The Collegian 9.12.12

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wednesday, september 12, 2012

Wildcat footbal, readyy p to take next their step


New game review: Guild Wars impresses









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Fort Riley ceremony honors lives of fallen soldiers Names of 16 fallen soliders added to monument, bringing total to more than 200 Krystal Bihm staff writer At the observance of the 9/11 anniversary, Fort Riley’s Global War on Terrorism Monument, located in front of the U.S. Cavalry Parade Field, was rededicated as new names were etched onto its surface. New names are added to the monument each fall when Fort Riley post officials conduct a post9/11 commemorative ceremony. e monument now holds more than 200 names. Sixteen soldiers were recognized for their sacrifices in defending the nation’s freedom: Spc. Chazray C. Clark, Sgt. Jakob J. Roelli, Spc. Robert E. Dyas Jr., Spc. Garrett A. Fant, 1st Lt. Dustin D. Vincent, Pfc. Cody. R. Norris, Staff Sgt. Jesse J. Grindey, Staff Sgt. Jamie D. Jarboe, Sgt. Ryan D. Sharp, Sgt. 1st Class Dennis R. Murray, Capt. Michael C. Braden, Staff Sgt. Zachary H. Hargrove, Spc. Cody O. Moosman, Sgt. Erik N. May, 1st Lt. Todd W. Lambka and Pfc. Jesus J. Lopez. ese soldiers were either assigned to Fort Riley or mobilized with the installation during the deployments of the War on Global Terrorism. A wreath with the inscription “Some Gave All” was presented at the memorial. Fort Riley Senior Commander Brig. Gen. Don MacWillie opened the ceremony. “It has been 11 years since the attack of 9/11. ese attacks

Emily DeShazer | Collegian

A soldier kneels on the steps of the Global War on Terrorism Monument at Fort Riley on Tuesday. The names of 16 soldiers were added to the monument in a commemoration ceremony on Tuesday.

were designed to injure, break and change our nation,” MacWillie said. “It has been 11 years now and much of our nation has been

rebuilt. ere is no more Saddam Hussein, work in Iraq is over and our job in Afghanistan is nearly done, with no short measure paid

by many. Our nation joined with uncommon courage. We now stand strong, as one. We do not forget those who died, not con-

demned by fear.” MacWillie read the soldiers’ names aloud as the bell tolled. Following a moment of silence and the reading of names, these soldiers were remembered by a 21-gun salute and the playing of “Taps.” “We do not forget the sacrifices of the sons and daughters of this strong and powerful nation, those members of the 1st Infantry Division that live by the motto every day that there be ‘no mission too great, no mission too difficult. Duty first,’” MacWillie said as he ended the ceremony. “We honor these strong Americans.” Carla Kryston, mother of Sgt. May and resident of Wichita, visited the memorial. “I thought it was a lovely ceremony,” Karyston said. “is war, I’m ready for it to end. It has gone on long enough. I didn’t even know they were doing this presentation, but it is an honor to see his name there.” Other family members and friends of the honored soldiers gathered to read the names off of the monument and share their grief. “Each and every American that enlists in such a great time of need, at this moment in history, is a hero in my eyes, contributing to a cause that will strenghten our nation,” said Spc. Gregory Williams, former comrade of Spc. Moosman. “eir ultimate sacrifice does not go unrecognized.” e reflective rememberance also paid tribute to the more than 3,000 individuals who were killed in the 9/11 attacks. Prayers and poems were recited for the families of the victims, firemen, policemen and military service members who sacrificed their lives.

Lecturer speaks on indigenous sustainability City approves

airport expansion

Mike Stanton staff writer Daniel Wildcat, professor at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence and co-director of the Haskell Environmental Research Studies Center, was well-aware that his presentation, “Indigenous Realism in the Face of Technological Romanticism: e Climate Change We Need,” might seem intimidating at first glance. “It’s a mouthful,” Wildcat joked of the lengthy title, which was rejected by a lecture series at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire because it wasn’t simplistic enough. “I can tell you, the K-State audience is much more sharp and intuned than the folks at Dartmouth.” Wildcat spoke at Forum Hall on Monday night as part of the Lou Douglas Lecture series, sponsored by the UFM Community Learning Center. “I’m going to try to address something that’s on everyone’s mind: climate change,” Wildcat began. “We have the opportunity to gain valuable insights from indigenous peoples. ese aren’t my own insights. I’m just reporting out.” Wildcat argued that it is unrealistic for a culture to attempt to exist sustainably without considering its relationship to the surrounding landscape. “[Indigenous] cultures were very different because they came about as a result of a long interaction with their environment,” he said. “ere’s something to gain from people who have lived somewhere for thousands of years.” According to Wildcat, technology has no value without community, communication and culture, which he calls “the three C’s.” “We can’t afford people thinking that any problem can be solved with more technology,” he said. “We can solve problems based on deep spacial awareness and appreciation for the space we reside.” Wildcat pointed to modern architecture in Tornado Alley as evidence of indigenous ingenuity (or “indigenuity,” as he calls it). “Tornadoes didn’t damage [indigenous villages],” he said. “Tornadoes go right over the top of earth lodges. Square wooden boxes, on the other hand, are tornado magnets.” However, Wildcat stressed that his point is not to advocate replacing modern housing with earth lodges. “ere are design features in earth lodges we should be studying in our architecture

