Kansas State Collegian Print Edition 4.8.11

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‘Diablo II’ still going strong page 4

collegian friday, april 8, 2011

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High: 91 F Low: 68 F

High: 81 F Low: 48 F


Concert time Get more information on the upcoming Jason Derulo performance in Bramlage.

vol. 116 | no. 1130

Bat Cats The Wildcat baseball team hosts the Oklahoma Sooners this weekend.




Earthquake impact David Rose shares insight on how the recent Japanese disaster affected the economy.

K-State involved in two lawsuits Professor case dismissed, student suing university after falling down stairs Haley Rose staff writer

photos by Lisle Alderton | Collegian

Donnie Dale works on the family’s dirt car, inspecting it to see if he must completely rebuild the car’s engine. Right: The Dale family team, Scuderia Shadetree Racing, poses in front their garage behind their Manhattan home Tuesday afternoon.

Racing family raises hepatitis C awareness Reality show displays eccentric family, effects of disease Michael Sellman staff writer Comedian and K-State graduate Susan Dale has made progress on reality TV show “Livin’ 4 Racin’ Time” since its pilot aired in Tulsa, Okla., last January. The show centers on her family — whose members live in Manhattan — and their race car team, Scuderia Shadetree Racing. What makes the program unique, however, is the underlying tone of hepatitis C awareness. The concept for the show began when her brother, Allen, a semi-professional

formula 2000 race car driver, reconnected with a high school friend on Facebook. She was looking to do public awareness work to educate people on hepatitis C, Allen said, and asked for his help. Allen agreed to help and even replaced his sponsor on his car with the slogan, “Get Tested Hepatitis C.” “I wanted to find a cause that’s not being talked about, that’s not really out in the public, but it’s one of the leading killers in liver disease,” Allen said. “It’s not a show about hepatitis C,” Susan said. “It’s a racing show. It’s probably one of the first reality shows that actually integrates a cause within the show.” Susan, who currently lives in Tulsa, describes her family as “bi-racial: half white trash,

half redneck.” She said they have always stood out in their Mister Rogers-type neighborhood in Manhattan, where the houses are primarily painted white with pristine front lawns. Her parent’s house is turquoise with plastic flowers in the front yard and racing parts in the back yard. “We are who we are,” Susan said. “The show is not made up. We are just a very eccentric family. For exam-

ple, my mother has a drinking problem. Every morning, she has to have Dr Pepper. We have fun. We tease each other constantly.” Susan said the biggest thing for the show now is taking it to the networks. She is scheduled to head out to Los Angeles on Sunday to speak with the manager about airing the show across the nation. “We have interest with online channels to cable chan-

nels,” Susan said. “All of them will air the show once we have filmed four episodes. I really see this show playing on CMT [Country Music Television]. We’re not about making millions on this show, we just want this show to change people’s lives.” She said there is interest from the Latino market, which would like her to have the show translated so it can

DALE | page 8

Workout program aims to challenge fitness junkies Rec-sponsored class uses ropes, other odd objects to add varity to sessions Chelsy Lueth staff writer Piles of tires, ropes, sledgehammers, sandbags and cinder blocks sit in the Peters Recreation Complex. No, they are not waiting to be used for the reconstruction of the Rec, but for workout equipment for a new exercise program. The program, Advanced Muscular Power Endurance Definition, or AMPED, utilizes these items for a unique workout program that the Rec is sponsoring. The AMPED program is the brainchild of Matthew Cracraft, senior in business administration, who created this program during the fall

Lauren Gocken | Collegian

During an AMPED workout session Thursday, Braden Thomas, senior in architecture, swings a 2-inch rope that’s wrapped around a tree. Trainers guessed the rope weighed about 70-75 lbs. 2010 semester as part druing tor of recreational services, and an internship with the Rec. Cracraft’s internship superviMelissa Copp, assistant direc- sor, explains the origins of Cra-

craft’s program. “He chose to create a program and he decided to target the more physically active people to challenge them, and he thought it would be a lot of fun to use a lot of nontraditional equipment like sandbags, sledgehammers, tires, logs, giant 2 inch ropes, you know that type of stuff.” Cracraft’s program proved successful and has subsequently been implemented into the spring semester programs. AMPED is split up into a warm-up, cardio and strength sets, a cool-down and a stretching session. Participants can often be seen moving the tractor tires across fields, flinging ropes and doing other miscellaneous physically-challenging tasks as part of the workout. According to Kacey Barr, junior in kinesiology and ger-

ontology and a trainer for the AMPED program, it is a balanced workout, but allows for variety in how it is completed. “The workouts are nontraditional, which is great for anyone like me who gets bored easily with the same types of workouts week to week,” Barr said. “After going through training myself, I understand how challenging and difficult some parts of the workout can be. At the same time, I know how great it feels to complete a workout giving your best effort.” Copp said unlike a lot of workout programs, this program aims to get people outside instead of in the gym doing “traditional” exercises. It is meant to be a challenging exercise program that “really just gives a different spin on fitness all together.”

To many, the line between what a professor is and isn’t allowed to say in a classroom is blurry, gray and often crossed without any objections. However, a court case decided this past winter gave K-State Salina reason to draw the line quite clearly. In 2008, professor John Heublein at K-State Salina was required to complete a “corrective action plan” for inappropriate classroom conduct, according to a K-State press release. The correction plan was mandated by the university after receiving claims against the professor by students who stated he was making “sexist jokes” in class, said attorney Richard Seaton Sr. Following this mandate, Heublein, who declined to comment, filed grievances against the university for violating his First Amendment rights, academic freedom and substantive and procedural due process. After an unsatisfactory response from President Wefald and an independent faculty committee, a board made up of faculty that were not in Heublein’s college or department, Heublein filed a lawsuit against the university and 12 employees. “He didn’t like the committee’s decision very much, so his attorney filed a suit in Wichita,” said Seaton, who represented the university in the case. The case was heard in the U.S. District Court for Kansas in 2009 and the decision released in late 2010. “Even though it took them a long time, the judge gave a thorough, well detailed and well researched decision that was in the university’s favor,” Seaton said. The court ultimately decided to dismiss the case, whereupon Heublein was given the chance to appeal the ruling, which he chose not to do. K-State Salina declined comment on professor Heublein’s performance since the lawsuit, but he is still fully employed by the university and continues to teach mathematics classes. Sue Times Two With one lawsuit resolved and filed away, K-State is preparing to face another. Tiffany Johnson, senior at K-State, filed a $75,000 lawsuit against the university after slipping down stairs in the Derby Dining Center. Johnson claims the stairs were in a poor condition, causing the accident. University officials declined to comment, and Johnson’s representation could not be reached for an interview.

Stop Slavery Summit continues with Freedom Walk through campus Volunteers tell stories of human trafficking victims Andy Rao staff writer The 2011 Stop Slavery Summit continued Thursday. Wednesday night featured the rock band The Wrecking and Andrea Martinez as the keynote speaker, an International Justice Mission advocate. K-Staters That Care is conducting the Stop Slav-

ery Summit as a way to raise awareness for human trafficking, one of the most prominent human rights crimes that occur in the world today. As a part of the second component of the Stop Slavery Summit, participants embarked on the “Freedom Walk,” a walking, on-campus tour that allowed students to stand up against human trafficking. With candles in hand representing support for victims, attendees were able to listen to stories, statistics and other accounts of human traf-

ficking and forced labor. At each checkpoint of the walk, KSTC volunteers told stories of the different kinds of human trafficking: sex trafficking, involuntary servitude and traditional slavery. Participants listened as volunteers recounted the situation of a young girl named Manna, who was tricked into being held captive in a brothel, and heard details of her scenario. “After Manna was taken to the brothel, she refused her first three customers,” said

“I’m optimistic because if we say that issues surrounding human trafficking can never be solved, they definitely won’t be. Change starts with us.” Ashley Franden KSTC member sophomore in social work

one of the volunteers. “But the brothel kept pulling her hair, punched her repeatedly, beat her repeatedly, until she gave

in to the men who had come to rape her.” Other similar stories followed. One was about a young woman from Rwanda named Sabine who was desperate to escape the war-torn region. She received the opportunity to move to America, and jumped at the chance to live what she thought would be a better life. “Upon arrival, however, she quickly learned that she had been taken advantage of,” said Vicky Sagar, sophomore in animal science. “She was im-

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prisoned in the home; unable to leave, she was made to work around the clock.” At the third checkpoint, the Freedom Walkers listened to the stories of three fruit pickers who were enslaved for more than a year, and were forced to live in the back of a van with little to no food and water. The final story was closer to home, as the center of human trafficking moved to Kansas. After recruiting

WALK | page 8

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friday, april 8, 2011

kansas state collegian

Logan’s Run | By Erin Logan

Departing senators say goodbye

EDITORIAL BOARD Tim Schrag editor-in-chief Jason Strachman Miller managing editor Abby Belden managing copy editor Carlos Salazar design editor

