Kansas State Collegian Print Edition 9.27.11

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collegian tuesday, september 27, 2011


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vol. 117 | no. 26


A quick read Check out the daily briefs to see what is going on around campus.


Preserving the past An interior design class plans the restoration of a Smith City, Kan., building this semester.

UPC brings film, performer to educate about hula hooping Cassie Wandersee contributing writer Editor’s Note: This article was completed as an assignment for a class in the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications. A hooping revolution has begun making its way across the world, and K-State has joined in the movement. The Union Program Council presented “The Hooping Life” Monday evening in Forum Hall as part of the UPC’s Awareness Week. The documentary, directed by Amy Goldstein, shows the hooping life stories of several hoopers and hoop troupes. Earlier in the day, a hula hooping demo and contest was held in the K-State Student Union courtyard. “The film has lots of different elements, arts and human interest,” said Ashleigh Herd, film co-chair of the UPC. “It’s an artistic outlet that can reach lots of different people.” Herd said the UPC reviewed the documentary in the spring semester of 2010 as part of an independent film grouping. After the viewing, it was decided that they would bring the documentary to K-State. Showing the documentary presented a unique opportunity for the UPC that they do not usually have with films they show, as they were able to have a performer from the film accompany it. Karis, a performer, re-

nowned hooper, entrepreneur and fashion designer, was on hand for a performance and a question and answer session after the film. “It’s a great new thing to bring a performer in from the documentary,” Herd said. The exact origins of hula hooping are unknown; however, the hoop gained international popularity in the 1950s when Wham-O, a California-based toy company, successfully marketed it. Since its introduction, the hula hoop has been used as a toy and for exercise, and is now seeing a new modern use in dance and performance. According to the documentary, hooping is making a debut in night clubs from Los Angeles to New York City as a form of entertainment and new dancing style. Troupes of hoopers and individuals are choreographing performances. Others are using the hoop as a form of new expressive modern dance while some use the rhythmic, physical motion as means of therapy. After the documentary showing, Karis took the stage to perform his choreographed work. The majority of his work revolved around gender performance. Karis, who is openly gay, said that gender performance, where he can be both male and female, comes naturally to him. His self-proclaimed “primal performance” is made relatable to the crowd by the presence of the hula

hoop, a familiar childhood toy, Karis said. Karis began hula hooping as something light and fun to help remove negative things in his life. Growing up in an underprivileged, traditional Mexican family, Karis found that hooping helped him cope with the issues in his life and his family’s reaction to his homosexuality and artistic desires. “You can’t be mad and hula hoop,” Karis said in the Q&A session following his performance. Karis now tours the U.S. and Europe performing for crowds and designing his own fashion line. Daniel Theisen, sophomore in mechanical engineering, had time between classes and an evening meeting to stop in and enjoy the presentation. “I think it was a very interesting show,” Theisen said. “I enjoyed the documentary. It had a fun and upbeat positive message.” Several members of the Happy Hippy Hoop Troupe were in attendance as well and enjoyed the film and performance. The troupe meets each Thursday afternoon in the quad to practice and share their skills with campus. Anna Clary, junior in horticulture and member of the troupe, expressed her joy that K-State and the UPC were recognizing hula hooping as something out there. “It’s a hooping revolution!” she said.

Jonathan Knight | Collegian

The performer Karis swings a hula hoop around his leg during a performance in the K-State Student Union’s Forum Hall on Monday night. Karis, a world-traveling hula hooper, stars in the documentary “The Hooping Life.”

Cats for Cans collects food for needy Last password changes swamp IT Claire Carlson contributing writer Editor’s Note: This article was completed as an assignment for a class in the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications.

