4555 1st Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 2nd Sat 2nd Sun 2nd Sun 2nd Sun 2nd Sun 2nd Sun

Kingscliff 0406 724 323 The Channon (02) 6688 6433 Chillingham 0437 041 023 Lennox Head (02) 6672 2874 Coolangatta (07) 5533 8202 Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714

3rd Sat Mullumbimby (02) 6684 3370 3rd Sat Murwillumbah Cottage Markets 0417 759 777 3rd Sun Ballina (02) 6687 4328 3rd Sun Nimbin (02) 6689 0000 3rd Sun Pottsville (02) 6676 4555 3rd Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 3rd Sun Uki (02) 6679 5012 4th Sat Kingscliff 0406 724 323 4th Sun Bangalow (02) 6687 1911 4th Sun (in 5 Sun month) Coolangatta (07) 5533 8202 4th Sun Murwillumbah 0422 565 168 4th Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 5th Sun 5th Sun

Nimbin (02) 6689 0000 Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714

WEEKLY FARMERS MARKETS Each Tue New Brighton (02)6684 5390 Each Wed 7-11am Mur’bah (02) 6684 7834 Each Thu 8-11am Byron Bay (02) 6687 1137 Each Sat 8-11am Bangalow (02) 6687 1137 8am-1pm Uki (02) 6679 5438 Each Sat




Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777

Tweed 02 6672 2280

Apps – the future of property hunting 20 per cent – evenly spread across each generation and state – would like the option of scanning the property billboard outside a house and taking an instant 3D tour in the future. Nineteen per cent – again evenly spread across the states of use a smartphone, age does not influence where we want to see Queensland, New South Wales property-hunting technology and Victoria – wanted to read in the future. The report found that over one-third of New South Welshmen (36%) would like to access a property app that offers virtual tours and 3D walkthroughs in comparison to 34 per cent from Queensland and 33 per cent from Victoria. A further

comments left by other users on different suburbs. partnered with social researcher Mark McCrindle to develop the Future of Property Hunting report, which surveyed 1,184 Australians, detailing how technology is used now to find property and how it might look in the future. With 70 per cent of respondents agreeing that being well informed and knowledgeable about a property the key to investment suc-

A company that prides itself on specialising in assisting ‘Buyers’ and ‘Sellers’ of manufactured & relocatable homes located at Lifestyle Villages and residential Parks in Tweed Valley.

A company that prides itself on specialising in assisting ‘Buyers’ and ‘Sellers’ of manufactured & relocatable homes located at Lifestyle  Villages and Residential Parks in the Tweed Valley. 

SUPREME Burringbar Property

NOW $590,000. Contact Stuart ah: 02 6677 1155. Burringbar Real Estate Centre Pty Ltd, 02 6677 1699, 0402 031 680.

Music feast

Enjoy an afternoon of music at the All Saints Anglican Church, Byangum Rd, Murwillumbah, on Sunday, September 18, starting at 2pm. Organised by the Murwillumbah Philharmonic Choir, special guests are Bowraville Theatre Singers and the children of the Smalls Schools Choir. Tickets at Andersons Treasure Store, Main St, Murwillumbah, or at the door. Adults $15, children $5, Families (2 + 2) $20.

Voice Weavers A’cappella choir, if you like to sing, come along on Thursday evening 6.30pm at the Coolangatta-Tweed Heads Golf Club auditorium, Soorley St, Tweed Heads South. New members welcome. For info visit http:// or call Brett 0418 754 868 Jan 07 5536 1078.

Red Cross Tweed Heads Red Cross branch’s next monthly meeting in community room at Tweed City shopping centre (entrance via hallway left side of Woolworths) tomorrow, Friday, September 9, starting with morning tea at 9.30am. Members and prospective members welcome, for info call Carol on 07 5536 8569.

VIEW clubs Coolangatta/Tweed Heads VIEW Club next luncheon meeting September 15 in the Horizons Room, South Tweed Sports Club, Minjungbal Dr, Tweed Heads at 11.30am start. Guest speaker this month is Ken Eldridge, family historian. Visitors welcome, bookings to Diana 07 5576 7674 before 5pm Monday, September 12. Twin Towns Evening View Club meets 2nd wednesday of each month

at Tweed Heads Bowls Club 6.30pm. Next meeting September 14. Ladies of all ages welcome to share a meal. Guest speaker, Bill Blanch from Bilambil Fire Service. For info call Jenny on 07 5536 2653.

