Kansas State Collegian Print Edition 10.19.11

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‘liar, liar, pants on fire’ page 4

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collegian wednesday, october 19, 2011

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Touchstone K-State’s literary magazine is now accepting submissions for publishing.

vol. 117 | no. 42


Sunflower showdowns K-State prepares to take on KU in both volleyball and football this week.


Schulz’s 16 K-State’s president shared his princples for success with freshman in Forum Hall.

Sex trafficking becoming problematic in Kansas Possible sighting of missing infant to understand that it is everybody’s responsibility to keep an eye out for danger signs, and actively intervene so that we can preserve the lives of our youth.”

“One of the biggest reasons that human trafficking is so profitable is because, unlike drugs or guns, you can use a human body more than one time. The sad fact is that one person is worth about $75,000 per year.”

Karen Countryman-Roswurm founder and coordinator of ASCERCA

Chelsy Lueth | Collegian

At the end of the lecture, audience members had the opportunity to ask Countryman-Roswurm questions and talk about issues that she prompted during the lecture. Morgan Smith, sophomore in sociology, discussed domestic minor human trafficking with Countryman-Roswurm. Andy Rao staff writer K-State students attended the Lou Douglas Lecture to hear licensed master social worker Karen Countryman-Roswurm speak about Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking on Tuesday. Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking, or DMST, is a prevalent issue not only around the world, but also the United States, as every year one million American children are sexually exploited. Countryman-Roswurm, who is the founder and coordinator of The Anti-Sexual Exploitation Roundtable for Community Action, or ASCERCA, started her presentation with her own personal experiences, many of which shaped her decision to get involved in the anti-human trafficking movement. “When I was 13-years old, my mother committed suicide,” Countryman-Roswurm said. “I lived on the streets for three years and passed through the government child care system until I fought to legal emancipation at the age of 16.” Countryman-Roswurm said that her past has shaped her ability to empathize with those that have been victims or have had their lives affected by DMST. “I understand what it means to live in hopelessness and desperation,” Countryman-Roswurm said. As the founder of ASERCA, Countryman-Roswurm plays an integral part in the intervention of DMST and

also provides mental and emotional health therapy to survivors. She said she has learned two main things through her work. “You have to be aware of and manage your own personal perspectives, biases and past trauma and not let those factors affect your ability to help the victims of DMST,” Countryman-Roswurm said. She also spoke of the social stigma behind trafficking and the fact that the victims are the people that often get victimized. “Treat those who you are serving as though they are already the people they were meant to be,” CountrymanRoswurm said. “You have to view them as the people who will achieve their dreams, not just as victims of domestic minor sex trafficking.” According to Countryman-Roswurm, DMST is much closer to home than many Kansans think. In fact, Countryman-Roswurm said that just recently, a K-State sorority member was trafficked by her sorority sister, an occurrence that she said is not as rare as some think. “Kansas is actually the favorite recruiting ground for the New York City sex trade,” Countryman-Roswurm said. “Over a five year period, 33 of the 262 children identified in New York City reported that they were from Kansas.” According to Countryman-Roswurm, the average age of a minor that is sexually exploited is getting younger. When she started working with victims 15 years ago, the aver-

age age of victims was 16 to 17 years old; today the average age of a DMST victim is 11 to 14 years old. Children who are trafficked are lured into the sex trade through a variety of channels and are sold by pimps, who use outlets such as strip clubs, pornography, commercial sex shops and night clubs to make thousands of dollars off of soliciting the sexual services of their victims. Buyers, who are referred to as “Johns,” are usually married, employed and have no criminal background. DMST is the fastest growing and most profitable criminal activity, following only drugs and arms trafficking and, according to CountrymanRoswurm, the demand for minors as sex slaves is skyrocketing. “One of the biggest reasons that human trafficking is so profitable is because, unlike drugs or guns, you can use a human body more than one time,” Countryman Roswurm said. “The sad fact is that one person is worth about $75,000 per year.” The increasing sexual exploitation is a concern to the welfare of young American students and according, to Alexis Lundy, sophomore in family and consumer sciences and elementary education, is something that teachers should be equipped to handle. “I think it is important as a future teacher to be aware of the fact that it is a dangerous world out there, and there are people out there waiting to take advantage of the most innocent of children,” said Lundy. “We have

According to Countryman-Roswurm, one of the most effective ways to solve the issues of DMST is to change the perception of DMST and recognize how society indirectly supports violence and disrespect. Countryman-Roswurm read the story of an anonymous fourteen year old survivor of DMST, who in a letter had written her frustration about society’s reaction to her situation. “I feel like people look at me and talk to me like I am dirty and nasty,” wrote the survivor. “But I didn’t do anything wrong. I am not a prostitute. I’m just a girl.” Countryman-Roswurm wrapped up her presentation by pointing out that society needs to be more conscious about what they support. After listening to a popular rap song that glorified pimping and sexual exploitation, she pointed out that DMST is essentially embedded in our culture. “We listen to this kind of stuff every day,” she said. “This is our new romance music.” Countryman-Roswurm urged the audience to take notice of what they support and ended by saying that respect is key to solving this issue. “Our language shapes our paradigms and our paradigms shape our actions,” Countryman-Roswurm said. “If we continue to see victims as prostitutes, our actions will reflect and if we continue to support and allow DMST, the problem will only get worse.” “I feel like there’s a lot that contributes to the rise of sex trafficking,” said Lizzie Snell, junior in fine arts. “The environment that our society creates is so important, and we need to hold ourselves accountable. We can try and change our music and commercials, but this issue is not going away until we make some serious cultural changes.”

K-State annual security, fire safety report released to inform students and their families about campus Cassie Wandersee contributing writer Editor’s Note: This article was completed as an assignment for a class in the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications. Safety is a concern for many students, their parents, faculty and staff at K-State. Each year, the U.S. Department of Education requires all colleges and universities across the U.S. disclose information about crime on and around their campuses and K-State is no exception. K-State has recently released their annual campus security report covering the year of 2010. The report includes the criminal offense report, as well as the annual fire safety report, from Jan. 1, 2010 to Dec. 31, 2010. The U.S. Department of Education guidance in publishing these statistics complies with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, or Clery Act, which was passed in 1990. The Clery Act became law after the parents of 19-year-old university freshman Jeanne Anne Clery was raped and murdered in her residence hall while sleeping on April 5, 1986. Students at the university had not been told there had been 38 violent crimes on the campus in the three years previous to Clery’s murder.

