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“I love live music and I like going to concerts, so it would be cool if there was a place right here in town,” Bartlett said. “I think it would bridge the gap between Aggieville and down town.”Annie Wehling, senior in human development and family

sciences, said she feels a venue like The Press could benefit the town as “Mywell.friends and I have been talking about that,” Weh ling said. “We have struggled af ter games and stuff recently just finding something to do that isn’t 100 percent packed. So a larger venue like that would be really fun to go Theto.”long-term plan for the entire property encompasses

It’s a crisp Saturday in au tumn. The football game just concluded, and the Kansas State Wildcats are excited to take on the night. The options include an Aggieville outing, bars down town and perhaps a house party. K-State student Kaitlyn Woicke, senior in marketing, said the va riety seems to be lacking.

said. “I want students that feel like they want to start some thing, they could start that here.”Bartlett, with his entrepre neurial skills and connection to Richards, said he hopes to see one particular idea become a reality.

The Press: Manhattan’s newest concert venue — just the beginning ?

KIRA BISHOP copy chief

more than just The Press, Rich ards said.“The interior of the build ing will not get done for at least another 2 or 3 years,” Richards said. “Some main ideas are to have a venue that can host wed dings, rock shows, and different types of events. You know, as it grows, can we put retail? Can we put a brewery? Can we put a restaurant? Can we put a stage on the outside and astro turf

Wildcats in the NFL: D.J. Reed’s fatherinterceptiondedicatestolate

Kansas State Fair displays 4-H mem ber-created projects and skills they have gained

“This is a project I have been looking to buy for the last five years, actually,” Richards said. “I wanted to buy it origi nally for the purpose of bringing culture to Manhattan. A lot of warehouses in bigger cities are being renovated for the purpose of culture, food halls, and activi ties. Just a way to maximize this already old beautiful space and use it for a different purpose.”

“One thing that we want to promote: we have five acts in October,” Richards said. “We have the whole gamut, from rock and roll, easy listening, to a lit tle heavier, to EDM. At the last event, we had a Kite’s food truck here, and alcohol. I think the unique thing here is that we are in a central part of Manhattan and we just have a lot of space to work Richardswith.” had the oppor tunity to speak directly with students and open a dialogue on what they would like to see brought to Manhattan.

Part of this expansive four acre property is dedicated to the already-operational out door concert venue, The Press. Kleiner said the aim is to create a rock and roll venue, while also welcoming a variety of genres. With a capacity of over 500

people and one successful live show completed, Richards and Kleiner maintain positivity for the growth of their venue.


“Students do the same things every weekend. It gets old every once in a while,” Woicke said.

the entire back yard? For yard games, there is so much square footage. There are a lot of things that couldRichardshappen.”said he is wel come to ideas, especially from residents and K-State students. He intends to create a space for community use, and said he feels anyone who has a dream could begin to build it at AG Press.

“AG Press is available for ideas to create here,” Richards


KANSAS STATE vol. 128 issue 4 | friday, september 16, 2022 | kstatecollegian.com

see page 13, “VENUE”


This historic building on Yuma Street, owned by Derek Richards, is being given a second life as a concert venue and future entertainment spot.


Know Your Oppo nent: Tulane could be a “trap” football game for Wildcats

Derek Richards, real estate broker and owner of the AG Press building, and Eric Kleiner, promoter and Richard’s busi ness partner for The Press, said they recognized the need for variety and options for residents in Manhattan. Richards said he purchased AG Press, located on Yuma Street, in April of this year, and he has big dreams for it.

“I taught at an entrepre neur class on campus in the business building and I asked a room of 200 students, ‘what do you guys want?’ and they basi cally described that they want Yard Bar, but bigger,” Richards said. “They want a place to go where they have space and feel comfortable being in a different environment. We are hoping to create a more welcoming place, or a place to just have variety. It’s good to have variety in the town.”Sam Bartlett, a junior in entrepreneurship and innova tion, said he thinks another lo cale in Manhattan is essential.

K-State’s obscure theatrical art perfor mance: On The Spot Improv


accessible for blind and visually imparied individuals. Their on-

Religion Directory

Letters may be rejected if they contain abusive content, lack timeliness, contain vulgarity, profanity or falsehood, promote personal and commercial announcements, repeat comments of letters printed in other issues or contain attachments.

If you see something that should be corrected, call editor-in-c hief Carter Schaffer at 785-370-6356 or email collegian@kstatecollegian.com

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The event will include modified versions of games such as Exploding Kittens, Cards Against Humanity, Avalon and

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Monopoly, Brunk said. “The money’s all brailled,” terabled groups to have the same experience at the same time,”

© Collegian Media Group, 2022

Hale Library hosts accessible game day

Eden Brockman Asst. Arts & Culture Editor

MARA ABERLE staff writer


“This is part of your identity. I was born visually impaired, it’s always been a part of my identity. It’s part of who I am and it shaped who I am,” Brunk said.

Zoe Schumacher Page Design Chief

Hannah Lucas Advertising Manager

ty, she acknowledges that many disabled people are not and that some do not feel safe disclosing their disability to others.

Alyssa Fullington Marketing / PR Manager

“We are doing a game day with accessibility in mind,” Angie Brunk, academic services librarian at Hale Library, said.