Sam Diederich news editor Austin Enns coverage editor Stephanie Carr sports editor Kelsey Castanon edge and features editor Karen Ingram

opinion editor Jennifer Heeke photo editor Stephanie Carr multimedia editor Sarah Chalupa ad manager Steve Wolgast adviser

Danny Davis senior staff writer The 2010-2011 Student Senate held its final meeting Thursday night. As of April 14, the day of the first meeting for the 2011-2012 term, a new crop of senators will take office. For the final meeting, the Senate passed the last allocations bill for Fiscal Year 2011. The budget, said Andrew Wagoner, chair of the allocations committee, was set at $102,000. Historically, the outgoing Senate term passes the final allocations bill for the semester to clear the slate for the incoming term. Fire, a campus feminist organization, received the last money from the allocations budget, in the amount of $279. The group is hosting Take Back the Night, an event for victims of violence to share their experiences. According to the bill, the event “creates an environment for education outside of the classroom on issues, on campus and in the future.” The Karate Club also received funding in the amount of $400. They are bringing John Keating, a black belt from Los Angeles, to give a presentation of Okinawan Go-Ju Karate. The event will be held in Ahearn Field House.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Collegian welcomes your letters to the editor. They can be submitted by e-mail to letters@spub.ksu.edu, or in person to Kedzie 116. Include your full name, year in school and major. Letters should be limited to 350 words. All submitted letters may be edited for length and clarity.

CORRECTIONS If you see something that should be corrected or clarified, please call our editor-in-chief, Tim Schrag, at 785-532-6556, or e-mail him at news@spub.ksu.edu.

collegian kansas


The Kansas State Collegian, a student newspaper at Kansas State University, is published by Student Publications, Inc. It is published weekdays during the school year and on Wednesdays during the summer. Periodical postage is paid at Manhattan, KS. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kedzie 103, Manhattan, KS 66506-7167. First copy free, additional copies 25 cents. [USPS 291 020] © Kansas State Collegian, 2011 All weather information courtesy of the National Weather Service. For up-to-date forecasts, visit nws.noaa.gov.

Many outgoing members gave short speeches at the end of the meeting during second open period. Often these were humorous speeches about experiences during SGA. David Starshak, attorney general, said he knew there were future presidents, senators and politicians in the room. After K-State, he is going to law school and may be a good candidate for future positions of authority. “I’d just like to throw that out there,” Starshak said. “If you have to fill a Supreme Court spot, I’m sure the year we’ve spent together warrants at least a consideration.” Tanner Banion, senator, gave what he said was his third farewell speech after being a part of Senate for six and a half years. Banion urged senators to keep an open mind about the government, especially in light of the federal government’s recent failure to pass a budget bill and potential government shutdown. Attacking the federal government where there is corruption is acceptable, he said. But there are a lot of areas where the government impacts lives for the good and does a decent job. “To paint it with such a wide brush and indicting everything it does is not only dishonest, it destroys our country bit by bit,” Banion said.

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friday, april 8, 2011

page 3

kansas state collegian

UPC to host concert International Week brings in global cultures Jason Derulo, Kevin Rudolf to perform Monday in Bramlage Sam Diederich news editor K-State students determined to extend the weekend into Monday night should pick up a ticket to the Union Program Council’s upcoming musical guests. Pop stars Jason DeRulo and Kevin Rudolf are scheduled to perform in Bramlage Coliseum at 7:30 p.m. on Monday. Danielle Lucas, co-chair for UPC’s music committee, said Derulo and Rudolf are enjoyable entertainment for any demographic. “Anybody who enjoys fun music to dance to, you know, top 40 music,” Lucas said. “Really anybody would enjoy this show. It’ll be a great time.” Lucas said the pairing of Derulo and Rudolf should complement each other well

and create an exciting show. “Jason Derulo has a few songs that are out on the radio that have been number ones, and a lot of people really enjoy listening to his music,” Lucas said. “For Rudolf, we wanted a rock type sound that mixed well with Jason Derulo. We were brainstorming and his name came up. People really enjoy listening to his music and dancing to it, so we thought they’d go well together.” Derulo is on tour promoting his self-titled debut album, which includes singles “Whatcha Say,” “Ridin’ Solo” and “In My Head.” Rudolf released his album “To The Sky” last June. The album features “I Made It,” a collaborative song featuring Birdman, Lil Wayne and Jay Sean. Tickets for the show can be purchased on kstatesports.com. K-State students can purchase floor seats for $28; the same ticket costs $34 for individuals with military identification, and $38 for non-students.

Births, engagements, weddings, anniversaries and retirements of K-State.

Celebrations! will be published the 1st Monday of the following months: Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec., Feb., Mar., Apr. and May. To submit your FREE Celebration! go to: kstatecollegian.com/celebrations or call 785-532-6560

Events to include festival, talent show, and acclaimed mandoin and tabla player Karen Ingram opinion editor K-State students will have a multitude of chances to experience multicultural sights, sounds and flavors next week. International Week 2011 kicks off this weekend, sponsored by the International Coordinating Council, but there are other international student events to attend, as well. On Saturday, the Japanese Student Association is hosting their annual Central Kansas Japanese Festival from 12-5 p.m. in the K-State Student Union. The festival includes games, performances, prizes and chances to learn about all things Japan. After the festival, students can attend a free concert at All Faiths Chapel at 5:30, courtesy of the Society for Appreciation of Bharatiya Heritage and Arts. SABHA has invited an acclaimed mandolin player and tabla player to woo listeners with Hindustani music. The mandolin player, Snehasish Mozumdar, came to K-State for another concert about three years ago, said Anand Ramani, president of the society and graduate student in industrial engineering. Mozumdar is acclaimed for both his

musical ability and for creating a special double-necked mandolin, sort of like a double-necked guitar, said Ramani. International Week continues Tuesday with the 43rd Annual International Fashion Show. Sarinya Sungkatavat, graduate student in hospitality management and dietetics, said more countries are participating in the fashion show than last year. Some of the countries represented include Thailand, Australia, Germany, Nigeria, Ethiopia, China and Nepal. The fashion show will be in the Union’s Forum Hall from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday features a panel discussion entitled “Teachers are from Mars, students are from Venus: A discussion about multicultural academic methods” in the Union, Room 207 at noon. The discussion will feature both American and International students and teachers discussing cultural differences and communication problems that can occur in the classroom. Later, students have a chance to learn dance steps from Chinese and Indian dance styles, among others, from 7-9 p.m. in the Union Courtyard. Sungkatavat said the fashion show is often very popular, but her favorite event is the International Cultural Exhibition, which starts in the Union Courtyard at 10 a.m. Thursday. “It’s one of the highlights of the week,” Sungkatavat said. The exhibition features tables

International Week 2011 ‘The Global Apple’ April 9-17 Saturday, April 9

12-5 p.m. -Student Union Central Kansas Japanese Festival 4-6 p.m. -Union Bosco Plaza International Parade and Game Day Tuesday, April 12

7-9p.m. -Union Forum Hall International Fashion Show Wednesday, April 13

12-1 p.m. -Union Room 207 International Panel Discussion about multicultural academic methods 7-9 p.m. -Union Courtyard International Dance Lesson with displays and artifacts from various countries, as well as performances that encourage audience participation and chances to win prizes. Countries that have participated before, like Japan and India, will be in attendance, as well as some newcomers, Korea and Vietnam, Sungkatavat said. “It has a lot going on there,” Sungkatavat said. “It gives the chance to talk to people more than any other event. Especially the show time was really fun [last year]. I love to see them perform and I love to ask ques-

Thursday, April 14

10 a.m. - 1 p.m. -Union Courtyard International Cultural Exhibition Friday, April 15

4-5 p.m. -Multi-Purpose Room, International Student Center Coffee Hour - Moldova 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. - Multi-Purpose Room, International Student Center International Night Sunday, April 17th, 2011

5-7 p.m. -Union Forum Hall International Talent Show

tions.” International Week will conclude next Sunday, April 17, with the International Talent Show in Forum Hall. Singing, dancing and instrumental music will be featured by groups and individuals from all different countries. The audience will have a chance to vote on their favorites, Sungkatavat said. Sungkatavat said she hoped International Week proves popular with students this year. “I would like to see all K-Staters come to learn about different cultures and diversity.”

