Kansas State Collegian Print Edition 11.11.11

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kansas state www.kstatecollegian.com Tomorrow:

collegian friday, november 11, 2011


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Veterans Day Columnist Andy Rao thinks Veterans should be honored not forgotten.

vol. 117 | no. 59


Texas time The volleyball team heads down to Austin, Texas to take on the Longhorns Saturday.


Aggieville 101 Today’s Edge page has several stories that explore the vastness of the ‘Ville.

Fair Trade Marketplace supports workers, educates public Sean Frye staff writer The sixth annual Fair Trade Marketplace took place in the KState Student Union Courtyard on Thursday afternoon. There were 15 vendors at the marketplace selling handcrafted goods from various Third World countries that promoted fair trade. The goods being sold included purses, handbags, necklaces, bracelets, scarves and blankets. The marketplace even featured entertainment, as a man was set up on a stage playing a sitar. Fair trade is a social concept driven by markets that pay their workers, or artisans, a fair wage. This is contrary to the free trade concept, in which large corporations outsource work to other countries and pay their employees lower wages. “The people that make these items, that produce these items, get paid a fair wage, as well as many other benefits,” said Karen Pickett, director of Education and More, a non-profit organization that works out of Guatemala. “We set up sewing centers, stores, we educate their children. All of our profits go back down to Guatemala to help our artisans and their families.” The marketplace was sponsored by the Ecumenical Campus Ministry, a Christian student organization on campus. Abbey Pomeroy, marketplace coordinator for ECM and sophomore in interior design said ECM deals with many of the same issues that fair trade does. “We try to help out those in more need than ourselves,” Pomeroy said. Pomeroy, who is in her first year of directing the event after being a co-coordinator last year, said she loves being able to help others. “Giving appreciation to the artisans that made the product, which is so unique and beautiful, is important, too,” Pomeroy said. “There is so much effort that goes into it, and so I like the meaning that is behind it.” One of the companies selling

Anna Confer | Collegian

Janet Zook is showing some of the items selling at the Fair Trade Market to students Taylor Kelly, junior in Industrial Engineering, and Leah Baus, sophomore in open option. goods was AWAVA, which is a Lu- poverty was to give them a mar“Tagua is very easy to access,” was “12 Ways You Can Support Fair ganda word for source or origin, ketplace,” Pennie von Achen said. said Marie Mitchell, the sales man- Trade,” while other literature exis a fair trade company located in “They make all of these goods. Fair ager for Minga Imports who was on plained the fair trade certified logo, Uganda in east Africa. Kate von trade allows these women to get a hand at the marketplace. “People which is found on products that Achen founded the company and fair, bigger share of the profit and it can make carvings and hand dye meet various fair trade certification put local artisans in the impover- lifts them out of poverty.” the tagua, so it eliminates the need requirements. ished African country to work and One of the specialty products for poached ivory. Most of the tagua paid them fair wages. Pennie von being sold by Minga Imports was comes from Ecuador, Peru, ColomThe Fair Trade Marketplace will be Achen, Kate’s mother, was on hand tagua, a type of nut that can be bia and Costa Rica.” at the Union selling various hand- crafted and made into goods, like There was also a lot of literature available again tomorrow from 9 crafted goods. jewelry. The sales and production of made available to the customers of a.m. to 5 p.m. in the K-State Student “The best way to empower the tagua helps reduce the poaching of the marketplace about fair trade. Union Courtyard. women in Uganda who live in elephant tusks. One of the pieces made available

Cats regular season opens against Outdoor recreation areas Charleston Southern Buccaneers around Manhattan offer more than just fresh air Jena Sauber staff writer With fall in full swing, people in search of weekend plans can turn to outdoor recreational facilities around Manhattan, including Tuttle Creek State Park and Fort Riley. These areas offer outdoor recreational activities such as fishing, hiking and shooting, among other unique opportunities. “There are a number of good things that go on in the winter and fall,” said Todd Lovin, park manager at Tuttle Creek State Park. “A couple that are popular right now are a rifle range that is open on the first and third weekends of the month and an archery range that is open during daylight hours.”

“Camping fits with football really good — a camp fire, tailgating — it’s all really family oriented. It fits for us really good.” Todd Lovin Tuttle Creek State Park manager

Tommy Theis | Collegian

Jordan Henriquez as he reaches for the ball during the first tip off of the season. The Wildcat basketball team kicked off their season on Sunday against Fort Hays State Univesrity. The Wildcats defeated the tigers with a final score of 90-60. Mark Kern sports editor After the 90-60 victory over Fort Hays State University in their lone exhibition, the Wildcats look to get the 2011-2012 season on a positive note as they play host to the Charleston Southern Buccaneers at Bramlage Coliseum at 7 p.m. The Buccaneers are coached by Barclay Radebaugh and bring back three starters from a team that went 16-16 last year. Kelvin Martin, a senior forward, is their leader as he nearly averaged a double double last season with 12.3 points and nine rebounds per game. Other key players for the Buccaneers will be the starting backcourt of Jeremy

Sexton and Sheldon Strickland, who both averaged over eight points a game. K-State head coach Frank Martin talked about the Buccaneers and the problems that they present the Wildcats. “They’re a little bit like Nebraska, when they had Ryan Anderson at the four-spot. They space you and drive you, and will take threes at four different spots. The four guards, they space you out. They will dribble-and-drive you. Their power forward is a power forward, but they use him as a guard. They’re athletic and quick.” Although the Buccaneers are a quick and athletic team, they only have one guy that is over 6-foot-6. The Wildcats will have an advantage with their size and may try

and exploit it. In the exhibition victory over Fort Hays State, the Wildcats got 36 points from their frontcourt, good for 40 percent of the team’s points. A reason was because the perimeter players, especially freshman Angel Rodriguez, Will Spradling and Martavious Irving were all hitting their shots. Expect the Wildcats to look to feed the ball into the post, especially to emerging junior Jordan Henriquez. He has played behind Curtis Kelly the past two years, but coach Martin thinks that he is ready for his chance. “He’s willing to listen and be coached. He’s taking pride in


Tuttle Creek State Park features approximately 1,200 acres of recreation land open to the public for fishing, boating, camping, hiking and various other activities year-round. The park is made up of four units: River Pond, Spillway, Fancy Creek and Randolph. Each of the areas offers recreation activities for visitors. “We have a mountain bike trail that is 6.5 miles long and that is really popular this time of the year. We also have trails for hiking, biking and horseback riding,” Lovin said. For those who wish to stay overnight in the chilly fall air, the park offers approximately 500 primitive campsites and a limited number of campsites with running water and electricity. The park offers almost a dozen cabins for nightly rentals. “We have nine cabins right now, but will have 11 open very soon,” Lovin said. “A lot of people like to get a cabin to get away for the weekend.” The price for a cabin varies between $55 to $85 per night depending on the season and night of the week, Lovin said. Each cabin includes a kitchen, full bathroom, heating, air conditioning and other amenities.