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Offered at 10:00 a.m. (2www.gracebchurch.org785.776.04242901DickensAve.blks.E.ofSethChild)

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The Collegian, a student newspaper at Kansas State University, is published by Collegian Media Group. It is published Fridays during the school year and on Wednesdays during the summer. Periodical postage is paid at Manhattan, KS. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 828 Mid-Campus Drive South, Kedzie 103, Manhattan, KS 66506-7167. First copy free, additional copies 25 cents. [USPS 291 020]

Brunk said she has a disability“I’mherself.visually impaired,” she said. “I was born with cataracts. I’m considered low-vision. I’m still very much sighted and I use my vision but I do not have normal vision. Like, I can’t drive.”Brunk said that while she is open about her own disabili-

ALL ARE WELCOME to join us for remote and in person activities

The Mission of the Collegian Media Group is to use best practices of journalism to cover and document life at Kansas State University from a diverse set of voices to inform and engage the K-State community.

Kelsey Volk Managing Editor

The Collegian welcomes your letters. We reserve the right to edit submitted letters for length and style. A letter intended for publication should be no longer than 600 words and must be relevant to the student body of K-State. It must include the author’s first and last name, year in school and major. If you are a graduate of K-State, the letter should include your year(s) of graduation and must include the city and state where you live.

Margaret Latenser News Editor

Grace Needham Arts & Culture Editor

Hale Library, the Sunderland Foundation Innovation Lab and the Student Access Center will host an Accessible Games Day on Monday, Oct 3. The come-and-go event takes place from 1-7 p.m. at Hale Library.

friday, september 2, 202202

“We have some games that have been modified, some games that can be easily modified.”

In addition to exhibiting livestock, there are other projects displayed at the state fair, including a fashion review where students model clothing, Fry“Whatsaid.is most impactful for me is probably modeling this year. I’m really nervous because it’s my last year so I

The state fair typically impacts freshmen at Kansas State University who are finishing projects from their local 4-H Clubs, Kelsey Nordyke, the Extension Specialist in 4-H Youth Development

“There are different booths where different vendors can set up,” Turner said. “The 4-H and FFA programs in the state of Kansas have different livestock shows. There are static exhibits. You can go see baked goods or photography. There’s different barns that kind of represent agriculture in Kansas. ”

Chiefs drumline, according to fox4kc.com.Katrina Turner, sophomore in animal sciences and industry, said the state fair is a representation of Kansas with its different youth projects on display.

for the Northeast Regional Extension Office, said.

When most people think of the Kansas State Fair, they think of carnival rides, but it is much more than that, Gwen Fry, a freshman in open option“Thesaid.state fair is a lot of fun,” Fry said. “But when I think about the state fair, I think of all the 4-H events. It’s more than just the carnival rides. It’s actually 4-H, and a lot of people don’t realize Thisthat.” year, the Kansas State Fair is being held in Hutchinson from Sept. 9 to Sept.18. It will include appearances from Kansas City natives Tech N9ne and Blane Howard on Friday, Sept. 16, as well as Chiefs mascot KC Wolf and the Kansas City

friday, september 16, 2022 03

Kansas State Fair showcases 4-H events, displays students’ work

“It would mostly be freshmen exhibiting, because the exhibitors have to be no older than 18,” Nordyke said. “Kansas State students who are exhibiting livestock projects would be impacted the most by the state fair. Those students have animals that they’ve had on feed since at least June, but more realistically, it’s from late last spring or even last fall depending on the exhibit area.”

Graphic by Catherine Eldridge

Illustration by Zoe Schumacher

really want to do well,” Fry said. “I enjoy just being able to be up on that stage and modeling, especially when they do callbacks. And if I get a callback, then I get to go back up on stage and find out if I was grand champion or reserve.”Nordyke said, no matter the project, students benefit from “It’sparticipating.notnecessarily just participating at the fair,” Nordyke said. “They learn important life skills throughout the year. This includes leadership responsibilities because they learn to care for something other than themselves and to be a part of a larger organization. They also learn sportsmanship skills and teamwork through their involvement in exhibiting and competing at the state fair.”

EMMA KASSELMAN staff writer

think of. The crazy thing is, every episode is good. Did I think I’d be the type of person interested in the history of absinthe? Absolutely not. Did I thoroughly enjoy those 50 minutes of my life?

“Stuff You Should Know” episodes are split into two types: regular episodes and mini-epi-


N CD A T B A N D Why Cat WBand? hy Cat Band? P E

themselves, and Josh will crack a joke in a deadpan voice while Chuck makes a comment like, “You know, we should do a show on that.” Your mind wanders with them. SYSK encourages you to be curious and inquisitive about the world in a non-judgemental space.

The regular-length episodes are just as compelling and a lot more detailed.

Absolutely (See: “The Myth of Absinthe”).Thetwo hosts of the show are affectionately known to religious SYSK listeners as Josh and Chuck. Each week, the dynamic duo choose topics to cover based on their own interests, or topics suggested to them by fans. The topics are very diverse, ranging from coverage of the Tylenol Murders (See: “The Tylenol Murders Part I” and “The Tylenol Murders Part II”) to discussions of cats (See: “Cats: Invasive Species?”). You’ll never get bored of the subject matter.

