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For details see map.
Stadium West Campus Anderson/Seth Child
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Houses & Duplexes Rent-Houses & Duplexes
1530 MCCAIN Lane. Two‑bedroom apartment. $720. 714 Humboldt. Two‑bedroom. $680. 913 Bluemont, three‑bedroom, $885. 1012 Freemont, four‑ bedroom, $1080. Water and trash paid. Close to campus/ Aggieville. Dishwasher and laundry facilities. No pets. 785‑539‑0866
O N E ‑bedroom apartments in tri‑ plex close to downtown and “North End” shopping. On‑site laundry and off‑street parking. $490/ mo. August lease. Emerald Property Management 785‑ 587‑9000.
T hree‑bedroom , ONE and one‑half baths, central air, laundry facilities, water paid, no pets. 1838 Anderson $945, 1225 Ratone $915, 519 N. Manhattan Ave. $915, 1019 Fremont $855, 785‑537‑ 1746 or 785‑539‑1545.
Two and four‑bedroom apartments available June 1 and August AUGUST 1. Two‑bed1. Close to campus. room apartment. 122 N. Please call 785‑845‑ 11th. Washer/ dryer in 0659 or 785‑456‑5329. each unit. No pets. No smoking. $700. 785‑ One, two, three, and 539‑0222 or four‑bedroom apart785‑313‑1023. o ments. Close to camAUGUST PRE‑LEAS- pus. 785‑539‑5800. ING. Several units www.somersetmgmtco.close to KSU. Washer, com. dryer, and dishwasher O ne‑bedroom included. w w w. w i l k s a p t s . c o m . apartments. Some Call or text 785‑477‑ with vaulted ceilings. June or August lease. 6295. Best value! August, Only $480/ mo. Emerone and two‑bedroom ald Property Manageapartments. Clean and ment 785‑587‑9000.
T w o‑bedroom apartment across the street from campus with on‑site laundry. $650/ mo. August lease. Emerald Property Management 785‑ 587‑9000.
spacious. Walk to KSU! one‑bedroom, 722 Pet friendly. www.Cap- Thurston. Cozy ment apartment with Utilities inFour‑bedrooms , garage. two baths, lounge cluded, except electric. with wet bar, washer/ June 1, $600. 785‑770‑ dryer, see wildcatvillage.- 0491. p com, August, $1440 inO N E ‑bedroom cludes cable and trash, apartment in 4‑plex 785‑341‑5346. close to downtown and ONE, TWO, three and shopping. On‑site launfour‑bedroom apart- dry and off‑street parkments next to KSU and ing. $490/ mo. August Aggieville. Excellent lease. Emerald Propcondition. Private park- erty Management 785‑ ing. No pets. 785‑537‑ 587‑9000. 7050. www.vilONE‑BEDROOM basement apartment T w o‑bedroom only a few blocks from apartments with on‑ campus. On‑site launsite laundry and only a dry. $490/ mo plus elecblock from campus. tricity. July lease. Emer$650‑ $670, June or ald Property ManageAugust leases. Emer- ment 785‑587‑9000. ald Property ManageT hree‑bedroom ment 785‑587‑9000. condominium close O ne‑bedroom to KSU. All appliances APARTMENT. Granite included. Community counters, washer/ pool to enjoy this sumdryer, pet friendly. 919 mer. $1100/ mo. August Denison. June or Au- lease. Emerald Propgust, 2:46 $700,Pm 785‑313‑ erty Management 785‑ 6209. 8/12/08 o 587‑9000.
ONE‑BEDROOM CLOSE to campus/ Aggieville in newer complex, no pets. June 1. 785‑313‑7473,
LEARN TO FLY! K‑ State Flying Club has Woodway Apartthree airplanes and low- ments Leasing for Fall 2:45 Pm est rates. Call 785‑562‑ 2012. Three and four 6909 8/12/08 or visit www.ksu.- bedrooms. Close to K‑ Line‑100.crtr edu/ksfc.‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite State Football. Pool, on‑ site laundry, small pets okay. 2420 Greenbriar Dr. Suite A, 785‑537‑ 7007.
