Tweed Echo – Issue 4.14 – 01/12/2011

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Tweed Shire’s liveliest letters! Volume 4 #14 Thursday, December 1, 2011

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Polglase tipped off developer Steve Spencer and staff reporters

Clean beach award ‘unites Cabarita’ Albert Elzinga

Cabarita’s renowned community spirit was recognised last week when Maggies Beach, just south of Cabarita, won the Northern Rivers section of the 2011 NSW Clean Beaches competition. Maggies Beach is now one of nine state finalists with the winner of the inaugural NSW Clean Beaches Competition to be announced today (December 1) in Sydney. Local community groups including Cabarita Beach Dunecare and students form Bogangar Public School planted trees and cleaned up the beach as part of an environmental rejuvenation project which enjoyed ‘exceptional community participation’, according to Keep Australia Beautiful NSW representative Peter McLean. Mr McLean announced the win to an enthusiastic crowd at Cabarita’s surf life saving club last week. He commended the ‘outstanding’ work done by the local

Veteran Tweed councillor Warren Polglase has admitted tipping off developer Bob Ell about an email which the property player used to mount a belated defamation case against Greens Party councillor Katie Milne. But Cr Polglase says he did nothing wrong in passing on the email by Cr Milne which formed the basis of Mr Ell’s Supreme Court writ taken out against the outspoken councillor nine months later. In the email, sent in March last year, Cr Milne raised concerns about Mr Ell’s two giant residential projects at Kings Forest and Cobaki and his links with arsonist Michael McGurk who was shot dead outside his Sydney home six months earlier. Cr Milne says she suspected her email had been leaked to the property mogul because its full contents had not been published in the media, although copies were sent to the council’s executive team, which then included Cr Polglase as mayor. But this week her suspicions were confirmed when a Freedom of Information search outed Cr Polglase as the one who passed the email on to Mr Ell’s Leda group which is developing two satellite towns in the Tweed. Jaden Greenwood and Larni Jennar from Bogangar Public School with Ashley Baldry (rear) from Cabarita Dunecare. Photo Jeff ‘Beachcomber’ Dawson

community, calling it ‘well-deserved’ and described the enormous community effort as ‘inspiring’. Dunecare co-ordinator Ashley Baldry said the work done at the beach had ‘brought the whole community together with a positive aim in mind’. Mr Baldry said the community planted hundreds of trees in the area and conducted regular weeding and clean-up sessions. ‘We have been very active’, Mr Baldry said. The Clean Beaches contest is the latest incarnation of the NSW Clean Beach Challenge which was last held in 2009 and saw Manly’s North Steyne Beach judged the best overall beach in NSW. The competition aims to encourage coastal communities to work together to identify and manage specific programs, projects and initiatives which promote sustainability and beautification of their beaches. Cabarita’s effort also brought victory in the ‘Community Partnerships and Action awards’ and was highly commended in the ‘Environmental Protection awards’, ‘Young Legends Awards’ and ‘Friendly Beach Awards’.

‘Email had become a public document’ Cr Polglase said the email had become a public document once it had been circulated on the internet and could in no way be construed as confidential. But Cr Milne said Cr Polglase’s actions demonstrated he was serving the interest of the developer who gave $80,000 to a war chest to fund the election of a pro-development council in 2004, a council later sacked amid findings that most councillors were puppets of developers. ‘Cr Polglase consistently votes against moves by other councillors to improve either the social outcomes, or the outcomes for koalas and the hundreds of species impacted on by Leda’s developments,’ said Cr Milne, who is the second Greens councillor to face a writ from Mr Ell. Cr Polglase told The Echo this week he stood by his decision. ‘This was not a confidential document at all. It was marked “letter to the editor”,’ he said. ‘I don’t see anything questionable about it. If someone was making accusations about me I would want to know about it.’ In his statement of claim Mr Ell says the email implied he was implicated in McGurk’s murder and that he had a scandalous association with the former businessman who was slain outside his home in September 2009. Cr Milne is defending the defamation action.

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Artist draws and paints from life Photo and story Luis Feliu

Acclaimed painter Robert Hannaford, whose works are currently on exhibition at Tweed River Art Gallery, spent almost three years drawing federal parliamentarians, including former Richmond MP Larry Anthony, during his commission as the official Centenary of Federation painter, a gallery audience was recently told. But the folio with all the drawings disappeared soon after, and are ‘out there somewhere’ according to John Neylon, the curator of Hannaford’s ‘Open Studio’ exhibition. Mr Neylon interviewed the artist on his life and work for the special gallery event. The portrait most recognised and admired by Tweed locals as Hannaford’s work is the 1990 Moran Art Prize winner Bill, which is part of the Tweed gallery’s permanent collection and part of the current ‘Open Studio’ exhibition. Hannaford told the gallery audience that the subject of the portrait, Francis ‘Bill’ Hogan, had died recently and he attended his funeral. ‘We were exactly the same age, he was born four days after me, we were both from farms; he was a lovely man,’ he said. The portrait of Bill took him

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400 Tweed Valley Way Murwillumbah 2 December 1, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Robert Hannaford with his award-winning Doug Moran National Art Prize portrait Bill, which hangs in the Tweed River Art Gallery. Bill is a portrait of the late Francis ‘Bill’ Hogan, who worked as a labourer on the construction of Hannaford’s studio.

Answers sought over land clearing Tweed Shire Council general manager Mike Rayner has sidestepped questions on whether any unauthorised clearing had taken place at Cobaki Lakes or Kings Forest during the current council’s term. Mr Rayner said at the last council meeting that he would take the question by Greens Cr Katie Milne on notice and advise councillors ‘in due course’. Cr Milne had also asked if it was ‘council’s opinion that the Kings Forest and Cobaki Lakes developments will have one of the largest future impacts on the potential for survival of the Tweed Coast koalas and long nosed potoroos?’

The developer recently came under fire in state parliament by Greens Upper House MP Cate Faehrmann who pointed the finger at Mr Ell and his company for illegally clearing part of the Cudgen Nature Reserve adjacent to Kings Forest which has been under investigation by National Parks since it was reported in July. In a related move, Cr Milne lost a bid seeking more information on the recent controversial dossiers by Leda containing allegations about council planners and consultants. Leda released the files shortly after The Echo revealed that heavy machinery had been

used to illegally clear part of the reserve, a koala habitat, prompting one councillor to ask if they were timed as a smokescreen. They contain sweeping allegations covering the last 18 years about council’s ‘green’ planners. The documents were leaked to local daily papers shortly after Leda regional manager Reg Van Rij gave copies to the council and government ministers, including local government minister Don Page. Ms Faehrmann also raised the reports in parliament saying some people had been targeted ‘simply because they made submissions during the public consultation process’.

Rally for koalas at Kings Forest site


about a year to finish ‘on and off ’ involving 100 sittings. Another famous subject was former Labor prime minister Paul Keating. Hannaford did two similar portraits of him, one which hangs in Parliament House in Canberra and the other ‘preliminary’ painting is part of the current exhibition. Hannaford attended Adelaide Arts School but left because he felt they were not teaching what he wanted to learn so he decided to teach himself from books. It was books about the grand masters such as Rembrandt and Reubens where he found his lifelong inspiration to draw from life and nature and the use of light, form and tone. He was also inspired by Hans Heysen and Ivor Hele, two acclaimed Australian artists who often drew from nature and were renowned for their landscapes. Hannaford ended his talk by advising that it was ‘a bad mistake’ to draw or paint from photographs. His exhibition closes on January 29.

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A public rally in support of koala habitat is planned to be held near the entrance to the Kings Forest development site at the intersection of Old Bogangar Road and Tweed Coast Road, next Saturday, December 10, from 10am to noon. An organiser said the next stage of the development was still proposed for vital koala habitat and major corridors ‘despite a rapidly accelerating decline of koalas along the Tweed Coast’. ‘The developer has proposed a new amended koala plan of management but the fundamental problem of the development footprint remains the same,’ the organiser said. ‘In 2005 the state planning department overrode strong and repeated recommendations from the environment department to remove the

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development from both the eastern portions and from the Cudgen Paddock to the south. ‘The current council also endorsed this smaller footprint for the recent concept plan proposal but NSW Planning again overrode all opposition, as well as the views of largest

number of community submissions in NSW history.’ ‘Tweed Council’s latest koala study proves just how wrong these planning ministers were as coastal koalas recently plummeted to an estimated 144, way below viable population levels.’

Kings Forest DA up for comment Tweed locals have until just December 23 to comment on plans for the first stage of the proposed township of Kings Forest for 4,500 homes. The plans by Leda Developments are on exhibition at the government website majorprojects.planning.nsw. job&job_id=2642. It’s understood that Team Koala supporters are calling for an extension of the exhibition

period for another month. The project, given concept approval by former lands minister Tony Kelly late last year, involves subdivision to create new lots for future development, construction of the entrance road to the site and associated intersection works on Tweed Coast Road, bulk earthworks and planting for the proposed future golf course as well as a service station and fast-food outlet.

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Bid to stop more ‘rogue’ mansions Steve Spencer

Anger at the controversial approval of a mansion on the Hastings Point beachfront which breached the village’s recently adopted development control plan (DCP) has sparked a move to stop similar projects in the village getting the green light. Tweed councillors will soon be asked to vote for tighter rules to prevent a repeat of the contentious approval earlier this month, which residents say contains up to eight breaches the DCP. Cr Katie Milne wants her fellow councillors to make certain that only qualified planning staff, and not the council’s building services unit (BSU), assess similar projects in the future. She fears that unless council tightens up its procedures, similar unsuitable projects will slip through the approval process. It is believed several other owners of property along the Hastings Point beachfront are

poised to seek approval for similar-sized buildings. ‘We are now resigned to at least two of these McMansions going up but we want to stop the next five. Owners will all be wanting the same sort of thing if we don’t tighten things up,’ Cr Milne said. ‘Only qualified town planners should be assessing such large projects on the beachfront. We want the DCP to be strictly enforced to protect the character of the village.’

Assessed by BSU The recent approval was unusual in that the BSU assessed the project, instead of qualified town planners. The unit’s staff normally deal with applications for single dwellings in suburban streets. But the recent Hastings Point approval involved a block of flats being gutted and the exterior walls used to create a home which was one metre higher and 12 metres longer and 5.5 metres closer to the foreshore than allowed in the DCP.

Meanwhile, Hastings Point residents are regrouping and intend to continue their struggle to reverse the approval for the mansion on a beachfront battleaxe at Tweed Coast Road. John O’Reilly said local residents had not given up following the council vote and last week’s failed rescission motion and were ‘preparing a chronology of mistakes and conduct issues by council staff that will be used to approach relevant authorities and individuals to expose why a brand new DCP was trashed’. Mr O’Reilly said the BSU provided council with a ‘totally flawed report’ proposing the development of a ‘substantial three-storey dwelling’ overlooking the beach. The report, he said, showed ‘a range of erroneous detail and omissions relating to height, length, setback, scale, landscaping and character. It is a misleading document that claims there are just two minor deviations from the Hastings Point Locality Plan, when in

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fact there are more than six major deviations’. ‘Had council’s planning administrators carried out timely circumspect consideration of the officer’s dodgy figures and facts, they would not have been forced to defend the council’s planning integrity. The proposed building would have been deemed non-compliant, hopelessly over scale and ripe with potential to reinforce the precedent of the rogue construction beside it,’ he said.

Neighbouring rogue ‘The officer fails to advise that in addition to the neighbouring rogue on which he relies to create a new transitional character for Hastings Point, there are two other similar rogues (one built and one ready for construction) in this area whose neighbours could run his same argument. This would result in six further seriously non-compliant buildings that would destroy the character of this small and visually sensitive location.’

Olley art centre gets $1m boost from federal govt The planned Tweed River Art Gallery extension to house the late Margaret Olley’s works was given a huge boost this week with the federal government matching the artist’s $1 million bequest. Tweed Shire Council and the Tweed River Art Gallery Foundation welcomed the extra $1 million towards the creation of a Margaret Olley Art Centre at the gallery in Murwillumbah. Tweed mayor Barry Longland said the federal government contribution was a valuable and greatly appreciated step toward realising a vision to establish the Olley centre. Last week, the artist’s trust bequeathed $1 million to establish a re-creation of her studio and elements of her home and wanted it built in the Tweed, where she spent time as a child. Cr Longland said the gallery’s standing as one of Australia’s leading regional galleries would be further enhanced by the centre, and the federal government’s contribution of $1 mil-

Councillors have voted to remove a stand of native trees along a koala corridor to make way for a community health centre at Pottsville after being warned funding for the project would be put in jeopardy without immediate approval. The $2.5 million centre, to be built by the North Coast Area Health Service, is on councilowned land in Elizabeth Street, next to the Pottsville Neighbourhood Centre. Greens Cr Katie Milne was

ER 1076


Advice from the Chief Product Tester In the picture: (l–r) Richmond MP Justine Elliot, former deputy prime minister Doug Anthony, who donated the land the gallery sits on, gallery director Susi Muddiman, Tweed mayor Barry Longland, Friends of the Gallery president Lyn Stewart and president of the Gallery Foundation, Cr Warren Polglase.

lion ‘will go a long way towards finding the extra funds needed to complete the extension’. A council spokesperson said the federal funding was originally allocated for the construction of a new Tweed regional museum at Tweed Heads, through the Better Regions program, but planning issues

had delayed the completion of development approval for the Flagstaff Hill complex and it was evident the project would not be finalised before the funding deadline. Cr Longland said the reallocation of funds would not have a significant impact on the upgrading of museum fa-

cilities in the Tweed. ‘The extension of the Tweed River Regional Museum in Murwillumbah and the construction of a regional storage facility in South Murwillumbah, to help house the gallery collections, are funded separately and will not be affected at all,’ he said.

Koala food trees to make way for new health centre Steve Spencer


the only councillor to vote against the project. She warned that the Tweed Coast’s koala population was at a ‘trigger point’ with just a few food trees determining whether the colony ‘live or die’. ‘Every single koala food tree is fundamental to the future of koalas. I don’t want to see a situation where the health of the community is in conflict with the health of koalas but that is what we are facing,’ said Cr Milne. ‘The Pottsville area has been identified as being critical to

koalas. Taking out one tree is taking out the koala corridor.’ Cr Milne said a pledge by the Health Service to spend $50,000 on improving a koala crossing between Pottsville wetlands and an environmental park, did little to lessen her concern, saying it ‘should be going in anyway.’ Her suggestion that the decision be deferred for a month was cautioned against by planning chief Vince Connell, who said any delay would put the project in jeopardy. Mr Rayner said Tweed MP

Geoff Provest had contacted the council to warn that the project could to be sent elsewhere if approval was delayed. Cr Joan van Lieshout said she had been elected to provide services to ratepayers. ‘I have to stand up for people first. Pottsville has a lot of elderly people and young families,’ she said.

Dear Product Tester, Everyday I get out of bed, I put on the same clothes, eat the same breaky, drive the same car, go to the same job, I eat the same thing for lunch and then I come home of an evening to the same wife! Should I just chuck it all in and start again? Am I being too predictable? I even go to the same pub every week. Tom Dear Tom, I see your dilemma. Just ’cause it’s the same doesn’t mean it’s bad. Maybe you should jazz it up a bit, maybe a nice GT stripe on your car. Branch out; buy something different for lunch (let’s face it, there’s only so much Vegemite you can eat!) Sometimes you just need to change a few things. Come in and see what we’ve done in our shop, we felt in need of a fresh new look too! So last weekend we worked a bit of magic and gave the shop a new look. You don’t have to do a lot to give yourself a lift, just a bit of spit and polish; we’ve still got the same shop, just looks a little different. So for minimal amount of effort you should be able to do the same, Tom! Good luck! Your mate Tony.

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Sports fields to be upgraded nouncement. Anything we can do that may give us the opportunity to attract international athletes and trainers should be pursued.’ Greens councillor Katie Milne said that while there were obvious benefits from an Arkinstall Park upgrade, she favoured the completion of the Jack Evans Boat Harbour.

Steve Spencer

Sporting fields have won out over parkland with Tweed councillors voting to dedicate all of the $3.7 million it hopes to get from a federal government fund to Arkinstall Park, rather than finishing off the Jack Evans Boat Harbour, in the wake of news the Gold Coast will host the Commonwealth Games. Councillors hope the upgraded sporting fields will attract international athletes and their coaches in the lead up to the Games in 2018. They voted 6–1 in favour of earmarking any funding received from the federal government’s Regional Development Grants Fund to the sporting fields rather than the council’s previously preferred project, the completion of the Jack Evans Boat Harbour. Council is pursuing $3.7 million from the fund, which it will add to the $2.5 million it has already allocated to the the Arkinstall upgrade from developer contributions. A suggestion by council staff any funds should be spent on the Central Park project in Kingscliff did not get support from councillors. Cr Kevin Skinner said Arkinstall Park was ‘by far my favourite choice given the Commonwealth Games an-

Tweed Heads the shire gateway ‘Tweed Heads is the gateway to our shire and many people’s first glance at the Tweed,’ she said. Stage 2 of the Jack Evans project includes an Aboriginal cultural centre, Goorimahbah – Place of Stories, a new amenity block and a café, extra car parking, lighting, barbecue facilities and a children’s playground. But Cr Polglase said the Arkinstall project offered a good chance of successfully securing the federal funding, which had proven to be a problem last year. ‘Arkinstall Park is a shovelready project and it would be a great project for families,’ he said. ‘I think the local representative [Richmond MP Justine Elliot] understands the need and we have an excellent chance.’ Last year the council missed

The brass rolls into Mullumbimby

out on a $10.6 million Regional Development Grant to redevelop the Jack Evans Boat Harbour, although the government later handed over $1.8 million from a different fund to help pay for a scaled-down revamp. This led to accusations by Ms Elliot that council has failed to submit ‘correctly completed paperwork’ in two applications and counter-claims from councillors that she had failed to help secure the funding for her electorate. Any future funding for Arkinstall Park will go towards building and upgrading club buildings and amenities and other facilities, installing and upgrading lighting, resurfacing several synthetic courts and expanding current car parking.

Some of the finest musicians in Australia: Hamish Stuart, Dave Ades, Tubaman and Mick Buckley, rock out Mullum as they whip up the excitement during the grand street parade on Sunday outside the town’s civic centre during Mullumbimby’s annual music festival last weekend. Photo Jeff ‘Bass Dum’ Dawson

Murwillumbah museum extension gets $2.6m boost Steve Spencer

The Tweed River Regional Museum at Murwillumbah is to be extended after councillors voted to fund the $2.6 million project. The single-storey addition to the building will cost $1.5 million and will be built at the rear of the museum, on the corner of Bent Street and Queensland Road, near the Murwillumbah Showground. Councillors voted in April to

fund design work by architect Paul Berkemeier. His design is expected ‘to provide improved dynamic display areas and associated facilities’. The design allows for a future addition of a mezzanine floor across a third of the new floorspace. Councillors were told the design would blend in with the original historic building, built in 1915 and used as the council chambers until 1948. Only Cr Katie Milne voted against funding the project, af-

ter urging councillors to defer the vote until she could be sure museum volunteers were supportive. ‘I want to be respectful to these volunteers as they still have some issues,’ said Cr Milne. ‘It is the volunteers who are going to have to pack up the whole museum and put it into storage and then bring it all back. It is an enormous amount of tedious labour. Some of the volunteers have been quite disheartened by the process.’

But council’s director of community and natural resources David Oxenham told councillors the museum volunteers were now ‘unanimously endorsing’ the project. ‘Despite initial hesitation there is now support,’ he said Tweed River Historical Society, which operates the museum, is a non-profit body engaged in preserving, displaying, researching and publishing the history of the Tweed River Valley.


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The Tweed Shire Echo December 1, 2011 5

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Handcrafted wares by Tweedregion artists will be up for sale at the first-ever artisan market being held in the Tweed River Art Gallery foyer this Saturday. The Artisan Handcrafted Christmas Market is being run by the Friends of the Gallery as a fundraiser and the gallery’s foyer area will be transformed for the occasion. Fourteen regional artists will showcase their work which includes jewellery, painting, ceramics, embroidery, pastels, woodwork, collage, resin and haberdashery. The Friends worked closely with local artist Ellie Beck to put the Christmas market together. President of the Friends of the Gallery Lyn Stewart said she hoped the art market would become an annual, if (l–r) Ellie Beck, Jo Olive, Karen Commerford, Nicki Shipard, Judy Oakenfull and Helle Jorgensen not biannual, event. The market runs from 10am enjoy setting up the inaugural Artisan Handcrafted Christmas Market for this Saturday, Decemto 4.30pm with cash-only sales. ber 3, at the Tweed River Art Gallery. Photo Jeff Dawson

Council adopts erosion hazard zones, sand pump option Steve Spencer

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New coastal erosion hazard zones have been adopted by Tweed shire councillors, who also voted to investigate using the Tweed River mechanical bypass to pump sand south on to Letitia Spit to battle erosion there. The sand pumping machin-

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ery has only ever been used to pump sand north on to Gold Coast beaches but may be used to protect the rapidly diminishing sand peninsula sometime in the future. Councillors also voted to pursue sand replenishment on Kingscliff Beach, following a month-long erosion emergency earlier this year that threatened the town’s surf club and ate away 30 metres of foreshore, reducing the size of a council-owned caravan park. It is the first time the council has considered replenishing Letitia Spit, which has narrowed over recent years as the mechanical bypass pumps sand north on to Gold Coast beaches. Tagged ‘sand back-passing’, council engineers say the scheme would ‘assist in rebuilding an eroded Letitia Spit should it be required’. Council engineers are also investigating whether it’s pos-



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ck a b r e w po g n i t t ds. u n P a h r u in yo 6 December 1, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Limits on erections Meanwhile, councillors adopted new coastal erosion hazard zones; a strategic plan that has been years in the making. The new coastal DCP, drafted in consultation with property owners, will place limits on what can be erected on land within erosion hazard zones. Council is discouraging permanent building close to the coastline and encouraging property owners to build as far back from the water-

line as possible. There are three hazard zones: immediate, 2050 and 2100. The new policy was put on exhibition in March, but only a handful of private property owners will be affected by the immediate hazard zone. A report into the dredging of Cudgen Creek to improve navigation was also given to councillors. It recommended against pursuing the project because of the amount of dredging that would be needed to keep the channel clear. Council engineers report that 2,000 cubic metres of sand would have to be removed every two months and dredging of the entrance sand bar would be nearly impossible because of the hazardous conditions there and the probability any excavated channel would fill back up with sand within days. To view council’s new erosion lines visit www.tweed.nsw. and go to ‘waterways’.

Kirkwood Rd tender awarded locally Steve Spencer

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sible to pump Tweed River sand south all the way to Kingscliff, rather than use sand from nearby Cudgen Creek to replenish the beach, but have warned the option could be too costly. Councillors voted months ago to pursue a $6 million sand replenishment plan for Kingscliff, but are still awaiting news about funding from the state government.