If you’re looking for a podcast, check out “Stuff You Should Know.” There’s sure to be at least one episode that is interesting to you. If you’re not sure which of their many epi-

Josh and Chuck often find themselves going off on tangents. Once derailed, they will catch

GRACE NEEDHAM arts & culture editor A R F O R M S A

sodes, called “Short Stuff.” Whoever came up with the “Short Stuff” idea is a genius. 15-minute shorts? Brilliant. It only takes 15 minutes for the drive to work or walk to class. Plus, the episodes, though bite-sized, are always culturally relevant and interesting, my favorites being “Short Stuff: Black Cowboys” and “Short Stuff: Cleveland’s Infamous 10-Cent Beer Night.”

T A L L H O M E W O M E N ’ S A N D M E N ’ S B A S K E T B A L L G A M E S A U D I T I O N S O P E N T O A N Y O N E W H O I S A K S U S T U D E N T ! ! ! A U D I T I O N I N G T H E F O L L O W I N G I N S T R U M E N T S : W O O D W I N D S | B R A S S | D R U M S E T | E L E C T R I C B A S S 1 . F R E E A D M I S S I O N W I T H T H E B E S T S E A T I N B R A M L A G E ! 2 . E A S I E S T C L A S S Y O U C A N E N R O L L I N 3 . H E L P M A K E T H E C A T B A N D T H E L A R G E S T B A S K E T B A L L B A N D I N T H E B I G 1 2 ! 4 . B E P A R T O F T H E B E S T H O M E C O U R T A D V A N T A G E I N T H E B I G 1 2 ! ! ! Q U E S T I O N S / M O R E I N F O ? A M W I M M E R @ K S U . E D U

friday, september 16, 202204

A few months ago, a close friend suggested I look into a podcast called “Stuff You Should Know” by iHeartRadio. I turned my nose up at the thought — I was NOT a podcast person. That was until I listened to a SYSK episode called “Salem Witchcraft Trials: More Bonkers Than You “StuffKnow.”YouShould Know,” hosted by Charles “Chuck” W. Bryant and Josh Clark, is the perfect one-size-fits-all podcast. True to its name, the podcast covers all kinds of stuff. If you’re a true crime junkie, look no further. Interested in learning about how emotions work? This podcast can teach you that, too. Quite honestly, I’m convinced SYSK covers just about every random topic you could possibly

Listen to Stuff You Should Know through the iHeart website, on Spotify or through Apple Podcasts.

sodes to pick, I suggest you start with “SYSK Live: Koko, the Gorilla Who Talked,” which is my favorite full-length episode.

friday, september 16, 2022 05

“Just go for it,” Moll said. “I’m not a theater person myself, but if you just want to express yourself, have fun and be supported, this is the place to be.”

One cost-effective way to receive quality entertainment at Kansas State is to visit one of the more obscure theatrical art performances on campus: On The Spot Improv, which takes place every Monday.

Braden Funk, senior in computer engineering, said he learned many skills through improv, many of which have helped him and several others on the“Improvteam. is just great in how it can apply to different parts of your life,” Funk said.

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With several diverse games and jests, On The Spot Improv is a comically amusing act that will never fail to end in boisterous laughter from the audience.On The Spot Improv shows every Monday from 8-9 p.m. in Forum Hall, located in the Student Union.

On The Spot Improv is an independent, student-run organization at Kansas State. Members master the creative method of improvisation through free, weekly and entertaining shows available to the university. The entirety of On The Spot Improv shows are acted out exactly as described — on the spot. The audience is entangled in imaginative plotlines as the improvisers call upon the spectators to share with them occasionally indecent ad-lib scenarios to enact, after which


the storyline ingeniously splits in several unsuspecting and humorousTimdirections.Peltier,senior in statistics and data science, first received word of On The Spot Improv auditions from an acting professor of his who encouraged his class to try it out.

“Especially for people who struggle with public speaking, improv is a really great tool to help you feel like you always have something to say and bring to the table.”

“I [auditioned and] gave it whatever I had,” Peltier said. “I didn’t have any prior experience, but it was a lot of fun. I’m glad I’m Long-timehere.” member Patrick Moll, senior in computer science, has been acting for On The Spot Improv for two years and encourages students to participate in auditions.

There is no doubt that “Mr. Brightside” is the best party song at Kansas State. Unlike most other hype songs, “Mr. Brightside” is an alt-rock smash hit from the early 2000s. The most-heavily chanted part of the song surprisingly comes after the chorus is sung. The lyrics fall away to a chorus of rock guitars as partiers tra-

“No Hands” leaves no room for a slow introduction. Immediately, the song opens with its chorus. Although the lyrics are definitely not PG, there’s no better song to resurrect a party and get people to forget how sweaty and claustrophobic they are.

ple of Empire of the Sun’s “Walking on a Dream” to create a techno-pop hit that satisfiesPlayingeveryone.this2009 smash hit is the quickest way to flood the dance floor. The bass is recognizable even from the first few seconds and is quickly met with horns and lyrics, igniting any crowd. When in doubt, you can never go wrong with

Ladies” is a fan-favorite for all the ladies. The

friday, september 16, 202206




A classic, party-starting throwback from Mac Miller’s 2010 debut album Kids, “The Spins” is a guaranteed crowd pleaser. This song combines elements of hiphop and R&B over a sam-

Taylor TKline aylor Kline


slow-rising beat encourages people to run to the dance floor. The call-and-response lyrics open with “OK now ladies,” which inspires a “Yeah!” from the crowd, getting everyone involved.