Housing/Real Estate
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785‑587‑ 2440.
Large 2 Bedroom Apts. Cambridge Square Sandstone Pebblebrook Stone Pointe
•916 Kearney• •1001 Laramie• •1131 Bertrand• •2000 College Hts• •1114 Fremont• 814 thurston, large •519 Osage• two‑bedroom. August year lease. Water/ trash Open Saturday 10-3 paid. Close to campus. No pets. 785‑539‑5136. p
Now Leasing Fall 2012. Chase Manhattan Apartments. Four‑ bedrooms. Close to campus, pool, on‑site laundry, small pet welcome. 1409 Chase Pl. 785‑776‑3663. O
ROYAL TOWERS - $1,060 1700 N. MANHATTAN MODEL OPEN - #205 SUN 12-5, M 6-8, F 1-5
1620 McCAIN - $1,150 MODEL OPEN - #2 SUN 2-4, M 5-8, Tu 6-8, Th 12-2, SAT 2-5
SORRY, NO PETS CALL:785-776-3804
FOUR BIG bedrooms, two and a half bath two story duplex with garage. All appliances included. June or August lease. $1,300/ mo. Emerald Property Management 785‑587‑9000.
f our‑bedroom brick house, two baths, updated, appliances, washer/ dryer, central air, near KSU T W O ‑ B E D R O O M sports complex, Auapartments. Great gust, $1300, 785‑341‑ Locations. Pet Friendly. 5346. Call ALLIANCE today. 785‑539‑2300 f our‑bedroom HOUSE close to CiCo Park, 1413 Highland T W O ‑ B E D R O O M Dr. $1200. Two and NEWLY remodeled one‑half baths, all appliapartment. $855. Dish- ances, no pets/ smokwasher and off‑street ing. 785‑539‑0866. O parking. Walk to class. No smoking or pets. F O U R ‑ B E D R O O M Call Wildcat Property HOUSES. Great LocaManagement 785‑537‑ tions. Pet Friendly. Call 2332. ALLIANCE today. O ne‑ B edroom 785‑539‑2300 A P A R T M E N T S . Across the street from Aggieville/ Campus, 1026 Bluemont. Newly remodeled, granite counters, washer/ dryer, pet friendly. June leases, $725, 785‑236‑ 0161. For pictures go to w w w. f i e l d h o u s e d e v. com. p
ONE‑BEDROOM apartments. Great Locations. Pet Friendly. Call Alliance today. 785‑539‑2300
Rent-Houses & Duplexes A VERY nice four‑bedroom, two bath house. Close to Aggieville and City Park. Washer, dryer, central air‑conditioning. Jeff 785‑313‑ 3976
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Condos & Townhouses
Bulletin Board
FIVE‑BEDROOM HOUSES. Great Locations. Pet Friendly. Call ALLIANCE today. 785‑539‑2300
FIVE‑BEDROOM, TWO and one‑half bath. Brittany Ridge townhome. Washer/ dryer. No pets. Available August 1. $1050/ month. 785‑250‑ 0388.
Rent-Houses & Duplexes 1326 fremont, two‑ bedroom apartment, washer/ dryer, very close to campus and Aggieville. August lease, $650/ month. 785‑410‑0002. o Available August 1, four‑ five‑bedroom and one‑bedroom basement of house. One block from Aggieville, pets allowed with deposit, 785‑539‑8295. FOR RENT: three‑bedroom, two bath duplex half with two car garage. Newer construction. $1100/ month. August lease. Call or text 785‑ 632‑0468. Blue Sky Property.
One, Two, three, and four‑bedroom apartments. Next to KSU and Aggieville. Excellent condition. Private parking. No pets. 785‑ 537‑7050. T w o ‑ B e d roo m , NICE apartments with fireplace and personal washer/ dryer. North of Westloop shopping in quiet area. No pets, smoking, or parties. $635. Klimek Properties on Facebook. 785‑776‑ 6318.
STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. paid survey takers needed in Manhattan. 100% free to join. Click on surveys.
2:42 Pm nice FOUR and five‑ bedroom houses, two Map8/12/08 data ©2012 Google blocks from Blackcampus Line‑300.crtr ‑ Page 1 and Aggieville. June and August, $250/ person. 785‑317‑7713. ONE‑BEDROOM duplex in quiet area just west of campus. June or July lease. Only $495/ mo. Emerald Property Management 785‑587‑9000. THREE‑BEDROOM HOUSES. Great Locations. Pet Friendly. Call ALLIANCE today. 785‑539‑2300
Three‑bedrooms, TWO baths, garage, central air, appliances, washer/ dryer, no smoking, no pets, $990. July or August. 2600 Hobbs, 785‑341‑5346. l THREE‑BEDROOM, ONE and one‑half bath home with garage and shaded yard. August lease. $1050/ mo. Emerald Property Management 785‑587‑9000.
‑ Composite
Help Wanted THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial potential of advertisements in the Employment/ Opportunities classifications. Readers are advised to approach any such business opportunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ 0454.
Stadium West Campus Anderson/Seth Child
Aggieville/Downtown East Campus Close to town
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
McCullough Development seeks dependable, enthusiastic, hard‑working individual for seasonal full‑time grounds/ landscaping position for the spring and summer seasons. Qualified candidate must possess an out‑of‑ this‑world work ethic and have a creative side! There will be opportunities to provide input, and develop and execute a plan. Landscaping and horticulture background preferred. Please apply in person at McCullough Development, Inc., 210 N. 4th. St. Suite C, Manhattan, KS or send completed Employment Application to
HOWE LANDSCAPE INC is seeking laborers for several of our divisions for Summer 2012. These would be full‑ time positions. Applicants must be 18 years of age, have a valid drivers license and pass a pre‑employment drug test. HOWE LANDSCAPE INC is looking to hire a chemical applicator(s) for their maintenance division. Applicants must be 18 years of age, have a valid driver’s license and pass a pre‑ employment drug test. We can work with class schedules but prefer four‑hour blocks of time. Apply three ways, in person Monday‑ Friday at 12780 Madison Rd in Riley; call 785‑ 776‑1697 to obtain an application; or e‑mail us at You may also visit our website, Apply three ways, in person Monday‑ Friday, 8‑ 5 at 12780 Madison Rd. in Riley; call 785‑ 776‑1697 to obtain an application; or e‑mail us at You may also visit our website,
T H R E E ‑ B E D R O O M , Bartending! $300 a HOWE LANDSCAPE ONE bath home. Close day potential. No experi- INC is looking to hire a to KSU sports complex. ence 2:38 necessary. Pm Train- chemical applicator(s) f our‑ B edroom , June lease. $895/ mo. ing provided. Call 800‑ 8/13/08extension for their maintenance dione bath house; 900 Emerald Property Man- 965‑6520 vision. Applicants must Vattier. August lease, agement 785‑587‑9000. 1x1 find a job.crtr 144. ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite be 18 years of age, $1000/ mo. Washer/ have a valid driver’s lidryer, central air, T H R E E ‑ B E D R O O M , cense and pass a pre‑ garage, fenced yard, two bath house in employment drug test. pet friendly. 785‑539‑ quiet neighborhood. All We can work with class appliances included. 