Clery’s parents joined with other campus crime victims and persuaded Congress to enact the law. Since passing the Clery Act, the Higher Education Opportunity Act was signed into law, amending the Clery Act and adding severe safety and security-related requirements to the Higher Education Act of 1965. At K-State, the annual campus security and fire safety report is created by the

“Survivors of sexual assault are being given the confidence to come forward.” Don Stubbings Captain of the K-State Police department Office of Student Life. Karen Low, assistant dean and assistant director of student life, said the office receives information from the Riley County Police Department, the K-State Police Department and the residence halls, as well as other offices on campus, and compiles the information into the report. The report shows that arrests and disciplinary referrals for liquor law violations have jumped from 149 in 2009 to 363 in 2010, but Low said

the number jumps are a cause of the changed method of reporting. In previous years, if a room in the residence halls had been busted for drinking with eight students in the room when only three had been drinking, only those three students would have been reported as being in violation. Under the new reporting method, all the students in the room that are listed on the incident report are counted in the report. Capt. Don Stubbings of the K-State Police department said there are more students getting busted for drinking on campus, although it may not be caused by an increase in drinking. “The reason for the increase is more enforcement of drinking laws from campus police and residence halls,” Stubbings said. Stubbings, a crime prevention specialist, said better education and training of K-State faculty and staff has helped spot alcohol and drug use by students and therefore more violations are reported. Stubbings also said the higher number of forcible sex offenses in the report was due to better education. Programs and support available through the Women’s Center are being made more public and available to victims of sex and violent crimes. “Survivors of sexual assault are being given the confidence to come forward,” Stubbings said.

Preventing crime is also a focus of the report, providing information about programs like Wildcat Walk. Wildcat Walk is a walking service organized by the K-State Police Department that will send a walking escort to anyone on campus who doesn’t wish to walk alone. They will also accompany anyone to within two blocks of campus. Fire safety is also outlined in the report, discussing fire drills, policies for the residence halls, emergency procedures and future improvement plans. According to the report, there was only one fire incident that caused any monetary damage. This incident was caused by a towel draped over a lamp that caught fire, with the estimated cost of damage at $150 at Moore Hall. The only other fire statistics involved smoke from burnt food in Ford Hall, Moore Hall, and Jardine Apartments. While the Clery Act may have originally been made into law with the intent of a warning system to parents and students on unsafe campuses, this is not the purporse of the K-State fire and safety report, Low said. “More importantly, we look at it as an opportunity to inform people on campus about safety programs to help keep them safe,” Low said. The full report can be found online at k-state.edu/studentlife/reportsandpolicies/.

Karen Ingram news editor At approximately 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, the Riley County Police Department received a call from a woman at McAlister’s Deli, 421 Tuttle Creek Blvd. The woman said she had observed two women at the restaurant with an infant matching the description of Lisa Irwin. Irwin, a 10-month old infant, has been missing from her home in Kansas City, Mo. since Oct. 3. According to Capt. Kurt Muldrup of the RCPD, the witness said the two women acted suspiciously enough to warrant calling the police about the matter. The witness saw the two women leave with the infant in a small, black car with Missouri tags. RCPD dispatched multiple cars to the area, but were unable to locate a car matching the description provided. RCPD has notified area law enforcement agencies to be on the lookout for the vehicle and the women. However, Muldrup said they had no way of knowing how legitimate this information was, or if the infant was, indeed, Lisa Irwin. According to an Oct. 18 ABC News article, police have cleared more than 550 tips and leads regarding the Lisa Irwin disappearance so far. There are no suspects at this time. Lisa Irwin’s parents, Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin, have been uncooperative with police in the investigation, according to the same article. Bradley’s description and timeline of what went on the night of her infant’s disappearance changed several times and she later admitted to drinking and taking anti-anxiety medication. Both parents last answered detectives’ questions on Oct. 8 and acquired a new lawyer, Joe Tacopina, through funds donated by an anonymous source.

Suspect sought in murder Karen Ingram news editor The Riley County Police Department is seeking help in locating a suspect in connection with the shooting death of an Ogden resident last week. At approximately 10:27 p.m. on Oct. 14, the RCPD responded to a 911 call reporting an injury at the corner of Seventh Street and Walnut Street in Ogden. Officers arrived on scene to find a bystander administering CPR to Ronald E. Taylor, Ogden resident, who had apparently been shot before driving into a residence. Taylor was transported to Irwin Army Hospital and pronounced dead. According to Capt. Kurt Muldrup of the RCPD, witnesses have provided a description of the suspect in Taylor’s death. The suspect is described as being a black male, approximately 5-foot-8 to 6-feet tall, bald, with a mustache and beard and wearing a green jacket at the time. Muldrup said the suspect’s head is almost to the point of being shiny and his facial hair is about an inch thick.

Information regarding the suspect or the incident of Taylor’s death should be directed to Detective Richard Lewis at 785-537-2112, extension 3050. Information may also be provided to Crime Stoppers at 785-539-7777 or 1-800-222-TIPS.

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wednesday, october 19, 2011

kansas state collegian



Logan’s Run | By Erin Logan



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wednesday, october 19, 2011

Union to host Zawadi Fund Norma Dunning staff writer The K-State Student Union plays host to many organizations who want to grab the attention of the students on campus. Today, there will be a fundraiser for Zawadi Fund International, which supports the Children and Youth Empowerment Center, or CYEC, in Kenya, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. “The money raised is for anything and everything at the Children and Youth Empowerment Center”, said Kaitlin Long, sophomore in elementary education, “School fees, shoes, clothing, food and, most importantly, just keeping the lights on at the center. This is the most crucial thing at the CYEC currently.” Today is the final day the website Local Giving will match 30 percent of the total donations raised. This means that whatever can be gathered today will have an added 30 percent donated to the Zawadi Fund International. The CYEC was started five years ago by Paul Maina, chairman of Zawadi Club. According to the CYEC website, one of the center’s main goals is the psychosocial reintegration of the youth: “The aim of this activity line is not so much to promote any particular way of thinking or acting but to facilitate self understanding and equip participating young people with the tools for healthy interaction with their social and general environment.” The center was established to help many different types of children and youth. “The Children and Youth Empowerment Center is a center for children who have been in vulnerable situations, maybe orphans or living on the street, or the families are unable to care for them. The center houses and feeds about 150 children currently from ages 4 to 22,” Long said. Long said he “encourages students to stop by and to learn more about the CYEC because every little bit counts.”

Touchstone accepting submissions, offering prizes Jena Sauber staff writer Often, essays end up tucked away in a folder or stashed in the back of a textbook. Rarely does the average student get the opportunity to see their writing published in a book. However, Touchstone, KState’s literary magazine, does just that and even offers cash prizes for some of the best work. “Touchstone is a literary magazine that features stories, poems, artwork, essays and anything that qualifies itself as literature,” said Jacob Euteneuer, editor-in-chief of the publication and graduate teaching assistant in the English department. “It is put out by K-State every year and features not only undergraduates and graduate students, but people from around the world.” The magazine is open to anyone who wishes to enter, but Euteneuer particularly encourages students who are taking creative writing courses to submit pieces. “First and foremost, undergraduates who are taking creative writing courses should

apply because that’s what they are doing for the coursework. They are reading, writing and workshopping the pieces, it’s important that they have something to do with them,” Euteneuer said. “Touchstone gives them a venue to showcase their work.” Once works are submitted, they are reviewed by Touchstone staff members, who are all K-State students. “The majority are graduate students, but we also have undergraduates on staff,” Euteneuer said. “After people send in their work, it is sorted by assistant editors with the head editor of each genre. They select pieces together. It’s a democratic process.” The process is anonymous and that judgment stays on the work, not the author, Euteneuer said. “The people who are doing the reading are people who have read a lot otherwise,” Euteneuer said. “They have an idea of what makes a good poem or story.” Approximately 50 pieces will be selected for the final publication. Undergraduates who place first or second in

the fiction, poetry, or creative non-fiction categories will receive cash prices up to $75. There are other awards for all of the published artists, Euteneuer said.