Austin Nichols news editor

Tommy Theis | Collegian

Daniel Wildcat, of Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, talks with students about how the invention of the cell phone has hurt the way we communicate. As technology increases, people talk less and less face-to-face, Wildcat said.

classes,” he said. “We should do serious research into features of [indigenous] design.” Indigenous grass dwellings were another example of architectural “indigenuity” Wildcat gave. ese were insulated for cool winter months but breathable enough to stay cool during the summer “even as hot as it gets here in Kansas.” Wildcat advocates holding natural resources in higher regard. He recalled a conversation with a Native American elder who told Wildcat that their language had no translation for the word “resources.” “ey used the word for ‘relative,’” Wildcat said, meaning a familial relation. “We use and manage resources, but not relatives. Imagine if we respected resources the way we do relatives.” Wildcat also addressed what he calls American culture’s “obsession with inalienable rights.” “If we want to be competent, we have to balance inalienable rights with inalienable responsibilities,” he said. “It’s not all about us.” Kayla Mohnsen, sophomore in environmental engineering, attended the lecture and approached the microphone during a question-and-answer session with Dr. Wildcat to

ask how to make an impact without cooperation from the rest of society. Mohnsen, who participates in a recycling program for home football games, helped collect several hundred pounds of recyclables during last weekend’s win over Miami. “Not even close to all of it gets recycled,” said Mohnsen, who reported that 13.85 tons of waste went to landfills after the game, much of it recyclable. She said she was met with resistance by many fans. “It’s incredible how people treat you just for trying to give them a bag for recycling,” Mohnsen said, recalling several fans who had personally insulted her. Ben Champion, director of sustainability at K-State, agreed with Mohnsen, saying that “only a small fraction [of recyclables] get recycled.” Champion, who introduced Dr. Wildcat for the lecture, is a K-State graduate and former Rhodes scholar. Wildcat concluded by saying that it’s time “to roll up our sleeves” and get to work creating more sustainable practices at a local level. “I believe change can happen in local communities where we do things well and differently,” Wildcat said.

In the first step toward the expansion of Manhattan Regional Airport, city commissioners voted unanimously (5-0) yesterday to begin the multimillion-dollar project. e expansion plan looks to be a six-year process, and the reason for the special city commission meeting Tuesday night was to vote on the airport general aviation apron. An apron, also known as the ramp, is the paved area around the airport and hangars where aircraft load or unload, park, refuel and take on passengers. Peter Van Kuren, Manhattan Regional Airport Director, presented the commissioners and mayer with a presentation of the expansion project and the details of the aviation apron that were up for vote. e first step of the expansion project was directed towards the fixed-base operator. As Van Kuren explained, the FBO is a commercial business employed by the airport to provide support services. “e FBO’s function is primarily to provide fuel, but it’s providing services to aircraft and pilots that are operating in and out of the airport,” Van Kuren said. “e FBO is providing a service on the airport for any type of aeronautical type of function.” e fixed-base operator also provides a taxi service for airplanes along with parking spaces for those planes. It is not the airlines that are insisting the FBO be ex-

panded. is mandate is coming from the Transportation Security Administration, which asserts that the airport has a responsibility to keep commercial passengers away from citizens flying their own general aircrafts. Van Kuren said that the way the FBO is currently set up allows a high rate of intermingling between commercial and private aircraft, causing the system to be potentially unsafe for everyone involved. e reason the apron was passed, according to commissioner Wynn Butler, was that the city was able to sell $300,000 worth of dirt sitting at the end of the runway. e apron accounts for only a portion of the total cost of the expansion project. “at $300,000 funded 90 percent of the apron that was passed,” Butler said. Tuesday, the commission agreed to pay an additional $10,000. “We are going to get a return on that $10,000,” Butler said. e overall cost of the project will reach up to $50 million. Butler has no problem with the building of the terminal, but he is worried about the order of the phasing. He said that it doesn’t make sense to build a new terminal to attract more customers and airlines but then be turned down by the airlines because the runway isn’t safe. Overall, the expansion project will require a lot of money from the city to match the FAA grant that is the majority of the

City Commission meeting C

S to read more See of this article. o

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wednesday, september 12, 2012

the collegian



Logan’s Run | By Erin Logan



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violation. Bond was set at $1,500.

Leonard John O'Connor Jr., of the 400 block of Summit Avenue, was booked for criminal damage to property. Bond was set at $750.

