Senate Operations Committee 10-20-09

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SENATE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING OSAS CONFERENCE ROOM October 20, 2009 6:00PM CALL TO ORDER Chair Norris called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Senate Operations Chair Joe Norris Vice Chair Tyler Sharp Student Senate Parliamentarian Nathan Spriggs Senator Luke Fangman Senator Natalie Scott Senator Brandon Abbott Senator William Muir Senator Dee Rodriguez Intern John Reinert Intern Erin Fain GUESTS: Senator Molly McGuire Senator Michael Champlin Vice President Wayne Stoskopf Priv. Fee Chair Jessica Schultz Senator Andrew Huschka Senator George Weston Speaker Pro Tempore Annie Oliver Senator Zoe Ahlstrom Senator Mark Savoy

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ANNOUNCEMENTS: • There were no announcements. GENERAL BUSINESS: • Chair Norris noted that Bill 09/10/17 was re-referred back to the committee. o The cabinet wanted input on who would be on the advisory committee. o Senator Muir motioned to hold Bill 09/10/17 in committee and to author the legislation. The motion passed 5-0-0. • Chair Norris brought up Bill 09/10/16 which deals with the new minimum wage and the Educational Opportunity Fund. o Senator Abbott motioned to send Bill 09/10/16 back to Senate favorably. The motion passed 6-0-0.

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o Senator Scott motioned for the committee to author Bill 09/10/16. The motion passed 5-0-0. Speaker Pro Tempore Oliver introduced legislation regarding amendments to the By-Laws relative to the Campus Activities Board. o The amendments will remove the Fine Arts Council from the By-Laws as it no longer exists and replacing it with a representative of a student organization selected by the Office of Student Activities and Services. o Senator Muir expressed concerns with appointments coming from OSAS. He said the appointments usually come from Senate. Vice President Stoskopf introduced amendments to the Statutes regarding the Student-Centered Tuition Committee. o The amendment removes the University Relations Committee chair as a voting member and altered some other wording. o Senator Muir questioned whether it would be necessary to add the chairs of the Public Relations Committee and Campus Outreach Committee. o Speaker Schultz said she did not believe that was necessary. Speaker Schultz provided allocations legislation regarding the Educational Opportunity Fund and an allocation to the Asian-American Student Union and S.H.A.P.E. Chair Norris opened discussion to how the Elections Review Commissioner could be removed from office. o He read the amendment that Senator Muir proposed on Thursday. Senator Champlin introduced an amendment to the Constitution regarding impeachment proceedings against any member is appointed by Student Governing Association. o Senator Muir noted there might be logistical issues behind an impeachment proceeding. o He said if the Student Senate accepted the amendment it would be okay but it would be setting a precedent. o Senator Savoy questioned noting the branches of government and including the Elections Review Commissioner. o Chair Norris noted he had a similar idea upon reading the legislation. o Senator Savoy questioned if there would be frequent impeachments if this passed. o Chair Schultz questioned whether just cause would have to be provided. o Chair Norris said providing just cause was noted. Senator Weston presented ideas regarding removal and other issues of the Elections Review Commissioner. o Have the Elections Review Committee consist of five members of any judicial branch except the Student Tribunal, Assistant Attorney General or Attorney General. o Elections Review Committee meetings will have a set time. o Major violations cases are not to be made public until after a ruling has been rendered. o The Student Body President, Attorney General or Speaker of the Student Senate or 10 Student Senators can call a Special Senate meeting. If the

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Elections Review Commissioner were to be removed, the assistant attorney general would be named Elections Commissioner while a replacement is sought. Chair Schultz questioned who could call a special meeting. o Speaker Schultz noted that the Speaker could with little notice. The Student Body President can with 24 hours notice and with the agreement of at least 10 Student Senators. Speaker Schultz said the process could become too drawn out over time. Chair Schultz questioned whether the Senate could override a provision regarding calling a special meeting. Bill Harlan proposed that the Senate Operations Committee examine how the Elections Review Commissioner fits into the process before reaching a conclusion. Senator Champlin questioned whether another system existed to remove the Elections Review Commissioner from officer. Senator Muir suggested utilizing the By-Laws bill for removing the Elections Review Commissioner from office. Bill Harlan said the committee should provide for the removal. Senator Muir said the two choices could be: a 2/3 vote of Student Senate or by the three appointing officers. Speaker Schulz questioned whether wording could be placed in the legislation to require the Student Senate to approve an appointment within a 48-hour period following removal. Chair Norris took a straw poll regarding the committee’s views on the issue. o The committee supported an either/or option for a 2/3 vote of the Student Senate or by the three appointing officers. The committee discussed options regarding calling a special meeting. Chair Norris read the amendment. o The amendment includes a provision for a 2/3 vote of those selected and qualified in Student Senate. Senator Muir presented a conceptual idea regarding the power of the Elections Review Commissioner. o He suggested that a single person would serve as an in-between person between the commissioner and tribunal. o He suggested that the Attorney General would serve as the in-between person. Bill Harlan expressed concerns that the Student Tribunal would essentially not function in the appeal process. Chair Norris presented an idea that was given to him by Senator John Richards about the Elections Review Commissioner not being allowed to police major violations but being allowed to do so for minor violations. o The committee was not supportive of the idea. Senator Scott moved that Bill 09/10/05 and Bill 09/10/13 be recommended favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-1.


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The committee reviewed Bill 09/10/17. Senator Muir motioned to hold the bill in committee and to author the bill. Motion passed with a vote of 5-0-0. The committee reviewed Bill 09/10/16. Senator Abbott motioned to recommend favorably the bill to Senate. Motion passed with a vote of 5-0-0. Bill 09/10/05 and Bill 09/10/13 were recommended favorably by a vote of 5-0-1.

ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Senator Scott. Adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

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