A Tweed firm has been awarded the tender to build the eastern extension of Kirkwood Road to the Pacific Highway following council’s decision to spend almost all of its $11 million developer contribution coffers on the project. The project is designed to ease congestion along Minjungbal Drive by diverting much of the area’s traffic flow on to the highway. The tender will be approved as soon as the state government agrees to provide its $6.2 million share. Work is expected to start in late January or February and last for 16 months. The final cost could be a little more than the total $16.9 mil-

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lion budget, with negotiations continuing between council staff and Kirkwood Road landholders over the height of sound barriers along the roadway and highway interchange. Council’s chief engineer Patrick Knight is confident the negotiations will appease landowners, despite a possibility they may use a court injunction to delay the project if they do not get the height of sound barriers they want. The future lack of congestion is also expected to help shops and other businesses in the area, which have complained the extra traffic causes many potential shoppers to avoid the area. More than $10.6 million will come from the council’s roads contribution plan, while the

state government is expected to fund the rest. SEE Civic Pty Ltd, a Tweed Heads-based company formerly known as South East Excavations, will receive the bulk of the projected budget of more than $12.3 million. All of the money being spent by council comes from developer contributions. Mr Knight said developer contributions had dropped to just 10 per cent of what they were before the global financial crisis. He said the planned extension of Kirkwood Road from the Pacific Highway to Fraser Drive could be some time away. Greens councillor Katie Milne, who described the project as ‘totally unsustainable’, was the only councillor to oppose the tender.

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GM search ‘should wait for new council’

Have you hadNEEDING an unsatisfactory HELP WITHexperience A MEDICAL MATTER? with the healthcare system or a doctor?

Steve Spencer

The hiring of a replacement general manager for Tweed Shire Council should be postponed until the new council is elected in September, according to Cr Katie Milne. Cr Milne has suggested appointing an acting general manager until the new council decides what qualities they believe are needed in the shire’s top bureaucrat. Current general manager Mike Rayner will retire when his contract expires in July, just two months before the local government elections. Cr Milne said it should be up to the new council to decide what type of general manager was needed in the shire, rather than the present council, many of whom may not be in office after the September poll. ‘New councillors should be able to hire someone they all feel comfortable with. General managers can last for a decade or longer,’ she said. ‘Much as it has been helpful to have an engineer in the job it may be time to have someone qualified in, or having a good understanding of, ecology.’ ‘The shire needs someone who knows

Have youloss had as an unsatisfactory experience She said selection process should be suffered Have you a result of negligence? based on how progressive the candidate with the healthcare system or a doctor? was on environmental issues. Have you suffered loss as a result of negligence? ‘It will be a huge challenge for the new Our Ms Powell is an accredited specialist litigation GM to take this on,’ said Cr Milne. lawyer, with particular expertise in medical matters Last week councillors held an extraorOur Ms Powell is an accredited specialist litigation and 20 years experience. dinary meeting to discuss how to hire Mr lawyer, with particular expertise in medical matters Rayner’s replacement. They decided to years experience. Ms Powell willand be20visiting your area in the near future. hire a consultant to help with the selection Call toll-free on 1800 855 975 to arrange Ms Powell will be visiting your areaan in appointment. the near future. process, with the seven councillors acting Call toll-free on 1800 855 975 to arrange an appointment. as the final selection panel. The successful candidate will be decided by a vote of Blue: Pantone 540C Your first consultation isK free. No advance or progress payments. councillors. YourBlack:first100% consultation is free. No advance or progress payments. The consultants will provide indepenDon’t delay, asDon’t statutory limitations may apply. delay, as statutory limitations may apply. dent advice and prepare a report for councillors on the preferred candidates. Earlier this year, Mr Rayner fended off attempts to force him to reveal details of a new two-year contract he signed in secretive circumstances before last year’s mayoral coup which ousted Cr Warren Polglase. Council also released a censored letter advert_lisapowell_80x85_201101.indd 1 28/1/11 9:13:55 by Cr Polglase last July telling the GM advert_lisapowell_80x85_201101.indd 1 28/1/11 9:13:55 the council agreed to a new contract on a salary of $271,300 plus an undisclosed increase since awarded, even though he 24x330mL IMPORTED states the council was not required to respond to Mr Rayner’s request for another STELLA ARTOIS +6 six months. Blue: Black:

Retiring council GM Mike Rayner

how to stop the wildlife crisis if we want to maintain the shire’s environmental values. I think the new general manager should have empathy with the environment.’ Cr Milne said it was unfair for current councillors to impose the general manager of their choice on the next council, which will have to work with him for four years.

Pantone 540C 100% K


Tweed council meetings set to start earlier in the new year Tweed councillors have voted to hold a trial of daytime meetings next year. The trial will replace the current evening sessions which can drag on late into the night. The last council meeting finished at about 11pm after a 3.30pm start. Debate about the time change

began in the chamber after Cr Joan van Lieshout suggested a later start time of 4.30pm so councillors could cope with the number of people contacting them before meetings. But it was then suggested an earlier start would shift much of the ratepayer lobbying back to the previous day.

Concerns that the earlier starting time would prevent many working residents from attending council meetings was dismissed by deputy mayor Phil Youngblutt, who pointed to the empty public gallery. The earlier meetings will begin on January 24.


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The Tweed Shire Echo December 1, 2011 7


A brief history of ratting, Oz-style

Volume 4 #14

December 1, 2011

Real men swear In a world drenched in violence, there are some men trying to make a positive difference, and among them are Australian role models in sport, media and comedy. Last Friday White Ribbon Day ( saw men swearing ‘never to commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women’. It’s a clever use of swearing but, as the White Ribbon crew know, there is much more work to be done in terms of education and psychological repair. On the north coast the Men and Family Centre ( offers support programs for both men and their ex-partners. White Ribbon Day is officially the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and the UN regards violence against women as a ‘global pandemic’. The Australian minister for the status of women, Kate Ellis, said, ‘We need to pull the issue of family violence out of the shadows and challenge the notion that this is a “private” issue. And this means standing up against violence in all spheres of our lives whether it be at home, in our schools, neighbourhoods or workplaces.’ In the Tweed last week, a male ambassadors’ and men’s luncheon was held at Minjungbal Museum as part of the 16 Days of Activism campaign, where the above pledge was made by those attending. The Tweed Shire Women’s Service (TSWS) has also organised two other events to raise awareness and support White Ribbon Day. Tomorrow, Friday, a ‘Sistas against violence lantern parade’ will be held at 7pm from the Tweed Heads civic centre around to the Jack Evans Boat Harbour involving women and children only and on Wednesday, December 7, a white T-shirt walk will take place at the harbour from 10.30am for all supporters. Women in need of assistance can contact the TSWS on 02 6672 4188 or the Domestic Violence Hotline on 1800 656 463 (NSW) or 1800 811 811 (Qld). And, my oath, swearing off violence against women should not be restricted to one day of the year. Real men out there: try it on for size.

Tweed Shire Echo Publisher David Lovejoy Editor Luis Feliu Advertising Manager Angela Cornell Accounts Manager Simon Haslam Production Manager Ziggi Browning ‘The job of a newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.’ – Finley Peter Dunne 1867–1936 © 2011 Echo Publications Pty Ltd Phone 02 6672 2280 email news/letters: email advertising: Printer: Horton Media Australia Ltd


here is an old political saying: a man who will rat once will rat twice. Obviously it has escaped Tony Abbott, or if he has heard it he assumed it only applied to Labor renegades; because Peter Slipper has form. Originally elected as a member of the National Party in 1984 he lost his seat in 1987 and defected to the Liberals, who were at that time in Queensland seen as even more hostile to the Nats than the Labor Party. This act of treachery was rewarded when he returned to parliament in 1993; in 1997 he was appointed government whip and in 2002 elevated to the position of parliamentary secretary to the prime minister, John Howard. Howard disposed of his services in 2003 but he remained on the front bench as parliamentary secretary to the finance minister, Nick Minchin, for another year. During this period he continued to practise as a lawyer, and, improbably, as a priest of a fringe religion known as the Traditional Anglican Communion. By the time the coalition lost government in 2007 there were moves to dump him within his electorate of Fisher, led by a savage campaign in the principal local newspaper, the Sunshine Coast Daily. But he retained control of his branches and was re-endorsed for the 2010 election as a candidate for newly formed Nat-Libs. However, stories about his massive parliamentary expenses were already accumulating and last year the federal police conducted a brief investigation; no charges were laid but he was forced to repay $14,000. He was by now considered a serious risk by his coalition colleagues, with no hope of promotion. Labor realised this and backed him for the plum job of deputy speaker against the coalition’s official candidate, Bruce Scott. Slipper

won and basked in his victory. It should by now have been obvious that his loyalty to the coalition was at best negotiable, but neither Abbott nor anyone else made any serious attempt to win him back; on the contrary, the former Howard minister Mal Brough emerged to threaten his preselection in Fisher, with the open support of Howard and, it appeared, the tacit endorsement of Abbott. In a hung parliament in which every vote was vital, this was

The tradition of bribing political opponents with the promise of high office is an old and dishonourable one, reaching back almost as far as federation.

by Mungo MacCallum political stupidity of an almost suicidal dimension. In contrast, Labor was cosseting every member, even Craig Thomson, the former union official under a police investigation. Slippery Pete was allowed to slip away. He was not the first parliamentary rat, or the most outrageous. Much has been made of Howard’s seduction of Labor’s Mal Colston, whom he bought with the deputy presidency of the Senate in 1998. But the tradition of bribing political opponents with the promise of high office is an old and dishonourable one, reaching back almost as far as federation. Alfred Deakin, now regarded by the Liberal Party not only as a founding father but almost a patron saint, was a serial offender, moving his Protectionists effortlessly between the left and right, and finally uniting with his mortal enemies, the Free Traders, to wrest the prime ministership from Labor’s Andrew Fisher. Not long afterwards Billy Hughes deserted the Labor Party to join the conservative

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advice of his clerks. In the past it has almost invariably been the gift of the government of the day to one of its loyal and long serving members who has not been sufficiently talented to make the ministry; a consolation prize for has-beens and never-will-bes. Among the speakers of the last 20 years have been Leo McLeay and Steve Martin from the Labor side, and Bob Halverson, Neil Andrew and David Hawker from the Libs – not exactly names to conjure with. Back in the Whitlam era, Jim Cope – the last speaker to resign in office – gained the job largely as a result of his reputation as parliament’s snooker champion. And Harry Jenkins, for all the praise heaped upon him in the last few days, was never more than a goodhumoured and personable journeyman. This, of course, is where Slipper is vulnerable: he is neither good-humoured nor personable, and even before becoming a serial rat, he was carrying a lot of political baggage. Julia Gillard can only hope that he can survive the barrage of mud which will undoubtedly be flung at him by the parties he has spurned – and, of course, that this time he stays bought. After all, a man who can rat twice can rat three times. Towards the end of his marathon political career Billy Hughes was asked: ‘You’ve joined every other party, Billy; why not the Country Party?’ Hughes famously replied: ‘Oh, you’ve got to draw the line somewhere.’ Someone should ask Peter Slipper if he has plans to join the Greens next. After all, Hughes was 90 when he died in office. Slipper, at 61, still has plenty of time.

Nor has any convention been broken by the appointment of a speaker from outside the government ranks. In the parliament of Westminster itself it is common for speakers to preside over governments from both sides, while in Australia state parliaments have more than once resorted to the device of appointing independent speakers to prop up the government’s numbers. In any case, Abbott’s own frequently stated position is a preference for an independent in the job, and only last week he was trying to persuade the independent Rob Oakeshott to nominate. Spare us the confected outrage. Nor does the argument that Slipper is not a suitable person for the high office of speaker stand up to scrutiny. In the Australian parliament the speaker’s job is not so much a high office as a sinecure. It is very well paid and the perks are terrific, but it does not entail much oner- n See Mungo’s video at ous work: on the rare occasions that hard decisions are needed, the speaker invariably takes the


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8 December 1, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Nationalists in the top job and in 1931 the Tories of the United Australia Party purchased Labor’s Joe Lyons as their leader. More recently Gough Whitlam attempted to secure the numbers in the senate by suborning the Labor rat, Vince Gair, with the offer of an ambassadorship. For Abbott to bewail the enticement of Peter Slipper as the death of Australian democracy shows a lamentable lack of knowledge of the real history of democracy in Australia.



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Letters to the Editor Email: Deadline: Noon, Tuesday Letters longer than 200 words may be cut and pseudonyms are not acceptable. Please include your full name, address and phone number.

No to Macca’s

In response to the letters of Peaches and Kirra (November 24) I am adding my voice saying no to McDonald’s. It’s well over time to take stock and make decisions for the health of our people and region. Every one of these fast food outlets encourages negative eating habits. As a grandmother I look in dismay at this type of food being the ‘norm’, and the difficulty for mums keeping up healthy eating choices against a tide of such absolute rubbish. I am asking our council to look ahead, say no to McDonald’s and applaud and support home-grown wholesome small business. Let’s move away from the mind-numbing chain mentality and embrace creative people looking to make positive contributions for the betterment of the whole. Lyn Wade


Real Nowhere Man

Tony Abbott – Leader of the Opposition to everything.

Roma Newton


The cost of gas

Gas prices are way down and the market remains uncertain but it’s all the way with CSG in America according to BHP Billiton chief executive Michael Yeager. In its bid to sell the languishing US shale gas expansion market to its investors at a recent briefing (Sydney Morning Herald, November 15), Mr Yeager acknowledged that gas prices were at half the levels needed to generate returns, and the quantities of water and chemicals used in fracking, seismic activity, aquifer protection and general air and noise pollution were a problem; but like any snake-oil salesman worth his salt, Mr Yeager crooned that ‘investors could be comfortable continued overleaf

Questions for council over Hastings Pt approval

■ Cr Skinner’s reported comments to local ABC radio following the approval of the non-compliant mega-home at Hastings Point in defiance of the Development Control Plan adopted by council would probably have his prodevelopment cohorts wishing he had not broken the code of silence. ‘I don’t support the DCP,’ snorts Cr Skinner. Well, councillor, you’re not required to agree with a minute in council, but once adopted, you are expected to uphold it. ‘They have existing use rights,’ he claims. Have you even read the DA, councillor? The DA clearly requests approval for a multiple-dwelling block of units to be converted to a single-dwelling house, which is not existing use, but is in fact a change of use. Existing use is the most abused privilege of any planning regulation, and is used far too often by consent authorities who cannot otherwise justify non-compliance. In an attempt to stem this abuse the NSW state government introduced changes to ‘existing use’ regulations which were gazetted in March, 2006. These new regulations provide that where a change from existing use to another use is requested, then all relevant requirements of that authority’s LEP and DCP must be applied. This proposal also fails to meet the ‘minor modification’ or ‘lesser environmental impact’ requirements to qualify for existing use rights. ‘It’s not a demolition,’ exclaims Cr Skinner, so again I ask, has he read the DA? The roof will be completely removed, the walls will be completely removed, and there will be nothing left standing above ground zero. Only the concrete slab will be utilised in part of the new foundation. The DA declares it to be

a demolition, any observer with a reasonable grip on reality would recognise it as a demolition, so, Kevin, I will say this very slowly for you: it is indeed, a d-e-m-o-l-i-ti-o-n. Most alarming of all is Cr Skinner’s closing statement ‘You will probably see more applications for similar types of things’. Is that an invitation for developers with noncompliant proposals to jump on the bandwagon, or a guarantee that they will have your automatic approval, or worse still, a ‘heads up’ that deals are being done? Arrogance mixed with ignorance makes a deadly cocktail for the sustainable development of any community, and electors of this shire must be getting very anxious for the opportunity in 2012 to pour this cocktail down the sink. However, the damage that might befall this shire in the interim could be irreversible. John Mulligan


■ So it appears that an LEP (Local Environment Plan) and a DCP (Development Control Plan) are not needed in the Tweed Shire. Also we don’t need the experience and qualifications of the planning department either. This would save lots of ratepayers’ funds, many hours and costs by the residents of the area who have put time and effort into drafting such legislation into being for the good of the general population. If we did, then the director of planning and a building surveyor would have paid attention to their experts and to the text of the DCP and applied it in relation to the latest development approval in Hastings Point. A building that does not comply with the DCP in seven major ways (12 metres longer and one metre higher than it should be, just to name a couple).

partment’s contempt for the They did not! Instead they lors along the way. There appears to be no ex- residents’ efforts. overrode planning controls to form their own unjustified planation for this approval, S Hing opinion, confusing council- other than the planning deHastings Point

And questions specifically for Cr Holdom ■ Dear Dot, Since first meeting you some years ago, we held some faith that you would fairly represent us locals in our efforts to safeguard our community and environments. We have witnessed your council dealings over these years and the recent action of yours in voting for the 26 Coast Road Hastings Point development against our DCP is tantamount to treason. You know the efforts we as Hastings locals have applied to gain our DCP; how on earth can you disregard this safety net of ours? As a people’s representative you have lost all credibility. We have noted in the past your dismissive ‘you don’t understand’ response to criticism – a defensive response you would be best to let go of. Your role as a councillor is a total disappointment, for you are the front-runner as to why, on a local level, representative democracy is non-existent. Barry Anderson and Bev Larsson Hastings Point

■ Can anyone tell me what, if anything, Cr Dot Holdom stands for? It was this lady’s promise to ‘keep them honest’ that attracted me, and I’m sure many others, to vote for you at the last council election. There was also a belief that you were not complicit in the corruption attributed to the ‘puppets of the developers’ which led to the dismissal of the previous councillors and therefore you should be returned by the electorate. However, after watching you jump the fence like an Olympic hurdler for the past three years, you now appear to be firmly ensconced in the Three Amigos’ camp, and it also appears the councillor credited with leading you down that mine shaft of dismissal in 2005 is now your mentor and ‘new best friend’. Dot, there is nothing honest about abandoning the principles of the very building regulations you helped to adopt, and fearing the outcome of a Lands and Environment Court appeal is

a lame excuse for abandoning one’s principles. It is the councillors’ responsibility to uphold compliance regulations; they do not have the ability, or the right, to preempt court decisions. If council compliance regulations are legal and the planning assessment is competent, there should be no need for any consent authority to cower in fear of litigation. Your supporters from the last council election might well ask themselves why you appear to have thrown your lot in with the developer’s disciples, and the answers to that question could draw some very unsavory conclusions. So, please Dot, do not align yourself with any self-serving factions who display contempt for regulations that do not suit them or their masters. You could hold the key, so make sure it opens the right doors for the future of this shire, keep your promise to the electorate and help keep the bastards honest. Margaret Bergan Kingscliff

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The Tweed Shire Echo December 1, 2011 9

Letters continued from page 9

that BHP’s long-term ambitions... were executable’. Shareholder jitters, however, were not only confined to profits and the environment; it seems America has heard about the huge level of anti-CSG sentiment in Australia and needed a little more snake oil. With complete candour Mr Yeager distanced the American division of BHP from that of Australia: ‘Coal-seam gas developments in Australia were typically much shallower than shale, creating a greater potential interaction with groundwater resources’. Here in northern NSW Metgasco chief financial officer Glenda McLoughlin had no concerns at all. She was very pleased that the NSW premier Barry O’Farrell intends to push ahead with CSG production despite a moratorium. Recent developments on the share market suggest that if Metgasco’s coal-seam gas production plans go ahead in the Northern Rivers most of the gas would be shipped to offshore destinations. A subsidiary, a company that is majority-owned by Chinese interests, has plans to supply its proposed Gladstone export facility with Northern Rivers gas. Australia therefore is content to frack water and farmland and be damned. Trish Mann


New dam? Yes, please

I am writing in support of a proposal to build a new dam on Byrrill Creek, which would bring great benefits to the people of the Tweed shire. Firstly, it would bring much needed extra water as more people move into the area and secondly, it could be used as a source of clean, green power. Large pipes would carry the water downhill to generate electricity in peak hours for transfer into the grid as necessary. The two dams (Byrrill Creek

and Clarrie Hall) could be used to save Murwillumbah in time of flood. This would be done by using the water for power and having the dams half-full during the rainy season. In the peak of a flood, the water would be kept in the dams and the generators switched off. Having had considerable experience with water management and irrigation in the River Murray Basin and nearby areas, I believe council would find it useful to discuss this proposal with the management of the Snowy Mountains Scheme. Les Heywood

Tweed Heads South

Rail is the way

The term ‘not economically viable’ is often used to dismiss calls for rail services to be returned to the Northern Rivers. I think we need to get some perspective: many services do not pay for themselves, including rail services in Australian cities. The real point is the services will be used, especially by the young, the poor, the elderly and the disadvantaged. Tourism and transport can be integrated in the longer term. It is no use looking back to last century and saying the old train service was not much used when it was wound back to operate only once a day to go to Sydney or Brisbane, stopping in our area late at night. We need to plan for the future and for a variety of sound reasons we will need to connect with the rail service coming to Coolangatta from Brisbane. I welcome any study that may consider the advantages with a vision of this region’s future development as a tourism and educational area.

Land trade-offs don’t work, Leda

It is interesting to see Leda Developments trumpeting their decision to provide additional land to the Cudgen Nature Reserve as a trade off for their adjacent 4,500 residential lot ‘Kings Forest’ development. As those of us in the game of managing public conservation lands well know, the acquisition of ‘new’ lands is the easy part. What is more difficult is managing those lands to ensure that they retain their conservation values against increasing pressures from neighbouring development. This is particularly the case

where those reserves adjoin urban development, as will be the case here. With 4,500 residences in King’s Forest, it could be conservatively estimated that there will be an additional 15,000 people living adjacent to the reserve, with a minimum of 3,000 dogs or cats, at least 10,000 vehicle movements every day, a significant increase in the risk of arson to the reserve, a huge increase in impacts of garden escapees and weed dumping, increased illegal access tracks by people and vehicles and the list goes

on – all directly attributable to Leda’s adjacent development. Those impacts will not be felt just by the ‘Leda additions’ but by the entire nature reserve. Rather than just heaping self-praise on their actions Leda also need to acknowledge that their development, from which they will reap huge financial benefits, will have significant impacts on these public lands that the public purse will be left to remedy. My prediction is that the already stretched state environment budget will struggle to

ensure the integrity of Cudgen Nature Reserve under this renewed onslaught. If Leda is serious about their green credentials, they will ensure that their impacts are properly assessed and they will establish a management fund (separate from the compulsory section 94 contributions paid to Tweed Shire Council) to ensure the integrity of this important Tweed Coast ‘ecological island’ reserve is not compromised by their development. Nigel Greenup Nunderi

be incorporated into the building design that would complement the overall picture of their environment. Wouldn’t it be great to have koalas hanging around outside the windows for the kiddies to see in their natural environment whenever they need health care? The port of Gladstone is in the news because of infected fish stocks. I would like to know how come the Queensland government can clear mangrove to dredge a harbour but a farmer can’t when clearing to plant for food production – and incurs hefty fines for doing so. The infections to marine life could be ascribed to past practices of using the sea as a dumping ground for runoff from industry as found in other locations like Sydney Harbour, so the blame can be carried by the relevant Queensland government department that oversaw the policing of that environment

Rayner to be at the helm of Tweed Shire Council, are in charge of our community. We are no longer a red-neck shire. We are peopled by a lot of intelligent, free-thinking morally attuned humans who value democracy and our unique precious landscape. We as individuals are the only ones who can change that cemented dysfunctional stance. Change always comes from the people and has to oust the power-hungry who have become fattened on their gluttonous diet of cronyism, narrowmindedness and self-interest at the expense of those they represent and who pay the bills for their diet. Council elections are looming on the horizon and offer a chance to move our shire from the 19th century to the 21st century with the enormous problems and promises it offers. Hopefully we will have the foresight and intelligence to select candidates who are well chosen to represent our shire. Wonderful work is going on within council by council employees to promote cultural activities, community involvement and enhance and preserve our landscape, which the majority of elected councillors seek to destroy to preserve their own

agendas and self interest. So let’s inspire those around us who can reflect community hopes and desires in making intelligent decisions for the 21st century that hugely affects us and our landscape. Sometimes it’s hard to realise we have to change and move forward in directions that are less familiar but ultimately necessary for survival. Council elections are important. Democracy is an art form in which we must participate or sink into a moral abyss.

games as a training venue. The Condong boat ramp proposal has been shelved. A great facility, but for whom? They have stopped it due to boaties from Queensland flooding our rivers every summer. We understand the riverbank concerns, but there are other measures that could be taken; after all a lot of people who live in Condong have boats. Is this a wise move considering the games are at our door? What has happened to the allocated funds? Where are they to go now, what is the new sevenyear plan? Why does council keep changing the rules? There is good argument to keep up river from Condong Bridge at a lower speed limit, especially if the rowers are on the water. Although a previous proposal to create a ferry transport system from Murwillumbah to Tweed did not proceed, the idea is good – it gets people off the roads, and council transport strategy has no intention of looking or talking trains until after 2030. Let us hope that the river health strategies are acted upon, and we can be more sure of our riverbanks, and their protection into the future.