Brad Rodney Scott Jr., of Fort Riley, was booked for driving under the influence. Bond was set at $1,000.

Michelle Leann Estep, of the 400 block of South Fourth Street, was booked for probation violation. Bond was set at $2,500.

Tommy Lamarr Frison, of the 200 block of North Fifth Street, was booked for failure to appear. Bond was set at $482.50.

Joshua Keith Fabela, of Fort Riley, was booked for probation

Christopher Luis Gribble, of the 2400 block of Greenbriar Drive,

The Blotter; Arrest Reports To read the rest of the blotter, go online to


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wednesday, september 12, 2012

page 3

the collegian






MONEY MATTERS 5 questions to ask yourself before making a purchase ask yourself before making any purchase:

Andy Rao We have all heard of the term “impulse shopping.” Buying goods or services without planning ahead can be a slippery slope, and the scary thing is that it is easier to do than most people think. How many times have you been at the grocery store, gotten all of your items, stood in line at the cash register and then, just for giggles, threw a candy bar in your basket? It happens all the time. Sure, that Hershey’s bar may have only been a dollar, but impulse shopping is a dangerous habit to form. Here are five questions to

1. Do I really need it? Yes, we’ve all heard this a million times, but how many of us actually put this principle into practice? It seems that in this day and age, the newest and coolest gadgets are more and more accessible and affordable than they used to be. In general, you may like the idea of not having to mortgage your future in order to buy, essentially, luxury items. However, this is a double-edged sword, because it is also easier to be tempted to spend much more on items you would typically never be able to afford. Even little purchases add up, so keep the big picture in mind. 2. What am I giving up to make this purchase? As renowned physicist Isaac Newton once said, “For every action, there is an equal and

opposite reaction.” is concept is true in personal finances as well. Unless you are someone like Bill Gates who no longer has money as a criteria to live by, greenbacks are a scarce resource for you. When you spend money on items that you don’t necessarily need, you may be putting yourself in a spending hole for the items that you do need. Now, I’m not saying that you can’t treat yourself every once in a while. If, however, your treats are getting in the way of you being able to buy food or pay rent, then you have a problem. 3. Is the price worth the good or service? is is something that a lot of people struggle with. e goal of all businesses is to make a profit, and as an individual consumer, they are going to try and squeeze every penny out of you.

A lot of it has to do with branding; the better a brand is perceived to be, the more businesses will charge for it. What you, as the customer, must learn to gauge is whether or not the listed price matches what you actually value the good or service to be. Do some comparison shopping. As a consumer in today’s economy, you have endless options to choose from, so explore them and make the best purchase that fits your financial goals. You don’t have to buy the first thing that you see; take your time, weigh your options and try to get the best value for your money. 4. Can I find a more costeffective substitute? You don’t always have to buy the best brand or the most expensive product available to you. For some purchases, it may matter. ings like electronics

or food may be areas in your life that you want to make high quality purchases from a reliable brand. But, just as you choose to get the cream of the crop for certain items, you have to learn how to compromise on other items. For example, do you really need brand-name paper towels? Does it really make that much of a difference to you if your paper towels can soak up an entire glass of water with just one towel? ese are just a few things to consider when you make purchases. Look for places that you can cut expenses so that you can afford to spend a little more on the things that are important to you. 5. Can I wait to make the purchase? ere is a fundamental concept in the world of finance called “the time value of money.” What this principle

explains is that over time, the value of money decreases due to inflation and the purchasing power of currency. What this implies is that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow. It is especially important to equate this same principle to everyday life. When you make a purchase, learn to also judge whether or not that item is in immediate need. If you can save that dollar today for something that you need, you have made a successful financial decision. Good things happen to those who wait. Oftentimes, the price of certain items will fall over time as newer items come out and the initial hype for a product subsides. Take advantage of the way our markets work and plan a timeline for all of your purchases. Andy Rao is a junior in finance and accounting. Please send comments to news@kstatecollegian. com.

Business Beat: credit card dispute update, HP cuts jobs Darrington Clark managing editor National Retail Federation in opposition to $7 billion settlement A settlement that would allow stores to charge more if the customer uses a credit card is under scrutiny by the NRF. According to a USA Today article published Tuesday, the National Retail Federation is opposing an approximately $7.25 billion settlement supported by Visa, MasterCard and other major banks. e settlement is designed to make up for retailers’ lost

money in “swipe fees,” which are costs the retailers pay in order to process credit and debit transactions. Retailers claim that the settlement will not cause swipe fees to drop, but instead will harm the shopper, thus harming the retailers even more. e settlement was initially formed in July, and the NRF has agreed to go to court to settle the issue. Company that created Tupac hologram files for bankruptcy Digital Domain Media Group, the company famous for creating the hologram of