Alex Giraldo, freshman in animal science and industry, and Katie Good, freshman in Spanish, collected as a team for the Cats for Cans food drive with their Introduction to Leadership Concepts class Monday afternoon. Suzanna Morin staff writer The 16th annual Cats for Cans community service project, put on by the K-State Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and the leadership program, is underway. Cats for Cans is a community service project benefiting the Flint Hills Breadbasket in Manhattan. The Breadbasket welcomes “people that are having financial difficulties and can come here in need of help,” said Maribeth Keiffer, executive director at the Breadbasket. Since January, the Breadbasket has served 9,368 individuals, averaging 1,070 people per month. “There should be no one in Manhattan going to bed hungry,” Keiffer said. “The Breadbasket is here to help people in need and I encourage the public to refer people down here because it can be very difficult to ask for help. They will be treated with respect and we will help them through their rough time.” The Breadbasket asks for all non-perishable food items, but are in dire need of macaroni and cheese, pancake syrup, jelly and peanut butter. Kieffer adds, “We have spent more than we’ve taken in. There are two trucks that go

pick up around town and then we have a large truck that delivers to church pantries every week. This leads to higher cost of utilities and higher cost of maintenance, so we need both food and funds.” Cats for Cans originally began as a project executed only by the athletics department, but once K-State realized the impact the collection had on the community, organizers wanted to further develop the project. With the help of leadership students, Cats for Cans expanded from the Bill Snyder Family Stadium to Manhattan neighborhoods. This year, 42 learning communities — groups of leadership students — will go out into the neighborhoods to advertise and collect the cans. “We’ve made significant progress in how we’ve structured and organized it,” said Mike Finnegan, instructor in leadership studies. “Last year, we raised over 13,000 pounds. We want to be able to say, for the Breadbasket, that we collected over 10,000 pounds each year. In the last five years, our students have collected over 50,000 pounds of canned food and nonperishable items.” Beginning last week, about six leadership group leaders have mobilized their learning communities of 10 to 13 freshmen stu-

dents each to prepare for the Oct. 7 deadline. “We started our planning two weeks ago,” said Andrew Kutina, a Cats for Cans group leader. “It was self-planned by the students; I just offered directions on where to go. They got the bags and press clippings and took it from there. They’ve already collected over 500 pounds of food.” “I really appreciate the time, energy and commitment of our first semester freshmen who go out into the Manhattan community and engage in the act of service,” Finnegan said. “While a student might say, ‘how big of an impact did I really have?’ Well, you’ve had a huge impact. Each and every student contributes. We have just over 500 students collecting cans. Collectively, each student could say that they’ve contributed five pounds of canned food goods. So each student is representative of at least 5 pounds.” In addition to collecting in Manhattan neighborhoods, Cats for Cans will be accepting canned food items and cash donations at the K-State vs. Texas A&M football game on Nov. 12. Persons interested in donating food or money to the Breadbasket may also contact the organization directly at 905 Yuma St. or at 785565-2716.

The IT department requires that each K-State student and faculty member change their eID password once a semester to keep their information secure. Students were reminded two weeks prior to the deadline to change their password, but those who neglected to change it were locked out of the system. “After the date specified, their password is reset by a computer and nobody knows what it is, so they have to call or reset the password with their alternate email,” said Anthony Cobb, IT Help Desk coordinator. The last password change date was Sept. 15, and about 13,000 accounts were disabled due to failure to change the password in time. This figure includes students and faculty from all K-State campuses. On the first day alone, IT Help Desk fielded almost 800 phone calls from people trying to log in with their expired password. “I was late seeing the email due to my busy schedule, therefore I had to pay the consequence,” said Brett Keller, senior in pre-optometry and life sciences. “I couldn’t get into my account. Touché, IT, touché.” The IT Help Desk scheduled extra consultants for the week following the password change deadline. “It is a struggle for the IT Help Desk consultants when students don’t change their eID password,” said Rebecca Gould, director of the Information Technology Assistant Center. “The days leading to the password deadline and days after the password deadline period are busy for the IT Help Desk consultants.” The IT Help Desk also fielded calls from students

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who had changed their password on time, but had not changed their preferences on all their Internet accessing devices. “After changing your eID password, you may also need to change the password settings for your local email client, including changing password information on your mobile device,” said Harvard Townsend, chief information security officer. “If you have moved to KSU Wireless or KSU Housing for wireless, you will need to enter your new password to reconnect.” Changing eIDs every semester is the best practice for security, and some universities require students to change their password every 90 or 120 days. In addition to universities, many large corporations and government agencies require employees to

change passwords more than twice a year. “In the calendar year 2010, 445 different K-Staters were tricked by phishing scam emails into giving their password to a criminal,” Townsend said. “The hacker then used the stolen eID and password to log in to Webmail and send thousands of spam emails. They could also get into iSIS, K-State Online and every other system accessed with an eID.” These computer hackers sometimes wait several months before using the stolen account password, so if K-State students changed their password during this time, their account should be safe. For more information or to request assistance, the IT Help Desk can be reached at 785-532-7722 or helpdesk@ ksu.edu.