Submissions for the 2012 publication will be accepted until Nov. 18. They can be emailed to touch@ksu.edu, or sent to the address located on the Touchstone website. For more information, visit the official Touchstone website at http://www.k-state. edu/english/touchstone/11/ index.shtml “For everyone, it’s great. It means you get published in the field of literature. It’s a great thing for resumes. It’s a great thing to validate your work, to say ‘I thought it was good, and other people do, too.’ It’s how you grow your work as a professional,” Euteneuer said. Naomi Wood, associate professor of English, said

having pieces published could benefit students in many ways. “It benefits students in that they have the pleasure of seeing their work in print,” Wood said. “It’s an attractive way of letting people see what they’ve done. Since submissions are vetted, being published in Touchstone is a statement of value, versus if it had been blogged or something similar.” Once finished, the publication is posted online and available in print copies. Last year was the first year that the publication was available online. The change was made for a variety of reasons, said 2011 Editor-in-Chief Lindsey Givens. “We have also switched to a more economical and environmentally-friendly printing option,” Given said in an editor’s letter posted on the Touchstone website. “Previously, we’ve estimated the number of copies needed and then sold and shipped them ourselves and stored extra copies in the editor-in-chief ’s office. [Starting in 2011] Touchstone has negotiated a print-on-demand service, which allows our readers to purchase copies themselves,

reduces surplus printing, and allows us to use our funds more efficiently.” This year, the group is expanding their use of digital technology to solicit for entries. “This year, we’ve really opened up submissions. We have a Facebook page and a Twitter account, so we’ve already started receiving a lot of work from undergrads from the university, and people from the community,” Euteneuer said. “This year, with the digital push, we will get a lot more work submitted. When that happens, you can put in higher quality, and more stuff.” Another new addition to the publication is the category of “flash fiction” — stories of 1,000 words or less. “There is a lot going on in the world with new media and with the way it’s changing. Our attention spans are changing from looking at Facebook updates and tweets,” Euteneuer said. “We want to process stuff faster. Flash fiction arose out of that. You can still appreciate good writing, but in a compact way.”

‘Sexting’ grows in popularity among college students Melissa Brown The Crimson White, University of Alabama From Scarlett Johansson to Anthony Weiner, there are often high profile “sexting” incidents in the news. For celebrities, it can provide a much needed publicity boost. For politicians, it can ruin careers. But a recent University of Rhode Island survey shows that sexting is not just reserved for public figures: four out of five college students do it, too. The study, reported earlier this summer in Time Healthland, found that 78 percent of students admit to receiving sexually explicit messages, while 56 percent said they’ve received explicit images. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, at least 21 states have introduced bills or resolutions aimed at sexting among minors in 2011, and at least 14 states have enacted bills to address the issue. Alabama

has not. Between adults, though, sexting is legal. And while most would classify sexting as a private and personal choice, the fact remains that any missteps in the process can make the act very public. Weiner accidently exposed his pictures on Twitter when attempting to send a private message. Johansson and other celebrities fell prey to phone hackers. Jaded exes have been known to release explicit videos. So why do people continue to make themselves susceptible to this literal public exposure? Mary Katherine Alsip, a researcher for the University of Alabama Institute for Communication and Information Research, said it has to do with younger generations’ affinity for technology. “Many students who sext think that they are more techsavvy than someone like Anthony Weiner,” Alsip said. “This gives them a false sense of security that they know

more than the people who are victims of hacking, theft or simply losing a phone.” The University of Rhode Island study reports 73 percent of sexting messages were sent to a current romantic partner – a fact Alsip said does not safeguard your privacy. Citing pop culture references, Alsip said students might have a skewed sense of real life consequences, even when sexting a trusted partner. “In ‘Gossip Girl,’ one character was applauded for pointing out that, ‘Sexting is ... off limits until you’re in a relationship.’ The problem with this advice is that it assumes that there is no chance that a bitter breakup [could happen] or accidentally misplacing a phone could still result in those exchanges falling into the wrong hands,” Alsip said. Alsip said she believes pop culture examples of sexting without any consequences can lead people to underestimate the possible ramifica-

tions of their actions. “Viewers are coming of age, watching characters make flippant remarks and acting without fear of repercussions, so they feel like not only is this behavior safe and okay, it’s normal and expected of them,” Alsip said. “Just as many television characters who have promiscuous sex almost never face pregnancy, STDs or other serious consequences unless it is a key part of story arc.” In addition, the world of texting and cyberspace offers a sense of anonymity. Most students would never sneak around an ex’s house to spy on them, but Facebook “stalking” has become a basic social media institution. The feeling that sitting behind a screen and doing something is less embarrassing than doing it in person may contribute to the current trend. “If you take your clothes off in a room with six other people, they’re the only ones who are going to see it,” Alsip

said. “If pictures of you with your clothes off are sent to six people who then send it to their friends, pretty soon what felt like a less embarrassing situation has become a disaster.” In the end, while it might make for a funny storyline in a sitcom or a racy news clip, sexting can have very real and very embarrassing consequences. Alsip offers common sense advice to avoid any distressing mishaps: don’t keep revealing images on your phone or social media accounts. “This is a recipe for disaster, whether or not you intend to send them to someone else. If you wouldn’t want to see it posted on your best friend’s Facebook wall, you probably don’t want it to be accessible to other people,” she said. “Sync your phone with your computer and forget to tell it not to import that picture? Now there’s one more copy of it for someone – a hacker, an irritated ex, or even a drunk buddy – to find and pass along.”


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wednesday, october 19, 2011

kansas state collegian

page 4

Studies attempt to debunk deceit through body language “In an extremely ideology or survival-driven world, such as capitalism, racism, poverty, or violence, some people doing such a thing as lying out of greed, hatred, winning a game, or charity/ helping feels they are well justified,” Yum said. “That is my observation and also can be found in the research literature.” Situations like that may appear few and far between, however. More common than the realm of severe situations is an area in which we find ourselves lying when we needn’t: within families and friendships. If you’ve ever believed in Santa Claus, you’ve been lied to. Lying to friends and family, as opposed to lying to nonfriends are often treated differently, even though the act of lying is the same. “When lying to strangers, I think people have less hesitation, so it’s easier,” said David Jones, freshman

“If we want to be able to function in our world, we will want to believe people are telling us the truth. How could we function in the world if we thought everybody was lying? Because of that truth bias, we are bad at detecting deception.” Sarah Riforgiate assistant professor of communication studies

Evert Nelson l Collegian

Some studies show that body language can be indicative of verbal falshoods. This idea is popularized and complex. Darrington Clark staff writer Lying is simple. The concept of giving false information instead of the truth is an idea that has been around since the beginning of language. Looking further into the subject, however, leads to many complex queries: Why

do people lie? Where does the ability to lie come from? How good are we at protecting ourselves from lies? The subject of lying and lie detection has produced quite a bit of research. To know more about lies and the motives for lying would put us at ease, but how much do we actually know?