Many of the campsites and cabins are full during fall weekends when the KState football team plays at home. For the Oklahoma State game on Oct. 29, Tuttle Creek campsites were about 70 percent full, an almost unheard of, but logical, occurrence, Lovin said. “We’re only three or four miles away from the stadium,” Lovin said. “Camping fits with football really good — a camp fire, tailgating — it’s all really family oriented. It fits for us really good.” Even when there isn’t a home K-State football game, visitors can use the disc golf course and dog park at Tuttle Creek. The park reservoir is also open. “Of course, fishing is always going to be good, still,” Lovin said. While hunting is not allowed on Tuttle Creek grounds, there is a 12,000 square foot wildlife area around the state reserve that can be hunted on. Sarah Schrag, sophomore in kinesiology and sister of the editor-in-chief, said she plans on taking advantage of Tuttle Creek recreation opportunities. “I would really like to go to Tuttle Creek,” Schrag said. “I haven’t been yet, but that’s something I would like to do.” While new to Manhattan area recreation, Schrag has wildlife experience. She recently shot her first deer on a hunting trip in Kingman, Kan. “I shot a deer last Saturday night,” Schrag said. “It was my second time out, but my first time getting a deer.” Schrag downed an eight-point buck with her bow and arrow. “My dad has really inspired me. He’s been into hunting since I was little and he surprised me with a bow for my birthday,” Schrag said. “I just kind of went with it.” Schrag is open to further hunting opportunities closer to Manhattan, too. “I got my hunter’s safety certificate about a month ago through the Manhattan wildlife,” Schrag said. “I would like to explore more around here, too.” Admission into Tuttle Creek is approximately $4 per vehicle, depending on the time of year. Many of the recreational options are included in the vehicle admission cost. Annual vehicle passes are also available. Camping permits are required and available for between $7 and $9 a night. There are additional charges for RVs, campsites with utilities and the rifle range. For a complete list of costs and permit options, visit the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism website at kdwpt.state.ks.us.

OUTDOORS | pg. 8

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friday, november 11, 2011

kansas state collegian

Logan’s g Run | Byy Erin Logan



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EDITORIAL BOARD Tim Schrag editor-in-chief Caroline Sweeney managing editor Abby Belden managing copy editor Skye LeSage design editor

Karen Ingram news editor Mark Kern sports editor Kelsey Castanon edge and features editor Laura Thacker opinion editor

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Read the Gameday edition Fridays before K-State games.

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GRAB A COLLEGIAN before your Final begins! Finals edition publishes on Monday, December 13

Lauren Gocken photo editor Holly Grannis social media editor Sarah Chalupa ad manager Steve Wolgast adviser


The Kansas State Collegian, a student newspaper at Kansas State University, is published by Student Publications, Inc. It is published weekdays during the school year and on Wednesdays during the summer. Periodical postage is paid at Manhattan, KS. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kedzie 103, Manhattan, KS 66506-7167. First copy free, additional copies 25 cents. [USPS 291 020] © Kansas State Collegian, 2011 All weather information courtesy of the National Weather Service. For up-to-date forecasts, visit nws.noaa.gov.

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friday, november 11, 2010

K-State daily briefs Karen Ingram news editor


demonstrated for students to learn for free, including Zumba, belly dancing and kick boxing.

K-State Salina will be hosting a workshop on grant writing in the College Center Conference Room today from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Representatives will provide free training for any students, faculty or staff interested.

The Kansas Coalition Against the Death Penalty will be holding a public meeting to address the recent legislation introduced to the Kansas House and Senate to repeal the Kansas death penalty. Special guest Celeste Dixon of Larned, Kan. will speak about her experiences with the murder of her mother and the execution of the killer. Information will be provided by the Coalition on the proposed bill and how people can become involved in the repeal campaign. The meeting will take place at the Ecumenical Campus Ministry, 1021 Denison Ave., on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 3:30 p.m. Questions may be directed to Ben Jefferies at 785-235-0214 or ben@ksabolition.org. The Union Program Council will be holding an After Hours event called “Be Fit, Be Healthy” tonight from 7 to 10 p.m. in the K-State Student Union and Union Station. Each hour a different fitness program will be

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kansas state collegian

Cats For Cans will be collecting canned food for the Flint Hills Breadbasket on Saturday, Nov. 12 from 12:30 to 3 p.m. at Bill Snyder Family Stadium. The drive is sponsored by the KState Student Athlete Advisory Committee. Cash donations for the Breadbasket will also be accepted to help Manhattan citizens in need.

The movie “Almaz” will be shown in the K-State Student Union Little Theatre on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 6:30 p.m. The film covers issues such as human trafficking and prostitution and is sponsored by the Union Program Council and the KSU Russian Speaking Society Soyuz. The event is free and open to the public. The Danish film “Babette’s Feast” will be shown at the Beach Museum of Art this Sunday, Nov. 13 at 3:30 p.m. The film won the 1987 Academy Award for Best Foreign Film. Hor d’oeuvres and wine tasting will follow the film. Tickets are available by calling 785-532-7718.