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tuesday, september 27, 2011

kansas state collegian



Logan’s Run | By Erin Logan

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EDITORIAL BOARD Tim Schrag editor-in-chief Caroline Sweeney managing editor Abby Belden managing copy editor Skye LeSage design editor

Karen Ingram coverage editor Monty Thompson sports editor Mark Kern assistant sports editor Kelsey Castanon edge and features editor

Laura Thacker opinion editor Lauren Gocken photo editor Holly Grannis social media editor Sarah Chalupa ad manager Steve Wolgast adviser

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Collegian welcomes your letters to the editor. They can be submitted by e-mail to letters@spub.ksu.edu, or in person to Kedzie 116. Include your full name, year in school and major. Letters should be limited to 350 words. All submitted letters may be edited for length and clarity.

CORRECTIONS There was an error in the Sept. 20 issue of the Collegian. In an opinion column, Michele Bachmann was said to be the governor of Minnesota. She is actually a U.S. Representative from Minnesota. There were errors in the Sept. 26 issue of the Collegian. Never Say Never, the Pi Kappa Alpha benefit concert, was said to have raised $2,000 last year. The fraternity raised $12,000 and, after expenses, donated $2,000 to charity. The article about author Christopher Nichols’ lecture erroneously stated it was the 115th anniversary of Washington’s Farewell Address. It was the 215th anniversary. The Collegian regrets these errors. If you see something that should be corrected or clarified, call Managing Editor Caroline Sweeney at 785-532-6556, or email news@spub.ksu.edu.

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The Kansas State Collegian, a student newspaper at Kansas State University, is published by Student Publications, Inc. It is published weekdays during the school year and on Wednesdays during the summer. Periodical postage is paid at Manhattan, KS. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kedzie 103, Manhattan, KS 66506-7167. First copy free, additional copies 25 cents. [USPS 291 020] © Kansas State Collegian, 2011 All weather information courtesy of the National Weather Service. For up-to-date forecasts, visit nws.noaa.gov.

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Tyler Dreiling I love being right. There are few things more satisfying to me than being able to watch a game and think, “Ah, I knew it,” afterwards. Is that a personality flaw I should work on fixing? Possibly, but that’s a discussion for another day. The point is, when it came to Saturday’s K-State game against Miami, I was wrong. Inarguably, significantly and shamefully wrong. I had given the Wildcats about a 20 percent chance at going down to South Beach and finding a way to go 3-0. I saw the matchup as one the Wildcats would have to win by playing almost perfectly, with a couple large Miami mistakes and a little luck involved. Well, shows how much I know. The way K-State beat Miami this weekend wasn’t through some magical new formula for success cooked up by the great Bill Snyder. No, the Wildcats just did what they’ve been known to do for two decades under their brilliant leader: stick to a very simple yet efficient game plan, and execute it without making mistakes. That’s the Snyder way in a nutshell, and the 28-24 win on Saturday was the best display of it I’ve seen in quite some time. Let’s start with Collin Klein. Among all the criticism he has dealt with since the stinker of a game against Eastern Kentucky three weeks ago, he’s answered the call with steady improvement. He was 12 of 18 for 133 yards and two touchdowns against the Hurricanes, without an interception. That is efficiency at its best for a run-heavy offense. Klein did not make mistakes throwing the ball. On the ground, Klein was even more of a warrior. He had 93 hardearned yards on 22 carries, including several absolutely crucial runs on third down. He used the zone read to perfection, which Snyder called upon in the right situations. The Wildcats didn’t just win in South Beach, they found their primary running back, too. John Hubert looked incredible during his 18-carry, 166-yard outing. Klein won’t have to do things all on his own in the ground game anymore, from what I can tell. The defense? Oh, the defense. A unit that caused so much pain and suffering for the Wildcat fan base a year ago has finally found an identity. Entering the game, K-State’s defense was technically ranked No. 1 in the country. But what did that mean, exactly? Who had K-State stopped to make it worthy of being called the nation’s best? The Wildcats finally answered that question. The first half was brilliant, and although K-State struggled to contain Jacory Harris at times in the second half, the team made a gutsy, seemingly impossible stop at the goal line on four straight plays to seal the victory. As I tweeted after the fourthdown stop, the Wildcat defense can finally refer to itself as it was once known. I’m not allowed to mention it in this column for political correctness reasons, but you know what I’m saying. Wink wink. Arthur Brown, Nigel Malone and Tre Walker are three of the best defensive players K-State has had in some time, and they’ve earned that statement. Brown went back to his former home and was just as much the beast he was against Kent State. Malone brought boos upon Harris after his interception in the first half, which was his third this season. And Walker was as responsible as anybody for the success of the final minute goal line stand. Overall, I see a team that is coming together; one that is developing an identity on both the offensive and defensive sides of the ball. What does it all mean? Well, for one, the Wildcat faithful should be very excited about what this team can do. K-State has the talent to be in every game it plays this season. Second, it means that I look like an idiot today, for thinking it couldn’t happen this weekend. I’m just another critic the Wildcats shut up on Saturday. And I’m OK with that. Tyler Dreiling is a freshman in journalism and mass communication. Please send comments to sports@spub.ksu.edu.

