Tweed Echo – Issue 4.13 – 24/11/2011

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THE TWEED Volume 4 #13 Thursday, November 24, 2011 Advertising and news enquiries: Phone: (02) 6672 2280 21,000 copies every week CAB AUDIT


Bid to stop rule-breaking mansion fails Council defies Hastings Point DCP Steve Spencer

A last-ditch stand to stop a controversial beachfront mansion at Hastings Point failed during an extraordinary meeting of Tweed councillors on Tuesday, sparking a community outcry. Several councillors hoped to persuade Cr Dot Holdom to change her mind for the rescission motion and vote against the project, which involves a block of flats being gutted and redeveloped into a three-storey mega-home. Cr Holdom, who originally voted two years ago to support the Hastings Point village plan restricting heights of buildings to two storeys, was seen as the linch pin in the move, but joined the pro-development bloc on the crucial vote instead, giving no reasons. Members of that faction (Crs Warren Polglase, Kevin Skinner and Phil Youngblutt) also failed to speak up and explain their reasons this week for pushing through what many see as

‘This is not the end of it’ The tight-knit Hastings Point community has not given up its crusade against the ‘McMansion’ approval, with local lawyer John O’Reilly warning ‘this is not over’. ‘This is a kick in the guts for the community. A complete breakdown of trust between the people of Hastings Point and the council,’ said Mr O’Reilly, one of the leaders of the campaign to create a development control plan (DCP) which retains the suburb’s village atmosphere. ‘This is not a renovation, it is a completely different building. ‘We are considering a range of alternatives to make sure the truth about this is brought to light. This is not over, we will go higher.’ Mr O’Reilly said the suggestion it was a ‘merit assessment’ was a ‘complete cop-out’. ‘The building services unit should never have been appointed to deal with this case. Such an important application with these ramifications should have been dealt with by a qualified town planner.’

an overdevelopment which breaches too many rules. Locals now fear the approval will lead to an avalanche of similar bids to build big homes along the foreshore, forever changing Hasting Point’s village atmosphere. The rescission motion, moved by Crs Joan van Lieshout and Katie Milne and supported by mayor Barry Longland, was the council’s last chance to reverse the decision. Over a year ago, all three councillors pushed through a new Hastings Point development control plan (DCP), designed to stop so-called ‘McMansions’ being built along the foreshore, with the support of Cr Holdom, but this week and last week, she voted with the pro-development bloc. At stake is the future look of Hastings Point. Many of the old homes that line the beachfront may soon be rebuilt in the same mega-style. Mayor Barry Longland urged his colleagues to ignore the threat of legal action. He predicted council would win a Land and Environment Court case if the owners took legal action, as the project breached height, length and setback regulations. Cr Longland said that by allowing the reduced setback from the beach ‘we are effectively providing these people with a bit of Crown land in their front garden’. ‘If anyone is worried about being rolled in the Land and Environment Court, I’d say we have a pretty good case,’ he said. Cr van Lieshout warned that the community expected more from Tweed Council. ‘This council will be remembered for setting the [DCP] rules and this council will be remembered for abandoning them,’ she said. ‘I won’t be persuaded by threat of legal action to abandon those rules,’ she said. Planners based much of their decision to approve the project on what opponents called a ‘rogue’ house next door, which is even bigger and higher, and almost as close to the foreshore. Its approval was granted decades ago in what locals say were ‘questionable’ circumstances, when many inappropriate developments were

pushed through Tweed Council. It’s believed the home’s first floor is referred to on planning documents as a ‘boat shed’. Ironically, it was that home which helped spark the community’s decade-long campaign for a DCP to ban similar structures from the village. While Cr Skinner didn’t speak during the debate, he told ABC Radio yesterday that the Hasting Point DCP was ‘just a guide’. ‘I never supported the Hastings Point DCP and I still don’t support it,’ said Cr Skinner.

‘They have existing use rights. It’s not a demolition, it is a redevelopment of an existing building,’ he said. Cr Skinner said property owners had originally been allowed to build three-storey homes along the beachfront. ‘I don’t think there would have been many property owners who would have liked to have seen their existing rights taken away. You will probably see more applications for similar types of things.’ ■ See Editorial, page 6

Unlimited local art, craft for sale

Tweed Unlimited Arts (TUA) member Chris Knight puts the finishing touches to her magpie prior to firing. The potter’s work will be among many items handcrafted by local artisans using Australian materials which will be on display and sale at the TUA’s special ‘All Australian’ Christmas sale on the weekend of December 3–4 between 9.30am and 3.30pm DST at the TUA workshop in Pioneer Parade, Banora Point. Entry is free. Photo Jeff ‘Oven Baked’ Dawson

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Islander, Indian contribution recalled Luis Feliu

The fascinating stories of the lives and hard work of South Sea Islander and Indian families who settled in the Tweed and were part of the rich history of banana and sugar cane farming on the north coast have been recalled in a new documentary. Called Sweet Harvests, the DVD is a Tweed River Regional Museum project which celebrates the contribution by the two groups of migrants to local agriculture. It was launched by Tweed mayor Barry Longland last Saturday at a function at the Coolamon Cultural Centre in Murwillumbah attended by many of the descendants of those early migrants. Senior curator Judy Kean said the museum recognised the need to collect and document the diverse history of the region and Sweet Harvests was the latest in a series of projects that captured the unique, personal perspectives of those who helped shape and develop the cane and banana industries and the Tweed as we know it today. The DVD includes interviews with nine men and women who give their personal accounts as well as relating stories told by their parents or grandparents of the hardships and good times they experienced. David Togo tells how his islander grandfather arrived in

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2 November 24, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

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Interview participants (l–r rear) Jeet Singh, Neville Singh, Allan Togo, Jack Esau and David Togo and (l–r front) Ellen Petrie, Sylvie Singh-Grewal and Diana Skinner. Photo Luis Feliu

Australia to work on north Queensland sugar cane plantations around Mackay and Maryborough which were then ‘bad for blackbirding’, referring to the controversial enslavement of islanders to work on cane plantations.

Walked to Tweed But northern NSW was not so bad, David said, and he ‘walked all the way to the Tweed’ and settled at Cudgen to work on crop and cane farming. He said his father was the first to grow sweet potatoes in the Tweed and paid off his farm with the first year’s crop. ‘Sweet potatoes were used as pig feed, but dad just took the vines off the walls and put them in the ground, it cost him nothing,’ he said. Neville Singh said his family were the first Indians to settle on the NSW north coast ‘and now we’re in the fifth generation and there’s about 350 in the family altogether’

Jack Esau said his father came to Australia by ship but was not allowed to disembark at any of the major cities due to the racist White Australia policy at the time. He eventually got off in Townsville then later moved to Mullumbimby to work on banana plantations. Diana Skinner told how her father left school at the age of 13 and worked at planting and chipping bananas. Diana herself worked in the cane fields around Cudgen as a young woman in the 1960s, stripping cane ready for planting. ‘It was very hard,’ she recalls. Jeet Singh’s father came to Australia in 1910 and cut cane and grew bananas. Jeet himself was six when he left Punjab for Australia and has good memories of his years cutting cane. In an age before mechanised harvesters, cutting and hauling cane was done by hand, which was very hard work, especially in the hot sun. In both banana and cane growing, the threat of

venomous snakes and machete wounds was commonplace, as many interviewees recalled. One recalled how coloured cane cutters were paid only two shillings a day while white workers were paid 15 shillings plus board.

Oral history Cr Longland said the DVD uses oral history and historic images ‘to explore the tenacity, camaraderie, humour and sheer hard work’ of the two groups. ‘Sweet Harvests provides us with a fascinating window on the development of two industries that remain important in the Tweed today,’ he said. The project was jointly funded by Tweed Shire Council and the Migration Heritage Centre at the Powerhouse Museum. The DVD can be purchased from the museum offices in the Coolamon Culture Centre. For further info, call Judy Kean on 02 6670 2500 or email jkean@

Gallery to recreate Olley’s home studio A recreation of the late great artist Margaret Olley’s studio will be built in a new Tweed River Art Gallery extension, funded by a $1 million offer by the late artist’s trustees. The Margaret Olley Art Trust announced the offer to the gallery in Murwillumbah last week, sparking a flurry of excitement in local art circles. Many thought the studio and some of her collection could end up in her birthplace of Lismore where a new regional gallery was proposed recently but councillors were divided over the issue and it was put on hold. But the Tweed, where the artist spent her childhood, won out when the Olley estate announced the bequest, including the replica of her studio and some of her favourite works, would go to the Tweed gallery. Gallery director Susi Muddiman said it was ‘an incredible privilege for the gallery to be chosen for this honour’ and the

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fact the artist had lifelong connection with the Tweed ‘adds poignancy to the centre’. ‘I look forward to working with the Trust and Council officers to realise Margaret’s vision. The Margaret Olley Centre will include a recreation of Miss Olley’s studio, an exhibition space and an education centre. The centre will see Margaret remembered as a fine artist, as well as a generous philantropist to the arts,’ Miss Muddiman said. The centre will be the repository

of a large number of the artist’s own works, including works in progress, ephemera and correspondence, currently in the possession of the Margaret Olley Estate. Philip Bacon, a trustee, said the artist’s interest in regional galleries, and the Tweed River Art Gallery in particular, ‘makes this project especially attractive to the trustees’. Tweed mayor Barry Longland, said the generous gift was ‘an indication of the reputation of our first-rate regional gallery’. ‘The recent success of the 2011 Archibald Prize, with its winning portrait of Margaret Olley attracting thousands of visitors from outside the region, points to the high regard held by the public for one of Australia’s most admired artists,’ Cr Longland said. Council general manager Mike Rayner said the centre and gallery would become a major tourist attraction and act as an economic driver for the region.

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All go for our new community centre

Murwillumbah Community Centre chairperson Brian Hills prepares to ward off vampires, while Justine Elliot digs in under mayor Barry Longland’s expert guidance. Photo Jeff Dawson

Construction of the $3.1 million Murwillumbah Community Centre in Knox Park is set to begin this week and is expected to be ready for business in August next year. Tweed mayor Barry Longland and Richmond MP Justine Elliot turned the sod at the site adjacent to the existing community centre last Friday to mark the start of construction. At its October meeting, Council awarded the building contract to Multi Span Australia, for a value of $2,888,875.44 including GST. Cr Longland welcomed the start of the long-awaited community infrastructure project, saying the project had been more than 10 years in the planning. He also thanked Mrs Elliot for her role in securing two federal government grants for $1.5 million and $551,000 as well as Lismore MP Thomas

George for his role in securing $100,000 last year for the building and landscaping. ‘I must also acknowledge the outstanding effort of the Murwillumbah Lions Club, who have been holding a bequest for the young people of Murwillumbah which over the years has built up to $300,000,’ he said. Cr Longland said council has applied for an additional state grant of $40,000 which if successful would be used to fund ‘green’ elements such as solar panels and that council would fund the balance of the project, contributing around $650,000. The new building will provide more office spaces for notfor-profit and non-government organisations involved in community work, a one-stop shop for a wide range of community services, a secure indoor/outdoor play area and a youth area for training and activities.

Leda pushes for inquiry and new planning panel By staff reporters

Gold Coast-based developer Bob Ell is hoping dirt files prepared by his company Leda will persuade the government to remove Tweed Council’s planning staff from assessing applications for Leda’s proposed satellite cities at Kings Forest and Cobaki. Mr Ell’s right-hand man on the Tweed, Reg Van Rij, put the case for an approvals panel to take over the council’s role when he met planning minister Don Page to push for an inquiry into council’s handling of their two projects. Mr Van Rij also launched a PR blitz by taking out full-page advertisements in local daily newspapers calling for an independent investigations into allegations contained in Leda’s two reports. Headed as ‘an open letter to the community from Leda’, the advertisement says there is a strong case for reform of council’s planning processess and urges the introduction of

a ‘truly independent decisionmaking process.’ Mr Van Rij did not give details but it is understood Leda has suggested a model similar to a four-man panel chosen by government-appointed administrators at Wollongong council in the wake of the city’s sex for favours scandal.

Too much power Critics say the system gives too much power to one man by allowing the general manager to decide the pool of professionals who will fill the panel’s three seats as well as the one residents’ representative. Leda’s dirt files tip the bucket on senior council planners, consultants and agency staff who they allege are involved in an anti-development conspiracy hatched by Tweed greenies in a bid to slow projects they say are worth millions of dollars. They contain sweeping allegations covering the last 18 years and were leaked to the two mainstream papers shortly after Mr Van Rij gave copies to

the council and government ministers, including Mr Page. Staff and others named are said to be extremely upset by what they see as unfounded slurs on their professionalism and some have reportedly sought legal advice about taking legal action for defamation. Leda’s evidence supporting a so-called green bias includes internal council emails which Leda found in a massive trawl through council’s archives in an FOI search which kept a staff member busy for nearly two months. Leda released the files shortly after The Echo revealed that heavy machinery had been used to illegally clear part of the Cudgen nature reserve, prompting one councillor to ask if it was timed to create a smokescreen. Last week, Upper House Greens MP Cate Faehrmann told parliament Mr Ell was suspected of carrying out the clearing which has been under investigation by National Parks since it was reported in July. Mr Ell’s push to remove

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council planning staff from the assessment process has baffled some councillors and staff because the Joint Regional Planning Panel makes the final decision on both projects after considering submissions from both the council and the developer.

‘Sorting it out’ Meanwhile, Tweed MP Geoff Provest said council and Leda were ‘sorting it out themselves’ with talks taking place this week between the developer and senior council management. Mr Provest told The Echo the Leda dossiers had made a number of allegations ‘but there’s always two sides to every story’, saying that in his experience, planners had ‘the most difficult job in council’. He also said he would discuss the illegal-clearing allegations with the environment minister and was ‘seeking further information from all parties’. ‘Our government takes a very dim view of clearing of nature reserves,’ he said.


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The Tweed Shire Echo November 24, 2011 3

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Organ donors tell their own stories Albert Elzinga

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Organ donation rates can be improved if people make their wishes known through family discussion, a book launch was told this week. Clinical nurse specialist Mary Campbell said the failure of people to talk to their relatives and inform them of their wishes was one of the main obstacles to an increase in transplants. Ms Campbell said less than 60 per cent of families gave consent for a donation to proceed and the only way to improve that statistic was to raise awareness and ensure people discussed the subject and made their wishes known to their families. Ms Campbell said there was light at the end of the tunnel with a record number of transplants taking place in NSW this year and, with increased efforts to create awareness, prospects for the future were markedly rosier than in previous years. The DonateLife Book of Life, a collection of experiences involving organ donation, was launched on Tuesday by the Northern NSW Local Health District at Tweed Heads library. It consists of stories, po-

(l–r) Clinical nurse specialist Mary Campbell with organ recipients Cheryl French and Marion Walsham, both from Banora Point. Photo Jeff ‘You’re Welcome’ Dawson

ems and pictures of people involved and gives readers an insight into patients’ experiences with organ and tissue donation, transplants, the wait for a transplant and, most of all, hope. The Book of Life will travel around NSW this year after which it will become part of a national collection and donated to the State Library of NSW and the National Library in DonateLife Week 2012. Banora Point kidney recipient Cheryl French’s story is part of the book. Cheryl re-

ceived a kidney from her partner Greg around 20 weeks ago and spoke of her experience at the launch. After doctors told Cheryl she needed a transplant to survive, a number of tests ruled her immediate family out for kidney donation so her partner Greg stepped up and provided the much-needed matching kidney. Cheryl said the transplant, at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane made an already close relationship even closer and she felt a distinct respon-

sibility to make the best use of her partner’s generous gift. Although Cheryl wasn’t quite ready to go back to her work as a primary school teacher and still needed to visit the hospital every two weeks, she said she felt great and hoped she would be able to return to work some time next year. Double-lung transplant recipient Marion Walsham, also from Banora Point, said she felt a duty to look after her donated lungs and make the most of her newfound health. Marion said she didn’t feel she had two ‘alien’ lungs inside her body and felt nothing but gratitude and concern for the donor’s family. ‘You think about them every day’, she said. Marion said rejection was a major concern to recipients, and patients were never truly ‘out of the woods’ as rejection could take place any time. Recipients were often forced to take medication constantly to ensure the organ was accepted and functioning. Ms Campbell said changing the current situation by introducing the approach taken in countries such as Spain, where citizens are deemed to agree to donation unless otherwise stated, was not being considered in this country.

Council rebuffs mayor over tourism board role Steve Spencer

A cloud hangs over the Tweed mayor’s normally automatic appointment to the board of tourism body Destinations Tweed following a shock vote by councillors to put Cr Joan van Lieshout on the board instead. Cr Warren Polglase said yesterday the vote ‘proved the mayor hasn’t got the confidence of the council’.

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Mayor Barry Longland said he was disappointed by the vote, which he described as ‘disrespectful to the office of mayor’. The normally automatic appointment of the mayor onto the board went awry after Cr van Lieshout said she wanted to stay on the board and then received majority support from her colleagues. But the validity of the vote was put in doubt after council officers pointed out that Destination Tweed’s constitution

only allowed for the mayor’s appointment to the board, unless the mayor had a conflict of interest and then apppointed a replacement. ‘I don’t know what motivated the move against my appointment to the board,’ said Cr Longland yesterday. ‘Cr van Lieshout has no status on the board and has had none since I was elected mayor in September. Whatever they [councillors] think of me personally, it was greatly disrespectful to the office of mayor.’

Before the vote, Cr van Lieshout told councillors the board of Destinations Tweed wanted her to remain. Cr van Lieshout became a member of the board last year after former mayor Kevin Skinner declared a conflict of interest and appointed her instead. The pro-development faction of Crs Skinner, Warren Polglase and Phil Youngblutt was joined by Cr van Lieshout to vote against mayor Longland’s appointment.

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4 November 24, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Murwillumbah TAFE artists (l–r) Niamh Twohig, Elane Green, Susan Stone, Sam Walsh (centre, creator of the ovalular sea creatures), Dawn Walker, Nathalie Verdejo and Christine Starzynski at their exhibition ‘elevenseeds’ in Mullumbimby’s Art Piece Gallery. The exhibition by the 2011 Diploma of Fine Arts students was a culmination of their creative work at the college over two years. Photo Jeff Dawson

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Ukitopia succeeds on creative spirit Luis Feliu

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Local Physiotherapists reveal the truth about your shoulder pain! Tessa Lionessa (Tessa O’Toole), left, and Samantha Panther (Samantha Free-Daly) flex their feline forms as they entertained kids and adults with their acrobatics in the Aussie Oddities Emporium tent at the Ukitopia Festival last Saturday.

She said the festival needed to raise over $5,000 through donations, memberships, cash sales of art work and merchandise on day one and ‘as the money came in, the nerves changed to feelings of pride

and delight as I realised that we, the Ukitopia Arts Collective’s organising committee and our Uki Community, had done it’. ‘We had truly created three days of community for our

planning minister rejected the grandiose plans, which included an artificial lake and 300 resort units on three manmade islands surrounded by a golf course on an acid sulphatecontaminated flood plain. Samtay more than tripled its profits in 2007 with a $17 million sale to Wooyung Properties, owned by a syndicate including hotel ‘pokies king’ Bruce Mathieson and leading race horse breeder Jonathon Muntz.

Legal action dropped The company took legal action against Tweed council earlier this year for continuing to block similar plans for the property, but discontinued their action without notice several weeks ago. The company was challenging the council’s refusal to issue a construction certificate after chief planner Vince Connell identified ‘numerous deficiencies’ in the project which involved the excavation of the lake and creation of the three islands. He said the deficiencies re-

lated to flooding, significant environmental impacts plus the effects on adjacent littoral rainforest, protected wetlands and the Wooyung Beach dunal system. Mr Connell said this week that the company had been asked to formally withdraw its construction certificate and to clarify its future intentions for the site but as yet had not responded. The company sought approval for an alternative plan for 24 luxury dwellings last year but dropped the idea following opposition from the council and some community groups who still believed it was unsuitable. Tweed Council approved the massive development in 1988 without informing the public, eventually attracting the attention of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). In its landmark investigation into North Coast land deals, the ICAC found evidence to suggest the original developer, Elm-n-Ash P/L, and a former Tweed councillor were involved in corrupt conduct.

community, totally funded by and created by our community,’ she said. This year, four new venues were introduced, spreading the business throughout the village, while art installations were also a major feature and costume, props and fun ‘added to the playful vibe of the festival’. Around 500 native tree seedlings were distributed to festival-goers, free, for regeneration purposes.

to 20 in favour of 18 more parking spaces. ‘We learnt during the recent community access meeting that a lot of people at that meeting were non-residents of Tumbulgum and employees at the hotel. There are questions regarding the vote that are unsettling,’ said Cr Longland. Cr Warren Polglase said, ‘All people at that meeting had a right to vote. They may operate businesses there,’ he said.

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The cars that ate Tumbulgum Tumbulgum is to get 15 more parking spots at the expense of its riverside parkland. The decision came after mayor Barry Longland told councillors that a recent public meeting on the issue was attended by many people who did not live in the village, including employees of the Tumbulgum hotel. Tumbulgum Hotel is close to where the extra parking places are to be built. The public meeting voted 28

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Former Gold Coast lifestyle guru Robert Dale will serve at least three years behind bars for ripping off investors in a failed attempt to develop a Wooyung property which is again the focus of a controversial stand-off. A Southport District Court jury found him guilty last week of defrauding four investors in a major resort project called Water at Wooyung in 2004 by enticing them to buy units in a trust. In sentencing him to seven and a half years’ jail and setting a January 2015 parole date, the judge said while most of the money went towards the project, one couple’s cheque for $250,000 was used to buy a house for Dale and his wife. Dale’s lawyers say they will appeal, leaving open another chapter in the chequered history of the 80-hectare property which is now subject to a renewed bid to build a huge waterfront resort by the latest owners of the southern Tweed site, Wooyung Properties P/L. Dale, a 54-year-old motivation coach, acquired the site in October 2004 with the help of vendor finance, later selling it to Samtay P/L for an $800,000 loss, according to industry regulator ASIC. Samtay, which bought it for $5.5 million, struck gold in 2006 when it convinced a court that pegs driven into the ground seven years before meant that 1988 council approvals for a resort-style development, granted amid corruption claims, were still valid. It then off-loaded the site to the present owners after the


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Former Wooyung developer jailed for fraud Luis Feliu and staff reporters


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Organisers of the third annual Ukitopia Festival held last weekend say it was an ‘amazing community success’ given funding for the event was a fraction of last year’s. More than 1,000 people visited the village for the three-day free festival showcasing the locals’ talents and creative flair, from music to performance and art, with workshops, storytelling and a historic photo display adding to the atmosphere. Organiser Natascha Wernick said she was a little nervous at the outset of the festival with no outside funding apart from a couple of thousand dollars from Tweed Shire Council, ‘as opposed to last year where we produced the festival with an extra $18,000’. ‘We cut back the costs, spread the load throughout the village involving more venues and more businesses. It was a calculated risk and it worked,’ Ms Wernick said.

Bill McCullochs

The Tweed Shire Echo November 24, 2011 5 21/11/11 11:09:48 AM


Let them eat yellowcake, says Julia

Volume 4 #13

November 24, 2011

Death of a newspaper The Daily News, which has announced its imminent closure, has served our community for 123 years, and losing such a voice from the democratic conversation is no gain for the residents of the Tweed. Although latterly the DN was out of touch with the political orientation and environmental concerns of the region, its demise leaves a vacuum in the local print media which envious interests over the border will not be slow to exploit. Rupert Murdoch’s Gold Coast Bulletin is now the nearest print daily to our shire, and it is unfortunate that the Bully has all of the vices of a Murdoch tabloid – political bias, sensationalism, reckless intrusion of privacy – with none of the occasional virtues of readability and capacity for breaking news. The paper has increased its coverage of Tweed issues in the past few months, and its blatant subservience to commercial interests does not bode well for the future. Readers are likely to find that local concerns will be trivialised, sensationalised, or – as in the case of the Leda ‘dossiers’ – slanted to the newspaper’s ideology. In the face of a rampant Bully, the Daily News’s offering of an enhanced website and a cheap Saturday edition (how long will that last?) is not enough to prevent a crass Gold Coast takeover of our public space. However, there is a David for this Goliath. Since August The Echo has been producing a free daily online publication Echonetdaily. We are under no illusion that a tiny local organisation can hinder a ruthless international corporation, but we do offer a choice. And as paid daily newspapers continue go under (free weeklies are relatively buoyant) a choice of information becomes ever more important.