As the fall semester returns, many fraternities around campus are eager to impress new freshmen and establish themselves as the go-to party house for the school year. The most important key to this success is creating a killer playlist. Here are my top five favorite songs that must be on your next party playlist:

The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Collegian. Please send comments to kstatecollegian.com.opinion@

9 / 8 9 / 8 9 / 9 9 / 1 1 9 / 1 4 9 / 1 5 9 / 1 5 9 / 1 5 9 / 1 5 9 / 1 6 9 / 1 69 / 2 3 9 / 2 5 9 / 2 7 I a n B a t e y @ F i n n ' s P u b , 9 A M 4 M / e n c o d e + T h e S o u n d s o f M a n y @ A u n t i e M a e ' s , 8 P M T a y l o r K l i n e M u s i c @ C o u r t y a r d B y M a r r i o t t , 7 P M A r t s o n t h e G r e e n @ S e v e n D o l o r s C h u r c h , 4 7 : 3 0 P M E x o t i c L e g e n d s @ R C M c G r a w s , 8 P M M 3 1 U n p l u g g e d D a n c e P a r t y @ F i n n ' s P u b , 8 1 1 P M M i k e H o s t y @ A u n t i e M a e ' s , 8 P M L i n d e n S t u e v e D u o @ L i q u i d A r t W i n e r y , 6 : 3 0 P M M 3 1 U n p l u g g e d @ T a l l g r a s s T a p h o u s e R o o f t o p , 7 P M Y a r d B a r P a r t y @ Y a r d B a r , 1 0 P M 9 / 1 8 R o c k o n P r a i r i e F e s t @ D w i g h t , K S , 5 P M B r e w a t t h e Z o o w i t h T h e B o x T u r t l e @ S u n s e t Z o o , 5 : 3 0 P M T h i s t l e B r e e z e @ L i q u i d A r t W i n e r y , 4 P M J e n n y D o n ' t a n d T h e S p u r s @ R e p l a y L o u n g e , 6 P M

T a y l o r K l i n e h a s b e e n p l a y i n g m u s i c a r o u n d K a n s a s f o r o v e r 1 0 y e a r s , a n d i s n o w j o i n e d b y h i s d a r l i n g , M a n d y K a r y , o n p i a n o a n d m a n d o l i n a s w e l l a s h a r m o n i e s . T h e y p l a y a v a r i e t y o f 7 0 ' s c o v e r s a n d t h e i r o w n o r i g i n a l m u s i c .

ditionally chant obscenities about opposing schools — in K-State’s case, the University of Kansas. Because of “Mr. Brightside’s” ability to unify a crowd no matter the time or place, it’s well-deserving of the No. 1 college party song title.

This smoothie recipe is a great way to fuel your body. Using an unexpected combination of ingredients, the smoothie blends together to create an enticing flavor. The sweet notes of green apple and pineapple are cut by the kale and lemon juice, achieving a perfect balance. Not only does this treat taste good, it’s a healthy option. Follow the proceeding steps to make the Green Machine Smoothie.

• 1 bag frozen kale: $1.42

• 1 bag flaxseed: $3.48

Optional: peanut butter or PB2 powder • Optional: cinnamon 1. Prepare ingredients. This includes washing and cutting the apple (cutting it into cubes to makes it easier to blend) 2. Add water to a blender about ¼ of the way full 3. Add 1 tbsp lemon juice 4. Add handfuls of spinach, kale and pineapple 5. Add sliced apple 6. Add 1 tbsp of chia seeds, flaxseed and hemp hearts 7. Blend to desired texture 8. Pour into glass and enjoy! If opting for cinnamon, you can add a pinch to the top of your smoothie

• Optional: peanut butter or PB2 powder: $4

• Total: $38.24 *This recipe makes about five smoothies, totalling $7.65 a smoothie*

• 1 bag frozen pineapple: $2.42

SVEA KNIGHT contributor

friday, september 16, 2022 07

• 1 bag chia seeds: ~$10

Non-discrimination Notice: Barton Community College is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit equal.bartonccc.edu for more information. Session 4 (8 weeks) Oct 17 - Dec 11 Session 5 (6 weeks) Oct 24 - Dec 4 Intersession (4 weeks) Dec 12 - Jan 8 Pick up an extra class ANYTIME this Fall! online.bartonccc.edu • 1 bag frozen spinach • 1 bag frozen kale • 1 bag frozen pineapple • 1 green apple • 1 bag chia seeds • 1 bag flaxseed • 1 bag hemp hearts • Lemon juice

• 1 bag frozen spinach: $1

• Optional: cinnamon: $4

• 1 green apple: $1

• 1 bag lemon juice: 92 cents

GRACE NEEDHAM arts & culture editor

• 1 bag hemp hearts: ~$10

Recipe by Svea Knight, senior in dietetics.