Professors of communication studies have their own opinions about the subject. “There is a ton of research on lying behavior, or deception, interpersonal manipulation, and its motives and so on in social psychology and communication studies,” said Young-ok Yum, associate professor of commu-

nication studies, in an email interview. Lying comes in all forms, shapes and sizes. To analyze lying more carefully, it is easier to separate the subject into the types of people who lie, and why. In severe situations, our theories and morals about lies may change.

in computer science. “Their morals tend to lessen. But lying among friends, especially people you know very personally, feels more wrong.” Still, even if most people have that opinion, we find ourselves lying to our friends more often than to anyone else. Jones said there are some times when lying may be the most beneficial thing to do. “Being able to tell when you should or shouldn’t lie is really subjective,” Jones said. “You have to think about what the subject is, how the person you’re talking to will take the truth, a lot of things. There has been a time where I found it beneficial to lie to a friend. There really wasn’t a positive or negative effect. Afterward it was as if I’d never said anything at all.” In other words, lying can be common. It depends on each situation, and our views on it can change depending on the environment, both physical and in terms of people. With all of

Men and women view trends differently Sophie Eisenhauer contributing writer Editor’s Note: This article was completed as an assignment for a class in the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications. Girls and guys have completely different tastes and styles. Most girls would sacrifice their feet for a night with their favorite pair of high heels, but many guys wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something that wasn’t comfortable all in the name of fashion. Women on campus might rock this season’s latest trends, but have they ever stopped and wondered if the opposite sex thought we looked just as stylish? And some guys may love the way they look with a beard, but do girls generally like it too? For example, oversized sunglasses are huge right now for women. They hide tired eyes and let us get away with less makeup.

But do guys just see large bug eyes when they look at us? What are some trends girls and guys would love to see stay on each other, and what are others they can’t wait to see go? Emmie Vangel, junior in family studies, said that she prefers a simple and clean look on guys. “I like when guys are low key,” she said. “It’s nice when you can tell they took time for their appearance, but aren’t really high maintenance. A nice pair of jeans and basic T-shirt looks easy and put together.” Morgan Rose, junior in elementary education, also doesn’t like when guys try too hard. “I don’t like when guys wear Ed Hardy and other similar brands,” Rose said. “Those trends are tacky, and you tell that the guy is trying too hard.” Both girls agree that they would still wear their favorite trends, even if their boyfriends didn’t like them.

“My boyfriend doesn’t really like when I wear rain boots, he thinks they look silly,” Rose said.

“I like when a girl looks classy and casual. When girls wear a lot of makeup, it makes them look artificial. It can be a turn off if a girl is showing a lot of skin or is wearing frumpy sweats. I prefer somewhere in the middle. Jeremy Ricci sophomore in software engineering “But I still wear them because they’re practical.” Jeremy Ricci, sophomore in

software engineering, has a similar view when it comes to how women dress. “I like when a girl looks classy and casual. When girls wear a lot of makeup, it makes them look artificial,” he said. “It can be a turn off if a girl is showing a lot of skin or is wearing frumpy sweats. I prefer somewhere in the middle. I definitely don’t understand why girls tuck their boots into their sweat pants, it looks really weird.” When asked if he would continue to wear certain clothes he liked even if his girlfriend didn’t like it, Ricci said, “It depends. My girlfriend doesn’t like when I wear video games shirts, so I make sure not to wear them when we go out. I’ll compromise.” So whether you decide to play it safe or flaunt the latest style trends, just remember to be confident and own your look because the best accessory anyone can wear is confidence.

that knowledge, we come to yet another question: What can we do about it? How do we defend ourselves against lies? “We are only about 50 percent accurate in detecting deception,” said Sarah Riforgiate, assistant professor of communication studies. “So you could flip a coin and be about as accurate.” People may believe that they always know when they’re being lied to, but it turns out that we are more inclined to believe others than we think. “If we want to be able to function in our world, we will want to believe people are telling us the truth. How could we function in the world if we thought everybody was lying? Because of that truth bias, we are bad at detecting deception,” Riforgiate said. Regardless of how skeptical one can be, in order to meet such basic needs as having relationships, cooperation, trust and values in others, we must be able to accept what others say as true. In this way, lying can be considered not only intrinsically wrong, but also taking advantage of natural human tendencies. Riforgiate said that not everyone’s moral compass may be the same way. “If someone tells a lie, and nothing bad happens, they lie again, and nothing bad happens, they might begin to feel that it’s not so bad to lie, because nothing comes of it. That person will begin to feel more comfortable lying,” Riforgiate said. But what is there for us to do to become better at detecting lies? Professors and students have similar advice. Jones said some signs include not making eye contact and an uneasy tone of voice. “I’ve heard it’s common to cover your mouth when or right after you lie. They may be lying if they can’t explain their answer, or if they have a delayed response,” Jones said. Riforgiate said you can tell by facial expressions and body language. “People will tend to smile more, or have slightly more rigid body motions when they’re lying, because they’re trying to imitate the normal body language of someone who would be telling the truth,” Riforgiate said. Lie detection can be complex and vague, which may be why so many scientists are still studying the subject heavily. For the sake of our human system, however, being truthful seems to be the best solution for everyone involved. “You don’t have the think about telling the truth, but you do have to think a lot about telling a lie,” Jones said.


Report misleading To the point is an editorial selected and debated by the editorial board and written after a majority opinion is formed. This is the Collegian’s official opinon. While the annual safety report is intended to report on and prevent crime on campuses nationwide, it seems that the new reporting method may be giving an inaccurate report on underage drinking in the residence halls. There has been a recent increase in residence hall arrests and liquor law violations. The reason may be because more students are getting reported as guilty, even though it may only be by association. People are no longer accountable for their actions; instead, they are also responsible for others’ actions, as well. On one hand, this could be the residence hall’s and the K-State Police Department’s way of taking preventative measures. It could be a good way to scare students to not surround themselves by any illegal conduct. In many cases, there are students who deserve the violation report. On the other hand, there are many students who may not. The other side is that this new way of reporting could potentially be inaccurate. If a student is guilty only by association, is he or she truly guilty? It’s a matter that should be looked into deeper. And while there is always two sides of a story, it doesn’t seem that this report shows both of them.