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Congratulations to Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honor Society’s 2011 inductees! Alyssa Adamany Chelsea Ahlquist Cassandra Ahrens Cheyanne Alvarado Katherine Ambrosier Haley Anderson Raquelle Anderson Kelsey Angle Alexandra Aylward Grace Bagley Alaina Barton Andrew Bernica Stephanie Birdsall Tricia Brensing Renee Bresson Molly Brobst Laura Brown Zachary Brown Harrison Bukaty Meghan Burch Courtney Chacon Kristal Channel Corey Chesley Brittany Claassen Courtney Claassen Keegan Conrad Alyssa Contreras Jessica Conwell Raigan Cook Courtney Cook Jeffrey Czajkowski Andrew Davis Austin Davis Jennafer Deems Mitchell DeHoff Elizabeth Demars Charlotte Denning Jonathan Eden Jacob Edwards Fraser Egan John Eplee Dane Feher Kathryn Fratzel Daisha Friedly Marie Gardner Lacy Gatz

James Geary Maggie Gilmore Katelyn Gilmore David Glenski Megan Graham Jennifer Gregory Gentry Griffin Stephanie Hall Breanna Hamilton Michelle Harris Casey Heim Kylie Hewitt Stephanie Hoffman Andrea Jeffrey Mark Joerling Sarah Johnston Ryan Jones Abigail Kallenbach Rachelle Karl Christian Kehr Lee Keller Benjamin Ketter Erika Krueger Ashley Leckliter Katherine Leir Ashley Lesser Amanda Liggett Natalie Loggans Kaitlin Long Spencer Low Justin Ludwig Hillary Martin Benton McGivern Mallorie McLaughlin Jana Miller Leanne Milleret Morgan Mills Ryan Mircsov Caitlin Molenaar Brian Moore Stacy Mullen Glendolyn Neely Monica Nelson Shelby Nelson Zachary Nemechek Conner Nickerson

Megan Nider James Niederlander Nathan Niewald Tyler Norris Taylor Ochs Carson O’Connor Meredith Olds Ashley O’Neil Allyson Ottensmeier Lydia Pace Matthew Pfeifer Christina Picicci Alex Potuzak Tina Ratcliff Emily Rauckman Rebecca Rider Jacob Rose Kayla Schwalenberg Megan Scripsick Jeffrey Seiler Zachary Sheppard Amanda Sipes Jennifer Smisek Justin Smith Adam Sobba Stephanie Solis Jessica Solo Jennifer Sommerfeld Chelsea Spencer Paige Strecker Cindy Stueder Rachel Stueve Alexander Taylor Matthew Temaat Alicia Tompkins William Trieb Dawn Van Nevel Kelly VanCleave Macy Warburton Chelsea Willems Caleb Wilson Brandi Worster Jacob Wright Ruddy Yanez Jereld Yaussi Jarrod Zaborac


kansas state collegian

page 4

friday, april 8, 2011


Courtesy Photos

Decade-old game still a powerhouse “Diablo II” ★★★★★ Game review by Jayson Sharp

After my recent disappointing experience with a brand new role playing game, I decided to bury my sorrows in a new “Diablo II” character. As I started my new Amazon, I realized something extraordinary. “Diablo II” was released 11 years ago, and its expansion nearly 10. How does a game that is a decade old have that much staying power? “Diablo II” set the bar for dungeon crawler games, and has been hacked, patched and remade dozens of times over, but has withstood the test of time. “Diablo II” comes with five characters: Amazon, Necromancer, Barbarian, Sorceress and Paladin. If

you splurge and pick up the expansion “Lord of Destruction,” you gain two additional characters: Assassin and Druid. Each character class comes with three different skill trees that allow you to specialize in certain types of attacks. I worked on an Amazon that specialized in lightningbased javelin attacks. That way, I could do both decent melee and ranged attacks. An important aspect of “Diablo II” is the way the game map is set up. A majority of the map layouts are randomized each time you start the game. What this means is that when you load your saved game and start in the base camp, the exit to the outside world may be located on a different side of the camp. The outside world is randomly scrambled based upon the system clock on your

computer, and the only way to get the same map setup multiple times is to manipulate your computer’s time settings. The map changing coupled with the numerous different ways to play your character make multiple plays-through a must, even though the quests themselves don’t change. There are three game settings, and as you complete one you unlock the next. Each new level from normal, nightmare and hell, has more difficult enemies to test your skills against, and new rewards. The other major selling point of “Diablo II” is the ability to play multiplayer games over both a local network, and over the free battle.net service run by Blizzard. “Diablo II” is a fun game to play solo, but the multiplayer experience is what makes it shine. Some

Mine-bending thriller delivers “Source Code” ✩ ★★★✩✩

character abilities are built for group play, be it the Paladin’s beneficial auras or the Barbarian’s battle shouts. As more players join your online or local game, the enemies scale to become more difficult to defeat. “Diablo II” has been around for a little over a decade, and is still on store shelves today. This game still has an active player base in the millions, and has in recent years even made bestseller lists. You can pick up this title and its expansion together for $20 in a nifty battle chest that also includes a strategy guide for new players. If you want to waste a weekend, or even start a new hobby, give this game a shot. Jayson Sharp is a senior in computer science. Send comments to edge@psub.ksu.edu.

‘Mockingjay’ disappointing end to ‘Hunger Games’ trilogy

Movie review by Partick Bales

While not as strong as Duncan Jones’ first feature, “Moon,” “Source Code” proves to be an effective sci-fi thriller. The movie rolls along at a brisk 94 minutes, screenwriter Ben Ripley throws in one thoughtprovoking twist after another, and Jake Gyllenhaal delivers one of his best performances in years. The movie’s conflict starts up from the very first minute. Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) awakes on a train to find that he is in another man’s body. He is next to a woman (Michelle Monaghan) he has never seen before, and he is on a train he does not recognize. After spending eight minutes figuring out his surroundings, a massive explosion engulfs him in flames, and he wakes in a metal hull attached to a chair. A woman officer (Vera Farmiga) pops up on a video screen, and informs him that he is on a mission to find a bomber who blew up a train earlier that morning. The program he will be using for the mission is called The Source Code and it allows him to access the memory of someone’s last 8 minutes of life. The mind he is possessing is one that belongs to a schoolteacher named Sean Fentress. Using Fentress’ mind, he will have to make his way through the train and find the identity of the bomber in eight minutes. If he does not complete the task, he will have to start all over again. Basically, Stevens experiences what Bill Murray did in “Groundhog Day” except that he repeats the same eight minutes instead of the whole day. Gyllenhaal’s strong performance is what really elevates

“Mockingjay” ★★✩✩✩ Book review by Karen Ingram

Courtesy Photo

this film into a solid piece of science fiction. He excels at the dramatic moments where his character is wiped out and frustrated, and he even brings out some moments of humor when his character takes advantage of his unique circumstances. There’s one scene where his character slugs a passenger in the face to get some information. Later on in another cycle, the same passenger talks back to Gyllenhaal, and Gyllenhaal replies with a smirk on his face, “Don’t get in my way. If you do, I can tell you right now it does not end well for you.” It’s a crowd pleasing moment. Monaghan and Farmiga do what they can, but none of their characters amount to very much. Monaghan’s character is always the clueless girlfriend, and that doesn’t change for the entire 90 minutes. Farmiga is given a little more, but most of the time her character is spent explaining the importance of the mission to Gyllenhaal. In the final 10 minutes, she does get a little more to work with, but by then it’s almost too late. Director Duncan Jones proves once again that he likes to take on movies with thought-provoking stories. With his first feature, “Moon,”

he got audiences to think more about the implications of what the story was trying to communicate. Since the premise of “Source Code” isn’t as believable, Jones shies away from the “What if?” and instead focuses on the “What happened?” This is one of those movies where after you leave the theater, you are constantly trying to rearrange the movie’s events to see if it all makes sense. I still don’t feel like I have a complete understanding of what happened exactly. Hopefully, this is one of those films that make perfect sense on a second viewing. Overall, “Source Code” is a fun time at the movies. It’s not a great science fiction film because its concept isn’t grounded in any potential reality, but thanks to Gyllenhaal and the multiple twists that occur throughout, “Source Code” manages to be an extremely satisfying experience. It gives sci-fi buffs enough material to dissect, and it’s entertaining enough for mainstream audiences to enjoy as well. If you want to see a sci-fi film in theaters, this is one to see above all others. Patrick Bales is a senior in secondary education. Send comments to edge@spub.ksu.edu.