Men’s golf tournament cut short due to bees Corry Hostetler staff writer The final round of the UTA/Waterchase Invitational in Fort Worth, Texas, was canceled last Tuesday for one of the more bizarre reasons you will ever hear about. Less than two hours after the K-State golfers had started play, a tree limb holding a beehive fell to the ground near the 18th green, sending more than 7,000 bees into a frenzy. At least a dozen different competitors were stung by the bees, and after a lengthy delay in which a beekeeper was summoned to evaluate the situation, the continuing threat caused officials to cancel the final round and reduce the tournament to the 36 holes played on Monday. “It was very unfortunate because each of our guys had played five or six holes and our top four scorers were around even par,” said head coach Tim Norris. “This is my first experience of something like this happening, but I know our guys are excited to get back out on the course in a couple of weeks at our home tournament.” As for the bee-shortened tournament results, the Wildcats carded a 36-hole score of 19-over-par 595, which gave them a seventh place finish out of 19 schools competing in the tournament. For the second consecutive week, the Wichita State Shockers came out on top, this time with a 36-hole score of 6-underpar 570. They finished four strokes ahead of second-place Sam Houston State. Individually, the Wildcats were led by freshman Kyle Weldon, who was making his debut on the fiveman scoring roster. Weldon recorded a score of 1-under-par 143 in the two rounds on Monday, leav-

Jonathan Knight | Collegian

Kyle Smell, senior, followed his shot at Colbert Hills Golf Course on April 8. Smell tied for 36th individually. ing him in fifth place and only four strokes behind 1st-place finisher Rafael Becker of Wichita State. The fifth-place finish is the highest for a K-State golfer so far in the young season. Other Wildcats competing in the tournament included junior Curtis

Yonke, who finished 4-strokes-overpar 148, tying him for 24th place overall. Finishing two strokes behind him, and tied for 36th place individually, was senior Kyle Smell. Ben Juffer, junior, tied for 70th place with a 12-over-par finish. Fellow junior Chase Chamberlin rounded out the

scoring for the Wildcats by carding a 36-hole score of 15-over-par 159. He tied for 82nd place overall. K-State will host the Jim Colbert Intercollegiate on Oct. 3-4 at the Colbert Hills Golf Course near Manhattan. Admission is free, and the public is encouraged to attend.

Visualizing a win

Jonathan Knight | Collegian

Paige Osterloo, senior, eyes her tee shot on the sixth hole at Colbert Hills Golf Course on Monday during the first round of the Marilynn Smith Sunflower Invitational. Osterloo is placed fourth individually going into the third round of play. The Wildcats as a team are in second place, behind the University of Arkansas-Little Rock. The tournament continues today and the event is free to the public. Scores can be found at kstatesports.com after the tournament is over.

Two-minute drill Monty Thompson sports editor

more roughing-the-passer penalties.