WEDNESDAY Charles Lindsey Gillum Jr., of the 2000 block of Poyntz Avenue, was booked for domestic battery. Bond was set at $500. Matthew John Dipiano, of Fort Riley, was booked for violation of protection orders. Bond was set at $1,000. Roger William Hammond, of Junction City, was booked for probation violation. Bond was set at $5,000. Manuel Henry Garcia, of the 400 block of 10th Street, was booked for failure to appear and driving with a canceled, suspended or revoked license. Bond was set at $500. Anthony Dale Womack, of the 3000 block of 32nd Avenue, was booked for failure to appear. Bond was set at $300. THURSDAY Kevin Wayne Zerger, of the 1000 block of Vattier Street, was booked for disorderly conduct. Bond was set at $750. Robert Tyler Williamson, of the 3200 block of Valleywood Drive, was booked for driving under the influence. Bond was set at $750. Compiled by Sarah Rajewski

SGA approves funds, Schulz discusses Big 12, K-State 2025 Jakki Thompson staff writer President Kirk Schulz came to speak with Student Senate Thursday night. He briefly spoke about the K-State 2025 plan and how the university has spent the last 18 months creating this plan. Schulz went on to further speak about K-State’s continuance in the Big 12 Conference. He added that for now there will only be the 10 schools currently in it for the next year, without a name change. Schulz said when he spoke with marketing advisors, they said nothing has the influence like saying K-State is a part of the Big 12. President Schulz also spoke about KState Olathe. He said this campus will be strictly for graduate students. At the Student Senate meeting, the senators approved $3,000 to Kappa Kappa Psi Thursday night. These funds will bring Robert Spradling to conduct two performances at McCain Auditorium. The dates are yet to be determined, but he is anticipated to conduct sometime during Nov. 27 – Dec. 2. Spradling is a professor of music and director of bands at Western Michigan State University. A resolution for the Student Senate to show their support for the city’s funds of social service agency funding was sent back to the executive committee. There was a lot of debate on both sides of this issue. The conclusion was to have this resolution be sent back to committee for further review and further amendments. Deb Nuss, secretary of Sunflower Court Appointed Special Advocates’

board of directors, spoke to the Student Senate about what will happen if their funding gets cut. She said these funds comprise of eight percent of CASA’s entire budget. They use these funds to receive matching funds from the state and federal government. These funds from the city consist of less than two percent of the general funds entire budget. Tyrone Williams, sophomore in theatre, presented about the multicultural committee and their progression. There will also be the creation of the Coretta Scott King Gardens of Engagement which will be located next to Ahearn Field House. This garden will be based on the concepts of inspiration, education and action. These three concepts will be intertwined in the conceptualization and layout of this new garden. There was introduction of many new pieces of legislation. These pieces of legislation were sent straight back to committee without their being read. These pieces of legislation included allocations of fees to Student Publications Inc., Theatre Appreciation and Participation, KSU Potter’s Guild, the Golden Key International honor Society, On the Spot Improv, the Japanese Student Association, the American Choral Directors Association and to the Collegiate Music Educators Association. Many of these organizations will be receiving funds will be hosting events or be attended conferences. These pieces of legislation will be voted on next week at the Student Senate meeting. Next week’s meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday in the K-State Student Union’s Big 12 Room.

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friday, november 11, 2011

kansas state collegian

GREEN GENOCIDE Environmentalism has blood on its hands, thirsting for more Caleb Greinke It’s all too easy to be swept away by emotional crusades that claim to be working for the benefit of humanity. The French revolutionaries of 1789 declared they represented the interests of the men of Europe, and that they would bring liberty, equality and fraternity to an autocratic continent. Instead, they ushered in almost 25 years of unprecedented bloodshed and suffering. The Russian Bolsheviks of 1917 guaranteed economic justice and total equality. Their movement led to the advent of the Soviet Union and more than 70 years of orgiastic murder. At least 20 million people were killed in the Soviet experiment of the “common good.” But there’s another well-intentioned genocide you haven’t heard of, and it’s happening right now. After World War II, western nations confronted the persistent problem of malaria by embracing the use of DDT, an insecticide particularly effective against mosquitos, the chief hosts of the malaria virus. While malaria had once been common in Europe and the United States, the widespread use of the miracle insecticide reduced its incidence to an unremarkable level. DDT was deployed in the steamy tropics of Africa, Latin America and Asia, with predictably positive results. In a representative example, according to a July 2001 article in The Telegraph, Sri Lanka experienced three million cases of malarial infection in 1946. By 1964 and after decades of DDT use, malaria was found in but 29 new individuals. Entire nations were safely fumigated and millions of people were able to live without fear of contracting another deadly disease. But not everyone was happy about the miracle

Illustration by Yosuke Michishita insecticide. The 1960s brought the emergence of the environmentalist scam and with it the end of the widespread use of DDT. Environmentalists screeched that DDT thinned the eggshells of eagles and harmed wildlife and humans. But they had little data to prove their claims. Moreover, they weren’t content to only ban DDT in the United States, where malaria had become rarer. They managed to ban DDT’s agricultural use in the entire world through

the Stockholm Convention. Today, DDT can only be used in extraordinary cases. But what was the result of the environmentalists’ unholy crusade against the pesticide? Millions of people died from preventable diseases, the victims of the good intentions of the green zealots. In every country that stopped using DDT, malarial infections and other fatal tropical diseases skyrocketed once more. Africa suffered the worst. In an already impoverished continent, the environmental-

ists effectively forbade the use of one of the world’s cheapest, safest and most effective disease-preventing chemicals. As one scientist at the National Institutes of Health estimated in 2007, “the ban on DDT may have killed 20 million children.” Other sources place the death toll many millions higher. The tragic prohibition of DDT is but one of the most egregious cases of the environmentalists’ shortsightedness and complicity in unintentional genocide.

What’s more alarming is that some actually advocate even greater restrictions on population. Paul Ehrlich, the doyen of the environmental alarmists, wrote that population controls should be implemented “by compulsion if voluntary methods fail,” in his book “The Population Bomb.” Garrett Hardin, another famous proponent of the “Chicken Little” view of the future has called for “mutual coercion mutually agreed upon,” a perverse way of saying you had better like the violence the state will inflict upon you in the name of curbing resource consumption. A common thread among environmentalists is the belief that humans are somehow unnatural and outside of the protections they simultaneously demand for animals. Many think the Earth would be a much better place without humans entirely, and it’s no surprise that the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement is largely founded on the pathetic belief that humans have no right to exploit the Earth’s resources to their advantage and survival. Sound familiar? Philosopher Paul Taylor sums up the underlying environmentalist position succinctly in his book “Respect for Nature,” when he says, “the ending of the human epoch on Earth would most likely be greeted with a hearty ‘Good riddance.’” In such a short column I can hardly convey to you the misinformation and propaganda that you, as students, have been spoonfed since your earliest years. As Julian Simon has found, the Earth is not running out of resources any time soon. In a compilation of over 900 peer-reviewed scholarly papers available on PopularTechnology.net, you can see that global warming is not supported by scientific consensus. Carbon fuels like oil and coal are, in 2011, the best, cheapest, safest and most reliable sources of energy, while alternative sources like switchgrass and solar remain for the foreseeable future