A deafening silence For Tweed councillors Polglase, Youngblutt, Skinner and Holdom to approve a Hastings Point development that breaches the building controls recently put in place after a long and exhaustive process involving council, developers and the community is decidedly odd. What is even odder is their refusal to publicly defend their decision. A rescission motion on the issue this week gave them the opportunity to explain to everyone just why it was so important to undermine the controls and snub the community that had worked so hard for them. They said nothing, not a word. They voted again for the overdevelopment but refused to explain why. They should not be surprised if their silence is interpreted as arrogance or something worse.

Tweed Shire Echo Publisher David Lovejoy Editor Luis Feliu Advertising Manager Angela Cornell Accounts Manager Simon Haslam Production Manager Ziggi Browning ‘The job of a newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.’ – Finley Peter Dunne 1867–1936 © 2011 Echo Publications Pty Ltd Phone 02 6672 2280 email news/letters: email advertising: Printer: Horton Media Australia Ltd

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o the powers that be in the ALP have decreed that it is time to take the all but final step in neutralising one of the party’s great divisions. By moving to sell Australian uranium to India, a country that has not and will not sign the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, Julia Gillard has effectively proclaimed that an issue which has plagued Labor for more that thirty years is now dead. Finished, kaput. Uranium is not longer to be compared to Kryptonite, a substance which emits death rays and is so evil that it should not even be considered as a topic of conversation in polite society. It is now just another ore to be dug up and exported because doing so is good for Australia’s trade balance and good for Australian jobs. And of course because the Indians want it, and have made it clear that if they don’t get it they’re going to show their irritation. And given that India is well on the way to becoming a very major power in the region, this is not something we would really welcome. The diehards of the left will mount a last-ditch stand against Gillard’s move at next month’s National Conference, but it is clear that they don’t have the numbers. Indeed they have not had the numbers since 1984, when the federal conference removed the existing blanket ban against uranium mining and replaced it with the illogical compromise of the three mines policy, which gave the green light to Ranger, Olympic Dam and Beverley but declared all other projects dead in the water. From that moment the purity of Labor’s anti-uranium stance was lost, but the party continued to pretend that it

was at least half a virgin until 2007, when the three mines party was replaced with open slather. But a vestige of principle remained: Australia would not sell uranium to countries that had not signed the NPT, and when Kevin Rudd came to power later that year he promptly reversed John Howard’s decision to sell the ore to India – this was, after all, party policy.

New Delhi cannot see the logic of Australia supplying uranium ore to China but not India. by Mungo MacCallum The problem was that the policy, like the NPT itself, had been designed for earlier, simpler times. The idea of the NPT had been to limit the spread of nuclear weapons to those who already had them – USA, USSR, France and China, which just got in under the wire. Signatories pledged not to try and develop them, and as a quid pro quo those with them were supposed to pursued policies of disarmament. The second didn’t happen – at least not for a long time, and the process is still far from complete. But the real problem was that a number of countries, including India, were well on the way to their first nuclear test, and saw no reason to turn back. After all, just across the border was a potentially hostile China, with nukes at the ready, and on the other side Pakistan was working towards the same goal and was not prepared to sign up either. India was not alone. Israel had research under way and South Africa was believed to have similar am-

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6 November 24, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

bitions. South Africa dropped out, but other states quickly came in to replace it: we now have North Korea and Iran to worry about. The NPT cannot be said to have failed entirely; the expansion of nuclear potential has indeed been limited. But it has not been stopped and India, the world’s largest democracy, is entitled to feel miffed at being treated in the same way as and use the ‘subscribe’ button on the top right hand corner to enter your email address. It’s that simple!


or more usually the way their faction bosses tell them, rather than being bound by decisions of caucus as a whole. It is reserved for so-called ‘moral’ issues, which mean ones concerned, at least peripherally, with sex. Some say gay marriage should not be considered in this category: it is a matter of anti-discrimination, not a life and death issue. Well no, but nor was the legalisation of homosexuality in the first place; that went to a conscience vote. So did abortion, and most rational people would agree that this is not a matter of life and death in the first trimester, when the foetus is not viable. And if we’re really concerned that life and death issues should be a matter of conscience, why don’t we have a conscience vote on things like going to war? Or the legalisation of drugs? Or, for that matter, the wearing of bike helmets? Or even the sale and export of uranium? Well, because these are not matters over which the pope gets his knickers in a knot. Conscience, in the usage of the Australian Labor Party, is determined by the Roman Catholic Church and the aim of a conscience vote is to allow members to vote against moves for equality, fairness and social justice if the pope doesn’t like them. The irony, of course, is that the church teaches that conscience is always paramount – that every vote should be a conscience vote and that it should ultimately be determined not by the church but by the individual. But that’s too difficult altogether. Ends and means, my children, ends and means.

the rogue states. In particular, New Delhi cannot see the logic of Australia supplying uranium ore to China but not India simply because China was a couple of years quicker off the mark. Gillard has a logical and coherent case; it’s a pity that so far she has put it purely in terms of Australia’s material advantage. Labor does, of course, have one remaining anti-nuclear fallback: no nuclear power within our own borders. But this too is a bit hard to justify; if the stuff ’s too dangerous for us to use, how come we sell it to everyone else? What are we, drug pushers, exporters of deadly poisons, merchants of death? Sooner or later this contradiction will have to be resolved, but not yet. Disposing of the NPT is quite enough for one year. Gillard’s other conference test, as the magisters of News Limited like to call her proposals, will be gay marriage, for which she has proposed a conn For Mungo’s video at science vote. This is a device which allows Labor members to vote the way they want to, Go to


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Letters Email: Deadline: Noon, Tuesday Letters longer than 200 words may be cut and pseudonyms are not acceptable. Please include your full name, address and phone number.

Hastings Point outrage

Thumbs down to McDonald’s in Mur’bah ■ I am writing to voice my con-

cern about the proposal for a McDonald’s to be built here. As a fairly long-term resident of this area I feel the impact of a McDonald’s in Murwillumbah will be devastating to our community and local businesses. Since the highway took away through traffic, the town has experienced a downturn in volume of people visiting the local businesses. A McDonald’s is not going to bring more people into town, but take them away from the core of local eateries. There is a McDonald’s on the highway already, which will satisfy hungry cravings for such a food source. Murwillumbah does not need another one. The local eateries are struggling; many have closed or are operating on minimal income and keep trading as it is a way of life for the proud cafe/restaurant owner. Murwillumbah is gaining a reputation for good food, organically based and highly nutritional. We do not need this contradictory image overshadowing our beloved Murwillumbah. I personally do not want to see such a trashy food source entice our youngsters into bad eating habits. KFC is bad enough! McDonald’s has a negative impact on agriculture, farming beef cattle and degrading our land and soils and depleting the ocean of certain fish. Why would we want to sup-

I am outraged at the behaviour of councillors who voted to support a non-compliant building in Hastings Point with no explanation for their behaviour to the people of the village. As an interstate-based property owner, my property purchase was based in good faith on the passage of the Hastings Point DCP. It seems that some Tweed councillors cannot be trusted at all and have no personal integrity. I will be taking legal advice as to capacity to sue those councillors personally for their actions as they have not only misled me but have destroyed an entire community’s faith in due process. and put other communities in NSW at risk. I followed the process undertaken in relation to the development of the DCP from a distance but with great interest due to my wish to retire to the Tweed Coast. It seems that ‘community consultation’ means nothing to these councillors other than a way to shut the community up. Woe betide those of us who believed it to be real. I understand this council was sacked once. Surely not for the same behaviour. I sincerely hope the Hastings Point community will now invoice council for the time, effort and financial sacrifice this ry all the cost. For instance, at marathon effort has cost them. Pottsville why not let them off a With extreme anger couple of car parks in exchange J Everingham for the trees being kept. At Brunswick, Victoria least the community would get something back. ■ Unconscionable. UnforgiveAlmost 3,000 children last able. Unforgettable. month entered koala colouringJ Boyd in competitions, not really for Hastings Point the prizes, which were minimal, but because they want to keep Koala food trees their free-ranging koalas on the The office block at Elizabeth Tweed. If we adults want to do Street, Pottsville: last week I it, it is still possible, but we have too wondered how three koala to get serious about it. food trees could be so imporI will be sad (not as sad as tant; it all seemed a little over the koala, who will probably die the top, so I did some research. with his tree gone, but still sad) The trees in question are de- if we lose this group of trees, but fined as being in ‘core koala what would be worse is that we habitat’ which means they are didn’t take the chance to learn currently being used by a koala. why these individual trees were/ The koala corridor is almost are so important, and do somelike a series of stepping stones thing about it. We can do this if for the koalas. They follow the we choose to. same path and use the same Lisa Townsend trees for generation after genMurwillumbah eration. If a koala gets to where that next tree is supposed to be, Gas rumbles and it is gone, then they don’t In an outrageous claim James know what to do and get very Balderstone, Santos vice-presconfused and stressed. ident, was quoted saying, ‘We The ecologists who were believe our operations will be thumbs up on the car rally and shown to enhance rural comkoalas (with certain measures munities in general and in parin place) are aghast at the re- ticular the productivity of landmoval of these trees. holders who choose to work The council could help facili- with us.’ tate saving the koala food trees How ‘in particular’ can the on new development sites by company demonstrate with helping the developer not car- verifiable science that this is in

port this activity if we had any can there be a guarantee on compassion for our nature, adequate management of waste health and global impact? paper and plastics so close to a Peaches Land major water body, as well as to Tyalgum the entrance to the town? One of the most common ■ As a business owner and resi- comments from tourists and dent of the shire, I am strongly visitors to the area is their deopposed to the application for a light in our local architecture, McDonald’s facility at the door- particularly the Art Deco buildway to Murwillumbah on the ings along both main streets following grounds. that lend a unique character The Tweed Valley is being and flavour to the town. The promoted heavily as a food character (or lack thereof) of bowl for organic, locally grown the proposed business, with the produce, with many local events usual fast-food outlet image, is and festivals attracting people in direct contradiction to the to the area to enjoy the wonder- character of Murwillumbah. ful produce and environment I also have some concerns we enjoy here. A generic junk- regarding the traffic report. food icon at the doorway to the There is currently already an Tweed Valley would sully this issue with people crossing the impression, and put us in the double lines that stretch along category of just another high- that side of the road on Tweed way town. Valley Way; what are the conThere is sufficient informa- siderations for the additional tion available on the internet movement of cars to and from to quantify the substandard the proposed site? Mainly, however, there has nutritional impact of McDonald’s foods, not to mention the been a definite lack of comknown environmental impact munity consultation, with most this multinational corporation people I have raised this issue has had upon the entire planet! with since becoming aware of Surely our local council, with its it only last week, saying they strong environmental focus and knew nothing about it! Is there measures, would understand even a visible development prothe incredibly negative impact posal sign on the proposed site? such an icon would have upon I have discussed this with the region? many businesses in MurwilThe environmental impact lumbah, who have expressed of all the litter associated with their concern about the impact a fast-food outlet is a major on business in the town cenconcern, particularly with the tre, particularly as business has Tweed River being directly op- been tough for many since the posite the proposed site. How GFC. You only have to walk

fact true after 15 years of drilling operations in Queensland? Can we please see how farmland is irrigated with gas well heads 600 metres apart? What, if any, changes have occurred in the water quality/ availability, level of subsidence, soil fertility/salinity/contamination? What is done with the ‘produced water’? Has there been an increase in road building, large truck movements, noise, air and visual pollution? Have there been any increases of illness since the beginning of drilling? Eagerly awaiting answers. Ari Ehrlich


Rules are rules

I believe that the administrators left a number of controversial decisions to a new fledgling council to decide. So what have they achieved so far? I’m not going to get into who did what, just the realistic outcomes of the decisions this new council has made, and the ramifications of them. I’m driven to write this after walking out on the council meeting of November 15, 2011, after they made their decision on the DA in Hastings Point, the last in a series of unfortunate events. Our council does seem to like legal battles, at

great expense to the ratepayers. Hastings Point Development Control Plan was authorised by the council and state government. This group has created a legal document taking around five years to achieve, with various community and businessbased consultations. There was a consensus made and through consistent efforts from council staff and local residents it became a legal document. Now councillors have broken their own rules on various grounds, such as over-height, over-sized, shortfall in boundary setback, and landscaping.

down either main street and view the growing number of vacant shops. Surely the last thing we need right now is competition from a new retail centre that is located (conveniently) on the highway, thus drawing potential business away from coming into town. Adequate time and consultation is a must, to get appropriate response from the businesses and citizens of the Tweed Valley, who, like myself, have moved here or grown up here

with the enjoyment of the existing cultural feel of the town, and do not want to become another Gold Coast outlet centre. Opening the doors to McDonald’s is the beginning of the end, as far as I can see. You may as well set up a Coca Cola plant at Clarrie Hall Dam and sell all our water rights! Or have we already done that, and it’s just not public knowledge? Kirra Springs

■ Edited for length


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Letters to the Editor

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The Tweed Shire Echo November 24, 2011 7

Letters continued from page 7

So what am I to tell my kids? The people stood up, they did what they could to save a beautiful place that was being threatened. All their efforts were appreciated by the general public, but the authorities decided not to follow the rules that time. Rules and laws are made to keep our communities safe, healthy, and prosperous. They define our moral standards, and create a level of acceptability. By breaking the laws you impinge on other members of our society, and penalties are usually imposed. The developer push is like a speedster on the highway. When rules are broken then trust is affected, and all our hopes for the future. I’m not sure that I want to live in a place where it is OK to change the rules and impinge on wider populations; anarchy appears close. Rules that get bent all the time don’t get much respect, so why should we follow the rules? I have a moral ethic, and I will follow the rules, because I know that they were put there for the protection of our future society. Robyn Lemaire


Threatened foreshore

Tweed Shire Council has this week approved the removal of some 200m2 of Tumbulgum foreshore against the advice of the community and council staff to appease the owners of the Tumbulgum Tavern. The Tumbulgum Foreshore Master Plan has evolved since its inception in 2005 with a small lobby group consisting of a minority in the community requesting changes to the Master Plan. In 2010 the community was consulted on a range of revisions with the key amendment being the removal of existing foreshore to increase available car parks by eight spaces. Some 94 responses to this particular amendment were received, 78 of them from

residents, and 72 per cent rejected this amendment. The same small lobby group has again gone to the mayor looking to increase car parking, this time with an ambit claim of some additional 18 car spaces consuming over 350m2 of foreshore. Tumbulgum is a small sleepy village on the Tweed River and is a popular location for visitors to enjoy the relaxed amenity of the village. The village, however, does get busy at Sunday lunchtimes with many visitors accessing the river and foreshore for water activities as well as the popular Tumbulgum Tavern providing lunch to large groups. In particular for a two-hour period there is limited parking in and around the Tumbulgum Tavern as it routinely caters to over 350 patrons during this period. Limited on-site parking of approximately 12 car spaces is provided; however, these are utilised in the main by staff members of the tavern. Recent renovations to Tumbulgum Tavern have increase seating capacity

by over 40 seats, but no additional parking was provided. The lobby group pushing for changes against the wider community views includes the owner of Tumbulgum Tavern, Kit Gooley, and the Tumbulgum Community Association president, Ann Carkery. The major reason put to council for the removal of foreshore was that business would suffer if additional car parking was not provided – this assertion has been made with no valid research. Tweed Shire Crs Youngblutt, Skinner, Holdom and Polglase have gone against their own council charter and have approved the removal of foreshore for the benefit of an individual business owner. Tumbulgum residents will be running a campaign to stop the destruction of the foreshore, which is the very reason why many people live in this sleepy village and why visitors come to Tumbulgum in the first place.

Schools still reaping benefits from BER

Richmond MP Justine Elliot surrounded by students and teachers of Bilambil Public School recently after the official opening of new $2.02 million classrooms and facilities, funded as part of the federal Labor government’s Building the Education Revolution (BER). Last week Mrs Elliot officially opened Tyalgum Public School’s new library with BER funding of almost $1 million. To Dean Williams date, 205 BER projects in 90 schools have been funded in the electorate to the tune of more than Tumbulgum $115 million.

Letters to Leda from the Tweed community

n It is interesting to see that Leda in their recent ‘Open Letter to the Community’ make much of their ability to influence the shape of the future Tweed Shire. There is no argument there – they certainly have the ‘muscle’ to do that. Leda, however, needs to understand that with such influence also comes a high level of corporate social responsibility, some principal components of which are accountability, eco-sensitive design, sustainability and meaningful community engagement (which involves more than just letters to the paper telling the community how it will be). There is also no doubt that Leda (like all businesses) are about maximising their return on their significant investment. Again, there is nothing wrong with that.

However, what seems to be missing from the picture is a realisation from Leda that in the overall scheme of things, they will be here for a short time. Their legacy, in terms of the types of townships they deliver, will live on for many decades, and the community will be left to deal with it long after Leda have broken camp and moved on. Given that, it is imperative that local and state governments insist upon the absolute best outcome that can be achieved. It is government after all that will pick up the longterm costs (economical, social and environmental) of these developments. It’s worth remembering who funds government to do that. It is not Leda, it is us. That is where our right to be involved comes from.


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Leda needs to understand and respect our rights rather than attempt to wrest them from us by way of secret reports and intimidation against any who dare to put an alternate view. If Leda fails to do that, they will never deliver on their stated aim of ‘restoring trust to the process’. Nigel Greenup


n At no point do I remember any political party asking me if I supported two new ‘mini cities’ in the Tweed Shire; in fact more people objected to this development than any other in the history of NSW. This ‘concept approval’ for Kings Forest was given in the dying days of the very unpopular NSW Labor government. This ‘concept approval’ means they have to get approval from our council for each stage as they build it. Which means the general public gets to express its feelings on the subject though councillors. The planners have a clear set of guidelines everyone is supposed to follow, such as minimum block sizes of over 400m2. This developer wants to do things differently. I am sure they would prefer people from far away that don’t know the Tweed to decide. An investigation as to how this ridiculous proposal got this far would be very welcome. As to costs, are they factoring how much it will cost us to supply them with water needed? That’s just for starters.

J Sheehy


Phone 02 6672 6005 now! 8 November 24, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

n In reply to the open letter to the community re Kings Forest and Cobaki, I remind our community there are always two sides to a coin.

I cannot make sense of the developer’s letter to me – a member of the community. The state government approved the Kings Forest Concept Plan on December 22, 2010, the Cobaki Concept Plan on December 6, 2010 and the Cobaki Central Open Space/ Riparian Corridor project application on February 22, 2011. Cobaki Precincts 1/2/6 DAs were approved by the JRPP on May 26, 2011. The overriding authority, the state government, approved the Cobaki Concept Plan October 13, 2011. So, to date applications have indeed been approved by authorities independent of council with reports on the public record to fully inform the community – not secret such as the developer’s dossiers. To inform the community of the other side of the coin, the documentation provided by the developer for public comment (legal requirement) on Cobaki’s first three precinct DAs had deleted/changed parts of the Ministers Concept Approval which I believe did not allow for proper informed public comment. The developer’s claim of green bias of council needs to be put in perspective. Kings Forest and Cobaki are in areas of our most sensitive sites re threatened species, EECs, sensitive coastal lakes and are ASS hot spots, protected under local/state/federal/international legislation. Legal requirements are that these legislations must be adhered to – this is not green bias. Is the developer suggesting that council only be partial to their views and not consider the views of the community, many government agencies, professional experts, business corporations and the integrity of adopted planning regulations?

I agree with the developer on an external independent investigation and the sooner the better. The open letter has an awful sense and familiarity of years gone by – in the lead-up to the 1999/2004 council elections. L Smith

Tweed Heads

What a pity, what a shame, what a missed opportunity. Leda has shown by its predatory and aggressive attitude towards our landscape, natural resources and community that it is unable to understand the beauty and integrity of the Caldera context. Bob Ell and Reg Van Rij seem to prefer confrontation to cooperation in their fundamental attitude towards developing their/our greenfield sites into human settlements appropriate for this unique bio-region in 2011. The contempt for our inherent/inherited landforms and vegetation and the bullyboy attitude towards our community is weird and delinquent considering the commercial reality that the company must ultimately sell these sterile bits of dirt to the public for large sums of money. There is a softer, more ecologically sustainable and cooperative way where natural values and ecosystems are honoured and nurtured. Even if Leda have a virtual monopoly on new greenfield residential development, it should still make economic and ecological sense to tread softly and sympathetically rather than rape, scrape, burn and bulldoze. Adversarial abuse of the community is just as senseless as making war on the landscape. n

Hop E Hopkins

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one to be developed at Serene Living will support and encourage the growth of the green roof industry in Australia. ‘It is great to see green roofs being designed for specific applications and THE ROOFTOP garden oasis at Serene in the case of Serene Living the social Living is attracting a lot of attention from and physical needs of the residents,’ Tweed residents and putting the region said Mrs Carpenter. ‘The social design on the map in the world of gardening – focus for Serene Living has obviously even getting the green thumbs up from generated a greater interest in sales celebrity gardener Don Burke. to become the fastest selling over-55s The innovative rooftop garden will be development in Australia. This is a credit Australia’s largest green rooftop with more than a quarter of an acre of perfectly to Proda for including a green roof, meeting the requirements for Seniors manicured, landscaped gardens. As the Living and providing an aesthetic and safe first over-55s development to feature a rooftop garden of this scale, Serene Living environment for residents. To express your interest contact 1800 is paving the way for rooftop gardens 988 278 or visit www.sereneliving. across Australia. Don Burke, of Burke’s Backyard, said the ground-breaking rooftop garden RECYCLE AT THE will provide the ideal environment for gardening enthusiasts, beginners and REPSYCHLERS OP-SHOP those who simply want to enjoy the AT THE REPSYCHLERS OP-SHOP we benefits without lifting a finger. give unwanted pre-loved goods of all ‘This innovative and expansive rooftop sorts a second chance, often saving them garden oasis will provide everything an from landfill. Jewellery is repaired, a active over-55 could want and much, large array of clothing is sorted, cleaned, much more. The garden will comprise a then classified for shop sales or shipping mix of 2000 individual plants including to third-world countries. Silverware is native shrubs and grasses, flowering shade brought back to life with an effective trees and exotic succulents including cleaning process and old cabinets are hibiscus, banksias, birds of paradise, remodeled into stunning modern lowline magnolia little gem, blueberry ash and furniture. even olive trees. Combine this with the The Op-Shop is an Australian Disability organic vegetable gardens, peaceful Enterprise, and provides employment water features and living, growing art opportunities for people living with installations and you’ve got yourself a mental illness. All workers are paid gardener’s heaven.’ employees; every dollar made from sales The design behind the rooftop garden was the artistic vision of leading landscape supports the viability of this important service. architect Samantha Baird from Planit Consulting and will feature three barbecue Support the Op-Shop to provide an areas, separate entertaining spaces, ample increasingly sought-after service to the community. A free pickup service of lounge chairs, comfortable seating and donations can be arranged; a delivery shaded picnic areas, complemented by service is available too at a small fee. the panoramic, picturesque views of the Tweed surrounds. We are open 9.30am to 4pm Monday– Saturday at 56 Recreation Street, Green Roofs Australia president Sidonie Tweed Heads. Phone 07 5536 2537. Carpenter said rooftop gardens like the


EAT DRINK BE MERRY Jack Sprat’s Butchery

At Jack Sprat’s Butchery we make all our own hams using traditional techniques and the best locally sourced pork. We pride ourselves on knowing where our pork comes from and how it has been produced and as such sell a variety of hams which offer something a bit different. For example: our Traditional Leg Hams are made with great care and are nothing like a mass-produced supermarket ham; our Sweet Pork Bangalow Leg Hams are wonderfully moist and flavoursome and taste ‘the way pork should taste’; the pork we use for our Sunforest Organic Leg Hams is certified organic and these pigs range free on a farm in the hills behind Byron Bay; and our Byron Bay Black Berkshire Leg Hams are produced from an old English breed of pigs which are know as the ‘wagyu of pork’ because of their finer muscle texture, abundant marbling and deep rich meat colour. We also have a variety of Christmas turkeys to choose from, including traditional whole turkeys and turkey cuts, Sunforest Organic turkeys and free-range turkeys which are farmed in Cutella north of Toowoomba. Alternatively you could try one of our famous Turduckens: a turkey stuffed with a boneless duck, stuffed with boneless chicken with seasoning in between each bird. To avoid disappointment it is always best to place your Christmas orders early – we hope to see you soon. 2/26 Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South. Tel 07 5524 1311

Horizons Restaurant Overlooking the sparkling blue waters of the Jack Evans Boat

Harbour at Twin Towns is Horizons restaurant. Enjoy a friendly atmosphere with casual indoor or al fresco dining where you can take in our spectacular views. Bring a friend to Horizons for High Tea available Monday to Saturday in the afternoon from 2.30 to 4.30 for an extra-special afternoon delight!