NFL Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick left the game against the New York Giants for X-rays after suffering an injury from Giants defensive end Chris Canty. Though Vick returned to the game without missing a snap, it was originally thought that his hand was broken. Ultimately, the injury was just a bruise, but Vick was not pleased with how officials have handled calls, saying referees need to call

MLB The New York Yankees hope to keep general manager Brian Cashman with the organization for years to come. As Cashman finishes up the final year of a three-year contract, the Yankees hope to extend his contract in the offseason due to team policy. Cashman’s current contract is reported to be $6 million, and despite his own personal feelings, the team feels that he has been a big proponent in developing the Yankees farm system.

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kansas state collegian

tuesday, september 27, 2011

Shattering doubts


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NBA New York Knicks superstar Carmelo Anthony spoke out this week for himself and fellow players when he said he was in favor of the players’ union to be decertified to move the current negotiation forward. Anthony said the players need to stick together. An agreement during the lockout has yet to be reached, but players seem to be gradually giving into demands. As the NBA training camps continue to be pushed back due to the lockouts, players expect to keep playing for charity events in cities across the nation.

NCAA Football The University of Toledo wants Syracuse to vacate the 33-30 victory after the Orangemen were awarded an extra point kick that was no good. Though the Big East coordinator of officials said that the officials at the game made the wrong call, the NCAA rulebook states that when the referees declare that a game has ended, the score is final. While Syracuse understands Toledo’s position in this matter, Toledo athletic director Mike O’Brien asks that the MidAmerican Conference give Toledo the victory.


tuesday, september 27, 2011

kansas state collegian

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Police efforts better focused on violent crime than on drugs Jillian Aramowicz

As of 2010, more than 11 percent of Americans smoked marijuana in the previous year, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Survey on Drug Use and Health. According to the same survey, 6.3 percent of Americans have misused a prescription drug in the last year, and 1.6 percent of Americans over the age of 12 have used heroin in their lifetime. You might think I am about to make a speech about the rates of drug abuse in this country and how they need to be closely monitored. Wrong. I am not here to say that drugs and substance abuse are not a problem. Indeed, they are a huge problem. Addiction and the growing mainstream popularity of drugs certainly cannot be ignored. That said, I notice an amazing amount of news about police forces tackling America’s “drug problem,” and sometimes I wonder if all their money and tactics are not wasting everyone’s time. Each year in the United

States, 6,000 people get away with murder, according to a Scripps Howard News Service study of FBI records, published May 25, 2010, on scrippsnews.com. The rate of solved homicides in the United States has stayed at about 63 percent since 1980, which means that only a little over half of all murders are resolved in our country. Additionally, according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program, 84,767 forcible rapes were reported in 2010. The fact that our law enforcement is trying to deal with the complex social issue of drug abuse is great, but if you review the statistics in the introduction of this column, notice that even the highest percentage of drugs mentioned is relatively small in relation to the entire population. And the terrible cases we hear of strung-out addicts tying off in dirty alleys is even smaller. It is easy to focus on extreme cases of shocking exploits in the news, but in all honesty, the likelihood of moving in next to a smack junkie is far rarer than the chances of you moving in next to a sex offender, of which there are 728,435 in the U.S., according to Carolyn Atwell-Davis, director of legislative affairs for The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. My problem is not the

disparity between drug statistics and alternate crimes, but rather the amount of time spent on trying to stop relatively small problems or small populations of users. For instance, the website getsmar taboutdr ugs.com outlines the legal consequences of trafficking marijuana. If you happened to be growing or selling pot, and you had 50–99 plants, being caught once could result in a $1 million fine and up to 20 years in prison. On the website lawyershop.ca, author Boris Bytensky states in cases of seconddegree murder, a convicted person may apply for parole as soon as 15 years after sentencing. I would much rather the police keep a convicted murderer inside prison walls than worry about catching and sentencing some guy with 50 pot plants growing in his basement. If you don’t agree with my thinking on this, look at it this way. How many of you have taken an Adderall pill you weren’t prescribed? In 2010, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported that 11.7 percent of people 18-25 years old used the ADHD prescription Adderall illegally. If you have, it probably didn’t seem like a big deal. But did you know if you bought five from a friend and got caught, you could be charged with a third-