friday, september 16, 202208 THINK LOCAL Aggieville Business Association 1125 Moro Manhattan,St.KS info@aggieville.org66502| 785-320-6709 | 1125 Moro St. shop local. think local. 785 539 4500 2307 Suite C Tuttle Creek B v BEER GOGGLES Think Local, Drink Local www beergogglesmhk com All your beer, right here September 6, 2022 – May 27, 2023 FREE admission and parking - 14th & Anderson piercings 1116 Laramie St, Manhattan, KS @mhk.cat think local pierce local catalyst (785) 341 5271 1102 LARAMIE ST, MANHATTAN, KS Sunday Thursday 11am 9pm Friday & Saturday 11am 10pm (785) 775 5999 Sunday Brunch Now Serving eat brunch in the 'ville 10am till 2pm 617 N 12TH ST, MANHATTAN, KS THINK LOCAL. EAT LOCAL. ROCKIN K'S IS A LIVELY RESTAURANT IN MANHATTAN, KS. WE USE THE BEST INGREDIENTS AND PROVIDE A GREAT ATMOSPHERE. HOURS MONDAY·THURSDAY: llAM-gPM FRIDAY & SATURDAY 11AM-10PM SUNDAY BRUNCH: 9AM-2PM 785-370-6500 1880 K MBALL AVE. STE 100 MANHATTAN. KS EATROCKINKS.COM it's where you watch the game V A L D U N T I L 1 0 0 1 / 2 2 * F O O D O N L NY O T V A L D F O R S P E C A L S 20% COUPON THINK LOCAL Help support Manhattan Businesses!

Photo by Megan Chrisco, senior in criminology and psychology.

How easy it is to forget the world W hen I am the flesh, that body untoward, The lig ht that bleeds throug h crinkling blinds, Illusions imag ined, wearing sheep’s hide, I followed the path less traveled by scri bes, Only to find that this way was unripe, Leading me now to a better-off dream, Since life as is now lost all its esteem, Follow me softly and watch where you step, These grounds, they look safe when nothing is left, But I have been burned — so harshly by you, Find me the divine, a sentence or t wo, With ink and rage — I ’ll stay true to the word, How easy it was to forget the world.

“Green Haze”“Reflections”

Wildcat Art Showcase

friday, september 16, 2022 09FEATURED ARTISTS

“Melting Days”

“How easy it is to forget the world,” by Alex Rewerts, sophomore in english and mass comm.

Artwork by Katie Horner, senior with a BFA in ceramics and BS in psychology.

In 2021, Reed broke out in Seattle, intercepting two passes with the Seahawks which propelled him into signing a big contract with the Jets in the offseason. He recorded a ca-

A week after being inducted into the Kansas State Ring of Honor, wide receiver Lockett caught three passes for 28 yards in a Seattle Seahawks victory against the Denver Broncos. Over the past three seasons, Lockett racked up over 1,000 receiving yards and will look to make it a fourth straight 1,000 receiving yard season in 2022.

Pringle won the Super Bowl with the Kansas City Chiefs in 2019. He had a career-high 568 receiving yards and five touchdowns in 2021 before signing a one-year contract with the Bears in the off-season.

in 2021 by RisnerAtlanta.isregarded as one of the best offensive linemen to ever play at K-State. He is entering his fourth season with the Denver Broncos, who took him in the second round of the 2019 NFL Draft.

Horne recorded one tackle in Atlanta’s 27-26 loss to the New Orleans Saints. Horne is currently slotted as the backup nose tackle position for the Falcons behind Anthony Rush, who was signed as a free-agent

offseason and recorded a tackle on special teams in the Chiefs’ blowout 44-21 victory over the Arizona Cardinals. Lee has played for five teams in his six year NFL career as a linebacker since being drafted by the Minnesota Vikings in 2017.

AJ SHAW staff writer

Lockett had his best season in 2020, catching 100 passes and 10 touchdowns, both career-highs. He also had a career-high 1,175 receiving yards last season. He also has three career punt/kick returns for touchdowns, but hasn’t had one since 2017.

reer-high 78 tackles in 2021.

Risner had a great 2020 season; he did not allow a single sack. While he took a step back in that department in 2021, allowing four, he entered 2022 as a starter on Denver’s offensive line, protecting new quarterback Russell Wilson. He did not allow any sacks in the Broncos’ loss to Seattle on Monday night.

