Kansas State Collegian Print Edition 10.26.11

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Upgrading Beocat page 3

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Pin it! Pinterest.com is what happens when social media meets bulliten boards.

vol. 117 | no. 47


A word from coach Want to know what Bill Snyder has to say about the upcoming game? Check out page 5.


Trunk-or-Treat? K-State’s Salina campus will host a Halloween event for local children.

WRL showcases student cooperation, school spirit Fluoride use begets problems Darrington Clark staff writer

Lauren Gocken | Collegian

Members of Delta Tau Delta, Pi Kappa Alpha and Zeta Phi Beta perform as the Sooners for their dance, themed “USS Willie,” at Wildcat Request Live in Bramlage Coliseum Tuesday evening. Caroline Sweeney managing editor Students rushed to find the perfect seats as music played over the speakers in Bramlage Coliseum Tuesday night. As they waited for the competition to start, they passed the time with house chants, dancing in the aisles and group photos. Although the K-State cheerleaders, Classy Cats and Kansas State Marching Band drum line solicited cheers from the crowd, it was the student-coordinated dances that brought the crowd volume up. The preparation for Wildcat Request Live began before All-University Homecoming week. Jordan Raymond, coordinator for Alpha Xi Delta’s WRL group abd junior in interior design said, “We started as soon as the [theme] was released as Wildcat Wave. It was maybe a month ago.” Although the overarching theme for the 2011 Homecoming is Wildcat Wave, pairings were able to interpret that into a more focused idea. At WRL there were pirates, mermaids, beach boys, sharks, sailors and even the “Baywatch” theme song. “It was hard because we were trying to figure out a theme that not everyone would have. We tried to stray away from pirates and lifeguards because we figured that would be the most used,” Raymond said.

Alpha Xi used a 1940s, Pearl Harbor theme. “The Sooners came and attacked the Wildcats and we went to war with them and won. The girls were basically the girlfriends or the wives of the boys who were in the Navy,” Raymond said. During the practice time, pairings had to start slowly to ensure the steps were memorized correctly. “The second time we met, we had a practice. We taught them a bulk of choreography and from there we practiced tricks,” Raymond said. Payten Mobely, member of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and freshman in family studies said that there were tryouts for her group. “We all went into a big room and we had to go across the floor and do turns and learn a combination. From there they chose who was in it,” Mobely said. Many of the dancers in WRL have a dance background. Haley Bensel, member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and freshman in civil engineering, said she danced in high school and that is why she did WRL. “I love to dance and I wanted to do it college too,” she said. Luke Fangman, president of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity and senior in civil engineering has spent four years participating in WRL.

“I wanted to lead by example and still show people that even in your fourth year you can stay extremely involoved in homecoming. The rush of doing things in front of 4,000 of your greek peers is pretty neat,” Fangman said. Fangman said that he used to get nervous but he no longer does. Amara Giersch, member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and sophomore in apparel and textiles said, “I was really scared at first but once we got down there I had a blast. It wasn’t as scary as I thought.” WRL is the third major event during Homecoming week at K-State. During the part dance, part lip sync competition, homecoming pairings are judged on many different criteria. According to the Homecoming Handbook given to the greek pairings, there are four evenly divided categories. “The judges were told to look for the maximum number of participants, the props the groups were allowed, that the dances were in good taste, that they were following the theme and that they weren’t [using] unsafe departures from the competitive area,” said Megan Sherlock, associate director of student programs for the K-State Alumni Association. Another participant at WRL was fist-time judge Brad Hill, head coach

for K-State Baseball. “It was fun. I didn’t have to say anything. I did KState Idol about three years ago and it was really hard having to talk about the good and bad of the performance.” Hill said he also enjoyed sitting back and judging. “I was looking for creativity,” Hill said. “Some of the uniforms and costumes they put together were pretty cool. It was good to see how many of them could stay together.” Hill also said that even though he cannot dance himself, everyone looked like they were having fun. Sherlock said that the main responsibility of her position is Homecoming. “I think the hardest part was I started on Sept. 7 and it is only Oct. 25. It was a little challenging to make sure that I knew all the rules because it is a lot different from when I was in college,” Sherlock said. She said that many of the rule changes dealt with stunting. “Some of the things we called ‘illegal’ this year is stunting. Mainly it’s safety for the participants.” “I had a great time. WRL is one of my favorite competitions,” Sherlock said. Each pairing will receive 20 points toward its participation in Homecoming and 75 points toward its total for first place. The winners for WRL will be announced on Friday at the pep rally.