Neville Thompson

Scott Sledge


Trees and dredges

This business about the Pottsville health centre and the trees that have to be removed: I can’t understand why the trees can’t

Banora Point

Roll on elections

How embarrassing that councillors like Warren Polglase, Joan van Lieshout, Kevin Skinner and Phil Youngblutt, who also allowed the likes of Mike

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Caring for the river

We are fortunate here with our great river, and the rowing teams that grace our shores. The Tweed River is the perfect location for training, and we should expect a lot more business from this sport in Murwillumbah with the Commonwealth Games. The further improvements to the hockey fields in Murwillumbah are also going to expand our sporting infrastructure. These areas have already been host to many nations, giving us the sporting identity that has produced Australian representatives over the decades. It will stand us in a good position for the

Robyn Lemaire


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10 December 1, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

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intermediate levels and has taught extensively within Australia and Internationally, giving many residentials and workshops throughout Asia, Europe and the USA. He know lives and teaches locally at Yoga Gurukul, Tweed Valley ( Kerry Williams and Lynn Styman-Lane have also been practising and teaching Iyengar yoga for a long time and have many years of experience between them to pass on the benefits to their students. Please try a class and note the difference. Visit



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those closest to you won’t be able to pinpoint why you look From the Gold Coast to younger and more refreshed. Brisbane, from Tweed Heads Our experienced female to Byron Bay and from Europe doctor, who understands to Dubai, many people all your concerns, administers all over Australia and the world injectables. have experienced the healing Pureinfinity are also proud benefits of having a reading to announce Beaute with Rhonda. Pacifique, Denmark’s leading Rhonda is a gifted clairvoyant cosmeceutical brand, is / clairaudient reader and now available exclusively medical intuitive who utilises in store. Beaute Pacifique photographs and the tarot to uses a unique, patented clearly access the highest truth nanotechnology system to in your current circumstances. deliver vitamins and active Her readings are grounded and ingredients to the deeper heartfelt, rich with guidance layers of the skin, to create real that is easily applied to change results – rebirth the skin in five your life and achieve your days. dreams. Shop 128A Tweed City Rhonds offers photo Shopping Centre, 54 readings, readings by mail, Minjungbal Drive, Tweed psychic counselling, life path Heads Sth. Ph 07 5523 3344. consultation, medical intuitive. Ph Rhonda 02 6677 7517 or 0408 677 515.


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The Tweed Shire Echo December 1, 2011 11

Television Guide

Saturday 3

1. Robert De Niro stars in Elia Kazan’s 1976 film The Last Tycoon (ABC2, Saturday, 8.40pm) with an all-star cast list that never seems to end. Playwright Harold Pinter adapted the text from F Scott Fitzgerald’s unfinished novel. Keep your eyes open at the end of 2012 for a version of Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, a cracker of a novel which fits in well with modern times post-GFC. Baz Luhrmann directs and Leonardo DiCaprio plays Jay Gatsby. To quote the book: ‘There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired.’ 2. Three brothers get themselves stuck in the middle of India after being thrown off a train in The Darjeeling Limited (Eleven, Sunday, 8.30pm). It’s the usual story: mad escapades lead on to soul-searching and self-realisation. Anjelic Huston is their mother, running a convent in the Himalayan foothills (!) and Natalie Portman puts in an appreance as an exgirlfriend.

Friday 2 ABC 1

South Park (M) 3.00 Weatherwatch

4.00 rage (G) 5.00 Can We Help? 5.30 The New Inventors 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.30 Business Today 10.00 Kids’ Programs 11.30 One Plus One 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Land Girls 2.10 The Genius Of Design 3.00 Kids’ Programs


6.00 Kids’ Programs

7.00 Spicks And Specks 7.30 River Monsters 8.30 Friday Night Lights 9.30 Fear Of A Brown Planet Returns


10.40 Movie: The King Of Marvin Gardens (M 1972) US drama. Jack Nicholson, Bruce Dern 12.20 Queen: Days Of Our Lives 1.25 Scrapheap Challenge 2.10 Close

6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’ Programs 9.00 The Circle 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News

6.30 The Project 7.30 Jamie’s Great Britain 10.45 Crownies (M) 11.45 Cold Feet 8.30 Movie: Mrs Doubtfire 12.35 Absolutely Fabulous New York (PG 1993) US comedy. Special (M) 1.30 Blade Of The Immortal Robin Williams, Sally Field (M) 1.55 Close

11.05 World Championship Sailing 12.00 The Late Show 1.00 Movie: Without A Paddle (M 2004) US adven4.00 ABC News 4.05 Culture Quarter ture. Seth Green, Matthew Lillard 2.30 4.20 The Drum 5.00 ABC News 5.15 Infomercials 5.00 Religion Food Quarter 5.30 Newsline 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News ELEVEN 9.30 Business Today 10.00 ABC News 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady 12.30 Newsline 1.00 ABC News 2.30 Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched One Plus One 3.00 Afternoon Live 5.30 By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 Capital Hill 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder Drum 6.45 The Quarters 7.00 ABC News 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King 7.30 Contact Sport 8.00 ABC News 8.30 Of Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne One Plus One 9.00 The World 10.00 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 ABC News 10.05 The Drum 10.45 The The Brady Bunch Quarters 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Capital 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch Hill 12.00 ABC News 12.20 Lateline 6.30 Neighbours 1.00 BBC News 1.30 Contact Sport 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 2.00 Capital Hill 2.30 The World This 7.30 So You Think You Can Dance Week 3.00 BBC World News 3.30 One 10.00 Sex And The City (MA) Plus One 11.10 The Late Late Show 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage SBS 1 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News Witch 1.00 The King Of Queens 1.30 6.45 UEFA Europa League LIVE – Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Salzburg v Paris Saint-Germain 9.10 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An World News 2.30 Living Black 3.00 Angel 5.00 7th Heaven Letters And Numbers 3.30 World News ONE HD 4.00 The Journal 4.30 Newshour 5.30 6.00 Australian PGA Golf 11.00 NFL Global Village America’s Game 12.00 National Football 6.00 Letters And Numbers League – LIVE 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 6.30 World News Australia Jeopardy! 4.00 Beach Patrol 4.30 Airline 7.30 Town 5.00 4x4 Adventures


8.30 As It Happened Hiroshima: The Next Day 9.30 World News Australia 10.05 Scarlet Road (M)


Julianne Moore, Clive Owen

Warrior Princess 5.00 Hercules



6.00 Evening News

6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 6.30 A Current Affair

11.30 Seven News 12.00 Above 7.30 Two And A Half Men Suspicion (M) 3.00 Bush Doctors 3.30 8.30 Movie: The Fugitive (M Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 1993) US action. Harrison Deal Or No Deal Ford, Tommy Lee Jones 6.00 Prime News 11.15 Movie: Jesse Stone – No Remorse (M 2008) US mystery. Tom 6.30 Seven News Selleck, Stephen McHattie 1.00 Movie: 7.00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 7.30 Better Homes & Gardens Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None (PG 1974) UK mystery. 8.30 Lewis (M) Oliver Reed, Richard Attenborough 3.30 10.30 Natural Mysteries

11.45 Perfect Couples 12.15 October Entertainment Tonight 4.00 Danoz 4.30 Road (M) 1.15 Movie: Strange Holiday Good Morning America (G 1969) Australian adventure. Peter GO! Alexander, Van Alexander 3.00 Home 6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 Shopping Entertainment Tonight 2.00 TMZ 2.30 Married With Children 3.00 Just Shoot 7TWO 6.30 Martha Stewart Show 7.30 Dr Oz Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 5.30 Movie: 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & Meet Dave (PG 2008) US comedy. Eddie Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Murphy, Elisabeth Banks Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 7.20 Movie: Zoom (PG 2006) US comedy. Tim Allen, 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Courtney Cox Beautiful Homes And Great Estates 12.00 Brothers & Sisters (M) 1.00 Grey’s 9.20 Movie: Never Back Anatomy (M) 3.00 Murphy Brown 3.30 Down (M 2008) US action. Growing Pains 4.00 Mad About You Sean Faris, Amber Heard 4.30 Who’s The Boss 5.00 Doctor At 11.30 South Park (M) 12.30 Large 5.30 One Foot In The Grave Undercovers (AV) 1.30 Rubicon (M) 2.30 Reno 911 (M) 5.00 Bratz 5.30 6.00 Bargain Hunt Tamagotch! 7.00 One Foot In The Grave

9.00 Escape To The Country 10.00 To The Manor Bowen

11.00 The Lakes 11.30 Movie: Abandon Ship! (PG 1957) US adventure. Stephen Boyd, Tyrone Power 1.30 Australian Open Tennis 2007: Federer v Roddick 3.00 Mad About You 3.30 Who’s The Boss 4.00 Coronation Street 4.30 Emmerdale 5.00 Desiging Women 5.30 Home Shopping



6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: The Belles Of St Trinians (G 1955) US comedy. Alastair Sim, Joyce Grenfell 2.00 Sea Patrol 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 The Golden Girls 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show

6.00 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 Animal House 8.30 The Mentalist (M) 9.30 Movie: Runaway Jury (M 2003) US drama. John Cusack, Rachel Weisz

6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 The Incredible Hulk 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 Simon And Simon 1.00 The Equalizer (M) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie 2.30 12.05 Conan (M) 1.00 Psychic TV 2.30 Newsradio 3.00 Xena 4.00 Hercules Movie: Steptoe And Son (M 1972) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show UK comedy. Wilfred Brambell, Harry 6.00 My Wife And Kids Corbett 4.20 Murder, She Wrote 5.30 The Golden Girls 6.30 Gary Unmarried

7.00 That ’70s Show 7.30 Gene Simmons Family Jewels 8.30 My Name Is Earl 9.30 Reaper (M) 10.30 Jersey Shore (M)

6.00 Jeopardy! 6.30 Beach Patrol 7.00 Cops 7.30 Tools Of The Trade 12.30 Malcolm And Eddie 1.00 Six 11.05 Movie: Portrait Of A Beauty (MA 2008) South Korean romance 1.05 8.30 Movie: Children Of Men Million Dollar Man 2.00 Quantum Leap (M 2006) US adventure. 3.00 The Incredible Hulk 4.00 Xena:

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6.30 Kids’ Programs 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 9.00 Kids’ Programs 12.00 V8 Supercars LIVE – Homebush 5.30 Sydney Weekender

11.10 Movie: Team America – World Police (MA 2004) US action. Trey Parker, Matt Stone 1.20 Burn Notice (M) 2.00 Infomercials 4.00 Religion

Weekender 11.30 Great South East 12.00 Creek To Coast 12.30 The Travel Bug 1.30 Weekend Kitchen 5.00 The Good Life

6.15 Are You Being Served? 6.50 One Foot In The Grave 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The 7.30 Heartbeat 4.00 ABC News 4.05 Health Quarter Brady Bunch 8.30 Everybody Loves 8.30 Taggart (M) 4.15 The Drum 5.00 Big Ideas 6.00 Raymond 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.15 Rome (AV)


10.40 NBL Basketball: Cairns v Gold Coast 12.40 National Football League 5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 10.00 Hi-5 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 Bundesliga 10.30 First Cricket Test LIVE – Australia 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News Football 5.30 500 Great Goals v New Zealand 1.00 The Cricket Show 1.30 Cricket continues 6.00 Global Village


12.30 NBL Basketball – Cairns v Gold Coast 2.30 The Ultimate Fighter 3.30 Bundesliga Football 4.30 Magic Of The FA Cup

6.00 Men’s Champions Hockey 7.00 UEFA Europa League FC Twente v Fulham 7.00 ABC News 6.00 Seven News 8.30 Looking For Lowry 7.30 Doc Martin 6.30 No Leave No Life 9.30 Movie: Rivals (MAV 2008) 8.20 Miss Marple 7.00 Movie: Definitely, French drama 9.50 Graham Norton Show (M) Maybe (PG 2008) US com11.25 Movie: Lady Chatterley (M 2006) 10.40 Trial And Retribution (M) 12.10 edy. Ryan Reynolds, Isla French drama 1.45 Weatherwatch rage (MA) Fisher TEN 9.20 Movie: King Arthur (M ABC 2 6.00 Kids’ Programs 11.30 Landed 2004) US action. Clive 6.00 Kids’ Program Music 12.30 Hit Rater.Com 1.00 New Owen, Keira Knightley 7.00 Monkey Thieves Zealand Open Golf – LIVE 5.00 Ten News 12.00 Grey’s Anatomy (M) 2.00 Home 7.30 Great Ormond Street 6.30 Movie: Home Alone 3 Shopping 8.25 At The Movies (PG 1997) US comedy. 7TWO 8.40 Movie: The Last Tycoon Alex D Linz, Olek Krupa (M 1976) US drama. 8.40 Movie: Out Of Sight (M 6.30 Kids’ Programs 8.00 Sandcastles Robert De Niro, Tony 1998) US comedy. George 8.30 Better Homes And Gardens 10.00 Curtis Clooney, Jennifer Lopez The Great Outdoors 11.00 Queensland


6.30 Rene Redzepi’s Noma 7.30 Brick City 8.30 The Staircase (M) 9.30 Movie: The Rising 6.25 World Café Asia Malacca – Ballad Of Mangal 7.00 ABC News Pandey (M 2005) Indian 7.30 7.30 history 8.00 My Family 12.05 Movie: Ring 0 – The Birthday 8.30 Midsomer Murders (M) (M 2000) Japanese horror 1.50 10.05 The Old Guys Weatherwatch 10.35 Lateline 11.20 Tracey Ullman’s State Of The Union (M) 11.45 rage (MA)

12.35 SOS (G/M) 1.35 South Park (M) ABC 1 2.30 Weatherwatch 5.00 rage (PG) 11.00 Choccywoccydoodah 11.30 At The Movies 12.00 SBS 2 My Family 12.30 Elders: Helen Bamber 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News 1.00 WNBL Basketball LIVE – Bulleen 6.00 A Fork In The Road v Sydney Uni 3.00 W-League Football Malaysia LIVE – Melbourne v Newcastle 5.00 6.30 Food Trip Japan Bowls: Australia v RSA

10.30 NBL Basketball Townsville v Wollongong

7.30 6.30 Behind The News 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Contact Sport 8.00 ABC News 8.45 The Quarters 9.00 ABC News 9.45 Environment Quarter 10.00 ABC News 10.30 7.30 11.00 ABC News 11.30 7.30 12.00 ABC News 12.30 7.30 Select 1.00 Big Ideas 2.00 ABC News 2.30 7.30 3.00 ABC News 3.30 Foreign Correspondent 4.00 ABC News 4.30 Behind The News 5.00 ABC News 5.30 One Plus One 6.00 ABC News 6.30 Australian Story 7.00 ABC News 7.30 The World This Week 8.00 Four Corners 8.45 Finance Quarter 9.00 ABC News 9.30 State To State 10.00 ABC News 10.30 7.30 Select 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Foreign Correspondent 12.00 Big Ideas 1.00 BBC World News 1.30 7.30 3.00 One Plus One 2.30 7.30 3.00 BBC World News 3.30 7.30



10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King Of Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch

6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 Frasier 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 8.30 Frasier 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.30 Frasier 10.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10.30 Tower Heist (M)


6.00 Yellowstone 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Restoration Home 8.30 Upstairs Downstairs 9.35 When Teenage Meets Old Age

6.30 Top Gear USA 7.30 Two And A Half Men 8.30 Movie: Ronin (M 1998) US action. Robert De Niro, Jean Reno

10.50 Movie: American History X (AV 1998) US drama. Edward Norton, Edward Furlong 12.00 Total Wipeout UK 2.00 V (M) 3.00 The Ultimate Fighter (M) 4.00 The Moment Of Truth 5.00 Bratz 5.30 Tamagotch!

GEM 6.00 Movie: The Belles Of St Trinians (G 1955) US comedy. Alastair Sim, Joyce Grenfell 8.00 Infomercials 9.00 Movie: Carry On Spying (G 1964) UK comedy. Kenneth Williams, Barbara Windsor 11.00 The Golden Girls 11.30 Movie: The Small Back Room (PG 1949) WWII drama. David Farrar, Jack Hawkins 1.45 Movie: Never So Few (PG 1959) WWII drama. Frank Sinatra, Gina Lollobrigida 4.15 Movie: The Bridge On The River Kwai (PG 1957) WWII drama. William Holden, Alec Guinness

6.00 The Jeff Foxworthy Show 6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 The Incredible Hulk 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 SCU: Serious Crash Unit 12.30 Panic Mechanics 1.00 Zoom TV 1.30 Great Grand Prix Racing Heroes 2.30 Riding 7.30 Antiques Roadshow With Rossi 3.30 Monster Garage 5.30 8.30 CSI: NY (M) Monster Fish 9.30 CSI: Miami (M)

11.30 Unsolved Mysteries (M) 12.30 Jeff Foxworthy Show 1.00 Great Grand Prix Racing Heroes 2.00 The Incredible Hulk 3.00 Six Million Dollar Man 4.00 Quantum Leap 5.00 Adam 12 5.30 Home Shopping

Please note The Echo takes great care producing this guide, but unfortunately TV stations like to tinker with things at the last minute and sometimes make changes after we have gone to print.

6.00 Save Point 6.30 WWE Experience 7.30 Fear Factor 8.30 Race To Dakar (M) 9.30 48 Hours (M)

6.00 Danoz 7.00 Weekend Today 9.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 First Cricket Test LIVE – Australia v New Zealand 1.00 The Cricket Show 1.30 Cricket continues

Channel 9 (NBN, Gem and Go!) and Channel 7 (Prime7, 7two and 7mate) are the worst offenders. They frequently change their prime-time movies and other shows just before screening.

8.30 The Promise (M) 10.10 Movie: Twin Sisters (M 2002) Dutch drama


10.30 CSI (M)

11.30 Conan (M) 12.20 Psychic TV 1.50 Movie: Never So Few 4.15 Movie: Carry On Spying

Prophets 2.00 MotoGP Classic 3.00 3.00 Six Million Dollar Man 4.00 Jaguar Adventure 4.00 Out Of Control Quantum Leap 5.00 Adam 12 5.30 5.00 Australian Rally Championship Home Shopping

6.00 I Fish 6.30 Megastructures 12.35 Movie: What A Wonderful 7.30 Ice Road Truckers Place (MA 2005) Israeli drama 2.20 8.30 Movie: Sliver (M 1993) Weatherwatch US thriller. Sharon Stone, William Baldwin SBS 2


6.00 Infomercials 7.00 Weekend Today 10.00 Gilligan’s Island 10.30 First Cricket Test LIVE – Australia v New Zealand 1.00 The Cricket Show 1.30 Cricket continues

10.45 NBL Basketball – Sydney v Cairns 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 12.45 The Ultimate Fighter (M) 2.45 6.00 NBN News 6.30 Christmas With The 6.00 More Than A Fiesta Omnisport 3.00 National Football Australian Women’s 6.35 Italian Food Challenge League – LIVE

7.30 Ninja Warrior 8.00 Unbeatable Banzuke 8.30 Escape To The Legion (M) 9.30 Movie: The Witness (M 2010) Kurt Wallander 10.35 Pride And Prejudice 11.30 crime

Ladies Of Letters 11.55 Order In 11.10 Movie: Open Hearts The House 1.00 Restoration Home (MA 2002) Danish drama 1.10 2.00 When Teenage Meets Old Age Weatherwatch 3.05 Spectacled Bears

Weekly 7.30 60 Minutes 6.00 Religion 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 8.30 The Mentalist (M) 10.00 Business Builders 10.30 Under 9.30 The Commander (M) The Hammer 11.00 Breaking The 10.30 Prime Suspect (M)


Magician’s Code 12.00 V8 Supercars 11.30 Flashpoint (M) 12.30 The Baron LIVE – Homebush 5.30 New Zealand 1.30 Spyforce 2.30 Home Shopping On A Plate 4.00 Good Morning America 5.00 Early 6.00 Seven News Morning News

6.30 On Board Air Force One 7.30 Dog Patrol 6.00 Religion 7.00 Kids’Programs 12.00 8.00 Coastwatch Meet The Press 12.30 The Bolt Report 6.00 Kids’ Programs 8.30 Bones (M) 1.00 New Zealand Open Golf – LIVE 9.30 Castle (M) 7.00 At The Movies 5.00 Ten News 7.30 Voyage To The Planets 10.30 Royal Pains (M) 6.30 Merlin 11.30 Love Bites (M) 12.30 Grey’s Uranus and Neptune 7.30 It’s A Knockout Anatomy (M) 1.30 Home Shopping 8.30 Sunday Best (M) 8.30 Terra Nova (M) 5.30 Seven News 9.35 Men Who Swim (M) 10.35 London Live: Sophie Ellis-Bextor 9.30 Ringer (M) 7TWO 11.00 BBC Electric Proms: Oasis (M) 10.30 Go Girls (M)



6.00 Kids’ Programs 12.00 Aria Awards 2011 2.00 Spin City 3.00 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here 5.30 Total Wipeout UK

6.30 Mighty Structures 7.30 Mega Movers 8.30 Shockwave (M) 9.30 Mega Disasters 10.30 The Universe

Sunday 4 5.00 rage (PG) 6.30 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Insiders 10.00 Inside Business 10.30 Offsiders 11.00 Asia Pacific Focus 11.30 Songs Of Praise 12.00 Beachcomber Cottage 1.00 7.30 1.30 Message Stick 2.00 The Story Of India 3.00 The Real Cabaret 4.00 Life Is A Banquet 5.00 Men’s Champions Hockey


11.40 Movie: City Hall (M 1996) US drama. Al Pacino, John Cusack 1.50 Movie: Poltergeist (M 1982) US horror. Jobeth Williams, Craig T Nelson 4.00 Infomercials

11.00 Family Ties 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven

5.00 World News 5.05 World News 1.00 ONE HD In The Spirit Of Diaghilev 2.25 A Portrait 6.00 Australian PGA Golf 11.00 Rok Of Valery Gergiev 3.30 Philip Roth 4.30 Adventure 12.00 WWE Experience 1.00 Bundesliga Football 2.00 NBL Newshour 5.30 Prototype This Basketball – Cairns v Gold Coast 4.00 6.30 World News Australia Airline 5.30 I Fish 7.30 Big, Bigger, Biggest

8.30 Mythbusters 9.30 RocKwiz (M) 10.20 Movie: Mongol (MAV 2007) Mongolian drama

11.45 Movie: Fun With Dick And Jane (M 1977) US comedy. George Segal, Jane Fonda 1.45 Australian Open Tennis 1992: McEnroe v Sanchez

6.00 NBN News 6.30 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos 7.30 Movie: Alvin And The Chipmunks (G 2007) Animation 8.40 Lotto 9.30 Movie: The Square (AV 2008) Australian drama. Joel Edgerton, David Roberts