HOROSCOPES Libra Sept. 23 - Oct. 23 Mocking the actions of a popular TV character will not only confuse your friends, it’s likely that it will also confuse you. You have that type of gullible personality. Scorpio Oct. 24 - Nov. 21 Is it too soon to prepare for your Halloween costume? The answer doesn’t matter, as you’ve been relentlessly planning since last month. Sagittarius Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 Face it: people really do not care to hear your problems. It might be time to invest in a therapist. It’s an expense that many others will appreciate.

Capricorn Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 Take an “off ” day today. Your insanity is starting to wear on people. Aquarius Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 Being a sweetheart is a practiced skill. Never stop giving out those back massages. Practice makes perfect. It’s important you remember that. Pisces Feb. 19 - March 20 Your inability to sufficiently tell a joke has become quite pathetic. But don’t give up hope. There may be some giggles in your future.

Aries March 21 - April 19 The phrase “the early bird gets the worm” will define your day today. Why anyone would want a worm, I will never understand. Taurus April 20 - May 20 If you didn’t get a chance to even sneak a peek at Eric Stonestreet, consider your week shot. There is no making it better. Don’t even try. Gemini May 21 - June 21 You may be discovering the bad qualities in some of your teachers. As a result, you have found yourself sending snappy emails, rolling your eyes during lectures in class and crying. Sounds like the making of a beautiful relationship.

Cancer June 22 -July 22 Try to avoid coming to class hung over as much as possible this week. People are starting to question your alcohol use. And yes, they are judging you. Leo July 23 - Aug. 22 For the sake of your stomach, stop eating nachos. Not only will the beef, cheese and sour cream goodness expand your stomach, it will also disagree with it. Virgo Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 Your awkward mannerisms are beginning to make people uncomfortable. The good news is that, typically, there is always someone weirder. -Compiled by Kelsey Castanon


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wednesday, october 19, 2011

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Sunflower Showdown to occur, football team preparing Sean Frye staff writer K-State football head coach Bill Snyder seemed far more relaxed than the previous four weeks during Tuesday’s weekly press conference. He went without a necktie and spoke candidly about the upcoming Sunflower Showdown this Saturday at 11 a.m. in Lawrence. The team is coming off a thrilling 41-34 win over the Texas Tech Red Raiders in Lubbock, Texas on Saturday. The Wildcats advanced their record to 6-0 on the season, ended a five-game losing streak to the Red Raiders and won in Lubbock for the first time since 1997. The victory also vaulted the Wildcats to No. 12 in The Associated Press poll and No. 11 in the debut edition of the Bowl Championship Series rankings. That makes the Wildcats the clear-cut favorite on Saturday against the lastplace Kansas Jayhawks, who have the worst total defense in the country. This is the first time the Wildcats are favored to win the game since their second game of the year, where they played Kent State and won 37-0. “I would like to think that [the players] wouldn’t [approach the game differently],” Snyder said. “They understand that anybody can get anybody at any time. I’d like to believe that they still believe that it’s a step at a time. It’s about how we prepare and how we play and not about whoever the opponent might be.” Snyder had high praise for his special teams unit on Tuesday following Saturday’s performance. Against the Red Raiders, defensive lineman Raphael Guidry blocked two field goals, which earned him Special Teams Big 12 Player of the Week honors. Wide receiver Tyler Lockett also returned a kick back 100 yards to the end zone in the second quarter of that game to give the Wildcats a much-needed morale boost. “It’s a very valuable onethird of what goes on,” Snyder

Collegian File Photo

Carson Coffman, quarterback, celebrates after running in Kansas State’s first touchdown against Kansas University in Lawrence Thursday evening. said. “It changes the complexity of ball games so readily. All coaches have great respect for the kicking game.” Snyder was also impressed with the performance his defense has put out thus far on the season. While the Wild-

cats fell to No. 37 in the total defense rankings, they made the most of their opportunities against the Red Raiders as they took an interception back for a touchdown and forced four turnovers overall. “They play together well

Team captain finishes 43rd place Corry Hostetler staff writer A week removed from what was believed to be one of their more difficult tournaments of the fall in the Firestone Invitational, the David Toms Intercollegiate proved to be no easier for the Kansas State men’s golf team. The tournament, hosted by Louisiana State University on Monday and Tuesday at the Southern Trace Country Club near Shreveport, La., saw the

Wildcats golfers emerge from the contest with an 11th place finish, carding a 54-hole team score of 54-overpar 918. The team finished 56 strokes behind the Oklahoma Sooners, who won with a score of 2-under-par 862 on the par-72 course. “I could not have been more optimistic and positive coming into this tournament,” said head coach Tim Norris. “We were just not able to recover

after a slow start. We played some good golf in stretches, but golf is an 18-hole game, so we were not able to put the scores together. I think managing your expectations is what makes golf so challenging.” The Wildcats were led on the individual leaderboard by Kyle Smell, senior and team co-captain. Smell used the 2-over-par score in Tuesday’s final round to accumulate a final score 12-

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Women tie Texas State in golf Kelly McHugh staff writer Kansas State women’s golf traveled to Norman, Okla., this week to compete in the Susie Maxwell Classic, hosted by the Oklahoma Sooners. The tournament took place on Oklahoma’s Jimmie Austin Golf Course, known for its challenging holes. The scores for all teams at the Susie Maxwell Classic were higher than in previous tournaments because of colder temperatures and, for K-State, the windiest conditions they have played in. K-State tied with Texas State for ninth place out of the 17 teams competing, and carded a 36-hole score of 49-over-par 913. K-State trailed behind the University of Kansas by one

shot, and were far behind the winning team, Oklahoma, who scored a 14-over-par 878. The team was placed in 11th after the first two rounds on Sunday and Monday; however, they were able to jump to ninth place after their third round came to a close on Tuesday afternoon. “We didn’t play as well as we did ten days ago for sure,” said K-State women’s golf coach Kristi Knight. “We left a lot of shots on the golf course, we didn’t save as many pars and we didn’t make as many birdies as we have been. But that’s part of the game, and you have to deal with those things.” Knight said that Oklahoma’s Jimmie Austin Golf Course may be the most difficult course they have competed on this year.

“We did not have a great putting day, and that’s what creates momentum and being able to get things going,” Knight said. Knight said that the team’s putting is what caused the higher scores during this tournament. K-State was led by junior Whitney Pyle who tied for 32nd place and scored a 12-over-par 228. Following Pyle was Ami Storey, senior, who carded a 15-over-par 231, which tied her for 45th. Sophomore Gianna Misenhelter, who placed second in both of the team’s last two tournaments, placed 51st, and scored a 16-over-par 232. Senior Paige Osterloo tied for 62nd and carded an 18-over-par

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Wildcat volleyball to face off with Jayhawks for showdown Calvin Schneider staff writer On Saturday, the Wildcats football team will travel to Lawrence, looking to keep their undefeated record intact against the Kansas Jayhawks. However, on Wednesday night, the Wildcat volleyball team will look to get the week started off right with a win over KU on the court. The Wildcats lead the series 26-4 since the Big 12 Conference was formed, including a tough five set victory last year. The Jayhawks got off to a terrific start on the season as

they were 11-1 in the nonconference schedule and were also receiving votes in the Top 25 poll. However, the Jayhawks are still winless in conference play. The Jayhawks have been competitive many of their matches. In their last match, they won the first two sets against No. 22 Oklahoma, but were unable to keep the lead as the Sooners won the next three sets to win the match. The Jayhawks have been competitive in their matches, so the Wildcats will need to come out and play well to get the victory.