Lukas Nelson rocks out in McCain Auditorium Jordan Hildebrand contributing writer Editor’s Note: This article was completed as an assignment for a class in the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications. When Lukas Nelson walked barefoot out onto the stage in his brightly patterned shorts and casual T-shirt, the auditorium filled with applause. To add to the eclectic atmosphere of the concert, Nelson’s long hair continuously flailed in the wind as he played his guitar and head-banged to the beat. His head moved around so much that any casual guitar player would lose focus long before the song was over. In the middle of his performance, he managed to woo some of the parents in

LUKAS NELSON | pg. 6 Logan M. Jones | Collegian

Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real play a show inside McCain Auditorium Tuesday night that ended with a long jam session by the band. The concert was part of the McCain Performance Series.

Inanyone’s bathroom cabinet, there is probably a container of toothpaste. Printed on the side of that container of toothpaste is a long list of words that comprise its ingredients. Among those 14-syllable words that make no sense is a two-syllable word that is more commonly known: fluoride. Fluoride can also commonly be found in tap water. Fluoride is a chemical substance that has been proven to be beneficial to the human body by removing the plaque from our teeth, whitening them and prevention of tooth decay. “Fluoride functions to give your tooth the strength to resist acidic attacks from food,” said Dr. Thomas Lin of the Konza Prairie Community Health and Dental Center. “It also has an antibacterial function that aids teeth.” This explains why fluoride can be found in toothpaste, but fluoride is also naturally found in water. This natural amount is not effective enough to provide benefits on its own, however, some 65 years ago, cities across America began the process of community water fluoridation — adding more fluoride to drinking water to increase its potency. Since its installation, community water fluoridation has decreased American tooth decay by 50 to 60 percent, according to an Oct. 6 USA Today article by Wendy Koch. There are very few communities that do not use water fluoridation, mainly due to the fact that they have not received a budget for it, yet. According to the Sept. 1, 2009 article “Cost savings of community water fluoridation” by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, community water fluoride costs approximately 72 cents per person per year, averaging about 201 million dollars annually in the U.S. The city of Manhattan’s water treatment plant was built in 1970 and has been involved in the community water fluoridation process since its inception. Here, Manhattan’s drinking water is fluoride enhanced and regulated by the treatment plant employees. “We keep the fluoride level here at one percent,” said Kenneth Henry, water plant supervisor at the Manhattan Water Treatment Plant. “That is the standard industry regulation. You don’t really receive any benefits if the level is below 0.7, but you start getting bad effects when the level is over 1.2.” Community water fluoridation holds no risk, as long as the amount of fluoride in the water is carefully regulated. If there is too little, there is no point to the process, because benefits will not be apparent. Too much fluoride, however, can cause several damaging effects, including tooth chipping, enamel weakening and enamel fluorosis, which presents the appearance of splotches, off-white stripes or dots on the teeth. Communities that have been recorded to have up to two percent water fluoridation, far surpassing the normal limit, endanger their residents, especially the youth, in whom symptoms appear faster. Children under six years old will develop enamel fluorosis if too much fluoride is ingested. Children can also develop enamel fluorosis due to unsupervised use of too much toothpaste. Not everyone accepts fluoride use for its benefits. Many websites, such as PrisonPlanet. com, condemn fluoride use. Studies by the Harvard School of Dental Medicine found slight and rare connections between

FLUORIDE | pg. 6

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wednesday, october 26, 2011

kansas state collegian



Logan’s Run | By Erin Logan

KenKen | Medium

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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Collegian welcomes your letters to the editor. They can be submitted by e-mail to letters@spub.ksu.edu, or in person to Kedzie 116. Include your full name, year in school and major. Letters should be limited to 350 words. All submitted letters may be edited for length and clarity.

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The Kansas State Collegian, a student newspaper at Kansas State University, is published by Student Publications, Inc. It is published weekdays during the school year and on Wednesdays during the summer. Periodical postage is paid at Manhattan, KS. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kedzie 103, Manhattan, KS 66506-7167. First copy free, additional copies 25 cents. [USPS 291 020] © Kansas State Collegian, 2011 All weather information courtesy of the National Weather Service. For up-to-date forecasts, visit nws.noaa.gov.

CORRECTION There were errors in the Oct. 25 issue. Kelly McHugh did not write Tuesday’s golf article, Mark Kern did. Kristi Knight is the women’s golf coach, not Suzie Fritz.

GAMEDAY Edition Every Friday this Fall To advertise call 785.532.6560 or e-mail adsales@spub.ksu.edu

In Amy Hopkins’ obituary, it was reported that Collins was recently engaged. That is incorrect. The Collegian regrets the errors. If you see something that should be corrected or clarified, call Managing Editor Caroline Sweeney at 785-532-6556 or e-mail news@spub.ksu.edu.