6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Picture This With Quickflix 1.30 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here 3.30 The Bachelor 5.30 Survivor: South Pacific

6.30 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here 8.00 Teen Mum 9.00 The Big Bang Theory 9.30 Movie: Hellboy (M 6.30 Step By Step 7.00 Growing Pains 2004) WWII drama. Ron 12.00 Oasis: Soul And Glory 12.50 11.30 Movie: Against The Ropes 7.30 Head Of The Class 8.00 Perfect Perlman, John Hurt (M 2004) US biography. Meg Ryan, Scrapheap Challenge 1.40 Close


4.00 7.30 5.00 Big Ideas 6.00 7.30 6.30 Behind The News 7.00 ABC News 7.30 The World This Week 8.00 ABC News 9.00 Insiders 10.00 ABC News 10.30 7.30 11.00 ABC News 11.30 7.30 12.00 ABC News 12.30 Offsiders 1.00 Big Ideas 2.00 ABC News 2.30 7.30 3.00 ABC News 3.30 Australian Story 4.00 ABC News 4.30 Behind The News 5.00 ABC News 5.30 Inside Business 6.00 ABC News 6.30 Foreign Correspondent 7.00 ABC News 7.30 One Plus One 8.00 Insiders 9.00 ABC News 9.30 Tonic 10.00 ABC News 10.30 The World This Week 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Australian Story 12.00 Big Ideas 1.00 BBC World News 1.30 7.30 Select 2.00 Newshour 3.00 BBC World News 3.30 7.30


Omar Epps 2.00 Infomercials 4.00 Strangers 8.30 The Hogan Family 8.50 Ugly Betty 9.50 Route 66 10.45 Naked Religion City 11.15 Jersey Boys 11.45 Movie: Eleven Captain Pirate (G 1952) US adven6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The ture. Louis Hayward, John Sutton 1.30 Brady Bunch 8.30 Everybody Loves Movie: Absence Of Malice (PG 1981) Raymond 9.00 Touched By An Angel US drama. Paul Newman, Sally Field 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love 4.00 Movie: Multiplicity (PG 1996) Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 US comedy. Michael Keaton, Andie Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King Of MacDowell Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 6.30 Test Kitchen 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 7.00 Sandcastles The Brady Bunch 7.30 The Royal

6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 The Simpsons 8.00 Futurama 8.30 Movie: The Darjeeling Limited (M 2007) US comedy. Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody

10.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 The King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven

5.00 World News 8.30 PopAsia 10.30 UEFA Europa League 11.00 Football Feature 12.00 UEFA Champions League 12.30 Speedweek 1.00 Rugby – Wales v Australia Highlights 3.00 Celtic Thunder ONE HD 4.05 How To Survive A Disaster 5.00 6.00 Omnisport 6.30 Fear Factor 7.30 Cycling Central Pro Bull Riding 8.30 World Of Free 6.00 Thalassa Sports 9.00 Volvo Ocean Race 10.00 6.30 World News Australia 4x4 Adventures 11.00 NBL Basketball 7.30 The Bible A History – Townsville v Wollongong 1.00 Lost

8.30 Movie: The Ringer (M 2003) US comedy. Johnny Knoxville, Katherine Heigl 10.30 Warehouse 13 (M)

12.00 Live At The Chapel Presents Eskimo Joe 12.30 The Ultimate Fighter (M) 1.30 Reno 911 (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 The Flintstones


6.00 Religion 6.30 Movie: The Frightened City (PG 1962) UK drama. Herbert Lom, John Gregson 8.30 Infomercials 9.30 Movie: The Heart Of The Matter (PG 1954) UK drama. Trevor Howard, Peter Finch 11.40 Movie: King Richard And The Crusaders (G 1954) US adventure. Rex Harrison, Virginia Mayo 2.00 Getaway 3.00 Movie: Around The World In Eighty Days (G 1956) US adventure. Cantinflas, David Niven

11.45 The World At War 12.50 Movie: Absence Of Malice 3.15 Movie: Multiplicity 5.30 Home Shopping 6.30 Antiques Roadshow


6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 The Incredible Hulk 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 Man V Food 10.00 NWA – On Fire 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 Riding With Rossi 1.00 Boxing: Darchinvan v Moreno 3.30 Zoom TV 4.00 Monster Garage 5.00 Drew Carey Show 5.30 Smash Lab

6.30 Verminators 7.30 Mythbusters 8.30 Warehouse 13 (M) 10.30 The Imploders

7.30 As Time Goes By 8.00 Yes Minister 8.30 Movie: John Q (M 2001) US drama. Denzel Washington, Robert Duvall

11.00 Friends 11.30 Movie: The Holcroft Covenant (M 1985) UK action. Michael Caine, Anthony Andrews 1.30 As Time Goes By 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 The Golden Girls 5.30 Today

12.30 Caprica (M) 2.30 Man V Food

Monday 5 ABC 1

9.30 Blue Bloods (M) 10.30 Tour Of Duty

Equalizer (M) 1.00 Six Million Dollar Man 2.00 Quantum Leap 3.00 The Incredible Movie: Captive (MA 2008) Russian 11.00 National Football League 12.00 Hulk 4.00 Hercules 5.00 Adam 12 5.30 Home Shopping drama 2.05 Weatherwatch Arsenal Football

4.00 rage (G) 5.00 Stuff 5.30 Collectors 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 10.00 Kids’ SBS 2 Programs 11.00 Best Of Landline 12.00 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News Midday Report 12.30 Monarch Of The 6.00 Living Black Glen 1.30 The Free Range Cook 2.00 6.30 Chef At Home South Bed Of Roses 3.00 Kids’ Programs America

6.00 Grand Designs 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Who’s Been Sleeping In My House? 8.30 The Hour (M) 9.30 Kevin McCloud’s Grand Tour Florence and Rome 10.30 Silent Witness

7.00 Peta Unplugged In Marrakech 7.30 Why Are Thin People Not Fat? 8.30 Total Isolation 9.30 The World Game 10.30 Movie: Ran (M 1985) Japanese drama 1.20 Weatherwatch

11.25 Darling Buds Of May 12.20 The Hour (M) 1.20 Poirot (M) 3.00 Bowls: TEN Australia v RSA 6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’Programs 9.00 The Circle 11.00 Ten News 12.00 Dr Phil ABC 2 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady 6.00 Kids’ Programs Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 7.00 Spicks And Specks 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen 4.30 The Bold And 7.30 Three Hungry Boys The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News

8.00 Outnumbered 8.30 Haven 9.30 Breaking Bad (M) 10.15 Graham Norton Show (M)

11.00 River Monsters 11.50 London Live: Manic Street Preachers, Charlotte Gainsbourg, The Coral, Dizzee Rascal 12.25 Zoo Days 12.50 Scrapheap Challenge 1.35 Close


4.00 ABC News 4.05 The World This Week 4.30 Asia Pacific Focus 5.00 Newshour 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 2.30 Asia Pacific Focus 3.00 Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Hill 5.45 Environment Quarter 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 Health Quarter 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 ABC News 8.30 Dispatches 9.00 The World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 The Drum 10.45 Health Quarter 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Asia Focus 12.00 ABC News 12.30 7.30 1.00 BBC News 1.30 Australia Network News 2.00 Newshour 3.00 BBC World News 3.30 Dispatches


5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 1.00 Age Of Terror 2.00 India Reborn 3.00 Letters And Numbers 3.30 World News 4.00 The Journal 4.30 Futbol Mundial 5.00 The Crew 5.30 Global Village

6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Mythbusters 8.30 Man vs Wild 9.30 World News Australia 10.00 Housos (MA) 10.30 Skins (MA)


4.00 rage (G) 5.00 Gardening Australia 5.30 First Tuesday Book Club 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 10.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 Rivers 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Seven Ages Of Britain 1.30 Meerkat Manor 2.00 Bed Of Roses 3.00 Kids’ Programs

6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: A Little Thing Called Murder (M 2006) US comedy. Judy Davis, Jonathan Jackson 2.00 Dr Oz 3.00 Medical Emergency 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal


4.00 7.30 4.30 State To State 5.00 Newshour 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 12.30 Australia Network News 1.00 ABC News 2.30 7.30 Select 3.00 Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Hill 5.45 Finance Quarter 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 Indigenous Quarter 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.30 Foreign Correspondent 9.00 The World 10.00 The Drum 10.45 Indigenous Quarter 11.30 Asia Focus 12.00 ABC News 12.30 7.30 1.00 BBC News 1.30 Australia Network News 2.00 Newshour 3.00 BBC World News 3.30 Foreign Correspondent

9.00 American Dad (M) 9.30 Family Guy (M) 10.30 My Name Is Earl

11.00 Boston Legal (M) 12.00 The 5.00 I Fish 6.00 Jeopardy!

6.30 Beach Patrol Rio (M) 3.00 Weatherwatch 7.00 Cops 7.30 Expedition Impossible SBS 2 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News 8.30 Cops (M) 9.30 Rush (M) 6.00 Global Village 10.30 24 (M) 6.30 Chef At Home 11.30 The League (MA) 12.00 National 7.00 Peta Unplugged In Football League 2.30 Omnisport 3.00 Marrakech Serie A Football 5.30 FA Cup Classic 7.30 Lost Worlds The Empire PRIME Of Genghis Khan 8.30 As It Happened The Lost 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: Liner And The Empire’s Imagine Me & You (M 2005) US comGold edy. Piper Perabo, Lena Headey 2.00 9.30 Movie: C.R.A.Z.Y. (MA Dr Oz 3.00 Medical Emergency 3.30 2005) French-Canadian Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 5.30 drama

11.30 Late Show 12.30 Infomercials 4.00 Religion


6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Surviving A Car Crash 8.30 Go Back To Where You Came From (M) 9.30 World News Australia 10.05 Hot Docs

11.45 Movie: The Desert Within (MA 2008) Mexican drama 1.50 Angels Of

Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Beautiful Homes And Great Estates 12.00 Brothers & Sisters (M) 1.00 Grey’s Anatomy (M) 3.00 Murphy Brown 3.30 Growing Pains 4.00 Mad About You 4.30 Who’s The Boss 5.00 Doctor At Large 5.30 One Foot In The Grave

6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King Of Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 6.00 Bargain Hunt 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 7.00 That’s My Boy The Brady Bunch 7.30 Dad’s Army

6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 The Simpsons 8.00 Futurama 8.30 The Office SBS 1 9.30 American Horror Story (AV) 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 10.30 The Late Late Show 1.00 Movie: A Touch Of Spice (M 2003) Greek drama 3.00 Letters And Numbers 3.30 World News 4.00 The Journal 4.30 Newshour 5.30 Global Village

5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 10.00 Hi-5 10.30 First Cricket Test LIVE – Australia v New Zealand 1.00 The Cricket Show 1.30 Cricket continues

6.00 NBN News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 6.00 Prime News 8.00 Hot In Cleveland 6.30 Seven News 8.25 Lotto 7.00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 8.30 The Mentalist (M) 7.30 SCU: Serious Crash Unit 9.30 Harry’s Law (M) 8.00 Drug Bust 10.30 Extreme Makeover 8.30 Criminal Minds (M) 11.30 Undercovers (M) 12.30 The 9.30 Air Crash Investigations Avengers 1.30 Entertainment Tonight 2.00 Infomercials 3.30 Good Morning 10.30 Royal Pains (M)

6.00 Men’s Champions Hockey 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Nigella Kitchen 8.30 Grumpy Guide To School Days 9.35 United States Of Tara (MA) 10.00 First Tuesday Book Club 11.40 Movie: Get Ready To Be Deal Or No Deal 11.10 Spooks (M) 12.05 The Pursuit Boyzvoiced (M 2000) Norwegian 6.00 Prime News Of Excellence 1.05 Grumpy Guide To comedy 1.20 Weatherwatch 6.30 Seven News School Days 2.05 Monarch Of The Glen 7.00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 3.00 Wings To Fly TEN 7.30 Happy Endings 6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’Programs 9.00 8.00 How I Met Your Mother ABC 2 The Circle 11.00 Ten News 12.00 Dr Phil 8.30 Movie: Meet The Fockers 6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady (M 2004) US comedy. 7.00 Spicks And Specks Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller 7.30 Dirty Jobs 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen 4.30 The Bold And 10.50 Parks And Recreation 11.20 8.30 Review (M) The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News Keeping Up With The Kardashians (M) 9.00 Harry And Paul 6.30 The Project 12.00 House Calls To The Rescue 1.00 9.30 Green Wing (M) 7.30 Modern Family Home Shopping 5.30 News 10.20 Root Of All Evil (M) 8.00 Rules Of Engagement 10.45 Arrested Development 11.10 8.30 NCIS: Los Angeles (M) 7TWO Torchwood (M) 12.00 Billable Hours 9.30 Offspring (M) 6.30 Martha Stewart Show 7.30 Dr Oz (M) 12.25 What Would Happen If…1.15 10.30 Go Girls (M) 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & Scrapheap Challenge 2.00 Close


11.30 Keeping Up With The Kardashians America 5.00 Early Morning News (M) 12.00 The Ghan Is Going 1.00 Home GO! Shopping 5.30 News 6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Seinfeld 7TWO 1.30 Entertainment Tonight 2.00 TMZ 6.30 Martha Stewart Show 7.30 Dr Oz 2.30 Married With Children 3.00 Just 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.00 Aria 6.30 The Project Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Awards 2011 7.30 Modern Family Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 6.00 Seinfeld 8.00 Rules Of Engagement 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 6.30 Wipeout USA 8.30 The Glades (M) Beautiful Homes And Great Estates 7.30 I’m A Celebrity Get Me 9.30 Offspring (M) 12.00 Brothers & Sisters (M) 1.00 Grey’s Out Of Here 10.30 Go Girls (M) Anatomy (M) 3.00 Murphy Brown 3.30 8.30 The Big Bang Theory 11.30 The Late Show 12.30 Infomercials Growing Pains 4.00 Mad About You 9.00 The Inbetweeners (MA) 4.00 Religion 4.30 Who’s The Boss 5.00 Doctor At 9.30 Movie: Rocknrolla (AV Large 5.30 One Foot In The Grave Eleven 2008) UK action. Gerard 6.00 Bargain Hunt 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady Butler, Tom Wilkinson Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched 7.00 Are You Being Served? 12.00 South Park (MA) 1.00 Reno 911 By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 7.30 Heartbeat (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 8.30 Some Mothers Do ’ave ’em Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King 9.30 The Bill (M) Children 5.30 The Flintstones Of Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 10.40 Six Feet Under (M) 11.45 Dawn 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 Gets Her Man (M) 12.45 Mad About GEM The Brady Bunch You 1.10 Movie: Roughshod (PG 6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1949) Western. Robert Sterling, Gloria The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, Grahame 2.40 Leyland Brothers World She Wrote 12.00 Movie: The Duke 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 3.30 Who’s The Boss 4.00 Coronation Wore Jeans (G 1958) UK comedy. Street 4.30 Emmerdale 5.00 Home Tommy Steele, June Laverick 2.00 7.30 Futurama Shopping Sea Patrol 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 8.30 Smallville (M) 4.00 The Golden Girls 5.00 The Ellen 10.30 The Late Late Show 7MATE 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 The Denegeres Show Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 The Incredible Hulk 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 NBC 6.00 Friends King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 Today 10.00 NBC Meet The Press 11.00 7.00 The Zoo The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder Quantum Leap 12.00 Simon And Simon 7.30 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th 1.00 The Equalizer (M) 2.00 Malcolm Heaven And Eddie 2.30 Newsradio 3.00 Xena: 8.30 Extreme Parental Guidance Warrior Princess 4.00 Hercules 5.00 The ONE HD 9.30 Hell’s Kitchen (MA) 6.00 National Football League – LIVE Drew Carey Show 10.30 Secret Diary Of A Call 11.15 ATP World Tour Tennis 11.45 6.00 My Wife And Kids Girl (MA) Omnisport 12.45 National Football 6.30 Gary Unmarried 11.30 Friends 12.30 Murder, She League – LIVE 3.30 Jeopardy! 4.00 7.00 That ’70s Show Wrote 1.30 The Golden Girls 2.00 Beach Patrol 4.30 Airline 5.00 I Fish 7.30 How I Met Your Mother Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 8.30 Family Guy (M) 6.00 Jeopardy! The Golden Girls 5.30 Today

6.30 Beach Patrol 7.00 Cops 7.30 Psych 11.30 The World Game 12.30 8.30 Burn Notice (M)

Tuesday 6


8.05 To The Manor Born 9.15 One Foot In The Grave 10.00 The Bill (M)

11.10 Six Feet Under (M) 12.15 No Going Back 12.44 Mad About You 1.15 Movie: The Saint In New York (PG 1939) US drama. Louis Hayward, Kay Sutton 2.40 Leyland Brothers World 11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 3.30 Who’s The Boss 4.00 Coronation Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1.00 The Street 4.30 Emmerdale 5.00 Home King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 Shopping The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 7MATE 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th 6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 The Heaven Incredible Hulk 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 ONE HD NBC Today 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 6.00 NZ Open Golf 10.00 NBL Simon And Simon 1.00 The Equalizer Basketball: Sydney v Cairns 12.00 (M) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie 2.30 World Rally Championship 1.00 Newsradio 3.00 Xena 4.00 Hercules Australian Rally Championship 2.00 5.00 The Drew Carey Show Out Of Control 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 6.00 My Wife And Kids Jeopardy! 4.00 Beach Patrol 4.30 Airline 6.30 Garry Unmarried

7.00 That ’70s Show 7.30 Mythbusters 9.30 The Border 10.30 All Worked Up (M)

11.00 Boston Legal (M) 12.00 The Equalizer (M) 1.00 Six Million Dollar Man 2.00 Quantum Leap 3.00 The Incredible Hulk 4.00 Hercules 5.00 Adam 12 5.30 Home Shopping


5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Danoz 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Entertainment Tonight 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat

6.00 NBN News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 8.00 The Middle 8.30 Two And A Half Men (M) 9.00 Mike And Molly (M) 9.30 Survivor: South Pacific 10.30 Nothing Trivial (M)

11.30 The Unusuals (M) 12.30 20/20 1.30 Home Shopping 3.30 Good Morning America 5.00 Early Morning News


6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 Entertainment Tonight 2.00 TMZ 2.30 Married With Children 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Seinfeld

6.30 Wipeout USA 7.00 Funniest Home Videos 7.30 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here 8.30 Movie: Rush Hour (M 1998) US action. Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker 10.30 The Inbetweeners (MA)

11.30 South Park (M) 12.00 Eclipse Music TV 12.30 Rock Rivals (M) 1.30 Reno 911 (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 The Flintstones


6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: Sands Of The Desert (G 1960) UK comedy. Charles Drake, Peter Arne 2.00 Sea Patrol 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 The Golden Girls 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show

6.00 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 As Time Goes By 8.00 Yes Minister 8.30 The Closer (M) 10.30 Rizzoli & Isles (M)

11.30 Friends 12.30 Murder, She Wrote 1.30 The Golden Girls 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 The Golden Girls 5.30 Today

Wednesday 7

7.00 Cops 7.30 Ice Road Truckers Czech drama 8.30 Cops (M) ABC 1 11.50 112 Emergency (PG/M) 1.20 9.30 The Killing (M) 4.00 rage (G) 5.00 Strictly Speaking Weatherwatch 10.30 NBL Basketball 5.30 Spicks And Specks 6.00 ABC Townsville v Wollongong News Breakfast 10.00 Kids’ Programs SBS 2 11.00 First Tuesday Book Club 12.00 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News Midday Report 12.30 National Press 6.00 Global Village Club Address 1.30 Bush Slam 2.00 Bed 6.30 Chef At Home South Of Roses 3.00 Kids’ Programs America

6.00 Country House Rescue 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Outnumbered 8.30 QI (M) 9.00 The Thick Of It Special (M) 10.00 At The Movies

7.00 Peta Unplugged In Marrakech 7.30 Inspector Rex 8.30 The Killing (M) 9.35 UEFA Champions League Porto v Zenit

11.05 Movie: Grégoire Moulin Versus 10.40 Comedy Roadshow (M) 11.25 Humanity (M 2001) French comedy The Neanderthal Code 12.15 Country 12.45 Weatherwatch House Rescue 1.10 Dorothy Porter: A Tribute 2.00 W-League Football: TEN Melbourne v Newcastle 6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’Programs 9.00 The Circle 11.00 Ten News 12.00 Dr Phil ABC 2 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady 6.00 Kids’ Programs Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 7.00 Spicks And Specks 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen 4.30 The Bold And 7.30 Mega Builders The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News

8.30 Undercover Princesses 9.30 Queen Days Of Our Lives (M) 10.30 Requiem For Detroit (M)

6.30 The Project 7.30 Glee 8.30 Hawaii Five-O (M) 9.30 Offspring (M) 11.35 Across The Andes (M) 12.35 10.30 Go Girls (M)

Animal Cops 1.25 Scrapheap Challenge 11.30 Late Show 12.30 Infomercials 2.15 Close 4.00 Religion


4.00 7.30 4.30 State To State 5.00 Newshour 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 12.30 Australia Network News 1.00 ABC News 2.30 State To State 3.00 Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Hill 5.45 Culture Quarter 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 Arts Quarter 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 ABC News 8.30 Dispatches 9.00 The World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 The Drum 10.45 Arts Quarter 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Asia Focus 12.00 ABC News 12.30 7.30 1.00 BBC News 1.30 Australia Network News 2.00 Newshour 3.00 BBC World News 3.30 Dispatches


6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King Of Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch

6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 The Simpsons 8.00 Futurama 8.30 The Simpsons 9.00 Futurama SBS 1 9.30 The Cleveland Show (M) 5.00 World News 6.30 UEFA Champions 10.30 The Late Late Show

League LIVE – Chelsea v Valencia 9.00 World News 3.00 Letters And Numbers 3.30 World News 4.00 The Journal 4.30 Newshour 5.30 Global Village

6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Toughest Place To Be A Midwife 8.30 One Born Every Minute (M) 9.30 World News Australia 10.05 Movie: Something Like Happiness (M 2005)

11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina 1.00 The King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven


6.00 New Zealand Open Golf 10.00 World Of Free Sports 10.30 National Football League 1.00 World Rally Championship 2.00 NFL Total Access 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 Jeopardy! 4.00 Beach Patrol 4.30 Airline 5.00 I Fish

6.00 Jeopardy! 6.30 Beach Patrol

Thursday 8 ABC 1

4.00 rage (G) 5.00 National Press Club Address 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 10.00 Kids’ Programs 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Tess Of The D’Urbervilles (M) 1.30 Mother And Son 2.00 Bed Of Roses 3.00 Kids’ Programs

10.00 Big Love (M)

11.05 UEFA Champions League Hour 12.10 Movie: Isabella (M 2006) Cantonese drama 2.10 Weatherwatch


5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 World News

6.00 Global Village 6.00 Men’s Champions Hockey 6.30 Chef At Home South 7.00 ABC News America 7.30 7.30 7.00 Peta Unplugged In 8.00 Jimmy’s Food Factory Marrakech 8.30 Here I Am 7.30 Trails From The East 10.00 Britain’s Whitest Family Turkey 10.35 Bastard Boys (M) 11.35 Live From 8.30 UEFA Champions League Abbey Road: Gossip, The Mars Volta, 9.30 Movie: JCVD (M 2008) Friendly Fires (M) 12.30 Hunt Angels French comedy (M) 2.00 WNBL Basketball: Bulleen v Sydney Uni