inchoate and prohibitively costly or inefficient. Question with boldness the environmental narrative you have been given and verify for yourselves the data and weak logic behind the quest for “zero-emissions” and “sustainability.” Question whether the environmentalists have your best interests at heart or have other, more sinister designs. Ask yourself if the greens are serious about finding the best energy sources or if they would prefer the emergence of a primitive, anti-industrial society. As far back as December 1993, analysts Fred L. Smith and Kent Jeffreys pointed out Ehrlich believed futuristic clean energy sources such as cold fusion would be like “giving a machine gun to an idiot child.” Smith and Jeffreys also drew attention to green guru Jeremy Rifkin’s proclamation that cold fusion would be “the worst thing that could happen to our planet.” One can only wonder how benevolent the environmentalists really are. If the millions of annual preventable malarial deaths as a result of the DDT ban are any indicator, the answer to the question is not likely positive. Just like the Jacobins and Bolsheviks centuries ago acted for your own good, today’s green crusaders claim to know what’s best for you and the rest of the world. I submit that only you, as adults, know what’s best for you, and that no activist or government bureaucrat has the right to take from you your incandescent light bulbs, gas-guzzling automobiles or your right to live with the conveniences that fossil fuels provide. You have been told to feel guilty for your resource consumption. Forget about it. You are as much a part of nature as the bald eagles and antelope, and you have as much a right to act for your own rational self-interest and survival. The trouble is, some environmentalists would rather you never lived at all.a Caleb Greinke is a senior in history. Please send all comments to opinion@spub.ksu.edu.

Veterans Day a time to show respect, honor veterans for service

Andy Rao On Nov. 19, 1911, shortly after the Treaty of Versailles was signed to officially end World War I, President Woodrow Wilson spoke to the nation about honoring those who had served the nation during times of war. “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory,” he said, “both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations... “ Although today, Armistice Day is referred to as Veterans Day, the goal behind the holiday remains to honor those men and women who continue to lay their lives on the line to protect and preserve the liberties that we enjoy, and to remember those who died in battle. The fact is, however, that despite having a national holiday in which we claim to honor the very people that defend this country, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that there are over 200,000 homeless veterans in the United States. One-fifth of the homeless population is comprised of those who have risked their lives so that America remains free. There is something wrong with that picture. One future K-Stater says that his views of the military and veterans were changed when he had firsthand experience. “Ever since I went through basic training for the air force, my perspective on the military has changed,” said Jordan Maxwell, reserve in the U.S. Air Force. “I know I’m still a rookie, but I can only imagine for those who have served and especially those who have seen war happen, Veterans Day is a day to take time to thank and respect the memory of those who have served, and those who we’ve lost in battle.” Maxwell, who is planning to

attend K-State next semester and major in civil engineering, said that although he initially joined the Air Force as a way to help pay for school, his experiences are much more than just free tuition. “I first saw the Air Force as a way to get my tuition and other expenses paid for,” Maxwell said, “but my experience showed me that it was much more than that ... the friendships and bonds that I made with the people that I went through basic with are lifelong. They’re another family to me.” Not all of us will have the experience of going through basic training like Maxwell, but all of us can do our part in helping our veterans make the transition back into civilian life. Many veterans who return suffer severe physical and psychological damage from warfare, and the least we can do is make their lives more comfortable and the scars from war a little more bearable. “This year we are doing a parade in Manhattan to honor our veterans,” said Lori Bishop, president of the Flint Hills Veterans Coalition. “There will be over 2,200 elementary, middle and high school students participating, and our goal is to get the entire community involved to show our veterans the respect and appreciation they deserve.” Bishop says that her involvement with the Flint Hills Veterans Coalition is based on her family’s military background. Her father and six of her uncles served in the United States Navy, and her youngest son is currently serving in the Air Force. “The military has a special place in my heart, and now that I am a mother of an active member of the Air Force, it really is a passion of mine to serve those who serve us,” Bishop said. People like Lori Bishop serve as a good example and a reminder that although we may not all take up arms and defend our country, we all have a certain civic duty to our nation. This Veterans Day, let the holiday be more than just a holiday. Go out and volunteer, donate and do your part. It’s the least we can do for the true heroes of this nation. Andy Rao is a sophomore in finance and accounting. Please send all comments to opinion@spub.ksu.edu.

Illustration by Erin Logan


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friday, november 11, 2011

kansas state collegian

Wildcats look to continue streak against Texas Longhorns Mark Kern sports editor Coming off two come-frombehind victories without their best player, Kaitlynn Pelger, the Wildcats travel to Austin, Texas to face the eighth ranked Texas Longhorns on Saturday at 4 p.m. The two teams battled in Manhattan in October, and the Longhorns were able to win that match in straight sets. Texas enters the match (174,10-1), winners of 15 of their last 16 matches. Their lone loss was at 25th ranked Oklahoma in five sets.

Wednesday with 23 kills. With the absence of Kaitlynn Pelger, Porubek will be looked upon to give the Wildcats the scoring that they are missing from Pelger. As big of a key to the victory as Porubek was against the Sooners, this was an example of a team victory, according to coach Suzie Fritz. The Wildcats had many different players in positions that they have not been accustomed to. Junior Alex Muff, a middle blocker, had only one serve in her career entering the game Wednesday night. However,

Lauren Gocken | Collegian

The team comes together for a mid-game hug after a successful round against the University of Oklahoma in Ahearn Field House. The Wildcats beat the Sooners 3-2. The Longhorns are coming off a match that saw the defeat of Texas Tech in straight sets in Lubbock, Texas on Wednesday night. Freshman outside hitter Haley Eckerman was the top performer for the Longhorns as she posted a career-high 23 kills and hit a career-best .595. Led by Eckerman, Texas was able to jump on the Red Raiders and never allowed them to be in the match. The Wildcats will look to end the Longhorns’ 30 consecutive home match win streak, a number that dates back to 2008. A key for the Wildcats will be the continued emergence of Lilla Porubek, who set a career high against the Sooners on

when the Wildcats needed her to, she was able to step up there and get three serving points for the team in a key situation. This team under Fritz has shown when they get down, they have a mental toughness that enables them to overcome these tough situations. Saturday’s game against the Longhorns will provide the Wildcats with another tough match, as the Big 12 Conference has provided all year round. With the Wildcats now in fourth place in the conference, their tournament chances have greatly increased, and with a strong performance Saturday, they can increase their tournament chances more. Lauren Gocken | Collegian

Lilla Porubek, sophomore outside hitter, and Natali Jones, sophomore middle blocker, run to the net to block the ball, in Ahearn Field House Nov. 10.