The Wildcats are coming off a loss to No. 10 Texas in three sets on Saturday at Ahearn Field House. The Wildcats struggled with the athletes that the Longhorns were able to put at the net. The Wildcats had opportunities early, but the Longhorns’ height and athletic ability really caused the Wildcats to try and adjust hitting the ball. This led to errors that the Wildcats have not been committing during the year. In the third set, the Wildcats really battled hard and

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and I think we’re a little bit faster,” Snyder said. “We have a greater knowledge of what we’re trying to do defensively. It takes 11 guys to play collective, quality defense and they have that capacity to play well together. We don’t ask them

to do things they can’t do. They’ve developed a passion for it. They’re proud of the fact that they’ve gotten some success.” Ultimately, the goal for the Wildcats this week is to stay focused on the task at hand,

and that is getting prepared to face the Jayhawks. Kansas’ defense has been historically bad this year, but their offense was able to put up 17 points against the Oklahoma

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wednesday, october 19, 2011

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2 | Men’s golf Tough economy forces students to finishes high move back in with their parents Naheed Rajwani The Daily Bruin, University of California, Los Angeles Three diplomas and a lengthy resume in hand, Joseph Miskabi began jobhunting in August. Despite political science and history degrees from UCLA in 2007 and a law degree from the University of California Hastings College of Law, his dream of practicing as a private attorney turned out to be out of reach. Unable to afford living on his own, Miskabi said he had no choice but to temporarily move in with his parents until he found a permanent job. Miskabi is among millions of Americans who have moved in with relatives to deal with tough economic conditions and an uncertain job market, according to a study released by the Pew Research Center last week. “Moving in with my parents was a little difficult because I was used to my own way of life and now I am living under someone else’s roof,” Miskabi said. The Pew survey also found the percentage of Americans living in multi-generational households grew more than five times the overall population percentage increase from 2007 to 2009, the years economists call the Great Recession. Multi-generational households are those that include two or more adult generations. Young adults ages 25 to 34 years saw the sharpest increase among age groups living in multi-generational households, according to the Pew survey. Earlier studies have indicated college students living at home demonstrated higher levels of relationship difficulties and stress compared to their counterparts who lived on their own, said Andrew Fuligni, director of the Adolescence, Ethnicity and Immigration Research Program at UCLA. In the past, students had other reasons for living with family besides the economy, so it is yet to be seen how moving in with parents for economic reasons will affect the developmental psychology of young adults, Fuligni said. The Pew study revealed that the poverty rate for multigenerational households was considerably lower than that of other types of households. Satinderpal Kaur Kehal,

fifth-year English student at UCLA, lived in an apartment for two years but had to move back home with her parents to accommodate the rising cost of education. Kehal weighed the added costs of staying at UCLA for an extra year and decided to commute to save money. “Living at home is more cost-effective than living independently, especially in this rough economy, because you are sharing living space and household supplies,” Kehal said. There are three ways students can combat the economic circumstances that require them to move back home, said Leah Platt Boustan, assistant professor of economics at UCLA. They can either go back to school, live with roommates to reduce the costs of living alone or return home to live with their parents. With more people returning home after college, Boustan said she has noticed a generational divide between herself and her students. “Living at home is no longer a social stigma for young adults today because they are more connected with their parents through more efficient forms of communication,” she said. “But for someone in my own generation, there would have to be a large enough reduction in costs to even consider living at home.” UCLA economics professor Gary Hansen said, however, he didn’t think social norms had changed from previous generations. “All young adults prefer independence, but now they need sustainable jobs to be able to move out and live on their own,” he said. And for both Kehal and Miskabi, living with parents until marriage is considered the norm in their respective cultures, which also factored in their decisions to live at home. Miskabi was offered a job earlier this week as an associate at Rudoy Fleck, a law firm in Sherman Oaks, Calif. He said he hopes to move out of his parents’ home and into an apartment with his friends when the job becomes more permanent. Kehal, meanwhile, said she plans to volunteer for a nongovernmental organization in India – and later return to the United States to pursue a master’s of public health or health administration after she graduates in June.

4 | Donahue playing again

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over par 228. He finished alone in 43rd place. The remaining four Wildcat golfers each finished within three strokes of each other. Chase Chamberlin tied for 50th place overall by carding a 54-hole score of 16-over par 232. Freshman Kyle Weldon finished one stroke behind him and tied for 53rd place. Ben Juffer’s third-round score of 8-over par 80 brought his total score to 18-over par 234, giving him 55th place to himself. Junior co-captain Curtis Yonke rounded out the scoring for K-State, finishing one stroke behind Juffer and carding a total of 19-over par 235. He finished in a tie for 56th place overall. The individual winner of the tournament was Andrew Noto of LouisianaLafayette, whose third round tally of 4-under par 68 proved to be the difference as he won by four strokes over second place finisher Kevin Hesbois from Lamar. The Wildcat golf team now gets a muchneeded two-week break before returning to the course on October 31 through November 2. During that three-day stretch, the team will be one of twelve teams competing in the Pacific Invitational in Stockton, Calif., hosted by the University of Pacific. The tournament will conclude the fall portion of the team’s schedule. They will return for the spring portion of the season in mid-February.

and played much better and they will look to carry that momentum in the match against the Jayhawks on Wednesday. In the match against the Longhorns, the Wildcats were led by Kaitlynn Pelger’s 12 kills and Lilla Porubek’s 11 kills. A positive of the match was that the Wildcats were able to use setter Caitlyn Donahue. Donahue had missed the previous two matches due to injury and her leadership on the court is something that the Wildcats look to in tough situations. The Wildcats are currently fifth in the Big 12 standings. With a match against the last place team in the conference, this is a game that the Wildcats know that they cannnot look past and must make sure they get the victory. After this match, the Wildcats have a huge match against No. 22 Oklahoma, so this a big week for the Wildcats.

1 |Wildcats look ahead

3 | Golf team finishes strong

Continued from page 5 Sooners Sooners behind the play of their quarterback, Jordan Webb. “What I see is that he is a very accurate thrower,” Snyder said. “He’s been put in a lot of situations where he’s throwing and even the guys in the cheap seats know he’s throwing it. He made some plays against Oklahoma that I thought were outstanding. He’s playing very well.” With No. 1 Oklahoma just around the corner, fans are having a hard time focusing on the fact that this week is in fact the Sunflower Showdown. However, the players realize how important this game is, and that a win will even further establish themselves as not only a national power, but the leader in the state of Kansas. “All games are significant,” Snyder said. “Winning is hard under any circumstance so they’re all really special in their own right. This is the next game and the most important game that we play and that’s how we approach it. I’ve been here too long to not understand all of the stuff with this game.”