6.00 Kids’ Programs

7.00 Spicks And Specks 7.30 Heavy Haulers 8.30 Arrested Development (M) 9.00 Warehouse Comedy Festival (M) 9.30 Graham Norton Show 10.15 Ideal (MA)

11.15 Movie: Not For, Or Against (Quite The Contrary) (MAV 2003) French action 1.15 Weatherwatch


4.00 7.30 Quarter 4.30 State To State 5.00 Newshour 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News 12.30 Australia Network News 1.00 ABC News 2.30 Australian Story 3.00 Afternoon Live 5.30 Capital Hill 5.45 Rural Quarter 6.00 ABC News 6.05 The Drum 6.45 Consumer Quarter 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 ABC News 8.30 Best Of Australian Story 9.00 The World 10.00 ABC News 10.05 The Drum 10.45 Consumer Quarter 11.00 ABC News 11.30 Asia Focus 12.00 ABC News 12.30 7.30 1.00 BBC News 1.30 Australia Network News 2.00 Newshour 3.00 BBC World News 3.30 Best Of Australian Story


5.00 World News 6.30 UEFA Champions League LIVE – Basel v Manchester United 9.00 World News 3.00 Letters And Numbers 3.30 World News 4.00 The Journal 4.30 Newshour 5.30 Global Village

6.00 Letters And Numbers 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 My Sri Lanka 8.00 Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam 8.30 The Family (M) 9.30 World News Australia

9.40 Air Crash Investigations

10.40 The Day John Lennon Died (M) 11.40 30 Rock 12.10 Sons And Daughters 1.00 Home Shopping 5.30 News


6.30 Martha Stewart Show 7.30 Dr Oz 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Beautiful Homes And Great Estates 12.00 Brothers & Sisters (M) 1.00 Grey’s Anatomy (M) 3.00 Murphy Brown 3.30 Growing Pains 4.00 Mad About You 4.30 Who’s The Boss 5.00 Doctor At Large 5.30 One Foot In The Grave

6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 Porridge 8.00 Heartbeat 9.00 One Foot In The Grave 10.15 The Bill (M)

11.15 Six Feet Under (M) 12.15 Gil Mayo Mysteries (M) 1.10 Mad About You 1.30 Who’s The Boss 2.00 Home Shopping 3.30 Room For Improvement 4.00 Coronation Street 4.30 Emmerdale 5.00 Home Shopping


6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 The Incredible Hulk 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 NBC Today 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 Simon And Simon 1.00 The Equalizer (M) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie 2.30 Newsradio 3.00 Xena 4.00 Hercules 5.00 The Drew Carey Show

11.30 Cheers 12.00 Roseanne 12.30 Sabrina 1.00 The King Of Queens 1.30 Happy Days 2.00 The Love Boat 3.00 Diagnosis Murder 4.00 Touched By An Angel 5.00 7th Heaven


6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 Entertainment Tonight 2.00 TMZ 2.30 Married With Children 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs

6.00 Seinfeld 6.30 Wipeout USA 7.00 Funniest Home Videos 7.30 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here 9.00 The Big Bang Theory 9.30 Movie: Man Of The House (M 2005) US action. Tommy Lee Jones, Anne Archer

11.40 South Park (M) 12.30 V (M) 1.30 Reno 911 (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 The Flintstones


6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: The Lady Killers (PG 1955) UK comedy. Alec Guinness, Cecil Parker 2.00 Sea Patrol 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 The Golden Girls 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show

6.00 Friends 7.00 The Zoo 7.30 Movie: Maid In Manhattan (PG 2002) US comedy. Jennifer Lopez, Ralph Fiennes 9.45 Hoarders

6.00 My Wife And Kids 6.30 Garry Unmarried 7.00 That ’70s Show 7.30 Pimp My Ride 8.30 Hardcore Pawn (M) 9.30 American Pickers 10.30 Banged Up Abroad (M)

10.45 My Strange Addiction 11.40 Conan (M) 12.30 Murder, She Wrote 1.30 The Golden Girls 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 The Golden Girls 5.30 Today

Airline 5.00 I Fish

6.30 Garry Unmarried 7.00 That ’70s Show 7.30 Swamp People 8.30 Lockdown (M) 9.30 Operation Repo (M)

11.30 The Sexy Ads Show (MA) 12.00 The Equalizer (M) 1.00 Six Million Dollar

6.00 Jeopardy! 6.30 Beach Patrol 7.00 Cops 7.30 Extreme Fishing 8.30 Movie: Marine (M 2009) US action. Ted Dibiase Jr, Temuera Morrison 10.30 UFC 140 Countdown (M)

10.30 Jail (M) 11.30 Campus PD (M) 12.00 The Equalizer (M) 1.00 Six Million Dollar Man 2.00 Quantum Leap 3.00 The Incredible Hulk 4.00 Hercules 5.00 11.30 NBL Basketball – Sydney v Adam 12 5.30 Home Shopping Cairns 1.30 Bundesliga Football 2.30 NBN 500 Great Goals 3.00 FA Cup Classic 5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 3.30 Omnisport 4.00 World Rally Danoz 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres Championship 5.00 Australian Rally Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our Championship Lives 3.00 Entertainment Tonight 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News PRIME 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 5.30 Hot Seat 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: 6.00 NBN News Shark Swarm (M 2008) Part 1 of US 7.00 A Current Affair action. John Schneider, Daryl Hannah 7.30 Getaway 2.30 Dr Oz 3.00 Medical Emergency 8.30 Unforgettable (M) 3.30 Kids’ Programs 4.30 Seven News 9.30 CSI: NY (M) 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 10.30 Nothing Trivial (M) 6.00 Prime News 11.30 Rubicon (M) 12.30 The Baron 6.30 Seven News 1.30 Entertainment Tonight 2.00 Infomercials 3.30 Good Morning 7.00 RSPCA Animal Rescue America 5.00 Early Morning News 7.30 The Amazing Race

Wives (M 2004) US comedy. Nicole Kidman, Matthew Broderick 1 0.30 Outsourced


6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Seinfeld 1.30 Entertainment Tonight 2.00 TMZ 2.30 Married With Children 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Seinfeld

11.30 30 Rock 12.00 Trauma (M) 1.00 6.30 Wipeout USA Home Shopping 5.30 News 7.00 Funniest Home Videos


11.30 The Late Show 12.30 Infomercials 6.30 Martha Stewart Show 7.30 Dr Oz 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home & 4.00 Religion Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Eleven Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 6.00 Jag 7.00 MacGyver 8.00 The Brady 11.00 Designing Women 11.30 Bunch 8.30 Neighbours 9.00 Touched Beautiful Homes And Great Estates By An Angel 10.00 7th Heaven 11.00 12.00 Brothers & Sisters (M) 1.00 Ghost The Love Boat 12.00 Diagnosis Murder Whisperer (M) 1.00 Five Mile Creek 3.00 1.00 Jag 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 The King Murphy Brown 3.30 Growing Pains 4.00 Of Queens 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Roseanne Mad About You 4.30 Who’s The Boss 4.30 Family Ties 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 5.00 Doctor At Large 5.30 One Foot The Brady Bunch In The Grave

6.00 Sabrina The Teenage Witch 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 The Simpsons 8.30 Star Trek Next Generation 10.30 The Late Late Show


5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Danoz 12.00 The Ellen Degeneres 12.30 NFL Total Access 1.30 Omnisport Show 1.00 The View 2.00 Days Of Our 2.00 ATP World Tour Tennis 2.30 Lives 3.00 Entertainment Tonight 3.30 Bundesliga Football 5.30 FA Cup Classic Kids’ Programs 4.30 Afternoon News 5.30 Hot Seat PRIME 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 6.00 NBN News 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: 7.00 A Current Affair Victor (M 2008) Canadian biography. 7.30 RBT Mark Lutz, Ron Lea 2.00 Dr Oz 3.00 8.25 Lotto Medical Emergency 3.30 Kids’Programs 8.30 Sherlock (M) 4.30 Seven News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 10.30 True CSI (AV) 11.30 Weeds (MA) 12.00 Eclipse Music 6.00 Prime News TV 12.30 Entertainment Tonight 1.00 6.30 Seven News Skippy 1.30 Home Shopping 3.30 7.00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 7.30 World’s Strictest Parents Good Morning America 5.00 Early Morning News 8.40 Criminal Minds (M)

6.00 Ten News 7.00 Kids’Programs 9.00 The Circle 11.00 Ten News 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen 4.30 The Bold And 8.30 Movie: The Stepford The Beautiful 5.00 Ten News

6.30 The Project 7.30 Recruits Paramedics 10.45 Peep Show (M) 11.15 Psychoville 8.00 Keeping Up With The (M) 11.45 Heavy Haulers 12.35 What Joneses Would Happen If… 1.00 Scrapheap 8.30 Law & Order (M) Challenge 1.45 Close 9.30 Offspring (M) 10.30 Go Girls (M) ABC NEWS 24

Man 2.00 Home Shopping 3.30 Room For Improvement 4.00 Quantum Leap 5.00 Adam 12 5.30 Home Shopping

6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 Porridge 8.00 The Royal 10.00 The Bill (M)

7.30 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here 8.30 Two And A Half Men (M) 9.00 The Big Bang Theory 9.30 Movie: Be Kind Rewind (PG 2008) US comedy. Quintin Aaron, Jack Black

11.30 South Park (M) 12.30 The Moment Of Truth 1.30 Reno 911 (M) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 The Flintstones


6.00 Today 9.00 Alive & Cooking 9.30 The Zoo 10.00 Friends 11.00 Murder, She Wrote 12.00 Movie: A Place Called Home (PG 2004) US drama. Ann Margret, Mathew Settle 2.00 Sea Patrol 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters 4.00 The Golden Girls 5.00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 6.00 Friends

11.00 Six Feet Under (M) 12.10 The Mole 1.05 Mad About You 1.35 Who’s The Boss 2.05 Australian Open Tennis Classic: 1999 – Davenport v Mauresmo 4.00 Coronation Street 4.30 Emmerdale 7.00 The Zoo 5.00 Home Shopping

7.30 Friends 8.30 Movie: The Man In The ONE HD 6.30 Six Million Dollar Man 7.30 The Iron Mask (M 1998) US 6.00 Serie A Football 8.00 Omnisport Incredible Hulk 8.30 Adam 12 9.00 adventure. Leonardo Di 8.30 Pro Bull Riding 9.30 National NBC Today 11.00 Quantum Leap 12.00 Caprio, Jeremy Irons Football League 12.00 World Of Free Sports 12.30 ATP World Tour Tennis 1.00 Serie A Football 1.30 Save Point 2.00 Jaguar Adventure 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 Jeopardy! 4.00 Beach Patrol 4.30


Simon And Simon 1.00 The Equalizer (M) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie 2.30 Newsradio 3.00 Xena 4.00 Hercules 5.00 The Drew Carey Show

6.00 My Wife And Kids

11.15 Conan (M) 12.10 Murder, She Wrote 1.05 Friends 1.30 The Golden Girls 2.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Religion 5.00 The Golden Girls 5.30 Today

The Tweed Shire Echo December 1, 2011 13

Volume 4#14 Dec 1 – Dec 8, 2011 © 2011 Echo Publications Pty Ltd

P: 02 6684 1777 F: 02 6684 1719 For advertising enquiries Editor: Eve Jeffery


Live Music Here’s your 15 minutes The Fifteen Minutes of Fame at Stokers Siding phenomenon continues to go from strength to strength, bringing its enthusiastic local audience. The 15 Minutes crew are happy to present their Christmas Special on Friday. From its inception, nearly three years ago, as a follow-on from the monthly Epiphany dinnerentertainment show, Fifteen Minutes of Fame at Stokers (FMoFaS) has continued to enjoy an amazing and wide variety of talent and continued good audience patronage. YS AT Good audience numbers, along JOHN WILLIAMSON PLA Y DA FRI ON S with the modest admission WN TWIN TO charge, has meant that monthly staging costs of $780 have been largely covered. 2011 has seen the introduction of a professional, paid ‘featured act’, which has added to the variety and continued high quality of entertainment. Things are looking good for the FMoFaS community not-for-profit show well into the future. The special line-up for the end-of-year show includes James T-Hall with his unique comedy, Carmelia MacWilliam and SMITH and CHIPS with varied delights, Sue Gallagher soprano singer of wit and style, David White tenor singer of passion, Tessa with a great gravity-defying circus routine, wonderful young talent Nina Baumer with songs of amazing style seemingly well beyond her young years, Marcus Nassner and Rudi Gerhardt with their simply stunning ‘world’ jazz. Rob and Carl will provide some fun and rocking harmonies to finish the night – and the year – and maybe there will be a bit of a jam. Get your dose of minutes on Friday at the Stokers Siding Hall.

Aussie icon rarely forgotten John Williamson, an Australian icon is coming to Twin Towns to get your feet stamping to his biggest hits and songs that have successfully captured the true Aussie spirit.


Having won three ARIA Awards, 24 Golden Guitars, MO Awards, APRA Awards, platinum and gold albums, and sold more than four million albums, John’s experience in the music industry is astonishing. Through 2010–2011 he celebrated a milestone regarded as a significant achievement marking 40 years of success in the entertainment business. As it was, in June 1970 in which John really made a name for himself. On the talent quest TV show New Faces he competed with his self-penned and still much loved ‘silly song’ Old Man Emu. He won, and since then has inspired pride in country, love of land and touched millions all over Australia. Since then he has been stirring the classics such as Cootamundra Wattle, Raining on the Rock, Salisbury Street, Galleries of Pink Galahs, and public outcries like Rip Rip Woodchip, A Bushman Can’t Survive and let’s not forget his romantic ballads such as Winter Green and Hawkesbury River Lovin. With the ability to reduce his audience to tears, have them rolling in fits of laughter and also singing along to his all-time hits you will be assured an exciting night out. The all-round energy experienced from John’s shows are why he remains the pinnacle of live performers holding shows which are rarely forgotten. See John at Twin Towns Friday.

Keeping the home fires burning The Lamplights’ profile has risen steadily since their formation at the end of 2009. The trio believe that great music is great music, no matter what the genre, and this is reflected in their energetic performances. Ryan Gittoes (vocals), Jason McGregor (guitar) and Ashley Perrow (acoustic lap slide guitar) demonstrate an honest belief that quality songs form foundations for quality performances. The Lamplights


Come to our beautiful Art Deco cinema Open for Breakfast Sat & Sun, 8-11am

FRI NOV 25 – TUES DEC 10 Friday Dec 2

11.00am 12.40pm 6.00pm 7.50pm Saturday 4.20pm Dec 3 6.10pm 7.50pm Sunday 4.25pm Dec 4 6.05pm 8.20pm Tuesday 11.00am Dec 6 12.45pm 6.00pm 7.45pm

Red Dog (PG) The Hunter (M) Contagion (M) Red Dog (PG) Contagion (M) The Hunter (M) The Help (M) Red Dog (PG) The Help (M) The Hunter (M) Red Dog (PG) Contagion (M) The Hunter (final) Red Dog (PG) for more information and trailers

14 December 1, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

generate an eclectic mix of music with a truly unique sound. They’re laid back but full of energy, familiar but innovative, folky but funky. The Lamplights deliver a wide range of genres, sometimes sounding similar to Matchbox Twenty in one song and then delivering a folk pop number that would have Django Reinhardt tapping his patent leather shoes in the next. Providing lead vocals is Ryan Gittoes, one of Queensland’s great frontmen and emerging male vocalists, whilst Jason McGregor, well-known guitarist and current Australian Fingerstyle Guitar Champion, and innovative slide guitarist Ashley Perrow provide the foundation of The Lamplights’ sound. The trio often invite special guests and may appear with up to a sevenpiece including horns, keys, bass and percussion in tow. Without a doubt, entertainment and providing memorable musical moments is what this band does best. Currumbin Soundlounge Friday.

The Wizards of Jazz Jo’s Wizards are back for the fourth year in a row as main band for Tweed Valley Jazz Club’s Christmas gig. While hard and fast labelling of their style is avoided the Wizards’ emphasis is on the beginnings of jazz as played in the first half of the 20th century. So ‘traditional’ or ‘classic’ jazz are appropriate. The material is generally well known and easily recognised with a liberal sprinkling of lesser known material which almost instantly has a familiar flavour about it. Above all, it’s jazz – played with enthusiasm, passion and respect. It is fair to say that performances by this band are rare and should be grasped firmly when they occur. The band features Jo Bloomfield on piano, Mauri Thomas on drums, Tom Nicholson on trombone and vocals, Wally Firth on banjo and guitar, Ian Cocking on bass, Geoff Speed on clarinets, soprano and alto saxes and John Braben on trumpet.

Woodford Folk Festival 27 Dec - 1 Jan


The Dreaming

AusTrAliA’s inTernATionAl i n D i g e n o u s F e s T i v A l

over 2,000 ArTisTs one villAge 6 DAYs Music DAnce TAlks circus vAuDeville TheATre FilM vArieTY Workshops gAlleries

Soler powered connection Since returning home this year, Andrea has become known as a passionate, spontaneous and engaging performer, and has impressed audiences and gained fans through her live shows at festivals around the country including The National Folk Festival, The 2010 Blue Mountains Music Festival, D’Alliance Festival, Fete De La Musique, and The Mullumbimby Music Festival. Connection is what Andrea’s about. Sure, her songs are experiential, and mostly personal, but there’s a worldliness and sense of bonding with both audience and this big ball we live on which creates a warmth that’s hard not to be sucked into. Let’s just say her live performances can be captivating – it’s hard to remain unaffected by her flair and joy and inclusiveness. Perhaps it’s that, or maybe her compelling vocals and insightful lyrics, but Andrea has a distinctive sound and feel. Inspired by the passionate joie de vivre of her French ancestry, she exudes, in part, an upbeat European feel, yet all the while maintaining her own take on the indie folk idiom she inhabits. Currumbin Soundlounge Friday.


Apart from one other gig at the Brisbane Jazz Club, the band’s only other performances outside of Bellingen have been with the Tweed Valley Jazz Club – so don’t miss the opportunity to get into the festive spirit with the wonderful Wizards of Jazz at the Condong Bowls Club Friday.

by Ma ndy N olan

Starry, snappy Nite Come and sample Nitestar this weekend. This tight and snappy three-piece serve up a rock smorgasbord, providing an unusual blend of musical flavours. Star on bass and vocals drives Nitestar through an evening of great tunes with her spinetingling voice. Accompanied by Mr D on guitar and the beats of The Roostar on drums. Nitestar Friday Bilambil Sports Club and Saturday at the Murwillumbah Hotel.

soap box See Mandy live at

WHEN THE THOUGHT NO LONGER COUNTS Next week I will be attending my brother’s wedding. When I first received the invitation I was excited. I started brainstorming what I’d wear, how much weight I’d lose before the big reveal at the family occasion (I put on 5 kilos!) and what gift I might buy him and his new wife. It was important to get something that not only commemorated their special day but also was useful, beautiful and amazing. I had just finished ordering a his-and-hers snuggie set complete with built-in reading light when I read the small print on the invitation. My snuggie surprise was cut short by an account with the Flight Centre requesting monies be deposited for a holiday. Geez, that’s bloody specific. It’s less of a gift and more of a direct order. How do you open up a gift that you have demanded from someone and managed to look surprised? ‘Oh thank you!’ Money. Hmm, $50. It’s embarrassing. A good gift is mysterious, you can’t really work out how much money was dropped in its purchase. A cash deposit, however, with your name against it makes it pretty clear. Anything under $100 and you are a tightarse. Pardon me for being rude but I always thought that people gave you money when they couldn’t be fucked making an effort to go shopping and actually think about what you might like. Whatever happened to going to a wedding and buying a gift inspired by the couple? I don’t think I’ve been to one like that, including my own, in the last 10 years. Used to be you wouldn’t know what you were getting: a painting, a pottery urn, a black leather jacuzzi. Present time was the guest’s time to shine. It was your chance to give your friends or family a little piece of you. Something they were expected to keep no matter how ugly it is and how much they hate it. You see, sometimes things aren’t necessarily attractive, or even useful. Their


FEATURING LOCAL STOKERS TALENT: Circus, Jazz, Song, Folk, Rock, Harmonies, Comedy and more

Special Meal plus Admission $20 Meal Bookings essential Rhonda 6677 9027 or at the shop.


value is purely sentimental. The personality of the gift giver lives on long after the friendship is diminished. My partner still has six ugly cocktail glasses from his 21st. He refuses to let me garage sale them. So every now and then I must accidentally drop them when I’m washing up. Now people just want cash or white towels. Egyptian cotton sheets. A new flatscreen TV. I don’t know about you but fronting up to David Jones to see what’s left on the gift register is about as spontaneous as planning to have sex on the third Sunday of every month. It’s so calculated it’s no longer interesting. Or meaningful. The definition of a gift is something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation. Being told what to buy and where to get it is insulting. It’s like your nearest and dearest are telling you that your taste is in your arse and there is no way they would want to accept any unsolicited item from a cheap arse like you. I mean so what if your wedding booty delivers three toasters, a lime green Italian kettle and Robert Welsh Bakeware and none of it matches! Oh my god, what if the contents of your home are new but mismatched and not exactly what you would have chosen yourself! We’re not living in catalogues. You can’t just tell people what you want from them. This whole gift register is a metaphor for what self-centred spoilt little pricks we are all becoming. Giving like receiving should be unconditional. Isn’t that the purpose of a gift? Isn’t it supposed to be something that you wouldn’t have bought yourself because surely if you would have bought it yourself you would have already had it. And as for three toasters, the more the merrier. I reckon the average home burns through one toaster every two to three years, so if you want to still be browning your crusts a decade from now you better hope for five. There’s something immensely creative about buying a gift. You have to spend time thinking about it. You have to drive to the shops. You have to find a parking space. You have to get out the car and walk around and around looking at objects for a few hours until a certain object speaks to you. And I guess that’s why I ended up buying the 1950s concrete kangaroo lawn ornament. Life should be a surprise. Otherwise there’s just no point. Subvert the dominant gift registries. S TAT I O N S T R E E T S T U D I O S P R ES E N T S

end of the line

FIVE ARTISTS, FIVE SENSIBILITIES, ONE WEEKEND ONLY Multimedia art event to take you to the end of the line and back Nathalie Verdejo, Frida Lezius, Cristina Sharratt, Steve Waller, Hannah Massey

Opening 6pm Friday 9 December with music by Stu Beaumont 10am–4pm, Saturday & Sunday 10th & 11th December

Station Street Studios, cnr Mill & Station streets, Mullumbimby


Weekender is on a roll Victoriana Gaye have managed to play every weekend and more for the last two years running! They are on a long roll that now sees them going straight from The Natimuk Fringe Festival to the Mullumbimby Festival with gigs a go-go there and back. Sometimes whimsical, sometimes romantic and sometimes rockin’, Victoriana Gaye describe their sound as a quirky combination of pop and folk with a tiny bit of grunge. The couple play a mix of acoustic and electric guitars, trumpet, ukulele, harmonica and sweet harmonies. Husband and wife duo Vicki Gaye Philipp and Jeff Raglus (Bachelors from Prague, Black Sorrows, The Beachniks) have packed a lot into the fours years since they formed. Recording an EP 5 Songs in 2009. Touring and playing their original tunes at festivals and venues in Japan and Australia. They released the debut album Our Pleasure in 2010 through Vitamin records. Vicki is known for her original theatrical shows. As well as being a well-known musician Jeff is a popular visual artist, having many solo exhibitions and was part of the Mambo team for most of the nineties. Sheoak Shack Saturday.