Cats take on Big 12 champs

Wildcats open season against Dartmouth Big Green

Mark Kern sports editor The K-State equestrian team looks to get back to its winning ways. The Wildcats will have their hands full as they take on the defending Big 12 Conference champion and current No. 2 ranked Texas A&M. The match will start on Friday morning at 10 a.m and will take place at Timber Creek Stables. Admission is free to the public. Coach Casie Lisabeth understands that this is a great opportunity for her riders, but it will not be easy against a team like the Aggies. “This is a big weekend for our team and a chance for us to really pull together and push each other to the top,” Lisabeth said. “This week has thrown a bit of adversity at our team, but they have handled it well and have maintained focus on what needs to be done this weekend. Texas A&M has a great team with a lot of depth, but we have shown great progression this semester, so I am excited to see the results of our team’s hard work.” The Wildcats will look to junior Meredith Finch, the reigining Big 12 Rider of the Month to help the Wildcats get the victory over the Texas A&M Aggies.

Logan M. Jones | Collegian

Tasha Dickey attempts a basket during the game against Oklahoma City University. Kelly McHugh sports editor After a close win to Washburn University Tuesday night, K-State women’s basketball has a few things to clean up before their season opener tomorrow night against the NCAA Ivy League’s Dartmouth Big Green. The game is at 8 p.m. in Bramlage Coliseum. With a low scoring percentage in both of the team’s


exhibition games, coach Deb Patterson recognized that the Wildcats will need to improve offensively in order to take on the level of play they expect Dartmouth to bring to the court. “Our success play, frankly, is going to be getting that point production up,” Patterson said, “and that wasn’t really a strength of ours a year ago, so we’ve got the big challenge there.” While the Wildcats started out the beginning of Tues-

day’s game with a 60 percent shot record, by the end of the game, it had declined to only 37 percent. Making opportunities to score was not a problem for K-State; it was simply the missed shots which lowered their field goal percentage. “Early in the game we had a lot of open looks,” Patterson said. “That makes me feel good, we’re a million miles away from being comfortable on the offensive end, but once we do get there I think

our shots will begin to fall at a slightly higher percentage; you’ve got to be a shooter to make shots, but I think we’ll be able to create more opportunities to score the ball.” Coming all the way from Hanover, N.H., the Dartmouth Big Green are ranked at a tie for sixth in the Ivy League. A very young team, Dartmouth returned only one senior and one junior. While they had four sophomores return from their 2010-11 season, Dartmouth brought in five new freshmen. Dartmouth’s team captain, junior guard Faziah Steen, averaged 12.8 points from the field per game last season, and was the only player with a point average of more than 10 points. Steen started all of the Big Green’s 28 games last year and is expected to make an impact this upcoming season. Last season K-State traveled to Hanover to play in the Blue Sky Classic, where they faced Dartmouth and won 69-48. K-State has a good record of winning when it comes to playing Ivy League schools; during the 2009-10 season the Wildcats faced Yale, and won 78-59. While the Wildcats returners are excited for the season play to begin, freshmen Haley Texada and Ashia Woods are also anticipating their first Division 1 collegiate level game. Texada said the area she has been working on the most is simply getting used to the higher level of play. “It’s faster paced, you know,” Texada said, “everything’s quicker, everybody’s faster, everybody’s just as good and I’ve got to step up as a young point guard and do my role as best as I can.” Texada said while play-


ing at a higher level is a large transition, the team is very excepting and ready to help new players out right away. “They won’t leave you behind, which is always good to know,” Texada said. Woods also said the game is faster paced, but she said playing with the upperclassmen on the team has helped her transition a lot. “It’s a big transition, but you get better day-by-day,” Woods said. “It’s going well so far.” Woods said that along with their workouts on the court, the team gains chemistry outside of practices, off the court. Woods said that one area she is focusing on improving is her conditioning. One of the team’s captains, junior Brittany Chambers, said about the incoming players, “They definitely got our athletic level a lot higher than it was last year, I think that once they start understanding concepts and the game and the flow of the game, they’re going to make a huge impact on the team and help us tremendously.” After eye-opening exhibition games, a week of tough practices and new talent on their bench, Saturday night’s game against Dartmouth will be a completely different level of play than fans have seen so far for K-State. Senior forward Branshea Brown is looked at as a leader on the court to her fellow teammates. Brown said that after playing through a game where their shots were off, she is ready to tip off their season strongly. “It’s really important to start off with a win, one, to get our confidence up, and two, just to play hard and play like we know we can,” Brown said.


friday, november 11, 2011

kansas state collegian

page 6


Seasonal brews add new taste to bread

Karen Ingram I’ve been enjoying the autumn seasonal beers out there, as I hope all of you have. It occurred to me the other day as I was enjoying a pumpkin ale that it might make a mighty tasty beer bread. Beer bread is one of those foods that is so simple, even a simpleton like me can make it. It should be a staple in any college student’s diet. It’s fast, it’s easy and it will make your apartment smell yummy. There are mixes available, but it honestly does taste better if you make it from scratch, which isn’t as hard as you’d think. Here is my favorite beer bread recipe, which also happens to be the simplest one I’ve found with the fewest ingredients and instructions:


Evert Nelson | Collegian

Jason Boland’s band performed at Longhorn Saloon in Aggieville Thursday night.