Mur’bah ratepayers Murwillumbah Ratepayers and Residents Association next meeting on Monday, September 19, from 7.30pm at the Autumn Club, Tumbulgum Road (next to the library). All welcome. For info call Robyn at, or post to PO Box 851 Murwillumbah, 2484.

Encore program Registrations are now open for the free YWCA Encore exercise program. This 8 week program runs for 2 hours a week starting on Friday, October 14, and is for any woman who has experienced breast cancer at any time in her life. The program includes specifically designed, gentle exercises both on land and in a heated pool, which target areas often affected by breast cancer treatment. Women can expect a small group environment, fully trained facilitators, guest speakers and some fun. Call 1800 305 150 for more details and to register.

Girl Guides get-together The Annual Guiding Get-Together is to be held at the home of Anne Biddulph, 64 Laura Street, Banora Point on Wednesday, October 26, at 11am. All persons who have been associated with guiding at any time either past or present, local or interstate are invited to come along and enjoy a great day. For info call Pat on 02 6674 4622.

Family history Tweed Gold Coast Family History and Heritage Ass. If you wish to trace

 139 Minjungbal Drive Tweed Heads South  Ph: (07) 5523 3431 Mob: 0423 028 468  Email:



  

Get the right choices. PLUS, in the majority of cases the lender pays me, so for you I can be FREE. MY GUARANTEE. No fuss service and if I can’t find you a better deal I’ll simply tell you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, Give me a call. For an OBLIGATION FREE mortgage health check contact Russel Shaw.

An EXTRAORDINARY asking price! ✔ Brick home with many features ✔ 2 acres (8000m²), flood free block ✔ Beautiful gardens – quiet area ✔ Extraordinary property!

said Mark McCrindle. ‘We are a society seeking instant gratification due to the busy lives we lead. As a result, real estate companies are launching new products that are helpful, quick and easy to use.’

 View over 40 30 homes at


Russel Shaw 6680 8045 0412 833 280

cess, technology is empowering consumers. ‘The growing popularity of the smartphone and rapid emergence of the iPad since its launch in 2009 is changing theway we access information,’


A new Future of Property Hunting report commissioned by reveals tech-savvy punters are turning to mobile devices such as smartphones (47%), tablets and other internet-enabled devices (41%) to help make their next property choice. Across the country, Gen Y is leading the trend with 39 per cent using their smartphone to search for property before, with one in four Gen Xers (25%) and 13% of Baby Boomers making the most of the latest propertysearching technology. While Gen Y might be the most active property-seeking demographic (30% are monitoring the market or considering buying compared to 25% of Gen Xers and 14% of Baby Boomers) and most likely to

your family history and don’t know where or how to begin, come along to our meeting or visit our room in the Sth Tweed Sports Club which is open 10am–7pm on Tuesday, 10am– 4pm Wed to Friday, 9.30am–3pm Saturday. For info call Noelene 07 5599 8939.

Blood donations You can make a difference by donating blood when the Red Cross Blood Donormobile visits Murwillumbah on September 8–9. Donating takes about an hour of your time and every donation saves three lives. The donormobile will be at Knox Park carpark on Wollumbin Street, Murwillumbah on Thursday, September 8, 12pm–6pm and Friday, September 9, 10am–4pm. Call 131495 for an appointment to donate or visit www.

Justices of the Peace JPs are witnessing signatures each week on Tuesdays at Tweed Centro 10am–2pm and at Tweed City Shopping Centre on Thursdays 10am–2pm and 5pm–7pm. For info call Donna on 0414 894 368.

U3A U3A Twin Towns, Coolangatta, Tugun, Tweed Heads have various interesting classes for everyone, from exercises, dance, singing to the more academic pursuits. The Japanese class has been running now for four weeks and is very popular. For info call 07 5534 7333 before noon. U3A Twin Towns general meeting will be held at 10am on Tuesday, September 27, at 4 Boyd Street, Tugun and will be followed by a luncheon. All members are asked to bring a plate. U3A Tweed Coast, First Friday Forum to be held on October 7 at the Kingscliff Uniting Church, Pearl Street at

2pm. Come along and be entertained to some wonderful jazz, afternoon tea will be served in the Church Hall. Donation $2. All welcome to forums.

Banora Pt community Banora Point Community Centre Senior Program has various groups available on Tuesday afternoons and all day Fridays. If you are interested in card playing, Stretch your Mind, Tai Chi, Mah Jong, Scrapbooking, Art, Scrabble, Gentle exercise with weights call Lyn on 07 5523 2030. The centre is on the corner of Leisure and Woodland Drives, Banora Point.