Alleys Opens Early Throughout daylight saving Alleys will open at 11.30am (QLD time)

Enjoy award-winning, contemporary dining along the banks of the picturesque Currumbin Creek.

Alleys Restaurant

Horizons Restaurant

Currumbin RSL Club Currumbin Creek Road, Currumbin Open 7 days lunch and dinner 07 5534 7999

Lunch from 11am Dinner from 5.30pm Brunch Sundays from 10am Phone: (07) 5536 2277 or visit

CHRISTMAS LEG HAMS All cured in-house using the best locally sourced pork.

Traditional Leg Ham Bangalow Sweet pork leg ham

Wonderfully moist and flavoursome – the way pork should taste


PLACE YOUR CHRISTMAS ORDER NOW! Free range Goose Byron Bay free range ducks Whole suckling pig Turkey cranberry & pistachio Quail sausage coil Alstonville free range chicken

Sunforest Certified Organic Leg Ham Farmed in the foothills behind Byron Bay

Byron Bay Black Berkshire Leg Ham the ‘wagyu’ of pork


Traditional whole turkeys and turkey cuts.

Free Range Turkeys Sunforest Organic Turkeys Turducken

Turkey stuffed with a duck, stuffed with a chicken with seasoning in between (boneless except for the turkey legs and wings)

2/26 Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South • 07 5524 1311

The Tweed Shire Echo November 24, 2011 11

Television Guide


1. Selma Blair and Ron Perlman star in Hellboy II: The Golden Army (Prime, Saturday, 8.45pm). It fails to recapture the first fine, careless rapture of the original film but is still a step ahead of most in the comic-turned-flick genre, with Perlman excellent as the wise-cracking progeny of Lucifer’s fabled demesne. If big budget movies spent more money on screenplays, then they might not see so much of their audience drift away to high-class pay–TV series like A Game Of Thrones or True Blood. 2. Aunty has gone into the vault and dusted off the wonderful Brideshead Revisited (ABC1, Sunday, 8.30pm) eponymous series of the novel by Evelyn Waugh. The debauched antics of the terribly rich, played by a beautiful English cast (that’s a young Jeremy Irons on the left), are tempered somewhat by Waugh’s maudlin Catholicism, but it still inspires one to crack open the Bollinger or fumble ecstatically for a vial of seven per cent solution.


Park (M) 2.30 Weatherwatch

4.00 rage (G) 5.00 Can We Help? 5.30 SBS 2 The New Inventors 6.00 ABC News 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News Breakfast 9.30 Business Today 10.00 6.00 Global Village Kids’ Programs 11.30 One Plus One 6.30 Iron Chef 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Miss 7.30 Brick City Marple (M) 2.10 The Genius Of Design 8.30 The Staircase (M) 3.00 Kids’ Programs 9.30 Movie: Tears Of The

6.25 World Café Asia 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 My Family 8.30 Midsomer Murders (M) 10.05 The Old Guys

10.40 Lateline 11.20 Tracey Ullman’s State Of The Union (M) 11.45 rage (MA)


6.00 Kids’ Programs

7.00 Spicks And Specks 7.30 River Monsters 8.30 Friday Night Lights 9.20 The Slap (M) 10.20 Crownies (M)

11.15 Cold Feet 12.05 Chaser’s War On Everything (M) 12.35 Blade Of The Immortal (M) 1.00 London Live 1.30 Close


4.00 ABC News 4.05 Arts Quarter 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.15 The Quarters 5.30 Newsline 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News 12.30 Newsline 1.00 ABC News 2.30 One Plus One 3.00 Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Hill 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 Weather Quarter 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Contact Sport 8.00 ABC News 8.30 One Plus One 9.00 The World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 The Drum 10.45 Weather Quarter 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Capital Hill 12.00 ABC News 12.20 Lateline 1.00 BBC News 1.30 Contact Sport 2.00 Capital Hill 2.30 The World This Week 3.00 BBC World News 3.30 One Plus One


Black Tiger (MAV 2001) Thai western


6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King Of Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch

6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 So You Think You Can Dance 10.00 Sex And The City (MA)

11.00 The Late Late Show 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 The King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven



Hills World Cup Golf 5.30 Omnisport Lives 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News PRIME 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 6.00 Evening News

11.30 Seven News 12.00 Movie: The Family Stone (M 2005) US comedy. Diane Keaton, Sarah Jessica Parker 2.30 Dr Oz 3.00 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal

6.00 Prime News 6.30 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 Better Homes & Gardens 9.00 Movie: Funny People (MA 2009) US comedy. Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen

7.40 One Foot In The Grave 8.45 Escape To The Country

10.45 60 Minute Makover 11.45 Movie: Get Shorty (MA 1995) US comedy. John Travolta, Gene Hackman 2.00 Australian Open Tennis 2002: Hingis v Capriati 4.00 Coronation Street 4.30 Emmerdale 5.00 Home Shopping


6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 The Incredible Hulk 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 Simon And Simon 1.00 The Equalizer (M) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie 2.30 Newsradio 3.00 Xena 4.00 Hercules 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.30 Movie: Big Fat Liar (G 2002) US comedy. Frankie Muniz, Paul Giamatti

5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia 7.30 How I Met Your Mother 1.30 Tiger Woods: The Rise And Fall (M) 2.30 Living Black 3.00 Letters And 8.30 My Name Is Earl Numbers 3.30 World News 4.00 The ONE HD 9.30 Movie: American Pie Journal 4.30 Newshour 5.30 Global Presents The Naked Mile 6.00 National Football League – LIVE Village (MA 2006) US comedy. 11.15 Omnisport 11.30 ATP World 6.00 Letters And Numbers John White, Jake Siegel Tour Tennis 12.00 UFC 139 Prelims 6.30 World News Australia 11.30 Cops, Cars And Superstars (M) 1.00 Australian PGA Golf – LIVE 7.30 Town Perth 12.30 Malcolm And Eddie 1.00 Six 6.00 Jeopardy! 8.30 As It Happened Hitler’s Million Dollar Man 2.00 Quantum Leap 6.30 Beach Patrol 3.00 The Incredible Hulk 4.00 Xena: Heroes 7.00 Cops Warrior Princess 5.00 Hercules 9.30 World News Australia

10.05 Boob Tube: Sex, TV And Ugly George (MA)

11.15 Movie: DarkBlueAlmostBlack (MA 2006) Spanish drama 1.05 South

7.30 Tools Of The Trade 8.30 Movie: The Marine (M 2006) US action. John Cena, Kelly Carlson

6.30 A Current Affair 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 8.00 RBT 8.30 Movie: He’s Just Not That Into You (M 2008) US comedy. Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connelly

US biography. Woody Harrelson, Courtney Love

12.50 Undercovers (AV) 1.40 Rubicon (M) 2.30 Reno 911 (M) 5.00 Bratz 5.30 Tamagotch!


6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: A Big Hand For The Little Lady (G 1966) US comedy. Henry Fonda, Joanne Woodward 2.00 Sea Patrol 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 The Golden Girls 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show

6.00 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 Frozen Planet Meltdown 8.30 The Mentalist (M) 9.30 Movie: John Grisham’s The Client (M 1994) US thriller. Susan Sarandon, Tommy Lee Jones

12.00 Conan (M) 1.00 Psychic TV 2.30 Movie: Entertaining Mr Sloane (M 1970) UK comedy. Beryl Reid, Harry Andrews 4.30 Murder, She Wrote 5.30 The Golden Girls


5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Danoz 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres 10.30 NBL Basketball 12.30 Mission Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our


end of the line

FIVE ARTISTS, FIVE SENSIBILITIES, ONE WEEKEND ONLY Multimedia art event to take you to the end of the line and back Nathalie Verdejo, Frida Lezius, Cristina Sharratt, Steve Waller, Hannah Massey

Opening 6pm Friday 9 December with music by Stu Beaumont 10am–4pm, Saturday & Sunday 10th & 11th December


6.30 Funniest Home Videos

6.30 Kids’ Programs 7.00 Weekend 7.30 Movie: Elf (G 2003) US 6.00 Italian Gardens comedy. Will Ferrell, Sunrise 9.00 Kids’ Programs 2.00 V8 7.00 ABC News Edward Asner Xtra 2.30 Fujitsu Series Motorsport 7.30 Doc Martin 3.30 Possum’s Club 4.00 Room For 8.40 Lotto 8.20 Miss Marple Improvement 4.30 Cheetah Man 5.30 9.30 Movie: Four Holidays 9.50 Graham Norton Show (M) 11.20 Movie: Paper Castles (MA 2009) Sydney Weekender (M 2008) US comedy. Spanish drama 1.05 Weatherwatch 10.40 Trial And Retribution (M) 12.10 6.00 Seven News Vince Vaughn, Reese rage (MA) TEN 6.30 Movie: The Nutty Witherspoon 6.00 Kids’ Programs 11.30 Landed Professor II (PG 2000) US 11.20 Movie: A Love Song For Bobby ABC 2 Music 12.00 Australian PGA Golf – LIVE Long (M 2004) US drama. John Travolta, comedy. Eddie Murphy, 6.00 Kids’ Program 5.00 Ten News Scarlett Johansson 1.50 Movie: Agatha Janet Jackson 7.00 Monkey Thieves Christie’s The Mirror Crack’d (PG 1980) 6.30 Movie: Ice Age (G 2002) 8.45 Movie: Hellboy II (M 7.30 Great Ormond Street UK mystery. Angela Lansbury, Tony US comedy. Ray Romano, 2008) US action. Ron 8.25 At The Movies Curtis 4.00 Infomercials John Leguizamo Perlman, Selma Blair 8.40 Movie: The Jerk (M 1979) 8.45 Movie: Courage Under 11.15 That ’70s Show 12.15 Grey’s GO! US comedy. Steve Martin, Fire (M 1996) US action. Anatomy (M) 1.15 Movie: Pieces 6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Married Bernadette Peters Denzel Washington, Meg Of April (M 2003) US comedy. Katie With Children 2.00 Spin City 2.30 10.10 Movie: Murder By Death Holmes, Oliver Platt 3.00 Home I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here Ryan (PG 1976) US mystery. 11.10 Movie: Hustle & Flow (M 2005) Shopping 4.00 Celebrity Apprentice 5.30 Total Peter Falk, Alec Guinness US drama. Terrence Howard, Anthony Wipeout UK 11.45 Cherry’s Body Dilemmas (M) Anderson 1.30 Infomercials 4.00 7TWO 6.30 Kids’ Programs 8.00 Sandcastles 6.30 Top Gear USA 12.40 Awesome: I Shot That (M) 2.10 Religion 8.30 Better Homes And Gardens 10.00 7.30 Two And A Half Men Close ELEVEN The Great Outdoors 11.00 Queensland 8.30 Movie: Ronin (M 1998) ABC NEWS 24 US action. Robert De Niro, 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Weekender 11.30 Great South East 4.00 ABC News 4.05 Finance Quarter Brady Bunch 8.30 Everybody Loves 12.00 Creek To Coast 12.30 The Travel Jean Reno 4.15 The Drum 5.00 Q&A 6.00 7.30 Raymond 9.00 Touched By An Angel Bug 1.30 Weekend Kitchen 5.00 The 11.10 South Park (MA) 12.00 Total 6.30 Behind The News 7.00 ABC News 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Good Life 5.40 Are You Being Served? Wipeout UK 1.00 Miss Popularity 2.00 7.30 Contact Sport 8.00 ABC News 8.45 Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 6.15 Keeping Up Appearances Rock Rivals (M) 3.00 Top Gear USA 4.00 Weather Quarter 9.00 ABC News 9.45 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King Of 6.50 One Foot In The Grave The Moment Of Truth 5.00 Bratz 5.30 The Quarters 10.00 ABC News 10.30 Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 7.30 Heartbeat Tamagotch! 7.30 11.00 ABC News 11.30 7.30 12.00 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 9.30 Taggart (M) ABC News 12.30 7.30 Select 1.00 Big The Brady Bunch 11.40 Porridge 12.10 Movie: Project – Ideas 2.00 ABC News 2.30 7.30 3.00 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch Alf (G 1996) US comedy. Martin Sheen, ABC News 3.30 Foreign Correspondent 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond Miguel Ferrer 2.00 Australian Open 6.00 Movie: A Big Hand For The Little Lady (G 1966) US comedy. Henry Fonda, 4.00 ABC News 4.30 Behind The News Tennis 1988: Lendl v Cash 7.30 Frasier Joanne Woodward 8.00 Infomercials 5.00 ABC News 5.30 One Plus One 6.00 9.00 Movie: The Titfield Thunderbolt ABC News 6.30 Australian Story 7.00 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7MATE (G 1953) UK comedy. Stanley Holloway, ABC News 7.30 The World This Week 8.30 Frasier 6.00 The Jeff Foxworthy Show 6.30 Six John Gregson 10.50 Movie: The Story 8.00 Four Corners 8.45 Big Ideas 9.00 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond Million Dollar Man 7.30 The Incredible ABC News 9.30 State To State 10.00 9.30 Lady Gaga Presents The Hulk 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 NBC Today Of Gilbert And Sullivan (G 1953) UK biography. Maurice Evans, Peter Finch Monster Ball Tour (M) ABC News 10.30 7.30 Select 11.00 ABC 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 V8 Utes News 11.30 Foreign Correspondent 12.00 Angel (M) 1.00 The King 1.00 V8 Supercars 2.00 Zoom TV 2.30 1.10 Movie: Kim (G 1950) US adven12.00 Big Ideas 1.00 BBC World News Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 3.00 Great Grand Prix Racing Heroes 3.30 ture. Errol Flynn, Dean Stockwell 3.30 1.30 7.30 3.00 One Plus One 2.30 7.30 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By Monster Garage 5.30 Monster & Mega Drop Dead Diva 6.30 Antiques Roadshow An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven 3.00 BBC World News 3.30 7.30 Machines



Station Street Studios, cnr Mill & Station streets, Mullumbimby


5.00 World News 5.05 World News 6.00 Bundesliga Football 7.00 National 1.00 Opera: Der Rosenkavalier 4.30 Football League 10.00 NBL Basketball: Melbourne v Sydney 12.00 NFL Newshour 5.30 Prototype This America’s Game 1.00 WWE Experience 6.30 World News Australia 2.00 Australian Rally Championship 7.30 Big, Bigger, Biggest 3.00 NASCAR Nationwide Series 4.00 8.30 Mythbusters NASCAR Sprint Cup 5.00 Extreme 9.30 RocKwiz Dreams 5.30 I Fish

10.20 Movie: Stone Bros. (MA 2008) Australian comedy. Luke Carroll, Leon Burchill

12.00 SOS (M/MAV) 1.10 South Park

6.00 Save Point 6.30 Rok Adventure 7.30 Fear Factor



5.00 rage (PG) 6.30 Kids’ Programs 9.00 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News Insiders 10.00 Inside Business 10.30 6.00 More Than A Fiesta Offsiders 11.00 Asia Pacific Focus 11.30 6.35 Italian Food Challenge Songs Of Praise 12.00 Beachcomber 7.30 Ninja Warrior Cottage 1.00 7.30 1.30 Opera: Der 8.00 Unbeatable Banzuke Rosenkavalier 5.00 Art Nation 5.30 8.30 Escape To The Legion (M) 9.30 Movie: The Collector Dance Academy

(M 2010) Kurt Wallander 6.00 Life crime 7.00 ABC News 11.05 Movie: Ferpect Crime (MAV 7.30 Restoration Home 8.30 Brideshead Revisited (M) 2004) Spanish black comedy 1.00

6.30 Mighty Structures 8.30 Movie: Flatliners (M 1990) US drama. Kiefer Sutherland, Julia Roberts

10.50 World War II: The Lost Films (M) 11.50 Unsolved Mysteries (M) 1.00 Great Grand Prix Racing Heroes 2.00 The Incredible Hulk 3.00 Six Million Dollar Man 4.00 Quantum Leap 5.00 Adam 12 5.30 Home Shopping

6.00 Kids’ Programs 7.00 At The Movies 7.30 Voyage To The Planets Saturn 8.30 Sunday Best (M) 10.15 Opera: Der Rosenkavalier

6.30 Merlin 7.30 It’s A Knockout 8.30 Terra Nova (M) 9.30 Ringer (M) 10.30 Go Girls (M)

4.00 7.30 5.00 Big Ideas 6.00 7.30 6.30 Behind The News 7.00 ABC News 7.30 The World This Week 8.00 ABC News 9.00 Insiders 10.00 ABC News 10.30 7.30 11.00 ABC News 11.30 7.30 12.00 ABC News 12.30 Offsiders 1.00 Big Ideas 2.00 ABC News 2.30 7.30 3.00 ABC News 3.30 Australian Story 4.00 ABC News 4.30 Behind The News 5.00 ABC News 5.30 Inside Business 6.00 ABC News 6.30 Foreign Correspondent 7.00 ABC News 7.30 One Plus One 8.00 Insiders 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Asia Pacific Focus 10.00 Winners And Losers In The Green Economy 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Australian Story 12.00 Big Ideas 1.00 BBC World News 1.30 7.30 2.00 Big Ideas 3.00 BBC World News 3.30 7.30


5.00 World News 8.30 PopAsia 10.30 FIFA World Cup 2014 11.00 Football Feature 12.00 UEFA Champions League 12.30 Speedweek 2.00 World News 3.00 Clay Aiken 4.00 A Fork In Asia: Thailand 4.30 Living Black 5.00 Cycling Central


6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady Bunch 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King Of Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch

6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 The Simpsons 8.00 Futurama 8.30 Movie: Twilight (M 2008) US adventure. Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson

11.30 Conan (M) 12.20 Psychic TV 1.50 Movie: Best Pair Of Legs In The Business (M 1973) UK comedy. Reg Varney, Diana Coupland 3.40 Movie: That’s Entertainment II (G 1976) US documentary. Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly


6.00 NBN News 6.30 Animal House

6.00 Religion 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 7.30 60 Minutes 10.00 Business Builders 10.30 Under 8.30 CSI (M) The Hammer 11.00 Kids’ Programs 2.15 Movie: Glory Road (PG 2006) 9.30 The Commander (M) US drama. Josh Lucas, Jon Voight 10.30 David Guetta: Nothing But The Beat (M) 4.45 Fawlty Towers 5.30 NZ On A Plate 11.30 Flashpoint (M) 12.30 The Baron 6.00 Seven News 1.30 Spyforce 2.30 Home Shopping 6.30 Mighty Ships 4.00 Good Morning America 5.00 Early 7.30 Dog Patrol Morning News

8.00 Coastwatch 8.30 Bones (M) 9.30 Castle (M) 10.30 Royal Pains (M)


6.30 Home And Away 8.50 Ugly Betty 9.50 The World Around Us 10.45 Movie: The Palomino (PG 1950) Western. Jerome Courtland, Beverly 11.30 Movie: Mr Brooks (M 2007) Tyler 12.15 Movie: Anatomy Of A US drama. Kevin Costner, Demi Murder (PG 1959) US drama. James Moore 2.00 Formula 1 Grand Prix Stewart, Ben Gazzara 3.30 Movie: Vanity Fair (PG 2004) UK drama. Reece 1.40 Beautiful Noise: Jeff Healey And LIVE – Brazil 5.00 Religion Witherspoon, Gabriel Byrne The Jazz Wizards 2.35 Close


8.30 CSI: NY (M) 9.30 CSI: Miami (M) 10.30 CSI (M)

Formula 1 Grand Prix LIVE – Brazil 5.05 Series 4.30 Manly Surf 5.00 NBN News National Football League – LIVE 5.30 Antiques Roadshow

10.40 Pride And Prejudice 11.35 Weatherwatch Ladies Of Letters 12.00 Order In TEN 11.30 Love Bites (M) 12.30 Grey’s The House 1.00 Restoration Home 6.00 Religion 7.00 Kids’ Programs Anatomy (M) 1.30 Home Shopping 2.00 Lilies (M) 12.00 Australian PGA Golf – LIVE 5.00 5.30 Seven News Ten News ABC 2

6.00 Thalassa 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 The Bible A History 8.30 The Promise (M) 10.05 Walkley Awards 2011

12 November 24, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

12.30 Mission Hills World Cup Golf 2.50 Grand Prix LIVE – Wollongong 3.30 The Formula 1 Qualifying LIVE – Brazil 4.15 Wildlife Man 4.30 The Garden Gurus Pro Bull Riding 5.15 ATP World Tour 5.00 NBN News 5.30 Getaway Tennis 5.45 Omnisport 6.00 NBN News

8.30 Bronzino: Restoring Genius 9.30 Movie: Tony Manero (MA 2010) Chilean drama

11.10 Movie: Taking Lives (M 2004) US mystery. Angelina Jolie, Ethan Hawke 1.15 Movie: Thank God It’s Friday (M 1978) US comedy. Donna Summer, Valerie Landsburg 3.00 Skippy 3.30 TEN Entertainment Tonight 4.00 Danoz 4.30 6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’Programs 9.00 Good Morning America 12.00 October Road 2.00 Home Ten News 10.00 The Circle 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady Shopping GO! Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 7TWO 6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen 4.30 The Bold And 6.30 Martha Stewart Show 7.30 Dr Oz Entertainment Tonight 2.00 TMZ 2.30 The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & Married With Children 3.00 Just Shoot 6.30 The Project Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 7.30 Rules Of Engagement Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 6.00 Movie: Raise Your Voice 8.30 House (M) 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Deal (PG 2004) US comedy. 9.30 Movie: Little Miss Or No Deal 12.00 Brothers & Sisters Hilary Duff, Oliver James Sunshine (M 2006) US (M) 1.00 Grey’s Anatomy (M) 2.00 8.10 Movie: She’s All That (PG comedy. Greg Kinnear, McMillan 3.30 Head Of The Class 4.00 1999) US comedy. Freddie Toni Collette My Pregnancy 4.30 The Hogan Family Prinze Jr, Rachael Leigh 11.40 The Late Show 12.40 Movie: 5.00 Doctor In The House 5.30 One Cook Crimson Force (AV 2005) US scifi. Foot In The Grave 10.10 Movie: The People Vs Tony Amendola, Chokachi David 2.40 6.00 Bargain Hunt Larry Flynt (MA 1996) Infomercials 5.00 Religion 7.00 Keeping Up Appearances 11.15 Movie: Dumplings (MAV 2004) Hong Kong horror 12.50 Weatherwatch

(M) 2.10 Weatherwatch

5.00 rage (PG) 11.00 Choccywoccy- SBS 2 doodah 11.30 The Hunt For HMAS 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News Sydney 12.30 Foreign Correspondent 6.00 Wine Lovers’ Guide To 1.00 WNBL Basketball LIVE – Logan v Australia West Coast 3.00 W-League Football 6.30 Food Trip LIVE – Adelaide v Sydney 5.00 Bowls: 7.30 Behind The Front Door Australia v RSA

8.30 Race To Dakar (M) NBN 9.30 48 Hours 6.00 Danoz 7.00 Weekend Today 10.30 NBL Basketball Adelaide 9.00 Saturday Kerri-Anne 11.00 Kids’ v Gold Coast Programs 1.30 International Cycling

6.30 Test Kitchen 7.00 Sandcastles 7.30 The Royal 8.30 Escape To The Country 10.30 Homes Under The Hammer

11.45 The World At War 12.50 No Going Back 1.50 Movie: How To Steal A Million (G 1966) US comedy. Eli Wallach, Hugh Griffith 4.30 The World Around Us 5.30 Home Shopping



6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Married With Children 1.30 Picture This With Quickflix 2.00 Spin City 2.30 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here 3.30 The Bachelor 5.30 Survivor: South Pacific

6.30 The Big Bang Theory 7.30 Aria Awards 2011 10.30 David Guetta: Nothing But The Beat (M)

12.00 South Park (MA) 12.30 Miss Popularity 1.30 Reno 911 (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 The Flintstones


6.00 Religion 6.30 Movie: Billy Liar (PG 1963) UK comedy. Tom Courtenay, Julie Christie 8.30 Infomercials 9.30 Movie: Piccadilly Incident (G 1946) WWII drama. Anna Neagle, Michael Wilding 11.40 Movie: Dunkirk (PG 1958) WWII drama. John Mills, Richard Attenborough 2.30 The Garden Gurus 3.00 Getaway 3.30 Movie: Anchors Aweigh (G 1945) US comedy. Frank Sinatra, Kathryn Grayson

6.30 Antiques Roadshow

6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 The 7.30 As Time Goes By Incredible Hulk 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 Man 8.00 Yes Minister V Food 9.30 V8 Xtra 10.00 NWA – On 8.30 Movie: The Aviator (M Fire 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 SCU: 2004) US biography. Serious Crash Unit 1.00 Zoom TV 2.30 Leonardo Di Caprio, Kate Great Grand Prix Racing Heroes 3.30 11.00 Angel (M) 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Blanchett Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 The Monster Garage 5.30 That ’70s Show 11.55 Movie: Wrath Of God (M King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 6.30 Verminators 1972) Western. Robert Mitchum, The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 7.30 Mythbusters Frank Langella 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th 8.30 Warehouse 13 (M) 4.30 Religion 5.00 The Golden Girls Heaven 10.30 Movie: Double Team (M 5.30 Today


1997) US action. JeanClaude Van Damme,

6.00 Arsenal Football 9.00 History Of Dennis Rodman The Volvo Ocean Race 10.00 Mission 12.30 Caprica (M) 2.30 Man V Food Hills World Cup Golf 3.00 The WWE 3.00 Six Million Dollar Man 4.00 Experience 4.00 Goodwood Revival Quantum Leap 5.00 Adam 12 5.30 2011 5.00 Airline 5.30 I Fish Home Shopping

6.30 Megastructures Breakdown 7.30 Ice Road Truckers 8.30 Movie: Babylon A.D. (M 2008) US action. Vin Diesel, Michelle Yeoh


6.00 Infomercials 7.00 Weekend Today 10.00 The Wildlife Man 11.00 Australian Fishing Championships 11.30 Sydney Marathon 12.30 International Cycling 12.10 Movie: Ae Fond Kiss (MA 2003) UK drama 2.05 10.35 NBL Basketball: Perth v Sydney Grand Prix LIVE – Cronulla 2.30 12.35 Mission Hills World Cup Golf 2.00 Knightrider 3.30 Rugby Sevens World Weatherwatch

PLEASE NOTE The Echo takes great care producing this guide, but unfortunately TV stations like to tinker with things at the last minute and sometimes make changes after we have gone to print. Channel 9 (NBN, Gem and Go!) is the worst offender – they frequently change their prime-time movies and other shows just before screening, and Channel 7 (Prime7, 7two and 7mate) is not much better.