Tupac Shakur for a performance, filed for bankruptcy protection Tuesday. Digital Doman is a special effects and sound company that worked on special effects for movies such as “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Transformers.” A CNN article published Tuesday said that Digital Domain’s finances have been a matter of concern, despite the attention created by the Tupac hologram. Digital Domain’s founders include director James Cameron, and the company won an Oscar in 2009 for its work in “e Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” but debts contin-

ued to be too high throughout. Hewlett-Packard to cut 2,000 more jobs, bring total to 29,000 According to an article published Tuesday by CNN, Hewlett-Packard has decided to lay off an additional 2,000 workers. e layoffs are set to go into effect by the fiscal year 2014. e decision was announced Monday, bringing the total number of potential lost jobs to approximately 29,000 since the company’s original announcement in May. HP has not released where the layoffs will occur, only that they will

vary by country. According to HP, some employees are leaving “as part of a voluntary early retirement program of U.S. employees whose combined age and years of service exceed certain levels.” Advisers suspect HP’s lost revenue is stemming mainly from a failed tablet that was launched and promoted in the past few years and its struggle to compete in the mobile market. Apple to unveil several new products in San Francisco convention Apple will be showing two new products, in addition to

the anticipated iPhone 5, at their convention held today. Apple will be revealing a new iPod Touch, according to an article published Tuesday in the LA Times. e new iPod may be equipped with the same smaller dock connector that the new iPhone will feature and is predicted to resemble the new iPhone in shape and processing power. Another addition to the Apple family of products will be a new iPod Nano. e previous Nano was small, rectangular, and mostly used on the go. is version will have a redesigned exterior and possibly Wi-Fi connectivity.

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wednesday, september 12, 2012

the collegian

page 4


Snyder cautions Wildcats not to overlook Mean Green of North Texas Mark Kern sports editor

Tommy Theis | Collegian

Head coach Bill Snyder talks to coaches over his headset during K-State’s game against Miami University last Saturday in Bill Snyder Family Stadium.

K-State took care of business against Miami last weekend, winning 52-13. With a road trip to Norman, Okla., looming on Sept. 22, it might be human instinct for the Wildcats to look ahead to that matchup. e Wildcats will look to move to 3-0 in the season as they play host to North Texas on Saturday at 6 p.m. at Bill Snyder Family Stadium. Att Tuesday’s press conference, head coach Bill Snyder stated that his team needs to focus on themselves, rather than the opponent. “I have proven that I can overdo it sometimes,” Snyder said. “e message is, week in and week out, don’t take anything for granted and take it a day at a time ... ey know all of the examples of upset victories and teams. Even though I know it is not their intent to be complacent or take something for granted, they do.” Snyder said teams become motivated when they believe their opponents will underestimate them. “Realizing a team that would not be favored would certainly have a tremendous amount of motivation to become motivated. So you have a lot of things going against you when you are in that situation,” Snyder said. “As I have said to our players, it was not about Miami, it is not about North Texas, and it is not about anybody we play

in the future. It is all about our youngsters, our coaches, our team and what we do day-in and day-out in preparation, and nothing more than that.” Senior quarterback Collin Klein played a huge role in the victory over the

“It is going to be a battle. I know that it is only his second year there and they are still trying to develop a little bit, but they were able to go down to LSU and put up a fight. They are going to come in here and they are going to fight, and they are going to play hard, and that is kind of what we expect.” Curry Sexton senior wide receiver Hurricanes, accounting for 281 yards and four touchdowns. Klein talked about how his team has to look at the upcoming game with the University of North Texas. “It is another important step just because it is the next one,” Klein said. “Again, we played well and better last week. ere are some things that we have to work on. Again, we have not played our best game yet, and that is what we are


2012 season marked by reshuffled rankings John Zetmeir staff writer Monday night, Andy Murray defeated Novak Djokovic to win the U.S. Open and his first ever grand slam title. Murray’s win marked the first time since 2003 that four different players each won a grand slam title in the same year. Murray, who took second at Wimbledon, made a strong comeback by winning gold at the 2012 Olympic games in London. Murray had finished second in four grand slams prior to winning Monday. Murray is currently ranked the No. 3 player in the world. During the last decade, tennis fans have become accustomed to seeing one to two players dominate all four of the grand slam finals, not leaving a lot of room for new winners. Roger Federer started the trend by winning three majors in 2004, 2006 and 2007, and winning two majors in 2005. In July, at the age of 31, Federer was able to win Wimbledon and retake the No. 1 overall ranking in tennis. With 17 total grand slam titles, Federer is currently the all-time leader. In June, Rafael Nadal was able to capture his seventh French Open title in the last eight years. e man who earned the nickname “King of Clay” has been dominant on clay courts throughout his career. However, the fierce left-hander has been plagued with injuries during his entire career. Most recently, Nadal has been forced to sit out the last 2 1/2 months with knee injuries and was forced to miss