Aggieville bars have dress codes, few are enforced Kelly Tynan staff writer Where it’s public knowledge or not, many bars in Aggieville have a specific dress code for customers. Johnny Kaw’s, the newest bar in Aggieville located on 1218 1/2 Moro St., has generated a lot of nighttime business. Many students have wondered about the dress code, leaving them wondering what kind of bar it is. “I figured you could not wear Tshirts, sports gear, and any sort of that into Jonny Kaws,” said Curtis Ross, senior in sociology. The dress code for the bar bans “exceptionally baggy clothes, baggy coats, bandanas, stocking caps, long shirts, chains, sunglasses, jerseys (with the exception of game days), athletic jump suits, camouflage, ripped clothing, no backpacks, hats must be worn straight forward or backward and pants must be worn around waist.” Brett Allerd, owner of Johnny Kaw’s, said that the dress code for is no different than several other bars he is affiliated with, including Bomb Bar,

Aggieville Ale House and Shot Stop. Allerd said theses rules have been enforced for the past five years. Katie Bigham, employee of Pat’s Blue Ribbon Barbecue and junior in pre-psychology said “they do not have a strict dress code at all,” and that as long as an outfit is not completely inappropriate it’s acceptable. An example of something Bigman would consider an issue is if “someone had a backpack with them after 10 because they could have alcohol in it.” Other than that, Bigham said that Pat’s is laid back. Kite’s Grille and Bar has a sign near the front door on the wall that lists dress attire that is not acceptable. The list includes, “Bandanas, baggie or sagging pants, grills, boxers shown above the belt line, cut off sleeveless shirts, wallet chains, inappropriate head wear.” Hats must be worn straight forward, or backward. The sign also reads that baseball caps and cowboy hats are OK, but must be worn either straight forward or straight backward at all times. Tim Jones, Kite’s employee, said

that they do enforce the dress code; however they can be flexible. “For the most part, mid-way cut off shirts are not enforced during the summer, but absolutely no white beaters,” he said. Jones said that if someone breaks the dress code, he would either ask him or her to fix it or go change before entering the bar. For certain events such as fraternity or sorority date parties, Halloween and special events, Kite’s doesn’t enforce the dress code, Jones said. Tubby’s Sports Bar has its dress code listed outside of the bar. The dress code is similar to that of Johnny Kaw’s and Kite’s. Bryce Knott, senior in social sciences and Tubby’s employee, said he does not think the bar enforces its dress code. “I don’t really think we’re too strict, as long as you don’t come in barefoot,” he said. “A dress code sets a certain standard; not super strict, but has some level of decency in Aggieville.” Every bar lists similar expectations on how it expects those going into the

bar to dress. However, some students haven’t seen enforcement. “I think that the dress codes have good intentions, but I’ve been to many bars that ‘enforce’ these dress codes, yet I’ve see several violations,” said Natalie Pederson, senior in athletic training. Some students did not even realize that the bars in Aggieville had a dress code. “I think the dress codes are really fair, they are not asking too much, and the majority of students and people that go to the bars seem to follow the rules without noticing that most bars in Aggieville have a dress code,” said Courtney Anderson, junior in political science. If there are any questions of dress codes in bars, Johnny Kaw‚Äôs provides a statement underneath its dress code sign: “We are trying to maintain a certain level of professionalism in our atmosphere and believe our customers should have to dress to a certain level to maintain this. Our dress code is where we set our standard.”

3 cups flour (sifted) 3 teaspoons baking powder (omit if using self-rising flour) 1 teaspoon salt (omit if using selfrising flour) 1/4 cup of sugar 12 ounces of beer 1/4 to 1/2 cup of melted butter Instructions: 1.) Preheat oven to 375 degrees. 2.) Mix the dry ingredients together. Make sure you sift your flour, otherwise the bread will be too hard. If you don’t have a sifter, use a teaspoon to scoop the flour a little bit at a time and give it a little shake as you dump it into the measuring cup to make it fluffy. I do this and it works just fine. 3.) Add your beer and mix well. 4.) Pour the mixture into a greased loaf pan. 5.) Pour melted butter over the top. 6.) Bake 1 hour, remove from pan and let cool for about 15 minutes. As for beer, technically any will do, but why use a can of Natty Light when you can get creative? I like to use dark beers, like nut brown ales. I have also tried fruity beers, like strawberry blonde. This weekend, I’m going to try pumpkin ale, probably Saranac Pumpkin Ale. A lot of liquor stores offer “choose your own six packs” where you can mix and match what you want. All of the ingredients plus one bottle of good beer will cost you about $5 to $7. That’s a cheap, fun activity for the weekend and it makes a nice gift idea, too. Nothin’ says lovin’ like warm, homemade beer bread.

‘Ville home to several history-rich bars, legends, locations Balasubramanyn Meenakshisundaram staff writer Aggieville is not only a great place to hang out but is also a place of history. Apart from being home to the world’s oldest Pizza Hut, it also houses old bars with rich history and stories behind them, including Kite’s Grille and Bar and O’Malley’s Alley, to name a few. One bar that has been here for decades is Aggie Lounge on 12th Street. According to the bar’s current owner Brian Giber, it has been around since 1952. The bar has changed names multiple times over the years. It was first named Athens, when the owner was of Greek origin. It was later called the Hideaway. It has held its current name of Aggie Lounge since the 1960s according Bob Hennes, Giber’s source and long time Manhattan resident. Hennes has since passed away, according to Giber. Giber said his father, Tony, bought the bar in 1971. The bar was predominantly a country bar until the 1970s, and later on became a mix of everything because of the variety of crowd that comes in. “Everybody comes in now,” Giber said. The bar has survived over the years by maintaining low overhead costs, according to Giber. “It has had its ups and downs over the years,” he said. What makes the bar unique and significant is that during its beginning years students used to go to the bar on a regular basis. They would show up years after graduation to hang out, according to Giber. He said it may be because they all have a lot of fond memories at the bar. Another bar that has lasted the years is Auntie Mae’s Parlor, which has been in Aggieville since 1974, according to owner Jeff Denney, a Manhattan resi-

Kyle Gowen | Collegian

Abi Wilson, assistant manager at Kite’s Grille and Bar and freshman in kinesiology, places an order for Espinaca Dip for a customer Thursday afternoon. Wilson believes that Kite’s longevity is due to Bill Snyder and the K-State athletics program, as they brought a lot of attention to the sports bar when Snyder first came to K-State. dent and K-State alumnus. Denney has co-owned the bar since 1998 and became the sole owner in 2008. He said that the bar does not conform to any one theme. “I think it is just a kind of hang out place,” Denney said. He also said that the bar is a place for people to lay back and relax, rather than dance or do anything crazy.