ZONTA ZONTA Club of Southern Gold Coast/ Tweed meets 3rd Monday of each month in Secret Garden Room, South Tweed Sports Club, 4 Minjungbal Drive, South Tweed. For info on community and international projects call Marie-Elise 0412 632 304 or Carolyn 0416 637 771.

Computers for seniors Computer Association Tweed Seniors meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 10.30am in the Seagulls Club. Get computer advice and learn computer skills at your own pace in a friendly social environment. All welcome. For info call Noelene on 07 5599 8939 bh.

Garden clubs Twin Towns and District Garden Club will hold their 18th annual Flower Show and Second Garden Expo on Saturday, September 10 in the Tweed Heads Civic Centre auditorium from 8.45am. As well as a judged Flower Show (cut flowers, pot plants, floral art and produce), plant sales and raffles the following workshops will be held: 9am Environmental weeds and Myrtle Rust, 10am African Violets,

11am Orchids, 12pm Roses, 1pm Cactii Nashos and Succulents, 3pm presentation of The Gold Coast South-Twin Towns prizes and awards. Entry is $3 with Branch of the National Servicemen’s children free. Light refreshments Association of Australia serving from available. Tallebudgera to the Tweed will hold Tweed Coast Garden Associaits next general meeting on Sunday, tions next meeting is on Tuesday, September 18, at 10am in the new September 13, from 1.30pm at the Anzac Room, Twin Towns Services Cabarita Community Hall. We are Club. If you served in any forces of a friendly, social club and we are the Commonwealth 1951–1972 then currently welcoming new members, why not bring your partner along so come along and enjoy a great afternoon tea and chat. For info call and join us. For info call John on 07 02 6676 4402. 5535 2484.


EMERGENCY NUMBERS Please stick this by your phone

AMBULANCE, FIRE, POLICE .............................................................. 000 AMBULANCE Mullumbimby & Byron Bay .................................131 233  BRUNSWICK VALLEY RESCUE Sea & road rescue...................6685 1999 BRUNSWICK MARINE RADIO TOWER ...................................6685 0148 MULLUMBIMBY HOSPITAL ......................................................6684 2266 BYRON BAY HOSPITAL ............................................................6685 6200 POLICE Brunswick Heads .......................................................6685 1277 Mullumbimby ..............................................................6684 2144 Byron Bay ...................................................................6685 9499 Bangalow ....................................................................6687 1404 STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE Storm & tempest damage, flooding.6684 3444 AIDS Confidential testing & information (ACON) ................................6622 1555 AL-ANON Help for family & friends of alcoholics .......... 6685 9690, 6680 4429 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hours....................................6686 8599  ANIMAL RESCUE (DOGS & CATS) .........................................6628 1358 LIFELINE .........................................................................................131 114 MENSLINE 7pm–11pm nightly (phone counselling & referral for men)..6622 2240 NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Meets daily ...............................1800 423 431 NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE ..................................................6684 1286 NORTHERN RIVERS GAMBLING SERVICE ...........................6687 2520 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 24 hour crisis line ...............................1800 656 463 GAMBLERS’ ANONYMOUS Meet 7.30pm Tuesdays at Byron Hospital Group Room, Shirly St, Byron Bay......................0466 885 820 NORTHERN RIVERS WILDLIFE CARERS...............................6628 1866 KOALA HOTLINE........................................................6622 1233 GEORGE THE SNAKE MAN.................................................0407 965 092 NSW Wildlife Information & Rescue Service (WIRES)..........6628 1898

The Tweed Shire Echo September 8, 2011 23


No fees Best rates Exotic currency on hand Special rates for Seniors 9am-5pm Mon-Fri 07 5536 8217 Beachcomber Arcade, 122 Griffith Street, Coolangatta Anti-wrinkle injectibles and cosmetic fillers now available at

Pureinfinity Dr Kellie Courtney All injectibles are performed by an experienced cosmetic physician Medical Grade Hair Removal From $95 Anti Wrinkle injections and cosmetic fillers: • administered by experienced doctor • licensed professional staff • registered Nurse on staff for consultations

• full range of Skinstitut medical grade skincare available • laser capillary treatments available from $150.00

P 07 5523 3344

Shop 128A Tweed City Shopping Centre, 54 Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South NSW 2486

O P E N 7 D AY S 6 a m - 6 p m

A big congratulations to sixteen-year-old Murwillumbah student and classical pianist Ayesha Gough who came fourth at the 2011 Lev Vlassenko Piano Competition in Brisbane recently, against 23 other young virtuosos. She did however win Best Performance of an Australian Work for her virtuosic performance of Michael Kieran Harvey’s Toccata DNA. ■ ■ ■ ■