Suzanne Collins rocked with her first two books in the “Hunger Games” trilogy, each earning 4.5 out of 5 stars in my reviews, so I expected no less from her final installment, “Mockingjay.” Unfortunately, what goes up must come down, and “Mockingjay” was a disappointing conclusion to this otherwise fantastic series. I do not normally use spoilers in my reviews. I see that as just being lazy. However, I’m at a loss over how to describe exactly why I am so disappointed with the book without ruining the surprise for everyone. I have come to the conclusion that, in this case, spoilers are necessary. Consider yourself warned. “Mockingjay” picks up shortly after “Catching Fire,” where Katniss Everdeen’s home of District 12 has been destroyed and a small band of survivors have sought refuge in the mysterious and hidden District 13. District 13’s President Coin wants to use Katniss in videos to promote the fight against the evil Capitol and President Snow. Meanwhile, Peeta has been kidnapped by the Capitol and is being used in propaganda denouncing District 13 and Katniss. Here’s where things start to get flakey: Peeta has been brainwashed by the Capitol to the point that he truly believes Katniss is dangerous and he has been programmed to kill her. In spite of that, he warns her that the Capitol is about to bomb District 13, saving her and countless other lives. No

explanation is ever given. Things go from bad to worse in the second half of the book. Author Suzanne Collins introduces new characters and soon kills them, but I felt little sympathy because these characters had no depth whatsoever. She also kills off a few characters from the first and second book, including Finnick and Katniss’ sister, Prim. I do not have any problem with main or important characters dying. If done properly, it can be a brilliant move, however, Collins did not do it right. Finnick’s death is “offscreen” and Katniss moves on without even really thinking about it much, so his death had no impact other than shock value. Prim’s death is even worse because she had no reason to be on the battlefield at her young age — a fact acknowledged by Katniss — and yet we never learn just how or why she was sent to die. If it were my sister and I’d just spent the last twoand-a-half books saving her, I would want to know what had happened and I would not stop until I found answers. Katniss pouts for a while, then gives up. What Collins should have done was kill either Peeta, Gale or Katniss. She chooses not to martyr Katniss, which is understandable because it’s not easy to do. She does not kill Peeta and I can assume it’s simply for suspense purposes, because you spend most of the book waiting for him to snap and kill Katniss. But how will Katniss choose between Peeta and Gale in matters of love? Does Collins kill Gale? No, she makes him disappear and a periphery character says to Katniss that he got a good job in District 2, so he left without

saying goodbye. What? Next, we have Katniss’ decision to kill President Coin instead of Snow. Coin was barely seen or mentioned and yet Katniss decides Coin is the greater evil. If she had taken the time to build this up a little better with more information and interactions with the character, it would have worked much better. Another problem I had with the book was the symbolism. She played the whole “girl on fire” bit well in the first book, but it kind of sputtered and died in the second book. Now she’s trying to tout her heroine as “the Mockingjay,” but the efforts seem forced and stale. Repeating something over and over does not make it catchy or cool. Finally, we have the lackluster ending. Peeta and Katniss get married and have kids and Katniss spends the last few paragraphs lamenting over the day her children find out about her past. No information about her mom or Gale, no information about the new government, who is in charge, the reformation of the country, or anything else. In other words, she ends the book with no clear conclusion to anything and I found this to be very frustrating, like getting cheated out of a really cheap date. Two stars. There are good bits in this book, namely in the first half, but overall it’s disappointing, badly constructed and leaves more questions than answers. If you’re a fan of the first two books, like I am, don’t bother to read “Mockingjay.” Karen Ingram is a junior in English. Send comments to edge@psub.ksu. edu.


kansas state collegian

friday, april 8, 2011

page 5


K-State set for three-game series against Oklahoma Tyler Scott senior staff writer

Jennifer Heeke | Collegian

Dan Klein, junior catcher, hits the ball during the game against Texas A&M Saturday afternoon at Tointon Family Stadium. The Wildcats lost 4-3 on Saturday and lost 1-2 in the series.

K-State will open up a threegame series tonight at Tointon Family Stadium against the No. 7-ranked Oklahoma Sooners. The Sooners are currently third in the Big 12 with a conference record of 5-3 and 23-6 overall. The Wildcats are in 11th place with a 2-7 conference record and 16-11 overall. Oklahoma will be the fourth-straight ranked opponent the Wildcats have faced. The Wildcats have not fared well against ranked opponents this season. They went 0-3 against Texas, 1-2 against Baylor and 1-2 against Texas A&M. However, head coach Brad Hill said the team has looked strong in the hitting department by working the count. “We’ve had some competitive at-bats along with guys drawing walks,” Hill said. “Tanner Witt has been playing some good baseball. For a leadoff hitter we need him to keep getting on base whether it be singles, walks or bunts. He has been making some adjustments in his swing and he’s doing the things that we need him to do.”

The Wildcats are led by junior outfielder Nick Martini who is hitting .354 on the season and tied with junior outfielder Mike Kindel with eight doubles. Martini also has 18 RBIs.

“I usually try to play with a chip on my shoulder and have enough confidence to focus in.” James Allen junior pitcher Junior infielder Jason King, who had a huge game against Northern Colorado this season, has six home runs and 26 RBIs, while batting .286. Junior pitcher James Allen has been strong in the pitching department with a 0.93 earned run average in 12 appearances. Freshman pitcher Jared Moore, who has made just seven appearances on the year, leads the team with a 0.79 earned run average. “Every single person can go in there and do a good job,” Allen said. “They throw strikes and get outs. I usually try to play with a chip on my shoul-

der and have enough confidence to focus in.” Allen also has eight saves on the season, which is one away from his career high. Oklahoma comes into the series on a four-game winning streak after sweeping Texas Tech in three games and beating in-state rival Oklahoma State on Tuesday. The Sooners lead the Big 12 Conference in batting average and also have a total of 25 home runs on the season led by Garrett Buechele’s seven. Buechele also leads the team and conference in batting average at .430 and also has 41 RBIs. Michael Rocha is their best pitcher, boasting a 7-0 record and 0.97 earned run average. Tonight’s game will feature a pre-game tailgate beginning at 5 p.m. and a ceremonial first pitch from Jordy Nelson, a KState alumnus and member of the 2011 Super Bowl champion Green Bay Packers. Junior pitcher Kyle Hunter will get the start tonight, while junior pitcher Matt Applegate will pitch the second game scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. Saturday. At 1 p.m. Sunday junior pitcher Kayvon Bahramzadeh will start the final game of the series.

India wins Cricket World Cup, resurrects sport in country

Balasubramanyn Meenakshisundaram While the college athletes in the U.S. were sweating it out for the NCAA Championship title this past month, halfway across the globe, 14 countries were battling it out to prove their supremacy and carve their names in the books of history as the World Champions of the 2011 International Cricket Council’s Cricket World Cup jointly hosted by the subcontinent countries of India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The Indian Cricket team entered the tournament as clear favorites following their thumping victories in series against various top cricketing nations in the world such as New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. The initial league stage of the tournament saw the team wobble and stumble to their victories against mediocre teams after opening the tournament with a crushing victory against co-host Bangladesh. Toward the end of the league stages, the fate of the team’s progress into the knockout stages of the tournament came down almost to the point of being determined by mathematical calculations as opposed to clean victories. Fans started to doubt the capabilities of the players. There were also

skeptical beliefs that the alltime legend of Cricket, Sachin Tendulkar, who was making his sixth appearance in a World Cup, would have to retire without tasting victory in the mother of all tournaments. However, after the league stages, the team seemed to don a mask of new identity. The Indians met current and threetime world champions Australia in the eighth round on March 24. A victory against this team would need everything to be perfect, with no room for errors. A few players rose to the occasion and sealed a win. This led to the semifinals where team India met archrivals Pakistan in the mother of all rivalry battles on the March 30. They put up an impressive game yet again diving to stop the ball from reaching the fence, hitting clean strokes and sweating it out for every single run out there. The Indian team prevailed. The final was on April 2, against Sri Lanka, a formidable bowling team and having leaked runs to the not-so-strong Lankan batting line up, India came up to win the historic final, chasing 275 runs and having struggled at 33 for 2 with some brilliant playing by the captain who rose to the occasion to save the game. The team had done it. The youngsters had saved the game after the more experienced players departed early and rightly so as the trophy was later dedicated to the veterans of the team by the young guns. This cup, that comes to India’s hands after 28 years carries within it the dreams, the tears, the

strife and the joy of the Indian cricket team and every Indian that loves the game and stands testimony to what the team has transformed into over the past three decades. The last time the nation won this coveted trophy was by outwitting the mighty West Indian Fast Bowlers with a taste of India’s very own spin attack. It was a typical “David slaying Goliath” scenario. But this time around, it was different. The team entered the tournament as favorites and with the hopes of over a billion people piled up on their shoulders. World cricket itself has undergone some major changes. The countries produced some fantastic athletes over the decades who transformed the very nature of the game. India was trying hard to keep up to the pace of the changes. And with most of the World Cupwinning heroes retiring after the historic win in 1983, the team had to find new hopes and tread a whole new path. The journey was not an easy one. The past few captains brought with them to the team one new aspect the team never possessed before. The first was Sourav Ganguly and he brought with him a feeling of self pride, which the then team seriously lacked. He made the men believe in themselves and made them be proud of what they were and what they could achieve with the belief. The team reached

the final of the 2003 World Cup only to lose badly to Australia’s brilliance; it was overwhelming for youth and inexperience of the Indian team. The last was Mahendra Singh Dhoni, a young man who rose from entering the team to becoming a captain in an astoundingly short span of time. And he proved his mettle on every major stage the game covets. He started instilling a feeling of killer instinct in his players by making them think in the shoes of their opponents, plan and execute strategies, making vicious lions out of men. He is at the top of the team’s recent triumph on the biggest stage ever and he stands as the most successful and accomplished captain of an Indian Cricket