Live Music continued over page

program guide

NEW SUMMER PERIOD NOV 1 2011 – 30 APR 2012

MONDAY 6am The Morning Mix Kabes 9am The Lighthouse Lounge Andrew & Pollyanna 11am Belly BellySisters 12pm Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond Hunna & Lara 1pm That’s Amore The Italians 2pm Q’s Jazz ‘n Blues Quentin Watts 4pm Cruizy Beatz DJ Cruizy 6pm Grailey Whole Celtic Show Margaret Wyatt 8pm Sounds of Africa DJ Massaganda 10pm Freedom Run Callum TUESDAY 6am Clockwise Gary Street 9am Under Construction Sarah Ndiaye & Gina Baker 11am Byron Business Phil Daly 12pm Wirritjin Terra Nullus 2pm The Music Garden Michael Brereton 4pm Below the Radar The Invisible Man 6pm Post Modern Backlash Hudson 8pm Radio Mundial Steve Snelgrove 10pm Shel’s Place Shel Kronich WEDNESDAY 6am Catch and Grab DJ Holly Holster 9am 2481 Undone Nicqui Yazdi 11am Go Earthcare Ros Elliott 12pm Suara Indonesia Francesca & Kirana 1pm Afternoon Tea Party Adelaide & Fai 2pm The Junkyard Stuey 4pm Olylamas Beanbag Olylama 6pm Bongo Gum Brett Diemar 8pm Basswize/Good times Crucial D/Big B 10pm All Funked Up Mr Mantiki 12am Live from Earth Dane

THURSDAY 6am Planet Luv Glitter 9am Arts Canvass Karena 11am Bohemian Beat Riddhi 12pm Juke Joint Tony Parker 2pm Audio Chocolate Rich 4pm Future Classics Matt Meir 6pm Crossroads Paul Martin 8pm Cruisin’ for a Bluesin’ The Honeydripper 10pm Booty Call Lainie 12am Gimme Shelter Rockstar Fee FRIDAY 6am That Friday Feeling Nicky 9am The Spin Cycle Karin Kolbe 11am Page Turners/ Pip Morrissey Social Savvy Networking Russell & Maxim 12pm Mystery Train Mary Cannon 1pm Whirled Music Phil Hirst 2pm Grooveyard Teesha & Nilesh 4pm The Village Manie 6pm Chopsuey Rachy 8pm Submerged/Down & Out Si Clone/Slinky 10pm Rotation/B-BoyMixers POB/Elixza SATURDAY 6am Bay Rock Tark 8am Musical Kaleidoscope Jill 10am Cowboy’s Sweetheart Carrie D 12pm Blues from the Bay Anthony & Ken 2pm Paris Cat Alley Lou 4pm The Festival Express Tegs 5pm Radio Re-Generation Mother & Child 6pm Random Rhythms Ashgirl 8pm Diggin in the Archives Undertaker & Joan of Arc 10pm In the Vaults/ Matt Wardle/ The Hypnagogic State Ice Creme Kid SUNDAY 7am Astro Alchemy Iris & Michael 8am Sounds of the 60’s Alan E. 10am Jazz Moods Jean Brown 12pm Omnibus RG Pedicini & Les Schmidt 2pm Radio Latina Yolanda, Salvador & David 4pm The Bay Lounge aqua 6pm Roots & Culture DJ Selector 8pm Ice Cream Truck Fulton Hobbs 10pm The Space Between Mr Hugs

COMMUNITY RADIO BAY-FM 99.9 Phone: 6680 7999 The Tweed Shire Echo December 1, 2011 15


Gig Guide










Crude from the West Formed in 2000 West Texas Crude have been walking the boards all over Queensland and New South Wales having a blast and playing to audiences in country pubs up to some of the largest festivals around. ‘The Crude’ are a favourite rockabilly trio. Hard working and hard rockin’, musically, The Crude has been described as playing ‘the best of Sun rockabilly’, keeping alive the roots rock music of the 1950s. Adept at fronting the band, Andy Dashwood never lets an audience down with his sangin’ and guitar twangin’. His right-hand man Jon Flynn knows his way around an upright bass. He’ll be glad to sing you a few too. If you know Brisbane music, then you’ll know Coojee Timms on ‘sticks and skins. Jon Flynn has played with many greats including Scotty Moore, Deke Dickerson, Sleepy LaBeef, Big Sandy and more, both locally and overseas and admits taking up double bass 20 years ago has given him some of the best experiences of his life. Coojee Timms has a huge list of musical achievements to his name. See West Texas Crude at Seagulls Lakeview Lounge on Saturday.

This is not any Wonder The Lucky Wonders duo bring their award-winning songwriting and good vibes to a special Sunday session at Sheoak Shack on December 4, from 4pm. Their latest single I’ll Be Fine hit Triple J and topped the Unearthed Roots Chart the week of its release and Byron’s favourite folk/popsters have been touring the country with an ever-growing fan base all over Australia. Appearing at Caloundra Music Festival alongside the likes of Missy Higgins and Empire of the Sun, The Luckys will also featured at Mullum Music Festival. Come and hear why The Lucky Wonders are doing northern NSW so proud. See the Lucky Wonders at the Sheoak Shack on Sunday.


For your free listing in the most comprehensive entertainment gig guide in the area email or phone us on 02 6684 1777. DEADLINE is noon Tuesday prior to publication.




16 December 1, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo



Bangalow Hotel Open 7 days Lunch: 12 – 3pm Dinner 5.30 – 9pm All day bistro menu

6687 1144

Chinderah Tavern CHINDERAH

66 Chinderah Bay Drive, Chinderah Ph 02 6674 1137 Open 7 days Lunch 12pm-2.30pm Dinner 5.30pm–8.30pm


Wilson’s by The Creek Open Fri, Sat, Sun Lunch 12-3pm Dinner 5-10pm 139 Newes Rd, Coorabell 6684 7348 Bookings essential


Alleys Currumbin RSL Club Currumbin Creek Road, Currumbin Open 7 days lunch and dinner 07 5534 7999


Sheoak Shack 64 Fingal Rd, Fingal Head Ph 07 5523 1130 Wed-Fri 11am-5pm, Sat 11am-10pm Sun 9.30am-8pm

Love and other weekends

The Bangalow Dining Rooms at the Bangalow Hotel produces great food using predominantly local produce. The beautiful restaurant space on the high verandah and intimate dining room hosts a modern menu. Enjoy our bistro menu in the pub all day. With reasonable prices, generous portions and a kids menu, our delicious menu will appeal to all.

The Beach Shack EARLY BIRD

The ‘Chindy’ is an ideal place to bring family and friends of all ages for a real country pub experience. Kick back and watch the kids play on our brand new playground while you enjoy an ice cold beer and a dozen of our famous $12 oysters on the deck overlooking the Tweed river. Open 7 days for lunch and dinner, with afternoon entertainment on the weekends. Come and see why everyone is talking about the new Chinderah Tavern.

Blue Pacific Bistro

Discover Wilson’s By The Creek Restaurant tucked away in the Byron hinterland. Newly open to the public, the elegant restaurant offers a truly gourmet experience, accompanied by Peppers renowned personal service. Savour the incredible flavours of the hinterland for a romantic dinner or gathering with friends, as Head Chef Adam Hall inspires you with his seasonal menu brimming with local produce.


Alleys Opens Early

Throughout daylight saving Alleys will open at 11.30am (QLD time) Enjoy award winning, contemporary dining along the banks of the picturesque Currumbin Creek

If you are looking for delicious food, coffee or a romantic sunset cocktail on the riverbank, the Sheoak Shack is the beach shack for you with a funky laid back daytime vibe and a party atmosphere with live music on Saturday nights at 7pm and Sundays at 4pm. This gallery/cafe showcases the work of high quality local artists and is available for private functions… more Byron than Byron, in sleepy Fingal Head.

renaissance in art and philosophy whose effects are still resonating today. The rejection of conservative American values empowered a new generation and gave voice to those who demanded change,

Fresh Juices

Open 7 days Lunch: 12pm-2:30pm Dinner: 6pm-8:30pm, 6pm-9pm Fri & Sat Marine Parade, Kingscliff 02 6674 1404

Lunch from 11am Dinner from 5.30pm Brunch Sundays from 10am Phone: (07) 5536 2277 or visit

Mount Warning Hotel

Mt Warning Hotel Open 7 days 10am till late Bistro open daily 1497 Kyogle Rd, Uki 02 6679 5111

Santos Trading Warehouse

Mon-Thurs 9 to 5 Fridays 9 to 4 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 3/7 Brigantine Street, Byron Arts & Industry Park (02) 6685 5685

$250 $500


Monday night: Veal or Chicken Schnitzel + Middy – $14.00 Tues & Sun night: Traditional Roast Dinner + Dessert – $12.90 Wednesday night: Rump Steak, Chips & Salad Bar – $12.00 Thurs night: T-Bone Steak, Chips & Salad Bar + Middy – $14.00 Friday & Saturday night: SPECTACULAR DINNER SPECIALS Sat morning: Beachside Breakfast – cooked to order menu Sun morning: Beachside Breakfast – all you can eat hot & cold champagne buffet breakfast – $14.00

Overlooking the sparkling blue waters of the Jack Evans Boat Harbour at Twin Towns is Horizons restaurant. Enjoy a friendly atmosphere with casual indoor or al fresco dining where you can take in our spectacular views. Bring a friend to Horizons for High Tea available Monday to Saturday in the afternoon from 2.30pm to 4.30pm for an extra special afternoon delight! One of the region’s great old country pubs. Delicious food, bistro open for lunch everyday from 12-2pm, dinner Thursday to Sunday from 6-8pm. Children’s playground, relaxing beer garden. Curry night on Thursday, raffles and member’s draw on Friday, punter’s draw on Saturday and on Sunday there is a delicious roast. Small enough for personal care, large enough to offer competitive prices. Santos has been supplying high quality biodynamic, organic, natural foods, and healthy products since 1975. We continue our commitment to sourcing as locally as possible. Santos is the home of Rainfed Rice–zero irrigation, certified biodynamic, as local as you can get, and the most delicious rice you’re likely to find. Visit for more info, or visit our online store at Eat well.

evolution and an end to the Vietnam War. The famous catchcry ‘make love not war’ was born. Radio embraced the psychedelic music of the Haight Ashbury and a wave of change swept from San Francisco, across America, and from there across the planet. The Songs of the Haight Ashbury Stage Show is a celebration of the timeless music of Canned Heat, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Country Joe and the Fish, Arlo Guthrie, Jefferson Airplane, Joni Mitchell and more.

The debut of The Songs of the Haight Ashbury Stage Show in July 2011 drew the largest crowds Stokers Siding Hall has ever seen. Those unable to fit into the Hall created a mini festival outside as the hymns of a generation were celebrated by the best musicians in the Rainbow Region. Ecstatic crowds roared for more, and so with great enthusiasm Rainbow Region Gigs presents, the Weekend of Love. The Haight Ashbury is a street intersection in San Francisco. During the conservative America of the 1950s it was a quaint but rundown suburb. The cheap rents attracted the artists of the ‘Beat Generation’ such as Jack Keroauc and a new artistic community began to develop. Through every art form these bohemian idealists expressed a revolutionary way of being American. As the 50s rolled into the 60s the area began attracting the disaffected youth of America who identified with this liberating way of thinking and living. Artists, poets, rebels, spiritualists, musicians and the curious flocked to the area. Art was made on every street corner, music written, food was given away freely, eastern philosophies were explored. A new drug called LSD was embraced as a tool to see through what Huxley had called ‘the doors of perception’ in 1954. New ideas flourished. The Haight Ashbury became a vibrant centre of expression ANDREA SOLER that has been likened to a

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Bangalow Dining Rooms

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The Echo’s guide to

Anaid will sing Grace Slick as only one who has been down the rabbit hole can. They are all joined by the All-Star-Full-Tilt-Band who rock like it's 1967. The Songs of the Haight Ashbury Stage Show is going places. Next year the grand old Tivoli Theatre will host a show, as will a plethora of old country halls across the region. January 2013 will see the show tour to Sydney to play the Enmore Theatre.

The Weekend of Love will begin on Friday Sorrensen, reknowned author and comedian, December 16 at the Nimbin Bush Theatre and is the Ringmaster, interspersing the songs with continue Sunday December 18 at the Byron hilarious anecdotes and stories from the era. Bay Brewery. James T, who spent 10 years in Canned Heat, will play the songs he knows so well, an American expat whose career highlights include sharing the stage with John Lee Hooker. Multi-award-winning blues Mama Lil'Fi sings Janis Joplin with an unique authority that can only come from paying her dues and living the blues. Jonathan Harvey is only 19 years old but his soulful voice has a timeless appeal and is a perfect tribute to Hendrix. New to the show to play Hendrix’s guitar is Connor Cleary. Hailed as one of the region’s most impressive young guitarists, Connor breathes Hendrix from every cell. Bill Jacobi’s MAKES A GREAT CHRISTMAS PRESENT groovy tramp-roots style THE COMPELLING STORY OF THE FREETHINKERS will conjour Country WHO GAVE A UNIQUE COMMUNITY ITS VOICE Joe, Arlo Guthrie and Dylan. World folk songbird Andrea Soler will channel the sweet Available from: Echo offices, Mullumbimby Bookshop, purity of Joni Mitchell and other participating stores and mystical punk diva Diana




The Tweed Shire Echo December 1, 2011 17

s r a t S with Lilith

With the planets of communication, travel and financial expansion all retrograde and only a month of sleeps to the Big Event, counter seasonal frenzy with calming c-words: confidence, composure, cooperation and creativity…

 A RIES: Think your passionate nature can’t operate under restraints? Surprise yourself and everyone else by surfing this week’s unsettling changes with spontaneity and grace, tailoring expectations to suit whatever opportunities present. Just don’t fall for inflated promises, exaggerated representations or the general skewed world view.  T AURUS: Retrograde, schmetrograde… Taurans won’t get their britches in a twist if the world slows down to a comfy plod, right? This week suits your mindset better than most, so notch up some karmic credits by applying calming vibes to those around you in a state of agitation  G EMINI: You cosmic chameleons adapt quickly to changing circumstances, but look before you leap, think before you speak and edit before you tweet during the next three weeks, when online communiques could provoke unpleasant surprises. Easy answers and quick fixes aren’t instantly available this week, so cultivate patience.  C ANCER: Yes, merde is going down. But mucho magic’s happening right alongside it, so watch for the influential support and spontaneous generosity coming your way. Why let doubt, mistrust, information overload, gloomy doomsters or your own see-sawing

Mungo’s Crossword

Quick Clues

Cryptic Clues

ACROSS 1. Edible molluscs (7) 5. Green leafy vegetable (7) 9. Supposed emanations produced t a séance (9) 10 In the midst of (5) 11. Mistake (5) 12. Painting or view of natural scenery (9) 13. Disease causing spasticity (8,5) 17. Disease also known as infantile paralysis (13) 21. Transmitting, usually money (9) 24. Angry, irritable (5) 25 Ankle bones (5) 26. Desert, usually in a cowardly manner (3,3,3) 27. American farmer of animals (7) 28. Track for automotive speed trials (7)

ACROSS 1. Twister destroys headless molluscs (7) 5. Green taxi – note time (7) 9. Pot and mescal produce ghostly emanation (9) 10. In the midst of a thousand, working with gravity (5) 11. After the queen, two kings with nothing between them – a mistake (5) 12. Picture of light, small robe (9) 13. A sad affliction – grim reaper calls by (8,5) 17. Infectious disease, so I impolitely scamper (13) 21. Sending back watch – time in German! (9) 24. Irritable? Try Axis! (5) 25. Bones? Pitch small one! (5) 26. Slash and score – desert! (3,3,3) 27. American farmer managed former singer (7) 28. Inexperienced about the church, a young place of entertainment (7)

DOWN 1. Egg dish (6) 2. Parodying, ironical (9) 3. Ruler of several lands (7) 4. Junior worker at equine establishments (6,3) 5. Spice used in Eastern and Middle Eastern cookery (5) 6. Assaults, bashes (5,2) 7. Scent, perfume (5) 8. Very sharp sight (5,3) 14. Predatory amphibious reptile (9) 15. What broke the camel’s back (4,5) 16. Worker, especially of machinery (8) 18. Large flightless bird (7) 19. Huge, and the ship of that name (7) 20. NSW capital (6) 22. Imbecile, idiot (5) 23. Acquire, sustain – usually a cost (5)

Last week’s solution

DOWN 1. Chant first egg, permit many eggs (6) 2. It’s supposed to make you laugh, but unfortunately it’s racial (9) 3. Ruler raises capital for each in the middle (7) 4. Steady lad, Bart’s employee (6,3) 5. Spice sounds welcome! (5) 6. Assaults sekirts? (5,2) 7. To the capital, says Luigi – he’s got the scent! (5) 8. Good sigh of English silver – shelter, you ancient! (5,3) 14. Reptile rising; schedule takes a breather (9) 15. W – a camel killer (4,5) 16. Nothing for each roster, raising worker (8) 18. Very big time, the wealthy bird ... (7) 19 ... very big bird, a new one caught (7) 20. City is James joint, we hear (6) 22. A second .. Senator Boswell is an imbecile (5) 23. Enter into where might find the dog’s dinner? (5) Mungo’s Crossword first published in The Week.

18 December 1, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

moods diminish your delight in end of year festivities?  L EO: Impatient, snappish people could be tres tiresome. Obviously not you, who’s way too busy managing the mad meanderings of money through your grasp. This week requires you to think quickly, follow your instincts, keep up with current affairs, ignore gossip, support humanitarian activities and still have fun.  V IRGO: Don’t take this week’s mind changes, delays or cancellations personally. Be open instead to Venus in a no-nonsense placement helping you finesse your problem-solving repertoire by fostering a calmer mind space to formulate creative responses and make necessary adjustments with minimum friction  L IBRA: Other peoples’ unsolvable problems are this week’s nightmare if you’re time poor, and who isn’t? But Saturn, planet of boundaries, in Libra will help with a killer exit line, eg: Sorry, must dash, the end of the world’s predicted for tomorrow and I’ve got a hair appointment…  S CORPIO: This week’s people have ants in their pants, but not the fun kind. It could happen to you too by biting off more than you can chew when there’s already enough happening without taking on stressful extras. It’s important to factor in regular time out.

For those who can’t get enough surf, sand and sun, brace yourself – Bleach Surfing the Fringe is coming

‘All the events will be geographically spread out and held over different timeframes, making each event seem small and organic in feel, yet Bleach will be the largest arts festivaI in geographic size, scope and duration ever held on the Gold Coast. And despite the Gold Coast being home to many of the world’s most iconic surf breaks, it will also be the first time that the Gold Coast has hosted a festivaI that explores the creative side of surf culture. So it’s set to be a unique experience, and we’re expecting a great response,’ Bezzina said. Bleach will also be timely. This twoweek celebration will ignite across the southern Gold Coast’s iconic surf spots and entertainment venues while the world spotlight is upon them. Nestled in the timeframe between elite surfing events like the Breaka Burleigh Pro, the Kirra Teams Challenge, and the world tour Quiksilver Pro and Roxy Pro, Bleach Surfing The Fringe will showcase Gold Coast’s surf- inspired arts and culture to countless thousands of international and domestic visitors. All exhibits have been hand picked to ensure a standard of workmanship that will impress. Prior to Bleach, Bezzina has held a range of high-profile arts positions including managing producer for MAPS for Artists for Metro Arts, program manager for the Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts, producer at the Brisbane FestivaI, director of Mackay Festival of Arts, and has directed various works. Familiar with what it takes to operate a successful arts festivaI, Bezzina is certain Bleach will astound attendees. ‘We’re delighted with the depth of artistic talent we’ve brought together for Bleach – it’s going to be world class.’ For more information about Bleach visit

The Gold Coast’s premier and inaugural Surf Culture FestivaI will celebrate artistic expression and creativity inspired by surf and beach culture via an eclectic mix of pop-up art installations, photography exhibitions, film screenings, music, food, theatre and fashion events all targeted to represent the surf lifestyle. Bleach will descend on the spectacular beaches, foreshores and major venues unique to the southern Gold Coast from February 11 till 26 next year. An initiative of Connecting Southern Gold Coast, Bleach will showcase the work of more than thirty local and international artists, including celebrated designer, artist and photographer Claudio Kirac, photographers Ted Grambeau, Shelli Bankier, Peter Joli Wilson, Trent Mitchell and Sean Scott, and author Tim Baker, with more to be announced. Louise Bezzina, artistic director of Bleach and creative producer events and festivaIs at Connecting Southern Gold Coast, said the festivaI will incorporate more traditional gallery settings like Surf World Gold Coast as well as a series of beachside pop-up events liberally scattered across the coast, including art housed in shipping containers, mobile music truck concerts, children’s theatre performances and workshops, a street party in Currumbin, and outdoor projections and cinematic experiences.


by Ian Rogers Play at Seagulls Club, Thurs 6pm Australia’s best young players are currently competing in the World Youth Championships, which cover age groups from U/8 to U/18. The difficulty and expense of reaching Caldas Novas in central Brazil, as well as some late withdrawals, have kept the Australian representation down to seven out of more than 1,000 players from almost 100 countries. Perhaps uniquely, Australia’s two youngest representatives risked expulsion from their primary school for representing Australia in term time! Medals are probably out of reach; our biggest medal chances, Bobby Cheng (U/14) and Anton Smirnov (U/10) stayed at home this time. This week’s game comes from Brazil, with Melbourne’s top girl player Sally Yu in top form defeating a higher ranked Colombian opponent. Caldas Novas World Girls U/18 White: N Castro Black: S Yu Opening: Max Lange Attack 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d4 exd4

5.0-0 White’s gambit was popular 150 years ago, and revived by Australian GM David Smerdon, though he has found few followers. 5...Nxe4 6.Re1 d5 7.Bxd5! Qxd5 8.Nc3 Qh5!? 9.Nxe4 Be6 10.Neg5?! This looks good, but 10.Bg5 is more relevant, planning to meet 10...h6 with 11.Bf6!. 10...0-0-0 11.Nxe6 fxe6 12.Rxe6 Bd6 13.Qe2? (See diagram) Now White is hit by a series of hammer blows, found over the board by Yu. 13.h3 hangs on, although after 13...Ne5 14.Bd2 Nxf3+ 15.Qxf3 Qxf3 16.gxf3 White will have to defend a rather nasty endgame. 13...d3!! 14.Qe4 14.cxd3 loses to 14...Nd4! 15.Nxd4 Qxh2+ 16.Kf1 Qh1 checkmate! 14...dxc2 15.Qxc2 Bxh2+! 16.Kf1 A sad necessity since 16.Nxh2 allows 16...Rd1+ 17.Nf1 Rxf1+! 18.Kxf1 Qh1+ 19.Ke2 Nd4+. 16...Ne5! 17.Bg5 Nxf3 18.Bxd8 Nd4 Here White sat for 40 minutes staring at the ruins of her position, but decided not to resign immediately. 19.Qa4 Nxe6 20.Be7 Nf4 21.Qc4 Qd5 22.Qxd5 Nxd5 23.Bg5 Bf4 24.Bh4 g5 25.Rd1 c6 26.g3 gxh4 27.gxf4 Nxf4 0-1 a


 S AGITTARIUS: No question you’ll be coming up with wild and wonderful solutions to the current crop of crunches via many an olympic talkathon. But when your generous self encounters this week’s conservative caution, adopt a less is more, small is beautiful, simple works best approach.  C APRICORN: This week enhances your rep and pumps up your popularity, but extra attention brings escalating requests, so keep it simple and don’t overcommit. Because a Capricorn who says yes to everything can wind up a Capricorn too buggered to have fun, and how sad is that?  A QUARIUS: Communication exchanges could get itchy and scratchy this week, and projected plans take an unexpected detour. But on the upside this gives you extra time come up with new solutions which might actually surpass the originals. Plus there’s a heart-warming camaraderie operating despite contrary conditions…  PISCES: If mixed or missed messages precipitate what would be comic misunderstandings in an episode of Monty Python but not in your life, this week’s best mantra is probably the Mayan version of hullo, In Lak’ech, which means: You are another me, and I am another you.