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wednesday, october 26, 2011

kansas state collegian

page 3

Beocat supercomputer to be upgraded with national grant funds

Photos by Tommy Theis | Collegian

Daniel Andresen, associtate professor of computing and information sciences gives a tour of the Beocat computer cluster in Nichols hall. Lindsay Beardall staff writer Supercomputers are not just for science fiction novels; K-State has received a grant to upgrade the research computing cluster called Beocat. For researchers at K-State, Beocat is an important tool to help share and organize their intellectual efforts. Daniel Andresen, faculty overseer of Beocat and associate professor of computing and information sciences, said the system is a cluster of 130 servers and nodes located in Nichols Hall. Beocat serves four colleges and 12 to 15 departments at K-State. It holds and processes information on many topics from different areas of research. Adam Tygart, sophomore in computer science and systems coordinator for computing and information science, monitors Beocat’s day-to-day operations. When asked about the cons to having a supercomputer, Tygart laughed and said, “It will definitely take more staff to run it. We will be looking for a student assistant and sometime in the future, a professional.”

Tygart said Beocat has approximately 450 users. These users send in applications or projects to the servers. Most often, these are massive calculations from large sets of data, requiring enormous amounts of memory and high efficiency processing that could not be done on a normal desktop or laptop. Andresen said typical desktop computers have one or two cores in the central processing unit whereas Beocat currently has more than 1,000 cores. Beocat has 130 machines, and 10 of these currently have 64 gigabytes of memory. That is more than 30 times the amount a desktop can contain. Beocat will undergo a system upgrade of six more file servers with 512 gigabytes of memory as well as adding cores for a total of 2,000, Andresen said. This will be the product of the $700,000 grant from the National Science Foundation’s Major Research Instrumentation Program as well as $300,000 in matching funds from K-State. Andresen said the final number and types of nodes and servers is not final, as they are still deciding what

machines will be most effective. Andresen spent eight or nine months dedicated to preparing the grant proposal. He said Ken Stafford, chief information officer and vice provost for Information Technology Services, actively supported

“Networking makes transferring information or results from projects much easier and simpler.” Daniel Andresen associate professor of computing and information sciences the grant proposal efforts and provided part of the matching funds on behalf of K-State. Of the qualification process, Andresen said, “First there is an internal competition within Kansas, two of those proposals qualify for the national level. Then out of the nationwide pool, 10 to 12 percent are approved.” Andresen said this grant allows K-State to network with other four-year institutions

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that may not have access to this type of computing power. “Networking makes transferring information or results from projects much easier and simpler,” Andresen said. “Also, if ever the system is overwhelmed with a project, we can send the entirety or part of a project to the University of Oklahoma or other schools we have networked with in the past.” “There is documentation online of the steps to submit a project and that makes it easy for my students to use,” Beocat is a network of computers that are all networked tosaid Doina Caragea, assistant gether to work on specific tasks. All together Beocat currently professor of computing and has 122 nodes, 1000 CPU’s and 1648 Gigabytes of RAM. information science as well as co-principle investigator of the may be involved and it could be K-State, our students, faculty grant. “I am currently using a longer wait time for results. and staff have the opportunity Beocat for genomics applicaThis increase in memory to bring their creative enertions. It’s very nice to have it and computing power might gies to key topics such as feed[Beocat] here at K-State. It is not mean much to the aver- ing the world, improving our easy to submit and it takes a age student. However, it has energy utilization and ensuring few hours to a few days to get far-reaching implications to our food is safe to eat,” Schulz results depending on how busy research and extension at K- said. “All of our students want it is.” State. classes which teach and introCaragea said if this system President Kirk Schulz said duce the most up-to-date inforwere not available to students in an email interview that re- mation and one way in which they would have to go else- search being done at K-State our faculty members keep their where to get their results. This addresses local, regional and courses relevant is by conductmeans fees may or may not be national issues. ing nationally competitive necessary, different training “By conducting research at scholarship.”


wednesday, october 26, 2011

kansas state collegian

page 4

Pinterest grabs national attention, good resource

Screenshot courtesy of Caroline Sweeney

Emily Henderson staff writer In December 2009 a small group of friends from Palo Alto, Calif. created a different kind of social networking website called Pinterest. At one point, the site was only accessible by invite, but it is now available to anyone. Pinterest is a slew of virtual pinboards, online collections of items the user finds interesting. Pinboards consist of whatever the user chooses. The user decides what to name their pinboard, what it will consist of and whether or not to allow others to pin items to their boards. Users can save online findings and return to them at a later time for reviewing. Pinners can look through another user’s complete pinboards, look through the different categories, or enter a phrase into the search bar.