Charlie Bush, the original owner of the bar, still lives in Manhattan and said it was his wish to keep the bar a place for the older college crowd to hang out and talk, and that they have tried to hold true to that, according to Denney. “We have tried not to transform very much,” Denney said. He added that Auntie Mae’s is a place of rich local history.

The building that houses the parlor was built in the 1920’s. “Legend has it that this was a speakeasy place back in the day,” Denney said. By speakeasy, Denney said it was a place people met clandestinely to hang out and drink during the time when alcohol prohibition was enforced in the U.S. Denney added that it is an interesting factoid to think

about when visiting the place. Denney said the bar’s secret to its longevity and success is the way they come up with new ideas and things to do in the bar setting. For example, Auntie Mae’s recently added a photo booth function in the bar. The bar also hosts game nights. “I love the fact that we have trivia nights going on,” Denney said.

The secret is to try and find what people like and would want to do without having to put in a dance floor, according to Denney. K-State is one of the oldest universities in the country. There is a lot of history associated with the university and the town itself. It’s something to consider when headed to Aggieville this weekend.

friday, november 11, 2011

page 7

kansas state collegian


K-State recieves grant www.kstatecollegian.com for first place in ‘Take TOP-SECRET FILE Charge Challenge’

Nate Spriggs Hey K-State, I’m sure you remember the football victory against the University of Kansas this fall — 59-21 — but you might not have heard about another win we recently had over KU. In a sustainability competition called the Take Charge Challenge, K-State and Manhattan teamed up to beat the KU and Lawrence communities. As a result of the win against KU and Lawrence, Manhattan and K-State will split a prize of $100,000. The Take Charge Challenge was a nine-month competition in which 16 communities competed — all with the goal of saving energy and money, as well as increasing sustainability awareness. Kate and I are very excited about this victory. We are especially proud of the leadership demonstrated by the Student Governing Association director of sustainability, Grant Hill, who was instrumental in our victory in the Challenge. His dedication to the Challenge and the dedi-

cation of people including Bruce Snead, Ben Champion and K-State’s first lady Noel Schulz, made the competition a success. In all, the communities that participated in the Challenge saved 22 million kilowatt hours of electricity, prevented 22 million pounds of CO2 emissions, and increased awareness and knowledge of sustainability efforts across the state. The prize of $100,000 comes from a grant established by the Kansas Corporation Commission to be used on renewable energy projects. Some project ideas for the prize funding includes: adding solar thermal panels to heat the pool in the Natatorium, increasing the number of lighting occupancy sensors across campus and implementing energy-saving vending machine controls. The competition may have ended, but it’s not too late to make sustainability and energy-saving a priority. If you have any questions related to the Challenge or our other efforts, feel free to contact Kate at kbormann@ksu.edu or myself at nspriggs@ksu. edu. Good luck as you begin to gear up for finals, and have fun cheering on the Cats at the games this weekend. Go State.

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Announcements LEARN TO FLY! KState Flying Club has three airplanes and lowest rates. Call 785-5626909 or visit www.ksu.edu/ksfc.

KELSEY PURVIS~ you rock and we miss seeing you, have the best one ever 11/11/11~the SP office

Housing/Real Estate

MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785-5872440. 1219 KEARNEY, twobedroom across from campus. No pets. Available January through July or longer. $760/ month. 785-539-5136. ONE-BEDROOM CLOSE to campus/ Aggieville in newer complex, no pets. 785-3137473, johngirvine@sbcglobal.net.

Rooms Available Rent-Apt. Furnished MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785-5872440.

VERY NICE four-bedroom, four bath located next to Aggieville, three great roommates, $375 a month. Available January 1. 785-764-2414.

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Sublease ONE BEDROOM available in five-bedroom house. Female roommate needed immediately. $280/ month plus shared utilities. Call 620-640-4613.

THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial potential of advertisements in the Employment/ Opportunities classifications. Readers are advised to approach any such business opportunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS 66607-1190. 785-2320454.

ONE-BEDROOM, ONE bathroom apartment next to campus. Stove, dishwasher, refrigerator, huge bedroom closet, large utility closet and two balconies. Sublease January 1, 2012- July 31, 2012 $605/ month. Call 913-221-2127.

Help Wanted Section

TWO BEDROOMS available in a five-bedroom house. One block from campus. Available mid-December. Call 913-375-4163.

BARTENDING! $300 a day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. Call 800965-6520 extension 144.

TWO BEDROOMS in four-bedroom house. A lot of space. Private parking. Fenced yard. Garage. Male/ Female. Available mid-December. 913-306-5800.

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Graphic Design Internship

Advertising Design - Kansas State Collegian If you are a graphic design major and would like an on-campus Spring 2012 internship for credit, consider advertising design. Your art department adviser’s permission is required. Stop by 113 Kedzie for an application or you can request an application by emailing wallen@ksu.edu

Application deadline 4 p.m. Thursday, November 18

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DO YOU have special Macintosh skills? Maybe you’ve helped with tech support in your high school or college labs? Perhaps you set up the network for your apartment and nine other roommates? Student Publications Inc. has a part-time position for a Macintosh support person able to start immediately for training. This position would take a holiday break and return early in January for the spring 2012 semester. The tech support team maintains about 50 Macintosh workstations, providing software support as well as performing general hardware maintenance. If you’re eager to learn, the team is willing to train. Hours are scheduled around classes primarily Monday through Friday 8a.m.- 5p.m. Pay starts at $7.25 per hour with the opportunity to advance. Only students currently enrolled in fall 2011 for at least six hours at Kansas State University can be considered. Any experience with Mac OSX design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and networking is helpful but not required. Applications may be picked up in 113 Kedzie, or email wallen@ksu.edu for an application. Return by email or to 113 or 103 Kedzie. Please include your fall 2011 and spring 2012 class schedules. Application deadline is 4p.m. Friday, Nov. 18. We will begin reviewing applications immediately.