Monday 28 ABC 1

4.00 rage (G) 5.00 Art Nation 5.30 At The Movies 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.30 Business Today 10.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Best Of Landline 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Monarch Of The Glen 1.30 The Free Range Cook 2.00 Parliament Question Time 3.00 Kids’ Programs

6.00 Grand Designs 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Who’s Been Sleeping In My House? 8.30 The Hour (M) 10.25 Lateline

10.30 Skins (MA)

12.30 NBL Basketball: Adelaide v Gold 11.30 The World Game 12.30 Coast 2.30 Arsenal Football 5.30 ATP Living Black 1.00 Movie: Since World Tour Tennis Otar Left (M 2003) French drama PRIME 2.50 Weatherwatch 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show SBS 2 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News Motives (M 2004) US thriller. Vivica A 6.00 Living Black Fox, Shemar Moore 2.00 Dr Oz 3.00 Bush Doctors 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 6.30 Iron Chef Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 7.30 Allergy Planet

8.30 To Infinity And Beyond 9.30 The World Game 10.30 Movie: Days Of Being Wild (M 1990) Hong Kong drama

12.10 Weatherwatch 11.00 Lateline Business 11.25 Darling Buds Of May 12.20 Parliament Question TEN Time 1.20 The Hour (M) 2.20 Hungry 6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’Programs 9.00 Beast (M) 3.00 Bowls: Australia v RSA The Circle 11.00 Ten News 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady ABC 2 Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 6.00 Kids’ Programs 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen 4.30 The Bold And 7.00 Spicks And Specks The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News

7.30 Jimmy’s Food Factory 8.00 Outnumbered 8.30 Haven (M) 9.30 Breaking Bad (M) 10.15 Graham Norton Show (M)

11.05 River Monsters 12.00 Gimme, Gimme, Gimme (M) 12.30 Zoo Days 1.00 Scrapheap Challenge 1.40 Close


4.00 ABC News 4.05 Big Ideas 5.00 ABC News 5.15 Weather Quarter 5.30 Asia Pacific Focus 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News 12.30 Inside Business 1.00 ABC News 2.00 Question Time 3.30 Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Hill 5.45 Weather Quarter 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 Environment Quarter 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 ABC News 8.30 Lateline Business 9.00 The World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 The Drum 10.45 Environment Quarter 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Newsline 12.00 ABC News 12.20 Lateline 1.00 BBC News 1.30 Lateline Business 2.00 BBC World News 2.30 7.30 3.00 Lateline 3.35 Lateline Business


Tuesday 29

6.00 Prime News 6.30 Seven News 7.00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 7.30 SCU: Serious Crash Unit 8.00 Drug Bust 8.30 Criminal Minds (M) 9.30 Air Crash Investigations 10.30 The Air Show

6.00 Jeopardy! 6.30 Beach Patrol 7.00 Cops 7.30 Psych 8.30 Burn Notice (M)

6.00 My Wife And Kids 6.30 Gary Unmarried 7.00 That ’70s Show 7.30 How I Met Your Mother 8.30 Family Guy (M) 9.00 American Dad 9.30 Family Guy (M) 10.30 My Name Is Earl

6.00 Turn Back Time 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Nigella Kitchen 8.30 Grumpy Guide To Work (M) 9.30 United States Of Tara (MA) 10.00 Artscape 10.30 Lateline

11.05 Lateline Business 11.35 The Deep (M) 12.30 Parliament Question Time 1.30 Monarch Of The Glen 3.00 Big Ideas


6.00 Kids’ Programs

7.00 Spicks And Specks 7.30 Dirty Jobs 8.30 Good Game 9.30 Green Wing (M) 10.25 triple j presents Sparkadia

11.15 Movie: Au Revoir Taipei (M

6.00 NBN News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 8.25 Lotto 8.30 The Mentalist (M) 9.30 CSI: Miami (M)

11.30 Undercovers (M) 12.30 The Avengers 1.30 Entertainment Tonight 2.00 Infomercials 3.30 Good Morning America 5.00 Early Morning News



6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’Programs 9.00 The Circle 11.00 Ten News 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News

6.30 The Project 7.30 Modern Family 8.00 Rules Of Engagement 8.30 NCIS: Los Angeles (M) 9.30 Offspring (M) 10.30 Good News World (M)

6.00 Jeopardy! 6.30 Beach Patrol


6.00 Kids’ Programs

7.00 Spicks And Specks 7.30 Mega Builders 8.30 Undercover Princesses 9.30 Queen Days Of Our Lives 10.30 Paparazzi Next Generation (M)

6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’Programs 9.00 The Circle 11.00 Ten News 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News

6.30 The Project 7.30 Glee 8.30 Hawaii Five-O (M) 9.30 Offspring (M) 11.30 Across The Andes (M) 12.30 10.30 Go Girls (M)

Animal Cops 1.20 Scrapheap Challenge 11.30 Late Show 12.30 Infomercials 2.10 Close 4.00 Religion


4.00 ABC News 4.05 Environment Quarter 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.15 Finance Quarter 5.30 Newsline 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News 12.30 National Press Club Address 1.00 ABC News 2.00 Question Time 3.30 Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Hill 5.45 Arts Quarter 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 Culture Quarter 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 ABC News 8.30 Lateline Business 9.00 The World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 The Drum 10.45 Culture Quarter 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Newsline 12.00 ABC News 12.20 Lateline 1.00 BBC News 1.30 Lateline Business 2.00 BBC World News 2.30 7.30 3.00 Lateline 3.35 Lateline Business


6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King Of Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch

11.30 Weeds (MA) 12.00 Eclipse Music TV 12.30 Entertainment Tonight 1.00 Skippy 1.30 Home Shopping 3.30 Good Morning America 5.00 Early 10.40 Great Escapes (M) 11.35 30 Rock Morning News 12.00 Sons And Daughters 1.00 Home GO! Shopping 5.30 News 6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 7TWO Entertainment Tonight 2.00 TMZ 2.30 6.30 Martha Stewart Show 7.30 Dr Oz Married With Children 3.00 Just Shoot 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 6.00 Seinfeld Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 6.30 Wipeout USA 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 7.00 Funniest Home Videos Beautiful Homes And Great Estates 7.30 I’m A Celebrity Get Me 12.00 Brothers & Sisters (M) 1.00 Grey’s Out Of Here Anatomy (M) 3.00 Murphy Brown 3.30 8.30 Mike & Molly Growing Pains 4.00 Mad About You 9.00 The Big Bang Theory 4.30 Who’s The Boss 5.00 Doctor At 9.30 Beyonce Large 5.30 One Foot In The Grave 11.30 South Park (M/MA) 12.30 V

6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 Are You Being Served? 7.30 Heartbeat 8.30 One Foot In The Grave 9.45 The Bill (M)

10.50 Six Feet Under (M) 12.00 Gil Mayo Mysteries (M) 1.00 Mad About 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch You 1.30 Who’s The Boss 2.00 Home 6.30 Neighbours Shopping 3.30 Room For Improvement 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 4.00 Coronation Street 4.30 Emmerdale 7.30 The Simpsons 5.00 Home Shopping

8.00 Futurama 8.30 The Simpsons 9.00 Futurama 9.30 The Cleveland Show (M) 10.30 The Late Late Show

Freeman 10.30 True CSI (AV)

(M) 1.30 Reno 911 (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 The Flintstones


6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: The City Under The Sea (PG 1965) UK scifi. Vincent Price, Tab Hunter 2.00 Sea Patrol 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 7MATE 4.00 The Golden Girls 5.00 The Ellen 6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 The Degeneres Show Incredible Hulk 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 6.00 Friends NBC Today 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 7.00 The Zoo Simon And Simon 1.00 The Equalizer 7.30 Movie: My Best Friend’s (M) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie 2.30 Wedding (M 1997) US Newsradio 3.00 Xena 4.00 Hercules comedy. Julia Roberts, 5.00 The Drew Carey Show Dermot Mulroney

Thursday 1

Adam 12 5.30 Home Shopping

6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 Keeping Up Appearances 7.30 Dad’s Army 8.10 Keeping Up Appearances 8.45 One Foot In The Grave 10.00 The Bill

11.00 The Inbetweeners (MA) 12.00 Eclipse Music TV 12.30 Miss Popularity 1.30 Reno 911 (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 The Flintstones

6.00 My Wife And Kids 6.30 Garry Unmarried 7.00 That ’70s Show 7.30 Mythbusters 9.30 The Border

6.00 Country House Rescue 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Outnumbered 8.30 QI (M) 9.00 The Thick Of It Special (M) 6.00 Prime News Argentinian drama 10.00 At The Movies 11.10 Movie: The Twilight Samurai 6.30 Seven News 10.30 Lateline (M 2002) Japanese drama 1.30 7.00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 11.10 Lateline Business 11.40 Kalahari Weatherwatch 7.30 World’s Strictest Parents Tails 12.30 Parliament Question Time 8.40 Criminal Minds (M) 1.30 Country House Rescue 2.20 TEN 9.40 Air Crash Investigations Hungry Beast (M) 3.00 Big Ideas


5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Danoz 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres 11.30 National Football League 2.00 Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our 12.00 112 Emergency (PG/M) 1.30 Omnisport 2.30 Bundesliga Football Lives 3.00 Entertainment Tonight 3.30 Weatherwatch 5.30 FA Cup Classic Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat SBS 2 PRIME 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 6.00 NBN News 6.00 Global Village 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: 12 7.00 A Current Affair Days Of Terror (M 2003) South African 7.30 RBT 6.30 Iron Chef thriller. Colin Egglesfield, Mark Dexter 8.25 Lotto 7.30 Inspector Rex 2.00 Dr Oz 3.00 Bush Doctors 3.30 8.30 Movie: Sherlock (M 8.30 The Killing (M) 2010) UK crime. Benedict 9.30 Movie: The Last Summer Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal Cumberbatch, Martin Of La Boyita (M 2009)

10.30 All Worked Up (M)

11.30 The Unusuals (M) 12.30 20/20 1.30 Home Shopping 3.30 Good Morning America 5.00 Early Morning 11.50 Parks And Recreation 11.20 News Keeping Up With The Kardashians (M) GO! 12.00 House Calls To The Rescue 1.00 6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 Home Shopping 5.30 News Entertainment Tonight 2.00 TMZ 2.30 Married With Children 3.00 Just Shoot 7TWO 6.30 Martha Stewart Show 7.30 Dr Oz Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & 6.00 Seinfeld Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 6.30 Wipeout USA Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 7.00 Australia’s Funniest 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Home Videos Beautiful Homes And Great Estates 7.30 I’m A Celebrity Get Me 12.00 Brothers & Sisters (M) 1.00 Grey’s Out Of Here Anatomy (M) 3.00 Murphy Brown 3.30 8.30 Movie: Wedding Growing Pains 4.00 Mad About You Crashers (M 2005) US 4.30 Who’s The Boss 5.00 Doctor At comedy. Owen Wilson, Large 5.30 One Foot In The Grave Vince Vaughn


(M) 9.30 World News Australia 10.05 Movie: The Singer (PG 2006) French romance

For Improvement 4.00 Quantum Leap 5.00 Adam 12 5.30 Home Shopping

10.40 My Strange Addiction 11.40 Conan (M) 12.30 Murder, She Wrote 1.30 The Golden Girls 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 The Golden Girls 5.30 Today

8.30 Two And A Half Men (M) 9.00 Mike And Molly (M) 9.30 Survivor: South Pacific 10.30 Extreme Makeover

6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 The Incredible Hulk 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 12.00 Simon And Simon 1.00 The Equalizer (M) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie 2.30 Newsradio 3.00 Xena 4.00 Hercules 5.00 The Drew Carey Show


4.00 rage (G) 5.00 Strictly Speaking 5.30 Spicks And Specks 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.30 Business Today 10.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 Big Ideas 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 National Press Club Address 1.30 Bush Slam 2.00 Parliament Question Time 3.00 Kids’ Programs

7.00 Cops 7.30 Ice Road Truckers 8.30 Cops (M) 9.30 The Killing (M) 10.30 NFL America’s Game

11.30 Friends 12.30 Murder, She Wrote 1.30 The Golden Girls 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 The Golden Girls 5.30 Today

Guidance 9.30 Secret Diary Of A Call Girl (MA)

6.30 Seven News 7.00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 7.30 Happy Endings 8.00 How I Met Your Mother 8.30 Movie: Meet The Parents (M 2000) US comedy. Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller

11.10 Six Feet Under (M) 12.10 No Going Back 12.40 Movie: Marine Raiders (PG 1944) WWII drama. Pat O’Brien, Robert Ryan 2.30 Room For Improvement 3.00 Mad About You 3.30 Who’s The Boss 4.00 Coronation Street 4.30 Emmerdale 5.00 Home Shopping

Wednesday 30

11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina 1.00 The King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 5.00 World News 5.05 World News Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An 6.00 My Wife And Kids 1.00 Movie: Good Girl (M 2005) Angel 5.00 7th Heaven 6.30 Garry Unmarried French romantic comedy 3.00 Letters 7.00 That ’70s Show And Numbers 3.30 World News 4.00 ONE HD The Journal 4.30 Newshour 5.30 6.00 Australian PGA Golf 11.00 Pro Bull 7.30 Pimp My Ride Riding 12.00 Rok Adventure 1.00 Save 8.30 Hardcore Pawn (M) Global Village Point 1.30 World Rally Championship 9.30 American Pickers 6.00 Letters And Numbers 2.30 NFL Total Access 3.30 Jeopardy! 10.30 Banged Up Abroad (M) 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Toughest Place To Be A 4.00 Beach Patrol 4.30 Airline 5.00 I Fish 11.30 The Sexy Ads Show (MA) 12.00 6.00 Jeopardy! The Equalizer (M) 1.00 Six Million Dollar Bus Driver Man 2.00 Home Shopping 3.30 Room 8.30 One Born Every Minute 6.30 Beach Patrol

11.00 Boston Legal (M) 12.00 The Equalizer (M) 1.00 Six Million Dollar Man 2.00 Quantum Leap 3.00 The Incredible Hulk 4.00 Hercules 5.00 Adam 12 5.30 11.30 The League (MA) 12.00 Save Home Shopping SBS 2 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News Point 12.30 NFL America’s Game 1.30 NBN Pro Bull Riding 2.30 Liverpool Football 6.00 Global Village 5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 5.30 FA Cup Classic Danoz 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres 6.30 Iron Chef Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our PRIME 7.30 Lost Worlds The Crusaders’ Lost Fort 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show Lives 3.00 Entertainment Tonight 3.30 8.30 As It Happened The 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News Blackball (M 2003) UK comedy. Vince 5.30 Hot Seat Battle of the River Plate 9.30 Movie: Phantom Pain (M Vaughn, Paul Kaye 2.00 Dr Oz 3.00 Bush 6.00 NBN News Doctors 3.30 Kids’Programs 4.30 Seven 7.00 A Current Affair 2009) German drama 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 11.10 Movie: The Last Kiss (M 2001) News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 8.00 The Middle Italian comedy 1.15 Weatherwatch 6.00 Prime News

11.30 Late Show 12.30 Infomercials 10.50 Arrested Development 11.15 4.00 Religion Extras (M) 12.40 Billable Hours (M) 1.00 Scrapheap Challenge 1.45 Close Eleven 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady ABC NEWS 24 Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched 4.00 ABC News 4.05 Weather Quarter By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.15 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder Environment Quarter 5.30 Newsline 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC Of Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne News 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 News 12.30 Newsline 1.00 ABC News The Brady Bunch 2.00 Question Time 3.30 Afternoon Live 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 5.30 Capital Hill 5.45 Health Quarter 6.30 Neighbours 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond Finance Quarter 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 The Simpsons 7.30 8.30 Lateline Business 9.00 The 8.00 Futurama World 10.00 The Drum 10.45 Finance Quarter 11.30 Newsline 12.00 ABC 8.30 The Office (M) News 12.20 Lateline 1.00 BBC News 9.30 American Horror Story (MA) 1.30 Lateline Business 2.00 BBC World News 2.30 7.30 3.00 Lateline 3.30 10.30 The Late Late Show 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Lateline Business Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 The SBS 1 King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Movie: Teddy Bear (M 2007) 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Czech drama 3.00 Letters And Numbers Heaven 3.30 World News 4.00 The Journal 4.30 ONE HD Newshour 5.30 Global Village 6.00 Mission Hills World Cup Golf 6.00 Letters And Numbers 11.00 National Football League 1.30 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Trapped In An Elevator ATP World Tour Tennis 2.00 Fiberglass & Megapixels 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 8.30 Immigration Nation Jeopardy! 4.00 Beach Patrol 4.30 9.30 World News Australia Airline 5.00 I Fish

10.05 Hot Docs


5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Danoz 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Entertainment Tonight 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat

11.00 Boston Legal (M) 12.00 The Equalizer (M) 1.00 Six Million Dollar Man 2.00 Quantum Leap 3.00 The Incredible

7.00 Cops 7.30 Expedition Impossible 2010) Taiwanese romantic comedy 8.30 Cops (M) ABC 1 12.45 Burma VJ: Reporting From A 4.00 rage (G) 5.00 Gardening Australia Closed Country (M) 2.20 Weatherwatch 9.30 Rush (M) 10.30 24 (M) 5.30 First Tuesday Book Club 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.30 Business Today 10.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 Big Ideas 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Flying The Secret Sky 1.30 Meerkat Manor 2.00 Parliament Question Time 3.00 Kids’ Programs

Hulk 4.00 Hercules 5.00 Adam 12 5.30 Home Shopping

11.30 Keeping Up With The Kardashians (M) 12.00 The Coral Reefs Are Dying 6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 Entertainment Tonight 2.00 TMZ 1.00 Home Shopping 5.30 News 2.30 Married With Children 3.00 Just 7TWO Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.00 Aria 6.30 Martha Stewart Show 7.30 Dr Oz Awards 2011 6.30 The Project 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & 6.00 Seinfeld 7.30 Tour Of Duty Australia’s Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 6.30 Wipeout USA Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Secret War 11.00 Designing Women 12.00 Home Videos 8.30 The Glades (M) Brothers & Sisters (M) 1.00 Grey’s 7.30 I’m A Celebrity Get Me 9.30 Offspring (M) Out Of Here 11.30 The Late Show 12.30 Infomercials Anatomy (M) 3.00 Murphy Brown 3.30 Growing Pains 4.00 Mad About You 9.00 The Inbetweeners (MA) 4.00 Religion 4.30 Who’s The Boss 5.00 Doctor In 9.30 Movie: Nick & Norah’s Eleven The House 5.30 One Foot In The Grave Infinite Playlist (M 2008) 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady 6.00 Bargain Hunt US comedy. Kat Dennings, Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched 7.00 Keeping Up Appearances Michael Cera By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 7.30 Heartbeat The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 8.30 Some Mothers Do ’ave ’em 11.20 South Park (MA) 12.30 Miss Popularity 1.30 Reno 911 (M) 2.00 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King 9.30 The Bill (M) Of Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 10.40 Six Feet Under (M) 11.55 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Sweeney (M) 1.00 Movie: 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 The Flintstones The Brady Bunch Motorcrossed (G 2001) US action. 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch Alana Austin, Trever O’Brien 3.00 Mad GEM 6.30 Neighbours About You 3.30 Who’s The Boss 4.00 6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond Coronation Street 4.30 Emmerdale 5.00 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, 7.30 Futurama Home Shopping She Wrote 12.00 Movie: On The Fiddle 8.30 Supernatural (M) (G 1961) UK comedy. Sean Connery, 7MATE Alfred Lynch 2.00 Sea Patrol 3.00 9.30 Smallville (M) 6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 The McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 The Golden 10.30 The Late Late Show Incredible Hulk 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 NBC Girls 5.00 The Ellen Denegeres Show 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Today 10.00 NBC Meet The Press 11.00 6.00 Friends Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 The Quantum Leap 12.00 Simon And Simon King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 7.00 The Zoo 1.00 The Equalizer (M) 2.00 Malcolm The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 7.30 Michaela’s Animal Road 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th And Eddie 2.30 Newsradio 3.00 Xena: Trip Warrior Princess 4.00 Hercules 5.00 The Heaven 8.30 Extreme Parental Drew Carey Show

5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 1.00 Age Of Terror 2.00 India Reborn ONE HD 3.00 Letters And Numbers 3.30 6.00 National Football League – LIVE World News 4.00 The Journal 4.30 11.15 Omnisport 11.45 National Futbol Mundial 5.00 The Crew 5.30 Football League – LIVE 3.00 Omnisport Living Black 3.30 Jeopardy! 4.00 Beach Patrol 4.30 6.00 Letters And Numbers Airline 5.00 I Fish

6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Mythbusters 8.30 Man vs Wild 9.30 World News Australia 10.00 Housos (MA)