Elijah Lee was signed to the Kansas City Chiefs in the

Pringle caught one pass for 22 yards in the Chicago Bears 19-10 victory on Sunday against the San Francisco 49ers. Pringle is currently the Bears slot receiver and should bring experience to a very inexperienced receiver core.

friday, september 16, 202210

The former Seahawk and Wildcat cornerback signed a three-year free-agent contract in the offseason with the New York Jets and had a great game in what was a 24-9 loss for New York against the Baltimore Ravens. Reed made two tackles, intercepted a Lamar Jackson pass and forced a fumble in the defeat. Sunday was also a bittersweet day for Reed, whose father passed away before the game. He dedicated his interception to his late father.

highlandcc.edu 785.442.6020 admissions@highlandcc.edu CAMPUS I REGIONAL I TECHNICAL I ONLINE $126 PER CREDIT HOUR includes tuition, fees, & textbook rental *rate excludes technical programs CLOSE TO HOME IT'S WHERE YOU WATCH THE GAME NCAA. NFL. SATURDAY.SUNDAY.EVERYDAY. 1 2 0 0 M O R O S T R E E T 7 8 5 3 2 0 2 5 7 5 two shifts a day, 4pm & 9pm, and three on SaturdaysBartenderswanted FUN LOCAL DIVE BAR WORK FOR IN AGGIEVILLE call Lee at 785-565-1043 or Makaela at 785-538-4211 for an interview

Whitehair played all 58 offensive snaps in the Bears victory over the 49ers on Sunday. Whitehair is the longest tenured Bears offensive linemen, being drafted in the second round by the club in 2016. He has shifted between guard and center throughout his NFL career.

K-State beat Missouri State 61-10 in this historic performance. Nelson’s receiving yards accounted

game against Missouri with 13 receptions. Later in the season, in a game against Iowa State, Nelson broke his own record for single-game receiving yards with 214 yards. The previous record of 206 yards had been held by Darnell Mcdonald from a 1997 matchup versus Syracuse.The record for single-game season yards was held by Nelson up until 2013 when none other than Tyler Lockett broke it not once, but twice. First in a game against Texas with 237 yards and then again against Oklahoma with 278 yards.

In the game versus Missouri State, Nelson hauled in 15 catches and 209 yards, both records. The previous record for receptions was held by Michael Smith from 1989 when he finished a

season, Nelson went on to put up 122 receptions for 1,606 yards, both of which are single-season records for the Wildcats. The Wild-


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for over 60 percent of the team’s passing yards and he had 15 of the team’s 29 total receptions.Throughout the 2007

In 2007, head coach Ron Prince’s second year, in a game versus Missouri State, senior Nelson put together one of the best games by a K-State wide receiver in history. It was an impressive offense with a squad featuring running backs James Johnson and Leon Patton, along with quarterback Josh Freeman. With an above-average year in his first season going 7-6 overall, Coach Prince looked to improve upon the last season.

task to take over the Wildcat offense after taking over the reins in the middle of the 2006 season. With a semi-seasoned quarterback, two returning running backs and a returning star receiver in Nelson, the Wildcats seemed to have a chance to drastically improve.

Freeman felt up to the

friday, september 16, 2022 11

While they didn’t quite improve on the record as they desired, there were quite a few memorable moments, one being Nelson breaking the reception and yardage records for K-State.

cats finished 5-7 on the year and 3-5 in Big 12 conference play.

On Sept. 15, 2007, Jordy Nelson pulled off one of the most impressive stat lines in Kansas State history.

Defeating Missouri 40-12 in dominant fashion once again, Kansas State faces a possible “trap” game against the Tu lane Green Wave. While Tulane holds a 2-0 record, with similar one-sided results to K-State, the Green Wave comes right between two big matchups for the Wild cats. Last week was the longtime rivalry game against Missouri,

LUKE LAZARCZYK sports editor

friday, september 16, 202212 GAMEDAY PREVIEW

and next week K-State travels to Norman, Oklahoma, for a 7 p.m. primetime game against the No. 6 ranked Oklahoma Sooners.

The Wildcats are on the verge of ranking in the AP Top 25, earning the 29th most points in votes at 77, only 12 points behind No. 25 ranked Oregon at 89 points. An impressive per formance could be what pushes K-State into the top 25 ahead of their big game against the Soon ers.

In each of the first two games, the Wildcat offense have found themselves more reliant on the run game than the air. That could simply be caused by the game script and the down pour against Missouri, but it has left offensive coordinator coach Klein’s offense looking somewhat one-dimensional.Whilethepass game hasn’t

Know your Opponent: Wildcat Football faces off against 2-0 Tulane

With this week’s game be tween two other major games, some are concerned that K-State won’t be playing their best. Mul tiple sportsbooks have changed their early odds of K-State being favored around 20 points to now being favored around 14. With a combined score of 72-12 against Missouri and South Dakota,

Graphic by Catherine Eldridge

see page 13, “TULANE”

K-State must keep their focus on Tulane, who boast an even better point difference against their two opponents at 94-10.


sparked, there were improve ments from the first week, where quarterback Adrian Martinez threw for 53 yards. Despite the rain, Martinez was able to pass for 101 yards against the Tigers. The receiving game was led by wide receiver Phillip Brooks with 57 receiving yards and a team high of 28 yard reception on a fake QB run.

“I met Derek through our church and slowly got to know him,” Bartlett said. “Someone suggested for him to do a climbing club. I am super interested in rock climbing. I told him I would be interested in talking about that and what it would take.”

here are usually pretty poor, so I think it is important to be conscious and think about how this location can benefit this area, bringing culture and just bringing a good vibe,” Richards said.