team ever. This growth and transition in the cricket team is also synonymous with the growth and transformation of India as a nation. India during the past couple decades went from a timid nation, suffering to keep its economic balance from tipping in to chaos, to a bold nation with a new identity of self esteem and economic independence. India blossomed into a strong nation in Asia and drew world attention through the strides made in economic and industrial prosperity. Free market trade brought all the in-

ternational brands into India. People were buying Audi’s and BMW’s. They went shopping in malls and in stores like Nike, Adidas and Gap. Two nuclear tests, countless successful rocket launches, one successful war in Kashmir, the economic boom through investments from all major industrial players from around the world had made a new India, an India where the average citizen was proud their identity and nationality. An India where a middle class, educated citizen was using their mind and hard work to propel multinationals forward toward success. At the center of all this stands the crown jewel for today’s Indian: the World Cup triumph. Although this has been achieved once before, the average youngster of today was either not thought of or was a toddler when the feat was achieved. India has been considered to be poor in athletics and sports for a long time now. It has started putting that opinion to the test with great strides in competitive international sports like badminton and boxing. Naturally it was high time the fact be asserted once again with a thumping victory to prove to the world and to herself that the new achievements are but in assistance to the past glory that cricket has always been. Balasubramanyn Meenakshisundaram is a graduate student in electrical engineering. Please send comments to sports@spub.ksu.edu.

Illustration by Erin Logan

Conference play critical as season nears end Track and field continues in Texas Relays competition Danny Davis senior staff writer

Anthony Drath | Collegian

Sophomore Ana Gomez Aleman serves the ball during the match against Tulsa on Feb. 20 at the Body First Tennis and Fitness Center. The Wildcats take on Colorado today at 1 p.m.

When it comes to K-State tennis against Colorado, history has shown an imbalance between the two teams. Colorado has defeated the Wildcats in 23 of their 34 meetings. The Buffaloes have also defeated the Wildcats six times in a row. This year’s team hopes to overcome those statistics today at 1 p.m. as they host Colorado at the Wamego Recreational Complex. The No. 40 Wildcats are coming off a mixed weekend; they lost to then-No. 41 Nebraska in a 4-3 match, but beat Iowa State 5-2. Coach Steve Bietau said the Wildcats simply didn’t play well in the doubles matches against Nebraska. Despite strong performances in 5 of 6 singles matches, the team wasn’t able to pull off the win. Even in their win over Iowa State, the Wildcats got off to a slow start, he said. “We didn’t do a lot better against Iowa State until we had to,” Bietau said. “It’s great that you come up big when the pressure is on, but the team just has to learn to play well in the first place and avoid that position.”

He said the Wildcats are certainly capable of doing that. They’re a good team, he said, but they’re not great enough to play poorly and expect to win, especially considering their tough Big 12 schedule.

“This team is talented enough that if they play well, they’re going to have a chance to win.” Steve Bietau head coach The Wildcats head into the weekend 12-4 for the spring and 3-3 in the conference. After playing Colorado today, the team will face No. 73 Missouri on Sunday. Before the match, the Wildcats will hold a ceremony in recognition of senior day. K-State has one senior in Antea Huljev, a native of Velenje, Solvenia. Huljev reached the 50-wins milestone this season and now holds a career record of 58-68. This season, she is 14-10 and began the spring slate with a 5-win streak. Recently, she defeated Iowa State’s Maria Fernanda Macedo in a three-set match. In three-set matches this spring, she is 7-2.

Bietau said Huljev, while improving her play, has become more consistent throughout the year. “She’s definitely having a good senior year,” he said. “It’s a strong finish to her career.” Huljev not only has improved her own performance, but she has helped improve the team as a whole, Bietau said. For this weekend, he said the team is aiming to play cleaner matches and reach a strong level of play before they get into trouble. “This team is talented enough that if they play well, they’re going to have a chance to win,” he said. “We really stress the importance of playing well and let winning and losing take care of itself.” Now that the team is in the Big 12 portion of its schedule, every game is tough and has implications for the rest of the season, he said. Today’s match against Colorado and Sunday’s match against Missouri both begin at 1 p.m. at the Wamego Recreation Complex in Wamego. In the event of inclement weather, the matches will be moved to Body First Tennis and Fitness Center in Manhattan.

Paul Harris senior staff writer Junior Ryann Krais kicked off the 2011 Texas Relays for the K-state Wildcats with her best finish ever in the women’s heptathalon. Krais’ 5,841 points in the event were enough to secure a second place finish overall. A host of other runners will look to follow in the junior’s footsteps. Senior Jeffery Julmis will run in the men’s 110 meter hurdles. Julmis is the school’s record holder in the event. He will be joined by his teammate, junior Mantas Silkauskas. Silkauskas and Julmis will also participate in the 4x100 relay. Senior hurdler Denise Baker will compete in the women’s 100 meter hurdles. Sophomore high jumper Erik Kynard will face off against some of the best

competition on the year. Four of the 10 high jumpers that finished in the top 10 of the NCAA championships will be in Austin, Texas this weekend. While a majority of the competitors for the Wildcats will be upperclassman, freshman J.J. Marshall will compete in the men’s 100 meter dash. Live results will be available throughout the weekend on texassports.com. A majority of the track and field team will travel to Emporia, Kan. to compete in the Emporia Relays scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. Saturday. K-state will have a competitor in nearly every event. It will mark the first competition for the distance runners since the Arizona State Invitational March 25-26.

page 6

friday, april 8, 2011

kansas state collegian

Japan earthquake, tsunami affecting global economy


If you won a $50K lawsuit, how would you spend the money?

David Rose On March 11, the host of CNBC’s The Call, Larry Kudlow, commented on the recent Japanese earthquake and tsunami, stating that “the human toll here looks to be much worse than the economic toll, and we can be grateful for that.” Kudlow’s on-air gaffe drew fire from left and right for weighing the economic impact against the loss of human lives, and he soon apologized via Twitter. While I can’t say that Kudlow was in the right, I think he was trying to say that the disaster in Japan could have been worse, and we can be thankful that the markets are responding well to an otherwise devastating tragedy. In that case, I would agree with Kudlow, for there may be a silver lining in the clouds for Japan in the wake of this disaster. The March 11 earthquake

“Pay off tuition and probably take a vacation to India.”


“10 percent for church, then spread it around the college. And then I’d invest.” Adam Hall JUNIOR, KINESIOLOGY

and ensuing tsunami hit the northeastern coast of Japan, leaving more than 9,000 dead, 14,000 missing, 250,000 in shelters, 200,000 without electricity and 750,000 without water, according to a March 22 Reuters report. While it’s hard to comprehend what all of those numbers mean, it’s easy to see that this catastrophe is one of the worst in Japanese history. For comparison, the last major earthquake to hit Japan, the 1995 Kobe quake, left more than 6,000 dead. Japan recovered very well from the Kobe disaster, but that’s not to say it will have an easy time with its current situation. Mohamed El-Erian, CEO of the global investment firm PIMCO, listed a host of factors that could hamper Japan’s recovery in a projectsyndicate.org article on March 23. He points out that both Japan’s economy and the global economy are in rough shape, limiting the rebuilding efforts. El-Erian also noted that the nature of this tragedy places it on an entirely different level when compared to past examples. The March 11 earthquake could easily be twice as bad as the 1995 Kobe

illustration by Kelsey Welliver disaster, and the ongoing problems with the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant create much uncertainty. A meltdown of the plant’s exposed fuel would add to both the human and economic tolls of this disaster. As for the economic damage, Reuters gave estimates ranging from $122 billion to over $250 billion, or something like 2 to 3 percent of Japan’s gross domestic product. As El-Erian points out, the catastrophe in Japan will hurt the global economy in the short run. As the world’s third larg-

est economy, it consumes many foreign imports, and a decrease in consumption will certainly hurt exporters like the U.S. and China. Furthermore, it is a substantial player in the automobile and technology industries, and a disruption there could very well hurt the global market until production resumes. In addition, much of the money used to pay for the reconstruction of the areas devastated by the earthquake will come from the sale of foreign currency reserves, such as the U.S. dollar. The more it taps into those reserves, “the

larger the negative impact on some financial markets,” El-Erian said. On the bright side, Japan has a good chance of recovering from the disaster, even if it takes a while. According to The Economist magazine on March 17, past studies “suggest that the macroeconomic effects of the tsunami, though hardly negligible, will not be devastating and will not last very long.” In fact, the process of rebuilding an area devastated by a natural disaster such as an earthquake and tsunami can happen relatively quickly and effectively. Such was the case with the Kobe earthquake; a year after the disaster, imports and exports were nearly the same as before the quake. So as we look forward, Japan’s disaster will hit the global economy at a time when it is recovering from the recession, Middle Eastern turmoil and rising oil prices, but its recovery will almost certainly put it back on track to being a major player in the world economy. David Rose is a sophomore in political science and international studies. Please send comments to opinion@spub.ksu.edu.