There are just 140 koalas surviving along the Tweed coast. Their habitat is being slowly but surely destroyed by traffic and pet dogs. However, on the Gold Coast, koalas that have managed to survive decades of urbanisation and neglect in bushland fringes around Elanora and Currumbin Waters are to be researched over the next 12 months as the council there prepares a koala conservation plan for the area. ■ ■ ■ ■

In contrast, Tweed Greens Cr Katie Milne recently said it was ‘incumbent’ on councillors to treat the area inside the massive Cobaki development on the Tweed side of the border as a koala recovery zone, but council was ‘not even aware’ of the Gold Coast strategy for specific koala recovery area across the border. The site was thriving with koalas in the 1980s but now there are none, Cr Milne said, and the proposed 60-to-70-metre wide wildlife corridor at Cobaki was inadequate, given the planned Gold Coast corridor would be 500 metres. Koala expert Dr Stephen Phillips at the time said the Cobaki project could have provided added support by links to the north to help the recovery of the local koala population and a proposed wildlife corridor there should have been made ‘as wide as you can possibly make it’ with dogs banned near the corridors. Unfortunately, the state planning panel left the corridor as is, so we

Howard days revisited

Former PM John Howard signs a copy of his paperback autobiography Lazarus Rising for fellow Liberal Party member and Tweed councillor, Joan van Lieshout, at the luncheon at Kingscliff on Tuesday. Photo Luis Feliu

phy which sold around 70,000 copies. Most of the 150-plus people hung on Mr Howard’s every word as he recalled some memoirs and straight-batted some curly questions from the floor. But that couldn’t be said for the unnamed former head of state who fell asleep while the PM was having a discussion with him during his term of office, as Mr Howard reminisced, because it was obvious he hadn’t been giving the foreign leader any ‘electrifying conversation’. Needless to say, Mr Howard quipped, that leader didn’t last long after that. The luncheon, at which almost half the crowd had their new paperback editions of his

book personally signed, had a smattering of local coalition parties’ movers and shakers and Mr Howard looked very much at ease in such familiar company. In his welcome, he singled out Margot Anthony, who was lunching with friends and family, and wished them well, but her husband Doug, a former deputy PM and Mr Howard’s colleague in the Fraser government years, was oddly nowhere to be seen. The Echo later gently inquired about his whereabouts and told by Margot that Doug had the flu and was recuperating at home. Plans therefore for a current photo of the two conservative pin-up boys together had to be put on the, well, backburner.

can’t expect too many of the And His Not So Hairy Monkey, The Transformers, Sophia furry animals to use it. Stacey, Bernie Van Tiel and ■ ■ ■ ■ The Workshop Centre at the Mandy Nolan. The cost is $5. ■ ■ ■ ■ Murwillumbah Showground will have its grand opening P J Hogan, director of Peter this Saturday, September 10, Pan, My Best Friend’s Wedwith an arts and drama work- ding, and of course Muriel’s shop. Entertainment will be Wedding set in a ‘mythical’ provided by Nearly Normal Tweed, is back filming with

Toni Collette a rom-com called Mental – very appropriate for the north coast – in several locations from Ballina to the Queensland border, including the Tweed mayor’s office and the streets of Murwillumbah. A bit of extra money for the region in turbulent economic times.

Luis Feliu

Former PM John Howard had a captive and receptive audience of faithful supporters from around the Tweed at his wellattended book-signing luncheon at Babalou Restaurant and Lounge Bar in Kingscliff on Tuesday. Mr Howard and Kingscliff ’s Boardwalk Books launched an updated, paperback version of his autobiography Lazarus Rising, which has become Australia’s biggest-selling political autobiography, selling more than 75,000 copies including international and e-book sales, beating Bob Hawke’s biogra-




Groceries Fruit & Veg Takeaways Authentic Indian Food 56 Dry Dock Road Tweed Heads South 07 5513 1516 24 September 8, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo



On sale Friday 9th September to Sunday 11th September 2011 or while stocks last. Personal purchases only and not available in conjunction with any other offer. Store stock only, no orders. Our 120% 30 day price guarantee applies on all newly boxed, currently available stock of the identical model, advertised by a local competitor.

THE GOOD GUYS TWEED HEADS SOUTH Cnr Shallow Bay Drive & Minjungbal Drive • 07 5524 4444 • <echowebsection=Backburner>

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