10.30 Formula 1 Grand Prix Brazil


6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: Strange Invaders (PG 1983) US mystery. Paul Le Mat, Nancy Allen 2.00 Sea Patrol 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 The Golden Girls 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show

6.00 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 As Time Goes By 8.00 Yes Minister 8.30 The Closer (M) 9.30 Rizzoli & Isles (M) 10.30 Megacities

11.45 Friends 12.40 Murder, She Wrote 1.10 The Golden Girls 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 The Golden Girls 5.30 Today


7.00 Cops 7.30 Extreme Fishing 9.30 World News Australia 8.30 Movie: The Saint (M ABC 1 10.00 Big Love (M) 1997) US action. Val 4.00 rage (G) 5.00 National Press Club 11.05 Movie: Diamond 13 (MAV Kilmer, Elisabeth Shue Address 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.30

9.40 Hoarders


5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 10.30 First Cricket Test LIVE – Australia v New 2008) French thriller 12.50 The Lazarus 10.55 The Ultimate Fighter (M) 11.55 Zealand 1.00 The Cricket Show 1.30 Business Today 10.00 Kids’ Programs Effect 1.25 Sex Positive (MA) 2.50 National Football League 2.30 NFL Total Cricket continues 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Tess Of The 6.00 NBN News Weatherwatch Access 3.30 Serie A Football D’Urbervilles (M) 1.30 Mother And Son 7.00 A Current Affair 2.00 Bed Of Roses 3.00 Kids’ Programs SBS 2 PRIME 7.30 Getaway 6.00 River Cottage Spring 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 8.30 David Attenborough’s 7.00 ABC News 6.00 Global Village 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: Half Madagascar 7.30 7.30 6.30 Iron Chef Broken Things (M 2007) UK drama. 9.30 CSI: NY (M) 8.00 Jimmy’s Food Factory 7.30 Trails From The East Daniel Mays, Penelope Wilton 2.30 11.30 Rubicon (M) 12.30 The Baron 8.30 Running To America Dr Oz 3.00 Bush Doctors 3.30 Kids’ 1.30 Entertainment Tonight 2.00 Israel 9.30 Crownies (M) Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Infomercials 3.30 Good Morning 8.30 UEFA Europa League 10.30 Lateline Or No Deal America 5.00 Early Morning News 10.00 Movie: Reclaim Your 11.05 Lateline Business 11.30 Live Brain! (MA 2007) German 6.00 Prime News GO! From Abbey Road: Lyle Lovett, Doves, 6.30 Seven News drama 6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 Noisettes (M) 12.20 Movie: The Living 12.10 Movie: Unconscious (M 2004) 7.00 RSPCA Animal Rescue Entertainment Tonight 2.00 TMZ 2.30 Idol (PG 1957) US adventure. James Spanish comedy 2.05 Weatherwatch 7.30 The Amazing Race Married With Children 3.00 Just Shoot Robertson, Liliane Montevecchi 2.00 8.30 Movie: In Her Shoes Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs WNBL Basketball: Logan v West Coast TEN (M 2005) US drama. Toni 6.00 Seinfeld 6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’Programs 9.00 Collette, Cameron Diaz ABC 2 The Circle 11.00 Ten News 12.00 Dr Phil 11.20 30 Rock 12.00 Trauma (M) 1.00 6.30 Wipeout USA 6.00 Kids’ Programs 7.00 Funniest Home Videos 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady Home Shopping 5.30 News 7.00 Spicks And Specks Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 7.30 I’m A Celebrity Get Me 7.30 Heavy Haulers 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen 4.30 The Bold And 7TWO Out Of Here 8.30 Arrested Development The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News 6.30 Martha Stewart Show 7.30 Dr Oz 8.30 Two And A Half Men (M) 9.00 Warehouse Comedy 6.30 The Project 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & 9.00 The Big Bang Theory Festival (M) 7.30 Recruits Paramedics Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 9.30 Movie: Mama’s Boy (M 9.30 Graham Norton Show Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 8.00 Keeping Up With The 2007) US comedy. Diane 10.15 Ideal (M) 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Joneses Keaton, Jon Heder 10.50 Peep Show (M) 11.20 Psychoville 8.30 Law & Order (M) Beautiful Homes And Great Estates 11.30 The Ultimate Fighter (M) 12.30 (M) 11.50 Heavy Haulers 12.40 What 9.30 Offspring (M) 12.00 Brothers & Sisters (M) 1.00 Grey’s The Moment Of Truth 1.30 Reno 911 Would Happen If… 1.00 Scrapheap 10.30 Law & Order (M) Anatomy (M) 3.00 Murphy Brown 3.30 (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Challenge 1.45 Close 11.30 The Late Show 12.30 Infomercials Growing Pains 4.00 Mad About You Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With 4.30 Who’s The Boss 5.00 Doctor At Children 5.30 The Flintstones 4.00 Religion ABC NEWS 24 Large 5.30 One Foot In The Grave 4.00 ABC News 4.05 Finance Quarter Eleven GEM 6.00 Bargain Hunt 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.15 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady 7.00 Are You Being Served? 6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 Culture Quarter 5.30 Newsline 6.00 Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 7.30 The Royal She Wrote 12.00 Movie: Don’t Make 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 9.30 The Bill (M) Waves (PG 1967) US comedy. Tony 12.30 Newsline 1.00 ABC News 2.30 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King 10.40 Six Feet Under (M) 11.40 The Curtis, Claudia Cardinale 2.00 Sea Australian Story 3.00 Afternoon Live Of Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne Sweeney (M) 12.45 The Mole 1.45 Patrol 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 5.30 Capital Hill 5.45 Consumer Quarter 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 Australian Open Tennis Classic: 2007 4.00 The Golden Girls 5.00 The Ellen – Haas v Gonzalez 3.00 Mad About You 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 The Brady Bunch Degeneres Show Food Quarter 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 3.30 Who’s The Boss 4.00 Coronation 6.00 Friends Street 4.30 Emmerdale 5.00 Home 8.00 ABC News 8.30 Lateline Business 7.00 The Zoo 6.30 Neighbours Shopping 9.00 The World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 7.30 Friends The Drum 10.45 Food Quarter 11.00 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7MATE 8.30 Movie: Mickey Blue ABC News 11.30 Newsline 12.00 ABC 7.30 The Simpsons 6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 The Eyes (M 1999) UK comNews 12.30 Lateline 1.00 BBC News 8.30 Star Trek Next Generation Incredible Hulk 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 edy. Hugh Grant, Jeanne 1.30 Lateline Business 2.00 BBC World 10.30 The Late Late Show NBC Today 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 Tripplehorn News 2.30 7.30 3.00 Lateline 3.30 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Simon And Simon 1.00 The Equalizer Sabrina 1.00 The King Of Queens 1.30 10.35 Secret Diary Of A Call Girl (MA) Lateline Business (M) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie 2.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 11.35 Conan (M) 12.30 Murder, She SBS 1 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Newsradio 3.00 Xena 4.00 Hercules Wrote 1.30 The Golden Girls 2.00 5.00 The Drew Carey Show 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News Angel 5.00 7th Heaven Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 6.00 My Wife And Kids 6.45 UEFA Europa League – LIVE 9.10 The Golden Girls 5.30 Today 6.30 Garry Unmarried World News 3.00 Letters And Numbers ONE HD 3.30 World News 4.00 The Journal 4.30 6.00 Australian PGA Golf 11.00 7.00 That ’70s Show World Rally Championship 12.00 7.30 Swamp People Newshour 5.30 Global Village NBL Basketball: Perth v Sydney 2.00 8.30 Lockdown (M) 6.00 Letters And Numbers The Storming 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 9.40 Operation Repo (M) 6.30 World News Australia Jeopardy! 4.00 Beach Patrol 4.30 10.40 Jail (M) 11.30 Campus PD (M) 7.30 My Sri Lanka 12.00 The Equalizer (M) 1.00 Six Million 8.00 Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam Airline 5.00 I Fish 6.00 Jeopardy! Dollar Man 2.00 Quantum Leap 3.00 8.30 The Family 6.30 Beach Patrol The Incredible Hulk 4.00 Hercules 5.00

The Tweed Shire Echo November 24, 2011 13

Volume 4#13 Nov 24–Dec 1, 2011 © 2011 Echo Publications Pty Ltd

P: 02 6684 1777 F: 02 6684 1719 For advertising enquiries Editor: Eve Jeffery


Anticipating a Six60 To support the release of their highly anticipated debut album in October, Six60 recently announced their first set of live dates. Rather than a traditional album release tour, the band decided to tour the album throughout the next year, and that way they will be able to play live in as many cities and towns as possible . After the initial run of NZ dates, Six60 are heading back to Australia for their third headline tour in just over a year. See them at the Coolangatta Hotel this Friday.

the 2010 Q Song Awards ‘Blues & Roots’ category for his track Come Inside as well as two top ten tracks in the roots charts of Triple J Unearthed.

Marc Bicher – The Gentleman Rambling

Original Seeds Showcase The Original Seeds Showcase is a night to feature some of the best emerging, original artists in our region. Each artist has been hand picked for their talent, originality and potential to become national or international artists of note.

Pat Tierney


His smooth voice and skillful slide guitar playing has seen him perform well over fifty shows in the past twelve months and his short career has already seen him pick up a Highly Commended in

The Gentleman Rambling, Marc Bicher is a Queensland singersongwriter who is has quite an unusual style some dub as Progressive Gothic Folk. Not being able to put your finger on exactly what The Gentleman Rambling sounds like is more often than not heavily in Marc’s favour. Many years have been spent developing his own playing style and many shows played have developed a swagger and stage presence that allow him to put out mesmerising performances. Inspired heavily by the likes of early Bob Dylan, Nick Cave, Nick Drake, Leonard Cohen and Tom Waits, The Gentleman Rambling is no stranger to the art of songwriting.

Bernie Carson Described as a prolific songwriter and an extraordinary performer Bernie bursts onto the stage with her own brand of music, with lyrics that are honest and from the heart, her music is known to surprise, mesmerise and totally amaze you with her soaring vocals. Bernie delivers a splashing of folk, amidst a whole lot of pop, a sprinkle of country, and some hidden reggae. You will find yourself totally delighted with this fabulous quirky young lady.

Tully Davidson – SunBear Tully Davidson (Sunbear) is a young singer songwriter from the Gold Coast hinterland. With a strong belief that every song should tell a story, Tully writes of individual experiences, thoughts and memories woven seamlessly into themes of the environment and wider global issues. His songs are emotive, displaying maturity well beyond his years, yet also imaginative, showing he’s still a boy at heart. DARREN J RAY PERFORMS WITH ‘THE FABULOUS SOUNDS OF THE SIXTIES SHOW’ AT THE CURRUMBIN RSL ON SUNDAY

John Williamson

Inspired by the heartfelt sounds of artists of such as Damien Rice, Xavier Rudd and The Dave Matthews Band, Tully spent the majority of his teenage years locked away in his bedroom slowly developing his own style and sound. Free admission Gallery open Wed-Sun 10am - 5pm (DST)

18 November - 29 January Robert Hannaford: Open Studio

Contemporary Wearables ‘11 A Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery Touring Exhibition

New Skin: Shayle Flesser Until 4 February

Seven Little Australians Robert Hannaford Self portrait

A Dromkeen Travelling Exhibition

Until 4 March

Jenny Sages: Paths to Portraiture


Friday 2 DeceMber $ 42 children - $28 BOOKINGS 1800 014 014

14 November 24, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Thu 24, Sat 26 & Sun 27 Nov Portrait in Porgress - Robert Hannaford: Open Studio From 2pm-4pm each day, Gallery visitors may observe Robert Hannaford as he works on a portrait of Margot Anthony AM, commissioned by the Tweed River Art Gallery Foundation and the Friends of the Gallery for our Collection - Children must be supervised. Sun 4 Dec 11am-1pm Demo & Floortalk: New Skin with Shayle Flesser. Visitors are invited to view the artist at work on one of her detailed drawing in the Gallery Foyer

(02) 6670 2790 | 2 Mistral Road Murwillumbah NSW 2484 |


It’s this devotion to his craft that would see him successfully graduate from the Griffith University’s BPM Program in 2010. Writing personal songs for the masses Tully hopes the audience will find a part of themselves in each verse and come to realise the similarities that we as humans poses. With the echoes of steel strings over hollow wood and a voice raised in the woods comes the sound of Tully Davidson. Currumbin Soundlounge, Friday.

The View Is Worth The Climb Tim Finn, the iconic singer, songwriter and founder of legendary Australian band Split Enz is coming to entertain you at Twin Towns as a part of his few exclusive shows in Australia. The shows are in support of his new studio album The View Is Worth The Climb which continues to garner praise from fans and media. Tim Finn and his band will be performing songs from the new album as well selections from across his incredible career including songs such as Poor Boy, Six Months In A Leaky Boat, Persuasion and I SeeRed. Finn continues to remain an important and relevant musical force, headlining festivals and inspiring a new generation of artists. His new album The View Is Worth The Climb was produced by the Grammy Award winning Jacquire King (Kings Of Leon,


First Sun Employment Looking for work? First Sun is on the money. When you start at First Sun Employment you work through an individually tailored program that’s been developed with your needs in mind. In this program you’ll be taught many skills including: • Ways to search for employment • How to conduct yourself in interviews • How to most effectively write a resume Now you’re ready to find at job. Some of the techniques we use to secure you employment include: 1. Identifying the main job opportunities in the local area 2. Assessing your skills against local labor market needs 3. Training 4. Helping you get relevant work experience 5. Job placement and job re-design mentoring The support doesn’t stop there. First Sun prides itself on providing continual support after you’ve found a job. This makes your transition from unemployment to working as smooth as possible. And leaves you to focus on being the best employee possible. To find out more call us or pop in to one of our offices: LISMORE: 92 Woodlark St PH: 02 6621 6833• TWEED HEADS:Office 22, Level 2, Wharf Central Building, 75 Wharf St PH: 07 5599 5166

by Ma ndy N olan


See Mandy live at

CONFESSIONS OF A CROSS DRESSER I have a confession. I am a cross dresser. And if you’re thinking, I thought there was something manish about that opinionated foul mouthed attention-seeking tranny, you can forget it. No I’m not getting around in a pair of Y fronts and comfy slippers. I’m not packing socks or a codpiece. I couldn’t. There just wouldn’t be any room. My clothes are so tight at the moment there’s just no room for anyone except me in them.

In fact, there’s actually no longer room in most of my clothes for me anymore. Every morning I stand naked before my closet and beg forgiveness. Please, I ask the frightened contents, please will one of you cover my ample lady sample? There is no movement. Not one of them makes the offer. In fact, I could swear that the last time I tried to slip into my last season Charlie Brown sun frock I heard it scream. I found my silk chemise in a crumpled heap hiding behind my shoes. If I want to wear a pair of jeans I need to allow at least half an hour to get them over my knees. Then I need a support team to get them over my arse. Then there’s the muffin top problem. If it was just a muffin top it wouldn’t be a problem. Once I zip up I’m looking at a mushroom cloud. Last time I put on my jeans I thought ‘Holy Fukushima!’ At 43 and 92 kilos I am officially a cross dresser. Finding something to wear each morning that is remotely attractive is making me angry. I don’t even remember the last time someone told me I looked nice. (Which is good I guess, because at least it means my friends are honest.) Every time

Tom Waits, Cold War Kids) and was recorded over two weeks at Roundhead Studios in Auckland. This year Tim Finn has headlined the St Kilda Festival, performed in the opening celebrations for the Rugby World Cup and also commenced work on an independent filmscore. Now Australian fans have the opportunity to catch a musical legend as he brings to you at Twin Towns on Friday.

The Dirty Channel are coming The trio have been playing on the north-east coast building a following to catch their raw-to-earth musical talents. With drums, bass, guitars and combined vocals the trio have a larger-than-life sound. Adam Brown on vocals, electric guitar and his 1937 Dobro slide guitar. Luke (Fergo) Ferguson brings some awesome bass and his 5-octave vocals, while Jake Mann awakens the drums. There twists on a selection of covers with a few original tunes thrown in are sure to bring those dancing shoes to life. Friday at Pottsville Sports Bar.

I pour myself into brightly coloured maxi dress I think Jesus, I look like a paisley saveloy. I’m literally splitting at the seams. The other day my son pricked me with a fork and sausage meat came spilling out. Well maybe I dreamed that after passing out in a tub of icecream... Everything is uncomfortable. Underwear is not only unsightly, it’s non-compliant. My undies roll down at the front and ride up at the back. My bra is so tight around my back I seem to have developed underarm cleavage. Last time I caught sight of the bulging fat rolls I thought about upsizing my next Berlei to a four cupper. But I haven’t completely given up hope. I still have my skinny clothes. They lay buried deep in a suitcase I keep on top of my wardrobe. It sits up there, taunting me with the knowledge that I was once within my healthy weight range. I’m tempted to give them to my svelte friends, but giving away the clothes that you should be wearing is like admitting to yourself that you are going to be fat forever. The suitcase gives me hope. It reminds me that it’s only willpower and perhaps 12 months of

imitating the artist, but so emotive is his performance, it lulls the audience into believing anything is possible. It’s part concert and part biography thought it doesn’t seek to tell the full story of Lennon’s life. For the audience this is either an emotional trip down memory lane or a wonderful introduction to the life and times of one of the most fascinating icons of our time. With 31 songs performed including, to name a few, A Day in The Life, Strawberry Fields Forever, Revolution, Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds, Working Class Hero, Imagine and more, this is a show for all ages. The music is delivered superbly by The Glass Onion Band that is lead by Stewart D’Arrietta. Saturday Twin Towns.

Best of British

While the band took a while to come into being, once formed British India hit the ground running, gaining managers from their first ever gig, who then booked them in to support the Hoodoo Gurus at their second. Nic Wilson was the local guitar prodigy about school when he met Declan Melia. The two bonded musically and first John Waters returns in his critically played together acoustically in a acclaimed production Looking Through friend’s kitchen. A drunken fight on A Glass Onion – a homage to the music, a beach resulted in them finding mystery and memory of John Lennon. bass player Will Drummond and THE ORIGINAL SEEDS SHOWCASE WITH Wednesday 8 December 2010 marks the the three then sought a drummer BERNIE CARSON 31st anniversary since he was tragically by scouring Melbourne’s music gunned down outside his New York City venues, eventually choosing Matt apartment. John Lennon O’Gorman. Their debut release, the single Outside would have been 70 109, was played on Triple J within an hour of them receiving it. years of age in October The band’s debut EP We Are the Counter Culture was recorded and 2010. ‘Glass Onion’ produced by former Easybeat Harry Vanda. Off the back of the was created by Waters EP, the band toured widely, including supports with Gomez and and D’Arrietta back in the bulk of the Australian summer fests such as the Big Day Out, January 1992 with a Homebake, Meredith Music Festival, and the Pyramid Festival. The 5-week run in a small band recorded their debut album Guillotine in early 2006, again cabaret room at the with Vandaand the band’s second album Thieves was released in Tilbury Hotel in Sydney’s 2008 and debuted at number five in the ARIA charts with follow-up ING Woolloomooloo as a Avalanche being released in 2010 and reaching number 10 in the JOHN WATERS IN ‘LOOK GLASS two-man show and was an ARIA charts. Coolangatta Hotel Saturday. THROUGH A LOOKING ONION’ instant success. Since then, including more musicians, it has toured London’s West End and a further two soldout Australian tours. A Big Band Blues Spectacular – Taking his cue from the legendary

A Glass Onion

Inspired by BB KING

The show is not a cut-and-paste biography of Lennon or an emulation of the original recordings. On stage, with shadows from the lighting arrangement fluttering over his face as he explores the essence of the man through song and spoken word, Waters becomes synonymous with Lennon. He shies away from MULLUM SEE THE MARVELLOUS STREET PARADES AT THE AY SUND TO SDAY THUR THIS MUSIC FESTIVAL

innovator and master of the Big Blues band sound, Andrew Baxter presents an afternoon of the finest Blues music by, and inspired by BB King. A big band with a smoking hot horn section of some of the finest players around. Andrew Baxter was exposed to the grit and honey of the Blues S TAT I O N S T R E E T S T U D I O S P R ES E N T S

end of the line

FIVE ARTISTS, FIVE SENSIBILITIES, ONE WEEKEND ONLY Multimedia art event to take you to the end of the line and back Nathalie Verdejo, Frida Lezius, Cristina Sharratt, Steve Waller, Hannah Massey

Opening 6pm Friday 9 December with music by Stu Beaumont 10am–4pm, Saturday & Sunday 10th & 11th December

Station Street Studios, cnr Mill & Station streets, Mullumbimby

suffering and self-denial that stands between me and looking good in something that not only fits, it’s also comfortable. Sadly though, by the time I reach my target weight, nothing in that suitcase will no longer be fashionable. Fat people never really tell you how fucked it is being fat. They suffer in silence. When you are a fattie you are never ever comfortable. Clothes cut. Clothes burn. Clothes leave giant red welts. That can’t be normal. A few weeks ago I relented and bought a kaftan. (I got mine in the camping section at Kmart. It’s a 4-man). It was like a revelation. Apart from the usual chafing, wobbling, and shaking, the kaftan offers a waistless, zipless, button-free utopia that almost had me feeling normal. Until I found a mirror. If we fatties were to really go for the outfit where we experienced maximum freedom and unrestricted mobility, then we wouldn’t wear clothes at all. We’d go nudie. It’s perhaps not such a bad idea. There’s no better incentive to do something about your fat arse then trying to squeeze into that birthday suit.


from birth, his family’s classic collection of old blues records cranking through his earliest memories, his father, the aficionado, strumming along on a beaten up ol’ steel string. It came as no surprise to anyone when the young man found inspiration, comfort and solace in this powerful music. Thus began a lifelong instruction and inspiration from the blues masters, Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon and BB King. Andrew Baxter immersed himself in their music. It’s fundamental beat and melodies seemed to provide answers to life’s questions and the sirens call of the blues caught him in its voodoo clutches forever. He eventually found like-minded musicians and co-founded the legendary blues institution Blind Lemon. The crowds and the gigs got bigger. Big festival were played to great acclaim. Andrew Baxter Continued over page

program guide

NEW SUMMER PERIOD NOV 1 2011 – 30 APR 2012

MONDAY 6am The Morning Mix Kabes 9am The Lighthouse Lounge Andrew & Pollyanna 11am Belly BellySisters 12pm Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond Hunna & Lara 1pm That’s Amore The Italians 2pm Q’s Jazz ‘n Blues Quentin Watts 4pm Cruizy Beatz DJ Cruizy 6pm Grailey Whole Celtic Show Margaret Wyatt 8pm Sounds of Africa DJ Massaganda 10pm Freedom Run Callum TUESDAY 6am Clockwise Gary Street 9am Under Construction Sarah Ndiaye & Gina Baker 11am Byron Business Phil Daly 12pm Wirritjin Terra Nullus 2pm The Music Garden Michael Brereton 4pm Below the Radar The Invisible Man 6pm Post Modern Backlash Hudson 8pm Radio Mundial Steve Snelgrove 10pm Shel’s Place Shel Kronich WEDNESDAY 6am Catch and Grab DJ Holly Holster 9am 2481 Undone Nicqui Yazdi 11am Go Earthcare Ros Elliott 12pm Suara Indonesia Francesca & Kirana 1pm Afternoon Tea Party Adelaide & Fai 2pm The Junkyard Stuey 4pm Olylamas Beanbag Olylama 6pm Bongo Gum Brett Diemar 8pm Basswize/Good times Crucial D/Big B 10pm All Funked Up Mr Mantiki 12am Live from Earth Dane

THURSDAY 6am Planet Luv Glitter 9am Arts Canvass Karena 11am Bohemian Beat Riddhi 12pm Juke Joint Tony Parker 2pm Audio Chocolate Rich 4pm Future Classics Matt Meir 6pm Crossroads Paul Martin 8pm Cruisin’ for a Bluesin’ The Honeydripper 10pm Booty Call Lainie 12am Gimme Shelter Rockstar Fee FRIDAY 6am That Friday Feeling Nicky 9am The Spin Cycle Karin Kolbe 11am Page Turners/ Pip Morrissey Social Savvy Networking Russell & Maxim 12pm Mystery Train Mary Cannon 1pm Whirled Music Phil Hirst 2pm Grooveyard Teesha & Nilesh 4pm The Village Manie 6pm Chopsuey Rachy 8pm Submerged/Down & Out Si Clone/Slinky 10pm Rotation/B-BoyMixers POB/Elixza SATURDAY 6am Bay Rock Tark 8am Musical Kaleidoscope Jill 10am Cowboy’s Sweetheart Carrie D 12pm Blues from the Bay Anthony & Ken 2pm Paris Cat Alley Lou 4pm The Festival Express Tegs 5pm Radio Re-Generation Mother & Child 6pm Random Rhythms Ashgirl 8pm Diggin in the Archives Undertaker & Joan of Arc 10pm In the Vaults/ Matt Wardle/ The Hypnagogic State Ice Creme Kid SUNDAY 7am Astro Alchemy Iris & Michael 8am Sounds of the 60’s Alan E. 10am Jazz Moods Jean Brown 12pm Omnibus RG Pedicini & Les Schmidt 2pm Radio Latina Yolanda, Salvador & David 4pm The Bay Lounge aqua 6pm Roots & Culture DJ Selector 8pm Ice Cream Truck Fulton Hobbs 10pm The Space Between Mr Hugs

COMMUNITY RADIO BAY-FM 99.9 Phone: 6680 7999 The Tweed Shire Echo November 24, 2011 15


Gig Guide




Live Musiccontinued was on a mission to share the blues and played tirelessly to the faithful, and converted many more. In 2009 he decided to branch out on his own to indulge and experiment with his fascination for the big band spectacle of smoking hot horn sections. He began organising his renowned Blues Extravaganzas and found time to release a solo CD which has spent two years in the top 25 of the national blues charts.