Continued from page 5 68th for the Wildcats was Hanna Roos, junior, with a 19-over-par 235. “You know we didn’t quite take advantage of the good conditions the first two days, but like I said, we just didn’t have a good putting week, and that will keep your scores up a hair,” Knight said. “So it wasn’t bad, it wasn’t good, it was just a mediocre result for us.” Knight said she is planning on a quick turn-

“You know we didn’t quite take advantage of the good conditions the first two days, but like I said, we just didn’t have a good putting week, and that will keep your scores up a hair. So it wasn’t bad, it wasn’t good, it was just a mediocre result for us.” Kristi Knight women’s golf coach around for the team before they take on their next tournament, only a week away. She said she is expecting a much better short game, which plays a major role in keeping scores low. “You can never practice enough short game,” Knight said. K-State women’s golf will be hitting the course again next week when they travel to Kiawah Island, S.C., to play in the Palmetto Intercollegiate, which will take place at Oak Point Golf Course. Next week’s tournament will be the last tournament for K-State women’s golf until they continue again in spring 2011. “We had our moments, good and bad, but we’ll be back at it again in South Carolina next week,” Knight said.







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New pesticide could save money Colleen Carey The Lantern, Ohio State University A new pesticide could potentially save the agricultural business billions of dollars annually by killing crop-eating pests, said David Denlinger, the lead researcher in the study at Ohio State. Denlinger, a professor of entomology and evolution, ecology and organismal biology at OSU, explained that insects in the midwest only live during the warmer months when there is food for them to eat. In the colder months, cropeating pests go into a period of dormancy, much like bears or squirrels. This hibernation state is called diapause in insects. “Many insects will spend nine or 10 months of the year in this dormant state,” Denlinger said. Denlinger and his team of researchers, funded by a U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S.-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund research grants, have identified the hormone that breaks the insects out of this hibernation. In doing so, they can essentially control the insects’ hibernation, Denlinger said. Through some modifications of the hormone, Denlinger is able to break diapause when he wants and also make diapause last longer. This means that, if injected with this chemical, an insect could wake up in the middle of winter and freeze to death. Or it could sleep through the summer feast and wake up in the fall to harvested fields and starve to death, according to Denlinger. “It would be a form of ecological suicide, if you will,” Denlinger said.


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wednesday, october 19, 2011

Authority to meet Jakki Thompson staff writer The Manhattan Housing Authority will be meeting tonight. This meeting will allow members of the Housing Authority program and the people of Manhattan to discuss possible changes to the goals, objectives and policies of the organization. This public hearing will allow people from the community and the organization to have the opportunity to voice their comments, concerns or suggestions about the Manhattan Housing Authority. There are many policies and certifications that are included in the possible topics of conversation and discussion. If interested in attending, it will be held at 300 5th Street at 5:30 p.m.


Passport applications now available at Union ID center, convienience big factor

Jason Scott Oder, of the 6000 block of Tuttle Terrace, was booked for failure to appear. Bond was set at $500.

Lindsay Beardall staff writer


Joel Anthony Meyers, of the 800 block of Lee Street, was booked for criminal use of weapons. Bond was set at $500. Phillip John Buggs Jr., of Junction City, was booked for probation violation. Bond was set at $1,500. Joshua Matthew Moritz, of the 900 block of Mission Avenue, was booked for driving under the influence, unlawful possession of hallucinogens, use or possession of paraphernalia to introduce into the human body and reckless driving. Bond was set at $3,000. Compiled by Sarah Rajewski.

K-State daily briefs Karen Ingram news editor K-StateHousing and Dining Services is hosting Mushroom Madness events this week to showcase different mushrooms and recipes. Tonight’s event will feature an open-faced mushroom bruschetta-style sandwich at the Eat ‘til Eight line in Kramer Dining Center, starting at 6:30 p.m.

Tickets are now on sale for “Tea and Symphony,” a concert featuring cello soloist Jolyon Pegis of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra at the Stiefel Theater in Salina. The concert will take place on Nov. 6 at 4 p.m. Tickets are $22 for adults and $12 for students and may be purchased at the Stiefel Theater Box Office, online at ticketmaster.com, or by calling 785-827-1998. Pegis will also be offering a cello

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kansas state collegian

master class in Pioneer Hall at Kansas Wesleyan University on Nov. 5, from 9 to 10 a.m. The class is open to the public to observe for free.

A reminder that IT Services staff will be on hand in the KState Student Union near the food court to assist students, faculty or staff in configuring their wireless devices to the new network. Anyone having difficulty may stop by from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today for assistance.

Local pet assistance organizations will be giving a presentation on pet rescue and assistance after a disaster at the Leadership Studies Building’s Campus Creek Amphitheatre tomorrow from 3 to 5 p.m. Registration is available at handson. ksu.edu/HOC__Special_Event_ Page

The K-State Student Union announced on Sept. 23 that the ID Center would officially be accepting passport applications on behalf of the U.S. Department of State. Gregory Akins, assistant director of operations at the K-State Student Union, said the system works on a national level. The authority to issue and grant U.S. passports lies with the Department of State which is a network of fourteen passport agencies located across the country. He also said the Department of State utilizes a network of more than 8,500 public service offices designated as Passport Application Acceptance Facilities. Akins said the Office of International Programs encouraged the K-State ID Center to function dually as a Passport Acceptance Facility. The Manhattan Post Office was the only other location to renew or apply for U.S. passports, but has “limited hours of operation and is by appointment only, which can make the process inconvenient,” according to Akins. “We started to realize that

other universities with international programs offices offered this service and when it was based out of their ID office, the best staff and equipment were available,” said Karli Webster, director of study abroad services.

