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To The Farmers Market

“Farm to table” has been a colloquialism for some time now, to invoke the sense of communal resources. It has you think and consider where your food is coming from; however, this idea far outreaches just food. An amazing source for people who are conscientious of their ecological footprint and wish to lessen it, would be Farmers Markets.

A collective of local business and farmers coming together to share in their goods with their own community. Not having to guess if your onion came from thousands of miles away, or who made this jewelry set. These markets cultivate that idea of “farm to table” as it brings fresh ideas and new opportunities to those we call our neighbor.

Translating that into Second Life™ has been quite a breeze with the likes of Trouble Dethly of Eclipse Magazine and June Fallon of Dahlia. These two have brought to the grid an event like few have seen before, Farmers Market, which is currently open.

“Taking inspiration from real life farmers markets and street fairs, Farmers Market is a place where artisans excel and showcase their wares.” -Trouble Dethly

The idea behind creating this quarterly mainstore-style event came when June and Trouble were reminiscing about the passing of their dear, sweet Great-Aunt Gertrude. They came to find out that they had both inherited her Farmers Market. Having just talked about how both of them missed walking through Street Fairs and Farmers Markets in real life, everything just seemed to click into place for them.

Trouble enjoys sharing and exchanging recipes with friends in both his real life and Second Life. Like that overall concept of a farmers market, Trouble too shares this sentiment that food can also bring people together. What better place to find quality food while supporting local vendors than traveling to a street fair or farmers market.

Just like those real life experiences, you will be able to find fresh food and produce, various crafted items, clothing, furniture and botanical plants. As an even that takes place at the content creators main store, you can also teleport around with friends for the latest deals. Farmers Market offers exclusive releases and sale items that cost 80L or less.

With the recent popularity of sales events in Second Life, June and Trouble really wanted to incorporate this idea for The Farmers Market. So while traveling amongst the 30 designers in this event, make sure to look for a stylish vendor booth displayed inside each of their mainstores.

“I hope that residents who visit Farmers Market can reminisce about their own visits to real life farmers markets and street fairs, and also [grow] an appreciation for the craftsmanship and talent of our content creators.” -Trouble Dethly

That is exactly that vibe Trouble and June wanted to achieve when it came to this mainstore sales event. To create this feeling of community when we live all across this world. To give that feeling of togetherness when many of us have been without it for a couple of years now. To bring something fun and exciting to Second Life that can also highlight the importance of respecting the craftsmanship and time put into these exclusive releases. So please, check out the Seraphim Gallery for the list of amazing designers participating in this round of The Farmers Market before March 11 and be sure to join their in-world group Panache Events SL: Customer Group.

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