Secret Service agent presents to K-State criminology club

“Put it toward the grandkids’ college.”

Presentor discusses background, job’s duties Austin Enns coverage editor


Protecting the president and stopping counterfeiters is a big task, but, in a lecture Thursday night to the criminology club, Charlie Button, a resident agent in the Secret Service out of the Wichita office, discussed a future career in the agency. “I worked on Wall Street for a year, and couldn’t stand it,” Button said. “Then I worked for customs.” Agents are required to have a bachelor’s degree and three

“I’d buy a dog and a truck — like, a big truck.”


years of work related expe- terfeiters, and gradually it derience or a master’s degree. veloped into an agency with Button started working for a dual mission that was also the Secret Service after his charged with protecting the customs job, and from there president. he has worked Now, the “I worked on Wall agency protects in Brooklyn, trained future Street for a year, and the president agents, and spent and vice presicouldn’t stand it. ” three years in the dent, their improtective diviCharlie Button mediate family sion working in resident agent in the down to grandAfrica and the Secret Service children, former Middle East. presidents and Brad Everhart, senior in so- visiting dignitaries, about 40 ciology, said he liked hearing people on a regular basis. about the agent’s background. Button said other countries “It was just interesting to see typically send some of their where he comes from and how own security personnel when much he has done,” Everhart dignitaries visit. said. “Most countries will bring The Secret Service was some type of element with founded in 1865 to stop coun- them,” Button said. “It de-

pends on the country; Nepal will be different than China and Russia. When the president or vice president visit other countries, the Secret Service typically sends an advance team weeks ahead of time. Stopping counterfeiters is still one of the major objectives though. “We have exclusive jurisdiction on that,” Button said. “Identity theft is one of the more modern things we’re working on.” Button also identified cyber security, online fraud and child pornography as modern concerns of the Secret Service. The visit was also partly a recruiting trip, and Button described an extensive recruiting

process. Potential agents have to take a polygraph test, disclose any crimes, get screened for drugs, and have a background investigation. Button said the application process has a 95 percent washout rate. Ronnie Hernandez, senior in criminology and pre-law and president of criminology club, said he called the Secret Service without any preparation to see if they would present to the club. He said he enjoyed the presentation. “I loved it because it was very insightful and we have some members interested in working at the Secret Service, so it’s beneficial that they can come here and get that input instead of from class,” Hernandez said.

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AUGUST PRE-LEASING. Several units close to campus, washer & dryer included. Some units less than 10 years old. Compassionate landlords providing housing for KSU students for over 25 years. www.wilksapts.com call or text 785-776-2102 or (text only) 785-317-4701 or 785-477-6295.

THREEBEDROOM, 1.5 bath, central air, onsite laundry. Close to campus, water paid, no pets. 1838 Anderson, $915 and 1019 Fremont, $855. 785-5371746 or 785-539-1545.

THREE STYLES of four-bedroom condos ranging from $1150$1550/ month. Including lawn care, trash, snow removal and all applicances. August 1, year lease. No pets. Call 785-313-0751 for deT W I N R E N T . C O M . tails. NEW one, two, threebedroom apartments CLOSE to KSU. Washer/ dryer, granite, Rent-Houses & Duplexes pool, workout. No restrictions on pets. 785A FIVE and six-bed537-2096 room house. West of TWO AND THREE-- campus, nice neighborBEDROOMS. Close to hood. Two car garage, campus. Spacious. fenced, pets, washer/ Dishwasher, central air dryer. 785-317-7713.

CHASE MANHATTAN apartments. Four-bedroom available August 2011. Pool, on-site laundry, walking distance to campus, small pets welcome. 785-776-3663. conditioning, laundry faw w w . f i r s t m a n a g e - cility. No pets. June, Aumentinc.com. gust or summer sublease. 785-539-0866. FOUR-BEDROOM APARTMENT and duplex. Close to campus. TWO-BEDROOM apartDishwasher. Central air ment available June 1 conditioning. No pets. or August 1. Pets allowed in some units. 785-539-0866. For more information please contact 785-456LARGE ONE-BED- 5329. ROOM. Available June 1. 785-712-7257. TWO-BEDROOM, LARGE TWO-BED- TWO bathroom apartROOM house. Washer ment, brand new. Coland dryer, nice, clean bert Hills, reserved and close to campus. parking available adjacent to KSU campus, 785-762-7191. huge bedrooms, granite ONE, TWO, three, four-- counters, stainless bedroom well main- steel appliances, alarm tained. Next to cam- system, 50’’ flat screen pus. Washer, dryer, TV, $1100, June or Aucentral air. Private park- gust, 785-313-6209. ing. NO PETS. 785-537- www.fieldhousedev.com 7050.

ONE-BEDROOM IN new complex close to campus and Aggieville. Available June 1, 2011. No pets. Contact John 785-313-7473 or johnO N E - B E D R O O M girvine@sbcglobal.net. LOFT. One block to campus. Reserved parking. Washer/ Dryer.Rent-Condos & Townhouses Granite counters, flat screen tv, stainless steel appliances. Au- BRAND NEW! SILO gust lease. townhomes featuring $675/ MONTH. 785- loft architechure. Avail447-0404. able August 1. ThreeBedroom, two and oneTECUMSEH LOFTS! half baths. Two car State of the art award garage. Maintenence winning design/ build. free. www.capstone3d.Capstone3D.com Call com Call Tony 785-317Tony 785-317-1013. 1013. ONE, TWO, three, fourbedroom apartments close to campus. 785539-5800. www.somersetmgmtco.com.

A THREE and four-bedroom house close to campus. June 1. Just $250 per bedroom. Fenced, pets, washer dryer, centeral air conditioning. 785-317-7713. AVAILABLE JUNE 1, six-bedroom. Two blocks east of campus. 785-539-3672. BEST HOUSES AND LOCATIONS! Four to Six-Bedroom homes. All amenities, walk to KSU. Exceptional Value. June and August leases. www.capstone3d.com Call Tony 785-317-1013. CUTE AND CHARMING! Four-Bedrooms walk to KSU. Spacious with all amenities. June and August leases. www.capstone3d.com Call Tony 785-317-1013. FOUR-BEDROOM 900 block of Claflin. June 1 to May 31. One and one-half bath, washer and dryer, fireplace, large kitchen, no pets. 785-776-0327. FOUR-BEDROOM HOME. Simply the best ...location with all amenities. Walk to KSU. www.capstone3d.com Call Tony 785-317-1013. FOUR-BEDROOM ONE bathroom. Two blocks from campus 239 Tecumseh. Pet allowed. $1180/ month. Available June 1. 785317-1879.

TWO-BEDROOM, HALF duplex. Half a block from campus with full unfinished basement. Off-street parking. Only $625/ month. Emerald Property Management 785-587-9000.

1110 POMEROY four-bedroom, two bath house with two car garage, washer/ dryer, dishwasher, central air conditioning. August lease. $1200/ month. Doug 785-313-5573.

TWO-BEDROOM HALF duplex. Half a block from campus. Off-street parking. Only $575/ Rent-Houses & Duplexes month. Emerald Property Management. 785NEAT AND tidy three- 587-9000. bedroom, two bath. Washer/ dryer. Air con- FOUR-BEDROOM DUditioning. Dish washer. PLEX completely reFive blocks to KSU. Au- modeled recently. Beaugust lease. $1050/ tiful hardwood floors. Half a block from cammonth. 785-770-8733. pus with off-street parkNEWER FOUR-BED- ing. All appliances inROOM, two bathroom cluding washer, dryer duplex. Washer/ dryer and dishwasher. Hurry, furnished, great loca- this one won’t last long. tion. $1160 per month. $1300/ month. Emerald 785-410-4783. Property Management THREE-BEDROOM 785-587-9000. brick house close to campus. August lease. ROOM FOR Horses 930-990/ month. New three-bedroom moWasher/ dryer. No pets. bile home in country. Seven miles from cam785-317-5026. pus. Modern appliT H R E E - B E D R O O M ances, energy efficient, HOUSE 917 Thurston. storage shed and addiNewly remodled. Au- tional space for horses. gust lease, $1200/ $1000 plus utilities. month. Off-street park- Phone: 785-770-7415. ing, washer/ dryer. 785447-0404. SIX-BEDROOM T H R E E - B E D R O O M HOUSES. Great locaHOUSE 917 Bluemont. tions. Pet friendly. Call June lease. Washer / Alliance today. 785-539dryer, dishwasher. www.- 2300. www.alliancemhk.com. somersetmgmtco.com.

AUGUST LEASE. Brand new four-bedroom, two bath house. Attached two-car garage and detached two-car garage. Washer/ dryer. No pets. $1400/ month 785-5560662.