There are over 31 categories of pinboards on Pinterest. Categories consist of everything between planning a wedding, recipes and home decor to technology and education. “I love that it makes you think outside the box,” said Rebecca Woodward, sophomore in finance. “You see other people’s pins which make you expand on your own imagination.” Pinterest has not published its number of users. However, Time magazine ranked Pinterest no. 38 out of the ‘50 Best Websites of 2011.’ “It’s a really easy and convenient way to store new recipes or find ways to recycle materials you might otherwise throw away into home decor and other things,” said Maggie Stephens, senior in geography. Similar to Twitter, users can “follow” other Pinterest users and have their recent pins shown on

the homepage. People who also have a Facebook or Twitter account can link their accounts to Pinterest and easily connect with friends. According to the website, Pinterest’s goal is to “connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’

terest,” said Kyle Robinson, junior in graphic design. “It sounds like a good way to organize inspiration or share ideas with other artists, so I’ll definitely look into it.” If a user sees something they like that has already been pinned, they can re-pin, or copy, it to their

“I love that it makes you think outside the box. You see other people’s pins which make you expand on your own imagination.” Rebecca Woodward sophomore in finance they find interesting.” The website also says that millions of pins are added weekly, connecting people from around the world through shared tastes and interests. “I’m an artist/designer and a friend of mine told me about Pin-

board. Pinterest users attach things to their boards either by re-pinning or utilizing the Pinterest toolbar. Once signed up for an account, users are sent an email from the Pinterest suggesting downloading the Pin It toolbar, which allows members to pin anything on the

Internet they find ‘pinteresting.’ Users have the opportunity to credit where they got their pin, whether it was from a different website or another Pinterest user. Everything that has been pinned includes a link of where it originally came from. For example, if food is posted, although the pin itself is just a picture, a link is also provided to give users the actual recipe. Pinning etiquette on the website says that “pins are the most useful when they have links back to the original source.” In addition to standard categories, Pinterest offers short videos to browse through and also has a section for gift ideas that can be re-pinned. After seeing a gift and clicking on it, users can see how much the item costs and where it can be purchased. “Pinterest is a fun way to take aspects of daily life and spice them up with a bit of creativity,” Stephens said.

Student run a capella group makes music without instruments Jakki Thompson staff writer As 13 people gather in McCain 135, they unravel microphone cords and plug in their microphones. They do chronological microphone checks and dive right into their rehearsal, singing “Haven’t Met You Yet” by Michael Buble. Listening, one will hear the different melodies and harmonies of the actual song, yet there are no instruments present other than a piano to keep the beat. This is the group In-AChord. They are a student-led acapella group through the department of music. Ninety percent of what the group does and performs is produced themselves and the other 10 percent is through directors who come in and give the group feedback about ways they can improve. “We are an acapella group without any sort of instrumental accompaniment,” said Andrew Sweeney, junior in music education and French education. “We have people who do the parts of percussion and we have a beat boxer. We do pop and vocal jazz instead of the more classical music you would think of a choir doing.” There are many things that sets In-A-Chord apart from other acapella groups, both on and off campus. In comparison to Cadence, an all male acapella group on campus, In-AChord is a mixed gender choir. In-A-Chord is also a sponsored and official ensemble of the KState choirs. “We are not all music majors,” said Stephanie Dudley, senior in music education. “We have people in our group who

photo courtesy of In-A-Chord

just want to sing, and this is a great way for them to do that.” Dudley said that this is a really good experience for music education majors. She said that the group, as a student-led organization, helps music majors learn both the leadership side of teaching new music and the administrative side. “We learn both sides with

“We have a cool dynamic as a group. Since we are a smaller group, we are a lot more personal. We put our own personalities in our performance.” Stephanie Dudley senior in music education, In-A-Chord member being in this group,” said Aaron Burke, senior in music education. “In the leadership side, we all get to direct a few songs that

we choose. In the administrative side, we, as members of the group, get to choose the music. We also have to create the tick-

ets and sell them. We also line up all of our own gigs.” Something that sets acapella groups apart from class choirs is their ability to create the sheet music. Sweeney said almost all of the sheet music they use is composed by the person writing it down. The members of In-A-Chord create their own sheet music and transform all of the instrumen-

tal parts of the songs into vocal parts for the group members to sing. “I was looking for something that was completely different than any other choir on campus,” said Andrew Vogliardo, sophomore in family studies and human services. “I am the beat boxer of the group. I heard this group needed a beat boxer, and that’s how I made my way into the group.” Becoming a member of InA-Chord has a few requirements. Students have to have sung for another K-State choir for at least a year. Auditions for In-A-Chord are based on the vocal ability students show in their original choir, as well as their amount of participation in their original choir. “I was looking for something that was completely different than any other choir performance,” Vogliardo said. “Acapella, in general, is new to the world, not just to K-State. It is new and fresh to see and join and to be a part of.” Something that sets In-AChord apart from other acapella groups is their ability to adapt to their surroundings when performing. Sweeney said that they are able to adapt to their surroundings since they have no instruments or need for anything else. He said that they are willing to sing for any event for any organization. “We have a cool dynamic as a group,” Dudley said. “Since we are a smaller group, we are a lot more personal. We are able to go into the places we want to perform in and be able to adapt to our surroundings. We put our own personalities in our performance.”