Witness the celebration and spectacle of the Big Band Blues sound brought to you by the loving hands of Mr Andrew Baxter. Dance and revel in the eternal groove of the blues as inspired by one of the great blues masters of our time, BB King. Stokers Siding Hall Sunday.


A little ray of sunshine .. and more Sun(ners)

Darren J Ray fronts his own band which forms the nucleus of The Fabulous Sounds Of The Sixties Show, which won Best Production Show 2004, 2005 and 2006 at the now-defunct Entertainer Of The Year Awards for Clubs in south WEDNESDAY 30 east Queensland. His debut single, an original recording entitled Please Cindy-Louise, has received radio airplay, both locally and nationally. Female vocalist Kaitlyn is a very popular member of The Love THURSDAY 1 Bugs, the all-girl group from The Fabulous Sounds Of The Sixties Show. She sings and plays percussion. Kaitlyn has performed with Darren since she was 16. They are joined by singer and bass player Scott For your free listing in the most comprehensive entertainment gig guide in the area email MacFarlane. Only 21, Scott is already a or phone us on 02 6684 1777. DEADLINE is noon Tuesday prior to publication. veteran of the industry, having played the role of Paul McCartney in Beatlemania On Tour. The show played Canada, South



FLICKERFEST International Short Film Festival and Byron all Shorts (Northern Rivers Short Film Competition) are a celebration of filmmaking and stories from around the world and our region; inspiring Northern Rivers filmmakers to develop their skills by providing a platform to showcase and premiere their film at Byron All Shorts beside their peers’ films from Australia and around the world. The event is highly respected and supported by the peak film and arts bodies in our region, Screenworks and Arts Northern Rivers. Byron All Shorts has attracted the most local films for competition of any short film festival held in our region (60 entered last year), of which 11 shorts were screened in the official competition selection to an audience of nearly 200 people; and for the majority of the filmmakers it was their premiere public screening.

Africa, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. Together, Darren, Kaitlyn and Scott have a style and a repertoire that should please all ages. The trio performs a show that contains a balance of material from the 50s to present day. Currumbin RSL, Sunday.

Country music artist Kathy Sunners returns to the Tweed by popular demand after the Country Music Jamboree that was held in Murwillumbah in July this year. Kathy Sunners is loved by all those who have met her. She will be the feature artist with a voice that


Film platform and natural progression led to launching Byron All Shorts in 2009. This is the fourth year we will be hosting Byron All Shorts alongside Flickerfest, providing the opportunity for emerging local filmmakers to have their works shown together with the best of the world’s Australian short films. Byron All Shorts prize packages to the value of approx $5,000 are up for grabs. The Byron All Shorts jury has attracted the likes of Deb Cox (Sea Change and East Of Everything), Scott McGregor (acting icon), Jill Moonie (GM Screenworks), Russel Burton (SAE Head of Film) and Bronwyn Kidd (Flickerfest International Short Film Festival director). Now in its 21st year Flickerfest is the only Academy-accredited and BAFTA-recognised short film festival in the country, Flickerfest had its first Byron screening in 1995 at the Byron Music and Arts Festival; and iQ has hosted Flickerfest since 1999, making it the longest established film event in our region. More info, entry forms, volunteering: www. or 02 6684 5577.

iQ Inc is a not-for-profit organisation that will be hosting the Flickerfest tour for he 14th year in 2012 and through MY LIFE STILL that time iQ has been dedicated to creating an encouraging and supportive local filmmakers platform; from screening a local filmmakers’ film alongside Flickerfest in 2004–05, to auspicing the Byron Film Club who held near monthly screenings of local films at the Byron Community Centre 2004–07, of which a best of Byron Film Club program was screened alongside Flickerfest in 2006. Then it was identified that Northern Rivers needed a dedicated Short

16 November 24, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo



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Chinderah Tavern 66 Chinderah Bay Drive, Chinderah Ph 02 6674 1137 Open 7 days Lunch 12pm-2.30pm Dinner 5.30pm–8.30pm

Wilson’s by The Creek Open Fri, Sat, Sun Lunch 12-3pm Dinner 5-10pm 139 Newes Rd, Coorabell 6684 7348 Bookings essential

The Bangalow Dining Rooms at the Bangalow Hotel produces great food using predominantly local produce. The beautiful restaurant space on the high verandah and intimate dining room hosts a modern menu. Enjoy our bistro menu in the pub all day. With reasonable prices, generous portions and a kids menu, our delicious menu will appeal to all.

The Beach Shack EARLY BIRD

The ‘Chindy’ is an ideal place to bring family and friends of all ages for a real country pub experience. Kick back and watch the kids play on our brand new playground while you enjoy an ice cold beer and a dozen of our famous $12 oysters on the deck overlooking the Tweed river. Open 7 days for lunch and dinner, with afternoon entertainment on the weekends. Come and see why everyone is talking about the new Chinderah Tavern.

Blue Pacific Bistro

Discover Wilson’s By The Creek Restaurant tucked away in the Byron hinterland. Newly open to the public, the elegant restaurant offers a truly gourmet experience, accompanied by Peppers renowned personal service. Savour the incredible flavours of the hinterland for a romantic dinner or gathering with friends, as Head Chef Adam Hall inspires you with his seasonal menu brimming with local produce.


Alleys Opens Early

Alleys Currumbin RSL Club Currumbin Creek Road, Currumbin Open 7 days lunch and dinner 07 5534 7999

Sheoak Shack 64 Fingal Rd, Fingal Head Ph 07 5523 1130 Wed-Fri 11am-5pm, Sat 11am-10pm Sun 9.30am-8pm


Throughout daylight saving Alleys will open at 11.30am (QLD time) Enjoy award winning, contemporary dining along the banks of the picturesque Currumbin Creek

Shop 5, 60 Marine Parade, SPECIAL Kingscliff (next to Subway) Mon – Fri 7am – 9am 6674 5822 Regular Coffee Open 7 days 9am-5pm

Fresh Juices

Open 7 days Lunch: 12pm-2:30pm Dinner: 6pm-8:30pm, 6pm-9pm Fri & Sat Marine Parade, Kingscliff 02 6674 1404

Lunch from 11am Dinner from 5.30pm Brunch Sundays from 10am Phone: (07) 5536 2277 or visit

Mount Warning Hotel

She launched herself into a full-time professional career around twelve years ago with her first album, City Girl Country Soul, still a popular CD today, which went to Number 4 on the European Country Music Charts. Her second album, a Gospel collection, also did extremely well on the charts in Europe and has been tremendously popular here in Australia as well. Coolangatta and Tweed Golf Club Sunday.

I feel a Change a comin’ Southerly Change is one of the fastest-evolving bands on the south coast of NSW. Originally a group of four mates, the band currently consist of anything between a simple guitar, vocals and hand percussion set-up, to a seven-piece group with sax, keys, bass, and harmonica. This versatility extends to the music’s aesthetics also, with the drummer’s training in Ghana, the keys and sax players’ training in jazz, the heavy blues influence of the harmonica, and the simple and subtle guitar and lyrical melodies of the band’s singer-songwriter Ben Fowler, creating

Open 7 days 10am till late Bistro open daily 1497 Kyogle Rd, Uki 02 6679 5111

Santos Trading Warehouse

If you are looking for delicious food, coffee or a romantic sunset cocktail on the riverbank, the Sheoak Shack is the beach shack for you with a funky laid back daytime vibe and a party atmosphere with live music on Saturday nights at 7pm and Sundays at 4pm. This gallery/cafe showcases the work of high quality local artists and is available for private functions… more Byron than Byron, in sleepy Fingal Head.

is frequently described as one that ‘could be listened to all day, Kathy has a passion for music that stems from her early childhood years.

Mt Warning Hotel

Mon-Thurs 9 to 5 Fridays 9 to 4 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 3/7 Brigantine Street, Byron Arts & Industry Park (02) 6685 5685

$250 $500


Monday night: Veal or Chicken Schnitzel + Middy – $14.00 Tues & Sun night: Traditional Roast Dinner + Dessert – $12.90 Wednesday night: Rump Steak, Chips & Salad Bar – $12.00 Thurs night: T-Bone Steak, Chips & Salad Bar + Middy – $14.00 Friday & Saturday night: SPECTACULAR DINNER SPECIALS Sat morning: Beachside Breakfast – cooked to order menu Sun morning: Beachside Breakfast – all you can eat hot & cold champagne buffet breakfast – $14.00

Overlooking the sparkling blue waters of the Jack Evans Boat Harbour at Twin Towns is Horizons restaurant. Enjoy a friendly atmosphere with casual indoor or al fresco dining where you can take in our spectacular views. Bring a friend to Horizons for High Tea available Monday to Saturday in the afternoon from 2.30pm to 4.30pm for an extra special afternoon delight! One of the region’s great old country pubs. Delicious food, bistro open for lunch everyday from 12-2pm, dinner Thursday to Sunday from 6-8pm. Children’s playground, relaxing beer garden. Curry night on Thursday, raffles and member’s draw on Friday, punter’s draw on Saturday and on Sunday there is a delicious roast. Small enough for personal care, large enough to offer competitive prices. Santos has been supplying high quality biodynamic, organic, natural foods, and healthy products since 1975. We continue our commitment to sourcing as locally as possible. Santos is the home of Rainfed Rice–zero irrigation, certified biodynamic, as local as you can get, and the most delicious rice you’re likely to find. Visit for more info, or visit our online store at Eat well.

a richly textured and dynamic musical experience. Many of the musicians involved have also payed at established music festivals such as Womad, Woodford, The Dreaming and Corinbank. In any one performance, Southerly Change will have you up for a boogie, singing along with the catchy yet beautifully poignant lyrics, or relaxing to the earthy, islander vibes. They have recently released their first CD Bow and Arrow. Catch them at Sheoak Shack on Sunday.

Thousand Needles In Red In July this year, the band entered Loose Stones studios on the Gold Coast to begin work on their debut album Empires. The album was officially released on iTunes Friday 16 September. By the following day Empires reached #4 on the iTunes Australian Top 10 Rock Albums Chart. The album also debuted at #10 on the AIR Independent Albums Chart, #6 on the AIR independent Hard Rock & Punk Albums Chart, #33 on the ARIA Australian Albums Chart and #37 on the ARIA Digital Albums Chart. Not a bad achievement by a one hundred per cent independent band barely eighteen months old! LIVE Coolangatta Hotel, Sunday.



JO’S WIZARDS OF JAZZ Friday 2nd December 8.00pm DST


Venue: Condong Bowling Club, McLeod Street, Condong (Meals & Bar Service available. No BYO) Cost: MEMBERS $15, VISITORS $20, U/18s $5 Early Band: Mount St. Patrick College Jazz Band from 6.30 pm DST




DJ Aqua LIVE every Sunday night in the Fins Bar. Join us for cocktails on our NEW SUNSET DECK daily from 5pm.

Salt Village, Kingscliff 6674 4833 Dinner 7 days Lunch Fri, Sat & Sun


Bangalow Dining Rooms






The Echo’s guide to



Come to our beautiful Art Deco cinema Open for Breakfast Sat & Sun, 8-11am

FRI NOV 25 – TUES DEC 10 Friday Nov 25

11.00am 12.40pm 6.00pm 7.50pm Saturday 4.20pm Nov 26 6.10pm 7.50pm Sunday 4.25pm Nov 27 6.05pm 8.20pm Tuesday 11.00am Nov 29 12.50pm 6.00pm 7.45pm

Red Dog (PG) The Hunter (M) Contagion (M) Red Dog (PG) Contagion (M) The Hunter (M) The Help (M) Red Dog (PG) The Help (M) The Hunter (M) Contagion (M) Red Dog (PG) The Hunter (M) Contagion (M) for more information and trailers

The Tweed Shire Echo November 24, 2011 17

CD Review

Murray Kyle has emerged as a highly respected musician in the Australian roots music scene. His passionate storytelling honours a connection as humanity, and speaks clearly of the hope he has for changing times.

cover to check the length of tracks that I thought must have only lasted a minute so engrossed was I in them, only to find they went for over three minutes – an immediate replay was in order to sate my appetite.

As a young pianist he began to travel the world, and expanded his repertoire to include guitar, yidaki, woodwinds and percussion.


Kyle’s latest offering Keystone starts with the track Alive Alive which is a very fresh track with a beautiful guitar and rhythm section which sets the scene for the rest of the CD. Kyle’s raw Aussie vocals slip well between the folds of an excellent musical production, and even though you can be sure he has Bob Marley in his record collection, it is clear that he is influenced by the cream of Australian alternative funk/folk/roots/ rock with a definite tribal flavour of the likes of Ruby Fruit Jungle with a pinch of Deep Forest and a dash of middle-eastern spice in this his third album.

Mungo’s Crossword

s r a t S


Kyle is supported on this CD by both excellent instrumental and vocal backup and in many of the songs the vox style and harmonies certainly call to mind the later work of Crosby, Stills and Nash (that’s high praise coming from an old hippy). If this recording were simply an instrumental, it would easily stand alone as a wonderful work. The vocals create a well-rounded whole. Where the early songs in this work are fresher, travelling through the tracks uncovers a growing richness and several of the songs finished before I was quite ready to stop listening – twice I returned to the

Cryptic Clues

ACROSS 1. Moments of madness, sudden losses of control (5,5) 6. Drink of fermented honey (4) 9. Voyage that brings you back to where you started (6,4) 10 Rent-a-car company (4) 12. Dispute, central feature of argument (5,2,5) 15. High cholesterol dessert (5,4) 17. Israeli ruler responsible for the massacre of the innocents (5) 18. Burdened, weighted down (5) 19. Cooking vessel, especially at breakfast time (6,3) 20. Commonplace, down to earth (6-2-4) 24. Fate, menace (4) 25. Unending times (10) 26. Dangerous event at the Winter Olympics (4) 27. Nubile, growing up (10)

ACROSS 1. Moments of madness in bar (5,5) 6. I object to publicity – have a drink (4) 9. There and back again? Pirt! (6,4) 10. God backs car-hire firm (4) 12. Dispute? Indicate a paper hanky! (5,2,5) 15. This dessert will make Macca reek (5,4) 17. Principal character: daughter of wicked king (5) 18. Burdened with Osama! (5) 19. Inquisitive admirer, remarked Spooner, searching for a kitchen utensil (6,3) 20. Commonplace stuff – dodgy performance! (6-2-4) 24. Perform, order, return – that’s fate (4) 25. English bird with bonds around individual – forever and forever! (10) 26. Pull to the East for this Olympic event (4) 27. For the growing girl, a handout: perfume (10)

DOWN 1. Drill into, make a hole in (4) 2. Short form of motor vehicle (4) 3. Prejudiced, not welcoming new ideas (6-6) 4. Off (3,2) 5. Stamp collecting (9) 7. Spies, overhears (10) 8. Opposite of ancestor (10) 13. Representation of something, accurate but a different size (5,5) 14. Wilful, stubborn (10) 16. Offended. Annoyed (9) 21. Wild, untamed (5) 22. Single line, list (4) 23. Is not (abbrev) (3,1)

Last week’s solution

DOWN 1. Drill? A tedious pursuit (4) 2. Gold to obtain vehicle (4) 3. New pointer tended to be prejudiced (6-6) 4. Either way it’s off, (3,2) 5. Greek character recently found a hobby (9) 7. Spies passed over orders (10) 8. Come down, worker – daughter! (10) 11. Nuclear process computer parts reported to be a snack (4,3,5) 13. Different sized copy of ladle comes damaged (5,5) 14. S for stubborn (10) 16. Offended in finding saffron tedious (9) 21. Wild fear, left wild (5) 22. List rank (4) 23 Sex appeal includes Poles? Doesn’t exist! (3’1)

Mungo’s Crossword first published in The Week.

18 November 24, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Keystone is the coming of age of Murray Kyle and is igniting his flame within the heart of the Australian music industry. For info wisit: The Echo has two copies of Murray Kyle’s CD Keystone to give away. Simply email: gigs@ with the subject ‘Kyle is the Keystone’.

This week wild-child Venus in Sagittarius dismisses orders from fussbudget Mars in the sign of astral accountancy. He wants the books balanced, but she’s a free spirit…

 ARIES: Just as this week fires up exciting new enterprises, planetary crosscurrents swat them with unsettling news or unexpected delays. Though this moving and shaking will disengage some of your attachments to the past, so rather than cursing circumstances, accept this situation as Your Next Big Adventure…

Quick Clues

Written, recorded and produced in the lush setting of Uki, this album blends a mystical shamanic sound with global soul, a dash of R&B and positive roots vibes. Mixed by Benjamin Last at Reel Spirit Studios, and mastered by Michael Worthington, Keystone features some of the areas finest musicians, including Shai Shriki on oud and jumbush, Rebekah Ray on vocals, Bill Jacobi on bass, Hugh Jones on drums and Cye Wood and Laura Targett on violin.

without checking carefully for exaggerations, inaccuracies or misrepresentation. But hitches and glitches aside, el Sol in your house of fun puts plenty of pleasure on your Majesty’s menu with a week of booty, bounty and benevolence.

and Friday’s new moon in Sagittarius usher in Archers’ happy birthday month, this week sees you welcoming change, breaking old chains, making new plans. Being innovative, independent, thankful for what you’ve had and grateful for what you have, no matter how imperfect.

VIRGO: Catch up with any backlog of  CAPRICORN: This week has a short fuse, chores before this week gets hit by with Friday a red-letter bad-hair day. shifting conditions. Mars in Virgo’s a great corrector of mistakes, so if your past starts We’re all in the crossfire of intersecting catching up with you for resolution, now’s energies trying to hold things together, your chance to change a lifelong pattern but sometimes it’s better to just let go and behave differently. so they can reshuffle into a fresher, more LIBRA: Don’t believe everything you hear workable and contemporary form. this week or ignore small warning signals  AQUARIUS: Just as things settle into trying to get your attention. If friends some sort of order, whoosh! – this week seem unreliable remember computer throws a firecracker in the works. Best errors, electronic malfunctions and take the line of least resistance by being missed messages are rife. Keep receipts too, because more goods are returned philosophical rather than furious, because during Mercury retrograde than any other self-control and a sense of humour are time. the best tools available.  CANCER: Best get stuck into the to-do list  SCORPIO: You know rushing isn’t your  PISCES: As planetary catalysts stir the best look so don’t let impatient people early, because a late-week astro-crunch cosmic pot, change is happening ready or faze you, especially during midweek is likely to add to the workload. Try not not. Rose-coloured specs aren’t your best Scorpio moon. Useless to fume about to schedule appointments on Friday and accessory when late-week glitches hit, so disruptive detours and delays too, so put remember this week’s most valuable remember Einstein’s observation that any waiting time to more constructive use. word is simplify. Second and third most helpful? Don’t panic. Fortunately this week generates plenty of fool can make things more complicated, interesting social stress relief… but it takes intelligence and courage to  LEO: High-voltage excitement’s operating, but don’t sign anything  SAGITTARIUS: As Sun, Venus, Mercury do the opposite.   TAURUS: With confusion and uncertainty amping up this week’s irritability factor, you could really make a difference in your world by being not only an enviable example of cool, but also role modelling how absolutely worthwhile it is making the effort to get along with others.   GEMINI: As the social scene gets busy and fraught, who needs Mercury retrograde’s frustrations and irritations, not to mention the extra work rejigging plans and changing arrangements? Don’t count on others in a tizz for assistance – get busy doing a rethink and researching alternative options.


by Ian Rogers Play at Seagulls Club, Thurs 6pm The extraordinary upset victory by tenth seed Germany at last week’s European Teams Championship in Porto Carras, Greece, was a perfect illustration of the law of unintended consequences. In recent years, the German Chess Federation has been feud­ ing with its top players, so much so that at many major events Germany has sent only a youth team rather than their highest ranked Grandmasters. Taking a series of hard knocks at various tournaments seems to have toughened up the young German players enormously, so much so that their team survived the three tough final rounds of the European Teams Championships without losing a game. In the final round Germany beat Olympic champions Arm­ enia and took the European title for the first time. The victors were as stunned as their victims; at the start of the event even the thought of a bronze medal would have been considered daydreaming. n Denmark’s top board in Greece, Sune Berg Hansen, almost scored

an upset victory over world num­ ber three Levon Aronian. The diagram picks up the game after Hansen’s 27th move. 27...g6?! 27...Nf7 would avoid the coming problems. 28.g5!! gxf5 29.exf5 Bc8 30.dxe5 dxe5 31.Ne4 Ra7 32.Qg4! Qb6 33.Kh1! Ba6 White’s attack is slow but it is deadly. After 33... Qxe3 34.Re2 Qb6 35.Qh5 Black is defenceless. 34.Qh5 A little over-enthusiastic. 34.Rg1 Rg7 35.Qh5 would transpose to the game. 34... Rg7?! Very careless. After 34...Bxf1 35.Qxh6+ Kg8 36.gxf6 Rh7 White must tread carefully to earn a draw, which he can do after 37.Qg5+ Kf7 38.Rd2! Rg8 39.Rd7+ Kf8 40.f7! Rxg5 41.fxe8Q+ Kxe8 42.Nf6+. 35.Rg1?! Missing a giant chance to have the board showered with gold coins after 35.Qxe8!!! Rxe8 36.Nxf6 checkmate! 35...Nf7 36.g6+ Kh8 37.gxf7 Qxe3 38.fxe8(Q)?? Completely missing Black’s threat. After 38.Rg6 Black can resign, eg 38... Rfxf7 39.Rxh6+ Rh7 40.Rxh7+ Rxh7 41.Qxe8+ etc. 38...Qh3+ 39.Rh2 Rxg1+ 0-1 It is checkmate after 39...Rxg1+ 40.Kxg1 Qf1. a








15 Minutes of Fame at Stokers

The Fifteen Minutes of Fame at Stokers Siding phenomenon continues to go from strength to strength, bringing its enthusiastic local audience. From its inception nearly three years ago as a follow-on from the monthly Epiphany dinner-entertainment show, Fifteen Minutes of Fame at Stokers (FMoFaS) has continued to enjoy an amazing and wide variety of talent and continued good audience patronage. Good audience numbers, along with the modest admission charge,

has meant that monthly staging costs have been largely covered. 2011 has seen the introduction of a professional and paid featured act, which has added to the variety and continued high quality of entertainment. Things are looking good for the FMoFaS community not-for-profit show well into the future. Next week will see the huge Christmas Special – Friday December 2 from 7pm at the Stokers Siding Hall. This month is a $20 special meal and show combined.