the 2012 Olympics as well as the U.S. Open. e former No. 1 player has fallen all the way to No. 4 in the world tennis rankings. At the age of 26, Nadal has already won 11 grand slam titles and an Olympic gold medal in 2008. Monday’s loss to Andy Murray should not be considered a setback for Novak Djokovic. e 25-year-old Serbian star is still one of the best players on the planet. Currently ranked No. 2 in the world, Djokovic has won five grand slam titles since 2008, including his most recent victory at the 2012 Australian Open. Dating back to 2010, Djokovic has been in the final match in seven of the last nine grand slams. Other big news this year includes Andy Roddick announcing his retirement and Serena Williams exploding back onto the big stage. Roddick announced that he would retire this year after the U.S. Open, and, after losing to Juan Martin Del Potro in round 16, Roddick’s career came to an end. Roddick is currently 30 years old and was ranked No. 27 when he retired. Serena Williams continued to add to her legacy this year with two more grand slam titles and two Olympic gold medals. Williams, now 30 years old, is showing no sign of slowing down. She is currently ranked No. 4 in the world in women’s tennis and has 15 grand slam titles. With her most recent victory at the U.S. Open, Williams became the first female tennis player to eclipse $40 million in total earnings.

NFL Robert Griffin III had a monster game as he threw for 320 yards in a surprising 40-32 victory on the road against the New Orleans Saints on Sunday. However, it was the logo on his undershirt that caught the NFL’s attention. e NFL is in the first of a five-year deal with Nike, and RGIII covered up the Nike swoosh symbol with the word Heart. He wrote the H extra big in order to cover the swoosh, as Griffin has a endorsement with Addidas. Griffin is not expected to be fined for the incident, but NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said that it won’t happen again. MLB After much debate about Stephen Strasburg, whose season pitching with the Washington Nationals was ended last week, there is another young pitcher who has his team worried. Aroldis Chapman is going to be shut down for a few days after his velocity has been much lower than usual. Chapman, known for throwing the ball over 100 mph, saw his velocity drop to a season low average of 94.4 in his last appearance on Monday. e Reds are expected to give him three days off and then have him play catch for a few days before putting him back in the game.

courtesy photo

Serena Williams returns the ball in a match early in the season. Williams won this season’s U.S. Open and Wimbledon and won two gold medals in the Olympics.

Men’s, women’s golf teams start season on right foot Women's golf Kicking off their season, the K-State women’s golf team finished fourth in Nebraska, passing Iowa on the final day at the Chip-N-Club Invitational. e three teams in front of the Wildcats were North Dakota State, Missouri and SMU, who won the title for the second straight year. High school senior Alexandra Rossi was the individual champion, winning with a 3-over-par 219. e Wildcats were led by sophomore Carly Raigans, who finished the tournament with an 11-over-par 227, good for sixth place. Gianna Misenhelter finished in the top 20 for the 10th time in her career. Men's golf Much like their counterparts, the Wildcat men got off to a good start in the 2012 season. K-State finished in second place at the Diet Pepsi Shocker Classic with a 2-under 850, behind host school Wichita State. Wichita State’s Julian Taylor and William Woods’ Rafael Becker tied for the victory at 8 under. Freshman Matt Green, participating in his first career tournament, finished third with a 7-under 206 to lead the Wildcats. Green was not on the scoring lineup and participated as an individual. Kyle Weldon and Hank Simpson led the way for the Wildcats, finishing tied at seventh place at 2-under 211. Both of the teams will be off for the next two weeks before competing in tournaments on Sept. 24-25. e women will be competing in the Marilynn Smith/Sunflower Invitational in Lawrence, while the men will be competing in the St. Mary’s Invitational in Monterey, Calif.

Two-minute drill Mark Kern sports editor


Mark Kern sports editor

trying to strive for. at is what we are trying to move toward. is is another opportunity to do that. We are just trying to get better and put another good leg in on the race.” North Texas is 1-1 in the season, and coached by close friend of Bill Snyder and former Iowa State head coach, Dan McCarney. McCarney is in his second season at North Texas, and has the respect of Bill Snyder. “I think that Dan is a tremendous coach, very talented, very bright,” Synder said. “He knows that they are going to do what it is that best suits the young people that they have in their program. Not that we have not, but I don’t think that it is a great benefit to spend too much time invested in what took place at Iowa State or what took place when Dan was in Florida or any of the other coaches, which he has some very talented coaches on his staff.” Despite being favorites by 28 points, senior wide receiver Curry Sexton fully anticipates a tough challenge from North Texas. “ey are not going to give you anything. It is going to be a battle,” Sexton said. “I know that it is only his second year there and they are still trying to develop a little bit, but they were able to go down to LSU and put up a fight. ey are going to come in here and they are going to fight, and they are going to play hard, and that is kind of what we expect.”