K-STATE COMMUNICATIONS and Marketing seeks a Business Manager. Individual serves as accountant for the Division. Coordinates and supervises work of clerical employees who provide additional bookkeeping assistance. Required: Bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance or business administration. A bachelor’s degree plus full-time experience as a business manager, with experience in accounting or financial affairs may be considered in lieu of an accounting, finance or business administration degree in otherwise qualified candidates. Five years office experience, and one year supervisory experience also required. K-State is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. Background check required. More information: http://www.kstate.edu/vpcm/jobs/

THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial potential of advertisements in the Employment/ Opportunities classifications. Readers are advised to approach any such business opportunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS 66607-1190. 785-2320454.



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page 8

friday, november 11, 2011

kansas state collegian

OUTDOORS | Fort Riley’s registration process changes, offers advantages Continued from page 1 FORT RILEY Outdoorsmen and women once again have the opportunity to recreate at Fort Riley this fall. However, what will change is the registration process. The base is in the process of phasing out the current handwritten system in favor of the electronic iSportsman program. “The plan right now is to change over to iSportsman on Jan. 1. If people have registered with iSportsman already, they can keep their ID. Each year, they will be asked to renew it on Feb. 1, after most of the hunting seasons are over and

not a lot of fishermen are out,” said Shawn Stratton, supervisory fish and wildlife biologist, conservation branch, environmental division, Directorate of Public Works. “Anyone who hasn’t registered will just need to before the first time they go to the field.” The online system allows recreationists to check in and out when they visit the Fort Riley recreation area. The system can be accessed through any personal device with Internet access. To access the recreational areas, users can check in and check out on a daily basis using any personal device with Internet access. A kiosk, located at 1st Division Road and Vinton School Road,

is available 24 hours a day for people to check in and out. Patrons may also check in and out at the environmental division office located in at 407 Pershing Court during normal business hours. After checking in, patrons have the opportunity to use hunting, fishing, hiking, canoeing and other recreation areas. All Fort Riley rules and regulations must be followed at all times. For all areas, the iSportsman system will be a helpful addition, Stratton aid. “The system is going to help in a number of ways,” Stratton said. “It will help the management from the fish and wildlife aspect because we will get

better data and it will help us keep the public up to date with changes that are occurring.” In addition to saving users time and energy, the new systems allows Fort Riley management to be aware of who is recreating on the installment and alert them if a situation arises. “Each training mission is always number one,” Stratton said. “If there is an incident that happens on the installation, we will know who is out there and can notify them. We will know who we are looking for. We weren’t able to do that before.” This element of safety was something the program was designed to provide users, said Joe Daigneau, program manager at iSportsman.

“It allows management to know who is recreating on the installation, so if they aren’t off by the evening, they can go look or them or try to contact them to make sure they are safe,” Daigneau said. “It can let individuals know about where it is safe and where things are closed so they don’t get into an area where there is live fire, which is a big issue at a lot of installations.” With the iSportsman program, recreationists can stay informed by checking the Fort Riley website at fortriley.isportsman.net, especially for longterm changes or policy updates. “[The website] will be a way for us to keep the sportsmen up to date with everything that is

going on with the installation that they need to be aware of,” Stratton said. “We’ve been able to put some reports on there that we weren’t able to before. They used to have to come into our office to get hard copies of different things.” All previous Fort Riley recreation rules must be followed. For more information, contact the Environmental Division at Fort Riley at 785-239-6211 or visit fortriley.isportsman.net. To register with the iSportsman program, log on to fortriley.isportsman.net and enter basic contact information. Users will register a unique user ID and receive a password and personal identification number.


Downtown businesses look for K-State Students should attend artists to paint holiday-themed windows all basketball games To the point is an editorial selected and debated by the editorial board and written after a majority opinion is formed. This is the Collegian’s official opinon. After the first K-State men’s basketball game, coach Frank Martin voiced his displeasure with the fan support of the first game. K-State is an emerging contender across the country, and one of the biggest reasons is because of the great support of the fans. However, if the Wildcats are to continue toward the next level, the fans have to show up and be loud at every single game, not just the KU or Texas games. When you look around the

nation at some of the best venues like Duke’s Cameron Indoor Stadium, KU’s Allen Field House and Syracuse’s Carrier Dome, to name a few, these arenas are packed full for every game. It does not matter whether they are playing their first exhibition game or against the biggest rival in the biggest game of the year. The Wildcats fans have shown the ability to make Bramlage Coliseum one of the loudest venues in all of America, but now it is time to take it to the next level and be loud every single game. Tomorrow’s game against Charleston Southern is the regular season opener. What better way to welcome in the 2011 season than by filling Bramlage to capacity. Bring on the Cats.

Karen Ingram news editor

Each year, Poyntz Avenue is decorated for the holidays with lights and signs to welcome the holiday season, but this year will be different. Downtown Manhattan, Inc. is seeking artists to paint winter and holiday-inspired scenes on the windows of downtown businesses. Gina Scroggs, executive director of Downtown Manhattan, Inc., said several businesses have expressed an interest in this new project and more are expected to sign up once the project begins.

“Manhattan Medical is actively seeking,” Scroggs said. “They have really, really big windows and I think they’d be a perfect example of what can be done.” Scroggs said a few people from the Manhattan community have inquired about painting, but they would also like K-State art students to get involved. Downtown businesses will pay for the labor and materials needed to have their windows decorated. Scroggs said the idea for this project had come to them last year, but it was too late in the season to try it. Historic downtown Manhattan plans

to have their decorations up by Nov. 21 and Scroggs said they would like to have at least some of the windows painted by then. However, they will work with students who are interested if their schedule requires more time, such as going home for Thanksgiving break.

Students interested may contact Downtown Manhattan, Inc. for more information on Facebook at facebook. com/pages/Downtown-ManhattanInc/117350023923 or email at historicdowntown@gmail.com

BASKETBALL | Cats hope to continue momentum Continued from page 1 representing our team and program. He knows it’s his turn now, and that’s what good players do. They don’t sit around and tell everybody how good they are, they do their job every day, and when their number’s called they are ready to go. And we’ve called his number. Let’s see how he reacts to being a front-line

player on a consistent basis. I think he’ll do well in it because he’s prepared for it, but that’s a little bit of an unknown,” said Martin. The Wildcats will look to carry the momentum from last Sunday into the regular season opener on Friday. K-State will still be without Jamar Samuels, who is serving the second of his three game suspension for violation of team rules.

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