Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Apt. Furnished
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Houses & Duplexes
Nice one‑bedroom, utilities paid. No pets or smoking. $550 per month. 913‑680‑8892
WILLIESVILLAS.COM ‑ One Bedroom in newer complex located two blocks east of campus, half block to Aggieville. Leases begin June 1st and August 1st. NO PETS/ NO SMOKING ensures a CLEAN apartment when you move in! (785) 313‑7473
W W W . V I L LAFAYPROPERTIES. com. One to eight bedroom duplexes, houses, apartments. Next to campus. Washer/dryer, parking. No pets. 785‑537‑7050
FOUR TO Six bedroom houses/duplexes. Available June and August. 5377138.
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Stadium West Campus Anderson/Seth Child
Aggieville/Downtown East Campus Close to town
Sell them here! Collegian Classifieds
ONE TO four‑bedroom Employment/Careers units close to campus and Aggieville. Very spacious. Most with washer and dryers in Help Wanted Rent-Apt. Unfurnished units. Call (785)539‑ 5800 and visit www.for THE COLLEGIAN canMANHATTAN CITY not verify the finanOrdinance 4814 as- more information. cial potential of adsures every person equal opportunity in ONE TO Three bed- vertisements in the apartments/du- Employment/ Opporhousing without dis- room classificatinction on account plexes. Available June tunities tions. Readers are adof race, sex, familial and August 5377138. vised to approach status, military staany such business tus, disability, reliopportunity with reagion, age, color, naRent-Houses & Duplexes sonable caution. The tional origin, ancesCollegian urges our try, sexual orientation or gender iden- T H R E E ‑ B E D R O O M . readers to contact tity. Violations One block to univer- the Better Business should be reported sity. Telephone 785‑ Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS to the Director of Hu- 537‑7853. 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ man Resources at 0454. City Hall, 785‑587‑ 2440. 4TH & Elm Bar and Roommate Wanted Grill in Wamego is currently looking for part‑ APARTMENTS NEAR time servers and barCAMPUS: One bed- SINGLE FEMALE. No tenders. Must have drinking, room $500‑$590; two‑ smoking, availability week bedroom $560‑$720; drugs, parties. Own days/nights and weekt h r e e ‑ b e d r o o m bedroom, bath. 701‑627‑8053. ends. Starting pay is $900‑$930; four bed- Call Please leave message $3.00 per hour plus room $1100‑$1200. tips for servers and Property locations: if out. $5.00 per hour plus 1838 Anderson, 516 N tips for bartenders. 14th, 519 N ManhatPlease apply within at tan, 1214 Vattier, 1207 404 Elm, Wamego, KS. Sublease Kearney, 1225 Ratone. Call 785‑539‑1545 or FARM HELP wanted. 785‑537‑1746; Email CHASE APARTMENT Experience necessary. brooksidemgmt@gmail.900 square foot apart- 785‑556‑8660 or 785‑ comÁ¢ ment two‑bedroom, 457‑3452. one bathroom. Close to campus off of Claflin TALLGRASS TAPNICE THREE bed- with nice clubhouse HOUSE Looking for room, two bathroom and laundry facitily. hosts. Part‑time and apartment. $1000 per $700 per month for two will work with school month, 505 S Juliette bedrooms. Available schedule. Smiles and St. Short or long term.- Feburary‑July 31st or weekends are re785‑212‑0403 Á rent for shorter term. quired. Apply within.
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