For more information, please visit the ID center in the Union, or go to union.kstate.edu/services/passportcenter/

Webster said having a location like this on K-State campus was not only convenient for students and staff, but for the community as well. “The ID Center has hours of operation that are longer than the post office,” Webster said. “And instead of having to go to a separate location to get a picture taken, they can do it right there in the ID Center.” Akins said one of the biggest benefits to having this service in the ID Center is the location makes the service available to

students, faculty and the community. “This may also expose our university to members of the community and surrounding area who may not normally visit our campus,” Akins said. “Additional revenue for the ID Center will help sustain continued operations.” Although the passport services are for U.S. citizens only, Akins said the ID Center already has the equipment for the passport photos and can be used for international students who need to have a photo taken to renew their visa. Michelle Pflughoeft, senior in hotel and restaurant management, studied abroad in Germany. Pflughoeft decided to carry out her visa application process here through the post office. Pflughoeft said she went to the post office and picked up paperwork that she took home and filled out. She then made an appointment where the staff walked her through information she would need to know. It took approximately 30 minutes. Pflughoeft said there were advantages to having the service available in the Union. “It’s definitely a more conve-

nient location,” Pflughoeft said. “You don’t have to make an appointment and the parking is much less difficult at the Union than the post office.” Alissah Ferris, junior in accounting, utilized the new service in the ID Center after she decided to study abroad on a trip to London, Paris and Munich. Since she had not been out of the country before, her advisor suggested going to the Union to apply for a passport. Ferris said she printed out the necessary paperwork, filled it out and walked into the Union. Her picture was taken, she signed a few documents, received a copy of her birth certificate and made final payments. “I am an accounting major, currently in APC, and involved in many activities so it made things a whole lot easier to just step over to the Union and take maybe 10 minutes in total to apply for my passport,” Ferris said. “Also, the application, process and fees are no different than if you were to go to the post office. I would definitely recommend this to anyone because of the convenience and quick process.”

Money approved for Flint Hills Discovery Center, Take Charge Challenge to conclude Jakki Thompson staff writer At the City Commission meeting, during the consent agenda and before the approval of $25,000 to the Flint Hill Discovery Center for energy conscious exhibits to come to the building, there was a comment from the public. Jeff Kreuser, Manhattan resident, came forward and confronted the commissioners about how they acted last week at the

meeting. He said the commissioners need to stop acting like children and start doing the jobs that they were elected to do. Kreuser said it was appalling when commissioner John Matta said that he wanted to look over all of the exhibits before they were available to the public to make sure that they were fair and balanced. The money for the Flint Hill Discovery Center was approved by a vote of 5-0. The Gaia Salon Spa was recognized as promoting the

most energy efficiency per capita for their business as part of the Take Charge Challenge. Gaia Salon Spa has a mission of making a difference in the lives of their guests and the environment every day. The salon is sponsored by Aveda products, which is promoted as being an environmentally friendly and energy efficient company. The results from the Take Charge Challenge will be announced next Tuesday. The first reading for the new traffic operations facil-

ity occurred at the meeting. The presentation discussed the need for more money due to certain codes being overlooked during the initial bidding process. Currently, the land where this facility will be located cannot be used for a public park or for residential benefit. Tentatively, there are plans to build a communications tower. The land where this new traffic operations facility will be built has been used for storage of snow removal in previous winters.

PESTICIDE | New breed of pesticide could bring agriculture advances Continued from page 6 The corn earworm was a main target in this research, which is the insect that eats the top of the corn before a consumer gets a chance to. “The types of insects that we worked on are major agricultural pests,” Denlinger said. “Currently, heavy insecticide use is directed against them.” Richard McGinnis, a farmer

from southwest Morrow county, has about 1,600 acres of land on which he grows corn and soybeans. He is skeptical of using a product for which effects haven’t been thoroughly tested but is interested if it’s profitable. “You just have to think, ‘Is it going to make me more money than it’s costing me?,’” McGinnis said. Though some may be against pesticides in favor of organic

produce, McGinnis recognizes that it isn’t realistic for the world. “What the general public doesn’t understand is that if everybody farmed organically, half the world would starve,” McGinnis said. “You just can’t produce the volume [needed] without using the pesticides and insecticides.” Denlinger said he still has a lot of research to do before it’s ready for use on farms. “Right now, these hormones

we’ve applied by injecting them into the larvae,” Denlinger said. “But we would need to develop further modifications of this chemical so that it could be incorporated into the plant or applied to the plant’s surface so the insect would eat it.” Dallas Hettinger, a fourth-year in environmental policy and management at OSU, sees the positive effects it could have on farms globally.


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ecosystem, then what are we doing to the detriment to other parts of our ecosystem, including humans?” Hettinger asked. If this chemical were to pass all necessary regulations, it could be a lifesaver for many farmers and their businesses. “Certainly on a worldwide basis, we’re talking billions of dollars of crop loss from these pests,” Denlinger said.


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“We can look at it as a good aspect in the sense that if we control these pests, damage to crops decrease and over all, we have an increase yield to supply to not only the United States, but as a global aspect, to undeveloped countries,” Hettinger said. However, Hettinger also acknowledges some of the environmental risks. “If we blow out one chain of the

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page 8

kansas state collegian

Report relased

wednesday, october 19, 2011

Schulz shares tips for success with freshmen

Cassie Wandersee contributing writer Editor’s Note: This article was completed as an assignment for a class in the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications. K-State Salina has released their 2011 annual campus security report for 2010. The report includes the criminal offense report as well as the annual fire safety report. The report covers one full year from Jan. 1, 2010 to Dec. 31, 2010. The U.S. Department of Education requires all colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. Recent changes to the policy have lead to the inclusion of the fire safety report. K-State Salina is comprised of more than 180 faculty and staff and approximately 800 students. It was established in 1965 as the state’s first public college of technology. In 1991, it merged with K-State to become the ninth college of the university. According to the security report, the “K-State Salina campus has not experienced a significant number of major crimes in the past, but it must be noted that crime is a national concern that affects us all.” The security department at K-State Salina is composed of four full-time security officers. One university police sergeant is assigned to the Salina campus to liaison with local law enforcement agencies and direct security services for the Salina campus. K-State Salina had no crime to report other than arrests for two drug abuse violations and eight arrests for liquor law violations as well as one on-campus disciplinary action for a liquor law violation. Capt. Donald Stubbings of the K-State Police Department said a smaller campus population leads to less occurrences and a lower crime rate, as does the pilot program. “Students are mainly pilots and tend to understand consequences of drug and alcohol violations. A violation could prohibit them from getting a pilot’s license,” Stubbings said. There were no fire incidents to report on the K-State Salina campus. The full report can be found at http://www.k-state.edu/studentlife/reportsandpolicies/.

Erin Poppe | Collegian

President Kirk Shulz spoke to a collaboration of students from the freshmen class as a guest speaker for Introduction to Leadership Concepts. The presentation focused on Shulz’s 16 Ways for Success in leadership.

Erin Poppe | Collegian

ABOVE: Freshmen Matt Ehrnman (Milling Science), Jack Dunn (Business Administration), and Tyler Ottensmeier (Animal Science and Industry) converse with Introduction to Leadership Concepts Instructor Mike Finnegan over how people react to a “quantum leap” within their organization. The question was posed by Kirk Shulz during his presentation for the class. “It pushes people out of their comfort zone,” said Dunn. “It creates a transition phase.” UPPER LEFT: During a presentation aimed towards freshmen from the leadership class, President Shulz talked about how each place one travels in life contributes to where they are now, and about his path to presidency at K-State. LOWER LEFT: President Shulz gives his audience a few moments to discuss the question of how to instigate a “quantum leap” within an organization, and how people within the organization would react. This was during a presentation he gave to a collaboration of freshmen from the class Introduction to Leadership Concepts.

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