degree crime and be fined up to $200,000? Again, is this type of activity illegal? Yes. Should it be punished? Yes. Should a kid with a couple pills during finals be tracked d o w n and fined $200,000 while nearly 90,000 rapes are occurring in a year? No. I do not advocate the abuse, distribution or proliferation of drugs or paraphernalia, but sometimes when I look at who we are catching, who we are convicting and how small the numbers actually are for extreme abusers, I wonder if the worst of our social problems are truly being tackled. Maybe it’s just me, but I would rather have a local stoner sitting on his couch listening to Bob Marley as long as one more of those 6,000 uncaught murderers takes his place in prison. illustration by Jillian Aramowicz Jillian Aramowicz is a senior in advertising. Please send all comments to opinion@spub. ksu.edu.

Technology complicates classes, frustrates students Mary Renee Shirk I miss dead trees. In the old days, a professor would hand you a syllabus printed on a piece of paper on the first day of class. A syllabus is a contract between the professor and the student. The syllabus outlines class expectations, regulations, required texts and supplies, contact information for the professor and due dates for tests and assignments. You knew what to expect from the class and the professor from the beginning. You planned your time and resources for the semester. It was laid out before you, like the Ten Commandments from God to Moses. And, much like the Commandments, it took an act of God to change the syllabus. And then came technology. Now professors post a syllabus and change it, sometimes daily, sometimes more than once a day. They expect you to check it every single day and adapt your understanding of the world around you and your work schedule, and your finances, and fit this new set of commandments into your life. In the old days, a syllabus listed the name of the text required for the class. You would buy, borrow or steal the book for the class and be good to go. Now, professors are requiring a thumb drive or

hard drive or DVDs or CDs or camera or flash card or batteries or six reams of paper, not to mention access to a high-volume color printer 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I would rather have bought a book this semester than deal with what has turned into a complex process of finding, downloading and printing PDF files every week that have been scanned differently, saved differently and look different on every single computer I go to and try to print from. Have I mentioned the expectation of having constant, immediate access to a printer and an unlimited supply of paper? Some professors now require you to get a Google account or YouTube account or WordPress account or new Facebook account or join some other random website used specifically for and only for that class. All these accounts, of course, require different usernames and passwords that you’ll most likely forget. Now added to the regular class load and all of the above is watching the latest YouTube video or following the class on Twitter and networking with your classmates on LinkedIn. Just to make things even more interesting, every professor has a different requirement for the number of times you’re supposed to check your email, the syllabus, K-State Online, the WordPress blog and any/all of the other online resources for that class. In the old days, professors would come to class and lecture; it was like watching a live performance. Students

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would interact with each other through conversation guided by the professor. Thanks to the wonders of technology, students now sit in a darkened room and watch PowerPoint presentations. Posting to an online forum to respond to posted comments your classmates have made is in no way the same as having a actual conversation in the classroom. Very few of these new technologies are adding to the educational or academic value of these classes, but instead result in students spending more time on busywork and less time on learning. As a graduate teaching assistant, I receive nearly 100 emails a day. It’s hard to sort the students from the spam from the penis enlargement ads from

professors from job contacts and from random forwards my mother sends me. Go ahead and ask me if I got your email. Face-to-face is now my preferred method of communication with students and employees. Of course, I did write most of this column using

Password Pointers

To the point is an editorial selected and debated by the editorial board and written after a majority opinion is formed. This is the Collegian’s official opinon.

I know we all hate getting those emails telling us that we need to change our passwords. Many of us wonder — why do we have to change our passwords so often? Last year, 445 students fell victim to a spam email and gave their passwords to online scam artists. These scams can prove quite the inconvenience, resulting in loss of access to your email account or even identity theft. This situation can be avoided by the minor inconvenience of changing your password by the required date and by not submitting personal information to an unknown email sender. Being one of the students who forgot to change their password, I can speak from experience that it can be a hassle to get your password changed. Many people forget to change their passwords, and it causes a log-jam in getting your new one. As a student who uses email multiple time a day, this caused a problem for me as I was unable to access my K-State account for an extended period of time. Even though it seems pointless and a hassle to change your password, the minute or two it takes to change it is not as bad as what can happen. Please be careful and read your emails thoroughly before you send any kind of personal information out to someone you do not know. Once again, it only takes a minute to change. Not only do you hurt yourself by not changing your password, but you also make the IT Help Desk’s job a lot more hectic. By changing your password on time, you save the IT Help Desk valuable time as well as your own, and avoid a potential hardship down the line.