785-539-5800. TWO-BEDROOM BASEMENT apartment. June or August. Send email to thebrummett5@gmail.com. FOUR/ FIVE-BEDROOM, TWO bath townhome, brand new, reserved parking available adjacent to KSU campus, huge bedrooms, walk-in closets, granite counters, stainless steel appliances, alarm system, 50’’ flat screen TV, $1700, June or August, 785-4470404. www.fieldhousedev.com FIVE-BEDROOM, TWO bath house for rent. August. E-mail thebrummett5@gmail.com.

Apartments $400 off 4 bedroom

Spacious living room, on site laundry Carports available, small pet welcome Across from K-State sports complex 2420 Greenbriar Dr. (785) 537-7007 www.firstmanagementinc.com

THREE-BEDROOM, TWO bath in refurbished house, 709 Bluemont. $750/ month plus utilities. No smoking/ pets, washer/ dryer. Available August. 785341-5290. THREE-BEDROOMS ONE block from campus, center air conditioning and heating, with dishwasher and laundry in complex. Available August 1. 785537-2255 or 785-5377810. THREE-BEDROOM, TWO bathroom, basement apartment. Washer/ dryer, offstreet parking, utilities paid, close to KSU, August lease. $900/ month. 785-532-8401 or 785-534-2591.

FOUR-BEDROOM, TWO bath duplex. Close to Aggieville and campus. Off-street parking and your own washer & dryer in unit. FIVE-BEDROOM, TWO $1330/ month. Emerald and one-half bath. Brit- Property Management. tany Ridge townhome. 785-587-9000. Washer/ dryer, $1050/ F O U R - B E D R O O M , month. Available Au- TWO and half bath gust 1. 785-250-0388. townhouse with cov-

THREE-BEDROOM, TWO bathroom house. Additional, finished walk-out basement. Washer/ dryer. No pets. $960/ month. 785-5560662.

NEW LISTING June lease. Large four-bedroom, two bathroom, fire place, garage, dishwasher, laundry. Near Aggieville/ campus. Call or text 785-317-5488. NICE THREE-BEDROOM house at 1741 Anderson Avenue. June lease. $1125/ month. Trash paid. Call KSU Foundation at 785532-7569 or 785-5327541.

ered front and back porches. Great floor plan with off-street parkRent-Houses & Duplexes ing. $1120/ month. Emerald Property ManF O U R - B E D R O O M agement 785-587-9000. F O U R - B E D R O O M TWO bath duplex. 1635 TWO and a half bath, FOUR-BEDROOM, two Laramie, across from two story half duplex in bath house available for campus. Shows like nice neighborhood less August 1 or sooner. brand new. Washer/ than five years old. Big Newly remodeled, in- dryer, no pets. Availbedrooms, all applicludes washer/ dryer able August. 785-537ances including and all appliances, off-- 7050. washer, dryer, mistreet parking, near crowave and garage. campus, no pets. Call F O U R - B E D R O O M $1300 per month. Emer785-766-9823. $1295 HOUSE for rent, $1160/ ald Property Manageper month. month, August 1 lease. ment. 785-587-9000. VERY NICE four or five-- Please call 785-770bedroom. Available 2160. O N E - B E D R O O M June 1. 785-712-7257. APARTMENTS/ FOUR-BEDROOM HOUSES. Great loca- TWO-BEDROOM, TWO HOUSES. Great locations. Pet friendly. Call living areas, off street tions. Pet friendly. Call ALLIANCE today. 785- parking, washer/ dryer, Alliance today. 539-2300. www.al- dogs ok. $650 available 785-539-2300. liancemhk.com. www.alliancemhk.com. now 785-313-3788.

CLEAN DUPLEX! Fourbedroom, two bath, all appliances, washer/ dryer included, dishwasher, close to campus. No pets, no smoking. Available August 1. $1225/ $1275. 913-4841236. FOUR-BEDROOM, TWO bath (or three-bedroom with family room) duplex with double garage. Walk-out full finished basement. Southwest part of Manhattan. $1300/ month. August 1. Emerald Property Management, 785-587-9000. FIVE-BEDROOM HOUSES. Great locations. Pet friendly. Call Alliance today. 785-5392300. www.alliancemhk.com. FOUR BED, two bath homes for rent. 844 Church Avenue $1240. 3609 Monarch Circle $1540 available August 1. All appliances 785304-0387.

TWO-BEDROOM Roommate Wanted APARTMENTS/ HOUSES. Great location. Pet friendly. Call MALE ROOMATE ALLIANCE today. 785wanted. Four-bedroom 539-2300 www.alhouse, 1016 Thurston. liancemhk.com Call 785-285-2181.

THREE-BEDROOM, ONE and half bath house with garage, close to KSU sports June 1. Roommate Wanted complex. $1050/ month. Emerald Property Management R O O M M A T E S 785-587-9000. NEEDED immediately. All utilities included in rent. www.wilksapts.- F O U R - B E D R O O M com. Call or text 785- BRICK house across 776-2102 or (text only) from KSU sports com785-317-4701 or 785- plex. All appliances including washer, dryer 477-6295. and dishwasher. $1500 per month. Emerald Property Management. 785-587-9000.

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Condos & Townhouses Rent-Houses & Duplexes Rent-Houses & Duplexes $1250 THREE-BEDROOM, two bathroom. Available May 2011 785-410-0104.

THREE-BEDROOM APARTMENTS/ HOUSES. Great locations. Pet friendly. Call ALLIANCE today. 785539-2300 www.alliancemhk.com.

AVAILABLE NOW, three-bedroom 722 Thurston. Available June 1, three-bedroom 2217 Northview. Available August 1, four-bedroom 214 Westwood. 785-770-0491.

TWO FEMALE roommates wanted, for threebedroom house, $300/ month, utilities paid. June or August lease. Call 785-537-4947.


DOWNTOWN LOFT for sublease May 1 through July 2012. twobedroom, washer/ dryer, huge bath, quiet. No pets. $850/ month plus electric. Deposit and term negotiable. F O U R - B E D R O O M slwill507@yahoo.com. TWO bath house with off-street parking, close NEED FEMALE subto Aggieville and cam- leaser from June 1 to pus. Can also be a five-- August 1. 905B Bluebedroom, three bath mont, gets own bathhouse with two room. $375/ month plus kitchens. Emerald utilities. Call 620-214Property Management, 0992 or 317-498-6476. 785-587-9000. ONE-BEDROOM SUMMER SUBLEASE: May F O U R - B E D R O O M 14-July 31. $350/ HOUSE, two bath- month rent plus utilities. rooms, close to KSU 1205 Pomeroy. Launstadium, available Au- dry, driveway parking, gust 1 at $1300/ month. lawn/trash care proNO PETS. 785-410- vided. Call 913-3144291. 0312.


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

SUMMER SUBLEASERS needed for three-bedroom, two bath at Chase Apartments, $295 per bedroom. For more info call Ema at 620-770-1347 or email me at s04@ksu.edu.

HOWE LANDSCAPE Incorporated is looking to hire a chemical applicator and laborers for several divisions. Must be 18 years of age, have a valid drivers license, and pass a pre-employment drug test. We can work with class schedules, but prefer four hour blocks of time. Apply three ways, in person Monday-Friday at 12780 Madison Rd Riley, call 785-776-1697 to obtain an application, or e-mail us askhowe@howelandscape.com.

SUMMER JOBS WITH SALARY, HOUSING AND ALL MEALS PROVIDED! Rock Springs 4-H Center is seeking 4550 Summer Staff employees for the coming summer. Must be energetic, enjoy working with youth and spending time outdoors. Most positions are for recreation instructors in areas including team building, horses, environmental education, rifles, trap, archery, canoes, crafts, disc golf and lifeguards. Positions are also available in food service, maintenance and custodial departments. Rock Springs is located south of Junction City, Kansas on the edge of the Flint Hills. In addition to salary, housing and meals, we provide staff with free wireless Internet, free laundry services, use of the activities when groups are not in session and an opportunity to make an impact on the lives of youth that will last beyond your lifetime. For an application please visit our website at www.rocksprings.net or for more information you can contact Megan Page at mpage@rocksprings.net or 785-2573221. A representative will be in the K-State Student Union on April 12, 2011 from 10 a.m-2 p.m.

SUMMER SUBLEASERS: nice duplex one block from campus and Aggieville at 12th and Vattier. One or two-bedrooms available mid- May. $340/ month plus utilities. Call 720989-8120. THREE AND four-bedroom apartments very close to campus and Aggieville. 1611 Laramie. Large living room. Call 913-7311086 or 913-731-9566. THREE-BEDROOM. TWO bath apartment, half mile west of campus for sublease from the middle of May through August 1. Call 785-821-4419 for more information.