8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Black to play and win



Local Indigenous painter Anthony Skinner is one of the many artists invited to exhibit at the Bleach surf festival

The Double doubles up with Jekyll and Hyde DoubleMask Performance is presenting to you yet another excellent show. If you enjoyed their last production called How The World Will End, then you are bound to love what is in store for you. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde tells the traditional story but has been ‘re-done’ for this production – this rendition of the classic was re-written and scripted by Jacob Fletcher –

Dr Jekyll will be played by Nathan Batham and Mr Hyde will be played by Kia Bennett. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde will be presented at the Murwillumbah Civic Centre on Friday December 9 and Saturday December 10. Both nights are the show will begin at 7:30pm. Tickets are for sale at the door.


Swim safer: watch out for rips With rip currents contributing to the majority of all swimming and wading deaths, Surf Life Saving NSW is urging swimmers to be aware of rip currents and know how to avoid them. Rip currents have long been a hazard on Australian beaches. Surf Life Saving estimates that several thousand beach rescues each summer are made because of rip currents. Educating the public about rip currents is a top prior-

ity for the organisation. ‘Every summer we see thousands of beachgoers get into trouble because they did not identify a rip current’, says Surf Life Saving NSW Lifesaving manager Dean Storey. ‘We want to make sure everyone knows how to spot one so they can avoid them in the first place. Of course the best way to avoid a rip is to only swim at patrolled beaches, between the red and yellow flags.’ As part of rip awareness,

Surf Life Saving and the University of New South Wales are conducting a survey of people who have been caught in a rip current. How did you get in the rip, how did you react, and how did you get out? This information is invaluable for improving rip current education and the survey is online at: www.sls. To find a patrolled beach and more information about rip currents go to www.


Bowls Club Presentation Night will be held on Sunday 4th December. Tickets are $25.00 per person which includes dinner and a live show. The Men’s Bowls Club Christmas Party will be held on Saturday 17th December. The day begins at 12 noon with a smorgasbord lunch. Bowls will commence at 12:45 and play will continue until 4:00pm. One of our fantastic club staff will be bringing the hospitality trolley around throughout the afternoon so have your complimentary drink tickets ready. Bowls will be followed by a sausage sizzle and raffles. Cost for the day is only $20.00 and includes lunch, bowls, sausage sizzle, free raffle tickets and free drink tickets. Game format is self select fours. Please pay at the front desk before the day. Murwillumbah Men Tuesday November 22ndwinners R.Baker & R.Brown r/u A.Brandt & M.Lowe Thursday washed outSaturday 26th semi-final of “B” grade triples .winners C.Pickering, R.Toms $ M.Brown def G.Brown, B.Clark & G.Smith.Sunday 27th a close match in the final of the “B” grade fours with the winners G.Colefax, D.Knight, T.Conaghan & K.Kelly def G.Sharp, L.Fletcher, L.Smith and G.Denkel. South Tweed Men Week ending.26/11/2011. Wed.AM.Pairs: 1st R Boyd & R Wildash. 2nd J Mizzi & A Young. Wed. AM Social: Winning Rink: T Tierney & J Shaw. Losing Rink: C Terry,T Manchip & K Atherton. Sat. PM Pairs: Winners D Bennett & R Arrowsmith.Winners of Losers: G Coste & B Heap. Sat. PM Social: Winning Rink R McCallum, T Cotham & Pmartin. Losing Rink L Cox, B Atherton & C Weeks. Tweed Heads Ladies Pairs:K. Thatcher, H. Bosisto def. J. Ware, P. Reedy * D. Wood, M. Purcell def. J. Roche, S. Lusby * F. Keech, I. MUldoon def. T. Sibley, B> Irwin * F. Martin, P. Dearlove def. A. Morrissey, K. Robinson * D. DUncan, J. Wilson, J. Gilroy, def. S. Lund. S. Asser, P. Southersby * J. Lydris, H. Mason def. A. Harris, V. Cunnigham * B. Le. Bouef, N. Bell def. P. Griffith, M. Dare * L,.A. French, A. Plowright def. N. Wise, J. Hoffman. Tweed Heads Men Championships: Senior Triples Final on Friday November 25: Don Shoobert, Russell Luland, Graham Simpson d. Dennis Lusby, Gary

Hewitt, John Griffiths 14/10. That completes the club championships for 2011. Social Results Sun Nov 20: Green 1: Michelle and Fred Axford; r/up: Ron and Lois Hodsdon Green 2: Freda and Max Keeck; r/up: Gladys and Ron Evans. Tues Nov 22: Winners Men: Les Wurth, John Heath, Tony Laycock, John Gunton; r/up: Barry Milburn, Col Robinson, Leigh Tynan, John Rayward. Winners Ladies: Wendy Kelly, Norma Bell, Margaret Hweydt, Phyl Henderson; r/up: Eileen Hunt, Hazel Bardsley, Judy Wilson. Wed Nov 23: Lowest Winning Margin: Green 1: Alan Davis, Brian Pearce + 1 on c/b; r/up: Leigh Tynan, Peter Harris + 1 Green 2: Tony Goad, Ken Schmidt + 1; r/up: Paul Price, Ian Wildman + 3 Green 3: Brian Bitmead, Graham Lund + 1; r/up: Mike Nash, Steve Goodman + 4 Green 4: Errol Perkins, John Sieben + 2; r/up: Tony Muldoon, John Strachan + 7 Fri Nov 25: Green 1: Bob Trinder, Rod Stebbins, Kim Stephenson; r/up: Bob Browning, Barry Larkin, Stan Williams. Green 2: Fred Brown, Paul Price, Ian Wildman; r/up: Richard Mills, Greg Nolan, Con Impellizzeri. Green 3: Cliff Dury, Fred Fry, Ken Scott,; r/up: Mike Armstrong, George Gorgenyi, Ross Cali. GOLF Chinderah Seniors Social Golf 21/11/11 Stableford Winner A grade Norm Pritchard 42 points new h/cap 7, R/up Bob Northey 41 points new h/cap 12. Winner B grade Geoff Curry 42 points new h/cap 16, R/up Stephen Vienna 40 points new h/cap 13. Winner C grade Stan Alexander 44 points new h/cap 34, R/up Val Henderson 41 points new h/cap 24. Ball rundown to 38 points (c/back). Murwillumbah Sunday 20th November Women’s winner C.Fogo 38 pts, Members R.Hartley 38 pts b.r.d. to 37 pts c.b. Monday 21st November Veterans individual Winner P.Keegan 4 pts B.Grade J.Bertrams 39 pts N.Pins 2nd K.Dawson 8th C.Somerville 10th W/Mavin 14th L.Reynolds b.r.d. 35 pts c.b. Wednesday 23rd Individual Stableford Winner a.grade T,Grugan 40 pts.c.b. R.Up M.Zwermer 40 pts. B.winner R.Btadford 44 pts. R.Up J.Kennaugh 41 pts. N/Pin 2nd M.Thomas 10th J.Harris. Veteran Winner D.Verars 39 pts b.r.d. 4.B.B.B.Aggregate in conjuction Winners L.Reese & D.Blunden 76 pts c.b R.Up M.Imm & R.Bradford 76 pts b.r.d. 66 pts c.b Wednesday 9 hole sporters Winner D.Blunden 21 pts 8th P.Dawes 14th d.Veares b.r.d. to 19 pts.c.b. Saturday 26th V’s Par Winner A.Grade M.Ross +3 R.Up D.Mousley +2 B.G T.McGreey +9 R.Up S.Murnane +6 C.Grade P.Taylor +6 c.b R.Up P.Thomas +6 D.Grade A.Dick +7 R.Up V.Chung +5 N.Pin 2nd P.Fleming 8th P.Whitford 10th C.Macris 14th A.Causley b.r.d. to +1 c.b.

BOWLS Cabarita Beach Men Presidents Handicap: Charles Klaverstyn defeated Alun Jones100-82. Major-Minor Pairs: Jason Clark and Mario Azzopardi defeated Sam Dimario and Ken Ross 18-14. Ian Crabb and Greg Goode defeated Laurie Freeman and Norm Simpson 20-16. Wednesday November 23 : Winners were Dave Crow and Serge Brecard. Runners Up were Ray Tonkin and Jim Hay while the Consolation went to Ray Phipps and John Ritchie. Saturday November 26: Winners were D Phipps and Chris Mullins and Rowan Norris. Consolation went to Betty Oldmeadow , Pat Rannie and Jo Fletcher. Monday November 21: Winners were Bernie Lamberton and Abdul Latif. Runners Up were Bill McKenzie and Ron McCormack while the Consolation went to Gary Rasmussen and Martin Fletcher. Cabarita Beach Women November 26: Social Bowls – Winning rink today went to Michelle Mantell, Patricia Rannie and Kay Thompson. Consolation prize was won by Yvonne Hawkey, Helen Muller, Annette McLean and Jocelyn Simpson/Glenys Cartwright (sharing). Well done ladies. Lucky raffle winners were Coral McCaughan, Valerie Dudley and Kate Potter while the Monthly Raffle was won by Pat Rannie. Cudgen Leagues Ladies Congratulations to Marie Ellen,Isabel Nipperess,Pat Pieterse,June Wotherspoon Winners of the Club Selected Fours Final played Sat 26 & to Runners up Marion Hull,Rosalie Lowe,Faye Turner,Lorraine Sandall, well done. Unfortunately the girls went down to the men this year in the skirts V’s shirts event played last Fri.Men 9 wins/3 loses/2 draws;Ladies 3wins/9 loses/2 draws-Ladies won draws on ends. Raffles – Di North,Brian Blake,Christine Gatti- Congratulations everyone. Kingscliff Men Social Bowls Results: Tuesday 22nd November Amcal Open Pairs: Winners: K Banks, T Hills. Runners Up: B Harris, K Liddington. Plate Winners: J Brinsmead, D Roughley. Saturday 26th November: Highest Winning Margin: K Taylor, W Blackwood, J Akers. Second Highest Winning Margin: R Payne, A Brown, B Spence. Lowest Winning Margin: J Reardon, J Mirls. Coming Up: Kingscliff Beach

Don’t miss your Echo, no matter where you are.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas David Solano

The last couple of Christmas holidays I’ve had on the Tweed have been wet. We’ve had floods. I can even remember a cow floating out the seaway along with bits of land complete with turf and trees. None of it was a pretty sight. This year, fingers crossed, we might be in for a good time with some nice weather. Lately everyone has jacks in mind. I was chatting to Ben ‘The Phantom’ about how humid it’s been. We looked at each other and thought the same thing, jacks! After some discussion Ben went off on his bike fishing while I had to go to bed (work in the morning) but I did tell him to knock on my door if he caught a trophy fish. Bang, Bang, Bang, 11.30pm there was ‘The Phantom’ at my front door with a grin from ear to ear: he was holding a 57cm mangrove jack which he caught on a slice of mullet near the maritime museum.

In the lead up to Christmas some fishermen are posing as tree ornaments for the festivities.

Unfortunately I’d left my camera at the office (mum’s place) so I had to ring my neighbour Pete Kyvetos to borrow a camera – he only had a phone so we’ll see how we go. Ben told us the big jack went crazy, banging into the sand in an attempt to dislodge the hook. People chase these fish their whole lives and often come up

empty handed, but I will tell you this Ben has caught two in two nights. The skill here lies in persistence, patience and some good local knowledge of where to catch them. Ben has all these attributes and that’s why Pete and I have been following him rod in hand – on our bikes. More next week.

Jarrad takes on Australia A new national surf Ironman series was launched on Saturday at Park Beach Coffs harbour. Jarrad Cain, a Kingscliff local, showed iron will – pardon the pun – to take second place and gain valuable early points. Jarrad has been an elite open surf ironman competitor for a few years and wants to make his mark on the sport. The Mitsubishi Electric Surf Ironman Qualifying Series has been created to showcase the rising stars of surf sport at the larger surf carnivals around Australia. While each event will be open to all comers,

MONTHLY MARKETS 1st Sat Brunswick Heads (02) 6628 4495 1st Sun Byron Bay (02) 6680 9703 1st Sun Pottsville (02) 6676 4555 1st Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 2nd Sat 2nd Sun 2nd Sun 2nd Sun 2nd Sun 2nd Sun

Kingscliff 0406 724 323 The Channon (02) 6688 6433 Chillingham 0437 041 023 Lennox Head (02) 6672 2874 Coolangatta (07) 5533 8202 Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714

3rd Sat Mullumbimby (02) 6684 3370 3rd Sat Murwillumbah Cottage Markets 0417 759 777 3rd Sun Ballina (02) 6687 4328 3rd Sun Nimbin (02) 6689 0000 3rd Sun Pottsville (02) 6676 4555 3rd Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 3rd Sun Uki (02) 6679 5921 4th Sat Kingscliff 0406 724 323 4th Sun Bangalow (02) 6687 1911 4th Sun (in 5 Sun month) Coolangatta (07) 5533 8202 4th Sun Murwillumbah 0422 565 168 4th Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 5th Sun 5th Sun

Nimbin (02) 6689 0000 Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714

WEEKLY FARMERS MARKETS Each Tue New Brighton (02)6684 5390 Each Wed 7-11am Mur’bah (02) 6684 7834 Each Thu 8-11am Byron Bay (02) 6687 1137 Each Sat 8-11am Bangalow (02) 6687 1137 8am-1pm Uki (02) 6679 5438 Each Sat


only the best will qualify for finals and gain points towards an overall series championship. The next event in the Surf Ironman qualifying series is at Dicki Beach in Queensland before heading to Torquay in Vic-

toria on Jan 6. All competitors are vying for a total of $30,000 in cash and prizes. Stay tuned to find out how Jarrad progresses through the series, or for more information head to



First quarter December 2 Full moon


December 11 01:36

Third quarter December 18 11:48 New moon Day of month 1 T 2 F 3 S 4 S 5 M 6 T 7 W 8 T 9 F 10 S 11 S 12 M 13 T 14 W 15 T 16 F 17 S 18 S 19 M 20 T 21 W 22 T 23 F 24 S 25 S 26 M 27 T 28 W 29 T 30 F 31 S

Sun rise 0540 0540 0540 0540 0540 0540 0540 0540 0540 0540 0541 0541 0541 0541 0542 0542 0542 0543 0543 0544 0544 0545 0545 0546 0546 0547 0547 0548 0549 0549 0550

December 25 05:06 Sun set 1929 1929 1930 1931 1932 1932 1933 1934 1935 1935 1936 1937 1937 1938 1939 1939 1940 1941 1941 1942 1942 1943 1943 1944 1944 1944 1945 1945 1946 1946 1946

Moon rise 1120 1215 1308 1400 1452 1545 1638 1731 1825 1918 2009 2056 2141 2222 2300 2337 0013 0050 0129 0213 0301 0355 0454 0557 0701 0804 0905 1003 1058 1151

Moon set 0018 0051 0122 0153 0226 0300 0337 0418 0504 0554 0648 0745 0844 0944 1043 1144 1245 1347 1452 1559 1706 1811 1912 2007 2055 2137 2215 2249 2321 2353


DECEMBER 2011 Astronomical data and tides

High tide, height (m) 0145,1.27; 1340,1.53 0241,1.27; 1432,1.41 0336,1.30; 1530,1.31 0430,1.34; 1630,1.25 0520,1.41; 1730,1.23 0606,1.48; 1824,1.23 0649,1.56; 1913,1.25 0729,1.62; 1957,1.26 0808,1.68; 2038,1.28 0845,1.73; 2117,1.29 0922,1.77; 2157,1.29 1000,1.78; 2237,1.30 1041,1.78; 2319,1.30 1122,1.76 0005,1.31; 1205,1.71 0055,1.32; 1252,1.64 0148,1.35; 1345,1.55 0245,1.40; 1445,1.46 0345,1.47; 1553,1.39 0445,1.56; 1704,1.35 0545,1.67; 1814,1.34 0642,1.78; 1917,1.35 0737,1.88; 2015,1.37 0830,1.94; 2110,1.38 0920,1.97; 2200,1.39 1008,1.94; 2248,1.39 1054,1.88; 2334,1.37 1137,1.77 0020,1.36; 1219,1.64 0105,1.34; 1300,1.51 0151,1.34; 1342,1.38

Low tide, height (m) 0722,0.62; 2027,0.44 0821,0.68; 2115,0.49 0927,0.71; 2201,0.52 1034,0.70; 2247,0.53 1141,0.66; 2333,0.52 1238,0.59 0015,0.51; 1326,0.52 0056,0.51; 1408,0.45 0134,0.50; 1447,0.40 0213,0.49; 1525,0.35 0250,0.48; 1601,0.32 0330,0.48; 1640,0.31 0410,0.48; 1720,0.31 0454,0.50; 1801,0.31 0542,0.52; 1845,0.32 0634,0.55; 1932,0.34 0732,0.57; 2022,0.36 0839,0.59; 2115,0.38 0952,0.57; 2211,0.39 1109,0.51; 2308,0.40 1220,0.42 0005,0.39; 1325,0.31 0100,0.38; 1422,0.22 0153,0.37; 1515,0.17 0245,0.36; 1603,0.15 0335,0.38; 1649,0.17 0425,0.41; 1733,0.22 0513,0.46; 1815,0.29 0600,0.52; 1855,0.37 0648,0.59; 1934,0.44 0739.0.66; 2014,0.49

Times Eastern Daylight Saving Time. Time lags: Ballina Boat Dock: 15 min; Byron Bay: nil; Brunswick River Highway Bridge: high 30 min, low 1 hr; Mullumbimby: 1 hr 10 min; Billinudgel: 3 hr 55 min; Chinderah: high 1 hr 30 min, low 2 hr; Terranora Inlet: high 2 hr 10 min, low 2 hr 25 min; Murwillumbah: high 2 hr 30 min, low 2 hr 50 min. Tides in bold indicate high tide of 1.7m or more and low tide of 0.3m or less. Data courtesy of the National Tidal Centre.

The Tweed Shire Echo December 1, 2011 19

Service Directory


Full colour display ad only $40 per week – 85mm x 28mm. Line listing only $80 for 12 weeks. Full year prepaid $280. Deadline for additions and changes is 12pm Monday. Enquiries: 02 6672 2280 or







0408 740 480 / 07 5590 5696


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Quality work guaranteed by local experienced builder • Insurance work • Shop fitting • Extensions • Outdoor living areas • Renovations – kitchens, bathrooms, full interior and exterior makeovers Call Brian on 0418 763 323 or 6674 5496 NSW Lic. 144632C Qld Lic. 20509


Popular local coach gives clients MORE TIME. MORE CONTROL. MORE GROWTH. Call Anthony on 0400 639 899 or

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Cleans deeply, dries in 1-2 hours

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CLEANING Hard to 85x28 30/01/2009 11:48:16 AM

HOUSE & OFFICE CLEANING Competitive prices .......................................................07 5536 1773

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 20 December 1, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

Call Doctor Data Rescue today! Low rates, Fast local service.

0419 146618

• hard disks • USB flash drives • ipods/mp3 players • CDs/DVDs • digital camera storage (SD etc)

CONCRETING Mako Concrete Constructions

All aspects of concrete. No job too small. Call now for a free quote. Ph: 0403 053 073 email:

Lic 222684C


1300 199 585

Naguar Holdings Pty Ltd T.A. Atlas Awnings, Northern Rivers NSW BLN 42748 Qld BLN 24566

DENTISTS MARTIN ACKLAND & TERRY McKIERNAN Banora Point .........................................07 5523 4090


Pool pumps, electric motors, power tools, electrical equipment & repairs

Unit 2/42 Machinery Drive, Tweed Heads South

07 5524 7055 ELECTRICIANS

CURTIS ELECTRICAL 24 hour service. Lic 79065C .......................................................0427 402 399

2 Pauls


All electrical work, including home maintenance and air conditioning systems

Email: NSW: 218495C, Qld: 70561

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*conditions apply



Has data been

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Ernst Max Mann

ADVANCED Blind & Curtain Cleaning & Repairs Verticals Curtains Timber Hollands Romans

07 5523 3622 6/6 Enterprise Ave, Tweed Heads South

<echowebsection=Service Directory>

Electrical Contractor 02 6677 1943 / 0410 314 897 Lic EC 26523

FENCING BEDNARZ, H & W, FENCING Specialise in pool, Colorbond & timber fencing ............0417 491 136 EDL FENCING Installations & repairs ................................................... 0432 107 262 or 6677 1646




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PLASTERING MASTER PLASTER 20 years experience, best price. Lic 90972C ..................................0433 800 333

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various implements available for limited access projects

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• Freight services to Brisbane Mon & Wed • Carriers of fine art • Furniture removal • E-bay pick up & delivery


Black Orchid

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK No. 12 Greg Chappell Drive, Burleigh Heads • 07 5522 1400

MYOB TRAINING GEOFFREY COLWILL Certified consultant, BAS agent.................................................02 6679 4231

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Ph: 02 6680 3025 Mob: 0429 801 320


02 6684 2198

From Middle Pocket to Middle Earth – just give us a ring

6687 6445 / 0409 917646

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WEDDING SERVICES A FREE ENGAGEMENT PORTRAIT Graham Mewburn Photographer ........................0408 170 941

WINDOW CLEANING CLASS GLASS 10 years experience. Free quotes...........................................................0408 170 941







6680 2484 • 0416 218 720

Honest, reliable, all work guaranteed. 6681 4163 / 0414 674 110 •


<echowebsection=Service Directory>

The Tweed Shire Echo December 1, 2011 21

Classifieds BY POST

PO Box 545 Murwillumbah 2484


12pm Wednesday


$15.00 for the first two lines (minimum charge) $5.00 for each extra line


Black & white 4cm x 1 column $35.20 (minimum charge) Colour 12cm x 2 columns $265 – premium position – 1 only


Cash, cheque or credit card – Mastercard or Visa Prepayment is required for all ads

Account enquiries: 02 6684 1777



ASTROTHERAPY TRAINING A powerful & unique 10 month professional and/or personal development program in experiential astrology with Nova Magazine’s Daniel Sowelu starting March 2012. Ph 0448870022 or email:

KIM MCINTOSH CARPENTRY All your carpentry needs from decks, pergolas, bathroom renovations, new construction and all renovations. Contractor Lic. 237294C Contact Kim on 0409058618





Palm trees skillfully pruned or removed. Phone Brad 0402317499

CREATIVE LIFE COACHIING 66802057 0437328394



Carmine 6685 4015 - 0401 208 797



CHEAP REMOVALIST. No job too small. Give us a call for a quote. Mini van Mitch. Phone 0423287144

MASSAGE Therapeutic / relaxation $30/ hr. Men & women. M’bah areas or rooms, preg bed avail. Gary 0439293384


SEXUAL HEALTH SERVICE Free STI/HIV checkups Clinics Murwillumbah & Tweed For appointment phone 0755066850

Sexual Counselling

Alison Rahn qualified sex therapist 0432599812


Clear subconscious sabotages. Reprogram patterns and beliefs. De-stress. Restore vibrancy and physical health. Clear allergies. SANDRA DAVEY, Reg. Pract. 66846914 QUIT SMOKING IN 60 MINUTES How? Ask Ingrid phone 66803827

Part Time Yoga Teacher Training with Flo Fenton's Intouch Yoga in Suffolk Park Level 1/Level 2 one day a week beg Mar Details; 02 66859910

Physiotherapy & Cranio Sacral

with Martina Rigby, Physiotherapist, at Mullum Physio Centre. 66843255 At Burliegh Heads 0432322998 Health Fund Rebates KA HUNA BODYWORK IN KINGSCLIFF MASSAGE Bring the joy of life to your body. Ph Susan 0418726877


from $10.50sqm & Bamboo Flooring. For ceilings, walls, doors, etc. Ph 66884188 - sample & brochure TIMBER, pine, treated pine, hardwood, mouldings, sleepers, fencing, Koppers logs, ply, MDF, lattice, made to order. Brims Builders Hardware, Billinudgel 02 66801718, Sth Tweed 07 55236002


- HONEST & RELIABLE Best rates & service in the Shire. Phone Matt 0427172684

locally made jewellery & wedding rings SURF MAPS Phone Gallery 66858145/0422175706 BREVILLE multi bake oven as new $90. Phone 66744035 WANTED: LARGE FOOD HYDRATOR Phone 0407262677 SONY Bravia LCD TV 55cm stylish white with 1yr wty $275. Phone 0412221576



turn all unwanted, broken jewellery, scrap, coins etc into $$$. Private reliable and honest buyer. Mobile service also available. Ph 0422652908 AGAVES - All your unwanted plants - we will remove for you, will pay $s. 66847566


Fertility, pregnancy & childbirth specialist.