Men’s Golf 3. Matt Green, K-State, 68-65-73— 206(-7)

T20. Daniel Wood, 73-67-75—215(+2) T25. Curtis Yonke, 71-71-74—216(+3)

T7. Kyle Weldon, 68-66-77—211(-2) T45. David Klaudt, 72-79-76—227(+14) T7. Hank Simpson , 68-70-73—211(-2) T18. Alex Carney, 72-70-72—214(+1)

T49. Conner Schrock, 78-74-77— 229(+16)

T20. Ben Juffer, 73-70-72—215(+2)

T56. Tyler Norris, 80-76-79—235(+22)

Women’s Golf 6. Carly Raigans, 78-72-77—227 (+11) T13. Gianna Misenhelter, 76-79-77— 232 (+16) T19. Whitney Pyle, 83-74-79—236 +20)

T29. Olivia Eliasson, 79-84-77—240 (+24) 45. Hanna Roos, 83-85-80—248 (+32) T46. Scotland Preston*, 82-82-86—250 (+34)

NCAAF Freshman Trae Elston of Mississippi has been suspended by the SEC after leading with the helmet during Ole Miss’ 28-10 victory over the UTEP Miners. According a statement from the SEC, Elston’s hit was in violation of Rule 9-1-4 of the NCAA rulebook. “No player shall target and initiate contact to the head or neck area of a defenseless opponent with the helmet, forearm, elbow or shoulder,” the rule reads. Also, Rule 9-1-3 states, “No player shall target and initiate contact against an opponent with the crown (top) of his helmet.” Elston will miss the Rebels home game against No. 14 Texas on Saturday. NCAAB Harvard co-captains Kyle Casey and Brandon Curry have been named in an academic cheating scandal that puts their careers in jeopardy. Both players are expected to withdraw from the University for this season. e senior players may be able to return for next season after the case is settled. e two players are implicated in a scandal that involved up to 125 possible students.


page 5

the collegian

wednesday, september 12, 2012

New MMO impresses with character creation, gameplay “Guild Wars 2â€? Game review by Blake Burns On Aug. 28 (or Aug. 25 for those who pre-ordered the game), Guild Wars 2 was released. GW2 is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game, available for PC, and it’s the sequel to an older MMO, Guild Wars. I decided early on in the summer that I needed an MMO for college and chose GW2, which I started playing on its release and have been playing almost every day since. I have little experience with the ďŹ rst Guild Wars, but it doesn’t seem necessary for those who want to jump right in to GW2. Like many MMOs, GW2 oers a variety of race and class options to choose from when creating a character. ere are

ďŹ ve races and eight classes, each with their own special abilities. However, the game doesn’t limit character traits based on race, which can be very entertaining. For instance, you can make the 8-foot tall, beast-like charr into a sneaky thief or perhaps a tiny, rather frail asura into a fearless ďŹ ghter. It’s interesting and fun, and it keeps the replay value high. e gameplay itself is well done, with fun and fast-pased combat. Once in the game, the controls are easy to grasp, even for someone who hasn’t played an MMO before. Leveling is standard MMO fare, in the sense that you defeat enemies and complete heroic tasks in order to level and earn money while gaining game experience. ese can be ďŹ ghting monsters or helping wounded soldiers, for

instance. In addition, random events occur, such as a force of bad guys coming to ransack a nearby town. Players can team up for these events, and multiple players are often required to complete them. e reward is a greater portion of experience and money than normal questing, which encourages participation. ere is one thing that stands out about GW2 to me — its removal of “the holy trinity,â€? or rather, the three standard character types of most MMOs: the tank (who takes the brunt of the damage), the ďŹ ghter/knight (who does the damage) and the healer. As someone who’s played MMOs before, I still haven’t seen enough to tell whether this removal is a good thing or a bad thing. It’s too early for me to determine if the system works properly, but I

haven’t heard anything negative. After about 25 hours of play, GW2 has left me feeling more than satisďŹ ed. e design is solid, and I’m having a lot of fun with the gameplay right now. Another plus is that the game is absolutely gorgeous, especially for an MMO. Unlike most MMOs, GW2 lacks a monthly subscription fee, an added beneďŹ t for a poor college student like myself. Even after playing for 25 hours, I don’t feel I’ve played it enough to give GW2 a fair rating. However, overall, my ďŹ rst impressions of GW2 are positive ones, and I feel that I’ll be playing the game for a long time to come. Blake Burns is a freshman in journalism. Please send comments to Courtesy photo

‘Lawless’ delivers audiences’ expectations local business. The action in the film starts quickly and rarely lets up, beginning with an exciting car chase in which director John Hillcoat introduces legendary Chicago mobster Floyd Banner (Gary Oldman). Jack Bondurant witnesses Banner commit a terrible crime and quickly flees the scene to the home of his best friend Cricket (Dane DeHaan). The three brothers follow the lead of Forrest, all working at the family bar which is a front for their illegal bootlegging. When Special Agent Rakes enters Franklin County, he forces all the local bootleggers to give him a cut of their profits in order to to continue their