HOROSCOPES Libra Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 My advice to you is simple: stop watching horror movies. Yes, that includes those televised on ABC Family. Even those keep you awake at night.

Capricorn Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 Judging by the length of the skirt you wore on campus today, we are all quite worried about your costume this weekend. Just know we are bracing ourselves.

Scorpio Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 You like candy, so what? But after Halloween on Monday, it will no longer be acceptable to come to class with chocolate in your teeth and powdered sugar on your T-shirt.

Aquarius Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 It’s time to take this whole ‘Halloween’ thing seriously. You are still in college, therefore it is obviously important to dress up. You can take off your “big boy/girl pants” for one night.

Sagittarius Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 You are a feisty individual, which means you will likely have many costumes this weekend. But what day shall you wear them? No matter, as you have nothing better to do with your time but decide.

Pisces Feb. 19 - March 20 Yes,we all know you have yet to grow into those ‘adult shoes’ you were given upon arrival to college, but trick-or-treating is strictly forbidden. Stop asking for people to join you.

Aries March 21 - April 19 This is the week to start your Halloween festivities. If that means dressing up every day from this day forward, so be it.

Cancer June 21 -July 22 You’re sensitivity to these horoscopes surprises me. Do I care? No. Will I write you a horoscope this week? Absolutely not. You’re welcome.

Taurus April 20 - May 20 The costume you are meant to wear this Halloween includes tights and a leotard. Wear it. And wear it with confidence. No one said it would be easy. Gemini May 21 - June 20 Just because you’re dressed up as a ghost doesn’t mean you’re invisible. Keep this in mind when you are making all those awful choices this weekend.

Leo July 23 - Aug. 22 You have what I’d call a “binging problem.” Unfortunately for you, ‘tis the season of sweets. Since you can’t escape the abundance of Halloween candy, give in — you hungry ol’ witch, you. Virgo Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 Is the Halloween holiday enough to steer you in the direction of the shower? Classmates hope ‘yes,’ but, sadly, it’s up to you. -Compiled by Kelsey Castonon


kansas state collegian

wednesday, october 26, 2011

page 5

DRIVEN Wildcat football prepares for intense game against Sooners

Logan M. Jones | Collegian

K-State fullback, Braden Wilson, helps plow a running lane for quarterback, Collin Klein, to run through last Saturday during the game in Lawrence. Sean Frye staff writer With his team undefeated at 7-0 and ranked No. 8 in the Bowl Championship Series rankings, K-State football head coach Bill Snyder seemed poised and ready for war at his weekly press conference on Tuesday. The Wildcats (No. 10 AP, No. 12 Coaches) take on the Oklahoma Sooners (No. 11 AP, No. 9 Coaches), who are coming off their first loss, on Saturday in what is being hyped up as the biggest game of the year thus far for both teams. Snyder emphasized the importance of treating this game just like any other game, and that so far his team’s preparations have worked. “It is not like there are seven weeks of preparation and then there is an isolated week,” Snyder

said. “We still have to prepare the same way we have always done. Whether that is good or bad, I do not know, but that is the way we know how to do it.” However, Snyder did not go as far as to downplay the significance of the upcoming game on Saturday and the Big 12 Conference and BCS implications that come along with it. “It does not mean that this is another game,” Snyder said. “[The players] all understand the significance of the ballgame and the tremendous team that we are playing, but how you prepare does not or should not really change.” Some of K-State’s most historic performances have been against the Sooners. In 2003, the Wildcats, led by quarterback Ell Roberson and running back Darren Sproles that year, nabbed their first and