8 7 6

FEATURING LOCAL STOKERS TALENT: Circus, Jazz, Song, Folk, Rock, Harmonies, Comedy and more

5 4 3 2 1

Black (Aronian) to play

Special Meal plus Admission $20 Meal Bookings essential Rhonda 6677 9027 or at the shop.


Power of Pink Dressage

Is Obama the fishing Bandit?

The Tweed Valley Equestrian Group will be holding its annual The Power of Pink Dressage competition on Sunday at the Murwillumbah Showgrounds. This is a great event for the whole community to become involved in, not just dressage riders. It is quite a spectacular sight on the day with riders and their horses all using pink as the theme, riders dressing in pink and/or their horses in pink, and no, the geldings don’t complain, as they know all this fundraising is going to a good cause. Spectators are very welcome. On the day the canteen will be operating with all monies chandise. As well as on the day liams Town & Country and also being donated from sales tickets for this huge raffle can Tweed Equestrian Saddlery of food, raffle tickets and mer- be purchased from JH Wil- both at Murwillumbah.


BOWLS Cabarita Beach Men Club Selected Fours Final: Sam Dimario, Julian Richards, Cecil Shepherd and Steve Anderson defeated Greg Dryden, Dave Crow, Barry Venner and Ernie Carsley 19-18 in a very close final where Ernie Carsley’s team led by a shot on the last end but some clever draw bowling gave Steve Anderson’s team two shots to win the match by one. President’s Handicap: Glen Searle defeated. Jim Baxter 123 to 77. Charles Klaverstyn defeated Billy Parr 123 to 87. Charles Klaverstyn defeated Roy Dudley 100 to 78. Mick Morgan defeated Rob Watkins 125 to 75. Gary Coustley defeated Ces Shepherd 106 to 99. Alun Jones defeated Paul Welsh 105 to 105 on handicap. Laurie Freeman defeated Ian Turnbull 85 to 55. Ric Maunders defeated Ian McGlashan 115 to 90. Major - Minor Pairs: Neil Ambrose and Roy Dudley defeated Bob Pilling and Rob Mills 32-11. Sam Dimario and Ken Ross defeated Julian Richards and Ian Turnbull 21-14. Bill Parr and Peter Schofield defeated Alun Jones and Rick Parlett 28-19. Wednesday November 16 : Winners were Roy Dudley and Bob Verrills. Runners Up were Ernie Carsley and Mick Morgan while the Consolation went to Rob Harper and Shane Gittoes. Saturday November 19: Winners were Marion Thompson, R. Tinsley and Valerie Dudley. Consolation went to Ian Creelman, Doug Tinsley and Ron McCormack. Monday November 21: Winners were Mick Morgan and Ernie Carsley. Runners Up were Bill Creedon and Barry Griffiths while the Consolation went to Rick Maunders and Bill Clacher. Cabarita Beach Women November 22: Club Selected Fours - Congratulations to Linda McGlashan, Kate Potter, June Maitre and Clare Hill, winners of this event. Runners-up were Nancy Dodds, Margaret Hunter, Josephine Fletcher and Glenys Cartwright. Social Bowls - Winning rink today went to Barry Petty, Ron Lee, Patrick Grogan and Terry Brent. Well done, fellas. Consolation prize was won by John Andrews and Valerie Dudley. Lucky raffle winners were Marion Thompson, June Maitre and Terry Brent. Condong Ladies Mon 31/10/11 Melb Cup Bowls Day. 1st Rd D Donges, J Appleton, J Houston, G Moore. 2nd Rd S Thomas, D Lobb, R Winglay, K Freeman. Runnersup P Sullivan, J Quirke, M Mc Conville, M James. Overall Winners A Mackay, H Ross, V Dudley, C Hill. Tues 8/11/11 Club Consistency M Standfield def M Hinde. M Sweetnam def R Ross. H Ross def N Worthy. Social Pairs H Fuller, E Elvy def M Dobie, A Tonel. Winning Rink H Fuller, E Elvy. Club Comp winner R Ross. Draw for Tues 15/11/11 Consistency P Flack vs H Ross, marker N Worthy. R Thorley vs D Dawes, marker R Ross.K Edmunds vs M Standfield, marker B Mullan.Social Bowls for those not playing or marking consistency. Tues 15/11/11 Club Consistency K Edmunds def M Standfield, R Thorley def D Dawes, P Flack def H Ross.Semis to be played Sat morning 19/11/11 at 9.30am. K Edmunds vs M Sweetnam, marker M Standfield. P Flack vs R Thorley, marker H Ross. Social Pairs A Tonel, H Fuller def D Hardie, M Dobie. Winning Rink R Thorley, R Ross.Club Comp R Ross. Cudgen Leagues Ladies Social Winners were Rink 11, Pat Gray,R Creedon & Di North. Raffle - Isabel Nipperess. Cudgen Men Club Championships Mixed Fours in a thrilling finish went to A. Reevie, H. Wylie, G.

Border & B. Murray who defeated M. Hull, R. Lowe, D. Lowe & P. Prichard 18/17. The Mixed Pairs saw l. Fleming & V. Schiemer victorious over H. Wylie & B. Murray 23/13, Social play resulted in Wednesdays Mens Mufti going to C. Lacey, B. Bell & J. Hazell and the losing rink toF. Pavuna, J. Krizman & T. Potocnick, Saturdays mens game saw J. Tom, G. Murphy & I. Tilly win the cash but the winners of the secrete margin with a score of plus 8 were B. Fraser, T. Grimes , T. Conlon & P. Tindale. Kingscliff Men Social Bowls Results: Tuesday 15th November Amcal Open Pairs: Winners: J Hansen, P Clancy. Runners Up: P Crompton, T Abraham. Plate Winners: T Dimmock, J Ritchie. Thursday 17th November: Highest Winning Margin: A Brown, A Reid, T Hills. Second Highest Winning Margin: J O’Malley, J Quinn, P Jones; Lowest Winning Margin: L Gillespie, G Davis, M Rice. Saturday 12th November: Highest Winning Margin: T Cusack, D Smith. Second Highest Winning Margin: R Lewis, J Brereton, R Graham. Lowest Winning Margin: K Greenbank, G Haydon, R Maltby. South Tweed Ladies Thursday 17th Winners: N.Watling & N.Munns. Winners Losing Rink: S.Johnston & J.Munn. Tuesday 22nd Winners C.Boyd, M.Wiseman & R.Martin. Winners Losing Rink: J.Reid, C.Glover & J.Aukino: Raffle Winners: E.Smith & P.Tendam: South Tweed Men Results 9/11/2011 Wed. a.m. Pairs: 1st R Henson & D Maxwell. 2nd J Mizzy & M Green. Wed. p.m. Social: Winning rink, D.Bateson,A Reid and A Potts. Losing Rink: C Turner,C. Nicholls and D McGrigor Thurs. p.m.Pairs: 1st B Dawson & B Bullock. Winners of losers: B Lamb & R Arrowsmith. Sat.p.m. Open Pairs: Winners, B Harvey & W Earea. Winners of losers: V Giacomi & G Morrissey. Sat.p.m. Social: Winning rink, J Scully, J Mc Bain and P Johnston. Losing rink: F Fisher, P Blanksby and B Goldstone. Tweed Heads Ladies Wednesday Ladies Pairs: E. Bradley, L. Hodsdon def. J. Lyon, L,A. French * J. Gilroy, D. Duncan def. A. Harris, V. Cunningham * V. Moore, R. Curtis def. A. Morrissey, V. Neill * S. Asser, P, Southern def. J. Wilson, K. Robinson * M. Purcell, F. Hewitt def. J. Ware, P. Reedy * E. Bertram, D. Woods def. F. Martin, P. Dearlove * M. Wright, A. Ebsworth def. S. Lusby, J. Roche * B. Bryant, M. Dare def. S. O’Toole, R. Griffith * N, Wise, J. Hoffman def. B. LeBouef, N. Bell * J. Finney, H. Bosisto def. L. Smith, L. Kattenberg * E. Simpson, M. Cooper def. H. Mason, B. Irwin * Thursday Ladies Fours: S. O’Toole, C. Hawkins, D. Woods, C> Graver def. L. Wilson, A. Plowright, P. Dearlove, R. Griffin * K. Thatcher, V. Cunningham. E. Joselin, H. Bosisto def. M. Wright, L. Hodson, B. Bradley, A. Ebsworth * J. Ryman, E. Titmarsh, J. Kerkow, C. Thatcher def. S. Wilson, B. Rodger, N. Ward, V. Robinson * R. Reiter, D. Kendall, J. Roche, S. Taylor def. J. Lyon, J. Wilson, J. Gilroy, B, Bitmead * M. Gwynne, D. Evans, D. Stewart, B. Cooper def. D. Duncan, H. Reid, S. Hambleton, S. Cook. Ladies Thursdays Triples: J. Milburn, I. Muldoon, P. Govett, def. S. Lusby, R. Wallis, D. McNamara * J. Clark. K. Davies, N. Matheson def. R. Whalebone, M. Baxter, M. Jarick * N. Craig, B. Orchard, N. Bell, def. S. Iles, V. Pridham, P. Reedy Ladies Thursday Pairs: J. Ryan, J. Finney def. H. Bardsley, S. Goldsmith * B. LeBouef, P. Houghton def., L. Rayward, J. Matchett * B,. Jacobsen, E. Hunt def. K. Cusack,. L.A. French * F. Keech, J. Smith, def. S. Asser, H. Ramsay.

Tweed Heads Men Championships: Mixed Fours. Final Sunday November 20: Lauren Wilson, Brendan Wilson, Barbara Makin, Bob Mullens d. Ruth and Max Reiter, Doreen and George Kendall 22/12. Senior Triples Semi-finals Friday November 18: Dennis Lusby, Gary Hewitt, John Griffiths d. Brian Bitmead, Allen Jackson, Doug Grenfell 25/10; Don Shoobert, Russell Luland, Graham Simpson d. John Strachan, Al Blake, Bernie Fletcher 25/24. Final on Friday November 25 at 1.00pm. Social Results Sun Nov 13: Green 1: Josie and Pat Ryan; r/up: John Rayward, Marie Purcell, Simon Bailey, Wendy Wilson Green 2: Stephanie and Peter Goldsmith; r/ up: Oscar Cunningham, Pat and Jim Maynard Tues Nov 15: Winners Men: Don Shoobert, Jack Barnes, Allen Jackson, Jim Croghan; r/up: Roger Bell, Ean Quested, Jim Smith. Winners Ladies: Josie Ryan, Sue Jackson, Colleen Graver, Esme Carter; r/up: Roslyn Ash, Marjorie Croghan, Doreen Kendall. President Ron handed over a cheque to the value of $2013.00 to the Tweed Hospital Auxiliary representative for the purchase of 3 Perspex Cots from our Charity Wrong Bias Tin. Wed Nov 16: Random Rink Draw Green 1: John Asser, Ross Cali; r/up: Fred Brown, Syd Gregory Green 2: Tony Nichols, Brian Aughey, John Reid, Peter Barns; r/up: Max and Brian Pearce Green 3: Stan Loeber, Ron Sturrock; r/up: Brian Bevan, Fred Peel Green 4: Bob Atherton, Clive Weeks; r/up: Ron Hodsdon, Ivan Mackay Fri Nov 18: Green 1: Jed Hambleton, Peter Howell, Geoff Dixon; r/up: Clem Jones, Brian Scrase, Bill Finney Green 2: Richard Mills, Greg Nolan, Oscar Cunningham; r/up: John Bibby, Jim Hammersley, Terry Patton. Green 3: David Dodge, John Rayward, Mark Howarde; r/up: Con Impellizzeri, Tom Reeves, Jack Blagbrough. Green 4: Brian Bitmead, Bill Hagen, Gordon Henshaw; r/up: Dennis Lusby, Ramsay MacDonald, Sam Ramsay. Sat Nov 19: Jackpot Saturday Green 1: Stephanie and Peter Goldsmith; r/ up: Colleen Graver, Bill Grose Green 2: Jason Neville, Dennis Agnew; r/up: Brian Neill, Ron Hottinger, Brian Irby Green 3: Leigh and John Rayward; r/up: Pat and John Griffiths DARTS Tweed Valley Results of Tweed Valley Darts Grand Final 21/11/11 A Grade Jokers 8 def Blues 6. B Grade Tigers 6 def Ramseys Heros 5. C Grade Moon Guppies 7 def Chuckers 2. Congratulations to all winners. Also well done to Bill, Robbie and Jason who threw 180. GOLF Chinderah Seniors Social Golf Results for 14/11/11 Stroke Winner A grade Stan Allen net 58 new h/ cap 7. R/up Ron Gibson net 59 (c/back) new h/cap 5. Winner B grade Keith Morris net 57 new h/ cap 17. R/up Jim Kilborn net 58 new h/cap 15. Winner C grade Sue Priest net 56 new h/cap 23. R/up Pam Andrews net 57 new h/cap 19. Ball rundown to net 60. Results for 17/11/11 Stroke Winner A grade Dudley Wallis net 54 new h/ cap 6, R/up Ray Kenway net 57 new h/cap 8. Winner B grade Grev Day net 53 new h/cap 16, R/up Don Nash net 54 new h/cap 17. Winner C grade Denis Hoare net 50 new h/ cap 19, R/up Kevin Burke net 51 new h/cap 24. Ball rundown to net 56.

David Solano

Thanks to everyone who rang The Echo to identify the fish in last week’s column. Phil Fletcher was the first gentleman to ring in, telling me I’d caught a ‘Bandit Trumpeter’. Phil also added that they have a nasty spike, which he’d felt first hand, and assured me it was a very painful experience – so be wary when handling The Bandit. Dale Taylor called me from Pottsville telling me it was definitely an ‘Obama’; he reckoned in the photo it looked like the American Flag and as Barack was visiting? Good imagination there Dale. The most interesting chat I had was with local fishing identity Paul Hargreaves. As a kid Paul would fish where the Ivory Hotel is now, though back then it was Markwell’s Seafood, he told me those fish were everywhere. He would catch them by the bucket load and then use them for live bait chasing lizards; he said the lizards loved them. I asked Paul about the Bandit spike he’d never heard of it or been stung; a bit of a conundrum there. The Bilambil Heights fishing fraternity is a pretty close Murwillumbah Sunday 13th November Women’s winner B.Blunden 38 pts, Members M.Calvert 38 pts b.r.d. to 36 pts c.b. Monday 4th November Veterans individual Winner RGreen 42 pts B.Grade J.Bertrams 42 pts N.Pins 2nd E.Sherwood 8th K.Blyth 10th K.Dawson 14th K.Blyth b.r.d. 34 pts c.b. Wednesday 16th Individual Stableford Winner a.grade E.Kerr 44 pts. R.Up D.Burgess 41 pts. B.winner J.Gray 41 pts. c.b R.Up B.Bolt 41 pts. N/Pin 2nd E.Btyett 10th K.Blyth. Veteran Winner J.Gray 41 pts b.r.d. 36 pts c.b. Wednesday 9 hole sporters Winner D.Blunden 21 pts c.b. 14th G.Austin b.r.d. to 20 pts.c.b. Friday 18th Winner B.McClelland 38 pts b.r.d.. to 38 pts c.b. Saturday 19th Stableford Winner A.Grade G.Taylor 42 pts R.Up J.Harris 40 pts B.G M.Fenn 43 pts R.Up T.Clark 40 pts C.Grade J.Terrey 43 pts R.Up P.Russell 40 pts D.Grade

MONTHLY MARKETS 1st Sat Brunswick Heads (02) 6628 4495 1st Sun Byron Bay (02) 6680 9703 1st Sun Pottsville (02) 6676 4555 1st Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 2nd Sat 2nd Sun 2nd Sun 2nd Sun 2nd Sun 2nd Sun

Kingscliff 0406 724 323 The Channon (02) 6688 6433 Chillingham 0437 041 023 Lennox Head (02) 6672 2874 Coolangatta (07) 5533 8202 Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714

3rd Sat Mullumbimby (02) 6684 3370 3rd Sat Murwillumbah Cottage Markets 0417 759 777 3rd Sun Ballina (02) 6687 4328 3rd Sun Nimbin (02) 6689 0000 3rd Sun Pottsville (02) 6676 4555 3rd Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 3rd Sun Uki (02) 6679 5921 4th Sat Kingscliff 0406 724 323 4th Sun Bangalow (02) 6687 1911 4th Sun (in 5 Sun month) Coolangatta (07) 5533 8202 4th Sun Murwillumbah 0422 565 168 4th Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 5th Sun 5th Sun

Nimbin (02) 6689 0000 Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714

WEEKLY FARMERS MARKETS Each Tue New Brighton (02)6684 5390 Each Wed 7-11am Mur’bah (02) 6684 7834 Each Thu 8-11am Byron Bay (02) 6687 1137 Each Sat 8-11am Bangalow (02) 6687 1137 8am-1pm Uki (02) 6679 5438 Each Sat


‘The Phantom’ Ben fishing the mullaway hole

knit lot. Ben ‘the phantom’ is back. He’s been away on a cobia journey – fishing the diesel plant on his skinny fibro seagoing yak. I wondered where he’d gone. He showed me the photos of these enormous fish and told me while catching them he had resorted to holding the rod with his teeth while trying to control his yak as the big fella pulled him hell west and crooked. Wow, way to go, Benny! Saturday morning I spotted ‘the phantom’ at the jew hole and would you believe it, he handed me some freshly smoked cobia, a big fillet and a knife. ‘Want some breakfast

Dave?’ Ben had a little fan by the way of ‘Tom’ Tyler Bourke with him who caught his first schoolie; I think ‘the phantom’ showed him how it was done, and Ben also pulled a nice trev from the hole. Tuesday I was having a chat to keen fisho Ian Scholes. Ian was telling me about the fun he’s been having catching salmon around the Pottsville area. ‘Sometimes they were a bit too thick. he told me. I like the sound of that. I’ve never caught one but Ian tells me they go hard and they are still around at the moment. Tastewise I’ve heard different things, and none have been good.

P.Blackwell 41 pts R.Up R.Martin 40 pts. N.Pin 2nd B.McLean 8th G.Papas 10th T,McDonald 14th B.McLaen b.r.d. to 36 pts c.b. SHOOTING Murwillumbah Rifle Club Fullbore: Competition this week was at 900 yards in tricky conditions resulting in mediocre scores. Shaun Dolan and Denis McNamara topped scored in their respective classes. S Dolan 96.5, 3, 99.5; D Phippard 93.2, 3, 96.2; S Waddell 88.6, 3, 91.4; W Shoobridge 85.2, 6, 91.2.

Scope: D McNamara 104.3, 12, 116.3; P Weeks 101.2, 14, 115.2; G Morris 100.2, 12, 112.2; J Dight 98.2, 12, 110.2; P Loxley-Lewis 93, 14, 107; Rama Ishvara 79, 18, 97. Visitor: Zoe Helyer 90. Smallbore: 50 metres: D Williams 382, 32, 414; S Dickson 351, 60, 411; N Williams 380, 24, 404; A Cronk 400, 0, 400; A Glover 389, 10, 399; B Jenkins 386, 13, 399; W Shoobridge 389, 8, 397; R Millingen 388, 9, 397; H Sadleir 380, 17; 397; G MacMahon 393, 3, 396; A Turner 388, 8, 396; P Loxley-Lewis 385, 10, 395; Rama 382, 12, 394; G Morris 381, 10, 391.

First quarter December 2 Full moon


December 11 01:36

Third quarter December 18 11:48 New moon Day of month 1 T 2 F 3 S 4 S 5 M 6 T 7 W 8 T 9 F 10 S 11 S 12 M 13 T 14 W 15 T 16 F 17 S 18 S 19 M 20 T 21 W 22 T 23 F 24 S 25 S 26 M 27 T 28 W 29 T 30 F 31 S

Sun rise 0540 0540 0540 0540 0540 0540 0540 0540 0540 0540 0541 0541 0541 0541 0542 0542 0542 0543 0543 0544 0544 0545 0545 0546 0546 0547 0547 0548 0549 0549 0550

December 25 05:06 Sun set 1929 1929 1930 1931 1932 1932 1933 1934 1935 1935 1936 1937 1937 1938 1939 1939 1940 1941 1941 1942 1942 1943 1943 1944 1944 1944 1945 1945 1946 1946 1946

Moon rise 1120 1215 1308 1400 1452 1545 1638 1731 1825 1918 2009 2056 2141 2222 2300 2337 0013 0050 0129 0213 0301 0355 0454 0557 0701 0804 0905 1003 1058 1151

Moon set 0018 0051 0122 0153 0226 0300 0337 0418 0504 0554 0648 0745 0844 0944 1043 1144 1245 1347 1452 1559 1706 1811 1912 2007 2055 2137 2215 2249 2321 2353


DECEMBER 2011 Astronomical data and tides

High tide, height (m) 0145,1.27; 1340,1.53 0241,1.27; 1432,1.41 0336,1.30; 1530,1.31 0430,1.34; 1630,1.25 0520,1.41; 1730,1.23 0606,1.48; 1824,1.23 0649,1.56; 1913,1.25 0729,1.62; 1957,1.26 0808,1.68; 2038,1.28 0845,1.73; 2117,1.29 0922,1.77; 2157,1.29 1000,1.78; 2237,1.30 1041,1.78; 2319,1.30 1122,1.76 0005,1.31; 1205,1.71 0055,1.32; 1252,1.64 0148,1.35; 1345,1.55 0245,1.40; 1445,1.46 0345,1.47; 1553,1.39 0445,1.56; 1704,1.35 0545,1.67; 1814,1.34 0642,1.78; 1917,1.35 0737,1.88; 2015,1.37 0830,1.94; 2110,1.38 0920,1.97; 2200,1.39 1008,1.94; 2248,1.39 1054,1.88; 2334,1.37 1137,1.77 0020,1.36; 1219,1.64 0105,1.34; 1300,1.51 0151,1.34; 1342,1.38

Low tide, height (m) 0722,0.62; 2027,0.44 0821,0.68; 2115,0.49 0927,0.71; 2201,0.52 1034,0.70; 2247,0.53 1141,0.66; 2333,0.52 1238,0.59 0015,0.51; 1326,0.52 0056,0.51; 1408,0.45 0134,0.50; 1447,0.40 0213,0.49; 1525,0.35 0250,0.48; 1601,0.32 0330,0.48; 1640,0.31 0410,0.48; 1720,0.31 0454,0.50; 1801,0.31 0542,0.52; 1845,0.32 0634,0.55; 1932,0.34 0732,0.57; 2022,0.36 0839,0.59; 2115,0.38 0952,0.57; 2211,0.39 1109,0.51; 2308,0.40 1220,0.42 0005,0.39; 1325,0.31 0100,0.38; 1422,0.22 0153,0.37; 1515,0.17 0245,0.36; 1603,0.15 0335,0.38; 1649,0.17 0425,0.41; 1733,0.22 0513,0.46; 1815,0.29 0600,0.52; 1855,0.37 0648,0.59; 1934,0.44 0739.0.66; 2014,0.49

Times Eastern Daylight Saving Time. Time lags: Ballina Boat Dock: 15 min; Byron Bay: nil; Brunswick River Highway Bridge: high 30 min, low 1 hr; Mullumbimby: 1 hr 10 min; Billinudgel: 3 hr 55 min; Chinderah: high 1 hr 30 min, low 2 hr; Terranora Inlet: high 2 hr 10 min, low 2 hr 25 min; Murwillumbah: high 2 hr 30 min, low 2 hr 50 min. Tides in bold indicate high tide of 1.7m or more and low tide of 0.3m or less. Data courtesy of the National Tidal Centre.