While the most discussed sides of football are the offense and defense, the Wildcat special teams has left plenty to watch and impress. After recording a touchdown off of a blocked punt from Seth Porter in the first week, the unit collected another touchdown from Brooks on a 75-yard punt return touchdown against Missouri. The two touchdowns have provided a spark after defensive stops. The offense has

On the offensive side, Tulane is led by junior quarterback Michael Pratt. Pratt comes with 23 games under his belt, giving him experience in the position. Passing for 4669 yards in his career, Pratt has never been a high-level thrower of the football. He did throw for 318 yards against Alcorn State with five touchdowns in two games without throwing an interception. Pratt is provided with multiple players who have produced on the offense, but no star sticks out to help carry the load.

carry and 2.6 passing yards per pass. The defense has completely controlled each of their first two games and has not let either opponent find any groove with the ball.

The Green Wave started off taking down Massachusetts 4210, who also lost to Toledo 55-10 this year. In their second game, Tulane dismantled Alcorn State 52-0, who lost their other game against Stephen F. Austin, 31-27. Neither of Tulane’s opponents comes close to the firepower and talent of the However,Wildcats.theGreen Wave still impressed in those games, no matter the opponent. They were led by their defense, who only allowed 2.9 rushing yards per

Bartlett said he is passionate about the project and is aiming to combine his climbing knowledge with Richards’ business experience.“It is super up in the air right now,” Bartlett said. “It could easily go down into something concrete if we think it is wise financially from a market standpoint.”

also been assisted, as punter Ty Zenter has averaged 46.6 yards per punt, with a season long of 66 yards against the Tigers.

line on a 24 rushing touchdown from Vaughn. Converting those opportunities will be crucial when defense doesn’t devastate the opposing offense.

Interior of the AG Press building.

“There is a lot of beauty around here. I believe a lot of people, when they think

While the offense has seen a few issues, the defense has left its mark on the game on nearly every play. The Wildcats have racked up the defensive statistics in only two games, intercepting five passes, four of which were against Missouri, collecting five sacks and completing a total of 20 tackles for Standoutsloss.on the defensive side have included star defensive end Felix Anudike Uzomah and safety Cincere Mason. Uzomah has continued from where he left last season with 1.5 sacks so far and has constantly applied pressure to the quarterbacks of both teams they have faced. While Uzomah has led the front

line, Mason has been a vulture out deep, collecting an interception in each game as well as pass deflection. While these two have been the face of the defense early on, nearly every single defensive player has left their mark on a game this season. With help from everyone, the Wildcats look to possibly be one of the top defenses in all of college football.

opponent could provide on the field. In this case, the Wildcats still have the clear advantage, beating more impressive teams and having a considerably higher amount of talent in all three aspects of the game.

Tulane comes into Manhattan with a 2-0 record in dominant wins. While the wins may be overwhelming, neither of their opponents were much of a challenge.

K-STATE: 37-10

785 539 4500 2 3 0 7 S U I T E C T U T T L E C R E E K B L V D . M A N H A T T A N K S , 6 6 5 0 2 W W W . B E E R G O G G L E S M H K . C O M BEER BGOGGLES E EEER R G GOOGGGGLLEES S Get your Game Day supplies at the Beer Belly

Overall, Richards and Kleiner said they seek to benefit the neighborhood of Yuma and the city of Manhattan with a refreshing variety of new sounds and experiences.“The economics down

about upcoming events at The Press and future plans for the building are available on their website.

The true concern for K-State is the possibility of overlooking the Green Wave and making the game closer than it should be. That may be a concern with many teams, but with the leadership of the Wildcats, starting with head coach Chris Kleiman and the rest of the staff and players, the chance of a falloff due to a lack of focus seems highly unlikely. K-State is a well-rounded team who thrives on fundamentals and making all the necessary plays. This game should go similarly to the first two games of the year even as sportsbooks see a possible “trap” game for the Wildcats.

While the offense has found success, it still missed opportunities. Against Missouri, the offense was placed in the Tiger’s field position three straight times off of defensive interceptions, and failed to score a touchdown on each drive. After a fourth straight interception, the offense was finally able to cross the goal

of Manhattan, they think of Aggieville and downtown, so we are hoping to create a third district to do somethingMoreelse.” information

friday, september 16, 2022 13

Continuing to lead the offense is the run game, led by running back Deuce Vaughn. In the two games this season, Vaughn ran for 271 yards and three touchdowns. The entire offense has gained 532 rushing yards and eight rushing touchdowns. The 266 rushing yards per game average is near the peak of college football, coming in at the 12th most per game. Running the ball on the ground will be the key to the Wildcat offense this season while the passing game continues to look for its place.

Facing off against an undefeated team always raises some concern about what the

During3-0.the match, the Wildcats were led by Elena Baka and Shaylee Myers in kills, each with 11, followed by Kadye Fernholz with six. In assists, Ava Legrand led the team with 31, followed by Mackenzie Morris with three and Molly Ramsey with one.