Wildcats look to sweep season series against Missouri Mark Kern assistant sports editor Coming off a tough loss in Oklahoma on Saturday, the Wildcats will be looking to get back on the winning track against Missouri. K-State will enter the match with a record of 15-7, 4-4. This has them in fifth place in the Big 12, one game behind Texas A&M for fourth place and one game ahead of Missouri for fifth. The two teams have already played once during this season. In the Sept. 28 matchup, the Wildcats were able to escape Columbia, Mo. with a victory in a five set match. Kaitlynn Pelger led the Wildcats that night with 23 kills to go along with 16 digs. Missouri is coming into the match off a road loss at No. 10 Texas. The Tigers are led by outside hitter Lisa Henning. Henning has been the key player for the Tigers as she currently leads

the Big 12 with 4.82 kills per set. The Tigers will have a balanced offensive attack as setter Molly Kreklow will be setting Hennings along with Emily Wilson and Brittney Brimmage. The Wildcats’ defense will be tested and a key factor in the game may be how well the Wildcats play at the net on defense. The Wildcats had a good offensive match against the Sooners, led by Kaitlynn Pelger’s 26 kills. Also having a good match for the Wildcats was Alex Muff, who had a career high 13 kills. The Wildcats will look to both players to have another strong game against the Tigers in a matchup that could make an impact in the Big 12 standings. The Wildcats will look to start the second half of the conference season off right. The match is set for 6:30 p.m. and will be televised on Fox Sports Kansas City. The game will also be broadcasted on 1350 KMAN.

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so far only Big 12 title with a win in Kansas City, Mo. at Arrowhead Stadium over then No. 1 Oklahoma. However, the mild-mannered coach stressed that it is not 2003 anymore, and that this year’s team, which is off to its fourth-best start in school history, has its own identity. “What I try to share with our football team and the players in the room is that this is their team, and whatever happened two years ago was another team and what happened two years before, et cetera – those are other teams,” Snyder said. “It really does not have an impact on how this group prepares and how they play. They are their own team. They want to be their own team. That is important for them.” The Wildcats are coming off a

59-21 victory against the Kansas Jayhawks last weekend that brought the Governor’s Cup to Manhattan for the third straight year. K-State scored the highest amount of points they had all year and the offense took significant strides, which could prove pivotal against the Sooners. “They had to be doing something right,” Snyder said. “I think there was a balance between running and the pass – we did not throw it as much in the second half for obvious reasons, but I think there was in the first half. We created a little more balance. I think we are a better football team when we have more balance in our offense. I think that is where we were in that point in time. They have improved very well. They have gotten better game in and game out. I think we certainly rec-

ognized that.” While the Wildcats have their biggest test coming up, looking back is hard not to do for everybody involved. However, the team’s ultimate goal is to stay focused on the task at hand, which is beating the Sooners on Saturday. “It has been an awesome journey so far,” said starting quarterback Collin Klein. “We have really come together in a very special way, and I know that we can definitely continue that improvement. At this point, we just need to keep focus on the next step, and there will be a time where we can look back and see that it has been pretty special, but it is not over yet. The job is not done and we have to make sure that we keep our nose to the grindstone and not look too far ahead or back behind to distract us.”

West Two Minute Drill Virginia to possibly come to the Big 12 Monty Thompson sports editor


Mark Kern assistant sports editor The Big 12 Conference, preparing for the loss of Missouri to the Southeastern Conference, has officially extended an invite to the University of West Virginia. The Mountaineers are currently in the Big East Conference, and will not leave the Big East until the 20132014 season. This means that West Virginia will complete 22 months out of the Big East’s 27 month notification of leaving agreement. Even though West Virginia is being accepted with the assumption that Missouri is leaving, Missouri does not have to leave for West Virginia to move to the Big 12. Additionally, talks are starting to heat up between the Big 12 and Notre Dame.

Minnesota Vikings receiver Bernard Berrian has been released from the team. Due to a steady decrease in performance, Berrian was cut after three seasons and lack of playing time this year. The Vikings still owe Berrian $1.9 million unless he is picked up by another team. Stephen Burton is expected to fill the position for Minnesota.

MLB: Boston Red Sox pitcher John Lackey will undergo Tommy John surgery on his right elbow, a move that will likely prevent him from playing in the 2012 season. Lackey is coming off the worst season of his career, ending the 2011 season on a 12-12 record with a 6.41 ERA.

NBA: The third cancellation of the NBA season is set to take

place this week as problems persist with the lockout. Commissioner David Stern, who has already canceled all preseason games as well as the first two weeks of the regular season, may soon cut further into the schedule. As players and coaches continue their struggle to reach an agreement, the start of the 2011-12 season may now potentially begin on Nov. 28.

NCAA: Commissioners from the Big East Conference, Mountain West Conference and Conference USA are scheduled to meet this week to discuss the possibility of forming a single football conference. While more schools continue to branch off from the Big East and stir up the current conference realignment, the first true super-conference may rise out of the turmoil. If the three conferences agree to merge, it would create a single league of 28 to 32 teams with a guaranteed Bowl Championship Series qualifying bid.