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Mary Renee Shirk is a graduate student in journalism and mass communications. Please send all comments to opinion@spub. ksu.edu.

Illustration by Erin Logan

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my Dragon Dictate software on my MacBook Pro and then emailed it to my editor, so there might be good uses for technology after all.


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tuesday, september 27, 2011

page 5

kansas state collegian

Two Fort Riley soldiers killed by insurgents’ attack in Afghanistan

K-State daily briefs Karen Ingram coverage editor, interim news editor

Karen Ingram coverage editor, interim news editor Two soldiers died from injuries caused by small-arms fire while on patrol in southern Afghanistan, according to a press release from the U.S. Army. Spc. Robert Dyas, 21, of Nampa, Idaho, and Spc. Jakob Roelli, 24, of Darlington, Wis., were on patrol in Jakari, Afghanistan, when their unit was attacked by insurgents Sept. 21. Both men were assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 34th Armor Regiment, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division. Dyas joined the Army in January 2009 as a fire support specialist. According to an article in the Idaho PressTribute published on Friday, Dyas

The Women of K-State will hold their Brownbag Lunch in the KState Student Union’s Flint Hills Room on Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The topics on the agenda include financial advice, retirement and what professional women need to know to know about financial planning. For more information, contact Noel Schulz at noels@ksu.edu.

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K-State-Salina students who are interested in participating in SkillsUSA contests or events should go to the Aerocenter AVM Training Hangar on Wednesday at 6 p.m. SkillsUSA is a national nonprofit organization that prepares high school and college students for careers in technical and skilled service occupations. Competitions for many majors on the Salina campus are available. For more information, contact Evan Beckman at 785826-2978 or ebeckman@ksu.edu

Spc. Robert Dyas

Spc. Jakob Roelli joined the military when his civilian job was eliminated and he wanted the job security the Army would provide. He had planned on going back to school and learning a trade when he got out. This was his first deployment in support of Operation Enduring

Freedom. Roelli joined as an infantryman in August 2007. He was a former University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh student. Roelli’s father called him “the best of the best” in an Associated Press article on Friday.

Food drive on foot

Soyoung Lim’s doctoral dissertation, “Anthocyanin-Enriched Purple Sweetpotato for Cancer Prevention,” will be held in 128 Justin Hall at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday.

K-State-Salina students have an opportunity to participate in, or watch, a hot dog eating contest in the cafeteria Wednesday. For more information, contact Rachel Bouza at 785-826-2957 or rbouza@ksu. edu.

City to review 2010 economic report Lisle Alderton | Collegian

Jarrod Coady, freshman in life sciences, carries a bag with food that he collected for the Cats for Cans food drive Monday afternoon.

Jakki Thompson staff writer At the city commission work session meeting tonight, the commissioners will be discussing the 2010 annual economic report. This report is to show the midway progress of the companies in Manhat-

tan that have requested loans to help boost economic status or expansion of the business. Furthermore, this discussion will focus on the implementation of more jobs within the community. This report will evaluate the amount of money funneled into the economy and how much it has pro-

duced in the private sector. Overall, the report indicates that companies have seen an improvement in the last year. In the agenda, the commission notes that of the 16 largest cities in Kansas, Manhattan has experienced the greatest job growth in the last 10 years.


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page 6

tuesday, september 27, 2011

kansas state collegian

Interior design class works with Kansas Preservation Alliance, local community to rehabilitate historic Smith City building Sandi Lam staff writer ID 760: Historic Preservation and Restoration of Interiors, an interior design course taught by Marina Pecar, visited the First National Bank building in Smith City, Kan., on Saturday. The purpose of the visit was to aid the community in envisioning what the building could become — how it can be preserved and also thrive in its existence. Linda Glasgow, president of the Kansas Preservation Alliance, said the KPA owned the building and would work to rehabilitate it. Glasgow affirms that rehabilitation of a building is different than restoration. The building would not become a bank once more, but instead, serve new functions that would be useful to the community. Pecar, instructor in apparel, textiles and design, said her senior-level class became involved with the project through the recommendation of Barbara Anderson, the department head of the College of Human Ecology. The semester-long class consists of interior design students as well as architecture students. Pecar said her class was encouraged to “offer good inspiration for the community in terms of restoring and preserving aspects of the building so that, in the future, it can be useful for the community.” Preliminary ideas for the potential of the building, according to Pecar, include a

small business incubator on the ground level and residential rental units on the top level. During the site visit, the class surveyed the existing building and studied architectural drawings provided by an architectural firm a few years ago.