4949. p schedules but prefer $1150/ mo. August four‑hour blocks of F O U R ‑ B E D R O O M , lease. Emerald Proptime. Pay commensutwo and a half bath, erty Management 785‑ rate with experience. two story townhouse 587‑9000. Apply three ways, in with all appliances and FOUR‑BEDROOM, person Monday‑ Friday off‑street parking. two bath townhouse at 12780 Madison Rd in Only $1125/ mo. August in tri‑plex. $1125/ mo. Riley; call 785‑776‑ lease. Emerald PropSteak- 1697 to obtain an appliAugust lease. Emerald Rambler’s erty Management 785‑ Property Management house hiring servers, cation; or e‑mail us at 587‑9000. dishwashers and experi- askhowe@howeland785‑587‑9000. enced kitchen help. Ap- You may F O U R ‑bedroom , Cute and spa- ply at 8200 South Port also visit our website, TWO bath duplex with cious home! Newer Dr. 785‑539‑4989. www.howelandscape.all appliances, off- home features four com. street parking and half large bedrooms, big block from campus. bathrooms and huge Delivery Driver, $1300/ mo. August kitchen! Close to KSU Kaw Valley Green- LITTLE APPLE Toyota lease. Emerald Prop- and Aggieville, 520 houses is hiring for De- Honda is currently acerty Management 785‑ Kearney. www.Caplivery Drivers of 26 ft cepting applications for 587‑9000. p employment box trucks. Day routes part‑time in Kansas, Nebraska in our reconditioning deand Missouri. Must partment. Please apply have clean driving in person at 2828 record and able to pass Amherst Ave. Ask for physical and drug Del or Tony. Sublease Rent-Houses & Duplexes screening. Must be available to work full PLAY SPORTS! HAVE SUMMER days (as in available for FUN! SAVE MONEY! Great house one FEMALE needed. Monday/ Wednesday/ Maine camp needs fun block west of KSU cam- subleaser pus. Available immedi- $330/ month plus utili- Friday and weekends loving counselors to ately after new re- ties. One block to cam- or Tuesday/ Thursday teach all land, advenmodel. Four‑bedrooms, pus; two blocks to Ag- and weekends) to be ture, and water sports. $10/ hr. Great summer! Call two baths, central heat gieville. 316‑708‑6280 considered. Temporary position 888‑844‑8080, and air, living/ dining or apply: working now ‑ June. room, full kitchen. In- Rachel. For more information or cludes dishwasher, two online application visit refrigerators, washer/ The Manhattan dryer, garage and extra Looking for female kawvalleygreenhouses.Country Club is hiring parking lot. Lease now subleaser for the sum- com or call 785‑776‑ servers, line cooks, and with $1400 deposit. Ten mer months. Rent and 8585. assistant food and bevmonth lease, $1400/ utilities average $350. erage manager. Verifi2:41 Pm month. From August 1, For more info call 785‑ able experience re8/13/08 2012‑ May 31, 2013. 309‑1180 or e‑mail kim- Enjoy the outdoors? quired. Please apply in 913‑426‑2448 Kaw Valley Green- person at 1531 N. 10th 1x2 advertise here.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite houses is hiring sea- St. sonal help with loading trucks. Physical work paying $8/ hour, work- MIDLAND Exteriors Sale-Houses The Leading ing Monday‑ Saturday. Inc., Improvement For more information or Home Great starter online application visit Specialists, is currently home in Westmoreland, kawvalleygreenhouses.- seeking highly moti20 minutes from Mancom or call 785‑776‑ vated and detail orihattan! Two‑bedroom, ented siding, window, 8585. one bath, heated workand gutter installers. Apshop/ garage, hardply at 2794 Rory Rd., wood floors, $82,500. Full‑Time Summer Manhattan, 785‑537‑ Call 785‑643‑6042. e Seasonal Jobs: Horticul- 5130 E O E Drug Free ture, Parks, Cemetery, Workplace. Forestry, Public Works, Utilities. www.cityofmhk.- Help WANTED for cuscom, “Employment Op- tom harvesting. Truck Roommate Wanted portunities.” Flexible, driver. Good summer Early Start Available, wages. Guaranteed Female housemate $9.50‑ $10.50 DOQ per pay. Call 970‑483‑7490 wanted for furnished hour. evenings. three‑bedroom house with female and male. Available June 1. $300/ month, utilities paid. Prefer upperclassman or graduate student. Call 785‑537‑4947.