25-12.K-State was equally as dominant in the second set as they were in the first. They went on an 11-3 run to close out the set, with the final score of the set

COOPER DETERS staff writer Free Pregnancy Testing Office hours: Monday through Friday 9am-5pm Free Free Resources Resources for fyour or your Next NStep ext Step www.nextsteppregnancy.com 1441 Anderson Ave. Call for an Appointment: 785 - 539 - 3338 GO CATS! BE SMART! H A R D D R I N K I N G C A R R I E S S E R I O U S R I S K S I f y o u ' v e c o n s u m e d u p t o i n a b o u t y o u ' v e b e e n b i n g e d r i n k i n g . R e d u c e d i n h i b i t i o n s | S l u r r e d s p e e c h | M o t o r i m p a i r m e n t | C o n f u s i o n | M e m o r y p r o b l e m s | C o n c e n t r a t i o n p r o b l e m s | A

In the first set, the Wildcats flew around on the floor, showcasing their style of play this season. The Wildcats scored six straight in the set to take a 20-8 lead and finish the set

Coming off the close first-

To start the weekend, the Wildcats took on Rutgers in a quick three-set match where the Wildcats showed just how dominant they can be.

In the match, K-State was led in kills by Sydney Bolding

13, while Shaylee Myers and Kadye Fernholz supported with 10 and seven, respectively. Only two players recorded assists for the Wildcats: Loren Hinkle (35) and Mackenzie Morris (3).

straight points before the Wildcats could catch a break and score again, on a kill by Haley Warner. The Wolves continued to outscore the Wildcats, ending in the Wolves taking the set 25-9.With the match tied 1-1, the third set provided a big opportunity for each team, both keeping the set close until the end. At 23-23, the Wolves willed themselves on a threepoint run, the run needed for them to take the set.

This past weekend, K-State volleyball took a trip to the windy city of Chicago to take on the Rambler Challenge, hosted by Loyola-Chicago.

Heading into set down 2-1, the Wildcats couldn’t find the offensive production they needed. The Wildcats fell behind quickly and trailed the entire set. The Wolves took the set 25-15, and therefore the match. The loss marked the Wildcats’ second of the season.

with 11, Aliyah Carter with nine and Elena Baka with seven. Assist-wise, Loren Hinkle led the Wildcats with 22, Ava Legrand with seven and Mackenzie Morris with three.

Once25-15.again, the Wildcats continued to flash their po-

A n d t h e m o r e y o u d r i n k , t h e g r e a t e r t h e c o n s e q u e n c e s O U R S

T H E E F F E C T S I N C L U D E 5 D R I N K S 2 H

K-State faced UMKC on Wednesday, Sept. 14 in Kansas City, Missouri, and swept the Roos 3-0. The Wildcats travel to Houston on Friday, Sept. 16 to wrap up their non-conference schedule in the Rice Adidas Invitational against the Rice Owls (8-1) and the 17-ranked Creighton Bluejays (7-2). l c o h o l p o i s o n i n g | B r e a t h i n g p r o b l e m s C a r c r a s h e s a n d o t h e r a c c i d e n t s | R i s k y b e h a v i o r | V i o l e n t b e h a v i o r | S u i c i d e a n d h o m i c i d e | C o m a | D e a t h T h e l i s t o f i l l e f f e c t s i n v o l v e d w i t h b i n g e d r i n k i n g i s l o n g .

The last match of the weekend came against St. Thomas where the Wildcats bounced back and controlled the match.

tential the entire match. After a very solid first two sets, the Wildcats were able to put the Tommies away, beating them 25-16 in the third set and taking the match

In set one, both teams came out making plays early. With the Wildcats down 0-3 early in the set, they quickly overcame their sluggish start and held their ground against the Scarlet Knights with no team getting ahead by more than three. Throughout the set, the Wildcats finally found their footing and took the lead to eventually win the set 28-26.

The Wolves came out firing on all cylinders after losing the first set, taking an early 5-0 lead before the Wildcats scored their first point of the set. The Wolves then scored four

friday, september 16, 202214

The second match of the weekend came against the Loyola-Chicago Wolves, handing the Wildcats their second loss of the season.

set victory, the Wildcats took an early 14-10 lead and held onto the lead for the entire set. Once again, neither team was able to completely break away from the other, and the Wildcats went on a run to take the set for themselves 25-19. With six being the largest lead of the set, both teams held another close Theset. third set fared similarly to the others with both teams going back and forth with five total lead changes. Although the Wildcats led the Scarlet Knights most of the set, Rutgers didn’t back down. They fought back and took the lead near the end of the set, all before the Wildcats ultimately won 25-22.During the match, some new faces placed themselves as the stat leaders. In kills, Aliyah Carter led the Wildcats with

The Wildcats showed promise during the first set with both teams neck and neck throughout. Falling behind 2419, one point away from losing the set, K-State held their ground, proceeding to score seven straight points and take a 1-0 lead.

4. Over the weekend, Volleyball played in the _______ Challenge and went 2-1.

1. Scored the single goal in soccer’s win against Yale.

7. Soccer will begin Big 12 play against

10. In the most recent College Football AP Top 25 vote, K-State was only ________ points behind No. 25 ranked Oregon.

2. Cross country has their next meet on Saturday hosted by ________.

9. Former K-State cornerback who recorded an interception Sunday with the New York Jets.

5. Leads the volleyball team with the most assists.

3. _______ has recorded an interception in each game for K-State.

6. Quarterback for Tulane, who K-State plays Saturday in football.

8._______.Football had ______ interceptions against Missouri.

friday, september 16, 2022 1515

*These $10 bets are for entertainment purposes only and have no real monetary value. They reflect each Collegian staff member’s opinions.

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