“Old structures tell stories about the character of the communities they are from. The future is nothing unless the past has been embraced.” Marina Pecar instructor in apparel, textiles and design

Pecar said the class involvement in the project is beneficial due to the real-world experiences that emerge. “We will talk to community members — stakeholders,” Pecar said. “The students will be exposed to a range of issues in historic preservation.” AnnaMarie Bliss, graduate student in architecture, said she finds the project relevant because her Ph.D. proposal is about historical consciousness. Bliss said the Smith City project differs from projects in architecture classes she has participated in. “We are to come up with a

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solution about how to rehabilitate the building and make it something useful for the community now,” Bliss said. “In architecture, we don’t typically do renovation projects. We build from the ground up.”

Bliss said the class is learning about the value of buildings to communities. “(Historical preservation) is really relevant right now because we have limited space to build and already a lot of build-

ings, and we have to learn how to recycle them,” Bliss said. The class will be collaborating with the community and offering their consultation. The potential for long-term involvement exists but at this

time is unknown. “Old structures tell stories about the character of the communities they are from,” Pecar said. “The future is nothing unless the past has been embraced.”

City government discusses flu season, sales tax, Wildcat Creek Nathan Lechtenberg staff writer The local intergovernmental luncheon meeting was held at noon in the Landon Room of the Holiday Inn on Monday. On the docket for discussion were the activities of the local flu season clinics, the economic impact of a sales tax and an update on the Wildcat Creek working group. Dawn Searles, Manhattan Health Board member, started the announcements by noting that local flu season clinics began distributing vaccines on Sept. 1 and have already given 464 shots to the community.

Flu shots are recommended for any person more than six months of age who does not have an egg allergy. Egg allergies are a concern as the flu vaccine may contain egg proteins. A new, more potent, version of the vaccine has been developed for those more than 65 years of age in order to obtain a stronger autoimmune response. This new vaccine contains four times the levels of antigen than the standard flu shot. Pete Paukstelis, of the Manhattan-Ogden board of education, spoke on the economic impact of the local sales tax. He supports using sales tax

revenue to fund education. Paukstelis stated that the continuing success of the local economy depends largely on K-12 schooling, explaining that high-tech, high-paying jobs, such as those soon to be created at the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, would only come to Manhattan if the local school systems were excellent. Paukstelis voiced concerns over the amount of education funding in the Governor’s upcoming budget, and noted that “there would be 6 million more dollars in budget if funded at levels promised in 2008.” He believes local support exists for sales taxes sup-



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porting school funding. City commissioner Richard Jankovich provided an update on the progress on the Wildcat Creek working group. A recent $132,000 grant will be used partly to install and maintain water gauges along the stream. Any remaining money will be used to provide mapping opportunities for topology of the area. This topology would potentially be able to locate any abandoned trails too overgrown to find by the naked eye. K-State architectural engineers are currently working on

a watershed model for Wildcat Creek that will hopefully be finished by late October. In addition, the working group was starting notifications for IRIS, an emergency alert system for the creek. Toward the end of the meeting, miscellaneous announcements were made, including the consolidation of the emergency dispatch system, conversation centered on adopting legal language acceptable to all parties and briefing all involved groups as to the changes in terminology to be made.

Doug Messer, president of the Manhattan-Ogden Board of Education, announced that the Manhattan High School open house would be held on Oct. 16, from 1-3 p.m. The open house would allow people to see the completed new cafeteria. Additionally, the new library is expected to be completed around Thanksgiving. The Northview Elementary dedication ceremony is set for Oct. 17. The next intergovernmental meeting is scheduled for Oct. 24.

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