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wednesday, october 26, 2011

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LUKAS NELSON | All ages united by band Continued from page 1

Logan M. Jones

Above: Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real do a sound check inside McCain Auditorium Tuesday afternoon. The band is headed by Lukas Nelson, son of country music legend, Willie Nelson.

the room with his soulful song “Fathers and Mothers,” inspired by his family. After hearing it, several women had to wipe tears from their eyes. Music fans young and old attended the Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real concert Tuesday night at McCain Auditorium. During the concert, Nelson, the son of Willie Nelson, told the audience that he and his band were even able to wander around Manhattan for a while before the concert started. “Well we walked around town a little bit, it’s a nice little place, Manhattan, all right,” Nelson said to the enthusiastic crowd. Todd Holmberg, executive director of McCain Auditorium, said that he had first heard about Lukas Nelson

& the Promise of the Real about 18 months ago from Lukas’ manager at a conference in New York. Initially, Holmberg said he was hesitant to listen to Nelson’s work, so he stuffed it in his office for a few months. Then, as he was cleaning his office, he decided to pop it in for a listen. “I was blown away,” Holmberg said. “I must have listened to his CD about three or four times back to back ... I really think he is on the verge of being a household name because his music is just dripping with artistry.” After booking Nelson, Holmberg admitted that he was very excited to have him come to K-State. “Out of this year’s entire McCain Performance Series, this one was one of the events I was most looking forward to,” Holmberg said. The opening act for the concert was

a band from Lawrence called “Quiet Corral.” The band of seven wowed the crowd with their pitch-perfect harmonies, upbeat attitudes and catchy songs. “You all have such friendly, friendly faces,” lead singer Braswell Roberts said during the concert. “We love friendly faces.” All of the members of the band were multi-talented, going so far as to switch their instruments in the middle of a song. In fact, during their last number, five of the seven band members all played various forms of percussion during a musical interlude. “I just wanted to come because I had some free tickets, and I wanted to listen to some great music. It was really great,” said Jeff Neeil, a Manhattan resident.

Below: A few hours before performing at McCain Auditorium, Lukas Nelson makes a sandwich to tide him over until dinner. The band likes to have as much of their food as possible be organic. Right: Lukas Nelson participates in a sound check with his band, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, Tuesday afternoon, a few hours before their performance at McCain Auditorium.

FLUORIDE | Communities express frivolous concern Continued from page 1 fluoridated water and bone cancer in youth. According to a May 12, 2003 BBC News article, only 11 percent of the U.K. has fluoridated water and critics fear added fluoride is linked to health risks, such as cancer and bone fractures. Pinellas County, Fla., has recently passed an ordinance that will completely stop water fluoridation in that area. Susan Latvala, commission chair for the Board of County Commissioners in Pinellas County, does not support the decision. “I didn’t vote for it.” Latvala said. “The ordeal started as a way to save money, even though it really only saves us $200,000, which is nothing for a county of our size. Then the situation became a Tea Party issue, with people claiming that the government shouldn’t add things to our water supply. Finally, people started hearing about the rhetoric of possible safety issues with fluoride. It got out of hand.” Pinellas County has roughly

650,000 people on the water supply that will lose the benefits of fluoride. Florida water already has a relatively high level of fluoride in their water naturally, also prompting the new ordinance. “I think health-conscious people might be in favor of discontinuing fluoridation,” Dr. Lin said, “but too much of anything is bad for us. A higher concentration of fluoride will cause spotting of the teeth, but as long as that level is at the correct amount, I believe it to be very beneficial.” On whether or not fluoride returns to the area, Latvala is optimistic. “I’m hopeful that we can reinstate it. The Dentist’s Association is working on it currently. I’m just not in favor of this.” Latvala said. Though many states across America are beginning to see the changes that Florida is experiencing, Manhattan’s water supply remains treated with fluoride at sustained and regulated levels and has no plans to discontinue usage. Do You Need To Get Around Town? Call The ATA Bus Today!

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wednesday, october 26, 2011

page 7

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City commission work session focuses on budget forecasts

New name suggested as ‘face lift’ for old homecoming event

Jakki Thompson staff writer The city commission work session focused on the budget forecasts for the 2013-2015 fiscal years with a specific focus on outside agency funding on Tuesday night. The money for outside agencies comes from the city’s general fund. These projections were based on what kind of spending is happening within the city. The general fund expenditures have maintained a steady level of spending with what the city brings into this fund, but the outside agency fund-


ing has increased by 27 percent over the past three years. The commission said with continued spending and funding like this, the city will face significant negative effects. City sales taxes will have to increase in order for the outside agencies to maintain certain funding from the city. Currently, outside agencies receive funding from property taxes. Some of the commissioners expressed that they do not want to continue this flow of tax money to outside agencies. Mayor Jim Sherow said that the purpose of budget forecasts is not to decrease the quality of life in the city, but to reevaluate

who benefits from these funds and who does not. Outside agencies who receive special alcohol fees and funding will have that money because that money is not going anywhere. The city commission does not decide that particular fund, so the commission has no say in how that money is allocated or how it is spent. The commission said that they have a menu of options to look at in the reduction of funds to get the city’s debt under control. Nothing was set in stone at this meeting as it was a work session and focused around discussion and the facts presented.