“Lawless� ★★★★✊ Movie review by Sid Arguello “Lawless� excites audiences and delivers expectations. The oldfashioned crime drama depicts the true story of three legendary brothers from Virginia. The Bondurant brothers, Forrest (Tom Hardy), Jack (Shia LaBeouf ) and Howard (Jason Clarke) are ruthless moonshinemakers during the prohibition period. Their uncontested reign as the town’s top sellers is soon challenged when corrupt Special Agent Charlie Rakes (Guy Pearce) shows up with plans of taking over the

business. All moonshine-makers bend to the will of Rakes and his officers, except the Bondurant brothers. The brothers soon make a stand against Rakes after he brutally attacks Jack, the youngest of the brothers. All of the actors in the film had great on-screen chemistry; however, Tom Hardy’s performance as Forrest stands out. Although throughout the film Forrest remains a man of few words, Hardy’s performance brings a sense of humility and strength to the character. As leader of the brothers, Forrest is the rock of the family. In my opinion, the only letdown in the film was the lack of screen

time given to Gary Oldman. His character was in and out of the film pretty quickly, although he played an important role. There was not much character development, and Banner’s background was never adequately explained to the audience. This film is very well directed and shot, showing the audience what life was like during the prohibition era, especially the rampant corruption in law. I highly recommend this film to anyone who enjoys crime films. This is a mustsee in theaters. I give it 4 1/2 stars. Sid Arguello is a senior in psychology. Please send comments to edge@


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For details see map.

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished TWO-BEDROOM, TWO bath apartment (some brand new, balcony). Half block to KSU. Private Parking. All amenities, no pets. 785-537-7050.

Stadium West Campus Anderson/Seth Child

Bulletin Board

Announcements LEARN TO FLY! KState Flying Club has three airplanes and lowest rates. Call 785-5626909 or visit LOST- SEPTEMBER 8 in Aggieville. Money clip and pocket knife. Reward. 785-969-1498. THE BUDGET Shop, 730 Colorado, is open for business. Retail hours are 12p.m.- 3p.m. Tuesday through Friday. 10a.m.- 1p.m. Saturdays. Closed Monday. The donation room is open from 9a.m.- 5p.m. Monday through Friday and 10a.m.- 1p.m. Saturday.

Housing/Real Estate

Rent-Apt. Furnished MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785-5872440.

Aggieville/Downtown East Campus Close to town

your rental property.

Contact us at 785-532-6555 or

MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785-5872440.

Need a New Place to Live? Check the Classifieds!

FOUR-BEDROOM, TWO bath. Available ASAP. $960/ month. Two-bedroom, two bath. Available ASAP. $695/ month. Close to K-State Football. Pool, on-site laundry. 2420 Greenbriar Drive. (785) 537-7007.œ

ONE-BEDROOM CLOSE to campus. MidSeptember lease. Holly, 785-313-3136.

TWO-BEDROOM; $820. Three-bedroom; $960. Newer westside apartment. 785-3414024 or 785-313-4524.



Rent-Apt. Unfurnished


Map data Š2012 Google

Furniture to Buy/Sell

MANHATTAN EMERGENCY Shelter, Inc. is hiring over-night and weekend staff. Applicants should have completed one year of colOHJH DQG KDYH D Ă H[LEOH schedule. Please contact 785-537-3113 for more information or send resume to 416 S. 4th Street.

SHABBY CHIC, modern, primitive and vintage furniture. Reasonably priced. New and used furniture. 806 6th St. Wamego, KS. Monday- Friday 8a.m.- 5p.m. Saturday 8a.m.-12a.m.


AG MALES seek roommates for one of fourbedrooms, newer home, near Casement DQG %XWWHUÀHOG 1R smoking. Furnished, all utilities paid. $400/ month. Ron 913-2698250.„

LOOKING FOR a career? Howe Landscape Inc is looking to hire a maintenance shop mechanic/ foreman with small engine and lawn mower mechanical abilities. Job duties to include mower service and repair, performing minor truck/ trailer service and repair, overseeing all other shop equipment, inventory and supplies. Applicants must be 18 years of age, have a YDOLG GULYHU¡V OLFHQVH and pass a pre-employment drug test. Previous shop experience and mechanical background required. Must be self organized, motivated and able to diagnose and complete repairs in a timely manner. Hours for position will be variable, with option for being part-time or possibly a full-time employee, based on apSOLFDQW¡V DYDLODELOLW\ Pay dependent upon knowledge, experience, and hours available. Apply three ways, in person Monday- Friday at 12780 Madison Rd in Riley; call 785-7761697 to obtain an application; or e-mail us at You may also visit our website,

MILL CREEK Valley USD 329 has an opening for a Junior High Boys Basketball coach for the 2012-13 school year at Mill Creek Valley Jr. High in Paxico. Those interested should complete an application at the USD RIĂ€FH ( WK Alma or online at Deadline to apply September 27, 2012.