SAT & SUN 8-3pm 2 bikes m & f vgc, dbl bed vgc + large selection of quality items



CABARITA BCH $180pw, suit worker, share lge house with 2. Ph 0438339165

1990 PEUGEOT 405 MI 16 5 sp man, no rego, good car $650 ono. 0417491444


TOYOTA HIACE 1983, 313000km. Recond 60,000km. Good set up. Well maintained. Awning, bullbar, CD. Runs well. Rego 3/12. $7900 ono. 66842675

NTH OCEAN SHORES light airy house, sea breezes, quiet street, 1km easy walk to beach, large covered outdoor area overlooking small garden with palms, 3br with BIR, 2 bathrm, 2 living rooms, SLUG, no pets please, $380pw incl lawn/garden maint. Ph 0401357669

HILUX SR5 Dual Cab. New radiator, new tailshaft, 200000km, slight work needed on head. VGC. Urgent Sale moving south. $1500 ono. Ph Rhys 0416371713 SUBARU FORESTER model X08, AWD, 115,000klm, exc cond, auto, a-c, rego 09/12, t-bar, valuation cert, log book, $15,900 ono. 0404864804


RESTAURANT TREEHOUSE on Belongil is looking for a head chef, qualified chefs and experienced woodfired pizza chefs to join our kitchen team over the busy summer period. Must be experienced with fast pace. Applications to: treehouseonbelongil@ or pop in with your resume at 25 Childe Street on Belongil

MODELS 18+ years required. Nude female for Picture and People magazines. No experience required. All shapes and sizes. Backpackers welcome. Good money. Professional accredited ACP photographer. Ph 0413627846



WANTED: Licensed roof tiler, occasional inspections. Suit semi retired or working seeking extra income. Ph Gary 66844664

BYRON PROF STUDIO spacious private w/bthrm, suit bodyworker, 25 Dec to 26 Feb, 2 or 3 days pw. Ana 0413608927

COOK part time for Sheoak Shack Cafe Phone 0755231130

r ngba o l l o W

David King

Adv Dip (Acup) AACMA

Pain conditions. Mental/emotional disturbances & general.

14 Park Street, Brunswick Heads | 02 6685 1088 | ACUPUNCTURE CHINESE MEDICINE HERBS REMEDIAL MASSAGE

22 December 1, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

At your local ON-Q Office


to dynamic manual and computer

Fashion Illustration and portfolio

presentation skills. Date: 12, 13 and 14 December 2011 Cost: $350 + $50 course materials Day 1: Manual Fashion Drawing Day 2: Adobe Photoshop - Take your illustrations to the next level! Explore scanning, layers, texture effects and fabric print. Day 3: Adobe Illustrator - Sharpen your portfolio presentation skills. Introduction to professional trade sketches.

Tweed Heads South: Unit 4, 6–8 Amber Road

1800 761contact 561 Karen Daley Please

For more information or to enrol contact the campus on 6620 4736. on 1800 761 561 or email

to register your interest Specialised Employment Solutions

BARGAINS Ford Falcon Ute 5 spd, tow bar, A/C, P/S, 5/2012 rego. BK 60 PV............................................ $2,000 2000 Ford Laser LXi Sedan 5 spd, A/C, P/S. Nice car. AIG 39L ....................................... $4,950 1999 Suzuki Vitara Soft Top 5 spd. 139,061kms. Ready for Summer. BC 82 VZ.................... $5,350 1999 Mitsubishi Magna Wagon Auto, A/C, P/S. 129,061kms. Great value. 4/12 rego. BK 77 HC .................................................. $4,250 Hyundai Excel III 5spd. New timing belt & water pump. Ideal 1st car. AQG 394 .......... $2,000

50 CARS UNDER $10,000


Ballina Car Centre

6686 5586

DLN 19950

MOTOR BIKES SUZUKI V STROM 650 Sports Tourer 04 g-c rego, met blue $3800. 0413836954

CARAVANS RETRO CLASSIC OLYMPIC Contessa 16ft, vgc, aircon, tv, new tyres, boatlike interior, ready for the road or yard $6900. Phone 0424929000

BUSINESS FOR SALE YARRA VALLEY FARMS are seeking franchisees: A proven success, existing customers, guaranteed income, lifestyle. Call Geoff 0414585392 or


u Camp

Draw the Line! An introduction

WHO ARE: • Professionals, tertiary and/or trade qualified • Actively seeking employment or a career We look forward to celebrating with you change • A recipient of/or eligible for the Disability Ballina: 106–108 Tamar Street Allowance Support Pension or Newstart • Ready to embrace local employment Byron Bay: Shop 3, 130 Jonson Street opportunities on the NSW Northern Rivers & Murwillumbah: Shop 2, 58 Wollumbin Street Qld Gold Coast

NISSAN XTRAIL auto 07 original owner, full history, 77600 km, racks, t-bar (not used), reg Aug 2012, retired couple 2 cars need 1, $15800. Phone 0425315911

Fast growing online import company seeks person skilled in office efficiency & prioritising with ecommerce store experience. Will be required to liaise between suppliers, warehouse, shipping agent and couriers. Excellent team player essential. Only apply if you have the above skills. Send CV to Manager, PO Box 54 Mullumbimby 2482.



98 CAMRY GRANDE full service history, excellent condition $5000 ono, 6 mths rego Phone 66843369 or 0407248181

ORGANISED STOREMAN WHO IS MECHANICALLY MINDED Fast growing company looking for responsible, organised person to manage inventory for our service centre, mechanical repairs also required. Byron Ind Est, residents only. Ph 66841638

Would you like to become a carer and work from home? Free training & financial support is provided, to enable you to provide accredited high quality care in a home environment. You will be supported by the largest scheme in NSW. Flexible hours. Childcare benefit available. Phone Northern Rivers Family Day Care for more info on 07 5536 1865.

Friday 2 December 10am to 11am



Time to clear it out with a garage sale. Ph us on 66722280 to advertise here.

KYOGLE, Collins Ck, 15 acre farm tastefully renov 3br house, usable land, small creek, 2 sheds, views, buy for $399,000 or rent for $250pw. 66847180

You’re invited...


Clutter Overload?

WAITPERSON Sat & Sun 15 to 20 hours. Experience preferred, enthusiastic people apply to:



Ads may be taken by phone 9am-12pm Wednesday 9am-5pm Monday to Friday Ads not taken on the weekend


131 601


Bunyips Great Outdoors A casual position is available at Tweed Heads’ leading Outdoor Adventure Store. We are seeking a highly motivated person with excellent communication and sales skills. A passion for travel and the outdoors is essential and previous retail experience would be an advantage. If you are interested in this position and feel you have the necessary attributes, please drop your resume in at

Bunyips Great Outdoors Centre, 28-30 Greenway Drive, Tweed Heads South, (07) 5524 6969

Learn to teach English overseas A 6 week part-time course run in Byron Bay. Starts 13 Feb 2012. Contact Ballina Campus on 6681 8900 or contact co-ordinator on penelope.

131 601

PHYSIOTHERAPIST Part Time – 24-38 hours per week

Seabreeze Community Aged Care is a friendly, very modern aged care facility in Pottsville, and we require a Physiotherapist to work part time weekdays with hours to suit. Experience in aged care would be well regarded. Apply to: Cath Barker, Facility Manager Seabreeze Community Aged Care 41-51 Ballina St, Pottsville NSW 2489 Email: Tel: 02 6676 0122


CLASSIFIEDS 02 6672 2280


MUSICAL NOTES JAZZ PIANO, DOUBLE BASS & DRUM TRIO FOR HIRE Well rehearsed & accomplished players. Phone 0412732465

LOST & FOUND LOST: 4yo Black Kelpie cross called Bella. Microchipped and recently desexed, still has stitches. Lost from Burringbar. Phone 66771730

PETS GOING AWAY? Who is looking after your pets? Kingscliff Petsitting 0419358794 or

First home buyers missing key step to finance approval

NO GENUINE SAVINGS Borrow up to 90% of the property’s value

show the number of first home buyers, as a percentage of total owner occupied housing commitments, increased to 16.4 per cent compared to 15.4 per cent in August. The REIA says although this proportion is well below the long-run average of 20.1 per cent, it indicates a modest return of first home buyers to the market. ‘The latest figures show that buyers are gradually returning to



First home buyers are dipping their feet into the market again – a drop in interest rates and reduced property prices renewing buyer confidence for the first time in two years, but many will neglect one vital check which may mean their finance application is rejected. The Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) announced recently that housing figures for September

Home Loan Call 0413 276 343

Sophy Graham

Murwillumbah Branch Manager

0413 276 343

133 144

the market and we should expect modest increases to continue after the decision on interest rates in November which has made housing more affordable for first home buyers,’ said REIA Acting President Pamela Bennett. First home buyers wishing to take advantage of more affordable conditions need to know there is more to applying for finance than wages and savings records. Director of MyCRA Credit Repairs Graham Doessel says a borrower’s credit file is one of the key factors to home loan approval, and anyone applying for a home loan should obtain a credit report prior to making a finance application, regardless of whether they think they have a good credit rating or not. ‘There are a great number of credit files which contain errors or which shouldn’t be there, and first home buyers need to know any negative listing will stop them from getting a home loan

Piggabeen NSW 27 Green Valley Way

in this market, or force them into a high-interest loan, potentially costing them a staggering $22,000 more in interest over the first three years,’ he says. The term of a negative listing is between five and seven years, depending on the type. and can include black marks from telecommunications and electricity providers as well as banks and finance companies. The most common type of listing is a default, which is recorded if an account is in arrears past 60 days. According to Mr Doessel, defaults from telecommunications providers which are listed in error make up a big part of his clientele. ‘As many as 50 per cent of our clients seek credit repair due to bill disputes and internal errors from telcos that have seen them black listed from credit and unable to get a home loan,’ he says. He says it doesn’t need to be a big default to be a big detriment


Horse Lovers Wanted I absolutely love this 2.98 acre (1.21 Ha) property that is ready for you and a couple of horses. This superb property is well positioned with easy access to the Gold Coast Airport and surf beaches. The older style family home is in a beautiful garden setting that is private and easy to maintain. Ample water supply is so important. You will be happy with the large spring fed dam and endless fresh water bore. Our vendors have loved the acreage lifestyle of this property for 30 years; however the decision to downsize has been firmly made. This property represents extreme value and will be sold.



• Air conditioned lounge area • Double lockup brick garage with rumpus or sun room. • 3 stables, dressage area and fencing for horse management • Usable, near level acreage • We Are Selling!

to a person’s loan application. ‘Some defaults for unpaid accounts of $300 can stop borrowers from getting a home loan. Lenders are even rejecting loans for too many credit enquiries, such as two enquiries within thirty days or six within the year,’ he says. House hunters can obtain a copy of their credit file, free, every year from one or more of

the credit reporting agencies in Australia, and this file will provide details on any negative listings such as defaults, writs and judgments which may have been placed against their name by creditors. When disputing a negative listing, it is up to the credit file holder to provide reason as to why the creditor has not complied with legislation.


Now interest rates have dropped, arrange an OBLIGATION FREE mortgage health check. Are you getting the best loan package? If I can’t find you a better deal I’ll simply tell you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Give me a call or email and contact Russel Shaw. Russel Shaw 6680 8045 0412 833 280


6pm (Qld) Wednesday 21st December Currumbin RSL View Private Inspection Brad Franks 0404 051 111 02 6672 3737 Ray White Rural Tweed Valley

Rural Tweed Valley


Christmas craft market Tweed Unlimited Arts’ special Christmas sale is on this Saturday and Sunday 9.30am–3.30pm at their workshop in Pioneer Parade. Devonshire teas, pottery demonstration and lots of arts and craft for sale. Free entry.

Toad muster Pottsville will host the Cane Toad Muster this Sunday, December 4. University of Sydney expert Matt Greenlees will join council officers to stage the muster at Koala Beach estate. The event will begin with an information session to show residents how to identify and safely catch cane toads, before they

participate in a group collection of cane toads in the area. The muster, the latest in a series of musters held around the shire to help reduce cane toad populations, will begin at Sugar Glider Drive at 7.45pm (DST). Participants should bring a torch and wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants and covered shoes. For info call Pamela on 02 6670 2778.

Christmas concert Murwillumbah Philharmonic Choir presents Christmas Bonbons, a concert of Christmas treats, at the Tweed River Art Gallery, Mistral Road, Murwillumbah, tomorrow, Friday, December 2, at 6pm (DST) with sherry and Christmas cakes at 5.30pm. Entry adults $20, concession $15, children $5, tickets available at Andersons Treasure Store, Murwillumbah, or at the door.

Monty is an 11 week old, desexed male (born 14/9/11), Cattle x Staffy pup. He is a friendly, active little dog with a lovely nature and is ready to learn family life. He has been handled by children and gets on well with other dogs. If you can give Monty a permanent, loving home, please phone Yolana on 0449 049 136 or the Friends of the Pound Adoption Booth on 07 5524 8590. Visit to view other animals looking for homes.

07 5524 8590


Kingy ratepayers The next meeting of the Kingscliff Ratepayers Association will be held on Monday, December 5, at 11am (DST) at the Kingscliff Hotel, followed by a Christmas get together over lunch. The initial meeting for next year is on Monday, February 6 at 7pm at the Kingscliff Public School library.

Christmas carols Lions Club Park, Marine Parade, Kingscliff, adjacent to Cudgen Surf Club, on December 15 7pm–8.45pm (DST), a talented line-up of various singers plus the children from Cudgen, Kingscliff and St Anthony’s schools. Drinks and food stalls.

Garden club Murwillumbah and District Garden Club annual presentation and Christmas party at Murwillumbah Services Memorial Club, Sunday, December 4, 11.30am for 12 noon, cost $16.50 per head, bookings to Len on 02 6672 2020. Tweed Coast Garden Association will hold its Christmas picnic at the Boatshed, Casuarina from 10am on December 6. Bring a chair, mug and thermos. Cost is $5pp. To book, call by 02 6676 4402 by December 4. Next meeting on February 14 next year.

Dance workshop A professional integrated dance workshop for people with and

without disabilities will be held December 17 and 18 at Murwillumbah High School 9.30am–5pm. The Heart Beat Dance Workshop is presented by Restless Dance Theatre from Adelaide and ends with a short community performance. On December 16, a masterclass is on offer to any dance teacher or participants, cost for both is $50, for info call Leanne on 02 6672 6965.

VIEW Murwillumbah Evening VIEW Club next meeting will be on Monday, December 5, at Condong Bowling Club at 6.30pm for 7pm start. Come dressed in the theme of a ‘country Christmas party’ and be ready for some fun. If a member cannot attend the meeting or will be bringing a guest, please ring Gloria on 02 6672 3794 by 10am on the Friday prior to the meeting. Coolangatta/Tweeed VIEW Club’s next luncheon meeting on December 8, in the Horizons Room, South Tweed Sports Club, Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads at 11am for 11.30am start. Christmas luncheon and entertainment. Visitors welcome, bookings/apologies to Diana 07 5576 7674 before 5pm Monday, December 5. Tweed Coast View Club (Kingscliff to Pottsville) are holding their Christmas luncheon meeting at the Beach Bar, Cabarita on Monday, December 12 from 11.30am. Come along and enjoy the entertainment. AGM to be

held in February. For info call Heather ings Point on Monday, December 5, at 11.30am, with a Christmas celebra02 6670 4013. tion, so please bring a salad or a ZONTA sweet to share for lunch, for info call Joan on 02 6676 4270. ZONTA Club of Southern Gold Coast/Tweed meets 3rd Monday Low cost food of each month in Secret Garden Room, South Tweed Sports Club, 4 Low-cost groceries. Finding it tough Minjungbal Drive, South Tweed. For going? come and see us at Elevation info on community and international Care 56, Caloola Drive, Tweed Heads, projects call Marie-Elise 0412 632 304 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 10am or Carolyn 0416 637 771. to 2pm. Huge variety and quality food. Bring your bags. For info call 07 U3A 5507 6999. U3A Twin Towns members will Lupus and Sjogren’s entertain at a concert being held at PCYC on December 2 for the entry Lupus and Sjogren’s Gold Coastfee of $2 which includes a cuppa and Tweed Support Group meeting will biscuits. Members to confirm attend- be held on Saturday, December 3, ance at the Christmas party spit roast at 11.30am (DST, 10.30am Qld) at the luncheon on December 9, members Uniting Church, Cnr McLean and $12, for info call before 1pm (DST) 07 Lanham Streets, Coolangatta. Meet 5534 7333. others with Lupus and Sjogren’s for a social chat. New and past members AOOB welcome, tea and coffee provided. AOOB Twin Towns branch Christmas For info call Kelly on 02 6676 2646 or Lupus NSW on 02 9878 6055. meeting will be held on Friday, December 2, at South Tweed Sports Banora Pt community Club, Tweed Heads South at 2pm (DST) in the Secret Garden Room. Banora Point Community Centre Cost $10 includes $5 raffle tickets. senior program has various groups Entertainment by John Bennett. All available on Tuesday afternoons and members and intending members all day Fridays. If you are interested invited to attend, call 07 5536 2653. in card playing, Stretch your Mind, Tai Chi, Mah Jong, scrapbooking, Friendship group art, Scrabble, gentle exercise with weights call Lyn on 07 5523 2030. The St Mary and Ambrose Friendship centre is on the corner of Leisure and Group last meeting for 2011 in the Woodland Drives, Banora Point. Recreation Room at The Point, Hast-

The Tweed Shire Echo December 1, 2011 23



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No fees Best rates Exotic currency on hand Special rates for Seniors International money transfers available 9am-5pm Mon-Fri 07 5536 8217 Beachcomber Arcade, 122 Griffith Street, Coolangatta

Cr Dot Holdom went to extraordinary lengths to capture the attitude of Tumbulgum’s townsfolk toward the need for extra parking on the the river foreshore, by conducting her own door-to-door survey. But as Dot visited the quaint homes along the riverbank she noticed something rather menacing. ‘I wasn’t impressed with the speed some people travel through the town. It’s quite appalling,’ she told her council colleagues. Perhaps council should send its money on speed humps rather than extra parking spots. ■ ■ ■ ■

Retired political reporter Laurie Oakes says longtime journalist Alex Mitchell’s newly-released book, Come the Revolution: A Memoir, which is being launched tomorrow (Friday, December 2) at 6pm at Murwillumbah Services Club, got him ‘excited about journalism all over again’. The new book by the former editor and state political columnist for the Sun Herald is also highly praised by several well known journalists including Phillip Knightley who reckons it’s a ‘gripping account of a young Australian journalist’s adventures in intrigue-ridden London as he fights to change the world’. A Canberra journalism lecturer says the book will be ‘required reading for my first-year journalism students next year’. Mitchell, who also wrote a political column for the Tweed Echo and now lives at Eviron near Murwillumbah, left fulltime journalism four years ago but continues to write. ■ ■ ■ ■

Doug Moran, the nursing home magnate behind the richest portrait prize in Australia which for years was based at the Tweed River Art Gallery, died last week, aged 86. Mr Moran was also known for building the 300-bed John Flynn Private Hospital at Tugun. He and wife Greta were credited for revolutionising both private hospital and aged care in Australia. He was also a big supporter of

Activist Bill Jacobi, of Uki, held his own protest outside the Tweed Heads Harvey Norman store this week as part of a Get Up! campaign to make Australia’s biggest furniture retailer aware of the public disapproval of its practice of logging Australian native forests and sending the timber to China to be made into furniture, which is then sent back for sale in Australia. He delivered a petition to the store signed by 46,531 people. The company says it uses certified products but Get Up! says the certification scheme they use, the Australian Forest Standard (AFS), is bad and has ‘certified the clearfelling of ancient old growth forests in Tasmania, the poisoning of wildlife, the logging of forests in water catchments and the habitat of endangered species’.

many charitable causes all of his life. His son Mark wrote in an obituary in the SMH this week that, as a member of the St Vincent de Paul Society, he looked after the homeless in Sydney, washing and feeding them after his day’s work. The Doug Moran National Portrait Prize was established to encourage art and creativity in Australia and has done so for 25 years. ■ ■ ■ ■

Closer to home, another Doug also passed away. Longtime newspaper letter writer and former teacher Doug Ogilvie, of Bilambil, died on Monday last week, aged 81. A celebration of his life was held last Sunday at his son’s house at Bilambil attended by around 40 close friends and family where many spoke of Doug’s generosity and ‘good vibes’. Doug was hit by a string of tragedies in the past two years. In May 2009, 30 years of his life went up in flames when his Bilambil homestead, which he often

shared with those who needed a place to stay, was gutted by fire. Then early last year, his son Luke, 50, died in a fire on the property. Two brothers were later charged with his murder and setting his caravan on fire and are currently facing trial in the Supreme Court in Sydney. ■ ■ ■ ■

Geoff Provest has been accused of being ‘tricky’ by federal Labor’s Justine Elliot. Mr Provest has been circulating flyers around the shire which include the claim: ‘The September NSW state budget included a record investment in the Pacific Highway and the $359 million upgrade of Sextons Hill will be finished next year’. This may lead the reader to assume the mega-roadworks are the work of Geoff and the O’Farrell government. ‘Not so’, says Justine, who is keen to point out that $347 million of funding was delivered by the federal government and $10 million by the previous state Labor gov-

ernment. Auslink also put in $2 million. Then Justine really put the boot in. ‘Until the O’Farrell government was elected all Geoff Provest did was criticise this project. He was against funding this version of the upgrade and was very critical of the RTA once construction had started. Locals know that this road was well under construction before the O’Farrell government was elected and Geoff Provest didn’t deliver one red cent to build this upgrade.’ ■ ■ ■ ■

Passions ran high during the two debates on the dreaded Hasting Point ‘McMansion’ issue, but mayor Barry Longland proved to be the most emotional speaker, exceeding even Cr Katie Milne in his ability to wax lyrical. ‘I feel I’m standing in quicksand. My heart is breaking’, he told his council colleagues. Perhaps Barry should try his hand at writing some pop songs when he’s not performing his mayoral duties.

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24 December 1, 2011 The Tweed Shire Echo

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