Truth Hallel Wilson, of Lawton, Okla., was booked for aggravated robbery. Bond was set at $35,000. Kyle Patrick Lamperez, of the 1400 block of Watson Place, was booked for driving with a canceled, suspeded or revoked license. Bond was set at $750. Jerry Megan Ellis, of the 400 block of Maple Place, was booked for theft. Bond was set at $1,000.

Homecoming is a popular annual event on campuses around the nation, and KState is no exception. Every year students participate in a variety of events each day of All-University Homecoming week leading up to the parade and gameday. However, one of the events is in

dire need of a new name. Wildcat Request Live, a spin-off of the MTV series Total Request Live, has been part of the lineup of homecoming events for quite some time. This dance and lip sync competition kept its name, despite the fact that TRL stopped airing in 2008. Although WRL serves as an entertaining event, changing its name would provide a breath of fresh air. Today, there are plenty of shows on television that have

themes similar to Wildcat Request Live. Titles such as K-State’s Best Dance Crew or Dancing With the Wildcats and several other choices are more up-to-date names that would be just as fitting. Sometimes traditions need a new face. This does not mean that the competition itself needs to change, but as the 1990s become more of a memory, rebranding WRL should be a priority for the homecoming committee next year.

K-State daily briefs Karen Ingram news editor


To the point is an editorial selected and debated by the editorial board and written after a majority opinion is formed. This is the Collegian’s official opinon.

28 at 7:30 p.m. Tran will be performing Pacific Americana music, a style which showcases his Vietnamese and Southwest Kansas background. During the show, visual artist Vaughn Schultz will create three accompanying paintings influenced by the music. Tran received his master’s degree in theatre directing from K-State in 2005. Tickets are available at the arts center 785-537-4420 or online at www.manhattanarts.org.

K-State Student Ambassador elections will be held on Thursday, Oct. 27 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, visit k-state.com/s/1173/ start.aspx.

The Manhattan Arts Center will be hosting a special concert and art presentation, featuring K-State alumnus Vi Tran on Friday, Oct.

Nicholas M. Mcatee, of the 700 block of Dondee Drive, was booked for aggravated battery. Bond was set at $2,000. Harold Choi Chung, of Moore Hall, was booked for unlawful possession of depressants. Bond was set at $750. Kristin Nicole Williams, of Moore Hall, was booked for unlawful possession of depressants. Bond was set at $750. Compiled by Sarah Rajewski

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wednesday, october 26, 2011

kansas state collegian

Masterpieces of Jazz concert to be performed by K-State students

Lauren Gocken | Collegian

Above: Andrew Feyse, graduate student in music education, plays during a full run through of the Masterpieces of Jazz concert. Students ran through the whole show with no stops to time the duration of the final concert. Left: Brett Eichman, sophomore in music education, plays during a full run-through of the Masterpieces of Jazz concert, which is taking place Oct. 26.

Salina hosts “Trunk-or-Treat” Balasubramanyn Meenakshisundaram staff writer K-State Salina will be hosting the 7th annual Trunk-or-Treat event for the children of Salina community. The event is organized by the Women in Aviation chapter at K-State Salina and will be held on Thursday, Oct. 27 from 5 to 7 p.m. in the west parking lot of the Student Life Center. “It is a really exciting day for them,” said Natalie Blair, public and alumni relations coordinator at K-State Salina. For the Trunk-or-Treat event, K-State

“I think it was a way to get out in the community and get little kids on campus.” Natalie Blair public and alumni relations coordinator at K-State Salina

Salina students dress up in their Halloween costumes, decorate their vehicles and gather at the parking lot, which is the event venue. Hence, the name “Trunk-or-Treat.” They then hand out candy to the children dressed up in Halloween costumes visiting the campus with their parents. The Women in Aviation chapter has been organizing the event for the past three years, according to Blair. “I think it was a way to get out in the community and get little kids on campus,” Blair said. The children can also use the event as an opportunity to visit the university and see items on display, like the airplanes, which otherwise they might not be able to see and enjoy. Blair said that the turnout depends on the weather and added that on a good day they could easily have 100 families visiting. In case of inclement weather, the event will be moved into the conference room inside the College Center.

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