Help Wanted

STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. PAID survey takers needed in Manhattan. 100% free to join. TWO-BEDROOM. $550 Click on surveys. plus deposit. No pets/ PART-TIME LAsmoking. 785-313-0409 BORER, can work Until 5:00p.m. Tuesday and Thursday mornings or afternoons. FARM HELP. Experi785-317-7713. ence necessary. PartRent-Houses & Duplexes LABORERS NEEDED. time fall help. Work Howe Landscape Inc is around classes. 785F O U R - B E D R O O M , currently seeking labor- 494-2316. ONE bath house with ers for several of our FULL-TIME EMyard/ parking. 613 divisions. This is for full- PLOYEE for crop and time and part-time help, Laramie. New carpet livestock operation. Exand paint. Appliances, ZLWK Ă H[LEOH VFKHGXOHV perience with farm for students, preferably laundry. Pets okay. equipment and cattle four-hour blocks of $1200. needed. Close to Mantime. Applicants must hattan. 785-456-2663. 785-317-5685. Ăƒ be 18 years of age, KDYH D YDOLG GULYHU¡V OL AVAILABLE PARTFOUR-BEDROOM, cense and pass a pre- TIME customer service TWO bath house. Nice, employment drug test. tech position, person large. Washer/ dryer, Apply three ways, in must be detail-oriented, central air. Available imperson Monday- Friday, have strong customer mediately. 785-3178a.m.- 5p.m. at 12780 service skills and Mi7713 Madison Rd in Riley; FURVRIW 2IĂ€FH NQRZO call 785-776-1697 to ob- edge. Medical backT H R E E - B E D R O O M , tain an application; or e- ground preferred. Must ONE bath, $900/ mo. mail us at be available most afterand one- two bedroom, askhowe@howeland- noons Monday-Friday, one bath, $500/ mo. You may and Saturdays. Apply in available September 1. also visit our website, person at Positive Air, Call 785-313-2135 for www.howelandscape.- 1314 Westloop shopshowings. com. ping center.

NUTRITION ASSISTANT. Full-time and part-time opportunities at Mercy Regional Health Center! We are looking for friendly, energetic, service-oriented applicants. Flexible hours, paid time off, tuition reimbursement! To apply visit EOE PART-TIME POSITION available for a receptionist in a chiropractic RIÀFH &RPSXWHU H[SHUL ence necessary. We are seeking a special person with good communication and excellent people skills, strong oral and written communication skills and ability to multi task. Professional manner and appearance is required. Main hours would be Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and one Saturday a month. Additional days DV ÀOO LQ IRU DIWHUQRRQV will also be required at times. Please apply at Sorell-Iversen Chiropratic, 630 Poyntz Ave., Manhattan, KS. No phone calls please. MCMILLINS RETAIL Liquor now accepting applications for parttime sales clerk. Apply in person at 2223 Tuttle Creek Boulevard. Must be 21 to apply. CLEANING101. FULLTIME and part-time positions available. Please call 785-3254238 or email with resume and/ or questions.

Deadlines Classified ads must be placed by noon the day before you want your ad to run. Classified display ads must be placed by 4 p.m. two working days prior to the date you want your ad to run.

CALL 785-532-6555 Garden Share VEGETABLES, FLOWERS, fruits and more. Advertise your bounty here!

Aggieville/Downtown East Campus Close to town

Help Wanted

THE COLLEGIAN canQRW YHULI\ WKH ÀQDQFLDO potential of advertisePebblebrook Apts. ments in the Employment/ Opportunities Cambridge Sq. Apts. FODVVLÀFDWLRQV 5HDG ers are advised to apSandstone Apts. proach any such business opportunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS 66607-1190. 785-2320454.


Stadium West Campus Anderson/Seth Child

Help Wanted

Luxury 2 Bedroom Apts. BRAND NEW 1131 BERTRAND 916 KEARNEY


Roommate Wanted


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$BARTENDING!$ $300 a day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. Call 800-965-6520 extension 144.

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Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

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Open Market


Items for Sale

Tour Packages

1991 GEO Prizm. Runs very well. Automatic. Four door. Mileage 153,000. $1300. 785539-8729. FOR SALE-- 15-inch MacBookPro, two years old, in excellent condition. $750, including fabric carrying case. 4 GB RAM, 320 GB hard drive. Ports: 2 USB, 1 FW800, Ethernet, ect. Contact David in School of Journalism, Kedzie Hall,

Pregnancy Testing Center

539-3338 1015 N. Thi


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Across from campus in Anderson Village

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page 6

wednesday, september 12, 2012

the collegian

Brett & Rusty’s

Annual Crazy 8 Party! September 12th Rusty’s Hog Roast 5pm $198

All 8 Bars Serving products

¢ 8 9 All liquor drinks, bombs and shots

$3,000 worth of prizes given away

7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm Red Dirt 11pm 12am 1am 2 Mystery 1:30am Prizes

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