Help Wanted THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial potential of advertisements in the Employment/ Opportunities classifications. Readers are advised to approach any such business opportunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS 66607-1190. 785-2320454. BARTENDER, WAIT STAFF AND DOORMAN. So Long Saloon is now hiring, please apply in person. ENERGY MANAGEMENT Systems/ Building Automation Specialist. Manhattan, KS. Under general supervision, conducts preventive maintenance, repair, installation, and commissioning and general servicing of systems (including detailed troubleshooting of systems) in the operation of a central chilled water plant. Responsible for reliable and energy efficient operation of the plant. Responsible for high levels of customer satisfaction through direct, on site, customer interface. Properly completes required project and service documentation. As a Fortune 200 company, we offer unlimited opportunities for both professional and personal growth, including service vehicle, tools, uniforms and 401k. For consideration, please apply online and search job number 060145. www.jci.com Johnson Controls. Equal Opportunity Employer.

Graphic Design Internship Fall 2011 Advertising Design - Kansas State Collegian If you are a graphic design major and would like an on-campus Fall 2011 internship for credit, consider advertising design. Your art department adviser’s permission is required. Stop by 113 Kedzie for an application or you can request an application by emailing wallen@ksu.edu.

Application deadline 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 27.

I AM a wheelchair bound female with Cerebral Palsy currently looking for a morning attendant to get me out of bed using hoyer lift, assist with personal care and dressing. Would also be giving showers two days a week. Pay is through Home Team of Kansas. Minimum wage to start. Call between the hours of 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. 785-4562862. KSU STUDENT WANTED for newspaper delivery position for Fall 2011. Early morning hours. Great pay. Pick up application in Kedzie Hall room 103. Applications due Friday, April 22.

STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. paid survey takers needed in ManhatRETAIL tan. 100% free to join. MCMILLINS Liquor now accepting Click on surveys. applications for partFULL-TIME LONG- time sales clerk. Apply TERM position open on in person at 2223 Tuttle a large farming and cat- Creek Blvd. Must be 21 tle family operation. to apply. Need a good, honest, hard-working employee NEED EXTRA money who loves doing a good this Summer? Tired of job farming and raising being bored all Summer cattle. Experience and long? Want a job that skills in areas of equip- will look great on a rement operation, cattle sume? Be a mentor for feeding and doctoring, High School students at pivots, mechanics, and Upward Bound/ Upward a CDL very helpful. Bound Math & Science Great epuipment and Programs! Not only is great environment. this a great opportunity Salary based on experi- to assist High School ence and ability. Send students academically, contact information, you will also help them work experience, and have a fun filled Sumreferences to: Sch- mer! For more informalessiger Farms 343 tion regarding this once Southeast 100 Avenue. in a lifetime opportunity Ellinwood, Kan. 67526. call the Upward Bound/ Questions call 620-564- Upward Bound Math & Science office at (785) 3529. 532-6497. GRAPHIC DESIGNER wanted for immediate NOW HIRING experipart-time position de- enced kitchen staff. signing business cards, Please apply at Coco flyers, posters, etc. Bolo’s. Should be proficient PHARwith Adobe software. PART-TIME Apply in person to MACY tech/ clerk in Copies 4 Less at 2028 Wamego. Must have exTuttle Creek Blvd. Mon.- perience. 785-456-9292 Fri. 7:30 a.m.- 6 p.m., or mail applications to P.O. Box 227 Wamego, Sat. 8 a.m.- noon. KS 66547. HELP WANTED for harvest run. May-? Tractor driving experience a plus, good driving record necessary. 785499-6822, or 785-4993245.

HELP WANTED for custom harvesting. Truck driver and grain cart operator. Good wages, guaranteed pay. Call 970-483-7490, evenings.

BARTENDING! $300 a day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. Call 800- Business Opportunities 965-6520 extension 144. THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial CHIPOTLE. WORK at a potential of advertiseplace where you ACTU- ments in the EmployOpportunities ALLY like to eat the ment/ food. Now hiring for all classifications. Readshifts. Apply in person ers are advised to apat 606 N. Manhattan proach any such business opportunity with Ave. reasonable caution. CUSTOM HARVEST The Collegian urges help wanted for sum- our readers to contact mer. Part-time. Texas the Better Business to South Dakota. Com- Bureau, 501 SE JefferTopeka, KS bine and truck drivers son, with CDL. Call 785-529- 66607-1190. 785-2320454. 2465.

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Topics in Mass Communications

MC 290 Earn class credit working with the ad design/production staff on the Kansas State Collegian during fall semester 2011. . Instructor permission required. No prerequisites necessary. Stop by Kedzie 113 for an application or you can request an application by emailing wallen@ksu.edu

Application deadline 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 27.


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page 8

friday, april 8, 2011

kansas state collegian

DALE | Show aims to inform viewers on disease WALK | Summit to end with letter writing Continued from page 1

air it as well. Aside from being a comedian who appeared on “Last Comic Standing,” Susan currently works three jobs while raising a family. Susan said even though they have only filmed the pilot, which she edited herself and is currently posted on YouTube, she knows the program has already changed lives. Susan received an email from a woman who was five months pregnant which said that after watching the trailer for the pilot episode, she decided to get tested. According to Susan, the lady found out she had hepatitis C and told Susan she could now protect her child. Susan also said a nursing home director recognized her and told her that after watching the pilot he had decided to do some research on hepatitis C. He told Susan he had every single staff member and patient of his nursing home get tested. According to Susan, the director said some of people were tested positive. Susan said he told her if it hadn’t been for her and her work, he wouldn’t have done that.

So, why include hepatitis C in a reality show, out of all illnesses out there, to bring to the public’s attention? “That’s the big question,” Susan said. “There are so many other diseases out there that people talk about. That’s just it. Nobody’s talking about hepatitis C. It’s spreading faster than AIDS and people need to know whether they have it or not. We’re not advocating treatment. We’re not advocating going natural. We’re just saying, ‘get tested’ and that’s it.” Acccording to the Oklahoma Blood Institute’s website, obi.org, hepatitis C is a liver inflammation which is caused by exposure to contaminated blood and other bodily fluids. According to the Greenview Foundation’s Hepatitis C Fund website, hepcfund.org, the disease can progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer. The disease affects four to five million Americans and is the number one reason for liver transplants, according to the website. With her reality show, Susan said a public service announcement will be made out of every episode. Clint Engles is an indepen-

dent filmmaker who has been filming a documentary since February called “Hustle” about Susan’s efforts with the show. “I definitely think she’ll get something launched,” Engles said. “With what she’s going

“Nobody’s talking about hepatitis C. It’s spreading faster than AIDS and people need to know whether they have it or not. “ Susan Dale Comedian and K-State Graduate through now, jumping through so many hurdles and trying to get this show picked up by either a network or production company or whatever, she’ll probably get some sort of success outside of the show.” Melvin Dale, Susan’s father, said working on the show has been a lot of fun. “It’s been highs and lows,” Melvin said. When it comes to racing, Melvin said his family has gone

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a long way, from winning races, to his son Donnie crashing in a serious racing accident, leaving him in a body cast and out of work for a little over two years. And when it comes to being followed around with a camera, he said he does not really notice. “I don’t pay any attention to them. You don’t have time to. The real world [in racing], what we’re doing, is the hard work,” Donnie said. Other shows involving racing, Donnie said, do not show how difficult racing is, especially behind the scenes. “I work 100 hours a week on the race cars just to keep everything going and that’s just so we can go racing,” he said. Next month is hepatitis C awarenss month and Lynn Baxter Studios, Susan’s production company, has a link on their website, lynnbaxterstudios.com, to donate to “Get Tested for Hepatitis C Awareness.” “All the donations go to the Freedom Girls Foundation which covers the underwriting costs of the show,” Susan said. “They won’t fund the whole show.”

Continued from page 1 Chinese women to work at a massage parlor in Overland Park, the three Chinese citizens who were called Ling, Zhong and Cheng to protect their identities, coerced these recruits to work as prostitutes. Their final profit? At least $452,000, most of which they wired to China. Though in each of the scenarios the perpetrators were apprehended, KSTC recognizes that not every story has a happy ending. “One of the reasons that I got involved with KSTC is the fact that the real world can be an awful place,” said Ashley Franden, KSTC member and sophomore in social work. “Those people who are suffering and that don’t get rescued need others to stand up and say ‘stop this.’” Franden aspires to work in the area of human and

sex trafficking, and is optimistic that the issues can be solved. “I’m optimistic because if we say that issues surrounding human trafficking can never be solved, they definitely won’t be,” Franden said. “Change starts with us.” The final event for the Stop Slavery Summit will take place tonight at 10 p.m. in the Student Union Courtyard. Participants will be able to write letters to victims of human trafficking and the sex slave trade, and will also be able to listen to the work of musician Laura Wetzel. “I’d like anyone that can make it on Friday night to come down to the Union and write letters to the victims,” said KSTC President Ariel Anib. “Come and make your mark on the world and touch someone’s life.” For more information, visit www.k-state.edu/kstc.

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