Two‑Bedroom AND four‑bedroom house, both have off‑street parking, washer/ dryer, close to Aggieville. One‑ bedroom basement apartment, off‑street parking, washer/ dryer, August leases. 785‑313‑ Seeking female 3788. roommate for four‑bedroom home on Hillcrest. Two rooms available $350 per month, for males. 630 Moro. washer/ dryer, trash, Four‑bedroom/ two roommates share utilibath. $330/ month in- ties with 12 month June cludes water/ trash. lease. No pets allowed. washer/ Katie at 785‑643‑5059. three or four‑bed- Dishwasher, room, dishwasher, one dryer. Lia 913‑449‑4839. O and a half or two baths. Laundry facility in the complex. Available August, 785‑537‑7810 or 785‑537‑2255.
SMALL FAMILY custom harvest operation needs combine/ grain cart operator mid‑May‑ August working in Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota, and North Dakota. Wage plus room and board, includes all meals. 785‑499‑3077.
Aggieville/Downtown East Campus Close to town
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
ck Line‑000.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite
Help Wanted Section
Advertise Here
785 532 6555
SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: Laborers needed, approximately May 21 to August 17. Duties: hand labor such as: weeding production fields, moving irrigation pipe, harvesting crops, and grounds maintenance. Starting salary $10.95. USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Plant Materials Center, Manhattan, KS. Call 785‑539‑ 8761 for interview. EOE. Little apple Brewing Company is looking for bright, energetic servers and host for a fast paced, high volume, customer service oriented restaurant. Servers must have previous experience, looking for a long‑term position and be available to work a couple of days during the week. Stop by 1110 Westloop to pick up an application.
Business Opportunities THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial potential of advertisements in the Employment/ Opportunities classifications. Readers are advised to approach any such business opportunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ 0454.
Blueville Nursery, Inc. is seeking qualified applicants for Howe landscape the Human Resource inc is currently seeking and Compliance Adminlaborers for several of istrator position. Reour divisions. This is for sponsibilities include all full‑time and/ or part‑ HR functions, safety time help, with flexible and DOT compliance. schedules for students, Degree in Business, preferably four‑hour HR or equivalent experiblocks of time. Applience and knowledge of cants must be 18 years OSHA/DOT regulations of age, have a valid is preferred. Contact drivers license and Haley at 785‑539‑2671 pass a pre‑employment 2:41 Pm or hcarpenter@bluevildrug test. 8/12/08for more HOWE LANDSCAPE information on the1 posiBlack ‑ Page ‑ Composite INC is looking to Line‑400.crtr hire a tion. chemical applicator(s) for their maintenance division. Applicants must be 18 years of age, have a valid driver’s license and pass a pre‑ employment drug test. Open Market We can work with class schedules but prefer four‑hour blocks of time. Apply three ways, Wanted to Buy in person Monday‑ Friday at 12780 Madison Rd in Riley; call 785‑ ATTENTION SE776‑1697 to obtain an NIORS, Don’t take the application; or e‑mail us clunkers with you. I’ll at askhowe@howeland- buy your vehicles 785‑ You may 226‑1976. also visit our website, www.howelandscape.- LOOKING FOR a 17 inch laptop. Call 785‑ com. Apply three ways, in 226‑1976. person Monday‑ Friday, 8‑ 5 at 12780 Madison Rd in Riley; call 785‑ Items for Sale 776‑1697 to obtain an application; or email us at askhowe@howeland- Riddle me this... You may What is black and white also visit our website, and filled with keys??? www.howelandscape.- com. 785‑537‑3774
Pregnancy Testing Center
539-3338 1015 N. Third
Earn class credit working with the ad design/production staff on the Kansas State Collegian during fall semester 2012. Limited enrollment. Instructor permission required. No prerequisites necessary. Stop by Kedzie 113 for an application or you can request an application by emailing Application deadline 4 p.m. Friday, April 20
Answer to the last Sudoku.
“Real Options, Real Help, Real Hope” Free pregnancy testing Totally confidential service Same day results Call for appointment Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Across from campus in Anderson Village