The Tweed Shire Echo November 24, 2011 19

Service Directory


Full colour display ad only $40 per week – 85mm x 28mm. Line listing only $80 for 12 weeks. Full year prepaid $280. Deadline for additions and changes is 12pm Monday. Enquiries: 02 6672 2280 or




CORBETT BUILDING Quality carpentry, steelwork & verandahs. Lic 70753C .............0407 337 855

VIRGINIA FRANCIS MYOB, qualified, experienced, reasonable rates .........................0434 630 953

Member of ECIA & Water Efficiency – Operator: WEO43073 •


ACCOUNTANT Jeannie Anderson .................................................................................02 6672 4044

‘Maximise your property value’ • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • MARINE

PAINTING/ TILING/ BUILDING/ HOME MAINTENANCE Joel JPS Painting.............0404 193 940

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All aspects of carpentry. Qualified, friendly & professional. Free COMPETITIVE quotes for all work – call Simon:

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Graeme Archer

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PH/FAX 02 6677 9443 MOB 0421 251 477


Green & Clean

Carpet and upholstery cleaning, urine extraction, rust removal, heavy traffic areas, deodorising and sanitation.



Far North Coast

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Hard to 85x28 30/01/2009 11:48:16 AM

HOUSE & OFFICE CLEANING Competitive prices .......................................................07 5536 1773

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 20 November 24, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Lic 222684C


1300 199 585

Naguar Holdings Pty Ltd T.A. Atlas Awnings, Northern Rivers NSW BLN 42748 Qld BLN 24566

DENTISTS MARTIN ACKLAND & TERRY McKIERNAN Banora Point .........................................07 5523 4090

DESIGN & DRAFTING GERARD BISSHOP Design, drafting, extensions & carports...........0407 151 740 or 02 6676 3405


Pool pumps, electric motors, power tools, electrical equipment & repairs

Unit 2/42 Machinery Drive, Tweed Heads South

07 5524 7055 ELECTRICIANS

CURTIS ELECTRICAL 24 hour service. Lic 79065C .......................................................0427 402 399

2 Pauls

       

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Paul Taylor 0412 506 536

ADVANCED Blind & Curtain Cleaning & Repairs Verticals Curtains Timber Hollands Romans

07 5523 3622 6/6 Enterprise Ave, Tweed Heads South

<echowebsection=Service Directory>

Ernst Max Mann

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BEDNARZ, H & W, FENCING Specialise in pool, Colorbond & timber fencing ............0417 491 136


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WEDDING SERVICES A FREE ENGAGEMENT PORTRAIT Graham Mewburn Photographer ........................0408 170 941 PERFECT WEDDINGS Diane Paludi. 432 179

WINDOW CLEANING CLASS GLASS 10 years experience. Free quotes...........................................................0408 170 941







6680 2484 • 0416 218 720

Honest, reliable, all work guaranteed. 6681 4163 / 0414 674 110 •


<echowebsection=Service Directory>

The Tweed Shire Echo November 24, 2011 21


ECHO CLASSIFIEDS 6672 2280 PHONE ADS Ads may be taken by phone on 02 6672 2280 9am-12pm Wednesday, 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. Ads can’t be taken on the weekend. BY POST PO Box 545 Murwillumbah 2484


RATES & PAYMENT $15.00 for the first two lines (minimum charge) $5.00 for each extra line (these prices include GST) Cash, cheque or credit card – Mastercard or Visa. DEADLINE 12pm Wednesday for display ads and line ads. ACCOUNT ENQUIRIES phone 02 6684 1777





Double your exposure. Your ad will appear in over 44,000 newspapers weekly. Ask us about our great deals when you advertise in both THE TWEED SHIRE ECHO & THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Phone 02 66722280 or 02 66855222

FOR HIRE CHEAP REMOVALIST. No job too small. Give us a call for a quote. Mini van Mitch. Phone 0423287144


MASSAGE Therapeutic / relaxation $30/ hr. Men & women. M’bah areas or rooms, preg bed avail. Gary 0439293384

Part Time Yoga Teacher Training with Flo Fenton's Intouch Yoga in Suffolk Park Level 1/Level 2 one day a week beg Mar Details; 02 66859910

Ancient Taoist practices For health, wellbeing & rapid spiritual advancement

Murwillumbah, Dec 3 & 4 Ph/SMS: 0418 103 102 www.onemillionthhuman. info/kunlun



Palm trees skillfully pruned or removed. Phone Brad 0402317499

Clear subconscious sabotages. Reprogram patterns and beliefs. De-stress. Restore vibrancy and physical health. Clear allergies. SANDRA DAVEY, Reg. Pract. 66846914 REIKI, CRYSTAL THERAPY & SHAMANIC SOUND THERAPY Crystal & Treasure Map Workshops Ph Pia 0434922727 QUIT SMOKING IN 60 MINUTES How? Ask Ingrid phone 66803827

KIM MCINTOSH CARPENTRY All your carpentry needs from decks, pergolas, bathroom renovations, new construction and all renovations. Contractor Lic. 237294C Contact Kim on 0409058618



from $10.50sqm & Bamboo Flooring. For ceilings, walls, doors, etc. Ph 66884188 - sample & brochure TIMBER, pine, treated pine, hardwood, mouldings, sleepers, fencing, Koppers logs, ply, MDF, lattice, made to order. Brims Builders Hardware, Billinudgel 02 66801718, Sth Tweed 07 55236002


- HONEST & RELIABLE Best rates & service in the Shire. Phone Matt 0427172684

RAV 4 CRUISER 03, very good cond, all options, economical, 5 speed manual, $9500 ono. Ph 0422142850

BARGAINS Ford Falcon Ute 5 spd, tow bar, A/C, P/S, 5/2012 rego. BK 60 PV............................................ $2,000 2000 Ford Laser LXi Sedan 5 spd, A/C, P/S. Nice car. AIG 39L ....................................... $4,950 1999 Suzuki Vitara Soft Top 5 spd. 139,061kms. Ready for Summer. BC 82 VZ.................... $5,350 1999 Mitsubishi Magna Wagon Auto, A/C, P/S. 129,061kms. Great value. 4/12 rego. BK 77 HC .................................................. $4,250 Hyundai Excel III 5spd. New timing belt & water pump. Ideal 1st car. AQG 394 .......... $2,000

50 CARS UNDER $10,000


Ballina Car Centre

6686 5586

DLN 19950

MOTOR BIKES SUZUKI V STROM 650 Sports Tourer 05 g-c rego, met blue $4500. 0413836954





Carmine 6685 4015 - 0401 208 797

EMERGENCY NUMBERS Please stick this by your phone

AMBULANCE, FIRE, POLICE .............................................................. 000 AMBULANCE Mullumbimby & Byron Bay .................................131 233 BRUNSWICK VALLEY RESCUE Sea & road rescue...................6685 1999 BRUNSWICK MARINE RADIO TOWER ...................................6685 0148 MULLUMBIMBY HOSPITAL ......................................................6684 2266 BYRON BAY HOSPITAL ............................................................6685 6200 POLICE Brunswick Heads .......................................................6685 1277 Mullumbimby ..............................................................6684 2144 Byron Bay ...................................................................6685 9499 Bangalow ....................................................................6687 1404 STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE Storm & tempest damage, flooding.6684 3444 AIDS Confidential testing & information (ACON) ................................6622 1555 AL-ANON Help for family & friends of alcoholics .......... 6685 9690, 6680 4429 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hours....................................6686 8599 ANIMAL RESCUE (DOGS & CATS) .........................................6628 1358 LIFELINE .........................................................................................131 114 MENSLINE 7pm–11pm nightly (phone counselling & referral for men)..6622 2240 NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Meets daily ...............................1800 423 431 NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE ..................................................6684 1286 NORTHERN RIVERS GAMBLING SERVICE ...........................6687 2520 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 24 hour crisis line ...............................1800 656 463 GAMBLERS’ ANONYMOUS Meet 7.30pm Tuesdays at Byron Hospital Group Room, Shirly St, Byron Bay......................0466 885 820 NORTHERN RIVERS WILDLIFE CARERS...............................6628 1866 KOALA HOTLINE........................................................6622 1233 GEORGE THE SNAKE MAN.................................................0407 965 092 NSW Wildlife Information & Rescue Service (WIRES)..........6628 1898

SHOP COUNTERS x 2 white laminated, cutting tables with recess for fabric rolls 1 = 1.2m x 2.4m x .94h $700, 2 = 1.2m x 1.8m x 94h $500. Phone 66842727


22 November 24, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo


You’re invited...

Friday 2 December 10am to 11am

At your local ON-Q Office

WHO ARE: • Professionals, tertiary and/or trade qualified • Actively seeking employment or a career We look forward to celebrating with you change • A recipient of/or eligible for the Disability Ballina: 106–108 Tamar Street Allowance Support Pension or Newstart • Ready to embrace local employment Byron Bay: Shop 3, 130 Jonson Street opportunities on the NSW Northern Rivers & Murwillumbah: Shop 2, 58 Wollumbin Street Qld Gold Coast


Tweed Heads South: Unit 4, 6–8 Amber Road

1800 761contact 561 Karen Daley Please on 1800 761 561 or email

to register your interest Specialised Employment Solutions

AGAVES - All your unwanted plants - we will remove for you. Phone 66847566


Clutter Overload?

Time to clear it out with a garage sale. Ph us on 66722280 to advertise here. BANORA POINT 17 Flemington St Sat 26th, 7am - 3pm, new toys, bric a brac

MOTOR VEHICLES SAAB 900s Convertible, auto, good condition, 183,000km, red, air-con, electric top & windows, rego to 17/2/12, $7500. Ph 0429834411 SUBARU LIBERTY 96 auto, rego sept 12, 221,000km $3500 ono. 0410736261 1990 PEUGEOT 405 MI 16 5 sp man, no rego, good car $650 ono. 0417491444

FLYERS SPECIAL Place your flyers inside our paper for $65 per 1000 including GST.

Minimum quantity 3000. Drop your flyers with us on Wednesday morning and have them delivered by Thursday afternoon!

Distributing throughout the Tweed Shire


Deal direct with the manufacturer. 65688558

ANY 60s - 70s CARS paid cash. Phone 0447090269

Don’t walk the streets, let The Echo do the heavy lifting for you!

02 6685 5222

SURF MAPS Phone Gallery 66858145/0422175706




locally made jewellery & wedding rings


Sexual Counselling

Alison Rahn qualified sex therapist 0432599812


FRUIT & VEG, WHOLE FOODS MIXED BUSINESS Byron/Suffolk. Huge exposure, 3x3x3 long lease. Turnover in excess $525,000pa, stock on hand $25,000, plant & equip $47,000, price neg. Ph Ray 0400578321 ah

CABARITA BEACH - OPEN HOUSE 26th Nov 11.30-12pm 1/13 Oleander Ave. 2br duplex. Open plan tiled living/ dining/ kitchen. Encl garden, LUG. 0266763235 $329,000

HOLIDAY ACCOM. MULLUM The Artists Cottage 2br 2 bath beautiful, overlooking valley & gardens, 6 min town, 10 min beach. Ph 66845415 TWEED VALLEY rooms/cabin on lovely rural property with pool & bush walking $50pn sgl, $100pn cpl. Ph 0458481261

SHARE ACCOM. CABARITA BCH $180pw, suit worker, share lge house with 2. Ph 0438339165

TO LET FINGAL 1br furn flat, single, employed, n/s, no pets $200pw + bond. 0755247807 MURWILLUMBAH 2 bedrm flat + carport $250pw & $1000 bond, 6 months plus lease, avail now Phone 66727494 ah POTTSVILLE, Studio,garden access. Own bthrm, limited kitchen, close to beach, $150pw incl PH0424151262

WANTED TO RENT HOME, rural property suitable for horses. Any area Northern Rivers. Hard working, great refs, share considered. 0428185500

TO LEASE STORAGE SHED/WORKSHOP 100 sqm in rural setting at Condong. High roof & entry, power incl $105pw. 0421086502




MODELS 18+ years required. Nude female for Picture and People magazines. No experience required. All shapes and sizes. Backpackers welcome. Good money. Professional accredited ACP photographer. Ph 0413627846 WAITPERSON Sat & Sun 15 to 20 hours. Experience preferred, enthusiastic people apply to: BELLINI RESTAURANT at Salt Villlage requires chefs, cooks, apprentices & waitstaff for current restaurant and new ventures opening soon. Ph 0432505282 or email: WAREHOUSE MANAGER Must possess leadership & computer skills & customer focus. Three am start. Geoff 0414585392

MUSICAL NOTES JAZZ PIANO, DOUBLE BASS & DRUM TRIO FOR HIRE Well rehearsed & accomplished players. Phone 0412732465 XMAS SINGERS /Players wanted to join accomplished Ukulele performer for busking & gigs. Alan 0410161743

PETS GOING AWAY? Who is looking after your pets? Kingscliff Petsitting 0419358794 or This is Angel - a little madam She is a 7-year old, desexed female, wire haired Jack Russell. Angel’s owner has moved and Angel didn’t settle into the new home – she needs a bit more space. She is a delightful little dog, intelligent and interesting. Quite active, she loves the water, and she loves people but needs to be an only dog.



Would you like to become a carer and work from home? Free training & financial support is provided, to enable you to provide accredited high quality care in a home environment. You will be supported by the largest scheme in NSW. Flexible hours. Childcare benefit available. Phone Northern Rivers Family Day Care for more info on 07 5536 1865.

WARNING The Department of Fair Trading has warned people to be very careful about responding to advertisements offering work at home. Readers should be wary if asked to pay money upfront for employment opportunities and never send money to a post office box

BANANA FARM HAND wanted on a perm /casual basis, 2 to 3 days pw in the north of Byron Shire. Must have experience in Bananas. Expressions of interest outlining age, address, experience & refs to: by end of Nov. Wages negotiated with the right person.

CONSCIOUS EROTIC ARTS sessions with Avika. Tantra Taoist sexological bodywork, erotic massage, kinky Tantra, Byron. 0420571847

FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY to take over (or manage) profitable holiday letting apartments in central Byron 0415242485

CLEANER wanted for restaurant & accommodation. Refs ess, 20+ hrs pw. Apply to:

MISTRESS AVIKA de Vine, goddess of conscious kink, wicked, skilled, in control. Ph 0420571847

YARRA VALLEY FARMS are seeking franchisees: A proven success, existing customers, guaranteed income, lifestyle. Call Geoff 0414585392 or

If you can give Angel a permanent, loving home, please phone Yolana on 0449 049 136 or the Friends of the Pound Adoption Booth on 07 5524 8590. Visit to view other animals looking for homes.

07 5524 8590


Renovation still king for frugal Aussie homeowners A new survey of more than 1,300 Aussies by Australian Home Beautiful magazine has found that the renovation bug continues to bite, with two thirds of respondents (66 per cent) saying they are currently renovating or intend to in the next two years. The research has been released to coincide with the magazine’s search for Australia’s best renovation. Fears about the current uncertain economics are driving this trend, with almost half (48 per cent) of respondents saying renovating was the best option at the current economic climate.

Cost and property prices were the main concerns people had about moving to a new property. A further 44 per cent of respondents said they would prefer to renovate as they believed it would be a cheaper process than moving. On average, survey respondents anticipated the cost of renovating to be 29 per cent less than the cost of moving home. The combination of these factors led to respondents selecting renovating as a 71 per cent more popular option that moving. The survey also found that rather than looking to ‘greener pastures’, most Australian

homeowners were determined to make the most of their current homes by renovating them. Seven in 10 would renovate because they don’t want to move out of the area they are in, six in 10 prefer to add value to their existing homes and feel they can create a home to suit their family’s lifestyle at their current property. Mara Lee, acting editor of Home Beautiful, said the results were a strong indication of how deeply the enthusiasm for renovating is ingrained among Aussie home owners. ‘There is no doubt Australians

Piggabeen NSW 27 Green Valley Way

have a real passion for renovat- the year contest, including de- judges, visit renovationoftheing. Costs and concerns about tail on how to enter and the the economy are a factor, but what this research shows us is that the clear majority of us love where we live and enjoy the chalNow interest rates have dropped, arrange an lenge and process of renovating OBLIGATION FREE mortgage health check. Are you getting our home to make it uniquely the best loan package? If I can’t find you a better deal I’ll ours. simply tell you. You have nothing to lose and everything to ‘This is demonstrated by the gain. Give me a call or email and contact Russel Shaw. fact that almost 30 per cent of us are currently undertaking Russel Shaw renovations to our homes, while 6680 8045 a further 38 per cent intend to 0412 833 280 start a new project in the next 24 months.’


■ For more information on the

Home Beautiful renovation of


Horse Lovers Wanted



• Air conditioned lounge area • Double lockup brick garage with rumpus or sun room. • 3 stables, dressage area and fencing for horse management • Usable, near level acreage • We Are Selling!

I absolutely love this 2.98 acre (1.21 Ha) property that is ready for you and a couple of horses. This superb property is well positioned with easy access to the Gold Coast Airport and surf beaches. The older style family home is in a beautiful garden setting that is private and easy to maintain. Ample water supply is so important. You will be happy with the large spring fed dam and endless fresh water bore. Our vendors have loved the acreage lifestyle of this property for 30 years; however the decision to downsize has been firmly made. This property represents extreme value and will be sold.


6pm (Qld) Wednesday 21st December Currumbin RSL View Private Inspection Brad Franks 0404 051 111 02 6672 3737 Ray White Rural Tweed Valley

Rural Tweed Valley

Auction – Rural

Vacant Land

Kyogle, 377A Fawcett Plain Road Lot B in DP 381264 Receivers Appointed

Auction – Rural Kyogle, 181 Fawcett Plain Road Lot 170 in DP 755707 Receivers Appointed Comprising approximately 118 acres of Fawcett Creek alluvial land, laser levelled with underground mains and three phase power connected. The property has been used for cropping and grazing over the last 5 years. Buildings include a 3 bedroom homestead, old dairy building and stockyards. Approximately 2 kilometres to Kyogle township, 1 hour to Byron Bay 1.5 hours to Gold Coast. Acting under instructions from Receivers and Managers, Taylor Woodings 371 Queen Street, Brisbane Qld 4000




We have been instructed to sell this vacant lot of approximately 52 acres, only minutes from the Kyogle township. With access to Fawcett Plain Road and a springfed dam, this undulating lot offers a country life style with the added convenience of a nearby town. Power is available to the property. Acting under instructions from Receivers and Managers, Taylor Woodings 371 Queen Street, Brisbane Qld 4000

Auction: Saturday 10th December, 1pm, Kyogle Bowling Club Inspect: Farm Tour Saturday 26th 12 midday Contact: Bob Elks 0428 322 250

Auction: Saturday 10th December, 1pm, Kyogle Bowling Club Inspect: Farm Tour Saturday 26th 11am Contact: Bob Elks 0428 322 250

Contact Bob Elks 0428 322 250 Contact Narelle Elks 0429 433 778

The Tweed Shire Echo November 24, 2011 23

Backburner Small business owners: Is your technology slowing you down? Book a FREE IT appraisal with Computer Solutions and we’ll show you how simple improvements can help you work faster and get ahead of the competition. Whatever your IT needs, our appraisal will help you make sense of the options. Best of all there’s no charge and no obligation. We can also help you with: • Computer and server set-up • Repairs and upgrades • Equipment servicing • Rapid-response troubleshooting • Equipment and software sales


Call 07 5523 1180 or 1300 858 388 11-13 Greenway Drive, South Tweed Heads

A generational change came with the recent election of Cr Barry Longland as mayor. The mayor, a proud resident of Uki, was spotted bopping away on the dance floor at the Ukitopia Festival on Saturday night. We can’t imagine the three previous mayors of the past few years getting down and shaking it all over. ■ ■ ■ ■

Hastings Point residents are livid that Tweed Council has so blatantly ignored the town’s hard-fought building controls by approving a three-storey beachfront ‘McMansion’ despite at least six breaches of the new DCP. Many believe the council is anxious to avoid a court case in which the owner of the site might ask awkward questions about why building staff just 15 years ago turned a blind eye when it approved a non-complying development next door which includes a habitable ‘boat house’. ■ ■ ■ ■

Road lega l 200W moto rised bicycle con version kits availa ble

Order motor kits online from $235 at Servicing the Kingscliff Area. Local pickup and installation from Power ‘N’ Pedals Unit 7, Lot 3, Manns Rd. Mullumbimby. Phone 6674 5823

Are senior staff working for the Department of Environment (DEC, but now the Office of the Environment) intimidated by threats of legal action by billionaire developer Bob Ell? That’s the claim made five years ago about an agency now involved in a prologed investigation into illegal clearing in a nature reserve adjoining his Kings Forest property. In an email unearthed by Ell’s Leda group during its huge FOI trawl an ecologist, who is one of the targets of Leda’s bizarre allegations of a high-level anti-development conspiracy, wrote that ‘DEC officers have informed me that the Leda group of companies has instituted or is threatening legal proceedings against individuals who have brought detrimental land-use activities in the Cudgen area to the notice of government authorities.’ ■ ■ ■ ■

Leda dismissed the email as ‘nonsense’ saying there was ‘no truth whatsoever about the

Julia Donvito, 7, from Kunghur Creek, keeps a straight face as Georgie Brooke, of Mt Burrell, applies facepaint during the Ukitopia Festival at Uki last weekend. Photo Luis Feliu

becomes a reality next Friday when the last edition is put to bed and 17 staff made redundant. The Snooze, as it’s known by readers, has been in terminal decline since it was taken over by Irish newspaper magnate Tony O’Reilly’s Aussie media arm, APN, about 20 years ago. At the time the paper’s Saturday edition rivalled the Gold Coast Bulletin, but a combination of dud managers, staff lay-offs and an ongoing identity crisis left it vulnerable to the cross-border competition from Rupert’s personal cash cow. Merry Christmas to you as well, Tony, and ■ ■ ■ ■ It’s funny how even council a sad farewell to a once proud rangers who come across cases community newspaper (see of environmental vandalism Editorial, page 6). feel discouraged by the lack ■ ■ ■ ■ of action against offenders. A A planned protest against the Backburner source from Potts- clearing of koala habitat which ville tells us some locals are was set to be staged outside Leda ‘concerned at the low morale Developments offices in Surfers observed for some time in the Paradise today (Thursday) has rangers; they can’t say so but been cancelled due to the late they feel that they aren’t always notice by police that all protests backed up by the ‘Office’, that in Queensland must now have requests for full prosecutions a permit five days before any are discouraged, so they get protest can take place. Organdiscouraged, as would we all’. iser Menkit Prince says that ■ ■ ■ ■ despite liaising with police for The long-forecast demise of over a week, this information the 123-year-old Daily News only came to light after 4pm on

threat or actual use by Leda of legal proceedings having the purpose of muzzling the opposition.’ Mr Ell’s denial was not supported by two of his critics, Greens Party councillor Katie Milne and predecessor Henry James, who have both been hit with defamation writs after upsetting his sensitivities. Of all the sweeping, half-baked assertions against individuals and outright denials of any culpability by Leda contained in their dirt files, let’s hope that in at least this case the company’s assurances prove to be correct.

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Shop 128A Tweed City Shopping Centre, 54 Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South NSW 2486

24 November 24, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

■ ■ ■ ■

Rally car enthusiast and former mayor Kevin Skinner doesn’t let little things like the opposition of most of the hinterland’s population stop his crusade to entice the World Rally back to the shire. The Chinderah motel manager was a big supporter of the rally and evidence of his dogged devotion to the noisy and environmentally unsustainable event popped up at this month’s meeting as he urged his fellow councillors to order the general manager to compile a report on ‘the economic impact of the world rally in Coffs Harbour in comparison with the rally in the Tweed Shire’. Mike Rayner is now believed to be beavering away on a document that compares apple to oranges. Some might suspect he has more important issues to devote his time to. ‘This is a silly waste of money and the general manager has plenty of other things to do,’ said Cr Katie Milne.

Fresh local produce straight from the farm to your door

Anti-wrinkle injectibles and cosmetic fillers now available at


Tuesday. ‘Without a permit to assemble peacefully we would all be arrested and prosecuted,’ she told Backburner. ‘Apparently it’s the law nationwide now, though it’s not being enforced uniformly,’ she said.


A Northern Rivers Produce box is filled with seasonal fruit and vegies, arriving from the field to your door within 24 hours. • It’s hassle-free! – just order online • Add your favourites to a selection of boxes • Boxes start from just $24.95, with enough delicious produce to last a week • No need to be home – the food is delivered in a cool box with ice bottle to keep it fresh • We deliver eggs, deli meats and freshly baked bread too

Visit to to see our huge range of produce and check our delivery areas

Northern Rivers Produce Produce by locals for locals

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